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USSR/Engineering - Bridges, Welding Jul 51
"Construction Attachment for Transversal and
Longitudinal Beams in All-Welded Bridges With
Traffic Along Lover Surface," V. V. ShevernitBkiy,
Cand Tech Sci, V. I. Trufyakov, Sci Worker
"Avtomat Svarka" No 4 (19), PP 56-72
Describes method for attaching transversal b ame
to trusses and longitudinal beams to transversal
I ones in railroad bridges. Definite construction
of attacbments is suggested, being on static
strength of joints and convenience of execution.
Presents results of vibration te at a for studying
behavior of suggested joints under varied loads.
/4 EF
Distr.'. 492cAFI
arms ftactare 41 Ljftw am Y__Y_
Wku and G.
ayzv Svarka. 1255, . _19~29). "a 11 nj.; Z authors
examine the eflect- 0 three f"t. on, tic
at- go - 'bf I W" (notches. , re'sidual stream, des- C)
___k ME .. glib notches may reduce the static tendle, strength.
do not reduce it below tho.olmified limito rot twqwra
stresses mu&6 be
down to W 0. Residual
reduction in tepatle agengt1i.- Britt= 1.0
avoided good des4M-m a.
5 E 11S R, N
USSR/ W(Adini;
Card 1/1 Pub. 11 1/'-'
Authors I Shcvernitzkiys V.:V., ard Zherachuzhnikev, G. V.
Title I Concernine the offect of non-fuzionm_ Lind emcks in welded
se~,ms on the static resistance of welded joints
Periodical -a Avtom. sv-.r. -l.6. ion-Feb 1955
V1, 3
Abetract I Five t:rCALI~S c-f' welde-C. jcint sjecimens were extensiv6ly tcsted'~
tit low temrlerctuxes to dctcr~uine fhf-.t:ff-;ct of non-fusions and
crae~zs in weldcd seaxs on the static msiztance of welded joints.:
1% description is given of individual e::Teriments toeether. wJ~th. -an
evaluaticn of residu6l. strcs~e_, and test results. Seven )refer, Iences.
6 u-sm and 1 MA (193 )7-19510 - 'Ill ustraticns; tobles, drawings; graphs
Institution Acodemy of Sciences of the USSR, E .0. Paton Institute of Electric
Z'ub m i t t e (I September 15, 19_,4
The problem of brittle failure in welded metal structures.
Avtom. ovar. 8 no.6:19-29 N-ID 155. (HIBA 9:2)
1.0rdena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni Institut elektrosvarki
imeni Yo.O.Patona AN USSR.
(Metals--]Brittleness) (Steel, Structural--Welding)
AID P - 5416
Subject : USSR/Engineering
Card 1/1 Pub. 11 - 6/13
Authors Novikov, V. I., and V_ V_ ShevernitskiY
Title Testing beams with various butt joints and stif feners
Periodical Avtom. svar., 5, 37-42, MY 1956
Abstract The authors present the results of static tests given
to I-beam specimens to find the most efficient method of
reinforcing them, a nd specifically to find the best method
of fixing the stiff eners to the I-beam flanges. Five
tables, 5 drawings and 1 photo.
Institution : Electrowelding Institute im. Paton
Submitted : 15 0 1955
Welded joints in stretai%a elements of metal structures at
low temperatures. Avtom. 9var. 10 no.1:51-54 Ja-F 157. NLRA 10:4)
1. Ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni Inatitut elaktroavarki im.
Ye.O. Patona AN USSR.
(Structural frames-Welding-) (Metals at low temperatures)
v .4 4c I-t -
,L.=Ziqnlu pq
u_,3-ptqq-g--qn j
-OM f rm .0
. .....
AUTHORS: Shevernitskiy, V.V.,_Kovtunenko, V.A. SOV-125-58-8-13/16
TITLE: The Effect of Local Heat Treatment of Transverse Butt Welds
of Pipes on the Magnitude of Residual Stresses (Vliyaniye
mestnoy termoobrabotki poperechnogo stykovogo shva trub na
velichinu ostatochnykh napryazheniy)
PERIODICAL: Avtomaticheskaya sverka, 1958, Nr 8, pp 79-83 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The described experiments were carried out solely for the
purpose of determining the effect of local heat treatment
on residual stresses in transverse butt-welded pipes for one
special case (arc welding), without any attempt to determine
the effect on the mechanical properties. From the experiments
carried out on two kinds of specimens, it was concluded that
in this specific case local heat treatment can be useful in
reducing transverse residual stresses in transverse butt-
welded pipe joints. In the case of butt-joined plates local
hept treatment does not reduce residual stresses, as confirmed
by work carried out by V.I. Novikov from the Institute of
Electric 'Nelding.
There are 5 diagrams, 1 table and 1 Soviet reference.
Card 1/2
The Effect of Local Heat Treatment of Transverse Butt Welds of Pipes on the
Magnitude of Residual Stresses
ASSOCIATION: Institut elektrosvarki imeni Ye.O. Patona, AN USSR (Institute
of Electric Welding imeni Ye.O. Paton, AS UkrSSR)
SUBMITTED: May 27, 1958
1. Welds--Heat treating
Card 2/2
SHZVFRNITSKIY, V.V., kand. takhn, nauki ZI]EMCIRMHNIKOV, G.V., kand. takhn. nauk.
Brittle fracture of welded structures. Vast. mash. 39 no.1:24-28 Ja
159. (MM 12:1)
(Welding) (Steel-Brittleneag)
AUTHORS: Shevernit-Skiy, V.V.; Ko-,runenko, V,A.
TITLE: Static Strength of Longit~id_tnal, Transverse and Cordbination Welds
in Joints from AMg6 Alloy
PERIODICAL: Avtomaticheekaya svarka, 1960, No. 12, pp. 22 - 27
TEXT: The Amr6 (Amg6) aluminum alloy Is one of preferred structural aluminum
alloys. The purpose of the i-nvestlgation was to determine the variations in the
strength of welds of this alloy with varying length and cross section'area, and
in different combinations of longitludinal and transverse fillet welds, The A_Mg6
alloy is not heat-.susceptible. The composition of epe~.imens used In tests wasg
o.69% mn; 6.86% mg; mg si, 0.11 '~6 Fe '. 0.024 0u; o.14 Ti. The shape of the
specimens is shown (Fig. 3); a 300-ton "F-:ddwJ_n' teat marihine was used for tests
In room temperature, The test results are. given in ttix -lablen. Conclun-ionz- 1)
The nominal destructive ntresReF In longit-uJinal. fill-311- welds do not change with
increasing length to 50 weld legs in 8 x 8 mm welds, and to 33 legs In 12 x 12 mm
welds. 'No data have been obtained for longer welds. 2) in longitudinal 8 ~ 8 anc
12 x 12 mm fillet welds the minirwam nominal des'nactive stress is 15.0 kg/mm , and
Card 1/4
Static Strength of Longitudinal, Transverse and Combination Welds in Joln-z From
AMg6 Alloy
this value can be used for calculati.ons. .3) Trarisver5e 12 x 12 mm fillet welda
have a slightly higher strength than transverse 8 x 8 Twn welds. But in the tests
the welds were not fractured along the cal,-;ulated plane, and a resistanre value
cannot yet be recommended for cal3ulations, 4) Ln comb!-ned work of longitudinal
and transverse fillet welds the nominal destructive stresses dropped, but further
investigations are yet necessary before calcula:,~!.on values can be recommended.
'a .
ASSOCIATION- Ordena Trudovogo K~asnogo znameni 1-rist-f-t t elektrosvarki im. Ye.0.
Patona AN USSR Weld-Ing ins-,itute "Order of -.he Red Banner
of Labor" imen! Ye.0. Paton of AS UkrSSR)
SUBMIMED: August -31, 1960
Card 2/4
Static Strength of Longitudinal, Transvcrse and Combination Welds in Joints From
AMIg6 Alloy
Figure a:
Test snecimens:
a) Specimen for lateral seams, type 4K with a length of 100 mm, 200 mm; face
seams with a length of 100 mm,-and combined seams.with a length-of 100 M, of both
the lateral and face seams; b) specimen for lateral seams with a length of 300
and 400 mm; c) specimen for face seams with a length of 200 mm; d) specimen for
combined seams with lateral seams 200 mm long and face seams 100 mm long.
Card 3/4'
Static Strength of Longitudinal, Transverse and Combination 'Welds in Joints From
............ -j 8
0t6 g
t 4
4 a
= 10 H
0 1=8
Card 4A ale
-")-s.te-vernitskiy, V.V.
1IT-11-E: Strength of Welded Structures
PEPIIGODT~:Ali: Av-tomaticheskaya svarka, 1960, No. 10, PP. 3-10
- : The eauses of brittle failure in welded low-carbon steel joints are dis-
,~-,zjs~~ed and practical recommendations are given to designers. As it has been dis-
,:~civerel In latest investigations, an abrupt drop in resistance below the yield!"' In mild steel occurs incases of unfavorable combination of three factors:
1) hi-gh Iccal stresses from concentrated load, deformation, or residual stresses;,
_~l the Presence of a sharp stress concentrator; 3) low temperature. The com-
"Ar,-.-tion is unfavorable if the stress concentration is located in the zone of high
stvesses axvi at right angles to them, and the steel temperatul~e'makes the
brittle. Test specimens are shown, including those used by H.E. Kennedy
Me essence of measures preventing brittle failure consists in using
.J'Ant dezl~,-_s with the most uniform work stress curves, and avoiding geometrical
corl:~erttrators. Two steel bands can be joined by using five types of butt
t-lAtes (Fig. `7), anti it can be seen in the included curves that the best for the
Stre-r4zth of Welded Structures -A161/AI33
(A-A section) Is the rectangular butt plate attached with flank and butt end
vf-.Ids, wheveas for the butt plate the rhomb shape is-the most advantageous. In a
,infiat between twz) U-bars.(Fig. 8) the strength Is very low on account of the gap
rer-t-,-enrdit'.ular to the foraes path and residual stresses In the flank seams. To
--%e the strength of this joint, either the gap between the butt ends-of the ele-
fiv:;t Increased to 40-50 mm, or the flank seams must not reach the element
it would be still better to use no butt joint plates at all. Angle
should te attached to a gusset (Fig. 9) by flank and front welds, and the
L-p,i.ce between the welds a fixing one and the other bar, the distance should not
'11'~~ less t1vul 30-40 mm. It Is better to cut off the reinforcement sheet on a T-
!.,eam (Fist. 10), and to attach a tubular element to a gusset as shown in Figure
11 a. 7-rie prasence of weld defects is not dangerous provided they are not lo-
oat,~d in hig
1, _b stress spots. There are 12 figures and 8 references: 7 Soviet-bloc
and 1 non-Soviet-bloc.
C-:i-nd ~V7
Static Strength of Welded Structures
ASSOCIATION: Ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo
Ye.O. Patona AN USSR (the
Electric Welding Inatitutq
of Sciences)
SUBMITTED: April 13, 196o
Znameni Institut eloktroavarki im.
"Order of the Red Banner of Labor"
im.Ye.0. Paton of the UkrSSR Academy
Card 3/7
1-7 La 0
S/1 25/617970/0o1/006/016
A161/Al 33
AUTHORS: Shevernitskiy, V.V., Zhemchuzhnikov, G.V.
TITLE: Butt joint design for two angle bars
PERIODICAL: Avtomaticheskaya svarka, no. 1, 1961, 44-47
TEXT: It is not clear to designers what is the proper butt joint design be-
tween two angle bars under action of axial force. Such butt joints are
avoided for two reasons - assembling of a butt joint with a definite gap is
difficult, and weld defects are possible if the operator is not sufficiently
skilled. Experiments were carried out to find the optimum joint design. All
test specimens were made of CT-3MT (St.3kp) steel (rimmed) and welded manual-
ly withYOH" -13/45 (UONI-i3/45) electrodes and subjected to tensile tests
at 50-550C after freezing in a gasolinebath cooled with dry carbonic acid.
The five different joint types are illustrated. The joint by single butt
weld (1) proved very good (when sound), and the rupture was tough and at some
distance from the butt weld. The strength was somewhat lower in one such
joint with cavities taking UP 5-7% of the total cross section area. The
Card 1 X.:J_
Butt joint design for two angle bars
joint (2) with butt faces put together without a gap was weak. The nominal
ultimate stress in it was below the yield limit, and the rupture was brittle.
The other three joints (3,4 and 5), with a gap of 20 mm and wider, or with
the angle fishplate attached with the aid of flank and face seams, were good.
It was thus proven that joints with angle fishplate fixed by flank seams
only and with narrow gap should not be used. An additional face seam in such
joints is very advisable. Of the fishplate joints the (5) is to be prefer-
ed, but the (1) type is better, provided that skilled operators are avail-
able, and assembly and gap adjustment not too difficult. It requires a min-
imum of metal, parts and weld metal. The test results may be applied for
other bar shapes like U-bars, double-T, etc. There is 1 figure and 2 Soviet-
bloc references.
ASSOCIATION: Ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni Institut elektrosvarki im.Ye.
0. Patona AN USSR ("Order of the Red Banner of Labor" Electric
Welding Institute im.Ye.O.Paton k~S UkrSSR)
SUBMITTED: May 26, 1960
Card 2A a-
OSTROVSKIY, S.A., kand. tekhn. nauk; RABKIN, D.M., kand. tekhn. nauk;
MAKARA, A.M., kand. tekhn. nauk;-S~aTSKaY, V.V., kands tekhn.
nauk; ASNIS, A.Ye.., kand. tekhn-nauk; POEIIODNE, I.K., kand.tekhn.
nauk; PODGAYETSKIY, V.V., kand.tekhp.nauk; PATOII,B.Ye., laureat
L-eninskoy premii, akademik, doktor tekbn. nauk; BELIFER,M.G., inzh.;
MANDELIBERGIS.L., kand.tekbn.nauk; NEDOVAR,B.I., doktor tekhn.nmik;
GU-REVICH,S.M., kand.tekhn.nauk; LATASHYu.V., kand.tekhn.nauk; KIRDO,
I.V.,, kand.tekhn.nauk; SOROKA,M.S., red.; GOF140STAYPOLISKAYA, M.S.,
(Technology of electric fusion welding]Tekhnologiia elektrichaskoi
svarki plavleniem. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1962. 663 p. (MDU 15:12)
1. Nauchrqye sotrudniki Instituta elel~,trosvarki imeni Ye.O.Patona
(for all except Soroka, Gornostaypol!-Bkaya).
(Electric welding)
L 11881-63 EWkk)/Z_WP'_(0j N) JD
Paton, B. Ye Lenin PrIzelVinner, Academician, ed
Tekhnologiya elektricheskoy sva .rid plavleniyem, (Techn6lo&of Electri .c ]Fu-!.- ~':
i Dept.), 1962'- 663 p. Errata
sion W!ldin )a Moskva, Mashg z (Southern.
slip inserted. 25,000 copies printed.
Ed.: M. S. Soroka; Tech. Ed. M. S. Gornostaypol'skaya; Chief Ed.,-:7 V.: K~'
Serdyuk, Engineer.
Review: Department of Welding, Leningrad Polylechnic Institute; and'Depart-
ment of Welding, Tjoscow Hlg~r nstitute imeni Bauman,
-PURPOSE: This handbook is intended. for students of schools:of. higher educa-
tion who specialize in welding. It may by -er.igineering per-
sonnel of scientific research organizations and plants,
Card lilf-21'
y I
L 11881-63
Technology of Electric Fusion (Cont.),;-
COVERAGE: The book revi ews the basic principles of the technology of
tric fusion welding of various metals.and their:alloys, ':Classification,of
welding processes and-compa,rative characteristics of mechanized and
manual welding methdds are presented. Weldability problems and cause.s...
of defects in welded joints are discussed. Information on materials, equip.-
ment, and conditions of welding and surfacing of various. metals, a116~.s. and given. Brief information on the use of heat sources employed
in special types- of welding and. on safety precautibns is also given* Th e..,. .
Introduction, Chapter -1 (except the part headed "Arc Welding" in s e
t ion 1), Chapter II (except the :p wi- t 'headed "Cold Cracks" in s _e c
t ion 5, the part on methods of determining resistance to brittl enes in--
s e ctio!ns-.6, 7,.'.8, 9, 11, arid"14) 9te the w or k. of -S.- A.
Ostrovskaya, *Candidate of Technical Sciences. The part entitled "W61d-
ing Xr-eff-i-n~aragraph 1 *was written by Ostrovskaya in cooperation wit . h
D. M. Rabkin, Candidate of Technical Sciences. A. M. Makara, Candi-
date of Technical- Sciences, wrote the a r t s entitled "Cold Cracles"'in
Card 2411~
L 3-1881-63
Technology of Electric Fusion (Cont.) SOV/6330*
a e c t I on 5 and 20- The part on methods of determining the tempera-'
ture of transition to brittle behavior in -9 e,-*c Uion 6 Is the Work of VIL-V..
Shever iijaki , Candidate- of Technical Sciences, S e--t tibn'10' wis writ,--:..-
ten by A. Ye. Asnis Candidate of Technical Sciences. I
K. PoW
Candidate of Technical Sciences, wrote -s e.ctidn 12 and Cha~ptdr IX,
while a ec ti o 4 13 and Chapter Xlwere written by- V.: V. PodgmetsKy
Candidate of Technical Sciences. Chapter V is the joint effort of B.: YIN
Paton and _M. G, Bellf er. Engineer. 'S. L.. Mandellberg,- Candidate of
Technical Sciences,' is author of Chapter VI and s e.c t1b ft 19. S e.c
tiqn 21waswrittenbyB. I. Medovar, -Doctor of Technical Sciences, :o
and sec.tion22byRabkin.Si--'cti-'On.-2'3 Is the work of,juV,.jAtash'..~:
Candidate of Technical Sciences, while.Chapter X was written by_j. V.
Kirdo Candidate of Technical Sciences. The authors thank Doctors of'-
Technical Sciences N. 0. Okerblom and G, A, Nikolayev' res e
p ctive
heads of the reviewing depai~tments, for their valuabl6 comments. There
are 31 references, all Soviet.
Card 3 I-W,
-V L
TROCHM!, I.P.; SHEVERNITSKIY, V.V., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent;
OREL, 1.V., in2lt., red.; Y-7VSTAP"-F---%TA, N.P., red.lzd-va:
,%LkK,UOVM', L.A., tekim. reed.
(Internal stresses and deformations during welding] Vnutren-
nie usiliia i deformatsii pri svarke. Moskva, Mashgiz,
1964,. 246 p. (MIRI 17:3)
FAT3N., B,Y-?... an,.ademik, !)tv. red. ASI~TS, A,Ye,,, doktcr -.,r,-khn.
nauk, red, KAHI~JIRO-V, ,,.A,, kand. teklin. nauk; red.:,
KASATKrN, B,S,, dok-Icr te-k~x- nauk, red., RA.vD,S.KIY,
G,V,. doktor takhn. nauk.. red., TFU'lli'fAKOV., V,I.. kand.
tekhn. nauk., red.~ SM",EP,.NITSKIY,V.V.,v kand. tekhn. nauk..
-red. Lqf'~r.-easeli'j; GILEUKH, V,I.p red.
[Cea.lgrn of welded struktureow', reports! PrQektirclvqAlf3
svarzlyk~ konstlnuletsilr doklarty. Kiev., Naukova dunikRv
1965. 426 p. (MIRA 18~16)
1. VSe30',v-UZMya kctif-3rerLsiya po proyektirovaniyu s-;ar.-
nykn konstruktsi-J., Kiev,. 1 63.
Shaverstov, V, I. and Shaverstova, G. Te. "Catalytic effect Of
silver during oxidation of amino-oxide producing benzol," report
70, Trudy NIXFI (gauch,-issled. kino-foto-in-t). Issue 7, 1947
(column title: 1944), P. 101-07 - Bibliog; 12 items
SO: U-2888, Letoois Zhurnallnykh Statey, No. 1, 1949
F. T.
Effectiveness of depleting converte-r from. the Karsakpa7
Copper Smelting Plant. Trudy Inst. met. i obog. AN Kazakh. SSR,
9: 39,1~1 164. (IMURA 1?:9)
-- SISMTALOV~ 1, T. ---- - --- --
"Problems Relating to the Complex Utilization of Powwr Resources of the
MY River Basin," Iz. Ak. Nauk SSSR, Otd91 Ekon i Prava, No.6., 191+9
Abstract., W-8558, 6 Mar 50
Cathepsin and Glutathione in the Liver of Normal Rabbits, and in Hyperthyreosis,"
B. Gol'shteyn, M. Gintzburg, and G. Scheves (Ukr. Biochem. J., 1938, 12, 385-411)
The cathepsin activity of extracts of the liver of rabbits fed with thyroid
gland is greater than in normal rabbits. H _S lowers the activity of Fresh extracts,
to a greater extent in the former than in t~e latter group. The activity of the
extracts falls with time, and such extracts are then activated by H2S to a ~:reater
extent in thyroid-fed animals; this effect is not paralleled by disappearance of
reduced glutathione from the extracts. The presence of activators of cathepsin
other than glutathione is postulated,
sifr VES, G. o.
~2428. G. S. 0 foim*~h askorbl~.fw-j.,, kieloty (vitanim S) v organakAi
ryb. Trudy Urallckoeo otd-niya (Yeenoy-u7. nauch.-icFled. int o7ri-. i j'ech ryb
khoz-va.), t. IV, 1949, s. 289-94.
SO: Letonis Zhurnallr.ykh Statey, Vol. 44,
0 0 0 0 W:7-SC610 o 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o
0 1 4 k, 0 0 0 0 0 4
11 1 W IS 16 17 It Vs M 1
21 M n Is 25 26' Z? a 29 ; AG Is
V u u is it A J9 C &1 42 Aj 1340
1 L F. J. jt__ I t JL-y ; V -X - I- Z M H QC -Vp-jx~~-A -1 jL-.1- h-
:0 Adenc4intiriphosphatase of the brain. S. L. Lj~T-
bumn. G-S..Shc 'Yes, and A. A. Kobylin Biokkimi)tj 14,
1(r, -12(19411); Cf. duBois and Potter. C.A. 37. 6&51- -00
so The addn. of Ca to an aq. ext. of rabbit brain did not in- -00
crease the adenusinetriphosphaLue activity. but in ~onie
VJK1l;lCtUA11Y dCVrrAWI it. Mg hall RU WiVAting CffCCt. -00
00 ~rbr u1stimum pit of the enzyme was 7.11-8.0. The aq.
cm. pht off 2 lAbik phosphoric acid residues. The water
insol. gwotein obtained by cztS. rabbit bmin with FAL~atl's an
00 "n. j45 g. KC1. 3.57 g. NalIC03. and 1A g. NaCO,. dL- =00
wAved in a 1. of w4tcr) pofiw-wd some adenosinctriphos.
000 phAtA~c activity. but not as much as the aq. ext. The
of j! 4ddn. of C&C11 activated The m&ymc of the prixtin iM.A. 0
in water. an even greater cffect vnu obxrvcd on the
0 Addn. of Nig0j. 11. Priestley
so 1: zoo
0 4*1
00 :0 0
0e too
u 1 -0 is
~0 41 L t J
11 11 M ft It X, I W 94 1 iJ 3 1 1-
00060000000 00*00000000 r? *000000000
000000000000410i**400000 00000000000o
Adenosinetripboaphatm of rabbit liver during the normal
state and during hyperthyroldian. G.S-ShtwimandA.A.
K.bylin (&led. Init., Molotov). BiokAtmiya 16, IIN-32
-(1951).-Adetiosinetti,ohosphata3e (1) belongs to the class
of enzymes whose activity is dqmdent on sulfhydryi (SH)
gratWo. Thyroid hormone causes an increase in the S11
ups of myosin. If""th Ism In rabbits Induced by
ceding thyroidin Increases e Uvw activity of I by 30470.
This increase in actilvity Is partly responsible (or intenzifica.
tion of the blochem. processes in hyperthyToidisin. H. P.
Effect of denervation and tenotomy on pyrophosphataae and adeno-
sinetriphosphatase activity. Biokhimiya 18, 63-70 '53. (MLRA 6:1)
(CA 47 no-15:7626 153)
1. Med. Inst., Molotov.
.insity of Droteolysis and rate of inclusion. of radioactive
methionine in muscle proteins following denervation. and tenotomy.
Biokhimiia 20 no.2:152-157 Mr-A-o '55. (MLRA 8:8)
1. Kafeara biokhiml-i 1-folotovskogo maditsinskogo instituta.
radioaulfur labeled, binding by musc.proteins after
dmnervation & tenotomy)
(MUSCLE1. PROTEINS, metabolism,
mothionine, labeled with radiosulfur, binding &
proteolysis,eff. of denervation. & tenotomy)
(SULFUR, radioactive,
labeled methionine, binding by musc.Droteine after
denervatlon &- tenotomy)
(7-11USCLEPS, physiologir,
eff. of denervation & tanotoV on protelysis & binding
of labeled methionine by musc.protains)
-FA" dWA N I H ~- /M
Protein metabolism and oxidation processes in dsaaxr4ted muscloo3n
hypotharoid animals. [vitth Z;Lglish sumnary in ins'ert] Bic"iia,
21 n0-1:71-77 Ja-Y 156. ()CLRA 9:7)
1. Kafedra biokhimii*.Kolotovskogo moditsinskogo instituta
(WHIONINI, metabolism.
muse.. off. of danarvation & hypothyroidism in animals (Ru))
()MCIAS, metabolism,
motionina, off. of donervation & hypotbyroidism in animals
(HYPOTHYROIDISK. experimental,
off. an mothionina in denerTatad muse. (Rua))
H r7i
X_~~e effect of dunt-,vation an the intensity of ozJda&y-e
inwbitaandr~dniuscles. G.S.'_:~hi!vesandV.A~
Bivikim:ya 21, 385-13(10~~ ~-~eral neu-
rotornies wmire pe:for~-wd or, r.-aWt~ at the level of the up,.~_r
tfurd of the feurur. -i !it em the urr