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SEBSTAKOV, M.N., dotsent. kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. Mechanization of the constniction of underground commanication lines in the USA. (From materials of the foreign mission). Gor.khos.Mosk. 21 no.~j:33-41 4,r 147. (KLU (ial) (United Stateo--Bxcavating machinery) (Excavating machinery--Uhited States SEERSTAKOV, M.N., dotsent, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. - Scientific research study on Moscow's water supply and sewerage system. Gor. khoz.Mosk. 21 no.6:21-23 Je 147. (KLRA 6:11) (Moscow--Water supply) (Moscow-Sewerage) AUTHOR: Shestakov, H.P. SOV/96-58-6-20/24 TITLE: Control formulae for gas analysis. (Kontrol'nye formuly dlya gazovogo analiza) PERIODICAL: Teploenergetika, 1958, No.6. pp.'90-91 (TJSSR) ABSTRACT- If a gas analysis is made at severai successive sections in the gas flow, a certain formula is comonly recommended for use in checking that the results are consistent. This brief note proposes certain modifications to this formula. It is claimed that, in verifying the correctness of selection of gas sampling points and in checking the accuracy.of analyses, the modified formula obviates preliminary determinations of the characteristics of the fuel or the CO content of the combustion products. 1. Gases-Analysis 2. Mathematics-Applications Card 1/1 SHESTI'lKoV, N. Excavatin'c ~!achinery Proper operation of an excavator. Za ekon. mat. No. 1, 1952. Monthl- List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, December 1952. Unclassified. SHESTAKOVY N. . mayor The naval infantry attackso Voen.znan. 41 no.ll-.10-11 N 165. (MJM 18:12) 1. Dvazhdy Krasnoznamennyy Baltiyskiy flot. SHESTAKOV, N., piupodavatel I Study room for specialized subjects in the river navigation schools. Prof.-tekh. obr. 21 no.10:22-23 0 164. (LMIRA 17: 11) 1. Gorodskoye professionallno-tekhnicheskoye uchilishche No.8, Novosibirsk. SOV/ 137-58-9- 18573 Translation frorn: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 9, p 56 (USSR) AUTHORS: Medzhibozhskiy, M.Ya., Sokolov, I.A., Shestakov, N.A., Vasil'yev, A.N. TITLE: Compressed Air Blowing of Liquid Metal in Heavy-duty Open- hearth Furnaces (Vduvaniye kompressornogo vozdukha v zhid- kuyu vannu bol'shegruznykh martenovskikh pechey) PERIODICAL: Izv. vyssh. uchebn. zavedeniy. Chernaya metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 2, pp 34-47 ABSTRACT: A report on the results of 40 experimental smeltings carried out in the 390-ton open-hearth furnaces of the KMK (Kuznetsk bvIetallurgical Kombinat). Compressed air at a pressure of 3.5- I 5.0 atm gage was introduced into the hearth at a rate of Z500- Z800 m3/hr by means of two water-cooled tuyeres installed in the crown of the furnace. The blowing commenced 1-1.5 hrs prior to melting and terminated at the beginning or the mid- point of the pure "boil" period. In the course of the experi- mental smeltings, the rate of decarbonization became consider- ably faster, the dephosphorization process more efficient, and Card I/Z the content of FeO in the slag increased by 6% at the end of the SOV/ 137-58-9- 18573 Compressed Air Blowing of Liquid Metal in Heavy-duty Open-hearth (cont.) melting stage. Instead of 1.0-1.50C/min, as in the case of a standard smelt- ing process, the temperature of the metal increased at a rate of Z.O-Z.50C/ min; this made it possible to reduce the consumption of conventional fuel by an average of 7 kg per ton of ingots. In the process the degree of utilization of OZ contained in the compressed air by the molten metal is increased by a factor of 4-8 owing to the increased supply OZ from the atmosphere of the furnace. Compressed-air blowing at a pressure of 5.5 atm gage is equiva- lent in efficiency to blowing with pure 0?. The duration of a 390-ton melt- ing process was reduced by 38 minutes on the avera e. The amount of dust being evolved during blowing does not exceed I g/mf. No noticeable wear was observed in the furnace lining. Overoxidation of metal in the course of the blowing process was absent; at the same time the content of N amounted to only 0.003316. The finished metal contains H, 0, N, and slag inclusions in quantities analogous to those contained in standard metals. Mechanical properties of the steel were not impaired. V.G. 1. Open hearth furnace--Performance 2. t4etals (Liquid)--Processing 3. Compressed air--Applications Card Z/2 AUTHOR SHESTAKOV N.A., Deputy Director, Martin-Furnaces, PA-3056 -We-t= Kuznetsk a urgical Combinate. TITLE To Shall Exceed the Plan by 7000 Tons of Steel. (Dadim sverkh plana 7000 tonn stali.- Russian PERIODICAL Metallurg 1957, Vol 2, Ur 49 PP 13 - 15 (USSR~ Resdiyed: 5/1957 Reviewed: 7/1957 ABSTRACT 1932 saw the delivery of the first melt of the Martin furnase Nr 1; our combinate supplied the basis sonstrustion areas of the Five-Year-Plans with iron metals. These years were also of learning the complicated steel malting methods for the former tonstruation workers of the combinate who have remained here as metallurgical workers. They have succeeded in steadily in- creasing the output of steel by better organization of produe- tiong utilization of existent capaoitiesq application of most recent techniques in furnaae construction.and heat technology, ehange of working methods, qualitative improvements, shortening of interruptions with an additional increase of tfie furnace .-path of the Martin furnaces. This was publicly recognized several times by the oompetent central authorities. In order to improve the charging, the loading capacity of the eharging CARD 1/4 boxes was increased, and it will reach 1-75 m3 by 1957. Together We Shall Exceed the Plan bY 7000 Tons of Steel. PJ-3056 of steel melting, for the reduction of the duration of melting, and for savings of raw and auxiliary materials: experiments,of-deoxidation of rail steel without blast furnace iron silioon'Oldeoxidation of boiling steels in the evaporating boiler, melting of weakly alloyed metal in the large charging furnace, ete. Work towards qualitative improvement led to a sharp reduction of waste (47 % in 1956 as-sompared to 1951)- 720,000 rubles of net costs were saved in 1956. In 1951-56 the system of suggestions existing in the combinate resulted in 718 used suggestions which saved 4,500,000 rubles. The inelting of dynamo steel was simplified by deoxidizing it in the boiler rather than in the furnaae. The work at the hearth accretion was mechanized, dephoaphorization was changed. Together with the growth of the oombinate, an increase took place also in the number of those persons who were promoted from subsidiary to higher and more responsible positions. In 1957, the eombinate faces oomplioated tasks: The plan for January 1957 was not ful- filled. The reason for this will be found in the unsatisfactory CARD 3/4 SHESTAKOV, IT.F.; SEINSTKMI, M.F. - Detachable bal.1-shaped hammer for excavators used in crushing hard rocks. Rats. i izobr. predl. r stroi. no.79:19-20 154. (MLU 8:4) (Excavating machinery) SEMSTAKOV,_N.F.. brigadir ekskavatorshchikov; IONDV, N.A., brigadir akskavatorshchikov Using excavators in cleaning and deepening reservoirR. Suggested by N.F.Shostakov, N.A.Ionov. Rats.i izobr.Dredl.v stroi. no.11:87-89 '59. (MIRA 13;3) 1. Leningradskoye upravlaniye tresta Gidrospetametallurg- stroy. (Reservoirs) YAKIMENKO, A.Ya.; SHESTAKOV, N.I. Work of the Krasnodar Terriltor.7 Veterinary and Sanitation Station. Veterinarlia 40 no.10g4-14 016". (MIRA 17:5) 1. Direktor Krasnodarskoy krayevoy veterinarno-sanitarnoy stantsii (for Yakimenko). 2. Starshiy veterinarDvy vrach Krasnodarskoy krayevoy veterimarno-sanitarnoy star-tsii (for Shestakov). -anoe of e-lectroky-nography in the diagnosis of ni*ral cL - - by card-lac fi.brallati-on. r pir-Ap '65. (HIRA 18.7) I. Kalf--dra gospitallnoy teraph (zav. - prof. V~-.ron-37.lasko;.?o .-,!edits--nE;kogo inst.-Ituta. 0 TAVROVSKIY, V.M.; SHESTAKOV, N.V. Use of the nev plasma substi ting solution Polyvinal in pulmonn7 surgery. Probl. tub. 40 no.6:68-71 162 (MIRA 16t12) 1. Iz otdeleniya torakallnoy khirurgii, Kirovskogo oblastnoge protivotuberkulemogo dispansers, (glavnyy vrach - zas-luzhennyy vrach RSFSR V.R. Zolotarevskiy) i filiala Ieningradakoge naucbno- issledovateltakoge Apstituts. peralivaniya krovi Y gorode Ki- rove C~ir. - Zasluzhennyy vrach RSFSR N.V.Shestakor). TAVROVSKIYY V.M.; SHESTAKOV, N.V. - -- ---- Experience in the use of polyvinol in thoracic surgery. Vlest. khir. 70 no.6:14-18 Je'63 (MIRA 16:12) 1. Iz khirurgicheskogo otdeleniya (zav. - V.M.Tavrovskiy) !; Kirovskogo oblastnogo protivotubarkuleznogo dispansera (glavnyy vrach - zasluzhennyy vrach PSM V.R. Zolotarevskiy ) I i filiala Leningradskogo instituta parelivaniya krovi v gor. i Kirove (dir. - zasluzhennyy vrach RSFSR N.V.Shestakov-). SHMTAKOV~ N.V., zasluzhennyy vrach RSFSR, kand. med. nauk (Kirov,, tsentr. ul, Karla Marksa, d,642, kv.24),, SMETWIN, F.,M, Use of a synthetic polyv-liol solution as e n1asma substitute in orthopedic operations on children. Ortcp., travm. i protez. 26 no.8i28-32 Ag 165. (KIRA 1839) 1. Iz filiala. Leningradskogo instituta perelivanlya kroyll- v Kirove (dir,- N.V. Shestakov) 1 Detsxogo ortopedo-khlrurgicheskago otdeleniya (zav.- F.M. Smetanin) Kirovskoga oblastnoga gospitalya. dlya invalid-.i Otechestvennoy voyny (nachallnik - P.R. Smirnov). AUTHOR: Shestakov, P.A. 136-6-15/26 TITLE: _ie_l~rn -of In~~rxfediate Products without Pumps. (Vozrat promproduktuov bez nasosov) PERIODICAL: Tavetnyye Metally, 195?, No. 6, pp. ?O-?l (USSR) ABSTRACT: The capacity of the pumping equipment is often the limiting factor in beneficiating plants and pump wear is heavy. AttemAs to overcome this at the Leninogorsk, New Kadaya and other works have failed, but a sludge-lift, described briefly in this article, has been successfully intro- duced in the Klichka Beneficiation Works. The chamber of the lift-pump is a 900 x 900 x 1 150 mm iron box with an impeller-stator block built-in. The sludge is lifted through 700 mm. The advantages of the new system over the old are enumerated and flow sheets comDared.' There are 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: K 11 c hka Benef iciation Works (Klichinskaya Obogatit- elnaya rabrika) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Uard 1/1 GOZULOV, A.I., doktor ekonom. nauk, prof.; SHUM=-, P.G., kand. ekonom. nauk, dots.;,SHESTAKOV P.A.j red.; SHMDEMAN, K.A., red.; TOROPCHIN, S.,.red.; ZHMEBKOV, I.V., red.; IVANOVA., R.N., tekhn. red. [Rostov Province; nature, population, economy and culture] Rostovskaia oblast!; priroda, naselenie, khoziaistvo, kulltura. Rostov-na-Donu, Rostovskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1961. 333 p. (MIRA 15:3) (Rostov Province-Economic geograpby) SHESTAKOV, P. N.; ANDREYEV, 0. V.; BABKOV, V. P.; ZAWk~a4XEY' M. Q.i and; OLners --------- I __ - Uprazheneniya Po Kursu Proektirovaniya Avtomobilnich Dorog (Exercises on the Course of Projecting Automobile Roads), Moscow, 1949. ANI)REYW, Olag Vladimirovich; BABKOV, Valariy Fedorovich; GERBURT- GETBOVICH. Andrey Vladimirovich; ZAM.AKTATEV,Mitrofan Samanovich; KRUTETSKIT, Tevgeniy Vladimirovich; OANATSKIT, Nikolay Petrovich; SMELINIKOV, Pavel Ivanovich; SMIRHOV, Andray Sergeyevich; SHESTAKOV, P-11-Edaceased] PLOTI'TIKOV,S.A., radaktor; KOGAN. F.L., tekhn,-CTe-BTrF0,"- r~lcanples of highway clanigal Primary proektirovaniia avtomobil'nykh dorog. Izd.2-m, parer. Mnskva,Hauchno-tekhn.izd-vo avtotransp. lit-ry, 1955.283 P. (MI-RA 8:12) (Roads) SHESTAKOV, S.; SMIRNOV, V. Simplify operations of disbursements and receipts in carrying out the state budget. Don. i kred. 17 u0.7:74-77 Jl 159. (MIRA 12:11) (Banks and banking) SHESTAKOV., S. (g. Riga) SiRple bridge rectifier network. Radio m..10:31, 0 161. (Bridge circuits) (Electric current rectifiers) OMM 14:10) SHISTAKOV, S.D. [Vgriations vith age in the amino-acid content of muscle proteins] , Vikovi zminy aminokyalotnogo skladu mliazovykh bilkiv. Kyiv, Vyd-To KDU, 1946. 38 p. (Universitat. Naukovo-doalidnyi instytut fiziologii tvaryn. Naukovi zapysky. no.1) (MLELAL 7: 11 ) . (Amino acids) (Muscle) WTAKOV, M.M.; Work conducted by the Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of the Meat and Dairy Industry. Miar.prom. no.3:53-57 JI-3 162. (MBA 15:8) (Ukraine-Research, Tndil trial)- ShESTAKOV, S,r.., MULYARCHUK, M.D. [Complex produ.::tion of natural aminu acids from protein raw materialal Kompleksnoe Proizvodstvo prirodnykh ami- nokis2.:,t iz belkov,,go syrIla. Moskvap TSen'.1r. in-t nauchnn-tekhn. informatsli pish-chevoi promyshl'... 1964. 25 p. (MIkk 18:4) L; I NTIO 1.1 M . SGAL. 11! 1.1, BR. P E P2KR El S T 0 V, A. P. ; S HE S TA K 0 VK DynaiLics of loaded Cardan transmis--Ions. Trudy Ur-&1.pcII-;e-kh. inut. no.13b-:-;'-l',' 64. (MIRA 17-10) InvesUgating ',ht wear resistance of heavily 1"ded Cardan trans- miesiom, 7bid,t]-2-21 Carrying capaclty of tired clutches . Tbid..,22-31 .%Irerimental investigation of high2y Icaded Card-9n transmfF,,-`.onz ~Lnd tired c2utches. ibid.:120-129 SHESTAKOV, S. N. and MAKOLKINI I.A. "Study of Dependence of Grain Growth and Mechanical Properties of Magnesium Alloy MA-1 on Temperature" Sb. Statey Vses. Zaoch. Politekn. in-ta, No 5, 1954, 52-56 I'Mechar-Lical properties and microstructure of standard sheet material 14a-1 specimens 1.5 mm tUck were, tested Ixf heating the specimenS in Q-02oatm:)sphere. The initial grain starts growing afyer 30 minutes of heating at 450 Strength and plasticity decline thereafter, but if heating time is shortened to 5 minutes the mechanical properties are improved. (RZhFiz, No 11, 1955) MAWAW~ is. - t, Ck'.. 391--3( TA 2 7, tjpuj~L CAAS~ 1"ou. Subject USSR/Chemistry Card 2/1 AID - P-94 Authors Makolkin, I. A., and Shestakov, S. N. Title Heat treatment of the magnesium cast alloy ML-5 in protective gases Periodical : Zhur. Prikl. Khim. 27, no. 4, 421-42/+, 1954 Abstract : An W,5 alloy with high mechanical properties is obtained by heat treatment of HL-5 in protective gases (CO2 or SO ) in vacuo. Eight references (five U.S.S.R.): 1913-1951. Three ta?les. Institution : All-Union Polytechnic Correspondence Institute Submitted : July 30, 1952 129-58-7-8/1'17 AUTHORS: IShestakov, S. N. and Karnov, M. Ya, Engineers TITLE: Structure and Properties of Alloys After Vibrationa'. Deformation (Struktura i svoystva splavov posle vibratsionnogo deformirovaniya) PERIODICAL: Metallovedeniye i Obrabotka Metallov, 1958, Nr 7, pp 35-38 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Problems in the changes of the structure and properties of metals after deformAti hby'_'the._v_ibrat1on methbd-liave Lo so far not been studied. For elucidating the featvres of this type of deformation parallel investigations were made involving deformation on a vibro-press, hydraulic press and a mechanical stamping press of the aluminium alloys AK6. VD-17 and steel 40KhNMA. The macro and the micro-structures were investigated determining the hardness, the grain size and the real deformation along the height of the specimen. The blank was heated to the forging temperature orwasplaced in the cold state into the die and was preliminarily deformed by applying a static force of 10 to 100 tons and, following that, the vibrator was put into operation. The vibro-impact Card 1/3 deformation was effected with a frequency up to 1250 impacts 120-58-7-8/17 Structure and Properties of Alloys After Vibrational Deformati-on per minute of amplitudes of 1 to 25 mm, Durinrr eac'a of these impacts only a very small degree of defo=-_,ati-_n takes place (small fractions of a millimetre) and the deformation speeds are lower than those obtained in other forging-pressing machinery. In the investigations specimens viere used with diameters of 25 and 50 mm and heights of 10 to 25 mm. The following were investigated~. hardness distribution along the surface and in the interior of the specimens using the vibro-process as well as that of deformation processes (Figs. 1 and 2); the macro- structure; the micro-structure and the grain size after recrystallisation annealing; the real degree of deformation; the structure of the rims produced by the upsetting, The following conclusions are arrived at: 1) The vibration method of deformation produces a more uniform macro and micro-structure and a finer grain structure of the alloys after recrystallisation annealing, Accordingly, the hardness in the case of vibro-upsettuing is also more uniformly distributed. 2) It was established that the vibration method of Card 2/3 deformation reduces the required specific deformation pressures, 120~-58-7-~1/17 1, Structure and Pro-nerties of Alloys After Vibrational Def "ion U The here mentioned relations may be due to a decrease of the values of contact friction during vibro- deformation and they may also be due to the way in which the loads are applied. There are 7 figures, Card 3/3 GOV-135-58-9-11/20 AUTHORS: Zaburdin, M.K., Zakharenko, V.F., Shestakov, S.N., Engineers, and Tretlyakov, F.Ye., Candidate 6-r-T-ec-H-ni-c-a-I-Stiences TITLE: Butt Welding of Titanium and its Alloys on Modernized r;SGA-300" Machines (Stykovaya svarka titans, i yego splavov na modernizirovannykh mashinakh tipa MSGA-300) PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, 1958, Nr 9, PP 36-39 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Information is presented on experimental investigations carried out by NIAT on butt contact welding o~ titanium ring blanks up to a cross section of 8,000 mm . Commerc- ially pure "VT-lD" and "VT-611 titanium (chemical composi- tions given in table 1) were investigated and it was stated that these titanium grades can be welded with or without preheating in accordance with technological parameters given in tables 3 and 4. Welding in argon is recommended and can be performed on modernized machines of the type "MISGA-300" or 'IMSGA-500" used at the "Elektrik" Plant. There are 4 tables, 6 micro-photos, 2 graphs and 1 diagram. 1. Titanium--Welding 2. Titanium alloys--Welding 3. Titanium Card 1/1 alloys--Physical properties 4. Argon--Applications SOV/129-59-1-14/17 AUTHORS- Karnov, M.Ya. -and Shestakov,.-S.-N.. EnLnLne-~~rs TITIE: Vibrational Def~rmation of Aluminium. Alloys (Vibratsionnoye deform-i-rovan-iye alyuminiyevykh splavov) PERIODICAL: Metallovedeniye i Termicheskava Obrabotka Metallov, 1959, Nr 1, PP 5? - 60 (USSR) ABSTRACT: During deformation of the aluminium alloy AK6 in the cold sta-ce by means of a vibration press-hammer, thei authors found that the ductility of specimens of 50 nim dia and 10 mm. height, with a fibre in the perpendicular direction, was always higher than if the same specimens were in the heated state; the difference in the amount of upsetting exceeded 10 - 15%. For elucidating this phenomenon and also for the purpose of establishing optimum deformation regimes of such speci-mens on a vibropress-hammer, special investigations were carried out which are described in this paper. The specimens were 5waged in the -,,old (as delivered, i.e. hot-Dressed) aad i.r_ the hot state and the inf luence was invesligated of the heating temperature of the specimens and of the inserts on the ductility of the alloy. The vibration frequen~:y was varied between 950 and 1350 c-P.mir,4 'with Cardl/3 increasing frequency, the degree of defoi~mazion sov/129-59-1-14/1? Vibrational Deformation of Aluminium Alloys increased. The deformation time was varied between 1 and 15 sec. The hardness was determined on the surface of the sDecimen. Furthermore, the macro- and the micro- structures were studied. The deformation temperatU37es were measured by means of contact thermocouples which were sunk into the specimens to a depth of 10 mm; during the pro-:~ess of deformation, the temperature was auto- mati,--ally ra.~orded. The results are graphed and tabu- late'" and tne following conclusions are arrived at: 1) du::~ing upsetting on a vibro-press, the defcrmat:Lon temperature of the specimen is determined by the heating temperature of the inserts; if the inserts are hot, the deformation -o-roceeds in the hot state even if the spe~-..tmen is not preliminarily heated; if the inserts are cold or only slightly heated, the deformation of specimens, eiren if heated, will take place under differing ,3cnditions, varying bet-,reen conditions approaching the hot stata and conditions approaching the cold state. 2) During upsetting between cold or slightly heated .Lneerts of alloys which are prone to thermal hardening, Card2/3 the heating temperature of the specimen should be near SOV/129-59-1-14/17 Vibrational Deformation of Aluminium Alloys to the annealing temperature. 3) The highest ductility and the greatest tendency to fill the moulds is obtained in the case of upsetting of cold specimens using hot inserts. Thereby, the optimum heating temperature of the inserts in0 the case of deformation of the alloy, AE'6, is 300 - 400 C. There are 5 figures, 1 table and 2 Soviet references. Card 3/3 E"~Alr'ne V TZRN~VIS IY, V.N. , recLaktor, atorl SHESTAL07- S-P--- trans] a8z p [translator]; PAVWV, I.P.. akademik; PZTROVSKIT, LG.",--~a em~,- re- daktor; BYKOV, X.M., akademik, redaktor; KAZ-A KIY, B.A., akademik, re- daktor; OPARIN, A.I., akademik, redaktor; SHKIM, O.Yu., akademik, re- daktor-. ANDREYEV. N.Y., akademik, redaktor; KOSHTOTAVS . Kh.S., redaktor; SAMARIN, A.M., redaktor, MAKSIMOV. A.A.. redaktor; SHGEERBAKOV, D.I.. akademik. redaktor; TUDIN, F.Y., akademik, redaktor; LEBIDIV, D.M., doktor geograficheakikh nauk, redaktor; FIGUROVSKIY, N.A.. doktor khInichm3kikh nauk, redaktor; KUZNZTSOV, I.V., kandidat filosofskikh nauk. redaktor; OZNOBISHIN, D.V., kandidAt istorichaskikh nauk, redaktor; SHIDIA)VSXAYA, O.G., redaktor; HUDNEVA, O.A., redaktor; XISMVA, A.A., tekhnichask-iy redaktor. [Structure of the human body; in 7 books] 0 stroenii chelovechaskogo tela; v semi knigakh. Perevod a latiaskogo V.N.Ternovskogo i S.F.She- stakova. Red. V.N.TernOTskogo. PoslesloTie I.P.Pavloya. Exosk-raj Izd- vo Akademii nauk SSSR. Vol. 2. 1954. 96o p. (MLHA 7:11) 1. Deystvitellnyy chlen Akademii maditsinakikh nauk SSSR (for Ternovskiv) 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Sbestakov, KoBhtoy-ants, Samarin, Maksimov) (Anatomy. Human--]Z&rly works to 1800) L 09169-67 E,1T(m)/EWP(t)/'F.~!/EWP(k) IJFkc~ j i~ ACC NR, AP7002300 SOURCE CODEt UR/0133/66/000/001/0046/0049 AUTHOR: Dubrovin, A. S.; Agarkova, N. A.; Shostakovp So S*; ~ ~qtovj~qXa Klokotina, L. 1. ORG; Chelyabinsk Scientific Research Institute of YRtallurgy and Choly(Lbinsk Electrometallurgical Combine (Chelyabinskly n.-I, Institut metallur'gii i Chelyabinskly elektrometallurgichaskiy kombinat) TITLE1 Optimal conditions for melting ferromolybdenum SOURCE: Stalf, no. 1, 1966, 46-49 TOPIC TAGSt Iron alloy, molybdenum alloy, metal melting ABSTIZACT: The optimal average temperature for malting forromolybdonum is '1850-19500C in which the heating process is determined to a largo degree by duration of the process* Cortrol,of proc03s rate and,, consequently, procese temperature for motallo- .thermal malting of ferromolybdonum can be achieved by changing size of charge! ! -.j .;components. Grinding forrooilicon to leas than 0.1 mm helpo to accolerate the proceas and to reduce consumption of aluminum by a factor of 1.5-2. Maximum extraction of molybdcraum into an ingot of suitable metal (up to :97-5%) and a significant lowering of the amount of tailings are aimultaneouaii.-:' during grinding ofthe conccntrate-,.._Opt~~ conditions of the melting proceaw... Card 1/2 6) V.;2-5 ~D5- 0.. I o9169-67 ACC NRt A117002300 are insured at aconcentrate particle nize to ferrosilicon particle size ratio of 1.5-1.7. Orig. arta hast 4 figures, 8 formulas and I tables CJPZS 35,52q SUB CODES 11 SUBM DATES none'/ ORIG REFS W8 REFS 002 2/2 not KIRZONP M.V.; ALLIK, T.A.; SHESTAKOV, S.V. Biochemical characteristics of I~he skeletal muscles of frogs at different stages of fatigue following single stimulations of the nerve. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 54 no.9:29-34 S t62. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Iz kafedry fiziologii zhi,-rotnykh (zav.- chlen-korrespondent ALMN SSSR Kh.S. Koshtoyants (deceasedD i kafedry biokhimii zhivotnykh (zav.- deystviteltnyy chlen AM SSSR S.Ye. Severin) Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Predstavleno deystvitelInym chlenoin AMN SSSR S.Ye. Severinym. SHESTAKOV, S. V., GIAZER, V. M., FILIPPOV, V. D., STOLETOV, V. N., ------- "The Biochemistry of Dissociation of Bacillus brevis GB." report subrutted for the 11th Intl., Congress of Genetics, The Hague, Netherlands, 2-10 Sep 63 ZHEVNER, V.D.; GUSEV, M.V.; SHESTAKOV S.V. Change In the composition and content of pigments in blue-green algae as related to the spectral composition of light and illu- mination degree. Mik-robiologiia 34 no.2:209-215 Mr-Ap 165. (MIRA 18: 6) 1. Biologo-pochvennyy fdkulttet Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo uni- versiteta imeni Lomonosova. STOI-ETOV, V.t4.,, GLAZER, V-M.; SHESTAKOV, S.V. C-~;ntent of acid soluble phosphorus compounds In different varia J_~ of Bacillus brevis ver. G.-B. Mikrobiologiia 34 no.4!584'-589 % 1,55, (MIRA 18: 10) 1. Biologo-pochvennyy fakulltet Moskovskogo gosudarst7ennogo universiteta imeni M.V.7-omonosova. SHE-7T.L.-Ir, Prof. S. V. Docent, Hosio. Therapeutics Clinic, Guorlidy Med. Inst., -cl948-;, Pm-medeutir. Thera--)eutic Cli:,Ac, Eed. Inst., -c1948-. 1-11r., Chair Hosoital Theraoy, Gor c3-y led. Inst., -c!034119, "Datua on Early of Cardionathic Degeneration in Cases indicatuinr Cardic-PtiL=n-nrY Syndrome," Terap. Arkhiv, 20, No. 3, 1--4'8; "Intem-AttantL Arrhythma in 'n.-perb-)nia," Klin. Ned., 261, No. 3, 1c"; "Treat-tent of Cardio-Fulhionary Deficiencies," Sov. '--.7ed., ~`jo- 3, 15,'9- USSRlyx~ ic;Lne Roaxt, Eleotroca rdio may/Jun 48 ON graph.Y H Medicine Diagnosis, Methods "Data on Fp-rly Diagnosis of Cardiopathic Degener- ation in Cases Indicating Cardio-Palmonary Syndrome,' Prof S. V, Shestakov, Hosp Therapeutic a.' Clinic, Gorlkiy Med Inst, Propaedeatic Therapeatio~ Clinic, Astrakhan Med Inst, 7 PP "Terapev Azkhi7" Vol 1X, No 3 Principal cardiopathic degeneration cannot be establish-ea on basis of arteriovenous pressure. Increase In pulse rate often indicates ons?~ of 3i/49T44 USSR/Medicine Heart., Electrocardio- Ma~/Jun 48 graphy (Contd) heart decomieasation. . Discusses limitation of X-ray examinations. Considers electrocardlogram most important Indication in early diagnosis, a,rA explains hov to interpret it. 31/49T44 SHESTAKOV, S.V. - .~- - , Fl~ .al,ar arrhythmia; auricular fibrillation and flutter] Kertastell- naia aritmiia; marteanie i trepetanie predserdii. Xoskya, Xedgiz, 1951. 73 P. (XLRA 10.8). (ARRHYTHKIA) 7~1 1~52. SIUCSTAKOV, S.Y. Significance of the Pavlovian theory in proper understanding of etiology and pathogenesis of coronary disease. Ter. arkh., Koskva 25 no. 1:14-19 Jan-Feb 1953. (CLKL 24:1) 1. Professor. 2. Of the P:ropedeutic Clinic for Internal Diseases (Head -- *of. S. V. Shestakov), Astrakhan' Medical Institute and of the Cit tzhlye Water Public Health Department. FEUVODCHIKOVA, N.I.; , qpMj~~OV~,~.~.,,profesBor, zaveduyushchiiy. Clinical aspects and diagnosis of myocardial microinfaration. Terap.arkh. 25 n0-2:33-38 Mr-An 153. (MLRA 6:5) 1. Kafedra diagnostiki vmltrennykh bolezuey Astrakhanskogo meditainskogo Instituta (for Shestakov). 2. Basseynovaya klinichaskaya bollnitsa imeni SolovIeva Nizhnevolzhskogo vodzdravotdala. (Heart-Infaration) iOGOMOWV. B.P., student; IMHIRA, Ye.V., student; SIMSTAKOV. G.V., professor, zaveduyilshchiy. Zones of h.,Teralgesia in corotiary insufficiency. 31 no.7:89 JI 153. (MIBA 6:9) 1. Ka-fedra provedevtiki vmitrennikh bolezney Astrakhanskogo meditainskogo instituta. (Coronary arteries--Diseases) (Pain) 5fh;5TAKOV. S.V., -professor (Astrakhan'). Classification of myocardial infarctions and myocardlgl tiero- Infaretion; answer to N.A.Kurshakov's discussion on N.I.Perevodch:L-- kovvi.a's article "Clinical aspects and diagnosis of myocardial infarction." Terap.arkh. 25 no.5:89-90 S-0 '53. (MLRA 7:1) kAeart--Infarction) (Kurshakov, N.A.) (Perevodchikova, N.I.) SHESTAKOV, S.V. Effect of certain meteorological factors on the freqaence of appearance of myocardial infarction. Klin. med., Moskva 31 no.4:60-63 Apr i953. (G1XL 24:4) 1. Professor. 2. Of the Propedeutic Clinic for Internal Diseases of Astrakhan' Medical Institute and the Clinical Hospital of lower Volga Water Denartment of Public Health. . SHESTAKOV, S.V., professor. IV-, - C-1 -- &e- - Iffect on certain meteorological factors on the frequency of appearance of myocardial infarction. 34 no.4:60-63 Ap '53. (MI-RA 6:7) 1. Kli-aike, proDedevtiki vnutreanykh bolezny Astrakhanskogo meditsinskogo Instituta. 2. Klinicheekaya bollnitsa NizhneVO12hakogo vodzdravotdela. (Heart--lufarction) (Climatology, Medical) SHESTAKOV, S.V. professor. Slectrocardiography in rVocardial infarction. Terap. arkh. 27 no-7: 15-21 155- (MLRA 9:1) 1~. Iz kliniki gospitalluoy i propedivticheakoy terapli zav.-- prof. S.V. Shestakov) Astra nskogo mectitain'skago inatituta. (MYOOMIAL MPARCT, physiology, ZCG) (ILN M OCARDIOGRA M , ia various diseases, myocardial infarct) SHESTAKOV, S.Y., professor Uee of dicoumarin in myocardial infaret. Terap.arkh. 28 no.6:27-32 156. NLRA 9:11) 1. Iz kliniki propedevtiki vnutrannikh bolezuey (zav.. Prof. S.T. Shastakov) Kuybyshevskogo maditsinakogo inatituta. (BISffMROZYCOUMARIN, therapeutic use, myocardial infarat (Rua)) (MYOGARDIAL MARCT, therapy, bishydroxycoumarin (Rua)) SHISTAKOV, S.V.,professor(KiWbyshev) Prevention of myocardial infarct. Klin. mod. 34 no-1:35-42 Ja 136 (KRA 9.5) 1. Iz kliniki propedevtiki vnutrounikh bolezuey KiWbyshevskogo meditsinskGgo instituta i kliniki gospitallnoy terapti AstrakbanskogG meditsinskogo institute. (zav.-prof. S.V. Shestakoy) (HYOCARDIAL INFARCT. prov. and control) USSR / Human and Animal Physiology. Heart. Abe Joux ROf Zhur - Biol-, No 15, 1958, No. W168 Author Shes Inst ot given Title The ~dgration of the Conduction of Sti=lation in bVocardial Infarction Orig Fub Terapovt. Arkhiv, 1957, Val 29, No 7, 32-35 .Abstract In the acute phase following infarction,, in some patients, the typical EIZ changes of infarction were replaced by disturbances in conductionA with the corresponding EM changes indicating a block of one of the branches of the bundle of His. In other cases,, the EM picture of infarction of the anterior wall vas replaced by changes typical of infarction of the posterior wall. Only in some casos voro those shifts due to the development of new infarcts in the myocardium. In the majority of cases Card 1/2 T 58 USSR / Human and Animal Phyaiology. Heart. Abs Jour Rof Zhur - Biol., NO 15, 1958, No- 70168 disturbancos of conduction appeared because the influence of tho necrotic portion of tissue led to the dovelopment of parabiotic phenomona in the conducting systom. of tbo heart and in the su=ounding tissucs of the myocardium. -- F. Z. Ybyorson T Card 2/2 Mw----7M- SHESTAKOV, S.V., prof., PMILOV, Yu.A. Cardiac insufficiency in chronic nonsDecific diseasps of the lungs, treatment and -orevention. 22 no-11:29-35 N'58 (MIRA-11;13-) 1. Iz kafedry propedevtiki vnutrennikh bolezney (zave - prof; S.V; Shestakov) Kuybyshevskogo meditsinakogo instituta; (LURG DISEASES, compl; chronic, congestive henrt failure (Rus)) (CONVESTIVE HEART FAILURE. etiole' & 'pathogen. chronic lung die. (Rua)) VARGA, B.; ROZH, K. [translator]; SHESTAXOV. S.V. [translator] Cholinesterase activity of contractile Droteine (properties and physiological role). Zhar.ob.biol. 20 no.1:3-15 Ja-F 159. (MIRA 12:2) 1. Fiziologicheskiy institut Meditsinskogo universiteta, Dobrotson, Von iya. FCHOLINESTERASE) (MYOSIN) MNSTLKOV, S.Te, prof. Various forms of ipvocardial microinfaretion. 40 no.6:23-27 R-D 159. (MA 1):5) 1. Iz kliniki propedeytiki vvatrennikh bolezuey (zav. - prof. S.T, Shestakov) Kuyvyshevskogo meditsinakogo iustituta. (FMA -IlfFARCTION) RAT-A OVSKIY, I,S,; SEBSTIKOV, S.T. Problems of biochemistry-in the worik of the Ninth Congress of the All-Union Societv of Physiologists, Biochemists, and Pharmacologists. 6 no.ltlO5-100 Ja-F 160. (MIRA 13--5) (BIOCHMSTRY--CONGRESSSS) SHESTAKOV9 S.V. - Intermediate forms of coronary insufficiency between uncomplicated angina pectoris and myocardial infarct. Terap. arkh. 32 no. 4:18-26 s r6o. (MIRA 14:1) (CORONARY HART DISEASE) "Effect of Carnosine and Anscrine Dipep-Udeq on the Metabol4sm of Skeletal IIuscle." -eport p--q9n'ed it the 5th int'l. Biochemistry Congress, ic-16 sco"; I SHESTAKOV. Se:rg-ey-Vy qheslavovic4,.prof.; DANILYAK, I.G. red.; LYUDKOVSKAYA, N.I., tekhn. red. (Cardiac fibrillation; auricular fibrillation and aurictlar flutter) Itertsatellnaia aritmiia; mertsanie i trepetzuA% pred- serdii. 2. izd. Mosk7a,, Medliz, 1961. _101 p. (MIRA I~zl) (ARRM SHESTAKOV, S.V., prof. Protracted course of miocardial infarction. Kardiologia 1 no-3:10-18 MY-Je 161. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Iz kliniki propedev-tiki vnutrennikh bolezney (zav. - prof. S.V. Shestakov) Ku7bvahevBkogo meditsinskogo instituts. (dir. - D.A.*Voronov). (H&ART-IVFARCTION) SEVERIN, S.Ye.; SHESTUOV, S.V. ------------- Properties of pyruvic dehydrogenase from skeletal muscles. Dokl. All SSSR 140 no.6:1452-1455 0 61~ (MIRA 14:11) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V.Lomonasova. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Severin). (Pyruvic dehydrogenase) TONGITR, V.S.; S~~~S V~.~ Fifthe International Biochemical Congress. khim. 8 no.1:100-108 Ja-F 162. iMM 15:11) (BIOCHEMISTRY-COITGRESSES) SHESTAKOV, Sarge7 Vyachealavoviohj SHTUTSER, N.V... red.; BASHMAKGV,, - . , G.M., takhn. ttd*----- (Angina pectoria and infarat of the myocardium]Grudn&ia zhabe i infarkt, mlokarda. Moskva., Medgiz, 1962. 280 p. (MIRA 16:1) (ANGINA PECTORIS) (HEART--INFARCTION) SHESTAKOVY S.V'.,, Prof. Ang�na pectoris and myocariac infarction. .Wd.sestra 21 no.112 -30-34 N 162. (MM 16:3) 1. Iz kafedry propedevtiki vnutrennikh bolezney Kuybyahevskogo meditsinskogo institata. (MIGINA PF.CTORfS) (HEART-nWARCTION) SHE33TAKOV., S.-;, Some pharmaceut-lc&l mathcde In the treatment of angina pectorls. Kardio.logiia no.1%46-52 164. (MIE-A l7ilO) 1, Kafedra propedeytiki vnutrenn.Ikh bolezney kiWI33rahevskogo medits'Anskogo Instituta. D'V., i rill U -1, 13 -pert on no. 61-66 7~ 5 1. Mr-,,,;kovsIrJ.y go:;udnmstv(Tnyy univers I L~-t, kafedra ge-not"ki El (. I ek 1, --, 11. . L 27404-66 EVIT (1 SCTB DD- SOURCE; CODE-, UR/OZZO76519 W 002 M ACC NRt Ap6017702 AUTHOR: Zhevner, Ve Do; Gusev, He V,; Shestakov, So Vo J- GRG: Biology-Soil Faculty, Moscow State Uniiersity ime He Ve Lomonosov (Piologo-. pochvenrrjy fakulftet Moskovskogo gosudarstiennogo Un1*qrs1t-G-fiY- TITIE: Changes in the composition and pigment content of blue-green gm~_n reXatior to the spectral composition of light and the intensity of i1lumination SOURCE: AN SSSR. Mikrobiologiya, v. 34, no. 2, 1965, 209-215 TOPIC TAGS: algae, plant metabolism, chlorophyll, plant growth p~ ABSTRAM. In experiments on t1i4 blue-green algae 119dulaiia op.'p Anabasna variabilis, and Hapolosiphon fontinalisp a reduction of the intensity of illumr-~ ination from 2050 to 750 lux resvilted in a higher rate of synthesis of pig- ments of all three types contained in the algasi there were increases- in the chlorophyllat carotenoid, and bilichromoprotein content. Illumination with jight.of specific spectral composition rather than white light resultad in chromatic adaptation" which affected mainly the content of bilichromaproteine. and of chlorophyll Q, and varied depending on the kind of light used and.the species of algae. The content of bilichromoproteins andL of chlorophyll a and the ratio between them in all three species were altered little on ini'minatio3i with yellow light, whereas the ratio between these.two types of.pigmpnt.c"ed'. Card 112 UDC: 582,232603503 L 27404-66 ACC NR.- AP6017702 substantially upon illumination with red or violet lights A constant piguent content, which did not change during further cultivation under obanged. condit- ,ionsp was reached toward the and of the logarithaig. phase.of the first Aro-Wth- iople of the alp .' Orige airt. has:' 5-fiE~~S- -iiid_3 tables - LJMJ SUB CODE: 06 SUIN DATE: 22Ju164 ORIG REFt 003 OT9 010, REF SHESTAKOV,_,V. Dispatcher system in gas works. Zhil.-kom.khos. 4 no.6:10-11 154. (MLRA 7:10) 1. Upravlyayushchiy trestom 'Kaybyshevgorgaz". (KWbyahev--Gas manufacture and works) (Gas manufacture and works--Kuybyshev) BUDZIKO, I., akademik; LITINSKIY, S., inzh.; RkBOCHIY,I.; SUESTAKOV, V. 160. Untoucbed frontier areas. Radio no.2:7-10 F (MM 13:5) 1. Vaesoy-uznaya akademiya sallekbkhozyaystveimykh nauk im. Lenina (for Budzlko). 2. Laboratoriya elaktrifikatail racteniA vodstva Vaeso7uznogo nauchno-igaladavatellskogo inEtituta elaktrifikataii sel'skogo 6ozyaystva (for LitinBkiy). 3. Rukovoditell Laboratorli priborov VaeBoyuznogo nauchno- issledavateltakogo Instituts, elektrifikataii sel'skogo khozyaystva (for Rabochiy). 4. Ifachallnik Laboratorii TSentrRllnogo radiokluba Dobravollnogo obshchestva sodeyetviya armii, aviataii (for Shestakov). (Radio in agriculture) 1. SH-,',3--',KO'i, V. 2. USSR (6oo) h . Snow 7. Snow retention is a method of Dro-ressive scientific farming. Kolkh. proiz. 12, no. 12, 195~-. 9. ~Ionthl,~- List of Russian Accessions, Idbrary of Congress, Marc. 1943. Unclassified. lV"%NG!lc;l,;T,O) KA.'Jlll'Ult, A.; SIESTAKOVI_T. Mechanizing the administrative work. Sots. trud 6 no.8: 66-68 Ag 161. (MIRA 14:8) (Ukraine-41achine accounting) MOISIL, Gr. K.[Moisil, Gr.G.], akademik; OSTIANU, V.M. [translator]; .�HBMKQY-,-V-,-red.; SAGALOVICH, Yu.L., red.; POTAPENKOVA, Ye.S., tekhn. red. [Algebraic theory of discrete automatic mechanisms] Algebra- icheskaia teoriia diskretnykh avtomaticheskikh ustroistv. Pod red. V.I.Shestakova. Moskva, Izd-vo inostr. lit-ry, 1963. 680 p. Translated from the Rumanian. (MIRA 16:7) (Electronic computers) (Logic, Symbolic and mathematical) YEISHIN., K.. inzh (Ufa); BRONSHTE'YN, I.., inzh. (Ufa)- SHESTAKOVP V... alwarl (Eharkkov;; D'YACHENKO, B. slesar I (Rharlkov5; SRGHUKLIN, F.,, inzh.- tekhnolog (Izhevsk); KOCHI&A, G.J, inah.; KRAWOV, V., inzh.-konstruktor (Gus I-Iffirustal lnyy); GREYSMAN, A. (Kaltan, Keinerovskaya obl.).; SUDNIKOV., V.I. (Verkhniy Ufaley) Advertising board. Izobr.i rats. no.9:04 S 162. (MM& 1w) 1. Darnitskiy vagonoremontW zavod (for Kochmola). (Technological innovations) sfiEs,rAKOVJ. V. Against the conventionall method. Sov.shakkht. 12 no.12:29-30 D 163. (KIRA 17;3) 1. Glavnyy inzh. ugolliia.-gornorudnogo kombinata Pridneprovskogo soveta narodnogo khozyaystva. SKLYAROVA, V.K., otvetetvennyy reaaktor-.,Suv'~m&M4lv-*"6v-xadaktor; AWOVA, V.I., redaktor; RAZUMOVSKAYA, S.Tt, redaktor; TIMCEINNXD,P.I., redaktor; TURCEEANOVSXAYA, L.Teip re Sp GOLIZOVA, N.A., redaktor; SARKISTAN, P.A., redaktor; SERMI ' It , P., redaktorj MEDVX.ZVA, L.A., tekhnicheskiy redaktor. [Children's clothes] Detskaia odeshda. Moskva, (Isd.Gos.nauchno- tekhn.izd-va H-va legkoi promrphl.SSSR] 1957. 64 p. , 1 fold.pattern. (mLHA 10: 5 (Clothing and dress) SKESTAKOV, V. A. Chemical Technology, Solid Fuels (11647) Dokl. AN Tadzh. SSR, No 6, 1953, pp 9-11 SHESTAKOV, V. A. "Method. of Computing the Composition of Coals Under a Microscope Without Counting Devices" Sample of coal is studied with the aid of an ocular micrometer. - SO: Referativnyy Zhurnal-Khimiya, No 1, 1 Jan 54; SO: (W-30785, 28 JulY 1954.) KHFITAGURCV, G.S.; YERGALIY]6*V, A.Ye.;BAWBOLKIN, A.N.; SHESTAKOV, V.A. , -,4~ Rod-boring in hard rock. Trudy Alt.GMMII AN razakh.1:25~46 -154," (MlRA 10:1) (Boring) 6 V V. ,~), H ~5 Q1 Z V , G.D.; S~Sqsjku, V.A. ------- Utilization of large scale ore mining systems and ways of improving them. Veat.AN XELziLkh.SSR 11 ao,7:27-38 Jl 154, (MLRA 7:11) (Mining engineering) SHNSTAKOY, V.A., gornyy Inzhener; BAIOB01KIN, A.N., gornyy inzhener .......... The preparatioa of blocks on a continuous vork schedule. Gor.zhur. no.4:3-5 Ap 155. (Mine management) (HLHA 8:7) SHESTAKOV. V.A.; TIA BOLKIN,.A.H. Drift mining in hard ores. Gorahur. no.4:55-56 Ap 155. (Mlah 8:7) (Mining engineering) YERGALIYU, Abdesh Ter,.aaliyovich;wiffiiaaL.,yiktor Alekoandrovich; BALOBOLKIN, A.N.; AINKSMY, 0.1., speia. redaktor; ILOYASHERKO, L.V., radaktor; CHEZEIIK, F., tekhnicheskiy redaktor (Work practice of leading mines in Radnyy Altai] Opyt raboty paredo- vykh gorniakov radnogo Altaia. Alma-Ata. Kazakhskoe goa. izd-vo, 1956. 96 p. (MLRA 9:12) (Altai Territory--Mining engineering) KHITAGUROV, G.D.; SHESTAKDV, V.A.; BALABOLKIN, A.N. Basic indexes of the effectiveness of high yield mining systems in certain compInx metal ore mines. Trudy Alt. GMNII AN Kazakh. SSR no.3-110-121 156. (MLRA 10:2) (Altai Mountains--Mines and mineral resources) BALOBOLKIN, A.H., gornvy inzhener; SHRRAW7, Y.A., gornyy inshener. Work practices of I.F.Filippov's and I.L.Khudoliev's brigades. Ag 156. (mm 9: 10) (Mining engineering) USSR/Analysis of InorEpnic Substances G-2 Abs jour: Ref Zhur-ICainiiya, No 6, 1957, 19629 Author A. B. Levin, V. A. 61hestakov Inst Uralsk Polytec`H~njc =st~,Tute Title Fractional Detection of Chlorine Ion Orig Pub; Tr. Urallsko&o Politelc1m. In-ta, 1956, sb. 57, 57 - 60 Abstract: For the fractional detection of Cl- it was pro- posed to use the solution of Hg(1103J as precipi- tator and the solution of 11g_(NO ) 4that produc- L - the precipitate 21nsoluble in ed with Cl , fli~C12 diluted M40-, as a rea6ent for4M . The solu- WE is recommended as precipitator tion o;Q_ is used to elimin- Oil of Na-B407 of 6044 So ut' 4 Card VC - 1o6 - _)l j~ YER LI Abdash Yergalieyvich; BALOBOLKIN, Anatoliy Nikolayevich; ST OV Sl S OV AlSoa d yvii . ZWOVTSET. N.I., radaktor; PARIPSEVe . re ~6k 6r tallstva: XWSON. I.M.. 6~ r takhnichaskiy redaktor [New technique and progressive work practice of the mines in the Z.yryanovsk Combine] NOvaia takhnologila i paradovoi opyt raboty na rudnikakh Zyrianovskogo kombinata. Moskva, 4os. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tsvetnoi metall-argii, 1957 72 P NLRA 10:6) (Zyryanovsk--Mining Engineering] B LWBOLKIN, A.N., gornyy inshaner. kE2~..TaOT, ~V.A.Igornyy inzhener. Bit for perforator drilling,of deep holes in hard rock. Gor. zhur. no.3:71-72 Mr 157. (MI-PA 10:4) (Rock drills) KHETAGUROV, G.D.; SHESTAKOV, V.A. Determining the maximum ore yield from a block in block caving systems. Trudy Alt. WSII AN Kazakh. SSR 4:52-68 157. (MIRA 11:1) (Mining engineering) Determining efficient depths for rod boring in systems of gmblevel mining of hard ores Trudy A-It. GMNIT AN razakh, SSR n0.5,47-58 157. (Bori;g) (mining engineering) (KM' 11:4) MMTAKOV, V.A. - ~ 2--, Determining efficient depths of borsholes made bv roller bit borizg. TruAy Alt. GMI AN Uzakh. SSR n0-5'.59-66 157. (XIM 11.14) (Boring) SHESTAKOV, V.A. SHESTAKOV, V.A , Cand Tech Sci - (diss) "Study of the breaking- up and discharging of ore from blocks with a system of stage forced crumbling under conditions of the Maslyanskiy and Zavodskiy pits." Alma- Ata, 1958. 14 pp with graphs (Min of Higher Education USSR. Kazakh 11-1in- Metallurg Inst). 120 copies. Bibliography: pp 13-14 (15 titles) (KL 20-58,99)