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OFL.:, j V. 1. 1111he History of Resevoirs of the Transurals," Doklady Adaderaii Nauk, Vol 51, No 3, 194b (132-143). (146-teorologiya i Gidrologiya, No b Nov/Dec 1947) 0 so: U-3218, 3 Apr 1953 SHEI~ -IM611A~ V, ~-, 21590 S~t�ltxm, V.- S. Diatomovyye vodorosli ilovykw otlozheniy podstilayushchikV iW glin iz ozer Onego-Belomerskogo vodorazdela. Trudy Leningr. o-va estestvoispytateley, t. vyp. 3, 1949, s. 1?7-97. - Bibliogr: 8 Nazv i 1* SO: Letopial Zhurnnlfnykh, Statey, No. 29, Mosk-m, 1949 SHESHROVA, V. S. Kargshlov District--Algae, Fossil History of the ponds of the Trans-Ural region based on the study of their diatomaceous flora. Part l.., Lakes of the KanWshlov District. Trudy Lab. sapr. otl., No. 5, 1951 lrlonthl~y List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, December 1952. Unclassified. 1. V. S. SHEShUKOVA 2. ussii (6oo) 4. Algae, Fossil - Don River 7. Material for the study of diatomaceous algae in Cenozoic deposits of the Lower Don. Nauch, biul. Len. un. no. 28. 1951 9. ~ ~hl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April . -1953, Uncl- TOPACHEVSIKIY, O.V. [reviewer]; GOLLERBAKH, M.M.; POLYANSKIY, V.I.; ZABBLINA X.M.; KISEMV, I.A.; PROSHKINA-L&VRENKO, A.I.; SHESHUKOVA, V.S. [authors). Review of the "Guide to fresh-water algae of the U.S.S.R.' (no.l:mStudy of fresh-water algae. General survey," M.M.Gollerbakh, Y.I.Polianakii; no.4: "Diatomaceous algaef M.M.Zabelina. I.A.Kiselev, A.I.Proahkina-Lavrenko, V.S.Sheshakova). O.V.Topachevslkiy. Bot.zhur.[UkrA 9 no.1:87-88 152. NLRA 6:11) (Algae) (Gollerbakh, M.M.) (Zabelina, M.M.) FROSHEINA,1AVREM-0, A.I., redaktor; SMSHUKOVA, V.S., redakfor. [Sympoaium on diatoms, dedicated to the memory of Professor V.S.Poretskii] Diatomo-Fyi abornik, posviashchennyi pamiatti professors, V.S.Foretakogo. Leningrad, Izd-vo Leningradskogo goo. universiteta, 1953. 228 p. (KLRA 7:6) 1. Leningrad, Universitet. Biologo-pochvennyy fak-alltet. ',Dlatoma) GOLLMAKII, 4.1., professor; KOSINSKAYA, T e.K.; POLTANSKY, V.I., professor; IIATVITEMO, A.M.: ZABELIXA, M.M.; KISELW, I.A.; PROSHKINA-LAVR-7M , A.I.; SHESHUKOVA, V.S.; POPOVA, T.G.; SAVICH, V.P., professor, zis-luzEM" R tells nauki RSFn, redaktor; STRELINIKOVA, L.I., takhnichookiy redaktor; GRIBOVA, 'I.P., tmkhnichaskly redaktor; GUBER, tokhnichaskly redaktor; KMIDSH, A.I., tekhnicheskiy redaktor; KORILEVA, L.I., takhni- chnskiy redaktor. [Guide to the fresh-water algae of the U.S.S.R.: in 14 volumes] Opredoilitel' presnovodnykh vodoroBlei SSSR; v chaty-rnadtoati v,ypuskakh. Redaktsionnaia kollegiia: M.M. Gollerbakh, V.I.Po- lianskil, V.P.Savich(otv.redaktor) Moskva, Gos.izd-vo "SovetskaLia nauka." No.2[Blue-green algae] Sinezele'nya vodorooli. 1953. 651 P. no.3[Chrysophyta] Zolotistye vodorosli, 19~4. 187 p. NoA[Diato- maceael Diatomovye vodorosli 1951. 618 p. 196. 6[Pyrrophy-tal Pirofitovye vodorosli 1954. 211 p. Nn.7EXWlmnopbyta1Xvg1enovye vodorosli 1955. 282 p. (MIRA 8:9) (Algam) SHESHUKOVA-PORSTSKAYA, V.S. I ., . - History of waters of the tranB-Ural region based an a study of their diatomaceous flora. 155. (Ural Mountain region--Diatoms) (MLRA 9:7) SHESHUKOVA-POIMSKAYA, V.S. Diatornaceous algae of mai~fue' intermorainic deposits of the Bwopean U.S.S.R. Uch.zapoLanoun.uo*191:163-192 155. (Diatoms, Fossil) W-RA 9:7) C 15-1957-7-9089 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Mr 7, pp 36-37 A UTHOR: Sheshukova-Poretskaya, V. S. TITLE- On the Fossil Genus Rouxia Brun and Heribaud (Bacil- lariophyta) (0 iskopayemom rode Rouxia et Heribauol TB-acillariopiiyta)) PERIODICAL: Botan. Materialy Otol. sporovykh rast. Botan. in-t. AN SSSR, 1956, vol 11, pp 64-75 ABSTRAC~: The genus of diatomaceous alga Rouxia Brun and Heri- baud is described in detail. AN exhaustive critical purvey of the literature concerning this fossil genus is made. The genus Rouxia is a connecting link be- tween genera having i-utures on one Valve only and true Diraphineae with sutures on both valves. There is a very close kinship, apparently, between Rouxia and Peronia, which has rudimentary sutures on only one of Card 1/2 its valves. The genus includes four species. One of SIRSEUKOVA-PORSTSKATA, V. S. w* Now and interesting species of diatoms from trans-Ural bodies of water.:Bot.mat.Otd.spor.rast. 11:76-81 ja '56. WAL 9:11) 1. Kafedra botaniki Leningradakogo gosudarstvennogo universitsta. (Ural Mountain region--Diatoms) SHi-;SHUKOVA-PORC-TSKAYA., V.S. Fossil diatoms of southern Sakhalin (marine Neogene). Vest.LGU 14 no.15:36-55 159. (MIU 14:4) (SakhgI4 Diatoms, Fossil) SHESHIJKOVA-PORETSKAYL, V.S. Diatoms of some peat bogs of the Baltic shore; the Estonian S.S.R. and Kaliningrad Frovin8e. Uch. zap. LGU no.313:137-170 162. (MIRA 15:12) (Estonia-Diatoms) (Kaliningrad Province-Diatoms) GLEZER, Z.I. Diatoms, ~ilicoflagellatae and Ebr:Lideae from Maikop sediments in the Shibik River; Krasnodar Territory. Uch. zaAa LGU no.13,1:171-202 162. (MIRA 15:12) (Shibik River-Algae, Fossil) A SRESFUI(01,,',A,PORETSKAXA, V.S.. New and rare Bacillariophyta, from the diatom series of Sakhalin. Uch. zap. L&U no-313:203-211 !62. (MIRA 15:12) (SaWin-Diatomss Fossil) SHESHULIN, G.I. Composition of pas-liquid inclusions in minera3s of spodumere. no.9:67-?9 '61. (MJRA 14. 9) (Spodumene) (Pegmatites) FUZANOV, L,S.; SUDERKIN, A.I.; SHESHULT17, G.I..; DORZAKOV, B.A.; GUDKOV, A.S., nauchrory re-ad.; SEDULSTKUVA, le.K., red. izd-va; SMAKOVA, T.M., tekhn. red. (Industry's rcouirerents as to the quality of mineral raw naterialslTrebovaniia proryshlennosti k kachestvu rir-,. nogo syrlia; spravochnik dlia geologov. Moskva, Gosg~--ol- tekhizdat. NO-31[Piezoelectric and optical mineralslillezo- elek-tricheskoe i opticheskoe syrie. Izd.2., perer. 1962. 46 p. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Moscow. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut mi- nerallnogo syr1ya. (Quartz) (Iceland spar) (Fluorite) S4 IJ LK Fit V \Jrhe rdation -between ten percent and flash eti"Ibrium distillation curves [of coal lari S. Liud;*'aud V. Polka 35, L%3-7(lV55)-IVurj(Ius articles dettling Willi 115M rehition for crinic oil's have been pubUiftl, but not fr tar. To rx-lilcil), this sitnatiml, tar.,; I.Ii if hani i-~Ktts cmak and processes weft ittvcstignted. A M'Sli bp. equil.- distu. upp. was constructed. emsisting ot: const,temp. bati, with .tnixt. of NaNOj and KNO, salts in mol. ratio, elec. mixer. 'Bash evaporator witla thcrinameter.on top and also can- actions The,,, denser with' thermometer insert for liquid fr. bottom part contained 2 openings, one for 3-part spray nozzles and the! 29ad for removal of the nont!quid portion of tar. The results of Engfer-tylic distn ~ were com.pared to flash e%mapn. A series. of. curves was constructed showin- tliat -the middle point of En4ler distn. was also the center for Bash equq. distu . cur*tA.' From tlic slopc of 10% distri. curves thei7slope of flash!&-tn. curves was deW. mathemati- cally. ]us. LedersL--- BUTSLOV, M.M.; MEDVEDEV, M.N.; FILIPPOV, P.I.; CHUVILO, I.V.; SHESHUNOV V.M. Recording of a Vavilov-Cheren-kov radiaticn cone from isolated particles. Atom. energ. 12 n0.5:412 My 162. (KRA 15:5) (Cherenkov radiation) SRESHUNOVA, V. Sheshunova, V. (Exchange of libmerience) HelD in the work of the regional mining Inenect- ors of the Central Statistical Bureau, USSR. P. 6! SO: Herald of Statistics (Vastnik), No. 2. 1951 SHESKIN, A. ~ Tool for sharpening safety-razor blades. Ag '55- (MIRA 9:1) I.Starshiy Inzhener -L-roizvodstvenno-tekhnlcheskogo upravleniya promsoveta Notonskoy SSR. (Razors) . I I o . --, J. . -6.. or of pi~CLV-Ilalic SITOI-Clovsk) Cos. nauch.-tel:hn. izd-vo ii-1--ry, 1946. 31 P. (50-20lih) TJlCO.5).S4u` S14*111SVII'll.) P. ili. SHEMIl', -;'- -- -- "The Use of Streptomycin in Tuberculos-'s of the Md- neys." Kiev Order of Labor Red Banner Medica! Inst irreni Acade- mician A. A. Bogomolets. Kiev, 1956. (Dissertations for the Deeree of Candidate in Medical Sciences). SO: Kni?hnaya Letooi,91, No 9, 1956. SHESKIIII,-F M , Conservative treatment in tuberculatts opididymitis. Vrach. delo no.5:150-151 My 162. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Poliklinicheskoye otdeleniye 2-y bollnitsy Oktyabrlskogo rayona, Kiyeva. (EPIDIDMS-TUBF,RCULOSIS) 4 ?.-1 1 14111MI. Ifff, HA% 1- 01-11- M 1 9 1 - 1 4 Isp h I Iml I t IN. I k I., 1-k at k-.I,t tvi, .11aphlagul, ..( (*.all- trt,. . J1,14. Abj~ mly I., I It... a - jwn I 1w.1wr I ulft is) th-Isapht.t., Aft, 11111111tely 'It"ll fln, 1.11wr .11~uw-, tit,, AWITAW 11dr-Its-I b.-Il tit, ~Iwflllfv llk."1e,4 th.. uth. S, him, or* i;i;1~__*0__o 0 so** 00 A In IM41 "OCIM44 AS111 0#010441,11% MM 40 MAWAIS , on. .15;L.,coolp ,1 T1- uw "kneedsi; WOW .10-21D mit. of Sunple with iFF-.Z`jj Calorimetric ,T VU m ,, . . roc . detamination of titanium. I. P- Alinwill and A- VIA- lose with RA(h, aimAve in lr~ Illsod. trander the lksla, Vo Is - into an clectro;yser Coutg, jig to the level of the side tubv Sbnko;~skm ~ayikayo Lab. It, 14I-5(l0tFST-.M "90 " with A sto ic mobi 4 lek (th AW f i k r i e concil. o mtIr - -Co4w five IfA)4 In th, l 15 ~ toin. oo S lite mlnplr ill A 3 CIUCkbiC with 3 drops of water, %houkl he APPlux - I C~), brincile the anusle in the liquid, goo l 90 a if yse for 11-10 tits, at 10 V. and 04-0.6 amp, add 0 dy" of IlF Sold 6 drups 4A IWt (1; 1), beat all a clectril the crAic" In an (Mhe the artolle slightly 15-11) min iv HF Wove th d 1 h I 1 a . to retut e e en 0 sat uncro water pp ,2 elecuically heated massive Ca blimir best unti electrulY~As and wash lite walls with a utnall quantity of 109 so. ..Ltef). Poor ON the liquid through the stopcock in 1*0 coul the crisicibl. WnotW Cit blocir, add to a rs a ear .p pp s In 3-4 drW% of w4ter. evaps. as before &W diftalve else em- 10-ull. beakerswash with 5% IIISA)4. add ffirk-otifrA (I * 1 t h 1. w o t e Soln. (free It= Fe and Cr) t see ) tents in I mi. of water, beat' Ir a vmtcr be&. In 0 brins its cusic", i to appi - 6% and r 1r educe as loilows! *a h th : l s , Tts. e mk In a Ustrivr4mottom analytet of Fe m . (use I he I np cetain or slusits crucilike with 0.5 it, of JCAOl, dismak, reductor twice with 617, HISO.. Add to an Erknmcyvt " 00 0 fi-A 10 ml. of dil. H.W), 1ijS0, 3 Parts, water I Part) of hot 51'~ add 34 drops of 3% IIA, fi 2 fill , . t anti 10 nil, Of 0,01 N connect the to lite trAntler the 9olts. into a inkrucolmirimsettf test tube with a too 00 4 miurfor. p,4st Lot Ine 15.21) nlist. 2-ml. or a 5-ml. nistk, wa%h the Crucible sev" times at the rate 2 -3 buld,61 we our lite sam l i t l h ( V 00 W c so .. p n. n o t e p unlicl of the 1cjucI,,f, 0 with *snall luotioul A a,".. 112,W4, am IfFS04 to the assuk, l are the COW with that ON a staimilimil "a. he fisfuld through the stopeua at the rate at I :0 i m i V co m ss. ant p /m in. (the C(h keeps the suin. mized). After the V (use tba fVA&M ' If the sample contitina numb Cr s. UN.,C0. to which We Sol.. has heirs- Pz~l thrusligh tim raductor, wash with IIF) with 0.5 Jaherdemmlin " . HiSOlo wash the funnel " tinsel %evrml grabri of %a,()~ hall been added, treat Use inelt the rOdUctOr with 6 via dic -unts"t the dAsk lfp9U# wuh with 3~- . . , with asnuill quantity I hot water, filter in a King filtering hot N%M Plin., ignite the inull. am an excess Of SLUIdArd Cc(SO,), and titrAt, 41111o WSA with 2- tubc ~ , low the oxides obtained with 0.5 g the tift" with (J.0 I IV 5Wn- Of 110119's salt and a drop of Slier reidur with tile I . %9f , 0.(12% of KeSA, dis-he the snelt in S!' , )I,%. d Ho%, and Ph"nYlInthritnilic ascid until the Violet Calor Is ad f h t e -tor i4 11COA-Wited. Sev" references. VUI. 1041 'd".Ticalorimetritully. lithecontentolVinthesample O exceeds 0.5"~, repeat the fu~itm with XmCO~ and N3A. too The deviAtions of r"alt% between micro and nuscro detus~ too or wVre (rum veto to +V.- -o.V". VJwo.*ir id's. iL A AL~VVGICAL LITISAIIWSI CL&SWICILION Z. 1=.;z: " MIT - _ _ : ____ - view 00-07 lee 144249 SIV.43-4.4 ~ . - 411iiii as Ov. Its U 111 J[A 0 10 11 All I I a (M 0 a a I W as 9 a it 1 9 It a 00 11 X11 0 6 0 4 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 111 e l : : -00060000000*. 2A.-Oo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : e W-0 i - - . a v CIP w ; *, I , ? 60 1 ? v % 1, on T, old 90 4 ' Mkxwheinkall dirterminadon of sulfur in rithiorals and A ores. 1. 1. Alimarin armt,A. Nit. - t' 7- i l %li l R Nl i i K 115 a st oa mt. nerII aw A t T WI 0 OW). Zhut. . . Anal. Kkam. 1, IW-7S(lM)---A titratiom ptoc"Itur is de"hed In Which all 8 is Couverterl into %ullate by luvion with NatCo. and KNO~. and the aq. m)tn. of the melt 6 I&A with a 110 "a. of "ACCO., IL. itz the methmi of d Att J ki 114 (, t W. . . an s ) except , that the chromate equiv. to the sulfate i-i deld. by adding A drfinite quAntity of stAvdiud ferrous Anil the 1t i d b i h i vxcr- 4 measure rat on w t 3twul.vol CcOVO.)i y t ~4n. A caloeinwirk deto. 6 k"ht4l in which th, ehro"We i4 deld. in a small aliquot by the reaction with diphentricarbazide (d. Konis. C.A. 33. 1CM9. M. loselt 09 idol- ily'Itilwo It 0g9 GO U It &V 00 Ll r-0 9 r-O a g0@ we woo ... 0" A Iftv ill' n I KA AM I S It &A a a a I v 61 1 a a 3 5 _T T o' Econ. A! :Ze, inst .0 A k 1. M 11 Ub L,f TY F(M 2(A M ~i na 0 HT42HUrg.f. mon-m-nm6ii: 101-6i 497 In Rumalin) A ae.1y devzlopcd weigbing method for the determiniticn of alumwu~m in tra-- ores amd tnduEtrUl products h2s WI- cated that tba quickest and moat rellable preefiAtAtIon of aluminum is effected by atetwaium be=oaW In a medium of weak acetic acid.'rhe iron reduced by godiwn hydro- suffite to a bivslent state doeS not interfere with tha deter- ruination of At. The method perwitB a quick qualitative de- termination of aluminum in the prejence of a hip content of iron. dr-auth) kv8s. Ddezu4naffen at A10 In Ma iimum Q! d 'Ut* of fWaim-r-A. T NnOmarev and USS,% - moscowl. ZAw. Apd. Mim- 1957, --ilie- use of ascorbic IS ~ 35&45& - i* - to form o i Whi h i td t ; a c ax c s no . g X m0 pp by tannin is remmmelodede.I.Mw 4&M 9Ple of perovskite. is decomposed with R.S0. aia etr-. and the residue after ovapcration of H,SO, fagowad by re-evapamtEca alifer gdiUticn - f f f o water S treated with fi-s 4 o mater ciod loval of cone. HCL The &Qln. Is treated with 0-1 g of ' mca bic add aLn4 2 g of NH C1 dGeted to Igo jul, -,I i W i t d i6 f xe w M at th IQ o M o a 1% k"My prepared goln. of tmain &Mad dropwim. and with paper pulp when the boW. becoma cloudy. and man set a9de at Ur for 2 to 3 br. Ile viablum c=plex with tannin Is filtered all from the cold soln. and waahed with cold 4% HCl soln. After Ignition the PPL it white is fused with 0-3 to I g of K,%O, and the melt is dbLaolve4ja 20 ral of SYS S0 SohL W' th the addition or 2 d H f = PS o t 4 -11,2r Tf th. In I. j,0110- Z, *' - Mwealculated amount oJ4T*O'-ls-dedudmIc of Ti. - from the wt. of the impure NkOg:,:' Wkfi i Icatouted ppL the Nb Is re~pptd. after diss4lA.~Cf the PPL - - 'tfi ~lha, i d HP te HSQ Tb i ave s. n . e , t sat , an , a g factory results with S=PIC3 ccntainlnk 0-3 to, 0.004 of Nb. SmTrH %In (2) 5 AUTH0_-i,'S: Ponomarev, A. !., Sheskol'skaya, A. Ya. SOV/75-14-1-1=,/7/2 Determination of Niobium in the Presence of Tungsten by the Aid of Cu-,~~erron (Onrodeleniye niobiya v prisutstvii vollfraria i;ri porioshchi IKbpferona) IZ 1. 0 T; I C A L: Zhurnal analitiche-.-.koy khiii-iii, 1950, Vol 14, 17 1, pp 67-.0 (Ussf") A_'3S'7,'I,ACT: A mcthod is devised in the present paper, permitting the determination of niobium in alloys, steels and other objects containing tungsten, without prior separation of the two elements. 3 niobium standard solutions were employed for the elaboration of this method: with tartaric acid, with oxalic acid and with ammonium oxalate. The determination takes place by precipitation of niobium with a 3~o' aqueous solution of cupferron from hydrochloric solution, containing one of the three mentioned complex-forming compounds. The precipitate is filtered off, annealed and then decomposed with potassium pyrosulfate. After cooling, a solution of oxalic acid, ammonium oxalate or tartaric acid is added, wherein the melt is soluble on heating. The solution obtained is acidified with hydrochloric acid and Card 113 precipitation of niobium with cupferron is repeated. The Determination of Niobium in the Presence of SOV/75-14-1-13/32 Tungsten by the Aid of Cupferron precipitate obtained is annealed (,-,10000) and weighed out as Nb205' The precipitation with cupferron takes place at room temperature. Filtering and washing of the precipitate is rapid and reliable. The results obtained from the determination shov that for determining niobium. in the presence of tungsten all three mentioned complex formers are suitable to the same degree for the masking of tungsten. By the aid of the radioactive isotope w185 the precipitates of Nb205 were investigated as to their tungsten content. The amount of tungsten co-precipitated was found to be dependent on that of niobium. On precipitating 10 mg 14b in the presence of 100 mg W more pure Nb205containing no tungstcn is obtained. Investigation of the precipitates that are obtained from the alloys 71 - Si - Nb showed co-precipitation of tungsten to occur only ~,,tith niobium contents > 30%. The method devised is both rapid and accurate and peroits the determination of niobium in the presence of Card 2/3 Det.ermination of 1,iobium in the lurisence of ;~uw:-' .., I J. _Len 'r- lhe Aid of Cupferron ol" t-arl,_:sten. licry detc-ilud in:~~ructlon.,; for thf_~ it'~cbizzm .ion '):-z.~~! (-,?I this metho!_ !,.re t-iven rcnnect to - - ~;b r~._lloyl; ta-hlo!, nnd U!, (A.:! of thia AS4,ZSS-R, Moscow) --Ch 6. 1056 S/5og/6o/000/004/022/024 Elll/E152 AUTHORS: Ponomarev, A.I., and Sheskol'skaya, A.Ya. TITLE: Determination of Niobi 7in C~ast IFron PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut metallurgil. Trudy, No.4, 1960. Metallurgiya, metallovedeniye, fiziko-khimicheskiye metody issledovaniya, pp.240-242 TEXT: The object of this work was to find a method of determining niobium in cast iron in the presence of iron and titanium, without their preliminary separation. Ascorbic acid C6H8O6 was used to form a complex with titanium and for reducing iron to the bivalent form in which it stays in solution. After preliminary experiments the following procedure was developed. 1-1.5 g of the sample is treated with 5 ml of 1.40 s.g. nitric acid. After evaporation almost to dryness on a sand bath, the solution is completed by adding 30 ml of 1:2 hydrochloric acid and boiling. The volume of the solution is maintained by adding water. Ignoring any black light residue the solution is diluted to 180-190 mi, 1-2 g of ammonium chloride and 0.1-0.2 g of ascorbic acid are added and the temperature is raised to 70-80 OC. Card 1/3 S/509/60/000/004/022/024 Elll/E152 Determination of Niobium in Cast Irons 10 ml of freshly prepared 10.0' aqueous tannide solution are slowly added with stirring, the heating being continued for 2-3 hours. Macerated paper is added and after cooling the precipitate is filtered and washed 6-8 times with cold 4% hydrochloric acid. The precipitate and paper are heated in a platinum crucible until all graphite has burned off. A few drops of water, 10-20 drops of 1:1 sulphuric acid and 2.3 ml of hydrofluoric acid are added and the crucible is gradually heated on a sand bath until S03 fumes have been evolved for 5 min. 1-2 ml of water are added to the cooled crucible and evaporation is carried out until only 2-3 drops of sulphuric acid remain. After cooling, 1-2 ml of water and 5 ml of hydrochloric acid (s.g. 1.19) are added and the crucible is heated until all salts have dissolved. The solution is transferred to a beaker, diluted to 80-90 ml and the n1oblum is precipitated as before after addition of 0.10 g of ascorbic acid. The filtered and washed precipitate and filter paper are heated to 1000 OC for 5-7 minutes in a platinum crucible which is then cooled in a desiccator and weighed. The residue is fused Card 2/3 S/5o9/6o/ooo/oo4/022/024 Elll/E152 Determination of Niobium in Cast Irons with potassium pyrosulphate (0.5-1.0 g) and the melt is dissolved in 20 ml of 506 sulphuric acid with 1-2 drops of hydrogen peroxide. If the solution is colourless titanium is absent; if it is pale yellow it iL diluted to 25 ml and its coloration compared with that of a standard titanium solution, the equivalent weight of titanium dioxide being subtracted from the weight of the niobium pentoxide precipitate. There are 2 tables and 5 references: 3 Soviet, 1 English and 1 German. Card 3/3 S/075/62/017/003/003/004 1017/1217 AUTHOR: Sheskol'ska A. Y. TITLE: Determination of zirconium and niobium in their binary alloys using cupferron PERIODICAL: Zhurnal analyticheskoy khimii, v. 17, no. 3, 1962, 327-329 TEXT: A rapid and precise method for the determination of zirconium and niobiurn in their binary alloys, based on the successive precipitation of these elements using cupferron. A review of the problem in the literature is given. Works of Alimarin and Schr6der are cited and adapted. The results of a series of determinations of Nb and Zr in synthetic solutions containing tartaric acid are tabulated and the error calculated. The error varies in this case between 0-3% (relative). The method of analysis of solutions containing Zr and Nb in a ratio of 1:1 and 3:1 is identical with that described here for samples of unknown composition. PROCEDURE: 1) Determination of zirconium - 0. 1 g of the sample is dissolved in a Pt-crucible by addition of 2-3 ml KF and a few drops of HN03 to the complete dissolution of the alloy. Then 3-4 ml H2S04 (SP- 9r = 1.84) are added and heated in a sand bath, for 10-15 min. until white vapors appear and all the HNO, is removed. After cooling, 25 ml 4% solution of tartaric acid and 10 ml 2% soln. of NHsfluoridc are added and the solution is transferred to a 300 ml beaker. The solution (100-125 ml), is neutralised by Card 1/2 Determination of.. S/075/62/017/003/003/004 1017/1217 ammonia using phenol-red indicator: the color changes from red, through yellow, to red; 2 drops ammonia are added in excess.The solution is cooled to room temp. and Zr is precipitated by addition of 10-15 ml 6 % aqueous cupferron soln. which is added slowly with stirring, the soln. is left in the cold one night. The preci- pitate is filtered off using a filter of 9 cm. bt (white band), and washed 5-6 times with cold water. The precipitate with the filter paper is placed in a weighed Pt or porcelain crucible, ignited for 10-20 min. at 1000'C, cooled in a desiccator and Zr02 is weighed. The factor for Zr calculation from ZrO2 is 0.7403. 2) Determination of niobium - 50 ml 2 % soln. of boric acid, 5 ml HCI, 20-25 ml 6 % aqueous soln. of cupferron are added to the filtrate obtained after the separation of the Zr by vigorous and constant stirring V to complete coagulation of the precipitate. After filtration carried out under the same conditions as for the Zr separation, the 20 ml 6% aqueous cupferron soln. The precipitate with the filter is ignited in Pt or porcelain crucible for 15-20 min. at 1000'C cooled in a desiccator and the Nb201 weighed. The factor for the Nb calculation from Nb2O, is 0.6990. ASSOCIATION: Institut metallurgii im. A.A. Baykova, Akademii Nauk SSSR. (Institute of metallurgy im. A. A. Baykov, Academy of Sciences, USSR) Moscow SUBMITTED: May 8, 1961 Card 2/2 S/075/62/017/008/001/UO4 E071/El35 AUTHORs Sheskollskaya, A-Ya. TITLE: D(~-te-ri-n--i-n.%-ti--o-t-i--o-f---z-irconium in the presence of large quantities of molybdenum and tungsten PERIODICAL: Zhurnal ay-aliticheskoy khimii, V.17, no.8, 1962, 949-951 T1;XT; The development of a method of direct determi~atiori of zirconium in molybdenum and in alloys bAsed on tungsten without tlieir preliminary separation is described. The method is based on the precipitation of zirconium with cu *pferron at pH = 6.8 in the presence of tartaric and oxalic acids to r-etain molybdenum and tungsten in soliition. The method was deve.loped using pure solutions of the elements and this has.shown that the accuracy of the method is high (e.g. 4 ing of zirconium in the presence of * %.!/ 550 mg of tungsten gave an error of +0.2 ing of zirconium). The method was applied satisfactorily for the determination of small amounts of zirconium in molybdenum and tungsten alloys. The analytical procedure is described in some detail. There are 2 tables. Card 1/2 S/075/b2/017/008loo!/uO4 Determination of zirconium in the ... E071/E135 ASSUClikTION: Institut inetallurgii im. A.A. Baykova, Moskva (Institute of Metallurgy imeni A.A. Baykov, Mosco-) SUBMITTED: January 19, 1962 1 .J~l Card 2/2 1. 10700-&; FWP(q) IrWT(Y-) YIKIDS, -AFFT01A SD-,jjn ACCFMION NR: AP3002539 *0075/63/018/006/07W0783 AUTHOR: 1%ieskolgakaya, A. la. -------------- IVA TITLE: Rapid gravimetric method for the deterttination of niobiuai in the presence of large quantities of 1~~ognum,,j SOURCE: Zhurnal analitichaskoy khimii.. v. 18,, no. 65, 1963, 782-783 TOPIC TAGS: niobium determination, alloys, molybdenum, gravbietric analysis ABSTRACT: A rapid gravimetric method has been developed for the determinaticn of niobium in metal alloys containing molybdenum without previous separation of-molyb- denum. The dissolution of a1loy is accomplished w1ith HP and ENO sub 3 in a plati- nun crucible with a subsequent additi 'on of H sub 2 SO sub 4. The method is based on the precipitatioh of niobium with cupferron ata pH of 4.6 in presence of tar- taric acid which complexes the molybdenum. The present method is more accurate than the existing hydrolytic methods which show low results when compared to Stan- dard solutions. Orig. art. has: 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Institut metallurgii ima A. A. Baykova., Moskva (22e Institute of Metallurgy Moscow) Card 1141 --------------- ------- KLUBOV, V.A.; SHE,SKUKOV,_N-.-L. i Pr(spects for finding il in the Orenburg portion of the Kama- Kinell system of troghs. Neftegaz. geol. i geofiz. no. 5:8-11 163. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel I skiy geologorazvedochn3n. neftyanoy institut i Neftepromyslovoy upravleniye "Buruuslarneft'". L. 1-1 1. - C~ z c .Iisto-ical Dates ol m, Avi-n-z~--cn and ,"tcron uti s" lzdatcllstvo Dosaaf, Mfoscow 1933 Translation - Lia :;685,47 I 0 41 0 0 41 IL L. ..60 .00 0 -00 -00 Phi, c Al AU07S. -.M uln 4 43t -00 06 .00 00 J`l th, 00 0 Nis .06 00 z;* 0 06 0 00 0 0 1,00 0 0 00 0 41 11 -$f'p 00 "0e 0 toj di 100 'e-0 i0e ~Ado 00 L [T ALLUPOC" Ulf-TURI jo 0 00 -j -:77 . , n it o9 n c 0 0 0 0 0 do 0 0 07,0 0 0 0 0 : : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 : do 0 0 0 0 0 a0 0 0 ~ . ~ , . 6106646096060960,00000 # 5 1 a s a I I 1 0 11 u u 14 Is 4 1 11 -L -A-.X-JL-s. I 1 11 1 Os A M A-0 P-0001111 A04 P&COcar'll to. Ion 213ism asitsm"JI au a a "-I-A - L-, j. I j ~ p # o -&- Tie oil robaciamw mad I Zk '!!: I No ~tmovurtkun anct use b( a stiMati-I AM-' Is Cha.. 1114iu- 0 A :1.~.-,ILA KIIALLOCKAL LITIMATWE CLASStFKATICIS 9-z- .8411, cle Is. u SA L 9 up ad a w 010 -S j3 d 11 0 0 cr 411t It it a, U, -nag 40 'a I IrA le x00 use too aeo a e 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o:oeooi*oo*00000600000000000000000000000000*0 I chn-*call ins'., ~- scmr, "The Lighting Systen Aberration -c- u .bv., All-Union 7 ec~ro-7 - Effect on the Mumination of a Screen by an infinitesmal -'--ource of Li7ht," Zhur. Tekh. Fiz., 14, '. 7s. 4-5, 1944; "On the Influence of S-heric Aberration on the Pl-w'ome'r`c .,0 u of Opticall ATrparatus," ibid., 16, --lo. 2, Ic.)46; "On the Question of the Dictribut.ion of thn Miurd-nation in the Plane of the Inarle of Photon-raphic Objectives," ibid., i;o. 4, lcP46. SHESKINTSEV, M.A.; YAKOVLEV, F.V. High-illuminance mirror-lens s7atems used for Image transmission. Opt.-mekh.prom. 25 no.5.-24-25 HJr '58. (MM U.-9) (Optical instruments) ACCESSION NR: AR4041503 S/0137/64/000/005/DO38/DO38 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Metallurgiya, Abs. 5D225 AUTHOR: Shesno, L. P.; Shevchenko, G. A. TITLE: Influence of method of heating of Wayer billets (steel E1847-armco iron) under hot rolling on inclination in intercrystalline corrosion of steel B1847 in Hotrolled clad pipes CITED SOURCE: Sb. Proiz-vo trub. Vy-'p. 10. M., Metallurgizdat, 1963, 106-109 TOPIC TAGS: bilayer billet, bilayer billet heating, hot rolling, intercrystalline corrosion, clad pipe/E1847 steel TRANSLATION: In investigation conducted for clarification of the influence of the method of heating.of bilayer billets under rolling on inclination of Bteel'EI847 to intercrystalline corrosion, for abutment boundary contact with Armco Fe rolled billet of ateel BI847 from automatic mill was used', which after boring and Card l/ 3 ACCESSION NR: AR4041593 machining to dimension of B2 x 9 millimeters did not manifest inclination to corrosion. Analysis of results of heating of abutment boundary contact pipe billets under rolling in muffles of carbon steel and steel B1847 shows that even under' h conditions of very thorough degreasing of surface of these billets, pipes become inclined to intercry3talline corrosion; heating in muffles of carbon steel is accompanied by appearance Of significantly larger inclination of free surface of steel E1847 clad pipes to intercrystalline corrosion than during heating in muffles of steel E1847- It was established also that clad pipes are the less able to resist corrosion, the more hermetic the packing of the muffle in which billets for these pipe3 are heated. Azid only heating of billets under rolling without 'muffles (on hearth of continuous furnace) ensures obtaining of clad pipes not ,inclined to intercr-ystalline corrosion. This is explained by the fact that during 11 heat treatment on hearth of continuous furnace products of combustion of remainders of lubricant, adsorbed in microdefects and micropores of steel EI847 are wall eliminated, which cannot be achieved with usual chemica3 methods of degreasing. :Furthemore, in hermetically closed muffles heightened pressure is created, ii 'increasing diffusion rate of C of remainders of adsorbing lubricant in depth of V metal, and process of oxidation of surface proceeds less intensely, Intercrystal- it Card 2/3 - F bMSTAK, G.A., kand. tekhn. nauk Recurrence of basic parameters of one-story i#ustrial buildings of the machinery industry. Vrom. stroi. 37 no.6:48-50 Je '59. MRA 12:8) kFactories-Designs and plans) KIKIN, A.I., prof.; i-,ELMTYA, Ye.I., prof.; STREIETI,"!IUY~ V.S., prof., doktor teldin. nauk; 1XS81G, Ye.F., dots.; 1-JdKHX'.OV, K.K., dots.; DUW'!:'JKR~ G.S,, (lots.; 31FESIAKi G.A., dots.; IOIATITEVA, V.S., dots.5 WfiJAKOV., VJ%., dots~; ~G;,.f ~, A.11., prof.; VELO-11KOV, G.S., dots.; TUBIV, SJI., kand. tekhn. nauk, nauclinyy red.; BEGAK, B,A... red. izd--.ra; OSENKO, L.I.I., tekhn. red. [Eletal construction; present state and outlook for future development] Netallicheskie konstruktsii; sostoianie i pre- spektivy razvitiia. Pod obshchei red. II.S.Streletskogo. Mo- skva, Gos. izd-vo lit.-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit. materi- alam, 1961. 333 P. (1AIRA 15:4) 1. Moscow. Moskovskiy inzhenerno-stroitellnyy institut. 2. Kafedra metallicheskikh konstruktsiy Voskovskogo inzhem-en-io- stroitellnogo institituta iLeni V.V.Kuybysbeva (for all except Tubin, 24egak, Osenko). (Building, Iron and steel) (Aluminim, Structural) ~ tj 7-, . .1. 1 ~ 1, - - -, : - - - - - . : , - - - - I I; z . ..-. -i~ - - " I - I .. - , I - - ~ - - - I - . , -.. Z - - - . --l' . - . 3 : -, Andrianoyl h.. kand. -takhn. nauk; GRUYEV, A.N.P Y -- ---.0-1P.-!~.. prof., retsenzent; ZELYATOROV, VA., inzh., nauchn. rod. (Designing steel structures for one-story industrial buildings] Proektirovanie stalInykh konstniktsii odnoetazhnogo promysh- lennogo zdaniia. Moskva, Stroiizdat, 1964. 169 p. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Kafedra metallicheskikh konstruktsiy Leningradskogo inzhe- nerno-stroitellnoao instituta (for Geniyev). SHESTAK, N.A. Melting glass in furnaces with divided zones. Stek. i ker. 18 no.6:6-7 Je 161. (MIRA 14:7) (Glass furnaces) SHESTAK, N.A.; ROKELIN, P.N. Regenerative glass furnace with crosscurrent alignment of the flame. Stek. i ker. 19 no.1:12-14 Ja 162. (MIRA 15:3) (Gla,,,s furnaces) SHESTAK, N.A. Operation of glass furnaces on natural gas. Stek. i ker. 20 no.12:24-26 D 163. (MIRA 17:1) SHYMAK. N.D., Issheamr. Apparatus for unloading loose materials from railroad platforms. Avt.dor.18 n@.6:26 0 '55. (MLRA 9:2) (Loading aid unloading) SHE6 ener. MLZL"Mw~ Erecting the framework of concrete plants. Avt.dor. 19 no.9:11-12 5 (MLEA 9: 11) (Concrete plants) -7-220/< S1061162100010061099111T i 5 B162/B101 I * AUTHORS: Dorogochinskiyj A, Z., Bashiloyl A. A., Chartoryzbokiy, A, V4 . ' Arutyunova, 0. L., Krechetova' P. I.,,Aestak, ff. P. 10 TITLE: The problem of the choice of solvent for polymerization of ethylene into polyethylene at low pressure P=RIODICAL: Reforativnyy 2hurnal. Khimiyap not 6, 1962, 614v abstract 6P35 (Tr. Groznenek. neft- in-t, V- 3, eb. 25# 1961s 17-29) MET: kn investigation is made of the possibility of using extraction benzine as a solvent for ethylene when polymerizing it into polyethylene at low preseure. It is shown that the following are suitable: -an axtrac- 20 tion benzine fraction evaporating at 65-900C with an aromatic hydrocarbon I Conte-it of 3.8,~* before do-aromatization and of 0-7~ after do-aromatization, or a fraction evaporating at 75-950C in the case of which de-aromatizatiow is not needed (aromatic hydrocarbou'concontration 0.7%)- It is shown thati the presence of aromatic hydrocarbons has no sffa4t on the polymerization 25 process, but impairs the regenerability of tbLe solvent. r1betracter' a note: Complete translation.j Card 1 /1 36 SHESTAK, N, ._I CHERTORIZHSKIY, A. V.; MIMKIY, Ya. V.; MITROFANOV, N. G.,- DEMMIKOV, 1. A. Adsorption properties of synthetic zoolitea-molecular sieves and their use in the advanced-stage dehydration of monomers. Neftekhimia 2 no.4:512-518 R-Ag 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Groznenokiy naucbno-iosledovatellskiy neftyanoy institut i Groanenekiy kbimicheskiy zavod. (Zeontes) (Monomers) GARBER, K.S., dotsent; NIKITIN, A.1,; LYAUDIS, B.V.; MALINOVSKIY, B.N., kand. tekhn.nauk; BELISHY, 0.1.; VOLKOV, L.G.; KUZUETSOV, M.P.; KUTSENKO, A.D., SOROKIN, A.A.; STAKHURSKIY, A.D.; TRUBITSYN, L.M.; TRUSEYEV, AJ.; SHAFRAN, I.K., inzh.; SHESTAK, F.I.; n IYANOV, D.P. Automatic control of converter smelting by means of compu' rs. Stall 23 no. 7:608-610 J1 163. (KRA 16:9) 1. Dneprodzerzhinskiy metallurgichesidy zavad-vtuz im. M.I. Arsenicheva (for Garger). 2. Institut kibernetiki AN UkrSSR (for Malinovskiy). 3. Zavod im. Dzerzhinskogo (for Shafran). u'l 71 ives e- L::O b, ocm, ne al r 4 1-71 12~ X;- 64 ms,~allixrg'cheskiy zavod im. Dzer?h!nakogo. SHESTAK) S., podpolkovnik yustitsii Temporary center of legal information. Komm.Voorazh.Sil 3 no.22:92 N 162. (MIU 15:12) (Military law-Study and teaching) LUZANSJAYA, Dora Isaakovna; SHPAPLINSKIY, V.M., spetn. red.; AYNZAF7, Yu.S., red.; SHESTAK, S.N.,, red. -. . . .....I (Inland-water fisheries of the U.S.S.R. (lakes, rivers, and reservoirr); a guide] Rybokhoziaistvennoe ispollzovanie vnutrennikh vodoemov SSSR (ozer, rek I vodokhranilishch); spravochnik. Moskva, Pishchevaia prorryahlennost', 1965. 597 p. (MIM 18:7) A LAZAREVA, V.S., asel2t.; SHESTAK, S.S. Determining the toxicology of grain and combined,feeds, Yeterinariia 34 no.10:70 0 157. (MLRA 10:11) 1. Chkalovskly gosmedinstitut (for IaTareva), 2. Zaveduyushchiv khimiko-toksikologicheskim otielomm rauchno-issledavatell- skoy veterinarnoy stantsii (for 3hestak) (2beding and -l'oeding stuffa-Toxicology) SHESTAK S.S nauchnyy sotl-udnik; KORENLI~ G.P.; KORENEVA, T.A.; A,.G., nauchnyy sotrudnik Use of SZHK (pregnant mareAs serum). Veterinarlia 37 no.1:10-12 Ja 160. (MM 16:6) 1. Orenburgskaya. nauchno-issledovatellskaya voterinarnaya stantsiya (for Shestak). 2. Direktor Simferopollskoy mezhsovkhoznoy labora- torii (for Korenev). 3. Simferopollskaya"mezhsovkhoznaya laboratoriya (for Koreneva). 4. Turkmenskaya NIIZhV (for Sapogov). (Serum therapy) (Veterinary medicine) SHESTKKOV, A. Reducing the cost of transportation. IITO 2 no.IL:212-24 Ja 160. MRA 13:5 ) 1. Predsedatell pravleniya Nauchno-tokhnichoskogo obahchostva Omskoy zheleznoy darogi. (Omsk--Railroad rest-arch) SUSTAKOVA... tekhnik-stroitell; DIKIY, V.; TUMASYA.N., I.) XWKOV, N., inzhener-stroitell; POPOV, F., inzh. Readerst letters. Sell. stroi. 15 no-4:27 Ap f6l., (MIRA 11,:6) 1. Selikhozinspek-tsiya Orshanskogo rayona., Mariyakoy ASSR (for Shestakov). 2.Predsedatell kolkhoza imeni Kirovr-Yegorlylwogo rayona, Rostovskoy oblasti (for Dikiy). 3. Sekretar'l partiynoy organizatsii 161khoza imeni Kirova Yegorlykskogo rayona, Rastovsko7 oblasti (fop Tmaiyan). 4. Sellkhozinspektsiya Khorollskogo rayona,, Primorukogo kraya (for Klokov). (Farm bWldingq) TSURIKOV) V. (Bryansk); SHESTAKOV, A. From the history of fire prevention. Pozh.delo 8 no.6:32 Je 162. WDIV, 15:6) (Firemen) SIBSTAKOV, Anatoliy, inzh. Tuning up and launching into operation of the IfaritsaIztok I. Thermoelectric Plant. Flektroenergiia 13 no.5/6:34-37 My-Js 262 * 1. GI. inzhener na grupata suvetski-spetsiali pri Teploelektri- cheskata teentrala wMaritsa-Iztok I ." 25(l) PHASE I BCOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2330 Shestakov, Andrian Andrianovich Machinist parovozdushnogo molota (Steam Hammer Operator) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1959. 118 p. Errata slip inserted. 8,000 copies printed. Reviewer: P. G. Levandovskiy, Engineer; Eds.: B.N. Kazarinov, Engineer, and S. G. Puchkov, Engineer; Tech. Ed.: N. A. Dugina; Executive Ed.: A. V. KaletinaY Engineer (Ural-Siberian Division, Maehgiz). PURPOSE: This book is intended as a manual for steam b r operators and re- pairmen, and may also be used by-forging machine, worMrs. COVERAGE: The book provides information on open and closed the forging processes, on forgeability of uietals., and equipment for heating forging stock. This book is primarily concerned with the constructions and performance of steam forging hammers and hydraulic and crank presses. No personalities are mentioned. There are 10 references, all Soviet. TABLE OF CONTENTS: General Information on Open Die and Closed Die Forging 3 Concept of the processes of open die and closed the forging 3 Card 1/4 Steam Hammer Operator SOV/2330 Heating metal for open the and closed the forging 4 Furnaces for heating metal 6 Classification of forging (Smith) machines 8 Purpose and classification of forging ham rs 9 Sources of energy for forging-.iammers 10 Be-view problems 12 Working Principles of Steam Drop Hammers 13 Double frame drop hammer 13 Bridge-type drop hammers 20 Single-frame drop hammer 23 Review problems 26 Steam Distribution in Drop ra 27 Slide-valve steam distribution 27 Valve steam distribution 32 Valve box of the "Eumuko" drop hammer 39 Setting valves 42 Card 2/4 Steam Hiammer Operator Hydraulic Presses Operating principles of a hydraulic press Classification of hydraulic presses Operating hydraulic Dresses Review problems General Information of Other Forging %chines Pneumatic hammers Percussion power-screw presses Crank and eacentric press Upsetting machines Review problems Safety Techniques Review Problems Recommended Iiterature AVAILABLE: Library of Congress (TS 225.S47) Card 4/4 SOV12330 87 87 89 90 101 102 102 105 107 108 log 110 114 116 GO/fa- L 1o-16-59 SHESTARO-V.,-A.; GOLOV, Yu. From the history of fire departments. Pozh.delo Ap 162. (Fire departments) 8 no.4:30 (MIRA 15:4) SHESTAKOV, A. A., Cand. Physicomath Sci. Dissertation: "Behavior of Integral Curves of a System of Differential Equations in the Vicinity of a Lingulal Point of Higher Order." Sci Res Inst. of Mathematics, Moscow Order of Lenin State U imeni M. V. Lomonosov., 17 Dec 47. SO: Vechernyaya Moskva, Dec 1947 (Project #17836) A. A. -o' Sci- . ?es. Ins'. ~_ath-, 6ta!-O. iniv. lor., Geo. hysics inst., De Physico-Nath. 5ci. , Acad. Sci. , -cJ949,-. "T"Chavior of integral Cur,~res of the Systen of Ordina-_y Diff erential Eauations in 'the Vicinit- of a Sin:~ular Point, " Dok. All, 62, .7 U "o. 2, 1~`B; 's-jrm'o'ic 7ehavior of Solutions of a Non-Linear System of il .. _r -e A - Differentia-1 E-uations," ibide 1 62, lio. 5, 1~-431; 'IT-he Behavior of integrel Cu--veo of a System of Dif ~'erentiall Ecuat tions in. the -1-7eif!hborhood of a Sinf:ular Point of Hi7her Order," ibid., 65, 'Kilo- 22, 1c, 4 9 - is ~estakov, A. A. On the behavior of the lattUll curns of asystern I ? 1--~rho,)d of a singular point. Doklady Akad. Nauk SSSR The singular point is clawified as a node, a generalized eraliz ja(ir' + X.(Xt. Zt, X.) saddle of the Ist, 2d or M type or a saddle-node, acizording i-i to the signs of c- and of the 9Z(XI) and whether m is t=2, . n, even or odd. Theorem 2. If the X, are ecal ar-i negative, 0 being an isolated singular n-2, the solutions tending to 0 are tangent at the origin tn,! th,- X. ke!ng power series beginning with termR to the curve defined by equating to zero the second members The rhjra~teri,~tic r-)ts 'k. o,' n eq aa ri of the last -I tio. s (1). J. L. Yassera. >; J L 9t,X,)