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,S PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION sov/6181 Urallskoye soveshchanlye po spektroskopii. 30, Sverdlovsk, 1960. Materialy (Materials of the Third Ural Conference on Spectros- copy) Sverdlovsk, Metallurgizdat, 1962. 197 P. Errata slip inserted. 3000 copie.s printed. Sponsoring Agencies: Institut fiziki metallov Akademii nauk SSSR. Komissiya po spektroskopii; and Urallskiy dom tekhniki VSNTO. Eds. (Title page): G. P. Skornyakov, A. B. Shayevich, and S. G. Bogomolov; Ed.: Gennadiy Pavlovich Skornyakov; Ed. of Publish- ing House: M. L. Kryzhova; Tech. Ed.: N. T. Mallkova. PURPOSE: The book, a collection of articles, is intended for staff members of spectral analysis laboratories in industry and scien- tific research organizations, as well as for students of related disciplines and for technologists utilizing analytical results. Sherstkov, Yu A , and L. F. Maksimoiskiy Investigation of :K-;~efi;n~7ee of the total intensitymo-tspectrad lines the d on the concentration of elements in an are-discharge plasma 4 ACC NRt AP601 66/003/01-0570-Tibl/0404 AUTHOR:, ShersthLY4 Yu. A.,,; Wepshal V. I.; Nikiforov, Av Ye*; Cherepanovs Ve Is ORG: Ural State Univer!LtL (Ural' skiy gosudarstyennyy universitet) TITLE: Influence of an external electric field on the FXR signals of pairs of exchange-couple4 chromium ions in ruby SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimbitallnoy i teoreticheakoy fiziki. Pialma v redaktsiyu. Prilozheniye) v- 3, no. 10, 1966,, 4ol-W4 hr TOPIC TAGS: electron paramagnetic resonance, line splitting, corundum., c omium, resonance absorption, exchange reaction ABSTRACT: The use of an effect predicted theoretically by one of the authors (Niki- -110rov, Fiz. t-verdvgo tela, v. 7, 3248, 1965), consisting in nonlinear splitting of EM .-.ignals of pairs of exchange-coupled CP+ ions in corundum, is proposed for a unique -;.nterpretation of the many weaker supplementary EPIf/signals in corundum due to pairs of exchange-coupled chromium ions. The effect was used to igate e_-.-perimentaLLy the spectral regions from 48o to 68o G and from 850 to 1200 G in a corundum crystal containing 0.05% chromium by weight. The Pik 1301 apparatus was used for the meas ment. For H 11 E 11 C3 (H and E are the electric and magnetic field intensities and C3 the corundum optical axis) the influence of the electric field was observed in five signals at 525, 590) 926, 994, and 1093 G. From plots of.the derivative of the ab- sorption signal and of the theoretical dependence of the splittings of the EM signa.3- L 26125-66 ACC NRi AP6015803 on E for -the transitions for which nonzero line splitting is possible as well as from other experimental datay it is deduced that the signals are due to pairs and not to iron and manganese impurities. It is deduced that a combination of the meth- od of measuring signal splitting in an electric field (which determines the*type of transition) and methods involving temperature and angle measurements will make it of possible to relate the observed signals to concrete pairs, and that investigations of the observed effect in magnetically dilute crystalsy over a wide range of magnetic fields,, will yield more complete information on the exchange interaction of para- magnetic ions. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and I formula. SUB CODE: 2q/ suBm DATF,: iBmr66/ om REF: oo5/ oTH mw: 003 Card 2/S,- SOLOVIYEV, A.L.; SHEEHS~V'.ET _AE~; IVANOV, I.I.; PAMHIN, A.N.; GOMKHINA., T.A~ ---- Some data and considerations on possible means of chemotherapy for melanomas. Vop. onk. 6 no.6:88-89 Je 160. (MIRA. 14:3) (TUMORS) (T~ROSIIJE) (CARBON-ISOTOPES) 64 Cheino-bacteriolollical CbAtkCtgtilUCS Of WAtt.-ItIpply It sources and city-water distribution systerns. A, 1. VitrAulcir. Gix~f~ i .1Qlxit. 1950. No. 2, Al.-Chelu. mialy~k of lalin of the rtfortutanA rvgitm %huw"I it low ~Icvcl uf fluitterAl %Alt covitent, exislitiffed ljy geographic loi~j- it; extremely low lLtrdnc%s avel the pmtrntr of unich M, are iticulloned. The micrutlom io the water di,tri. k hi.16011 ~YSICITI Of NIUMMuNk 6 uoully limitetl to lk-low 10 .1v6stlells per fill. G. M. -6 A. I. , Cand Biol Sci - (diss) 'sanitary condition and , Aa4a"J SHERSTNL River in th e Mft" Of the ii ty of Kalinin- sanitation of the Pregola - -J USSR), 2-2-0 copies (KL, 15-58, grad." MOB, 195B. 14 pp (Acad Med so 114) -2-4- SET.ERSTnV, A. ), Use of ethyl alcohol lacqueur for the inside DBinting of wnter supply tanks. Mor.flot 18 no.3:14-15 Mr 15~. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Rukovoditell annitnrno-promyshlennoy laborntorii Kpliaingrndakoy snnepidstnntsii. (Ships--Equipment and supplies) (Tnnks--Corrosion) MAMONT, V.S.; SH,~RSTNEV, A.K. flari car.,~ or go~~utv rrthrltis. Vestun. rent, _J. rad, 38 n-~.3;69-79 IMY-Je '63. (MTRA 17:7) 3. lz ren-reriovsk._-.!2v bcllnitsy "V pajay-at-I 215 rkty,-,Lbryall g livnyv vra-it T Yush_z_~iaov) 'Rn'_ngraA_skogo gorcdskc-~) Otdeld Jvi)rar~,ji-,Iya i'prape,,iticheskey k-l-Inf-ki usovershenstvc- ,raw-tra -rra :hzy (nachalin,k - prof. G.A. Sruqgin) Voyanno-mecill.- t,e.:nsk-v c7d-~na akademl'_ Zmen! S.M. Kir-ova. 31918 6 J 0 /4,2iou S/140/61/000/006/007/007 C111/0444 AUTHOR: Sherstnev, A. N. TITLE: On the solution of equations in functional derivatives PERIODICAL: Izve3tiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Matematika, no. 6,,1961, 155-16a TEXT: Let C be the space of the continuous functions on I = [0,1~ with the Wiener measure. Let L 2(C) be the class of those functiona-is which are square summable with respect to the Wiener measure: I I F Ex 11 2 d wx 0 ~C- (m):r= co (M) -* 0 where Cx] are the Fourier-Hermitian functionals corresponding to m (1.5). (The A(m) are the Fourier-Hermitian coefficients of F Ex] There are 4 Soviet-bloc and 8 non-Soviet-bloc references. The four most recent references to gnglish-language publications read as follows: Card 6/7 31918 S/140/61/000/006/007/007 on the solution of equations in . . . C111/C444 J. Schwinger, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci-, 37, PP. 452, 1951; J. Schwinger, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 37, pp. 455, 1951; R. H. Cameron, C. Hatfield, On the summability of certain ortogonal developments. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 55, pp. 131-145, 1949; R. H. Cameron, First variations of indefini- te Wiener integrals. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 2, PP. 914-924, 1951. ASSOCIATION: Kazanskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. V. J. Ullyanova- Lenina (Kazan, State University im. V. J. Ullyanov-Lenin) SUBMITTED: March 7, 1960 Card 7/7 t (h)- L 31o62-6~ EWT(d)/rwT(l)/EWG(v)/BEC(k) Pn-4/Pe-5/pg-4/Poe-2/Pt-10/Peb/Pi-4/Pl-4 JIIBIGWAIS. ACCESSION NR: ARS004880 S/0058/64/000/011/H063/HC63 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 1lZh393 AUTHORS: Bel'-kovich,-.0. I.; Sherstn&U;-:,"- Volodinj_j. N. TITLE: Distribution of durations of meteoric radio echoes CITED SOURCE: Sb. Meteorn..rasprostr. radiovoln.-- No. 1. Kazan'. Razansk. un-t, 1963, 111-114 TOPIC TAGS: meteoric radio,~echo, meteor-xadar :d6servation meteor 'Y radio scatter ri ~.A TRANSLATION: Aformula is derived for the didtribution of the dura;--:~, teoric rad o, echo VVkr tion of forward-reflected me es. om undercondensed- trails, with account of the change in the pressure at , the point of maximum ionizatiori. By assuming the meteor mass distribution to obey a power law, with,a probability density Card 1/3 6 6 2- L 31o 5 ACCESSION NR: AR5004880'- SUB CODE: AA, EC ENCL.- 00 7- :m 7 _ % 7 Card 3/ SHEIRSTPEV, A.N. (Kazan I) Some problems on optimm approximation in random normed spaces. Rev math Roum 9 no.8t771-799 t64 SHERSTYEV, A.V. Case of incrusted parasitic cyst of the transverse mesocolon. Vest. rent. i rad'. 36 no-4:81 JI-Ag 161. (MitiA 15:2) 1. Iz Zheleznorodozhnoy bollnitsy stantsii Buzuluk (nachallnik S.I.Dudont). (MFSENTkaY--HYDATIW) SHERSUTEV, A.V.; SHELE-POT, A.V. Clinicoroentgenological elderly persons. Klin. (Buzuluk) correlations in peptic ulcer in med. 41 no.72133-137 J1163 (MIRA 16:12) 1. Iz BuzuIukskoy mezhrayonnoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach S.B. Kosinskiy). SHERSTIMV.A.Y., inzhener; NAUMOV,A.G., inzhener A new mechanized construction yard for making precast reinforced concrete structural elements and components. Mekh.stroi.12 no.11: 3-7 1055. (KIRA 9,,l) (Precast concrete) SH7,MTIMV. A.V., inxhener. -I;-' ~-'- J.' '. ;~ ` - Manufacture of reinforced concrete posts and Dines by the press method ("Press concrate"Wrom "Stnvivo" no.? '56~ Makh.stroi.13 no.12:26- 27 D'56. (MIRA 10:1) ((Dzechonlovinkia-Reinforced concrete) SHERSTNEV A inzbener. Reinforced concrete poles for street lighting. Stroitell no.1:12-13 Ja '57. (WMA 10:2) (Electric lines--Poles) SHERSTNIV. A.V. Mechanized -man production of large wall blocks. Gor. khez. mosk. 31 49.3:7-11 Ur '57. (KLRA 10:4) 1. Nachallnik takhuichaskogo otdola Gl&vmoszhelezobetona. (Noscow--Goncrate plants) (Buildiag blocks) SHMTNEY AV.. inzhener. Production of large wall panels for housing construction in England. Gor.khoz.Mosk. 31 no.6:36-39 -Ta 157. (MMA 10: ~j (Ingland-Preenst concrete construction) SMMTNEV, A.V., Inzh. Assembly-line production of prestressed flooring panels. Gor. khoz. Mosk. 32 no.4:28-32 AP 158. (mm 11:-4) (Prestressed concrete) SHETISTNEY, A.Y., inzb. Production of wall panels in Czechoslovak Plants. Gor. khoz. Mosk. 32 no.6:32-36 is 158. (MIRI 11:7) (Czechoslovakia-Concrete blocks) ,,SHF.RSTIM.V, A.V. ------- Automatic curing of reinforced concrete products in att~am curing ebaynbers. Bet.i 2bel.-bet. no.1:11-1.5 JI, 160. (14IRA 13:5)- 1. Ilaeballnik tekhnichaskogo otdala Upravieniya prod-priyativ sbornogo zholezobstana Glavmooprometroymterlalov. (Concrete--Curing) SHERSTIM, A.V., Inzh. Plants manufacturing precast reinforced concrete products in lbgland. Bet.i shel.-bet. no.7:333-336 J1 160. (MIU 13:7) (Weat Britain--Precast concrete) SHKRSMV, A.Y.. inzh. Plants manufacturing precast reinforced concrete in England. Bet. i zhel.-bet. no.8:384-388 Ag 160. (MIRA 13.-8) (Great Britain-Precast concrete) TSYGANKOV, TS.I., inzh.,, redi; ~~TN~KV, AN., zh., red.; STRASIRTYKH., V.P., red. izd-va; KASIMOV, D.Ya... tekhn. red. (Standards SN 220-62 for the technical design of enterprises producing precast reinforced concrete elements in multiple molds]Norry tekhnologicheskogo proektirovaniia predpriiatii sbornykh zhelezobetomVkh izdelii s kassetnym sposobom proiz- vodstva (SN 220-62). Moskva, Gosstroiizdat, 1962. 1/+ p. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.)Gosudarstyennyy komitet po delam. stroitel'stva. (Concrete plants-Standards) ,---,,,SHEFSTgv-V, A.V. Postoperatil7e pneumoperitonetim in an X-ray picture. Vest. rent. i rad. 37 no.5M S-0 162. (MBA 17:12) 1. Iz zheleznodcrozhnoy bollnitsy stantaii Buzuluk (nachallnik S.I. Dudost). SHERSTNEV, B. F., Cand Ned Sci -- (diss) "Colpoabdominal diaphano- scopy in the diagnostics of disorders of extra-uterine regnancy." Sverdlovsk, 1960. 15 PP; (Sverdlovsk State Medical Inst 5; 260 copies; price not given; (KL, 27-60, 160) SHERSTNEV, Dmitriy Safronovich; FEDOFDVO, Boris Dmitriyevich; --- RASMMTSKIT Ta .Z., rodakt*r; SLAVORDSOV, A.Kh., redaktor: IIADIRINSUYA: A.A., tekhnichaskiy redaktor. [Fundamentals of geodesy and mine surveying] Onnovy gesd6211 i markshaiderskogo dela. Mosicva, Uglatekhizdat, 1955. 203 P- (Surveying) (Mine surveying) (MLRk 9:1) SHKRSTNEV, D.S., inzhener. Notion picture "Preliminary training in safety engineering in coal mines.4 Bezop.truda v prom. 1 n0-7:39 JI '57. (MIRA 10:7) (Coal m1nes and mining--Safety measures) (Motion pictures in industry) SUMI-irl, I.P.; V.V.; BAYEV, G.G.; SHERSTIWT D.M.; LITVIN I.F. .1 im-mr--virg borIng and cF--rations. Ugoll 39 no.122:32-35 1) lc~/+O (MIRA 18:2) 1. VzryvPEU Kombir,--ta Kuzbassugall (for Sumin, Zolinikov, Bayev). 2. T-resti- Belovugoll (for Sheratnev). 3. Bachatskiy ugollnyy kaTlyev kifc:7 Lit-vill). SHERSTNEV, D.S., inzh.; SHEVERDIN, P.G. Preventing the breakthrough of water into a mine from abandoned workings. Bezop. truda v prom. 5 no.8:3-4 Ag '61. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Gosgortekhnadzor USSR. (Coal mines and mining--Safety measures) KAZA VICH, T.I.; SRFMTNEY, I.Ya. ........ .... Machining uneven surfaces on planing machines. Stan. i instr. 24 no.11; 35-36 IN '53. - (VT-RA 6:12) (FlanIng machines ) APONIN, Ilikolay Semenovich; SEEERSTmff, I.7a., red.; UPAROVA, A*L,, red,; LARIONOV, G.Te., tekhn,-'red. - [Reliability of electric service to industrial plants]*Nadezhnostv elektroenabzheniia promvahlennykh prekDrilatii. Koskva, GOB. energ, O(IRA 11:9) izd-vo, 1958. 295 Po' (XLectric power distribiltion) I. CHECHEIKIN, Aleksandr Vasillyevich; SKVORTSOV, S.A., kand. tekhn. ,nauk, retsenzent; SHEFSTNEV, I.Ya., red ; TPIDKIN, L.M., tekhn, red. [High-temperature heat-transfer agents]Vysokotemperaturnye teplonositeli. Izd.2., perer. i dop. Moskva, Gosenergo- izdat, 1962. 423 p. (MIRA 15:12) (Heat-Transmission) SHERSTNEV, K.M. (Kiyev) The role of li.D.Strazhesko and his school In treating Soviet soldiers during the Great Patriotic War. Vrach.dela no.1:29-11 Jn 'V3. (MIRA 11:3) 1. Uk-rninskly nnuchno-issledovatel'skly institut klinicheskoy meditsiny ineni akad. B.D.Strnzhesko. (WGjRLD WAR, 1919-1945--M~-DIGAL AND SANITARY AFFAIRS) SHZRSTNET, K.M. Organizational and methodological work of the Ukrainian Institute of Glinical Nedicine in the control of rho-tie fever and cardio- vascular diseases in the Ukraine. Vat.po obe.nanch.inform. n0.2: 177-180 158. (KIRA 13:6) 1. 1z organizatsionno-matodichookogo otdela (say. - I.N. Sherst- nev) Ukrainskogo nauchno-issledoyatel'skogo instituta klinicho- skoy meditsiny, Kiyev. (UKRLIMI--CMIOVASCULA'R SYSTIDI-.-DISIASIS) (HRIUMAT IC FEM) SHERSTIMV, K.M.; GUSEVA, I.S., Distribution of cardiovascular diseases in the Ukrainian S.S.R. mat-PO Otm-nauch-Inform. t0-2:173-176 158. (NUA 13:6) 1. Iz organizatsionno-matodicheakogo otdela (zaT. - I.M. Sherst- nev) Ukrainskogo nauchno-iBaledovatellskogo instituts. klinicheskoy meditsirq, 11yev. (UKRAIRB--CARDIOVASCULLR SYSEDI-DISBASIS) SHERSTNEV, K.M., (Kiy~v) History of training for military medicine in medical institutes* Vrach.delo nO-9:991-993 S158 (MIRA 11:10) 1. Ukrainskiy Institut klinicheskoy meditsiny Imeni akademiks N.D. Strashesko. (MEDICIVE, MILITARY) (MEDICINZ.-STUDY AND TEACHNG) SHMMNEV, K.M.; GUSEVA, I.S., (Kiyev) Study of the incidence.of cardiovascular diseases a'n*d'r'he_u-matic fever in the urban population Of Khmelluitskiy Fr6~ince in the- Ukraine in 1956. Trach.delo no.U:l313_l3l7_p_,5q.__ _(gT4 13:5) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut klinicheakoy medituiny im. akad. N.G. 5trazhesko. (KHME11NITSKIY PROVINCI (MMAM)--CARDIOTASCUL-AR SYSMW-DISEASES) (KHMELOWITSKIY PROVINCI (UKRAM)--RHEUMATIC 73M) SHERSTIEV, K.M. (Kiyev) Links between the Institute and institutions of public health; on the 25th anaiversary of the Strazhesko Ukrainian Research Institute of Clinical Medicine. Vrach. delo no.8:107-110 ~.g- '61. (kV1 15-3) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovateltskiy institut klinicheskoy meditsiny imeni akademika N.D. Strazhesko. (UKRAIIE --4WICAL COLLEGES) -32910 S/'L94/61/000/011/037//070 D256/b3O2 3, AUTHOR: Sherstnev, L.G. TITLE: Oxide-cathode surplus metal diffusion and the struc- ture of the covering layer PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mtomatika i radioelelctronika, no. IL, 1961, 3, abstract 11 G18 (Tr. Mosk. energ. in-ta, 1961, no. 34, 307-314) TEXT: The non-uniform density across the oxide layer and its porous structure influence the reliability of experimental in- vestigations of strontium and barium diffusion in oxide cathodes, Diffusion investigation by means of evaporating a radioactive mater- ial on the surface and tracinc, its diffusion inside the layer is un- satisfactory and gives unreliable results. Accurate quantitative investigation of the surplus metal diffusion is possible either by controlling the layer density across its thickness or by fabricating an artificial layer structure Bath a uniform density- 3 references. Card 1/2 3 2 9 -11 S/19it/(51/000/011/038/070 0 (1"0"3111-151 D256/D30'2 AUTHOR: Yakinov, N.N. and Sherstnev-L.G. TITLE: Investigation of diffusion processes in oxide cath- odes using radioactive tracers PEP,IODTCAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 11, 1961S~ 3. abstract 11 G19 (Tr. Mosk, energ. in-ta, 1961, no. 34, 31.5-322) TEXT: Methods of investiclating the surplus metal diffusion in the cathode oxide layer are described, based upon the application of radioactive tracers and using a modified medical raicrotome for cutting thin slices of the oxide cover. Two layers of carbonate were placed upon a fla'- surface of a nickel disc. The thin bottom layer (5 to loj"~ ) containing Bal4o or SrS9 was covered with a thicll.~ (- 50 to 150,a) layer of the usual oxide paste. In order to find condi- tions for uniform density.6cross the layer, covers were prepared charged uniformly with Sr The covers were pressed using 20, 40, Card 1/2 ,3 29 'L_L S/19 61/000/0111/0381/070 Investigation of diffusion... D256YI)302 801 130 and 280 kg m2 pressure. They were then cur into slices 5 ./c and 10ji- thick and their activity was measure(l. Starting from a pressure of 80 kc:r/CM2 the density becomes practically constant. The 2-layer cathodes were mounted in-to experimental vacuum tubes of a special construction with a number of anodes providing for the sep- arate collection of the cathode evaporation products during the decomposition of the carbonate and the activation of the cathode, as well as during the following operation of the cathode at various temperatures from 800 to 14000K. After opening the tube the cathode cover was soakded with paraffin and cut into 5j-,. slice-s. By measur- ing the activity of the slices the aw.9 unt of metal transported by diffusion was determined (up to r,-; 10- ). Examination of the method showed a good consistency of the results. 2 references. See also abstracts 11 G18 and 11 G20. L/-Abstracter"s note: Complete transla- tion-7 Card 2/2 32912 S/1.9",/(~ I. /ooo/loj D2561/D302 0 31 / /-? 7, AJ THOR Sherstnev? L.G. -_: --------------- TITLE. Some results of an experimental investigation of C~ barium and strontitua, di.ffuoion in cathodes PCRIODICAL-, Referativayy zhurnal. Avtoiltiatika i radioelclccrouiha, ao.11, 1961: 3, abstract IL G20 (Tr. energ. in-ta, no. 34, 323..334) TEXT. T'L-;e diffusion of Ba and Sr through tlie ox-ide layer from the core of the cathode and layer surface was Uivestigated, taking inuo account che non-uniformity of the I-a,, rer det-;ifti, 7 and i. t s porous stracture and using radioactive tracers arid micrz)ton'? slicin Investication of the dif'-,-'Zision curves leads to a conclusion tha-1- least two procas3es are responsible for transportation of b,:,rium~ The first, a comparatively slow process, is responsible fiDr trans- porration of i~,ios~ of the metal by diffusion through the. crystalline structare of (BaSOO, The second is a more rapid r)T-,-)CeSS corLnected Card 1/2 KALIBERDA, V.14., kand. sellskokhoz. nauk; SULIMOVSKIY, I.G., kand. sellsko- khoz. nauk; RJKHANIKO, Ye.P.; LOGVINENKO, V.A., agronom; KOVALENKO, A.P.; PODGORlTYY, P.I., prof. zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki Ukrainskoy SSR; FEDOTOV, V.A.Y aspirant; KURBATOV, I.D., agronom; KOZEYEV, V.I.; SHCHETINDT, A.I.; KORCHAGITI, V.A.J. kand. sellskokhoz. nauk; SOGURENKO, V.P.; KOSTROV, K.A., kand. sellskokhoz. nauk; DULYA, F.M.; SHERSTNEV, N.F., aspirant Crops preceding winter crops in various zones. Zemledelie 27 no.7: 26-45 il 165. (AURA 18:7) 1. Ukrainskaya sellskokhozyaystvennaya akademiya (for Kaliberda). 2. Odesskiy sellskokhozyaystvennyy institut (for Sulimovskiy). 3. Odesskaya oblastnaya sellskokhozyaystvennaya opytnaya stantsiya (for Bukhanlko). 4. Kolkhoz imeni Kirova, Marlinskogo rayons. Do- netskoy oblasti (for Logvinenko). 5. Donetskaya oblastnaya sellsko- khozyaystvennaya opytnaya startsiya (for Kovalenko). 6. Voronezhskiy sellskokhozyaystvennyy institut (for Fedotov). 7. Alekseyevskoye rayonnoye proizvodstvennoye upravleniye sellskogo khozyaystva, Bel- gorodskoy oblasti (for Kurbatov). 8. Bezenchukskaya sellskokhozyayst- vennaya opytnaya stantsiya (for Korchagin). 9. Direktor Bykovskoy opytnoy stantsii bakhchevodstva (for Sogurenko). 10. Mordovskaya sellskokhozyaystvennaya opytnaya stantsiya (for Kostrov). 11. Direktor sovkhoza "Khleborobnyy", Smolenskogo rayona, Altayskogo kraya (fur Dulya). 12. Altayskiy sellskokhozyaystvennyy institut (for Sherstnev). SHERSTM, N.M. - 1"~ :I,- - Studying causes of wall cave-ins. Azarb.neft.khos. 35 -,10.8: 6-8 Ag '56. (MLRA 9:10) (Oil well drilling) (Petroleum engineering) PROTASOV, G.N., kand.tekhn.nauk; SHIMSTNEV, N.M., inzh. Study of causes of caving in wells and preventive methods. Trudy AzNII DN no-5:7-23 157 iPetroleum engineering) (KMA 12:4) PROTASOV, G.N., kand.tekhn.nauk; RUSTMMEKGV, G.F., inzh.; BABATX7, N.B., inzh.; SHMST-NEV, N.M., inzh. Consolidated data on well sinking in the Kura Lowland and recom- mendations for increasing drilling rates and lowering the coat of drilling operations in the Kyarovdag field. Truyd AzWIT DR no-5: 24-68 '57. (MIRA 12:4) (Kura Lowland-Production methods) SHER TNIKV, N.M., inzh. FAffect of the chemical treatment of clay-base fluids on the peptization resistance of c1V rocks. Tru(kv AzNII DR no-5:101-120 157, (KERA 12:4) (Oil well drilling fluids) (Clay) the .,:t',itly oi* 1-ndslide tiAer LcloloEi cx, colicliulolvis. ,_/C TM )f 'T 1 L:jjk~j- )n USSR. Order AM SOV/92-58-11-7/36 AMORS: Sherstnevy N.M.) Engineer and Petrosyan N.M., Chief of the Pro- c ical Section of a Drilling Office TITLE: Selection and Consumption of Drill Bits (0 podbore i raskhode burovykh dolot) PERIODICAL: NeftYanik., 1958s, Nr 11, PP 8-10 (USSR) ABSTRACT: According to this article the drilling speed depends on the proper selection of the bit vhich is to be used for perforating a particu- Ur formation. V.1. Tarasevich and N.N. Yadulayev devoted their study to the question of hov much the depth at vhich wells are drilled at the Apsheron peninsula affected the per bit footage. Tarasevich came to the conclusion that the per bit footage changes with the drilling depth., and that this change has either a linear or a hyperbolic character. On the other hand., the analysis of Yadulay-ev led to the conclusion that this change has a parabolic character, and that the folloving equation can be used to determine how much the depth affects the per bit footage: L = Ank (1) Card 113 14(5) Seleation and Consuq?tion of Drill Bits s ov/qc,_,- 58 -1-1- 71/3 6 Where L is the depth., n the number of bits., A - -the coefficient,, and k the exponent. The analysis of the used bits has confirmed the above-mentioned dependenne and is shown by graphs in Fig. 1. It is based on the experience of using different bits in drilling the formations at the Prikurinsk depression. This depend-en;ic ~.ar_ be characterized as follows: for bit No 10 L 4:,.8 ~& JL22 (2) 12 L 297 : ".632 R .8 h) 14 L 150 f, 3 k. Therefore in order to determine ho-o much the drill~,ng depth affe:t-s the per bit footage it is necessary to take into account,, among other factors, the size ofthe bit. As a rule: the hardness of tbe rockIncreases with depth., but other factors also affect tectonics of formation as well. The authors analyzed the material relating to bits after they had been used for drilling veUs at the Ryurovdag platform. The result of this analysis is shown in Table 1. Card 2/3 14(5) Selection and Consumption of Drill Bits SOV92-58-11-7/36 The parabolic dependence of curves in Fig. 2 and 3 is confirmed and can be indicated by the following equation- n 1.8 . jo-6 2.14 (5) n 7.5 . 10-6 1.897 (6) In view of the varying hardness of rocks it is advisable to apply equations (5) and (6) for determining the number of bits needed to drill wells at the Fyurovdag platform. Moreover, the selection of bit Lutters is also a factor of importance. In Table 2 the authors show the number of bits needed to drill a vell as deter- mined by the equation (6). In Table 3 the authors specify the percentEge of sand and clay in formations of various horizons of the above-mentioned platform. There are 3 figum-s and 3 tables. ASSOCIATIOIT: Otdel bureniya AzNII i koatora bureniya tresta AzZ4NP (The AzM Drilling Section, and the Production and Technical Section of the AzM Trust) Card 3/3 SU"UTIN, A.S.; SHYMBRYI-IL& Lowering of hydrostatic pressure in wells when drilling through highly absorptive horizonso Aserb. neft. khoz- 39 to.6:11-14 is 16o. (KIRA 13:10) (E~rdrostatics) SHERSTNEV N21T., PROTASOV, G.N.; ASKEROV, K-A- Possibility of using weighting agents. no.6:14-16 Je '61. Azerb. neft. khoz. 40 (IvJIU 14:8) (Oil well drilling fli~ds) - i I KASUM-ZADE, D.S.; YADULLAYEV, N.N.- SHERSTNEV, N.M.; ASKEROV, X.A.; DASHDAHIROV, F.A.; BAGIRY P . . Analysis of the performance of reduced-dis, ter bits and the effectiveness of their use in the area of the Darwink-More Shoal. Azerb.naft.khoz. 40 no.12:23-26 D 161. (MIRA 15:8) (Apsheron Archipelogo-Oil well drilling, Submarine) RUSTAMBEHOV, A.F.; KASUHI-ZADE., D.S.; YADULIAYEV, N.S.; ASKEROV, A.G.; SHERSTNEV:, N.M. - i-- "..I. - Practices in drilling vells of a simplified structure under complex geologicai conditions in the Kyanizadag area. Azerb. neft. khoz. 42 no.1:16-18 Ja 163. (MIRA 16:10) (Azerbaijan-Oil well drilling) SEIT,IRZA, ILK.; SEERSTNEV, N.M.; YADULLAYEV, NJI.; KHACHAMOV, A.I. Effect of the magnetization of a drilling tool on the occurrence of complications. Burenie no.11:12-11, 164. (MIRA 18:5) 1. AzNllbu.rneft'. KASUM-ZADE, D.S.- YADnLAYEV, N.N.; SHERSTNEV,,.~.M.; DZHALILOV, N.M.; Ir .,SYPIN, S.-B. Is - talyzing the performance of bits and turbodrills -4n the. Ky-urovdag area, Sbor. nauch.-tekh. Inform. Azerb. inst. naunh,teWn. inform. Ser. Neft. prom. no.606-41 163. (MITRA 3 8. 9) SHERSTNEVI N.M.; ASKEROV, A.G.z RA3IINDV, N.A. I - I Water permeability of clay coatings. Sbori nauchl-tekh, inform. Azerb. inst. nauch.-tekh. inform, Ser. Neft4 prom. nd.6:86-94 163. ~(MIRA 18:9) --,jHFF,,TNlN, N.M,; DI-IMSPIKO, G.Ya.; eituvioc,-,, -ci.,N. Using hydrocyclones for rf--movJng sand and horings Crom light.. weight muds. Sbor. nauch.-tekh. inform. Azerb. Inst. nauch.- tekh. inform. Ser. Neft. prom. no.6:68-78 163. (MIRA 18,9) SHERSTNZV, N.V. Now labor conditions in Pechora Basin mines. U901' 33 no.9:3-5 S '58. (MIRA 12:1) l.Deputat Verkhovnogo Soveta, SSSR, nachal'nik kombinata Vorkatugoll (Pechora Basin--Goal mines and mining) KHOKEILOV, Ivan Vasillyevichi sasluzhennyy deyatell nauki i tekhniki Komi ASSR; TNEV, Nikolay Vasillyevich. inzh.; FXDANOV, Vladimir Petrovich, inzh., ze-91u__zheniijj_deyate'l' nauki i tekhniki Komi ASO; ZAYTSEV, Sergey Ivanovich. inzh.; 'MR IRTANYV, A.G.,; OKHRIMENKO, V.A., red.izd-va; SABITOV, A., [Mining of Pechora Basin coal deposits] Razrabotka ugollnykh mestorozhdenii Pechorskogo basseins. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po gornomu delu, 1960. 289 p. (MIRA 13:12) (Pechora Basin--Coal mines and mining) BUZHEVICH., G.A.,, kand.tekhn.nauk; SMWMAM, B.G., prof., red.; CHERKINSKAYA, R.L,, red.izd-va; SHEHSTI&Vk,,_11A,_,,_ [Studies,of coarse-pored concrete based on porous aggregates] Issledovanlia po krupnoporistomi betony na poristykh zapolniteliakh. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit..materialam, 1962. 129 P. (Akademiia stroitellstva i arkhitektury WSR.' Institut betona i zholezobetona., Perovo, nOoU). (MIM 15: 8) 1. Deystvitel'W chlen Akademii stroitelistva i arkhitektury, SSSR (for Skramtayev). (Lightweight concrete) DYRIII, T.Ye.;,SHERSTNEV, V.P.; STARSTS, R., red.; ANISDtOVA, R., [machinery and electric industries of Tajikistan] Mashino- stroltellnais I elektrotakhnichaskaia promyshlennost' Tadshiki- atana. Stalinabad, Tadzhikgosisdat, 1961. 34 p. (MIRA 14:2) (Tajikistan--4(achinery industry) (TajikiBt8n-Rlectric industries) SBPATIR, A.M.-; (Moskva) Speed up the introduction of practical widths in fabrics manufacture. Shveinopromo no-5:8"10 S-0 160& (MIRA 13:12) (Textile fabrics) On,.the Influence Produced by Garnosin Upon 20-119-4-34/6o Phosphorylation Promesses in iduscular Tissue title in the case not only of healthy animals, but also of animals suffering from tumors. He hoped to observe any diffiarences between the phosphorus-carbohydrate- exchange of the muscles of healthy and of ill animals. This could be essential for the understanding of the phenomena of malignant proliferation. Skeleial muscles of healthy rabbits and of rabbits affected by a Broun- -Pirs tumor (Brown-Pierce?), as well as of healthy rats and of rats with an MOP tumor, furthermore the tissue of the latter and the cardiac muscular tissue of rabbits served as experimental material. The experiments of these results (table 1) confirmed the data of Severin and others (reference 3) that carnosin accelerates the estering of inorganic phosphorus and the oxygen absorption by the atheroma-tous muscle. The author obtained, however, somewhat devia-ring resuitss 1) The fluctuations of the pH- -values between 7 and 8 cause considerable changes of the last mentioned processes. 2) Carnosin does not exercise immediate influence upon tbe Lnitensity of respiration Gard 2/4 and phospli-ol7latiaa. The acceleration. of these on the Influence Produced by Carnosin Upcn 20-119-4-1341/60 Phosphorylation Processes in Muscular Tissue PRESENTED: Decrember 2. 1957, by K. M. Bykov, blember, Academy of Sciences,USSR SUBMITTED: April 209 1957 Card 4/4 :3yii "lies 13 iri tl.~it~ t L;ic W~. 3t-3c--~Aoristrl Crjn~,ressj- or I SHERSTNEV) Ye.A.; KURILENOK~ G.V- Effect of boron on the content of free amino acids and on the incorporation of C14-tyrosine into the proteins of the sunflower. Bat. zhur. 49 no.5-.699-702 My 164. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Botanicheskiy institut imeni V.L. Komarova AN SSSRJ, Leningrad. 'I.Fl,.*~ SHERSTNEV ve.A. .1 . - thesls of free j- Gcm-positlon and L simficuer Fiziol.rast. 12 no.4:618-L"~21. J-L-Ag 165. (MIRA 18t'L2) 1. Botlanicheskiy institut imerli V.L.Komarova AN SSSR, Leningrad. SubmiLtted Octob-1- 15, 1964. 737JSMIANOV, B.H.; Using electronic zero-indicators for some laboratory experiments in electricity. Trudy UI 29:105~-108 155. (Vr,'RA 10:6) (Blectronic instr eats) SHERSTNEV2 Ye.A. - KMILENOK, G.V. Effeat of boron on the incorporation of adnenin" 24 into the -1-bonuclaie acid of sunflower leaves and roots. Dokl. AN SSSR 142 no.5s1201-1202 F t62. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Botanicheskiy institut im. V.L.Komarova AN SSSR. Predstavleno, a-kademikom A.Z.Oparinym, (Plantsp Effect of boron on) (Nue.leic acid metabolism) SHERSTNEVA , A. Kola Valley - Fur Farming On the shores of the Kola. Sov. zhen. No. 5, 1952. 9. Monthl List ol' Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, December 1952 X;U , Uncl. SHERSTNEVA, D.T., arkhitelftor In the nof Thi.,rn district of Novyye Cheremashki. Gor.khozJbsk. 35 no.7-1.5-19 J1 161. (IMU 14:7) (MOSCOW-C.-Ity planning) KMYAVITSKIY, G.Ya.; LIEHEVSKAT-A,.A.P.; ALEKSEUNKO, Z.H.; ANTSIMOV, D.P.; SVECBXMVA, L.f.; DMITRITEVA, V.I. -,'SHERSTIMVA. N.A.; POPOVA, Ye.V.; MGMEY, N.Y., red.'; GRISMMUV, B.G., [Economy of Stavropol Territory; a statistical manual] Harodnoe khoziaietvo Stayropollskogo kraia; statisticheakii abornik. Krasnodar, Gositatisdat, 1959- 310 P. (KIRA 13:6) 1. Stavropol'skiy kmy. Statistichaskoye uprayleniye. 2. Sta- tisticheskoye upravleniye Stavropol'skogo kraya (for Kudrysvitski7, Linchevskaya, AlekseyeWw, AntsiferOT, Svechkareva, Dmitriyeva, SherstneTa, PopoTa). 3. Naohallnik Statisticheskogo upravlaniya StaTropollskogo kraya (for TSogoyev)a (Stavropol Territory--Statistics) STRAS11-YEH, V.P., red.izd-va; N.V. [Instruction f'or thne use of' silica-ze tzi-nts in con, stnaction -I Instru.ktsiia po primeneniiu silikatnykh krasok v stroitell- stve, Moskva, Gosstroiizdat, 1963. 8 p. (MIU 17:1) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvennyy kordtet po delam stroitel'stva. (Fainting, Industrial--Equipment and supplies) L_ Pha4ocytosis :~f-"ect Of Clj',MjC:,Ll Ln' -11CCtric narcosl,3 on phagocytosis, Arkiii7 vit., 1",, No. 2, 1952. _j~ c~f Thls~,an Access4ons, Library of Conpress, October 1952, Uxalassified. Mo.,it'-l,v LL19 - - SHERSTNEVA, O.S. Relation of the Dhagocytic reaction of leukocytes to their cnrbohydrate metabolism. [with summary in English]. Biul.eksp. biol. i mod. 45 no.3:67-69 Mr'58 (MIRA 11:5) 1. Iz kafedry normnllnoy fiziologii (zav. -prof. A.A. Zubkov) Kishinesvkogo meditsinskogo instituta. Predstsivlena deystvitellnym chlenom A14N SSSR V.11. Chernigovskim. (PHAG001YTOSIS, effect of drugs on, glucose & insulin (Rua)) (GLUCOSE. effects on Dhngocytosis (Rua)) (INSULIN, effect snme) SHERSTNEVA, O.S. Phagocytic activity of leukocytes in experimental diabetes and radiation sickness, Biul. eksp. biol. med. 47 no-5:56-60 My '59. (MIU 12:7) 1. Iz kafedry normalluoy fiziologii (zav. - prof, A.A. Zubkov) Kishinevskogo meditsinskogo institata. Predstavlena deystvitel"Iwm chlenom AMN SSSR V. N. Chernigovskim). (DUBMW MKINUS, exper. phagocytosis in irradiated animals (Rus)) (RADI&TIONs, eff. phagocytos is in diabetic irradiated animals (Ibm)) (PHA.GOGYTOSISO in diabetic irradiated animals (Ras)) m SHERSTNEVA, O.S. Dependence of the phagocytic activity of leukocytes on their respiratory phosphorylation. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 50 no.7:64-66 JI 160. (MIRk 14:5) 1. Iz k&fedry normallnoy fiziologii (Zav. - Prof. A.A.Zubkov) Kishinevskogo meditsinskogo instituta. Fredstavlena deystvitellr~ym chlenom MiN SSSR V.V. Parinym. (PHAGOCYTOSIS) (LEUKOCYTES) SHERST14EVA O.S Effect of continuous lowering of metabolic energy in the focus of the infliumation on the course and morphological picture of experimental aseptic inflaumtion. Zdravdokhranenie 4 no-5:3&- 42 S-0 161. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Iz kafedry V~rmallnoy fiziologii (zav.'Vrof. A.A.Zubkov) Kishin~vskogo maditsinskogo instituta. (VWLAMMATION) (METABOLISM) ALFEROVA*, L.A., k,'~d.tekhn.nauk; BONDAREVA, T.N.;,_PHI~RSTNEVA, V.A., inzh.; NANSKAYA, L.N., inzh.; GUSHCHINA, L.I. Amount of acid waters formed in th.,3 -,~:anufacture of falutY acids. Masl.-zhir.prom. 29 no.11:40-43 N 163. (~Um 16:12) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut vodoanabzheniyap kanalizatsii, gidrotekhnicheskikh sooruzheniy i inzhenernoy gidro- logii Akade-,nii stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Alferova, Bondareva)* 2o Volgodonskoy filial Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-igsl-2dova- tel'skogo i proyektnogo instituta sinteticheskikh zhirozameniteley (for Sherstneva, Ivanskaya, Gushchina). CHERfTAKHINJ, N.A.; SHERSTNYAKOV, V.F. Possible errors in determining .bome exploitation indices Aeld studies. Neft. khoz. 39 no.2:51-54 F 161. (MIRA 17:2) ~,C SHERSTNYAKOV, V.F.; KARPOV, V.P. I Two mthods for solving the equations of the flow of bubble point oil. Nauch.-tekh. abor. po dob. nefti no.16:8-13 162. (MIRA 15:0) 1. Vsesoy4znyy neftegazovyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy insti-tut. (Oil reservoir engineering) SHERLSTVAIKOV, ~,.F.; KHARCHEMKO, V.M. T_Vea~jgatin.z- the flooding of live crude. Nauch.-tekh, I 'n , - - sr,cr.po aob.nefti no, 18i42-48 162. (baRA 17.-6) SHERSTITYAKOV, V.F.; BOKSERMAIN, A.A. --- ------ -, Volumetric elasticity of bubble-point oil. Nauch.-tekh. sbor. po dob. nefti no.21:30-33 163. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Vsesoyuznyy neftegazovyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut. SHIERSTINYAKOV, Vlw~ A D~?t-irminlng phatm permeabiliti-s Irom flald data. Ilaach, tekh-sbor,co dob,nefti no. 18i36-42 162. (?,URA 17:6) SHERSTNYAKOV, V.F. Equations for the development of oil fields tgider composite conditions. Nauch.-tekh. sbor. po. dob. nefti no.24:74-79 164. (I~MU 17: 10) 1. Vsesoyuzny,.r neftegazovyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut. drive Zo 'ile th'30_-Y Of nef ti ll,~stbil_!t'Y G: ar'T'V~I- Sbor. r0 aoO- 'nn~-.J Oil. f!'TT' 17:12) t1re gas j- ~je of ~ni fl.~-- 15-70 nc t i r-ut neftelaLlsc ) V. LISUNOV V.R.; &),'-I'-':IKOV, V.K.; 'C' i.A.: KFORISHKC), S.T.; SHERSTKYAFIDIIA, L.G. 04 (--ld o" ~;cols developed fo~ a lonc perod o' time on the or ;S~-nlogical field data. Trudy VNiI tio.43:3-10() 165. 11 (MIRA 18:6)