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"Aii ric ~or a Flane - - : . ~ . - . i ~ - . . a -I-,- . -, .1 - `- - ~, :'0 - I -.. 1. -_: - ~ - ~ . ... . - .. - - - - ''-' .7 , ~ -.- . I -n 0 " 0~, P-1--le , I ! , ~ 1. . I I - -. :--.- I - ?I I - - - N P- E-S-" 27, :*o ~-, -1 - - - . - - . - - -- - - - - , , I - . 1. 1 . !,A ~, ~ I'.,,-, -~;- "':r; Dol- A"; S~--,.') 5 l'0 it, 1, 1 ) A~* .1 - I -, af ti i e E I a s t i ct- T - L.,.eory 6-4 .1-1-.11 ~.. ~. ct--*,)n of a Clas;. of Prol-ile-7-z- or tLe Inter-ral Equation of .Ire,-~.-,.)'-,~," A';.' 32, :."o 1,-,L1 A., ~: ~ 1--. 11 -1 - _."t ,,.-. "ConcerninE, Certain Prcblt7.-ms of' the Static Theory of' Flasticit,; for the Half-Space ~z_ e7 and for Two Interconnected Falf-Spaces Z_z e7 with Different Elastic Pro.perties.11 Iz. Ak. " T Nauk SSSR, Ctdel. Tekh. ~'auk, .10. 9, 1945. Submitted 7 Jan 194c. .j Report U-15182, 6 Dec 1951. 6 Wbie__;~7oF e eq -BUIL r Acad. S& URSS. Sk. -~:_Math.llz~~a AW Nauk T, SSSR]9,357-362(194S). ~(RiWapi. Rri li3fi g summary) Let S be alinite pland ddinain'Whok bounda~ry.Ledrisists- 7 Of a finite number of ebied f curved a. continuous cu ture., The author congders the -Oroblem of d6i"ining, a-fulic,60'a- ' rmonic if L ~ ii diff&endil u(x, y) hn in S a d, . satis ying on condition of the'- form a(S)04/Ox+6(S)dU/dY+C($) f(s) , or more genaally or tfie-form, ft _k E tads), Whc'e aib) ind f(41* r !Ir,6 suitably -estrictid fi=6604 bf"the are length;~ lie re'duces. theivol I i1 uttoniof.a~,,- Cris A6 te %0l FruAtolfil e-flitntion. -.E-,p B M-11 Source: Vatlirmw.,- hical Reviews L7 a~f 1 Source: D. to-tt'alit' tents of dory of pot. pr6b 11161h ,ffft~di. MitiOr .- E_ R Nkkdij 9 479-498 JVMS)~ (16u,"jan.- -mg is I stfirl, Z_~ I jlic ~~jw mi; ill I'l ir A n - t le i tj iNO n I PI Y, J*.Of I I li~O'Mt- ftidw S' ikk: W- Ilir ar! ~lx satimim the tibluid ilditi6li qi~ji the Col'itilitiolisly Ciliv, l'bounda E 0(7s'caw )C IOU oil sqlatim of-ah ~qtiWent Fit(flicilm eqoition.-Msit~,-_: as tli~ ing al(i) +61~3) i all'A'n - two'.'Caws atco"llng'(10 9 Whether in the 6(s)_. the-, fwicti6i w(s) increaw's,by -a,-ftGnj"ltl.vk.'of Dyl_v tm*lve - Milltiple of 2r wheii 66-Coptaut L is desedbed-bil'Ce'lill Ahe e I e Imun ary-vi ul~ pro lein In the fi rst ca�c t t d I s SOU-tim- iii the ftoh.~ ~second.iasc~ &,rc trivial'solutions (if, the homoge"Cons prPtilck PoillC.-rA- 9 m it C By'thp. mine mettiml Went w wi~ th': p . T mAUqtwq.Aq. so are- cc !a AL _qih 114 7,~,`j~,_ 'mc T I V61 C., - T In--t-itute of !-mechanics, Academy of Sciences, TISSR. "Concernin- One Case of Variation of an I Elastic Ealf-Space.ll Iz. Ak. *Iauk SSSSR, Gtdel. Tekh. "auk, No. 10-11, 1945. Submittlea 16 Jul 1945. Report U-1582, 6 Dee 13/51. a c t ~j i i o f -1cU]j; ~-IV(3:S Acad Sc' )r t IC;, .2- -'LJ oC the vector co,..-on-~.nts o~ a jqj~" USSR/Mathematics i?eb 1946 Potential theory "The General Problem of the Potential Theorem, D. I. Sherman, 14 pp "-Izv Ak Nauk Ser Mat" Vol X, No 2 Determination of a function u(x,y) harmonic in a finite (simply or multiply connected) domikin S in the plane z = x-t iy, satisfying certain conditions on the boundary L of S. 13T94 -- N/4 Sher -1- m aq~71)- - ts on:tke,-bo'u'nd' Ut he--.n'icdiuifi. Appl. Math. Mech.-CAk-ad. Nauk- '.WSR. Mech"I 10, 617--622 (1946).- (Russiam ~ 16itdislk stinf_- mary) the multiply~cnllnecwx do'- The clastic lovditt"I fills .1 r, I maill S ill tht. col"ll-plex planv houndmi by lionintemling ationsarssing 1e: kCt*.'_ t lollq ill the homidary derivaliv,L-. if tilt! It) III%- st)[110111i tif a eTvItIfills ' u it 11 kerliO., coll(aillilig.the (r e(juvilcyk-of (W~(*ill. t I_~trv_ solsk it sivattwtif-so f I-111olls _rA -orl t A C) .4 v I 1. Review J W. D. I. FA 15T7 USSR/Oscillations - Theory Feb 107 Mathematics, Applied "The Dirichlet and Neuman Problems in the Theory of H Steady Oscillations, D. I. Sherman, 8 pp "Prik Mate i Mekh" Vol XI, No 2 Reduction of the problems of the multi-com-,ected domain to the Fredholm. equations, vhich cliffer somewhat from the hitherto knovn integral equations for the same problems and make possible 6Lirect establishment of the existence of the solution. 15TT PA 5BT5'2 um/ftviog bky 1947 Vibration Mathmation, Applied "Several Particular Cases of a Gieneral Piablem in the Theory of Vibrations)" D. I. Sherman, Inat Mechanics, Acad Sci USSR, 4 pp "Dok Akad Nauk ssm, iwova ser" vol Lvi, No 6 Contains number of mathematical formules designed to .]prove that for =y function Lk (IL, ?L) satisfying the equation A t4 - Vk = o A) zt Re&~' f V(S' A) E 0,0)" 01 miii; unctida Vt an -1 j. sre~ e teftnin botind 110) ~O J.: OP, (if ) Win L a .0 VIM +44,Y) +M0 VZO) +15h'M +10), i'!.%Rez)~_~l n~Za Akad Nauk 1948, 1371-1388 (1948). (Russian) The paper contains a solution of them foltowhig..two- on where or and-k-am constants-determineri-byAqtW dimen- 7t sional elaaic problem. A Ong hollo'vr pn*sma'tic~bbdr*hose'-t-~"~~~("th '-niediumn sectiod Sy a plame normal to the axis of the prism is a squarv along -y. The author reduces the problem (by meati- of (wiLh rounded comers) with a circular hole at the center of analytic continuation) to the determination of only two the square, is shrink-fitted on a solil circular shaft. The futictions v(z) and O(z), analytic in the region S', + St, a f elastic propertie-S of the shaft are identical with those af the the form prism, and the lateral surface nf the prism is free of stress. What is the state of stress in the member so formed? If V00 __Z~; 0(s) =dtl the boundary of the square in the (x, y)-plane is L, and that 2vt L 4-S Tn fr. z of the circular hole is y, the solution of the problem, follow- ing Muscheligvili, reduces to the search for four functions where ~Q) satisfiei a certain ira*a1-diffmn6A eq: u a_686 j. and bars denote co-okigate v ~dues. The solution of the fdttdr~ pj(z) and Oi(s) (j = 1, 2) of a complex variable a, x+iy,, equation- is obtainedin elqrmof~. te~sene!;~-__61_'. th Mai _A-~ is&i_b~u~o- ~ - anli . - analytic in the regions Sj, where SL is a7dou_bly~connectted - I - ti , 6f ~th - tress % n of normal 'Is' along Iri. cu a e d region bounded by L and y and 56 is the circular region contained in -the paper, iHda&at6 the pract[cal MAU"e_ 4- ihe- bounded by -f. function-theoretic *methods of solution of elastic -blenis~, pro L S. So AneesXAHO.- 4: PA7U`1'4 5 U /RDginsering may 1948- Wing Theory Mathematics, Applied "The Prandtl Equation in the Theory of a Wing of Mite Span," D. I. Sherman, Inet of Mach, A-cad Sci USMt-, 6 pp "Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Otdol Tekh Nauk" No Presents solutions rcEr Prandtl'a integral differential singular equation for case vhen function 1)(X) is rational. Also presents approximate method for solving #e equation which will hold true for any value of the function b(x). Submitted 2 Fab 1948. 76T45 M Oj E- Sep 48 Stresses *The Tension States in Some Pressed Parts," D. I. Sherman) Mech Inst, Aced Sci USSR, 18 pp "1z Ak Naak SSSR, Otdel Tekh Naukn No 9 A hallow prismatic body whose section is a plane perpendicular to its axis, Is of qaadrate shape. weakened by a symetrically located circular hole and by mounting on a solid circular shaft. TIghtness of fit is given. Elastic properties of both bodies are considered identical. Lateral sur- face of the prismatic body is assumed to be free 14 USSR/Enginsering (Contd) Eep 48 from external forces. Calculates stress distri- bution In body. Concludes 'by consIdering cnae, when elastic properties oL' parts are not identical. Submitted 8 Mar 48. 1k /41T,23 En Ni ,. ~)C)I;IC- ~ , J--, "Ic of - U-ntlal Prik. :~'.at. i .~elr.,il. 3 I - J-. _ . - - i - - .3 1 .. t o'c ff 12 J, :. o " Ic'; 1. -~Y ~4 -Inst. OL', :,.Ccil. A" ~ 11 ~I ; 1- " t kgerman, D. 1. On thods of solving certain ringular Specifically, it is assumed that AI(t) has ii simple zero 'at , me , I intearal eouation.Q. Akad- Nauk SSSR. Prikl. Mat. Aleh. I - cr (on L) and the coefficients am analytic at t=a (the 12. 423-452 (1948). (Russian) latter condition can be lightened). It is shown that a reduc- This is a study off Systems of the form tion to regular Fredholin. equatians. is lxmible and that (1) has 'a - ititio f,~j(j- 1 .2) S h I so 0 - cant nuous- a L Suc resu t9 - are extended to systems (k - 1. 2), where L is a simple, closed. "smooth" curve (in (2) F. the coriplex Planf! of s-r+,Y), bounding a finite simpl)- ~nna t -i- V 'h. 4.;jU) are the-unka -aftd- thie --- I : b 7 a4l - iiei assigniA All 1 suitably diffirenkla int~lrala- are in the sense of principal values. On letting (and the coefficients) are HdIder an Z in- - ti in to. r~ttd :am cij - a*j - 6,141 - aq+bij, one forms determinants A, -I analytic at the point (a =a. at which at has a zero of 111tilti- (dj) The extensive literature relating to equations of plicity in. The system (1) is also studied when the atj. bq are type (1), and of other similar typeii, is largely concerned constants and L is an open arc. IV. J. Trjazinsky. with transft-anations into regular Fredholm equations of the second kind. when A,, A, (or other analogous functions) are distinct from zero on L. One of the -10vel features of this work is that one of the determinants is allowed ti vanish at some points of L _(the other one is assumcd.not 0 on L). Sourcet Mathe m. tic*! Reviews. Vc," I Q N0.3 -4 Beapa -Stress'Analyale Theory of Elasticity "One To,-vion Wo'blem," D- 1. Sherman, Inat of M6ch, Acad Sel USSR" 4 pp "Dok Ak Nauk SSM* Vol U11I, No5 Wives azathod to solve special probMeme In thi theory of elasticity and hydrodynamics relating to torsion and currature in hollow prism-shaped 'biams, the cross'seatio'ns of ifkicb are areaB*vlth ftuble connections, problems in the theory of elasticity for simi'la areas, and, other problem 5-5/49T83 UM/Pbysics (Contd) Doc 48 Including the more general case where an ellipse, iiq placed asynmietrically with regard to *a ciz-4e. Sabmitted by Aead L. S. 34Vybenzbn'lh Oct 48. ' ~ .55/49T83 SHEPMAN, D. 1. USSR/Engineering - Mechanics Sep/Oct 49 Elasticity "Theory of Steady Vibrations of a Medium. for Given External Forces on Its Boundary," D. I. Sherman, Moscow Inst of Mach, Acad Sci USSR, 4 pp "Prik Mat i Mekh" veil XIII, No 5 Discusses steady vibrations of an elastic medium filling a finite simPlY connected region lying in the complex plane vhen effective external forces are acting upon the curve bounding the region. Submitted:11 May 46. h c-r-tit PA 149T42 7777777- f - . - .- --f- -,~ ~F-, -m.,~ -IN 7, Somme -PrIamms -hollow-- bo&ft -44 u"aa E". ik 6A 7-, o W pp~Ta Wk -chIculai h6le~ r1 d 2j Copcentrivoil lar t ral ~Tle bais .- n ar- -I-- b jx-~lcflng an tht - - 'r-. T-W6-pm cms,-. , ~Covju so v y C, -qu I t con DAMA i~appiig,~,. hk~ t,0-1th hai the dbiss&j i6n is W h a-i trinsidembf6difficfity.,The met by O"PT(IM)f Ahiese R6,, Ik65-tI.-A. btamed ftr~m ii-d'- ""461-1- the exp6 j~-jO;-th~ T 0 CoMP T4 ~KIOC20-rw Cum- sirrmAU, D. T. USSR/Physics - Mechanics Elasticity 15BT97 Yfar/Apr 50 "Problem of Conformal Reflection," M. Z. ~.','arodetskiy, D. I. Sherman, %-scow, 0' pp "Priklad Matemat i Mekh" Vol XIV, No 2 Gives approximate, but sufficiently effective, solution of problem of conformal reflection, in a doubly connected regi,.-)n S in the complex z-plane against a circular ring. Submi-tted 31 Dec 49. - 158197 0 ~F LMan-D.L Toralougtan Him jjUde sWeiredwith a circular rod. 10, 81408 (1951). ( ussian) A detailed solution of Saint-Venant's torsion problem is given for a homopneous and isotropic elliptical beun -rein- A circulaj-'rod. The rod is welded onto the c*y* linder Mathematical ROViews forced by * I * along the lateral surface, and the axes of the iod and beath Vol. 15 No. 4 coincide. This is a ge'neralization of -the 'Corresponding tor-' Apr. 1954 sion problem for an elliptical beam weakened by a cylindrical Mechanics cavity, solved by D. 1. -Seman and M. Z. 146rodeckil [same Sbornik 6, 1~-46.(1950); these ev. 13, 886 1. S. Sokolnikoff (Los Angeles, Ca.lif,.),?, USSR/Physics - Stresses in Plates May/Jun 51 "Stresses in a Ponderable Half-Plane Weakened by Two Circular Apertures," D. I. Sherman, Moscow) Inst Mech, Acad Sci USSR "Frik Matemat I Mekh" Vol XV, No 3, pp 297-316 Considers elastic isotropic and homogeneous half- plane possessing 2 openings circular in form which are sufficiently far removed from the margin. Cf. G. V. Kolosov's "Application of Complex Vrriables'to the Theory of Elasticity," 1935, Moscow, and N. I. Muskhelishvili's "Certain Basic Problems in the Math- ematical Theory of Elasticity," 1949, Moscow.& \,Espe- cial interest is in the stress near boundary cf.'aper- tures. Submitted 16 mar 51. - 180~ 5) 71C4 Mathematical Reviews Vol. 15 No- 4 Apr. 1954 146chani-Ics r, r &MM%/, D, L On stresses in a Wane heavy medl with two Identical symmetrically placed circular openings. Akad. Nauk SSSR. Priki. Mat. Meh. 15, 751-761 (1951). (Russian) A homogeneous and isotropic elastic material fills the semi-infinite triply-connected domain S, bounded by the non, straight line Le parallel to the X-axis, and by two intersecting circles Li'and L, with equal radii R. The ceiltern of the circles lie on the X-a3ds at a distance f from L The material filling S is acted on by a uniform gravitational force in the direction of the Y-axis, and the boundaries La, LI, Lz are free of external loads. A solution of this two-dimensional elastostatic problem, in the neighborhood of L, and L2, is' obtained under the hypothesis ihat R