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SH~-SHUKOVA--MULTSKAYA, V.S. Fossil diatoms of southern SAkhalin (marine Ileogene). Vest.WU 1-4 no-15:36-55 159. OURA 14:4) (Sakhalin-Diatoms, Fossil) SHESHUKOVA-PORETSKAYA, V.S. Diat,7-.;-L,~ of some peat bogs of the Baltic shore; the Estonian S.S.4--U. and Kaliningrad Provin8e. Uch. zap. LGU no.313:137-170 162, (MIRA 15:12) (Estonia-Diatoms) (Kaliningrad Province-Diatoms) GLEZER, Z.I. Diatow, Silicoflagellatas and Ebrildeae from Maikop sediments in the Shibik River; Krasnodar Territory. Uch. zap. LGU no.313:171-202 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1 1 (Shibik River-Algae, Fossil) 8HESHIJ-KQIjW-PORETSKAY-A. V.S. New and rare Baci-llariophyta from the diatom series of Sakhalin. Uch. zap. LGU n0-313:203-211 162. (MIRA 15:12) (Sakhalin-Diatoms, Fossil) SFESHULDI. G.I. Comnosition of pas-liouid inclusiDns in minerals of spodumene. no.9:6-t-79 16i. 0",111;~ 1,-!: 9) (Spodumene) (Pep7natitps) F' ZA 'TC.V ' S,-!ULIi-,. G.I.; ~-O.-LZAKOVI B.A. HE I L,S,,; SUDERKI", A.I.; 31 A.S. nauchrV,-y F.,d.; MT ~1`7KGVA, Ye.K., red. i zd-va; SE-MO~,A, tekhn. red. [Industi-fts --c,~:uirei-ents as to the quality of mineral raw inaterials-]TrebovaniiL pror:ys~.,lennosti k Jachestvu rare-all- nogo syrl-ia; spravocimil. dlia geologov. Vos1wa, Gosgeol- tekhizdat. 1,10-31[Fiezoelectric and optical rdnerals]Plezo- elektricheolcoo i optichesj',-.oc syi-le. Izd.2., perer. 1962. 46 p. (MIHA 15:10) 1. I-loscow. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut Ed- nerallnogo syrlya. (Quartz) (Iceland spar) (Fluorite) LI L K, fi, V IYrhe relation between ten percent and flash equilibrium distillation curves lot coal tar). S. Laid., and %I. &_,iulka Palila 35, *_'6:3-7(I!)"5).-Various articles dealif relation for crude oils have tycen publisht4l, but not for tar. 'I ar, - roa6 To renivily this situ, ti-Sn' U Varimi, and processes were investigated. A &~h ti.p. equil. disto. qpp. wus constructed, consisting 01: Cullst.-ternp. txltl' with mitt. of NaNO3 and KZ-103 salts in mol. ratio, clee. wixer, ' flash evaporator with thermometer oil top and also con- denser nith thermometer insert for liquid fractions. The bottom part contained 2 openings, one for 3-part spray i'" nozzles and the 2nd for removal of the nouliquid portion of tar. The results of Engler-type distri. were compared to flash evapa. A series of curves was.constructed showiii-- that -the middle point of Engler dista. was also the mater for flash equil. dista. curvU: From t4c slope of 10% distri. curves the,'slope of flash %tistu. curves was deLd. mathernati- iwq,s,[,'.!V, M.M,; I.T."Dvi-TEV, M.N,; FILIPPOV, P.I.; CIFIVILU, I.V.,-, SHE'Si~,NNCV, V. M. Recording of a Vavilov-Cherenlkov -adiaticn c-ne from isolated particles. Atom. energ. 12 no.5:412 My 162. (KRA 15: 5) (Cherenkev radiation) SHESHU40VA. V. Sheshtmova, V. (Exchanee of ExDerience) HelD in the work of the regionpl mInIng Insnect- ors of the Central Statistical Bureau, USSR. P. 61 SO: Herald of Statistics (Vestnik). No. 2, 1951 -SHESKIN, A. - I Tool for shpamening safety-razor blades. Ag '55. (MIRA 9:1) l.Starshiy inzhener proizvodstvenno-tekhnicheakogo uprarleniya, promsoveta Entonskoy SSR. (Razors) J los, t blr,~, top:ycli,, in Tuberc-l- is of M~,;c-tl rist L-. e r-, A ce ue - jr--:er -71 - Lar. Rot-orclets. i-v, ll)_4)t 'cr tnf~ of Car-di i.-jte in :-etiicril Sciences). �HFZKIN, Fj' KA., Conservative treatment in tub--rculaus epididymitis. Vrach. delo no.5;150-151 My 162. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Polik-linicheskoye otdeleniye 2-y bolinitsy Oktyabrlskogo rayona Kiyeva. (EPIDIDMAIS-TUBERCULOSIS) All' 11amit0v 'mAll III,- A. hv~I the 'I. I to". jaose* go 0 00969-0-0-0-6-wgi, - ~~ VW - . 016*660000090 4-41-4 -a fir W *a 00 19 3 b V X ?m 11 U I a ly f 114 I I - 110 1 A r a IF P A I I I I a. - -1 If __ti!_A!L1UVjUL9L I too "No relod POK111114f A* tilative "may" d Amerwa, at". Ju" uk Mwo- is W T ecau 10-20 f l h i imm M " Drka. VU. colotrime"k in it daruilicatim of U"um. 1. P. Alimarrin and A- Va.- Ing, O rp. e w t samp - fu~ with dissolve in V tranAler tile &go. JAb. 11, 141 mulalcil ark -1W i 64 Into an clertrolyzer curillf. fit I- the level -1 the aide tube With 4 111411VOrk (the cone" of free IIA) ju (h 4 9 . vir ffl . " m , I I Ito. A, J17, tile munpir i. h.lill tfucibIc Aitb 3 aifull- 411 IN&M. . e u n. . shostill be applyll. 11111octie the anolic fis the I u1ii, III l 1 1), beat an 4 %,141 ti drops of )I F and 6 drops Of I k crur" In as) M e ectrolyte fur IA-2.0 his. at Ill V. and O."As &$It P (raise the awk slishily 1 5 21) Ini" before th n4 f Vo a a AJ40-cf; t 1111 Itticell water tath to regulate I . . o e e 0 * electrically heated trismalvIt Cs block beat until 80. electrolysis and *&all list walls with a intAll quantity of water) n th I id h h d vapor" "Pror, rool the crucible Cra black, ail . pow o e t rung the stopcock into & ID-oll beaker W&A wi%,Ua' 1480 id ffi 00 I 3 4 (114414 (Of RAW, eviiiii. as liefurie AM 411111001" Ilse m . 'mu . 4. lm ctictit 11'%o. (I t 1) to the iuiln. (free Ifoill oVe kind Cf) to bring it.cunco see 00 it ; ttlits in I nil, of water. hearing #a a woof both. In , o APPros. 6% sail reduce as fullitissf: wash the inil-io. as S analyef, M pit life$, fuge tile mnpk In a Imirmwimtom , frilurthr twice with 5"' flit0t. Add to an KrIe""ityer zf Va rjtj:trtI crucihle with o.5 it. of K#SA. dissolve PorcelAin Or II dAA 11) (111. of (111. JffWj# (IIIS04 3 Parts. water I ptut) 100 0 01 , wj,l 3-4 dirtilm of 3% A, in 2 111). Of Nil -V~ ffl:k). ilit" 4 tell tU))e With It 1tr file Vilfl UA 111 anti 10 nil. Of 0-M A' CeNhil, connect the " to the. coo 00 , - 1 2.1111. of a took, wa,h the crucible several 111110 fethwoor. puts, C(h for Uk :XI milt. tit the rate 3 -3 bubble, ti l l j MPG *0 kith 'nuill 1.4 ti-Al, of 31-, if,'A).. juid lIvS0. to the tuark. ith that Of a sundard solo h l pour le 4amp e Vo o. 111to the ujolel of the roluct', PAM the lltjuw through the stalwock at the rate 01 If we *9 . m w e co mix, 4nd o-mirAre t If the .4111ple contain. Inlich Cf or V, fuse the residue nd./min. ithe CLIt keeps the suin. mixed). After th whole Own. has beef. P.I%~cf through the reductur wa~ 0 I after Jer.1"PI). With IlF) with 0.5 S. of N%Cos to wbkh , the reductor with 51~; WA,h the funnel 34 tit * " I ICVCMI jrAinS blot betin fulded, treat the melt ' '! wM 5% 110J. di*:ouoei:t the diA wash with 5 Va 0 cruls ity .1 h.t water. filter in a "if fill with a st,wil quat _ - - th in" i it l C . . t , HMq, will an e%CC.S Of SLMUlArd CcjS0,)3 and titr.&te AGIR . e h so e n.. gn L v ~ hot Na. tutc. WILsit with fu~c the oxitIcs Obtained with 0.5 g "uc with tile filter the excess with 0-01 X solo. of MoWs salt and a drop of 490 , r" of K'%0I, dt-AV the itself in 5" 11PS04, add lim. luld ' U-02% sq. phenylanthranabc acid until the viole, color. - of tile i li i I 4 j l OtcutolVinthesamplit: Aet. Ti~1witsirtirk-AllY. Iftheca tu t c At,w .,r m jA4I. Seven references. VIII. ee exceed. 0 rep~t the fu,iou with NaC0i, find NaM. The dev~lixsjs If rr~ult- between micruand macria Items. its* were (rorn jr -1. to ~0.2 or- t"Allififirtric del-l's. too - 1)131. said&) OK (0- It, T-15- f kV 00 U it U a ai -11 T U AA I 1 0 0 11 9 01 V " I so s !20066909 906:69600000: - all A U a Ell, as V 41 a A a . I a 00 A h g Unit of sulfur icrotheaLkw clirbruskja in minerals ArE4 01'es. 1. 11, Alonar: atut A. Va. I4;v%.kW-kAjrA CAJI it 00 1#16-715(1"j). A nr4tion pfo,~Iurp is dr-ritcd its whkh all 8 is convrftni in,o sulfate by fu,ion it It NAjC0. an.1 K NOs, andl t he aq, ,jin of the melt t, a t " " h " A IICI *AD. of RaCrO.. A, in t1j,, Inetlu.1 of tr e in n ,t i t a m J. 4p,,d lrlj 114. 4780-477)) except ( thAt the clitonuac equiv. to the sulfate is itctil. by abling -00 .1 definite quantity of StAcularil ferrous obt.. And thr - -d b k ti ti h l W i d C txc~% nx asurc tra on w t &t2ju .Lr cf~ ),;j y ,oln. A colorinvetric detts. i, dcscrib~l in wbich th.- 0 :-hF Mu;ilc 6 deld. in a small Aliquot by the wrwtion with I l =00 liplu,n,tcar kk (cf. K~L,, C-1. 33, II M-). M. llowh 0 *0 to 0 ire lia. II.-S86-4 ................... "a", IRMS., .16 4~1 ONE SISLI10-1 -I-)- I a] It K El 11 0 :NSM00000900004004 0 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 00000 .1 lie 0 t!0 0 "of, LOIN 80430-amd 0~' 11, too AM I S J! 'WO ME IF --- 44141 0000 00000 00000000 4 A-AI-AI-0 00004 00000000 0 IIIA KO 4-)~SK A 7586 V BE"OATS b1MIOD O~ A DETERMMMON. W.-1. Fonnmarw, and A. Ya. SWkoI aka;& MalkDV M V mm;- 102-1341-jffm-~ x zhurr-mw I..t F 1 r Metanur - . , ' gy ! A newly developed weighing method for the determination of aluminum In Iron ores and industfial proqucts has indl-~ cat~d that the quickest aW most reliable precipitation of , Alumlimm Is effected by ammonium benzoat~li~ a medium of weak scatlo.neW.'The Iron reduced by sndlum hydro- sulfito to a bivalent state does not interfere with the deter- minatton of At. The method permits a quick qualltative do- - termination of aluminum in the presence of a high content of Iron., ar-auth) - t Xj I jo-1 woV, and Aoa. rble jp d 74 and is TM of to, 4 4n Hi, and tho r"vik HSO, 10 at we* tx with *0 of Water 19 all of cone. H The 6010AS U*014~_.. got ascodAc Wd and a of NHf 1, dilu to III Ml" mixed #t- W with v to 2 ml of &* I hl 17=1 prepared soln. of tannin added dmpw~ 'sit aper. pulp whm tbj6 aoln. botows and wt aid, at W for 2 to A hr. The NWum omplex with tannin is filtered off from' Pe cold SOLIM. -and inwhed with cold 4% HCI a6lo. After ignition the ppt. if white Is fused ,.*th 0-5 to I melt 4 t7m,tr-, of JC~%O, and the, H,SO solar with tha'addition ps of r F40'.4 Ii the SW;. 'r ence of Ti. the colour i~TtZe*d wittii soln., of TI. Thii calculated amount from the wt. Uf2' ourc4 t the* Wb Is rw frer 3 Frpt. F. t,-. :i , - - ! -satis- 7 T 40, and factory results !bSILTT Mj, MT.M.., nUMM3-L'UE-- 0-9 rMl-W-PUTH o Nb. W -qA'RWWM'_ 'R 5(2),5(1-') AT,7 1 : Ponomarev, A. I., Sheskol'Ska,,,a, A. Ya. SOVI/75-14- 1-1 1--, _-2 Deterr.,~ifiati,_:i i,iobium in 1,14o Preociice of Tun:,~,_-ten by tne 'Utl of (Orvedeleniye i;iobiya v;,,risutstvii Vol ram~L :.C.L iOMOSIICI~I KUI)ferolia) 13 T ~,A L: 'h "o p r, Z -,)-rnal -.n.%litiche.,~kov kliiviii, :r 1, :'~'AC;111: A method i.,~. (tevised in the present paper, pcr::~; ttiric tht,- determination of niobium in alloys, steels arid other objects containing tungsten, without prior separation of the two elements. niobium standard solutions were employed for the elaboration of this method: with tartaric acid, with oxalic acid and with ammonium oxalate. The determination takes place by precipitation of niobium with a 37-c' aqueous solution of cupferron from hydrochloric solution, containing one of the three mentioned complex-forming compounds. The precipitate is filtered off, annealed and then decomposed with potassium pyrosulfate. After cooling, a solution of oxalic acid, ammonium oxalate or tartaric acid is added, wherein the melt is soluble on heating. The solution obtained is acidified with hydrochloric acid and Card 1/3 precipitation of niobium. with cupferron is repeated. The Determination of Niobium in the Presence of SOV/75-14-1-13/32 Tungsten by the Aid of Cupferron precipitate obtained is annealed (,10000) and weighed out as Nb20 5' The precipitation with cupferron takes place at room temperature. Filtering and washing of the precipitate is rapid and reliable. The results obtained from the determination slic,.: that for determining niobium. in the presence of tungsten all three mentioned complex formers are suitable to the same dogree for the masking of tungsten. By the aid of the radioactive isotope 1085 the precipitates of 11b 205 were investigated as to their tungsten content. The amount of tungsten co-precipitatea was found to be dependent on that of niobium. On precipitating 10 tag Nb in the presence of 100 mlr W more pure 14b205 containin.,, no tungsten is obtained. Investigation of the precipitates thr~t are obtained from the alloys 71 - Si - -111b showed co-precipitation of tungsten to occur only -,,rith niobiuta contents > 3061a. The method devised is both rapid and accurate and permits the determination of niobium in the presence of Card 2/3 r-i ma tiorl o ur-. -*- r. f.he Aid of CuT:: c =C metihOl ::-,)Eccl 'o al' Of AS -USSR, Moscow) S/509/60/000/004/022/024 Elll/E152 AUTHORS: Ponomarev, A.I., and Sheskollskaya, A.Ya. TITLE: Determination of Niobium in Cast lr-o-nfi----~ PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Inatitut metallurgii. Trudy, No.4, 1960. Metallurgiya, metallovedeniye, fiziko-khimicheskiye metody issledovaniya, pp.240-242 TEXT: The object of this work was to find a method of determining niobium in cast iron in the presence of iron and titanium, without their preliminary separation. Ascorbic acid C6H806 was used to form a complex with titanium and for reducing iron to the bivalent form in which it stays in solution. After preliminary experiments the following procedure was developed. 1-1.5 g of the sample is treated with 5 ml of 1.40 s.g. nitric acid. After evaporation almost to dryness on a sand bath, the solution is completed by adding 30 ml of 1:2 hydrochloric acid and boiling. The volume of the solution is maintained by adding water. Ignoring any black light residue the solution is diluted to 180-190 mi, 1-2 g of ammonium chloride and 0.1-0.2 g of oc~ ascorbic acid are added and the temperature is raised to 70-80 Card 1/3 S/509/60/000/004/022/024 Elll/h;152 Determination of Niobium in Cast Irons 10 ml of freshly prepared 1% aqueous tannide solution are slowly added with stirring, the heating being continued for 2-3 hours. Macerated paper is added and after cooling the precipitate is filtered and washed 6-8 times with cold 4% hydrochloric acid. The precipitate and paper are heated in a platinum crucible until all graphite has burned off. A few drops of water, 10-20 drops of 1:1 sulphuric acid and 2.3 ml of hydrofluoric acid are added and the crucible is gradually heated on a sand bath until S03 fumes have been evolved for 5 min. 1-2 ml of water are added to the cooled crucible and evaporation is carried out until only 2-3 drops of sulphuric acid remain. After cooling, 1-2 ml of water and 5 ml of hydrochloric acid (s.g. 1.19) are added and the crucible is heated until all salts have dissolved. The solution is transferred to a beaker, diluted to 80-90 ml and the niobium is precipitated as before after addition of 0.10 g of ascorbic acid. The filtered and washed precipitate and filter paper are heated to 1000 IC for 5-7 minutes in a platinum crucible which is then cooled in a desiccator and weighed. The residue is fused Card 2/3 S/5o9/6o/ooo/oo4/022/o24 E111/E152 Determination of Niobium in Cast Irons with potassium pyrosulphate (0-5-1.0 g) and the melt is dissolved in 20 ml of 550' sulphuric acid with 1-2 drops of hydrogen peroxide. If the solution is colourless titanium is absent; if it is pale yellow it is diluted to 25 ml and its coloration compared with that of a standard titanium solution, the equivalent weight of titanium dioxide being subtracted from the weight of the niobium, pentoxide precipitate. There are 2 tables and 5 references: 3 Soviet, 1 English and I German. Card 3/3 S/075/62iO 17/003/003/004 1017/1217 AUTHOR. Sheskol'sk-aya, A. Y. TITLE: Determination of zirconium and niobium in their binary alloys using cupferron PERIODICAL. Zhurnal analvticheskoy khimii, v. 17, no. 3, 1962. 327-329 TEXT A rapid and precise method for the determination of zirconium and niobiurn in their binary alloys. based on the successive precipitation of these elements using cupferron. A review of the problem in the literature is given. Works of Alimarin and Schr6der are cited and adapted Tile results of a series of determinations of Nb and Zr in synthetic solutions containing tartaric acid are tabulated and the error calculated. The error varies in this case between 0-3'/,. (relative). The method of analysis of solutions containing Zr and Nb in a ratio of 1 :1 and 3:1 is identical with that described here for samples of unknown composition. PROCEDURE: 1) Determination of zirconium - 0.1 g of the sample is dissolved in a Pt-crucible by addition of 2-3 ml KF and a few drops of HNO, to the complete dissolution of the alloy. Then 3-4 ml HIS04 (SP- gr = 1.84) are added and heated in a sand bath, for 10-15 min. until white vapors appear and all the H NO, is removed. After cooling, 25 ml 4 % solution of tartaric acid and 10 ml 2'/1 soln. of NH,fluoride 0 are added and the solution is transferred to a 300 ml beaker. The solution (100-125 ml), is neutralised by Card 1/2 Determination of... S/075/62/0l7,,003';W3/00J 10 1 7i 1217 a,iiriionia using phenol-red indicator. the color changes from red, through yellow. to red; 2 drops ammonia are added in excess.The solution is cooled to room temp. and Zr is precipitated by addition of 10-15 ml 6% aqueous cupferron soln. which is added slowly with stirring, the soln. is left in the cold one night. The preci. pitate is filtered offusing a filter of 9 cm. st (white band), and washed 5-6 times with cold water. The precipitate with the filter paper is placed in a %%eiglied Pt or porcelain crucible, ignited for 10-20 min. at IOWC, cooled in a desiccator and ZrO, is %%eiglied. The factor for Zr calculation from ZrO, is 0.7403. 2) Determination of niobium - 50 ml 2%' soln. of boric acid, 5 ml HCI, 20-25 ml 6"~ aqueous soln. of cupferron are added to the filtrate obtained after the separation of the Zr by vigorous and constant sturing to complete coagulation of the precipitate. After filtration carried out under the same conditions as for the Zr separation. the 20 ml 6% aqueous cupferron soln. The precipitate with the filter is ignited in Pt or p,~rcelain crucible for 15-20 min. at 1000--C cooled in a desiccator and the Nb,04 weighed. The factor for thr Nb calculation from Nb204 is 0.6990. ASSOCIATION. Institut metallurgii im. A.A. Baykova, Akademii Nauk SSSR. (institute of metallur.-Y tin. A A. Baykov, Academy of Sciences, USSR) Moscow SUBMITTED- May 8, 1961 Card 2,'2 S/075/b2/017/006/ooI/uu4 Determination of zirconium in the ... E071/E135 ASSUCI,,,TIQN: Institut metallurgii im. A.A. Baykova, Moskva (ltistitute of Metallurgy imeni A.A. Baykov, Moscow) SUBMITTLD: January 19, 1962 Card 2/2 KIPON, V.A.; :AfE.;rlJKOVj N.110 Fr(npe,~f.s for finding `1 in the Orenbrurg portion of the Karr- Kinell system of troghs. Neftegaz. geol. i geofiz. no. 15:8-11 163. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issiedovatellskiy geologorazvedocbny., nertyanoy institut i Neftepromyslovoy upravleniye "Biruuslarneft". 0 0 Ilb &TO 0 g 0 0 P 11 A At W 11L It In S UO S Y AV, All a, and slummuo A-tj 119M). ill , I lit j % I'll I io o t'j, ae 0 so 00 00 41 00 ~ to 0 ;00 00 00 00 f -. -IT I at CL -SSIF ICA I PCO .I.I.LIGIC-L 00 4 4 00 It It It 11 .1 1 913 -1 1 1' 0 0 0 go 0 go o70 0 0 T' 4 K n m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 lo 0 0 o 0 o 0 f * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 S ::* 00 Go ' 1 0 0 Too*** 0 0 0 -0-0-0-0-99- -t -1 1 00 0 - " U 1 1. 36 v 0 It u u m ts 11 it a a be a 16 v u a 14 11 x a) is If 46 41 41 41 A-A--k-L--L & -at 2 it IJ _i Ad -.M -A~ I At J? It no ILI v I.- 111 I*R-D~-Ofv$ - . F Dc'I go 0* c OU reftecumor Md it& a %1~141%~Illinlwv- Al-14 srhatill"Itt"I Is I still law tif a sllmlwll~l 00 13~1 00 =t' ZRATURC CLAISWICATIOM I aI L A At TALLujprxAL LIT go.. U 8 AV AID AS 9--. 0 10 pill, ;It ;'It -1941 ~U'~ it; 44 4 T~?* 0 -,go 00 -00 .0 0 -00 *00 =00 COO r goo 00 goo lags 9-j- logo ad 0 )0 1 w 0 2 a a 2 0 :croon --in infirulte:-no-1. ~f Li -h, Zhur. lf'n -'Ule, :)n the "o7i c h ar i, of ~,D; Un the . . i e C'u I ve s of -'Ilaf~ TLILL-unritlo~~ in the Planc -f Zna-e f ob SHESMINTSEV, M.A.; YAKOVLEV, N.V. High-illuminance mirror-lens systems used for image transmission. Opt.-mekh.prom. 25 no.5:24-25 MY '58. (MM 1l.-9) (Optical instruments) M ACCESSION NR: AR4041593 S/0137/64/0001005/DO38/DO38 SOURCE: Ref. Mi. Metallurgiya, Abs. 5D225 AUTHOR: Shesno, L. P.; Shevchenko, G. A. TITLE: Influence of method of heating of lilayer' billets (steel E1847-armco iron) under hot rolling on inclination In intercrystalline corrosion of steel E1847 in Hotrolled clad pipes CITED SOURCE: Sb. Proiz-vo trub. Vy'~p. 10. M., Metallurgizdat, 1963, 106-109 TOPIC TAGS: bilayer billet, bilayer billet heating, hot rolling, intercrystalline corrosion, clad pipe/E1847 steel TRANSLATION: In investigation conducted for clarification of the influence of the n-iothod of heating.of bilayer billets under rolling on inclination of steel E1847 to intercrystalline corrosion., for abutment boundary contact with Armco Fe'hot- rolled billet of ateel B184-7 from automatic mill was used, which after boring and Card l/ 3 ACCESSION NR: AR4041593 line corrosion, as conducted investigations showed on hot-rolled pipes of steel E1847 with cladding of Armco Fe is usually of a local character, whereupon with strengthening of degree of corrosion the area of sections affected by it increases) including the entire surface of bending of sample. Bibliography: 6 references. SUB CODE: MM ENCL: -- 00 SHESTAK, G.A., kand. tekhn. Tiavik Hecurrence of basic parameters of one-story industrial buildings of the machinery industry. rrom. stroi. 37 no.6:48-50 Je '59. kMIRA 12:8) kFactories-Designs and plans) KIKIII, A -I , i-vof.; Ye,1, , prof..; SILFIK~ '-T- 1.'.S. , prof. dol-tor te"di., . nauk; I.LSSIG, '.,'e-ll:, ~;V, K.K., dots.; T - -- - -'-~ ; - 1-- jKIY , G.~` --.ots. ; SIESI AK., G A - , dotF. dots.; dotZ A.'I'-, Prof.; VEja"IKGV G.S. (cots.; Tlj:'-~!N, S.I.'-, kand. tel,:hn, nauk, nauchiny... red.; BEEGAK~ :-,:A.5 red, izd-ta; CSEZTKG, teklin. red. ["',etal construction; present state wid outlook I"or future development] V.etalliclies"ie konstruktsii; sostoienie i pre- spel-Aivy razvitiia. Fod obshchei red. N.S.SLreletskogo. 11-lo- skva, Gos. izd.-vo lit-r,, po Aroit., arlthit. i struit. materi- 1961. 333 p. (,-.I;Lk 15:4) 1. Nioscow. 11--loskovskiy inzhenerno-stroitelInyy institut. 2. Kafedra metallicheskikh honstruktsiy ',~oskovskogo inzhenen-io- stroitellrogo institituta iri-.eni V.V.Kuyb-j---heva (for all except Tubi,~, :'f~ga::, Cse-,2-co). (Buil6ing, Iron and steel) (Alurm-m= Structural) I- --- ~ I - . . - .. . - . . . , . - - - I . . I ShESTAK, Georgiy And-1-ianc.-vicb, kand. -tekhn. nauk; GENIYEV, A.N., prof., retsenzert; ZELYATOROV, V.N., inzh., nauchr. red. (Designing steel structures for one-story industrial buildings] Proektirovanie stallwykh konstniktsii odnoetazhnogo promysh- lennogo zdaniia. Moskve-, Stroiizdat, 1964. 160Y p. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Kafedra metallichaskikh konstruk-tsiy Leningradskogo inzhe- nerno-stroiteilncp-o instituta (for Geniyev). SHESTAK, N.A. Melting glass in furnace!3 with divided zones. Stek. i ker. 18 no.6:6-7 Je 161. (IAIRA 14:7) (Glass furnaces) SHESTAK,N..".; ROKPLIN, P.1'11. Regenerative glass fL-nace with crosscurrent alignment of the flame. Stpk. i ker. 19 no.1:12-14 Ja '62. (MIRA 15-3) (Glass furnaces) SHESTAKY N.A. Operation of Flass furnaces on natural gas. Stek. i ker. 20 no.,12:24-26 D 163~ (MIRA 17:1) SBMAK, N.D., Inzhexer. Apparatus for uitloodiag loose materials from railroad platforms. Ayt.der.18 se.6:26 0 155. (MLRA 9:2) (Loading and uxleading) SHES , N.D. ' hener. Erpeting the framework of concrete plants. Avt.dor. 19 no.9:11-12 S 156. 002A 9: 11) (Concrete plants) ,:~W6-J779K /V P 5/O81/62/OOO/Oo6/oqq/j17 B162/BIOI AUTHORS: Dorogochinokiyj A. Z., Bashilov, A. A., Chertoryzhakiy, A* V, Arutyunova, 0. L.9 Krachetova, P. I., 1 10 _pheetak, U. P. C TITLE: The problem of the choice of solvent for polymerization of ethylene into polyethylene at low pressure PZRIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 6t 1962P 614, abstract 1z; 6P35 (Tr. Groznensk. neft. in-t, V. 3, eb. 25, 1961, 17-29) TEXT: in investigation is made of the possibility of using extraction benzine as a solvent for ethylene when polymerizing it into polyethylene at low pressure. It is shown that the following are suitable: an extrac-, tior. benzine fraction evaporating at 65-900C with an aromatic hydrocarbon 1 content of 3.61,js before do-aromatization and of 0-7~ after do-aromatization'' or a fraction evaporating at 75-950C in the case of which do-aromatization is not needed (aromatic hydrocarbon'concentration 0.7%)- It is shown that; the presence of aromatic hydrocarbons has no effe6t on the polymerization process, but impairs th;,regenerability of the solvent. [Abstracter's note: Complete transla on.3 Card 1/1 3C 6W . . . . . . SHESTAK,_ GHERTOAIZHSKIY, A. V.; MIMKIY, Ya. V.; MITROFANOV, M. G.; DEMMIKOV, I. A. Adsorption properties of synthetic zeoliten-molecular sieves and their use in the advanced-stage dehydration of monomers. Neftekhimia 2 no.4:512-518 JI.-Ag 162, (MIRA 15-10) 1. Groznenskiy nauchno-inaledovateltakiy neftyanoy institut, i Gromnonakiy khlmicheskiy zavod. (Zeolites) (Monomers) GARBFIR, K,S,, dot3ent; NIKITM, A.I..; LYAUDIS, B.V.; MALfNOVSKIY, E,N., kand, tekhn.nduki BEL'SKIY, M.; VOLKOV, L.G.; KTJZIETSOV, M'V~; KUTgENYOP A.D., SOROKIN, A.A.; SM-KHURSKIY, A.D.; TRUBITSYNL, L.M-:, TRUSEYEV, A,I.; SFAFRAN, I.K., inzh.; 3iIFSTAK, P.J.; UL'YANOV, P,,P,, Automatic control r& conwrter imaltIng by meann of compu' -s. Stall 23 no~ 7:608-610 JI '63. (WRA 16:9) L Dneprodzerzhinskly metal lurgichesl- iy zavad-vtuz im. M.I. Arsenicheva (for Garger)~ 2. Institut kibernetiki AN UkrSsR (for Malinov3kiy), 3., Zavod im, Dzerzhinskogo (for Shafran). L r:~, -SH-ESTA-K, S-,, podpolkovnik yustitsii Temporary center of legal information. Komm.Vooruah.Sil 3 no.22:92 N 162. (MLU 15:12) (Military law-Study and teaching) LUZAFS1AYA, Dora -Lsaakovna; SETARLINSKI-Y, VJI., spet:3. -rd.; AYT"ZAn, Yu.S., _-ed.; SHESTAK, SAI., red. [Inland-water fisheries of the U.S.S.R. (lakes, rivers, and reservoir-); a guide] Ryboklioziaistvennoe ispolzovanie vnutrennikh vodoemov SSSIH (ozer., rek i iodokhranilishch); spravochnik. Moskva,, Pishchevaia proi-.ysUennost', 1965. 597 p. (MLU, 18-7) LAZAREVA, V.S.I. aseigt.; SHESTAK, S..S. ned-feeds. Yeterinarija Determining the f--oxilcol-l-~, erain and r:ombi 3G no.10-70 0 157, (MI2A 10:11) 1. Ohkalovskly -ozmqdlnR~-;r ~f-- 1,1 T a - a 2 - Zave duyushchiy kxlimiko-tckclkn~ I o e -y nauchn o- i a s ledovate I nkoy votarinarnoy stantsil f or I-, a,6k (Yeeding om6 !it-, C3--Toxtcology) nauchnyy sotrudnik; SHESTAKIR S.S., KORENE4. G.P.; KORENEVA, T.A.; ,-6vqbbv, A..G., nauchnyy sotrudnik Use of SZHK (pregnant mareAz serum). Veterinariia 37 no.l.-IO-12 Ja 160. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Orenburgskaya nauchno-issledovatellskaya veterinarnaya stantsiya (for Shestak). 2. Direktor Simferopollskoy mezhsovkhoznoy labora- torii (for Korenev). 3. Simferopollskay-a-mezhsovkhoznaya laboratoriya (for Koreneva). 4. Turkmenskaya NIIZhV (for Sapogov). (Serum therapy) (Veterinary medicine) SHESTAKOV, A. 11(ictlicily, the cont of transportation. IMO 2 no.l.,22-24 (MIRA 1).*5) J11 160. 1. ProdsAdatel' pravlaniya Natichno-tokhnichoskogo obahchisstva Omskoy zhelqznoy dorogi. (Omsk--Railroad research) -SHESTAKOV,A_., tekhnik-stroitell; DIKIY, V.; TLJRASYAN, I.) KWKOV, N., inzhener-stroitell; FOPOV, F., inzh. Readers' letters. Sell. stroi. 15 no-4:27 Ap l6i. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Sellkhozinspektsiya Orshanskogo rayona, Mariyskoy ASSR (for Shestakov). 2.Predsedatell kolkhoza imeni Firovr- Yegorlyksogo rayona., Rostovskoy oblasti (for Dikiy). 3. Sekretar.-I partiynoy organizataii kolkhoza imeni Kirova Yegorlykskogo rayons, Rostovskoy oblasti (for Tumatyan). /+. Sellkhozinspektsiya Khorollskogo rayonal Primorakogo kraya (for Klokov). (Farm. buildings) TSUriIK(,V, V. (Bryansk); SMSTAKOV, A. . of fi-re prevention. Pozh,dalo 3 nc.6:32- From the history Je 162. 15:6) (Firemen) SIC-bTAKOV, Anatoliy, inzh. Tuning up and launching into operation of the Ifaritsa-lztok I. Thermoelectr4c . Plant, Flektroenergiia 13 no.5/6:34-37 my-je 062. 1. G1, inzhener na grupata suvetski spetsiali pri Teploelektri- cheskata tsentrala wMaritsa-lztok I ." 25(l) KIASE I KOY EXPLOITATION SOV/2330 ShestakovY Andrian Andrianovich Machinist parovozdushnogo ciolota (Steam Hammer Operator) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1959. 118 p. Errata slip inserted. 8,000 copies printed. Reviewer* P. G. Levandovskiy, Engineer; Eds.- B.N. Kazarinov, Engineer, and S. G. Pachkov, Engineer; Tech. EJ.: N. A. Dugina; Executive Ed.: A. V. Kaletina, Engineer (Ural-Siberian Division, Mashgiz). PURPOSE: This book is intended as a manual for steam hammer opemtors and re- pairmen, and may also be used by-forging machine, worMrs. COVERAGE: The book -Drovides information on open and closed the forging processes, on forgeability of metals, and equipment for heating forging stock, This book is primarily concerned with the constructions and performance of steam forging hammers and hydraulic and crank presses. No personalities are mentioned. There are 10 referencesY all Soviet. TABLE OF CONTENTS: General Information on Open Die and Closed Die Forging 3 Concept of the processes of open die and closed the forging 3 Card 1/4 Steam Hammer Operator SOV/2330 Review problems 45 Operation and Maintainance of Drop rs 46 Automatic control mechanism of a drop hammer 46 Mechanizing operating processes of a drop hammer 54 Manipulator control and operating rules 64 Duty of the mechanic operating a drop hammer with manipulator 64 Methods of setting drop-hammer heads 66 Review problems 68 Closed Die Steam Hammers 69 Characteristics of the closed the hammer working principles 69 Control of steam distributors of closed die hammers 74 Duty of the mechanic operating steam-air dr~Dp hammer 77 Review Problems 79 Lubrication of Drop Hammers 80 Rules for lubricating drop hammere 80 Equi.oment, for lubricating drop IAmrmrs 84 Review Problems 86 Card 3/4 SUSTAKOV, Andrian Andrianovich; LEVAITDOVSKIY, P.G., inzh., retsenzent: K~JIRINO'lfq B.N., inzh., red.; PUCHKOV, S.G., inzh., red.; DUGINA, N.A., (Steam and pneumatic hammer operator] Kashinist T)arovozdushnogo molota. Moskva, Gos.nouchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1959. 118 p. (MIRA 12:4) (Forging machinery) SIIESTaOV. A.; GJLOV, Yu - From the history of fire departments. An '62. departments) Pozh,delo 8 no.4:)O (miRA 15:4) (Fire I - ;i - - " * . I ~ .. - : , - .. . . I . : ,): 1 1- R r. I -T , A . i, . , -.Z1tJrJ . F-FT", N I 71-lit T,T I - 11~ I . DissertatLon: 11i3ehavior of Integral Curves of' a System the Vicinity of a Linpulal Point of ifigher Order." Sci Moscow Order of Lenin State U Lmeni. M. V. Lomonosov., 17 of Differential Equatlons in Res Inst. of Mathematics, Dec 0. 1 so: vechern:,raya Moskva, Dee 1947 (Project q17836) or cf Inte~-iall 3-m-nres of A,~n,-. 3ci. Lal-r--erential .-i --e c- n- ty --a n rFoi-nt Dok. A:,T, ~.o. 2, --'eha-,.rior n~ --he Soll-iticn-- Df a 'HDn-Lincni~ STr~terl of DIf-'ere lt~--!- T, --"; "'he "eha-,~or o' z!' a .0. 5, 1 4-1 the :-)f a Silv~ular- Point op 'i-her A A _qurvds of �estakov, A. A. On the behavior of the Wead go k-jEe =ne gh. 6 M~emo 9rdin g ar Po L 0 y Akad. Nauk SSSR '7 '.o (N.S.) 02, 171-174 (1948). (Russian) The equations The singular point is classified as a node, a -generalized en , saddle of the I st, ?d or -3d type or a saddle-node according =2 to the signs of c. and of the %(Xj) and whe ther m4s ' , even or odd. Theorem 2. If the X, are rital and negative, 0 being an isolated singular are considered, 0: ri x. te M ~ 2, the'solu dons nding to 0 are tangent at the oright ; point and the Xi being power series beginning -with terms to the curve defined by equating to zem the se0ond members" of at least the second degree. The characteristic roots A, of , of the last n-l equations (1). JA. UassCN. the matrix (4j,), i, j= 2, n, are supposed to have non- vanishing real parts, Theorem I - I f gt(xj) >0, 1, - - .. k - 1; 91N) 0, then given anysy3tem. of k sufficiently small numbers x?, - - xk'(xt*>O), there is, one and only one system x4,, x.0 such that the solution xQ, - x.0) tends to 0 as 1- - oo. passing through the point V: Sour-cat Mathematical Reviews, VO:L IONo. 1 4 Source., estakov, A. A., and Palvln, A. U. On the gymetotic behavior of solutions of nonflnettr systems of dffe-rentlal a On .,.. Doklady Akad. Nauk SSSR (N.S.) oz, 493- MEE US- tigiz). kilussian) The asymptotic behavior as 1-~ao of the stable solutions of I he system dxildf- EaaXk+,pi(x,,xt,,- - -,xiffor ~Stmlf2r --.,I it A-1 (a a constant, VO, 0. - - -, 0. 9) - has been studied by- 0. Perron [Math, Z. 29, 121~460 (1928)] and by L G. Petrovsky CRec. Math. [Mat. Sbornik] (1) 41_107-155 qt (1934)]. In the present note some of those results are stated- under weaker hypotheses. Not all of the proofs are given. IV. Wasow (Swarthmore, Pa.). ............. Mathematical Reviewsp Vol 10. X6.8 ='e 'T. A'4: �estakov, A. A. The behavicr of the Integral curve If system of the form dxl X4 X&O, V&S, xi) +x4(xl, x8'. - -X.) di In the neighborhood of a singular point Doldady Akad. Nauk SSSR (N.S.) 62, $91 -S94 (1948). (Russian) Previous reBuits of the author [see the preceding review] are generalized to the present systems. Helassumes that O:xl=--- -X.-O is an isolated singular point, that xi-O is an isolated row. of X1, that -1eXi7Wx, diverges, that 0