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7M=V.4 Jf ~"NAW We erect main livestock jAldings. Sell.stroi. 11 no.1:12-14 Ja 156. MRA 9:6) l.Glavnyy inzhener Stavro-pollskogo krayevogo upravleniya po stroitel'stvu. v Ijolkhozakri. (Farm buildings) SIIXLUKIIO!~~~jwmw* Reed is an excellent buildiiv, material. Sell.stroi. 12 no.5:4-5 my 157. (MIRA 10:7) 1. Glavnyy Inzhener Stavropillskogo krnyerogo upravleniya po stroitel'stvy v kolkhozakh. (Reed (Botany)) (Stavr3pol Territory--Pam buildings) SHELUKHOVYSIY. I., glavnyy Inzhener StavroDol "territorial interfarm organizationH has started its work. Sell. stroi. 13 no.4:16-17 AP '59. (MIRA 12:6) l.Stavropollskiy krayev07 sOvet mezhkolkhoznykh stroitelinykh organizatsi3r. (Stavropol Torritor7--Building) SHEUTKOV , r. r. 6690 SHELUKOV, ij, and cpAsnrYK0. S.S. Kontroll Detaley v Protsesse L.Jv 1954. 8 a." Chart. 21 Sm. (Veencyuz. 0--vo Po Rasprostraneniyu Znaniy. Leningr. Dom Nnuch.-Tekhn. h-oFognndy. Listok Novators. No. 3.800 EKz. 20 K.--Avt. Ukazany v Kortse Tesksta.-(55-122 Zh) 6.'1.92-1i Shlifovaniya. Polit. T Nouch. 3ft (277)). 658-562-52 SOt Knizbnap, Letopis I Nb . 6, 1955 4te .;v 7 ed o-.r SHELURI T. A. miadshijr nauchriyy sotrudnik -- ---- 0 Effect of the biological preparation beauverin on the fertility of the shield bug Eurygatter integriceps. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 5 no.5:35-36 My 160. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Vaesoyuznyy institut 2ashchity rasteniy. ( and pests) (Burygastera-Extermination) (Inaectiaides) VOWDINA, kand. tekhn. nauk; 3OLV'YEVA, M.K., arkhitektor; SHELUTINSKIY, A.P., inzh. Using large ceramic blocks for apartment houses walls and roofs. Sbor. trud. ROSNIIMS no.27:113-120 163. (MIRA 17:1) . , V,.L;l . . -, ~ '. . - DA A. bERNSHTKYl.' lnzb. VATYIET-i'll,,~1 rrl*f, inib. V, A. , OGANEMV, O.MLV, inzil.; K"iZHlLTSilY. V.I., -inzh.; V~lfl,'TT, L~J., irizli.; SHELIVAKH, V.F.2 inzh. [!,!a-v.ual on the ana Processing of rock building materials] Spravoc:hnik p):) dobyrhe i pererabotke ne--udnykh E-:trc,itellnykh Leninl---r-,-;,. SLroiizd--.t,. 196:.-. 520 P~ (11!1.~A !E:2) Vse-:cjvuzri-yy goaudarstvennyy institut po proyek-tnyr- i nauchno-issledovatellskim rabotam promyshlennosti neinad- riykh stroiiel'Ukh Tatr~rialov. SHELVEL', V.P. What prevents better utilization of machinery. Mekh. sil'. ,bosp. 1Z no-7:Z4-Z5 J1 61. (MIRA 14;6) 1. Zaveduyushchiy Kameriets-Podollski~-rayonnym otdeleniyem "Ukrsellkhoztekbniki", Yhmel'nitskoy oblasti. (Kamenets--Podol'skiy District--Collective farms) (Agricultural machinery) IMORN, X. Slr--',LYAG D. Mecnnni7ed hoisting of sliding forms. Ltrcltell ric,.7:~-'-9 JI 157. (M12A 1(1:9) 1. rylav:.~jy in2hener Upravlenlyn nnchAl'nika rabot-138 (for Florn). "'Annallnik Droizvodstvenni)-tekhnic~,f-s~-o?o otdeleniya Uoravieniya nti--.n'-,'nika rabot-138 (for S?ielyag). (Holsting, machinery) (I;oncrete cons t r--ic t 4. cn-Formwerk) SHELYAG, V..' kapitan 1-go ranga We should improve the scholarly research of social science departments. KommVooruzh. 2 no.11:30-.35 Je 162. (KEU 15:5) (W I itary art ;uxl science) SHFLYACi, V. , kay)l t,,1 I I. ,,) rarig.-i, kanc~ . Cj-loscf'&lkh nalik" -a . ir I, _i I TT Sp i. r i r,u -i i ! i inriamr- rif, a I a oi the c 0imm, ri i xt 3,~ - L~ t7 a nl the t: - g - 4- f-, - I (" Ir-z-s. Kr)fnm. V(,r)r-11 7h. S 1 1 46 no. 5 49 P Mr '65. (MIRA 19-4) SHELYAG, V*V., kand.f~losofskikh nELuk,, kapitan 1-go ranga Educate the personnel in high qualities of fortitude and combat readiness. Mor. sbor. 44 au.5:13-20 My 161. C-ai'l 16:5) (Nawtl education) BARABANSHCHIKOV, A.V., podpolkovnik, kan:. pl!dag. nauk; GALKIN, M.i., p.1-kov-nik, kand. fil. nz~uk; D'YACHLNKO, M.I., podpol- .Kovnik, kand.peed.nauk,dots.; KOIOV, N.F., polkovnik,kand. ped.nauk; KO-(OBP-,YNIKOV, Y.P., polA'ovnik,; DLAVCHUN, Ii.S., kapitan 2 ranga, kand.ped.nauk, dots.; LUTSLOV, V.11., kand. ped. nauk, podpolkovnik; FEDENKO, N.F., kapitan, kand. ped. nauk, dots.; SHEIYAG, V.V., kapit-an 1 ranga, kand. fil.nauk; VOSTOKOV, Ye.I., gehd'.~al-mayor, kard. ist. nauk; KUBASOVJ, A.F., t,eneral-lEytenant zapasa, red.; BELCULO'UV, G.G., general-mayor, red.; TREI--ILOV, N.F., kapitan 2 ranga, red.; 1..URASIIOVA, L.A., tekhn.r~d. [Fundamentals of military pedagogy and psychology; L- training aid] Osnovy voennoi PeL1nj:ugiki i psikhologii; uchebizut! posobie. (By] A.V.Ba-rabanshchik-ov i dr. Moskva, Voenizdat, 1964. 383 p~ (MIRA 17:2) -%CC NR, ;1-:6035091 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/000/000/0107/0132 lyulbimova, Ye. A.; Shelyagin, V. A.; Shushpanov, A. P. GRG: none Instruriontation for determinatior, of the plutonic heat flux SOU?CE-: ;.,:; S35R. Institut fiziki Zemli. Problemy glubinnogo teplovogo potoka (':'~-obiems of heat flow in theearths's interior). MOSCOW, Izd-vo Nauka, 1966, 107-13Z TOPI" TAa-3: heat neasurement, heat trans.'er, conduction heat transfer, convection heat transfer, geology, earth crust .~3 A' , T :-Ihe article ruviews Soviet and foreign literature dealing with equipment and nothods for measuring the heat flux from. the deep layers of the earth toward its S-';rface. '.-L~-ia difficulties connected with these measurenents are very considera, le becausa of t1no minute values of the heat flux; it is of the order of I/Uj cal/cr,2see (zha .'---u:< from the sun is about thousand times greater). Recent improvements in --'-clude the substitution of thermonaters (thermocouples) by thermistors .(semiconiuctors), which have the advantage of smaller size, and the elimination of Ileavy cables for heat transmission (not practicable for depths of several kilometers) .and signaling temperature by transmitting ultrasonic waves. Associated problems-heat iconductivity and heat capacity of rocks-are approached with a variety of methods used Card 1 1), y a ~ [ I r a ri f 1 -1 i -i ~, ~'Atif,; 'Y FV; -is I iev, ri, 1A. I ~ 'If F,LYAC,-50~:'.JfK`, "'~ t '-- ~ ~ ~ , I losorko, T-U,.Pl f Floodplain ineadows of *,~.e we5tern part cf V:--yr,' r - bat. zhur. 22 nc.4,68-7i. 165~ (!~ t a q ~ 10;` 1. inst"tut botanik., AN T?cr5-3R, otdel geototanlikil, SHFLYAG-~;GSONKO, Yu.R. f.Sheliah-Sosonkc, IUF.,I; BAYROVA, V,S, Description of the vegetacion of the Fc-dol-Jan Fokut'ye. Ulkr. bot. zhur. 22 no.5:67-74 165. (WRA 18-10) I- Institut botaniki AN UkrSSR, otdel geobotanikJ, I Kafadra sistemat"ki vys5hikh rasteniy Chernovitskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. GOROKHOVA, Z.N.; SHELYAG-SOSOM, YU.R. Taxus baccata L. in the forests of Chernovtsy Province. Bot. zhur. 45 no.9:1322-1325 S 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Chernovitaldy gosudarst-renny7 universitet, g. ChernovitS7- (Chernovttly Province-Yew) SEELYAG-SOSON __15heliah-Sosonko, IU.R.J Forests of the upper Dniester Valley. 18 no.6:32-39 '051. (KMA 15:3) 1. Institut botaniki All USSR, otdel geobotaniki. (aniester Valley--Forest and forestry) SHELYAGIN, I. N., BORDOYUKOV, M. P., ZHUKOV*, Yu. p. and LOBANOV, A. N. "Aerophototopography," Moscow, 1947 ACC NR. A1"[002934 SOURCE CODE: UIR/0020/66/M/006/132`/~~ AUTHOR: Ly-ubimova, Ye. A.; Shelyagin, V. A. ORG: Institute of Physics of the Earth, Academy of Sciences, SSSR (Institut fiziki Zemli Akademii nauk SSSR) TITLE: Heat flow through the bottom of Lake Baykal SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 171p no. 6, 1966, 1321-1324 TOPIC Ti ,IGS: earth thermodynamics, earthquake, heat measurement, 50/e fil, ABSTRACT: In view of the interest attaching to the region of lake Baykal, where a large number of earthquakes still occur, the authors have used an oceanographic pro- cedure for determining the heat flow by introducing a thermal-gradient gauge into the bottom of the lake. The work was organized in 1965 by the Institute of Earth Physics AN SSSR in conjunction with the Limnological Institute and the Institute for the Earth's Crust of the Siberian Department of AN SSSR, using the research vessel "G. Yu. Vereshchagin." The construction of the thermal-gradient gauge was described elsewhere (Apparatura dlya opredeleniya teplovogo potoka (Apparatus for Heat-flux Determination], Nauka, 1965). The heat flux was measured at depths greater than 700 meters. The test procedure is briefly described. A table listing the heat flux in different locations is presented, and the arithmetic mean of the flux is found to be 2.6 x 10-8 cal/cm2 see. Before the true beat flux can be calculated it is necessary to determine the influence of topographic irregularities, the role of the Card V2 UDC-. 550.361 ACC NR; AFT002934 cold water mass., and the role of the river deposits on the bottom of the lake. It is tentatively estimated that all these factors will increase the average heat flux by 23%, raising it to 3.2 x 10-8 cal/cmP see. This report was presented by Academician A. P. Vinogradaw 3 February 1966. Or1g. art. hall: 3 figures, 2 formulas and 2 tables. suB com W sum DATz: 1Tjsn66/' =G w: oog/ oTH mw: oo4 2/2 ILIKOV. B.F.; KMEYEV, G.A.; LOZOVSKIY, A.T.; LAMIAN, I.L.; NIKOIAYEV, G.A.; PAVWSHCHINKO, Y.P.; ROZHDISTVENSKIY, I.K.; RUVIMSKIY, I.M.; SAVINOV- SKIY, D.A.: SENGHENK0. Ye..?.; SEREDA, A.S.; SOKOLIK, V.D. ; RASSADNI- KOV, Ye.l., redaktor; 4HX~TAGINA, A.A., redak-tor; 1ARIONOV, G.Ye., tekhnicheskiy radaktor Eoperation of tile Sredne-Uralsk Hydroelectric Power Station) Opyt ekepluatatsil Sredne-Uralvskoi GRNS. Pod red. B.I.Rassadnikova i I.K.Rozhdestvenskogo. Moskva, Goo. enarg. izd-vo, 1956. 103 p. (MLRA 10:1) (Sredne-Uralsk Hyd-roelectric Power Station) IACHINOV. Nikolay Vladimirovich; GRIGORITXV. T.Ye., redaktor; SHILYAGINA, A.A., redaktor; SKVORTSOV, I.M., tekhnicheakikh redaktor - Dritter's manual on assembling accessory devices for boiler rooms] Pamiatka slasaria po monte;zhu vapomogetellnykh makhanismov kotell- nykh taekhov. Izd. 2-oe. topr. I dop. Pod red. T.I.Grigorleva. Moskva. Gos. energ. izd-vo, 1956. 111 p. (MLRA 10:2) (Boilers-Accessortes) ZHIRITSKI'f, Ge,~r,~17 SHELYAGINA, A.A., VDHONIK, K.P., redakt-r; IARIONOV, G.E., . [Tho rori,3'~ructio;-, %rjfl ULP rf the 9~rlmgthl of PfL.-'--' '~7 s"aam turbir-eal Kos-,naktsM-i i rai,~he% na. T)r,~,chno;,tl dptale.' pa-~%--qkb. t'irb'-n. Mo3k7a, G,-:;.ererge'-?~chesk~--3 i-zd--,,, I-grl,. 279 P. (S~Ieam turblras) (MIBA 8:5) USSR/Medicine, Plastic Surgery May/Jun 52 "Changes in the Physical and Chemical Properties 7.1 of Certain Plastic Masses Implanted into Animal. Tissues," M.V. Shelyakhovskyy, I.M. Ezriyeliev, Clinic of Hosp Surg, Mil Med Acad imeni S.M. Kirov, and NIIP (Leningrad Sci Res Inst of Plastics) "Vest Khirurgii" Vol 72, No 3, pp 64-67 Describes research on findin.-, suitable plastic materials for implantation into tissues of anitrals. After enumeration of various adverse effects of' most Dlastics on animal and human organisms (cliem reaction foUowing the irrit-A-ion nV nurroundint; tissues, deterioration and diffusion of the plastic 227T24 mssj,etc.o) the authors advise the use of Poly- ethylene and plastic r4o 636 ` ipn not giv *7 ao .Lcon en cheap and efficient agents in alloplastic surgery for grafting of defects in sof L tissues. 22(T24 SHXLYAKHOVSKIY, H.V., kandidat meditsinskikh nauk Use of soft plastics for cloting defects in the abdominal wall. Khirurgiia no.12;31-35 D' 55. (MLE1A 9:7) 1. Iz kliniki gospitallnoy kUrargii Voyenno-meditainskoy akademii im"I S.H.Kiro-ra (nach.-daystvitellnyy chlen AMR &3R general- leytenant meditsinskoy alazUy prof. S.S.Girgolav) (ABDOMINAL WALL. surg. reconstructive plastic material) (PIASTIGS soft plastic material in reconstructive surg. of abdominal wall) VAYN1311TW.N, V.G., professor, Leningrad, Kirovskii pr.,d. 26/28, kv.69; SIMYAKI[OVSKIY, N.Y., kandidat maditsinskikh nauk 08taosynthasis in open and concealed fractures of long bones. Vost.khlr.75 no.5:,29-37 Je '55. (MLRA 8:10) 1. Iz kliniki gospitallnoy khirurgii (nach-prof. I.S.Kolem- nikov) Voyanno-Maditainakoy ordens, Lenins, akademii im.S.M. Kirova. (FRACTURES, surgery, intramedullw7 zuLiling) ST13T,YAK14OVSKIY, M.V., kandidat meditsinskikh nauk Latp rpsults of ising soft plastics in reconstrictive surgery. Vest.khir.76 no.10:78-83 N '55. (M7,RA 9:1) 1. Iz gospitallnoy khirurgichaskoy kliniki (nach--prof. I.S. Kolesnikov) Voyenno-moditsinskoy ordena Lanina akademii im. S.M.Kirova. (SURGMT, PLASTIC, use of plastic masses) (PLASTICS in plastic surg.) SHELYAKHOVSKIY. H.V.,; PUTERMAII-LIPPIMT, F.E. Tretment of burns in conne3tion with changes in the sensitivity of microflora of burned surfaces to antibiotics. Xhirurgiis 34 no.2:36--43 P '58. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Iz kafedry gospitaltnoy khirurgli (nachal'nik - Drof. general- mayor moditsinskoy sluzhby I.S.Kolesnikov) Voyenno-meditainskoy orclena Lanine ak-ademit imeni S.M.Kirova . (BURNS, ther. penicillin, off. on sensitivity of microflora of burned surfaces (Rus)) ~PEIIICIILIII. ther. use burns. off. or sensitivity of microflora of burned surfaces (Riia)) SHELYAKHOVSKIY, M.V.,; PUTERMAN-LIPPERT, F.E. Treatment of burns in connection with changes in the sensitivity of the microflora of burn surfaces to antibiotics (synthomycin). Xhirar- Plin 35 no.7:44-51 -TI. '59- (KIRA 12:12) 1. Iz kafedry gospitallnoy khirurgii (nach. - prof. I.S. Kolesnikov) Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena Lenina akademii im. S.M. Kirova. (BURNS, therapy) (CHWRAMPHENICOL, therapy) SHELIAnOVSKIY, M.V., (Leningrad, Lesnoy pr., d.4, kv.11) Bronchoscopy in cancer of the lung. Vest.ichir. 83 n0-9:38-52 S '59. NIRA 13:2) 1. Iz gospitallnoy khirurg:icheskoy kliniki No.1 (nachallnik - prof. I.S. Kolesnikov) Voyanno-rieditsinakoy ordena Lenina kakdemii im. S.M. Kirova. (LUNG, neoplasms) (13RONCHDSCOPY) ,,IZ-I:-,'AKHOVSKIY, M.V.- 11 S (Ienirgrad, K-9, Lesnoy pr.4, kv. ) Some problems in the pathological anatomy of pulmonary cancer. Vop.onk. 7 no.11.3-11' 161. (MIPJ. 150) I. Iz kafedry gos~,itallnoy khirurgii No.l (nach. kafedry - prof. I.S. Kolesnikov) oyenno-meditsinskoy ordena Lenina akademii im. S.M. Kirova. (LUECO-CANCER) SHELYAKHOVSKIY, M. V. (Ieningrad, K-% Iesnoy pr., d. 4, kv. 11) Rare case of the prolonged presence of a foreign body in the bronchus. Grud. khir. no..2:83-85 '62. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Iz kafedry gospitallwy khirurgii No. 1 (nach. - prof. general- mayor meditsinskoy aluzhl:yy I. S. Kolesnikov) Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena lenina akademii liaeni S. M. Kirova. (BRONCHI.-FUREIGIT BODIES) SHELYAKHOVSKIY, 1.1,.V. ( Leningrad K-0. Lesnoy pr., d.4, kv-11) Differertail diagnosis of :-ancer and tuberculosis of the lun.rrs. Grud. khir. 5 no.2:66-72 Ar-AP163 (MIRA 17:2) 1. Tz kafedry gospitallnoy khirurgii (nachaltnik - prof. I.S. Kolosnikov) Voyenno-moditsLnskoy ordena Lenina akademii imeni S.H. Kirova. KOLFSNTKOV, I.S.; ORDZHOIIIYIDZE, G.K.; SHELYAKFOVSKIY, M.V.; YERKOLAYEV,V.R. lj'U,'Y'VSKIY, F.I. Adenoula of the bronchi, their complicrations and operative treatment. Grud. khir. 5 nc,.6:101-106 N-D163 (MIRA 17:2) 1. Iz kliniki gospitallnoy khirurgii (nachallnik - prof. I.S. Kelesnikov) Voyenno-meditsirskoy ordena Lenina akademii imeni S.M.Kirova. Adres avtorov: Lenirgrad K-9, Botkinskaya ul., d.23- KI-inika gospitallnoy khirurgii Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena Lenina akademii imeni S.M. Kirova. i',."07, I. S prof. Sji.'-"Ll'~',]*.: do--stm 4- I,a t e r e S s o s u r c Ll t r e a e:~ t c f --ir. c c e Ir . --U'-r - 77, 1, J-a 40 r-o-4:63-67 -41P 'E4 4 Kafledra cos:dtallnoy ':hl-rurg-l- (-,achallnik prof. I.S. Kolesnil-ov) "loyeni,.o--.ieditsLns:oy erder-a Lenina ak,,der,-ii -n.c-:i S.". Kirova, Lenin-nd. SHELYAKhOVSKU, M.'I., dotsent (Novosibirsk 5, ul.Gogolya, d.r~5, kv.27); TIKP,Kx'N7-1AY T.F. Immediar,e -resul-.s of it resection of -,he pubic bone due to chondroma. Ortop., travm. i protez. 2c. no.12:61-63 D Ic)5. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Subiri,,ted April 1f'), 1965. SHELYAKIN, Fedor Mitrofanovich; MATSIJK, R.V., red. (Production and marketing costs under socialism and how to reduce them) Izderzhki proizvodstva i obrashchenila pri sotsializme i puti ikh sni:,.heniia. Moskva, Izd-vo VPSh I AON pri TsK KPSS, 1963. 71) p. (MIRA 16:3) (Costs, Industrial) (Aarketing-Costs) ,50992-65 W~*-V 1E:7 -/P17 1JP(c ACC38SION NR- P5011447 UR/00U/65/029/004/0634 38 AUMOR: Spivak,G. ShelyakialL.B. NIkiUna,,T.X.; Tarim rilippova TO Prokhorov,Yu.A. TITLE- Magnetic properties of Lerma lay gLlms' formed In ion:bombardiont /we port Second All-Union Sym the Physics of Thin FeEE2!gnetic Film held I pas um on n Irkutsk 10-15 July 1964/ SOURCE- AN SSSR. -Izvestiya. Seriya fizi4dheekaya, v:. 29, no. 4, 1965 634-638- TOPIC TAGS: ferromagnetic thin film perselloy, nWetic propert ABSTRACT; The work was undertaken In Vieft of the giNwing use.of thin film In electronics and the consequent need for n4w and better film preparation teclmlquesi Preparation of films by ion bombardment hIL4 a number of distinctive1eatures and advantages (G.V.Spivak, V.Z.Yurasolia,, O.A.Rozhkova# and T.N.Nikitini rzv. AN by the Spivak SSSR, Ser. fit,, 28, 1411, 1964, and othex papers group) - Primary among these in good correspondence of the composition of the film with that of the initial, sputtered material. One of the oWections to the I-on bombaidnient techal-, que Is that inert gas ktoms, present In Us discharge chsagerp become Imbedded in 1/3 A SION MR: APS011447 the film and impair its properties. Intbe present experiments a series of MM of different types of Permalloy were prepared In glow and arc discharges in an inert gas atmosphere. The orienting field was provided by a pair of Helmholtz coils. The substrates were glass, glass ;recoated with quartz, aluminum, aluminum. cleansed by ionic etching, and rock salt." The substrates were washed before in7, stallation in the -apparatus and then furtkier cleansed by the dischArge before deposition of the films. The films were Investigated as regards some of their magnetic properties.and subjected to chemical analyses for comparison with the analytic composition of the initial sputtored materials. Electron-micrographs and electron diffraction patterns (one ofeach is reproduced) indicate.that the Permalloy films were polycrystalline with-a. fine-crystal structurew - The film on_ uncleansed Al were of poor qualitys but those on cleansed Al were similar to f LIM deposited on glass. Some magnetic data on the-films, Including curves of the Inverse switching time versue switching f1eld, are given in tables and figurese The results show that given proper contrdL of the sputtering conditions and parameters it is feasible to prepare by tais technique Pernalloy film with characteristics similar to those of fAlms prepared by thermal evaporatiozi; the attainable reproducibility is oatlefactoryffor examploo.the scatter of coorciv force values in a series of film was lose than IQ%& "In conclusiod, we express ?/3 L 50992-65, ACCR991ON HR.- APS011447 our gratitude to RX.Telesint I~J.Kqxlov, B.I*Sokolov, V.YakovIev, and V*Kaskova for consultations and assistance in the wori-7 -0rig. art. Ww: 6 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: None JINCL't SUBMI 00 age COD11t: 00 NR REF SOV: 004 Ormitt, 004 rd 3/3 Pp - - - USSR/Soil Science. Physical and Chemical Properties of Soils. J-2 Abs Jour: Ref. Zhur-Biologiya, No 1, 15,58, m6 Author O.A. Shelyakina Inst Title Some Characteristics of the Rotation of Sol ["Ashl Substances and Nitrogen in the Sierozem-Meadaw Soils of the Kiopet-Dagh Submountainous Lowland. Orig Pub: V sb: Takyry Zap. Turkmenii i Futi ikh s.-kh. osvoyeniya, Moscow, Aced Sci USSR, 1956, 213-22:-. Abstract: The processes of microbiological rotation of sol substances and nitrogen between the soil and the plants of the large "pading" scattered among the broad mssifs of the "takyry" of the central part of the Hyzyl-Arvat submountainous lowland are examined. The vegetation of the "pading", with its under- ground and above ground paits, extracts more than 1700 kg/H. Card 1/2 _~B_ us,sli/son Iscizaice - Pliysical rinti Chenical Prupcrtics cif Soil- J. Abs Jnur Ref Zhur - BiGl., No 4, 1953, 15281 to 5.7 - 6.5% of uic exclianisc capacity. The use of cirr.-anic fertilizers 'las less effect: tl-e exchange capacity jTew in the corrcsponding variants by a total of 1.5-2 rdlliequ:~valcnts; the exchangeable sodium content droppefl f::-orl 3.2 to 2.2 - 2.9 nilliequivalents. In sanJs a reductLon in the takyrs' exchange capacity was observed at 1.4-2.6 milliequivalents; the absolute Na content sunk f-Or., 3.2 to 1.7-2.4 milliequivalents; the relative one remained close to that of the control. By the second year of use somewhat of a reduction in soil exchanCe capacity wis observed in all variants of the experiLont, probably caused by the action of field wator havin;_, an alkaline character. Less disruption in the colloi-lal absorbtion crriplex was observed in plots with -Ieel) tillinr;. The latter is recommended as the basic method of meliaratinC the takyrs. Card 2/3 US-11/soil Science - Physical. and Chemical Properties of SC)i I. J. Abs jour Ref Zhur - Bio,., No 4., 1958, 15281 The --ction of the other methods on deeply plowed Orouna is C01'siderably aui-pented. Card 3/3 Jimpnis "n ',-.e ,,MIRA j8l'5) PROUCROVA, V.D.; SHELYAKINA, O.G. Ourgical treatment of uveal glaucoma. Sbor. nauch. trud. SOGMI no.14:Fl-86 163. (MIRA 18:9) 1. Glaznoye otdeleniye ROE;tOVBkCy oblastnoy bollnitsy. SHATALOV, P., bukhgalter; ;S;iLTLYALILA. KARNAUMOV, V.; KA~AFIN, V. IA t rid -.-_:_115-'_23 Ag '5?. WRf,,Ps hnsed on f n Ished !jrr (M:RA 10:9) gruppy "McrglS7MYREO" 2. _Elarly i'lZrien-er "'6-rg!pvn.,ysso` ;:,~i Elyevskom "If,-- 3arp'ra--- normintivnc- .Lis (for 'laran). 4. lfpchnl'ri'.~ :~Lelp tr--itn olaty UrAlc- Gurlyev -e-.r -StA T f Unc .-!t.:ie-A trada I Otdela i -.tarb~:--cy ..rn 'fCr sev) . SHELYAKINA, Ye.; BARABASH, M.; TAILAN, G. Innovation in the wage BY11tem for workers in preliminary processing departments. Mias. ind. SSSR 28 no.5:46-47 157. (MIRA 11:1) 1. Kiyevskiy myasokombinat. (Meat industry) (Wages) SHELYAKOV.V. Mighty source of technical progress. Sov. profeoiuzY 3 no.6: 40-42 Je '55. (MTRA 8:8) 1. Predsedatell Tomskogo oblastnogo soveta profsoyuzov (Tomsk Provirce-Trade unions) DUM3LJKOT,H.D., inzhener; SAMSONOV,V.N.; KAFYBHKO,F.A.; KRIGKR,N.I.; KIJ7114IN.P.G., kandidat takimichaski1di nauk; SHKLTAPIN R.S., I kandidat tekh. nauk; MAKSDIOV,O.U., inzhener; rMI-TanNy'Mm., profeaRor; RODSBTM.A.G.. kandidat tekh.nauk; GCLIDSFMM,M.N professor; ABMV,Yu.M..prc-fessor. Discussion of the problem of building on coarsely porous settling soils. Stroi. prom. 33 no-5:40-45 VT '55. (MLRA 8:6) (Soil mechanics) PUSN I BOOK EXPL401TATIOX SOV/1297 T4480YUXnaYx INNUChno-tekhnicheekaya konfer*ritaly& po primenenlyu redloaktivnyM I stabil-nykh Izotopow I iziuchenly v narodnam kh*xYaY~tv* I nauke, Moscow, -957 Poluchenlye Ixotopov. Mo hchn-e ga--u %ano,k]. Radlozatrlya I dosimetriyaj trudy i,:.r. ran tall ... (Slactope ir.duCtlon. Nigh -energy GaImma-Radiation Pacilitles . Radlometry and Doal- J0@trYJ Transactions of the All-Union Conference on the Use or Radioactive and Stable Isotope@ and Radiation in the National Sconomy and Science) Moscow, Izd-va AN SSSR. 1958. 293 P. 5,000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency$ Akadeelya nauk SSSR. Glavnoye upraylenlys po LOP01'sovenlyu atonnoy energil SSSR. IdItorial Board: Frolov, YU.S. (Reap. Ed.), Z-havaronkov, N.M. (Deputy Remp. Id.), AglIntsev, K.K., Alvicawyev, B.A ., Bochkarev, T.V.s leshchinokly, N.I., Malkov, T.P., Slnitsyn, V.I,, and POPOV&. O.L. (Secretary); Tecti. Ed.s Novichkov, N.D. PURP=J This collection is published for scientists, technologists. persons engaged In medicine or medical research, and others con. earned with the production and/or use of radioactive and stable Isotopes and radiation. COVIDWIs Thirty-eight reports are Included In this collection under three main subject dlvlmionss 1) production of Isotopes 2Lhigh-energy &aUM-radlAtion racilitioa, and 3) radionstry and d 1-!r7. TAWS OF CONTENTSt PART 1. PRODUCTION OF LSOTIDPZS Frolow, Yu.S., V.V. Boahkarey, and Y*.T*. Kullsh. Development or Isotope Production In the Soviet Union* 5 This report is a general survey of production methods, apparatus, raw materialso applications, Investigations and future prospects for radio isotopes In the Soviet Union. Card 2/12 AlekseyevskLy. M.Ye., A.V. DUbrOvin, 0 1. fasoumv. G.p. prudkovskly, 3.1. Pillmonov, V.I zlcn 01 -Y ';l' (deceased), and T.X. Shuvalova. Utlli.C"'n' ld.A ffiff!~ waters With a Manhopogoneous ?laid ror An&IYZ-ng Isotopes of Light glemants 73 Ordzhonikidze. K.0. and O.M. Zubarev. Relative Prop&- gatability of Pailadium and Germanium Isotopes 78 Romen, A.M. Saw JProbloss on the Theory of Isotope Separation 86 averdtaltoll, 1.0 and V X Takhakaya. Sqparation of Isotopes of Lj&Jt Ele;"ta by Diffusion *n Vapors 113 Barvikh. 0.P., and N.Ya. Kucherov. A Diffusion Column for Separating Isotopes 122 r- card 5A2 7) - RAMK,S.N.; SHRLYAPINA,A.S. A study of the heat rerlstamie of insole leather. Leg.prom. 15 no-6:36-41 Je '55. (KTRA 8:8) (Leather) r,.,~rlin- Qc nc~'- i c SHELYAPINA,T.S. [Dwarf tapeworm] Karlikovyi teepen. Moskva, Medgiz, 195). 8 p. (TAPLVORMS) (MLRA 8:11) SHELYAPIIIA, T.S.; 110140DANOVSKAYA. ).V., zavedikyruslichiya stantsiyey. Method of preaerviril, eggs of dwi;.rf tz~peworms. Med.p~-raz.i paraz.'bol- r-0.3: I - - 279 vkv-Je 153. Oahu b, : 8 ) 1. Moskovskava gorodskuya protivomalyariynaya stantaiya. (Tv-peworms) SHILYA-PINA, T.S. Treatment of diphyllobethriasts. 20 no-8:75-77 Ag 156 (MLRA 9:10) 1. Iz Moskovskoy gorodukoy sanitarno-epidemiologicheakoy stantsii (glavnyy vrach M.S.Sokoloviskiy) (TAPVORM INFICTION, ther. diphyllobothriasis) iMLYAPINA, T. - - . ---w First MOSCOW municipal conference on theoretical and practi--al problams in parasitoloCr. Med.paraz. I paraz.bol. 26 no.2:250-252 Mr-P 157. (MLRA 10:7) (HOSCOW-PARASITOLOGY) SHBLUPINA, T.S.; TROFIMOVA, A.I.; YUROCHKINA, Z.V. First Interprovince conference on scientific and practical work in the control of diphyllob(ithriasim. Ned.paras.i paraz.bol. 26 no.6:752-754 N-D 159. (MM 13:4) (wom, imrmnuim PARASITIC) 28(1). 5(1) S0,7/6' 4 7/24 T71- It "ashkovar, L. V. Payn, G. Raysf~?'-"., Shelyaotin, M. V. o r i m e! a I A u t oru a o n o f t 1, e Pr -.i i o r. 'Opytnaya avtomatizzatsiya pr.~i.zv.)~jstva slaboy a::~,tney klsi,,.'ty I -) , 1' 1, "? 10 T) T C:" 3, I'll i promyAtlerinn i t p A 1) C T Tie ~Dyuro aVtrm.1tiki- (Exp~r--':--!er1Ta'j- Design Office for Automation) in cnojjaratic,~- with -r ha G ~D s u d a r s t -,; e P. n y ~-.- i ns t- i t-u t a z n t n r, y r o a y s h 1 e n r, -~ z! -~ 1 S -4 a -. C I- -ele cf ',11*tro:7en Indus t,!-y) de-, -cal a 9?hema fOZ7 4:i,,e ~iut c I - --ro'hction of wo-.k ni*r-'.- ani; Vniar Pt- a on of t~:c- ':.Ospheric; for the operantiori z~f toic Dne-izodzer--hirakiy,----tuko-r-'y zavo,-4 /Dnenrodzer5,h-nsk "itrcgen:-~:.z ?,!an--,re Plant). To control tiliS scheme thc: individual se;~tl-:)rs '~f the automation of !;he whole plant were examined qepfira--.,~ly. At fi.-st the exper..mental automat.Jor of the se-'tJir,- fc~r ,he conversion of ammcnia (Fig is lescri'--ad. The dezcripti,.)n of tl:e automatic r~~gulat--*-~iri shuwa that a pne-. tran-=mitt'~.r cf tile DPPM-270A t.tpe to 'gether wilth -a secind'ar-,, of I the 2RL-24V type, is WeIlL as conne~~ticn /7 Card i type and a reg-ulator block of the 5PB-9-.~ t--7e.. a ref.- sov/64-59-1-17/24 Exner ---.ent a! A-.-zo--at-i~,n of the FroJuc;ior of Weak llfitri,~ Acid erence input element of the BD-18 type, and gate valve V3 as well as relays RP-17A are used. To regulate the ammonia - air ratio an electromagnetic valve of the KE-2 type is used among other things, and to regulate the water level a pne-u- matic transmitter (de.tchik) DPP-280A, a I)neumatic regulat--'ng system AUS and two signaling blocks 1RB-13 are used. To control the temperature of the nitrous -ases a slightly modified ele:tronic potentiome';er EPP-09 is used. For protection from a possible explosion in the ammonia conversion a provisional arrangement with a potez�Lometer EPD-'2 was used instead of a gas analyzer for infrared absorption GIP--5 from the OKBA proluction. A schematic representation of the partially a-ito-, matized beginning of operation (electric wiring) (Fi- 2)~ as well as of the kineratic scheme cf the reguiaticn val-,es (Fig 3) wit!) detailei explanations are indicated. "he ex- perimental automation of a number of columns of the depart- ment for acid absorption is described by a schematic represen- tation (Fi.- 4). Except for a pressure gage of the TMID-4 type. an electronic device VEP-4 and a gas analyzer AFK-3. the abo-ie- Cartl 2/3 mentioned devices are listed and their application is de.5c:y.,ibed. SOV/64-59-1 -17/24 1,;x per iment al A!,tomation of the Prodiction of Weak !Titri~; Acid Diag-rams of an arran,-erv.ent for the overflow between the a.,,',d coil-imns (Fig 5), as well as of an additicnal cubic ccntent t3 the pneumatic blocks AUS.(Fi- 6) are also g-iver. After the irtroductior of the described automatirir ir ammonia n3nver3icn and of a number of acid-absorpt.-'L.-,n columns a great simplifi!7ation in tr.,e ooeraticn of plants -be noted. There are 6 fiTLIr'3s. Card 3/3 SIULYASTIN, 11. - , Imoortant soli-rces 'or labor economy in light industry. Sots.trud no.1:76-78 Ja 156. (MIRA 9:7) (Industrial organization) SHELYASTIN, 11. Transfer to a shortened workday and a new wage Schedule in the light industry. Sots.trud 5 no.4:58-64 Ap 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Hours of labor) (wages) -- SH111,111-1,11,311, IN ~ TT., I for workers ~.a the 8Svit" leather and shoe Tanufacturirg enter-Pri3e of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic. Sots. trud 7 no.5-147-150 My '62. (MIR-,I 15: 5) (Czechoslovak-.a--l.4ages-Leather industry) (CzechosloviLkia- Jdages-Shoe industry) SHELIAI-3)TIN, N, Material sttmu:!~--4-n --:' -- manufactire of new articles. Sots. trud 8 nk).7:1--:.,-I" 01 '63. O-MU 16: 10) 1. Glavnyy inspekt,-)r T~) 1" _~kcy promyshlannosti Gosudarstvennogo komitet& Soveta Ministrov 33SR po voprosam truda i zarabotnoy platy. so 090 00 a a 0 0 o 00 o o o goo V': ~wv -.0 W! 0 1 a 7 0 . b9 11 u 11 W is 14 " 4 " a j 11 2 21 R 26 V a It A. ii- 'k-a - 11 a A F 9 4 1 7 1 1 -L _L AA 0 M W U,, , %,, - . f And Tooming with dw*Wum W&D. -N. -N. ShelYsstin ' J). A. lchk-. U.S.&A. 63.M. Star,h 31, 1.;11$. 0 Ifides. prettrated ii thr tj~uaj way, are tmittif with A A- .00 00 MiXt. Of NAC1 all'i They are th,n tAntiol III :_00 ..ri ext. having a Schimi,mincr mlkv~ 435--TW; aml omitz. (7-1.1's'; CrOh. rti,. tAttiticix ,4r, ix- I,, o).- 00 '00 00 tit, M M-11 1 00 00 Coo =00 1 ! .09 00 f 0011 00 J ties 00 0 too *0 too :' -t- 00 0o :3r 0 --IF 1W owl, '400 fy to Ip m III a S 9 9 U 0 It X NO n I IM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O's o I* 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a & 0 0 G'a 0 KHOKHLOV, 19aak lvaw-,~, :, :-.:m'_i4,JKjiLOV - Yuriy Isaakovich -, SHELYASTIN, N.N., nauchnyy red.: V.&., red.: TSIRYLINITSKIY, Y.P., [Manwil on 1--,nwt3 f:,cm chrome tanned leather] Rukovodstvo po ustranenjit ki--rousvoi kozhi. Moslrvxi, Vses.koop.izd-vo, 1957. 167 D. (MIRA 10:12) (Tarining) SHELYASTIN, N.N. Wage system for workers of tne "Svit" leather and shce enterprtses. Kozh.-obuv.prom. 5 n~.206-40 F 163. (KIRA 16:5) (Czecboslovakia-Wagesi..-Leathor workers) ... I- -- , ~ 7 1.. 'I, .. I . ,I SHXLYANTIN, Vesilly NIL-olayevich, inzhoner; BRISH. N.K., inzhener, redak-tor: ,te, im~~ redaktor [Storing coal in uncovered pileal Opyt khraneniia uglia v shtabeliakh. Moskva, Gos.transp.zhel-dorAzc-vo, 1957. 50 P. (MIRA 10:9) (Coal--Storage) tr. a 7 SkL LIGA140VA I? T.A. ) assistent Surgical trf-atmerit of severe form-s o' u.1cerative proctitis. Kaz. med. zhur. no,6:61-62 It-D ;61. (ML-LA ir-,:2) 1. Kafedra obshchey khirurCii (zav, - prot'., A.I.Kozhevnikov) Gorlkovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (it,,.'GTUL-DI3hA3iS) bMELIGIN. L.A., lauroat Stalinsk3y premli. Experience of the Ivaaovo -,j)OILt machinery plant in modernizing serial production machines. '!orf.prom. 31 no.5.-14-16 '54.(MLU 7:8) 1. Ivtorfmah. (Peat machinery) SHELYGIN....I-L- 1 NO~ W. _,g, Airther perfection of units for peat machinery. Torf.prom.33 no.4: 4-8 '56. (Peat rmchinery) (MLRA 9:9) ROZENPLENTER, Nikolay Fedorovich; IIIELYGIN, Leonid Alaksandrevick,; , . ~. _ KAPTISTIN, Altiksandr Sergeye' I'A' -_ SOBOLEVA, Ye.M., Vic ; I . a, (Atlas of peat machinery: types for machine peat] Atlas torfianykh mashin: mashiny ekska7atornopo sposoba dobychl torfa. Pod red. N.F.1%zenplentera. Moskva, Gos.energ.izd-vo, 1958. 63 D. (MIRIA 12:3) (Peat machinery- -.Design) SHELYGIN, L.A., inzh.; ZAPOLISKIY, N.V., inzh. Thm lJPF-.3 expet-imental peat-harvnBting %achine. Torf. prom. no.l: 23-26 '58. (MIRA 12:12) 1.Zavod Ivtorfmash. (Peat machiner7) Z~Zlxr-=T, A. 1. FMC,"-VICH, V. A., _7JIMCEIVA, V. X., &r.4 !,~, A. 1. ZI-trical and Me~~l Pro;mrties m in To - Semlcmduct~ vith z.f..t ro;ort pre 4ant*4 at tts Vitl. Coa on Sumicanduator FAyslam, Pregu*, 29 Aug - 2 5.2 1960 Lnet. cf Saml.=&-t-, Acai. Set. MM 1-in6rad W I -- 8178o 11)4,2,600 S/181 60/002/02/25/033 BO B067 o AUTHORS- Averkin, A. A., Sergeyeva, V. M., Shelykh. 6.-I. TITLE: Influence of Uniform Pressure~~Cn the Electrical Conductivii2 and Thermoelectromotive Forcerf In Te L2 3 PERIODICAL; Fizika tverdogo teld, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 347-349 TEXT: Among the sphalerite-like crystallizing semiconducting compounds there are some of the comDosition A III BVI which have defects at the 2 3 sites of the metal atoms. In 2Te 39 wnich has been investigated by the authors, also belongs to them. The investigations of the authors yielded the surprising result that in the i3oelectronic series of semiconductors which crystallize sphalerite-like and have almost equal lattice parametem, the properties of In 2Te 3 deviate es3entially from those of the right and left neighbors, and that they are governed by completely different rules. Hence, e.g., the carrier mobility in In 2Te3 is anomalously small Card 1/3 L)K T 81780 Influence of Uniform Pressure on the Electrical S/1181/60/002/02 //2- 51033 Conductivity and Thermoelectromotive Force of B006/BO67 In2Te 3 (10-45 cm 2/v.sec for electrons) as well as the thermal conductivity of the lattice. According to Ye. D. DEvyatkova and I. A. Smirnov, it amounts to 0.002 cal/cm.sec.deg at 200C. The authors investigated the influence exercised by the strong defectiveness of the lattice on the change of the electrical properties with uniform pressure (7000 kg/cm 2) in the tempera- ture range 20-60 0C. The In 2Te 3 samples had a size of 7 * 3 - 2 mm3, the electric contacts were made of pure tin. The temperature in the pressure chamber was kept constant by means of an ultrathermostat (accuracy; 0.20C). Paraffin was chosen as pressure transmitting medium. As may be seen from Fig. 1, the electrical conductivity of an intrinsic In2Te 3 sample decreases with increasing pressure, passes through a minimum Pdmin, and increases again with further increasing pressure. Pdmin some- what differs in the various samples, and with increasing temperature it is shifted toward higher pressures. The d(P) curve shows a hysteresis which is particularly marked in samples with impurity conductivity Card 2/3 0~ 81780 Influence of Uniform Pressure on tt-e Electrical S/181/60/002/02/25/033 Conductivity and Thermoelectromotive Force of B006/BO67 In2Te3 (Fig. 2). A measurement of the coefficient of thermoelectromotive force0L showed that in the pressure range 1 P the thermoelectromotive force amin is negative (n-type conductivity) and decreases with increasin6 P; at Pomin it is equal to zero, and with further incrasing pressure it becomes positive (p-type conductivity). The p-type conduciivity of samples with impurity conductivity is roughly trebled with increaEing pressure in the range 1-7000 kg/cm 2, whereas the n-type conductivitj hardly changes (Fig. 2)~ Emf measurements showed taat in n-type and p-tyle samples lod is independent of P within the limits of accuracy. In conclusion, the authors try to explain these experi-lental results theoretically. They thank V. P. Zhuze and A. R. Regell ~!or supervising the wok. There are 2 figures and 2 non-Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institut poluprovodnikc,v AN SSSR Lening-rad (Institute of Semiconductors of the AS USSR, Leningra SUBMITTED- May 21, 1959 Card 3/3 E;6439 S/181/60/002/01 1""0206/042 9(,7-700 (/0 3,5, 10Y3,,1141-1) B006/BO56 AUTHORS- Zhuze, V. P., Sergeyex,a, V. M., and Shelyk~~ I. TITLE: Electrical Properties of the In.Te 3 Defect-type Semiconduc- tor PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tella, '960, Vol. 2, No. 11, pp. 2858-2871 TEXT: The authors give a report on the results obtained by investigations of the electrical properties (conduct:.vity, thermo.-emf, Hall effect) of the Inje, semiconductor which has a high concentration of lattice vacancies I ('intrinsic" defects - cationic and cause a disturbance of the periodicity and a distortion of the potential field of the crystal. They Ireatly affect the motion and scatter.n.- of carriers and phonons. The authors chose In,Te bt~cause this de:'ect-type semiconductor lies in the e 3 middle of the isoelec~ror_:_, series "gI - CdTe - InSb - a-Sn, whose electri- cal and the--mal properties are known, and also because the structure of this compound has already been investigate(I and some indications as to the ar- rangement of cationic vacancies ire aiailable; thirdly, data on electrical Card 1/ 7 86439 Electrical Properties of the In 2Te3 Defect-type S/'181/60/002/011/026/042 Semiconductor BoO6/Bo56 and photoconductivity as well as optial abscrption are available, while there are no data on -alvanoma.,netic, thermoelectrical -and thermal proper- m ties. In Le was synthesized from the elementary components in quartz ampoules by fusion at 700-750 0C. As shown by A. I. Zaslavskiy and V. M. Sergeyeva, this compound exists in tht! a- and P-phases, the latter being stable above 5500C. Some properties )-' these two forms are given in Table Fi~-. I shows the temperature deperic.ence of the electrical conductivity of stoichiometric a-In 2TeY In the of -70 - +4000C there is intrinsic conductivity; the inclination of the _ctraight line logo = f(l/T) does not 0 change up to melting temperature (667'C). Fig. 2 shows the irreversible a 0 change in electrical conductivity by ~.eating up to more than 400-500 C in air (1) Gr by continuous evacuation (2). FiE. 3 shows the change in elec- trical conductivity in the P 4 a tranEition. The Hall effect was measured with direct current and in a constant ma.-netic field,using a compensation methcd. Fi--. 4 shows the Hall coefficient R within the range of intrinsic conductivity as a function of temperature; the diagram also contains the mobility as a function of temperature. Fig. 5 shows analogous diagrams for other specimens with different de-rees of orientation. Also Fig. 6 Card 21 7 86439 Electrical Properties of the In 2Te3 D3fect-type 3/181/60/002/011/026/042 Semiconductor BOO06/BO56 shows a and R as temperature function3 of stoichiometric In 2 Se3 within the range of intrinsic conductivity, the degree of orientation rising in the sequence 3, 2, 1. Also the thermo-emf, a = f(l/T), is a straight line (Fi,,,. 7). The numerical values obUtinod foi- the parameters 0of high-purity In2Se 3 are given in Table 2. The fGrbLdden band width at 0 K was determined to be 1.12+0.05 ev. Further, the impu:-ity conductivity was investigated. It could be shown that Bi impurities Lnduce n-type, and iodine p-type, conductivity, whereas other atoms (Mg. Cd, Cu, Hg, Sb, Sn, Zn, Si, and Ge) in quantities of 1 at% cause no impur:.ty conductivity. Fig. 8 shows loga = f(I/T) for In 2 Se3 with 1 at--,fo SI), Cu, Hg, and Sn (parallel straight lines). Fig. 9 shows the temperature dependence of a, R, and u on n-type n In2Se 3~ and Fig. 10 shows the same fo:, p-type In 2Se 3* Furthermore, details of chemical binding are discussed (Scheme, Fig. 11). The refractive index, n, (measured by M. I. Kornfelld) was found to be 3.4+0.3 for A = 2.2 ~L, , was equal to !6. Th7e results of these and the dielectric constant, F inveStila'ations are discussed in detail, especially with respect to mobility. On account of the carrier scatterin.- (.ationic vacancies, the mobility Card 3/7 86439 Electrical Properties of zhe In 2Te 3 1:efecb-type 3;'! 31,'-0z002/'O 1 11/02 6/042 Semiconductor B006//'_~OC)O' (like in other semiconducto.-s of the group A IIIBIV ; see table) is much 2 3 smaller than in neighboring isoelectronic binary compounds of perfect L;f.ricture. The carrier mobility is constant within a wide temperature range, which io explained by the pre-lominanc, of soatterine by electrically neutral cationic vacancies. V. A. Pet,.,usevich, I. Z. Fisher, V, N, Bogomolov, and A. F. Ioffe are mentioned. Ye. L. Shtrum' is thanked for chemical dis- cussions ` and D". F. Shvartsenau for halp in measurements. There are 11 fi,-ures, 3 tables, and 2" referen-~;-as: 9 Soviet, 9 German, 4 US, 1 Dutch, and 3 Japanese. ASSOCIATION: Institut Ooluprovodnikov AN SSSR Leningrad (Institute of Semiconductors of the 4S USSR, Leningrad) SUBMITTED: julY 15, 11960 Card 4/7 Car-d-5/7 ------------------ to ox 1000/,r 86439 S/191/rO/002/01 11/026/1-a42 . cc) 6/30 56 Ta6.-,Hua3 A IBVII t AitHV1 A'I111avi AIIIaV AIVAIV I'Eo .i fe;v.j CuBr - znSe Ga'SC' - GaAs G A , . . . = 2 9 5 ~~ 2.8 1. 35 [N 1.50 e 0.78 OHHOCTb. 0/ . 5.65 5.42 5.63 5 65 0 Cem 18 16 7 . 0 . 200 10 4000 3900 AEO. Cq I ZnT~ 2 Ga,Te:, GaSb - Ge - -,:-Sn . . . . . i 6 05 .2 0.81 , . . H011110"T15. Ojll . . - 6.08 5.E7 6.09 . . .; um. C.M175 - Cem . . . . 13 300 11 5 50 -5000 all . Ki CdT~ In,-.-,:, - Insb . . . . . a, A . . . . . . . .. -2.8 6.47 1.80 6 46 1 12 0.23 0.03 BOHMOr.Tb, 0'a i I . . ; . 16 6.14 6.44 6.46 Cex. 0 00 13 '7 - 0 15-70 S0000 00 AVERKIII, A.A.; SERCjfY:,-;VA, V.M.; SHErYKH, A.I. Effect of all-round pressure on the electric conductivity and thermo-emf. of In2Te3 . Fiz. tver. tela 2 no.2;347-349 F 160. (MIRA 14:8) 1. institut rjoluprovodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad. (C:-ystals-Defects) (IndiiL-n telluride--;~lectrical properties) 5/161/62/004/011/022/049 Determination of the sign..., B100102 For j 0 (31) yields E, --A W.- I C C This equation determines the field intensity E,;at the sides of a semi- conductor plate whose face coincid(s with the xy plane and which moves in the magnetic field H z with the velc,city Vo x. On the other two sides of the plate the field strength X is applied. (4) determines the Hall-emf or the induced emf in the case V ox - 0 or Ex - 0. By changing V ox or EX the condi- tion E - 0 may be realized from -vhich one obtains V a AiE where ., is Y ox ~ x the carrier mobility and n the carrier density. Similar relations can be given for a1p-type conductor. The final formulas obtained are n - Aj x/eV ox and p- - A- V /Ex. The method described wis checked in an experimental n ox arrangement (Fig.), yielding satikfactory results. There is I figure. Card 2/3 A.I.; CHUMkN, VJZ, Equipment for the rapid determination of the temperature depaudence of the thermo-e.m.f. in semiconductors in a broad temperature rangou Forosh. met. 2 no.6:96-99 N-D 162. (WRA 15zU) 1. Institut polyprovodnikov AN S66ii, Leningrad, (Semiconductors) (Thermoelectricity) SHELYKIH, A.I. Determining the sign, conclantration, and mobility of cxwrent carriers in semiconductors. Fiz. tver. tela 4 no.11:3208-3210 N 162, (MIRA 15:12) 1. Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad, (Semi6onductoro.-Electric properties) Sem iconducting properties of nicklous oxide. V. P. Zhuze, A. 1. She I y kh. Mobil ity of current carriers in ferr-3-and anti ferro-magnet ic material Ya. M. Ksendzov. Electrical properties of chalcogenidias of rare earth elements. A. V. Goiubkov, Ye. V. Goncharova, V. P.-Zhuze, V. M. Sergeyeva. Report presented at the 3rd National Conference on Semiconductor ComDounds, Kishinev, 16-21 Sept 1963 ZHUZE, V.P.; SHELYKH, A,I,, Hall effect in nick6l cudde. Fiz. 4.ver. tel-a 5 no.W7561- 1759 Je 163. (KMA 16:7) ". Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad. L 52607-65 _A ACCESSION NR: AP5010730 states. The electric conductivity was mea cured by the probe method us ng, a sp cially designed ampoule. The differential thermoelectric-power was measured by t y,20-. null method, using the same ampoule, in whJah a -temperitture gradient (uco;a _ 25C) was produced by an additional heater Itlaced over its upper parta .1n:additionj. the integral thermoelectric power -was measixed by a method described of the:~ authors earlier (Poroshkovaya metallurgiya no. 6, 96, 1962). The measurements show that the conductivity increases with Lnereasing temperature, and experiences an abrupt rise in the rate of increase at the melting point. The activation ener-_ gy of In Te remains approximately the sami- in the solid and liquid states (approx., -4 ~ e imately ), indicating that the substances retain their semiconductor properties in the liquid state. The activation energ3, of Ga Te increased from 1.1 to 2-3 eV: 2 a after melting. The thermoelectric power decreases r per-,. pidly with increasing tem ature, reversing sign near the melting teq)erature, and assuming a nearly constants , value in the molten state ~o-4c pv/ The jumplike rise in electric con- i +ir ductivity upon melting is attributed essenl;ially to the growth in carrier density,' and the behavior of the thermoelectric pow!r is related to the equalization of the. electron and hole mobilities. Some differitnces between the behavior of compounds n of the type AIIIBV, I1IB VIO and A IBV1 are explained on the bmis of differ- ences in the filling if t7h~ volume of the orystal lattice# vhich in turn is deter-, Card 2 3 L 58704-65 WP(e)/WT.(4)JAJECW-)LE-WA(d)IY12/r/J%Tft)/IEle-(k)/EWP(Z)/EWP(b)- IJP(c) jD/jG ACCESSION NR: AP5016589 UR/9363/65/001/005/0737/0742 -.546.655824 + 546.65V763 + 546 AUTHOR: Shvayko-Shvaikovskiy, V.~ Y Leonov, A..I.,* Shelykh.-A-J- . 6556i!';': TITLE: Electric and thermogravimetric studies of cerium titanate, chr te, om, and aluminate having a perovskite structure. SUURCE: AN SSSR. Izv6stiya. Neorgani.cheakiya materialy, v. 1, no. 5, 1965, 737-742 TOPIC TAGS: cerium titanatej cerium chromite, cerium aluminate, erovskite semiconductor, thermogravimetric analytiis, electric conductivity0v ABSTRACT: The compounds were prepared by heating pressed powdo mixtures of cerium dioxide and the corresponding mital oxide at 1400C (cerium titanate), 1600C (cerium chrouite), and 1700C (cei:ium aluminate) fo'r.3 hr. Trivalent cerium (Ce2G3) reacting with the oxidej; of titanium, chromium, and aluminum forms the following compounds: Ce203-:M01.8, CeCr03, and CeA103. The oxida- tion of the three compounds on heating in air was followed thermogravimetrically., and the effect of heating on their electrical conductivity was investigated. Thermogravimetric and x-ray analyses Showed that all three compounds decompose .rd .L 58704-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5016589 in air to form the free oxides (CeO2, TiO~, Cr203, and A1203)- Cerium titanate.. begins to oxidize at about 260C, ceriun chromite-at about 600C, and cerium. aluminate at about 800C. The oxidation of cerium compounds is associated with a marked change in electrical conductivity, which decreases in cerium titanate (n-type conduction) and increases in cerium chromite and aluminate (p-type conduction). Orig. art. has: 6 figuies and I table. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimii silikatov Akademii nauk SSSR (institute of SilicaEe Chemistry, Academy of Sciences, SSSO:; Institut poluprovodnikov Akademii nauk-, .1;SSSR (Institute of Semiconductorso Ac-idemy of Sciences, SSS4) SUHHITTED; Mec64.$~-- ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: Ic , NO REP SOV: 002 VMER: 003 2/~ -c,rd L 22898-66 EWT(l)/LW(m)/T/EWP(t) IJP(c) JD/HW ACC BR: iP600~78 SOURCE CODE: UR/0181/66/008/002/o629/0631 AUTHOR: Zhuze, V. P.; Shelykh, A. I. ORG: Institute of Semi~~ ~fSSSR, Leningrad (Institut poluprovodnikav AN SSSR) TITLE: Hall effect in single-crystal cobalt monoxide SOURCE: Fizika tyerdogo tela, v. 8, no. 21 1966, 629-631 TOPIC TAGS: cobalt compound, single crystal, Hall. effect, semiconductor conductiv- ity, Neel temperature, carrier density, crystal defect, hole mobility, ionic crys- tal, Hall mobility ABSTRACT: To check on the mechanism of electric conductivity of CoO and other 3d- metals, whose conductivity is much lower than that expected on the basis of the Bloch-Wilson model, the authors measured the Hall effect in CoO single crystals grown at the Institute of Cr7stallograllby AN SSSR by the Verneuil method. The samples were in the fonn of plates measuring 6 x 4 x 0.2 mm. The electric con- ductivity and the Hall emf were measured by a dc null method in a magnetic field of 23,000 oe. The Hall effect could be measured in a wide temperature interval (103/T = 1.2--3.2) above the Neel point. The temperature dependence of the Hall