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S106216 111000/006/00911010
C) 3 11 F3,!'-; 22 0
AUTHORS: Mikhaylov, B. M., &ichegoleya, T. k., Snashkova, Ye. I.,
Sheludyakov, V. D.
TITLE: Polymers end trimers of alkyl mercaito-boranes
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nau k SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh
nauk, no. 6, 1)61, 1163
TEXT: The nut-io_,s stated that the react-ion of dibcrane with mercaptans
(1 :2) in ether results in polym-er alkyl mercapto-bornnes. The diborane
reacts with methyl mercaptan, forming a soli
t~ id .polymer (CH3SBH 2)x which
had been synthesized previously by A.Bur- and R. Wa,gner (see below) with-
out the use of a solvent. On renction of ethyl mercaptan or ri-butyl
mercantan with diborane, glass-like polymers of ethyl mercapto-borane
(C H SBH ) or of n-butyl merc-a-~to-borane (n-C H S,3H )x are obtained after
2 5 2 Y x 4 9 2
elimination of' the etner b-,, listillation. The polymers of ethyl
mercapto-bor,!ne and n-butyl mercapto-borane are converted gradually at
room tem:)er:Iture to the correspondin-, trimers of alkyl mercapto-borane.
Card 1/3
Polymers ,inI trimerS of alkyl... B118,/3220
The trimer of ethyl mercapto-borane (C.)H SBH~,) has the following
'D 9 7 7 220-
cons tants : hoil4n- -at ?4-960C (I Mm. nD = 1.5323; data
0b t;; in ed : if ').)FI; 2.100; B 1,1.-",7 %).2-, minl~-?cular weight (determined
cryoscopiciilly)- 217.R; 220.2. T,ie trimer of n-I!,ityl mercapto-bol-nne
20 ?0
IeCOM20se,S on vacuom distillatfon: d n,0 76 ; n 1-5130; data
4 j I I
obtained, H B 10.2--;; 10~32 ;i'~; molecular weight- 293.3;
act "'17; 2.15;
294.9 corresponding to I(C4 H9SBH2)3* The solid ~)olymer of methyl
mercapto-borarie is stable; however, when it is dissolved in tetrahydro-
furan, it is c~)nverted to the triMEr of methyl. mercapto-borane: boiling
at 30-810C (1.5irrr.Hg);d 20=1.0121; n20= 1,5483; d-ta obtained:
4 D
H 3.46; 3.37; B 17-00; 17-30 70; molecular weight: 182.5; 183.6
act U -
corresponding to (CH 3SBH2)3* The trimers of alkyl merca.-to-boranes are
fairly stable a,,-ainst the action of air and water. There is 1 non-soviet-
Card 2/"~
S '062/61/000,/006Y/009/'010
Polymers and trimers of alkyl ... B118/B220
bloc reference. The reference to the English-language publication reads
as follows: A. Burg, R. 'Wagner, J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 76, 3307 (1954).
ASSOCIATION: Institut or-anicheskoy khimii im. ~11. D. Zelinskogo SSSR
(Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni 11. D. Zjelinskiy USSR)
SUBMITTED, April 20, 1961
Card 3/3
-00 -
D 2 2 7,D 61 4~
A 1: T H OR Sok.:) I ova Ye B, ";nebanr va M, P, and Slheliid~,Irakc)v,
V -D
T I T L 3 y : t t lr i e s i s o f d i ( m, e -- hy 11. n, d e n y 1i r c, r:
P -'R I U.D I C A L Zhurnal obshchey '~himia 3 no, . 10
T EXT The purpose oC tie present work was to synthesize di (me
t.1 ~ )iron and study its properties Three methods of pre-,
1.y'L i rid enyl - 11
p.---Aring the compound were used. 1) Reacting 'i-,neti~ylindenyl,-i.,,:~g-l~-,
r;ium bromide with ferrous chloride. 2" Reacting ' -miet~ y1-,
11ithium witi- ferrous chloride. 3) Reacting I -in-el.-hyl-indene wil,h
chlc)ride in the presence (--,f diethylarnine. It-, the first
MICIthod., 1-niethylindene w,,:is -idded to a magnes-ii-im P-ti-.yl C~r,)M:de SO-
i.-,n in dl -n ~butyl ether un tall t',,.- - .~lnr c." the ::12,xture .-hanged
o brovin when, FeCl- wa.~-~ cidded In oci-tion~, .after r,~-flux-,nl~
5 r
oricen tra t i,
e n a 91 e t 11 I'ld
0 7 /0 10//0 0 C)
Oynthesis of
t;t1' in e go lid m. pt. 107- 101j' There ,-ire 13 referenceo,.
7 ~3(jviet-bloc arid 6 The 4 re-ent refi-,vences
the re:i(l -ti; P, Poll~,(,111,
f;h(-,uj. jo(,. 'Ib, 10,1ij Poll."(m, U; L I-
v I '-f U ~; P. I t e ri t o"'I , 1! i I
4--irtrien, M Bt~llock, G. D,mn, L. 'illor, J. Am.
-14, 94
AS' IA T ION Hoskovskiy 't-li-iimik,,)-te&hiiologi(-iieskiy int~;+IituT lm,
i, lviendeleyeva (Y.asco.l Ins'titute o--.- C'hemical
im. :,),I, !.Ie--.d-:,leye0
SUL-I.-LITTED: D.--,ce~mber 1~i6O
a rd
AUTHORSt Mikhaylov, B. M., Shchegoleva, T. A., Shashkova, Ye. M., and
Sheludyakov, V. D.
TITLEt compounds. Report 102. Monoalkyl mercapto
derivatives of borane
PERIODICAL: Akademiya na uk SSSR. I,rvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh
nauk, no. 7, 1962, 1218 - 1223
TEXT: The reactions of diborane and mercaptanes in ether solution were
studied at room temperature. Independent of the component ratio, diborane
and methyl mercaptane yielded a solid, storable polymer which dissolves in
ether and benzene, and converts into a trimer in a solution of tetrahydro-
furan. A viscous, colorless polymer was produced from diborane and ethyl
mercaptane, independent of the component ratio. The reaction of diborane
with n-propyl and n-butyl mercaptantas only yielded polymers at a ratio of
1 : 2. TrimerB of ethyl, n-prop~l, and n-butyl mercapto boranes formed
spontaneously from the correspohding polymers. The resulting trimers are
a new type of organoboron comp'ound. They are very stable, have a
Card 1/2
Organoboron compounds ... B117/B180
structure, are virtually unaffected by air, not completely oxidized by
hydrogen peroxide and are very slowly hydrolyzed by heating. They yield
the corresponding borates by alcoholysis. This reaction is slow at room
temperature, accelerating as the temperature rises. Alkyl mercaptoborane
trimers and mercaptanes only react at 100 - 1200C, yielding large amounts
of alkyl thioborates. 53% methyl thioborate ani 89% ethyl'thioborate were
obtained by boiling a mixture of high-boiling m4rcaptane and trimer.
ASSOCIATION: institut organicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii
nauk SSSR (institute of Organic Chemistry imeni
N. D. Zelinskiy of the koademy of Sciences USSR)
SUBMITTED: January 30, 1962
Card 2/2
' ;:(; IDJ U V
0.1 1'i SEUDYAP.W, V i~~
7,,7ori. Dok.l doJri 14j no 2 341
D , Z
Organoboron compounds. Report No.102; 14onal4lmercapto
derivatives of borane. izv-.AN SSSR.Otd.khim.nauk no.7:1218-
1223 Jl 162. (MMA 15:7)
1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR.
(Boron organic compounds)
Organoboron compounds. Report No.106s Reactions of alkyl mercapto-
borane trimers with secondary and tiertiary amines. Izv.A.N SSSR.Otd.khim.
nauk no,9:1559-1564 S 162. (MIRA 15:10)
1. Institut organicheskoy kbizil im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR.
(Boron organic compounds) (Amines)
New types of boron salts. lzv.AN SSSR.Otd..,-:him.nauk no.9;1698--:~~oqq
S 162. (MIRA 15:10)
1. Institut organichdskoy kbimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR.
I '0V I
Organoboron comi;ounds. Report No.116. Reactions of p-lymmers of ajkyl
mercaptoboranes with urisaturati--d conmo.,-mds. Izv. AS SSSR. C)td.kb-im. nauk
no.4:646-651 Ap 163. (111~--A 16:3)
1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskqgp All S6z;R.
(Borine) (Olefins) (Polymers)
AUTHOR: Mikhaylovs B. Ms; Zhchegoleva,, 7. A.; Sheludyakov, V- D.
TITLE; Organic boron compounds. Report 117. Reactions of the amine complexes of
alky.Imercaptoboranes with halogen derivatives of hydrocarbons and HGI
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdoleniye khimichaskikh nauk., no* 3p 1963p 816-822
TOPIC TAGS: reaction mechanisms,, amine oomplaxes of alkylmercaptoborsnes,, HCl,
:halogenated hydrocarbons
ABSTRACT: Di-(dimethylamine)borane allta were formed bjv the action of halogenated
hydrocarbons and HC1 on dimethylaminea*rlmercaptoboranes. When complexes of
a~kylmercaptoboranes with tertiai7 amines reacted with alkyl halides,, the alkylmer-
capto group was exchanged for a halide group, converting them into borane halide
complexes. HCl cleaved the trialkylamine complexes of alkylmereaptoboranes, giving
alh7lmercaptoborane trimers and mine hydrochlorides. Dimethylamine-Methy1mercap-
toborane reacted with dimethylamine hydrochloride to yield the chloride of di-(di-
methylamine)boranee Orig* art. has: 11 equations.
ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy kkdmii Im. N. D. Zelinakogo, Akademii. nauk
SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry, Acadeq of Sciences SM)
ACCMION NR: AI-30003.22
':SUBRITTED: 2lJun62
DAM AN: 12Jun63. ENCL: 00
NO FIEF 3OV; 003 OTOR: 006
1, y -oron and
Nature of the coordination compounds farnw-d ir b
diborane halides in ether oclutions. Dokl. AN SSSR 152 no.4:
8E81-891 0 163. (MIRA 16;11)
1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D. Zelinskogo AN SSSR.
Predstavleno akademikom B.P.. Kazanskim.
Acc---ssiv.; :iR: ;,F4-033.3,85 S/oo62/64/000/004/o632/o637
;jLT.7',iOR: She-'Udya4lov, V. D.; Sbchc~ol-,va, T. A.; M-khaylov, B. M.
TIM--,: Or~,-i~jilc boron compounds.
Cozzzunica-tion 129. Reaction of a--1-iyI.-.erc:iptoborane trimers with primary amines.
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvv--I;t1-Ya. Scriya no. 4, 1964, 632-637
i1c loi-on cc:-.-pound, aXryl~ercaptoborane tri-mer, allvL-aercapto-
bor,inc trin-r reaction, roact-fc,n. macbaniam, Gynthesis methyla=tne methyl-
=C rc .ZOra:., borone
ABST,-L~~C~2: Tlht~ reaction of allkylmerca-ptoborane triners with primary amines was
s-.udicd. Action of metbylamIne on ztethylmercaptoborane Gives the r.~t: y1 mercaptide
of bis(--etb~r1z,=--Ine)borone regardless of the reagent ration (trimer:a:, of 1,6 or
1:3). The r-ech,=,ism suSGested is th,:! fomz,.-Wion of an intermediatt. n,-~atral complexp
r-,e~~hyl~.-.4,-e-c~e~'by'~-ercaptoborane, wi,,ich reacts more rapidly with zetiqlamine than
the trimer. The less stable ethylmercaptide of bis(ethylamire)bo-rone is formed
similarly. These compounds exchang(:_the mereaptide ion for the chloride ion under
action of ether solutions of HCI: Z-H 2B(NH 2R#)OSR + ECI -1H2B(TLR'),-7c1 +
I-- --
Ccr4 - 1/2
Si-milar exchange is effected with benzyl chloride, Normal-butylamine will
not fona the corresponding ethylmereaptide bis(n-butyMmine)borone, only the
cOmPlOx C2H5 SBH2'NH2C4HQ. This will react with benzyl chloride to form the salt
f H2B(IIH C H ) JC1. torone salts with other amines in the capacity of addends
Were simiLQ formed by treating alky1wercaptoboranes with mixtures of the amJne
and benzyl chloride. The chlorides of bis(propyl, isopropyl, isobutyl, t-butyl..
n-amyi, n-hexyl, or benzyl)borones -are crystalline, stable, ether-insoluble
m,iterials. Orig. art. has: 2 tables and 12 equations.
. 0 1.
.'~IOCIATIM: Institut organicheskoy khinii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii nauk
SSSR (institute of Or&anic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences,SSSR)
SUI~Z-E=: 310ct'3
ENCL: 00
SUB CODE; OC NO RET SOV: 002 O=: 001
Pc-4/pi-4/ft~ -RPLi WW/RK 7-7-
L ~.26oi-62
MV006M64 -.7
AMEMSION an; AP5015854
AUTHOR. lov, B. M.; Shcherlaval, T. A. -V V9 Do
TITIZ: Organoboron (Compoun". Conaftmi!Lcation 232. of cationic
es from boron trShialldes 7
AN SSSR- Izvestiya. Seriya khEmicheakaya, no. 12, 19"t' 2165-2170
TOPIC TAGS: organoboron compound, balDgenated organic compound, organic
Absti-act: Under the &ction'oif cftmothylamine' on biron'triibloride and
'boron tribromide in a 2sl reagent(I-atio, dichloro-bia(dimethylamine
'boronium chloride and dibromo-bis dimethylomine)boronium bromide a
formed, respectively. The same'salta are produced by the reaction or
methylaminoboron dihelides vith dimethylammonium salts. A boroniua
salt containing two different aminon in the inner sphere, dichloro-
.dimethylaminopyridineboronium chlo:ride, was synthesized by the &ction
of pyridine hydrochloride on dimetJ laminoboron dichlori as well as
L;,?rd 1/2
L 526ol-65
'by -the ie~:ction'of boron" tilchlori -do, and dimethylamine (in'&,
j111 ratio). When ether and tetrahydrofuran solutions of boron trich-
~loride were treated with ferric chloride or stannic chloride, dichlaro;-
.bia(diethoxide)boronium and dichloroil~io(tetrahydrofuran)-boronium
itetrachloroferrates and dichloro-bis tetrah rofuran)boronium hexachloro-'_
~stannate were ftrmed, indicating that in other solutions boron tri~a`f~da-.'
texlets not only in the form of etherates (BX3-OR2), but also in the forms
'-of cationic complexest In equilibrium vith the ether&tes." rig. art.
ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheakoy
khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo, Akademii nauk.SSSR1
Unstitutei of Organic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences, SSSR)
Organoboron compmmds. Report No.132.- Synthesi's of cation
complexes from torcn trihalides. Tzv. All S-ISR Ser. khim
no.12-.2165-2170 D 164 (MIU 18 *.l)
1. Institut organicheskoy khimii imen-4 F.D. Zelinskogo AN SSSR.
~ t'7' -~-' ~ -1
. V ~ i MT Hit B ~Y.
O-gan;nic7c~n -m=ounds, Fart. -'Inetics -' -~he hy--~r-olys-ls r-'
bc-r-on cat-'-on co=lexes. Zhur, ob. kh'-m, '-'5 no.6-,K66-1073
1: e! 165. ( m-- ri A, l e - 0' )
L 22203-65 3ff(m)/WA(d)/EWP(t)/SWP(b) A=(&)/A$D(f )-31AOD(a) -3/AFM
ACCM=N NRI A13"882 91WO716VW010051011591"
AMORSI meibirek)) jtgk2y, I. -I (Nmoibirsk) I
Aydoninfi- Ve
aluIAOvI yet p. JKovosibirsk)
in saturated water Vapor
TITL&t Rxperimental determination of souni wave v8
;*at high pressures
cheakoy fisikiq no. 5.. 1964
sounGBs Zhurnal prikladnOY Wkhaniki i t6kha
TOPIC TAGSt sound velocity., high pressuros teVeraturs dependence$ staW98S
6teel/jKhj8NqTBtainle9sa PNS 48 pot entiOmetsrs PM 1 POtentiOmetOr ft4
ABsrR=: A now cutperimental chamber has bew.devised for measurk% Bound VA
at temperatures up to 3500. Results are compared with those from Previous thcd!
apparatus,, where the temperatures overlapo Both techniques are based on the method!
of standing waves, In the now apparatus$ a new acoustical resonator made of stain_
leas steel is used* The chamber has a length of 803.75 map an inner diameter of
65 mm., and a wall thickness of 10 mm. Th:Ls was used in a new autoclave made of
IIhWqT stainless steel with a length of :1260 cmi, an inner diameter of 12,0 cmj,
and a wall thickness of L5 cmo Temperature control was obtained by tuo beating
Card l/
L 222o3-65
AcosssioN NRs AP5w2862
elementas one principals one a=IMSry* TaTerature-was measured In the autwlave
by a loo-ohm platinum thermometer and by foxw copper-oonstantan thermcouples on
PUS-h8 and PnN-1 potentiometers$ with an acmuracq within 0920~ ResuIts. of
measurements on soundveloolty in saturated water vapor are shown gr%-Aic&My In
Fig, 1 on the Enclosure in comparison with an empirical curvea It in Bow that
the experimental values between 150 and 35M are in good agreemw* with the
empirical curves arA we in good agreement up to 3200 with the theoretical values
proposed by I* I@ Novikov (Pokazatelf adiabaty* na"hobannogo vodyanogo pars,
Dokl. AN &%Rs 1948s t- 9s No- 8s str, 1425), At higher temperatures the differ-,
ence becomes marked) and it is concluded that a factor for transition through the
saturation curve =wt be added to the theorelAcal calculations,, Grigo arte bass
3 figures wA 2 tableB*
card 2/3
No iuw sov's oo4 OTIMRS 000
L 43722-6~ ~MM
~jb)-3 Pc_4/Pr_4/Pu_4.
P5003509 TJ-P(c) S 64/d00/006/0j_1R/0j:ft
AUMOR: Novikov, 1. 1. (Novosibirsk); S'Irieludyakov, Ye. P. (Novosibirsk)
TITLE: Experimental determination of the sp~~d of sound in saturated vapors of
benzene, carbon tetrachloride, and diethy
SOURCE: Zhirnal prikladnoy mekhariki i tekhniche~koy fiziki,, no. 6, 1964, 119-i2l
TOPIC TAGS: sound velocity, saturated vapor, benzene vapor, carbon tetrachloride
vapor, diethyl ether vapor
ABSTRACT: The article reports on the measurement of the speed of sound in satur-
ated vapors of liquids having low surface tension. These measured values were also:
compared with the values calculated by uving the theoretical formula. The measure-,
ments were carried out by the standing vave method on improved equipment described
elzewhere in the literature. The measurements in benzene were made in the 90-
2150C temperature range, in-carbon tetre.chloride in the 70-261-*C, and in diethyl
ether in the 25-190*C temperature range. The value obtained for the speed of sound
in benzene is in satisfactory agreement with the published data, but for diethyl
there is a deviation of 8% between the experimental and published (theoretica.14
calculated) value, probably due to the different degree of purity of the ether.
Card V2
L 43725-65
The differences betveen the exioerimental and calculated values lie~vithin the
limits of experimental error. The comlarison of experimental and calculated values'
was made for temperatures sufficiently removed from critical temperatures at which
the theoretical formula is rigorously correct. Nevertheless, there is good agree-
ment even at temperatures higher than those referred to in this-study. Origo art*:
has: 2 figures, 1 table, and 1 fOrMU11L.
L 12864-66 EWT(11-)-. -IJ-P(-C)---'
ACC NRt APS021920 SOURCE CODE: UR/0207/65/000/004/016810169
AUTHOR: Novikov, I. I. (Novosibirsk); Shelud_yakov,_Ye. P. (Novosibirsk)
ORG: none
TITLE: Calculation of volumetric concentrations of diatomic moleculj~
in saturated and superheated vapors of mercury using experimental data
on the speed of sound
SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy mekhaniki i tekhnicheakoy fiziki, no. 4,
1965, 168-169
TOPIC TAGS: sound wave, ideal gas, thermodynamic equilibrium
ABSTRACT: The authors consider vapors of mercury as an equilibrium mix4
ture of two chemically reacting ideal (monatomic and diatomic)gases. It?,
is assumed that thermodynamic equiLibrium exists at every point in space
and time during the dispersion of sound waves. In an earlier work, thel
authors measured the speed of sound in saturated and superheated vapw&-m
of mercury at temperatures of 2250-4000C and at a pressure of 0.05-2.2
kg/cm2. Using these results, voluinetric concentrations of diatomic
molecules at seven isobars and on the line of saturation were deter in-i
ed. Results of calculations are shown. On each of the isobars, th:
CoM 1 / 2
L 12864-66
ACC NR: AP5021920
maximum concentration of diatomic molecules occurs at temperatures of
saturation. Calculation of volumetric concentrations of diatomic mole-
cules based on the speed of sound is shown to be more accurate than pre-
vious methods. Orig. art. has: 1. table, 2 formulas.
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 05Apr6!i/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REF: 000
Card 2/2
L 26764-66 - EwT (l)/E7dr(m.)/ETC (f )/EPF (n) -21M(m) /ETC (m)-46 . 1JF(c) JD/Vg/.JW/JG
IV117741=7 6 0 13 9 3 5 SOURCE CODE: UR/0207/66/000/002/0137/01
f;.AUTHOR. Novikov, I.-I. (Novosibirsk); Sheludyakov, Ye. P. (Novosibirsk)
ORG: none ~3
TITLE: Themodynamic__(tS) diagram for.mer u plotte d from experimental data on the
velocity of sound
SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy mekhaniki i -tekhnicheskoy fiziki, no. 2, 1966, 137-139
TOPIC TAGS: entropy, thermodynamic characteristic, mercury, isobari acoustic speed
ABSTRACT: The authors use the method proposed by Novikov and Trelin (1. 1. Novikov,
Yu. S. Trelin, "Constructing Entropy Diagrams from Experimental Data on the Speed of
Sound", Atomncaya energiya, 1961, v 10, rio 5) for plotting the~�'H~~oo:f mercury as a
function of temperature. The results are given in the graph and tables. The dotted
lines in the graph show the isobars according to data given by Vukalovicb and Fokin
(M. P. Vukalovich, 1L. R.-Fokin, "Thermodynamic Properties of Mercury", Proceedings of
t e MEI, :F9 ~3)- The maximum devergence with respect to temperature is no more than
1% in any case. orig. art. has: 3 figures, 2 tables.
C.,d 1/3
L 2 67-6-47f(
ACC NR: AP6013935
Isochors in ti(OC), S(Kcallkg gr)
coordinates (V__m3/kg)
S- I t S
jrO a0 3. 0 0.1590
070 380 MW OJ595
0:1172 00 U.1 5W 3~') 0- t6W
400 1 0.1376 U-t.0 !. 00 0.1605
V-0.3 94.3 0. SO. v-3.0
N7.2 1 0 1'04 300 0: 237.5
O:M75 2G,) 00. it 66 Wit
32~J a 5 75
.M 0 0 VIA, M 0 0 0 6165
0: j,,jj 3G0 300 0:11622
3,',U 320 0 62.7
U=O. 4 4,)0 0.1531 J! 11 0:11632
NO 0:11638
330 3 0.1430 0-t.5 380 0 61.3
340 0. f432
3G0 0 436 226 0. 15 V, 400 OAG49
3SO 0:11411.1 230 0,1547 v-3.5
4G0 0.14-So 3M 0't '.1' 231.6 0.1617
320 0 Ms
V-0.5 34.) 0., Z1, 2G0 0.1626
M3.1 0: 11. 1,3 MO 01S65 240 0.1632
340 a1453 34 0 01.5745 .100 0.1636
270 0.1458 400 0.1550 .120 0.1643
as - 0.161.9
0 OA40
400 0. 14U v-2.0 :0i) OA655
-,1 6 0 U- , M150 0 661
v-0.7 N, 0: t.'.75 4,A 0 : 116637
301.8 0:11476 300 0-15~10
320 0 482 3ZO 0.1J85
3110 OAM
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM'DATE: 16Mar65/
Card 1/.,, eg)
-Kcal/kg gr
Isobars for mercury in (t.,S)
ORIG REr: ooi/ OTH REF: 002
ACC NR,AP7007684 SOURCE CODE: UR/0386/66/003/002/olol./0103
AUTHOR: Treljn,~Yu. S.; Sheludyakov, Ye. P.
ORG: Institute of Themophysics, Siberian Branch A_N SSSR (Institut teplofiziki
otdeldniya AN SSSR)
TITLE: Experimer)tal determination of the speed of sound in the critical region of
carbon dioxide ;
SOURCE: Zhurnalleksperimentallnoy i tecireticheskoy fiziki. Pis1ma v redaktsiyu,
v. 3, no. 2, 196~, 101-103
TOPIC TAGS: cartion dioxide, acoustic sreed, critical point
ABSTRACT: The authors carried out systematic neasurements of the speed of sound in
the critical reg1lon of C02' The measurements were made at 500 cps. The results of
measurements along four isotherms, including the critical one, are shown in Fig. 1.
The isotherms of the speed of sound have a sharp minimum near the critical point.
The lowest error in the speed of sound, equal to 0.25%, is observed at the ends of
Ithe isotherms. On approaching the minimi of the speed of sound, the error rises
and reaches L%. Values obtained by other authors for C02 were 140 m/sec, 150 m/sec,
and 1,41.6 m/sec. ! The smallest value of the speed of sound recorded in this work is
132 m/sec. In prokessing the measuremerd~ results it was found that the points of
the sound-speed minima on the isotherms plotted in temperature/pressure coordinates
Card 1/2 UDC: none
ACC NRs AP7007684
lie on a line which is the continuation of the liquid-vapor phase-equilibrium curve*
Orig. art. has: figures.
C. m/aec
of 70 so so cim
Fig. 1
SUB CODE: 20j, 07 SUBM DATE: 13Dec65- CRIG REF: 002
OTH REF: 003 A
SHELUDYAKOV, Ye.Ye., polkovnik neditsinskoy siuzhby
Arteries of the retina :;-n hypertension. Voen.-med. zhur.
no-4:72-74 AP 161. 15~,-6)
L 11364-67 LWT(l) SCTB DD/GD
ACC NR, AT6036509 SCURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/000/000/0081/0083
AUTHOR: PMyqnqy_2. P. K.; Galkin,_A. V.*, Tarentlyev, V. G.; Sheludyakov, Ye. Yo.;
Plsarenko, N. V.; Yaroshenko, G. L.
ORG: none
TITLE: Probloms of the selection of caniidates for special crows japer prosented at,'
conference on problems of space medicine held in Moscow from 24-Z7 May 196L,7
SOURCE: Konferentniya po problemam kosmicheskoy meditsiny, 1966. Problomy
kosmicheskoy meditsiny. (Problems of space medicine); materialy konforentaii,,
Moscow, 19660 81-83
TOPIC TAGS: cosmonaut selection, bioastronautics, space physiology, space
psychology, psychophysiology, cosmonaut training
ABSTRACT: The systematic exposure of yaang test pilots to aviation or space-flight
conditions is of importance relative to - rfecting methods for selecting piloto and
cosmonauts. Considering the caliber of professional activity, the
test pilot must be in excellent physical and mew-al, condition.
n e a at
Selection takes place i thr e'sta s: prefiminary mbul ory se ection,:
stationary examination in special medical establishments, and. elimination i
Uuring the first months of occupational activit
Card 1/3
L 11364-67
ACC NR: AT6036509
During preliminary selection, the medical commissiod was given
documents describing anamnesis data, general and physical development, i
and medical treatment in the preceding year After familiarization with
these documents, nearly half the applicants were rejected due to therapeutic
status or poor eyesight. During preliminary ambulatory examinations,
medical specialists (therapists, otolaryngologists, neuropathologists,
surgeons) analyzed blood, urine, EKG' s during rest and after exercise,
x-ray films of thoracic organs and nasal. accessory sinuses, and con-
ducted vestibular and other functional tests. In some cases,
spinal x-rays, pressure chamber exposure, etc.',were conducted.
Rejections during the first examination phase were high. The main
reasons for rejection were ear, nose, and throat ailments, neurocircu-
latory dystonia, and ve stibulo- autonomic instability.
During the stationary phase, an expanded program of clinical,
physiological, and specialized tests was used. From 25 to 50% of the
candidates who had passed the first phase of examinations were rejected.
The main causes of rejection were diseasq~s of internal organs (nearly
half the rejects), ve stibulo- autonomic instability, ear, nose, and throat
diseases, and spinal disorders..
. . 1, ... . . . ...'
roject, ite,,j dTirino- thke secorld phase h- s
c7oclincc as a rosult of a more dotailed examination during the first
anc, now rnethods of exam'Ination. For instance, substitution of the
i5tandlar(. 011-10 vestibular test with 1. L Bryanov' s test (summation of
vestibular stimuli during Coriolis acceb-rations) significantly decreased
At the same time,
the nun-il)(2r of rejects due 'Lo vestibular disorders.
ear, nose, and throat rejects were more accurately diagnosed by sub-
azA majiortietric o~,.-arnination,' (F -)yachev and
1.Gurasimov manometers) with pressure chamber tests, Spinal X-rays
:.uringr thr, ambulatory phase could riot b,~ justified.
The occupational activity of a numbor of candidates produced some
ciianges wilich precluded their furthcr participation and caused their
rejection from testing work. About 10% of the candidates were founcl
to be unsatisfactory during this phase.
These data permit the examiner to forcs2c probable deviations in
;health under occupational conditions during the selection phase.. to
evaluate individual methods armlicable to selection. jorognose work
capa'z;tY under the Influence of external factors. [W.A. No. 7-2; ATD Report
SUB CODEt 05,06 / SUBM DATEg OOMay66
r-A I
Sanitary aspects of working conditions in spectrum analysis laboratories.
Gig.sanit., lrflosicva no.):32-38 Mar 1951. (CLML 20:7)
1. Of "lie Institute of Labor Hygiene ~md Occupational Diseases of
the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR.
Sh~-! "The v~ --+,r-' on of' north-east Ya'~ut, 11 in h-~
n(Ala~v -Ja P~rvoy sessi-1, bezy -22, Ss-'a, Ynkutsk, 0. lc,4-76
U-, t nal Inykr, St t y, I
Steppe vegetation In the regions of Takutia north of the Arctic
Circle. Trudy Inst. biol. LUAH SSSR no-3:68-82 157. (KM 11:5)
(Yalmtia-Stoppe flora)
t`;"-: ~Tj
X*ar;,ow Cullo-lvatloa
?ZhPio? "ICJ. L
1,43. IN]
yj%~~AtSL Attlijei 13 U jR
~0, . So
-X 71 i',h ~~,v~avj la 't,"- F--'~vvm Vailey Wi
k thin
-tae :sordera f Go,*, tr-il lskut-&Ic 11.1ain.
Tr. Zn--*& biol.
11,;N: SS.~H, 1957, vyp. 3,
zlis instluityi rf Y.!Lk-jTs!c Afftl.:,ate A3 USSR oarri-
:.d ou' Er. `:,,ation -.;f ',.bn zaadows la Lena River Val-
lay t4,~. of Y.-%kr-,s!c Flalri- It was found
~.,!gm-jmt li n4t, baz.C)genaous is divided J-0to
:1 41.ffrmat. aaa"Aorw. Ths ri.-n4t One - the upper sectior'l
-A-t DZIUIC~L[I&l mewlcri blr,~s em hais been I
for amd .1 ~i utwilized. The
'14w;A eisa-,~Ion. - UA4 VMkrl-lly ff-iw-piA Irsver segmeat, - has
rf a v~L3t rt5ekr-y:i-"'--.Ou whIch in
u %.. hich has u
vl"'Ulsed !~t pm,~Oat O'm-3 tn"t w rfarmous:
&r.,!IB of rr~e!i&.u lands ~-,qidring imp-l-ovegiient vork. I cbai-.
Some characteristics of agrometeorological conditions for the
development of the late potato blight in the Ukraine. Trudy
UkrNIGMI no.28:77-84 162. (KRA 15:8)
(Ukraine-Potato rot) (Uhraine-Meteorology, Agricultural)
Pacl,re", ice crust ar.-.. its distributlon in ,'-,e terrivory of tr.-a-
- -7.
U~Lrain~'an S.S.R. Trady UkrMIGMI no.":77-83 'L.
A A L 1 .1 It q Itailir aid a )1 17
6 X I k L A x v
Q It I 1 1
T -A 1. 1 AA 0
00 A
041 ir Anthrocene derivatives. 111. Synthe
anthreconetrisuffonic acid. It. 1'. Frib,
00 a
J. (wo. (t'. N. S. j
QV; If. C. A- 32, 1111116. tICTRAMS 11
g. Na 9,10-dichorauithracene-2-sull
Of t 7fr4m :1.1 ml. of 41.4fl"A XsHSCh with 1
and Id mi. HjO at 170-10)* for M-30 hrs
00 ticem of N&,SO. with dil. HCI, evap$.
00 IS crystg. the powd. produc: from WIN)%
at 14W in vortwo gave 3.83 g. nt crude
00 anthracenefrijaMnale (1). The filtrate In
0 Vid. some No (cf. C.
d b
0* w
est pur
y treat
ng crut
(01-111 soin. and -" :1 drops of H,01. filt
00 tn-tins the fibmw with b-z
the ~kft with dil. Na
00 z fluxine with 2W1 IICI is decormId. with n
0 0 0 0 0 0
a .4 M 1, L. D
Vtt o U a is &I a h a Q
j L
a of 2.9.10-
v an.1 V I
) 8, IiWA#
A %CA]rt! lut.e -041
We. \AGOUT -00
48 g. NaOlf)
derompil. the .0 41
o drynewt, rr-
r. and drying
ri-Na 2.9,1,0-
i I ou cones.
4. 30.
CO 0
11% IICI, Ba-
ing frinn the z
i-HO -Id
If. I on r-
n. .1 Aightly
g. It Ittried at NO') with 11A zoo
it. PCI. in a mitt. of 2-5 1:. each 14111% Acoll anti W)CI,
00 fur I hr. and decorupg. with ice formed anthracette-:1- zoo
'Ulf~'"-W Chlar tn. I MA'. zoo
00 0
00 1-:0
00 1.
T .44
-7 -n
AT -0
it Tar.
r. T _ , t 0 A 3
or a a K S1 ff it 14 dAG
0 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 C 0 0 a 0 a 0
0 0 0 00 0 o 00 00 0 0 0 goo 0 0 dl.~
o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 0
0 0099 0 9 111 0 0 0 0 00 * . I I Gr4 44 a#! v ~ W W - - - -
0 16 0 9-0 0 0 0 0 0 111 9 0 0 6 o 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 9
li n Il A 16 ly a A x 11 W 11 4 ki v x A, 4
j 4,
a 1--f 1 .1111.214pr It S T v Y~_K_A a CC OP t4 I,
00 Di- and polyaryleftnes. III' Synthesis of the 2.9.10-
trisultonic acid of antbracene. [1. 1'. I-Worov und E I
SlicludyAkova. Frami. lirl. Chem. fe(k. jU. S.
S. It*) No-* 2. 21J-33(19311); c(. C. A. 33, t%Xfl.-Na -00
00 9.10-dicht,)rodtittira"ne-.1-sutfonate and 2Na2SAsj were
fl3C hIS.. the
in a bealrd Mile 6Lt IM-180
contents were then filtrteJ, acidilitA and evalA. to drv-
nc~. After 2 revrvitus. front Ac. itthi drvil
9. VOCUO at 100* thC tti-N& Wt 14 4nthrAvn-'_',9,l0-I II-
1114 IT milfonate was ol,tained. .14, Z_ Katnich
o0 46
00 -.00
Iwo 0
00 S
Ni3 r, 1 1.
s[ I It It it m
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 $1!1& 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 o 0
0 00 0 0 0 00 00 & 0 * 4 0 0000 4, 0 0 0 0 4 00 4 9 0 0 0 0 00 000 4D
(Corrosionlinhibitors [for ferrouti metals] in the textile industry.
(Tekst.prom., 1q--,7,No.2,24-25)- (KLRA 2:1)
(BA - B I AP '50:34.4)
0 00 0
*0 00 0* Soo
it At -o
00 A UR
00 -00
InWbitws Lathe textHe industry.
1L I 4~trcq.
wril wirla 111WrOlIMS AIM Ate ctmkint
hqtI,jt,, jr.,ltl Fi-i 1.0,rs may Iw w~l It, ttlhdAt~ it,
cunuum uaqpjIt al.1rch, thwAvril mistch, Ahlrhval~ ip.,f 00
ticularly effectir: as inhit'llon. especially CIIJO still it, C'o 0
00 =41. KI gicow, etc. The waste ciokins liquor (In-
oo O.S") dIllinoad'k, inclu'll"RmlIntituted *00
phervylilanine. After 24 he%.' ex;xllurr tn fill I, 111SO., - z0 0
00 file 1"Howilix ~11113 wt-rr 'A'taitj~l, rx1ir-I t% Iwt%vut-
-a age of tile Pr "Illple di-AMI: Im 1111111.t.'r I tv"'. =00
00 it) 1., 1. starch -M)", 10 g.,1. bleAchol fibrt~ I III
s A. dextrin 1) IV,' ;.:111) 1. unbleached Own 0 .5t t; K- o
Inhibitor it) %~ 1. (mmlin 76
1, mutno Acids Inhibitof "OS" 0 115', m
40 0
U N AV PO It" -I ::*
An A 1 11 Ild 0 40 0
A, it Op &C lpf it Of w It t
0 0 o 0 o 00 40 0
0 0 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 '04
0 0 00 0 000 0 so 00 0;j
00000010*00000000000 00000060006060606~
- y
-~.. I I- , 'Y:',- I -I I .
--72 S r:!.;-v P - f- Ell r) 6 11 1 Zrgii f; t -,,;- S Tkr- r: i .( 17 rl - t f 7p b r I', f B! m 0 ,Teks t 11.
- N
, , -') L,
t . Ir)1;9, "o. 7. C. . I .
I!, L7 -:,T~ .1, 11 191,9
.) ~: I.. I., I
t-tf A" fl
PrevaLtion of sWb dhm R. E. Fedorova and E. L
~xdlakova (Tshvi M., zwv.
i~~-Ak Monc*
6oTui-ton WT-'nitro-24miaotolnoua hydroc a 4 MOL
6, C
14 1 a
nf HCl per mol. of amino, was diaxotised by the usual methods and,-
vdifle stirring vigorously, dry ZnO (in et tit I a]* t to I mol.
of the HCI) ;as added to the diato soluj"".' Yh'.'T"A'CV1' formm 'itil
the dkizo compound a dj-salt~ wWch predlitated Lrom the saturated
!jOution in the form of a stable, wAt,sr-*oIubI*..wWtl5h-yCHow
compound. The di-salt was identical as zogards Its properties With
the diazoles. Max. ),;-1d of the salt was obtained at atL lunine COAM
of 90-100 g.11. Tu~ di-salt w&3 also obtained by riaction with of
CaCO,orMSO. ApplicAtion of the dyes ir.resist dyeing is discussed.
Stable d*azo compounds.
X ~vi and E. 1.
SheludVaLova. Tekstil. i1n,"" 413-9(1954).-
1I1 I[ yeing with fc--! dyes, stible active diazo comptis. are-
Used. They are ol~taincd bv addii. of ZaCl,. CdCl!. naph-
thalenesulfunic acids, etc. to diazon;uni hydrochlorides.
1'. 0 rubv shades. In Azotmine Ruby G, 4-nitro-2-ainino
toluene (1), is used. A 5:able salt of diazotized I can be
obtained by treating I in s(In., vortg. 4 moles HO per mote
nmine, with dry ZnO ia an tint. equiv. to I mole HCA. The
isolated doublt salt ii wate-sol- neutral to Congo red " "I'd
ertsilycoupledwithAzotol,l.. It il,es the fabric flame-i-M.
HlLmbetb .13~bash
,~ t-l/ IV/
Neutralizing diazo-solutions wita chalk. Tekst.prom.14 no.2:26-29
F 154. (KLRA 7:5)
1. Khimicheskaya laboratoriya fa')riki BIC (Dyes and dyeing)
4 SUble dino cmdomde.
diazatizedi nmints ttr-
resulting ftvra tht! neatraiiintion of their wIns. with
chalk or ZnO is as-ribed to a formation of a double 031t1
bdvveen I and CaM, or znch. Elisabeth narabssh
v v I
NentntlLwian of dUto "utions with ch&W
anclr~- ~,19 ~-, k, M out.
c o~ I-
c . . Z .~ U, 4~ i!t,
v.qttiv ~ to the atilt of fr%:e I ICI, c-4t) ~yv i~.d % ~v t";fvvultv ivivd
ittitca,l f AcON.L to J,,I~ic dye,~. CIO:
formell is ptc,'clit ai a s,41t M601 werc.ticli t -
nv ta-
diazo compti. L*h~,hvtll
SHELUKHIN, A.P., polkovnik, delegat XXII slyezda Kommmisticheskoy partii
Sovetskogo Soyuza
Collective of the S.M. Kirov Kilitary Medical Academy of the
Order of Lenin will carry out the tasks placed before it. Voen.-med.
zhur. no.11:9 N 161. (KIRP 15:6)
1. Sekretarl partiynogo komiteta Voyenno-meditainskoy ordena
Lenina Akademii imeni S.M. Kirova.
AV N I,.' oll
i-",c,r at
KLETiERMAN, Yu.A., inzh.; KRASEOV, K.A., red.; SHELUKHIN, A.S., red.;
(Garage and repair-shop equipment; reference catalog] Garazhnoe
remontnoe oboradovanie; katalog-sprovochnik. Moskva, Nauchno-
tekhn.izd-vo avtotransp.lit-ry. 1955. 179 D. (MIRA 12:3)
1. GARO, trust, Moscow. 2. Glavnyy inzhener tresta "G3razhno.7e
i avtoremontnoye oborndovin-iye " Glavnogo uT)ravleniya protryshlennykh
pred-Driyatiy Ministerstva 3vtomobillnogo transports i shossevnykh
dorog SSSR (for Krasnov)..
(Automobiles--Maintenance and repair)
LOSAVIO, Georgiy 6emenovich; SAHOIN, Nikolay 'Issil'yevich-, bff&LUKHIN, A.S.,
redaktor; GALAXTIUHOVJi, Ye N., tekhnicheskiy redaktor
[Easy ways of starting automobile carburetor engines at low
temperatures] Sposoby oblegeheniia puske avtomobilInykh karbiurstor-
nykh dvigatelei pri nizkiktL temperaturakh. Moskva, Neuchno-tekhn.
Izd-vo avtotransp. lit-ry. 1957. 34 p. (MLRA 10:9)
(Automobiles-Start';ng devicee)
red.; KOGAN. F.L.,
[Garage and automobile rep-airing ep'uipment; a reference catalog]
Gorazhnoe i sytoromontnoe oborudovanie; ketalog-spravochnik, Sosta-
viteli A.S.Zhernovkov i I.N.Nikonenko. Pod. obshchei red. A.L.
Klycheva. Moskva, Nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo avtotranso. lit-ry, 1957.
191 p. (MIRA 11:3)
l.Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Ministerstvo avtomobillnogo trans-
porta i shosseynykh dorog. 2.Glavnvy I-1zhener Tresta po rukovod-
stvtL zavodami Do oroizvodE.tvu garazhnogo oborudovaniya (for
(Automobiles--Sen-ice stations)
GRUZINOV, Vasiliy Illich; KLE,-NIKOV, Vladimir Mikhaylovich; SHELUKHIN, A.S.,
red.; MALIKOVA, N.V., "Woww*111~1- -1 -
[Manual for first rank drIvers] Uchebnik shofers pervogo Irlassa.
Mos;-Ya, Natirhno-teichn. izd-vo avtotraasp. lit-r7. 1958. 319 P.
(Automobiles-Repciring) (MIRI 11:3)
Xl;'OROZ, V.I., knnd.tekhn.naL,,k; SHELUKHIN, A.S.
Moments of inertia for motor-vehicle wheels. Avt.prom. no.9:22-23
s 16o. (MIRE 13:-Q)
1. Gosudarstvennyy soyuznyy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni nauchno-
issledovatelvski,7 avtomobilln.77 i avtomotornyy instlti7t I Moskovskiv
avtozavod imeni Likhachava.
(Motor vehicles--I)7namics)
KNOROZ, V.I., kand.takhn.nauk; FE-ROV, 1.P.; SIELLTHIN, A.S.
Estimating the traction of the wheel. Avt. prom. 27 no. 4:8-12
Ap 161. (Mr-1 14:4)
1. Gosudarstvennyy soyuzuyy ordeM Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni
riauchno-issledovatellskiy av-tcmoAlInyy i a~.rtomotornyy institut.
Notor vehicles-Wheels)
-OVAL ':~Al r, ' I''I u, ~ ir '-L r T'rakof 'yevich-; SHELUKIL11 2
N A.S, ~ red. ;
ULAKTIO1110VA, Ye N, takhn.'r;a.
[Vanual for tire rounters] Posobie hinorontazhniku. Moskva,
Avtotransizdat, 1962. 109 p. (1,',IRA 15:~)
[Lesign and conotru,;tion of pipe fittir.,:7s a -. c te
Kon:--mii-co-,ranie truboprG-,ILd:-,Oi am-atury. Iza.3.,. PC-.,-er.
..'oAva, Ma--,~J- nos t. roenle, 196z,. 831 p.
KNOHC,~, kand,tf,-khn,nauk,, SlIFLUU7.N
_. , LS,
Experimental data on the rolling resIs"'ance of motor-vehicle
tires cn hiljhways with hard pavement. Av'..Drom, 110 no,2:
17-21 F 164, (KRA 17-.1)
y ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni
1. Gosudarstvennyy soyuznT
nauchno-issledovatel'skiy avtomobillnyy i avtomotornyy institut.
G~-.LOV, boris Viktorovich. doktor tekhn. nauk'prof.; MAZING,
Georgiy Yurlyevich, kand. tAhn. nauk, dorts.; PANICHIKIN,
I.A., dcktor teklin. nauk) ratsenzent; %MUKM, G.G.,,
doktor tekhn. nauk., retsenzmt; GOROKHOV, M.S., doktor
toklm. nank, rotoanzarl; KOTELINIKOV) A.V.v kami. tekhn.
nmik, red.
[Thurmodymmic and balhz,i~,- bases for the design of
solid-propellant rocket englms] TermAinfticheskie i bal-
listicheskie osnov-y proakti:-ovaniia raketnykh dvigatelei
'W:-&m toplive. Vosk-va., Mash-nostraenie,, 1964. 406 p.
('..IRA 17:11
3h05 SHELUKHM 1. P.
Opyt rentabellnoy raboty stroitellnogo upravleniya No. I (Trest"Kirovshakhtoos-
trn~/Kombi nata"haragandashakhtos troy) A., 195h. 16S 22sm (M-vo z4goVn0y
prom-sti SSSR Tekhn. UPR Tsentr: in-t tekhn. info matsi i 3.000 ekz. L)ez3pl.
(54-57345) p 622-333: 622.25 + 622-003L
-~F ml-u"T., I i. .11.
Shelukin, 1. S. and Skalozubova, A. N. "Cats," In symFosium: Nauch. otchet
Tulun. gos. selekts. stantsil za 1941-1944 gg., Moscow, 1948, p. 36-44
SO: U-3264, 10 April 53 (Letopis tZhurnal lnyk~~ Statey, No. 4p 1949).
-I r
- i~~ 7FIrT I'll:
, I.
Shelukhin, I. S. and Slmlczubova, A. .. "Farley," In s,,-Mposium: Nauch. otchet
Tu-1un. gos. selekts, startsii za 1?41.1944 gg., Moscow, 1948, P. 45-52
SO: U-3264, 10 April 53 (Letopis fZhurnal fnykh Statey, 110. 4o 1949).
-Di-a'a-Hr , 1. 3.
Shelukh:Ln. 1. ~, and :31,alozubova, A. 11. lCn tho sowing t-Laes of oats according
to previous dal.a," In symposium: Nauch. atchet Tulun. gos. selekts, stantsii za
1941-1941- pg., Moscow, 194P, p. 919-101
SO: U-32(4, 10 April 53 (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 4, 1949).
1 jcieice . Tillag e . L,,,.n 1 P.- clan. It i,,r, J-5
A-1 . 7;(- i),
Ref 'hur--, 1956.. 24812.
Iluth--r : Shelukhin, I.',
Prohlen-is cf ti-le Tilla,I-c cf 334-1 in the Kupinskiy
Rayon (Ijcv,~sibirsk.)y O~last.).
Put.: 3. kh. 'Silcirii, 19-117, 11c; S, 28-;,'.
IL abs~-r%-t.
Card 1/1
%-- SH";TTrKlT,, I.S.
3c-onomlc evaluation of land. Zemledelie 6 no.8:83-85 Ag 158.
(MIRA 12:11)
(U.nd )
'.-I C- T 7--,,ov~-d
0- Is --n
r. 3 o
t r
Natural thickets of the RL-ropean spindle tree and its Plantations
on peat soils. Trudy Inst. less. 4-6:35-39 158. (KIRA 11:6),
1. Belorusakiy nauchno-iscledovatellskly institut lesnogo khozyaystva.
(spindle tree)
i,(A'11; LN, J.',V,; !W~,DOV, V,S,
i'lioriphoruti uptak-'~ Iyj c(,xiif--:)r seedlings, Sbor. nauch. rab. Bel.
otd~ VBO no,3:236--239 '61. WIP,~ 1-4:12)
(Contferae) (Phosphorus)
"Acceleration of grovth in forest nurseries under the
infulence of micro-elements"
SHUUMIN, i .-V.; vc,rAPOV, A. N. 1-146.
Tsimlyansk - Hydraulic Engineering
Hydromechanization at the TSimlyansk hydro-development. Medh. trud. rab. 6 No. 7, 1952.
Month~l List of Russian Accessions, Library of Oongress October 1952. UNCIASSTFIED.
2. USSR (6CO)
4. Earthwork - Taimlyanak llydroolectric Power Station
7. Hydromechanization work under winter conditions. Mekh. stroi. 9 no. 12: 1952
~-4. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April - 1953, Uncl.
1ASS) Yu.~J.; J~Gbf,,'OVICH,'.; VIL'GGS, Ye.F.;
7.1~AZEDAl"I'SE'll, I.I.,; CRYA:','I'GV, V.I.; GUTOIROVA, Ye.D.;
K,'-5RIZOIN, :-LLY-WK0, G.I..; i,'C,.iOKFCVSKAYA, X.S.;
-,~MSKri, Rfj7i-.QDlNOVA, 1P.P.; "'SNOV, A.A.;
Ye.-I.; I.,'%; Frinirmli uchastiye:
A.G., irtzh-gid:-oi~eolog; SACH-ENKO-SAKUN, V.Y.
-'il.'A;, A.V., st. teklirlik-eclog;
Tek'nnik-geolrog; -'.A.,
A.G., aKadf.:-.ik, glav. red.[deceaSedj
irmnganf-.-e-ar,~~ 'Nikopoll3kii margfntsevo-
basse~n. Izd-vo "Nedra," 1964. '34
(~MTHA 17 6)
ge,doVichesk:kh riaux AN Ukr.SSI (for
c) I
it-anova, M Yavko, 1~omocann,.-a, Usenko). 2. l*auc jio-
.,!(-.(iovat.e',L'--kiy instiLLt geologii Dnepropetrov-kogc
~il,)sudars tvermo,o univi~~rsi teta (for Gryaznov, Nos( vskiy).
Trest "E"Ineprogeologiyall (for Bogdanovieh, Kab~izon).
z- Trest "Kiyevf-ologiyp' (for Bass). 5. Trest "likopoll-
~;net:,-" 'for Villgos, Grazhdrintsev, Sosnov).
ACC NH! ATU022276 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/0)0/000/0069/0079
JI.i.rIHOR: Wmberskiy, H. V. ; Shelukhin, S. A.
ORG: none
rLE: The application of the eigenvalue method in the calculation of the frequency
characteristics of stripline Y-circulators
SOURCE: Vsesoyuznaya nauchnaya sessiya, posvyashchennaya Dnyu radio. 22d, 1966.
Sektsiya kvantovoy elaktroniki. Doklady. Moscow, 1966, 60-79
TOPIC TAGS; waveguide,-waveguide propagation, waveguide design, eigenvalue
ABSTRACT: An analysis of the operation of stripline Y-circulators is presented. The
computations are based on a dispersion-matrix and associated eigenvalues. The elemeht
of the dispersion matrix
are related with its eigenvalues, as follows:
(eil- + e Jk + e A-)
I . (2)
fell, + e 1 Re-1.2r) + e /(%+'2n] , -
Card 1/5 3
__ L
ACC NR: AT6022278
the eige a U jol i62
whez nvalues ej e and e: are the reflection coefficients at the
junction, fed by a combination of waves corresponding to the eigenvectors of the matrix
e e
e-, e 1120- (3)
To deterf;i.'ne -the eigenvalues for the co;,ifiguration shown in figure 1, use is made of
the relation for the characteristic impedance of transmission lines
ZV= Uinc refl U (4)
IDC refl
Fig. 1
Card 2/5
L e95jV-67
The values of potential U and current I at the boundary ferrite-air can be expressed
in terms of the fields and circulator dimensions h and b (see fig. 1)
(5) H92b (6)
Expression (4) may now be written as
Z 0-2 b H
or explicitly, in tems of circulator parameters, as
a3Z4,h V ( Sinny 1 .1
+ -:F.-Z.,q 24 7 1.(x)
3m ti
1. (X)
a3Z,b h i-1 sin AY 2
4%zZOR _(X)
V I. P2 - ki
,where Z4, R;
Card 3/5
ACC HR: AT6022278
ijo,cu is the permeability and dielectric coefficients of the inner mediu:,-i in the waveJ
Iguide, e is the dielectric coefficient of the ferrite, P,k is the diagonal and; non-
diagonal tensor components of the ferrite's permeability coefficient, I is the free
space wavelength, R is the radius of th.2 ferrite disc, J (x) is the Bessel function of'
the first kind, n-th order and J' n(X) i:3 its derivative with respect to x. Using ex-
pressions (2) and (8), the authors derive the expressions relating the properties of
the Y-circulator a, B, y to the ferrite parameters and the junction geometry:
3F, 21- a2) - C2 (3CI + 2al) +
3 (a2 + CI F2)1 + 4a2F2
+ a' _i,IaF I (0-a') - F21
2a (1,f C -I) (cz2 + C2j - F2 (1/_3 C + a)
+ 4aIFI (9)
jFI(& C2 2 11~aC) +,FIJ
2a (V3 C --~- a) (a2 + C?) + F1 (a
T -3 + (,2 F2)z + 4a7F2
iF (C2 2 2 1/3 aC) -F31
!L Card 4/5
i, CC N*~~; AT6022278
3:lhzv C J; (X)
a = --
InRzo J, (x)
The results are used to generate a polar plot for the values of input impedance of
the circulator. for a specific case. Orig. art. has; 4 figures, 19 formulas.
SUB CODE: 09,17,12/ SUBM DATE: llJtpr66/ ORIG FXF:- 001/ OTH REFs 005
SHELI, !KHINA, L. A.: "The excretion :)f iron from the organism of patients
with acute and chronic dysentery and its clinical significance". Moscow,
1955. Second Moscow State Medical Inst imeni I. V. Stalin.
(Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of 'Nedical Sciences)
SO: Knizhnaya Letopis' No. 51, 10 December 1955
E-,C-_vpTk MEDICA See 6 Vol 13/3 Iniernal Yed. Yar 59
(Russian text) - S h e I u k h I na L. A. and P a n I n a A. A. - TER. ARKH.
1957, 2919 (78-82) Graphs I Tables I
The aId0IaSC aCtLVIty IS consistentIv increased. It is not increased in other forms
of jaundice of non-infectious genesi 9. Brokman - Warsaw (L. 6)
KPlBAYEV, A.; IMANAKUNOV, 3.: SnAYMANKTJLOV, K., kand.khim.nauk;
starshly prepodavatell; B.UBLIATOV, E.B., mladshiy nauchnvy
sotrudnik; FILIPPOV, N.A., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; MAMBETA-
KUNOV, T., asnirant; IMANKULOV, A., aspirant; TURKAMBETOV, S.,
mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; MUKHJVEDZIYXV, M.M., nauchnyy sotrudnik;
SHAMBETOV, S.Sh.-, DZHUMBAYEV, B.C., nanchnyy sotrudnik; DMJZHININ,
I.G., red.; ANOKHINA, M.G.,
[Papers by junior scientists of the Academy of Sciences of the
Kirghiz S.S.R.] Trudy molodykh nauchnykh rabotnikov AN Kirgizskoi
SSR. Frunze, 1958. 411 p. (MIRA 12:3)
(Continued on next card)
KYDYNOV, M.---(continued) Card 2.
1. Akademiya nauk Kirgizeko SSH, Frunze. 2. Institut khimii AN
Kirg.SSR (for Kydynov). 3. Kirgizskiy gosudqrstvennyy universitet
(for Bugubayev). 4. Institut geologii AN Kirg.SSR (for Baybulatov).
5, InBtitut vodnogo khozyayetva i energetiki AN Kirg.SSR (for
Filippov). 6. Otdel fiziki i matematiki AN Kirg.SSR (for Rambetakunov,
Imankulov). 7. Institut zoologii i parazitolo.-ii AN Kirg,SSR (for
Turmambetov). 8. Kir,o,izskiy meditsinakiy institilt (for Mukhamdziyev).
9. Otdol pochvovedeniya AN Ktrg.SS.It ( Ashirakhmanov). 10. Institut
botaniki AN Kirg.S;M (for Alyshbayev, %ltanaliye-7, Akhmetov, Polonova,
Nikitinskiy). 11. Institut istorii AIT Kirg.SSR (for D2humbayev).
rTA,104 sw,,'3618
nauk Kirsizakoy SSR
Sariya yeste3t~ennykri I t" 1. ~". I
(News. Series on Natural and T.ztml~al Sclenc,3, V.111 1, No. 1)
Pm-, 1959, 164 P. 500 copies prInt.1.
PA.: F.T. Kashirin; Tech. Ed.: M.G. Aalakhlnx.
PURPOSE: This book In intended for reaearerl 301-t-11.3 ar.J teachers
in institutes or higher ed4cation who ray be I-i%i-sLat in develop-
mnts and research trends In VdriQa3 SCRentif,'Ci fIC1.13.
COVERAGE: TTie book contains 12 articles b7 persons &fr1lIate4 w,,tr,
the kcademy of Sciences KIrgl- SSH on 3tuJI,,3 In physical, cni,-n_4.jtr7,
induatrial che.latry, Applied phyj!~3 (1b!13tiriz d electric
power engineering, electronics, agron-1, pure
mAth"isatics, ate. A bibliography of 1957 publlcacl~na of trio
.jno,Ic3. it,,,;
.1demy includes works on hlato", a.rchaology I
tics , lltivratu~e, geology, tioloFl Ca. sclences botany' zzo.l.._~Y'
medi cine), and technology. N3 Der3.n Alitles are -entlon-1.
References accompany Most of the a rti cle a.
N P. 3riclukridpa a:.1 Z.A. Tu,_
u= B
di trI De main ermrvr-rerm-s
78kharow, K,Y.- D&temination of the SAT,-~atlon Co~ffi~jzi-.-
xol-~e 53
Dftnchev, P.S_ and X r..Tem,6t;hIkav sff-ct of th, wolght or ar,
Explosive Charge on the S at t. ring S~e.j of Omon I t 1c1.3
During Blasting
Lebedev _".M. Electric Power Syatemz In High Mountainous Rogions 69
Pilippoy'N'A.. Ma~hoda of Transfortratton or Time Pun-tj,,;j3 With
Time 85
Indlcd$ Of MOIsturv Altqva.-y In r1ri;Iz Faatum
V.M., N,A-1zanallyeva, A~V. fiu--J Yu.Z. TvrmIn,,.,,%,.
r-RAY tudi of tlie Thermal gff.ct on Fard-A Art,r
S-*f-- Heating by High-Frequency C~.-,.nt
=Qy4k' M-1- 6-V- POltay3klY, and Yu.3. Ttmlna3~v_ X-Ray Stu.jy
of Frag;mentatlon and Oraln DoforatIZ)ns -1.1 Steel During T,)ralon -123
UmnaIIZ-v, R.. General Bziunlary Valuo Pt~ble,,, ror a NanItn-r
tntegrodirrarential &Juatl~n WIth S~.dll Paraheter at trio Hlefledt
F-", and M,M, G,raal.ova.. BIbIlo6rAphy of PiblICAtloija
V tne Xli'giz SSR Ac&d0mY Of S~Ienceb In 1957 145
AVAILABLE, Library or Congrdas (Q t)O.A516A2) /7
AUTHORS, '3amberskiy. 1.1 V , and ihe Lukhina, T - V,
TITLE- Thermal design of ferrite resonant switches
PERIOD lGi'%,L Radioteklinika, 11,), 7, 1961, 66-74
TEXT; In designing resonant ferrite switches for medium and high
power levels the problem arises of designing the switch so as to
satisfy thermal working conditions- This is because the'tempera-
ture of ferrite for a given construction should correspond to the
values of the transmitted and reflected power, and the lowering
of temperature may sometimes be required, for which a forced cool-
ing system should again be designed. In the present article the
author discusses the design of such switches at S11F from thermal
considerations under the fol-lowing assumptions- 1) There exists an
ideal thermal contact between the feeder and tide ferrite. 2) There
is a forced Ar flow inside and, outside the switch, .6rom the prac-
tical point of view two cases are of the greatest interest- A) The
design for the ferrite temper at.. tire as determined for a switch con-
Card 1/ 5
Thermal design of :'errite rescnanr_. D204/'D305
struction by the levels of transmitted and absorbed power, without
forced cooling, This would apply to medium Dower switches dissipa-
ting up to 50 watt in the ferrite and B) rt system with forced cool-
ing as determined by the construction of the switch, i,e. high
power switches, dissipating 50 -500 watc or riore of power- The
analysis is based on considering the construction of the switch in
a rectangular waveguide as shown in Fig. I The temperature distri-
bution within the volume of ferrite is not even, The problem of
designing switches working at medium power levels without forced
cooling reduces to problems in heat technology,, The problem is
attacked by neglecting the irregularities of the temperature curve
around the waveguide perimeter, which results in a somewhat lower
temperature of the fez-rite, If there are two ferrite plates in the
waveguide and the waveguide material is copper, the errorintroduced
will be less than 100C. The design of the switch is based on the
diagram in Fig. 4,. The heat balance is accordiiigly! Ql-Q2+Q3 (12)
where Ql - heat dissipated by the two ferrite plates Z-Abstracter's
note- Only one is shown in i~ig, 4_7, Q2 - heat radiated by the wave-
Card 2/5
Thermal design of ferrite resonant... D204/D305
guide along the location of ferrite Diat-CS, '!3 - -ieat con~_Iucted by
the rest of the waveguide. The analysis of with forced
cooling, working at power levels of li--'-e or--ler of several hundred
watts or more is based on the design of the s~-,itc;li as sho-,~,n in
Fig. 7 with forced liquid cooling. It is that all heat
generated in ferrites is carried away. The value of a can be det-
ermined from the dimensions of cooling grooves, -F-.:-om the quantity
of expended cooling liquid and --rom. the nag-nitude of the 1~111sselt
number which in turn is deter-.1li-aed from the equations of the criti-
cal velocity of flow, which are different for laminar circulating
or --it f low of liquid in cooling grooves (11.tef . 2: S.S . Kutatel-
adzu, Borishanskiy, Spravochnik po tCD'-operedeache (Guide on
Thermal Transfer), GEI, 1958). The theory described in this article
for the design of a cooling system has been experimentally proved
on a sample resonant switch in a -,-;'avcguidc 72 x- 34 mm. The tempera-
ture curves in the cross sectional area of the waveguide were measu-
red using copper constantan thermocouples with and without the cool-
ing system. The results of the experiment are sho,.,ni in Fig. 11, The
broken line in it reoresezl.ts the t'lleoretical curve ev U~uated from
Card 3/5
S/10 61/000/007/007/007
Thermal design of ferrite resonant... D204YD305
the formula L tx t e-MX (38) where
difference between the waveguide wall and
distance X from the surface of ferrite; m
good agreement of experiment with theory.
2 Soviet-bloc referenccs.
Card 4/5
October 28,
Fig. 1
_/_\~ tx - the temDeratUre
the cooling liquid at a
I? Fig. 11 shows
There are 11 figures and
h"5 -P;- 4
Fig. 4
Thermal design of ferrite resonarat
42,c. 7
Fig. 7
-Jc~ /000
,,,/GI /007/007/007
^3 A/ qO 50 R
Fig. 11
Card 5/5
Treatment natuit vith
Ina. TeAstil. Prom. 10. No. 11, 43-4(1950).-'T?MM'MI'",*
.an Uzbek word fm- alksli, is the ash obtained by u
a wild plant gruiving oaulinesolls. Icontainsm yvari.
us Na salt , Its WWI. rcsidue 520-38% of 1) con car-
1. ly P-titles and K sait3. Natural silk, with!
tenacity and clangati3a metting the s
'X:,-d I. c~-
degummed in a mlu of I without usin"
Method for determining :3mall quantities of phosphorus organic
compounds in the air. Gig.i san. 26 no.12:88 D 161.
(MIRA 15:9)
1. Iz Uzbekskoy respublikanskoy sanitarno-epidemiologicheskoy
stantsii i Uzbekskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo institute.
sanitarii, gigiyeny i p:7ofessionallnykh zabolevaniy.
'-'RH"-YA;'fj,U,rlYAYA, Ill.
M--ntal state of rtlrepar(~dna:3s f'or work. Prof.-tekh. obr. 22 no.3324-
25 Mr 165, (MJRA 18:7)
Building arched sheenfolds out of matted burviles of reeds.
Sell.stroi. 10 no.4:11-12 Ap '55. ( MIZA 13: 6 )
1. Zameatitell nachallnika Slavropollskogo krayevogo uprav-
leniya po stroitel'stvu v ko*Lkhozakh.
(Farm buildings) (Rush work)