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SHEKHT,ER _O.Ya.; DIDUKH, B.I.v IOMLEV7CH, V.A.~ KRYZHANOVSKIY, A.L. 1 1-- - --- Book reviews and bibliography. Osn., fund.i mekh.grun. 4 no.2g3l-32 162. (MIRA 15-8) (Bibliography-Soil mechanics) SHEKHTER, O.Ya. Gomputation of displacements and stresses on the boundaries of a fourth of a surface under concentrated forces which are normal and tangential to the boundary. (Trudy] KII oan. no.49: 17-32 162. (MIRA 15:12) (Strains and stresses) (Wedges) BARKAN, D.D.; SFEKHTER, 0,Ya __ Theory of the surface compaction of mil. [Trudy] NII osn. no.51:5-26 162. (MIRA 16:2) (Soil stabilization) (Vibrators) SHEKIrrEH, -Q- .; MINLUV, L.N.; LEVSIIINSKIY, D.S.; IVANOVA, L.I. Laboratory apparatus for determining elastic and dissipative properties of soil using a dynamic method. (Trudy] NII oan. no.51:58-67 162. (MIRA 16:2) (Soil mechanics) SNITKO, Nikolay Konstantinovich,, zasl. deyatell nauki i tekhn.RSFSR doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.; GORBUNOV-POSADOV, M.L., prof.,. retsenzent; SHEUTIER, O.Ya., prof., retsenzent; KLEY19, G.K., prof., retsenzenf-;-TAMWff6v, I.I., doktor tekhn.nank, prof., nauchnyy red.; REYZ, M.B., red. izd-va; PULIKINA, Ye.A., tekhn. red. [Static and dynamic earth pressure and the design of retain- ing walls] Staticheskoe i dinamicheskoe davlenie gruntov i raschet podpornykh stenok. Leningrad, Gosstroiizdat, 1963. 294 P. (Earth pressure) (Retaining walls) _(MIRA 16:8) SHEKHTFR, 0. Ya. S+i:dy of the distrib-ttior of waves from the load applied to the 'ODend of j a continlious long rod. [Trudy] NII osn. no.53:67-85 163. (KRA 17:1) ccnsfl~~7n7-:-, Liz-, 0 s wall. TI)id. :PO-.88 a a rigid SHIMill"Fill C, Ya. Effect or elastic and damping 1,3*.~,ral Soil -f-,Irt:on on thp propagation of wairps In an el~is,.ic semi-fir-ite rod. Shor. trud. NITosn. no.`5~27-37 164. )f the h tostirr- rt' 78 MT-F F -1 O.Ya. f- 4 2 - J---- - Hcrizontal force in the -icatial layer or, a rigg" u , - _- Osn.,Pand. i mekh.grun. 7 no.1:7-8 165. (MII,;~-' IF-4) Shekhter, ().Ya. Concentrated force applied witrir an elastic wedge. 0-sn., fund. i meJdi. grun. 7 no. 6:6-8 '65. (MlIFLA 18.12'11 ANDONIYEV, V.L.; BAUH, V.A.; BAUHGARTIC-1, N.K.; BIMZIN, V.D.; BIRYUKOV, I.K.; BIRYUKOV, S.M.; BLCKIIIN, S.I.; BOROVOY, G.A.: BULEV, M.Z.; BURAKOV, H.A.; V3RTSAYZIR, B.A.; VM, G.M.; VORMO, B.A.; VOSHCHININ. A.P.; GALAKTIONOV, V.D., kand. takhn. nail ; GEWIN, Ye.M.; GILIDEOL&T, Ya.D., kand. takhn. nquk; GINZ13UllG, M.M.; GLEBOV, P.S.; GODES, B.G.; GORBACIM, T.N.; GRZIIIB. B.V.; GRW=V, L.P., kand. s.-kh. nauk; GROUNSKAYA, I.Ya.; DAITILOV, A.G.; DMITRIYEV, I.G.; DMITRIYAKKO, Yu.D.; DCBROYMOTOV, D.D.; DUBININ, L.G.; DUNDUKOV, M.D.; ZHOLIK, A.P.; ZINKXVIGH, D.K.; ZIMARW, Yej.; ZIMASKOV, S.V.; ZTJBRIK, K.M.; KAIWTOV, I.F.; KNYAZXV, S.N.; KQLWAYXV, N.M.; KOMUMSKIY. V.T.; KOSANKO, V.P.; KOPINISTOV, D.V.; KOSTROV, I.N.; KOTLYARSKIY, D.M.; KRIVSKIY, M.N.; KUZNBTSOV, A.Ta.; TAGARIKOV. N.I.; LGAWV, V.G.; LIKHLCHEV, V.P.; LOGUNOV, P.I.; MATSHAVICH. K.F.; MELINICHMIKO, K.I.; MENOLBVICH, I.R.; )4IKHAYIOV, A.V.. Imnd. tekhn. nauk; MLJSIYBVA, R.N.; NATANSON, A.V.; NIKITIN, M.V.; OVES, I.S.; OGULINIK, G.R.; OSIPOV, A.D.; OSM31R, N.A.; OV, V.I.; PARYSHKIN, G.A., prof.; PIYAJIKOVI., Ye.V.; RAPOPORT, Ta.D.; REMIZOV, N.F.; ROZANOV, M.P., kand. biol. nauk; ROCHFIGOV, A.G.; RUBINCHIK, A.M.; RYBCHZVSKIY, V.S.; SAWHIKOV, A.V.; SEMNSTSOV, V.A.; SIDENKO, P.M.; SINYAVSICAYA, V.T.; SITAROVA. M-N., SOSNOVIKOV. K.S.-, STAVITSKIY, Ye.A.; STOLYAROV, B.P. [deceased]; SUDZILOVSKIY, A.O.; SYRTS07A, Ye.D., kand. tekhn. nauk; FILIPPSKIYV V.P.; RWAM~MIN, A.D.; TSISH37SKIY, P.M.; CHIM-ASOV, M.I.; CHXUIYSH7,V, A.A.; CHUSOVITIN, N.A.; SHBSTOPAL, A.O.; SjQKHM P AW- SHISHKO, G.A.; SHC INA. I.N.; ENG31,1, F.F.; YAKOBEOI~. ~--.-'-'YAXMOV, P.A., ARKHANGELtSKIY, (Continued on next card) ANDONIYBV, V.L.... (continued) Card 2. Ye.A., re-Usenzent, red.; AKIFJTIN, A.N., retsenzent, red.; BAIASHOV, YU.S., retsenzent, red.; BARA3ANOV, V.A., retsenzent, red.; BATUN3R, P.D., retsenzent, red.; BORODIN, P.V., kand. tek:hn. nauk, retsenzent, red.; VALUTMCIY, I.I., kELnd. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent, red.; GRIGQRIUV, V.M., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent, red-.; GUBIN, M.P., reteenzent, r6d.; GUDAYjXV, I.N., retsenzent, red.; TIMOLOV, A.I., Icand. tekhn. nauk, rateenzent, red.; KARAULOV, B.F., reteenzent, red.; KRITSKIY, S.N., doktor takhn. nauk, retsenzent, red.; LIKIN, V.V., retsenzent, ked.; IUKIN, V.V., retsenzent, red.; WSKIN. Z.D., retsenzam:t, red.; HATRIROSOV, A.Kh., retsenzent, red.; MEIMELF.W. D. M., retsenzent, red., M~ITKBII, M.F., doktor tekhn. nauk, retaenzent, red.; OB OV, S.S., retsenzent, red.; FXTRASIT 1, P.N., retsenzent, red.; POLYAKOV, L.M., ratsenzent, red.; RU14YANTSIU, A.M., retsenzent, red.; RYABCHIKOV, Ye.I., retsenzent, red.; STASBWOV, N.G., retsen- zent, red.; TAKANAYEV, F.F., retsenzent, red.; TARANOVSKIY, S.V., prof., doktor tekhn. nwak, retsenzent, red.; TIZIISLI, R.R., retsen- zent, red.; FIDOROV. Ye.M., reteenzent., red.; SEGUYAKOV, M.N., retsenzant, red.; SHMAICOV, M.I., reteenzent, red.; ZHUK, S.7a. [deceased], akademik, glav7kvy red.; RUSSO, G.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; FILIMONOV, N.A., red.; VOIKOV, L.N., red.; GRISHIN, M.M., red.; ZHURIN, V.D., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; KOSTROV, I.N., red.; LIMCIW, V.P., red.; MEDVEDIV, VA.. kand. tekhn. neuk, red.; MIKHAYLOV, A.V., kand. tekhu. usuk, red.; PETROV. G.D., red.; RAZIN, N.V., red.; SOBOIXV, V.P., red.; YERINGER, B.P., red.; FRZYGOFER, (Continued on next card) A.NDONIYBV, V.L.... (continued) Card 3. Ye.F., red.; TSYPIAKOV, V.D. [deceased], red.; KORABLINOV. P.W., tekhn. red.; GIMN, Te.M., tekhn. red.; KACHZIOTSKIY, N.V., tekhn. red. [Volga-Don; technical account of the construction of the V.I. Ieniu Volga-Don Navigation Ganal. the TSimlyansk Hydroelectric Genter, and irrigation systems] Volgo-Don; tekhnicheskii otchet o stroitell- stve Volgo-Donskogo sudokhodnogo kanala imeni V.I. Lenina, TSiza- lianskogo gidrouzla I orositellnykh sooruzhenji, 1949-1952; v piati tomaldi. Mosk7a, Goo. energ. izd-vo. Vol.l. [General structural descriptions] ObBhchee opisanie soorazhenii. Glav. red. S.IA. Zhuk. Red. tome. M.M. Grishin. 1957. 319 P. Vol.2. [Organization of con- struction. Specialized operations In hydraulic engineering] Orga, nizatsiia stroitellat". Spetsiallnye gidrotekhnicheskie raboty. (Coutimued on nraxt ca=d) ANDONIYHV, V.I,.... (Continued) "lard 4. Glav. red. S.IA. Zhuk. Red. toma I.N. KoBtrov. 1958. 319 p. (NIRA 11:9) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministerstvo olektrostantsii. B~~o tekhnicheskogo otcheta o stroitellstve Volgo-Dona. 2. Chlen-kor- respondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Akhutin). 3. De.-Istvitelinyy chlen Akadomii stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Grishin, Razin). (Volga Don Canai.--Hydraulic engineering) KOROTKOV S.T..- SHEKHThdi, R.I. .2 Methods of commercial oil and gas prospecting. Trudy V!:1I no.30:4~'- 75 160. (XIFt 14.2.) (Petroleum geology) (Gas, Natural-Geology) A ir.,dy Im e -re,4 USSR/Engineering - Equipment Card 1/1 Pub. 103 - 27/;29 Authors : Shekhter, S., and Chernitsyn, V. Title t The universal gas-bu rner zor casehardening pinion gears Periodical z Stan. i instr,&1O, Page 38, Oct 1954 Abstract t A description of the structure and operation of the universal gas-burner for. casehardening pinion gears is presented, together with an illustration shov- ing ths installation of the above mentioned burner on a tool carrier. Dia~- gram. Institution : ... Submitted ; .00 RABINOVICHY L.M.; SHEKHTER, S.L. Developing basic patterns for the design of outerwear. Leh, .L 0 prom. no.3.-16-19 J1-S 163. (MIRA 160-1) 1. Chernovitskaya shveynaya fabrika No.l. 1% of so-, 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1 W.,I,-~, L (ITtRAIL9 so -9 K It 0 11 If A, 11 11 13 0 15 A P )v A ju it )j ii So b is j! j, 14 U Quantam machodw D. Blok- ol ftav R S ) S T . . . u lp intztv and Sk. SbdJ94,. jRj~"(1934,).-A thMe k%l-math. review from the ' be q,,wtwm.*wh. intffmol. forces AS and at Of 1 [.- )" The themfical allsotp- t on" advan MMIVL d t for wvcrsl is I empmd with Up,,- on poteadfils Rathmann II ZOO --so CLAWFICATICh 1: t:0 R K n it I ina n 1. A S L 0 L 1 6 A I L L P, F q 00 0 f) 00 00 9 an' 00 7m, it& 09 : 1 I lie Of par Cal 0 ".At tITINAILA! .3 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 to 0 00 0 4 0 0 9999 0010 S I so V A I I AA 86 CE M It -00 00 -00 Of PWIW" lie the adsorbed state. 1, filown,ji,- Is. Shakhter. Act. Pkyjuockj in. 1'. R. 's -~, 3, ;,i7 -00 chi the A-111111,tion th.t th, of Ilse adsorbed purtivir is %noill rel4live to lite inA- to admiclicul partwig she quantunt-inerh jwitiolmtwo 1-00 is applied to derive an viopit-vii4its for thu lilt oil 00 las Its tit the ailsortmi mat- I-i lie tit% %% At 4 IL) scc. The null cost III% ii, eel, tj it, Jx- ,,,I J. .,I 4. resp.. for 1; value, .4 ~'Vd%f, .1,41to lo.ixsi- inoic. as* .0 zoo 1.00 CIA)SIF)C-TWIt 4" , 0 0 0 1. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 11111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 f 0 0 0 9 111111 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 * 0 0 0 a 0 0 Is 0 Is 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 u CTM, V,P 12 31 14 15 IT 3" It c IT As W, a AT ST C. .1 is TS. 400 00, 00-- 0o_- 0 w OW 90 . 002 00- 00- 0f-- 00 00". o 0 0-7 In All ow IIIIIJ. 111 111 , X twurt;1rim TIT aq, til"Ji 1II:..)j Ill.11 U-11-1111.1 111*311 II'q I so- tit prill"I '1 30 Go- .. .... I't 31111.1~111 Ito -"I.f 00. 1-11v Pill' 1,11,11,1114 1 so so "it J.. 09- 3-11m, mq I.IMIA1, 'I so Is"I"IT11"Al 1. -111 111, 1 jo.~IiAil 00 qwj-~ , .1,61 so gvuA:TajA A.Ivpuo of- jo ilov"ttas alp pug sunt sitistead 10 Dora-11an-M IT 60 *0 '41 1 1 7 -L V! A A L t V 5 J 4 IF 'T- Y--T Ir- I T -7 a so if IT it m (I a I 'r it $I It of tr a Ir It 64 IT 11 It 1, 11 TV ti It 8. 1 t 0 000 0 0 0 0 Is 0 0 0 01 1 0 a 0 0.0 o0 .61it-f-A 0_** 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 a, cl, j..,t for an oscill, -iti r I ! 1 -1 atcr, I -, f rict ion. Ie onlan -f cl c -d cll., n, Is 1:~~ et r) c"Aa 1-. i~ i 4 h- !-.a - Io-- o7 er at or J, AUTHORS: Shekhter, S.Ya. and Gorelov, V.P. 130-1-13/17 TITLE: Experience of the Automatic Metallisatio-n of Strip-rolling Rolls (Opyt avtomaticheskoy naplavki listoprokatunykh valkov) PERIODICAL: Metallurg, 1958,.,-':No. 1, pp. 28 - 30 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The renovation of large steel strip-rolling rolls by automatic metallization was first adopted in the Soviet Union -110V at the imeni VOrOSIII. (ir-E-ni Voroshilova) Metallurgical Works with the active participation of t-he Institute of Electric Welding of the Ac.Sc. Ukrainian SSR (Institut elektrosvark-i AN USSR) imeni Ye.O. Paton and the VTIIIOchermet organisation. The authors describe the equipment used (Fig-1), capable of dealing with rolls up to 1 500 mm in diameter and up to 50 tons in weight, a type 1827C mill with two A-384 metallisation units. Rolls are preheated in inductors (Fig.2). Type MA 3X2B8 sintered electrodes are used with manganese-free flux type AH-20. The authors give details of the metallisation and sub- seauent heat treatment of rolls. For rolls with a barrel length of 2 800 mm machine, time for depositing one layer is about 27 hours; with both units, the total time for depositing two layers of total thickness 5.2 mm is about 40 hours. Operating experience with metallised rolls showed that time between Cardl/2 re-turning was approximately 16 hours instead of the 8 with 130-1-13/17 Experience of the Automatic Metallisation of Strip-rolling Rolls unmetallised rolls, the wear being 2.3 times less. The culties encountered, such as layer and banding-ji They give tages which have resulted from Recently, the method has been roughing rolls of the two-hi.'__,h original application beinG There are 2 figures. of the layer along a diameter authors discuss som of the diffi- disintegration of the surface data showing the economic advan- the adoption of metallisation. successfully extended to the stand of the 2800 mill, the to the finishing rolls. ASSOCIATION: imeni Voroshilov Metallurgical Works (Metallurgicheskiy zavod im. Voroshilova) AVAILABLE: Library of ConEress Card 2/2 C' f Shop A1c1j-v:jb- Iti. -K. Ye. Vcxcahilov) Ii. 0 -- 'I MZHED.,!,C) El. A.) MAL'tSEV, il, A., PODCAYETSM, V. V.: FOEHUNYA) 1. E., SUBLOTLOVS-111Y.1 V. P. and GORILOV, V. P. '1xberience in the Tntroduction of Mechanized Surfacine: in MetallurF'Y." p . 1l'5. Vnedreniye novylkh sposobov avarRi v promyahlennost'; abornik statey. WJP 3V (Introduction of New Weldine Methods In Industry; Collection of Articles, v. 3) Kiev, Goa. Izd-vo tekhn. lit-ry Ula- SSR, 1960, 207PP. (aponsorinG Az~ency: Order Labor Red Bnnner Inst. Electro Weldin6 Im Ye 0 Paton, ~: I; L-i - " AS Mir SEM M63articles deal with the combined experiences of the InazLBlectric Welding im. Ye. 0. Paton njid several industrial enterprises in solvinE scientifivc and en'-zineerin problema in weldinE; tochnoloa. Problems in the ap-lication of new methods of inechanizdd weldinE and electroslae, weldinL, in dndustry are discussed. This is the third collection of articles ou1blished under the same title. The forwword was written by B. Ye. Paton, Academician of the Acr~demy of Sciences Upa. SSR. S/1 25/60/C-00 A161/A'.-10 AUTHOR4 Shekhter, S.Ya. TITLEi Automatic Bronze Coating cf Steal Spindle Connec'.--'cn Block-= PERIODICALs Avtcmaticheskaya evarka, 1960, No. 9, PP. 76-81 TEM A spindle connection block in the work roll drive of a two.-high '1280011 sheet ro4'.I-'ng mill requires 435 kg bronze, and more than 45 tons of bronze are needed annually for the blocks of only two rolling mi-113 a'~, a plant - a roughing and a aheet mill. To cut bronze consumption tile Al,:hevsk Metallurgical Plant -'m. K.Ye. Voroshilov has developed an automatl:l bronze coating prccess~ Instltut elektroevark-f (Ele-.tric Welding InstifutE) aesist- ed. The essenoe 3f !.her new method is that a block (,Fig. ii is cast frc. common.1 -35 (L.-35) stee'... and its fr4-ction 3urfaces are Boated. VJ',~ a 12-15 mm layer of aluminum brcnze on special .,,oating machinee of tile Welding Institute.:- (cr IES.) design (Fig, 6, photo). To prevent warplng, a Card 1/6 S/12 60 /000/0091/"., ', 2 /C1 ! 7 A 161 YA , ~C'- Automatic Bronze Coatlrg of Steel Spindle Connection Blocks coating is applied in seque-n-ce(illustrated in Fig. 3, 4 arid 5) in three ~ayere. The steel oasting is preheated by gas-air flame to 350-400~~,'. The 4 -513 (A-513) welder and standard pressed 6 mm bronze wire, or 50 mm wide I mm bronze tape are used for the coating under"H -60 (AN-60) flux. Two parallel conne,;ted ~' -500 (PS-500) welding transformers are used t- ensure an even process. Aluminum bronze was chosen for its iron content (up to 4%) improving mechanical properties (tin bronze contains up to 0.4% Fe only). It takes 24 hours to coat one blo3k. The coated blocks are cooled slowly in a sand-filled case. The new method has brought a 65-70~o ezonomy of cast bronze, and the automatically coated bl-D---ks have a better work quali' than I 'Y cast bronze blocks and are easily restored by an automatic bronze 3cating. The welding pr-,cess detaliq are in.3ludei, amp volt Welding speed Ele,~trode Coating m/hr feed,m/IL- Wire 850-900 32-55 20.0 P~ a Taze 750~,800 32--35 15-7 25 Card 2/6 S/12 60/000/009/012/017 A161YA130 Automatic Bronze Coating of Steel Spindle Connection Blocks Engineer V.P. Litvineako and Technician A.I. Slavskiy took part in the deve- lopment of the coating method. There are 6 figures. 'F ASSOCIATIO11i Alchevskiy metallurgicheakiy zavod im. K.Ye. Voroshilova (Alchevsk Metallurgical Plant im. K.Ye. Voroshilov) SUBMITTED: March 16, 1960 N a- MMOI\ P11C. 1. Pn3pe3 CTanbIlOrO CyXapg, nanAaBaeHHoro 6pOWOM Card 316 I-cyxapb; 2-cnaa dpolow. Automatic Br, Card 4/6 S/125/60/000/009/012/017 A161A130 -i j! 00 j Pitc. 2. Pa3pe3 ummmeabiwo coewmemisi s c(Sope: . I - wnmHAcAH; 2 - cyxapm: J - Kametib. C3 "I S/125/60/000/009/012/017 A161/A130 Automatic Bronze Coating ICA Poe. 4. Flopiiox nall.1al),01 118.11fl)(08 Ila LIHnHll,'lpfI4CCKYlO 43CTh CYX2pR. PlIc. 5. flopiaox nawwwn aaam(vB Ila nnuacyio maCTI, CYX3pfl. Card 5/6 S/125/60/000/009,/012/017 A161AI30 Automatic Bronze Coating of Steel Spindle Connection Blocks Al V4, " N OM CL Card 6/6 -SHEK kIT.ER, S.Ya.; ZADORDZHNYY, N.K.; ..hRU14DZHE, V.M. An 18 elpctr,-.)de jnit f.-ir moltenslav Arcless electric welding. BiuI.t,-kh.-Pkon.,.nf'-3rm. n-).Q25-27 '61, (MIW,. 14.9) (Electric welding) PIPUNDZIPF, Y.M.; SHEDiTER, S.Ya. Electric sla~7 weldinp- of a czmical -~-'-aft. AvtDr-...sjar. 15 no-5:72-77 My 162, OC-RA 15:4) 1. Ordena. Trudovogo KrasnoFo Znameni institut elpktrosvarki- imeni Ye.O.Patona AN L;!jSR (for hhrundzhe). 2. Kom-runarskiy metallurFicheskiy zavod (for Ehekhter). (Crus~inr mac~linery--Maintpnance and repair) (Electric welding) STERENBOGEN, Yu.A.; GRCTSKIY, Yu.Ya.; KHORUNOV, V.F.; YA*.ELEVICh, G,I, .SFEE.HTEH, S.Ya. Technology of repairing cast iron molds. Avtom. svar. 15 no."A ,311-87 Je 162. (MIRA 150) 1. Ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni Institut elektrosvarki imeni Ye.O.Patona AN USSR (for Sterenbogen, Gretskiy, KhorunGv). 2. Magnitogorskiy metallurgicheskiy komLinat (for Yankelevich). 3. Kommunarskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod (for Shekhter). (Ingot molds-Maintenance and repair) (C.-ist Iron-Welding) SHEKHTER, S.Ya. Mechanized hard facing of crane wheels at the Alchevsk 1."etallurgical. Plant, Avtom. svar. 15 no.3:73-78 IRr 162. (,.IIRA 15:2) 1. Alchevskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod. (Voroshilovsk.-Metallurgical Plants-Equipmant and 3vpplies) (Hard facing) BRUKY A.D., i,-)zh,; SUMTER, S.Yu., in;,,h. Wear of the rotors of agFlomerate ~n-, - . -- - - - ~-c -~. c en e:-;:7 a 19 no.5t25-27 My 164. r-77, -- " ..n KSENDZYK. "t. V. S. Ya. zed byildup we 1dipg of 1r.,wrce- C.11,7.4s:.-f~_-, Mac*-ine Stril*-ers u 2 n.~ a c az ro n r -i L"rc) n E I ")d-~- . fr: var . J."7 no . 1 T a r; A -7 I ('1.t!ktI'O.'3VM'ki. im.,~ni. Fat.-)na AN UvSSfi (e:lr Ks n,;,z yk SUSHCHUK-SLYUSAHLNKO, I.I.; KHRUNDMEE., V.:!.; SIEUTER, S.Ya. Providing for the dimensiona-I accuracy of cylindrical articles during electric slag welding. Avtom. svar. 17 no.2:77-80 F '64. (MI FLA 117:9) 1. Institu~t elektrosvarki im. Ye.O. Patona Ali UkrSSR (for Sushchuk- Slyusarenka, Khrundzhe). 2. Kommunarskiy meta-Ilurgicheskiy zavod (for Shekhter). SffEKIIT-'.""L, Semen Yakovlovich; PETRICHEINKO, V.K., retsenzent [Reconditiotifng equipment by mechanized bu-ii'd-up r."i . Vosstanovlenie ob~rudovaniia melMnizirovannoll na~lavl.l Moskva, Metailurgiia, 1965. 135 P. (MIR-A 18:4) L 47451-66 EWP(e )/EWT(m)/EWP(t)/ET1/iWP(k IJP(c) JDIWWIJWATIWJti ACC NRs AP 14440 0 50URCE CO DE AUTHOR'S; -Shekhter, S. Ya.; Reznitskiy, A. M.; Panov, B. N. ORG. Zghekhter, Reznitskiy7 Komtwanarsk Metallurgical Plant (Kommunarskiy Panov/ ORGRES metallurgicheskiy zavod); I b TITLE: Strengthening parts of metallurgical equipment by plasma deposition SOURCE: Avtomaticheskaya i3varka, no. 12, 1965, 63-65 TOPIC TAGS: plasma arc, metal deposition, welding equipment, aluminum oxide, titanium dioxide, zirconium compound, tungsten carbide, chromium carbide, blast furnace, rolling mill/ PS-500 welding equipment .1 - \0 ABSTRACT A preliminary lisl of parts of metallurgical equipment to which,protective coatings6re applied with a plasma arc is given as the blast and slag tuyeres of blast furnaces, the baffle plates of blast /tuyeres, the pipes of heating furnaces of rolling mills, the working wheels of exhaust,fans, the cases of thermocouples, and.,others. The properties of powdered materialsilhat We been selecte4 for coatingsIxe-1 ,17 discusspc~ The materials incli;de aiuminua~bxide, titaniumtdioxide, zirconium ?I oxide, tungstei~'carbidej'-_Iand chromium.LarEide. When argon-nitrogen mixtures--an-cF-pure WHITFo- gen used-, the are vol_~a_ge must be not less than 80 V at 300 A. The voltac,3 is supplied by two series-connected PS-500 welding tranBformers.ItIProper selection of the coating material insures high meclianical strength of the bond.of the coating with the part and increased density of the protective layer. SUB CODE: 11, 13/ SUBM DATE: O7May65/ ORIG REPt 004/ OTH REF: 002 L 5019-66 EiiT(m)/EiIP(t)/EViP(k)/EaP(b)/EiIA(C) JD/FNI. ACC Nits AP50220hl SOUICE CODE: UR/0286/65/000/01b/~113/01131 A~Tfiur.S i F't" H. Y~-.' D. Madovar, Xhund.h. -X.; 5 P --- NY-a-pik-,-T - -------A L :Jl.diR, V. A. ; Saye V. Y P.; Snekhte . S. YA. Uaranovy S. V. ORGi none i TITLE: A method for obtaining two-layor rolling. Class hg, No. 173115 /institute ,-qf ri. ing is.. Yo. 0. Paton, AN UkrSSR (Instibut elektroavarki AN UkrSSRI/ SOUICEs Byulloten' izobretoniy i tovarnykh znakov, no, 1h, 1965v 1.13 i TOPIC TAOS: metal rolling, metal cl~ddin metal industry ABSTRAGTs This Author.Cortificate presents a method for obtaining two-layer rolling by lining a plate ingot with a solid plate. To produce proper adhesion between the layers, the plate ingot is lined with a plate or cladding metal to ~1 wl-Lich is welded a plate of metal analogous in composition to the one being l1nede SUB CODFv IE, MM/ SUBM DATEe 04Jul63/ ORIG Mrs ooo/ orH Ras oc~ caw 1A UDqs--621.771.8 7 0 / 0 ;--.3 ":""I -,IiJ:Iyj, A.M.; PIKJLIN, S.A.; YHOMEITKO K.M. a~,,c ueljlng of oversize, steel pourinu ladles. Avtom.svar. 18 -.o.l:59-(,O Ja 165. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Horuniinaniki.y mi3tallurgicheskiy zavod (for Shekliter., Reznitskiy, P~~, "Ln). Institut elektrosvarki im. Ye.O.Patona AN UkrSSR (for r k0) YILROSHEVSKIY, A.Ya., ~rof.; SHKKUZR, S-yu. Hemopoietins (erythropoietins) of the plasma; survey of foreign literature. Probl.ger3at. i perel.krovi 4 no.3:41-48 Mr '59. (MIRA 12:6) 1. Iz kliniki propedevticheakoy terapii (zav. - deystvitel'nyy chlen. A14N SSSR prof.M.D.Tushinakiy) I Leningradskogo meditsin- skogo inetititta imeni akad.I.F.Favlova. (ERYTHROCYTES erythrupoietin, review (Rug)) YAROSHEVSKIY, A.U., prof.; SaKHTSR _S.Tu.- Effect on ery-thropoiesis of sera from anemic patients. Probl. gemat. i perel.krovi 4 no.4:17-24 Ap '59. (MIBA 12:6) 1. Iz propedevticheskoy terapevticheakoy kliniki (zav. deystvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR H.D.Tushinakiy) I Leningradskogo meditsinskogo instituta i laboratorii krovoobrashcheniya, (zav. prof.G.P.Konradi) Instituta fiziologit imeni I.P.Pavlova AS SSSR. (ANEMIA, blood in, eff. of blood serum from anemic patients on erythrocyte count in rabbits (Rue)) (ERYTHROCYTES, count in rabbits eff. of blood serum from anemic patients Nus)) SHEKHTER, S.Yu.; YAROS11EVSKIy9 A.Ya. Effect of sera from normal subjects and anemic patients on arythro- poiesis. Report No.l: Effect of the administration of serum on blood and bone marrow composition. Biul.eksp.biol. i med. 48 no.10:23-27 0 '59. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Iz laboratorii fiziologii krovoobrashcheniya (zav. - prof. G.P. Konradi) Instituta fiziologii imeni, I.F. Favlova AN SSSR i kliniki propedevtiki vnutrennikh bolezney (zav. - deystvitelinym chlenom AMU SSSR M.D. Tushinskim. (ANEMIA blood) (BLOOD CELLS) SHEKHTER, S.Yu. Influence of the ser= of healthy and anemic subjects on erythropoiesis. Report i2o.2. Nature and mechanism of the erythropoietic action of serum. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 49 no.1:39-42 Ja 160. (MIRA .13-7) 1. Iz laboratorii fiziologii krovoobrashcheniya i dykhani7a (Zav.- prof. G.P.Nondradi) Instituta fiziologii imeni I.F.Favlava AN SSSR iklinlki propede-,rtieheekoy terapii (zav. - deystv. shlen AMN SSSR M.D.Tusbinakiy) I Leningradskogo meditsinskogo inBtituta im. I.P; Pavlova. Predstavlena daystv. ohlenom AMN SSSR V.N. Chernigavakim. (SERUM-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (ERYTHROCYTES) SHEKHTER, S. Yu. - Erythropoietic properties of sera in patients with iron-deficient gastroenterogenic anemia. Probl. gemat. i perel. krovi no.12: 17-21 161. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Iz laboratorii obahchey fiziOlORii (zav. - akad. V. N. Chernigovski:r) i terapevticheakoRo sektora (zav. - prof. A. Ya. Yaroshevskiy) Instituta fiziologii imeni I. P. Pavlova AN SSSR. (ANEMIA) (SEPUM) MOISEYEVA, 0.1l.; SHEKHTER, S.Yu. 5tudy of 3emm y 'he mo~vt !,f marrc,; ~ulwre- Pr(-)bl. gemat. i Perel. krovi 13 nc.7.,3,--P JI "-'3. (IM-IRA 17,'10) Tz terar.*-,-vtiches'-ugo sektora (zav. -prof'. ,,.Ya. Yaroahevskiy) In- stituta fiziclogii imeni ah-clemika Favlcva (rlll-. -akaderlka V.N. Cher- rGaOvsk!y) AN S3SR. 0 AW'IYU11YAN, R.A.; SHEKHTER, S.Yu. Comparative study of the erythropoietic activity of plasma in vitro and in vivo. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 57 no.6:23-25 Je 164. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Laboratoriya obshchey fiziologii (zav. - akademik V.N. Chernigovskiy), laboratoriya klinicheskov i eksperimentalinoy gematologii (zav. - prof. A.Ya.Yaroshevskiy) Instituta fiziologii imeni Favlova M SSSR, Leningrad, i Yerevanskiy sektor radiobiologii (zav. - prof. S.A.Pappyan) AMN SSSR. L -L, I e 7C I to ~A:, C'01,~~, intl S3 I et C C I emat C, I o Sweden, Curitral %iin at' Trans-L-oit, !,.'as cow Ya r-asma -cc-- .rjt.n. co e )f Herr o of' Intl aat Pa,,,,, ov iiist of Loic.- eriin~lrad. M-,;n 17 SMUMIGH, Yn.P. ; SUPIOPAR, V#I. -1--l-1- e ~', The OS-157-type specialized machine. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform. no-5:35-37 '59. (MIRA 12:8) (Drilling and boring machinery) SERKHTER, V.I. The OS-177 machine tool for fine boring of crankcase housings. Biul.takh.-ekon.iaform. no.2:20-22 160. (MIRA 13:6) (Drilling and boring machinery) SMUHTER, V. I. The 58A712 four-spindle diamond br)ring oachine. Biul. tekh.-ekon.inform. n0-3:23-25 '60. (MIRA 13:6) (Drilling and boring mchinery) S/.G3/60/0-_0/Go4/004'/006 A004/A001 AUTHOR: Shekhter, V.I. TITLE: The 0'__2o4 (os-2D4) Two-Spindle Diamond Boring Machine PERIODICAL: Byulleten' tekhniko-ekonomicheskoy informatsii, 1960, No. 4, pp. 2,3 - 25 TEXT: In 1959 a special two-spindle diamopd boring machine was manufac- tured by the Odesskiy zavod radial'.no-sverlil'nykh stankov (Odessa Radial Drilling Machine Plant). The machine has been developed by --he sne--sial'noye konstruk"or- skoye byuro No. _3 (Special Design Office No. 3) and is intended for the boring of six-star-positioned holes and four other holes in engine top gear cases. In con- ~rast to ordinary diamond boring machines the 03-,--,04 model has a swivel t&Cble, making it possible to bore star-positioned holes, i.e. holes wrhose axes meet in one point. The component being machined is mado of (AT-4) aluminum alloy and has a length of 1,544 mm. The principal units of the 0S_2o4 diamond boring machine are shown in the figure, Card 1/4 The J"- -2o4 (os-2o4) Two-Sp-Indle Diamond Boring Machine Figure: S/193/60/00o/004/()o4/006 A004/AOOI Card 2/4' s/193/66/000/004/oc4/o-,6 AOO'+/'IAOO 1 The CIG -2o4 (os-2o4) Two-Sp1ndle Diamond Boring Machine Figure; 1 - handle for clamping the table and getting out the locator; 2 - con- trol cock handle of the cylinders for the clamping and unciamping of the component being machined; 3 - speed control handle of the working feed when table travels to the right; 4 - speed control handle of the working feed when table travels to the left; 5 - table "Reverse"handle; 6 - table "Start - Stop!' handle; 7 - cylin- ders for the clamping and unclamping of the component being machined; 8 - fix- ture swivel table; 9 - component being machined; 10 - roll train; 11 - boring bars; 12 spindle heads; 13 - hydraulic panel; 14 - table travel hydrocylin- der; 15 bed, table, stocks. The OS-204 machine is a semi-automatic for mass or big-lot production. After the component being machined has been set in the fixture the working cycle is taking place fully automated. Each of the spindles Is mounted on two pairs of class (_ L/ (S) preloaded duplex radial thrust ball bearings. The table travels on one flat and one prismatic bedway. and carries the swivel fixture. The component being machined rests on a corner iron with the aid of two diamond-shaped dowels. The compomnt is set in the boring direction by turning and indexing the swivel table. The table is equipped with spring-mounted support rollers. The spring-mounted Card 3/4' S/193/60/000/004/004'/006 The 7% -204 (OS-204) Two-Spindle Diamond Boring Machine A004/AO01 roll train on the swivel table facilitates the setting of the component being machined on the dowels. The OS-204 is hydraulically operated. The hydraulic assembly with the drive electromotor of the hydropump is mounted on the cover of the hydraulic tank. The correct sequence of operation cycle of the machine is ensured by blocking devices. The cutting tools are set on the required boring diameter by indexing devices. The following technical specifications are given: boring diameter - 83A/B2A, 68A/67A; boring length - 107 and 186 mm.; machine capacity - 3 components/hour; cutting speed of tools of the left and right boring bar - 380 and 370 m/min; feed - 0.08 mm/rev; power of electromotors of the spindle head rotation - 2.8 kw; overall dimensions (length x width x height)----' 2 900 x 1,450 x 2,835 mm; weight - 7,2D0 kg There is I figure. Card 4/4 V/ SHEKHTER, V.I. The OS-126 jig boring machtne. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform. no-5:27-29 160. (MIRA 34:3) (Drilling and boring machinery) 8h620 S/1 17/60/000/007/0 11/0 12/XX Ac)o4/Aoo i AUTHOR: ,Shekhter'V.I. TITLE: A Fixture for the Diamond Boring of Bearing Bushes PERIODICAL: Mashinostroitel', 1960, No-7, pp. 25-26 TEXT; The author gives a description of a two-position fixture designed and manufactured by the Odesskiy zavod radiallno-sverlil'nykh stankov (Odessa Radial Drilling Machine Plant). This fixture is mounted on the 2A710 double- spindle diamond boring machine and ensures the precision-machining of tractor engine bearing bushes. To warrant a constant clamping stress on the bushes, the fixture for rough and finish machining is equipped with calibrated hydraulic clamping units, clamping the bushes by their two face ends. The boring machine equipped with this fixture operates in a semi-automatic cycle. The operator only puts in the workpieces to be machined, turns the handle of the hydraulic cylinder c6ntrol.cock and switches on the table travel handle. All further operations are effected automatically by the machine. Figure 1 shows the design of the new fixture: 1 = body with four columns 5 which carry the flanges 13 with the hydraulic cylinders. The rods 14 of the pistons 15 are sealed by the rings12. Card 1/6, -- 84620 A Fixture for the Diamond Boring of Bearing Bushes Card 2/6 S/'17/60/000/007/011/012/XX Aoo4/Aool 84620 I I A-nc. A. - Card .3/6 - X S/11 7/050/10W/007/0 1 lp 121XX A Fixture for the Diamond Boring of Bearing Bushes Aoo4/Aool 84620 S/117/60/000/007/011/012/XX A Fixture for the Diamond Boring of Bearing Bushes Aoo4/Aooi With the aid of the semi-rings 11 the lower rod journals are connected to the --51ide blocks 10. Since the slide blocks-have the possibility-to swing relative to the spherical rod ends,'the clamping units 9 are automatically adjusted by the face ends of the bearing bushes. The clamping units 9 are interchangeable so that also bushes of other dimensions can be clamped. The machined bushes are removed by the pushers 16. The hydraulic la out of the fixture is shown in ' Figure 2. Under a pressure of 10 - 15 kg/cm oil from the hydraulic system of the machine tool enters the dual collector 19 and proceeds further to the reduc- ing valves where it is reduced to the necessary pressure, and then directed to the two-position dual cock 4 which distributes the oil over the cylinder hollows. The reducing valve makes it possible to control the magnitude of the tightening stress in the range of 200 - 3,500 kg, which is necessary for the machining of bushes of different rigidity. Figure 3 shows the tool holder with the two car- bide tools 2 and 3, of which the former is designated for finish and the latter for rough machining. Setting and clamping of the tools is effected by the screm 10 and 9. Boring takes place at a cutting speed of about 40o m/min, with a feed of 0.24 mm/r6v for r1ough work and 0.05 mm/rev during finish operations. The machine tool has a capacity of approximately 100 bimetallic (steel andAfI'J -ASM- alloy) bearing bushes per hour, The author points out that diesel locomo- Card 4/6 P4620 S/117/60/000/007/011/012/~a: A Fixture for the Diamond Boring of Bearing Bushes Aoo4/Aool Figure 2 F_ tive bearing bushes are also bored on the special OC-188 (0S-188) horizontal two-spindle diamond boring machine equipped with a four-position fixture fitted with calibrated hydraulic clamp- ing units. This machine possesses a capacity of 16 bushes.per hour. One machine of this type results in savings of approximately 40o,000 rubles per year. Card 5/6 Pvc. 2. ts 14 - - 84620 S/117/60/000/007/011/012/XX A Fixture for the Diamond Boring of Bearing Bushes Aoo4/Aooi Figure 3 A-A Wo, z iL5 There are figures. Card 616 s/iq3/6o/0oo/0o8/oo5/0l8 The Horizontal OC-232 (05-232) Diamond Boring Machine A004/AO01 (see inustration). Figure: 1 bed,: 2 - slides; 3 - boring heads; 4 - control panel; 5 - panel of the ing feed throttles; 6 - hydraulic cylinders for the slide travel; 7 - reducel-, 0 component cl~uipirg fixture; -9 - control cocks of hydraulic cylinders of coriponcnt clamping; 10 - hydraulic drive. The OS-232 machine is a semi-automatic wfth automatic working cycle. The components being machined are set and removed by hand. The bed is composed of three parts, t,,-'r oside beds and a centrall pedestal, fastened to each other by bolts and pins. T'ne slides %-.,ith mounted boring heads are traveling on the bedways of the side beds. The pedestal carries a two-posi,bn fixture on which the components being machined U re set. Cam-actuated travel switches act on hydraulic devices which carry out the rapid and working motions of "he slides. The spindle heads are composed of two partz, the body of the driving shaft and the sleeve fastened to it, which carr-j the spindle mounted in precision annular supporting ball bearings. The comoonent- clamping fixture is fitted on the top surface of the pedestal. The component's being machined are centered and clamued with the aid of rings located OZI cla.-ining plates. The boring dimensions are indexed on aZlibrated gages located on the rnindle sleeves and are tr~-,nsmit-~ed to the tools by a prism with indicator. Card 2/3 J, 3/193/60/000/008,/C)05/018 The Horizontal CC-23)2 (OS-232) Diamond Boring Machine A004/AOOI (see illustration). Firure: 1 bed-: 2 - slides; 3 - boring heads; 4 - control panel; 5 - panel of the ~-.orking -feed throttles; 6 - hydraulic cylinders for the slide travel; 7 - reducers 8 - component clamping fixture; -10 - control cocks of hydraulic cylinders of component clamping; 10 - hydraulic drive. The 03-232 machine is a semi-automatic with automatic working cycle. The components being machined are set and removed by hand. The bed is composed of three parts, t,ao side beds and a central pedestal, fastened to each other by bolts anA pins. The slides i-tith mounted boring heads are traveling on the bedways of the side beds. 'The pedestal carries a two-posithn fixture on which the components being machined are set. Cam-actuated travel switches act on hydraulic devices which carry out the rapid nnd working motions of the slides. The spindle heads are composed of 'WO Darts, the body of the driving shaft and- the sleeve fastened to it, which e=7 the spindle mounted in precision annular supporting ball bearings. The component-clamping fixture is fitted on the top surface of the pedestal. The components being machined are centered and clamped with the aid of rings located an clamping plates. The boring dimensions are indexed on cZlibrated gages located on the spindle sleeves and are transmitted to the tools by a prism with indicator. Card 2/3 SMKHTER, V. I. --------- Rings for boring bushin~gs. Hashinostroitell no.9:27 S 160. (MIR-L 13:9) (Drilling and boring machinery-Attachments) s/iq3/6o/ooc/bi2/oo8/0i8' AOO4/AOO1 q! q; AUTHOR: Shekhter, V. I. TITLE: The Special-Purpose Vertical 06-256 (0S-256) Diamond Boring Machine PERIODICAL: Byulleten' tekhniko-ekonomicheskoy informatsii, 1960, No. 12, pp.24-25 TEXT: The Odesskiy zavod radialtno-sverlil'nykh stankov (Odessa Radial Drilling Machine Plant) has manufactured a new boring machine, designed by the spetsial'noye konstruktorskoye byuro No. 3 (Special Design Office No. 3). The OS-256 boring machine Is intended for the precision boring of holes in engine cylinder-block jackets. A total of six stepped holes Is machined in couples on the boring machine. Each hole is bored up to 194 = in diameter over a length of 54 mm; up to 195 mm in diameter over a length of 14 mm; tapered to a diameter of "107 4 (?) over a length of 6.2 mn, and chamfered 1.5 x 45U on 195 mm in diameter. 2 .5 A The illustration shows the design of the OS-256 boring machine. Figure 1: I - bedplate; 2 - column; 3 slides; 4 - spindle heads; 5 - fixture; 6 hydraulic panel; 7 - boring bar; 8 " component-clamping levers. Card 1/4 S/I 93/60/-,,: -Vo 12-/008/018 A004/AOOI The Special-Purpose Vertical OC-256 (03-256) Diamond Boring Machine The boring machine is of vertical design which ensures a good flowing- off of the chips from the cutters and excludes the possibility of the buckling boring bar affecting the precision of the component being machined. The part being machined is adjust- ed in the fixture and clamped wit-Ii the aid of hydraulic cylinders. The whole boring cycle is automated, i. e. the following operations are effected automatically, Card 2/4 93/60/CC0/O 1-2/008/018 The Special-Purpose Ver-~;'_,~al OC -2~56 Di amond Ec-~ I-r-g MachLrIe while the table wi*t '-mpeal P_~r- ~ak=_.z P '~ne e.,L-7r~_rr': pos-1zion; fast slide approach, 0;I of the rotary =_pI:-_dI-_ ~~hang,_nz -,c f'ast rota- tion, working 11 ). auto- eed, 11 cw workinF ffeed :ha:ml ring, matic reversing wftn 'braking c-f e sp'-zd1e, a~ce' =rated upward travel of the slides with the sp!~-dles, their smoo-.h adjus~men-. -,o the upper position of the working feed, and stop. Then the table is moved ln-.o -the rredi";m position and the whole cvcle IS re-ea,ed to tool he se_~cnd pal-, c' 'boles, af-.~er which -t~,e table moves inTc the position to mach-Ine the ~hl-:j pal-:- of holes The operation beirg finished, ~,he table r4T~,_=s _ntc '."-a lef-I posi-,icn, where part ir~ ex-_nanged f~:- an =e fas~~ ~at'e -ravel with the machined ~' L ~ smooth aDp--ca:h r~3 the ma.mlnir_~; iZ eff~_:,~ wi-:h aid of hydraulic cylinders. T-he Epindles of -~he bor_,:-~g neadS az-e c- s,~perprecllslcn bear- ings of the 2C" ('21"'. Eazn `Wcr_Ar_g '-s witbin s'-x d_ame-.rically placed cutting tools, ."h.--- rough and finlsh -cols oparaze s:Iaral--aneously in such .L~.I.,:,h4ng tcol by some a way that the rough_lrqz ~-ocl is adv&aced relativelv -.z) -~h,= f, .enths of a millime4er and s-~mewna-, lowzr re'a-- -,D the '-orlng d,ameter, The setting of trie tccls is effected a The au--hor Card 3/4 0 ACDO41/00 1 The Spec la I :-i~ -'-jz:~A Ear~nz M -a - n',! presents tKe followl.r.;, data, maxfr-,T., s-'-diz 400 rurij range c' v rX nrr/rr:n.; -v=- w~,-ra' 11~;" mmm Z~O-Xer Df slide working fc-d - " - 'I, .. . . - - I spindle d-ive ire;, :~ :-Jjmt~.-.-!~-o---~- wlj-". 7 - 2,2100 x 2,1510 x 4,OC.C, x~:- 1 7 1~~ --'.:.S new resulted In C ard 4/4 SHEKHTER, V.I. Devices for preventing the breaking of drills in deep drilling. Stan. i instr. 31 no.5:35-36 My 160. (MIRA 14;5) (Drilling and boring--Safety measures) SHEO'i ER, V.I. The OS-314 special diamond boring machine. Biul.tekh.-ekon. inform. no.3:28-30 t6l. (MIRA 14:3) (Drilling and boring machinery) SHEKHTLR. V.I. The OS-290 machine for deep drilling and counterboring. Biul. tekh.-ekon.inform. no.8:47-49 161. (,,[IRA 14:8) (Drilling and boring machinery) SM-XIMiZ, V.I. The OS-289 movable radial drillinp machine. Biijj. tekhrekon. inform. no. 9: 19-41 ' ,'l . (YJRA 14:9) (Drillinp and horing macbinery) SHEKHTER, V.I., inzh.; KORDYSH, L.M., inzh. * nachines. YaEl-inostroenie no.21: Attachments for diamond bor 11 3 ( M!,qjI, 1 r: 4 ) -28 Mr-Ap '62. 1 2 1. Odes5kiy zavod radial'no-sverlil'nykh stankov. (Drilling and boring machinery--Attachments) SHEKHTER., V.I. ------- The OS-277 semiautomatic machine for finish (diamond) turning and undercutting of pistons. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform. no.2: 22-24 162. (MIRA 15:3) (Machine tools) SHEF,HTER, V.I. ,rho 03-300 special purpcse inclined six-spindle diamcnd boring machine. biul.tekh.-okon.inform.Gos.nauch.-issl.inBl~.nauci~.i tekh.inform. no.3:24-26 162. (~UA 15-5) (Drilling and boring machinery) All cf Fr- Tran5p. SHEYN14AN, Lev Yefimovich, starshiy prepodavatel,; SHEKHTER, Villyam Leonidovich, inzh.; GOLOVANOV, Robert Dmitreyevien, ino_*.,, -- ' ., SHINEMY, Vl:adislav Vasillyevich, -inzh. Automatic drop of reactive power in a mechanical current converter. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; elektromekh. 6 no.10:1249-1252 163. (MIRA 17:1) ~chtcr, V. On at systent of positive integrals of Maxwell' s equations. I hililady Aliad. Nauk SSSR. (N.S. Wathemutictil ReViOWS 89. (1 V) - Vol. 14 '10. 11 622 Ful III (-If t'llonlaglictic fivid ill an efulay folitc rk-gion It Dec. 1953 l", I I I I, I. d I py I pvI fk-( I I y cof ill I If (if I g S If rface S t I'll", SIG S I `(;, i.: blat'llematical of p,itive (joadimic flinctional-, " .1 1. lit timr. For iiacgnil k--2 it !~vt i, fermcd compIcte I it ill,, of Ille fum li4m.11, illlpli,-, Olc 6,1111ticti- jj~ - - fit ill, Ill "i fit,- p~lrli,ll of thu lidd .i md, I ~ limil /,.I.p to V 11 i:i Amwil, with dAk-li-liti- W -E-,dt Pit --0, k. A I'loic 111 A iA It nult liml bt-vil gi-vil [~/O~ m SHIMAR, Y.M. Univalence of the miss tensor in the theory, of relativity. Vest.Len. un. 9 no.11:99-112 N 154. WaA 8:7) (Relativity (Physics)) "'I r, LIT., r nc. 7 1 - - Sixgle-valueduess of the hydrodynamic tenser of mass. Vest-Leu-ux- 11 x*.4:23-26 F '56. (MLRA 9:7) (Hydrodynamics) 't SHEKTERp V.M., KOMAR, E.G., MNOSZON, N.A., STOLOV, A.&f., TITOV, V. A. "Experimentnl Ring-Shaped 200-650 MeV Stong-Focusing Proton Accelerator," paver presented at CERN Symposium, 1956, appearing in Nuclear Instruments, No. 1, pp. 21-30, 1957 . 1; 4 K 11 T-E CN v, IP 56-1-52/56 AUTHORs Shakhter, V. M. TITLEt On the Scattering of a Neutrino on an Electron (0 rasseyanii ney- trino na elektrone) PERIODICALs Zhurnal Bksperimentallnoy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, 1958, Vol. 34, Wr 1, pp. 257 - 258 (USSR) ABSTRACT& The development of the ecperimental technique which permits the determinatio f cross sections of the order of magnitude from 1o-44 to lo-150cm2 (in absorption of a neutrino by protons or in C137) gives rise to the hope that the experiments of the discovery of the scattering of a neutrino on an electron will be repeated in the near future. Reference is made to papers dealing vdth the same subject. The aim of the present report is to indicate the possibility of the existence of 'i-e-scattering due to a direct 4-fermion interaction "~e VV . The cross section of such a scatter- ing may be of the same order of magnitude or even higher than 0;*', 0 The cross section of the scattering is here first written down for the case that the impinging neutrino has theeiergy E and the re- coil eleotron the energy W. The total cross section is obtained by averaging over the energy spectrum ?(E) of the impinging Card,1/2 neutrino. An explicit expression for cross section is f 56-52/56 On the Scattering of a Neutrino on an Electron also written down here. When the usual value of g = 3.1 - 49er CM3 for 4-fermion interactions is assumed, the value =3r5. 10-55* 2 ef cni is found for the total cross section. Th value is 5 times higher than the cross section 0'/A- - 7,5.10- i9cm 2. An interaction of the type investigated here will gonerally also exist in the case of the scattering of a neutrino on a nucleon. On this occa- sion the first-mentioned formula remains valid and leads to a cross section of about the same order of magnitude. But the ef- fect of the V -n,scattering and of the V -p-scattering can practically not be observed due to the small recoil energy of the nucleon. There are 5 references, none of which is Slavic. ASSOCIATIONe jenjuStsa- F4' chnical Tjwtitaft (Leningrad M13~"ko- te khni c he skiy ins titut) SUBMITTED& October 29, 1957 AVAILABLEs Library of Congress Card 2/2 AUTHOR": Ansellm, A. A. , Shekhter. 7. f'. SOV/56-34 -3-42/55 TITLE: On a Possible Asymmetry of the Particles and Antiparticles in 'Neak Interactions (0 vozmozhnoy nesimmetrii chastits i antichastits v slabykh vzaimodeystviyakh) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, 1958, vol. 34, Nr 3, pp. 761 - 762 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The latest experimental data on the _correWion show that the positron decay processes of Ne 9 and A can be explained by a mixture of the A- and V- ariants of ~_inter- action, while the electron decays of He and of the free neutrons are dependent on the T- and 3pviously on the S- -variant. In the positron decay of Co the experiments analogously show a weak interference of the Fermi inter- action and the Gamov-Teller interaction, while thj'~.inter- fegnce is very great in the electron decay of Au and se . 'When all these experiments are looked upon as correct these facts sharply contradict the present theory. Card 1/4 'Uhen various processes are taken to be the cause for the SOV/56-34 -3 -42/55 On a Possible Asymmetry of the Part.icles and Antiparticles in Weak Inter- actions processes n F-21 p + e'- + and p - n + e+ + N) this me-.ins a renunciationcC the symmetry of the particles and an~J_- particles in weak interactions. Then the antiparticleE are no longer an exact analogon of the corresponding particles with opposite charge. Their 2 masses can, for instance, dif- fer by an amount of about g (square of the constant of weak interactions). First the self-adjoint, relativistical- ly invariant Pmiltonian of the g-decay is put down, con- taining e~v e , 9 and V in an asymmetric way. At a time inversion all constants are to be substituted by their conjugated complex values. The usual theory of ~_-decay is obtained when certain constants are equal to one an- other. A similar separation into a positive frequency part and a negative frequency part can also be carried out with the operation of the nucleons. It isq ho,.vever, not certain if this has any sense. The above mentioned Hamiltonian is non-local and therefore holds LH(x )' 'H(x2)] / 0; when X, and X2 are separated from each o1he'r by a space-like interval. This commutator contains the functions Card 2/4 x -x ) instead of the function S(x _x ), which do not 1 2 , 1 2 SOV15 6-34 --21~ On a Pos~3iblc As~-m,~ie try of the Part _JcI e s ar d An : iicle sUea'~. In : er- actions Card 3/4 disapi;ear outside the lightcone. Jhen the operators S + and 5 refer to electrons this means the abolition of the cau- sality in the weak interactions at distances of about t/m ec, There is no such localization for a neutrino field. This Is a serious objection a~;ainst the considerations given here. As, however, the theoretical principles earlier re.-arded as absolutely correct (the conservation of the parity and the in- variance with respect to the charge conjugatedness) ,,;ere generally dropped. An experimental checking of the scheme developed here is nevertheless useful. An exact comDarison of the ratio between the probabilities of P +-decay and K-apture of one and the same nucleus with the value pre- dicted by the usual theory would be especially desirable. An analogous but difficult experiment is the comparison between A +-decay and the absorption of the antineutrino by a proton. There are 3 references, 0 of which are Soviet. -'HOh :30v/ TITLE& rt tPe olari ,ntinn or' -1 ectrcnr ' mit lted by tr, r c. .1 ats2i rflek&ronov pri ruspride ji-mezcnov) yar 17 [C., L: i -nal Inoy i tvorvtich skoy fief iki , ;~5 hu i 54, Lir Pp. 1;"~o ~.B'MiACT T h,, exp~-rimpntal re7uits of -the investivation of trie speotrum, the asymmetry and the Doi-arization of eiectron% i*,:r the de- cay of polw-zed. myon,--- obviouslY agree with the predictions of the theory of -the two-component neutrino developed by A. L. i~andau (.-ief 2) and T. -J. Lee (Li~ and ',. N. (Ref .1 1 ,:ang (Ref 3). According to thi,.i theory, only four of ten comDlex constants C and C' C (WhiCh describe in the g--neral c ?i S ethe decay of the myon) are dif ferent i~ron zi~rr 0; A lt is to be hoped that rore T)rpcise ag'ree 'Arith rhe more ri tri.c. as.:vPnAicr-,s o. and nalso of Mnr.-tiak and --'Lectr~n interaction has two components. -rom a3tiur%n- ~,ard I tions it would rollow that + C, ; C'~ wor til.e. v SOVI 56-54-5-281:6 lz -It I OP. Of, .-A e~,-, r:l;- i.-i !~Poaying fillfons !~,l Lri uution of' the e I e c t ron.~~ r, r:r ifilron ir, givon. n d F- 2E 2 E ) S Ln d(-r vat i-clij of ~.Jji sf o-.- rr,i la i s out I i nei j ri a athema c ic '.1 rj.--j emen- corai ng t 0 thi s f ormula thxe eiec tron mus t Lie C) --d y polar-:,7ed in the luri-Itudinal direction. Moreover, the spiri of tile? ro~~irive rr,,,,,un produt~pd by trie deca.; ol a posltivp~ Pion Is orleritaLed antiparall,!l to its momc--nL;im. -The c:Xp~riL:0n.u.1 ~;eri.ficatlon of this for-mula dces not mean t(iat tiLe rieuti-inc, has two comporients. The auuthors m,~,zition rhe fol.owinp, problom; a u-;t.--.o-ly chosen combinatic'n of tne ;,nd T-vmrlants give a formula tha" ir cumpletei,., identi- Litt, ,J!O-e- f*ormtjJa. BW. ait ar,croxinn,~- jnv~,.5- i,~Lp,atlon this querrion ~~n a ncKative manrt5?r-. ll'r)ere -e sh ich ure .!oviet ~-cember ;i, 21 (8) AUTHOR; Shekhter'. V. M, SOV/56-7/5 2-21/60 TITLE: On the P-Decay of Hyperons (0 P-raspade giperonov) PERIODICAL; Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1958, Vol 35, Nr 2, PP 458-466 (UssR) ABSTRACT; In continuation of the papers by Feynman and Gell-Mann (Ref I as well as of those by Marshak and Sudarshan (Ref 2~ (universal V-A-interaction)., the author investigates the decay probabilities of hyperons in nucleons (and hyperons respectively) and leptons; these P-decay reactions are of the following nature; a) p e + -V-' e) -4 0 + e- + b) 0 p P + f + 0 + e+ + Z --)A, c) n + e + g) 0 + e + V 4--~ -4A d) -+n + -V h) 0 + + ,uhich have hitherto riot yet been discovered. They are represented by the general form Card 1/3 On the ~-Decay of Hyperons SOV/56-35-2-21/60 + ~e _j + Y t, In the second chapter the energy distributioiL, the polarization, and the asymmetry of the emission of particles occurring in the decay of polarized hyperons is investigated In Part 3 the results obtained are discussed and numerically evaluated W0(sec-I -r , 10" 0see W0 T'10 10 a) 7,4 107 21,6 e) 2~1-106 .1-'8 b 1 2,107 2,6 f) 1,4-106 O'q C) 5A `0 8 116 0) 1.6 !08 1 d) 2,4 10 8 1,8 h) 3,4 107 1 In a y 4 ppendix I the calculation of the probability of deca ~s discussed and appendix II deals with the universal V-A-interaction in the case of the non-.conservation of parity, There are 4 figures., 1 table, and 9 references., Card 2/3 2 of which are Soviet. On the P-Decay of Hyperons SOV/56-35-2-21/60 ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut (Leningrad Physico-Technical Institute) SUBMITTED: March 26, 1958 'A Card 3/1 24(5) XTHOR: Shekhter, V. Id. SC-1/506-'z'6-2-34/0'3 TITLE: On the Variants of Weak Interactions Possible in the Feynman- Gell-Mann Scheme (0 variantakh slabykh vzaimodeystviy, vozmozhnykh v skheme Feynmana - Gell-Manna) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy Iiziki, 1959 Vol 36, Nr 2, pp 581-584 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Feynman and Gell-Mann (Ref 1) as well as Gershteyn and Zelldovich (Ref 2) investigated the vector interaction in P-decay and the vector part of the g-decay Lagrangian in the case of strong interaction. Pais (Ref 3) showed that certain symmetry classes of the interaction Lagrangian are not in keeping with the experiments on the simultaneous production of strange particles. In the present paper the author shows that the uniqueness of the fl -decay current follows from the results obtained by Pais; this current is uniquely defined by the requirement that the divergence of its vector part vanishes. The current responsible for hyperon decay is, however, not conserved. If the contrary is the case, the strong interaction Lagrangian has such a symmetry as contra- Card 1/2 dicts the experiments on the simultaneous creation of strange