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S/054/62/000/002/001/012 B1631B136 0,~z Zd Shcherbin, Yu. P. Calculation of the energy of the ground state of a system of three nucleons F_','RIOD!U'AL: Lenin6rad. Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya fiziki i khimii, no. 2, 1962, 5-16 TEXT: A theoretical investigation was made of --"-he wave functions describ- the crround state of a system of three nucleons (H 3 . or. He3). iccording to Derrick's and Blatt's classification there exist two S- and D state wave functions which are symmetrical with respect to a permutatioil of Particle distances They give the main contribution to the binding energy of 11' nd. He The two-nucleon interaction potential operator contains a central, a tensor, and a spin-orbital component. If the matrix elements of the operators of kinetic and potential energy are calculated with those parts of the wave function, which depend on the spin-isospin and angular variables, a system of 10 partial differential equations Card 1/f2 SHCHERBIN, Yu.P. - Cal-culation-of the three-particle forces in the three-nucleon problem. Vest. LGU 17 no.4i20-27 162. (MMA 15;3) (Quant*m field theory)(Calculus of variations) SHCHERBIN, YU.PO Calculation of the energy of the ground state of a three-nucleon system. Vest.ILU 17 no.10;5-16 162. (KERA 150) (Nucleons) (Quantum theory) e Gr SHCHERBIN, Yu.P. Study of the ground state of the three-nucleon syptem by a one- dimensional equation method. Vest. LGU 20 no-4:1U--145 165. (W RA 18 - 4) 11-1. ..., , ..., .1. - Cancercus and vaTcul-gr diseaEes of decidiious trees Moskvr,, Goslesbumizdnt, 8~. 0. 1. Tr~-:es - Dis-:azes and pe-sts. d n t h 7,!-" f T c t n rf-i n-e!ri nv Teni n- '-:Sserf~,+~cr fr-r Of' rar:dIciate in 7,irlof-ical Fn * 2- 'n.;-a t o - s T nLl Spucf -1 Zooio~ry. iwlrct,~ J, ,bs Jouir :Rof Zhur Biol ., No 1958, No 25P3215 .author : Shc"-'--;rHn--F-rfcncnVc !,.L. inst ; 0 t -'. I V7!-, Titic; The '.rpcn:-ut Hcrnt~-il (Sirox rrgon-utomum Gmss:-k). (Rogokhvcst- rr7on~-vt (Sirox -rgcnrutoru.-- Guss-k)). Orig Fub ITruchn.-tc1chn. sb. tr. po lesn. kh-vu Sever. Krvk-zr, vyp. 2, 1955, 154-156 Abs'r-ct The !-r.s-on-ut hornt-il w-s of gre-I cccno---Ac .-lvc in the Bol'-ht~'-L-bin sunrier ho~c of the Psob-y forest kolkhoz. It inh,-'bi'Lcd herlthy firs, the pcssrgcs for cr-orgencc being only therc wherc rs r result of trinming or slipr, the scpwcod w-,,s oxroscd. Tho 'Lom-los only depositcd their eggs on bvre s-p- Wood C-:,rd 1/1 Anton Lavrentlyevich; ZHTJiL,VLEV, I.!., red.; p ULYAKHINA, I.P.i --- red.izQ-va.-'-FOFOVA, V.V., tekhn. red. [Bacterial diseases of forest trees] Bakterialinye zabole- vaniia lesnykh porod. Moskva, Gosleso=izdat, 1963. 146 p. (MIRA 17:2) ii. Strengt',.ening the links with farms. Sov.shakht. 10 no.5:4 my , 61 . (YIRA 14:9) 1. Predsedatell komiteta profsoyuza shakhty no.1 im. Chelyuskintsev, bonbass. (Donets Basin--Coal miners) (Farmers) BELYAVSKIY, A.; SHCHERBINA, A. (Kasli, Chelyabinskoy obl.) Device for locating short-circuited turns in coils. Radio no.8: 19 _~g 16o. (min 13:9) (Electric coils) SHCHYR INA. A.A. Biul.Glav. Parks in the western provinces of the Ukrainian S.S.R. bot. sada no.18:32-41 154. (MIRA 8:3) 1. Botanicheskiv sad pri Llvovskom gosudarstuvennom universitete im. Iv.Franko. (Ukraine-Parks) 3KHMMINA, A.A. Results of the acclimatization of ornamental trees and shrubs in the city of Lvov and its vicinity. Nauk.zap.L'viv.un.26: 105-112 154. OMRA 9: 10) (Lvov--Plants, Ornamental) NAZMVSKIY, 4.1.~ I-IAFARU. S,N,: PHAPYNY0, ',FRASIM(JV. M..V~; WINSUYA, M.L.; VEKSIXR ' A,I.,r L~ L 1 14,~ , I LI NA, N. V, ; SOKOLOV, L d S.Ya.; LOZINA-LOZINSKAYA, A.S.; SiLAKOV. S,G,-ZALESjE:IY, D.M.: AVRORIN, N.A~; ITAliOV, M,I.: PRIKJ.J-,D0V, N.V.; SOBOLEV~UYA, K.A.; SALiMATOV, M.N.; MLLINOVSKIY, P~I., LUCIINIK, A.I.- E-UVCHENKO, O.A.; VEKHOV, N.K.; GROZDOV, B.V.; MAShTIN, S.; BOSSE, G.G.: PALIN, P.S.,(g.Shuya. 1vanov- skoy oblasti): MATUKH1N: ZATVARNITSKIY, G.F..; GRACHEV, N.G.. CI~30V, M.I.; KMOPULO, Ye.N.; LEUTSKAYA,A.M.; GRISHKO, N.N.; LIMARI, D F VILICHINSKIY, N.M.; LYPA, A.L.; OREKHOY, M,V~; SHCHER M,. A.A.; TSYGANKOVA, V.Z.- BAPANOVSKIY., A.L.; GEORGIYEVSKIY, S,D~; STiF~kN, G.A. OZOLIN, E.P.; LUKAYTBNE, M.K,; KOS, Yu.I., VAIL'YXV, A.V,; RUKEWD23, P.Ye.; VASHADZE, V.N,-, Sr!AIIIDZE, V.P.; MANDZHAVIDZE, D.V.; KORRESHKO, A.L.; K0LEb?TIKOV,-, A~I~,(g, Sochi)- SERGEYEV, L.1,; VOLOSHIN, M.P.; RYBIN, V.A.; IVANOVA, B.I., RYkBOVA, T.I.; GAREYEV, E.Z. ;RUSANOV, F.N.; BOCHANTSEVA, Z.P. BLINOVSKIY, K.V. KLYSIM, L.K.; MUSHEGYAN, A.M.; LEOMOV, L.M. Talks given by participants in the meeting. no.15: 85-182 '53, (ViRA 9..l) 1. Glavnyy botanicheskiy sad Akademii nauk SS;SR (for Makarovjilipenko, Gerasimov, 111inskaya. Vsksler): 2. Akadsmiya komunallnogo khozyay- stva imeni K.D. Famfilova for Vasilgyev); 3. Vaesoyuznaya sel'skokho- zyaystvennaya v7stavka (for Illina); 4. Botauicheskiy sad Bot-aniche- skogo instituta 4-ment V,L.KomaroTa Akadamii nauk SSSR (for Sokolov, Lozina-Lozinskaya, Saakov): 5. Botanicheakiy sad Leningradskogo (continued on next card) HAZAREVSKIY, S,L----(ccntinued) Card 2. gosudarstvennogc ordena Lanina universiteta (for Zalaaskiy)! 6. Pol- yarno-Al'piyskiy botanichaskiy sad Kol'skogo filiala Imeni S.M. Kirova Akademli nauk SSM (for Avror'Ln); 7. Botanichaskiy sak pri Tomskom gosudarstvennom universitsta (for Ivanov); 8. Botanicheskiy sad pri Tomskom gosudarstvennom universiteta imeal V.V. Kuybysheva (for Prik- ladov), 9. TSentral'nyy Sibirskiy botanichaskiv sad Zapadno-Sibirsko- go filials, Akademil nwak SSSR (for Salamatov, Sobolevskaya); 110, Bo- tanicheskiy sad Irkutsko gosudarstvennogo universitetla imeni A.A. Zhdanova (for Malinovskly); 11. Altayslmya plodovo-yagodnaya opyt- naya stantsiya (for Luchnik); 12. Bashkirskiy botanichaskly sad (for Kravchenko); 13. Lesostepnaya selektsionnaya opytnaya stantsiya deko- rativnykh kul'tur tre3ta Goszelankhoz Ministerstva kommunaVnogo kho- zyaystva P-')FSR (for Vekhov),- 14. Bryanskiy lesokhozyaystvenny7 insti- tut (for Grozdov); 15, Botanichaskiy sad pri Voronezhskom gosudar- stvennom univers-Itete (for Mashkin); 16. Orekhovo-Zuyevskiy pedago- gicheskly institut (for Bosse); 17. Botanichaskiy sad pri Rostovskom gosudarstvennom universitete imeni V.M. Molotova (for Matukhin); 18. Botanicheskly sad Kuybyshevskogo gorodekogo otdela narodnogo obrazo- vaniya (for Zatvarnitskiy); 19. Zoobotanicheskiy sad pri Kazanskom universitete (for Grachev)j 20. Gosudarstvsnnyy respublikanakiy proektnyy institut "Giprokommunstroy" (for Cherkasov)- 21. Botani- cheskiy sad Odeaskogo gosudarstveanogo univeraitetm imen-I I.I. Mechni- kova (for Kirkopulo)-, 22, Botanicheskly sad pri Dnepropetrovskom gosudarstvennom univeraitete (for Levitakaya), 23. Botanichaskiy sad (continued on next card.) HAZARF.VSUY, S.L.---(continued) Card 3. Akademii nauk USSR (for Grishko, Lilffivar', Vil'chinski7); 24. Kiyevskiy sel'skokhozyaystvennyy institut (for L~a)i 25. 3otani- cheskiy sad Chernovitskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta (for Orekhov); 26. Botanichaskiy sad pri L'vovskom gosudarstvennom universitete - imeni Iv. Franko (for Shcherbin4j- 27. Botamicheskiy sad KharIkov- skogo goeudarstvannogo universiteta imeni A.M. GorIkogo (for TSygan- kova); 28. Botanicheskiy sad ZhitomirBkogo sel'skokhozyaystvennogo institute. (for Baranovskiy); 29. Botanicheskiy aad Akademii nauk Belorusskoy SSR (for Georgiyevskiy); 30. Institut biologii Akademii nauk Belorusskoy SSR (for Stepunin); 31. Botanicheakiy sad kkademii Litovskoy SSR (for Lukaytene); 32. BotELnicheskiy sad Latviyakogo go- sudarstvennogo universiteta, (for Ozolin); 33. Kabardinskiy krayeved- cheskiy botanicheskiy sad (for Kos); 34. Sukhumskiy botanicheskiy sad Akademii nauk Gruzinskoy SSR (for Vasillyev, Rukhadze); 35. Be- tumakiy botanicheskiy sad Akademii nauk Gruzinskoy SSR (for Shanidze); 36. 7bilisakiy botanicheskiy sad Akademii nauk Gruzinskoy SSR (for Mandzhavidze); 37. Sochinakiy park Dendrariy (for Korkeshko); 38. Gosudarstvenn.vy Nikitskiy botanicheskiy sad imeni VX Nolotova (for Sergeyev, Voloshin); 39. Krymskiy filial Akademii nauk SSSR (for Rybin); 40. Botanicheskiy sad Moldavskogo filials, Akademii nauk SSSR (for Ivanova); 41. Botanicheskiy sad Botanicheskogo institute. Aka- demii nauk Tadzhikskoy SSR (for Ryabova); 42. Botanicheskiy sad Kir- gizskogo filials, Akademil nauk SSSR (for Gareyev); 43. Botanichaskiy /continued on next card) MAZLRKVSKIY~ S.L.--(continued) Card 4, sad Akademli nauk Usbekskoy SSR (for Rusanov, Bochantseva); 44. Botanicheskiy sad Akademii nauk Tuarkmenskoy b-SR (for Blinovskiy); 45. Respublikanskiy sad Akademil nauk Kazakhakoy Sa (for Eyshev Mushegyan). (Botanical gardens) Silr,jG'~Rl3IITA, Mfl-,:~~nets Park. Blul. Glay. bot. sada nc.2F:U~15 157. (Hipi, ii: I) -irstvfinnyy universitet im. Iv;ir,-i Franko. - Llvovokiy gosud, Olizhafflcovichi District-Arboret,ims) SHCHMINA, A.A. Introduction of trees and shrubs in Lvov. sad.a no.32:31-36 '58. (MIU 12:5) 1, Llvovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. Iv. Franko. (Lvov--Arboretums) Ob rA, r-7i melc.~e Sorr,.-azhenwi kh s ry,-da--i '~'urlye. Lnerr~.)retrcvsk. , 7ar.. 21 tbiema'ics in the 1,1~7'R, l?17-1047 edited by Kurosh, A.G. i.~arkushevich, T. Rashevskiy, F.K. oloscow-Leninvrad, 194F, A r~ H C, H I:- j: coa- On a summalioa method cf-sMes Ikexhina, A. jugaze to Youner "des. Alat.- Sbornik N.S. _2700). 4- 157-170 (1950). (Russian) serks Let S.(x) S.(x, 11 be the at it: partial sum of the the Fo - ler wries et j conjoy'ato to ur 'iwi-audlet 40,P) i Im thv delayed (C, 1) meaus of IS# 1. (1) A nect*mry and flicient condition that 1(n. p:. be uniformly equicanver. du ITO 1" gent, for every continuous f, with if Vu(,+I) - n as a-ioo, is that lim inflil.. A11A>0. (2) If the latter condi- meet i tion Is witisfied, then o (it, P) -ftv) Um". A(4) W Ikil uviLrywhere, for.every Integrable (3) A cor ponding wicki Conjugate to the Fourier- result in obtained for the I;L und (Chicago, 111.). StieltjcR twries. A. Zygm S-wros Mathairatical HaVIOUS, Vol- 0- oll .ra 1 Tn~;t, ~hadr "o-t. ;L., 1-fucHNIK, S.R., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; SKORODINSKAYA, V-V-, starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; SHCHERBIRA, A.F., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Metabolism in patients with marked myopia And deratoconus. Oft. zhur. 13 no-5:261-266 158 (MIRA 11:10) 1 '. Iz laboratorii patologicheskoy fiziologii Ukrainskogo nauchno- issledovateliskogo eksperimentallnogo instituta glaznych bolezney i tkanevoy terapii im. akademika V.P. Filato-va (direktor - prof. Y.Ae Pachkovskaya). (METABOLISM) (ZIF-DISEASES DMCTS) SBCHEITIBITIA, A,F. A re.j rt)ecies of Diplotaxis DC in th-. Don ba5in. L~rlt.mat.csrh. 22: 1 5,'-~ -154 163. (XItU 17:2) 810) SOV / 112 - 59 -5 -9 186 Translation from: Referat:.v-nyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 5, rp 110 4USSR) AUTHOR: Shcherbina, A. G. TITLE: Regenerative Circuit of a Semiconductor Refrigerator PERIODICAL: Tr. 1-y Mezhvuzovsk. konferentsii po sovrem. tekhn. dielektrifkov i poluprovodnikov, 1956, g. L. , 1957, pp 314- 318 ABSTRACT: An experimental 100-liter refrigerator was buUt by remodeling a "Dnepr" icebox. The first stage comprises a bank of 200 thermocouples, the second stage three similar banks. Tests were conducted with and without a fan blowL-ig or. the hot radiators. The test results proved to be unsatisfactory: with a weight, vs. 50 kg of the "ZIS-Moskva" refrigerator, over 5076 of the electric power was spent for overcoming a parasitic temperature drop that reached 20-30'C. The design of a regenerative semiconductor refrigerator free from the above disaivantages and having a considerably higher ieftigeration coefficient is presented. The regenerative circuit exhibited, in actual tests, twice as high an economy as that of the conventional semicor-ductc refrigerator. L. I. A. Card 1/1 KOLENKO. Ye.A.; SHCHERBINA, A.G.; YURIYEV. V.G. Method of eliminating heat from semiconductor cooling devices. Zhur. tekh. fiz. 28 no.11:2543-2545 N 158. (MIRA 12:1) (semiconductors) (Cooling) KOLBIAO, Yo.k.; -. Microtome table with thermoelectric cooling. Med.prom. 13 no-3:47-48 Mr 159. (MIRA 12:5) 1. InstitiA poluprovodnikov KN SSSR. (MICROTOME) ISAAKYAN, L.A.; KOLENKO, Te.A.; SHCHMINA, A.G. Illectrical apparatus for thermal stimulation of the skin. Fiziol. zhur. 45 no.1l.-1388-1391 X '59. (MM 13:5) 1. From the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences Institute of Semi-Con- ductors and the department of general physiology, Institute of Mxperimental Nedicine, leningrad. (THKPHRATURR) S/12o/61/000/004/032/034 E194/E3,55 AUTHORS. Voronin, A,N., Sher, E.M, and Shcherbina, A,.G. TITLE A proci_sjott ,;omicondtictor zot-o. t 11 orrilwi tilt PERIODICAL; Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 4,. 1961, pp. 18l - 182 TEXT,, Maintaining the cold junctions of thermocouples in a vacuum flask with melting ice is an inconvenient and rather inaccurate arrangements A cold.-Junction thermostat has been constructed, based on semiconductor cooling thermo- elements which accurately maintains a temperatu-re of 0 OC. The cold junction of the thermocouple is in a sealed copper vessel, completely filled with water and also containing a pressure bellows inside which are electrical contacts that operate when the bellows are compressed. The base of the copper vessel is cooled by being in contact with the cold junctions of a battery of 8 semiconductor thermo-elements connected in series and passing a current of 16 A. The hot junction-is cooled by tap water and the water unions also serve as electrical terminals, As the water in the copper Card 112 S/l2o/6i/ooo/oo4/032/034 A precision E194/E355 vessel is cooled it freezes round the walls, expanding so that the pressure -s ensitive bellows is compressed to operate a relay that disconnects supply from the thermal battery. As the ice melts the pressure is relieved and supply to the thermo- battery is restored, Thus, the cold junction is always in water that is in equilibrium with ice. Foam plastic is used for thermal insulation of the equipment. The thermostat maintains a temperature of 0 0C to within 0.001 0C. The thermostat is 100 mm in diameter- 120 mm high and weighs 1~1 kg. It is supplied by a rectifier unit using two germanium diodes type af--10 (VG-10) and can operate with 0 cooling-water temperature up to 30 C and room temperatures up to 40 OC. By increasing the size, water cooling could be replaced by natural cooling~ There are 2 figures. ASSOCIATION, Institut polupr-ovodnikov AN SSSR (Institute of Semiconductors of the AS USSR.) SUBMITTED December 15 , 196o Card 2/2 7L 00877-67 EWT(1)jE','rf(A ACC AP6023654 /T IJP (c) SOURCE CODE: UR/0066/66/000/0 /0017/0020 04 AUTHOR: Shcherbina, A. G -5-67 ORG: SKB Institute for Semiconductors, Academy of Science SSSR (SKB Institute poluprovodnikov Akademii nauk SSSR) ~J TITLE: Corrugated heat conductors for thermoelectric batteries SOURCE: Kholodiltnaya tekhhika, no. 4, 1966, 17-20 TOPIC TAGS: thermoelectric converter, thermoelectric cooling, thermoelectric equip- ment, thermoelectric generator ABSTRACT: A method for calculating heat conduction through corrugated heat con- ductors is presented. The calculation is based on the following model (see Figs. 1 and 2). Applying the heaVonduction equation to the heat f 'low through the metal * and electrical insulatLmg ayers arranged as shown in Fig. 2, the author derives ail expression for the maximum heat conductivity of the heat conductor where /~14 and 5M is the heat conductivity and thickness of the metallic layer respectively, and (5,a is the thickness of the insulating layer. The derived ex- pression was tested on a corrugated copper-ep2M-impregnated paper., It was fo~and Card 113 W . UDG-: 621.565-83 -- L 00877-67 CC NI- AP6023654 r rX t ,' ~ah h .2 Fig. 1. Corrugated heat conductors: Fig. 2. Model for a corrugated heat 1, 2 - metallic layers; 3 - electrical conductor (for meanings of symbols, insulating layer. see Fig. 1). that for & = 0.1 mm, X14= 320 kcal/mthr-degree, AA= 0.15 kcal/m-hr-degree, and SA = 0.055 mms the maximum heat conduction was 97 kcal/m-hr-degree, i.O.P Card 2/3 L OOM-67 i ACC NR: AP6023654 equal to that of aluminum. The derived expression was also tested by calculating the temperature difference across the air cooler KR-l. The calculated temperature difference (0.99G) was found to be in good agreement with the experimentally de- termined values of 0.85--l.25C. An installation based on a sewing machine mechanism is capable of producing 800-1000 corrugated heat conductor units per hour. Orig. art. has: 2 graphs and 26 equations. SUB CODE: SUBM DATE: none Lqa.rd hs SHCHE9,BINA, A. I., Cand. Aggri. Sci. Of Poultry U,~~;ht Systems on lRaIntenance / (diss) "Effect of Various . - for ExchanEres of Substances (N, Ca and P) and Development of their Offspring," KharIkov, 1961, 16 pp. (KharIkov Zoo-vet. Inst.) 150 copies (KL Sunp 1-2-61, 28,'). SHCHERBINA, A.I., inzh. Steel plate for the lining of blast furnace bells. Met. i gornorud. prom. no.1:69-70 Ja_F 162. (MIRA 16:6) (Blast furnaces-Design and construction) (Plates, Iron and steel) SILt%KCV, N.K., slesarl (Odessa); SHCHEIIBINA, A.!., slesar, (Odessa) Test stand for electric welding generators, Suggested by N.K. Silakov, A.I.Shcherbina. Stroi. truboprov. 8 no.5:35 KI '63. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Stroitellno-montazhnoye upravleniye No.10 tresta Ukrgazneftestroy. (Electric generators) SiMFERBRIA, AL.I., PROST011, P.A., inz,-, -1 _ =4* Ter-kLig 338M of a runr-Ligr tumne, Ln mie mcnth :L j2 - ~: tio-i of the Mcsc.:)~.r subway. Shakht. Eitr-cl. 7 no.11924-26 17,10 Ni.;IA -l" - n~ye Nc.7 Grasuda--St7~ rlcz.','~ uQravl--- _r_ u, -i.)g,-. Lrasnog,-- uprai,-leriye .,rdena Lenina i crdena Tr Jn stroi t e1 rstva lebskovs'kogrt-~) metr--pol Iter ti. --pr I" of dom wi t 1,, -n5 4 s nf Hntls- ?52 2( Sc - V~ r r 3 Uncl TA.BCC-N 7,-;P.C4'.l-'e3 Of a -ric lture -.,D :-ond ~'4 3' ' cal~,,,,re, 2,, Monthly List 2f Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 1953, Uncl. SHCHMINA, A.K., doktor voterinarnvkh nauk, professor. General regularities in the development and dying out of conta- gious diseases of fish. Veterinariis, 30 no.11:22-25 N '53. (KLRA 6:11) SHCHERBINA, A.K.1 Professor (Kiev Vet Inst) "The basic Principles on Prophylaxis and Eradication of Infectious Diseases in Calves" Report given at 13th Inter-VUZ (Higher Educational Insts.) Scientific- Industrial Conference, held February 1956 at Kiev Vet Inst. A. ~. , prof essor. 1 11- 1 Control of f ish diseqses in Li-u ~-, : '.- 4,ri,.criuaria `4 s 157. ~!-i: -)) (Ukrsine--F:ishes--Dlser;~., -~;- YARKWICH, A.P.; SHCHURBINA, A.K. State and problems of the study of fish disoaf;es in inland watere of the Ukrainian S.S.R. Trudv sov.Ikht.kom. no.9:149-152 159. WIRA 13:5) 1. Institut zoologii All USSR i Itauchno-issledovatellskiy institut prudovogo i nzerno-rechnogo rybnogo khozyuystva USSR. (Ukraine-Fisbes-Diseanos and pests) A "I'ne 3pasic Problf-::: e~)f 'ieterinany 2cience In the Levelopment o~ -.adicall 1.~easures to -,'ijht ~'ish Disep-ses In the Uk-rainian Lakes., Tentin G.-nife!,exice on Prarasitol.(~gical Problems arid Use-nEes with .11atural ..,s~-rvoir3, 22-20, uctober ~959, Vol. II, Publishiral- House of Acadeny of Jciences, U33A, Moscow-Leningrad, '950~- institiAe oL' Ash Lrcedin~~, and 1'A?,pirtyn,nt t--)f -E-pizootology of the Veterinary Faculty ).-' 'Line- Twrainiari -,*icpder.!y uf AEric Itural -cienc,. % ev. u S d SUCIFETiBINA, A.K., prof., doktor veterin.nauk; ZABOR IY, H.I., red.; PECHENKIN, I.Y., [Diseases of pond fishes] Bolezni Dradovy'k-ch ryb. Moskva, lzd-vo X-va sel'.khoz.SSSR, 1960. 39 P. (MIRA 14:1) (FiBhes--DiseaseB and posts) SHCIDW,111A. Aleksey Konstantinovich, _prof., doktor veterin.nBuk; prof., doktor biolog.nauk, red.; DONETS, N.Yo., red.; ZHELIKHOVSKIY, V.I., red.; KVITKA, S.P.. [Diseases of fishes and their control] Bolezni ryb i mery bor'by a nimi. Kiev, Izd-vo Ukr.Akad.nel'khoz.nsuk, 1960. 333 P. (MIRA 14:1) (Fishes--Diseases and pests) SMOVERKHOV, F.M., kand.biolog.nauk; DYNISOV, L.I., inzh.; MATSUTSIN, N.G., inzh.; PISARMOVA, A.S., rybovod-, SHCHMINA, A.K., doktor veterinarnykh nauk; GRIGORIYEV, Ye.P., red.--,--]EYZTA-, (Fish culturist's handbook] Spravochnik rybovoda. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry, 1960. 350 P. (MIRA 13:9) (Fish culture) ---, - ) . . .:% . ; -1.1 ~ . . - -I , . . . - . . - .1 1 - I . . "Antibiotics against experimental pasteurellosis in poulti-j-" Ve~terinariya, Vol- 37, No. ---, 196p, D. 4o (SHCHERBMA, A. K., Prof., NASTENKO, K. A., and EMITRIYEV, Dotsents, STEPRU, M. F., Ordinator - Ukrainian Acad. Agricultural Sci. SHCHERBI.NAI-A., K., GC):LRMI', N. I., NASTUiKO, E. A., and DMITiCLYEV, 1'.. 1. -Tb67c-tor --- 01' Veterinary Sciences and Candidates of Veterinary Sciences) "The testing of biomycin in pasteurellosis of auck-lings" Veterinariya, Vol. 38, no. 10, October 1961, pp. 81-89 - I ",", -, !~~ i~ ; I !.", t 6" f ~ ,KoT,..,: tan Linovicb ; F.M. IF-4jh diseases and the fundamentals -f fish culture -1 Bulezn'- ryb 1 osnovy rybovodstva. 'r',osl.-va9 Ko'-O~:Q 4 -0, . , - ." 0. ~,XDA -,~ ~q I I Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Uncl. USSRI Agriculture Cara Authors Shcherbina, A. Title Along the steppes-of thelUkraine Periodical Nauka, i Zhiznl,. 5, 36 -- 38, may 1954 Abstract Wdrking and social adtivities of kolkhoz (cooperative) farmers of tle Ukraine steppes and thdIr-c-ontributions to the fulfillment of Soviet 5-year plans. Illustrations. Institution Submitted 3HCHER31t~-'~, i,. R. High yield:3 of cor--. an large areas 2., dop. izd. Moskva, Go.-. izd-vo selkhoz littl-ry E5 p. (perejovoi opyt v jel'skoT khozinistve) 1. MsIze - Rus2ia. VARCHEM, A.I., (Elyev); KARPMO, N.G. (ri3rev); SHORMINA, A.S. (Kiyev) Frequency of paradentogis among the rural population of Fastoy and Brovary Districts of Kiyev Province, Frobl.stom. 4:201-204 '58. (MIRA 13:6) (KIR PROVINCI-GUM5-D I SEA SES) FROKOPPIKO, A.G., InzI1.; GOTIESHNIK. A.D., inzh; PALIMUT, A.S., inzh.; RUVIMSKIY, L.M., inzh.; SILUAGIN, A.D., inzh.-, SHCM-BINA, A.V., inzh.; TAKOVLEV, VJT., inzh. Starting up turbine-boiler units after a holiday shutdown of 24 hours. Teploenergetika 7 no-3:6C-72 Mr '60. (MERA 13:5) 1. Yuzhnoye otdeleniye Gosudarstvnnnngo tresta no organizatsii i ratsionalizatsii elektrostantsiy, Yuzhno-Urallskayr goslidarstvennaya rayonna7a elektricheslmya stantsiya, Odesskaya teDloelektrotsentrall i Stupinskaya teploelektrotsentral'. (Boilers-) (Steam turbines) PROKOPENKO, A.G.9 inzh.; PALIYCHTJK9 A.S., inzh.; sHCHERBINA, AN., inzh.; SMIALAGIN, A.D., inzh. Starting features of VP turbines. Elek. sta. 32 no-7:11-17 Jl ,(I. (Steam turbines) (IMIRA 14:10) PROKOPEI-IKO, A.G., inzh.; SHIVIIS, V.Z,.,-inzh.; SHGIERBIIIA, A.V., inzh. Morning start-up of a boi-ler-turbine unit. Elek. sta.32 no.5:2-4 my 161. (MIRA 14:5) (Boilers), (Steam turbines) - ~ ". , .-., , : - -'r E~r -,~; ~ . ,, . ".; r~ - .7.,- r-. . .- '. :_ I ! I . I I ?, - ~ ~? ~.'- -1 ; . .. . , - .-l. . I - I I - .- 1 1, ! -, I ~l -1 - ' - - - - I . . I V 77- 7 . i - . -- - -'I ; VORC,7:OV. V.Go- .4nzh.; B,G.: 4 ~ AatoTztic caale i:la(%ing device fol- rable . - 11 . - , ,- ~ -I Energ. i elaku-otellcii. Ap ... Te I ~,~ 14. k. -.ii,. I /. ioll 3-'-'~ HfIRB I 1.'A-, D. (g. Novomoskovsk, Dneprooetrovskoy obl-isti) - Worker inventors, Prom.koop. no.4:10 AD '57. (MLHA 10:7) 1. Tekhnoruk artell invalidov "Yedineniye." (Kfficiency, Industrial) SHCHM311T.A. D.M. I Change the dateBfbr taking samples of wintercrops and perennial grasses. Zemledelie 8 no.1:92 Ja '60. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Glavnyv agronom plemsvinosovkhoza "Chutovo", Poltavskoy- oblpsti. (Grain) (Grasses) (Plants--Frost resistance) SHCITRBINA, D,M. Rectifier feed of hot-cathode tubes. Izm. tekh. no.8:32-34 Ag 163. (MUU 16 : 10) ACCESSION NR: AP4014638 S/01W641000/001/0027/0029 AUTHOR: Shcherbina, D. M. TITLE: Kerr ciel .I ulled1lor comparing luminous fluxes SOURCE: jzm'qr.itei'naya tekhnika, no. 1, 1964, Z7-29 TOPIC TAGS: pyrometer. optical pyrometer, comparator, Kerr cell, Kerr cell comparator, luminous flux, luminous flux comparator ABSTRACT: The use of a Kerr cell for optical -pyrometer measurements is considered. Two luminous fluxes polarized in perpendicular planes are directed into a Kerr cell. If the fluxes are unequal, the difference will be modulated by the cell, passed through an analyzer, and measured by a phototube. This formula describes the above phenomenon: -COs ep &D cos (4a-2~1), 4 Card 1/2 It ACCESSION NR: AP4014638 where A'P, is the alternating luminous flux reaching the phototube; (P is the phase difference between the ordinary and extraordinary rays that passed the Kerr cell. 64) is the difference between the two fluxes being compared; o/- is the angle between the principal plane of the Kerr cell and a polarizer; i is the angle between the principal planes of the analyzer and the same polarizer. Two pairs of plates at right angles with applied quadrature -shifted voltages are suggested for the rotating-field Kerr cell. Sources of various errors are examined. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 2 formulas. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 14Feb64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: IE, PH NO REF SOV: 002 C,,d 2 / 2 OTHER: 000 ,;ACCESSION HR: AP4024195 6/0294/64/000/001/0098/0101 J AUTHORs Shcherbina, D. M. !'TITLE: Temperature measurements in solar;furnaces, SOURCE: Teplofizika vy*sokikh temperatur', no. 1, 1964,. 98-101 TOPIC TAGS: solar furrfacep temperature measurement, solar furnace temperature, blackness coefficient, brightness temperature, reflec- tion coefficient, magnesium oxide brightness ABSTRACT: A new method has been developed'at the KbGIMIP to deter- mine the temperature of a solar furnace, so as to eliminate the methodological difficulties caused by the reflected sunlight. The method is based on determining the blackness coefficient of the mea- sured sample and the brigbtness-temperature, due to thereflected solar energy, of a comparison object made of-magnesium oxide. The brightnesb tempera ture of the investigated-sample is also measured Crd -1/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4024195 and consists of the brightness due to its thermal radiation and a brightness of the reflected sunlight, so that one can write C2, 2---e *rr_;~-- -, ee (3) P9 where T, is the brightness temperature of the sample, T0 the bright- ness temperature of the magnesium oxide, T the unknown temperature, C and c0 are the respective reflection coefficients of the specimen and the magnesium oxide, and X is the blackness coefficient. The procedure for determining all the quantities except T is described. The measurement error does not exceed 1%. Orig. art. has: 5 formu- ~as,and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION:' Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvenny*y institut mer i izmeri- tellny*kh.priborov (Xh~r'kov state i1stitute-for Measures and Mea-, i C"d -2/3- -------------- ;:'ACCESSION NR: AP4024195 suring Instruments) SUBMITTED: 210ct63 DATE ACQ: 16Apr64 SUB CODE: PH NR REP SOV: 000 Card 3/3__ ENCLS 00 OTHER: 004 L 45626-65 EW(1)/EEC(b)-2/T Pq-#Pi~-A IJP (c). CWSION NR: Al- M06479 8/0294/65/i)03/061/0164/ 5 AUTHOR! Shcberbina, D. M. TITIN.: Concerning one possibility of measuring emisslyl jhl SaMCEI: Teplofizika vysokikh temperatuk# v. 3,.no. lp 19659 164-165- TOPIC TAGS: emissivityq reflection coefficientt brightness temperature,, blackness. coefficient, gr!tical measurement ABSTRACT: The method proposed is applicable in the case when the emissivity of th:6 body has a wavelength dependence with minima or maxima. An external solwce such i as a gas-discbarge lamp eliminatesAhe heated surface of a,circle,, the temperature! of iqbich is maintained constantl(monitored., for. example, with a..brightness pyro- meter). The reflection coefficient In some direction is recorded as a fumetion ov the wavelength,, and the reflected light can be separated from,theintrinsic radia-~ tion by modulating the incident light.- A procedure for determining the blackness coefficient and the brightness temperature is presented for the case vhen the curve has a maximum., by making use of.the fact that the blackness coefficients Card 1/2 L 11170; ACC NRz R. 19577 SOURCE CODE: UR/01-15/ AUTHOR: Shcherbina, D. M. ORG: none TITLE: Apparatus for the determination of spectral blackness coefficients SOURCE: lzmeritel'naya tekhnika, no. 4, 1966, 44-47 TOPIC TAGS: temperature measurement, radiation measurement, black body radiation, light reflection coefficient, solar furnace ABSTRACT: The author describes apparatus developed for tNe measurement of the normal spectral reflection coefficients of ncinrAetallic material.TLt high temperatures, from which the temperatures themselves can be determined. The apparatus consists of a solar furnace to heat the measured sample (to 2500C), and a measuring optical system consisting of a reflect or, irradiator, and electronic circuit. Solar-radiation pyrometers are also included. The tect body is heated by focused solar radiation, and its surface temperature is determ-ined by reflecting from it a narrow beam of light from a hydrogen-fil-led pulsed flash lamp. The reflected light signal is de- tected, amplified, and recorded. The article describes the measurement method, the #pparatus, and the equatorial system -used to allow the apparatus to follow the sun's motion relative to the earth. Various precautions necessary to avoid the effects of vibration, background, and other disturbing factors are also described. According to preliminary tests, the apparatus can measure blackness coefficients at temperatures Card 1/2 UDC- 681.2-. 5~5.2~1. ACC NR: AP6019577 20-2500C with accuracy within 6%. Orig. art. has: 4 figured;: SUB CODE: 11, 14/ SUBM DATE: 00/ ORIG REF: oo6/ 6TH REF: 001 1 Car 2/2, DELITSOV, B.M., inzh.; SHGHERBINA, E.G., inzh. Trends in the creation of means for the mechanization of stoping operations in steeply dipping seams. Ugoll Ukr. 6 no.5:32-33 my 62. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Gorlovskiy mashJnostroitellnyy zavod im. S.M.Kir-ova (for Delltsov). 2. Toretskiy mashinostroitelInyy za4od (for Shcherbina). (Donets Basin--Coal mining machinery) PANASENKUY S.I.J. inzh.;_aGYi,:RRTNA, -,Inzh.; AKSENOV, V;V.., kao9tekhn. nauk; DIYAKONOV, D.N., inzbr.; MIRONUV, N.T., inzh. . 6 Testing experimental section# of the support of the AKD unit. Ugoll. prom. no.6:54,57 N-I> 162. (MIRA 1612) 1. Toretskiy-mashinostroitellnyy zavod (for Panasenko, Shcherbina). 2. Institut gornogo, dela im. SkochinBkogo-(for Aksenov, Dlyakonov, Mironov). (Mine timbering-Testing) SHCURBINAP F. [Shcherbyria, F.] Let us build farm buildings for the collective farms under our patronage. Sill. bud. 13 no.11:8-9 N 1611. (MILRA 17:1) 1. Sekretarl partiynoy organizatsii Kiyevskogo domostroitellnogo kombinata No.l. L 1575-66 DJT'm)/EP5,(c-)/-7PY(rL-)-2 ~DFl (i0, i Lu L Vdl AUUM51 N INR: AP5022600 UR/6,90/65/007/0()9/1549/1553 AUTHORSs TITLEt acids SOURCE: 66-095.26+678-744+678-745;. Shcberbina, Ft F#j Fedorova, L P, lie Ra I'll c9 ineilwith ac I d methacrylioi-'., diatior -PLI)serization ~f a,141amine Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya. vo 7, not 9, 1965, 1549-1553 TOPIC TAGS: copolymerization, acrylic acid, methacrylic acid,, allylamine, radiation polymerization ABSTRACT; Radiation copolymerization of allylamine with acrylic and methacrylic acids in aqueous solution and in solid phase has been accomplished by using C060 at 1300 and 56 rad/sec, The reaction proceeded at room temperature to the extent of 72%. A detailed study of the reaction was performed since the polymer products of this reaction have amphoteric character and so are of considerable theoretical and practical interest* The bifunctional character of the Woducts was confirmed by the dependence of the viscosity of the aqueous polymer solution i upon the pR of the medium (see Fig. 1 on the Onclosure)y by the potentiometric titration curves, and by chemical analysis* These latter data were confirmed by the- results of calculations based on the curve in Fig, 11 which indicates that Card 1/4 L 1575-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5022600 the ratio of the basic to the acidic component is 1:4 in the case of acrylic acic4l and 1:4-7 in the case of methacrylic acid. It also appears that the content of the polymer is independent of the radiation doses and the composition of -the monomeric mixture. -An excess of allylamine, however, lowers the yield of the copolymer. The dotted portion of the curve indicates the region of pH within which the copolymers precipitate. Similar results were obtained when N-ethyl alanine was used as & basic component. However,, a solution of Nqff-dietbylalanine copolymer,, used by 0. 0. Houben-Weul (Methoden der organisohen Chemie,, Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, 4 Aufl., 1961, S-1133) in his viscosimetric studiest i was stable at all pH valuess This is explained by the formation in the vicinity of the isoelectrio point by the primary and secondary amino groups (but not by the tertiary) of an isoluble lactam which is readily cleaved,by either an acid I or a base card 2/C---- 0/ -71 Hrl C.0 COOH-n 1575-66 ACCESSION NRt AP5022600 R CH CH, coo- NHR'- Na"' -CHz-CH- CH,-G- L;H2 COOH + NHR' where n 3t if R H; n 49 if R CH and R1 H or C Orig. art& hass 3 2"5 4 tables, 3 figures, and IfOrmula. ASSOCIALTIONs Kiyev gosudarstvennyy universitet im., To 0, Shevchenko (Kiev 71Y State University SUBMITTEM 150ct 4 ENCL: 01 SUB CODEt OC NO REF SOV: 002 OTHERs 008 Card 3/4 L 1575-66- 'AP5022600 ACGESSION NRi ENC ID SUREt 01 ;J7. 6 JLP-H Fig, 1. Viscosity of the solution of the ally1maine-acryl-ic acid copolymer ait a function of the pH of the medium. rnrd A 1A FALIKOVICH, Yu.Ye.q. Prinimali uchastiye: STANCHU, I., student; SYCHERBINA, G., studentka Determining copper content of wine and brandy by means of ion exchange resins. Trudy KIPP no.22:375-378 161. (MM 16.'4) (Wine and winemaking--Analysis) (Ion exchange reslas') SliGIOWINA, G.V. Otogenous intracranial complications as revealed by materials from the Otolaryngological Department of the Volhyn' Province Hospital. Zhur. ush., nos. i gorl. bol. 21 no.2:28-31 *-Ap '61. NIRA 14:6) 1. Otolarinplogicheskaya otdeleni3e Volynskoy oblastnoy bollnitsy. (EAR-DISEASES) (BRAIN--DISEASES) lofl,~en- of 17-ketcater,j-3 jri Zhur. ush. nos. i gorl'. bol. 23 no.6:cl-55 1 Iz ka 1'ej UiLit g(, 4 "!Lp -131 zaveduyu.3t, C"Ec dOicz,,)r 11%uk ;Yak) L wovs -- r -, 3 in, *r- L"'Z: % i T'll "E'. i - 2866 j; S/020/61/140/002/008/023 C111/C444 AUTHORi Shcherbina, G. V. TITLE: On the boundary value problem for Blasius' equation PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 140, no. 2, 1961, 318-321 TEXT: The author proves the existence of the solution of the boundary -r value prob lem Y1, + 2yyl = 0 (1) Y(10) = 0, yl(+O)=Y,(-o), Y,,(+O)=cY,1(-0), lim yl(x)=a x -4 + 00 lim Y I (x ) = b (c > 0, a '>~, 0, b ~,, 0, a / b) . .X-4-00 The proof is based on the following theorems: Lemma 1: For an arbitrary solution of (1) there is either yll(x) /0 (- co < x -,-- oo ) or y 41(x) a 0. Theorem 1: If YI(x)> 0(- oo---x 4 oo), then there exist finite limits lim Y, (x), lim Y1(x )- x -..;, + 00 X --30- 00 C ar d 1/3 28663 S/02o/61/140/002/008/023 On the boundary value problem . . . C111/C444 Theorem 2: Let y(x) be the solutxion of (1) and lim y'(x) a > 0, X -4 + 00 lim YI(x) - b > 0, y(O) - c 01 Y'(0) - cly Y"(O) - Co. X --.~ - o0 Then there exi s ~s f or every Fo > 0 a (F > 0 such that out of c - C 0 c1 1y" C21"CC it follows: Yo o Cr Yo max 1y,(x) - yl(x,y Yof, Y..)I.< - co4X < o0 0 0 Theorem 3: Let y 1 (0) = 06, Y" (0) For every a >, 0 and every o/- ~31'0 there exis I's a P~L such that y(x) satisfies the equation (1) and lim YI(x) = a. x 4 + co Besidess If a -o4. >, 0 then is a continous monotonely de- creasing function of oL ; if a - C4 .O; 4) for those to y 1 for which '+(y) - 0 the following holds lim 0 (Y) > 0, X-10, OD XOL where OL > -1 iq some constant. Under these conditions there exists a unique solution of the boundary problem (1), (11). Yu.A. Klokov [Abstracter's notet Complete translation] Card 2/2 SHC~HERBINA, G.V. Laminar flow of a viscous fluid in a channel with porous walls. Pribl.metod.resh.diff.urav. no.2:162-175 164. (MIRA 18:4) L 63570.;65 aff(d) Pg.-4 IJP(cY ACCESSION ITR: AP5014863 UR/0041/65/01i/bOV60i AUTHORS- Wahkiss As Do (Khartkov); Shoherbina, G. V., (Kharikov) TITLE: Asymptotic behavior of solutions vanishing at infinity,of a class oorder differential equations 1SOURCE: Ukrainskiy matematicheskiy zhurnal, v- 17, no. 3, 1965t 74-83 2TOPIC TAGS: asymptotic property, differential equation :ABSTRACT: As a generalization of a specific problem previously treated,the :investigate the asymptotic beMviF apL,,-: --P oD of solutions -Y(x) of :'having the property 0 '0