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WR ~,-PIIM~--I'rlf-a~ .1 IRM I'M part toga 5. n rl~ whiter Th-66W~~' 4tjnj!mntcrals are washed -.1 t--Arc-a-'. ape M POR A*;~ Z I Its a 4!p" """a wdrl R ?0ebkj.V.U1,Ion lost. MIUCT41 cowj4. T7M kS.S.S.R.. Sir. Gia. 3, - Report of r3qijR( 44 A!~Uof of of WC4 raed4jLF Y%r d ! sbb&. in Its Odi 14 .2dotan&I the',, - te,- ld abasis of ex Is ded P c0 that lignite mud dol6jiltt had th~ Wgesl. sorption capacities., Sorption is6dwivu of ?b an diffetent:ftirbents are shown. There are tables of data on the %wpticia of Pb undi static conditions. Pb content by sections in the different borbents., distri to' ribution of Ph in the different sorbents accoiding layers, sections, and content. A schernatic diagram of the ann- for exnts. on Ph sorption is shown. Gladys_S. Macy ROZdKOVA, Ye.V.;-SHCMM~~O_R-7. Sorption of lead in various rocks and its probable functions In ore formation. Vop.min.osad.obr- 3/4:132-143 '56. (mLRA 9:il) 1. Vsesoyuznyy institut minerallnogo syrlya, Moskva. (Sorption) (Lead) .1 1. ,f 1 -37 - 1957 - I '- ! 3020 Translattun from: Referauvnyy zriurnal, N1etaj'-_irviy~, 1957, Nr 1~, p 21' (USSR) AUTHOR: Shcherbak, 0. V TIrLE: A i iviethod of Electrochemical Segregation of Minerals (Novyy met"od clektrokhirnicheskoy separatsii mineralov) PERIODICAL: V sb, : Sovrem. metody mineralog. isLzledovaniya gorn. porod, rud i minerallov. I'vloscow, Gosgeo-ltekhizdat, 1957, pp 103-114 ABSTRACT: An investigation of the possibility of utilizing the electrical con- ductivity of metals for their electrochemical separation in labora- tories. Methods of electrochemical- magnetic separation of minerals are described, along with electrochemical methods of L:eparation at a Hg-cathode. Also described is an electrochemical -epirator and a mercury electrochemical separator with a semi- permeable partition (qlas5 or ceramic). A. Sh. cc'- roche!:iic~l 1.1inerals- 1. :etr 1:_t~r J-P~v 'ors-,-L U v Iu- i-on Card 1/1 SHCHETIRAK, O.V. Formation and accumulation of lead sulphide under natural conditions [with summary in English]. Geokhirifa no.8:723-729 '57. (MIRA 11:2) 1.Vsesov-uznyy institut minerallnogo sy-rlya, Moslcva.. (Lead sulfide) AIJTHuR-. Sh--herbak, 0,V TITLE: New Mechanical Grinders (No-,yye meklhaniches4lye iszlrateli) PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, Vol 24, Nr G, PP 1154-115F IUSSR) ABSTRACT; The mechanical grinders ' F.M_'o ' and ' agil ` (big and small) are designed for grinding rozks, ores, minerals and other materials with a hardness of 06,5 - 7 (according to M-oos). The operation of the mechanical grinders is based on a new kind of power trans- mission from the electTomotor to the pestle. The latter moves radially and circularly from, the edge of the plate to the center, and vice versa, rotating around its own axis at the same time. The grinder is dcscribed and shown in a figure. Samples of dif- ferent hardness, 'Like granite, quartz, basalt, diabase, marble etc., were used for the laboratory and industrial tests of these grinders, The experiments showed that a certain ratio of the sieve fractions is obtained already after 3,0 - 3,5 minutes with weighed portions of 20 g, and after 10 -- 12 minutes with weighed portions of up to 100 g. Within this time Dractically the whole material is ground to -200 mesh (76jk). The two types of grinders mentioned above began to be produced in series at the sistema Card 112 Mini3terstva geologii i okhrany nedr SSSR (Organization of the New Mechanical Grinders So V/ / 5,--24 --9-42A5 Mi.nistry of Geology and the Proltect)-on of It'ineral Res,)ur-,-es of the USSR) in 1958~. There J- I fig urc. . ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy insti'lut minera2'riogo syrlya. c (All-Union Institu~e of llainerall Raw Materials) Card 212 o3 v L2 -g ar x ROZHKOVk9 Ye.V.; YERSHOVA, K.S.; SHCHERBAK, O.V. New devices for dfelectric separation of minerals. Min.syrIe no.4.-148-151"62. (WRA 16:4) (mineralogy) (Dielectrics) j- ROZHKOVA9 Ye.V~,- &HGHFJU%L,._Q.V.; SAAKYAN, V.M. Role of sorption in the zinc concentration in sedimentary MckB. Min.5yrle no.6~61-r/4 162. (MIRA 16:4) (Sorption) (Ore deposits) (Rocks, Sedimentary) SHCHERRAK, ON. Mechanism of the accumulation of germanium in iron oreB and coals. no.6:101-113 162. (MIRA 16:4) (Germanium) (Iron) (Coal) SHmAR&K, P. . At the gas pipelines. Okhr.truda i sots.strakh. no.5:36-40 N 158. (MM 12:1) 1. Starshiy inzh. avarochno-montazhnago tresta Glavgaza SSM. (Gas, Natural--Pipeli-nes) (Industrial kygiene) GOMOVSKIY, A.M., doktor tekh-nicheskikh naixk. Drofessor; MATSUK. Yu.P., in- zhener; SHCBRRBAK, P.A. Studying the operation of screw presses; duration of the pressing action in screw presses. Maal.-zhir.prom. 18 no.5.-4-6 My 153.: (MLRA 6:5) 1. Vsescyuznyy iLauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut shirov. (Power presses) (Oils 4nd fats) 9 0 0 0 0 04 0 1 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 6 a a 0 0 a 0 0 4 o a 0 * ~16 ~MCI W W Oa n ' , , 1 it 4 4 4 11 Is 1, 11 11 'Aby 31306 ' 't, : at st"Waro 00 A A 1 1 A m I tt+ i I-t i - 00. 00.0 go , 148 Th* Weloctric strength of phenol ties. 1. A ' 00 'N 11 .%Iafgd'dinov and P. N. Sh,:hcfWk. n4myl K,~ts tarsal rytm'l PF,,,,,. S. S.-S"'P. Namth-&W-vuld. I'llislachtskilk ma'I., Pl""1;4ksf mJ55Y. ~qormik 00 1 -43(lim7i, At roorn tralP. mont4itc has a thrr-Al type of bresslid-ts And t:WI-41tr an rtm. type. Above *0 8 7 4t).-W* carbolite elm b" a thertual type. Forms Imm 00 the--e plastic-, pressed from 200 to 6Q) kc./sq. &m. do not ,11fler in ifirlec. %tfrngth. Wher the forms are kept under t~' "w~rc ftw (1.5 X.41 min.. the strength of montAite does zoo goo nt't change, anti that of carbobte falls only sliShtly. With - , S turn., the tn~rmnng tlu,Lne-3 of then materials to j breakdown vultAre incrmses, but beyond 8 mm. it chauSes little- Itiffra-,rd temp. decreases the dielec. . ti e gth at a** I,,thpfaqfics- Whers thew areltept fora )=C time under zoo of ~inst voitsgr,th6rhrre~kdmmvicitagesfaU. tnanin- h-nteneotts field the dicler tax-Wh dcl:r~. mv-trr , 00 i Of I L lTALLQ-rK-L LIT16.71,11E CL.SSIFIC.110. t still, '~K n r' If 3F K K IT R 2 K U tt at a Od 0 A a I st W 'j 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 *.a t 0; USS I \. F~ I v'; 1 CS Di"I c'~ 'rac Propertie 1v car's! I '2~ P -a -L Vjc~ Alithor T M_ Shcherbak, P. N. Titic D-L,~7Lectric properti-es of the homolcgous series of acetals of polyvinyll Period: c,_~i I' i No (September), 1955, 1975 -1-:30 Abstra~t Treviously (P. P. Kobeko G. P. Mikhaylov, 1, Novikova, _4 id , 14, 24, c14L) .t was di.sco-vert-d that two rela.-~ationai maxima of dielectric losses ,exist in polar p,,lymers one of these maxima dipo~e-elasric) Lying in the interval of temperatures of the elastic, state and the other (dipole-radical) lyingo near 'temperature of the so!-.;d state of the pelymer. G. F. Miklhaylov ibi-d- . 21, 11, 1951) inves tJ gated these in detail and established ..At stretChing of polymers changes the relaxation time of the dipole- ei.asrie maxiMum while no essential change in rela:'ation time of d'_POl'_-- adica maxtrnum is observed. In the present work the authors trace the in- -tence of. structure of polymers upon the character of these maxima in 'the of acetals of polrrinyll alcohol, and st-udy the tempera- Serles ;'U-'.~ and frP;iien(-v fienendences -if' dielectric losses (tarl) and ~ie1e,~tric in the frequency -interval 5-1.0 to 5-10') cyclk:3~ They 'n the polar radicall in the series by the L~r-oup CH2 --icrease I _n, t f, i n,,-j e r -,. t ur eof maximum of dipole-e-lastic. IDsses, which 4-- Similar f heat cauacity of the acet~ds,, and that the presence "n acetals -inyl. ---oho' -uour- al A. of iso-com ids leads to increase in the tempe--ature Card, 2, 7:17~ he polymer. The corisiclerablfi agr~-ement of J~sr-- 4 -:~i in of acet-rLLF ol' -Dr ~ )a Axes reason-s the amthors' ass--aq- acil F, 'I.P i:ll -5,r- lln-vs hold i',-.r or-Iner po'-vmers also. L'hey thank Profess-= 1- - Mikh- atJll.--.,ie;d the pre,-ent investigem.ans, and also !. M. Fing,,-W.,.. A, N. 9nd Utkin%, who prepared the syn--liesis of the P. P. Kobek--, 14. M, Kwnsh~.itsicam SbDrrIk posv.,pash- A F, Icf,'e (Sympos4um dc-.,(-,ted .,) 7Czh -?ar cf Acad. S', i Ir;-, 1' t e d I)-- ;-_)OV/28 - 59 - 12-6/27 Problems of the S~andardiz-ation of' Elect-.,rical Test 'Methods for Plastics c-ular Compound.--, of the AS USSR) have developed testing metftods based on Lhe appliecHTY-on of coaxial eayities. / Ref 2-7 The authors stress the defi-ciency of the e7istin- standards for testin- dielectrics and recommend the introduction of US methods ir. the cond-itioninE. of plastics and electric insulation materials. It -has be- come necessary to viork out standards for i'~ieasuring the basic electric characteristics within the fol~ow- in- ra_r_~;e and u-nder the following condi_tions: speci- r.) CD fic electric resistaxice volume (surface) up to 1038 - 1019 ohm.c-- (ohrmn)i a specific Inductive capacizance and tg 6' in zqe frequency of 50-10, cycles with a permissible err~or of t- 0 for hi-her grade dielec- + 0 -0 trics not exceeding,- 0,00005,- the electric stren,-th not only at commmer-cial frequency, but also on direcu Card 2:13 current in h_jEh--fre-,uenc,-,- field-s 31-7c" pul-sat"lon currents. SOV/28-59-12-6/27 Problems of the Standardization of Electrical Test .','ethods for Plastics The serial production of appropriate apparatus V-1, should be organized, There are 3 references, of which 2 are American, and 1 Soviet. Card 3/3 A11DRETEVA, I.N.; ARKHIPOVA, Z.V.-, USALUVW~AYA, Yo.V., UVINA, A.A.; AJITOK-OLISUYA, Ye.M.: LAZAREVA. N.P.; &ZHIN, B.I.; KHINIKIS, S. S. ; ~,~C Q I.S.: LYANDU~MG, G.Ya.; 4; . P.N.; GMILISKIY, PARAMONKOVA, T.V..- PECHENKIN, A.L.; 17-CrO-ROV, N.M., red.; SHUR, Ye.I., rad.; FOMKM, T.A., [Low-pressure polyethylene] Polietilen nizkogo davleniia. 1%d.2., ispr. i dop. Leningrad, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.Izd-vo khim.lit-ry, 1960. 95 P. (MIRA 14:1) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut polimerizatsionnykh plast- mass (for all, except Yegorov, Shur, Fomkina). (Polyethylene) KUVSHINSKIY, Ye.V.; BESSOMV, M.I.; ZAKHAROV, S.K.; SIDOROVICH, A.V.; GUBENKO, A.B.; PJANFEROV, K.V.; GULI, V.Ye.; WMAKIN, V.A.; TSIPES, L.Ya.; CHRUTYAKITTA, A.F.; SAKHNOVSKIY, Z.L.; SHCHERBAK, ,-,Y_1L_i--AL'SHITS, I. Ta-. Answpra to the inquiry concerning the determination of the physical and mechanical properties of plastics. Zav.lab. 26 no4l:7-28 16o. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Institut vysokomolekulyarnykh so7edineniy AN SSSR. (for Kuvshinskiy Bessonov, Zakharov, and Sidorovich). 2. TSentral'nyy nauchno-issledovatellski.r institut stroitellnykh konstruktsiy (for Gubenko and Panferov). 3. Moskovskiy institut tonkoy khimicheskoy takhnologii imeni M.V.Lomonosova (for Gul'). 4. Moskovskiy gosudaretvennyy universitet imeni M.V. Lononosova. Problemnaya laboratoriya fiziko-mekhanicheskich svoystv polimerov (for Lomakin). 5. Zavod "Karbolit" (for TSipesv Chernyakina and and Sakhnovskiy). 6. Gosudarstvennv7 nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut polimerizatsionnykh plastmass (for Shcherbak). 7. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellsk17 institut tekhnologii i mashinostroyeniya (for Al'shits) (Plastics--Testing) ""'.3, 11 15 (13), 28 (5) Q/ " L , (j 0 - 10 G 8 '0 ' 2 0 AUTHOR: Shcherbak, P. N. BO, 1-123 777777777= -- TITLE: Answers to the Inquiry About the Test L.ethods of the Physical and Mechanical Properties of Plastics VI PLIZIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, 1960, Vol 26, fir I., pp 27 - 211 (USSR, ABSTRACT: It is recommended to carry out physical and mechanical tests of plastics according to the determination of the elasticity modulus on the basis of bending deformation at low temperatures which was worked out in the NIIPP-Lenin,~;radskiy nauchno- issledovatellskiy institut polimerizatsionnykh plastmass (KIPP-Leningrad Scientific lesearch Institute for Polymeri- sation Plastics). A footnote of the edit3r (of the present publicationy says that the coefficient determined by the test method which is described by the author, cannot be regarrInd as elasticity modulus, but that It still enn be used for a suitit"ble evaluation of the material properties. This modulus charac- terizes the behaviour of plastic dependence or temperature Card 1/4 under various conditions of application and indirectly makes Answers to the Inquiry About the Test Vel~hods of the ~;/032 6 0/026,101 /008/05 2 Physical and 1,*.echanical Properties of Plastics V1 B01()/B723 possible investigations of' the structure, as e,-.- the deter- m1nation of the deorea of cross-linkJ_n,--_-,, crystallizatior and branching of a polymer, The dynstat is considered to be a very interesting apparatus as it renders tests of mi-_-rosatiples possible. In the physico-mechanical laboratory of the above- mentioned institute the followinC -,.,ii.:ro methods are used: 1) Brinell hardness test (specimens -with surfaces of ',5,00 mm 2) Vick heat resistance test, 3) Determination of 'he bendin- strength limit by the dynatat and 4) Determination of specific toughness by the dynstat (specimens 15X1Ox-`.5, mr, For de-. terminin.- tensile strength and relative alongation the methoti of raicrosample-testing worked out in the laboratory cf Professor Ye. V. Kuvshinskiy in the Institut vys9komolek-u1yarnykh soyedinenij AN SSSR (Institute of High l'olecular Compounds of AS USSR). For determining the relationsh-1p of -chvsacai and mechanical properties of plastics and st=;tures, character- istics can be used, as e.,,, the above-mentioned determination of the elasticity modulus accordin_~- to NIIFP (worked out by N. A. Maygelldinov), the determination of heat re3-J.-c-tance Card 2/4 accordin_c to NIIPP (by the ap.-aratus of S. N- Zhurkc,,r) and the t Answers to the Inquiry About the G" Physical and Lechanical Propertie8 of rlaotics Vi BO I c,,//B" Card 3/14 determination of the tensile strength limit, At precent, no standard methods for testing durability and fatl,-lie endurance exist, some valuable i rive 9 ti.-at ions, however, in thi.3 field were carried out by the Corresponding 11.11'ember of tiie AS USSR, Professor S. N. Zhurkov. In NIIPF the fati,-ue phenomena of polymer lare investi-ga-75d by electrical methods with L:DP-.. YLYe-1-bridges, KV-1 and UK-1 chambers and ID-1 and A6-i apparatus. A viscosity control of the plastic melt (polyethylene etc) is especially important for fixing processing cczidition3, For this purpose an apparatus developed in otdel fiziko-. khimicheskikh issledovaniy plastmass NIIPP (the department for physico-chemical investigations of plastics NIIPP), has been manufactured in series. For a mi-,rostructural analysis of crystalline polymers the x-ray method cEn be applied, the URS-50I apparatus enablint; quicker deterz:inatlicons than the older URS-70 apparatus, Apparatus of the type URS-5JIr arc- man-ufactured in zavod "Bilrevestnik" (plant "Burevestnik"') of the Lenin- .-radskiy sovnarkhoz (Leningrad Determinations of heat resistance accordin6- to Martens ~-nd Vick arc- carried out in automatic apparatus manufactured in se-ries in the Eass-German Answers to the Inquiry About the Test Lzethcds --f the Physical -~n,,.! 71',~tchanical Properties of Plastics VI C) I O/B 1 2 plant VEB for material testin~~ Ll-lehines, It is that already durin,-- the Ilth All-Union Conference c-,-, llliC--,-h Compounds helt! in Mo.3cow in July 1~?rq d--ffj-,::ult.,r 11 llf. 1.0niotanco of' r in..~;tftutp lhu turinfle -,~tron,-,th and t m-, 1, ~i -!.re determined ~y the same --lim-hine of the hype Wil'- L-'.!OA oC ~,he Lenin.f1radskiy zavod "Lletallist" (Leningrarl rlart Go-.iu-ll~rstverirlyy nauchno-issledovatel- 3k-Ly irstitut pol~-.merizatsionnykh plastMa23 (jcientifi~ :lesearoh Institute fo-r Polymerisption PlastiC3 Card N 5,1 ZI-I n' rba~ C)II as t,o r, Z.:j :3 2he e1 ien j. S i~- vi'l 1 A: Y P'l b e en c- L e v f R i t :-I 'al 's -I e i r, Z, u t 11 fu - 'n e up %leaas Z) f h e ntL Ic".cun, n- s -.v crent. s c i P- ail 17 t- 'Cens~antz, cind f di- Plan it has a r fa mer nodi for t 6 0 f a ~-f the an-i samples Z,~/ -1 71 a-, r tZ A )'j, standard a correc- a r,: n a~: ;;T ,th the -,j!,S t aL face of 3ar- 1) G e vard aTT 1 e c a p a c i t y frf~k; -?Tit b e 'taken 7 ng r u S; L'. -s --3 L -..It I y 2 n'- I n San,-; 9 of p er a e---o nd A g n v - a i 3 1 t . . ~:;j C, n a. c, r d:i rg 1- P cl ,I er1c. p9 e c 3econd -zem r j ay be -E;0 oay be I KV lo the 121 h --nd wl~lh tl*.icro- s and -) 11 " 1 e r-9 a inj ie3 per ge 2 E! I Mmr e a 3 ur i nq r u., eh -~ d -o dev el-op a a x m 11--l a - ur e a r d SHCILERBAK Electric testing of thin films made of high-molecular compounds. Standartizatsiia 25 m.9-.38-40 S 161. (MILAA 14:9) .-- -(So3j#Xj4*--Teoting) S/028/62/000/001/002/002 D228/D301 AUTHOR. Shcherbak, P.N. TITLE, Devo:-.1cpmezA ?f a s~aiidard for htSh.-pre--sure prAl-yethyleve PERIODICAL. S~andart.zals,_Ya, 11C.. 1, 1962, 54-55 TEXT ~ 1P cons~.dertng th-,s cpuest-_'tNn the author first. bri-&fly revlews the t~lectr~,:al ar!d othex propert-:es of higb-pressurp pc-LyFrlh~lene (1). Bes_-.'de5 It& h.-.I-h electro--psulatior. character -ist _4 c E- %vh-,cb wake -.4, vefy sul,~able fcr uss in the cabiE industry, 1 'Is widely Employed as a sub- for -_t:-eous ma-teriala in agricult-ur- d the building industrv t act n. v s an J. Rc-~c-,~vce -is madi~ to a confe---encE at the Nauohnc-, isl ed2vat el ~ ski y irs- polime~lzatsionnykh plastmass (5cient-4f-i-z R5j5varr.h Inat-tute of P'.) I Plastics) convened to :Lnvestigats problems ielat;ng to ymeri_zariun, the statdaTdtza'2.ov. of the inethod of 1's electrical testing.. It ~_s fleTed Thai thi !uosT_ 6433-52) sppcifica-,-Ion :~s unsljitable flz dg-- term-n_-ng the eiectrij:: resistancE; and ~&Pgent c3f the diela-ctri-c--loss an.-le of 1, polytetrafluoroethylene, polystyrol, and other non-polar Car-ri -, -2 6/02 D e e pir e r. ua E,wiciard for D2',2 8 /D 3 0 1 y 13 g 11 and s 11. ric- r b ~. gh 4::r ~. qu e it ( -; '. , ;-S -- e,h t I 1'r T q an I cl~a -,, e!- In ~ -lit' . on at c 1o a i 1 ad f50ST 9'zi I - 59 Hydr-owave eqo--pmcp.' haz, ll&w~ -~Cz- p -n k)y G-P. Wkha ,0ov, D.A.- Dui-t!.Cch;~nk,-, and She ve ev Abs f i-ac t c i s i) o LNo 111-~ t I "O's g-.V%7u-1 of tile 111s( I !~ut vy so - kcmo', piko I yarrivkh soyt-d~nraiv ul of A N .5 6 S R A;-z' U~i6R) for &turnv.i~:~ng lan and al frequr-nc~-,!-q ~,f up to 500 nr."z, The I eSLJ 1 t,-, ObtO.3-11Cd, from I nulnb~:), of tory t ~S4 w-, :~Ugges-l. slimild be put ivto gi~ve-fal' pyodvc~?cr- Tht-zr-, a:re 9 . S/1 "; 1 16111'(jrjr)lo 1 O1Or,,q/r)l o ~b 1 31 ) 1 /B 186 t_, f ~ -_)nC-tenT, inemsurements and capacitance ;,easure- Aw Z, Lon C) 1, -1 rrection !'-ctor reduces the t. me of ri.ertsurement CO P Schering, bridge of the kiyevskiy zavod 7, 1 i e~) I"' ev Plan t "Toer;e le' troi~ribor" ) is used to zat_ -,isure n i": i i , o i i t2 n oy . T-in ; anA 6 are measured i.ith the PW,-l L Y 1 ri "!t audio fre7iuencies of Ar ';U - 10,0' cps, and t",- _1~~ (IPP-11...), andVS-l (KV-,I) lparatu-s at )i~-cctinns -ire given for improving the accuracy of KV-1 T: voltt,e is measured with a AMM-60 (AI.1-60) ii.~ :,:v aril .ith anAKA-5o (AK1-50) device up to 5,, kv d-c, or vtith A'v)*'.4-'(~ (AII-70) levice up to 70 kv a-c. Data for carrying out - - re C . ", I o,~rjes t,~ ts ijQn -here are 5 firures. C f,, n I !, i . SHCHERBAK, P.N. Standardization of the methods of electric testing of plastics. '-tandartizatsiia 26 no.4:56-57 Ap '62. (MIRA 15:3) (Plastics--Testing) B1191J6310001003100810222 AUTHORS: Fadeyeva, A. V. , Lel I chuk, Sh. L. , Kurzhenk*ova, M. S., Serguzitko, A. M., Kosoyova, Z. P. TITLEt Method of el iminating the electrification of polyethylene films during their production PERIODICALi Plasticheskiye massy, no. 3, 1963, 27 - 30 TEXT_,', The effect of alcohols on the electrostatic charge forming on high- densd-ty polyethylene (HDPE) was studied. Alcohols were obtained by oxo- synthesis of unsaturated products of petroleum cracking. Oxyethylated al- cohols had the general composition C E , where C is the initial alcohol m n n with n C atoms, and E m is the number of ethylene oxide moles per alcohol mole. The effect of the following substances was teste4: 0.2-1.0% 0 8E3.061 C12E4.2 12-16E3.28 ; C12-16E3.08 ; C16E3.5 ; C8E7; C12E 6.4 j C12-16E6.3I C16E6. 0 added to RDPE at 1200C during rolling. The effect was determined by measuring the resistivity (>, to the loss of charge by discharging a Card 1/3 3/191/63/000/003/008/022 Method of eliminating the B101/B186 I capacitor. The equation pl. = kt/~Iog Yo - log v)9 was used for oalculating ~ t; k = 4.9128-1013 ; T= duration of charged state (Sec); vo - initial voltage of sample; v - voltage after 5 min; dielectric constant at 18 For an HDPE film without additive, ~.L was - 2.6-10 ohm-cm. Resultes On addition of 0.2%, all C nEM reduced q.L to -10 15_1016 ohm_om. 'On addition of 0 caE 3.06 ; C8 E7.0; C12E 4.0; C12-16E 5.08 ; C12-16 E,.,; and G,6E 3-3- reduced ~.L to -10151 whereas with C12E 6.4 ; C12-16E6.271 C12-i6E6-3' and C,06., total lose of charge occurred. Products with a long carbon chain and high content of ethoxy groups gave the best effoot. An addition of~~'.2 'nEm. causes migration of the oxyethylated alcohol to the film sur- face, thus increasing tan S from 0.000a-10 -6 to 0.002-10- CIO-IIE3.11 C12-16E 2.9 ; C16-18E3.61 C17-18E 3.4 j CID-11 Z6.011 C12-16E6.6' 016-1 8E 6.53 and C 17-18E6.6 were also tested, They had been obtained by oxyethylation Card 2/3 s/191/63/000/003/008/02Z-' Method of eliminating the ... BIOI/BI86 of alcohols q~nthesized by hydrogenation of fatty acids. An addition 017 1% of these substances caused complete loss of charge. Efficiency increased with Fmf total loss thus occurring already at 0.5%. The experimental re- sults were confirmed in industry. There grei Z f igursi &n& 3' tables. Card 3/3 L 13020-63 EPF(c)/EWP(J)/EVT(m)/BIDS Pr-4/Pc-4 JTIRWW '3000409- 3/019V63/00O/005/00!75~0076 - ---------- - 'ACCESSION NR: AF AMOR: Shcherbak, P. )L; Yakovley, Ye. N. J TME: All-Union scientific-technical conferenc~4 the processing, pbyBico-chemi_! cal bases, and research methods of polyolefins(\ SOURCE: Plasticheskiye na sy*, no. 5, 1963, 75-76 i TOPIC TAGS: polyolefins,, pressure molding, extrusion., research methods, conferencei :ABSTRACT: The conference., held in November 1962 in Leningrad, ittracted 290 particl!' from factories, research and teaching institutes, etc. Wenty-three of the papers read at the processing section dealt with the technical aspects of producing'' -polyolefin sheets, tubes, fittings, and other products by pressure molding,, extru- ~sion., and other methods. Nineteen papers dealt with physico-chemical properties and research methods, including data on mechanical, dielectric, and rheologic pro-*; perties, aging problems, methods of thermo- and photo-stabilization, pigment selection, and compatibility. The article cites authors and topics of 3T papers. The conference recommended the organization of a plastics research and development center and resolved that the Academy of Sciences USSR should be requested to expand theoretical vork on the physico-chemical bases of the production of polyolefins and;; other plastics. Card 114 'i ~ " T" L -, ;. 'r, - . , I . I.H - i .,! % e - 6 1 T n, ~~ , ~ n = ~ -,: r, r, -, c a i c ~4 , - ~- 7 So,-~7 I " lasts - - " - - .- . - IA . : - - - - - . .. - . *, ~i ~ - , L-_ 4. no . - fk'!RA 11~41'1 I fl, -j r t -. Z - ~ 9 4 ~ . 17 1 -. 6 , - 6 ~ .7 a ~ 6 , ~ L 2-78-97-65 EWW/FFF(c)/T/EWP(J)_ ACCESSION NR: AP4028553 7e Fc~4/Pr74 ~W S/0191/64/000/004/0057/0061 !AUTH0R:tShcherbakj_, i !TITLE: Methods of testing polyolefins :SOURCE: Plasticheskiye niassy*, no. 4i 1964, 57-61 TOPIC TAGS: pgly6lefins polyethylene, test method, test standard, .mechanical property, electric property, physical property 1ABSTRACT: V 1O)as methods for testing polyolefins, particularly !polyet bLre reviewed. Tests for density,-tensile strength,., ity ,brittleness, the degree of crystallinity, orientation, elastic .:impact strength, creep, elongation) softening temperature and losq--of', itangent are discussed. The necessity for mQdernizing the existing: and organizing series productions of new testing apparatuses in the '!USSR is stressed. Orig. art. has: 1:equation. 'ASSOCIATION: None Card 1/2 L 27897-65 ~ACCESSION NR: AP4028553 ;SUBMITTED.- 00 ENCL: 00 lbUI3 UUJJE.- NO REF SOV: 035 ~OTHERA- 003 2/2 Card S.--iCi R&kK) P.N. New methods of studying tile k-inetLcs of molsture sorption by filw of high molecular compounds. Plast. massy no.11:36-37 165. (MILRA 18:U) E -, I-F i TKPL Mq / DUT AP6002486 SOURCE CODE., U.R/0191/66/000/001/0060/0063 AUTHORS; Shcherbak. P, N,; Shpakovskaya, ORG: non'e' TITLE: Dielectric strengt of fil made of polytetrafluoroethylene (Teflon), LI-11W polystyrene, and styrene copolyner--CAM SOURCE: Planticheskiye massy, no. 1, 10,66, 60-63 TOPIC TAGS: polymer dielectric, dielectric breakdown, dielectric layer, statistic analysis, statistic distribution ABSTRACT: Dielectric strength of thin Teflon, polystyrene, and styrene copolymer films in heterogeneous and homogeneous electrical fields was investigated. The study of the breakdown phenomenon Is complicated for such films since the structural heterogeneity, impurities, etc. at small thicknesses become more pronounced, as was observed by P. N. Shcherbak (Plast. massy, No. 9, 40-43 (1963); ibid. No. 3, 6G-64 (1951); Ibid., No. 10, 51-57 (1962)). This results in a wide Ir ad of values for .dielectric strength from several hundreds of kw/mm to a few ;:/M:or "zeron values. From a study of 4880 breakdowns in the above materiala the following conclusions were reached: 1) for an objective evaluation of dielectric strength of films less than 0.03 mm thickp exposure of weak spots, and selection of the optimal number of 1/2 UDC: 678.743.746.22,13-537 L 13814-66 ACC NRi AP6002486 film layers It is necessary to plot the differential and integral distribution curves E; 2~ dielectric strength of such films has to be determined in not less than 2 layers, Orig, art. hasl 4 figures and 1*formula. SUB CODE: .7- UBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 032 J IYS 2/2 - 6HCHERBAK, F.F.,inzh. Let's constantly imIrove working conditions of assembly workers. Stroi. truboprov. 5 nn.10:20-21 0160. kKIR-,t 1--:10) (Pipelines) CHIZMTKOJI NEMIROVSKIY, A.Sh.; SHCHERBAK, S.K.; PUSMUMV, A.R.; SHAPULS11TEY11, Ya.A. -- First compensating me cury rectifier device and its operation. Prom. energ. 15 nQ.8:20-27 Ag 160. ('141RA 15:1) (Electric current rectifiers) (Electric substatiorW) I I MU 11 iYA, A.U.; SHCI-F-RBAK, S.K.; ZATUIC,-IS'KIY, R.A. Measurement and regulation of the density of crude brines. Yhim. prom. no. 2:134-135 F 161. (11M, 14:4) (Brines) :4 if I# r# )A 15 It Is 1` 11 U 13 W 0 26 V IS If 44 41 41 43 3' A A CO Up I - d - I A_ _1_4 __L_ 'F - & ~# -I- A 'A.. r_ I-1--IL. 00 mxv"ts ---------- I 'Mill! CI VIIIIA17-: fu.RI1AXJ CS). G'aCK111111 111PACIVIlleU11141 Ila VCToft'llt- -014 j 11(wrl. 1C plimll-lifile. (lin"'ling the Sunflower (Or MAWalive'lo rust, -06 .0 Rult ap1d. 14)1. St-IM., 1937. 1~4% A, '211, pp. 67 76, 2 graphs, -4 00 After brictly indicating the very considerable ft-onontie loisnem catmed 0 00 91 by the munflower rust (Putrinia &44jalhi) [R.A.M., xvi. 1). 1841 in the -06 II.S.S.R. 1%%hrm sunflower meed in extenmivOy uned for the industrial .00 prothil-tion 4 iwil and also for himmi vonsumptionj. tilt, author given 9 Soo a ri III vise trView o(the 11"'vious Att41111111S, by selling r%%intallf individlISIA or lj~ III(Ol'I'lleCiliC 4'rtW.MA, to hreed it mof -remimant attain of (lie plant, oil 4,r wiiio, havo fitiled hit herto. A new attempt I.-, till%% Im-ing 1111141P by as* 00 0 E inbree,ling vertnin varietiem It IiIIPA (I( Ow minflower which previons 060 as 4 x60 o1w,mitions had shown to exhibit it degree A)( field resistance, such AA so . "I'll No. 314, Fuchninka, and Tchernyanku. The reults of three vears' 4r0 o work. although admittedly preliminary. an- encouraging in that the 218*: original resiatance of the inhml families has 64-n markedly increasect Co 0 0 2 ill clich elpm-44-Illive generation. am shown, for im4lance, by Ifie fact that 4*40 in till- F, grijeration If Fuch.4inka It) tilt, intensit r of fill! rum in the 400 wo I grernlimim- was n4lui,F41 bY frorn 36 to 48 per cont. ffmin 4-5 ft) 3 to 2-5 by tilt, ultiml .5 marks svisle to measure rust intensity). Illbrel'Ifing from !10 0 6=6 rO'MMtJ&Ilf 1111LUIS Wits 1111OWD 14) IN' illlimu-tirable, Im,caum 400 mAll (If the itature of file factorli fur resisull""'L MIALLOINICA1. LlYCRATURE CLA$110)CATICP A s L a a! 1 40" U 15 AV T q IF , 0 10 04 1V " 0 0 O'o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 4 o go 9010 o 0 00 0000 0 0 * I W.~ "I 41161 on; aft. 441 too! A~ A .' It it it 0 " 0 1 w go 9 As 4 3 1 0 0 a 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 0 0 O's 4 a 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : : : : S.K. ; SKOROKHOD, G.A. ;-in prcblcms i-mrolved in the develo ent r;' enEineering !abo-atories. Zav. lab. 30 no.11:14,2-1-142-2 164 (:.:-HA 1-:1) 1. Gl-a,,r.,yy inzh. TSentrallnoy zavodskoy laborat-,ril k li iad che,5'r-.oy promyshiennosti. (for Shcherbak). 2. Zamestitell rac',lallnika Mentrallnoy zavodokoy laboratorii khimichoskoy lxnmyclilp-nnosti. (Cor Skm-olfhod). SHCHERBAK, S.N. I- "Conversion of winter cereals into spring cereals and vice versa in the light of Ch. Darwin's teachings" by V.V. Skripchinskii. Reviewed by S.N. Shcherbak. Bot.zhur. 42 no.4:656-658 Ap '57. (W-RA 10:5) I.Voronezhskiy selIskoktrazyaystvennyy institut. (Grain) (Botany-Variation) (Skripchinakii, V.V.) BUDNIKOV, P,P.; AZAROV, K.P.; GRECHANOVA, S.B.; SH.CHERBAK,Tp-1. Study of the process of expansion of perlite. Stroi.mat. 8 no.11:32-34 N 162. (NIRA 15212) (Perlite (Mineral)) L 21528-65 0,1P (e)lr-,Pf~ (s)-2/r,.!T(m)/EPF (c)/EPF(n)-2/_qWA (d)/EPR/EPA (w)-2/ (Q/E771. (b Pab-10/Pr-Jj/Ps-h/Ft-10/Pu-4 BSDASDF1-3/A5(mp)-2/ A PETR ACCESSION NR: AP5002932 9/0072/65/000/001/0033/0036 AUTHOR: (Doctor of technical sciences) (Deceased) GrechanpyA,. !j,~ (Candidate of technical sciences);-Shcherbak T, I (Engineer) TIT~E: Wetting and adhesion of ceramic,s~oatin~ of metals SOURCE: Steklo i keramika, no. 1, 1965, 33-36 1~ "TOPIC TAGS:~',~)heat resistant metal coating, metal enamel, I ceramic coat-LI ing, frit, chromium sesquioxide, contact angle, enamel adhesion, ceramic coating adhesion ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of wetting on the process of coating metals with glass-cerami_c_ enamels, /6 especially with those ena;els containing Ur -U-.%., -a-n-d-Wfi--tlCe-g-dhe-~~-ro-n/e- 2 3 of such coatings tv metal. The wetting of two Ni-based alloys, I and' 11, and two nickel-chromium steels [unspecified] 'with various frits., such as alkali-free barium silicate frits with a low B203 content, titanoborosilicate frits, and a mixture of frits with Cr203, was investigated. Alloy I contained Cr, Ti, and Al, and alloy 11 con. Card 1/3 L 2192B-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5002932 tained', in addition, Nb and Mo. The wetting at various,temperatures was traced by means of a motion picture camera, and curves showing the dependence of the contact angles on temperature in various.frit- to-metal combinations were obtained. The effect of the addition of ?1003, CuO, CUO + "203, Sb2O3, W03, or C0203 as surfactants in one, of the heat-resistant frits was tested. The results of the study, indicated that the accuracy of readings depends on many side pheno- mena, such as crystallization, bloating, phase separation, oxidation of metal, and the melt interaction with the oxidized metal. However. since these phenomena also take place in the actual coating process, the data obtained in the study can be used forthe evaluation of the relationship between the wetting and the adhesion. The experiments conducted indicated that the wetting depends both on the metal and frit. Low-melting frits wet the metal well, but they have poor ad- hesion. The addition of Cr203 to a heat-resistant frit improved the contact angle and eacilitated the sintering and spreading~on metal; an increase in Cr203 content in low-melting frits increased the con- tact angle and the strength of adhesion. The introduction of a sur- factant improved the wetting and sintering, but did not change the A. Card 2/3 L 21825-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5002932 adhesion. Other conditions being equal, high-melting and poorly wet- tin& frits have a better adhesion to-metals than low-melting frits... The poor adhesion of the low-melting frits seems to be caused by in- sufficient metal oxidation under a rapidly sintering coating, while a high-melting and slowly sintering coating provides a sufficient development of an'oxide film, which promotes the adhesion. The phe- nomenon was confirmed experimentally. The index of wetting is not the basic factor controlling the adhesion.. The diffusion of atoms was found to be an important factor 'in the development of the cche- sive layer. It was noted that the strength.of adhesion increases after prolonged service or after test's at high temperatures. The addition of small amounts.of metal powders to the fr,its is suggested-- in order to distort the crystalline lattice of the coated-metal by diffusion. Orig. art. has: 5 :figures. ASSOCIATION: Novacherkasskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Novocherk'assk Polytechnical Institute) SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: M, HT ~40 REF SOV: 003 OTHER: -002 ATD PRESS: 3166 rd 3/3 SHCELF,I-WAY, V. Usiut~ local marerials in farm buildin--s. Sell. stroi. 13 no. 9:5- 5 t~~. (MIR-! 11:10) 1. GI~ivnyy inzhener npravlenlya po Estroitel'stvu v kolkhonkh Ul'yclnovsko:7 oblasti. (Sen.-Ilpi District-Buildin,- materials) YEGOHOV, Yu. (IEhorov, IU.J; SHCHERBAK, V., red.; LL?VCMIKO, 0., [The Ukraine through the eyes of our guests from abroad; collection] Ukraina ochyma zarubizhnykh hostei; zbirnyk. Kyiv, Derzh.vyd-vo polit.lit-ry UM, 1959. 146 p. (MIRA 13:5) (Ukraine--Description and travel) SEMIK, Pavol Nikolayovich tS'omyk, P.1; SHCHERBAK. V. , red.; MEYEROVIGH. S. [Maierovych, S.1, [With American farmers; an agronomist's notebook] U am-erykanslkykh formeriv; notatky agronoma. Kyiv, Derzh.vyd-vo polit.lit-ry URSR, 1960. 63 p. (MIRA 13:7) (United States--Agriculture) SHCHER3AK, V., inzh. (Minsk) New snow loader. Zhil.-kom.khoz. 10 no.2:27 16o. 041IRA 13:5) (Snow removal--Equipmant and su-oulies) SECEMAK, V., inzh. (g.Minsk) Machinery manufactarers of White Russia provide equipment for communal econotW enterprises. Zhil.kom. khoz. 10 ne.11:28 160. (MIRA 13:11) (Minsk--Snow plows) SUCIL-1111"J., V.V., inzli. ~ -;I foreiU. hydrauDic-lift trLc':s. Stroi. i dor. ma3h. yirl.!C:31~-36 0 161. (MIRA 1,/.10) (Austria-industrial power trucks) ---- SHCHERBAKY V. . inzh. Automatic device for making pile. ZhJ.I.-kom. kbAz. 1~ no43:15 Mr 163. (kRA 16 -.3) (Brooms arid brushes) (Snow removal-Equipment and supplies) NEDYALKOV, Ivan PetrovichL-aHCBERBAK V G (Shcherbak, V.H.11 red.; MEYEROVICH, S. L. tMeier'~O-V~ah,S. L. I ~ takhn. red. (In the interest of peace; significance of the conquest of space for the establishment of peace]V interesakh myru; pro znachennia zavoiuvannia kosmosu dlia spravy myru. K3dv, Derzhpo-'-itvydav URSR, 1962. 90 p. (MIRA 16:3) (Astronautics) (Peace) Ro le of fau'ting -n -he --tructure and ~he localizat,'on of ores in the Eltaysko-Kjirzhunkul'skoye ore region in Turgay. lzv.Al: Kazakh.SSR.Ser.geul. 22 -lo-5:0'5-7C S-0 165. (MIRA 18: 1-1) 1. Insti'-Ut geologichesicikh nauk imeni K.I.Satpayeva, g. Al-ma- A ta. E ;'A.~, 11 Some peoche.,:J,cal o" the potential of 2e Elbi-as area. Geokh-tudia no.7:,`89-394 rl '65. (MIPA 18: 1-1) yatiForskiy nauchrio-insledovatellskiy Lns t; ~;,rortolowii i fi:~iotera-rA-J. Subi-Atted October 16, 1964. SHU-110"BAK) V.P. Gas manifestation in '.fie ur~,uer cl, ',iiE Tei*e4 i~.Iver (Kazbe'l- volcurilc reg~Lon).Dclkl. 157 nc..6:13U'8-i390 A, 16/,. -?7-9) t-. , .. -.1, - . 1 .Nau c hun 0- _i S S I ~ 1 do v a t c i ls;~ i y i t I S L _i -, ~-.u r .-, - t o I :) F i i- -i f i zt e r a p i i . Precistavienc akadem,-.kom D.T. SHCHERBAK, V.V.,, inzh. f- - I-.--- Portable compressor stations. Stroi. i dor. masb. 7 no.12: 35-36 D 162. (NIRA 16:1) (Air compressors) FAiXF,0'J-, V-~i.- S"REBRO, S!;r)4CRBAK, V.V. t -.e ~ 4. 5 iD~' materia"a for ch-11 molds. Lit.prcizv. no.707-- Hea , _- tan(L-,i I - - 39 ~T- 164o (MIRA 18:4) KONTUSP, K.V., inzh.; SHCHERBAK, V.V., inzh. New machines for the mainten8nce and repair of roads. Stroi. i dor. mash. 10 no.,1:29-31 Mr 165. (MIRA 18:5) ACCESSION Nil: AP4009939 S/0057/64/034/001/016S/0173 AUTHOR: Adonina, A.I.; ShcherSak, V.V. TITIE: Diffraction of obliquely incident electromagnetic waves by a plane metalli6 grating and reflector separated by a magnetodielectric SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v.34, no.1, 1964, 168-173 TOPIC TAGS: diffraction, electromagnetic waves, oblique incidence, grating, grating and reflector, equivalent boundary conditions, magnetodielectric, microwave anten- nas AT-')STP,CCT: This paper treats the diffraction of obliquely incident, arbitrarily po- larized plane electromagnetic waves by a complex structure consisting of an infinite plane metallic grating and a parallel plane reflector separated by a layer of mate- rial with arbitrary conplex dielectric constant and magnetic permeability (magneto- dielectric). This problem is believed to have practical applications to microwave antenna and measuring technology, where it is frequently desirable to support a me- tallic grating or other structure on dielectric material. The incident and reflect- ed waves and the field in the dielectric between the grating and the reflector are Card 1/3 ACC.NR: AP-1009939 expanded in Fourier series and the boundary conditions on the grating and the reflec- tor are expressed in ter=s of the coefficients. The resulting equations are trans- formed into an infinite set of inhomogeneous linear equations for the expansion co- efficients by methods expounded elsewhero (Z.S.Agranovich, V,A.Marchenko and V.P. Shestopalov, ZliTr,32,No.4,1962; A.I.Adonina and V.P.Shestopalov, Ibid.33,No.6,1063). This transformation involves the solution of what the authors call an inhomo-eneous conju.-ation problem: to find two functions, one analytic inside the unit circle and one analytic outside it, such that their difference vanishes on an arc of the unit cizcle and their num assumes preassigned values on the remaining portion of the cir- cle. The resulting system of linear equations for the expansion coefficients is con- ver.-ent and can be solved approximately with an electronic computer. No numerical results are given. In the long wavelength limit, the equations for the expansion coefficients can be solved analytically to obtain "equivalent boundary conditions" for the diffracting structure. These conditions are obtained. When the dielectric constant and permeability are unity and the reflector is removed to infinity, these equivalent boundary conditions reduce to those previously obtained for a plane grat- ing by N.N.Smirnov (ZhTF,28,No.7,1958). 29 formulas. Card2/3 ACC. 'M.. AP400993 9 ASS'CCIATION :lUmr'lcovskiy gosudarstvenny*y universitat (Kharlkov Staze University) SUBMITTED: OGDoc62 DATE ACQ: 1OFeb64 EXCL: 00 SUB CODE: 01, GE NR REF SOV- 006 OUMR: 000 I ccrd 3/3 ACCESSION XR: AP4013423 S/CC)57/64/034/002/0333/0335 AUI-H.04 - Adonina, A. Shcherbak, V.V. R TITLE: Equivalent boundary conditions on a metallic grating at the boundary be- tween two magnetodielectrics SOURCE: Zhurnl.tekhn.fiz., v.34, no.2, 19G4, 333-335 TOPIC TAGS: diffraction mrating,, equivalent boundary conditions, ring waveguide, helix waveguide ABSTrv'ICT- Equivalent boundary conditions for the complex amplitudes of the electro7 magnetic field on an infinite plane metallic grating at the boundary between two magnetodielectrics are derived from the solution of the corresponding diffraction problem (A.I.Adonina, V.V.Shcherbak,Zli-iF,34,168,1964). The equivalent boilndary con- ditions are valid tn the Ion- wavelength limit and are obtained by eliminating the amplitudes of the incident wave from. the expressions for the fi-lds on the grating with the diffiacted wa;ves neglected. The conditions a~e H-1 Hr2 .2 k 1-+-c da Card 1/2 ACCESSION INR: AP401342-3 B, 2 k I r. ds A whare the subperipts I and 2 refer to the two media, Eand 4 are the ratios a' the complex dieleetric constant and mngnctic permeability, respectively, in medium 1 to the corresponding quantities -in redium 2, indices s, r, T refer respectively to the direction of the grating slots, th6 direction normial to the grating, and the direction perpendicular to both*s and r, -y- is the ratio of the grating constant ard thc wavelength, and u -- cos(.rd/1) , where 1 is the grating constant and d is the width of the slots. The equivalent boundary conditions are naid to be applicable to the investigation of ring wave.-uidcs and helix waveguides in a manner indicated by N.N.SmirnoV (ZhTF 28,No.7,1958). 13 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Lcharikovskiy gosudarstvenny*y universitet im.A.M.Gorkogo (Kharkov State University) Sd-BiAITTED: 2,5Dec62 SUB CODE: PHI Card 2/2 DATE ACQ: 26Feb64 NR REF SOV: 006 ENCL: 00 OTHER: 000 L 1171-66 EEWT(1)/FdA(h) ACCESSION NR: AP5017657 UR/0109/6~/01011007/1202112i~ 621-372.822.2 1AUTHORs Shestopalov, V. P.; Shcherbak, V. V. !TITLE: Inhomogeneities in rectangular waveguides. Inductive obstacles 13 225 ISOURCE: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v. 10, no, 7, 1965, 1202-1213 !TOPIC TAGS: rectangular waveguide !ABSTRACT: A theoretical investigation is presented of inductive obstacles (such &a ia single strip, a diaphragm, several strips, symmetrical or unsymmentrical) ,in rectangular waveguides. This is a continuation of the authors$ work on I i1capacitive strip obstacles (Rad. i elektronika, 1965., 10, 6, 1043) where the lRiemann-Plilbert method was used. Equations are set up for determining the !coefficients of transmission and reflection and the amplitudes of waves of Idiffraction spectra when an Hpo-mode falls on the above inductive obstracles. The ,equivalence of inductive obstacles to a strip lattice of a suitable configuration is demonstrated. Numerical calculations show that the symmentrical strip is shunting the waveguide to the highest and the symmetrical septum to the lowest :degree. The results may be extended over any node falling on an inductive obstacle.-- Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 43 formulas. Card 1/ 2 L 1171-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5017657 ASSOCIATION: none SUHRITM: OgApr64 ENCLt 00 SUB COM EG NO REF BOY; 005 Olr= 1 002 co.rd-----2/2 T_ D)845-66 "M 7=235MN NR: AP5015810 UR/0109/65/010/006/1043/1056 621-372-822 AUTHOR: Shestopalov, V. P.1 Shcherbak, V. V*~ TITLE: Inhomogeneities in rectangular waveEuides. Capacitive obstacles SOURCE: Radiotekhnika i elpktronika, v. 10, no. 6, 1965, IC43-1056 ITOPIC TAGSi rectangular waveguide ABSTRACT: The Riemann-Gilbert method developed for solving metal-gratin.- diffrac- tion problems is used f32 investigating the inhomogeneities in a rectangular waveguide. The problem of diffraction ?f -modes by various metal-strip capacitive obstacles is reduced to an infl-ote set of linear algebraic equations with unknown amplitudes of the natural modes arising at the obstacles. For a finite number of the natural modes, the infinite set of equations becomes a finite set; the general form of the additional terms is known which permits !calculations with a specified accuracy. It is proven that a waveguide obstacle with any distribution of strips and windows is equivalent to a periodic grating whose strips and slots in its period aredistributed according to the given obstacle and its image. Numerical values of the reflection (or transmission) ;,Card b 00845-66 --- --- ACCESSION NR: AP5015810 factors, equivalent admittance and conversion loss were calculated on a computer for various capacitive obstacles as functions of frequency system parameters. has: 7 figures and 44 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Kharlkovskiy institut gornogo mashinostroyeaiya, avtomatiki i vychislitelinoy tekhniki (Kharlkov Institute of Mining-Machine Construction, .Automatics, and Computer SUBMITTED: 09Apr64 ENCL: 00 NO REF SOV: 005 OTHER: 001 SUB CODE: EC 'Card 2/ 2 AGG NR: AP6018997 SOURCE CODE: UR/0109/661011/00611066/1075 AUTHOR: Shestopalov, V. P.; Shcherbak, V. V. ORG: none TITLE: Inhomogeneities in rectangular waveguides. Double strip obstacles SOURCE: Radiotekhnika I elektronika, v. 11, no. 6, 1966, 1066-1075 TOPIC TAGS: rectangular waveguide, waveguide diffraction, waveguide iris ABSTRACT: The problem of mode diffraction by a'single-layer metal-strip obstacle was solved by the authors earlier (Rad. i Elektronika, 1966, v. 11, no. 4,; 675). The present article extends the above problem over the case of two-layer i ("double") arbitrary strip obstacles placed in a waveguide with a spacing between them. Equations are set up (and solved by the Riemann-Gilbert method fo. particular case) describing the diffraction of E f and TE Y., modes by the P. P obstacles. The modes are assumed to be polarized in a direction parallel to the slots in the obstacles. A particular case of two single-slot asymmetrical irises is treated numerically. Orig. art. has: 6 figures and 22 formulas. SUB CODE: 09 1 SUBM DATE: 12r, eb65 oRiG REri. 004 lCard 1/1 --UDC:- _6ZI. 3.72. 422- ACC NRI AR7000892 SOURCE CODE: UR/0058/6G/000/009/H03i/H03'4 AUTHOR: Shcherbak, V. V. TITLE: Twin equal-slot waveguide obstacles SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. DZh246 RE.TV SOURCE: RadiotekhnikEL. Reap. mazhved. nauchno-teklin. i3b. , vyP. 1, 19660 421 - 57 '170PIC TAGS: rectangular waveguide, waveguide diffraction, waveguide obstacle, ~'JIVI wa.V~Iguide obstacle _FACT: An analysis is made of the problein of wave diffraction in a r BST i ectanlular Using capacitive and inductive obstacles represented by two sys'ems of lrifiniteiy 11-tin, ideally conductive strips placed symmetrically and asymetrically in me cross-section at a certain distance from each other along axis z. The pro~eczions of both strip systems on the cross-section of the waveguide coincide t ectual-slot obstacles). Cases when the strips are in contact with the waveguide (diaphragm) and when they are removed at a certain distance from the latter Card 1/2 ACC NRi AH7000892 are investigated. Starting from Maxwell equations, the author writes expressions 1Or tile field components in each of three regions: prior to the obstacie, w-Linin the obstacle, and following the obstacle. In the first region, the diffraction field is represented by tile incident wave and the sum of reflected waves; in the second, by the sunis of direct and backward waves; in the third, by the sum of the waves which iiave passed. The use of boundary conditions on the windows and strips of the obstacle results in four infinite systems of equations with respect to differences arid sums of direct and backward wave amplitudes. These systems are reduced to the Rieinann-Hilbert problem whose solution gives an infinite quasi-regular system of algebraic equations. Reflected and passed wave amplitudes are found on the basis of direct and backward wave amplitudes determined through the solution (in finite order) of this system. The existeilce of a link between the results thus obtained and those presented for single obstacles in other studies (RZhFiz, 1965, I lZh258, 259) is pointed out, and a method for obtaining results for twin obstacles from the corresponding expressions for single obstacles is explained. Calculation data on the amplitudes of fundamental-type reflected and passed waves are presented for the cases of a double symmetrical inductive strip and of a double asymmetrica r inductive diaphragm, as a function of geometric parameters. The graphs are of an oscillatory nature owing to the resonance phenomena in the space between the systems of strips. [Translation of abstract) [DW] SUB ~~ODE: 20, 09/, - - 11 ~ - : !t - , - - . . .., I . I . a , '.. 7- ,. - 1 .1 .. - . '. . - ; , - .11 7 r: . 7.; .~ r; -~ . 'I , C: j,.. , I .. . I .I - I. - I I I ~, i . I .~:, - - .17 . - . . . P r, . . 1. ; t - . I ~ :~ . --. .~ . I., . ~ I . I . 1 1, 1- 'I ", "- , -, - . I ~, I' , - ! : , . , , --~ - -, --"- - -- - - " ~ ) , I . . 11 - -. . , .7 11,; r; r, V ou e T t h f 1 1 r1.;. a r i., 71 z i Pn~ n It the iSh upe r s c i v a II.-. up r n ~i I T~- e vs 1 -7 - r T 1.1 A I 1~, in ~h 0 t' -J f I Iz)-! t t ca a u s 11 e ow Pa r a n-, e I a ! I r 11 e f t h f t c a c 1-1 z 45 a s 'q r Ti I Vl i e r a nA -3 tt i rig u ;j t r- T fur; c T x, v o-1 t 'i e r a it e 0 q u 'D n A 11 1ri r a t c a b T 'I : up I - I t t u ~l c t r c 7i h j Th o c- f I C I e;1 t I -- Oh'laircd bv 0 7 t h 47 I-A t h C It r!.~~ f G L", r rit i n ti n a g art t ta ck f t;ie f r. f i. n c p the e -,cu r e 9, a o r i g i it a I 1 t r I: - n,, c-f -i a r ;id t 'i - L,r t*. rm r e i K; now t r + ef" e .-eIffi.-.i-nt cf heat it -nj bit b v r -, n % i e r ~t r I o i i , ; y thr t e r- ,i t i i r,~ ti~ x -, me s I c ng E t; d v f light wt th-J beat t ~i k s, a i- t At a q ri h i iz It t a n;.i IMa c h i n t, -i m pe i 17- c h a 3 1 e i t ti e f ])-try) c- h a h!~ p S 1) vl~l - ri f m F~, 1 't F. ng 1 -4h and ;I P:i-ian n:- e ~id rI I". C~ iel e! ;l t na o P, Ml,V f :j i's C C P. v ACC NR: u6ooO7 15 SOURCE CON: UR/O124/657OGO/OO9/BR ~O/BO~91, AUTHORS: Polyakov, M. B.; Shcherbak, Ya. S. TITLE: Thin prof.-' of supersonic airfoil with minimum average heat transfer coefficient for given aerodynamic characteristics SOURCE: Ref. zh. Mekharika, Abs. 9B602 I ILIEP SOURCZ: Dokl- 3-Y Sibirsk. konferentsii po matem. i mekhan., 1964. Tomsk, Tomskiy un-t, TOPIC TAGS: supersonic flow, airfoil, heat transfer coefficient, skin friction, F-R / e r~ 0.4-) CO E F r71 C* ol E A--' 7- ABSTfRACT: The formulation and solution of the isoperimetric variational problem is given to determine the shape of a supersonic airfoil cross section which will en3ure a minimum average heat transfer coefficient for given aerodynamic characteristicq. The solution is given for Mach numbers 7--8; the flow is assumed either fully laminar or turbulent, where the local rriction and heat transfer coefficients are calculated using flat plate formulae including local magnitudes for the flow parameters. The calculations show that, in comparison with the flat plate, the ma imun local heat transfer coefficient is lowered by 80-85/110 and the average heat transfer coefficient by 157/6. A. M. Gubertov ZTranelation of abstract7 SUB CODE: 20 Card 1/1 -,42 FS(Im),rE."JT ( I VEY,? (MVE-v1?(W)ZETC(F)ZEPS(n)- T-2/EVJP(k)/FCS Q E',;A(h)r, OURCE CODE: UR/0147/65/000/004/0052/0061 ETC(M)/EWA(I-) MY/EM AUTHOR: Polyakov, M. B.; Shcherbak, Ya.- S. ORG: none TITLE: Thin profile of a supersonic win with a minimum average heat-transfer co- efficient at given aerodynamic characteristics SOURCE: IVUZ. Aviatsionnaya tekhnika, no. 4, 1965, 52-61 TOPIC TAGS: aerodynamics, aerodynamic beating, heat transfer, heat transfer coefficient, thin wing, supersonic flow, aerodynamic characteristic ABSTRACT: This paper deals with the problem of determining the optimum shape of a J--qupersonic wing with given aerodynamic characteristics (I:Vt Wjal drag, lift- drag ratig-,ete.) which minimizes the average heat-trin"de'Y t4ffic-ient. The problem is reduced to dete--mining the function y - y(x) of the characteristic line of a thin profile which ensures the extremum of the functional of the average heat-transfer coefficient at given values of drag coefficients. This isoperimetric variational problem is solved by using indeterminate Lagrange multipliers. The solution is presented for the case when lift and drag are given, from which the solutions of other particular problems may be obtained. It is assumed that the lower and upper surfaces of the thin profile are thermally insulated from each other and that the boundary layer is totally laminar or totally turbulent. The L 11107-66 ACC NN, AP6003183 local heat-transfer coefficients on a slightly cambered profile were determined by substituting the local flow parameters in the formulaa obtained for an isotherml toplate" at zero angle of attack. The results of calculations made by using the formulas obtained by F. Davies and R. Monaghan are given in graphs and analyzed. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 39 formulas.. [AB) SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATEt 07Dec64/ ORIG REF: 0021 OM REP: 002/ AID MSS: 74 Ca~rd '2112' -'HCHERB-AK.,-,Yuriy (Kiyev) f Neuron started talking. Nauka -J zhiznl 29 nc.6:50-03 je 162. .(EIFG-,-qOPHYSIOLOGY) (ITEMS) (MIRA 15:10) "IMUMMK, Yu.F. 1. , - . .. .- . ~ Utilization of onion akin extract for medicinal purposes, Vateri- narila )0 no.11:55 N '53. (KLRA 6:11) --:T:' V U , R q.. 'I' , !,~. F. i - - ~ .- ',~u.fll.; SliCIIERj3AK, Yu.F. Blood protein fractions in brucellosis patients following treatment with antibiot-ics, vaccine, and hormone preparat-Jors. Lech. infekts. boll. no-4:219-228 160. (~~=A -- : 5) (BRUCELLOSIS) (BLOOD PROTEEDIS) (HOR1401TE THERAP Y) (ANITIBIOTICS) SHCHEhBAK, Yu.F Factor of permaability of W)n vosnolo in the treatment of chronic brucel-losis. Lech. infekts. boll. no.4:296-305 '60. (MIHA 14:5) (BiRUCELLosis) (BLOOD VESSELS) (FORMONE THERAPY) (ANTIBIOTICS) GURSKT, Yu.N.; -141KHAYLOVA, M.M.; SHGHEFJ~XK, Yu.F. Use of axy-tetracycline for intramuscular administration in the treatment of chronic brucel-losis. Antibi6ti-ki 5 no.2:110-114 160, (MBA 14:5) 1. K&fedra infektsionnykh bolezney (zav. - deystvitelInyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. G.P.Rudnev) TSentrallnogo instituta usavershenstvo- vaniya vrachey, Moskovskaya r dskaya ordena Lenina klinicheskaya bol'nitsa imeni S.F.Botkina ~Olavnyy vrach - prof. A.N.Shabanov). (BRUCELLOSIS) RRWMIN) SHC.H,E:-.B2V,, Yu. F. , Cand. 11,11edic. 5ci. (diss) "Materials fox- Study of 1,:'~_-meability ol' 31ood, Capillaries and Lynamdcs of. Protein Fractions of 3lood Serum In ~-;hronic Brucellosis," Moscow, 1961, 15 pp. (r'scad. lled. Sci. USSR) 0-60 copies (KL Supp 12-61, 290). SHCHERBAIC,Yu.F. (Moskva) Dynamics of capi I I ar~~ permeability in chronic bnicellosis. 39 no.4:117-123 161. OURS 14:4) 1. Iz kafedry infektsionnykh bolezney (zav. - deystvitelinyy chlen AfflO' SSSR prof. G.F. Rudnev) TSentrallnogo instituta uso- verslienstvovaniya VTaclley (dira M.D. Novrigina). (BRUCMLOSIS) (BAPILLARIES-PMEaILITY) SOBOLEV, V.R.; SHCIIMBA'I-',,- Yu..F-.- Troatment of brucel-losis by intramuscular administration of Lotracycline. Antibiotiki 7 no.3:79-83 Mr 162. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Kafedra mikrobiologii (zav. - chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR prof. Z.V. Yermollyeva), kafedra. infektsionnykh bolezney (zav. - deyetvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. G.P. Rudnev) TSentrallnogo instituta. usovershenstvovaniya vrachey. (BRUCELLOSIS) (TETRAqYCLINE) i