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C--an iz -r. a --,t ri,, --f fie ids f0l' e t f '-,on-ress US:~4 -an ~~Iccessipxls, Lfbrar-l I SHCHEPKIN, A.Ye., inzhener. Conversion of hydro peat fields for winning milled peat. Torf.prom-33 no.4:11-13 '56. (MI-'RA 9:9) l.Torfopredpriyatiye Tesovo 1. (Peat industry) ~J"SEYEV, Ye.T.; APENCHENKO, S.S.; BASOV, A.P.; RAUSIN, A.F.; ERSHADSKIY, L.S.; VRLLBII, M.A.; GINZBUM GUSEV, S.A.; DANIWV, G.V.; DOLGIKH, M.S.; DRUZHININ. N.N.; YEFIMOV,V.S.; ZAVADSKIY, N.V.; IVASHICEKIN, N.V.; KARAKIN, F.F.; KMHMAN, G.I.; LOBAITOV, S.P.; MERKTJWV, Ta.V.;NIKODIMOV, P.I.; PANKRATOV, N.S.; PYATAKOV, L.V.; RODICHKV, A.F.; SMIRNOV, M.S.; STRUKOV, B.I.; SAVOCHKIN, S.M.: SARSONOV, H.N.; SINITSYN, N;A.;SCKDWV, A.A.; SOWPOV, S.G.; CHRLYSHKV, S.G.; SHCHEPKIII, A.Ye. Fedor Nikolaevich Krylov; obituary. Torf. prom. 35 no.6:32 158. (mm 11: 10) (Krylov, Fedor Nikolaevich, 1903-1958) -H-0i f~ \tii I ;- , I- ; SCHHEPKIN,B.P., glavnyy mekhanik IncreaBing the productivity of the MSh-41 mortar pump. Rats. i izobr. predl. v stroi. no.86:6-7 154. (KEA 8:8) (Plastering) (Pumping machinery) 5 OV/51 -7-2 -7/3 54 MORS Bulauin, M.O. , Denisov, G.S. and -Shch9pkin, D.*-.- TI TLF, On the Study of Equilibria During Formation of the Hydrogen Bond in Solutions, Using Infrared Absorption SD8ctra. The Case of Inseparable Bands. (Ob izuchenii ravnovesiy, obuslovlennykh obrazovaniyem vodorodnoy svyazi v rastvorakh, po infrakrasnym spektram pogloshchaniya. Sluc~ay nerazdelynyushchikhsya polos) Optika i spektroakouiya, 1959, Vol 7, 11r 2, of) 187-192 (USSR) A_FGTR2-_3T: An infrared absorption spectroscope can be used to determine accurately the concentrations of free and associated molecules in solutions and to find the equilibrium constant K for the reaction of formation of ky-drogen bonds. The temperature dependence of the equilibrium constait can be used to determine the energy of the reaction and hence the energy of the hydrogen bond. The present authors discuss theoretical Jetarminatioa.ef the equilibrium constant K and the integral absorption coefficients Ek of the molecules which make up the associated complex (formed by faeans of a hydrogen bond between a molecule of the solvent and a molecule of the solute). The discussion deals with the case when the absorption bands of the mono-.liar and the complex are overlapping. c"i r~ 1/2 'Equilibrium of the type A + B # AB (where A is the solute and B is the SCV/51-7 -2 -7/'3,~ On the study of Equilibria During Formation of the Hydrogen Bond in Solutions , Using Infrared 4"'bsorption Spectra - The Case of Inseparable Bands. solvent) is considered. It is shown that the treatnent of the experimental results described by Lord and his co-workers (Ref 61 leads to considerable errors. A better method of determinAtion of K and Sk is described; this method uses the least-squarastechnique. The paper is entirely theoretical. Acknowledgment is made to Prof. VAF-. Clmlano,7skiy for his advice. There are 4 figures , I mathematical appendix and ~ references, 2 of which are Soviet, 4 English, I French, 1 German and I from an international journal. SUBMITTED: November 28, 1958 Card 2/2 6?155 3 9 A U -IHOR's Ohulanovs iciy, V,!,,:~ , Peysakhson, I V.. and Shch,9pi:in, D.N, TITLE - Datenninatiori of the Absolute Values of Parameters Charactarizine: the Intensity im Infmrad 4bsorpticn Joectra-An the Absence of Secular Distortian3 PER1 OU, I L - OptiKa i spektroskoniya, 1959, Vol 7 , Yo 6, ,,,p ?63-769 (USSR) 'BS Tl~. C T: In currently used infrared 6ingle-beat.-i auto iati c -record' i nF, A o soactrophotometers the so-called sa.-ul.-tr dizitortiom, due to inertia of the ar~ijlifyinG -and recorfIliu,- tNxrtz3 of the _~c;ArA:is at +-'-!-3 uSual scanninc, r-tte cav.5e great difficulties in determination of the true v_tlues of spectral caroxioters, A-ta autiiors employed the following i;.abhod which avoids these secular distortions. Recording was started with the beam cut off in ordar t.,,) the marc level of in-tensity. Than _- call containing ~_,,re solvent v.-as introduced into the beam (the CorrasI)ondiny intansity was lc~ As soon as the recorder started to draw a straight line parallel to the zero line a call containing solution ,;;u:; introduced into the ba~Lii and the corresponding intensity I recorded. ASain -,h5n the recorder ts,;an to dram a lina par-illel to the zero line '15 .9,1::' 1-1 1: - cmi,_-Ietely~ in thiz ,,.,av a record shown in a fiVare, 'ard L/2 67155 6 OV/5 I - 7 --1/38 Dotarnln ti-r).,, of the Absolu-t:a Values of Parameters Ch~ractarizin;~ the Intensity in Infi~ir-3i .'~b~-orption 6pectra in the Absence of 6w~ular Distortionc on p 76,i obtained . The tin;a lost by this orocasb was fully '2c':)Oansaf~oa by the ~.ractt siraplilcitv anci reliability of measurlinv- ntanf. i tv I -.-as raquired to deternina o tj -al density, The D return to zero aft-3r each cycle of measurements avoids the necessity of re~:crds . Un,1-3r the conlitionzi described, the secular distortion.i -are avoi~el entirely and the distcrtions due to noise can be easily found, I'lie 11~.roe riethods cf determining S-.-Octi-Al as optic-al JanZi-t-., Lit the band miaximun,.; illte~.rfil j ansit~v 11-'I har, I f-didth of the 1--and, ~:~~rra-t5d for listortion'. ,ug to +,he anJ c4~ the lattelrts iuriltion The ccc.,;%itutiona! v-:or~: reuoctai iri this Daoar aas c-irried out I a4hsor. _-,r2rJ the ex-,erimantal part was carrieri ou D.I., Shchapkin, T4,aru are 2 fture and 5 references, 3 of which are Soviet and P Enc-lir-,,_ "'B~,TTTED: Dly 14, M 68311 -10," 41-1 ~et3m,illut.ic:; c.t' the ~~:~,~o_'-Ita cif rh-a Intensiti- Far-.Lmetars in an Infr~r,3d 'A""I-oll 6-acul-cr art) I!. S 11t.5 i~- t'th~, normal s,. sctra-) of the slits A_'Vd is, the e I I ed '-,c- r -1 Ila I f .-wi d th i t 5 th r J i's .0 .-a. I th a s i n a form of the L,~Ln2. 6 t1l 3 o l: t- i c a I i ans it y 0 bs erv td at tile ciaKim,2,u, S the tft.,e octical -JaIlEity calculated cr a xv7cc Tl;t-X4,~th for-m of the 'ban! ccn'cu,, -0u 1s. the tr-,_lA_ calcu tfte three-point 'k:~chnlque F~Irt 1) T~ia ralativa s-ror L-. -.-~at-sminatior 0'., k- an'i ai C.4-0~% Thamarimi,.u~. de~,.artire cf Si:.~I~ vall-as f Lroz th-3 moars 11i ni-t e,-:.2aO, -!'/"C for ,Iit-widths t~, 0.4- 't~Rnd-wiath, TI-_e rasults J*or the ,~~ploya,! are -'van Sq.,vara-te'-, ill I--- Tahls V--c a,,i,-: lists also V-05 Val-.Ies C, f sn'j 1", cbtainc,3 'U.1 to Ald~ = 0 (c 'L. Fart 1 Table 5 -hows thit a!! .1.3thods ~-~rac. z j zally t'-e zama values of the ootical 4- V, i,7 _-,:1 rip Y i:r j n i ex-trp r rzra p actically a S .1kra c 7-~,rl ar-3 r eLrar ~_-l 5z 0 f V!h- Ch is L, V 1 5 t a rJ., 3.- ---n Fl`~ 'I T -_3 68320 I - 2 40 t!,, r,7 of In~_r~rel Jr-,- S ir- Li~;l;ilz; 0--tic,111 ~1-- alr,,~3 or ~~tio ~;r, i:~ tro o.A! :a! - * I _~; 0 lensity ;it th" rptiOlt fOll:lr' 11 itl- t!l'i C, -, t i. ons itv tll o r t~tj .11, 1.1:_-Y_-j r., I LL.1 ."I I'l t -Y1 .1 -11 fl ry.,; 11 oxtra7 ol is tha 'uind width lfou.,;l by % ,-xtr,,-, L~r,, 1tlo.,; 'r1r) th-~ rocIt v-1-1-th Piysa~'-h,-~on'5 Eq "-ol -) is the 6ensity frrand bi -7, tho ~11_lt -Adth it~iri~ Foys_tkhs-I-ws C- Th o o f K_ L CJ f (v CH 3020 .:rr 1, a~3 rt I, o-c C D ~0~` AnVY0 1.25 are a E-,.i I,-- t i m t i i ot' cho F Li in liAcron,3 (--Gl TFL1,10 I. vor Oi 1, 6 S c cu!, AV, t,0 CN, 'a lu as L) -,tr3 ar e,.i vr. T ~Lble l - 68320 SOV51-8-1-21 //40 ol th, C3:: ~3tor,, i r; Liquids c o r c, - p L 0 1~ 1'. L L) L t ra ul. 0 ~,n6- i. 0 0 8 1 1 6 4 0 0 SIC: E i and, Y- ando nces for - in i and. 2 tha :;traj, linoG are cl; taine6 ~01;.,ir-m ~hs v aliri;t-7 -if aril (C) - The rulative rjthc,-!~~ rf o ar~,d L,,,, aj jrjdjc~: t9d oy -~in ~jnin-,:; obtl;n:)iil :--i , ;, ounts te 0-4-M~o; . - the of d i vi~ fro- -a -3 r - - p I - . . , - 5G u c no t 3, , e r i t th.~ u:: t c o. 4 t i-I - 'I"3. ril nad and * t 4 tatl-o; lo o. f hi ~ i3 -i trarv;Irlition. K LJ 110 to 3 1 rt to tit re.-~ Pu ul i .tiu,t Er, r I I or E I me -he rut V Is ~:c riterpor,try _~ti to a -1 %chiuvo-men t.4 of the Theory of .1.1quids 139 ~"j h.fluctuationa of the icrostructure ur A:,-.ple Li,141dti incl A. Y%L, Y--,V, ~;t~!Antic tl Thuc,ry of Liquid Solutiona i 4c. t_Z. Ln-' r.1 j"! r Apj~I'Ll ions ir. tn. -rm of Dccomi)081tions 141 ~""-ral- etrw". the t ra 0t ea I ut i onu 1,12 nd ?Iv~ ~1 t i "'t t i nn i 11 to Merciptiae:i in~: Th,~.r ~olutionu by of ln.'rs-.~A '0,_-,orvtIcz: _n(tclr., 1 YK 7 . S!I UV A:.011 x, un t ~ e -cc t rA .-m t f ~; t - t i c ri c,' the ea '--,.rd , n jo, u lk 1%a--, 143 STRUCTUM AND PFfSTCAL prjrpERTjvS OF MATTER 1N A LIQUID STAIVE renorts read at the lith Conference convened in KIvEV fro,.n 1 to 5 jul,,e 1559, published ~).,r the Al USSR, 1962 nubli3heir. FOuSe of "D'EV University, F.77--!!, BORGEST, V.A.; SHCHEPKIN, D.N. simple infrared spectrometer having a diffraction grating based on an IKS-6 instrument. Prib. i tekh, eksp. 7 no.2:173-174 Mr-Ap '62. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Spe ctrome ter) (Diffraction gratings) SHCREFJNJ G.G. McLain's and NIA11tsev's postulates for one class of regular operations on groups. Usp. mt. nauk 20 no.1:219-22' j4y-T e "5. 0 0 (AURA 18:6) gro,ps 97 Len-'na. AUTHOR: Shchepkin, GT.V. , Candidate of Tec-Imi-cal Sciences, Lec~~dret--. 122-2-4/23 TITLE: Designers' r-efe-rence sheets. The design of shaftE for endurance stren~~tuh. (T-istki dlya konstruktuora.Raschetu valov na vynoslivost') PEiiIODICAL: I'Vestaik Ihashinostroyeniza-" (Engineering Journal), 1957, No.2, pp. 25 - 30 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: Well knovin expressions for stresses due to combined loads and the effective stran-th under -various types of load cycles are assembled and d,~siga computation procedures for deterraining, the reverse factor under actual loads are prez-ented with -,.he help of some tyjical examples of stepped shafts and axles. There aie 5 fi6-ures, includinc- 3 Sraphs and 4 Slavic CardIA references. AVAIIABLE: Library of Congress stir -F K r , 6 v . ,I!L --- `t,i tic -!F trenvt~, analysis of :md axleq. Trudy KhPl, Ser.mash . 19 no. 3:1- 25-1- 3-- 159. (MlWi 14:9) (Strength of materials) T.. in2 Acld.- 'ci., -ly -ns L . ey)"L acl P', OcO- 'er- -(--- I " Zhu:-. Cn i"he oC t-hc, ~LaCdoa,--'UlvitF of 1 0. JAd., --o. 5, 193.55; L~~,-gy and '--ile 2, 'e 1- ii c*- ibi-I , '-o- ~j 1`33- "The counter of' Pro ons, 1- 35" ; ;'clyin- -,", . . . of Fart---cleE Li 'as- S fj-' d. , 'Cn i.hc .-C-1-dic 4, 4- 1- I IP L I 1. t I l o0 A' s t I I AA A is A I t- I J a I ol L 4 4 00 A r ?-Rays am bombardment of baton with protons. 1, 00 KutchAt,,v G. ShcAcAin A Vilw and V flermw "kil -90 -00 . , ir . 'R 'am rrod ac4d ici C S S (U 8 1 4 M 7 ) IN 1 . . . . . . . . . , . , . 1 Ul both is shown that vc dL i- c ry lutedralksot Is ikviAmpanied ljy the emission of 1 1 -quantum. -9 41 ItosIM110111001 ill 1111MI)Chrulluille kull 11" All 4tnCrgy fit 00 v j Agee to 0 =00 goo ZOO see we* Op A A I I I L A Of TALLLP&W At WINAT1,11t t It Y, A L S a ow 2Z 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,411 0 411 0 0 0 0 0;0 0 v 0 0 do o a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 s 0 Fermi effect in phosphorus. I. V. Kurchatovj L. Muisovskiy, G. Shchepkin and A. Vibe. Compt. rend. acad. sci. U.R.S.S. 31 221-3 (in English 224-5) (1934), in addn. to the half-life period of I hrs. found by Fermi for the radioactive element formed by the neutron bombardment of P, there is another of 3 min. For a 10-min. bombardment the radiation from the short-life disintegration is 0 times as intense as that for the half life of 3 hrs. The short-life radiation is also harder. It is suggested that the half-life period of 3hrs. is due to SiR formed by neutron caDture of P with the emission Qf a proton, in agreement with Fermi, while the half-life period of 3 min. is due to A126 formed by neutron capture of P with the emission of an a- rarticle. Morris Muskat 1 '. IUp The Fermi effect in aluminum. B. Kurchatov, L. V. Kurchatov, G. Shchepkin and A. Vibe. Compt. rend. dead. sci. U.R.S.S. 3, 226-7 (in English 228-9) (1934).- In addn. to the half-life period of 12 min. previously reported by Fermi for the radioactive element formed by the neutron bombardment of Al, there is an intense radiation with a half life of over 12 hrs. The 12-min. radiation is also accompanied by a radiation, of the same half life, with intensity corresponding to on~ quantum for each 4ecompu. Chem. tests show the 12-min. period element to be RaMg 7 rather than RaNa24. The latter nrobably gives the 12-hr. disintegration. M. M. i I C[V i-, F I N, Fermi effect in aluminum. H. I. Kurchatovi L. Muisovsk1y, B. Kurchatov, C. Shchnkin and A. Vibe. Compt. rend. acad. sci. U.R. S. 3- 3, 422-3 (in English 423-4) (1934).- Al bombarded with neutrons gives 2 radioactive products, one with a short and one with a very long period. The half-decompn. period for the latter product is about 12 ~rs. The initial intensity of the -radiation from both products is the same. The counter throws decreased only from 120 to 90 per min. when 5.4 mm. of Pb was used for a screen for the long-period product. This long-period product is shown to be radioactive Na. When an ~l nucleus wtures a neutron these 2 reactions occur: A127 n1 = Ra-mle7 H1 and p_127 nl Ra-Na2 He4. It is su ,ggested that the decompns. might occur as follows: Ra-Na24 ~jg24 e hvl; Ra-Na24 = Na23 nl hv. H. A. Smith 0 0 6 a 0 0 6 0 a a 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 a to 0 ' ' - ' ' . 1 ' ) ' 4 l 1 1 A - o to - - e s W (I t 0 Cc 1 1 J t Hlgh4oeod oJectirms liberated from fluorine shff -00 bawbardanesit by jaeutroms. 1. Kurchat~. G. Shorhepkin 00 a and.A.Vibe. Compt. read. acad. sci. lo. R.S. S. J.572;3 1 57 -06 99 4in Ftigliah 1Q34)-It is avumcd that in the 4 W~ " ' -00 4 n 1-1.rdment of F tiv timittom F ' - I'MROVJ - 0 4101111 f h Ch W N"i l i 1.60 so jr -n I , ,, e t . tit e AL WL sM l doll (if HAMM, Gont; shot Newo,- W. A. Jkk ItWli. I According to the ...K. Whr- g6roo by Perini. the isa. o$ 00 13 00 14,pr N should dismirgratc, emitting an eleettuh and whe or of mwkar wracti-ons, expis. worv made with " 00 ortit ria" tibelootrat 6Y A-tiouticirs of Un anti it% 61-11111w 00 products from Be. The twvt was LJF. Analys" of the radiation by nievins of a magwrk- fi,,id sbowed that it was C.-O 0 trisinlyestrramof high-speed ek-cironsot theorde. o14-h x 104 V. V. It is conduded that (he reaction 01' f- a' ;;*0 0 =*-- 'N". + It, is inot."I'lot froth rtwrgv rolmith~.Iltm* tern hilh-"-d "rott,on.. Aften 1, Smith 00 .00 00 o It F 4 on w #I I I O O it .1 1 v is it 11 it M La n N 000 09 0 see 6 0004 a * 0 o 0 41 0 0004 0 so a 1110 4 0 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 di 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 a * 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 4 '4. -chatov, K. D. Einelnikov, G. Shchepkin and The radioactivity of He I. V. Ku ' (1934).- From energy considerations 'he A. Vebe. Physik. Z. Sgwjetunion 5, Q,22-o' U decompn. 01' HO into H 4 and a positron is possible. The authors hovever, find no positron emi~;sion arid conclude that the above disintegration is highly improbable or that the Deriod of decay is at least about 3 years, an unlikely value - -- ,:-,HCI'iEPKTN, Cr. Dispersion of slow neutrons by hydrogen. M. Eremeev, I. Kurchatov and G. Shchepkin. J. Eyptl. Theoret. Phys. (U.S.S.R.) 5, 355-9 (1935).- The collision radius for very ..,ow neutrons with protons as detd. from the mean free paths by collision in aq. soln. is about 2 X 10 - P-3 M. F. H. Rathmaxin SHCREPKIN, C. The energy of neutrons and the Fermi effect. I. Furchatov, L. Muisovskiy, M. Eremeev and G. Shchepkin. Physik. Z. Sowjetunion 7, 257-61 (1935), 'rhe radioactivity of I Ag an~ I excited by neutrons from F and Be was studied. 1,4henever "l, Si P. Fe, Br, the nucleus is formed as a result of capture of a neutron without emission of a heavy part- icle., radioactivity results. Neutrons from F lead to formation of radioactive P. A.B.F.D. SHCHEPKITI, G. Scattering of slow neutrons by hydrogen. M. Eremeev, I. Kurchatov and G. Shchepkin. Physik. Z. Sowjetunion 7, 267-7'1(1935).- A method is described for detg. the mean free uath of neutrons in water. The results are used to cale. the collision radius of slow neutrons with protons. This is found to be 2 X 10 - 12 cm. A. B. F. Duncan 4 -0- 0 0 ," " " If It it W it 16 11 is is 1: As W a a V X a 4 X ; 41 a At a 4 il Ar 11 r .,, ,- ' - . t-A.-I-A.-AA -K 1140141 - 0 Absorptim ol Noutrom. 1. Kurtachisfew MW MO. G. Shc1swMA. PAp. Zrits. d. Soujifistil". V. 1. '01'. 102-106, is", J In EnjUjili.-Tba fickctive abstorTAiDn of neutsons was first dwevered by Tdlman and Moon (we Abstract 376 (INS)). Their coodusims have imetitly been misfunimed by Atualdi and Fernii who. ,inploying as their 00 tron soume a bulb with Rn + De- surrounded by a thick laver of twarm- 06 60 A: ifin wax. itiritmited the ablicil-Jitim tciefficient of;t netitton felt a number of --lementi; with beams of visisTing enerfly distribution. the neutrons being ::!-it la%l if Cd,"I 14111AIll halt extatinned (fill phermineffoll 1114letwotlently III IVIA ro: clus its **t" with thfisse t-f Aut,sldi visit Fes mi. I'lie-tv 1-3 it region of selecthme atimorption and in tM pruwnt pAper the authors Ao PxAmine its ester" lismits by dieterritining thd activity of Ag as a functim .4 the thickneim of the layrr of pitraffin wax for different filtratksw of the 0: -am. The neutrons wrm obtained ;i 1 00 y the dismtegralson, of W by tho ).rays of radan and its decompoaltion, 1- !.. 4 ptoducts. The strongly atkvirlied radiation has enerky of thermal order -40 0 whilst thl- %veaktv ittiscrit"I occupies a region of higher rtirfley. Moreover, A; o* 0 (1) rise Al,ellwplioo cofAlicirnt W Ag of the hArd tivrol-m-sit i, xMtrr 00 11VAll that of tlw .."niNalent. an't (a) thf, Almn-111MAW "WITAcsf,ift im, .09 Ktrat.,ft fol Iscul"Hin -huh hitv" muffer"t l"Mi.tkally 1'. j! The rewilliv. tit the netitimi. ItAnit, the suffice used N-se t~twccn 2 strid ween a x Job *%'. Thum tile rt-gion of selective attiffirptum Ism bet 104 l 00 -, 54 slid 10j, OV. 00z U1-W--- Is At Q ti !s, 0 0 0,0 0 `%60, 1* 0' "S 0 j4 0 4 1 1 5-1 V*21 -W- i -1W 1, 1 p I I t if AA A If W a Of to a a a a As It 't Cf it it 04 0 * 0 0 0 0 * 4 a * is a * 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 000 0 : Fog & *!0 06 *go 0 a 00 0 4 0 0 0 00 000"0111,0640411146960009,11 oi Me, 4 1*4 Ios 0 0 a 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 q 0 0 oil It too 14 11 Is It A 19 IQ 11 U UW 54 vIII a PO UD V W A 00 of 1.00 00 so of - 00 -06 00 00 00 m0 0 Abooorption ofThomal Nputransin Bilvorst Low Tent"raturps. V I.......... 1. W. K-irl-lud ... I. A. Phy."LIA., me"I""i .. 1, 11136. 10. j I 1, 111:1 It,..I1 ' .00 ,tion of the C-grimp of nt-utmm,, 1,v -11,; r at ogeto the alww !~ In- 0 ,, 1,t-r-Au- -tu,mn204'ant Air pnwntt41 anti di-I 'a CA 0 o0 g so 0 W '00 kv goo tie 0 100 tvpk,o,&( sit K cc K cl ef to of !T An Is- a -0 41-0 3 1 O 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0000 O Proportional Counter of prolom V, k-~ .... .....I Slicbepkin, J. J qli. lheo,rl. I*kv,. it . ~- S It 9, 0 151 D-riplu'll"fapp. ""Onlisting .,I juarg"ll. idled t2t, lum. 11g, M.milt, hFA- ~Vhwld- .1111 A 11.54-nun. Witr CM%lltVt"f Itl 3n 01111-11fiCr 1111111101 A JC- -tam~ of 1AP it. (,w cAsni ins prown, a,vmujutwil 1~v An num- -radial wa. F It R,iltlmmm 00 .00 -00 0 0000*40000**Oiooosoooooooooeooooo:: 00 so 60 00 0 0 o 0 o o a 0 o & o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 * 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e metaods Used tar studylas the scatterin 01:. p4rudes - I L k Nt ti I V sho 4 1 ..Op ,, .. in -. . . t, " tc a. p mp 0 *4" 'frl. Phv~~ it to. 3: V1119;1" File wattefitio Of -J'A wti,tv, m g.-, 'A light , 1, m, III, A, ~Itfdiv'l iti all app. twe'llitfing "hwIvAtiou of the , att'-flitic 11314111till IM 1:0, " Iltkl~ 1,-, Ih, 1'~" u~ - 00 j (it. coul"1111--ait'si'tit. H.v 'It'IKY j-"' ..f J,tm.l- ; v mllived I., Inial. and Ow app. i'a~ 1'. al-I m"'Ic "I ,Ivjivj,j it, minwe rlvvktmt,. Fm A It,, 00 1 Ile u1IIIIIIcro('.-j'4tfi' lei U11 -Itv I Ay (up 1"'s I tit v. V. I a, ,,Ixwrved. 'Int at ' And 0 tit. V, V., .114-11 c"111.1 1w ilm rpi, I'd al"hir 00 a trAQUatwC. (".m 0 roe , - ; - . - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - AM-MRS: Arts-imovich, L. A.,.Shchepkin, G. Ya., Zhukov, V. V., 89-12-1/29 1.1 -ov, B. N., Maksimov,S. P., Malov, A. F., Nikulichev, A. A., Mal Panin, B. V., Brezhnev, B. G. TITLL: Electroma.-rietic Isotope Separating Device for Heavy Elements of Iiigh Resolving Power.(Elektroma.,nitnaya ustanovka s vysokoy ra- zreshayushchey siloy dlya razdeleniya izotopov tyazhelykh elemen- tov) PERIODICAL: Atumnaya Ener-iya, lglj'(, Vol. 3, fir 12, I)P. 483-491 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The constructed apparatus, which shall be able to separate clear- ly isotorpes even with a relative mass difference of 1/240, must have a high dispersion, a high resolving power and especially well stabilized magnetical andelectrical fields. An axial-sy:ametrical field, the dispersion of whiich is proportional to the square of the focusing angle, was used as a magnetic field. The focusing angle is 2250. The measured dispersion of the apparatus amounts to 2o mm. at a relative mass difference of the masses to be se- parated of 1~- The stabilization of the ma.-netic field of the separating device has been brought to 0,005% by the aid of a valve scheme.The ac- c,-,lcration velocity for the source of ions (up to ~,o kV) is sta- bilized by a double cascade scheme up to O,ol%. But also the current in the discharge source of ions is stabilized. The vacuum Card 1/3 cnamber is constructed from stainless steel, in a C -sharpe.The Electrouia--netic Isotope Separatin, Dt~vice for Heavy Element of 89-12-1/29 - rj High Hk-,olving Povier. 16o to 36o for pU241 concentrated from samples of different isotope compositions There are 4 tables, 8 figures and 3 Slavic references. S j B,-. IT T E-L :Aujust 21, 1957 AVAIUBLE': Library of Congress Card 3/3 AIEKBEYEV, B. A., ZOLCYLUEV, V. 3.~ PANIN, V. V., SHCIIL~PXIN, G. Y. and CiffiTNOTOTOVJP E. S. "Electrom,ganetic Separation of Isotopes of the Rare-Earth Elements." paper to be presented at 2nd UN Intl. conf. on the peaceful uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, 1 - 13 Sep 58. SHCHEPKIN, G.V., kand. teklm. nauk Stress analvsis of straight shafts. Izv. v7s. ucheb. zav,; mashinostr. no.3/4:35-42 158. (MIRA 12:5) l.Kharlkovskil, politekhnicheakiy institut. (Shafting) 69T V.q.4.u d~.j -T4-~TP%H .41 Aq -IT -I-IT4 P- _1~-j TZ -J= trT *j-maja jo twjjnqJj;~M 1~ uoi.,.Jjtj -4, -P-TA r ..'A010"I '9'D '--t,TNNWI. 'G*A '-Maliil-i 'ry Z41 (gCZC I.Ji jad.V) NpM.W *WjN~mTp.V pm .Tq&.AS.Tr-~q.V Cq NpundmD pt.M V.N L~I-Ty 1,1,g T 1.-IZ jo U.M --qT-Z-TP-9 -n ftISMU '.I-.Mv'X *1*0 PWN '~J.X.A.Z *G'V "I'S 'XWJ Oqt (~Ca: tjdg) .*4.V-j prr--.Tt&l P.T,(..,Ll ~.j ~jj.rv~v j~ " "1 .3 'X'I P-"A'g 9TT (96ra -m wod.V) mls -.3 ol NMI --)% .4-T.31Y -3-9 P.7qq,.3 j. ..114-4o14 ;. q,4 PuTIMS -qu . 1. D "S'al ,CTxs_tvI"z WT IZ= ;..I %..d.1) _72_.Tp-U Pm U3- T-9 _114-m4 P- 1~-U -q- '-MZ Wl r- 'ATN--XqN-Nl 'YA -9*1 ',C"--,JTNNuw -TJ -OC-T (ErT--- -.U =.d.V) T~vvvg Tv.12jaTTNIWA .1 -j%-.Tp.V j~ _a __ *Ifl-C-TJ~ATU *Cl*l V- 'Aa-T~-l *1'0 "0'N '-.~Poa -OT ITT (Vci- ..a =odv) P.-ml 44 wn--das -dm.Ni miv -.a -1 .7 I---= rt-M -7-M--TI *~Nw~W *M'd P- '*A'X 'uTt-NK -6 ITT --U w-d-R) -TMM9 JO -ii-dn m j.j ~s -o1 ~X*o P_ *0161 1-ji-I Irm I-M lea -X,d 1--um -olz wo"IT) ponam oT3v~ ~.Iq v-4wxmN= q~jwo j. -.1-D p- '-;w~qD IcTma 'A*9 '~-WTCIZ '9'A Inwr-a -A'S -Y*U '-"vk-tT qnos -,n .7 -1T20 jo 'ul,T:I *I*V -G'A 69 -of[ Uc-U) -U ~411; v trT uOTvnJJIG A -Ndc~M -:-x-qxtz *x,A PaN -wl 'rzv,4inw-o ~-I-j -In Lq -W-1--a j- -oT%Z-Polj T-TO zz 'G'Y %-V "J'X 'A.XM ;o m trl -fr *R'j, r- '9'0 'l-TA."I_ -IT4 I= -In 11 -dd- I--- --nTl T~,7/-17 -K; .,*-~-.T-v l`Nlrp*x T', --rm ',(T)~-;A- '1*9 !kq P-ITP. .. 9 TwT-T-, jc z" .-T-2 'n rt.q Apa-2 mmy r.-.s m 1. T- rN-T-q-14 -MTq -d -d t;2 .7 p.P.2- .4.12qlq rv-.uT NJ It.N Trz 12FIDdEu -c-Z N-a :(X-q PT-I) -r2 Hzm I-q-x 2" '-XUg -1-I V-'-j~T-n-V 'A.-Xt~=N 'A'D ;(--d -TATI) '-M Ido- DDO'P (9 *T- '47-1 :;--41 'd 9K ;o cl,l.-TTddY I- 4-T-0 ,:~ -zr,--J-d I NXT--q-T-d !qxz--4-- RON-3- tw".9 9~61 'm 'As ... 3 T.My TIU.-.,i qJ cualAos KaLmucrimm 77fad . . ... .... . . , o." i-d: , ?A i u--;.7. -v T -.1 -0 'A A" -FF-.r-T7J-.r lq , I T4 ~Sl L9. ,;. ~i A ~~ 4 A MfXkr -u. f dill- -y .(I'd) d) 17 'Ra o .6. i .9z "r I I I T - 'y -I.ATZI Ir M 9-cr P- N-V .4% .,41 ris ...-d je RN -,oj _Nk:-q 1111-11TI-2-d j:J Zi:o - -X A '-pr. 00; )LI qj, zorg=qv T-A -7Tzl(lo:H2d 'A 'A.-P" tz 21(10), 21,(8) SOV/1-99 - 7 - 3 - ' 4j12 -9 AUTHORS: Baranov S, A.., Zelenkov A. G_ Shche-okin, G.. Ya,; Beruchko, V V, Malov., A~ F. TITLE- A Large a-Spectrometer PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, 11,59. Vol 7, Nr 3, pp 262,264 (USSR) ABSTRACT.~, This article is )f a lecture delivered at the 9. All.-Union Ck)nj;re:,.-, cf Nuclear Spectroscopy (Kharlkov, January 1959). The spectrometer developed belongs to the n-ff-type, in which., for the purpose of improving light in-, tensity accompanied by a high degree of resolving power, the radius of the central orbit was consilerably enlarged (155 cm). The magnet has the shape of a mushroom and is composed of 3 parts~ the core, a cylindrical part, and 2 "hats" (photo., graph attached), The width of -~he poles is - 110 cm, the dis- tance between them is 35 cm, and the total weight is 90 t. Profiled end pieces are fastened to the pole shoes, their form is calculated by means of an analytical method. The operation chamber has a content of ,1000 1. Evacuation is. brought about by means of a VIT-12 forepump- As a high-vacuum pump a VH-5 9- type unit is used. The operating vacuum amounts Card 1/3 to some 10" torr.. It is possible to measure 4 a-active pre- A Large a-Spe,~trometer SOV/89-71 33-14,1'9 paraticns success Ivei-y w:.+.,,out t.- va.2uuL~ be_'nE! infl,.;eziced The maximum. s_-ze _~f "he sc;-.-:r---3 I-= 100 ~ 10 =.-- Recording of the a-parTa.-Iss 15 carried ~ui eith-E_r by mearis cf a -~ropor- tional counter or by means - 4' th;.ck layered photc. T41ates. The magnatic field co;.ls are fed by a selenium rectif-I r . %I h ic h is _ in turn.. connec-t-led with a 3.5 kva motor generator by way of -a DIJ,3~5 choke, Within the opexaticnal range of the devise a ~-,urr6nt of 700-1~CO a flows, wlihich :.orreaponds t,-- a field strength c~f 2~C-3,5 k0e. Stabi'11--zatIcLi of the maiE~netif; field is described more closelY by referenc.? 6. During the measured ment the maximurn deviutlor, .-'f the magriat_-- f.'E'l-d frcm the -Previously adju2ted -1alue Is Ie5s -0ar, 2,,,o~-4 iz-. tj,~ co-ur,-~ of 8 hours cf perpetual operation. The topography ,-.f field distributiQn was experimentall'y investigazed wit' .1 Ereat ax actitude- Boundary effects were eliminated in accordance with reference 11 On the basis Of TlIe t,~PoEraphy it was possible to determine the shape of the diaphra.-Mis by which tho a-beaia Is bcunded~ The maximam utilized solid an-le cf the device is 8~10-4 of 4-,,, The half -midth of t-he lives aaracuntFi ~o 3eme hundredth parts of a percent, The disper3ion of the de,,i:--e for the a-.particles of Po 21o was measured- '_2 kev./mim The a-scurces may have, a weight off up -,o !00 ~Acr T on- lived .U ~ Card 2/3 a radiati,,:,n source:3 with a half life of up tC 21 010 a still A Large a-Spectrcmeter SOV./,99-7-3-1411'29 give useful measuring results~ There are 2 figures and 7 references, 2 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: Yay 8, 1959 Card 3/3 S/048/~-;9/023/012/00~/009 B006/BO60 AUTHORS- Baranov, S, A , Zelenkov, A. G_ Shchepkin, G, Ya., Beruchko, V. V_ Malov, A 7- 1 T7TLE- A Large a-Spectrometer With Double Focusing 71 PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademil nauk SSSR Seriya fizicheskaya, '959, Vol. 23, No. 12., pp. 1402 - '410 TEXT- The present paper -,offers a description of an efficient a-suectro- grap-'ri (r.-C2 - focusing), devised by the authors for the microscopic In7astigation of the a-decay, The magnetic field distr4bution in the gap ~ - 3 - may bo-- approximated by the series H/H. + a,-% t, a,-q, + a3n ' ,. where H denotes the field in the central orbi7 with the curvature radius Q C-Q, - ,- The coefficients of the expansion were chosen tz) be a, -1/2, Q_ 1l 3/16, Q was chcsen tc be '55 cm to allow for the highest "/8 a- , 1 0 p-_sibl- resolving power of the lc?vicz~ and maximum light intensity, The Card :1A A Larze u-Spectrometer With Double Focusin- S/CA6/;0/023/012/00-,/00Q B0006/3060 weighing 90 t, consists mainly of the magnet with the excitation w:nling and of the vacuum chamber placed into the gap betwoen the poles, Th:~ width between the poles is 70 CM, the ga-o width between them is 35 cm. F-.g 1 shows a picture of the complete equipment,. Fig. 2 shows a cross- e-~otior_ +through the ma-net. Pressure reduction down tc the magnitude of 0 1()-A torr was rendered possible by the connection of the chamber (-.1000 1) t,D a f orppump of type VN-2 gLnd to a vacuum unit VA 5 -4 - Zig 3 shows a cross-section through The complete spectrometer, The soVrces (maximum iime-sions: '00,10 mm) were plar-ed in a special device. Three similer diarhragms served for the limitation of the a-beam- The d-~aphragms are pla::~~d in the central part of the chamber (under angles of 100, 1130, and ,6o0), where the beam has the maximimn cross-section. The measuring of the a-beam is carried out by means of a proportional counter or by thick- layered photographic plates Simultaneously a set of plates with a total area of 480 90 mm may be exposed Fig, 4 shOW:3 the supply of the magnet s.-hematically. The water-cooled magnet winding c6nsists of a copper bar ('70 '0 mm cross-section) and has 53 turns, The working current intensity I is 700-300 a, corresponding to a field potential of 2~O - 3,5 koe More Card 2/4 A Large a-Spectrometer With Double Focusing S/048/59/023/012/001/009 B006/BO60 details are given in the connection. Fig. 5 shows a scheme of the system, briefly discussed, for the stabilization of the magnetic field. The H-measurement is carried out by means of the paramagnetic proton resonance, A 0-5/o aqueous solution of manganese chloride was used for transmission.. The solution filled in a vacuum pocket was directly placed in the magnet gap. The block diagram of the field meter is discussed and shown in Fig. 6. The error of this meter amounts to j..10-5. The investiga- tion of the magnetic field topography is discussed next, For this purpose two devices were developed, one basing on the signal measurement by means of a ballistic galvanometer, the other basing on a signal compensation, Both devices were very sensitive (-0.05 oe/mm), Results may be seen in ~c Fig- 8 and in a table. More accurate data will be supplied in another paper. Finally the ion-optical properties of this device are discussed. Fig. 9 shows the shape of the focal surface. The energy range AE/E 0 of the a-particles wasvlO% and was simultaneously recorded by photographic plates- The half-width of the lines within the whole range, was r-0.07. The dispersion dE/dx was,4,,2.28-10-4EO/mm~ This comes up to-,/1.2 kev mm- 1 for Po 210 a-particles. The resolving power of the device is illustrated by the Card 3/4 A Large a-Spectrometer With Double Focusing S10481591023101210011009 B006/3060 242 u-speotrum of Cm shown in Fig. 10. Finally the authors thank the following persons for interest and assistance: I. V. Kurchatov, L~ A. Artsim~_ich, V. Z,, Bychkov, A._X._Bar-In y, I.- V. NaUmQY_ S, M. RubchiniT-kiy, M. P. Zelldovich, V,_Y,_Zh_qk_Q_v, N N. Spmaghkc D7 V. Pavlov, A.. A,, Nikulichev, V. M. Kulakov, A. A, Arut-yunov S_ N BelenlkLy, A, I. Timoshinov A. D. Runov, I. Ya. Leskov, nd M I. Dmitruk. There are 10 figures, 1 table, and 13 references? 6 Soviet, Car', 4/4 L 3170-66 EWT (m) DIAAP ACCESSION NRt AT5016964 UR/3154/65/000/0()2/0047/0070 AUTHOR- Dmitruk, M. I.1 Kalov, A. F.1 PanLn, B. V.1 Runov, A. D.1 Soldatov, A. F.1 Shchepkin, 0. Ia. TITLE: Mes-soparation device with magnetic and electric cress-41olds intended for the production of pure (C > 99~) rare Isotopes of heavy elements .- 71 SOURCE: Moscow-Inzhenerno-fisicheakly InatItut Fisichaskaya olektronika, no.2, 1965, 47-70 TOPIC TAOSt mass separation, lead isotope, cadmium Isotope, rare iffotope ABSTRACT: A WD-StagO Mass separator in described, and the results of separation of ,lead and cadmium Isotopes are reported. An electro-magnetic mass separator described by L. A. Artsimovich, et. al. (Atomnaya energiya, 3, 483, 1957) was use as the first stage; Its focusing angle 1.25jr was changed t6 le V1 The second stagq developed after D. Z. Fischerts device. . (PbYs-, 133, 471, 1950. has electric jand mugnetic fields of special configurations in the Bans apacel this arrangement ,permits the focusing of Ione separated aooording to their swees and onorgies aiisultaneously with the vertical and horizontal focusing of particles. The design of the aecmd stageperformod on the basis of the gwwral tboory of axisynnistrima l C,wd 1/1 L 3170-66 UCCESSION HRt AT5016964 X 2-, 1.lectrIc and magnetic cross fields, In reported In detail. From estimates of geametri- !cal chp--acteristics, the dispersion of the mass separator for Pb*06 - ph207 IGO- topes was found tobe 12.24 mm. A theoretical maximum resolution is 250,000; in Pra however, the resolution was under 100Dfor PbSO4 isotope separation. A pbR04 sample isolated by the above mass separator had these concentrations: CgbXO4 99.661 CPb2O6 a O.V,.; CpbR07 a Oxem CPb2oG 2 0.14. Allowing for th contamination of the sample by the natural mixture of Pb isotopes at the separator emitter, the sample must have contained 99.993~ Pb204, which corresponds to an enrichment ratio of 700,000. A sample of cadmium enriched in the mass separator contained 99.9~,14 Cd&14. "In conclusion, the authors wish to thank L. k ISO Arta for his constant attention and help and also the workers of the Institute q Atonic Enery-y In, I. V. J~j~.and other organizations who took part In dovelop--ont, buAlding,of units, and In asse-b3in and alignmant of the outfitt V.Z. Bjchkov D. V. Pavlov, 1. A. likulichey, 1. 11, ftlubey , V. F. Q&yrjjQy..- P. I. Zdo T, Tu. I.* Koutyut , I. Ta. Leskov, I. Q. TrIfonovi Tu. To V I. M. Averin-Lavrov, S. H. Haftulin, V. I. Voloimev#.S. 1. Z7kov, N. M. Bakawya --F-ireotad by . ju. ot jQrzat am aim tne group oTworkere d - DO194, V. F. Xarpov, aM G.. 1. Khowyaahkoy Orig. art, hasi 6 figir" w4 40 fMn=W1as. [031 2 ..- ~k i none ASSOCIATION &rd .i3 L 3170-.66 ACCKSMOM RRt AT5016964 SUBMITMt 00 10 RJW SWs 002 L".313. &A 89800 s/169/6i/boo/oo/018/022 ?1 912-0 (2-6 03, /0 Y// /0 V4) AOO5/A0O5 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, 1961, No. 3, P. 34, # 3G290 AUTHOR: Shchepkin, L. A. TTTLE: On the Problem of Ion Formation at the Maximum of Electronic Density of the F2-Layer P&RIODICAL: Tr. Sibirsk. fiz.-tekhn. in-ta pri Tomskom -an-te, 1959, No. 37, pp. 49-56 X TE)P-- The problem of the relative position of the levels of maxiarum elec- tron density hm and maximum ionformation h, is of great importance for the study of the ionozation dynamics of the F2-layer, The diurnal course of the magnitude of the difference h--hj is estimated for the summer season at Irkutsk for average median hPF2 for 19118-1960 and 1951-1954 under the assumption that h, coincides wiih h, in morning when a sharp decrease of the altitude hm and a rapid Licrease in foF2 are observed, and that hI is determined according to the theory of the simple layer. The intensity of ion formation I at the level is almost in,:!hangeable by day after rapid increase in morning. The ratio I~Io (I for the positlon of Sun in the zenith) amounts by day to about 1/3 and changes in time and season of year. Card 112 89800 S/169/61/GG(A03/01P,/022 A005/AO05 On the Problem of Ion Formation at the Maximum of Electronic Density cf the F2-Layer The recombination coeffidents at the hm level are calculated from the obtained values of I/Io and the given value of Io. The obtained differences hm - h, permitted the estimation of magnitude and speed direction of the verti2al drift v of the electronion gas under defined assumptions; the calculations ire carried out with the Martin formulae with respect to the observations in the z-nmer season at Irkutsk. For the value d%A3 z 1. 10-10, the drift speed has a ma-timum and is directed upwards at 07 o1clock of local time, and a maximum with thu direction downwards at 18 o'clock; the minimum speed takes place by about midday and about midnight. The maximum value is v -,/ 10 and 14 m/sec respectively, for years near to th-= maximum (1948 - 1950) and the minimum (1951 - 1954) of solar activity. By day is v -5 m/se,- and changes in direction at about midday. L. Shch. Tranz~lator's note-. This is the full translation of the original Russiaa abstract. Card 212 89799 17/022 A 0, C 5 / A Q 0 5 7---,rv-1:~bations in the ii;'2-11---yer According to Obser-ratIons a-~ Irkutsk t I In slic" tha' it has a in wintcr -~y night ThE diurnal c3l.;r3e of (A-rd n,is a maxim-um In summer by day, in winter by night. ThE quantity h 1 1-- -a:3 a maxi-mum in summer, The diurnal course of 14 f I does not change in sha--e at t*he, tr-~,nsltiGo from stable to magnitically disturbed days- TTP st-atisti- are. i.-idividually considered for posi-:.-I e a.1d nega7,ive andAh, T 111~ a- c,,.rze of the positIve a f has by magnetically dizturbed days a Str-LIctuT-e and a. relatively small amplitu-de; zhe negative Z. f has a ma x irr, - j! r. in m1aday and 111Ttie change at the rranjition hours with a decrease 1r, f F2 and inversely, in magnetically disturbed hours, h1F2 always increases w r,2 ~, - 5 ef 'P c-~ has a maximum by night f or j f < 0 and by day f or d f > 0. stat'-stical reguiarities of the magnitudes h and ~ f are aLso studied. P-:i-,e srift be.ween the disturbance Indices of the magnetic and ionspieric chara-T--rlstlcs is discovered, The maximum effect of the magnetic distirbance belcomes ~-pparent at j h through 6-12 hours after the disturbance. From the analy- sic of 'the obtalned regularitie-S it is concluded that one can consider r.he p-arturbation.-, fOF2 as a peculiar magnification of effects whic'.1 are tID thC,~~e WhIch cause the anomalies of 'he F2-laye-, in summer. The -,-rd -IRIP --I- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .--AN 89799 3/169/6 1/000/00 3/0 17/022 A005/AO05 Perturbations in the F2-Layer According to Observations at Irkutsk ,gent EI is estimatec. By a possible variation in intensity of the ionizing a 0 summer day is Fio 5- 0 for j f 40. In inter SI, agrees in sign witY Af. L. Shchepkin Translator's note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract. Card 3/3 l". Iii ~ 1,.A. 'a~ of t1,13 j>eiijavior of -' ;-nd wti ionospheric layon; o,.mr lrla,,tok. Gcomag. i aer. 1 no.3:374-37F, Mly-Je '61. NEU 14:9) 1 . 1vk%ttskiy gosudarstvenny-y universitet, kafedra radi0fi2iki. (Ionosj~here) 19107 -2/000 006/G91/093 :)2 2 _2/:,3 04- of ~on fo:~-a-.`on Jn zhe -o-osbherels ano"."alics in Co.-IlO.-Sile P-layer '62, z h u rn a I c o _- i z ike. , -n o 6 , 1 3-1, ab- 1 r a C Z 0 1 c n a s f e rr. s s L e a o va n i ya , no . 60 !96-, C)-I' sructure ob6ained in receni years 4 :-radient (TI) oE' gras aecrea- a maxi:~,.Lzm may ex--,;3-u -a-u a Level o~--200 -ciga~i na the he~ -h-~-- -.he ~)rooiem a_-~ses of inves U_ (I u -0 1 -f io-_-, I orma- ion `ntensity 1 when -~he gradient T is 'nalyzing -Ghe extreme of the 7 e a a S 0 z f L e 0 0 -n 3 1 L s i o n t h a -u I` t i S nossible for- two -n Cos Cos,, < COS,~,- o ex4s-c u-nder certain conditions. u 2 -;ghu u av e s are dispcsed above and be7ow ~~he hei. interval 3 0 2/00V /091/093 -22VD3 0 rl d - dz' inci-eases (n be-nl-l -Uhe c on- n, o f n I b I e S 7.'ilniern -~;-iere Jis -avitational ecuili- . .. ...u ",~~--s-on se,:Daration of Sases, zhe condit-'orl for o f~--uch a h-eJ ~hz -;nterva~ has ~he form: d2H /dz2 -,,he hie-46,-.Au cf t-,e hGmozgeneous atmosphere 41 Z. 0 e ---as. --os, -,os (see - there is o-ne I max z COA COSY2 Gi (Z) r "Ir JTP UT ~OU aaca-, S I aC 0 7 1.0 0 n 2- OM-A U_nTM T 70 U071137-TICA 7'2UOS-209 SPIOT-=-077- -seod s-: U- --R-P-C J-,-,Mlnc-z -t; -C S C I-Oou Dunoa UOS-aeS T'?T'-'OUT'I'Ce ~U2. UT 2cc S!C~, ,SSD av-~ lno-7-9no=~ u--L "'Soo 2 0 o a ~z ~z -7 jo,,T D:D-T T X a 0 1 U C I I?. c a -C ~--c--cc, y Ul erl SUC)Tl--I:)Ucc) &,.;- 02. ~7- 7 -7- -T'eO ~o -e 7C) a-~! I-C n--)A7"-~' a Tj I Tj!~ 11'.. ) eZ-1 U T (7)7 -0 ~-77:C-l :)-L;fL 0 2-- ST 0MOU01-1 ill T"Z m0-.- 0 !~, 11 -_ - -n -~) -C-~ = I.- -,- r- 7 PU_p PUeo _e GT~ jT 200 < SOO -C 'Lr,Z 72 0 17; q- C4 7 Ca A -C C: ~3 (Z)T DU&O T~Ag- '7 j~-_V,07 1-;2_ C) 0 L L C60/ L 60/000/orCn,/;.'q/6?!./s 1- LOLbL -SECIEPKIIj, L,A. Atmospheric ptructure at different levels in the lower part of the F region of the ionosphere and characteristics of the complex F lay-,,~r, Geomag, i aer. 1 no,4:540-547 Jl-Ag 161. (MM 14:12) 1 . IrlkyLtskiy Cosudarstvennyy universitat imeni ',A, Zhd-,nova, (Tonosphere) SHCIEPKIN, L~A. Some specific features of cyclic changes cf I,hg -F, 1--~ver Ovur !11-7~k 1. :!Z, Irkutsk, Geomag. i aer. 1 no.4:619-~-~20 J11-Lg 161. *,",- ~ .: 1. Irkutskiy gosudarstv-ennyy universitet imen.-:1 A.A. Zhdanova, kafedra vadiofiziki., (Ionosphere) U14o -5/203/62/002/oOie/016/017 1046/1246 AVTHOik: Shchopkin, L.A. TITLE: Geographical distribution of the F2 region critical frequencies in low latitudes Geomagnetizm i aeronomiya, v.2, no. 2, 1962, 365-366 T-,-,ZV: The variation with the latitude in the aaily behaviour of FOF2 (critical frequencies of the F2 region) in winter'is ezplained by reversible changes in the formation mrichani= of the F2 -maxiffain-, (viz., formation of the F2-maximum according,, to the simplta-layer theory, and its formation independently of the ionization-intensity maximum) taking place at-time intervals spaced symmetrically with respect to the nuon. In higher latitudes (in the winter h.~mi:3phero), the direct and the reverse changes,'and also the two coincident foF2 maxi=, occur closer eud closer to midday; at a definite latitude, the cha~gs ,in the formation mechamism occurs at noon only, and the two foF2 maxima merge at this latitude into one lixge poak. There is 1 figure. "60CIVION: Institut zemnogo magnetizma, ionosfery L rasprostraneniya radiovoln A!, Ss,111 (Institutu of the Terrestrial NAgnatism, the Ionosphere Card V2 Propagation of i-~adiouaves 11-3 USSR) S/203/62/002/002/016/017 1046/1246 L,UBMITITI&D: January 26, 1962 Caxd 2/2 6HOHEPKIN, L.A. Geographic distribution of the critical frequencies of the F 2 layer at low latitudes. Geomag. i aer. 2 no.2:365-367 IML-r-tp 162- (~EFL! 15:c) 1. Institut zeumogo magnetizma, ionoafery i rasprostraneniya radiovoln Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR, (ionosphere) SHCHEPKIN, -L.A--- Fa&lA&tionBhip between the latitude and the conditioms for the appearance of the F17layer. Geomag. i aer. 3 no.1:173-174 Ja-F 163. (MIAA 16:4) 1. Institut zemnogo magnetizma., ionosfery i rasp~rostraneniya radiovoln Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. - (Ionosphere) ACCZSSION UR: AP4001826 S/0203/63/003/006/1053/1058 AUTHOR: Shchepkin, Ts. A. TITLE: Latitudinal variation in the conditions for occurrence of the F, layer SOUI!!.:':- Geoma,,;notizm i aeronomiya, v. 3, no. 6, 1963, 1053-1058 TOPIC TAGS: F1 layer, F1 layer occurrence, latitudinal variation, high solar activity, solstice, solar elevation, latitude effect, ionosphereq ionizationy ionizin,g radiation, photoionization, F zone ionization, ionospheric F1 layer, quasimonochromatic radiation, atoaic oxygen ionization, solar disturbance, astronomy ABSTRACT: The latitude variation has been studied as a condition for the F1 layer occurrence during high solar activity. The frequency of observations is denoted by V and monthly observations are slimmed up by the chaxacteristic parameter S Cord 111~r -2- ACCESSION NR: AP4001828 Plots are given for S and r as a function of the latitude from data accinulated during the 1957-59 period, (r = Sclear/S). The probability of an F1 layer occur- rence at low solar altitudes from the horizon is 9hown to increase by an increase in latitude. The cosine of the solar zenith angle decreases with an increase in latitude, and a ma imum value of this parameter is observed at latitude 200 in the summer hemisphere. It is shown that this latitude dependence of F1 may be due to the ratio n,2/nj and n2/n, on the minimum level of the function Fiz (ratio of molecular nitrogen to atomic oxygen). This function is related approximately to the cosine of the solar zenith angle cos x12-ol/f(xi) f W alf, W (I + 0, F~ (Z); (2). "The author is grateful to L. N. Sokolova and L. S. Ly-*senok for their help." Orig. art. has: 6 figures, 4 equations, and I tables ASSOCIATION: Inatitut zemnogo maTietimma, ionoefery* i rasprostraneniya radiovoln SO JUI 8Z8ft (Inetitute of Terrestr al Usanesiame tonasphoros Afi4 Redid Wave Propa,-ation SO AN SSSR) Card 2/3 L,i~- -t-,J-4nal change rl,E- %--ri-a-taon of rhe -frequency of aLmearance of --he i aer. 4 ja I F 164. 17-2) 1. lrist-tut zemnogo forioqfer7 i visprostraneniya '~ovolr, Sihirskogo ntriplonilya A IT 1, ,3SR. ACC NRt AT6027210 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/000/000/0017/0019 AUTHOR: 'Shchepkin, L. A. ORG: none P "LE: 1.atit.u~!i,ral and cyclical variat~on_~ of cc;iditions of F sub 1 la rl yer appearance in its seasonal development SOURCE: AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otdeleniye. Sibriski.y institut zemnogo magnetizma._____. ionosferyj rp~~Kostraneniya_radiovoln. Iisled6vaniya po geomagnetizmu i aeronomii eomagne Is and ae-ron t~jfes in g omy). Moscow, izd-vo Nauka, 1966, 17-19 TOPIC TAGS: atmospheric ionization, solar radiation, solar activity ABSTRACT: The same aithor in another paper 133 estimated the rate of ion forma- tion at heights from 150 to 300 km in the 180-911-A spectral range, using data collected by G. M. Nikol'skiy on the intensity of solar-ionizing radia- tion during high activity. The model of the atmosphere used by the -author and the intensity of ionizing radiation were selected for conditions of maximum solar activity. Both the model of the atmsophere developed by Shchepkin and the values obtained for the,.rate of ion formation are then used to estimate electron concentrations"Ifor cases involving different rates of ion-exchange and dissociative recombination reactions. In the Card 1/2 L 04bb/-oi ACC NR. A:T 0272:f(i 0 model the atmosphere at 300 km is considered to consist of three components: molecular nitrogen, atomic oxygen, and molecular oxygen. The density and molecular weight of the model atmosphere are taken front the U. S. Standard Atmosphere, 1962. Computations show that the rate of ion,formation of 0+ has a maximum at 180 km, while the rates of the other components reach their maxima at 150 km. Satisfactory estimates -of the electron concentrations are obtained when the rate of ior-exchange reaction is ta'ken as 3 x 10-12 and the rate of dissociative recombination reaction is taken as 5 x 10 .18'. Orig. art. has: 2 figures-. [ATD'FRESS: 506441 SUB CODE: 04, 03 / SUBM DATE: 25Dec65 / ORIG MY: 002 / OTH REF:. 001 Ev ___SO_UR`CE__C__0_D_E_:_ -bR-166(-)-01667CFobloo();rod~-610(y~ I 'k- AUTHOR: L. A. ORG; none TITIII: Estimates of the rates of ion formation and the parameters of recombination processes in the lower part of the F region of the ionospher SOURCE: AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otdeleniye. Sibirskiy institut zemnogo magnetizmal ionosfery_i rasprostraneniya radiovoln. Issledovaniya po geomagnetizmu i aeronomii CS-tuiies in geomagnetizm and aeronoamWWy . Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1966, 20-27 TOPIC TAGS: ionosphere, solar activity, sunspot ABSTRACT: 'L. A. Shchepkin [21 has investigated the latitudinal and cyclical conditions associated with the appearance of the F, layer during periods of high solar activity. Tile cosine of the zenith angle of the sun (cos x), characterizing the onset and end of the regular appearance of the F, layer at noon, is used as an index of the conditions of F, layer appearance. The. author then plots the cos x values against the Wolf number for sunspot appearance. 'A direct correlation is found to exist between the cos x values and the mean monthly sunspot numbers. The value of cos x is also seen to decrease with latitude, indicating that the conditions for the for- mation of the F, layer improve with an increase in latitude. ' The authorthanks V. F. Rudenko for doing a ppi6jd grgbl~ n the calculations. Orig. art. has: 5, tables and 23 forTulas. 9~ ~5~OHFKf UB COA : 04, 03 SUBM D TE: 25De~65 0 G REF: 006 / OTH REF: 007 -Card USSR Farm Animals. Swine Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 5, 1958, 21486 Author Shchepkin M. P. Inst Titl(.:- The Farrowing Period and the Technique of Its Manage- inent (Sroki i sistema provedeniya oporosov) Orig Pub: Tr. Novocherkasskogo zootelchn.-vet. in-ta, 1957, VYP. 10, 75-87 Abstract: The experiences of sovkozes and kolkhozes in seasonal rotation, all-year-around rotation, and all-year- around non-rotational farrowings are summed up. Like- wise, the data concerning the effectiveness of dif- ferent systems and time of, studied from statistical and zootechnical materials available in a number of sovkhozes, are given. Under conditions prevailing in Severo-Kavkazslciy Kray, it is recommended Card 1/2 36 SHCHEPKIN, N.G. 42636. Vliyaniye Anokeemil Na Gazovyyobmen, Vakatnyy Kislorod I Okisliteltnyy Koefitsiyent Mochl--Prl Uchastii A.I. Ponomarevoy. Byulletent Bkoperim Biologli I Meditainy, 1948, No. 12, S. 423-27. N-.G-; MAKAUCHEV, A.I. Changes in gas exchange and gastric secretion during various functional conditions of the cerebral cortex in dogs. Biul. eksp. biol. med. 47 no-5:23-28 My 159. (MIRA 12:7) 1. Iz kafeclry normallnoy fiziologii (zav. - prof. P.K. Anokhin) I Mos- kovskogo ordena Lenina meditsinskogo instituta imeni I.M. Sechenova. Predstavlena deystvitellnym chlenom AMN S.SGR P. K. Anokhinym. (RESPIR&TION, physiol. eff. of conditioned reflexes on oxygen requirements (.%s)) (GASTRIC JUICE, secretion, eff. of conditioned reflexes (Rus)) (RF,FL3X, GONDITIONO, eff, on gastric secretion & oxygen requirement (Rus)) S I Yll H-1--py, I ly 11, V. HAZUROV., D.Ya., inzhener; SHOREPKIN, N.Y. (The road to increased production; experience of the Belgorod cement manufacturers] Po puti sovershonstvovaniia proizvodstya; Is opyta belgorodskikh tsementnikov. [Bostaviteli broshiury, a takzhe avtory vvod- rioi stat'i D.IA. Kazurov I N.V.Shchopkin.] Moskva, Goo. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. materialam, 1954. 77p. (MraA 7:7) (Belgorod-Cesent industries) KHOLU., I.I., kand.tekhn.nauk, Z.I., kand.okonom.nauk. red.; SHCHaKIN, N.V., A.A.,; LLMiAN, B.S., red.; LOGIROV, red.; LYUSOV, A.H., nauchnyy sotrudnik, rod.; KIJ',aiETSOV, P.V., red.; PONOMAREVA, LResources of the cement industry data from the seminar of workers tsementnoi proinyahlennosti SSSR; kov tsementnoi promyshlennosti. 199 P. of the U.S.S.R.; based on of the cement industry] Rezervy po materialam seminara rabotni- Moskva, Gosplanizdat, 1959. (MIRA 13,3) 1. Moscow. Gosiidarstvennyy vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiv institut tsementnoy promyshlennosti. 2. Direktor Gosudarstvennogo vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta tsementnoy promyshlennosti WItsement) (for Kholin). 3. Gosudarstvennyy vse- soyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut tsementnoy promyshlen- nosti (IIIItHement) (for Loginov. Lyuaov). (Cement industries) 0 g 0 : P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 1 V, '1 11 U 11 1, 111& ltxj llz: 231425 Isnall v 3, L. U m J3 J. C j 1 -1 11 f A T Z_ A-A 00, QP ftt L q I f. 00 00 -00 00 00 Apparatus for the continuous production of 2-turalde. -00 00 8 hydir. S. 1. Shchepkin. RLms. 35,18.5, Afar. 31, IWA. Constructkifi'-detailq. 00 00 a 0 00 j 049 000 -.00 00 00 A I I L A llALLLP(.,KAt LIUMATI.Of CL&WFICOIC. tz .00 too W-1 'O-yl An -1 1 It -bi -3 Jx P S 11tv 1909buon I t, I, OR 69 K A 9g 1 SHCHFHIINI :~. I., Kontr-ollno-izmeritellnye i -egUlirujUshchie p-ibor-y v khin.icheskikh pi-oizvodstvakh. Mo5kva, Gos. nauch. -tekhIr:, izd-vo khim. lit--Y, 1945. 430 F diEgrs. Controlling, measuring and reEuleting instruments in chemical engineering. DLC: TF157. SI, SO: Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering in the Eoviet Union, Library of Congress, 1953. ILIYEVICH, A.P.; SHCHEPKIN, S.I., zaslushennyy deyatell nauki i tekh- nW RSFSR, P?~Iffd'&~df;~ -ie-dixktor; GRDEBFM, I.F., redaktor; PANO- VA, L.Ya., tekhnicheskiy redaktor. I [Machinery for ceramic and glass factories] Mekhanicheskoe obo- rudovanie keramicheskikh i stekolInykh zavodov. Pod red. S.I.Shchop- kina. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo lit-ry po Btroit. materialam, 1952. 675 p. (MI-JU 7:7) (Glass manufacture) (Ceramic industries) SOKOLOV, V.I., doktor tekhnicheBkikh nauk, professor; SHKOROPAD, D.Ye., inzhener; ZHIGALOV. S.F., doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, professor, reteenzent; 54~RNPKIH, S.I., professor, redaktor; MODEL, B.I., tekhnicheakiy redaktor. [Automatic and continuous centrifuges] Avtomaticheekle i nepreryvno- deistvuyushchie tsentrifugi. Moskva, Goa. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo ma- shinostroit. i sudostroit. lit-ry, 1954. 341 p. (MIRA 7:11) (Cent r ifuge a ) 1. Shchepkin, S. Slo'-od-kin, and V. Aronwirich, lirnati.,ra zapornaya i rei7ulta-uyush- fSeaj,in;- and degulatinf, Fittinf,.Js, I,Iash~7iz, 16 S:-efts Ine "ooklet deocries the desif-n of various of pipe fi-,tin-3-s utilizL!d by en-,er- pri.;es in )rocessin,- liqui-'s and :--ases, 17ivinF- snecial atL~antion '.o fixtures which are utiliz.3d as control mec%anisms in auto!~i:--.-A~. regul-it-ion S,rstems, and for remote control of Production arocesFes. I .he booklet also includes some d.-ta on calcul-aticin ~:f durabili~~-f ):* ~~iifittinfr aild t,.-e techn:)lofr,~,, of -J-z~s production. The )(-,Oklet is intended f-3r Lec:,,Acal en-t--~:neerin- workers connected with tne appli- cation of pi:-,eline fit.tlngs. SO: U-6L72, 12 14-,v 1) :4 ANDERS, Vasiliy Rudoilfovich; Drof., retsenzent; NEMTSOV, N.Yu., kand.tekhn.nquk, retsenzent; GOR'KOVA, A.A., vedushchiy- red.; TROFIMOV, A.V., EControl and measuring devices; introductory, course] Kontrollno- izmeritellnye pribory; vvodnyi kurs. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo neft.i gorno-toplivnoi lit-r7, 1958. 143 P. (MIRA 11:1) (Mensuring instruments) SHORIN, S.N., doktor tekhn. neuk, prof., red.; SHGHEPKIN. S.-I.,--zasl. deyatell LAST&fSkV, i M~. -prof. nauki i tekhniki, prof., vtv. red.; red.; YJLUVAYEV) N.M., prof., red.; KOKOIIFT, D.T., prof., red.; PETROKAS, L.V., prof., red.; RESHCHIKOV, P.M., dots., red.; SOKOIDV, S.N., prof., red.1 SOKOWV, S.I., Drof.. red.; KHODZHAYEV, A.M., dots., red.; LEBEDEV,..K.I., kand. tekbn. nauk.-dots. red.; TAIROVA, A.L., red. izd- va; UVAROVA, A.F.,.tekhn. red. (Investigation aid calculation of heat engineering and power generating processes) Issledovaniia i raschety teploonergeticheskikh i energo- khimicheskikh protsessov; sbornik statei. Pod red. S.N.Shorina. Mo- skva, Goo. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1961. 137 P* (MIRA 14:10) 1. Moscow. Institut khirricheskogo mashinostroyeniya. (Heat engineering) (Power engineering) PHASE I BOOK EXFWITATION SOV/5896 Kullako-,; Mikhail Vasillyevich, and Sergey Ivanovich Shchepkin Avtomaticheskiye kontrollno-izmeritellnyye pribory dlya kbimlcheskikh proizvodstv (Automatic Control and Measuring Instruments for the Chemical Industries) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1961. 552 p. Errata slip inserted. 15,000 copies printed. Re-ie-.--rs: V. P. Malyshev., Candidate of Technical SciencesY and V. P. Anders, Engineer; Ed.: S. I. Mordovskiy, Caadidate of Technical Sciences; Ed. of Publishing House: A. L. Tairova; Tech. Eds.: A. F. Uvarova. and Z. 1. Chernova; Managing Ed. for Literature on Chemical and Textile Machine Building: V. 1. Rybakova. Engineer. PURPOSE: This book is intended as a handbook for chemical engineers and as a textbook for students. COVERAO: The book deals with methods of automatic control and with the operating principles, designs, and advantages and disadvattages of zhe most widely used meas-,iring devices in the Soviet chemical industry. Problems connected with the installation,, checking (or calibration), and operation of these devices are discussed. Fundamental data are given on automatic control devices which are Card I/ I 11A 11 D 14 J,A1? 11 J. ju 1.uu 3, A i z LA off a cc It a L L I L 1, L C, N V Reagents for the metillographic etching of c&st Iron 4ad -fee, II k,l, !,kaw lab 1933. N., 19 If I 00 00 *0 00 00 00 Go , , ;5 IU Ij a It 'A 111 :6.1 % , 071 4 0 0 0 : 00 0 Go* VOLOSHINOV, B.S., inzhenpr; SHCIUTKIN, V.A., inzhener. 1~71~-~;'--e'-'j'~'!M~I* IuMM planotary reehiction gears. Vest.mash. 36 no.11:8-12 N'56. (MIRA 10:1) (Gearing) r-rive for al blast fi:jnaacc c'-arf7f-. dis r`utcr. -j-.. 1!0.5:44-46 (-.!--st f~- niace _p! SHCHEPKIN, V.S.,_, Homemade solar water heater. Politekh. obuch. no.8:74-75 Ag '58. (MIRA 11:9) l.Shkola No.1, Volodarsk. (Solar water heaters) sHcfl--l'Py.lN) %T1,01MIR VYAClll--:3LAV0VlG[i N15 912-7~1 -S5 SHCF-'-'PKIN) VLADIMIR "YACH,~SLAIIOVICH X4GLO-RUSSKIY SLOVAR I PO SVARKE 1 REZK:-: MSTAL10V (ENGLISH -RUSSIAN GLOSSARY OF T-MWIS RELATING T3 WEELD"ING AND CUTTING OF METALS) MOSKVA, ONTI NKTP SSSR, 1935 1,1'4 P. DIA6RS. (BOL-SFik--A TEMNICHESKAYA ENTSIKLOPMEI-YA, OTDE-L SLOVAREY, VYP. 1) ADDED T.P. IN ENGLTS[j. BIBLIOGRAliff: P. (6-7) ACC NR: i'kF6032288 S0TJRCE:_C_GDE:__ UR /olb6/66/oob loog /0018/002 3 AWHOR: Shakhtarin._B. 1,; Shchepkin, Yu. N. 2 ORG: none TITLE: An experimental study of fluctuation noise effects on phase-lock frequency control SOURCE: Elektrosvyaz', no. 9, 1966, 18-23 P,Y~-7~'p ~SHI.Cr 19MOLL/S(S TOPIC TAGS: frequency control, phase measurementi lif ABSTRACT: An experimental method for determining the error signal probability den- sity and correlation coefficient caused by fluctuation noise in a phase-lock frequezA~.Y; I control system is described. An experimental set-up measures error signal distri- bution, occurrence frequency of phase jitter, the mean fluctuation frequency of the error signal, and jitter time duration. A digital phase meter with linear character-~ i istics of -n-+n radians with a recorder of random Dhase disturbance is part of the setup; it consists of a delay circuit, a sawtooth 7enerator, and an oscillograpn. The delay circuit, driven by ptLlses derived from areference oscillator, controls the input to the sawtooth generator. The output of the sa,,rtooth generator is fed to the vertical input of the oscillograph. A second output from the reference oscilla- tor is fed into the horizontal input of the oscillograph through the phase-lock system and a pulse-shaping circuit. The error sLFnal is displayed on the oscillo- Card 1/2 UDc:_62l_-396.668 GALEYEVA, A.Sh.; SfiCHEPKIN-,-- -Yu.P. Petrified fetus developing in the abdominal cavity following rupture of a supplementary horn of the uterus. Zdrav. Kaza-kh. 21 no.2:69- 70 1 a. (MIRL 14:3) 1. Iz Dzhambulskoy oblastnoy bollnitsy. (LITHOPEDION) CHULANOVKSIY, V.M.; BULANIN, M.O.; DE"ISOV, G.S.; SHUVAiO!/A, Ye.V.; SHCHEPK.1NkV D. N. Allowance for the effect of a solvent on Lhe infared specturm of a substance in analytical work. Izv. MT SojR.Serdfiz. 26 no.10:1230-1236 0 962. (MIRA 15:10) (Spectrum, Infared) (Solvents) POBEDIN, I.S.; TRETIHAKOV, A.V.,-, SHCHEPNINA, L.V.; REVMOV, V.A. Investigating the operation or rotp~ slitting shears. Prokat. proizv. no.2:30-1+3 t60. (MIRA 14:11) (Rolling mills-Equipment and supplies) (Shears(Machine tools)) N SOV/160-59-4-lb/48 AUTHORi Shchepkina, L.Ya, (Moscow) TITLE-. Mag_~ts of Barium-oxide Ferrite ' A 91 PEWI 0 D I C A 1, Izvest.1ya Ak.,,tdemil na~ik SSSR, Otdeleniye telchnicheskikh n!"'k, M0,1111(ir-giYn i toplivo, 1959, Nr* ii, pp 111-113 (USSR) ABSTRACT,, The author disctisse,~,z briefly the properties, advaiitage3 and possible applications of baritim-oxide ferrite (approximately BaO. 6Fe203) magnets. Ifer own experiments were carried out with magnets prepared from a mixture of barium nitrate with iron nitrate or ferric oxide (grade ChDA). The mixture was briquetted and calcined at 1160*C~. the briquettes being ground. Size grading of the powder was difficult to control(mainly because of adhesion of particles below 20 microns) but had an important effect on the properties of the magnets made by sintering the powder mixed with paraffin at 1140 to 1220*C. The magnetic properties in relation to sintering temperature, grinding time and chemical composition are tabulated in Tables 1, 2 and 3 respectively. To improve the low remanence of the oxide magnets,sintering at 1200 to 1260*C in a magnetic field was tried in a special apparatus (Fig 1). Card 1/2 Fig 2 shows the relation between the field strength and V", L 10461-67 Errf (d)1MqT(1)10%T(M)1z_1a(M) JD AGC NR: AP6031043 SOURCE CODE: UR/0146/66/009/004/0078/0084 AUTHOR: Shchepkina, V._ 4/6 ORG: Leningrad Military Engineering Academy im. A. F. Mozhayskly (Leningradakaya I'Voyennaya inzhenernaya Krasnoznamennaya akademiya) TITLE: -Effect of hypersonic speed o vertical -channel ei-rors of an inertial system SOURCE: IVUZ. Priborostroyeniye, v. 9, no. 4, 1966, 78-84 TOPIC TAGS: inertial navigation equipment, navigation system ABSTRACT: The effect is considered of hypersonic speed on the errors associated with determining the altitude of a moving flight vehicle by means of an inertial navigation systemA The solution of a system of differential equations that describe the errors of the vertical channel indicates that, with constant sources of error# Card 1/2 UDC: 62 50 SHCHEPKOVSKIY, L. YA. Mechanized means for the storage and conveying of die- casting molds and dies. Mashinostroitell no.3:13 Mr 163. (MIRA 16;4) (Technological innovations) V 4 "I 4 0 0 Ole :-6 0 a 0 0 v 4 0 610 0* Oa 17 14 13 h 11 is 19 N 1~ v 11 6 a tot I, A 11 L a I -Z I A- -L-k I N Lt SAO u , 4 CH C PKI so 00 J d d -00 ur"19 The lonnatwiln of oil (a suntlOurf seed sfud:e 00 the ddll~rent Own ,f the Ptlwess I'Lifl-k 00 h,. Awl 1",v K ... I, z 00 j 'l, .,, 0. 00 1, 1, IV its ... it Wit, 11'a1 0", 00 gla"', -0 1'. " 00 00 0* 400 06 j of .0 o zoo =00 S S L A *l?&LLk P( KAL LITtO lIkAf CLASilPiCatlok too 00 , , WOO t ~' ' 010 to 0 It IV L% AA I it 94 A] a X ff it of n 0 0 0 0 46 0 0. e SHCHEPKINA, 0. 1. Soil micro-organisms D. 1. Ivanovskii and certaiii problems of soil microbiology, L-U-krobiologiia, 20, no. 6, 1951. Monthly List of Russian Accessio P M e Librax7 of Congress, March 1952. UNCLA33IFIED. SHCHEPKINA, 0. 1. Effect of the Malltsev tillage system on the microflora of Azov region Chernozems in Rostov Province. Trudy Inst. mikrobiol. no.7:148-155 160. (MIRA 14 -.4) 1. Kafedra fiziologii rasteniy i genetiki Rostovskogo-na-Donu gosudarstvennogo universiteta. (ROSTOV PROVINCE-SOIL MICRO.-ORGANISIAS) (TILLAGE) 80950 S/024/60/000/03/012/028 3 E140/E463 D .?)000 AUTHOIZ4 Shchepkina, V.M.-(Leningrad) J-LE-~ T~, Effect of Flight Velocity of a Space Vehicle on the Error of an Inertial Navigation System A 'ERIODJCAL~-, lzvestiya Akadeniii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnictieskikh nauk, Energetika i avLamatika, 1960, Nr 3. pli 96-105 (USSR) IBSTRACT- At ultrasonic flight velocities the rate of rotation of a spa!~e vehicle with respect to the center of the earth reaches appreciable magnitudes and may exceed by a factor of 10 or 12 the angular velocity of revolution of the earth. This angular velocity causes appreciable vi-,Ariati.on of' the err-ors of an inertial navigation system arid gives ri5e to interaction between the motions of the spa--p vehicle in -Ehe lateval and longitudinal Jire~-t.ions. The system considered is purely inertial in which the stabLlized plane should remain parallel to the plane of the true horizon during the entire time of flight, It is assumed that flight occurs over the arc of a great circle of variable radius (variable height of flight) and the direction of flight coincides with the Card 1/4 direction of one of the axes of the stabilized plane, Vr 80950 S/024/60/000/03/012/026 EAo/E463 rhe Effect of Fltgrht Velocity of a Space Vehicle on the Error of -!I Inertial Navigation System Schuler period, These osci-1latxons are superimposed on -An aperiodic mot-i-on. It is found that the lateral error loi a given forward velocity depends on the error in the Initial lateral vetocity and the initial adjustment of the platform in the longitudinal and vertical directions and on the deviations of the pitch and azimuth gyroscopes. Calculations show that the last factor is the most impcr~ant, The error in the longitudinal direction Witifigyroscope deviation 0,50/hr is the most important. With better stabilization, the initial errors in the vertical and longitudinal velocities become decisive. The component of longitudinal error due to the initial er-ror in the vertical velocity exceeds the other sources of er-ror with -velo.~iti-es " r- km/sec. The initial error of the longitudinal velocity is fairly strongly expressed at all flight velocities. It is therefore necessary to maintain a given value of longitudinal flight velocity to a high degree of prezision. In all cases the errors C'Ira V4 decrease wi-th increase of velocity. Acknowledgments 096T 'OU XJPT'Uef (I a I I I IN q f, qsTT2u:g T PIZU Sajrk.-ZcTj C) a-IR a I ay4j, *31.10~n sTqq paj3ajTp aput u Glu MaJESS; IU'I-j-IZ5(Xj 1.11, JO JO-1-12 atil- UO aTDTqaA az)PdS I? JO A4TOOlaA 10-11A J(; 1-13JJ:-l C9~Z/O~T3 RZO/ZTO/CO/000/09A70/S O.S 6 0 R UM/Madicine Anesthesia, Intravenous jim 48 Medicine Pentothal, Toxicity "Blood Condition During Pentothal Narcosis," Ye. V. Shchepkina, Lab of TsITO (Cen.Inst of Traumatol and Orthopedics), 4 pp "nirurgiya" No 6 Research was carried out on 30 patients. Quantity of hemoglobin and erythrocy-tes in blood decreases during operation under pentothal narcosis. Describes effect of pentothal. on leucocytes, lymphocytes, eosinophiles, and monocytes. Concludes that toxic effect of vento- thal is no higher than that of other narcotics. lm 34/49T22