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USSR/Biology - Plantm, Nutrition SeP 50
"Properties of Granulated Fertilizers," Acad P.
A. Baranov, A. M. Shchepetillnikova, Cand Agr
"Dok v-s Ak Selkhoz Nauk" No 9j, PP 3-13
Granulated euperphosphates 2 - 3 times superior
to powder form in acid podsolic soils; large
granules (5
7mm) superior to small granules.
Contact of acidic superphosphates with seed be-
fore planting reduces % of germination and en-
ergy of sprouting, but neutralization surface of
USSR/Biology - Plants, Nutrition (Contd) Sep 50 dusting with chalk prevents this ef-
fect. Due to spreading of water-sol P205 into
soil from granule, advises application of super-
phosphates at period when soil cultivation fol-
lows after it. Seven tables. Submitted 20 May
Thr ptopritirb o1 granular suprrpho~phatr
ho ~ '11.1 % M 11. 1 d%
-..H.0,1. V for 10, th.- th,
Radioindication method in the study of phosphorus metabolism of the
liver in ex-nerimental tuberculosis [with summary in French].
Prohl.tub. 36 no.6:97-100 '58 (MMA 11:10)
1. 1z 1-foskovskogo gorodskogo nauchno-isoledovatellskogo tuberkuleznogo
iRstituta (nauchnyy rukovoditell - prof~ Y.L. Eynis).
(LIVER, metab.
phosphorus, in e-xper. tuberc. in guinea -pigs (Rua))
liver, in exper. tuberc. in guineFt pigs (Rus))
phosphorus metab. in liver in guinea pigs (Rus))
Studies on phosphorus metabolism in the liver in experimental
tuberculosis. Vop. med. khim. 7 no. 1:16-21 Ja-F 161.
(MIRA 14:4)
1. The Moscow Research Institute of Tuberculosis Ministry of
Health of the R.S.F.S.R.
SHCREFETIMMIKOVAY 0. G., kand. med. nauk
Study of the effect of Paluzide on the metabolism of phosphor-as
compoands in the liver in experimental tuberculosis by means of
radioactive phosphorus. Probl. tub. no.2:83-91 162.
MIPLA -15:2)
1. Iz Moskovskogo nauchno-issledovatellsko o instituta tuberku-
leza Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya RSFSR Mr. - kandidat medi-
tsinskikh nauk V. F. Chernyshev, zam. dir. po nauchnoy chasti -
prof. D. D. Aseyev)
SHOREPETILINIKOVA, V.A., kand.seliskokhozyaystvennykh nauk
Biological features of S7mpherobius amicus Nav. as a function of
meteorological conditions. Trud7 VIZR no.1:90-101 r48. (MI-RA 11:7)
(Lacaving flies)
Otsenka sistemy meropriyatiy po borlbe s cherepashchkoy (eurygaster integriceps Put).
V usloviyakh kazakhstana. Trudy Vsesoyuz. in-ta zashchity rasteniy, vyp. 2. 1949.
S. 90-103 - Bibliogr: 13 Nazv.
SO: Letopis' No. 34
j,r4 L.i
-rl A-T,
i s
.4o. 1 r 0,~r
~enerai and s--)ecial Zoolor,'Y. Ins,ects. Insects P
- - L.
and _,rachnids. Biolol-ical 1:etho'_~ of Controlling
Insects a:id .rachnids.
j,bs Jour: Ref Zhur-3iol., No 21, 1938, S5557.
I'-uthor :3hcheDetill-nikova, V. A.
Inst :1T76c-:-1'-ven.
Title :Confornities 'hich jeternine 3ffPctiveness of
Orig Pub :7h. obshch. biol, 1S,57, 1.0, No 5, 381-j94.
Abstract: E'ultinuclear entomophaga, (E) which do no", Doss-
ess the power of adapting themselves to the life
cycle of a definite nest and are in need of ad-
ditional hosts, are not capable to inhibit its
nuanbers (Trichogrammatidae Telenomus, parasit-
ing on the 'Eurygaster inte~riceps). Mae con-
Card 1/3
USSR / General and S]~ecjal ZooloFY. Insects. Llsects P
and Ytrachnids. Biological "'ethod of Controlling
Insects and i~r6chnids.
kbs Jour: Ref Zhur-Bio14, No 21, 19581 95557.
Abstract: formity of the relation of its life circle to
tliat of its host increases with the growth of
the *)arasite's specialization. The ability to
inhibit the host is esDecially clearly expressed
in inononuclear ("). However, even specialized
parasites and -.)redators (iphelinus iaali, Rod-
olia cardinalis) possess a much narrol)er eco-
logic flexibility than their aosts. --s a con-
sequence the latter do not -perish, insuring the
possibility of prolonged sL-aultaneous e-xistence
between plant-eating insects and their s?ecial-
ized entomophaga. ',.:-hen using th-_ latter, it is
adequate, as a rule to populate *ith tliem new
Card 2/3
U ) R / 'If'oneral and .)~,)ecj._jl 70010~-V. III See tg. Insects F
ard -rachnids. dolo&-ical -I-ethod of Controllirg
Insectq ar,-"' rael'inids.
.M*bs Jour: _-Ief Zhur-Biol. , ',,-,o 21, 1958, q6Y-7.
_bstract: reEi-oils of the s,?read of the o_est. On the con-
trary, in case of ~mltinuclear entoiao-phaga it is
necessary to resort to their se-sonal coloniza-
tion. --- G. Y,. Viktorov.
Card 3/3
SHCREPETILINIKOVA, V.A., kand. sellskokhozya7stvennykh nauk.
Effectiveness of parasites that eat eggs of the shield bug
Nurygaster integriceps Pat . and facilitating factors. Trudy
VIZq no.g-.213-284 '58. (MIRA 19-:1)
I (Eurygasters--Biological control)
YFVLAKIIOVA, Arindna P-leksandrovna; SHVETSOVA, 011ga ivanovna; SHCHEPETIL'--
NIKOVA, Valontina Androyevriij REUTSKAYA, O.Ye., red.; CHUNAYKVA,
Z.V.) tekbh. red.; BAJW-IOVA, L.G.1 t*khn. red.
[Biological control of injurious insects] Biologicheskie metody
bor'by s vredn~mi nasekomymi. Leningrad, Goo. izd--vo kellkhoz.
lit-ry, 1961. 94 P. (MBA 14-10)
(Insects, Injurious and beneficlal)
S'FCFFPFTIT,INTKOV, V.A., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk
'~Filancc-*ng of the crankgear. Trudy MIIT no.195:5-19 164.
.L I
(MIRA 18:9)
o-.* E-1 t C n
ci )k f o rI!
niuk; MMSR"V, F.A., inh.
ot ';'-r-rioration of the fAttstic elernents of t,
~,vpt- PK-1A irive of getierut,(~ni mount.,ld under passen er c a rs
M~TT nc~..!T):210-11 14 MIFA IF:9)
. . , I, - 1 .1 1 . - , ,
Current problems of the acclimatization of ento.-opliagous
insects in tiie U.S.S.R. Trudy VER no. 21 pt. 1:5-13
164. 13:12)
Intricacy of shoe styles. Leg.prom. 14 no.2:4-6 F '54. (MLRA 7:5)
1. Zamestitel' nachal'nika Glavobuvi MPTShP. (Boots and shoes)
SHCHEPETILOV, A.F., inzhener.
At the "Paris Commune" factory. Leg.prom.16 no.2:104-45 F '56.
(MLRA 9:7)
I.Direktor fabriki "Parizhakaya Kommunafl.
(Moscow-Shoe industry)
SfiC;H.FFF,',TII--V, ~,~F.
New product-i-.- capacity of the leather industry of the R.S.F.S.R.
Kozh.-obuv.prom. 3 no.9:9-11 S '61. (MIRA 14:11)
(Leather industry)
C n rO LICOS WiLh 'Lii---hor streno-th than 1.0 or
'0 %lit'll pol..."Or rlic:~oj an~', penilalloy foil -.ayers Call
0.- aiul 16.3- the Proper
10-1 ri-mi of mercury-(G) the surface
i~11--Iu,. :-bust be and ti"Lt oil t'e carbide tip -round, and both
07 LceUone- (7) o-.-, e ratio na-l 'costs have shovin that t1le durabi-
f ~'iffusion Welded in a vacuum,ls 2 - 2.5 times hiaher compared with
~.ools. 'I.cre are 7 figuros and 2 tables.
institut riryaso-molochnoy prom.,shlennosti
".'oscol-., Toohnolo-!,ical Institute of the 31,11eat and -IN11ilk IndustrY)
I-` February 1, 1962
SHC - TINA, L.M., prepodavatell; TSYPIN, Yu.Ya.,; AFANASIYEV,
-- - . .-- red.
[Assignments and practical instructions for the course "Meteorology"
for students of agricultural schools] Uchebnoe zadanie i metodi-
cheskie ukazaniia po kursu, "Neteorologlia" dlia uchashchikhoia
sel'skokhoziaistvennykh tekhnikumov. 1958 11 p. (MIRA 12:3)
1. Vaesoyuznyy zaochnyy sellskokhozyaystvennyy tekhaikum.
X-ray determination of oxygen paraneters in spinel structure
ferrates. Fiz.mat.i metalloved. 10 no.1:24-28 Jl '60.
(14IRA 1j:8)
1. Institut -.etallurgii Ural'sko,,-,o filiala AN SSSR.
(Ferrates--Testing) (X rays-.-Diffraction)
Equilibrium conditions in the reduction of copper ferrite
GuFe204 by hydrogen. Dokl. AN SSSR 146 no.4:874-876 0 162.
(MIRA 15:11)
1. Institut met~LUurgii Urallskogo filiala 0 SSSR.
2. Chlen-korrespondent A14 SSSR (for Chufarov).
(Copper ferrate)
AUTHORS: Bogoslovskiy, V.N., Startseva, I.Ye., Zhuravleva, M.G.,
Shchepetkin A.A., Chufarov, G.I., Shur, Ya.S.
TITLE: The effect of phase composition on the magnetic
properties of magnesium-manganese ferrite with a
rectangular hysteresis loop
PERIODICAL:,Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, v.15, no.2, 1963,
TEXT: A maknesium-manganese ferrite with a rectangular
hysteresis loop and with a sufficiently simple composition was
used to facilitate the interpretation of the results obtained.
Toroidal samples 12 min outer dia, 8 min inner dia and 3 min high
were used. After a second annealing in-air at 1200 aC they were
cooled in a C02 atmosphere. The composition was Fe203 - 42.8mol%,
mgo 42.& (as %fnC0 ) which corresponds with the
- 14.41%, MnO
The dependence of the coercive force HC 1 the residual
Card 1/2
The effect of phase ... E039/E42o
induction Br, the maximum induction Bin, the induction in the
field of 90 Oe B and Br/Bm on the pressure of oxygen when
annealing at 600'2 was investigated, Br shows a steady decrease
with increasing oxygen pressure up to 150 mm HS, while for the
other parameters there is little change for oxygen pressures above
50 mm. Maximum squareness of the hysteresis loop is obtained at
10 min pressure of oxygen. A comparison of the results of
physicochemical analysis, X-ray and magnetic investigation suggests
that the spontaneous rectangularity of tl~e hysteresis loop in this
ferrite depends on the presence of the Mn3+ ion which leads to
local distortions in the crystal lattice. There are 2 figures.
ASSOCIATIONS: Institut metallurgii UFAN SSSR
(Institute of Metallurgy UFAN USSR)
Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR
(Institute of Physics of Metals AS USSR)
SUBMITTED: August 10, 1962
Card 2/2
L 12902-63 ~~(g)/P~T(ju)/BDS A"'W/A-9D JD
ACCESSION NR: AP3003555 S/0020/63/151/002/0347/0134 0
RS: Stafeyeva N M Sh N.
AUTHO chp4St!gAj:=A. A,,; Bogoslovskiv V.
;Zhuravleva, VIM; cfiur~rov.. GT.1 kvorr. member, Academy of Sclen-
-3-es -SSSR)
TITLE: Study of equilibrium condition. during hydrogen reduction of
ferrite It sub 0.5 Mn sub 0.5 Fe sub 2 0 sub 4
:SOURCE- AN SSSR. DokladYl, V. 151, no. 2, 1963, 347-349
;TOPIC TAGS: equilibrium conditions, hydrogen, hydrogen reduction,
ferrite, magnesium ferrite, manganese ferrite, solid phase, lat,tice,
:S-ray analysis
ABSTRACT: Reductionlof ferrite Mg sub .514n sub .5Fe2O4 was studied
under eauilibrium conditions at 800, 900 and 1000 degrees C. Partial
pressure of oxygen during dissociation of the ferrite was calculated.,
:Composition of solid phases existing during the various reduction
stages was determined. Ferrite Mg sub -5PIn sub We204 is E solid
solution of magnesium and manganese ferrites with a 1:1 molar ratio..
The original sample was obtained by heating a mixture of the required'.
Card 1/3
L 12902-63
.amounts of D%O, MnO and Fe205 in C02 atmosphere at 1200 degrees:for
30 hours. Reduction was carried ou,6 in a closed evacuated systim
throua-h which a mixture of hydrogen and water vapor was circulated
until equilibrium was reached. Water vapor was maintained at a
pressure equal to that of saturated water vapor at 0 degrees 0.
martial pressure of hydrogen in the gaseous equilibrium mixture was
determined after freezing out the water vapor in a trap immersed in
liquid nitrogen. Partial pressure of oxygen was determined from the'
values K = PH.O..Extent of reduction was determined from.the hydrogen'
consumption. A reduction of 100% was assumed for an oxide hdving the
conposition Mg sub .51-In sub .50. Solid phases existing at equilib-
rium viere subjected to X-ray analysis (Debyp method and with a:
camera with a 57.3mm diameter). Photographs were taken under ii:
FeK illumination using.a manganese filter. Relationships between
partial pressure of oxygen at equilibrium ~nd the extent of reduc-
tion of the ferrite Mg sub .5Mn sub -5Fe2O4, at 800, 900 and 1000
degrees G are presented. Relationships between the size of latt_~ces
L 12902-63-
'in the three solid phases and the extent of reduction, as well as
relationships between the concentration of the various phases and
.the extent of ferrite reduction-arb given. Orig. art. has: 3 figures.i
ASSOCIATION: Institut metallurgii Urallskogo filiala Akademii ziauk
SSSR, Sverdlovsk (Metallurgical Institute, Ural branch, Academy'
Sciences, SSS
Ccrd 3/3
Equilibrium conditions during the reduction of magnesium ferrite
by hydrogen. Dokl. AN SSSR 152 no.1:124-126 S 163. (MIRA 16!9)
1. Institut metallurgii Urallskogo filiala AN SSSR. 2. Chlen-
korrespondent AN SSSR (for Chufarov).
(Magnesium ferrates) (Reduction, Chemical)
L 22897:-65 Eb -2/.PdT(I)/zwT(m)/GrlP(b)/PI-IP(t) IJP(c) JD
ACCESSIOR NR: AP5001240 S/Oi26/64/018/005/0711/0716.7
AUTHOR: Bogoslovskiv. V.N.; Shcheeet"4.A. Startseva, 1. Ye. Antonov, V. Ni
Chufarov, G. I.; Shur, Ya. S.
TITLE: Effect of the phase composition on the magnetic properties of magnesium-
n3anganes -iron ferrite with a rectangular hysteresis loop
SOURCE. 7Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye v. 18,, no. 5, 1964., 711-716
TOPIC TAGS: ferrite magnetic property, magnesium ferrite, manganese ferrite, spinel
solid solution, hysteresis loop
ABSTRACT: The object of this work was to find out whether the rectangularity of the
h steresis loop of Mg-Mn ferrites is related only to the presence of vacancies, or
whether trivalent manganese ions also play a major, part In this phenomenon. An
Mg-Mn-Fe ferrite obtained from a mixture of 34 mol. % MgO, 8. 5% MnO (in the form
of MnCO,3) and 57. 5% Fe2O,3 and having a relatively high rectangularity coefficient of1the
hysteresis loop was investigated. X-ray diffraction was used to determine the concen-.
tration of the components of the spinel solid solutions, the magnetic characteristics were
measured by the bal].istie method,, and changes in the composition of the solid solutions
Card 1/2
L 22897-65
were induced by annealing the samples under various conditions. It was found that the
increase or decrease in the rectangularity coefficient of the hysteresis loop is due
primarily to the formation and disappearance of Mn3+ ions, although there is a simul-
taneous change In the concentration of vacancies in the spinel solid solution. Samples
containing an appreciable quantity of vacancies but no Mn3+ ions have a rectangularity
coefficient of less than 0. 5. The authors conclude that the,rectangular shape of the
hysteresis loop of Mg-Mn-Fe ferrites obtained from a mixture containing over
50 mol. % Fe203 is due to the presence of Mn3-k ions which cause local distortions of
the crystal structure of the spinel solid solution. Orig. art. has: 1 table, 1 figure, and
7 formulas.
ASSOCIATION: Institut metallurgii.. Sverdlovsk (Metallurgical Institute); Institut-fizild-
metallov AN SSSR (Institute of the Physics of Metalsp AN SM)
NO REF SOV: 007 OTHER: 010
Card 2/2
i It /o38/(,
~Gverdlovsk); Gtafeyeva, N. M. (Sverdlovsk);
A. A.
N. (Sverdiovsi-); Zhuravleva, t-1, G. (Sverdlovsk); Chufarov, G. I.
coxiditioris dur-Ing the reduction of ji;agnesium-manganese
f 0
c 5 'y kil :111, i , V~ 3:2 rio- 5, 1964, 1135-1141
do-sociation, 'errit-a redu
spinel ohase, magne-
'c M Lo 1.0' have been
i ps 3 a 1 11 11 estructure of 7 of vario
d:);-.e because su,.;h da'a are helps
ng, of chanGas oc.,-.urri zgn
V" cond i t-'1.c,-,& 7-educ Ilio.-,i of 1 det-ormained i r,a
G - r c. 1: a 'I-,C) mi,xture. The equilibriun.
oxygen pressure was calculated from the formula P02Y2 = K K where K is the
p H201 p
H20/H2 pressure ratio in an equilibrium gas mixture and KH20 is the equilibrium
constant of the water vapor dissociation. X-ray analysis of I and of their
reduction products was carried out by the Debye method. It was shown that the
oxygen pressure remains almost corit-ant (lo-13 atm) with an increase of the magne-
sioferrite content in the solid solution from 0 to 50 mol. %; the pressure
increased sharply (to 10-11 atm) with an increase of the magnesioferrite content
from 50 to 100 mol. %. The oxygen pressure dropped sharply in the course of the
reduction of I by hydrogen. X-ray analysis of the solid phases formed during the
reduction revealed a correlation between the oxygen pressure and the chemical
characteristics of the crystals (magnesium ion-fraction in the tetrahedral lattice
nodes) of I. It was shown, in particular, that during the reduction the equili-
brium oxygen pressure drops with a decrease in the magnesioferrite content and an
increase in the magnetite content in the spinel phase and approaches, at 33%
reduction, the dissociation pressure of magnetite. Orig. art. has 7 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Institut metallurgii. Urallskogo filiala AN SSSR (Institute of
Metallurgy, Ural Branch, AIN SSSR)
Card 213
SUBMITTEED: 031-lay63 DATE ACQ: lgJun64 ENCL: 00
Card 3/3
7- 7-
1 Ab 7 -
PE id O.D I C A-T, V.- -r"n i71. 7
w C1 1-(-
A 13-': Va F, a 3 a-, ~3 a 'L
iin ar a n r c a
wi th a 1 s shovm
Tm a i
Ej a ".i e c-i S'n. U-41 gate
b n C. b-i p La,- i-n the
a t);~ s -L,--- n. on thi s
-table for
T~ e C- aberrations
o -ff a I a 1 1 . Z 12 e -n i -c, 1. s s a s a n e
a r-al-.7 hy-per-
f _n a cc-r airror`
C.- re a
r D_ ii It L
ur~_- nd
rl.; L
_u. iu~ V:_,vL'lova-)
1 C)
1,, DiffmAiov.
AUTHOR: Shchepetkin, Yu.P. Sov/51-4-4-13/24
"fraction GratinE; with One Plane of
TITLE; An Asphe-i - if
Symmetry (Asferiches1v-.aya difraktsiormaya reshetka s odnoy
ploskost'ju simmetrii) II Permissible Values of Aberratioas.
The Range of ApplicE:tion and Efficiency of an Aspherical
Grating (II Dopustimyye znacheniya aberratsiy.Oblast' primen-
eniya _J effeltivnost' asfericheskoy reshetki)
PERIODICAL: Optika i Spektroskopiya, 1958, Vol IV, Nr 4
PP 513 - 520 (USSR~,
ABSTRACT: In the precedin-- paper (Part I, Ref 1), the author
discussed aberrations of an aspherical gratinE and correction
of these aberrations. The -present -caper is a continuation of
t-"-,is work. It is found that the best results are obtained by
placing the gratuing on the circumference of the Rowland's circle
and. corr,~ctin6 for aberrations at points lying on this circle
On de.-a-rture froi~i angles corresponding to the position of
aberration-free points, t-h-e aberrations increase slowly. In
thiS way, a -ran,-e of an,--,les is obtained in vhich practically
abo-Lira"lion-free slit ima,-es are -produced. These slit imac-es
are shard-; er at larger anr~ies .)f incidence and diffraction for
c a. --ez,-e-4cal corri2ction of aberrations vas r-ade. The
Gardl/2 _~,,reatest efl`iciency )f the -ratJJLnL_ is expected to be in the ultra-
An Aspheri-~al Dfffracti.-n Ire 4 Sov/~31-4-4-13/24
with One Plane oF S,7--rrPtry
at clancinl~ incidence arid us4Ln,-,-,- na-vrow and
r-~- S th e resoivi
'~e-c c.~nditions, t-h po-..-er c'
the apparatlas is iricrea-,'ed,. T.;--,e increase of the E-rat-Jing
apert,ure witIt tLe s'pherical ,ratinE- and correction for
a S t - i. gm, as v. i-i ak(- 2~, t poss ble to increase the s-p- ci-litue-.-~----' tuy
f-'a-l -, Out
il 1~3 w--~; c- itxied
u rid er d ir e c-D r o If -P r o -f es~~or G.C. Slyusarev. Thlere aTe
2 -f 11, .-,- ~- , I ; T, i i
a 7 dix) 3.
e,,i d 2 S c v i e E i:~ 11 s h rI's .
4 y4 n:-
ASSOCIATICY: DrA _~-~'Ut ~~:
S, I
S C, c ~a I!-,.Is -L i t u t e i2m S. I . Va vi I-i')
Card 2/---)
s I - 3 4
THOR - 'r,
t!-,, , Ve r ti :7a 1. At-; ~platli Fim
2., i,L fj e M"moch-romator with F..
naicctcryk-h T",;7mozfuAoEtYak~1
it: _--na V tz3tanc.- kak.- na -n-COEt'.
PER1 OJ CA I Ot )t-- L-A 7-, E~f t f c, 1 15
A 'I The tnP.-'n J ad -,; F, a ta K: c-0. 17 th 9. n -a" at;-.
- ~ g. v riz,
t antir-i !-.,Dkt, on tha.
The va-ex-
a metnL-d of iapf)r.~:at;n~ ':7 th~-, P-stigin-ati-:in ~y mear-s
c f a cs
pt C,
wirror T C_--e--re A _n r- ,Isc.5d ir, L-~f the vrt,-Y
T av~.d trv~ ent,
F~Iit P-Te all-' .-n the --f a f1r;.-1e, wLth
and el.e.1- t.) ore tialf :!f t--ie, of -i-c7mt,
~f t1ir- t-~:!~O'A mi!Tc_- ((:,p i:, th~3 centr-r. L,f
,u r-,.ra-tix a ~1' t114~k %jr-7 - Tjnd 5)- c-o-eid JtjonF trio tc:,Gi:' mjr-,,r,,r, T
Liaa Ew~ the l :' .7": 5 L M8~~jrlj.!%-JCLI IV C tile entry ~ 1i -S I t L ti
J t 06 11 ga ~1 F-5 a cz
aqwil t- ',.. A C- then pro,z_,7~en an .'imam-, 2 ~ wit-H
Cm-rd 112
"J'(7N' /&,' - 6 - -~; ?, 7/614
Gr_ Cart;-;iL fC-siL.Jjt-1f)S of -srri-Tting for the -Vertical ',~:tigilat'Smin RCw1Fz1'!'z
Circle un Asse-*1ies.A-,ja.--..-j Kono,.~hrariator with a Concave Grating aai a Torcid
meridinnAl nagn-;fi,-at_icn tc I. The systEv, an a wh.3le rroduc-e3 ar
imar,o, of the sour~-a fron of astiFjmti:,,m, If the angle of irididenc~e on
tllf~ ',rating, is kc,,,t : ri-,tapt h-,t the ar.;,le of dif fraction i7. 7p--,ied,. it
i-. -till Possible to .-.-omnPn!:ate for actignatirm; all that i-, necessary
i-t to adju-t the poritlGris of the Four%ie and the toraid mirror. A
mcnc,:hranator cf Vie typ._:~ desc.-ibed alh;~v& 1_3 rartimalarly elffef~,tlv~%
~-.,ith a lifrht of ~.;riiail dimewzions in work in the vacuum liltra.7iolet
C. ine:!~erice). -ntensity of radiation reaching a small receiver
claced bt~ri_'nd The e_~~t -11-it of a moriochromatcr with a torcid mixror- may
.Ge '~-reater a fac:tor of tan or viore than the intensity of radiation
an ordinary withoat a mirr.!,):-., The arrangement
de.~-c.:,Jb--~j may be u-sad a-s-.. tc make a spectrometer, fhRro are I fil gpre
_fer~ric-s~ ' oF ,vh-' -;h arr. arx~ I En-IJ-h.
a n 3 r e - - I - 0 __
The RShr;h-1 high sensitivity(Cont.) S/515/60/0101/000/001/00-11
to insure coverage of the small rock outcrop area. Since the primary
purpose Gf the Instrument is the recording of reflection :-.t'
rock formations from the aii~, while the purpose of the terralti Pa')"-o-
gvap~j is to check the claritlyof the groundbeing photometered, tn.-,
optical systems were arranged to give primacy to the spectral system.
The laLter consists of 3 WYupiter-9" lenses (focal length, 9 mm;
relative aperture, 1 :2) functioning as condenser, collimator, and
objective lenae3. Since the slit length Is constant$ width of the
terrain se._~tor being photometered may be varied by changing the
flight path altitude or by using a condenser lens -with the same
z~elattlre aperture and a different focal length. Length of the seetor
which may be photometered at one exposure depends on flight speed
and exp-,~sulre frequency. The terrain optical system consists of an
"Industar-22" cbje~~.tive lens (focal length, 51.4 mm~ relative aper-
tune, I '. 3.5), a collector (focal length, 40.4 mm) made of 2 p~ana-
convex lenses having a 15 x 15 mm diaphragm and reticule mounted
between them, and a turning system consisting of two lenses
length, 51.0 mm) and 2 mirrors. Due to Its small (l : i6 to 22)
relative aperture,the terrain optical system has a greater depth of
Card 2/3
ACC NR. Aj)'j100_Li46'( SOURCE CODE: UR/01,36/66/ooo/oo6':-oooi/ooo'f
AUTHOR: Omel'chenko, S. I.; Videnina, N. G.; Shchepetkina, N. I.; Chervetsova, I. N.
ORG: Institute of Ifigh-Molecular Compounds (Institut vysokomolekulyarnykh soyedinenniy)
TITLEE: Radiation polymerization of unsaturated polyester resins without monomers
SOURCE: Khimicheskaya promyshlennost' Ukrainy, no. 6o, 1966, 1#7
i'TOPIC TAGS: radiation polymerization, resin, polyester plastic, polymer cross link-
ing, thermal stability, hardness
~ABSMACT: The authors study the possibility of polymerizing unsaturated polyesters
!under the effect of high-energy radiation and compare their radiation and thermo-
;chemical cross-linking. Several structurally different polyesters were investigated:
!poiyglycolmaleinate adipinate (PNAD), polyglycolmaleinate phthalate (PNP) and poly-
;glycolmaleitiates modified by cyclopentadiene (PNC) and anthracene (PNA-2). The speci-
:mens were poured into ampules at 90-1000C with evacuation to remove air bubbles, after
which the ampules were sealed. The specimens were irradiated on a UKP-30,000 instal-
lation with a Co60 radiation source. Exposure was done at a rate of 2020-2400 rad/sec,_
with total doses ranging from I to 140 mrad at a temperature of 18-250C. A ferrosul-.
'fate radiation monitor was used with an error of �2%. As the radiation dosage is in-
;creased, the specimens are gradually converted from rubber-like pale yellow products
!to completely transparent uniformly hard brown blocks. The hardest cross-linked speci-
iCard 112 UDC; 541-15;TKIlUt., U.I.
Strength of acetate motion-picture films at room and high
temperatures. Vop.por.met. i prochn.Tiat. no-5:167-1?3
158. (MIRA 12:8)
(Photograpkv--Films) (Cellulose acetates)
Nauchno-tekhnicheskoye soveshchaniye po dempfirovaniyu kolebaniy.
Kiyev, 1958.
Trudy Nauchno-tekhnicheskogo soveshchaniya po dempfirovaniyu
kolebaniy, 17 - 19 dekabrya 1958 g. (Transactions of the Sci-
entific and Technical Conference on the Damping of Vibrations,
Held 17 - 19 December, 1958) Kiyev, Izd-vo AN UkrSSR, 1960.
178 p. 2,000 copies printed.
Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk Ukrainskoy SSR. Institut metal-
lokeramiki i spetsialInykh splavov.
Editorial Board: I. N. Frantsevich, G. S. Pisarenko (Resp. Ed.),
G. V. Samsonov, V. V. Grigorlyeva, and A. P. Yakovlev; Ed. of
Publishing House: I. V. Kisina; Tech. Ed.: A. A. Matveychuk.
PURPOSE: This book is intended for mechanical engineers, metallo-
graphers, physicists specializing in metals, designers, aspirants,
and scientific workers.
Card 1/17
Transactions of the Scientific (C(.,,,~t.) SOV/5303
Pisarenko, G. S. Longitudinal Vibrations of a Rod, Taking
into Account Hysteresis Losses 14
Pisarenko, G. S. Longitudinal Vibrations of Spiral Springs,
Taking Into Account Energy Dissipation in Material 22
Pisarenko, Q. S., and N. I. Shche-petkina (Candidate of Tech-
nical Sciences]. Trans-v_e_ri-a_1_Vi-~_rations of Stepped Rods, Tak-
ing Into Account Hysteresis Losses 34
Pisarenko, G. S., and_N_._.I.____Shchepetkina, On the Calculation
of Hysteresis Losses in Vibrating Plates 46
Vasilenko, N. V., [Aspirant). Bendingrand-Torsional Vibrations
of Rods, Taking Into Account Energy Dissipation in Material 58
Troshchenko, V. T., (Candidate of Technical Sciences]. Appli-
cation of Methods of Mathematical Statistics to the Analysis
of Energy Dissipation in Material 71
Card 3/'~
On taking into account... D234/D303
gree of a small parameter. *The problem of,free-vibrations of a
plate supported along its outline is-~considercd as an illustration.,
Z7Abstracter's note; Complete translation2
Card 2/2
ACC NR, AT6005255
hours. The effect of inon mechanical characteristics of T102-polystyrene systems
is also presented in tabular foryn. It was found that the greater the M2 content in
polystyrene, the smaller the sensitivity to aging. Orig. art. has: 5 figurss, 2
SUB CODE: Il/ SUBM DATE: 060ct65/ ORIG REF: 006/ 0 REF: 00
Cwd 2/2,,~~-/
OSMV, A. and SHCHEPETKOV, A. "Removal of Ergot from liye Seed," Selektsiia i
Semenovodstvo., vol. 19, no. 12, 1952, p. 71 61.9 Se5
SO: SIRA, SI 90-53, 15 December 1953
STRELINIKOV, D.A., professor, doktor tekhnicheskikb nauk, zasluzhennyy
deyatell nauki i tekhniki; SHOP - _YL.A.S.
Remarks on L.D.Sheviakov's book "Mining mineral deposits."
Ugoll 29 no.12:43-45 D '54. (MLRA 8.1)
(Mining engineering) (Sheviakov, L.D.)
-;;*C!'- I.-S. -orny-,;- -* nf, . ukhty ~
-- - -, - - -- -- -1 ) f, ~ ~ -W!"I-Ir t,g, Z)L I
i~xperiment in using electric locommotiv-2s -for uerscnnel transpcrtuaticn
in slightly d4 ppJng work-P.Es. Uf,7c,!' 36 =-- .4 -. -- -.-~I ~ :v--l -,; :-~- -,
(Mine railroads)
711C1110P TYCV, 1. V.
Otsenka effektivnosti samoleta. (Tekhnika vozdushnogo flota, 1945, no. 10,
p. 19-20)
Title t.r.: Evaluation of the efficiency of an airplane.
TL50h.Th 1945
S~;. Aeroriau~ical Sciefces acid Aviation in tile Sovict Union, Library of
KOZL,OVSKIY, B,V., Inzh.; GULIDA,, E.N., jnzh.~ SHCHEFETKOV,_Y,,V., inzh.
I --- - - - ---
Methods for machining ball joints of locomotive parts and their
economic efficienc7- Mashinostroenie no.6alOO-102 N-D 162.
(MM 1632)
1. Luganakly teplovozostro'Ltellnyy zavod im. Okt7abrga~oy
(Lugansk-.Locomotive works)
I --
Mapping land resources in Italy. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geo no.l:
135-139 Ja-F 164. ~LRA 17:3)
,95 T13
~41 '079/60/030/008/0' 0/01 21XX
0) BOOI/BO66
R;izuvayev, G, A Vyazankin, S~ an, a-
TiTLE Thermal Decomfic L; i t i on of Lead Tetraethyl", Hexaethyl-
diplumbane, and Their Analogs. III. Reactions of the
HQmolytic Decompcsition of ~enx_ -,ind
Hexaethyl. -d is tanziane1 7
PERIODLCAL: Zhurnal obshchey kh iM4ji 1960, Vol~ 30, No,, 8, pp,~2498-21-06
TEXT. The aut'-.ors pointed out in Refs., '.2 that the thermal decompositic'n
n-,- _'.quid lead tetraethyl takes place through the format3.on of less
~_thylated com,-cunds, such as hexaerhyi-diplumbane and lead diethyl.-
r" H ) Pb (C H Pb Pb -~ Pb~ It is ',-,n7,ever, very
2 71 4 2 06 2 (C-2H9)2
,IGubtful whe"ner a continuous homolytic cleavag=- of the o-bonds takes place
-n this 1-ourse of -eaction. In order to obtain a complete and ~'.-ell -founded
qc',-eme of decomposition, it will be necessary to know the reactions olf the
hC-!Qlytic cleavage of lead tetraethyl and of 1-ts intermediates formed
a r d De--,mposition of Lecid Tetraethy'L, S,;'07q /60/050/006/0310/012/XX
and Their Ana-',o,-s BCOI/NG16
I 11 '~.eactions of the Homolytic Decomposi
I;c,, -f and Hexa-
9 -d s tannane
dUrin.~r decomposition, as well as the role played by free radicals in these
conversions, The investigation of the homolytic cleavage of hexaethy--
di-,1,am.bane and its organotin analog (hexaethyl-distannane is therefore.
"I.-1-1y important. In the smooth reaction of heyaethyl-distanrane with
dibromo ethane c-ivi-n- rise to tin triethyl-brcmide and ethylene (Ref , 3).
tlie reactants had been assumed to form a cyc-':c transition S222le- hich
Split L11 a homopolar way- To study the possible appearance of such rJng
comDlexes also in other reactions of hexaethyl-distannane, it was allowed
to ie-act with compounds jr, -a benzene solut,-on, %vhlch readily deo~ompose
~ntc radicals, Hexaethyl-distannane and diplumbane %ere found to decompose
homolytically at the metal-metal bond when treated with labile organic
,-r!i~r -nds
1. j ~ in a benzene SOILItion a' a ncrmal temo,~.rr&-~ure. These labile
comp,,unds included benzoyl peroxide, acelyl-benzoyl peroxide, cyclohexyl
Per,-_arbonatt-, azo-isobutvric acid dinitrile. nitroSo-~icetanilide. and lead
tetraacetate The reactions are ass--irried to prece--d 'le
T1 Dec ~,muos ition 'I r% 14 3, "'D ZO/006/0 10/0 -! 2/1Y
and Their Ana'o: B601/B066
11E. Re%ctions or tiie Homolytic Deco!;:po--i-
,:ori of ilexic.-tiiyl-di-pli-irnb-,.,ie and Kexaethyl-
of hcm.-)lytically -3ecomposin1g, ring complexes The solvent participates in
thk~ react-ion of ',oxaethyl-stannarie witli the above compounds in CC!
in addition to other reaction products, also tin triethy14
Ch-joride results. The formation of the latter is initiated by the reaction
of CCI4 with the labile compound. Nitroso-acetanilide reacts at a normal
tempezature with CC1 4' bromo-e-thyl, benz.-1 chloride, and the methyl ester
hicro-acetic acid to -~ve phenyl diazonium chloride and bromide,
c 0 -
acptic arid, and trace amounts of diphenyl, There are 13 references':
7 Ocviet,4 US.. and 2 British,
ASSOCIATION: Nauclirio-issiedovatellskiy institut khimii pri Gor?kovgko--q
gosudarstvennom universitete (Scientific Research Institute
of Chemistry at Gor--kiy State University)
SU31',.,---TTED july 21
Is 0 5, 1 1~3 ?, j-i D-1 B 8 YB 2 C?
AUTHORSe Razuvayev, G.A., Shcheretkova, O.A., and Vyazankin5 N.S.
TITLEs Structure of some organc-ti-n polymeri
PERIODICALs Zhurnal obshchey khimii, -1. 3:, n-~. 41 '96-1, ;401
TEXTt It was previously found 'Ref. 2t ZhOKh.; ~Glj ~4~8 (-.9601"'1 th'a-14-
benzoyl peroxide cleft the Sn bond in hexaethyl distannane even under
mild conditions~
).SnO,1OC,H This rea-,tion soul
(C H H )'Sn-sn(C H H,
6 5COO)2+(C2 5 2 --4 2 '0
be applied to the structural analysis of organc-tin --ompeundS. Th.4~ xe-
action takes place even at room temperature without 2epara'ion ot' CO, a-:J
gaseous hydrocarbons. Thia indicates the absence of s.'de reactions, e:~
that only the Sn-Sn bond in rhe p-olymer, arid rhe C.-C bond iq '.h-:
are cleft. The authors cf the piesent, paper isolated ~,he benzoa-,,: ~t~
triethyl tin (I) and the dibenzoate of diethy-A. tdr. (11) (melting polnt
122-1230C) by reacting the peroxide with the polyme:~. Bea--'d-s.-
Card 1/3
9 ~079J 6.
Structure of some ~rgano-tin ... B 8/B 21 C, 5
tin and the ti-,benzoate of ethyl tin (III) (malting peinr '.85-'88'~C unar-T
de c ompos i t i on') were separated. If the polymer were ot th;-- 1 LT,~-,ar ~yp,,
.,T7-;ri(C,H arily the formatl ki n ,) f c r; ai 1', c U nd z f :: 'm
(C H ) Sn- Sn(C H,~
2 5 3 2 03'
primary tin atom-q) and (II) (from secondary t~n at,:,ino w~-,ull hFi- --,-: b,~-
expected, provided that no disproportionation C-f compcunl (If.; i: ani
(III) takes place. It was found from the quanfi,at;ve ratic -,he re-
action product~t Thai 23.6 % ~,f the f-in atoms have Dr-Linalyq 1,9.~; % 5~-Or-
dary, and 27.6 % tertiary character. 9-8.5 % of -,he me"al ai-6m_s in -iie pc..
lymer mass were In the elementary state. It is p,-ssible Thai T--n
is formed from auaternary atoms. The results obtainei ~orrespand sai.-
lier concepts on the branching of chains in intermediates n-f d.;_spr..,pc_-'ri-
onations of hexaethyl distannane (Ref. it DAV SSSR, jiff, 3 4 (1960))
of hexaethyl diplumbane (Ref. 33 ZhOKh, ~0, 131.0 (19 0 ). There are 3
Soviet-bloc references.
ASSOCIATION3 Nauchno-issledcvatei~--kiy institu-~ khimi4 Dr" Gr)r'kcvs!.'.'~m_
gcsudarstvennom universitete imeni N. II. Lobachevsk_cJ,-'c
(Scientifis Research Institute of Ch,~,mistry Grj_r-k"; S-,at~
University imeni N.I, Lobachevelciy)
Card 2/3
S/C)79/61/07: 1 1COI-1C)0'2 /i),D-'
Structure of some organo-tin ... Bl'8/B2(--,,3 '
SUBMITTEDe November 49-1960
.Ca:r:d ~/3
Reactions of nitrosoacetanilide with certain acid chlorides. Zhur.
ob.khim. 30 no.10~34-17-3421 0 161. (PEEA 14:4)
1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut khimii pri GorIkovskom
gosudarstvennom universite~ra.
(Acetanilide) (Chlorides)
Mechamism of the reaction of hoxaethyldistannane disproportionation.
Zhur. ob. Ichim. 31 no. 1-1:3762-3768 N 161. (IMM 14-11)
1. Nauchno-issiedovatellskiy institut Ichimii pri Gorlkovskom
gosudarstvennom universitete imeni, N.I. Lobachevskogo.
(Tin compounds)
5. t) 0
1 Z09
S/020/61 /1'47,/'03/022/030
31031' 3208
Razuvayev, G. Ai, Corresponding Member AS USSR,
D'yachkovskaya, 0. S., Vyazankin, N. S., and Shchepetkova,
0. A.
Reactions of acyl peroxides with organic derivatives of
lead, tin, and silicon
Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, v. 137, no. 3, 1961, 618-621
TEXT; The authors discuss and compare the reactions of benzoyl peroxide
(BP) and acetylbenzoyl peroxide (ABP) with organic derivatives of tin,
lead, and silicon without solvent and under exclusion of atmospheric
oxygen. They believe that the a-bond may be ruptured at the same time
according to two mechanisms in the case of the organotin compound:
1) via formation of an active complex, 2) via formation of kinetically
independent particles. In this way, the number of end products increases.
As the reactions discussed (Table 1) take place only at elevated temper-
atures, the authors assume that these reactions may be due to decomposition
of peroxides: C H COOOCOR C H COO- + RCOO- (1), where R = C~H or CH
6 5 6 5 5 3;
Card 1/8
Reactions of acyl peroxides
S/02 61/137/003/022/030
C6 H5COO- ---:OC 6H 5" + CO 2 (2). The latter, however, is of minor importance,
The resultant free benzoyloxy radicals react with organotin compounds,
with substitution of benzoate radicals for the ethyl radicals in the
latter: C 6H 5COO- + (C2H 5)3SnX ---.*(c2H 5)2 SnX(OCOC6H 5 ) + C2H 5* (3). Here
and henceforward, X = C 2H51 Cl, Br.. C6H 5COO. The results of experiments
1-4 indicate that the nature of X affects the course of (3) only little.
In the case X = Cl and Br, the authors isolated only diethyl tin
dibenzoate and diethyl tin dihalide, apparently owing to disproportionation;
2(C 2H 5)2SnX(OCOC6H 5) ---.*(c2H 5)2SnX2 + (C2 H5)Sn (OCOC6H 5)2 (4). The
free ethyl radicals resulting in (3) disproportionate and are slightly
dimerized: 2C2H 5 *_9_ C2H6 + C2H4 (5); 2C2H 5' n-C 4H10 (6). The
low total amount of gaseous hydrocarbons (less than 1 mole per mole of
decomposed peroxide; experiments 1-4) suggests that the ethyl radicals
initiate PB decomposition and give ethyl benzoate (experiment 4). In
this way, the authors explain the formation of all products confirmed on
the basis of a scheme of free-radical interaction. As, however,
Card 2/8
Reactions of acyl peroxides B1031B206
ethylbenzoate may likewise be formed by a reaction with the active complex
lc."~Coo)' t IC'jy'S.X0 IC'fj'I'SIIX(oCoCjjj) + C^CO0C3tI.
the authors studied the interaction of ABP with tetraethyl tin and triethyl,
tin chloride (experiments 5 and 6). They conclude from the resultant
reaction products that in this case the afore-mentioned modes (1 and 2)
of homolytic rupture of the covalent bond occurred. The reaction'of BP
with tetraethyl lead (experiment 7) does not essentially differ from the
one discussed above. Here, (2) is almost insignificant. The reaction
of acyl peroxides with tetraethyl silane (experiments 6 and g)-proceeds
quite differently; here,processes of the kind of (3) and (8) are
missing, the Si-C bond being obviously stable to homolytic rupture. The
initial stage of these reactions is assumed to be based upon decomposition
of acyl peroxides according to (1), (2), and CH3COO. - CH 3' + CO2 (9)_
Card 3/8
Reactions of acyl peroxides ... B103/B208
The resultant free radicals remove the I*iydrogen from the tetraethyl silane
molecules to give benzoic acid, benzene, and methane.' Complex organosilicon
compounds with two or more silicon atoms in the molecule are formed by
recombination of the secondary radicals. 'They will be later described.
C H ~ given as an example. The reactions of similar-organotin and
16 380'2 's U
or4~anosilicon compounds with peroxides being considerably different, the
authors studied the interaction of BP with the organotin analog of tri-
methyl-phenyl silane (experiment 10). No gaseous hydrocarbons were
formed in this case and CO yield was low. The authors conclude from
-this that (2) is only a sAe reaction, and that no CH3 radicals are
displaced by benzoate this case. Trimethyl tin benzoate, on
the other hand, is obtained in a high yield: (CH 3)3SnOH + C6H5COOH
+ H 0 (10). This indicates that the d bond
(CH 3)3 SnOCOC6H5 2 .
between the benzene ring and the metal atom in the trimethyl-phenyl tin
mol6cule is most strongly subjected to homolytic cleavage. Since only
0.1 mole of diphen~l per mole of decomposed peroxide is formed, no
analo.-y with the interactions between BP and trimethyl silane has been
Card 4/8
Reactions of acy! peroxides B103/B208
established. In the reaction of BP with triethyl silane (experiment 11),
mainly the Si-H bond is cleft, giving triethyl silicon benzoate as the
most important silicon-containing product. In this case, apparently
also processes take place which remind of (3), since small quantities
of ethane, ethylene, and butane result. The authors continue their
studies, There are 1 table and 3 references: 1 Soviet-bloc and
2 non-Soviet-bloc. The reference to the English-language publication
reads as follows: Ref. 1, L. Jaffe, E. J. Prosen, M. Szwarc, J. Chem.
Phys. , 27, 416 (1957).
ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut khimii pri Gor1kovskom.
gosudarstvennom universitete im. N. I. Lobachevskogo
(Scientific Research Institute of Chemistry, Gorikiy
State University imeni N. I. Lobachevskiy)
SUBMITTED: November 9, 1960
Card 5/8
21570 S102016 1 /1 -,K 7'&03 ~022/0310
Reactions of acyl peroxides ... B103/B208
Legend to Table 1: 1) number of experiment, 2) used, moles (TTE - benzoyl.
peroxide, TTAB - acetyl benzoyl peroxide), 3) temperature, OC; 4) timey
hr; 5) reaction products, moles per mole of perox--*-de; 6) other
product3; 7) trace amounts.
card 6/8
S/020/61/1 37/Gr.3j/022/'-".7;'3
Reactions of acyl peroxides ... B!03/D208
Peamum nepeKlICH (5013011nil (n5) it SUMIA-6einowla (nAB) c opraiwiecxHIM nPOj13
6le 1 0
/0 T-ps 111)0.
Coe CH. C.1
Card 7/8
0.010 no; 0,20 (C."J'Sn 05-07 16 0.20 - 0.26 0.55 0. 02-
o.oi5 no; o,t5 (c,H.),snct U5--07 is 0.14 - 0.45 0.37 0.01
o.oj5 ns. 0J4 (CH.),SnBc 95-97 Is 0,15 - 0.41 0.24 0,01
o.oio no; o.o%j (C,H,),Sn OCOrif, 05--97 16 0.06 - 0.29 0.10 -
0,015 nAD. 0.23 (C.H,),Sn 90-97 5.5 0.81 0.43 0.13 0.51 0.02
0.010 FIAB; 0,16 (CH,hSnCi 60-97 4 0.58 0.42 0.38 0.40 0,02
0,005 no; (C.H.).Pb so 3.5 0.04 - 0.92 0.38 0,20
o.oio no; o.i7 (c,H,),si 05-91 is 1,18
0,0125 nAB'. 0,20 (CH.),S1 80-97 8 1.34 0.82
o.oto no; (cH.), snc.". 95-97 to OA2
0.00 no. o.2o (Cjj,),siH 951-971 to 1 0.63 0,07 0, CA cg
Reactions Of acYl peroxides ...
S/020/6-1. 37 /003/022/030
noAitumn Pb, Sn ii Si 0 OTCYTCTBIIC XIIVOPO,~a B03,ayXa
Pe3K[kllll (1), )SOJICfk IIA t M(Mb nCPCXISCtt
(P APyrjlc-nP0AYKTm
CON OAG (C,H.).S. 0COC_H,; 0.37 (CH,), Sn (OCOC,H,)~k
0.16 (C,11.),Sn (OCOCH,),-; 0,63 (C,H,), (SnCl,
0,71 (C,11,)tSn j0C0C.H,),'; 0.50 SnBr,
0.50 (CHJ,Sn (OCOC.H.).'; 0,2D C~H, COOC:H.
0,42 (CH,),Sji OCOCH,; 0.43 (CH,),Sn OCCO.11,
0,34 (qH,),.Sn (OCOC,11,)31; 0,3,(CHj, SnCl,l
0.60 (C.H.). PboCoC.H.
0,90 C.H.; 0.53 CH,COOH; 0,33 C,.H.Sfs
0,78 CA; 0.23 C.HCOOH; 0.33 Slj-
1.00 C.H.; OJI C.H.-r-H,; 1.30 (CH.). SnOCOC,11.1
1.0 C_11, COOH; 0.60 (qH.), SIOCOC.H,
Card 8/8
Reaction of benzoyl peroxide with triethylalkoxytin compounds.
Dokl. AN SSSR 143 no.6:134-q-1350 AP 162. (KRA 15-4)
1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut khimii pri Gorlkovskom
gosudarstvennom universitete im. N.I.Lobachevskogo. 2. Chlen-
korrespondent AN SSSR (for Razuvayev).
(Benzoyl peroxide) (Tin organic compounds)
3 i ~ -,~ ;~- " . , - ,, 7
. . . T' ",,.
I . - .- I I11 , L' i,..-1
r,-,r--,iE-7j7T,.V F. Ye. -- "Agrobiological Evaluatim of lypes of Winter
11- r- - .1 1
,;heat -'epending on 7heir Nutrition." Min Higher -~-'ducation USSR.
Kishinev Agricultural Inst imeni M. V. Frunze. Kishinev, 1.0,55.
(Dis7ertation for the Degrer of Candidate in Agricultural Sciences).
So.: Knizhnaya Letopis', Na. 6, 1956.
Akademlya ntuk SSSR. M,1zhduvcdcnatvcr:nTj konitct po 1,rovcdc~ilyu
Yizhdunar,idnof'o Feof1L1chv~;]:o_,,o E;oda. III razdl~l proEr;-,y J.~G:
Ze=oy ica4p)otI= I ze~n)ryu toki.
Korot1toperlodichenklyc kolobaniya elcktr=aL~nitnoFo PolYa 7C-1i
(Short-Parlod 0.1cillatlons of thL Electrz:_n~~')~ ti
Field) Moscow, Izd-vo All S15511, 1961. 114 p. 1,6:,0 coploa N
printed (Soriea: lt~a: Sbornik 5tatcy, Po. 3)
Reap. Ed*.: A. 0. Kalanhn.41:ovit Doctor of Physics and Y3thrnztlcz,
and V. A. Troitolaya, C~ndidato of Fhyalc* e-ld
Ed.; Te. P. Shchukina; Tech. Ed. : Ye. V. )W;uni.
?UPUPOSE: This publication In Intended for ZeophytIciatit.
COVERAGE: This collection or artIclea, publi5hed by the, Inter-
departmental IGY Cor-mittee of tile rfsz Acadc=y of SciLricefs,
treats problc:zn of guonrpictlzz and telluric curr,nta. in-
dlYidual articles deal titith variouz. L:! ,;IntA c'
steady, etc. ) oncillationz of the terrestrial clectrc
field, particularly In tile arctic rezion. No perconr~ljt.,, it
are wen t1oned. Brief rnglich &b3tr.-,tB accc7pany otell aj,Ljcl~.
Roforencon follow individual articles.
Afstn&a-yeva, V.-I. Short-Period Oacillationa of "a Earthlo
Kebulad-,-2.V. V. Regularities of the Disturbed Field of
OkhAt"Imaksyn, M. V., Yu. B. Rantrunin, 1.
in~ 'Rej;aldrltien in tho-Exi-It-Iti6in or
anorr-reriod Cool.1.11RIono In hiddIc 1-atitudea 17
Viiaogr, Qy,_?__A. Short-Period Oscillations of the Electro-
to a Field (According to Obilervations in Irl-utilk) 23
Dub DkI V. 0. Rapid GeoclectrIC end GeoMiftVirtic Va"lAtIona
~&riarltica (According to Obzervatict,a in A151IM-bad) 35
TroltskAyat V. A. Steady Oscillations end Chain OacillAtiona
in the Arctic and Antartic 41
Zqj~-krevaR, P. Preliminary Results of Earth Current Ohner-
vationa in !ff-kal Bav 62
Nikitina K K Preliminary Results of Earth Current Obsor-
o;5 at t1le-Barentsburg Station (Spitsbereen) 69
1. Korobkova, V_ M. ' Nikitina, and V.
ii"A'ffilc rA"19
- Pula~tfonei In the Soiiitlra tI. Du I
T~ Period 76
Baraukov, 0. X., Krid X. Yu. ZybIn. Nonperpondicularity or tile
and H Variations or the Earth'a Electro:Ang-
netic Field 83
TrottiNkaya, V. A., and M. V. Mel'nikova. Characterlatic
Intervals orO4cIlIat16_nK, Decrvan Ing- over a Period (10-1
see), ir. the Earth'a ElectromaFrictic Field, and Their HolAtIon-
ship With Phenomena In tho Upper Altmesphere 100
)3ollqhakova~O. V., K. Yu. Zyt;Lo~ and N. P'I Mal'taevd. Some
h-ej5f-ari"Mea f-6the Behavior of the Vailtical C~criiponent or
3hort-Perlod 015CIllationo o, the GcomagnetIc Field In a Stable
Regime ( pc 108
S/169/6 1/000/008/050/053
AUTHORS: Okhatsimskaya, M,V., Ras-,r-asin, YU.B., Rokityanskiy, 1.7,, Shchep-
--etnov, R.V,-
TITLE: Regular!-1_'e_= in the =_x-0_ta-!;!,D_n cf 3n-~rL_-~erm! oi5clilations in mid-
dle latitudes
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Gec-fiz:Lka-, no. 8, 1961, 42. abs-,ract 8G280 (V
sb. "Korotkoperiod. kolebanlya elc~kLrzmagnitn. p-~lya Zemli, no.
Moscow, AN SSSR, 1961~ 17 - 22, English slammary)
TEXT: The study of short-per.4.od cs-zillatic-ns of t.r.11-aric currents during
the IGY was carried out at stations cf the lnstirat fi-ziki Zemli AN SSSR (In-
stitute of Physics of the Earth, AS USSR) '~Bcrok, Alma-Ata, Petropavlovsk-Kam-
chatskly, and Alushta), These inveatigatiore made !-. pos-s---is to detect a
number of common regularities of shor--peTloi osciilaticns in middle iaTitudas.
There are two basically different typez- of ahort-Pericd con-IlIaLion: namely,
stable oscillaticne, p,~, with T e-,j (15 ' 40) 5ec. a~7__-~ tralr--,,ype cacl-11--clons, pt,
wi-i-h T -_(50 1 90) sec. The maxim-am namber of p~ a_=es :ccurs at local midday,
and pt. at local midnight, Independen-. ~f the isngi-~,,ide of the station. The
Card 1/ 2
, 9/6
3/1 1/OW/008/050/053
Regularities in zhe excitaticn ... A.,-)06",Alol
diurnal ran of pc_ is asy=etri,_~ ani hai a ',~)rrai arc,.,jnd miJday. The in-
crea~Ee of p.? amplitudes occ-u_ns 1.1~ ztme~_ 7.3re r-han th_~,_r damping. A
somewhat increaBed pc number was observed 1-n suxzar as c3mpared to the w-,nter.
The diurnal pt run has a sharp jraxi.,wAmn around 1:.,eFL Seasonal variabili
ty was not obeerved for pt. Ar9pilLudes ef short-per.'Di os~illatlons in middle
latitudes are low, being f-actlons of a ixnity anj a f-w mv/km Cor pc and several
mvlkm for pt. There are indIcations, cf a tenden,_~j f~~r ircreased short'-period. os-
cillation ampli-.~.idea at seaside sta-;iorB. Previcus c~n~ep-~s on the dependence
of pe and pt on wniversal time were explained a~i a comparison was made
of the diurnal run of short-parlod on loca-ed close in the
longitude; a comparison was made of ans"ear max,,ma 0:,-.a1_ned from a small. number
of cases. This did not perm'_-~ -.he de--action of th~: effect cf maxi-
mum shift even for substantially rem:,I.e ztationzj m:,re_~var.. ~,here are oscilla-
tions, in both mcdes, correlated with universal zIme., 4h:.cla occ-ur seldom but are
very intensive.
K. Zjt-_r
[Abstracter's Comp.-le-e ltransla-~.I-)nj
Card 212
TRO I TSKAYA, V. A. ; SHC 11 FT~, i I, ~ , i ~. 1~
Relationship between cycles of solar activiry and the intensity and
frequency of inducing brief variations in the earth's electromagnetic
field.. Priki. geofiz. no.37:95-101 163. 1 It (M MI 16:10)
ACC Nk.--ti- SOU-iCE CODE: UP/0387/6'/000/001/0076/0079
P6 G 0 _3 3.3 ` 0
0. ',!atveyeva, E
A UTH OR, Troituskaya, V. A.; ShchepelnOV, i.
C)Rt~j: institute of Fhysics of the Earth A.N SSSR (Institut fiziki Zemli IMN SSSR)
C~;-.aracteristic properties of rapid variations of the EarWs electromagnetic
field in the polar regions
;,N Izvestiya. Fizika '_Ienili, no. 1, n~966, 76-79 V~
0 F T eiec-,romagnetilc terres1rial ';e1(', electromagnetic field variation,
'D U I
solar activity, pearl shaped variation, stable 'variation, polar region, magnetic
var_'~tion, aurora, mnagnetically coupled region, magnetic force
o air cycle
line, pro~cn' 5 1
_DLi--.-*Lr:~'1 -,-.e !GY short-r)erlod variation Meagurements of the
eiectroniagnetlc field in the polar regions oi the Soviet Union were
carried out at five Arctic stations (Kheys Island, Barentsburg, Cape
C`-j(-1yus1Ain 'r.-Lksi Bay, and Lovozero) and in Antarctica (Mirnyy
Oazis). Analysis of data obtained showed that the properties of
thepolar regions arQ associated with the cycle of solar activity.
Especially rapid irregular variations of type Pil and the frequency
of excitation of pearl-shaped variations Pcl depend upon the solar
cycle. The daily rate of these variations differs from those at mid-
kl[Q latitudes. So-,,-iet observatories noted giant pulsations of types
Card I/ UDC: 550.385.3
ACC NRt ".[,6Cx),, i,w
Pg ancl I,pc in the pola-r regions. Simultaneous excitations of stable
vzkriations occur in the polar regions (luring equinoxes and very seldom
durina solstices.
Regular stable variations are typical of polar and other latitudes.
Stable variations of type Lpc occur mostly in the polar regions. their
vibrations last 3-7 min. This type of variation takes place in middle
latitUCICS only in magnetic storms, appearing mostly at noon. Rapid
irregular variations of type Pil occur with high intensity in the auroral
.bone where their amplitude reaches hundreds of mv/km. The amplitude
of Pil variations diminishes rapidly to the north and south of the auroral
i zone. This type of variation occurs before midnight and in the morning
hours. The Pil-type variations are very much associated with auroras.
The appearance of these variations testifies to the development of auroral
processes in the upper atmosphere.
Special interest was aroused by the pearl-shaped variations. Figure
I shows this type of variation which was obtained on 6 August 1964 at
Tiksi Station. Long-term records at USSR observatories made it possible
Card 2
ACC NR.. AP600333e
;oq~.uLt 64
Fig. 1. Pearl-shaped magnetic vibrations
to conclude that the frequency of appearance of these variations increases
V"Ith the decreise of the latitude of the observation point. This kind of
variation occurs in magnetically coupled re-ions. The formation of pearl-
shaped variations is hypothesized to be a movenient of accumulated par-
ticles, around a magnetic force line. Traveling from one hemisphere to
Lher alornr 'lie force line between magnetically coupled points, the
particle cluster increases the intensity of the magnetic field in the di-
rection to%vards whi*ch the cluster moves while decreasing the magnetic
field intensity behind it. The increased field causes intense vibrations
~-.,hich form thu pearl. Another hypothesis explains this formation by
inagnetohydrodynamic waves which propagate from one hemisphere to
the other.
Carc!_ -L--
Ex-perimental simultaneous observations .%,ere carried out in two
magneticaEy coupled points, Sogra in the USSR and on the French is-
of Kcr--felen in tne Indian 6~ea-n. Processinc- of recorded data led
to the fo`lo-xin-y conclusions: 1) Alaxima of individual pearls in opposite
hernispi-icres are shifted by a half-period. Periods of envelopes over the
pearls are preservt--d in both hemispheres,, 2) No delay in phases was
observed when the movement was from east to west. 3) Periods of pearl
formation in coupled regions are equal. These data cannot be considered
as a support, of either the first or the second hypothesis.
Drilg. am has: 3 figures. [ATD PRESS: 411i2-Fj1
SUB CODE: 08, 03 DATE SUBM: 08Apr64 ORIG REF: 004 OTH REF: 006
_Card. 4&1
VOSPOLIT, Oleg Aleksandrovich; DENIM'KO, Oleg Aleksandrovich;
SIICI-:EPT_,-,., V, AA, -red.; SAVOLEETOVA, A., tekhn. red.
[C;roanizing a wage system and establishing work norms in the
coal Aning industry] Organizatsiia zarabotnoi platy i norui-Ii-
rovaniia truda v ugollnoi pronyshlennosti. Stalino, Stalin-
~-r:oe obl. izd-vo, 195S. 49 P. (MIRA 15:3)
(Wages-Coal miners)
(Coal :,ines and mining-Production standards)
V -
0 0 0 a 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 : a 0 R
rill, 0 0 a 4
I I . I I k 11 11 .1 1. 11 1. 11 'a 1. S, 11 11 Z) ). 0 h D 211 A If p tw 44 a 43110
L 12 L f 6 It I L a h F G it ;p yjw, _A 1 C jl; W Ll b g
Ai" _L,
00 -00
es -00
00 Shrinkagv 4nd aptinsion of toncirsir %title hardenwit. V
so ijbitijing Al,lierw1j) No 2. '.'1 U(mk)).
of .... ..t hile 11-.6.
lle tit I of tile Cement,
~1141 AD41 Allictrilat" uml arr of Ittral iml-rtmicr f-Ir thr linukalcr 0 onic"te; quack
111F.11 quallo- h.m. .6 jElval, I '111111kall,- I'll 111C fawr
a the sr-wr i, thi, -hnuL-,b:, 1.0 A daml, imirmism tit wmkIrw th,r
phi-n-m-) -I ch"Ars, .1 vol. of %%1lIcrvtt- duirill't Itmitiallije M V~ K.,vix)my
00 F 00
.1,. $1 A IIt1IL*,K1t I'Tra.TtAr CL.WPIC.T.C.
is 0
lt I
41 .3 1 -
4, .
0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0
44 .-:.
60 f
0 a 0 6 0
0 0
.. .. .. Vu D J-1 bA 11 A)9 ~ Ill 11 R30 a isvx 3p vAl Q U
mr9 A I I &A N IM MaI &I -i A-t
Datermination of tbop -tV-s ti-es Of PO&suQL"ic POft-
'emeftl S. N.. -
laud ct-wents. A. M. S6-61-- PIA
217 h,I!K~hi-httkv $-)LfuuIAT'w "Illcul-
'how"I at emly w(ting pcritx6 a snuch luwcT res6lazxv lu
Iw t.-mir.twit A Oar Vicat ii-Ar. Ibc weight of th~
klmtk dumm,hrd by -'o)
'11d f ~ctt ill%.
tScafly kANTCet IIAIA at 11W IWOM1111i;
a a
-.T 4j
tz moo
't- 'r,.14 Aft4
3v of
0000 0 don 4
0.0 00 0 0
it 12 a is 0 Is VAR41414143ma
I a 9 -6 n 11 it u is II It to Is a 22 a N b A v 29 0
IL k- ~L-- k_2 2- a-
A, s A I L A- -X p I I I AOL 0 V.
09 99
It -T IL.
00 C1
0 The increased o" of positiolanic
pomand Coments in
the u*W coticieto and 4 ComParia" of methods of "11-
maudg the quality of tto cement. A. M. Shchepet,av.
Lerment 1938, N,,. 8-11, 47,41; CAwm. Zontri-19". 1.
~462;; cf. C. el. 33, J75Y.-A cumparium of concretes and
ferrocoucretez tnadc from poutiolAttic: purtILnd ceturnt
*a itli those itiadc front ordinary portlawl ernicut showed
3: thatIa certain CAWA the former arc cconwificAlly to be prcE,
fc,red, even witla an increased con3uinp:jon of cenicitt tW
06 urinii)urtance in this corigiLction k ilic mcrt,a~ in
06 vol. of the cement slurry so produced. which. with A corre-
00 Spouding increase in the grain iw .1 th, fAhng mal-Lai, .00
increases the plasticity of %he concrete, sk, that even in very
rich Loncretes the inc-rc,&~d -n~rzipti(,u of pozzuolAnic
ctilwilt is slight. Nt. G. %I-fe-
It I
it I An I-S a &I pi It I ar 0 a a 3 9 v
U if N~3 it it It OP it K Mgt 1101-ft I I-
0 0 0 0-6 0 0 v to 0
00 0 0 o 0 0 6 0 0 0 0
0 0
aa C A L -1
00 4
Ul--L A -,L- AA 0 M 0, R
o- -e- f_ V _f_
k L_j_
_;* comext. A.. M. Shc~~x. 10. No.
so f) 'j LSI9144.1~TIHTm cifticiii, tained (fain Powd.-coal
th 1. t.. Si(" 3, .45, A" 13-M.
0 llcq~ 14.30, CmO 27AKI, MAO 1.08 and SO. 5.00'7,: 19-
0* \11i Itimma 2107t, Its dry vol.-wt. (I,Ymly Pmml) is
per cu. in . op. 4r. 20.91; metting 1wigins In I bro. and
go* A kolu.., and Is ctunrAde in A lim and 311 usin. It is
008 CrtMrpd so that 1*),5- pamars 49M in-hre Iscr !% cin . an,11
9011 the residue on 9m mrshes per sq. cm. is 1.011p. A 1 3
mist. with sand (airArivd) kas temile stritingth after 28
:14YO F1.21 Irg. per pq. cm , compre"Jon strength after 7
la a 0 anti Orr V days 70 kg. p" sq. ev". liv W
M) fig. of this tvusecit 1wr ru. in, of conerri:
**a steaming, 111C IlnAtl$L I IIiVVA Vrly "IWAVIMY F-11111. It
k suitabIr for laying hvick~ 161 -' II~h
1 z
:i ;~.
bu SAW 10 Ls", -T- - -r- -1
too op$
DILAIA 04 Ok' 14%
a 3 a
35335. A-IN, i,roizvodstvo leakikh zapolniteley diya betonr-,vkh
stenov-yl,di ka.--ney s,,ekaniem zoly elektrostantsiy. Trudy IV Vseso3-Uz.
Konf-Tsi-i r-o betonu -;_ zr-elezobeton. Konstruktsiy-an, . Ch. !J"
-L., 1940, S..18~30,4
SO: Letopis' Zhurnallnykh Statey Vol. 34, Moskva 1949
GRIGORIYKV, P.N., professor, doktor teldinichaskikh nPal ; SHC A.M.,
kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, redaktor; VCHONIN, K:P., te=-M*~3r'
[Use of lime in building] Primenenie izvesti v stroitelletve. Moskva
Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po stroitellstv-u u arkhitekture, 1952. 79 P.
(Lime) (MIRA 8:10)
"- ~:, ~, f-, -.'I c- --
C ',,;I , ~.- 1 (-~ f , , 1 E, (- .. -1 , " . -, r ~ . , '- o. ( 1,.`." .
.. . I . . - . .. ol( . ; ~, 1. y
- z - ~ - , -.-. - . - - -11-
- - ,
I I I -,- -.- I c7 1 - F, s. -' - n -'. c -,,- c , - - n! ~ ,.- y 'z ` -. r -- -. -~ - ( -, "' . - I - -- - . -,
. -- - -- -- - - ~' ~ L ~ Z - ,
-~"' :-,: .-T(D'V . .:. .I ,.
I . .;~"
Experi--~nce with clinkering slag and cinders on the agglomeration belt,
Stroi. proin. 30, no. 2, 1952.
9. Monthly idst of Russian Accessions, Librar.-- of Con,gress, March 1952. UNCLASI)IFIED.
~:-ni SLr'L)i- PI-01
9. MO thly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, ~Lme 1953. Unclassified.
RXPYAKii,Viktor IvAnovich; GOGLYUVATYY,O., rednktor; SHCHEPErPOV,A.,
redRktor; VUYEK,M., tek-hnicheskiy rednktor
[Constniction of Itructures with prefabricated reinforced concrete
frames] Stroitel stvo zdanli so sbornym zhelezobetonnym karkasom.
Kiev, Gos.-izd-vo tekh.lit-ry USSR, 1955. 57 P. (RLRA 9:1)
(Precast concrete construction)
ROGALISKIY, Boris Izrailevich; SHCIWNTOV,..A..M.,,I-I kandidat tekhnicheskikh
nauk. nauchnyy redaktor: HEGAK, B.A.. rodaktor izdatel'stva; GUSEVA.
S.S., tekhnicheskiy redaktor
[Use of ground. unslaked lime in construction] Primenenta molotoi
negashenol izvesti v stroitel'stve. moskva. Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po
stroit. i arkhitekture, 1956. 147 P. (MLRA 9:12)
ALIFEROVIGH, Samen Zinov3yevich, kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk; CENCHIK,
.Aron Abramovich. kandidat takhaicheakikh nauk, dotsent; SHTIIMIKO,
Valentin Iosifovich, kandidat takhnichookikh nauk, doteent;
SHRLKOVSKIY, Vol2f Moiseyevich. inzhener; �F
SIIMQY A.S., vedushchiy
redBktor; PATSALYUK, P.M., takhnicheskiy radaktor
[greeting buildings of precast reinforced concrete] Montazh zdanii
iz sbornykh zhelezobetonnykh konBtruktaii. Kiev, Gos. izd-vo tekhn.
lit-ry ussR. 1956. 246 p. (MIRA 10:2)
(Precast concrete consruction)
YOROBIYICV. Vasilly Alaksandrovich. professor, doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk;
KOLOKOLINIKOV. V.S.. dotsont. kandidat tekhnichaskitch nauk; IVANOV,
O.M.. kandidat takhnicheskikh nauk, retsenz 11 nt; SHCHOWOV, A.M.,
kandidat takhnicheskikh nauk. nauchnyy redaktor;"-abWM-,'T-.P.,
redaktor izdatel'stva; TOKER, A.M., takhnichaskiy redaktor
CBuilding materials and elements] Stroitaltnye materialy i detali.
Koskva. Goa. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. i arkhitekturs. 1956. 284 p.
(Building materials) (MLRA 10:3)
VUW'V.BV, Vqoiliy Aleksandrovich, prof. doktor tekhn.nauk; KOLOKOLINIKOV.
Vadim Sergeyevich, dots., kand.takhn.neuk; SHCfECPETOV. A.M.,
nauchnyy red.; GURIII, A.V., red.; RAKOV,
[Textbook on materials for builders] Materialovedenie dlia
stroitelei. Moskva, Vses. ucheb.-pedogag. izd-vo Trudrezervizdat,
1957. 278 p. (MIRA 11:4)
(Building matertals)
ARBIJZOV, N.T., k&, GROMOV, V.L.. Ica-A.tekhn-nsulk;
D.I., krind.te~:hn.nauk; MIOROZOV, N.V., kand.tekhn.nauk; PILYUGIN,
A.I., k-.qnd.tekhn.nauk; SH-MRITSIS, A.A., kand.tekhn.riauk; S~iGHIPZNV,
-- I -'y. --
A.N., red.; KCRSAK, Yu.Ye., red.; MATUSINIGH, S.M., ~ekhn.'-;:O~rl.
EManual of rivil engineering] Spravochnik po grazhdanskomu stroitell-
stvu. Izd. 3-a, Darer. i dop. Kiev. Gos.izd-vo lekb-n. lit-ry USSR.
Vol.2. 195B- 560 p. MRA 11:7)
(Civil engineering)
-SHCIRTETOY, A.M., kand.teklin.nauk; KHAYIN, B.N., red.izd-va; BOROVNET,
[Instructions for making local binding materials and using them
in construction; SN 57-591 Ukazaniia Do proizvodstvu mestnykh
viazhushchikh veshchestv i primeneniiu ikh v stroitelletve; SN
57-59. Moskva, Gos.itd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.
materialam, 1959. 21 p. (MIRA 13:3)
1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvennyy komitet po delam
stroitellstva. 2. Nauchno-issledovntellskiy institut novykh
stroitellnykh materialov, otdelki i oborudovaniya zdaniy Akademii
stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Shchepetov).
(Binding materials)
MAKSIMOVSKIY, Nikoiny Pavlovich, k.,,tnd.tekYui.rLrixik;,SHCHETETOV, A.M.,
knnd.telchn.nauk, retsenzant; YAROSIMNSKIY,"I'X-,"~e~. -zT4a;
[Rar.-e blocks; technolo--y of largre-block constniction] Krupnye
bloki; osnovy tekhnolo_-ii krupuoblochno-,o stroitellstva. Izd.2.,
perer. i dop. Moskva, Izd-vo M-va kommui.khoz.RSFSR, 1959. 327 P.
(MIRA 12:12)
(Lightweight concretes) (Building blocks)