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VAYNBXRG, Mikhail Solomonovich. kand.takhu.nauk. Prinimali uchast.iye: LOMMIKOV, G.P., lnzh.; VINOGRADOY, V.Ya,, SHCHBOLOY, K.A., red.; PANCHENKO, M.F., red.izd-va; LZLYUKHIN. A.A.. [Planning of general schemes for city sanitation] Proaktirovanie generalInykh skhem senitarnoi ochistki. gorodov. Moskva. Izd-vo X-va kommun.khoz.RSFSR, 1960. 142 p. (MIRA 13:7) (Sanitary engineering) SLICFI-~o,~,,:Ov, 1:.k. Develo=Rnts in 'hp water-sup-ply systgra of the capital. Cror. khoz.Mosk. 34 no.1:21-29 Ja 160. (MIL-ii, 13:5) 1. GlavWy inzhoner pmynkta ingtituta "I-L-mvodokanalprO6ktl'. (14oscow--Watpr supply) v 1 5 i .~hche-lo V 17 LE -he Results of ~~,e 7orpotili-n "cr `n,~ -e~4- the ,~udernization of '.eFtin~r E.qui---,ent Ttori k-,n'-irsa na --o luchsheye prellozheniye to mo,ierniza'si 1 ieyno, o L i u,I o va n iya !Ateynoye proizvo-stvo, ',-,r pp 29--I~l the :1ection iri the -')ACT: Tn 1957 "'oscow Ilistric~ the Scientific-Tec~hnical !~o,:!iety of the ~Iustry orfrnni-zed a competition f.-Dr the imrr,)vement of cas-' inp equipment, First prize was a-vardei to -~)nufrvyc~,, from the plant "-~t~!nkolit" for the development cf P -miii;*-ir- fc~r the grinding of molded edFes nnrl t~- f'acinx- ir medium-sized castings- -iecon-! nrize vas awar-:ie'i to Fazennov ind his coworvers for tho mvnr~e-nization ~' a- ma chirie for casting under pressure, in thi, press--!-,olls: (FiVure 1) a Vacuum is vrod~~cel in rvhi~-h the rpstinr is ir ~wo third prizes werE q%-;nrJe-i tn 1.7, and for a device to Produce a vac-LiL7 In rre- url~.- c Card 112 in- miachines, and to L.L. 'v-oblentq ind his coworkers for 'he esults of t~e 7cripetition for the Fest Proposition on t~3 V::; ernize- ior. of Cacting Equip:-ent modernization of the blest annaratuses model 7 9' n nI Fourth and fif th prizes -inre --varded for ~irior :'here are ~ dia-,7rams. 1. Folir.-ji-ies-Equipment - - P P- r fc. T ma n c e Card 212 S/128/60/000/003/007/"007 I U A105/A133 AUTHOR- Shcheglov, K. Tol., Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: New developments in the mechanization and automation of produc- tion nrocesses in the foundry industry PLHIODICAL: Liteynoye proizvodstvo, no. 3, 1960, 41-48 r2EXT: In a competition of the Moskovskoye obla-stno pravlenLye nauchno- tekhnicheskogo obshchestva mashinostroitellnoy promyshlennosti (Moscow Oblast' Administratior of the Scientific Technical Society of the Mechanical Engineer- ing Industry) in 1958 quite a number of suggestions and improvements were made. The. winnLrs of Firot Prizes were: N. I. Larponov, Z. A. Dollberg, N. V, Artsishevskaya, G. M. Kuznetsov, V. M. Popov, R. R. Lutts, M, A. Korot~ina-, V. D. Verbilskiy, Yu. V. Protasov, V, F. Mitrofanov, N. M. Davydova, R. G~ Yashchunskiy, A. V, Butuzov, F- F. Kalashnikov, Yu,. G. Vorobeychuk, E, L. Miller, Yu. V. Apraksin, I. V. Ageyev, P. N. Aksenov, A. S.. Yevseyev, B. V- Rabinovich, V. L. Lesnichenko, G. D. Kolikov, M. I. Rodimkin and Yu. A. Pre- obrazhenskiy. NIITAvtoprom in cooperation with the Moskovskiy avtozavod im. Likhacheva (loscow Automobile Plant im. Likhachev) and the Moskovskiy avto- Card 1/3 3/128/60/000/001/007/007 New developments in the- A105/A133 mekhan-.*cheskiy institut (Moscow Automechanical Institute) designed an auto- mated Droduction line with a capacity of up to 900 molds per hour based cn a sandblower developed by the NIITAvtoprom, Based on the paper of F. Kh. Aver- bukh a molding machine with power lift and conveyer has been designed. The authors N. N. Rubtsov, P. I. Polovinkin, N. P. Borodina, V. V. Zyskin and K. Torketoru received a Fifth Prize for the draft project of an automated mold- ing-assembly-pouring lined M. I. Dubinskiy and S. S. Rudelev received a Third Prize for their project of a shake-out semi-automatic- The "Stankolit" Plant desi,;ned a ne-w type of shake-out semi-automatic with conveyer. Based on the paper of S. S. Rudelev a trough-shaped sand conveyer was developed at the same plant. N. V, Shershakov, V. 1,11. Popov, Yu. A, Klimov, Z_ A. Dollbpr~-, Yu. G.. Vorobeychik, A- A, Zykov, V_ L- Lesnichenko, D. G. Shumyatskiy, A. 11L K,Dzyarev and Kesarev were awarded a Third ?rize for their design ef a core- blower with a capacity of 360 cores per hour. Based on papers of 11. 1. Rasti- ,menin, A. F, Ivanov, A, F. Yakovenko, A. N. Agafionov and V. K. Savellyev an- other coreblower has been developed. D, M, Litvin, N.. N. Morozov, A. V~ L(,'- zovskiy~ A~ M: Ivanov, I, D. Chudnovskiy, Ye- G, Grishin, A- V, Gordeyeva, V~ P, Laderskava and V. 111. Orlov of the IMLITMash 'a-ere awa-nded a THird Prize for thpir desiEn of a rotary chill casting machine- 'Jechnical data of which Card 2/3 S1 128/ rjo/000/003/007/007 A10~::/A!33 ,few developments in ~he ... are given. V. M. Matveyev was awarded a Fifth Prize for a coritinucus casting machine of shaped parts with a capacity of 10,000 castings per hour. The authors N. I. Larionov, G. IM. Ku3netsov, Yu. M. Spirin, Z. A. Dallberg, A. V~ butuzov, N. A. Arkhipov, L. F. Chechekin, 11. 1. Davydova, Yu. V. Apraksin, 1. 1. Finger, A. M. Polevaya, V. D. Romanchikov, N. G. Intyakov, I'l, Barvenkn, V. A. Trardofilova, I. V. Titov, A. I. Korotkov, and Yu. I. Krupchik were awarded a Fi f th Prize f or the AKd) -2 (AKF-2) automatic f or the fabrication of shell molds, described in the article of A. A. Dudnik and G. A. Ukhabin IILIJ_ teynoye proizvodstvoll, no. 5, 1959. A Fourth Prize was a~-!arded to the authors Z. D. Dollberg, I. V. Yefimov, Yu. 11.1. Suirin, R. 0. Pshennova, L, F. Cheche- Vin, N. I. Larionov, A.. V. Butuzov, M. 11. Yeflimov, I. B. Sokol, B. A. ilepeiin, I. V. itutkovs.1,1y, ia. N. Ivanova, A. A. Cherkashenko, Yu. L. Preobrazhenskiy, A~ P. Lakuzo, A. P. Romashin, V. Id. Boldyrev, V. V. Bykov, and I. !. Kol-'tsov for their design of an automatic for the manufacture of low-melting patterns. having aproductivity of 1,440 - 2,880 pattern members per shift. K. K. Kon.- dakov, G. Z. Kogan, A. I. Koval'skiy, and B. M. Demkov were awarded a Fifth Prize for their design of a high-temperature air preheater for cupolas. Card 3/3 SHCHEGLOV. L.; ALEKSEYEV, N. Recomended technical specifications should protect quality. Sov. torg. 36 no.11:18-19 N 162. (KRA 161l) (Pottery) FARAFONOV,, A.V., inzh.; SHCHEGLOV, L.A.., inzh. Modernized type LK-30M4 I I,- I- inear contact4cr. Vest. 1~_-T - -:~S -TI ' 21 nc.1~19-22 162. OERA 15-2) (Elect- ic coutactors.) KUNITSOV, N.; SHGIM9~01~ The quality of chinaware and earthenware articles. Sov.torg. no.10:27-29 0 156. (MM 9:12) (pottery) .5(o) PHASE I BOOK EXPIDITATION SOV/2054- Kiselev., Vasiliy Stepanovich, and Ley Mikhaylovich Sicheglov Tbvary Bilikatnyye, iz plasticheskikh mass i khimiko.-moskatelinyye (Silicate and Plastic Articles and Household Chemical Products) Moscow, Gostorgizdat, 1958. 320 p. Errata slip inserted. 10,000 copies prin;ed. Ed. (Title page): N. A. Arkhangellskiy, Professnr; "hief Reviewers: G. I. Natyanin, Professor, and N. V. Bulgakov; Reviewers: G. F. Killiga, Docent, N. I. Yegorkin, Professor, A. B. Davankov, Docent, and P. I. Novolerezhkin, Docent; Ed. (Inside-- book): G. A. Borisove~; Tech. Ed.: D. M. Medrish. PURPOSE: The book is intended as a textbook for students specializing in silicates. It can also serve as a reference book for chemists, engineers.,and technicians concerned with the production of glass, ceramics '. resins, and household chemicals such as cements,, soaps, detergents, insecticides,and fungicides. COVERAGE: Glass tableware is manufactured on a larip scale in the following plants: Gus'-Khrustallnyy zavod (Gus' Glassware Plant), I"tlkovskiy khrustalInyy zavod (Dyatlkovo Glassware Plant), and the "Krasnyy gii;ant" zavod, ("Kmsnyy gigant" Plant). The Leningradskiy zavod (Leningrad Plan-;)has the largest experimental C86r(I 1/9--.- Silicate and Plastic Articles (Cont.) SOV/2054 laboratory for developing new varieties of glass, cut glass articles, new designs., etc. Large-scale manufacture of porcelain products is centered in the zavod im. gazety "Pravda" (Plant imeni gazety "Prajda"), Dmitrovskiy zavod (Dmitrovskiy Plant), zavod im. Lomonosova (Plant im~ni Lomonosov), zayod im. lenina (Plant imeni Lenin), and plants in Riga and rashkent. The textbook was edited by Docent G. P. Kalligs. (seation "Silicate Products"), and Profes- sor N. 1. Yegorkin, Docent A. B. Davankov, and P. 1. Novoderzhkin (section "Plastic Materials"). Editing for the Exp.!rts' Committee was done by Professor G. I. Kutyanin and Professor N. V. Bu-14;akov (Department of the Science of Industrial Comnodities of VZIST). Them are 52 Soviet references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1ECTI014 I.SILICATE PWDUCTS L. 14., Shcheglov, Docent) Introduction 3 Ch. 1. Glassware 7 Card-effqr- SHCHEGLOV L [In kp-nd.tekhn.nauk - . .3 --1 5 Isn't it time to review technical conditions? Sov. torg. 35 no.12:35-36 D t6l. (MIRA 14-.12.) Glassware) ttcry) N SHCHEGLOV L.I~kand tekhn.nauk; AIYMEYEV, N., kanc..tekhn.nauk 1 .0 Selection of china and faience goods. Sov,torg- 35 no.7:16-18 ji 162. (MIRA 15:11) (Pottery) 10 All-.EKSE",~LV, N.S.j A-VPANGLLlSKIY, N.A., prof, GUREV1,11', F.S.; ZrlYTSEV, V.G.; X-RDRIN, Ye.A.i -Yllt0N,'-.VA, L.V.; U"O`TA.NCJbV')'KIY, T.S., dots.; L"A'-,"ADOV, S.S., dots., SEiCEYEV, l,,.Ye.; TER-OVAKI'l'YVl, I.A.; TSEREVITINC.4,, B.F.; YAK(:VLLOV, A.I.; BCRIS~VA, G.A., red., YEDRISH, D.M., tekhn. red, [Study of manufactured goods; concise course] Tovarovede- nie promyshlenny-kh tovarov; kratkii kurs, [Er] F.R.Abramov i dr~ Izd.2., perer. Moskva, Gostorglzdat, 1963. 768 p. (MIRA 16:11) i~ut` tekhrli.- otheskog~l -pr,- i;- (P.11i A I SHC n,.GLOV ~M. Life reqaires accounting. NTO 4 no.12:14-16 D 162. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Predsedatell ekonomicheskogo soveta ryazanstogo zavoda "SAM". (Ryazan--Calculating nachines) SHCHLIGLOV., M.G. (Kuybyshev, Nekrasovskaya ul.,d.20,kv.47) some clL--racteristics of the course of a chrorl-le suppuration in a hypoplastdc lung. Grud, khir. 1 no.517C--75 S-0 161. MIfUl 15:3) 1. Iz kliniki fakulltetskoy khirurgii (zav. - prof. 3.L. Lj-bov) Kuybyshevskogo meditsinskogo institut (dir. D.A. Voronov). (-TIJ?;,IGS---DISF,kSES) ~rphenor. f, " .n rneineer iztzl- :-. v's Using ekotopl for : . .~Irprpc tilc 5 n- . 7 : IJ -I ,. % - i, - :1 ~ -vi I la r r. , SHCHEGLOV, M.K. Methods for chemical descaling of boilers. V(d. i san. tekh. no.6: 16-19 Je '59. tMIU 12:8) - (Boilers-Incrustations) SHCHEGLOV, M.K. Using the power "Ekotap". Xnergetik 8 ao.2:38-19 F 160. (MMA 13:6) (Boilers) SIEBErnov, M.K. 1, p MA-tho(is of cleaning ex-trarnal heating surfaces of boilers. Bnergetik 8 no-7,36~ J1 160. (MIRA 13:8) (Boilert-Cleaning) rld '. - , , v '.. . - NOVIK, F."'.; r.-J, 7 , iRd v.14"n mot":n- (MIRA 217:10) (60) (1c,45) 41-5~2- r-,rn i c s in t h --ark-ushevic'., Rnshevskivl F.F. Cn S= SZeglov,- M. P. On th~ &nerafization'of Tauber!s, iligararn. -bborn k N.S.,28(70) 245 - Mat. --:'782 (1951). (RUssian) * ' ' ' The - author conside r s, various:~,gener~~Iiza 'Af ~T-Au~ , ' a,+ .'~be:a beriim thkiiems. Let, 4~,' + 9 As)=F-a.e-n' be its Abel means. Let 1.>i"+i ='0(l), then the conditions f(I.)--+S as I A a.= o(lln) (even a. )-, where r>ro= Then there 0 is a series Ea. with ttrms O(Iln) such that f(Q-1, and yet Ea. diverges. The problem of whether the result holds. for ro =I is formulated and left. open. Let d. and A be the limits of indetermination of the partial,sums of Ea,;, and d, and D, the limits of indeterminadon of the Abel means t f(t), for t-1-0. The author investigates in great detail various actual possibilities in the obvious relations d,;9d,--D,:-5D. under one of the following assumptions a.= o(iln), 0(1/-n), 0(w.1n), where w,