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l�HG,MllOVITSKIY, S.S., red. [Instructions 52-56 for checkin,-'; standard car scales] In- struktsiia 52-56 -no poverke obraztsovykh vqponnykh vesov. Izd. ofitsiallnoe. Moskva, 1956. 11 p, (miRA 14:5) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Komitet stnndnrtov, mer i iz- meritellnylch priborov. (Scales(Weighing instruments)--Testing) MIKHAYLICHENKO, Nilcolay Gavrilovich; redektor; UDALITSOI, A.N., glarnyy redalctor CDevice for testing the strenght and plasticity of metals under torsion] Ustanovka dlia ispytanii metalloy na prochnost' i plaatich- nost' pri, kruchenii. Tame 2, no. P-56-443. Koakwa, Akad. nauk SSSR. 1956. 14 p. (MIRA 10:4) (Metals--Testing) (Torsion) SHCHEDROVITSKIY, S.S. Use of automatic and electronic devices In weighing Instruments, Izm.tekh. no.1:74-77 Ja-F '56. (MMA 9:5) (Weighing-machines) (Scalea Oleighing instruments)) USSR/Fitting Out of Laboratories- Ins-cruments, H_ Their Theory, Construction, and Use. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 3, 1957, 8635 Author : Shchedrovitskiy, S.S. Inst Title The Automation of Analytical and Microanalytical Balances Orig Pub Izmerit. tekhnika, 1956, No 2, 78-83 Abstract The design of modern analytical and microanallytical balan- ces is discussed from the point of view of the methods and means used in the mechanization and automation of the weighing process. Among the mechanical means of mechani- zing and automatizing the weighing process, the author in- cludes imDrovements in the direct-reading range of the scale, the application of oscillation dampers, and the mechanization of the loading of the weights. The appli- cation of electric and electronic elements in the cons- truction of balances makes possible the continuous Card 1/2 SHCHEDROVITSKIY. S.S. , 1-,nndidnt tekhnicheaki)rb nauk. Stnricimrff requirements for precision scales And weights. St andarti- zataiia. no.5:54-60 S-0 #56* (MLRA 10:1) 1. VaesoyuzW nauchno-issledovatellakiy institut Komiteta staudnrtev. mer i izmeritellrqlch lxriborov. (Scales(Weighing instruments)--StandArds)) BELIK, Nikolay Ivanovich; SHOMOROVITSKIY.- S.S., kand.tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; OBMORSHEY, A.N., d~ ~�r tek-hnnau;, prof., red.; KOCHBTOVA, G.F,, red.izdatellstva; TIKHANOV, A.Ya., [Instruments for measuring differentials of gas pressure: theory, methods of research and testing] Pribory dlia izmerenii malykh raz- nostei davlenii gazov; teoriia, metody Issledovanii i poverka. Mosk7a, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1957. 226 p. (Me~nometer) (J.JT-~4A 10:12) SHCHELROVITSKIY, S.S., Scientific and industrial conference on instrument manufacture. Ja-F '~7. NIRA 1o:4) (Measuring instruments) 61ir.'HURMITSKIT, ;~ '! - FL---i4SER, L.~~ 11~ - , , , ~-- -, - ~'- , , ~,~ Investigating torsion balances. Izm. tekh. no-3:~26-31 M,-je '57 ' (Toroicn balance) (I'LPA 10-8) 1. . , SHCHEDROVITSKIY, S.S. United system of allowable errors for all-purpose weights. Izm. tekh. no.6.'32-35 N-D 157. (MIRA 10:12) (Weights and mBasures--Standards) 28-58-1-18/34 AUTHOR: Shchedrovitskiy, S.S., Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: Analytic Weights (Analiticheskiye giri) PERIODICAL: Standartizatsiya, 1956, # 1, PP 46-47 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The All-Union Scientific Research Institute of the Com- mittee of Standards, Measures and Measuring Devices has de- veloped a general standard for weights which includes ana- lytic weights and regulates all their basic parameters. The standard was approved in 1957. The weights are sub- divided into classes by the permissible error of the mass value. This is shown in a chart. No more weight certifi- cates will be required for work-with such weights. For the first time in the USSR, the system includes weights with nominal values divisible by 3, 30 and 300 mass units, which reduces the number of weights and simplifies the work with analytic balances. ASSOCIATION: VINII Komiteta standartov, mer i izmeritelInyk-h priborov (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of the Committee of Standards, Measures and Measuring Devices) AVAILABLE: Library of CoDgress Card 1/1 A H CR Shchedrovitskiy, S.S. SCV-1_11 r~- 5~~- A -34/41 The Survey and i.iaintenance of !.:easuring lnstri;L7erts at British Chemical Plants ( Tekhnicheskiy nadzor za. priborami i ekspluntatsiya ---kh na angliyskikh khimicheskikh zavodakh) PERIODICAL: Izmeritalinaya tekhnika, 1958, lir 3, Pr, 95 - 016 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The organization of survey and maintenance of measuring in- struments at the Billingham Imperial Chemical Industries and Distiller Co.plants is described, as well as the plants; ractices in developing new instrument designs. .~~ere Pre 2 tpbles. 1. Measurement equipment--Mairitenance Card 1/1 U TH R .-~hchedrovitskiy, -6 ~'W/115-58 -35/43 T I TL -ethods and ,'.Puaratuz~ lor Calibrating and Checking of Accelerometers (Metol,7 i ajrparatura dlya. pradLi-rovki i poverki akselerometrov P-o.,-IODTCAL: Tzmeritel'naya tek~,nika, 11?1-)S, "r 6, PP 97 - 93 (US7R~ ABSTRACT: Accelerometers ore -ised for controlling the properties of Tachine tools, Dumps, ere-ines, etc., and tineir field of ap- T)Iication is "Viderin-cy, The calil~rqting and c'~ecking of these devices must be furtner developed. '.~,e present methods of static cali~,ration ire in Talile 1. This method is very a-~!cure-te, ~~it t~;e rpnpe of measurements is limited. The calibratinf- of accelerometers in the centriful-al field is lifficult, lt'ecause the distance from Vie pivot axis to the gravit.y center -of t.he inertia lcad must be found. P.N, A~-aletskiy proposed a differential metl-~od Z-Ref 1,2 7 which __ ~'as the drawback of su~-..mino- all casual errors. Dynamic ca- libriting must Ine used in all cases w~-ere vi-ration accele- rations, impact phenomena, trarsition processes, etc. are measured. A vi-ration stand with electrolynamic vUhrators of type V'S 110-r ~as been developed hy the All-Union Scien- tific research Tnstitlite of 'etrolopy imeni D.I. !,Iendeleyev 7 (11i~,,ure I". Tt operates in the frPquency range fRef A j Pard 1/2 _ of 100; to 10,C)CO cycles with an amnlitl!de of 0.~- mm. Reso- -,-.1/115- 58 -6-35/4 3 r Calibrating and C-ecking of !ccelero- ...ethods and !nparatl- m, e t e r s nance exciters ~),' oscillations are used for accelerations of 500' E. ?or accelerations above 10,000 c,-7cles piezoelectric vibrators are used which consist of a set of piezoceramic discs or rings -nostlv of b.-riu-n titanate. For measuring the amplit,ide of the ot9cillations, optical methods are ap- plied (Table 3). ')verloids of 20,')00 c, 9nd more are nroduced by sinIc-le impulse accelerations. For this purpose, ballistic pend-Aa and fallinF.7 hammers are apolied. T17e ballistic pen- dula will be treated in one of the next issues. A calibrat- ing stand of the fallinp, hammer tvpe is shown in Figure 3. It is used for accelerntions of up to 100,000 g. There are 4 tables, 2 photos, 2 diap.-rams and 9 references, 7 of which are Soviet, 1 -nqlis~ and 1 Erench. A S C T 10`1 Vsesoyu-.,nyy na:ic1--o-issledovatel,skiv institut -netrolop.-ii im. 1111 - 17nion Scientific Research Insti- tute -)f '.'etrolo,- y [meni -".I. *.'9ndele,-,,ev\ Card 212 czj~v E t 2 a r!l -IT E, re s c, :I u S S 1~q T s a e Trie -a'rTef Y 3esignal~ - AESTRACT- T- -ae 9r."rJ10 a re d 0 The VNILI of D e D nda-d~ e C c, e ar rd s k NIT T m a t e r for a - r- f give n e li S, a! a n d ~erence, based a di a c rF- A C 1 A'I' J .ea~az;~= and Yea?tz:~- .,,g S a nda -~d ? M .7" D e I.ard I 'I -,Ov,/1 3 G.D, S, S, The Conf-r-Ce of t`e Ger:,~an Directc)rate r' T-~, F,d t1n,- G;~rman De-:-.,Gcr,-,1-ic Rep-LI, 'iz In-, TC '.~7 27n--r-' tn 1 : n,-,va tr~'-:!,nika 950 , 111'r 5 rl lan Directorate of 1,1easures and Of t~l~~ Gc . _ G~_-rr;an Democratic Republiz~ held a coliferr_~nce -frola February 21, 1959 to March 3, 1959. Th.- f_-,Dnferen_-, 7,as ~.,.+tended by representatives of The ~Iistrict dir. ector,-.,tes of measures and %vei--hts of th~ GDR -ar.:1 C, re;)r_=L;entatives of metrclo.,,ical servic-_~:~ in the USSR, (D Polai-,d, Hungary, Rumania, Bulgaria and CZe~~hcslovakia, The President of the German Directorate cf 7,7enasu-res _-i-hts, Professor Josef '13taneck (S!-L~arek) -ave a and ' :- cD ! o .-P-3ech, on the organization and struct-ure of' this Dii-zc~orlate_ The foreign metrolcgist3 -)articipated 1-n the discussior following this report- Th- cor.- f ereice -participants visited the new, sit~~ of the Cen-- Ira! Physical-Technological InstltLitue in Hirsch-arten, a suburb of Berlin. Scientific-technological proble-r.-is SOV/1 I r) -7 Greri.i,-an D-.lre(,-torat(- of lileasljr(,~3 the G~~r.-:ian Republic of .-.etIrolor-,r were discussed by the conferen:~e parti- CDO cipant3 during their unofficial conversations or %-ihen inspectin,[; the laboratories of the Cenl-Iral Phy- sical-Technological. Institute in Berlin., and the aistrict directorates in FfIrstenwalde., Iliaenaa. Dresden and Leipzig. The conference of the German Directorate of Measures and 'Weights showed the neces- sitY for a future development of its facilities, An increased exchange of scientific information and practical experience in the field of metrclcgy is necessary. The conference participants recommended that similar national conferences be conducted -,,.,ith the participation of foreign metrology specialists, not less than once within two years. The scientific- technological cooperation must be increased by ex- chan,~ing scientific literature and referen~-e --a-es ~- tD for comparison. The foreign delec,;ations ncraised t1he 0 high level of the organization and the scilentific- Card V4 technological activity of the Central Physilcal--Tech- S OV/ 11 5 9 - 119 - 2 1" 3 7 Conf erence of the German Directorate of TJea--ures and J -71-, t q t1le Ger-_:_--,.n Die..aocrntic 2"epublic nLcal I-l'ist-'l-tute and the district directorates of i;ne Uerinan Directorate of Measures and Vieights. The ala- thors of this article review the activities of the Directcr--te and the Institute. 'The scientific .~:orks of the Institute are published in scientific and technological periodicals and are printed in the an- nual collections of works. In the collection Nr 0' (1958), for example, there were 15 papers, Doc-~or E. Padelt (Padel"t) published an article on principal conceptions of measuring techniques. The article by G.I. Btiltemann (Byulteman) and M. 'Schuster (Shus.- ter) dealt with experiments for determining the cor- .-ection coefficient which accounts for the influence of deformations on the readings of piston gages. The publication of instructions has been standardized and cen-6ralized. The authors report on the new site of the Central Physical-Technological Institute in Berlin-Hirschgarten. The construction of this site Card 3/4 will be cop-Dleted within 10 years. The scientific SOV/115-59-9-2/37 The Conference of the German Directorate of Measures and 7.,'eights of the German Democratic Republic sections of the Institute are relieved from all ad- ministrative work. The Institute belon:-,s to the number of highly qualified metrological institutions workin,, on an international level. The laboratories of the Institute work on the development, i:iaintenance and perfection of references for all physical-Aeclinc.- logical magnitudes. They participate in international comparisons of references. They develop new methods and measuring instruments of the highest accuracy. The laboratories also test and certify reference measures and instruments of the highest categories. The scientific workers maintain close ties wit-~h industry and are available for consultations, Card 4/4 SHCHEDROVITbUY, S.S., kand. tekfin. nauk. Standardizing weighing machines. Standartizatsiia 23 no.1:14-17 Ja 159. (MIRA 12:1) l.Veasoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut Komiteta standartov, mar i izmeritellnykh priberov. kWeighing machines--Standards) 7 !V SOV/32-25-1-41 j j ,t,THORS: "T. S. S., 3. Y., iliash--intsev; TITLE: Arrangement for the- ITT icro the. rinograv imetri r Ana'Lysis 'With ALomatic Recording of the Results (Ustanovka dlya mikrotermr- U gravimetricheskogo analiza s avtomaticheskoy zapis~yu rezilill- t at ov ) PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1959, Vol 25, Nr 1, pp 122-1,25 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This instiniment was constructed by the Vsesoyuznyy nauchno- issledavatel~skiy institut Kom:-teta standartov, me-r f izimneritell- nykh priborov (A.11-Union Scien--,'-fic Research Institu-,e of the Committee for Standards, Measu..-es, and Measuring Inssruments), the Laboratoriya fazovykh prev:-ashcheniya Instituta obshche., J neorgan-icheskoy khi-.nii All SSSR (Laboratory for Phase Trans- formation of tile Institute of General and Inoreanic Chemistry, AS USSR), and the Tsentrai~zi.,--Y kcnstr,,.ktorskiy hiYuro kkademsnaba (Central Desiga '-',f f i c eof tne Akademsnab). The instrument was designed fcr investigationo of sample ouantities of up to 1 mg; it makes poSS4 ble ar. auto .. din- of the changes )matic recor weigh" of the nrder of magnitude of 0.01 mg on a hea-ling of up Card 112 to 4000. The instrument consists of a reconstricted elec'~ron SOV/3 2-25-1-47/51 krrangem-~nt for *",~e Nli~rothermogravimetric Ar.-~-!Ysis ',Vith Automat--'-c Recording of the Results mi,,~robalan,>- "Elektron I by the Se-rt-orl,.;s C=pany) a spe,--_Ia_:.-v designed heating elerment, and a pyrc;meter according to N. S. K--jzriakov. The applicatilor of the balance pars above ',he beani of the balance (which arrangeme-:t is more- useful) was arranl-'~-d 1:~ ~ucn -a 'i -.rirt~r Ibear--ng w,.,.h a 1:~"j Center of gravity and ~ ~1a:-,pcr -,,er,2 uped (F_*P, '01. A lfigurv--- and the descr-'~ ption ~f' 1" arz! gi-4-en (Figs 2,3), as well as the diagram of the e-Lec"ron scheme ol' the balarce (Fig 4), and data on t~fs baiarie. Exzeriments rjvr:1`Yse~- -)f var- ,,us substances -xere carr-ed cu-- The diagram '11 a de- hydration ~f Cus - ~/ is given and the p:-ocess taking place Js ~ r 04 '5H20 (F'6 ') -ep esented as follow--;: Cuso 4* 5H20 --- Cuso 4' 3H 2() ----,.-Cus(l 4*H 20 'P cuso 4 There are 5 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut obshchey -4 neorganicheskoy khir-ii--;- im. 11. S. Kurnakcva Akadem-ii nauk SSSR (Institute of General. and Inorganic Chemistry imeni N. S. Kurnakov, Academy of Sciences, USSR) Card 2/2 DOBRYNIN, Yevgeniy Mikhaylovich; LOGINOV, L.I., inzh.. retsenzent; SHCHOROVITSKIY, S.S., kand.tekhn.nauk, red.; AKIMOVA, A.G., G.Ye. , (Devices for use in the automatic control of industrial processes] Pribory avtomatizatsii proi-,vodstvennykh protsessov. Moskva, Goa.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1960. 190 P. (MIRA 13:12) (Automatic control) (Electronic apparatus and applian,:es) SHCHF-DROVITSKIY, S.S, In,jpect-'on of laboratory proAsion balarces and weights in tLe German Democratic Respublic. Nov.iz:n.prib.i metod. ikh pov no."i-M-88 160. (14IRA 24~~12) ~Gerroany, Eas,&-Weights and measiv-e's--Te sting) (Germany, Eaet,--Ba1&n,-,,-%---Te9ting) SH-CIE DROVITSK.Iyj-3-S. Trends in the development of weighing equipment. Priborostroenie no. 12:2-5 D 160. 1 (MIRA 14:1) (Weighing kachines) i I I -SHCFEDROVITSKlY, S.S. Prinimali Uchastiye: FURIR, G.L., inzh.; FLEKSER, L.A., inzh.; RYM 1, N.F., dotsent, nauchnyy ied.; ZELKIN, I., red.izd-va; I-IATVEYEVA. A.-, tekhn. red. [Mass measuring equipri.4--nt) Tekhnika izz~reniia massy. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo standartov, 1961. 353 P. (MIRA J-4:11) 1. Glavnyv. konstruktor za-voda veso-vykh avtomato-v im. Dzerzhi-nskogo (for Furer). (Weighing machines) (Weigits and measures) .SHC.HEDROVITSKIY J'- -S.- ~., kand.tekhn.nauk; KOPEYKPIA, N.N., inzh.;T-kRAFIN, V.N., - Ynzh.; GGLOVKO, Z.I.,, inzh.; KISELEVSKIZI S.I., inzh.; GOLOW24OV, A.I., inzh. Universal loader limiter. Bezop.truda -r prom. 5 no.7:16-1? JI f61. (MIRA 14-6) 1. Vsesoyuznyy naiichno-issledovatellski:- institut straitellnogo i dorozlinogo mashinostroyeniya. (Crazies, derricks, otc.-Safety applinnoes) B-ERI,ZW!) I.L., inzh.; KOFEYKINA, N.N., inzh.; S*iCII-.DROVITSKIY,,SIS k---nd. teldin. nauk- Universal load lim-iter for construction xanes. Stroi. i dor. mash. 6 no.6!7-9 Je 161. (MIRA -14:7) (Cranes, derricks, etc.-Eqiipment and supplies) SliGHEDOVITSKIY) S.S.; Prinimal uchastiye FUIRM, 3.L., inzh.; HYMARI, -- . -- IT.F., dots., nauchnyy red.; ZELKDJ, I., i?d. izd-va; f,ATVEYEVA,A., tekhn. red. [Eauipment for the measurement of masslTechnike izmereniia massy. Moskva, Standvrtgiz. 1961. 353 P. (IMU 15:10) (Weighing machine;) SHCHMROVITSI.IIYY kand.teklin.nauk Autonation of buildi4g machinery and pro:pects for its development in the next 20 years. Stroi.i dor.mash. 6 no.1.1;23~-26 N 161. (BuIlding chinery industiy) (Autoa.tic control) (RULk 15~4) AKOLIZIN, P.N.; ARAKELIYANTS, N.M~; BUYANOVA, O.A.; KIRNCjSOV, V.I.; KISELEVSKIY, S.L.; TARAPIN, V.N.; ~~(HEDROVITSKIYl S.S.; EYMELIMAN, R.Ya. Unified series of strain gauges for ',he automation of con- struction and road machinery. Pribo--ostroenie no.8:11-12 Ag 162. MRA 15:9) (Strain rauges) A,i and ' machin~!.~ ~ ~-~ - - ~ :7izll"l.- .1 ~, .. I 'T~ ? /, ". ~ :.. , 1: 1 '- 11 - 0 ~ -- 1. 1 . --. CRESIRIIIKOV V FIG E~ n-k, Elel~tk, roi z,:.e -rite 1 rye ;-.ribory c~scrki; c; ~- ci b j(3 T z,, o L, 1 ZALICHENOK, (,tivc,il C~rjgorlyevlcli, kand. tekhn. nauk, laureat ro:- SHCFEDROVITSKlY, S,S,, kand. tekhn. nauk# I i,~i-u-chn. rel., b7-EZSlWlDT,. L.S,, red. G [A-utomating enterprises of the construction industry] Av'uomatizatsiia predpriiatii stroitellnoi industrii. Moskva, llysshaia shkolao 1965. 419 P. diagr. (MIRA 18:12) GIPM.'HEITER, Yu.B.;VHRGILES, 1'. Yu.; SHCEPORMULTSKIY. L.P. ',Iodi'4ed me",-ad for ~he re~`s'ra~ior of' e7e --remcr. 76p. Fs-*khol. -1 -, I., u -, v . - no-5:118-121 S-0 '64 -1 .CUnlertlye pniklinlofil Moskov:,,kogo universiteta. 1 1, 'Wit U31 544%U 161041 I J 4 1, 11 11 1) 14 15 14 1? It It A) 41 0414dis A L_,1_ f, .1 AL 9 L 0 V F 9 M I --I All CC W U -1.1 I , ..- H F , 0o C __D ov, r6 k~) y IWC. Electric Beaune In Proelve- 00 1 tion of Ferrosilloon Alloys. (In Rus- sian.) Ya. 3, Shchedrovilskit. slaktrt- -00 cAva(vo (Electricity), Mar. 1060, p. 70- _641 00 a 71. The contradictory views of several 0 ir -00 experts Concerning processes t&Wng place in furnaces for production of coo ferromillcon were Investigated. Basic assumptions of Sisoyan an clarified on the basis of experimental data. 00 Q and it is shown that furnaces do COO not &)W& ~m t O " 1 t 4 ly P tic ieli J: an X o at the s t 1t v o v& l gh C e ) 1 g go* -so go* ao 0 Wz zloo il,%Lk OCTALLUPGOCAL LITERANRE CLAISIFICATIC11 110%1 63MOV it T 4- , hit londo "llim bi -3 A3 a U_ n U V 3 1 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 , 'i U, I !~V,' P~ , , o . I - - IV T 17, Or, T "', " 4 . i . ,kmid i0it t toklin I C, tie ski kh iauk ( Chelytkb Diak ) ,,, .. -1 1.- 1 -- ~11'.- ~,' - - - 1. - . " Selection of operatin6 cor-ditions for the ferrosilic,~n furnace. Elektrichestvo no.1:11-8 Ja '56. (WaA 9:3) (Electric furnaces) SOV/133-58-11-4/25 A U T1 ~, 0 R SMaksi-mov, Yu.S. 3 Engineer and Shchedrovitskiy, Ya.S., 0 1~andidate of Technical Science~s---------__ TITLE. On the Expedency of Smelting Ferrosilicon in Blast Furnaces (0 tselesoobraznost-i vyp-lavki ferrosilitsiya v domennykh pechakh) PERIODICAL: Stal'. 1958, ITr 11, pp 9?6 - 9?8 (USSR) I ABSTRACT: Advantages of producing ferrosilicon in electric furnaces as against in blast furnaces are discussed. It is Dointed out that thermodynamic and kinetic data on the reduction of silicon as well as the actual fuel and power consumption for the production of ferrosilicon by the above two methods indicate that the electric method is more economical. The solution of the problem on the replacement of blast furna-ce ferrosilicon with that produced in electric furnaces could be simplified by carrying out smelting of ferrosilicon in a small blast furnace using oxygen blast (as proposed by A.P. Lyuban) and comparing the results obtained with those of smelting 18 and 23% ferrosilicon in electric furnaces. Cardl/2 b-OV/133-58-11-4/25 On the Expediency of Smelting Ferrosilicon 4 U .Ln Blast Furnaces Simultaneously, with the discontinuation of the product:..on of low-grade ferrosilicon in blast furnaces, the con- scruction of economical electric furnaces of 'U-he cIcsed 1-1,ype is advocated.. There are E) Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONS: Chelyabinskiy S_NKh and Chelyabiaskiy zavod fer-rcsplavov (Chelyabinsk Ferro-alloys Works) Card 2-/-1 MAXSIMOV, Tu.S.; SHCE3MOVITSKIY, Ya.S. Progressive practices in the production of ferrosilicon. metallurg 5 no.6:34-35 JO 160, (MIIU 13--8) (Ferro Z i I ~ - -, n) SHCWOROVITaff, U.S. Increase in the power output of closed-arc charge-resistance furnaces. Prom. energ. 15 no.10:4-6 o 16o. (MIRA 13:11) (Electric furnaces) (Metallurgical furnaces) SHCHED-OVITSKIY, Ya.S., kand.tekhn.nauk; MAKSIMOV, Yu.S., inzh. Reduce the cost of ferrosilicon production in electric furnaces. Stall 20 no.10:911-914 0 f60. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Chelyabinskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut metallurgii i sovnarkhoz. (Ferrosilicon-.-]Q.ectrometallurgy) (Electrometallurgy--Cos ts) BEZ03HAZOV.- SV,; K~Zl"IfU-:,'TOV, Knj" ; KCLOYv'l',TSEV, V L- ; SIU-.LZV, A,A. D Ya,S, InvestiPting the furnace Latln following the experimental prc- duction of ferrosilicochromium, from ores and quartzite. Stalt 21 no-10:903-,907 0 461- (MUIV. 14:10) 1. Chelyabinskiy nauchno-issledovatel,'skiy institut metallurgii. (Iron--silicop~cliromium alloys.. .-Metallurgy) (Smelting furnaces) SHCHEDROVITSKIY, Yakov Sam.uilovich; FROLOV, A.A., retsenzent; ROZENTSVEYG, Ya.D., red.; BURIKOV, M.M., red. izd-va; TURKINA, Ye.D., tekhn. red. (High-silicon ferroalloys; production of silicon and ferrosilicon] Vysokoki-emnistye ferrosplavy; proizvodstvo kremnia i ferrosilitsiia. Sverdlovsk, Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tsvetnoi metallur 11, 1961. 256 p. (MIRA 14:11) tFerrosilicon) (Silicon) SIICILEDROVITSKIY, Ya.S... kand.telclin.nauk; IIIKULIIISKIY, A.S~ , doktor I __ - -tekhn,nau]c, prof. Concerning A.S. YlViLlinskii's article *Determination of the parameters of electric ore-smelting furnaces.* Elektrichestvo no.1:90-92 Ja 162,. (MIRA 14:12) (Electric furnaces) (Mikulinskii, A.S.) I M lil.'TSEV, I.-A., kand. toki-In.nauk; _SHCHEDUVITSK2, Ya.'~ , kand . L, khn.rmuk Discussinr a'onov'F article "Ydnimum voltage zone of furnace transformers of ore reducing and ore smelizirp. electric furnace5.11 Prom,enerc-, 1? no,2:34-35 F 162. (MIRA 15:3) (Electric i*urnaces) (Flatonov, G-~.) I I - . - . - I - - f . , , ;, - r~ ; - - - - ~. ; , , . - 1, -- I I : .'. .I .-1 - - , -:,. -~ - - I I '- " . ,I ~ SHMELIKOV, V.I.; SHCHEDROVI7SKIY,_Ya.S.,; KADARMETOV, Kh.N.; BRIKOVA, O.V.; SHIRYAYEV,-Yu.S.; AGARKOVA, N.A.; KRAVCHINSKIY, R.V., TAMBQVTSEV, V.A. Material and power balance in melting carbon ferrochromium in a large furnace. Stall 24 no.1221094-lo96 D 164. (MIRA 18:2) H IN. N", F P1 I H KINA !;EKAR2,K.-1Y F S c- r! U, current suppiy :n rm e f ra S t4i 1 2 5 nc,.12 6 A F: 1, 19,9-1100 5 -4 1. 1. C'r.e,'yhb!n,.;k- Alma zriyaw3kc 4 y -SIIGMMROVSKIY, Yakov Sarimilovich; FROLOV, A.A., retsenzent; HOZENTSVEYG, Ya.D.,, red.; BURtKOV, MJI-, red. izd-va; TURKINA, Ye.D., tekhn. red. [High silicon ferroalloys; production of silicon and ferrosilicon] Vysokokremnistye ferrosplavy; proiz,.,odstvo 1--emnia i ferrosilitsila. Sverdlovsk, Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tsvetnoi metallurgii 1961. 256 p. (MIRA 11+:10) ~Ferrosilicon) (Silicon) SH':1ij: J11T I,. F. ( Vladivos tcjk) - 11 . 4 -L - Signi ficance of the hourly secretion rate of free hydrochloric acid In the study of the acId-forming function of the stomach. Sov. mad. 28 no.7:13-17 J-1 164. (MIRA 18:8) SHCHEDRYY, M.S. New method of babbitting bearings, Rats.i izobr.predl.v stroi no.50:8 '5). (MLRA 7:2) (Bearings (Machinery)) ii- . ,.U,LAFI?OV, K.N. , inzh.; S.F. , -inzh. Penalties or tariff rates? Zhel.-dor.transp. 43 no.9:39-42 S 161. (MIF-4 14:8) (Demurrage (Car service)) (Railroads--Rates) SHCHEGAL, AJI Concrete leveler. Mekh. stroi. 20 no.4:24-25 Ap 163. (MIRA 16:3) 1. Glavnyy mekhanik Moskovskogo tresta Mekhanizirovannogo stroitel'stva No. 7 Upravleniya glavnogo mekhanika-energetika GlavmosstroZa Moskovskogo gorodskogo ispolnitellnogo komiteta Moskovskogo gorodskogo soveta deputatov trudynshchikhaya. (Concrete constructicn-Equipment nnd supplies) (Pavements,, Concrete) SHCHEGAIZV.1. Collective farm radio reception and rediffusion center. Radio no.8:21 Ag '55. (MIRA 8:10) (Russkoye 14aklakovo--Radio) &VIII., I.A.; TOG-LINSKAYA, Ye.A.; SHCHEGELI , ,;.M. (Krasnodar) Iffect of ridenosinetriphosphoric acid on cutaneous capillary per- meability: iethod for the determination of local disorders of capillary permeability. Pat. fiziol. i eksp. terap. 3 no-3:33-38 W-Je '59. (MIR& 12:7) 1. Iz kafedry patologicheskoy fiziologii (zav. - prof. I.A. O.Vvin) Mibanskogo Tleditsinskc-go instituta imeni Krasnoy Armii. (CAPILIATf PERIGABILITY, eff. of drugs on, ATP, trypane blue test in determ. of localized cu- taneonq permeability disord. (Rus)) (AMNYIF~ROPHOAPHATE, eff. on capillary nermeability, try-oane blue test in determ. of localized cutaneous permeability disord. (Rus)) s i;C: ia~z 1, - ,j"'. M' ( K r ' L :3 110 d fl I ) I-L'ole of active glonulins in inc-f,--ased capillary permeability in inflariml.ation, Pat, fiziol. i eksp, t2rap. 4 no.3',14..17 14Y-Je 160. (MIRA 13!7) 1. Iz kafedry patologiclieskoy fiziologii (zav. -- prof. I.A, Oyvin) Kubanskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (BUIUIS AND SCALDS) (UPILLARIES-PERIEkBILITY) (GLOBULIN) OILVEip I.A.; G.P.j SIIUBIt~,Ii'. M.G.; 7EINGLINISKAYA, Ye,A.; LUTSENKO, N.M.; MUKHAMENVA"'OV, 1A. '~ ?'OKAHEV~ O.Yu.; SHCHEGELI S.M.; 7-AGGrjKT"A Ye.G. (Krasnodar) Relation of the deve"Lopment of inflamation to the state of the blood ~--n,,igulation qystem. Arkh. pat,, 26 no.2-,63--68 '64. (MIRA 17. F,) 1. Kifedra patologichr.~slr-loy fLziologii (zav. - prof, I.A. Oy-vin), kafedra patologicheskoy ariafnmi.J (zav. - dotsent G.P. Mil.ash) i kafedra gistuologii (zav. - dotser,~ M.G. Shubi-r-h) Kubanskoge medits-inskogo instituta. SHO!E!!EL'SK.,Y,., N., inzhener. =rched metal supports at the Lutugin mine. Mast.u-l. 3 no.2:15-16 F 154. (MLRA 7:3) (Donets Basin--Coal mines and mining) (Coal mines and mining-- Donets Basin) (Mine timbering) SHCILEGUISKAYA, N.. inzhener. In ro c~ew'ithout fear the system of complite roof caving. Mast-xl,-,l- 5 no.9:9-10 S '56. Oaaj 9: 10) (Donets Banin-Coal minan Red mining) 3/08 63/000/004/031/051 B149YB186 .-'UPHOR: Shchegirev, I. I. TITLE: The aging and detonation stability of plastic dynamites PE'RIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no- 4, 1963004, abstract' 4N38O (In collectiont delo, no. 9/6, Y., Gosgortekhizdat, 19062, 125-130) TEXT: To eliminate the effect of aging and to increase the detonating capacity of dynamites, the author makes the follo-aing proposal4. intro-, ducin6? into plastic dynainites up to 15-20/.- of -hexagen or other sensitize--s insoluble in nitroglycerin; increasing the power of the initiating impulse; increasing the cartridge diameter to 40-45 mm; preheating the dynamites before use and loading the dynamite cartridges into the bore-hole in such a way that there is no gap between the walls of the bore-h6ic and the cartridge. [AbstracterIz note; Complete translation.j' Card 1/1 *Ina~oncs' of Noltei-Netal Coatings on the C-% Potak R Pronn-has of Steel And MM7E-'r (6) The sensitive Metals an further weakened by test t l lar still hi (relative to th her temp i t d h . . e r uncoa e . t a g strengt a eg oy (Zhur. temp.) and austunitic steel (2), which was tianfiseted at tam ' -' o st f dt h b i d h fi 1 v = anomen n on was ma e o t &tt".1f :U = Vother cold- =l and a variet Z; t a ove t e ju i.p. o ts coating becomes severely weak The st oss s r uir d t d ffb ref " y e uce an e o pro et me reduced with Rq ! ~ briitle alloys when in contact with low-m.p.motab. hfAtcrialB b d increasing tam , of testing. (e) If, at temp. lust above the rep , an tcated were.- (1) a Cr steel with cOttinp of pure Su, P as well as Pb-Sn solders of various compn.; d C m 'g. of the coating, a metal Is weakened by one coating, It, be weakened b all ~ he othe C l if i i , , .ustanitic steel coated with Sn; (3) a brass,"ith 50% Cu and C , rs. onverse t s y y, inowaltivatooneitisinscridti"t*&IL Thus the weakening affect of the I(q. costing is not due to a sp reaction between u -1% Pb, coated Aith So. H9, and Sn-P4 Solder; (4) coated with Pb-Sn and with Hg; (a) a rolled Al allor contg* . the two metals. (d) The eff"t of & solid casting (room. and -1.5% un coated with Pb-Sn alloy; (6) a cut AI alloy ll h Pb S low.terep. testing) is much am than that Of 4 liq. coati although 'in some cases, 0.0. Wqh-tenalle steel coated Z:thla - ii a oy; Contg. 8i -7 and Mg -0.3%, coated wit pb, Zn, resp, all coated with Hg. All and (9) Cd (7) (8) and other metals, the effect is still lap. Ilard-motal coatings , , . d etching of the ;s were applied after careful cle&ring - coatinj have only ~ho effect of fwilltating the formation of the fint - . .: - urf"e. mech. testing took place at rooln t4D'nP. And also Li With H l surfiLco craelts; thereafter the cracks spread'exactl " in ' uncoated eTens. (e) The hypothesis that the menin s. n9 meta at temp. above the M.P. of the roa g additional tests wero performed at -60' C. The co,ltings . g :?j effiect on is due to diffusion into the lattice of low-M.P. ' , reaults, presented in extenalre tablax, can be summarized As f h coatings at temp.