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ATE4001250 Fizicheskiy institut Jr.. P. N. Lebedava AN -,,S,3yl A r. Zitute, IN SSSR) J*-.7';M'.C,jTf-:D z00 PH DATE ACC,: 301,'ovGZ 10 ?-rF SOV: 349 E-NCL: on OTUE--,~: 330 Vt: f-f' r ! nary ~-"I I cf,,coll, St'ltri i S11 av.-' k Ob Las FOVALEV, A. A. ("allf i Hat"': 01* 7~: I F: r I lut cy ~";o IMurit f aun i en 1, i f'I h Tfl:;:, I !"v. (-' I' rxpt~ r Iment, ve I,(-- t- klarj 'Med [r. I t1(., ) , rimumr., , r. T. (Directoc of" Polf,avu Oblaolt' Veterinary Bm-teriologicul Laboratory), B'?S.TK0'1SFff, -'E. 1. (14-ain Veteririarj Surgeon, Mumchevsk Raion), and S"Cl i, UPIS EN) V. E. (14-ain Veterina--j Surgeon, Galich FaiGri). "Application of "aminoacriquin" for treattrient ol- bulls infested with T-1 rhomonas " . 01 Veterinariya, Vol. No. 3 2, 19' 32. 're r 11 vr:*. T ]r, bulls ising w3 ~r- ri nari ia -W ii,!~,-':3e-3-5 F "J. illstitut N rek j tL'ct, Fwalevi. 2. Lor Foltavskoy olb~ noy veteri- laboratoz-- ( -r ec -,v 1. i-,Iavny, ~u veter-inarri.,/-Y" vvaci~ Tiumacti-skogo rayona, S)Umislavska-ya ublast' (for Bratll-ovs~-iy). 4. veL(,-.-.inarn-r.-,,, vracn. rayona St-anis-aciskay oblasti !,for Shnitse~`,. SHCHAVINSKIT, V.V., podpolkovnilc med.sluzhby ...... Prevention of epidemic influenza in winter. Toon.-med.zhur. no.2-.63-64 7 16o. (KMA 13:5) (iNnumZA) S-Efl-HAVIA77, "., podpol~ov~lik ln~'-Uencl` every sr.ldller- KOFTI ',l,-)O--uz~- sil. 46 rc. 21: :1) 19 5F-50 7- 165 1 rT n zh c. 'Wri e lok Lro V,',' Om - SHCHAVROMITO M.L.; GRYAZI[OV, I.S. Parallactic traverEine-, with a fized base. Gor. ztnir. no.2:64-66 F 158. (MIRA 11:3) 1. Glavniry markaheyder kombinata Yuzhuralnikel' (for Shcharrovskiy). 2. Glavn-jy marksheydor Kimpersayskogo rudoupravloniva (for Gryaznov). (Mne surveying) USSRI Physics Card 1/1 Pub. 22 - 15/54 Authors a Trapeznikova, Z. A., and Q'hchayenko, V. V. Title I Some optical properties of new zinc sulphide phosphori activated by rare earth elements Periodical I Dok. AN sssri 10612, 230-232, Jan 11, 1956 Abstract I Kxperiments with zinc saulphide phosphori are described. The experiments were conducted for the purpose of clarifying the effect of a trivalent rare earth element introduced into zinc sulphide phosphori. on the optical properties of the latter. Five references: 1 USSR, 1-USA, 3 Germ. (1950- 1953). Diagram; illustrations. Institution Acad. of Se., USSR, Physical Institute imeni P. N. Lebedev Presented by: Academician G. S. Landberg, June 11, 1955 Vo 6 0 (,/,~o //2 7,1 3 9 l*, 's r.,n C r. S7 ar A6 2o5-5 2oP~5 17.1 te, ,t-.t LEVSHIN, V.L.; ARAPOYA, E.Ya.; BLAZHEVICH, AJ.~ VORONOV, Yu.V.; VORONOVA, I.G.; GUTAN, V.B.; LAVROV, A.V.; POPOV, Yu.M.- FRIDMXI, S.A.; CHIKHACHFIA, V,A.; SHCHAYENKO, V.V. Cathodoluminescence of zinc sulfide and certain other cathodoluminophors. Trudy Fiz. inst. 23:6,',-135 163. (MIRA 16:10) :L 18748-63 , EWP(q)/EWT(m)/FJDS AFFTC/ASD -JD/JG----,--.- SSION NRs AT3002226 3/2941/63/001/000/0230/0239 -AUTHORS: Levshin, V. L.; Voronov, Yu. V.; Gutan, V. B.; Fridman, S. A.; ~Shohayeako, V.,V. TITLE: Radiation composition of luminescence centers in- phosphors IDS 5m . V1 W1 SOURCE: Optika i spektroskopiya; sbornik statey, v. 1: Lyilminestsentsiyas Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1963, 230-239 TOPIC TAGS- radiation, phosphor, activator, ion, spectra ABSTRACT- The spectra of Sm3+ in Zrd:3S . ,m-phosphor without melt and with 4% MgC12 melt were analyzed to study the inter-Wation between activator ions and the ,lattice and obtain information Pout radiation composition. The Sm. concentration was varied between lo-7 gnd 10- gm/gm, and in addition a variable concentration of silver was added (10- to 10-3 gm/gm). Three types of luminescence centers were obtained, lying in the red, orange, and yellow-green parts of the spectra. These were enhanced by changing the phosphor composition. A temperature test from 20-120C indicated that several radiation bands were formed as a result of electronic and vibrational frequency combinations. Orig. art. hast 7 figures and 4 tables. Card 112 L 58305-65 E-!1T(m)/F-.1P(t)/EWP(b) IJP(,-)- ~JPD/j ACCESSION NR: AP5010039 ~368/65/002/002/0115/01'25 AUTHORS: Levshin, V. L.; Fridman, :S. A.; Chikhacheva., V. A.; Sbehazenko, V. V. TITME: Rare ea h elements as activators of zinc-sulfide cathodes ~.iluminors IL7 7-1 jSOURCE69 Zhurnal prikladnoy spektroskopii, v. 2, no. 2, 1965, !;115-125 :TOPIC TAGS: zinc sulfide optical material, cathode luminescence, !rare earth activator, transition frequency, integral luminescence --~yield, emission spectrum JABSTRACT: This is.a continuation of earlier studies (Izv. AN SSSR' iser. fiz. v. 25, 392, 1961 and others) of tbeinteraction between rare-eartb activators and the luminescence centers they produce in luminors based on ZnS and ZnS. CdS. The present study was aimed at a comparison of the properties of rare earth activators in Zns lumi-; nors repared.under controlled conditions and suitable for use as P 1/4 [Card 58305-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5010039 comparison luminors, In order to ascertain the effect exerted on the composition and on the luminescence yield of variations of the syn- thesis conditions, luminor composition, and variation of its crystal lattice. The rare earth elements used as activators were Ce, Pr, Nd. Sm, Eu, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, and Tu. The cathode luminescence spectra were ineasured either photographically or pbotoele2.trically. The phosphors were excited with an electron beam (10-IJ A/cm-d at 20 kV). The luminescent spectra of the phospbors,were investigated with an ISP-51 spectrograph. The measurements were, made at room temperature. The results are illustrated in Table 1 of the Enclosure, which shows that the individual rare earth elements have greatly varying activa- tion efficiency.. A study was also made of the variation of the emis- sion spectra with change in the CdS composition, using ZnS.CdS-Ho as an example. The results conclude earlier conclusions that the trans Ition frequencies in the centerd of rare earth elements are Independ-- ent of the CdS content and of the average lattice.constant, at least for crystals of the ZnS type. The CdS content affects only the,in- tegral emission of the phosphor. Original articlelhad'.6 fXgures and 2 tables Card 2/4 -L 58305-65 - - - .ACCESSION NR: AP5010039 ;ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 23Jun64- I iNR REF SOV: 015 L 58305-65 AMSICN MR: APS010039 ENCU)SURE: 01 Table 1. Relative energy yie ld of ZnS-TR phosphor luninescence El AtwWhem e ment HiS NH, H.S NHO ce 7500 8040 ThP" 64 3+ P r 64 12 D~'+ 870 1800 +102+: 22 34 SM3+ 1800 20 Et?"' 444 888 r6s+ -7200 10400 1 Card 4/4 IJP'.0 .L) 1En41r(.M) /EWP(t)/ iACCESSION NR: AP5009532 S/0048/65/029/t)03/0500/0502 AUTHOR: IjRly~shinV.1~.; Flidman ChikhachevaV.A.;.Shchayenko,V*V* .ILL -12 !TITLE: Investigation of the cathodoluminescence of rare earth,activated zinc Isulfide and ziuc-cadmium sulkide luminophors /Report, 12th Conference on Luminescence held in Llvov 30 Jan-5 Feb 19647' 1 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskayat v.,29, no. 3, 1965, 500-502 ;'TOPIC TAGS: cathodoluuminescencd~ zinacompound. sulfur compound, rare earth 1.,~Iement, cadmim compound ABSTRACT: The cathodoluminescence spectra were Investigated for ZnS-luminophors activated with each of the rare earths except Pm, and for ZnS,--CdS mixtures activated with Ho. The luminophors were prepared at 12000 in an H2S or an NH atmosphere, and contained 0.01 percent activator by weight. The cathodolumin- :escence was excited by a 10-6 A/cm:2 beam og'20 keV electrons. The experimental technique has been described elsewhere CV.L.Levshin, E.Ya.Arapova, A.I.Vlazhevich,_ iet al., Tr.Fiz. In-ta Im. P.N.Lebodeva AN SSSR, 23, 83 (1963)). All but three of the rare earth activators resulted in cathodoluninescence in the visible region. !The principal emission bands of each of the material are tabulated. The different Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP5009532 dopantq can be used to obtain luminescence in narrow spectral regions in the greenj yellow. or red. The decay of the luminescence was found to be complex and rapid. Curves are presented for four of the luminophors; for these tho luminescence in- tensity decayed to 1% of its initial value in from 1 to 10 millisee. The lumino- pbors prepared in an 14H atmoosphere exhibited some luminescence lines not present 3 in those prepared in H2,9; 'they were also some 20% brighter and had sharper emission band edger, than the materials perpared in H2S, The addition of CdS to ZnS:Ho lwlainophors altered the relative intensities of the several lwaineseence.bands but did not introduce any now ones. The caViodoluminescence intennity was maximum for 15% CdS, and a secozW. smaller maximum (due principally to emission in the red) occurred at 43% CdS. Orig. art. has: I figuxe and 2 tables& ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITrED: 00 M, SS ENCT*:. 00 SUB COM. NR REP BOY: 002 arm: 000 Card 2/2 1. 264974)6 E~T(l)/EdT(m)/Eff(t) IJP(Cj ACC NR: AN013055 SOURCE CODE: UR/0048/66/030/004/0573/0580 ALMIOR: AK!lR0_VaE_-Ya-; Lovshin,_Y.L.; Mitrofanava,N.V.; Reshot inalT.S. ; Tunitakay&,V.F.; Fridman,S.A.; Shchayenko,V V. 'ORG: Physical Institute im. P.N.Ijobodev, Academy of Sciences SSSR (Fizicheskiy ins til ~ut, A~= TITLE: Luminescence mechanism and the band system of ZnSjEg luminophors /goport, .Fourteenth Conference on Luminescence hold in Riga 16-23 September 19657 SUURCS; AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Serlya fizicheskaya, v. 30, no. 4, 1966, 573-580 !TOPIC TAGS: crystal phosphor, luminescence, zinc sulfide, thermoluminescenco, IR sensor ABSTRACT: Although iron-activated zinc sulfide phosphors have been known iince 19-15, Itho nature of their lLaninesconce mechanism is still obscure. The writers developed a isynthu!jis procedure for ZnS:Fe phosphors in both powdered and sublimate form. The initial ZnS, containing less than 10-7 g/g iron, was mixed with the desired aimount of Fe (nono to 3 x 10-4 g/g) and heated at 12000 c for 90 min in a stream of l[Cl. Both the powdered and sublimated specimens proved to be sonsitivo to infrared. ZnS without Fe has one luminescence band peaking at 450 mg; doping with Fe gives rise to another band peaking at 630 mp; the intensity of this red band increases with the dopant con- centration, while the blue band gradually weakens. Fig-.tres in the text allow the lumin-I..'- Card ACC NRi AN013055 escence spectra at different Fe concentrations and the dependences of the intensities of the blue and red bands on the Fe content. Glow curves for the blue and red regions are also shown. Evaluations are mndo of the trap depth. The glow curve data arc con-. silsteliL with the results obtained in observing IR-stimulated flashes. A band scheme.". with two levels near the bottom of the conduction band arvi two levels or groups of levels near the valence band is proposed. Data on the infrarod response are presentedi and discussed. It is suggested that the trapping levels responsible for IR-stimulated light flash may differ from the trapping levels responsible for the thermostimulated peak at 1550, even though both sets of levels are located at about the same depth, (O.OG-0.07 oV). Aside from stimulation, infrared also proved to have a quenching effect, particularly in a certain frequency range. The authors are grateful to Z. Id. Bruk V. A. na 4!lva and T. F. Filin for assistance in the work. Orig. art. has f igures. SUB CODE: 20/ SUEM DATE: 00/ ORIG REF: 008/ OTH REF: 002 Card 212 ACC NR, AP7004983 SOURCE CODE: UR/0048/66/030/009/1494/1499 :AUrHOR: Levshin,V.L.; Pridman,S.A.: Chikhacheva,V,A.; Shchayenko,V.V. f r0RG: none TITLE: Investigation of the energy transfer from a ZnS host lattice to a rare earth activator /Report, Fourteenth All-Union Conference on Luminescence (Crystal Phosphors) hold at Riga, 16-23 Sept. 19657 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiyu).Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 30, no.9, 1966, 1494-1499 TOPIC TAGS: luminescence, zinc sulfide, rare earth element, luminescence center, luminescence quenching, luminescence spectrum ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the luminescence of unactivated, holmium-activated and samarium-activated ZnS phosphors containing high and low concentrations of the blue luminescence centers in order to elucidate the role of the blue centers in the excitation of rare earth activator centers in ZnS phosphors, and in particular, to determine whether the extreme view that the rare earth centers can be excited only through the nediacy of the blue luminescence centers is tenable. Specimens with different concentrations of the blue centers were obtained by heating the specimens for different times in a stream of M13. Holmium and samarium were chosen for the study because it had previously been tound that the hole level in excited sm3+ centers Card 1/2 ACC NRt AP7004984 SOURCE CODE: (A AUT11OR: Kisil', I.I.; Levshin,V.L.; Sysoyev,L.A.; ORG: none TITLE. Preparation of rare earth activated zinc Fourteenth All-Union Conference on Luminescence f16-23 Sept. 19657 UR/00,18/66"030/009/1500/1503 Fridman,S.A.; Ej!jc~_- 6 V. sulfide single crystals Report, (Crystal Phosphors) held '~t Riga, SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 30, no.9, 1966, 1300-1503 TOPIC TAGS: luminescent crystal, zinc sulfide, thulium, luminescence center 151A16,,' C- 11 ABSTRACT: The authors prepared thulium-activated zinc sulfide single crystals and studied their luminescence. The investigations were undertaken mainly to develop a technique for preparing rare earth activated zinc sulfide single crystal phosphors. Hexagonal zinc sulfide single crystals with lengths of up to 10 cm and diameters of up to 3 cm were grown in a graphite crucible at 18000 in an argon atmosphere at a pressure of 200 atm, by the technique described elsewhere by L.A.Sysoyev and X.M. Kraynyukov (Fizika tverdogo tela, 4, 3, 807 (1962)). Crystals grown from a mix con- taining 0.01;~ of thulium by weight exhibited thulium luminescence only after heating in a stream of H,2S, which treatment produces zinc vacancies. Heating the crystals in a stream of NH3, which does not produce zinc vacancies, did not give rise to thulium KUCHINSKIY, M.; DOUMAN, F., tekhnolog; SEREBRYANNIKOVA, Kh., kand.khimicheskikh Y)AII ; BERY V., inzh.; SHCHEBANOV, P.; POLYAKOV., V., rat3ionalisator (Sverdlovsk) - New developments in factories. Mest.prom.i khud.promys. 1 no.2/3: 36 N-D 160. (miu 14:4) 1. Direktor fauriki nKommunarn, Orsha (for Kuchinskiy). 2. Fabrika "Rezinopromn (for DorfT-n). 3. Direktor fabriki "Shchetochnik, Rostov (for Shchebanov). (Manufacture-Technological innovations) KATS, B.A., kand.te'r:hn.nauk; SlUITKINA, V.M.; Prinimali uchastiye: UBAYDULLkYr:V, Kh.; VOROVINA, L.D.; SHCHEBIELINIKOVA G.I. Dependence of the quality of cottonseed oil on the depth of its extraction by benzene from the prepressed cottonseed cake. Masl.-zhir. prom. 27 no.6:10-1-2 Je 161. (IMI-TIA 14:6) 1. Sredneaziatskiy filial Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo instituta zhirov. (Cottonseed oil) HLRKMANO A.L., doktor khimicheskikh nauk; TROSIKO., U.I., inzh.; Prinimali uchastiye. KON-EVA, Ya.A.; SHCHEBELINIKOVA., G.19 -.-- I Refining of cottonseed oi.1 in a micelle. Report No.2. Masl.- zhir.prom. 28 no.3.-18-20 Vw "62. (MIRA 15:4) I. Institut khimii rastitellnykh veshchestv AN UzSSR. (Gottonseed oi-1) NAMIAR , A. L~ ) di Ictor '" hh-'ich~.,sk Lkh nauk; TROS IKO, U. I., inzli.; Prinimali,- KONEVA la.A.; SHCHEML11-TIKOVA G.I, Refining cotton5eed oil in micelle. 'Masl. - zhir. prom. 27 no.12:12-16 D 161. (MURA IJ,-12) 1. Institut khinii rastItc-l--yIj:b '-~ U ~': ~ --J , (Cottonsacd )A-~) I-)11','H-3E"11KOVt V*G. First instructions from the Russian Academy of Sciences concerning the study of Chinese culture. Soob.DITFAII SSSIR, no.l',2:97-1,51- 160. (I~ORA 14:3) 1. Dallnevostochnyy filial im, V.L.Komarova Sibirskogo otdeleniya -411 O"SSR. (Chinese studies (Sinology)) SMCIEBENIKOV, V.G. Scme data cn 7-'-e stl~~dy of' orientril 'anguages in irsritutions of 11 - - I - I higher and special learning in Rlissia. Socb.DVFAN 3,S.IR no. 15: 121-124 162. (1-URA 17:q) 1. Dallriavosto(-hn,;y Cilial imeni Kmarowi Sibirskogo c)tdeleniya AN S.3311. IST'A1111, G.A.; SHMMERSTOV, V.I. Study of the possibility of increasing photographic sensitivity in development without lowering the quality of the image. Zhu'r. nauch. i prikl.fot. i kin. 3 no.6:450-451 N-D 158. (MIRA 11:12) 1. VGesolnlznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy kinofotoinatitut. (Photographic sensitometry) SilClP,0,HB-R-;TOV, V.I.;- In memory of 3 no.6:4?2 KlIaLLOV, 11. 1. TA.M.1atnahev. 19-D 158. (Katuskev, IAkov Zhur.rvtuch. i prikl.fot. i kin. (MIRk 11. 12) Matveevich, 1885-1958) D,-)~j~~Y, ---.; FL~LA, Ya. [Fiala J.); V. [Brabec, v.1; VIK,.Lj~A~L.; LIVOPJk, I.; V. Experiment in using various methods of blood L~resevrattioa at positive and negative te.-iiperatures. Probl. Cemat. i perel. Ixovi 8 no..5: 32-37 IAyI63- 16:8) 1. Iz Instituta ,,--ematologii i perelivaniya krovi (direktor prof. Ya.Gozhey-5hi) v PraLfe. (bLOa)--GOLI-ZCTION AID P71SEfCVATION) STAIRIK, r.Ta.- AlfPEWGOVA, N.I.; ,',I!;ZBL7RG, F.L.; 1'.S.; SLT;L?SKIY, I.A.; SIIC;U~36TKOVSKIY, Y.N. ifol-ecular state of ultraminute quantities o-f radir,,31--rierts in Solutions. Hzadiolhimiia 1 no.4:370-378 '59. 13: 1) (Radioactive substances) Y. 6:, -7 2- 17 /24 'I J`~ T. (Vse-Ic-~7azrIyy zi.-,paziu:-- ~~a ~itomnaya e:iergJya-. 1959, Vol 7,; 'Tr 2. PP 175-1-76 (JSSR) syupcsiu:.~. held in Leningr-d froi; to 1950, a More Mir-m 9-00 part-cipants fro7- -diffe-.erl' JnStjt-ateS in ~.~CSCOW, Lenin,:-raid, Kiyev, :-.,3vosibirz3.--, Tbili~-J- "lac', ~,orlkiy attended it'.. Tv,,entreic,lit pa-pers were read. The foliovrii~.g are meatio-ned: I, Ye. Oil the problem, of 'the --oleculair ~~t~ite of micromas:~es of' radioacti.-.e elements in solutions; !. Ye~ F :1, '~inzburg, L. I. Ill-.~enkova, L~ D, Sheydin: Condition of radioactive elements oc:-arrinij in mic-roconcentrat ions of solutions (Zr, ila,, Pa, Fo). m.. ". 'I'al--ovieva, "1.1. -1. Shurshalina: Application of the dialysis 7-.1ethod for "ion of uranium ,:.:!.rrLers in natural bodies of v.,ater; V. 1. .7--iramonova. Ye. F, z.,.tyshev: Couplex formation of the .:~ulltiv.-Ient rut"'Ienium wish ~~;',-Jorine ions. E. B. Zaborenko- V. Zav~,---Ioka~-a, V, V. Fomin. i~etermin~-tion of -,!.- co:-.1position. and the ins-,ability constants by ion exchange of the cerium oxalate coTnDlexes, A. I. .,..oskvin: aTa m3oiaulex formation of plutonium -and americixa -,-.ith the =ions of Ali,-U,~A..)n Symposium on Radiocheinis try 1, ~ 0 V/ 89 - "r - -2 - 17 /24 eth~,rlene di,-ijiine tetra acetic acid (EMT-A) =1 oxalic -and phosphoric acid. A. M. Trofimov, L. H. Stopa-,ova. ,', new method for the det !rmination of ion charoe-c of r_-dioactive elements in solutions b-, - application of ion exch:an~:,in.; resins of different s-.velling capacities. N. B. VysokoostrovskJlya, '.:. Trofimov, B.'N. '7ikol'sk,iy: Confirmation of the non-existence of complex formation bet-,-reen potassitmi and ii-OTA by ajplication of the ion L exchan:-e wid the r)o tent i ometric iiethods, V. M. Vdovenko. '-,'e. k. -o be mirnova: Determination of the conditions of comnoundi t extr-,cted in the or,-_,nic phase (hydration of uranyl nitr-rte with este'r). V. ~.'. Vdovenko, N. F. ."lekseyeva: Degree of li~-dration of nitric -,ci in dibutyl, ether of the diethylene glycol. V. 1.1. 0, gree of solvation of the nitric Vdovenk Krivolkhat3kiy: Dei, L acid in the dibutyl ethe_r of the diethylene glycol. A. 1r. LavriiYnj . Determination of the dependency of the distribution coefficients be'ween the or.-anic and the ,vatery phases in order to determine the condition of the fdoztance in the solution and to fixate the concentration at -.vhIch complex formation --tarts. V. I. Kuznetsov, P. D. T,.ov lectured on extraction of hexava-lent tungsten -a-ith --iiiine fro,%, hydrochloric media. Aa. Ci;xd 2/. :TesreWLuio,.r on substitution of h~,-~.rogen in benzol b,-;- the recoil Ail.-Un-Jor, S.77,po~:iu.- On :'.;d-i -~cl,,--Mi3try DO ~3 7/ 2 4 -176 121 C', red On -~7 Z 4 T recci a o.-:: sfro7:! -,,!-,e C n ::,,ediu:,-i c;f, cyclic. hydroca--looz-is, i. t in le ed or the La-L"liience ol" -0- and H -Dn-l the reduction velocity of hexav~~Ient plul;oaium mider influence c 'I i t c ,)vm In the co-ar.-,e of dj7,cuooionz: it- -,vas estL~blished th.A the cornprehension of the f~ond--I'ticn of radioactive elements in sc-lutior are of amiaent im,)Ort~.ILce for the -,,thc.!-e ra:~;,-e of che;:ii---try. !.!c-re studies have 'c. be -made in this field -,-,s were ma-de before. '. better cocrdir--tion of all 'he institutes ,,.,h-ich --re occupied with 'his pro'blen. -,-7ill yield gocd results in the fizture. C,=d 26604 s/186/61/003/004/003/007 2 2 0 9 E037/EI19 AUeHURS: Starik, I,Ye~, Skullskiy, I.A., and Shchebetkovskiy,V.N. TITLE; Adsorption of radioactive isotopes on non-ion-exchange polymeric adsorbents. 1. Adsorption of' zirconium on ftoroplast-4 (polytetrafluoroethylene) from hydrochloric acid solutions PERIODICAL, Radickhimiya, 1961, Vol.3, No.4, pp. 428-431* TEXT: So far most studies have been concerned with ion- exchange and colloidal adsorption of radioactive isotopes. To establish the features of molecular adsorption of radioactive -isotopes it is most expedient to study a particular element under conditions such that it may form uncharged compounds in solution. In such a base it is possible to consider the molecular adsorption as a distribution of neutral particles of electrolyte between !--;quid and solid phases, and to compare the results with distribu- tion of the element in extraction processes. Zirconium is parti,.;ularly suitable for such a study as in aqueous solution it may form neutral complexes of type [Zr(OH)xAx-430 (Ref-5- B.A.Lister, L.H. McDonald. J.Chem,Soc., 4315 (1952), where A is an anion. C a:r d 1/ 4 26604 AdsorPtion of radioactive isotopes on ... s/186/61/003/004/003/007 E037/E119 The :cmpositton of the complexes depends on the composition of the -Dition, In this way we may study adsorption as a function of the .~clution composition and obtain information ort the dependence of adsorption on the state of the element in solution in order to deduce the mechanism of molecular adsorption. The present work -.ons-iders Zr adnorption on polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) from hydrc~hloric acid solutions, Zr desorption from PTFE surfaces with -1-ibutyl phosphate (TBP)2 and the extraction of Zr into TBP. It was ne-essary to take spcaial measures to ensure that tracer ZZ-95 and --arrier zirconium are in the same state, e.g. as regards htydrclysis, Adso--ption was studied on polished PTFE discs 5.5 CM2 zn area and 1.5 mm. thick. Surface treatment with hot concentrated tulphuri~~ acid and water guaranteed rapid and complete desorption ~~f Zr95 while not affecting the adsorption properties. zr95 a-,tiv-ity was measured on torsion counter with Al foil to absorb the Nb95 P-radiation from the Nb formed in the course of the experiment. The dependen:-.e of zirconium adsorption from 1.2 N HC1 on zirconium :cn-.entration may be ex-Pressed by a Freundlich equation of form Card 2/ 4 G = 10-3c 0.91 266oh Adsorption of ~-adioar-tive isotopes on. S/186/61/003/004/003/007 '*E037/EI19 where G is the adsorption in g.atom Zr/cm2 and C is the .zir:;onium --onLantration in g.atom/mf. For tracer concentrations K = G/C is independent of C and is a function only of the state of the Zr~ With increasing Zr concentration the adsorption approximates to that corresponding to a monolayer, which indicates 'hat adsorption is taking place over the whole surface and not on J-ndi~7idual parts. The temperature dependence of the adsorption was studied in 10 N HCI to avoid hydrolytic effects which are also temperature dependent. The value obtained for the heat of adsorption on the hydrophobic PTFE surface is 2.2 � 0.2 kcal/mole, which is usually characteristic for van der Waals adsorption. The dependen--e of Zr9, adsorption on HC1 concentration may be explained by the r-hange in state of the Zr with changing H+ and Cl- ~-n~entration. Calculations based on published complex formation ~c-nstants (Ref,12-. A,,S, Solovkin, ZhNKh, Vol.2, 31 611 (1957)) show that the --on,~entration of neutral zirconium species is very h--gh~ It is fcund that the adsorption increases with the number --f hydroxyl groups in the neutral zirconium complex; this is possibly due to the formation of hydrogen bonds between these Card 3/4 266oh Adsorp-t,-an o--F' radloaati-ve isotopes on ... s/1-86/61/003/004/003/007 E037/E119 grciaps and fluorine atoms on the PTFE surface. In the strongly a':J-d regicn the adsorptaon is practically independent of HC1 ~c n: en+:.- at ica. Desorption of the PTFE surface with 100*,0" TBP and comvariscn of the data cbtained with data on the extraction of zir- .o!jiUM 4n-~o TBP from aqueous solution indicates that in strongly a--id aolution the Zr is adsorbed -as fZrCl1jjO. The possibility of remc-~ring zirconium from the PTFE surfi;ce with TBP is good evidence that the element is adsorbed in a molecular state on the surface of hydrcphcbi~ polymeric adsorbents. rhere are 8 figures, 2 tables and 13 veference.s; 9 Soviet and ~ English. The English language references read as follows: Ref.l. J. R-idberg. B Ridberg. Svensk. Kemisk. Tidskr., vol.64, 200 (1952). Rezf.'~~ As quoted in the text above. Ref.?; A,E~ Levitt, H. Freund. J. Am. Chem. Soc., Vol-78, 8, 1545 (1956j. Ref.8; K, A!-.o:,k S..S. Grimley, F.V. Healy, J. Kennedy. TT&as~ Far-, Sac., Vol~52; l-, 39 (1956). SUBMITTED.- juna 9. -196o C a:.- d V 4 26605 S/186/61/003/004/004/007 Z E037/E119 AUTHORS; Starik. I.Ye., Shchebetkovskiy, V.N., and Skullskiy: I.A TITLE, Adsorption of radioactive isotopeE on non-ion-exchange polymeric adsorbents. II, Adsorp~ion of zirconium on ftoroplast-4 ('polytetrafluoroethy).ene) from acid 3,:~Iutions of alkali-metal salts PERIODICAL: Radokhimiya.. 1961, -439 . V01-3, No.4, pp. 435 TEXT,-- Considering molecular adsorption Processes as the distribution of un--harged species between aquoous solution and the 3.irf:ic~, of a hydrophobic ncn-ion-ex::;hange adsorbent., I.Ye~ Starik -~4nd I.A Skul'ska_y (Ref.l.; lzv. AN SSSR., OKhN, 10~ 1278 (1958)) zhoi,~red that a sa-'Ing-out effect is observed Ln molecular adscrption as well as in extraction processes. It is interesting to establish how this effect depends on the nature of the cation of 'the neutral salt in order to make further comparisons between molecular distribution in liquid-solid and liquid-liquid systems., The present work deals with the adsorption of tracer concentrations of Zr95 f--om !N nitric, hydrochloric and hydrobromic acids under conditions such that colloidal and hydrolytic forms of zirconium are Card !/ 4 20 ~05 Adsorption ef radioactive isotopes .... S/186/61/003/004/004/007 EO'S7/Ell9 a'as e rl Alscr p" 1011 was 5 t.--jd.Led as a function of concentration of a~'kali-nie-_Al salt, r4or :omparison, data were ilso obtained on the action of these cations during Zr oxtraction with t-ib-ityl phc,_-;phate (TBP)~ rhe inethods for sttidying the absorption anc! extracticn havZ b2en described earlier (Re:'.3. I.Ye. Star1k, !.A. Skul,sk-iy., V.N. Shchebetkovskiy. pp,428-451* of the present is su~-) Zr,,-, vas *v-'.~-anted in solution and no--. on a torsion counter as svaporatiGn ~f the solutions rrave an absorbLng layer Of salt. A ~' was used to convert the figures into the =-respDnding and the adsorption -ras expressed, as ~ z~ o r e .-_oeffi_'J._-n-: K = G/C, where G Ls the activity per -M __ adsorb-~an-7 and C is the activity per ml of solution. The ',,alues ob7:ained 'or K,:I-,rb varied from 4.1 x lo-3 for IN HC1 + 3N LiC'-' tc 39.0 x !o-3 for IN HCI + 2N NH4Cl. It was found that the adscrntion was dependent riot only on the total anion zonzentz-at-ion buz also on the nature of the ca--.ion: for the same ioni,~ strength the salt-ing-out effect iricrease:s along the series Lli-r-Hc:-