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KALASHNIKOV, V.I., inzh.; KUZIN, M.D., tnzh.; ROZFlTnL'D, V.S., inzh.; SHAVELIZON, M.V*, inzh. Automatization o? technological processes in autoclaveB. Stroi. mat. 5 no.6:18-20 Je '59. (MIRA l2i8) (Autoclaves) (Automatic control) ZAKHARASIEgVICH, Inns Aleksandrovna; BELYAYEV, M.V., dotsent, retsenzent; GOILD011, 14.K., inzh., retsenzent; SHAVMIZON, M.V., inzh., ratuenzent; YMMKOV, N.F., [Design and adjustment of automatic regulators of thermal processes] Proaktirovanie i nostroika avtoregulistorov teplo- vykh protsessov. Mosk-va, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo m9shinostroit. lit-ry. 1960. 259 P. wRA 14:2) (Electronic control) (Heat engineering) SfUNEL I Z0111 J1 M. V. ,inzh; KUZIN., IVI. D. , inzh. AA Overall Wiftomation of the thermal-conditions a 'f oper-hearth furnaces. Mor4ti, i spets. rab. v stroi. 24 no.10:12-14 162- (MIU15-.10) 1. Spetsiallnoye proyektno-konstruktorskoye byuro tresta Uralmontazhavtomatika. (Automatic control) (Open-hearth furt~aas) SHAVELIZONO R.A. Collecting unicellular green algae under field conditions. Bot. zhur. 47 no.11z1654-1655 N 162. (~aRA 16:1) 1. Institut biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR, Moskva. (Algael ka n Lai (1,:TRA 1.3-1-2 Silmittd 00,,-va. Stitmitted AN SSSR, J SHAVENOZOVA, Ye.Z. 7 -.,, ; ~~ :.-. ~ " : -I - Genesis and treatment of DeriDleuritis Cwith sum ry in French]. -Probl.tub. 36 rLo.1:40-43 158. (MIRA 11:4) 1. 1z Mordovskoy reopublikanskoy bollnitsy, Saransk. (THCRAX, die. peripleuritis. pathogen. & ther. (Rus)) KLYUYEV I.I - SHAVENZ if Ye-Z.; IZMAYLOV, G.A. (Mordovskaya ASSR, I PLA ';;rI'an--sk-,l-y Sovetskiy per., d.15) Radical surgical treatment of elephantiasis of the lower extremities. Ortop., travm. i protez. 24 no.3:60-62 Mr 163. ('IIRA 17:2) 1. Iz 1-go khirurgicheskogo otdeleniya Respublikanskoy bollnitsy Mordovskoy ASSR. L 8855-66 JD/HW ACC NR, AP5026482 SOURCE CODE: UR/0286/65/000[019/0009/0009 INVENTOR: Zhukevich-Stosha, Ye. A.; Solov yev, 0. P.; Ritman, R. I.; Shaver, A. B.1. Azimov, 3. K.: Brovman, M. Ya.; Iskel', L. G.; Kurbatov, 1. V. per'-. y. ORG: none TITLE: Planetary rolling mill. Class 7, No. 175025 SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i.tovarnykh znakov, no. 19, 1965, 9 TOPIC TAGS: tube, tube rollingl4rolling mill, MLM /1"I ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate introduces a planetary rolling mill (based on Author Certificate No. 124398). For rolling tubes with variable cross section, the mill is equipped with a gear which meshes wirh the gears of the planetary rolls. The gear is turned by an auxiliary drive and a device which moves the mandrel during rolling, both of which are controlled by a copying attachment. Orig. art. has: I figure. [AZ] Z~ SUB M11F /J/ SUBM DATE: 29Jan64/ ATD PRESS: Card 1/1 UDC: 621.771.064 U.S.S.R. / Human and Animal Physiology. 1-Ifetabolism. T Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 5, 1958, 21875. Author : Shaveradob S. A. Inst : Title : Oxidizing - Restorative Processes in Circula- tion Insufficiency. Orig Pub: Sb. Naoutchn. Tr. Zesp. Clinitsch. Bolnitzi Arm. SSR. 1957, 1, 27-32. Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 SHAMMY, A.S. (Terevan) Critique of arguments presented by I.D.Perkell, S.P.Karpov, P.P. D7izhkov, and IA.F.Zhorno defending inguiaal lymphogranulomatosis (Nicolas-Favre disease) as an independent nosological entity. Vest. ven i derm. no.4:27-31 Jl-Ag '54. (MLRA 7:8) (GBAN-ULOMA INQUINALI, *as independent noeol. entity) (TULARBMIA, differential diagnosis. *granuloma inguinale) SHAVERDOV., Yuriy Shamirovich; RRAVCHINA, Ivan Petrovich; SIROTENKO, V.D., inzhen4r, redaktor; YUDSON, D.M., tekhnicheskiy redaktor. [Testing and regulatinf the diesel generator of locomotAves; experience of the Gudermes depot of the Ordzhonikidze railroad] Ispytanie i regulirovka disellgeneratornoi ustanovki teplovoza; opyt depo Gudermes Ordzhonikidzevskoi zh.d. Moskva, Gos.transp. zhel-dor.izd-vo, 1956. 49 p. (mmA 9:6) (Diesel locomotiTes--Testing) ..SHAVZRXV,.Yuriy Pharimo-vich, inzhener; RADIN, S-ye., inzhener, redaktor; STIKHNO, T.V., tekhnicheskiy redaktor. LRepairing and using storage batteries of diesel locomotivosj Remont i ekspluatatsiia akkunniliatornykh batarei teplovozov. Moskva, Gos. transp.zhol-dor.izd-ve, 1957- 45 P. (MLRA 10.6) (Storage batteries) (Diesel locomotives) SHAVERDOV, Yu In the struggle for advanced technology. Blek. i te-pl tiaga no.4.- 25-27 AP '57. iml-RA 10:6) 1. Glavnyy inzhener teplovoznogo depo Gudermes Ordzhonikidzevskoy dorogi. (Railroads--Repair shops) BRATCHIK, F.P.; SRAVIRDOV, Yu.Sh. A leading diesel locomotive shed. Ilek. i tepl. tiaga no.11:42-43 N '57. (MLRA 10:11) 1. Nachallnlk teplovoznogo depo Gudermes Ordzhonikidzevskoy dorogi (for Bratch1k). 2. Glavnyy inzhener teplovoznogo depo Gudermes Ordzhonikidzevskoy dorogi (for Shaverdov). ((Padermas--Diesel locomotives--Maintenance and repair) SH.AVF.RDOV, Yu.Sh.; APAIJOVICH, N.G.,inzh. Improved electric wiring system used for nutometic control of diesel locomotives. Elek. i teDl. tings 2 no.2:16-18 F 159. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Glavikyy inzhener depo Gudermes Ordzhonikidzevskoy dorogi. (Diesel locomotives) ARKHIPOV, Yevgeniy Mikhaylovich; SHAVERDOVA, A.I., red.; FEIMISOVA, T.D., [Along the roads of Egypt] Po dorogam Egipta. Moskva. Gos. izd-vo "Fizkulltura i sport,* 1959. 123 P. (MM 12:6) (Egypt-Description and travel) GORBUNOVA, Natallya Nikolayevna; PTASMIIKOVAt Irina Vasil 'yevna;,,,9HAVERDOVA, - .-A.I.-t red.; DOTSENKO, A.A., tekbn. red. (Birth of a dream] Rozbdenie mechty. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo 'Fizkulltu- ra i sport," 1961. 100 p. NIRA 14:7) (Soviet Centzial Asia-Description and travel) DAURI2 Leonid Davidovich; Lov Aloksandirovich; SEAVEZOVA A,I., I - - --- .-- - - --red.; 11,111INA, NJ., tekhn. red. ["Zaporozhets" car with small displacernept) "Zaporozhets" r-.ikrolitrazhrpji avtoi!,obil. Mosk-va, Izd-vo "Fizkulltura i sport, 1961. 149 p. (MIRA 15:2) (Automobiles) YMOSKVIII, Boris Vladimirovich;__~~HAV~~VA,, A.I., red.; MANINA, M.P., tekhn. red. (To the icy heart of the Urals] K ledianorm serdtsu Urala. Moskva, Izd-vo "Fizkulltura i sport," 1961. 79 p. (FI-RA 15:2) (Ural Mountain region-Tourism) KOROSTELD-,, Aleksa-ndr Stepanovich, SHA-%ERDOVA, X I., red.; SHAVERDOVA, A.I,,, ed.; 'eU2',IT-A- 1,.'J, tekl--n. red. [Racing auton.-obilesl Gonochrrje avtoirobili. Moskva, Izd-vo "Fizku'Lltura i sport," 1961. 144 p. (MIRA -14: 11) (Automobiles, Racing) 00 L*14 see 0 WvWWwW____ - 00" , I 'm 0 'B 0 0 'D 0 6 0 0 0 0 * a '. +10" 0 1 4 10 t. Is it 4 114 or 4. 10 It n IS 34 111 16 17 A it 1) it u u W a is IF U is a .1 a a is " II Aa C~A 1 1, --r,-A j L_ A- R F 9 1 U Y L 1 -1. L -1 AA 0 Q M U I i I I a k I k 00 .00 00 a The stability of petrol;wn adds In the primates &1 -00 disOlfttless of crude Q and fuel oil. D. Wilberg an4l -00 Slisiveriluva. A:*'bdWzJ41.1k'Y Neflyall.v KAWAvalar. ~i' W.. 1m, x_ In air attempt try sep. tuiph- .0* 0 9! xojnic scids of %-atkvu3 twol. vrAs.. diAns. with %icLust. VIL cuum and rectification were undcvtLktn. The high-t yields of petruieunt acids were obtained with strm distit , I 40 0 '3 fullnwed by vacuum and disin. with rivtification. In the 00 last cam the best wm. was obtAined. Acids m4. in ak. caustic are of a hisher mol. wt. and they an- InUtL 0 te alimst lu&4 in wdrur; they rimmitpow easily ,it so 06 dista., while the 4CUtS t)f WWCT 11101. ". JAM wairr-l' A. A. Umlitfintik ZI: 1.00 00 #I:.jL'4'..rjALLUXGKAL LITERATURE CLASSIFICATIC- .00 a" a., 'I' 4, An -j- -t -0 t-Wo 0 6 1 W ft m a 0 is ZP it a ra 1111 49 It 9 KUL, Ust"'On $111 0 0 0 0 0 0 ;0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0,0,11 IST:99 '0 '1 0 * 0 0 0 00 0 w w 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I I v X ILI U it w il is 11 X 29 so i1 11 it 34 13m0 Al x do, 41 aa 0 4~49 r -0 T- (,-D!. Xesources of n&phtbtnic acids in crude ads trum the Baku district 1). wid V. I 00 9' 034. Na. 2. 72 S1. Th, m,phili,aw acsj* .1 pr-ut in v4riuu~s fravtionLs uf BaLtj , lad, ml, .,r,- dvtd. see 00 z: and tho, j-wIaIilY,J incto.-ing Ihe r-- fy 1- 6 It'is slatcdt that .-mr .1 Ow -wphibmw acid, r, ),,t. =00 t~ 'u- '4 lo~ 1"Iti.1 relautig f the 6tillat- and thc 0 0 1.'tt'ono.. of duli'lK th'~ .'( th, Cru'le. ,of w-limpicte rLctivttv frotal the kinINL11C a;ld Sw-ij (:a, 1--ftw I., tm~ut%(A, hitv tri-AM19 Ilt-oo i thIll 1. Allif IN - r w'b f 'J Ow ll.q.1101. lm .1, 1.1, inf.. ibe .1migr -Uma't 4.13ig 11-11.2.411 .121) JIS4). lot* and thr f'Km4tiwl .1 ii. ',al" A. A. It. so 00 so go '00 0 wo- '0 so 9 V- AS-SLA AtT&LUJIKKAL UTIMAILRE CLAMFI(AtION arse 00 .1"ll, aw -;w I a j- -4 '71 ml x I a Goo, a a a 3 U ST: -.0 0 04 0 4 0 0 4 41 0 W 0 1 11 14 11-1 J, j II a P'p 0 0111 1 1 IAAALPLIM64 ltI '.r' I- j et "I C=ium Plating !OJ7, N,, 1. Vi 01; Kkic. Rrier t. Z4t,,, 1938. S- ei, of -lip milcr N, plevent the jir with the if the el,I"'lvt, during Cy pliting a lwvi2jly 1-1~1 k,t.-n, .'"i ~11' ff.L1.111-ts, 114,h ;.-mt ti,,i 1.,w.-r 00 Own 71, - wa- t,,t,,I. Hit 1ei-ti. - p-h-d hv 00 ttl'm '. 1~ .. .... 1.41"Well 1'~ "I ...h, A U-, thwL 14.1 .-1 t'l j.j..jlt,g pf-e- vorldita'"l, l.'r C, .4"twK ",(h the !1'r"M tive NY, r;,f k-cro-ric were: hath t, itip. -111 5d. artil? ij. , in. 'I be tenal, coit!d I.- rm-1 i,l ;., and go Ib. c. J. 1,, lot, Amp this. A !rmp. high, i than 65 041 J.-Jue,d a Ili,- liiiat& W R, 11,1111 00 0' zoo 0 0 =00 of 00 S; ire 0 zoo *0 f see see 00 00 ::99 go '%v %I A OTALLVJR~KAL LITF114,160t. I~LAWFK.fic. ::00 ice* 09 -1 011 A. V_ to ad O_ M__) 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 $ 9 a 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 SHfiVEeDo VOq, U-S-S R. d, J. APPL zaw~ P,ijr!ad. KAim. 25, "t the 'uhl4wition proces; for iodille yieldrd a formula from which is deduced (1) the intemilv vapnri~afifm of 1, into air i-, im,portionil to tile rout:11. dillerrip-1. Iyq:tv'c'.n ,olid mid ga-wou ph t..r; (2) th(- inivit- *itv of vajoirizati-ni 'h-j'vIt& 'w I Ill"hilitv (.1, to' " '11i'll in. ,r,-: . .... .. ith f'rnp : (3) [Ile ifft'u~ict- iacr~:"vi vilh telul'. Mth decre.i,(,- ill barometric prcwirc .0111 irh-tt~IIV ill UrC3. it %vas shown that if'~Iillu is illptr"'atd. ill tho vapor A'ovc tile 'frx-al point. are K4t"' 1- th'. 1,4acti-11 will-ti .... .. f the v Itam'.11% NI. SHAVEdWYAN, A.S. Secondary luetic eruptions of the skin and visceral mucosa and the erroneousness of Virchovian views on the interpretation of their pathogenesis. Izv.AN Arm.SSR.Biol.i sel'khoz.nauki 6 no.1:53-61 '53. (MLRA 9:8) 1. Institut rentgenologii i onkologii Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya Armyanskoy SSR. (S=LIS) (NUCWS KWHANY-) I FANARDZHYiUI, V.A., prof., red. (Yerevan); SI-.-'AV=AIT, A.S., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik, red. (Yerevan); KYANDAPYAN, K.A., kand. med.nauk, red. (Yerevan) [Cancer and precancerous diseases of the skin and lip; pro- ceedings of an interrepublic oncological conference, Erivan, October 4-8, 19541 Rak i predrakovye zabolevaniia kozhi i guby; trudy rqezhrespublikanskoi onkologicheskoi konferentsii, Erevan, 4-8 oktiabrin 1954 g. Erevan, 1956. 479 p. (MIRA 12:10 (SEIII-CANCER) (LIPS-CANCER) GRICCREINKO, Remir Vladimirovich, KOSHAYEVA, Vera Georgiyevna; SHAVERDlY.0, Ellvina GeorgLyevna,z CHECHUILIN, A.S., red.; BASHMAKOVY G.M., tekhn., red, (Reader on medicine for foreign students] Kniga dlia chte- niia po meditsine dlia studentov inostrantsev; uchebnoe po- sobie, Moskva, Medgiz, 1963. 303 P. (MIRA 16:10) (MEDICINE--STUDY AND TEACHING) 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 is A v It 41 61 60 0 n 4 1 T All 00 L w -j L-1 Ewrijuents on the camication of *lcohol through th, chyme of the lunp. Al. Shavrrin. Klm. .111d. of S R 1 17. No. V- 4d-q(lWjqj; (,Aem. 1940. 1. loikN. Astapp. =0 0 which it is 1l,-Ode to condense theal- tit the uxpirM.- .11 it coil-ndeit-r and colh-ci it tit a rt,elicer. It ;,,mh o.,tv Are millicit-tic f-,r drit-4 Ib.-I, I-v ill - idi"Ark. C'ntq't'At'%' "t al. . In Ih, citpirvil air of c%prl ix-r-ti-ift" 1~roi.d Aud miraNt-timis administration of the al, g.s%c hidwr olmit, ill the eximril ait. The alli- %%r, losltr atal hall after drolking the 31". N 1, collch.'I'd thm I is "Imble for the di.m. A it,,' .31". 1-1. it .11 rt hizir air it, A result ill diflooort 111tough tit, -1-i1 [am In anir c..W. ill,- urmi. nol't bi: t-t'd for W. A. zoo Z !Zoo so Ail L j nd a q I 1W 64 JJ u it :1 0 0 9 70nMA6006009699909 WWW U-0 ja 01 14 It 14 1) It if 6 1, 1, It 11 11 11 11 4 1 11 11 U J3 7 74' AA T1 I'M tt i A A L 0 L 1 6. J A L Il Y j AA M is u M is It- 'wj 11116fI The mechanism of the secretary action of alcohol on the gastric glands- V..M. Shaverin. Klim. Jltd. (F. S. S. It. 1 17, NL, 1.1, -Chrm. Zentr, 1940, 1. 3N P, Could Ile doected III the ga%tfit- juice after intm- 0 a wtiou, or rectal administration of the ale. (1.41 ~)Ill cc. of A a 101'~ ,oln.) to 11.1 p,,r,t)u-. Likewt,c tit a dog with a VI, Iov gastric fi,tula a1c. muld Ik- delevicd ill the Ix)rtion 'tolliath i~latt%l Iftcr r(I-tal 311111itn'tration. M. G, z .J its, z 1 5 1 ftETALLUP.GKAL LITERAILRE CLASSIFICATICN S n At 16, it It OF 6t Kit 9C91 wIff" 1909 0 0 0 An I s a nd 0 It m a a 3 1 T 410 (1 xa 0 49 04 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-00 moo goo roe woo =0e - - i- o TO T 1 0 o 4 4 0 a 0 8 0 a 0 0 0 0 # 0 0 0 0 1 1) It it 11 14 It 1.6 if is it a It 1 0 it 17 a 29 ju 1, 1: u 14 b b. ly a so .1 U At 41 4 EO P Q It A I 1A w a VP 114-1- -1 lo 1. 1 8 A-A -- 00 _ -490 00 furutition in titan 00 S K 54. 'N'. 06 z r"I'f stli'll" 'juring Ol, 00 1.1111; its tile cla", d It, 1, *0 hi'll puint ill,- !.00 AdullsivaraIiiiiiii Ilf 00 A --1 A lAtj(V m -00 W ",e )III, V I 00 r Ill M .00 I bill .)Z,: I,-lk and mIll. ;" " Of It, 1.11, 'U'0.4- AO ..I N.. Zoe, 00 00 00 =0 0 of 00 2 -_40 0 '.00 00 00 o 0 : .1. I,t A fj.Lj.Fq,K.L tIff-14,11F LA$%IFIC.TI0. " 00 No 0 00 it if 0 1 7 I 21 a rw 0 - - w lm 'j dj 4 W. 0 u ; n ~ A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : T 00000400000000000 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O, 313,18 SHATE-RIN.-V. M. Snizheniye reaktivnosti organizama kak wtod lecheniya yazvy zheludka i dvenadtsatiperatnoy kishki. Sov. meditsine, 1949, No 12, s. 31 USSR/Medicine - New Remedies mar 51 ,"Application of Kampolon for the Treatment of Subacute rYellow Atrophy of the Liver," Prof V. M. Shaverin, Leningrad "Klin Med" Vol XXIX, No 3, pp 43-46 In order to prevent subacute yellow atrophy of the liver, USSR kampolon as supplied by ueningrad Meat Combine was administered in cases of acute paren- chymatous hepatitis (Botkin's disease). Treatment with this remedy was effective. There was no single case of lethal outcome. Kampolon should be used prophylactically in all cases of hepatitis and given 181T54 USSR/Medicine - New Remedies (Contd) Mar 51 in massive doses (5-10 g per day) whenever con- dition of patient shows signs of worsening. Of importance for therapeutic action is presence in kampolon of protein, Vitamin Bl, Vitamin B61 and the antianemic factor (hemopoietin). 181T54_ rABUTIN, V.M.; SHeNERIN, V.M., professor, direlftor. Endartpritis obliterans and coronary insufficiency. 31 no-3:89 Mr 153. (MURA 6:5 ) 1. leningradskiy nauchno-isaledovatel'skiy institut ekspertizy trudospo- sobnosti i trudoustroystva invalidov. (Arteries--Diseases) E 1 Z7, V. 4. Coal and Yining 'I. Coal. jutput ',.as iricrea~;erl two Urnes, Kozlov, V. Jhavernev, I~ast.ugl. no. 2, 1,~, 5 9. Montbly List 2_f Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, ADRIL 1953, Uncl. LAKSHTNA, L.N.; SHAVERUEV, V.N. Scientifle economic conference. Vest. AN Kazakh, SSR. 21 no.9t 84-85 S t65. (FIRA 18-9) it SHAVERNOV, A.I. (yelabuga) In reference to a problem. Mat. v shkole no.5:40 S-0 '58. Ofilu-, 11:9) (Geometry, Plane) SHAVGULIDZE, T., inzh. Improving brakes. Zhel. dor. transp. no.1:66-68 147. (MIRA 13:2) (Railroads--Brakes) SFAVIANIDZE, 0. N., Cand of Med Sci - (disso "Influence of Balenological Factors on the ;growth of Industrial Tumors in Epperimenta, 11 Tbilisi, 1959, 16 pr, (Thilisi. State ,medical Institute) (KL, 2-60, 117) STI~VIANIDZE, O.N. Effect of balneological factors on the growth of experimental tumors. Soob.AN Gruz.SSR 23 no.2:193-198 Ag 159. (MIRA 13:2) 1. TSkhaltubskiy filial nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta kurortologii i fizioterapii GruzSSR. Predstavleno chlenom- korrespondentom Akadeali I.Ya.Tatishvili. (MINERAL WATERS--PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (CANCER) : ~Lui, :.:, V.V.; iii"VILOV, V.1t. I " 4 1 Vork of cout-i--iolisly functioning industrial conferences. Mpd. prom. 13 no.1:26-28 Ja '59. (MMA 12:10) y zavod "Krasnoirrardeyet*." 1. ifecliko-instriunentallky- (WORKS COU11CILS) SH-aYIN, A.. mortel'shchil: 'Ail ': 38-39 I -hail Le,-,Icov's wo-k in life. Sov.i,,ro-fsc'Luzv 16 no.0 Mr 160. WIHA 13:") (Stalinogorsk-Welding) 4. 31-1 YENIKEYEVI Kh.M.; KOZLOV, D.N.; KRUZHILIN, M.P.; MEZHUYEV, B.N.; NALCHAN, A.G.; NIKULIN, A.I.; PANKIN, V.A.; SHAVIN, G.F LESNICHENKO, LLP red. izd-va; SMIRNOVA, G.V., tekhn. red. [Metal-cutting machines; kinematic adjustment of metal- cutting machines] Metallorezhushchie stanki; kinematicheakaia nastroika metallorezhushchikh stankov. Pod red. A.G.Nalchana. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1962. 179 p. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Moscow. Vsesoyuznyy zaochnyy mashinostroitelInyy institut. Kafedra "Metallorezhushchie stanki i instrumen:ty." 2. Prepo- davateli kafedry I'Metallorezhushchiye stanki i instrumentyn Vsesoy-uznogo Zaochnogo Mashinostroitellnogo instituta (for all except Lesnichenko, Smirnova). (Metal cutting) (Machinery, Kinematics of) SHISHOVA) K.G.; SHAVRIA, A.11,; SHIPUKHDT, A.Ya., red.; UAMPOV,A.A., tekhn. red. [Index of Russian literature on public health in prerevolu- tionary Uzbekistan, 1868-1917] Ukazatell otechestvennoi li- teratury po zdravookhraneniiu dorevoliutsiormogo Uzbekistana, 1868-1917. Tashkent, Yedgiz UzS,,'R, 1961. 11~9 p. (MI~Lk 15: 8) ,(BIBIJOG-RAPIff-UZ.DL-KISTAN--FUBLIC 'ALTH) (UZBEKISTM1---PU--,-LIC !r,_rPALTF_-BIBLIOG.WLF11Y) Asphalt road emulsions. V. SHIPEROVIGH,-'G. SHAVIRO KND 0. PIPIK Azerbaid- zhanskoye Neftyanoye Khozyaislvo 1929, No. 10, 39:7-(1929).-Stable asphalt--nater emulsions were obtained with the following emulsifying agents: (1) 3% bright "Kon- takt," (2) 3% naphthenic acids, (3) 7% acid fuel and (4) 5% black "Kontakt" With the above emulsifying agents, e.g., with Binagadui asphalt of 0.9934 sPogre., 300 softening point (Kraemer-sarnow), penetration No. 150 at 250,ductility 110 at 250, acid no. 1.06 and sapon. rio. 4.6. 777P addn. of 3-7% of an acid fuel, caustic soln. and water produced a satisfactory emulsion, while good results were obtained with an asphalt from Grozny asphalt base crude when 2% "Kontakt" and 2% riapht~brcic acids were added. The water used for emulsion shjuld not be harder than 60 German scale. 'The follow- ing procedure for making emulsion based on lab. k~xpts. is recommended: To the bitumen heated to 105-200 the required amt. of the emulsifying agent is added and ti-e mixt. poured into an aq. soln. of NaOH heated to 50-600. A. A. bUMTLIN(Z Chemical "ustim of quality of green-toe " and of black tea. AL X- -Shav"Wi. Pipkhimiya Owlaota P-tn~%f*m SVoinill No. 3, 164-77(EngliA summary 177- 8~1046).-The most imponant variations as far as tm quality is concerned are found among tannin. cellulose. and hcmicellulose components, with tannidt-s teing the most im- portant pos. index. The detu. of the KbfnOo no. in this rt~jwct is the most convenient and rapid estn. of qualitv. Alihough the procedure may be accurate to not better than 1, ,*i,. The coeff. obtained by division of the tannin tNm- %~,V( hy the product of nontannins and 11,06insiols, jivt~ a V.11id estn. of deviation of quality from standard: a bettry M, lex is the rAtio of tannin to the sum of cellulose and hemi- Iriltalow. G. Af. Kowlapoff Inactivation of enzymes in production of green lea N sk" I'll, Ill. 14"'kh-mw rk No, V I If') _5(W I 9.-A I,. Tr~a t nieto of I r-Ii it i Ie.-.. Th h.q 'Irall. to, I _' mill. ina'(11"'t- file oNI'Litive Vtj- I%lt;,- - I, 111-t L"i'llit- md after 1 2 mill. i, mih,tantiAly -mpl.telv lit- I~wxid-v tmI file let fravio.. ~11' 11 lit. I It.- acti. m. , .-t K'n" '111ring Ow 'Idt".till'.111 Itralo".1.1 .-f file 1'-u :1`0 it 2-mo: ~ulfw. , lit I- % ew ,m ,( im 1-t (" xt Chang" in the tannins during manufacture of green tea. %L- _*,:_-SbA%-ish%-ili- Ilsokkimiyu ('balmot" 1"tintn'ditru No. 0, 131-7,(193M.-R.Apitl steam Itratirimi of th~ It, Ivat caunts very little change in the contrnt And ctwripts .,( (,.% tanuins, Further stepq, drying and irmcirrAtion. alo t-Au~ only minor changes in the cumin ~vnnplrx th.if h3d I"-it fizol by sic-ini treatment. Polyplicuoir-arcirbel Ira- i ion niTe" the greatest change 4% at the end of prtc",int it Ant-tits to M"' of initial level. This chAnse i~ 4 5 limm 0 I-s than that encvuntertil in the frrincittat Hitt stept,f black. tra productitin. While pyrocatechol tAnnin frUCtiOSIN dc- Clint, much during black-tea prtiduction. they art, little af- fi~t,,l in green-tea pmluctkm; changrii in pytogAllol fra,- tioto Are similar for both tvTws of tra. 11t.liably the eAtwhol tanniti-i are chAngrd enrrotically. -hile I'Vo-P011,11 [cwtion & oxi'liz"I bv direct Air ~-twn. G, Al. K Chemical control In production of green t*4 %I mvishvili. Mik4ma"s Chalnov, P, N, 1, 6. 1 f"i'21 19.5111 The (-lm 1-( for j.4vphrnA4 (1, . f,,,,. AfolWy s b kht- osa-i. JW. pp, 57 N lm~l rdl I te"tMell I Aith IIA I"mill, r,1.0-h-hment -,f t omwmient Mor-alp fm rapid tech. cNitit"A osf the ,t,-am irratmmt of the green te-a leaf. ]'he drving 4htAjlfl pr, -tvd to M-W% r"ithial moist tire. Thetwist ing mm ho, I of maceration %limild he c:irried ol? to Ownst 4517( mj%hing 4 1 1w leaf cvll, C, M. SHAVISHVILI, M.~. New method for tea leaf fixation and refinement of processing cycles in the production of green ZBaf.tea. Biokh1m.chain.proizv. n0-7:30- 37 '59. (MIRA 13:5) 1. rsesayuznyy nauchno-tesladovatelloldy institut chaynoy promysh- lennosti, Anaseuli. (TF,A) SHAVISUILI, M.N. Differentiated uBe of raw material and specialization of tea factories in the manufacture of particular ty-pes of tea. Blokhim. chain. proizv. no.8:63-78 160. (MIRA 14:1) 1. Vsesoyuzny7 nauchno-issledovatellski~~ institut tliaymoy prom7- shlennosti, Anaseuli. (Georgia--Tea) SHAV16HVILI, M.N. -- Effect of or-anomineral composts on the quality of raw and finished green loose leaf tea. Diokhim. chain. proizv. no.9-.76-80 162. (MIRA 16.4) 1. Nauchno--issledovatellskiy institut chaynoy promyshlennosti, Anase*Ii. (Tea-Fertiiizers and manures) ~iHAVKATSISHVILI, L.D. Study of the pests of the vegetable sponge (Ijaffa) found in Western Georgia. Soob. AN Gru.Z. SSR 15 n0.3:183-188 154. (MIRA 8:5) 1. Akademiya nauk Gruzinskoy SSR, Institut zashchity rast-eniy, Tbilisi. Predstavleno chlenom-korrespondentom Akademii nauk L.F.Kalandadze. (Georgia-Iuffa c7lindrica) SHAVKATS Results of field experiments in controlling the melon fly (Myioprrdalis pardalina) by means of DDT suspensions. Soob. AS Gruz. SSR 20 no.6: A 701-706 Je '58. (MIRA 11:10) l.Ministerstvo sellskogo khozyaystva Grusinskoy SSR, Institut zashchit3r rasteni3r, Tbilisi. Predstavlone chlenom.-korrespondentom Akademii L.P. Kalandadze. (Georgia--Fruit flies) (Melons--Diseases and pests) (DDT (Insecticide)) XALANDADZE, L.P.; SHAVKATSISEVILI, L.D. Studying several species of flies as vegetable pests in Georgia. Socb. AN Gruz.SSR 21 no-3:319-326 S 158. (MDU 12:4) 1. Akademiya sellskokhozysystvennykh nauk GruzSSR I Institut zashchity rasteniy, Tbilisi. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AF GruzSSR (for Kalandadze). (Georgia--Flies) (Georgia--Vegetables--Diseases and-pests) GRINAVICH, Georgiy Petrovich. professor. doktor takhnichask-ikh nauk; RIDIILI,Z.I., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk. redaktor; SHAVKIK, Z46?6~ inzhener, redaktor; YUDZON,D.H., takhnichaskiy 719"aa-IN-OF [Mechanizing loading. unloading and storage work in railroad transportation] Mekkanizatsiia pogruzochno-razgruzoahnykh rabot i sklady na zhelezaodorozh-nom transporte. Izd.3-e, Ispr. i dop. Moskva. GoB.transp.zhe1-dor.izd-vo, 1955. 467 P- (KLRA 9:3) (Railroads--Freight) (Conveying machinery) SETAVKIII. G~aorgiy Borisovich; FEL91)MAN, M.G., inzhenf3r, redaktor; STIKHHO, - T.V-, tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Railroad marshalling yards in the United States) Sortirovochnye stantaii zheleznykh dorog SShA. Koslcva, Gos. tran8p-. zhel-dor. izd-vo. 1956. 84 p. (MLRA 10:3) (United States-Railroads--Hump yards) SHAVKIN, G.B., redakt*r; KHITROV, P.A., tokhnichoskiy rodakt*r. (Regulations governing the technical operation of Soviet railroads] Pravila tekhaichesk*i ekxpluatateii zheleznykh d*reg stiusa SM. Moskva. Ges. tramap. shel-der. izd-Te, 1956. 195 P. (KLHA 9:5) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministerstvo putay soobahcbeniy-a. (Railroads) SHAVIVIII)III) G.B., inzh. Some characteristice,of the layout, and technclogy of classification yards in the U.S.A. Zhe.dor.transp. 45 no.2:92-93 F 163. (MUL-1 16.21' (United States-Railroads--Hump yards) Distr: )/4E3d 4:R4J/4E2b(j f V Unsgrametric orzartic a-CM41s. XIV.. TranOormulons f Khar- Ponomarev, U. G, le unit'. Grone zfiul. -310 a A. 49, IOSWe.- Shaking 1.36 j. PipvtOr 10 fir7i~ with 0.8 1. 11, , 11tono'chloro- -wea gavt 24 g- chl~rolqdrin4: ,teCIj(OII)CHC7CtI:CIII, 1u -10-l', d2o t-0520, PjIVI 1.4510; JIzMCIICII(OH)- CH:CI, blo 4G-8'. 1,0594, 1.4580, and IfeCII(OII)Cff: CH -CHjCI, b:a 80-30,_MV50. 111731. These in crudemix state were slowly distd. front: 60% KOK yielding 61.5% 2 m;xed oxides- Ate&CH(CH.CH,).O, b. 7"11.. d. c - ? r 0.8407~ n'6Q 1.4135, and NIeCHCHCH.Clf..O, U~ 1(*4% 0.8881, 1.4330. , The former )xIde over AIA at 350' gave 75% product contg. 36% carb)nyl lwmpds.; the prodi;cts b. 65-1121; these give-the lodDform reaction and yield I- penten-4-one semicarbazone. m. 225*. -Heating the pure oxide with 1% HIS04 ia a sealed tube at 100* gave I-Pnde-- ble 78-9*,. 0,0931, 1.45M. The oxqde (8-4 g.) added to 20 g. MftCO and 0.19 g. BF%.Et%O ut, -8* and kept overnight gave 17% .1.2,54rimdiyl-#-triny)diaxotage, b. 12S--30', 0.8927.1.4115, which shakea with 617q IIsSO4 gave 4-pentene-2,3-diol. Similar reaction of the cmide with MeOH and. BFi.1360 gave 32.6% b,~ 52-4% O-Ml, 1.4234. ~Me- oxide heated wit;~. aq- . EtjNH 9 lirs. gave 21.5% J-didA*minv-I-pt*kxv-64. blo ' - G 0 8 2 M l W-7 . , 1.4440. . 71 . . &~Z . QiAVKUN, B.I., inzhener - ~- ~- New auxiliary equipment for mining. Shakht.strai. F '57. no.2:16 (M1RA 10:7) (Coal mines and mining-Equipment and supplies) SRAVXUI.-T, B. I - mine biiildirig exhibits at the 1998 World Fair. Shakht. stroi. no.4:19-20 '58. WRA 11:6) (Brussels-Exhibitions) SHA VKMI, B. I. Equipment for concrete lining of mina shafts starting from the face. Biul.tekh.-akon.inform. no.6:6-8 '58. (MIRA 11:8) (Mining engineering) IWRAV9YEV. S.F.; -SHAVEnT, B.I. - The BUS-1 Lt tor drilling ekon.infolm no-V,:3-5 160. I (Boring //// I blaft holes in shafts. Bial.tekbn.- (MIRA 13:12) machinery) I V BY'DEROVSKIY, S.I., inzh..-. GLADTITT, I.N., inzh.; SHAVK-IIN, B.I.; IJTCr'fIY, V.1M. Record-speed shaft sinking at the Vaal Reef mine. Shakht.stroi. 4 no.2:30-32 F 160. 041RA 13:5) (South Africa, Union of --Shnft sinking) MARKOVICH, Nikolay Mikhaylovich; BORISOV, Igor' Fedorovich; ~MVKUN, ~o~~s-ly4n_py:_~ch;-VISHNEVETSKIY, G,R,, otvi red.; LAVRENTIYEVA, L.G., tekhn. red. [Practice of introducing and using combination drills. The BU-1]Opyt vnedreniia i ekspluatatsii burillnoi vrashchatel.Ino- udarnoi ustanovki. BU-1. Moskva, Tkentr. in-t tekhn. informa- tsii ugollnoi promyshl., 1962. 27 p. (MlRA 16:4) (Boring machinery) MIKRALENKOV, S.P.; STEPANOV, M.A.;_�HAVKUN , MIALEVICH, N.A., __B~J__ doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.,red. [Mining machinery and equipment] Gornoprokhodcheskie mashiny i oborudovanie. Pod red. N.A.Malevicha. Moskva, 1962. 147 p. (NI RA 16:7) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy i proyektno- konstruktorskiy institut podzemnogo i shakhtnogo stroitellstva. ( Mining machinery) B !F-~ - - -,l T " HA71JUM, ;~ I - -,.~ 1,0- v ~I _ ~I The dril]jrqZ rzac"~Ire~ -Plil. inst,rauch.i -tek),,Jrlf,--,-~ 18 irt 165~ (MIRA M4) T U-' tekh.--ekon. nal-c?- inform. 18 no.3:18 Ntr 165. ICRA 1 5) B, I. -;Lp rf--larr-y-pc-rc,iss-i.-.r% :rAchine. Biul. 'Llekh.-ekon. infrom. Gas. nauch.-issi. inst. nauck. i tekh. infonn. 18 no.4; 22-23 F '65. (!.JTJ~A- 18'5" i i~ . "!p ,- . . . . -Cdc-4- .--l rg t'le " 5, --' ~~'; q p rocp. F; I r - - h -, :~ ~ ` c r d -- , - , --,( , -, L - i 1 4'.. - - -'l - - -,t '- ng h ( ~ r; . F ~ 1-1 -1. . ?- f,'i zh . - -, ~- -, : . : ~ n f c r = . Ci:, s . :, a - z-, h . -' 1: -~ kh . i n ' ) -,T. . .1 J~ t n,. ~ . 7 -~ 10- 1' 2. il 16,5. km-F"A 167q) .i -~?~ j! ! j,' 1 ALIRIll"SONI - , 9 , . ln'ro(3nct4,-,n o,' t'lle i-~~ 4 ~ -1 . t, Y. . - f, k o n . Ges. nauch.-Il Li !-3 11. in ~i f. . n~i i 2"*, , 1, - 1-:r"n . -Ir . Is no.7,12-14 Jl 165. SHAVKUN, B. L. Introducing the 2PPN-5 llrj;ider. P'u" inst.nauch.i tek-h.iLfomn. 18 no.9:7-8 S '65. ( !" -, .1A 1F, - I ri ~ -1 . SEAVET',') E. I.; A.41 T-tro(i-ucing the UES-5B unt. B-*1,1.te--~.-ekon.-nfor--i.Gos. - - ~ u -- - T- L 18 no.!]-:7 N 165. (1-dRA 18:12) . I B. F. 1 .' nufacturirg ~,'rie 2s--Ru-,I,n automotive dr' IlLng macillne. Diu!- ,LL 0 L u kh. tel--:..--ell-on. Lnforri. Gos. rauc-:.-iss'. inst. nauch. i tel' infor.m. 18 no. 12:11-12 D 165. (",'T7.1 19-1) B.P. -1 -3,ju;pment 'or tiie bituminiZ- JI,Lroduclln-~, a se~ Of -,a BC~ atioi-, uf a sluLft. Btiill. inform. Gos. nauch.-Issl. Lns'u. natic.i. L teil-h. illform. U~l o 65. (MIRA 18:19) S:T 7. Ye. Cljrd Biol St-il -- "Efle~al ol the prQctice of usinF. stud rf,,;is env,~e p, upon t~-(~ -I-i-e Indexes of V*.,, ertility of q'u"li ty 'Of Kicv, 1959. (Ildn of A,,,ricrulture -TIc S S'R .Ukrainian SHAVKUN., V.Y-a., nauchnyy sotrudnik -- ------ - Interrelation between the method of using rams for breeding purposes and the development of their wool. klauk.,pratsi "Ask.-,qov." 9:45-50 161. (MIRL 15-3) (Rams) (wool) 20227 s -*, --:: ~, /c-.,) 0,,/o 0 4 It, 0 / "'D AC.-D6 /AIOI A Ui T; ~).R S Sliavk-;n-v. A. V., Ak_~enov, N. A., Mugerman, Yu. N, Kc1cohinsk-ly, Engine. All~~-;s in Chamt-ers with C,~,ntrolled Atl,M.~t_srhE-r~_ Svaro-hnoye prcizv--_;-,.vc, '1961, No. Ill, pp, 211 T~ie Lig- hem, i a 1 ac' ! *,y f *~ i t -an lum a-2 ally- r-. ys cTlires ~7,3 r ~'.i I r r i d -he we- 'n=t - :, Cf' we ", an .e aga- th e gaseous- a - r. - n I r- I Wan we-.- ~iing T.~_T-F of :-rrp--,=x fe to carry ,r'nrma,_Ion i-- given cn argcn. ar-- well- ut in Sp~-'_R' cri-am-erp. c ing of 'Itanilum-9--.1cy -3Lnd par,,s in 2hanii-cers :f ~wc ~yp,:-~. Chamber Nc. 1 Is rl 0~05 T,3 lirnl8l,.19T s'qA! cyllnfnr' 3f 1,300 rrm. internal dia-rreter and 44D0 nun. heigh'... 7h e -- y I I n; j e r -, , c r e p r, & S e: : -~ s ac v e r f a = -~ en ed w -, -. h --r c - I - c. . ~,_ r. _~- ~: lln P-T. b .77 r i s rlaci,j -:r. a rc.'ary -acle and --sr, 'Ce ro,atei arc.~rd -he hor!zontal ax!Z. in -~he in wa.'--z -here are '~xlg-a~2 w_,_-_,dow4 an_~ apert,.;re_z f,:r fa--ening -.hc- glovc-_~ 7-e r-ax'-r. ic eo.~!Tr:ed W-h "gh+,., The we'Allng iq `e-i a ,abl- wn_-~~ =n--e..:~ -~~7 a -a h-'der w, _'h e"G~'r_-dq. Tho abs,~--C-e c!~ a nczz-- ~-_zrn~r - 20227 1.2 A006/A 10 1 Weldins of Tianiam AL-loys in Thamters -:~h Con-r-DIlled Atmosrhere tht~ n-f-eei .,- any weldling area. The hamber is connecto)d wit!, a vain-.xzr, argon cylln-rier and an :,.I mane~,mieter, !'he feed _%yslem and th-i electric rl,r*--,,. ar,~ glv,~-n in P,,g, 2 and 3. Chamter 'Ns. 2 is trade of 15 mm thick gr,i-la ~-ee- , and d.,ffr--.--z from ~,hajrlcqr No, 1 ty larger dimensl-,na, which makes 11'. 4 -4-?!J iarge-z~!zc- par-.s. ~The dimen:E~t~nz are: DO r diar; rm 210 nm me 630 r" j" I . M 7n T,4.: Paraile! oper~.*-Ing vacuum pamp~ are- emp~ cytid. Tn. IC'- ?m-. Hg iS pr c~da_-,eel with-In 1210 - 150 min . Gas cc-s-_impr,!,~tn for I ~! at.--- 2.5 m3, Frior tc) operat.Acn the chamber is blo-AT. thr,~ugh with air and rucoed wit,h an a1cohol-wetted rag. To fill the cha-mber, argon ...f firs., ct~mp-)!~Itl-tn i~ employed ccntainlng not over 0.005% oxygen and no* cover C , 11,14 n,. trogen . L,:)ck3Mi*,h t.cols, base material technolcgical pla,.es an! BT.I(VT-I)' 2 mm-diamete-r ~_itani,Am wire are then placed Into the chamber and the cover is fa~'Ienel. Af,~er evacua~ilon argon is fed into the chamber at a preseure not less 0.) atm. Driring welding process I I/min argon are supplied into the rham'~-r. Farts of ~cmmer,:iai VT-1 tite-nium, OT-4 and fj'r -5 (V'T-5) titanium al-IcYs car _r~~_,,weidc-J, ~7-1 Ifiller wire is employed, which is dehydrogenized in a vacuum 10 m. qz by 'rea*_Ir. Welding in -he descrit.,~d ch-ambers produceS 9 9500C wfnld Jol-n4:s, whose strength 1_5 equa'. to that c-f -%he base metal. The Ca,-~_ 21/4 S111 _35/6 1/ooo/004/006/012 ACC,6 /.A 10 1 Welding ol Tlvwium Alloys in Chambers with bending angle is 160 - 1800. The present article was domposed with the partici pation of engineers M. P. Korneyev, V. I. Chernov, S. Ye. Ma~karov, Ye. P. Saymu- kova, senior master B. K. Lukash, welding operators S. A. Titov and V. A- Bere_ zovskiy. There are :5 figures. rigure 2: Diagram of feeding the chamber for welding in shielding gas: 1 - body of the chamber; 2 - cover; 3 - hose connecting the chamber with the gloves; 4 - bolts; 5 - hose connecting the chamber with the cylinder; 6 - cYlAnder valve; 7 - argon cylinder; 8 -PI~ -53 ILK 1 -53) reductor; 9 - C W T -I (VIT- I) thermo- vacuu,mmeter; 10 - ~11 N -2 (LM-2) or A T -4 m (LT- tube; 1 monovacuummeter; 12 R~! -1 (VII-1) I vacuum pump; 13 - hose, connecting the chamber with the pump; 14 hose connectirg -~he c1lamber with the bull-bar; 15 - cover for the glove; !6 - window with pro- tecting glass; 17 - bull-bar Card SHkVMiOV, L.A., inzh. Development of excavator manufacturing at the "Rabochii Ketallist" Plant. Stroi. i dor.mashinostr. 4 no.2:31-33 F 159s (MM 12:2) (Excavating machinery) HILINSKY, F.A.; LOWSHEN, I.P.; I.ElffiI)KNKU, G.J.; SHAVONOVA, N.D.; DO."'IZO, A.F.; TERNOVAYA, K.G.; ANTIPOV, A.S., obshchestv. red.; BABAK, lu.l,'., tekhn. red. [Gor~iachiy Klyuchl Goriachii kliuch. lzd.2., ispr. i dop. [By] F.A.Kidlinskii i dr. Krasnodarsk, Krasnodarskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1963. 81, P. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Glav-nyy vrach :,anatoriya Tlo.2 K'urorta Goryachiy Klyuch, Kavkaz (for Lebedenko). 2. Sanatorjy No.1 Kurorta Gorychiy Klyuch, Kavi.--z (for Stia-,,,Iun(.va,TernovLya).3,ZairestitelI glavilogo vracha po Fieditsinskoy chasti sanatoriya Kurorta Goryachiy Klyuch, Kavkaz (for Dorizo). -':--NG' POV, P.V., prc".; S)"IlIKU"TIV, N.', in::I,. the lurgbility ~.,f t'he auxiliary rAl alitornzatic pipe rk)l-',Lnir mills. S-al' 24 Je 164. 4URA 17:9) ab, L 7 1 i C inskiy ~rubopr-~-,katn,ry zavod. L 18113-63 EWP(q)/EWT(m)/IBDS AFFTC/ASD JD ACCESSION NR: AP3003912 S/0181/63/005/007/2027/2029 AUTHORS% Boizomolov, V. N,;,Shavkunovp.P* No TITLEi AnisotroEj of drift mobility of current carriers in partially reduced rutile SOURCEt Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 5, no. 7., 19639, 2027-2029 TOPIC TAGS-. anisotropy, drift mobility, current carrier, rutile, impurity band, conductivity, vacancy, 0, electrode, dielectric constant ABSTRACT: The authors have investigated single oriented crystals of different forms. Samples were cut in the form of plane squares,-reet%TlUes, and crosses with three extensions on each of the four sides for measuring the electrical conductivity. All heating was done at about 750C for 30 minutes, but at various pressures of oxygen. Samples werp-cooled quickly (2-3 min) to insure uniform distribution of oxygen vacancies.P Measurements show that the anisotropy of drift mobility in partially reduced rutile is practically independent of the concentra- tion of oxygen vacancies. The value is approximately 3.5. This value is almost the same as the inverse ratio of the squares of the dielectric constants (3-8) Card 1/2 L 18113-63 ACCESSION NR: AP3003912 along the corresponding directions. The same values for anisotropy of drift mobility apparently hold for pure rutile. It thus follows that "individual" impurity zones do not develop along two crystallographic directions in rutile during its reduction. Jumps in specific resi.stance were noted, particularly at the positive electrode. When the sample was inverted in the holder, the zone of impoverished carriers was preserved at the negative electrode for a time, but the layer gradually disappeared. This suggests that the Jumps in resistance are du~ to': movement of positively, charged oxygen vacancies. "We are sincerely grateful to V. P. Zhuze for suggesting the topic and for useful discussions, and also to V. B. SterKin for his aid in making the measurements." Orig. art. hast 1 figure. ASSOCIATION: Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad (Institute of Semi- conductors, Academy of Sciences, SSSR) SUBMITTEDi IlMar63 DATE ACQi 15Aug63 ENCM OP SUB CODE- PH NO REF SOV 003 OTHER-. 00611, Card 2/2 .-30V/133-59-9-19/31 AVTHOI~5: Grebenshc~-ikova, A.Z. and Shavkunova, F.P. TITLE: The Use of Velosite as a Foaming Agent in fly rochloric. Acid and Chromium Solutions PERIODICAL: Stall, 1959, Nr 9, pp 828-829 (USSR) ABSTRACT: During the pickling of steel in hydrochloric acid solutions (stainie5s tubes ave pickled in 25-15% HC1 at 700C for control for surface defects) a considex-able amount of hydrogen chloride is evolved with water vapour, polluting the atmosphere in the working space and thus lowering labour productivity. Similar difficulties were en~zountered during electrolitic chromising of dies and holders. To prevent air pollution and at the same time to prevent overpickling and saturation of metal with hydrogen, various additives were tried (table 1). The best results were obtained with velosite (light petroleum oil; viscosity 1.3 to 1-4; sp gr 0.88; flash temperature 1200C) which forms a layer of foam trapping the gases evolved during pickling and simultaneously prevents overpickling. It is used at present in the industrial pickling in an amount of Card 1/2 1.5 to 2.0 kg per m2 of the bath surface. With this SOV/133-59-9-19/31 The Use of Velosite as a Foaming Agent in Hydrochloric Acid and Chromium Solutions additive, the consumption of hydrochloric acid decreased by 30% and the proportion of defects due to overpickling by 10%. The same reagent was found to be effective in preventing the evolution of chromic anhydride during chromising. The t;iickness of the deposited chromium layer and the durability of the dies are not affected by the presence of velosite (Table 2). There are 2 tables. ASSOCIATION:Pervourallskiy novotrubnyy zavod (Pervourallsk Novotrubnyy Works) Card 2/2 DOULHATISKIY, S.I.J.; MALKIN, I.I.; SMIWIOVA, Ye.P.; KORESHEVA, I.!.; KIEZUN, V.A.; SHAVLAK, L.J.; SAMIUICHIUK, I.M.; KOKFAlTOV, YeA; Prinimali uchastiye: KERD!OV, V.M.; LEV, Kh.A.; GULUBEV, A.F. Combined hydrogen sulfide-radon baths in treating chron*c dermatoses at the Sochi-Matsesta Health Resort. Vest. derm. i ven. 38 no.9:47-51 S 164. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Sochinskiy institut kurortologii i fizinterapii (dir. N.Ye. R-manov) i lermatologicheskiy sanatoriy "Raduga" (glavnyv vrach G.K.Gonsales). SHAVLAYEV. Z.F. (Leningrad, lesnoy pr., d. 4 kv. 55) Reactive changes of injured striated muscles under normal conditions and following the administration of certain chemicals. Arkh.anat.gist. i embr. 36 no.1:78-82 Ja '59. (KMA12:3) 1. Kafedra gistologii a embriologiyey (nach. - chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR prof. S.I. Shchelkunov) Voyenno-meditainakoy ordenR Lenina akademii imeni S.M. Kirova. (MUSCLES, physiol. regen. of inj. musc. with & without admin. of various drugs (Rua)) (REGKORATION, same)) SHAVLAYEV, Z.P. (Leningrad, tsentr. Fonarnyy per., 12, kv.14) Development of cancerous epithelium of the skin in experimental conditions. Arkh.anat., gist i embr. 43 no.7:84-95 J1 162. (MIRA 15:01) 1. Kafedra gistologii i embriologii (zav. - -hlen-korreSDondent SSSR prof. S.I.Shchelkunov) Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena Lenina akademii imeni S.M.Kirova. (SKIN-CANCER) (EPITHELIUM) -brl c SOV-26 -58-10-51/50 1 AUTHOR! Shavliashvili, I.A. Candidate of Agricultural Sciences TITLE. On the Lagodekhi Reservation (V Lagodekhskom zapovednike) PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1958, Nr 10, pp 127-128 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article collates and describes phenological observations made on the LagodekbiReservation. There is one table. ASSOCIATION: Lagodekhskiy gos. zapovednik (LagodekbiState Reservation) 1. Ecology--USSR Card 1/1 US XMI-1- DC -55 803 SHAVW, zi.G. Genesis of certain (~~ranite petp--itites. Trudy Alt.GMMII All Kazakh.SSR I:rf-20 154. I (RDO. 10:1) (pegmntitpa) ~jj~YLOV. ~ Morphology of pegnntitas nnd "hy-irotheranlitee" of one of the regions of Ka7akhstAn. Trudy Alt.Gl-Wll AN Xazakh.SSR 1:21-24 '54. (KLRA 10:1) (Pegmp,tites) (Wartzites) (Kaza)dis~an--Gooloa, Stnictural) SHAVLO, S.G.. Some remarks on M.A.Abdulkabirova'8 and M.N. Stroeva's article "The age of granitic intrusions of the Kalba.n Izv.AN Kazakh.SSR. Ser.geol. no.21:124-129 '55. (KLRL 9:8) (Kalba Range--Granite) SHATLO, S.G. Aga correlation of pegmatitas and intrusive rocks of the Kalb& range. Trudy Alt. GKIII Ali Kazakh. SSR n0-3:59-63 156. (MLRA 10:2) (Kalba Range-Pegmatitas) (Rocks, Igneous) 3 HAVW , S. G. Geology of pegmatites and hy(Irotharmally modified rocks of the Kalba - Naryma region. Trudy Alt. GWIII Ali Kazakh. SSR no-3:64-78 156. (WLRA 10.'2) (Kalba'?,ange--Pegmatites) (Kalba Rango-Rocks. Grystallins and metamorphic)