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USSR // Microbiology. Antibiosi.-s and STribiosis. Antibiotics F-2 Abs Jour : Ref aiur - Biol., No 8, 1958, tic 33757 I.uthor : Shatokhina., L. D.---_ Inst : Not given Title : AntaSonistic Propertit~s of Bact. Mesentericliz, Variety PTo. 29. Orig Pub : Sb. nauchn, rabot, Dnepropetr. ned. in-t, 1956, 1, 83-84. Abctract : No abstract Card 1/1 L. D. "Antar~oriilstic Properties of Variety iio 29 of the Dacill-as of Potato Rot." Dnopropeluxovsk S, U,Ite '~IecLlcal ins-L., Dnepr opeetro,,-sk, 19-55. (Dissertuation for 'L',-,e D---ee of r,&-iC'da'ue :Ln '~'Serlical Sciences) to~pjoj, 7T0 SO: Kni7,hnaya. Le i . 22, 11055, PP 93-105 27392 S/153/61/004/003/002/008 Ll I E073/E535 AUTHORS: Shatolova, V.I. and Khitrov, V. A~ TITLE. on- the _1-nfluence of the temperature on the reasistalize to corrosion and the electrode potentials of nietals in acidic media. I~ Iron. PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnylch zavedeniy, Khiizliya i khimiche5kaya tekhnologiya, 1961, Vol,4, No.,3, pp.4o4-40 TEXT: The authors carried out systematic investigatlcns on the influence of the temperature on the resistance to ccrrasion and the electrode potentials of Armco iron (C 0.028%, Si o.i4,,o., P 0.11%, Mn 0.15%, S 0,01%) in solutions of sulphur3.c and hydro- chloric acid. Specimens 22 x 20 x 2 mm were investigated, These were rubbed down with emery paper of varying coarseness, degreased in a hot 10% alkali solution. washed ~-n water, dried in al,_-ohol, ether and were then weighed, The quantity of electrolyte used was 150 ml; the temperature was maintained,by means of a wa--er thermostat,with an accuracy of +O.lcC. The investigations Afere carried out simultaneously on a7 least ten specimens in the Card 1/6 On the influence of the S/153/61/004/003/002/006 E073/E535 temperature range 0 to 800C with temperature steps of 200C. For the electrochemical investigations 10 x 10 min electrode-s were xised.. which were cladded with polystyrene in such a way that only cne surface was actively in operation. The surface preparat.ion was the same as for the weight tests. The potentials were measured by means of a potentiometer, using a compensation method., The potential was determined relative to a hydrogen electrode., using as an electrolyte an acid of 1 N. The measurements were mad:- 2.n an electrolyte which was still,in the presence of air. The curves of cathode and anode polarizations were recorded simultanecuslv, the anode and cathode spaces being sub-divided byaglass filtei . D.C. from anode batteries was used for polariz2tLon..,, thl! deri.:.ycy of the polarization current varied between 10- and 10-) A/cin . The current was measured by a millivoltmeter; the entire instrument was thermostated. It was found that the speed of corrosicAi of Arnico iron increases continuously with temperature, both in the sulphuric acid as well as in the hydrochloric acid, At 20 zo 25'C corrosion is more intensive in sulphuric acid, whilst at higher temperatures corrosion is more intensive in the hydrochloric acid, Card 2/6 27392 S/153/61/004/003/002/Oo8 On the influence of the E073/E535 Fig.1 shows the dependence of the logarithm of the corrosion speed of Armco iron on the reciprocal of the absolute temperaturej 1 - in 1 N H2SO4, 2 - in 1 N HC1~ The temperature coeffi,:~ients of the corrosion decreased with increasing temperature. This was to be expected since, according to the Arrhenius equation, these decrease with increasing temperature, It was found that on the whole the speed of corrosion of Armco iron obeys the Arrhenius equation in the investigated temperature range, The values of the temperature coefficients,', which are tabulated, allow the conclusion that the speed of z~orrosian of iron is governed the speed of the chemical reaction, The electrode potentials were also investigated. Fig.2 gives the dependence of the ele~.trode potential (normal hydrogen equivalent) on time (min) at varlous temperatures (a - 1 N soluton Of H2SO4, f) - in 1 N solution of HCl). Fig.3 gives the influence of the temperature on the steady state potential of Armco iron. 1 - in 1 N solution of H2SO~-, 2 - in 1 N solution of HC1, Fig.4 gives the cathode and anode polarization in the temperature range 0 to 800C (a - in a 1 N solution of H2SO4, 6 - in a 1 N solution of HCi), The following conclusions are arrived at; Card 3/6 27392 S/153/61/oo4/003/()02/008 On the influence of the E073/E535 1. Increase of the temperature of 1 N solutions of sulphuric acid and hydrochloric acid is accompanied by an increase in the corrosion speed of Armco iron which is fully in accordanze with the Arrhenius equation-i the process is gcverned by the speed of the chemical reaction, 2. An increase in the temperature leads to a shift in the potentlals of the Armco iron in bo-t.1 acids towards negative values, A slight smoothing out of the pc:entials at elevated temperatures is explained by an intensification of the effe:t of corrosion cn the surface of the metal ait by baring of cathode inclusions, 3. An increase in the - mperature facilitates both electrodE processes to approxima:-iy the same extent, There are 4 figures, 2 cables and 10 references: 9 Soviet and I non-Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra ki-imii., Voronezh :iy pedagogicheskiy institut (Chemist.-, Chair, Vorone.. Pedag~,gic Instatute) SUBMITTED: Septembe, 8, 1959 Card 4/6 ACC NR: 1\13,60351.07 SOURCE CODE: UR/0137/66/000/008/E011/E011 AUTHOR: Shatov, A. A. 7ITLE: Workability of the weld affected zone in soft welds SOURCE: Ref. zh. Metallurgiya, Abs. 8EG5 REP' SOURCE': Tr. Chelyab. politteklin. in-ta, vyp. 33, 1965, 59-63 TOPIC TAGS: metal, plastic deformation, soft weld ABSTRACT: It has been determined that the welcl. -'Led zone in. soft welds is in soltened state of str!-.~s and will susta-r.. ue' rmation simultaneously with 10 the weld under avera e norrnal slrc.~. .- u4' iower than the of its metal. V. Fomenko. [Tri,,slation of abstract] (AM) SUB CODE: 13/ UDC: 6 21. 7 91. 001:539. 4 L Card SHATOV, A.A., inzh. Work of the Volunteer-Staffed "University" on welding in Chelyabinsk. Svar. proizv. no.1:40-41 Ja 164. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Rektor Obshchestvennogo universitets. Do svarke. SHATOV, Anatoliy Anatol'yevicb; KIRILLOV, A.A., inzh.9 retsenzent; ~'- - red. [Arc welding of steelj' Dugovaia svark-a stali. leloskv~i;, Mashgiz, 1961. 52 p. (Nauchno-populiarnaia biblioteka rabochego- svarshchika, -no.10) (Steel-Welding) (IMU 15 - 4) BAKSHI, O.A., kand.tekhn.nauk;_SHATOV, A.A-.., inza. University on theoretical problems on welding in Chelyabinsk, staffed with volunteers. Svar. proizv. no-8:46 Ag 162. (NIRA 15:11) (Chelyabinsk-Welding-Study and teaching) 60) PWK I BOOK =PLOITATION SOV/2800 9331. Kinlsterstva ovyaci. TokhnIchaskoys uprayle.niya Novyye razrabotkl po organlzatsii pochtovoy avyazi; Informat- slonnyy abornlk (Now D*velopme nts In the Organization of Postal Communication; Collection of Inrormat i0 nal Articles) Moscow, Bvyaz-izdat, 1958. 166 p. (Series: Tekhnlka avyazi) Irrats slip inserted. 6,600 cop Los printed. Additional Sponsoring Agency: USSR. M1nIster8tvO ov"zi. Teentrellnyy nauchno-isal*dovatti-skly Institut. Rasp. 19d.s A. To. Vasenin; Zd.s R.A. Xaz-vina; Tech. 3d.& K. 0. rArkoch, FVRPWSs This book Is Intended for post Office workers. COVIRAag: This collection of articles discusses efforts of the Central Scientific Research Institute of Communications -To Organize and Mechanize work processes In postal service establishments. It describez the organization of postal fUnatton:,and w t determine thA efficiency of mechanized operatlo . 3o::saroticles discuss future development of the postal service. go personalities are Mentioned. There are no references. friforlyev, 1. D. Overall Mechanization of Postal Operations 80 0 . and A - To, Methods of Calculating Ned;Ldev CO. qhItHicloncy or nochanization W C , PacilItI,; 1. Postal Service Zetablishments 100 Abgnl, V. A. lInNtallation With Several Degrees of Select- 30=1-Autcuatic Sorting of ?Lrcole 120 3srouk, V. A. Method or Determining the ifricloncy of Picreal Sorting 130 -lostrosina A O.,and N, D. MosonovIch. Syston of Oiipfi hi, roduction Process** for -ff -arid Mechanizing P gXpediting Periodicals In LArge Postal Service Establish- Monte ATAIL&BLI: Library of Congress (HE 6237 R85) C, Card 4/4, JO 1- -60 GLADKIY, M.L[deceasedj; SHANIN, G.A.; IODKO, Ye.K,; MANAYENKOV, S.D.; MIKHAYLOV, E.A., GRIBOVA, Ye.N.; LUGOVSKIY, P.P.; KULESHOV, S.M.; SHATOI, Aj.; SHNYREVA, N.N.; ISHKOVA, V.M.; LYKOV, A.I.; TYULYAYEV, A.N., otv. red.; SIDOROVA, T.S., red.; SHEFER, G.I., tekhn. red. [Determining the economic efficiency of new machinery in the communication system] Opredelenie ekonomicheskoi effektivno- sti novoi tekhniki v khoziaistve sviazi; informatsionnyi. sbor- nik. Moskva, Sviazlizdat, 1962. 174 P. (MIRA 16:3) (Communication and traffic-Technological innovations) - - i - PAK, D.N., kfaid. eel Iskokhozyaystvannykh nauk, latireat Stalinskoy premii; TIOVIKOV, M.S., zasluzhennyy zootakhnik Kazakhakoy SSR; SHATOV, A.V.. laborant. - IT,q)roving the system of raising dairy cows of the desired type. Zhivotnovodetvo 20 no.4:42-49 Ap '58. (MIRA 11:3) 1. Kavakhskiy nauchno-isslodovatellskiy inatitut zhivotnovodstva (-for Saatov). (Kazakhstan--Dairy cattle) SHATOV, A.Ya.; CIIEPNOBRCJVK-N, V.P. Volume shrinkage of steel smelted in an acid electric furrece. Lit. proizv. no.6:31-32 Je f64. (RI-R.A. 18:r~)' PORU(;HIKOV, Yu. P.; TUKAffll-,11, Zh.V.;SRATOV, A. Ya. Sele--tion of an efficient shape and size of rise-S for steel castLngs. Izv. vys. uoheb. zav.; chern. met. 7 164. (MIRA 17,'7y' L - 1. Ural's?!, uolitekhnicheskiy Inot4tut, S'ITATOV , A. Ya. ; C','F!T'OBF,.f V", M y V. P. Nonmetallic incl-usioris ir. acid electric steel &ri= -- ts in the ladle. Izv. vys. uchen. zav.; chern. met. 7 no.10:5~-5F 164. ( ".4, 1 D ~I L ~ : I i ) 1. Institut metal.lurgii Ural'skogo filiala Aff SSSR. . SHATOV, B. f ~ -;~ -, -"- ~14a now machis*s. Znau. eila 32 no.1:8 J& '57. (MW 10:4) 1. Zamestitell njwhallnika alarnogo upravleniya mokhaniz&tsii elaktrifikataii. sel'skag* khozyaystvaL Mixisterstva. sellskago khozyaystva RSFSR. (Combine* (Argicultural machinory)) KOSTYUMICH, N.I., inzh.; TELIN, P.P., inzh.; PATROV, A.V., i:azh.; SHATOV, B.M., red.; ZMNETSKAYA, L.V., red.; YERSHOVA, T.S., [Reference manual for the new agricultural machinery] Katalog6- spravochnik po novoi sellskokhoziaistveanoi tekhnike. MoBkva. Izd-vo M-va sell. kho2.RSFIIM, 1959. 98 p. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Glavnaya inspektsiya po :nekhani- zatsii sellskogo khozyaystva. (Agricultural machinery) ZffURAVLEV, P-N-- ~-~ I ~B, M New machinery for agriculture. Biul.tekhn.-ekon-inform. no.12!63- 65 160. (MIRA 13:12) (Agricultural machinery~Technological innovations) , " !W '.1T SHATOV., 1.V. L.I., red. r,li' prer!f~.-It ri~inforcr:d crinc-ete in the construction "~t aiAora,)bili: roads for k-ulir- Imber; materials for a I Zhelezzobotona na stroitell- anvog d1lia .,y-;o-_k:i lesa; materialy k TSF_arjj,3:. nauchno--issi. in-t mekha- z a t i i e n, e r el t i "K i .1. ~-. s n - 7 i T- r E5 ha . r 19 64 . 71 p. (MIRA 18%5) SILA.TOV, JIlya Viisillyevich [ITactices ir, Wilding autor~zbile loggln~ roads with tracks having a reinforced concrete topping] Opyt stroitellstva lesovoznykh avtomobillnykh dorog s ko- leinym zhelezobetomym pokrytier,-,. Moskva, Lesnaia pro- myshlenriost', 1965. 571 P. (MIHA 18:8) SHATOV, I. V. "Author's Abstract of the Dissertation on the Subject of 'Most Advantageous Grip Angle of the Moldboard in Sidelong Displacement of Soil.11 Nin Higher Education USSR, Moscow Forestry Inst., Petro- --ivodsk, 19~4. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Technical Sciences) so: M-955, 16 Feb 56 S7V/118-56-2-5/119 -hatoV, T 11 Cnrdi~aze of Tec'nical Sciences TITLF: A Track-Laying Machine for the Construction of Narrow Gage Railways for Timber Transportation (Puteukladchik dlya stroitel,stva uzkokoleynykh lesovoznykh zheleznykh dorog) P f (' 1, 1 C A L -"',ekhanizatsiya trudoy9mkikh i tyazhglykh rabot, 1958, Nr 2, PP 14-16 (,jssR) AE.-:TRACT: At the suggestion of the head of the Pizhma narrow gage rail- way of the Gor'kles Trust, N.M. -Sintsov, a track-laying machine for the construction of n..~7row gape railways was built, It is mounted on a narrow gage Diesel locomotive of type. A 5 m long double cantilever is fixed on the rooll of the locomotive with a grapple suspended on one end and activated by winches installed on the locomotive. Sections of track are loaded on two trailing flatcars. When the locomotive reaches the end of the already laid track, the grapple is placed above the middle of each track section on the following flat car, and grips this section and lifts it with the help of winches. This section is then guided to its Position on the road bed, The workers then connect it Card 1/~- -iith the preceding section and fix the bolts. 7he locomotive S`W// I 1P- 58-2-51/19 1. A Track-Lpjin;~ Nlachine for the ',orirructi,-)n of ';arrow ",age Flailways for Timber Transportation moves forward agrain and the operation starts again, The same machine can also remove the old track by reversing the operations, It can also uproot tree stumps obstructing its i.,; ay with the help of additional winches installed for this purpose on the locomotive. Though this machine is not per- fect, it accelerates the track-laying operations. There are 2 photos and 2 diagrams. 1. Construction-Eq,_"p-m-ent 2.. Tracks (Rail-road)--Construction 3. Wood--Transportation Card 212 SIMTOV, M.B. Pnewnatic linit for making large models. i~iul.teKh.-ekon.inform.Gos.nauch.- issl.inst.nauch,i fekh.infr~n-i. 17 no.1:33-34 164. (MJRA 17:2) SHATOV, M. I. - (Groznyy) Experimental problems. Fiz.v shkole 14 no.1:78 Ja-F '54. (MI-RA 7:1) (Physica--Axperiments) SHATOV, M.I. (g. Groznyy). ... - - . - I .~. I I'- ' '41c experiments. Fiz. v shkole 16 no.6: Two strobose 51-52 N-D 156. (KLRA 9:12) (Stroboacopy-Study and teaching) NIKHAYLOV, G.P.; MASIAN, Yu.A.; FOYONOV, A.A.; GALAXTIONOV, A.T.; BOBKOV,ye.l.; KIKONOV, I.P.; DENISOV, Yu.A.; SHAPKOV, B.K.; SHATOV. -M.Ysi.; MIKHAYLOV, S. I. ; PETUNIV, I.V. ; KHOVAITBTS, V.K. TOCHEVA, G.I.; LABUTINA, B.A. In memory of A. I. Akhun; an obituary. Sver.proizv. no.12:46 D '57. (MIRA 111:1) 1.Sotrudniki Kafedry "Oborudovaniye i tekhnologiya svnrochnogo proizvodstva" Ural'skogo politekhnicheskogo instituta imeni S.D. Kirova. (Akhun, Alekdandr Il'ich, d. 1957) 3''! 2-, /60/PCO/"CC9/Qr-Q 5/1'G A 0 0,;-- /A 00 1 Trar,Slv:i:~n fr:m~ Refera!~ivnvy zhurnal, M-~-kh~4.-,ka, 1~311'2C., No, AUFRORS', Deni~:,v, Yu,.A,, Sha-,:v, M.Ya, T : TLE, Me~tanlcal Examinatic-nS -'-" Welded iERIOD:CAL, IT. '~7r-ai: -:;k--a-- ~-Ii-.ekhn. in-ta, 1195C), -zo7 80, p~. 179 -18-12 TEXT.; ThE rc,~nt out. '.hat it i-= ailcwabde to judge m tine sup- p--.,,rer, ~f a welded jclrt from the tensile ctreng-.h of its weakest. zc,ne, b~e-,~ause the develcpment. of elas,~.I-, -and pla-itic def~-Irmat'cns will Ile different ,orrela~.i--~nz cf the mechanical charac!~erl-~tlcs Df ~he metal in the In- dividaal zcnes of the welded joint. Since the .--ndlitIcns of plastl--- development -zho-d considerable effec~t, ~-.he sf the wel'-ded jc'-rL-. aS a wh:le~ the authcrs- propose -~o re-vise 4-.I-,e spr-icimen share and the tes-,~ merncas n f-If welded J~Ins f~-r determirtng the yield pcin-,~ and the specific elongati, wnicri nan nc-. be cb-~ained by tensile test's cf welded joints ac2crdl-ng to the valid FOCT 6996-54 t'GOSP 69~-54) The prop-,-~,al rrezIented 15 rorroborated by the exam- Car:i I/D SOURCE CODE: UR/0377/65/OOQ/OO5/OOO AUTHOR: Akchurin R. Kh.,- Apari5i, R. R.; Kolos, Ya. G.; Teplyakov, D. 1 0 Shatov, N. I.;PK~~Fie o-Lev, D. M-Meceased] ORG: State Scientific-Research Power Enaineering Institute im. G. M. Krzhizhanovski: (Gosudarstvennyy iaauchno-issledovatellskiy energeticheakiy institut TITLE: 'Two-mirror solar stand of the ENIN SOURCE: Geliotekhnika, no- 5, 1965, 5-10 TOPIC TAGS: photoelectric detection equipment, actinometry ABSTRACT: A combined two-mirror heliostat-containing solar stand was constructed in 1961-1962 at the testing area of the ENIN. The paper gives a detailed engineering description of the stand as a whole and of its various components (the mirrors, heliostat, reducing gears, photoelectric tracking sensors, vacuum system, and actinometric mechanism). The stand is presently in satisfactory operation. [The specific uses and results are not given.) Orig. art. has: 7 figures. [JPM] SUB CODE: 039 09 SUBM DATE: 13Jan65 ORIG REF: 003 Card SRTv',Pfh'1,', A.G., kard.tekhn.rvtuk.- STERLIN, B.Ya.. kand.takhn.nauk; TROSIKO, inzh.: VLASOV, V.I., inzh.: PERLTrLn*K, lazh. R" (it :'~'ttonjeed 01.1 In n n-iculla. Wis).-zhir.prom. ;'6 T1C.12: '30-)? D 161). (MIRA 1. Vcfj,3,1y1t-.nyy Pauc~rio--isqiedovatellsk-Jy institat zKirov (for Sergoyev, Sterlin). 2. Sredneaziatakly filial Vsesoyuzno,qo nauchno- ~~ L Ist3l J--iratellskogo lastitata zhirov (fox Tros:ko). 3. Nentraliaoye konstrukt~-,vskcove tyLuo Vsesoyuznor3o nauchno-issledrtratel'skocO in-ztittita zhili,~v (17o: Shat-ov). 4. Kckandskiy maslozhirovoy- kombinat (foT Tlaso,,). 1. F~krLanskiy maslozhirovoy kombinat (for Perepelyuk). (Cotton-qeed oil) f 1 :,;Y B--kor 33 and Korkhart 2,a~ refrac',of-ie~- glass Curnacefi. GtMeupory 30 Gosufiarstvennr, institu' stek'a -'aldina, Shatolil:. 2. Gcrnellskiy .9~ekcllnyy za-vod (for 7,ziliznYak, %Iellnik, 74:7~..-;. SFATOV, S.( p/o Savin-Ostrov, Vologodskaya, oblast') Beehives in a small forest village. Mast. lesa 2 no.7:32 Jl t58. (MIRA 11:9) (Bee culture) PHASE I BUOK~ EXPLOITATION 5 o .....Dv, A.N., Shatov, S.G., Khartsiyev, N.A., Grab, T.J., anj I- Cherchik, K-. oostanovleniye detaley mashin termitnoy naplavkoy; iz opyta avto- remontnogo zavoda (Rehabilitation of Machine Parts by Thermit Resurfacing; Practice of an Automobile Repair Plant) Leningrad, 1956. 15 p.,(Series: Leningradskiy dom nauchno-tekhnicheskoy propagandy. Informatsionno-tekhnicheskiy listok, no. 15. Svarka I payka metallov) 6,000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agencies: Leningradskiy dom nauchno-tekhnicheskoy propa- ,gandy, and Vsesoyuznoye obshchestvo po rasprostraneniyu politi- cheskikh i nauchnykh znaniy. Ed.: Ryzhik, Z.M., Engineer; Tech. Ed.: Freger, D.P. PURPOSE: This pamphlet is intended for welding personnel employing thermit processes. Cari 1/2 Rehabilitation of Machine Parts (Cont.) 565 COVFRAGE: The pamphlet presents a brief description of the thermit p.oocess adapted to resurfacing of' worn out machine part--. No personalities are mentioned. There are no references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Accessories for Thermit Deposition Rehabilitation of the Driving Wheel of a Caterpillar Tracto-t, Pc-habilitation of the ZIS-150 Automobile Reverse Gear F,)uring Processs Chemical Composition, Mechanical Properties of the Layer Deposited o.n the Gear Economic Effect Appendixes Calculating thermit mixture Required quantity of ferroalloys AlvrAIUBLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 JG/ad 9-10-58 1 3 4 6 8 9 11 12 16 SHATOV, V.A.. kandidat meditsinskikh nauk, GUKHMAN, Ye.L.; OSOVWPS, TS.O., ---TRITSKEVICH. A.11. Xxperience in treating chronic gonorrhea in women by intracutaneous injection of a mixture of novocaine. penicillin, gonovaccine and methylene blue. Vest.ven. i derm. 30 no.4:33-37 Jl-Ag 156. (MLRA 9:10) 1. Iz ukrainskogo nauchno-issladovatel6skogo kozhno-venerologichoskogo instituta (dir. - prof. A.M.Krichevakiy) (GONORRHEA, ther. pracaine. penicillin, gonovaccina & methylene blue) (PINICILLIN, ther. use gonorrhea. procaine penicillin with goaovaccina & methylene blue) (METHYLEVE BLUE, ther. use gonorrhea, with procaine oenicillin & gonovaccine) SHATOV, V.A., dote.; BWGDAHOVA, M.Yu.; RATINA, S.M. Diagnostic value of the gonoantigen reaction with secretions from the urethra & cervix uteri [with si2mmar7 in English]. Vest.derm. i ven. 32 no.2:67-71 Mr-Ap 158. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Iz Ukrainskogo nauchno-lasledovatellakogo kozhno-venerologiche- skogo inBtituta (dir. A.M.Krichovsk-iy Edeceasecil) (GONOBRHBA, diag. gono-antigen test in women, inadequate specificity & diag. limitations (Rue)) SHATOVp V.Ya. Fxper.'ance in uoing threshold spectrcmetry on the surfane, Vop. rud. geofis. no,5a134-139 165o (MIPA 18ag) 1. ..,1 NAD-.,,'ZIIKTN, A.D.; SHATOV, Yu.I. New data on the gas potential of the middle Carboniferous sediments of Bashkiria. Neftegaz. geol. i geofiz. no. 5: 19-22 163. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Ufinskiy neftyanoy nauchno-losledovatel'skiy institut. KAINIVETSY S., yurist; SHATOVA, M., yurist Interpretation does not make things clear. Izobr.i rats. M00:30 Je 162. (I-MUL 15: 6) 1. TSentrallnyy sovet Vsesoyuznogo obehohestva izobretateley i ratsionalizatorov. (Technological innovations) GORIN, Yu,A,; TYROTMEY, A,N., :,,,M.y SHIATOVA, M.M. Development of the r)ror(,..3s n' the ga~3 k - , Phase hydration of acetylene to acet-Ildehyde an nonmercury caralysts. Khim. prom. no. 4:265-267 Ap 104. OKITRA 17:7) EM ACCESSION NR: AR4033711 S/0081/64/000/003/MO14/MOILi SOURCE: Referativny*y zhurnal. Khimiya, Abs. 3M98 M AUTHOR: Galdina, N. M.; Rublevskiy, Zh. P.; Shatova, N. P.; Yanovskiy, Yu. S.; Izosenkova, A. V.; Shchekotikhina, N. M. TITLE: Improving the technology of production of electromolten, zirconium-con- taining, refractory materials for glass furnaces CITED SOURCE: Steklo. inform. materialy-,'. Gos. n.-i. in-.ta stekla, no. 2 (119), 1963, 55-62 TOPIC TAGS: glass manufacture, glass furnace construction, glass furnace material'. refractory material, zirconium containing refractory material, arc furnace ABSTRACT: In order to raise the output, improve the quality of the melt and effect a more economical utilization of heat in the process of melting high-stability refractory materials, a three-phase arc furnace has been installed in the testing facility of the Saratovskiy zavod tekhnicheskogo stekla (Saratov technical glass works). The electrical specifications of the furnace are given. Under the opera- ting conditions Fradicated, the melt output of the 500 kg furnace is 300 kg/hr. Ba or0l was molten in the three-phase arc furnace and pieces were cast in the Card ACCESSION NR: AR4033711 form of 600 x 400 x 250 mm standard wall bars as well as draw plates and profile i parts for burner ducts of glass furnaces (arch stones, "teeth" and "heels"). The average chemical composition and physical properties are given for bakor 33 glass bars whose characteristics are superior to those of bars made by the Yerevan works and not inferior to the best modern, foreign, fused refractory material,"Korkhart TsAW. Thus, in some tests, the glass strength of bakor 33 samples 11 ceeded that of the "Korkhart TsAW material and was higher than that-of the bakor 33 and bakor 20 produced at the Yerevan works. DATE ACQ; O2AprG4 SUB CODE: MA ENCL: 00 Card 2/2.. I- ~ -- : .~~ - - ::- - I - I -., ;- l ~, ! , - : , - '. . - . - ~ *. .. , .,o-, ; -~ BUTIRUMEVICH, I.; SHATOVA, T. Transfer to a new wage system and a shorte-r workday. Biu`~ nauch. inform.: trild i zar.plata no.10:)1-39 '59. (MUU 13:6) .r (Sverdlovsk Province-Reinforced concrete) (Wage 9) (Hours of labor) SHATOVA, T.; AKIFIOVA, I. Using a group piece rate wage system in ind-astry. BJ.ul. nauch. inform.: trud i zar. plata 4 no-9:33-39 '61. Maz-u~, i rl: l ) (Piecework) AKE-IOVA, I... sotrudnik; SIVi-TCTIJ, T. . sotrudnik Wao-e pa-yment based on the finished product and the development of collectivism. Sots. trl,~d 6 no-5:118-1-23 My. 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. flaiichno-issledovatel'sk institut truda. (White Russia-Brick industry) (Wage pa7ment systems) KHOPEKAY I., inzh.-ekonomist; SHATOVA T. ~ --=~ -------- Advantages of mixed brigades and accourting for individual output. Sots. trud 7 no.12:103-108 D 162. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Goestroy Grusinskoy SSR (for Khoperia). 2. Vedushchiy ekonomist Nauchno-issladovatellskogo instituta truda. (for Shatova). (Georgia Wages-Gonstruction industry) SHATRAVA, N, Plans are ready, let us start building. Mias.ind.SSSR 31 no.1:31 '60. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Velikolukskiv myasokoobinat. ( Luki--Packing houses) r SHATROV, A.A. . ..... Prolonged apnoea test in neurasthenia [with summary in French]. Zhur.nevr. i psikh. 57 no.12:1463-1466 '57. (MM 11:2) 1. Nevro logic he skoye otdeleniye (zav. - prof. B.V.Iikhternan) Institute imeni I.M.Seebenova, Yalta. (APNORA, voluntary aunoee test in neurosthenia (Rus)) (I&VnSTHEIIIA, ohysiology, voluntary apnea test (Rus)) C 1 "Chon; tj~ i ri bri:--ic u;(A;Aoii!;a, wid t*ur;ctir,,rl,-ll a c L Jvv of ti,.e th"'l-Cid -Ial-d in ratit:iAs with neurasth(mia in sanatcriuu~,-climatic treatieiA." Yalta, 1961. 1'/ pp; (Ministry of PLO-lic He2lth U.--rainian Criii,.ean S'tate Mied Ins-~ imeri ! . V. in 20"0 copies ; price not F-7iven; list of auth-or' s -Ork-- 7 (KL, '-1-61 sw:, 26;;*") . . - ?t I-nd cf text (IC entries) ; BORODINA, M.A.,, dotsent; SHATROV, A.A., Boleslav Vladimirovich Likhterman; on his 60th birthday. Vop.kur., fizioter.i lech.fiz.kullt. 28 no.101-92 163. (KIRA 16:4) (LIKHTERMAN, BOLESLAV VIADIMIROVICH, 1902-) KFEUCHKOV, Ya.S., inzh.; FEYGIN, L.D., inzh.; SHATIROV, A.!., inzia. Net charts -for -,he construction of an auto7atic bloorLina mill. Prom.stroi. 4.2 no.2:2-0 165. (MIRA 18:4) "ILA., .11T A ? Cand Vet -)ci -- (diss) ';D-Ita i the 13; 1". i . I.. .3 e~-J-zoot-llogy of lupwspirosis in Zapad,-c-Kazakristvanskaya Obla,A." Alma-Ata, 15 pp of jtgr U63R. Alma-Ata .F~v Irlst) 1~~ copies M, 33-;--9, 1" V*t"- - ~5 - pisenses of Farm i~nimals. Diseasos Caused by R Abs lour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 8, 1958, 35836. Author : Inst : West Kazakhstan Agricultural Administration. Title : Leptorosis in Cattle and Sheep and the bleaSUreS of Combatting it. Crig Pub: Zap.-Kazhakhst. upr. s. kh. Uralsk, 1957, 14 str. Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 22 SHATROV,,__A. P. (Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, West Kazakhstan VeterInary Scientific --FL-s-earch Experimental Station) "Sheep poLsoril-ng by AnabasLs aphylla and Anabasis solsa". . - Veterinariya, vol. 39, no. 8, August 1962 pp. 49 SHATROV, A.P., kand. veterin. nauk Paratuberculosis of sheep in Urallsk Provim-e. Veterinarl--La 4-1 no..4.,40-41 Ap 164. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Zapadno-Kazakhstanskaya nauchno-:Lssledovatellskay-a veteri- nar-naya stantsiya. S.P. GpoO-emical Prospecting metrais. Trudy 'ITR no.4:61-91 '61. (?Jfi,, 14:9) (GeocherLical prospecting) RYSS, Yu.S.; FOKIN, A.F.; SHATROV, B.B. Possibility of electric prospecting with direct and low-frequency current. Razved. i okh. nedr 27 no.1:27-32 Ja 161. (1-9-RA 17:2) I. Vsp-royuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut metodiki i tekh- I riki razvedki Gosudarstvennogo geologicheskogo komiteta SSSR. 7Z 0~_ 5 3 _Aatrov D..''. 1.-monstration of Electric Resonance 1-!Lzika v shkole Nr 3, pl, 71-?2 (USSR) 1959 r 2 "--e author reco.-nmends an obvious system of demonstrat- I CL i!;g electric resonance in physics classes. On the (.c.-monstration table, a circuit is assembled con- ~_''stinc of transformer T (see :iiagram) f3r reducing 4- U k.,e alternating current from 2-10 to 120 volts, choke L-_ , a 4 microfarad paper capacitator C and a 100 watt b,lb of ircandescence L for 22C. volts. After connect- e trnnsformer to the mains, the inductance of i-lie choke diminishes by lateral displacement of the interchangeable of tile c~-re. The students ob- ,~~rve -that, at a certain position of this part 'of the c)re, the incanlescence of the bulb filaipent reaches a maximum, but diminishes at ills further displacement. S-I`V/-.'~ 7-59-3-20153 of Electric Resonance `~e coil is en- ie incandesce-ce becomes weakf-r if t- i rely removed. if the teachei-, lby moving the inter- C, --inCeable ,,tL,t of Lite care, Gva,iually increases the i_,,ductance of the choke, then ,-he incandescence of the ~lam-,-,nt al,ain ~-euches a maximum and will afterwards lu "N,.e :~1~Lhor oes sti.;_1 L'urthor into detai2s, sh. C ;irE; tllle T_I-omsc~n formula. In the be-iL~ninrr of the -ticle he criticizes the ~'~emo~.strational experiment -scribed in "Kurs fiziki" ("Ci,urse of Fhysics") by ~.V. Ferysh-kin (part III, F-.qr,a,_,raph 115) as inade- -iate There is 1 circuit dia&ram. U T -,-a srednyaya shkola, Alupka, "rymskaya Oblast' ('-'Kith Secondary School, Alupka, Crimean Oblast') POTATCHIK, Yu.A.; ' SHATR V, I.-I.. kandidiLt meditsinskikh nauk, direktor; VYGM- CHIKOV. G.V., professor, nauchnyy rukovoditell. Erperimental study of type-specific and inter-type immunity caused by Flex- nerls dysentery microbes. Zhur.milcrobiol.epid.i immun. no.4.-, 4-42 Ap '53. .3 (MI-RA 6:6 ) 1. Moskovskiy gorodskoy institut epidemiologii i bakterialogil. (Dysentery) (Imnmnity) RAVICH-BIRGER, Ye.D.; SHATROV, I.I. kandidat meditqinskikh nauk, direktor; TYGODCHIKOV, G.V.. ~i~o_f_es`n6`r--,_Vauchnyy rukovoditell. qapten reaction an a method of identifying kysentery microbes when few are present. Zhur.mikrobiol.epid.i immun. no.4:42-46 AD 153. (Kr.RA 6:6) 1. Moskovskiy gorodskoy institut epidemiologii i bakteriologii. (Dysentery) (Antigens and anti- bodies) Jun. 5.3 P "e~!`cjne - Tv! hus Frcblem of !'-,ecurrent Fxanthemaatour, T`yphus,II 1. 1. --hatr--v Zhur Maro, Epid, i Irmiun, 'No 6, PP 63-68 Thn incidencc of' 1-rimary epldemic typhus hns decreased, Lut the re.Dttive wt of fairly weii authenticated recurrent typhus hoo brown. The assumptions of endemic rat rick-ettsiosis or retentlon and reactivation of the causative factor in the tody must be rejected -ss explanations for recurrent typhus. Although pediculosis was rare .1-n 'the cases tr-!ateA, occas-Ional exposure to infected lice may be assumed. 64.2-65.5% of recurrent typhus patients had contact with travelers or handled soiled personal objects (Iaundr~r, cicti-ling, tc.) loss of Lmnunity and renewed infection with epidemic typ~,us are probable. '67T229 u~~,;~",!",~,!(-,.7:i..i-li,,-: -jL*1'e~I'Se FD-1620' ca~-d 1/1 Fub Author S,iatrov, I.. f. Title --rhe Droblem of secondary exantheniatous typhus Periodical Zhur, mikxo. epid. i immun,, 7, 19-24, Jul 1954 Abstract The etiology, epidemiology, and incidence by profession of secondary exanthematous typhus [Brill's disease) in Moscow is discussed. Data obtained in investigations at two Moscow hospitals show that primary and secondai.-j exanthematous typhus have the same etiology, and that secondary typhus is not a relapse, as has been claimed by other work- ers in this field,, The results of the investigations of the incidence by occupation are presented on a chart. No references are cited. Institution Moscow Institute of Vaccines and Serums, Ministry of Health USSR (Dir.-"1,, G. Kashtanova, Scientific Director-Prof. V. A. Chernokh- v0stov) Submitted September 18, 195-3 SHULIMAN, B.A.; SHATRO'V, I.I.; BROITSHTEYII, N.I.; LISINA, S.P.; MOROZOVA, Ye.s.; GORBtiiO'VA_'._'T___.~~_. Immunological reactions following typhus fever. Zhur.mikrobiol. epid.i immun. no.5:63-68 My '55. (MLRA 8:7) 1. Iz Moskovskogo gorodskogo instituta opidemiologii i baktf)rio- logii (rukovoditell -prof. M.M.Msyevskiy). (TYPHUS, immunology, immun. reactions after) SHATROV, I.I. (Moskva); ZATSXPIN, N.I. (Moskva) -------------- --"-W Control of intestinal infections in the U.S.S.R. Med.sestra 15 no-7:3-7 Jl''56. (KIJIA 9:10) (INTXSTINF,S--DISXASES) YATSIMIRSKAYA-KRONTOVSKAYA, M.K.; BILIBIN. A.F.; BOCHAROVA, T.V.; SINAYKO, G.A.; SAVITSKAYA, Ye.P.; SHATROV, I.I. Possibility of prolonged carrying of Rickettsia prowazokil. 2hur. mikrobiol.epid. immun. 27 no.7:33-39 JY 156. (MLRA 9:9) 1. 1z Instituta epidemiologii i mikrobiologii imeni Gamalei AMU SSSR, Kliniki infektsionnykh bolezney i kafedry apidemiologii 2-go Moskovskogo meditsinskogo institute, imeni Stalina. (RICK3TTSIA PROWAZNKII prolonged carriage in animals & men) ~iiiATRUV, I.I.; WADO-14iY.:.~!-i, A.L. ... Oome comments on ircblens Of eDidemiology treated in t-e for the practic-i-.-I physician." Thur.-mikrobiol-eoid. i imm-un. 2EI no.6:152-153 je '5?. (IIRA 10:1--,; BOLD1377, T-Te., BBSSM~TVYY, SHATRTI, 1~11., T-YRKOV.~. Te.Q'* Relation between socin.1 nnd biological factors in the epidemic process, Yhnr.nikroblo]. eDid. i immun. 29 no.6:112-117 Je '58 ~'Ml':U 11:7) I -D,-E 1.1.T(-.-, OGT, soc. & biol. anpects. of epidemic (Rue)) HAT WV, I-Jt eDid. modern epidemiological problems related to typ~mn. Zhur. mikrAbiol. i Immun. 29 no.8:110-113L Ap, 158. (MIRL 11:10) (T',-'PHW, epidemiologY, (Rue )) --:~P~--IKCVA, 'E. P.; YA-1 - fIIT I' A, A. "Epidemiological characteristics of -lysentery in a rural locality Renort submitted at the 13th All-Union Congress of Hygienists, Epidemiologists and Infectionists. 1959 BOLDYTIEV, T-Ye. - AlLtill'llf, V.V.; BESSI.MTITYY, B.S.; 01,SUF"fEV, N.G.; , -K, -1- - - F4voltovlk, L. .; MITELIKO, S.L.-, OSANHIUVA, A.L. "Epiderliolo