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wou"709 TWOTSWAWN ftwnvu" meav ADj UolsoweIRTAII rug .9 OC61 '%-E I..", C6 -AIo. AM ... d, CS,j -qk.jCC -ZaonFll ~,,du --. r.,l -- -,f I.qCC" Q09Q.,q 'Or q.1 f.dl.v '601 WOC 'C961 M`VF 9DI 'IX 'tw 'S.... T,Q1 ow -dA ..d ..A,.., .1 9 'OW -d- - . 0-n-All, ...... dLj ...... ~d. ---j ...VI. ....... J.-V V-d.Z) IV-, ....h 117,91 'Qq6t cm.,D 9,017 CT61 -m.-& 'NO 'Oq6l --Z'OC~'V rv 4?01 IX -ml nctoQ qcc%0.~, Zc~c~e-j -cp J.T- ~1.1 TIL aTq.j I.) q.,na *IM'F .," ,.r-e. --,cQv,., 1-9-eaqwf Op 10t61 'cl -A 'Ail ji) L,61 9.5-C.1 .1afcq OP.Qocr.l VOL -d. --- I d- ... dA ...-r-d 'Z'gt '01,61 -Ih-E -d .... - ---d 0 ...... .1P d,9-F ....... ~d. -9.y ..ON ~Cr).,Z~ -.1 . -~d,-. -- ... . ...... IOW ... -IdA ,C 4L r") 4w qcl,lcf. t1_1 ti ! "-! I .9-oz ".-V -13 ........ M C p I T8Z 9v6I 71 61 qI,61 j.e a ...I ,PL;ctot X ... Adi r C -9=~Qpq 711,~ .,.Zr ZI 61 'tt6l ICNIO -e--4 9~e-i -cv--, -tot .cv 901 ~Wcsvc q'ZC 'LC6t 'fb'E It -L~ -QI2r-q C, q I ', I -d,~Alr-dj I -.1-44d.A q I, ..d- IV.. I.d., .... ....... d....... 'IS61 -Hh,F -b~ s~o -dY . . . . -f .,V . I . . . -A,dqI cr-a --d-AZ) Q -wz .019. -0~vUbr) ,-d.,Aj e.,,d,.L Teo-1cl q-91g.e. .9-4vw-c q-torn l9q lq6t rp-.D -e. ".T.4k~P U? LS 'I I OW '-!Cq2l -1--Ce j-lZq= -C-D 'C-D9IlFC-'J~ CP-P-9-1 'got .-3 -9'4'TCPXCt -qlt.- 4 CS61 SIP .)-Q -Q.,11 -01, 'AJ.L *dj) VS '11561 11,C CS61 lhrs~ VO-....d I rt, ,...d . ..... . ...... --1 d,. 0 - . I d V.._d.4,, -j .~j J ..... H........ Al 7777z.: 27 C), T r -it" 3 tlia~ K- Viewo lj-~_ 14 tci- 1-o' ri 1'. C 3 A-Ifft- On steady elastic vibrations with given displacements an the atuface of the medium. Soob 4 -266 (1949).,~ Meniya Akad. Nauk Gruzin. SSR. 10, 263 (Russian) T c problem of steady elastic vibrations of a plane elastic :medium, given the displacements on the boundary, was! iconsidered by D. I. ScrKain [Akad. Nauk SSSR. Prild. Mat.' Melt 10, 617-622 (1946); these Rev. 8, 361] and I. N.'~ jVekt;a'_[Doklady Akad. Nauk SSSR (N.S.) 60, 779-782 (1948); these Rev. 10,.87]. V. D. Kupi~_dze [SoobVeniya I Akad. Nauk Gruzin. SSR. 9, 99-106 (1948); these Rev. 14, 336; and the paper reviewed second above] gave the solu- tion for bounded and unbounded three-dimensional bodies. In the present paper the author gives the solution for an cq. vith gk~i~n disp acements on the surface Oastic-half-spg of the medium. Writing the vertnra,; (u, V, U.) =glaCH'-f-Cild I!." one has j A~+k-10-0. :>O, at C) kr'=-. klz= Cj.V2 ayt &? It b? where a and b are the longitudinal Or;tn~;vvrsal) Sj'rC1!S (if wave propagation, an,' A is tile frequr~ry of vibi;ilion. rb and 4 are to satisfy tile 130Undarv contlitions (on z~O),; (11, V, luj(x, Y, 0) = (ft, f2, f'), where tile fj(x, Y) ale givi'llI functimi *s. Following Serman, the -;olution ig songht in (lie' form of incegrals of certain partictilar 4utions, anda systeul of Fr?m,'~olm integral equatinnq for flit., "densities" is obtain.A. J. B. S. Kh. FA 1651'76 USSR/Physics - Elasticity 11 Mar 50 Oscillations, Steady "Steady 0scill tions for Given Displacements on the surface of an Elastic Body," S. Kh. Shatashvili, Georgian Polytech inst imeni S. M. Kirov "Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol LXXI, No 2, pp 249-252 Considers problem of steady oscillations of elastic body when nom onents of displacement vector are as- signed on the surface. Establishes several partial so- lutions by means of Fredholm integrals according to D. I. Sherman's method ("Frik Matemat i Mekh;" le, 1946). submitted 17 Jan 50 by Acad L. S. Leybenzon. i65T76 On steady vjkLfLtions of an elastic sciiii- space with given externar-Torces. -'Soob.,'&-niya Akad. Mathematical Reviews Nauk Gruzin. SSR. 12, 265-268 (1951). (Russian) VOL 14 No- 10 The boundar here differs from the previ. Nov. 1953 F 0118 0 nc in the paper revic-wed above in that the boundary Mechanics conditionsuc aX,+bX,+cX,=jufj, aY.+b V,+rY. =),f,,, aZ. + bZ, +cZ, where a = co5 (x, n), b = cos (y, it), c = cos (z, it), it is th, inner normal, X,, ... are the cornponcias of stress, u is LamCs constant, and the ~--are given functions. Following - the procedure of D--L-Sjm = [Akad. Nauk SSSR. Prikl. Mat. Mch. 10, 617-622 (1946); these Rev. 8, 361], by using integrals of certain particular solutions the boundary-value problem is reduced to an equivalent system of Fredholin integral equations. J. B. Diaz (College Park, Md.). USSR/Mathematics - Oscillations Sep/Oct 51 "Stabilized Oscillations for Given External Forces on the Surface of an Elastic Body," S. Kh. Shat- ashvili, Kutais Pedagogical Inst "Prik Matem i Mekh" Vol XV, No 5, pp, 615-617 E-~ This problem was solved by V. D. Kupradze ("Boundary Problems of Oscillation Theory and Integral Equations," 1950) and later reduced by A. M. KuGkov ("Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol LXX, No 2, 1950) to& system of singulax eqs. Author presents some parricular solns according to D. 1. Sherman's 193T54 USSR/Mathematics - Oscillations Sep/Oct 51 (Contd) method ("Trudy Seysmol Inst" No 118, 1946; "Prik Matem i Mekh" Vol X, No 5/6, 1946). Submitted 8 May 51. 193T54 USSR/Physics - Oscillations, Elastic 21 Apr 52 "Spatial Problem in the Theory of Stationary Elastic Oscillations for Assigned Displacements on the Boun- dary of' -the Medium," S. Kh. Shatashvili, Georgian Polyterh Inst imeni S. M. Kirov "Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol LXXXIII, No 6, pp 809-811 The soln of the plane problem in tI theory of station- ary oscillations for given boundary displacements was given by D. I. Sherman ("Prik Matemat i Mekh", Vol X, No 5/6, 617, 1946). Using Sherman's method the author considers the mo2.e general case of steady-state oscil- lation8 of an elastic body; namely, he considers the 223T88 surface bounding the body on which the displacements are known consists of several simple close surfaces not possessing common points. Submitted by Acad A. I. Nekrasov 21 Feb 52. 223T88 SHjiT,tSHV1LI, S.Kh. Reduction of a mixed problem in the theory of continuous elastic vibrations to Fredholm'a integral equations. Soob.AN Gruz.SSR 14 no.5:257-260 '53. (MLR-A 7:4) 1. Gruzinskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni S.K.Kirova, Tbilisi. (Vibration) (Integral equations) SOV/ IZ4-58-8-9078 I ranslation from: Relerativnyy zhurnal, N-Mekhanika, 1958. Nr 8, T) 110 (USSR) AU'r HO R: Shatashvili, S.Kh. T 11 T 1, E: Concerning One Mixed Problem of the Theory of Steady-state Elastic Vibrations (0b odnoy smeshannoy zadache teorii usta- noviv5hikhsya uprugikh kolebaniy) PERIODICAL: Tr. Gruz. politekhn. in-t, 1957, Nr 4 (52), pp 81-90 ABSTRACT: The author examines a mixed plane problem of steady-state elastic vibrations, using for this purpose potentials suitable not only for finite (i.e., singly connected) regions but for infinite regions as well. At the boundary the tangential stress- vector component and normal displacernent-vector component are assumed to be given.* The final results appear as Fredholm integral equations that are susceptible of solution. K.1. Ogurtsov Card 1/1 SOV/1124-58-8-9079 ~ra,nslation frorn: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 8, p 110 (USSR) AUTHOR:- Shatas-hvili, S. Kh. T L E: On a Mixed Problem of the Theory of Steady-state Elastic Vibra- tions for a Circle (Ob odnoy smeshannoy zadache teorii ustanovi,.- Shik-115yiI LIPI'Llgikh kolebaniy dly,-I krLIga) PERI.ODICAL: Tr. Gruz. politekhn. in-t, 1957, Nr 4 (52), pp 91-96 ABSTRACT: The general formulae evolved by the author elsewhere for use in the study of singly connected regions (see RZhMekh, 1958, Nr 8. abstract 9078) are applied here to the case of a c: r cle. Fourier series are used to construct the solution. K. 1. Oourtsov Gard 1/1 26'17 1 S/044/61/000/006/009/019 0 0111/C222 ;t~U ~tt~ ShatashTili, S.Kh. TITM On a mixed spatial problem of the theory of stationary elastic vibrations PERIODICAls Referativnyy zhurnal. Matematikag no.6, 1961, 51, abstract.6B 244 (Tr. Gruz.politekhn. in-t, 1958 (1959), no.1 (62), 33-44) TEM The author investigates the following mixed problem of the theory of stationary elastic vibrations: In the elastic medium T bounded by a closed surface S a solution of the equation of the stationary vibrations shall be determined which in the closed region is continuous together with its partial d*rivatives up to the second order inclusively The values of the normal component of the shift vector and the tangentiai component of the tension vector are prescribed on the boundary of the region. If the boundary is a surface of the type of LyapunOT then,with the aid of special potentials, the problem can be reduced to an equivalent system of Fredholm integral equations. The author proves that the obtained system is solvable for all values of the parameter6a with the exception of a discrete set of values. [Abstracter's notes Complete translation.] Card 1/1 SHATASHVILI, S.Kh. External three-dimensional problem in the theory of steady-state vibrations at given displacements on the boundary of the medium. Trudy GPI [Gruz.] no.6:81-87 161. (MIRA 16:4) (Boundary value problems) (Elasticity) SHATASHVILIJ, S.Kh. A mixed problem in the theory of elastic vibrations for a region external to a circle. Trudy Vycb.tsentra AN Gruz.SSR 2-.143-151 162. (MIRA 16:1) (Boundary value problems) (Elasticity) -SHATASHIIILI, S.Kh. Three-dimensional fundamental mixed problem in the theory of steady-state elastic vibrations. Dokl. AN Azerb. SSR 20 no./+: 7-11 '64- (1111IFIA 17:7) 1. Kafedra vysshey matematiki Gruzinskogo politekhnicheskogo in- stituta imeni Lenina. Predstavleno akademikom AN AzSSR Z.I.Khalilo- vym. L 8698-65 ACCESSION XR: AP4042949- and transverse Aribratfous, 6 is a Laplace operator and.kf and k2 ar th constants expressed in terms of Lame's constants, e density.of an elastic medium* and the vibration frequency. Designating by 8 the simple, close4 and sufficiently smooth surface consisting of two ar_~ 'sufficiently smooth curve-as bitrary-parts 81 and 82 eparated by the solution of equation: Wlis soughat under the assumption that the stress vckctor on the surface S1 and the displacement vector on. the surface 52 are given. Boundary conditions are established and the elementary system of solutions (the system of potentials) of the em,is constructed on the basi . f the met boundary value probl a o hod pro- posed by D. I. Sherman (Akedemiya nauk Arm. 88R. Izvestlya, Y. 16* no. 4, 1963) and the res4--lts obtained-earlier by the Author. By utilizing the system,constructed, the-solution.-of.the d boundary-value prpblewjor equtt~ldpi~4 (1)'; Is -koducei '-_tb,~thik -solUtidd of.-& system;`Of Ta cuchz& systep.of Lnt4lra ons~ALII:~ aetKti, - dievis Ole 9 a.; I i, h'.. r#' re at V rh a and th t o' no.:, h o mi.. 1 typcoqua i ~jfti A Oci#d! V i ,jjx~ ",Pat. k~~, Ass Y'. S:'JITAIIA, Vla i~.r '~LDLIK, iaxoslav _,[Satava Vladimir]; 311K. [S.,rdlik, Jaroslav]; VASM~OYSHCHIKOV, V.M,Ctranslator]; KUNOROV, A,V,, red, ; III7'OLA-YEVA, 'F.M,., red, izd-va; KASIMOV. D,Ya., tekhn. red. ll'Silikark'13 a porous concreta]Poristyi ~aeton silikork. Pod -red. A,VJI~onorova. I!os~va, Gosstroiizdat, 1962. 230 p-Translated from the Czech. (I.IPA 15 - 10) (Lightweight concrete) L 23094-65 EWT(m)/Z'WP(t)/EWP%'b) IJP(C) JD ACCESSION NRt AP4047643 W0012/64/000/004/0293/0301 AUTHORt Blaba, J. (Blaga, I.); Satavaly. (Shatavap V.) TITIS: Investigation of the hardening process of suspensions of lime and silica gal at 1750C. I. Structural changes in the hardening of materials SOURCE: Silikatyp no. 4., 1964j. 293-301 'TOPIC TAGS3 concrete, silica gel, lime...hardening process, wate r coefficientp autoclavep capillary porosity, capillary pore size distribution ABSTRACTs The hardening process of suspensions of lime and. In the ratio of CaOsSiO2 = 0.8 and with a water coefficient of 1.25 was investigated-at!4 1750 in an autoclave. This-studyp which dealawith the formation of structures during the hardening procesog was undertakentec -ause the vast production of con- crete based on the hardening process of lime ind, silica stin . rests on purely empirical foundationsp and a better understanding of tht. processes in question is necessary for the further development of production technique and the develop- ment of materials with better properties. The hydrothermal reaction in the Card 1/2 L 23o94-65 ACCESSION NR: AP4047643 samples of material: in- whiq4 -st a AN ge. was az~ AMIk _.-Was 46 ~ Mk~ A4_A_kY_-_ - 7 _T~, -_ Pi~~+. t~e M-4 0 0. en' h f tr" h g ows-- wo-c t -'5;'--. 5'5- ~T~v_ And -,--iparease 2z, cap :U.4ary_~ 1~ et jive -the pr 'esse mean siie- it and the The dirie' i s itation df oc proceeding in the autoclave,, based on the measurement of change's in the conals- tency of 'the hardening material,, shows that the time dependence of consistency. ex. hibits maxima at 1, 2, 6 i and 10 hr. Cooling of the materials is,also accompanie&., by marked changes in consistency. Orig. art. hast 5 figures. ASSOGIATIONs Spolecna laborator pro chemii silikatu GSAV (Joint LaboratorT for',- the Chemistry of Silicates);-VSCHT, Prag SUBMITTF.Di 18May64 ENCL: 00 _SUB CODEs w NO REF SM 002 OTHERt 010 C Card 'rd Z/2 .1-1 , "' 7;-~'! M. I ~ A I I I~.i . Phigoalavskly, YU. K. Drili mechanics in coal mines; textbook. Moskva, Ugletekh"iat, 1952 (5' -1 ', W 127 P. ~ 4 0 0 TN2*(9.589 SHATAYEV, Mikhail,Georgiyevich; HAICAROV, P.P.. nauchnyy redaktor; " ~ ~ S--H-- P-A-'Y'l-CR'-, 1' .1' .'!,' redakt or; PAHOVA, L.Ya. , tekhnicheskiy redaktor. [Drilling blast holes; textbook for training master drillers] Burenie skvazhin dlia vzryvnykh rabot; uchebnoe posobie po podgo- tovke burovykh masterov. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo lit-ry po stroitell- nym materialam, 1954. 175 P. (KLBA 7:11) (Boring) BURMISTROVICH, Ye.L.; VATOLIIJ, Ye.S.; DEKIDYUK, G.P.; KARCHMO, L.N.; ROSSI, B.D.; TATARNIKOV, A.A.; SKATAYEV,-K--G--;-ASSONOY, V.A.,; OKERINEUKO, V.A., redj~zd-va; KONDRATIYEVA, K.A., [Handbook on blasting operations] Spravochnik po burovzryvnym rabotam. Pod red. V.A.Assonova. Koskva. Goa.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po --ornomu aelu, 1960. 450 p. (MIRA 13-13) (Blasting) (Coal mines and mining) 4 ALATORTOORV, f3.jl., T)rof., doktor telzim.nw-dc; jUJ-MY.EV, A.Y., lr-)nd.telrhn. nauk; IIIJCHAROV, I.L., ln2h.; BALINISKlY, S.I., inzh.; BELOUSOV, Y.G., inzh.; VINNITSHY, K.Ye., kjnd.teklw.nauk; VLASOV, Y.K., inzh.; VORONTSOV, N.P., kmd.te~dm.nauk; GIPWAN, M.K., inzh.; GLUZRAN, 1. S., kiind.teldin.nmik; GUR'Yj3V, S.V., Imnd.tekhn.nauk [deceat3ed]; DEMIN, A.M., )r--jnd.tA)klm.nnuk; YEGMINOV, G.P., kand. tekhn.nauk; YWIMOV, I.P.. jnzjj.; ZHIJKOV, L.I., kand.tekhn. nauk-, ZELITSPM, N.M., inzh.; KOS'MaV, M.11., kand.tekhn.nmllc; KOTOV, A.F., inzh.; KUDIFOV, G.F., inzh.; LAPOVENKO, N.A., kand. teklin.nauk; MAZUROK, S.F., inzh.; ~~'NIKOV, N.Y.; MUDRIK, N.G., in2h.: HIKONOY, G.F., lvmd.tekhn.rauk; ORLOV, Ye.l., inzh.; POTAPOV, M.G., kand.teklin.nauk; PRIS:,'~DSKIY, OU., inzh.: RZAEValY, V.V., prof., doktor -;ekhn.nauk; RYAKHIN, V.I., kand. teklm.nailk-, 511&111, B.A.,; SITNIKOV, I.Ye., inzh.; SUROKIR, V.I., inzh.; ST-'I=, V.N., kand.teklm.nauk; STAKHNVICH, Ye.B., inzh.; b-U:MlOHElJKO, A.A., inzh.; TYUTIN, I.?., inzh.; TYMOVSKIY, L.G., inzh.; FIZE14KO, G.L.. kand.tekhn.nauk; FURHA~hff, B.M., inzh.: S4CA)5~K_g.G., inzh.; SUSHKO, Ye.F., prof., doktor tekhu.nauh; TMPIGOREV, A.M., glavn~ry red. [deceased]; (Continued on next card) ALATORTSEV, S.A.--(continued) Card 2. KIT, I.K., z-amestitell gllavnogo red.; SEMS119W, Ye.F., zamestitel'; BUGOST VI -', Xjy, Yu.K., red.; 3Y-KHOVSKAYA, S.N., red.; DIONIS'YEV, A.I., kand.teklm.nauk, red.; KOZIN, Yu.V., red.; SOKOLOVSKIY, I.I.M., red.; YASTREBOV, A.I., red.; DBMIDi-uK, G.P., kand.tekhn.nauk, red.; KRIVSKIY, M.N., kand.tekhr-nank, red.; LYUBIMOV, B.N., inzh., red.; MOLOKALNOV, P.L., inzh., red.; REISH, A.K., inzh., red.; RODIOITOV, L.Ye., kand.tekhn.naitk, red.; SLA- VbTSKIY, S.O., inzh., red.; TRAMiAli, A.I., inzh., red.; TRIIIOV- SKIY, L.G., inzh., red.; FIDELEV, A.S., doktor, red.; SHMOV, A.H., kand.teldm.nauk, red.; TER-IZRAELOYAII, T.G., red. izd-va; PROZOROVSKAYA, Y.L..; K010RAVY-E-VA, M.A.. (Contimiee on next card) ZATORTS-IN, S.A.---(continued) Card 3. [Mining; an encyclopedic dictionary] Gornoe delo; entsikic- pedicheskii s-Dravochnik. Chlery glav. red.A.I.Baranov i dr. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhr_.izd--vo !it-ry po -,ornomu delu. Vol.10. [Minin.- coal deposits by the open-cut me thod] Razr-ibotkd u_-ol'nykh mestorozhden-Ji otkrytym sposobom. Redkolleglia toma; IT.V.Mel'nikov i dr. 196o. 625 P. (MIIU 13:2) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Ali SSSR (for Mel'nikov). (Coal mineg and mining) (Strip mining) SHATAYNT, V.G. dbn"kidering local stiffenings of longitudinal ribs in cylindrIcal thin-walled beams. Izv. vys. ucheb. zar.; av. tekh. no.2:64-73 1580 (MIRA 11:6) 1. Kazanskiy aviatsionnyy institnt, Irafedra stroitelluoy mekhaniki samoleta. (Blastic plates and shells) Sii Ad Al h V I V . 'IT' . ,Cand Tech 6ci -- (diss) "Calculation of c,~,Ii~~dricall f in e-%-;all~--d v.- C 'th loc,31 reiiiforce:i.ents of len-th-wise ribbing." Kazan', 19bU. 11 ~)rj; (11,linistry of Higiier ana Secondary Sct--ci-~.!-Jstu -- C- Education R*SESR, Kazan' Aviation Inst); 150 copies; price riot; co---D~en; (XL, 26-&,, 139) ACCESSION NR: AR4041552 S/0124/64/000/005/VO52/VO52 SOURCE: Ref, zh. Mekhanika, Abs. 5V390 AUTHOR: Shatayev, V. G. TITLL- Design of cylindrical thin beams with local reinforcement of long-a itudinal webs CITED SOURCE- Tr. Kazansk. aviat;s. in-ta, vy*p. 77, 19,53, 49-60 '17011fC TAGS: cylindrical thin beam, thin beam, web reinforcement TRANSLATION: Further developinent of theoretical investigation of author on thin beams [News c.)f Higher Educational Institutions. Aviation Technology, 1958, No. 2, 64-73 (Journal of Abstracts. blechanics. 1959, No. 10, 12241)]. Action of systum of lon~ritudinal efforts is replaced by the effect of a self-balanced group of forces, and soiution Is obtained in polynominal form, without determination of boundary conditions. The beam is assumed sufficiently long; therefore Card 1/ 2 ACCESSION NR: AR4041552 magnitude of axial normal stresses and warpings do not depend on beam length. There is given an example of numerical calculation of a long cylindrical circular shell of duralumin, illustrating the influence of the system of added longitudinal reinforcements. Bibliography: 5 references. SUB CODE- A9 ENCL: 00 Card 212 L 26462-65 EW'T(d)/Lw(l)/W(w)/Ew(m)/KeJP(v,)/edA(d)/E4(t)/EWP(k)/~q-IP(b) Pf-4 JD/EM/RM ACCESSION NR: AT5003074 S/2529/63/000/07710049/C'060 g2 A- AUTHOR: Shatayev, V. G. TITLE: Calculation of thin-walled structures of the type of an !d rcra Ft- flaselaga4-:_ with a groove SOURCE: Kazan. Aviatsionnyy institut. Trudy, no*777,.1963. Stroitelinaya-mek- hanika, 49-60 TOPIC TAGS: aircraft fuselage, metal deformation, metAl elasticity stress concen_-_1 tration, thin walled cylinder, aircraft girder ABSTRACT: This article presents a method of calculating a thin-walled, cylindrical.-,~ structure (fuselage with a rectangular groove) based on a. hypothesis concerning the,- stability of the form of the cross sections during deformation.' The diagram cal- culated in this article is the most natural, and therefore the mo,st wide-spread in' practice, for the model of a monoblock aviation structure. This gives a basis for disregarding the effect of the change in form of the cross section on the stress of the structure. The solution found in:this article for the prdblem of the stress Card 113 26462-65 ACCESSION NR: AT5003074 on a circular, thin-walled, cylindrical beam with a groove is accurate. The author,--.- con. ences by giving a system of coordinates and the designations of the cross sec-.'~,'- tion.of an aircraft girder. He then formulates the boundary value problems for.a. two-compartment system. Avoiding the superfluous repetitions of previous, articlest he finds the general integral of the system of differential equilibrium equations in normal coordinates. After this, he determines the bou ndary conditions of the consistency of deformations of the compartments for symmetric and antisymmetric loading. The author concludes the article with a discus sion of the results of the calculations for the concentration of stresses in the groove section. A e *ross see--., tion of this groove is shown in Fig. I of the Enclosure. It is pointed outthat. the proposed method of calculation opens new possibilities for the study of the concentration and redistribution of stresses in the groove region. It is also shown that the elasticity of these compartments considerably affects the concentra- tion of stresses in the groove zone. A refusal to take this factor into account . when determining the degree of.concentration of stresses in the groove section can lead to considerable error. Orig. art. has: 8 figures and 17 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Kazanskiy aviatsionnyy institut (Kazan' aviation insititute) SUBMITTED: 15Jun6l ENCL: 1 01 SUB CODE: AC AS NO REF SOV: 005 OTHER:. 000 Card 2/3.. BAUPM. V.M.; SHATAYEV, V.Sh. Case of poisoning with "intoxicating" honey. Gig. i saZ4 25 no.3: 96-98 Mr 160, (MML 14-5) (HONEY-TOXICOLOGY) SHATATEVit, N. Work on the meteorological study grounds. Geog. v shkole no.3;51-53 My- Je 153. ()(T,'-RA 6:6) (Meteorology-Study and teaching) SHATAYMI, S.P.; ILIMENKO.. V.S. Pumping machinery for tanning shops. Kozh.-obuv.prom 2:32-33 Mr t60. ~MIRA 14:5) (-Lanning) .0 (pumping machinery) -iallro, IV LUKI'ITANI, SHIOLY-AlISKAYA: L.M. f3rnol,#nFt~.a,, Ull - '. SIJUSTZR~ S.I.- SHATAYKINI S.P.: BOKSFTUWT, Yt~-T- [BA-Efraiaziv IT.I. CHI ZHIMAKOVA V. --a a!-c va, V. P :yf a i~,:lap f or i 1~e, I'a-, --1-juanin- Of lea. prom. -io.2:59 s STEEPAITUISKIY., O.A., inzh.; SHI'di'MIN, V.A., inzh. Internal centering devices and the TSB pipr welding base. Stroi. der. mash. 9 no.",:25-2? AL 164. (,'CPjI 18:1) ACC NR% AP6021446 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/011/0051/0051 INVENTORS: Shataykin, V. A.; Stepanovskiy, 0. A.; Lifshits, V. S. ORG: none TITLE: A device for contact butt welding of large-diameter pipes. Class 21, No. 182266 Zainnounced by Special Construction Bureau "Gazstroymashina" (Spetsiallnoye konstruktorskoye byuro, "Gazstroymashina")2 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 11, 1966, 51 TOPIC TAGS; welding, butt welder, metal welding, welding equipment, welding tech- nology ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a device for contact butt welding of large-diameter pipes with an annular welding transformer and with equipment for centerin-c, and positioning the pipes. To increase the productivity of pipe welding, the device is made up of two independent assemblies (see Fig. 1). One assembly comprises the annular welding transformer placed on the outside of the welded pipe; the other serves to center and position the pipes and is located inside the welded pipe. !C~!rd J/ UDC: 621.791.762.1.Q3-462 AP6021"6 j Fig. 1. 1 welded pipe; 2 annular welding transformer; 3 holding roller; 4 - supporting roller; 5 - frame; 6 - hydraulic storage eel-1; 7 - hydroelectric drive mechanism; 8 - rod; 9 and 10 - trunnions; 32 - insulator; 12 - forward rollers Orig. art. hass I figure. ej SUB CODE: 131 SUBM DA79: OMec62 S"YLO. D. V, USSIR/Engineering - Welding Are - Electrodes Nov 48 "Speed Welding With DeeD Penetration at the Dnepropetrovsk Plant Imeni Moiotov," D. P. Lebed', D. V. Shataylo, Engineers, 2 pp "Avtogea Delo" No 11 Method of rapid Ftrc-welding with deep penetration was introduced at the plant in 19h6. In this method, electrode Is not held at a slight distance away from the welded parts, as Is customary, but rests against the flux on both sheets to be welded. Welder pushes on the electrode throughout the weld. Some welders have welded 100-12D meters of a 6-mm seams by this method. PA 56/49T44 S/125/61/UOO/002/007/013 A161/A133 AUTHORS Lebedl, D. F_ ShatayLo, D. V., Tsal'man, L. B. '-:'he pracLice of manufaCtUring a welded blast-furnace jacket ~Ejljo!~T-AL: Avtomaticheskaya s-varka, no. 2, 1961, 69-76 0 ,E,v2-. Detailed information is given on techniques employed at the Dnepro- p,'I-:)vskiy zavod metallokonstruktsiy im. Babushkina (Dnepropetrovsk Metal Struc- Plant im. Babushkin) in the prefabrication of large welded secti6ns of the .1a.:--ket for a large new blast furnace of the "Krivorozhstall" metallurgical plant. '2he janket oo:,zisted of 25 belts, each of 8 sheets; 18 belts have been welded hulls at the Dnepropetrovsk Plant on a special manipuAor by the submerged- arc prccess, using a TC-17,&(TS-17m) welder. Both the vertical assembly welds and the annular ones on the hearth portion were welded on site by the electro- slag process, while -the remaining annular assembly welds were produced marrually. Thie jacket material was 14F2 (14G2) steel, except for the bottom belts of 09F2AT K [09G2DT (M) I steel with a 30 kg/mm2 yield limit. The 14G2 grade b,lozgs to a series of new Inexpersive low-alloy steel types that hwre to oome wide lise f.-.r steel structures under the Seven-Year-Plan. The jacket belt a-:-d 112 Tne practi0e of manu~_a_Aliring ... S/125/61/000/002/007/013 A161/A133 ranged 43 mm at. the bottom to 18 mm at the top. The total weight wa-_~ 334.2 t. 3teel other than 14r52 was used for the bottom jacket belts because tcic: 12,1312 grade was available in gages above ")2 mm. The article includes a plnct-~graph of the welding manipulat.Dr during welding, details of preparing the az--d welding process. [Abstra^ter's note-, Details of the ele3tro-slag w~:-Iding at. "Krivirczhstal" wad the chemioal composition of the jacket e'L -trodes and flux are not, L-ioludedj The prefabrication job was the fir.z`. of !1-,s k1nd in the USSR and Is considered a success, though the deformation of thp 25) and 18 mm -:-.h!3k sheets ty welding caused some difficulties in the ~zs=-ntly 3n site. Th-= w~:7k time expenditure is compared with two previous jobs - a j'a,_,k,_3t -for a blast o--,' the Plant- im. Petrovskiy built in 1,058, and for ac bul a 19~~q, with the conclusion that 14% more Lu -L t-4me has bear spe-nt than in 1959, and 8% more comparing with the job in 1958. 7h-~ 14..-12 Et~_;_rl grade tad only a slight tendency to hardening and hot era-3king. a-z! 1~ 1~igures and 4 tabies. D_ar_-p-_,opet-_-ovZkiy zacrod metallokoristruktsiy im. Babushkina (Dfiepr3petrovsk Metal Structure Plan" im. Babushkin)(Tebed', D. P. ~Lid Shatayli o, D. V.) ; r. 4'repropetrovskly filial GFI "Proyektstall- 111he D-,epr._ipe+.r_nvsk 31PIT ""-,,oy,~ktstal-'I:on!it--Ld'(t,-;'Lya7 N Bl-an-~h Af ice) 41~15 2/2 VASILEVSKIY, L.V., inzh.; SIDORUK, V.S. , inzh.; SHATAYLO-,PV._, inzh. Electric slag welding of flanges. Svar. Droizv. no-5:31-32 My 161. - (1-ar-A 14:4) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy zavod metallokonstruktsiy imeni Babushkina. (Flanges-Welding) g)OOO 264'86 S ' 125/6 1/00-0'/0 91013/0' 4 DbO/bll'3 AUTHORSs Okarap V.G.; Fedoruk, V.M.; Shal.aylop D.V, TITLEs Experience in using an Eu-152/154 radioactivi ls.--~op,~ for con- trolling the quality of the welds PERIODICALs Avtomaticheskaya svark%. no. 9, 19619 85-S8 TEXT: Information is presented on weld insperti= ~e-;~,niq-u--_z zu2ploypd at, the Zavod metallokonstruktsiy im. Babustikina (Metal P_!ifit im. Babushkin) in Dnepropetrovsk. The plant is produ-,Ing as well as machi 98ry structures? steel lad-2.9i, and b"-aQ' fuzna-.-~ _YQ -1 (RUP-1) X-r-iy appara- i has Yeen -by Formerly used Cc in P .: - Eu-152/154 which produces better pictures a-ad ~",aa iall a~-* _,no A -'s-W work container for Eu-152/154 has been ds-ajoped _L'r W%~rk with europium, of 1 g-equi7 activity 3f radium. Th.= of a spherical lead container, a support, and a fold_4ng tr4a.p-d. Ti-, prctection container of the apparatus permits work with ,f ',;.r t-0 1 g-equiv as well as with cobalt of 0.5 T.-C- Card 1/4 26488 S/125/61/000/()09/013/014 Experience in using .... D040/D113 ASSOCIATIONi Dnepropetrovskiy zavod metallokonstruktsiy im.Babushkina (Dnepropetrovsk Metal Structures Plant im.Babushkin) SUBMITTED: April 20, 1961 Card 3/4 OKARAY V.G.; FEDORUK, V.M~; SHATAYLO.-D.V. Use of Eu-152/154 radioisotopes for the quality control of welded joints. Avtom.svar. 14 no.9:85-88 S 161. (IURA 14:8) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy zavod metallokonstruktsiy imeni Babushkina. (Welding~Quality control) (RadioiBotopes-Industrial applications) LEBEDI, D.P.p kand.tekhn.nauk; TSALIMAN, L.B., inzh,; SHATAYLC9 D.V.9 inzh. Making steel construction elements of 14G2 low-alloy steel. From. stroi. 39 no. 1:41-45 161. (MIRA 14:1) (Steel alloys-Welding) LEBEDI., D.F..9 kand.tekhn.nauk; VOROBIYEV, V.M., inzh.; GUTNIKOVA, B.T., inzh.~ SHATAYLO, D.V., inzh. Use of rimming steel for steel elements. Prom. stroi. 39 no.11:50- 52 161. (1 MIRA 14:12) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy zavod metallokonstruktsiy im. I.V. Babushkina. (Steel, Structural) IZBEDI, D.P., kand.tekhn.nauk; TSALIMAN, L.B., inzh.; SHATAYLO., D.V,, inzh. 0 Manufacture of steel elements of lOG2SD (MKI) low-alloy steel. Prom. stroi. 40 no.12:48-52 162. (MIRA 15:12) (Steel, Structural) SF,ATBMkSHVILI, A., polkovnik Who can be rated noutstanding"? Voen.vest. 39 no.4:44-4,7 AD 160. (M7W 14:2) (Russia-Army) L 4479,-66 IJP( c WG/"WH ACC NR; AP6031433 SOURCE CODE: UR/0056/66/051.1002/0406/0411 V. S.; Kryukov, P. G. AU'1110R; AmharLf1umyan,_ R. V.; Banov, N.C. __~etokh v, V. S.; Shatberashviii, 0. 8. ORG: f~11Z~7ics Institute im. P. N. Lebedev, Academy of ScleaS~SR (Flzicheskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR) TITLE: The structure of a giant pulse of a q-switched I=L SOURCE: Zh eksper i teor fiz, v. 51, no. 2, 1966, 406-411 TOPIC TACS: solid state laser, ruby laser, giant pulse laser, Q switched laser, laser output ABSTRACT: The spatial and temporal development of a giant pulse of a Q-8witched rub laser in a transverse direction and the effects of the cavity on it were investigated experimentally by means of the setup shown in Fig. 1. A ruby rod 9 mm in diameter and 120 mm long with dull lateral surfaces was placed in a reflector with a helical IFK-15000 flashlamp. For an 8-kj pump the gain per pass was approximately 12. A I 1.5-j single laser pulse was generated with a duration of 10-15 nanosec. Q-switch";g was done by means of a Kerr cell or a vanaidium phthalocyanin solution. The exponen- tial results indicatQ that generation commences in the center of the crystal and spreads transversely over the entire 3-10 nanosec, i.e., in a time com- parable to the duration of the integral pulse. The spatial development of generation L~ord 1/2 1, L4 -/ -') ~ - Q- 6 ACC NRI AP6031433 01 Fig. 1. The experimental setup I - Mirror 99% reflective; 2 - polar- izer; 3 - Kerr cell; 4 - ruby crysta 5 lens; 6 - semitransparent plate," 7 screen with diaphragms; 8 - intdr- fer nce filter; 9 - dull glass; r 4\ -\ 10-12 - coaxial photocells; 5 9 11 13 - multibeam oscillograph. \4 depends essentially on the density distribution of population inversion in the crystal and on its refractive index. Ilie experimental data agree fully with theore- tical data presented elsewhere (V. S. Letokhov and A. F. Suchkov, ZhETF, 50, 1966, 1148). The authors propose further experiments on the measurement of nonuniformity Of the complex permittivity at the instant of Q-switching and generalization of the theory for the case of a nonuniform refractive index. Orig. art. res. [YK, has: 7 figu -SUB CODE, 20/ SUBM DATE- 06Mar66/ ORIG REF: 007/ GTH REY: 006/ ATD PRESSI-5080 Card 2/2 b1 ..-SUTMASHVILI H,rdrograph of a fIRsh flood taking storm sewers intc ponaLderation. Meterol i gidrol. no.11:4C-41 It '56. (MLRA 10: 1) (Drainage) 'UT R i , 'Y',, A SOV,/!)o--)E, -9-7/19 TITLE~ The Infii,,ence of ' locity 6-ri the Ti,,rbidity of River Water (711!yaniye skr)rosti na mutnostl voo!,- v rekckh' PERIODTCAL, MeteoroloCiya i gidrollofiya, 1~15 8, Nr 9, pp~ 32 - 32 (USSR) A j 13 T 1 By rLein3 of the i r, form~at ions whi ,-~h ho.-..-e hit"Ierto been coLlect-A on. nt!'IkIward erool,On a i,eb-ular connection bet-seen 1~',-e ~-.Ydr- lic characteristics of natural flow and the ex- -,,ension of drift transoortation is proved. A number of empkric formulae were worded out whic'~ show the relation between the hydranlic flow eleme nts and headward erosion. in snite o"' the great variety of the formulae everjYhere the Veloo!Ly of fio,,-i occurs expl icitI.-, T- 'e au-.hor de- termin,ed the relation between tu rbidity and output of the '-eadward erosion on the one hand and the velocity of flow on the ot',-Ier hand. The mentioned dete=inations were carried out b, ie7ins of observin f g the river gauges on the 0 - rive r Riot-, i (In Ws,2t,~,,~m Cleorgl-!~~ Fi~yure I shows dia.- -E, ce -erni, zi~ he conz -ction bet-seen turbidity and the 3uspenled dI,:!p Li T, of - 0 c t'!,..e average /q) - _ T c) f V e I f cri Turbidi ty of' River SOV/50 5r; -9- 7 9 v,~ I I ' ty o f f w (v" , Tho Or the t-,~!Ilfltionj op,~ci- 1'. 1 1 th'i ~j Vf~ 1 L i C) ' Iy I Id . a 1) V I L-bidity 122ov3.,.O, of t".(-, :-,ufL~e..c-Ied Tht,,s ',,y -.earS r, f e -K -.)e r- en ta, na t e r .-I concernit the at the Rioni river a generally valid law is determ-.ned~ The a-veraJe concentration of the tranFuort-d d e; . o r~ i ', s i s p r oo, o r t ional to t~-oe third Power of the average velocity of f'lo~w; e the turbidity of the river water is itout prnoo--,tioral to the kit. -eric en~-rz of the flov.. As far as -Y cuu;lut of ~i-~ctnderj ~Ie,~;ozit is concerned it is Or t 7 t~ t--e s~xzh po-wer of 'u,e ave-a,:e ve'loci'y Gf SHATBERASHVILI, P.-A. Morphometric characterisUcs of zle bed of lowland rivers. Trudy GruzNIlGiM no.20:139-144 158. (19RA 15:5) (Colchis-Rivers) SHATBEPLASHVILI, P.A. Formation of beds in Kolkhida rivers where levees have been constructed. Trudy Gruz NIILGiM no.21:109-112 160. (mul, 16:1) (Kolkhida Lowland-Levee4) SHATEK, 1. Complete system of machinery, task of -iechanization of Czechoslovak agriculture. p. 18. (Mashinizirano Zemedelie, Vol. 8, no. 1, Jan. 1957, Bulgaria) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (FEAT) LC, Vol. 6, no. 6, June 1957, Uncl. SOV//I Z-1-57-7- 7456 Tran,klt Lori frorri: Hef-:--rativrlyy zhurnd. Mckhanika, 1957, Nr 7, p Z (USSR) .AUTHOR: Shatelen, IM, N. T IT LE: From RecuLtections of Meetings With Ateksey Nikolayevich Krylov (1z vospominaniy o vstrechakh s Atekseyem Nikolayevichem Krylovym) PERIODICAL: 'Fr. In-ta istorii yestestvozn. i tekhn. AN SSSR, 1956; Vol 15, pp 40-45 ABSTRACT: Bibliograp*nic entry Card 1//I SH.kTEMIROV,-K.-; LUKIYASETS, A. Pormation of salt efflorescence during the laying of bricks in a house building. Izv.AN Kir.SSR.Ser.est.i tekh.nauk 2 no-3: 67-73 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Bricks) SHATEMIROV., K.; LOZITSKAYA, S.F. Deactivation of sulfate efflorescence on loess crocks. Izv.AN Kir.SSR.Ser.est.i tekh.nauk 4 no.9185-92 162. (MMA 16:4) (Tdrghizistan--Loess) 2. 4. Soils - ~nalvsis A rao-id 7-ethoi -fcr detenri-ining cf the degree of salinity of carbmate soils. -rrud,,,r irst. ?,'-ir FAIN SISSR No. 3, 1950. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, lay 1953. Unclassified. SHATIMIROV, K.4h. Effect of neutral sodium salts on the change of reaction of carbonaceoua soils. Izv.KirVAN SSSR no.1/10:95-98 '51. (Soils) (Agricultural chemistry) (MLRA 8:13 Coating of ni~ie W1 rdan ijTpwzc calcium cpr?j :ate and sesquioxicics. - K. Sh. Shatexitkov: S.P.Lorlt-' -nd a kar Tredy Aked V CUP SS R S.S.S.R. 1053, No. 5, 89:-99; : Referal. Zhur., Khhn.; 1954,, No. 41850.-Tbis study wals und&tak-~n for thr- purpose of- Clocidating the role of CaCO, and Fe(OHN In the formation;, vi carbonate soil particiesi- Fes% was deposit&j 6n quartz P-~-Uclcs from a -r*(OHh sol more than did A110j.; From[L-.', A'~~ 11), sol AJjQj was riot edsorbe& on. quartz particles'. krgtr than 0.01 runt. 'nie inceraction of quartz particl 0.01-0,005 jurn. with ~Al(011~ sols resulted in a staX compd. -,vWch dis3olved with difficultlyin oduerat acids; apparently it formed an Al silicate. Interaction of quartz uticles smallet than 0.001 mm-with AICOH), and, Fe--; OR), --ols of vai4oto covens. causek! the coagulation of Al- F and F - hydrosols.- This is tittributtcl to the mutualnen- tQil-let quartz ion of charges on particles of the sols and the Similar cilecs vrerr observed in treating of srU fracti OU3 feldspar, and-Laolin with Fe and At this. case, the coagulation of the solq is attributed to the Oresence. -tes, such as Ca(ElCO')j' Nlj(HCO"~. C-t.90" and of Clectroly :The transAlop of CA(HC03), iutq C--CO~ i- ' other. pli;lied regardless of the natate of the iurfact -All C: thl. &xr-e of cliqpciiion of the ninerab; and soil'Particles, und ~i ap- parcutlidetcl. solely by thepartlil pressure of ccl~ ill illeak. USSI'14'osmochemist-y Geochem-istry. Hydrochemistry. D Abst Journal: Ref;--rat Zhur - Kbimiya, No 19, 19506, 613--,.g Author: Shatpm-'r~~-lr, K. Sh. Institution: Ncne T:~tle: Physic~chemlcal Characteristics of Loesses and Clays of Some Deposits of Kf-rgiziya Original Periodical: -"-ya nauch. sessiya AN Kirg SSR, Fi-imae-, 1955, 127-141 Abstract: Chami--al c-nmp~sit-~o.130 been determined of the loesses and clays of dfffe~-ent dp-p---gits in-lirgiziya. Amcumt of S:LO2 (in %) varies within L7.29-57-76; A-1203 11-10-34.1~8; Fe207 0.84-8-54; MnO 0.23-0-67; CaO 2.37-13-32. L-) tbp- water-scliible c~-,mplex have been found the follow- ing pr:Lr,---ipal Na2304: CaSC:, MgSO4, (NaCl), and in non- I Z 0 salLcle -nr sligh",ly i3al:fme rocks. a15- CO~ 'C,3)2 in addition to the ab;- e --I-! s ted. Card 1/1 SHATLIMIROV, K. Xffloresceace of salt on bricks and Plaster of buildiags. Izv. AN Kir. SSR no-1:3-11 155. (MLRA 9:9) (Bricks--Analyaim) (Plaster--Analysis) Country : USSR Category: Soil Scj_ence, physical and Chemical FroQcrties of Soil. Abs jour: ?2hBiol ITO 18~ 1958, NO 82C51 Au,hor Shntem~ 'ry, Academy of Sciences Kirgiz SSR. inst jnstitu~c of Chcmis~ Title Colloid :md Salt, Contents of Loess and 12heir Significance in Soil Science r.nd Ceramics. Orig Pub: Tr. in-ta JIJI KirgSSR, 1957. -,,Y_~- 8, 73-80 f~b s I- rac tSags in !ccss-j."]-.e loams occurred d,.ic to the coagu- lation of collo--*.d particles following -.n increase -n the conccntr::~-cfor of filtering salt so-lu-tions. Buck- ling was -the result of the swelling of -*U-,qc colloid ground part4cles urder the defloccula'~-_'ng J-nfluencE! of Nn.2~03 - Ar. increase in the concer,'C-_v.-'U--.'on of the Card 1/2 Country : USSR Category: Soil Science. Physical and Chemical Pro-perties of soil. Abs Jour: RnBiol., irrj 18, 1958, No 52051 salt soILItion took place as a result of the rising of the level of the mineralized ground waters with irri- gation. The nature of the loess grounds can be evalua- ted accord-_ng to the numher of particles smaller than 0-005 =-- Coagulation assumed dangerous proportions I when there vas more than 0.3c,' water-soluble Falts in the ground. -- G.V. Larin Card 2/2 SHATEMIROV, K.Sh.; LOZITSKIffA, S.F. Chemisorption of sulfur dioxide by oxider, in heating. Report "o. 1. Izv. AN Kir. SSR. Ser. est. i tekh. nauk 2 no.11:79-89 . 6 1 i ,6o. (MLR~ 14: 10) (Sulfur dioxide) (Oxides) (Sorption) SHATEIM11ROV, ROYCHEMKO, G.F.; LUVONIN, il.Ya. Investigation of loeos deposits and clays of Kirghizia Report Vo.2. Izv. All Kir. SSR. Ser. est. i tekh. nauk 2 no.11:91-110 160. NIRA 14:10) (Kirghizistan-Loess--Analysis) (Kirgliiz4-stan--Clay-Azialysis) - ~ - SIMMIROV) K.Sh.; LHOIJIN, A.Ya. Some physical properties of loess soils and clays of Kdrghizia. Report No.3. Izv. All Kir. SSR, Ser. est. i tekb. rauk 2 no.11: 111-129 160. (',-IIR;,. 14: 10) (Kirghizistan--Loess--Analysis) (Kirgiiizistan-Clay--,A.nalysis) SHATEMIROV, K. - Composition of the colloidal and silt -fraction of loess soils and clays of some deposits in Kirghizia, Izv. Ali' Kir. SSR. Ser. est. i tekh. nauk 2 no.11:131-141 160. (1,LTRA 14:10) (Kirghizistan-Loess-4nalysis) (Kirghizistan-Clay-Analysis) SHATF14IROV, K.Sh.; INIOLDOBAYEV, S. Composition and properties of colored clays of northern Kirghizia and possibilities for their industrial utilization. Izv. ANI Kir. SSR. Ser. est. i tekh. nauk 2 no.11:143-152 160. (PITRA 14:10) (Kirghizistan-Clay-Analysis) SlIATEMIROVI K..Sh. Accelerated method of determining the absorbed sodium and potassium in carbonaceous soils. Pochvovedenie no.2:107-109 1~, 160. (YJRA 15:7) 1. Institut khimii All Kirgizskoy SSR. (Soils-Sodium content) (Soils-Potassium content) SHATEMIROV, K.Sh. Fomation of sulfate ef.flore-scena on loe5-9 producta- wider the effect of dampness. Izv. AN Kir. SSR. Ser. est. i tekh. nauk 5 no.4.79-.84 163. (MM 16:10) 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ole 0 0 0 0 0 I u 30 31 32 1.3 a By %v cm v t IF k. .4 x L ft IQ 4 U. A L xz R0. ..t.t 4 013 - 0 OR set 00 ,S: '0 00 F 00 go .......... 06 o O~w . ........... p 'llusaj aq-1 is 90 oe.iii P'I 1. HN -,a... LI 11-191-1, j.,i ........... il go hll Ito -t jjI 00 )RIal lut"'J IN VIUMutuv 00 0 141111am ivin3almis I,Jxu0l)uojl ul suminjodill 0 "llyullulaldtf A 00 )0 valpadoid jwppuxq3o31!j4d 00 0- %.1-l all al. I I 1 5 j w 1 7 OJ V 11 " U " 11 11 ]1 111 . 0 , # I t ICO 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 416 113f _a 0 a 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 It 11 U Is L a X F 40 Ar A go C, 00 go 00 I I I a' 1 t 00 004 go I L, A sITALLURGKIL UICROIJOE U AT pa IV 6( lot a a 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 04 74: a 111 0 0 616 0 0 0 0-0 0 0 0 IT V Is IT 45 A j A " I a IL I W, .10 at. 4v, - a 6* - 7 a saludamis ad addS and adft In liquid A. 1. Slimitemshtein and L. S. Usko". U.-X--S.-'V.-3;-237-4401W)(In Cier- 11.).-TIW OWNWIC COCIPS. of Will In liquid Nif, swit. vmw in the ardw NF4OAc, NHCI. N&CI. NII,Hr , WOo. NHAOs. NHJ. The "ka of d.1- for liquid -041 ioisO.6112. Forsoins.ofsaft "M' the stated amts. salt per 100 C. of NH. valises of were: NH.Cl. " g., 0.641, 20JAU g., 0.719; 14M, 3.89 0.641 , W g., 0.817; NH.N% 6.76 0.41M, 27.40 0.7+4; 0 NOT 4.16 ip.. 0.00, 31.00 0.781; NaCl 1.90 It., 3 2. OZO g.. O.a~2. Naa 1.98 C., OAM. 8.31 C.. 0.". c vapor premwe of NIL at 15' is 5462.5 into. The roe xor-tension towerimp in nm. due to y moles of salt dis- red in 1000 a. of NM6 at 15' were: NH,CI 21 at O.;M)4 Is, 67 at 0.761, 127 at 2." 21. NII.Br 1, 41 0.198-M V08, 240 at 2.9501, 381 at 4.317; MIANO, 26 at CUM. %tO.745.206at2ZXJ; NaNO.22atO2N,S4atO.98I, at 2.W; N&CI 32 at 0.375, 62 at 0.797, 86 at 1.0138; 61 46 at 0-190. 192 at 1.064; NUOAc 721 at 1.010; 01 C) 7 . at 1 . 9 at 1.365. The low omotic coeffs. are to the low diclec. const. of liquid NH. and ritic, with it so latter and the cond. coeff. as tb- temp. is lowrrcd. 11. If. Rathmann nee .,oo is (I A An L % tm 1 It IT ~1 m a 5. 1- 00 0 4 0 o so 0 9 6 a .4 0 0 ; 0 a W W W W I& Iii, a I I It U W 16 16 W '.111 Is 8,11 .7 D .4 h ,s Il W r 4 1, a Is 0 v #1 &1 late A 'A 4 -L- A L-L -J-A A -J..AL A I I TA,~ a Cc PIP tt oo -so 00 00 V* Physico6amical invesdiatiocis of solutions is liquefied so a -00 104, Cal il Al-Ilt 9 The t XH. The method of paLatimirtric measurements lc ta Ph i Sh l A d li 1 '"f A , . c.lidytle o4~1 -Itll-t irt t%,%"-,adcr to tile -Icdcr ex. go 41 n. l atcri% or . . g... . q 1 -J 1' ., 52-600935T Ph s Chem 1 8 (t m S S 3 h R tn~li,, I froin th.. activity (viveltildr). [be cond. and the -00 0 - - . . . . t i . , , y S. R.) 7,26 32t IWO-). -A stitink-st"I liquefactii,n and Athin (if firotral salts gives (beelfect dur i -00 g1 apt, with p~4=rixzxtioo tubes usable up to 11, C t,, the neg. ton added The CAt&lytiC theitaUdyedun &list Internal pte-me is dc-%cntwd. Rotadown istrasured l 1 ' l,flert I. dut, I,, the "fare .1 the viol. and n,,t .1 it. iors- i roducl Rathtnann tion F H z gave Inifl for sucn~ 76.5 - 11.5 in liquid Sit, at :)I oe 'S k ' ' . . - za p in 0.191 1,; 1). 11) N -uln. to 114 &;ititonin - lo.5 -Oe 90 -ant.,flin with NaNO. 22.7. NaDr 11.9, Nal.30.9. ibi. - o Add catady Is in h uld ammonia. Reaction kinetics of zo 5 .1" in liquid ammonia in the lk. =lyi. O ce of ammonium salts Arm Pki,sicoikim V. R. "l rr S. ~. J. 37 A20WL'i). J. Phy,. C". jU. S. S. R.) 7. a 33 42(IIW,) - -Tht rate of anutionolysis of antonin front Ihe lact,"W (trill (1) to the ansidc fixin (U) wa% detd. __ _ , rj) 1,,g (,, uatiant K _ (l u the e ) ( , ro t . . . q where k tile naiitiull of I - I .... I - -:X)7'and,.. fw 13 i~ Till, amnum,-lytic reacti--a i, quant. Tile K value, itj~rea-,- with little ir,m, 2!#. 541 and ILK x fit-- at W. :NJ* and'-,.l' after PJ7, rvacti,,n to 43. -,, and 100 -j 10 4 alter ?," riactitio Itime in ltr%.). The incress4c of K with little i, ~uv to auto-catalysi% by the santoniownide 1.00 =0 0 A i S L A offIALL"GICAL 1.111SATURIE CLASSIFICATION it "-n .Ms. L%T-4 -- V X- - --, A- 0 b-41--v-L~--ni n V o, It a, a, K tt - 'I R I[ n a n 11-71 goo An i oa o s, j a 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 : : F 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 o 000 0 e .0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 4 4 0 Ti~~71V 5 /Y F)FIN a 0 Illis 9 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 0 0 0 0 'I j jL ii m zi h 17 jmm A . I. v u m m Is v It v .1 o A L 2 L I At 9 j k L 0 11 v V v I I I AA W LX IV U,. I, Solubility of wilds in games , Solubility of KNO. and NaC1 In Hquid A Shairn -bleot M. %'iktornv Arht I'AivIlowhi~m- anti %I. , -T 60 4.1 #121 11X16). c(. C. A. 28. A mellld for flihe 00 A"11rate locasurement of oluhiloie* of Ud- in liqttr ed j% (jr.WHhCtj. %Xlrr" VTTM Arr di-11-11 4nd &0 pohli4w,l di'la eftmallv C At 00 -0 111 00 00 OF ee =00 00 0 =00 0 -00 00 0 Fee, 1--e6 I AI L A I IALLURCKAL LITINAMME CLASSIFICATION C.Z*- to.. MK G.. Is, it 1r- i-- 0 IF 9r a9 Ill a R 9 K U tt K ad 0 0 1 Iff a 9 a 4 3 IF v !ZO A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 gio 0 0 4 0 0 6 9 0 db 0 0 * 0 0 q _ - - ' 0 19 0 9 a wwwwww 0 ; ~# fi 0 ~ a M 0 0 * 0 0 0 4 6 0 0 0 0 4 000 0 O 0 e 0 O ,0 ,0 4 1 1 N I 111 11 14 11 4 It It ~ J1 )j 11 A 1, P. R S A W t' r 0 I 4A k p , 00 -00 06 Acid catalysis in liquid ammoctia if. Kinetics of -06 a---"'Y a deamotropottantomin and 4itthyl tamate In t 2 i. in pres"ce of amnMejum -its- A. I is liquid . 4 'kv,s(,%hsm. I Itta I 00 j IIKW~J; cf. C. .4.31.411,13'. D--' -00 j NJj,t*I. NFI,13r ind NII.I. "-I --fit H, sit pfv-n,~ NII.NO-ind N11.01 " l1w ,11 .00 "0o It zoo 00 00 00 Z 00 00 9 :;Oo ao 0 0. 2; 300 We 0 d t:00 so too 00 CITIMIT"t =00 go 8 too 1 fee ; j - U a &I W3 1, (w o 91 11 10 of * Is is Is Is . It OF 000000000000000tesoo 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 All 0 0 0 # 0 ~p a 0 It 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 It 0 It 0 :00000000,00000000 0 If G .1 A k a it tr 21 t! 25 X 37 A " Q .1 42 t, IN u 'n, 4011T)IMSM) Ion I'm 1111 1. un,,, 111 1. 1 1 1 00 0:: 00 0 or 0 0 ~ 114 0 0 00 00 *of f 00= 0 Oz 9 01; 00 pue 'all '$Ulm 'PiUS III 'SP '1x13 2111. ,.() IT 4nlvt-% %qj jjv.%j jo~q 19 %~'jjj JIUv 00- U! 40N*4 Go- -Y PUT AOSOIJ!'% -IV -IV of- -um p!Ubq 9! &P UPW movit" Poor slunp, UMP~NW 10 00 Maps 4mU -aaawl pasuapaw ul oww"m pqm ;a Ap qntw aq3 lo 3aawainivatu momt"jd sip jol p9W&M 4tp 00 0 0 go r tr 11 -1 14 fl 11 11 "1 w or 11 V IT u 11 If 0, r, it 0 it 0 0 610 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 oil 9 # ~614 10 ** 0 0 0 1 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * a 0 0 0 0 0 a 1 11 u Ij m Is 4 or Is ro m V Z 14 11 26 v j 00 A a L -A-1-1 -I- JL- I r .4 a I L-,. U % 9 Liquid awnwala sm, a ti~ 4 CM, J. Pi 00 ""ctim-yekwity consts. fix ms.1santonin t ,(,.in liquid NH& with, so a are: NII, &Jones 48: glucose, 63; acetan go 41! 670; carbatole, 240: berizarrilde, Nit); , Ali); phenol, A11): Itwmainide. 10,11MO Nitk), ; Nit. bertioate. 4"); NH. cyst Nit. Immair, 4100, all timrs 10-4~ Dats -Icws of mAny nitro, miso, dijro, *tine plienytirnethant and phthalrin dyes as int 00 N v il V Is M A AS m a J. 41 U a 43 C CE JAL- A- -T- A A_' 1"m . A, I. he wnnxmWY- sious catalysts Je, 210; Lim. anoseetarrilde, NH4 4CVtQtV' aevive, 4SAX); re Siven im the quisioline, tri. no* mtots in liquid Rathmasm 'w ZOO tsoo ASO ILA MITALLUX161CAL LITIRATkoft CLA%SJFICSIICN 000 00 T ire 0 U n A, -0 Is An t I a aw a da- a I a v gee 0 "T. Le- o o o o 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 a 0 o 0 0 0 0 o 0 a 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 1 o 0 0 - 0:9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 * ejo 0 0 0 o 9 0 0 0 o I . N 11 9 U m a a IF is 10 to V X is 11 U 11 m 11 10 ; a I I z M -A 1 -1, 1 IV A L-f a 00 00 Itivent'i -fOloli-- or n-A'Iti tin it C-tm- g-fisra. V1. milletion :)r Win mmiloviolvaid or C twd tr rtri,t, in l i-itci Go U' tho Of x 1 ' % age J. j 4y'. Ow... it . 14.1 0011 74IN(Itcuti. 00 13 C. .4. 30. 4747-.- -in the lal,mw .00 00 ring splits and NH, adds to Sive thc amide ul desinotropo- a* santonimic acid. ImI.O. - -:11' to -:W. The velocity "m to. at :N)* are (JAP24 in the prtmence of NILCI. 0.015 Dict It w-I cart rate lit liquid ,Nil; Civtm the dimirildr. The casali-tic activity of 1NIJ# 0* a %all5 in both caws falls in the order NII.Cl, N11.11r, NH.NO,, NH.I. NH.Clo., a- in the caw of santonin. 00 P. H Rathm 00 mi i Cole aS, 0 so 0 J No* 00 cf*-* It 41 TtI.1-1 %sew 0 1 st i. 1 .6 a 'I 00 0 0 01.0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 Oje 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 6 0-0 0 0 0 0 916 0 0 A I. v p W I L it L 1 4 it A L L a P. if 0o -410 of Aflil smidell mud A-I. b) Itssh1glu. A U&I A ril 1IM7 F -00 00 . p ail orr IvestV (I with liquid Nil, 111nil U;;d;; a r fs 15 -41110 - o'surc o p atin. ill the prt-tive 4 NH, &altq it( inorit. ilculi ill a, i-alalv,l, -00 00 ir -00 00 00 00 00 00 JR 0 00 04 0 Ki" 00 -00 *0 4 J00 00 00 f S S L A 1fTALLLf(.W-L IYEO.TLOE CLAS11FICATICt, 1 0 :.e 0 00 c It *Lj n 6 00 0 so 0 0 0 a 0 f 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 . I If 0 0 * 00*00000000wo 0 0001000 wo~ o * 0 o 0 so k, It U 11 4 1.v23 m 2. A A Vis A 11 )1 aIf k It a 81 v 41 c L f C, -n L k ti. L AA as cc w (t so -.00 _so 00 00 * 0 1-00 00 -00 00 -00 -00 Purikatiou of Widta and Wocyaaates- A. 1. Shatcu! .hicln and M. M. Vikt,wov- Rtt- Ara 30. IwV. The salts oic diaaolved in liqu"t Sl,, undt--sol-I residue is sepd.. wid the suln. is worked up in thc usual mumcf. 0 coo so zoo 00 0 00 00 04, 00 ~90 00 so* 00 00 041 .60 00 "O0 00 f 11. SLA .1TALLLF.C.X~L Uff9'rLMt CLAISIFIC.M. 00 S .00 i4oob Ow aft-Imrsdo" 4 U4, .3 it'; An I i 1. Iv PN K R n i is 41 : :,: : : : : : : * : : : : : : o o 0 0 00 A0.4 0 00 00 ol~ ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 0 0 0 0 w v W : ; " : a 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a is a 49 11 a 03 E 40 A L-A L I r AA 0 Q 90 IZ+-&- I I !!0 Ito "PIN . ....................... - A,.1. 00 Acid-bow Wdicat- in liquid suUut djad&. SAWAVAN in and M. 1. Urj~ko. Ajj ph),sicochim. L, S. S. 71 4 01-145"V37) On (kfvA&U); ct. C. A. 30, 4-,4-,;. - I oe C-1 tlk-7 ((*' -4 - 22- 432j) I- MI'I'hCdIAW 10 IM ki- = law eq in liquid Sth. Colvt chaug" fn, tbg mu. n1un trv givrij. W. Parks 00v 0 fo 00 f 60 * 1 * 00 Woo .--O0 00 of i t I S M (W D 1 0 6. D U Im ' ' 51 tt tt &f%0 , 1" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 l~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 s 0 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 IF IF w w w A 6 AtA L L 2 M 4 A I V f A AA H of A go L-A 0111, Titrstioa method for solutions in liquid ammonia at room te perature. A. 1. Ait-i Go Am. VMR. S. S. 7, Of SAM7-,ha Cfnittn-~ ~n A 0* kalitnvtric Ittratmit nwift-I (w .,In,. in b.1nof NIC x --00 ~M. V;41.,r pirr"n". and -00 00 illawralimi ttf -Im-cial app.; a-tit.t.-v ,I --"; t. .,I, I'lln'-d I Its, 1.1, til-1. mi -%I-- 1.- 11-1 .111, At., I"In' 1-1 -00 0o ra- \1 M, M.11'..'. '-00 0 00 1;! -zoo 00 roo 00 a00 00 0 zoo 0 ::09 0' -00 =00 -00 00 It I L WIL~UPGK.l LITE..T,Rf CLA%JIFIC~T[C. (Z 0 !~:00 III L% 2 -43 1" ;rrnip Vitt air MU rift a a Ott 1 0 r0- Il;I t;t a 0 0 00 0 00 4* 'a' 0'00' 0 0 0 0 0000000000000 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1~p ~~S' o o 9000 00000 0 00 oealooooooooogoooGOGO*00000*-OO; 0 0 Claim.; el 0 0 0 0 0 0 T 0 00 . . . . I . . , of 1? 4 xf in R a Jot I) iss I , 11 o V A If L L I it to j t. r 'i it I I All 21 U M tLis k I I I I I a I law t " 0 all j The f.11-inK .4tibilith--e a-atr.-I. -00 bw x. ~d -It Iftr I'm) g. ,f -Irs. at Z; - ; -00 AA 1-1-%v-2. NaCl of ittlitlil, KCI 0 1,12f-. 1140 11.44r-'. id, its to solvent for Itiorgank sd asWit., ;J-1 = L'I Illit Nalir 1141104, Kill 4-.7.1, XaI -69 t& ceS k at -fair,,%,. k,,t,jij .4il4l NI. M. It 1'. 1 )I c1 n 1 -0 N*sl,Cl NIIJ%r 011.7C KI if 7-7, and Sao! I V. R. S. S. 7, SM RA-Ikk.17hin (wr- . 11 if. ,ut-ilinec4 wills ii,nic Water, a[,- -00 00 IlAl\I).1,. Ild,, Fr%. ,Ill% '11,1 h! lt~ -4 it 14 1" . hall, c"val'"t was h nud Iloilo. K,.~Ai,, KN(I,.,. K.AO., Iakiv- art 41%aitc -I lla-ts- of the inv"%- ,,I- 1 Ih 040 IT ,I.. %I111r, Il. K A 1).. X Ilk I N, K.Fe,CN -bibilm, , of the b.abdr, 4 No, anti C- gityl h, 11,1 ~, '.I , , 00 Nd.A,I),. V, Sb. q.,&. Sh,S.. 1,rAnd TrCl, alkali off IA)!All.l 1:, I"IvIllk k: 1,1-1 1;t~aa f6ka- under (I ... If Ih, - -1% -t. -.I f~ 11-1 at, -1, . Hit And Ca, fl-11 of 1- than -1 1411' , - Cdllr,, FrCh, KF. KCI-th- Mirth- the ,tll,r alkah 'awt.6. F. H Ratliff fail =Go 00 K,Co(),. -NIN-4110M10 slid NaCt Solvolysis and neutralization in liquid sulfur dioxide. coo IIVIIIlr -1 1.- 1114111 iojlla~,I. AgNO., IIa(CNSl,. Klock Wi,k,lat. Z. 44, 411, E-Iji-13S, 00 KC), 1411r,. K10,. KN0j. N&F, Nalir, NjRrCh. F%jst%. %vit- jKtf,iti,itil it) show iliac liquid SAIII rr-nabl'.. coo 00 NJI.F j-d NJI,IIr am ti,inewhA -1, ")All 0-1%)~ Some If,() a, Av, fit bv di--g. either into SA N' anti .14) goof cl ate nunl- ~4.; 1, 0.6. ICI, 0-5, Nal 3 4%; or itatu 0 allot SW *. 1-lvoly~k tat-cur,t, f.,f Inattancr ot a .111 ; Ill, 6.1'. KCSS 3".. Vll,l I, p9r, I'll, Pit , when ZnkCalf.;.tcj,-ts %lilt liquiti.14hpLacrtl iscanarther 00 I PhItr 21'. KI :007 all at 25-: KHr 1.2, NH aI CO, claims. Stutralization ro~ults in the Traction ill hd,- NII.t'N 31,. Pf4r, EV7 aff at it'. ACi,, Pat. I?CIj- -1xiflu, will, (ISCIt -tit cl-I ctontainer% at Al~ anti '-No sm Ali v 1 =.=--=j L. C'N. It's. VIA.. 110CI, alad '4aCl, Ace 1111.1111C in 1-11V IkirlItiAl all tilt' ()I el-ITIMIC in 00 I"Itaid 1,41: fill- 11914-11K 1111-Ifl-le will f-fill I'll- see Of.0 ~ .1 t h, N., ..I W S v kb-i- .00 Lee rjo 0 %a tTAL-R6KAL LITINA%oll CLA$SIFKATICh 3 it r , . I # ; w, -to- T- j o 1, 4 n ; ,, pass, MA Wit .943 Kffff It ~ o L 8. o -i for A] -a- a 7 a Igoe 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 06111111,1111 0 000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 l1lis 00 0 0 0600060600 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4p 0 0 a 4 1 f x I 1 11 11 is is 16 17 11 it ia - 21 ZI a 14 is AVS)I'Xil IlU wn All M- .,I L J k X- ~L- L L 0 A P CA A I U Y ~t- A- L. AA 09 -00 *a " . -I 00 00 & 0 Physicoche-ics properties of solutions in liquefied -00 Cases. XM. Arid-base indicators in liquid sulfur di. oxide. A, Sh,tenthtCln sad %1. 1. Urizko. J. Phvi. 09 R.) 10. 7tJ&-76(lIM7,).-Sm C. A. jZ, A14oct.C.A.31,2W57. ZZ. Titrationofsolu I- 1 A . at r~ Omperaturv. . tions In Uquid &-- 041 JUd. 777-81.--&* C. A. JZ, 41M)71. Mee 00 M. LI4w4 MIUff dig"p a a welvast (or fooWnic so substances. A. 1. Shatemahtels and M. If. Viktimov. 00 IbiJ. 11. C. A. 32, 7N)II. F. J. C. Z*o 00 a** 00 00 x00 00 2 W0 00 9 1. COO go :;go 60 xoo t A 4fTALLLrW(AL LiTfP&TLQf CL".SIFIC.TIC. El 00 3 1) U is An L a Od 0 --IwOnijj Is tv IT It '.1 4( it it St TE it it It of I n ill, *71 IL 0 0 0 a 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 a 110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 a 0 0 00000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 bell 'm 2 1 a S a I a I Al It 12 11 1A Is 16 it is IT a it a a x blix W1. I j a _L_ A-h--f Q R., I -L I -A IF -L-M.0 M MPA 00 .4 --Fact 00 34 so ir 0 9 0 A A of A 00 Ar 0 z :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ a 0 0 -*-a W-4-- loll Jill 1413 Jill ANN" at&] 'A at* 1-t- C.01111 -00 Me: _*O to a Sepmdng rubidlum and colsium who from other sats and front alkatine earth salts. A. 1. $haten. -00 09 at id M. M. Viktorov. Russ. 33,W4, gee Ion. -The mixt. of halogen salts to he sepd. is treated 0 J With liquid SOI, to dim.)I%~ Rb and Ce salts. goo like 00 a 00 a A S 0 . S L AMETALLURGICAL LITERATURE CLAIIII'tCATION goo N04 goo goo too u IT AV .0 it a 9 1 151, TV a It COO It 06606 0 let 00 so *a 0 0 0 ~00 Ii., ;A 0,, 9' 0" 4111041111141111e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000000000*000 000000*000044 .0 0 0 6 0 0 0 1 VAN IF: 11IF11 ~'. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, *0** *0 N :0 if it 14 fl 4 it to to OR h 0 it 045 ft x; )l AD o u to m 0 m v a J, W 41 u 8) a re A A L 1. L -1 1. M j I L a it, F rd.A I I Q 'Lt-A I I- m " (A 0 U 44 k , 4 l_ 1_6 -1 prtpfation of glyctrat and at Mrodas at tugh rnaletular 00 fat scids by ammanolysis of oils and fats A 1. .4wrn- ~h fall alld 1'. A. lerallevi.h. j APPjW t'/'~. W. S. -00 00 C. -4. 14.) 11, IN$ ii-741 Ill Fivitch 974)1 1113h) AmOroallatly oo .".0% and %lycrtof weir pirtmt. Irmn hnw~,I, mtntl,mrf. cot tml~(41' olive. Castor And "Ralo"m4" tAk and frotil lillf, 04 larnh, beef slid tl%h fat4, by treatment with liquid mf, Ill 09 the presence of N114CI (catalyst), at 'Wj' for 8 Ills. o- at I(kl* '21 and 4 hm. The reaction proceeded quaritttatively, 1-00 0 virlding glycerol and a nsi%t, of amid-( fatty arid., The -00 00 velocity of rise reaction depentled on the che"i. compa. (it 1hr (,its and fats (fast"t to r"Cl is 4 castor cul and sltm-t 5*0 410 t~utntlowrrandcottatusecdoill. loCIMSCONCtUp.,dildn. '1=00 00 of the Vff.Cl catalyst and emuhrifiers increased t fie vchwi t y, Ili The reaction proceeded faster with ga&mui NlIs (at a zo 0 prmsurc of W atrnj at IW' than with a Isquid N111. Thr =0: 00 lihm and chem. properties of the arnich, tnixti. arc tabo. latc-d. Eighteen patent and 8 literature referent-cs. A. A. I'Mr.riw 00 0 are 0 00 Do A I t L a b(TALLLRLICAL UtERAT64F CLAWPICATICk r . - CO It t1 N M K a W St K It n- -n L S 8 01 0 W be 0 l] a 3 o 0 4 0 SHAT-'-.,T-,-,THYN, A. 1. G. S. 7L;--DSFl, (6CO) "The 7hysico-Cherzical Froperties of Solutions .'!n Compressed Gasses" Fart ',91V. "The Kinetics of the Reaction of A=..,.,cnolis of Filocarpid-Ine in Liquid A,--nonia in the presence of Physico-Chemical Institute imeni L. Ya. Karpov, Laboratory of Compressed Gases. Received 31 l'arch 1939. 4~ Report U-1615, 3 Jan. 1952. W* Wo we -0 -f -0 -0 -0 0 0 0 :31 1 $all Is 9111111U1611 v a r a 9 1 1 .-L AL . P 'k V V fa, IF a IL is, A IND 94DIAS P40CF&SIS AND PeOPENT11% .013 ff 00 04 9 00 A" lead boom. A. 1. ShatcusiltcM.- tripokki Kht.. S. 913-101(tW39); cf. C. A. A 2884G.-Tile.,eliej ami fryiew. The Ibc"Y 4 acids. bases and suits cqprvially as rrsortl* nomq. imtlvvnts stich as Nit.. C(Wl_~A4..vJCl.. 000 IICONII.. MoCN. dusune. var"Is ah-i. ljvttn%,mjlAwjj%. Item-twel ut flarnmeel 46nd the dew-Imaw lh&~Wlvl .4 00 mM. Usmumvich and Lewis am discum~i. 1&S rrfvm~". 00 It, R.dsinansi A A a - I L A NIETALLU46KAL LITIPATUIR CLASSOPKATION Sales,) MI; 4"T all *lot u a AV so is I r 1, a " " la al 8 1 a of ; 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 o o lao o ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 -3 Y n `-',-~, H'IT i~ " . 1. A Is ff a a a 41 a AS f . I I A IND ANO A 1~ OAVllj___-'27 600 too also aroo qoo Nee goo Nee t1*9 Doe woo a Willell Selma uslars 0 a a 3 1 I I a 0 )* see* go@* goo :1,08 00 so 00 0 0 0 0 ,tDefinit-.ons of t-,ie Concents of 'Acid'sn-jl 'Base"', Zhur. C'bS;1C"1- Khim. ic- 17, 1939. eeceived 28 Feb 1'~~39. Report U-1614, 3 Jar, 1952. 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 00 0 0 0 : 0 0 0000 0 00 0 0 ej it JDIIIIJ JINIS Ain is 1-9 X; P 11 u w 0 m v Is 0 0 IVA tt~v It I d 2 L & L 1 1. 11 1 It Aeld bass '"d1ca"'Or" 111 601YE"Is Of -ItMellent Cld base .%. I` j,I - 10, 124 11111!klll~ 'it C-mli-in 1)31U 3r, IIMI Ell" "O['If' 31111 al,,,rl)fl..ti ",,III u,mg Ill.'j. 'It Nif IXt 9, K"', -Iht-ll t -00 00 1 U111111". ". III, I---- .111,1 avirlic %aj,t, \Ili Mid -All .00 ~.I. ,,,I --fint? -pll, "..I. fill toph, 11"I. "., m- and P-11itratillim. ~%1,11. Ill - 00 =00 I I-tilt 00 Iwill'-fival. I--- -Implif Is I.Im III, =00 00 'I'll, Ila I a , Iww that I he ix~ I, I ie -ha,w ;I,- If -, ri w. ,f I ri, 1,, 0 00 d. 1~.rul m.m I hc I Ill. Ili .410 1 but ill idic -l" fit, I III owr~ bdi.ll, lm." ill roe 00 slit fallilint- .10, 11.." 1,. it,, fl, .4, id ... Ill 00 rvugth -4 pi. ri, I, III j, mt 1. 0 -1. -- , ,, %.m-j, II % ,n I, I it I I., -,I It, I N I I I I I I , - C) 1, 0 m I) I : .,1114, liltroplu-nol, m, I" "Inrik, ill 'ill-lit. at-Ill u4n. Ir. liquid NII., t1v 10"I amill"al" goo oo f vuriipd,,~ act as wcak- acuf%. U. Raillfriarill zoo 00 -00 06 00 00 400 1 -tit' of Ike 0 0 00 -T oO L 1 00 -V &I N IS q, q 11 a It it '1 40 11 1 X- ; ;01 " 0" 00 00 00 0 0 OT 0 0 0 0 04 0 a 0 0 0 o1 00000*0- 0 1 0 : OOO*O0,OOO::::::jOOOOo 9 C 0 W 4 It A L a a a pe a I I v m 4 ST CO AT S T OF son sell sell Oor 009 go'k sea oott ogo son see 00, so- so- so- so. so- so. AUT.04 -011 .,ou.jr. 'jj _V VI -P -PIA!- UO!M ZtL suaM wqi lo amiwa atp uo %pujdV 1941111 IHM 2cD PD 411AFI-19 MU[MID 3qL 'PKFMIS SWA 1611M P" CMN P 0 a;wi~jd ij Wp3WU Mp UD 10138N P- INN VXWN'JIIWN ' "I" V -. lo j-p aq.L I-Im-W-d q W931w OU a3mmaid 3RI u1 .(t P-.19 '.011 '.0 IN * 14=4' S I Poo uMM"I pvjwm&vcqpmjpDmvj4U I ' P palmdul0=9 III INN PM"I 1140 2W,"Ll ~ds v A n lu samK C, 00 q q t i -cnfd la aqPwi 3U-19-M *Ptl MA"Jejol 1; Poo pus 01214malm 'I 'GWWNFW~ P 91P al miummuni pp" p SpApoommor m" )o ?Do 93POWIR W ma p1m to jr so _nummp mp a --~ a jS too , q " apasq- pus IOPPM _ me-11"im " Sa fix -m pum -arAm p IF pp laqw; Rubm PD MM INN Wpw 31~ pm To 4 ' lo AaWtav apir"10 MtL_ 9 r r lt 'S,vir,17111"Mal Ncrowpv 700 "Y pus IVI" amp POP sin WOMPM sale 0 if b to if 1i A w k K k i it i _4191-o0 0 0 0 0 9 9 &Dolf too A e 7 e 7 -v -v w mw "so m 11FGMWW_ room 111111114161101 NOV 16111111)"1 0 0 of 79 It 1 0 1 1 i20 0 0 0 0 0 so 0 0 0000 0 0 Ole A-A, AS _A_o A_&_*_o 0, 0 ;HATEl;jllTl-,YN', A. 1. "T I he Oaid-T;,ase In-icator-, 'L:~ .:r;lvents w'Lth Aff. Acid-Ilese Properties"; Zilur. Fiz. '- ~'h i.- '0 .. -1.; 13, N . 3, 1939; Flnyrsic6-~hem-. Insti. inemi L. Ya. Karpov, Lab of .onbustible Gases, "oscow; red. 22 June 1933. ;vapcxt, ;-j-'1613, 3 Jan. 1952 600 ViI,-U.OVA, G. S.; SIUM;SHTEPI. A. I. 2. U-SSR (600) "The Physico-Che-iical Properties of Solutions in Liquefied Gases" Fart XXIII. "The Catalysis of the Reaction of Air-monolis (ammonolize) of S-antonin by Amides of Acids, Phenols, and other Weak Acids," Zhur. Fiz. Khim, 1.3, No. `zp 1939. IYoscow, Fhysico- Chemical Tnstitute jineni L. Ye. Karpov, Lahoratory of Compressed Gases. Rece 1 ved 1-7 Varch 1931-1 0 IWRerovt U-16157 3 Nn. 1?52