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1048/1242 .k."fri t 11e s is and ali to ox id a t i on. Kievskiy polytekhnichoskiy inBtitut (The Kiev Polytechnic Institute) 3UBMITTED: August 19, 1961 L, 1280~~63 EF-F(c)/2WP(J)/WT(m)/BD9 ASD/AMC Pr-4/Pe-4 RM/W%r NR: AP3001425 4/0138/W000/004/0001/=5 q9 ov V. P.; a 11_7 C;)-- -AUTHOR: Shatal , ostev. M. M._; Kry*lova I. A.; Artemovo V. M. Shestakova=,. G.; Korbanova, Z. N.; T110dn,, A. D.; S-ptnikov, I. F.; loft .TITLE-' Low-temperature polymerized butadiene-st ene rubbe with a carbon black- oil filler .,SOURCE- Kauchuk i rezina, no. 4,, 19(,3,, 1-5 !TOPIC TAGS: polymerization, carbon black filler, oil filler, butadiene rubber, styrene rubber :ABSTRACT: Studies were conducted on the preparation of stal-le dispersions of various types of carbon blackVA4ith and without surface-active substances. Thi latter included potassium rosinate, Leukanol, and ammonium. caseinate. The di! -persions were prepared in ball mills, in 'Jet mills, and by means of a vibrator. The kinetic and aggregate stability of the dispersions wete'determinea. Potassium rosineue and Leukanol produced dispersions which did not separate for several days. The oil emulsion was prepared with the aid of . stearic acid and triethanolamine. "he car'~on black dispersion was mixed with the latex of butadiene-styrene. rubber Card 1/2 L 12889-63 ACCE.-SSION NIR: AP3001425 7~ and into it was introduced the oil emulsion. The coamlation of this mass was best achieved by pouring it into a 9% solution of sodium chloride containing 7% sulfli-ria acid at 40C. It was found that the introduction of carbon black into the latex previous to coaaulation had a favorable effect on the technoloaicil properties of .the vulcanizate,; -azfd permitted the processing of rubbers with a higher riolecu.1ar 'weight. The KhAFV~rand of carbon black and the use of potassium rosinalle as emulsi..'; fier produced vulcanized rubbers of superior strength and a~, asive properties, wit' .r th a higher modulus of elasticity and with a better adhesion to the cord. Pasy*nkov, N. _ V. , Pondaryev, A. Ye.., and Gergas evich, T. . participated in the work. Orig. art. has: 3 talles. ASSOCIATION: Voronezhskiy zavod sinteticheskogo kauchuka i Voronezhskiy- shinny,*y .zavod (Voronezh Synthetic Rubber Plant and Voronezh Tire Plant) SUBMJTTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 30,Nfay63 ENCL: SUB CODE: 00 NO REF SOV: 002 OTHM-: 002 Ccrd 2/2 ;r_~ - ~.: ot ---L--22023~-66 --RVJ7(m)/FiiP(j)/T 1-12(r I rq /PM 'SOURCE K=1Tff=2005938 CODE- UR/0000/63/000/000/005()7009( AUTHORS: Shatalov,,V. P.; Zhilina, R. I.; Furticheva, R. F.; Antonova, A. M.; Popova, Ye."-IT,.--; emilutskayal A. A. OJIG: Laboratory for the-Chemistry_ (?f _U~g4-7Molecular-We~g4t,g_p!npi;~ Voronezh State University (Laboratoriya khimii vysokomolekulyarnykh soyedineniy Voronezhskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta); TsNIL Voronezh Plant SK im. S. 14. Kirov (TsNIL voronezh- skogo zavoda SK) TITLE: Synthesis of hydroperoxides and the study of their initiating properties in the process of emulsion polymerization of mixtures of butadieneland styrene7 SOURCE: Voronezh. Universitet. Laboratoriya. khimii vysokomolekulvarnykh soyedineaiy. Trudy, no. 2, 1963. Monomery, khimiya i tekhnologiya SK (Monomers, chemistry, and technology of synthetic rubber), 50-60 TOPIC TAGS: butadiene, sty-rene, copolymerization, organic oxide, emulsion polymerization, hydrocarbon , hydroperoxide ABSTRACT.- It was the object of this investigation to synthesize a number of halogen- containing organic hydroperoxide8 aiid the hydroperoxides of oymene, methane, 1,1-7 diphenyl-ethane and its derivatives, and to tT dy the initiating properties of the synthesized compounds on the copolymerizatio-WIreaction of butadiene and styrene. The various hydroperoxides were obtained by first -3ynthesizing the corresponding bydro- carbons and then by subjecting the hydrocarbons to autooxidation. The following Card 1/2 22Q?0-66 ACC NRt AT6005938 hydrocarbon3 and halohydrocarbons were synthesi-,;ed: cymene, p-methane, 1,1- diphenylathane, 1-phenyl-1-ethylphenylethane, 1-phenyl-1-cumene-ethane, chlorocumene, isopropylchlorocumene, bromocumene, isopropylbromocumene, and fluorocumene. The reaction yields and the characteristic physical constants for the synthesized com- pounds are tabulated. The initiating properties of the hydroperoxides in the copolymerization reaction of butadiene and styrene were studied in the presence of two redox systems: a) trilon B-rongalite-ferrou5 sulfate-hydroperoxide, and b) hydro-. quinone-sodium sulfite-ammonia-hydroperoxide. A 78% solution of Nekal and potassium soap of synthetic fatty acids or a mixture)of potassium and eodium soaps of hydrated rosin and synthetic fatty acids (C - C served as emulsifier. The experimental 10 16 ,results are tabulated. It is concluded that the more active hydroperoxides produce the hardest rubbers which, when vulcanizedy yield vulcanizates pf high etrengthol Orig,. art. has: 3 tables. SUB CODE: 07/ SUM DKTEi none/ ORIG REP.- 016/ OTH REF: 001 Card 2/2 11~" ZHIL'NIKOV V,I,~ SLUKIN, A.D., 5!LAT~L 9 qy,~.V.P.; KHLOPOTUNOV, G.F. Rosin emulsifier for butadiene-styrene rubbers. Gidroliz. :1 lesokhim.prom. 16 no.3s21-23 163. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Voronezhskiy zhirkombinat (for Zhillnikov). 2. TSentrallno-Cherno- zemnyy sovet narodnogo khozyaystva (for Slukin). 3. Voronezhskiy zaovd sinteticheskogo kauchuka (for Shatalov, Khlopotunov). (Rubber, Synthetic) (Emulsifying agents) SHATALOV, V.P.; KHLOPOTUNOV, G.F.; SLUKIN, A.D.; ZHILINIKOV, V.I. Hydrogenation of rosin under atmospheric pressure. Gidroliz. i lesokhim. prom. 16 no.6:5-7 163. (MM 16:10) L 4100L-_~~_' EWT(i0)/EPF(c')/EWP(j) Pc-4/Pr~4 RM ACCESSION 14n,:,AR5005649 8/0081/64/000/022/8064/SM ;SOURCE: Rd. A. Kbimiya, Abs. 228458 ~AUTHOR: Shatalov. V.j?.,-_Go M.M.; Bondarev. A.Ye.; Pasynkov, N.V. v TITLE: Alumina-filled rubber prepared by low-temperature polymerization CITED SOURCE:. Tr. Iabor. khimii vysokomolekul. soyeftenty.* Voronezhak. un-t, vyp. 2, 1963, 83-102 TOPIC TAGS: synthetic rubber, low temperature polymerization, rubber filler, altunina filler, Gammivalumina,~ mtdrocrystalllne alumina, rubb rubbe er plasticity r strength, silica gel, wear, carbon blaek/SI(S-30 rubber, EAF carbon black TRANSLAT-ION:. A sample of A1203 containing 94-991% of the Y -form was obtained by decomposing Al2.(S04) 3 - 18H~O in an electric furnace at 900- 1100C with a gradual increase i'teniperature.: The grain-size of the microcrystalline aggregates of-A1203 was 0. 05 6. 1 mm the index or refraction was 1. 754-1.756,.the surface pH 'was 5-9, and the de~siity, of the dry powder was 12-13 g/100 cc. The adsorptive capacity of this A1203 was higher than that of silica gel. The absorption of moisture during storage for CoM 1/2, L 41001-65, ACCESSION NWAR5005649 50 days in air was-~r C, en - AN SSSR (for Afanaslye-v, Gorskiy), SHATALOV Y- T',- ORi4"W. A V.~ YABU)KOV, TQI-',S,'-1N : JIT. [3as4Lc princip-les of the plotting, conrlent. and des-ignarians of the. metallogenic and forecasting mavs of .,-)re re-ions] Osnovrqe printsipy sostavleniia, soderzhanie -jslovi~ve oboznacheniia metallogenicheskikh i prognomy1ch kart r-udnykh raiono-v; osnovnye prin"sipy netallogenicheskikt. issledovanii i sostavleniia metallogenicheskikh i prognoz- aykh kart rudnvkh raionov. [By] E.T.Shatalov i dr. Moskva, Nedra, 11964~ .193 P. rSupplementl Prilozhenile. (MIRA 18~ 5) )Ri,ovA, A.V.; 7 i 31-'ITALOV, Ye.T., re,. iLiLholouical P-Tid ztructurai factors in tha dist--ibu-L'JL--,r of mineralization iri ore reg-io-no; -basic pr-inciples of mct~illogenct.i,: resenrch and the compilation of metalle- gonetle and i::aps of ore regionn] Lito-Logi.-che- ~~,kle i ~-,Lmkturrj' ~ fakiory razmAw lion i ia orudeneniia v I'lldriykii vniowikl,; o:jnovr~yci pvini-rdrr y nietallogonicheskikh j.SOIOdGVaDii i S03LaVj(.fflijtL metallogenichenkikh i prognoz- T-iykh kart n.-dnykh rajon-1--v. NoskvaY Nedra, (1964. 212-P. ,MIRA 17:1-2) 2slovoy" WMAIZE 'SON MOKOVSKIV A. *'-~ KOFMILITSYli, V.S 'PADALKA P"~ IvIOPOZENKO 3FIENOV tl-K-; HEMPOROSIMIr. V p :. 'TA~ S'IfATAWV, Ye. Ti. YAFIIIROV) P.M., Sergeevich Lab,-:.zin,, -1898-196~1; ob-ituary. Geol.. mestorozh. 6 no.2-125-126 Mr-Ap '64. .Lr_ (MIRA I~repai:',.rg che .-.-ozvj-j-ljatjon of thei Tnterrational MAP of Europe, sov. geol.. -, rlo.2,.j7C--.18G kg WIRA * A~.., V.I.". , SHATAL01,", Ye.T., otv. i-e;,'.; BOMOV, V.A., red.; red. ; T',`kLCjSt--T JLir_- , G.A.~ red.; SHCHEGLOV, A.D,, red. [Problems of metallo-geny] Voprosy Nietaliogenii. Mosk-,ra, IL "edrn, 1965., 257 P. (MezYdunarodnyi geolagicheskii korW,ress. Doklady sovetskikh geologov. Problema 16) (MIRA 18:5) I. N-atslonallnyy kotaitetu geciogov Sovetskoro Soyuza. SHATALOV, Ye.T.; KOFTEV-DVOREIKOV, V.S.: RUB, M.G.; RODIOITOV, D.A.; SkIttlY, F.K.; FAVORSKAYA, M-A [Criteria of the relationship between mineralization and igneous activity as applied to the study of ore regions; basic principles of rtnetallogenetic studiHs and the plot- ting of metallogenetic and forecasting maps of ore deposits] Kriterli sviazi orudenenila s mag7ratizmom primenitellno k izucheniiu rudnykh raionov; osnovrWe printsipy metallogeni- cheskikh issledovanii i sostavleniia metallogenicheskikh i prognoznykh kart rudnykh raionov. Moskva, Nedra, 1965. (miRA 18:4) 29 2 p. K(JNSTAI,'TII-.GV, i.M.; ZHARIKOV, V.A.; GW,,EL'YANEIqKO, B.I.; PETROVSKAYA, N.V.; SHATALO [Study of the characteristics of the distribution of mineralization in metallogenetic research on ore regions; basic principles of metallogenetic research and the com- pilation of metallogenetic and prognostic maps of ore deposits] Izuchenie zakonomernostei ramneshcheniia mine- ralizatsii pri netallogenicheskikh issledovaniiakh rud- nykh raionov; osnovnye printsipy metallogenicheskikh is- sledovanii i sostavleniia metallogenicheskikh i prognoz- nykh kart rudnykh raionov. Moskva, Nedra, 1965. 302 p. (MlRA 18:7) L 0)64tT Tf P B B/o ACC NR io, AT6024282 SOURCE CODE: UR/2976/66/000/005/00 8 10 8 AUTHOR: Shan1gin, V. F.; Shatalov, Yu. A. X~l ORG: none /64/ TITLE: Displacement-to-number converter using coarse optical gratings SOURCE: Moscow. Vyssheye tekhnicheskoye uchilishche. Vychislitel'naya tekla!ika, no. 5, 1966, 88-102 TOPIC TAGS: optic grating, diffraction grating, spectrometer i,.~iSTLWT: Principles and methods of precision incremental. measurement of linear dis- tances or displace~ients, using coarse optical gratings to generate moire fringes are descrihed. Moire fringes are usually produced by superimposing two transparent, rela-1 tively coarse gratings, such that the line pattern on one forms a small angle wital re-~ 3pect to the line pattern on 'the other. If one grating is stationax-j and the other one is moved, the moire fringes will appear to move in the direction nor-Mal to the r.tovcxeri-c of F.L-4ting. The distance between the centers of two adjacent moire fring7 0.-, ~s ;:~ivean by X W, at'-IG W2 are_- tile distances bbetween the adiacent lines (pitch) of -the first and pectively, and 1) is the ang or -hese lines by superimpos-; :ecoid gi,azings, oes glee f, rmed by ivg the. gratings, For the usual case when w1 = w2 and the angle 6 is small W = W e The coefficient oF displacement magnification is defined as the ratio of actual me- chanical displacement to the apparent displacement of the fringe pattern W 1 K L'He optical density of the moire fringe pattern varies sinusoidally in the direction perpendicular to the fringes. This characteristic is adva2tageously used to sense thJ rdrection of the motion while counting whole fringes and their fractions. Four photo cells are located under the stationary grating such that they are in a straight line aiid spaced in increments corresponding to 1/4 of one full fringe period, optical slits are placed between each cell and the gratings to define -the small area to be monitored by each. In this arrangement, the motion of the vernier grating generates sinusoidal! voltige outputs from each of the photocells, phaseshifted by 900 with respect to each other. Thus the position of the fringe can be resolved within a fraction of the fringe width, and therefore the mechanical displacement can be also measured to a smal,1 fi,action of the distance between two adjacent lines on the grating. An electronic system was designed to accept the inputs from the four photocells, to combine the Sig-'- Card 2/3 ACC NR: AT61024282 nals representing the instantaneous fringe position and tilie direction of the Motion, to generate pulses on one of the two output terminals for every increment of dis- placement. Each of the two output terminals corresponds to one direction of the mo- tion. The pulses are fed into a bidirectional counter where their algebraic sum , re- presenting the instantaneous value of the displacement, is displayed. An experimentali rno~iel was evaluated and found to be capable of resolving distances to 1/128 of the -''etch. Diagrams of optical patterns, phase relations of the electrical signals and b','oc*%- dIazrams of the electronics are included. Orig. art. has: 10 figures, 22 form-I 'alas. SUB COM: 20'~~ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REFt GOI POVORINSKIY, Yu.A.; SHATALOVA, A.A.; VITEPROVSKAYA, S.V.; ZJ~MGVA, L.I. KOLESCIVA, Increase and acceleration of the a4ion of insulin in the combined treatment of schizophrenia by meano.of a change in the rpactivity of the body. Trudy Gos. naucir.-rissf. psikhonevr. inst. no#20:191- 204 '59. NIRA i4j;) 1. GosudaretTennyy muohno-issledovatel'skiy Ig"ikhonev'rologicheakiy institut imeni V.M. Bekhtereva, 4ningrad. (SCHIZOPHRENIA) (INSULIN) (NERVOUS SYSTEM, AUTONOMIG) ABRAMOVICII, G.~.; ADAMOVICII, V.A.; VOROBIYEV'S P - GOSHEEHV, A.I.; DEMIDENKO, T.D.; ZAYCHIKOVA, N.A. (deceased]; RUBI;O'*VAI, R.S.; TERPUGq,, Ye.A.; SHATALOVA, A.A.; YAKGVLEVAJUIMIRMAN' I.V. Some investigations of the clinical aspects, pathogerosis, and treatmeht of epileosy. Trudy Gos. nauch.-issl. VO'ft-honevr. inst. no.20:343-354 159. (MIRA 14:1) 1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issle4ovatellskiy psikhonevrologicheskiy institut imeni V.M. Bekhtereyaq I4ningrad. (EkLEPSY) SHATALOVA, A.A.i MEYEHOV, G.I.; SAVINSKIY, Ya.R. Possibility of quantitative determination of chromop-oteins by the radiometric method. Bipkhimiia ~5 no./+:577-583 _T 1-Ag t60. (MI?A 13:1.1) 1. V.M.Bekhterev Research Psychoneurologic Institute., Leningrad. (BLOOD-ANALYSIS AND CHEMISTRY) (HEMOGLOBIN) (CARBON-ISOTOPES) SHATALOVA, A.A.; MEYEROV, G.I. Radiometric determination of chlorides in the plasma and blood. Biokhimiia 25 no.5.-769-772 S-0 160. (MIRA 14:1) 1. Biochemical Laboratory, Research Psychoneurological Institute, Leningrad. (CHLORIDES) (BLOOD-ANALYSIS AND CMIISTRY) (SILVER-ISOTOPM) SHATALOVA, 4,A.; ~ffAGER, V.K. Adrenalin and noradrenalin content of the blood and its dynamic significance in neuroses. Zhur. nevr.i paikh. 60 n0-10:1338-1341 160, (MIRA 14:1) i. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy psikhonevrblogicheskiy -Institut imeni V.M. Bekhtereva (dir. - prof. V.N. Myasishchev), leningrad. (ADRENALINE) (ARTERENCIL) (NEUROSES) na e e p o r t SIHATALOVA __A.A.; KIMIROV, G.I. . - . -- --t-j - -Radionetric methods in biochemistry and their use in medicine. Trudy Gos. nauclr.-issl. psikhonevr, inst. no,2,1:247-262 161. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Biokhimicheskaya laboratoriya GosudarstvennoEo nauchno-is-.1edovatell- skogo psikhonevrologicheskogo instituta Laeni Bekhtereva. (RADIOLOGY, MEDICAL) SHATALOYA A.A.; ANTONOVA, Ye.K. Modification of Lund's method for detcr=ining adrenaline and noradrenalin in blood plasma. Trudy Gos. nauch.-issl. psikhonevr. inst. no.21,.:263- 268 161. (MI-U 15; 5) 1. Blokhimicheskaya laboratoriya Gosudarstvennogo nauchno-issledovatell- skogo psikhonovrologichoskogo instituta imeni Bekht.ereva. (ADRENALINE) (BLOOD PLASMA) SHATALOVA., A,.A.,; MEYEHOV, GjI. Radiometric method for quantitative determination of hippuric acid in urine. BiokhJmJia 26 no-3:444-447 14Y-Je 161. (MIRA :14:6) 1. Nauchno-issledavatellskiy psikhonevrologichaskiy.Institut ime0i V,M.Bekhtereva, Leningrad. (HIPPURIC ACID) (CARBON-ISOTOPES)