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Device for Grinding Conical Clutches and Dii3,-o AVAILABLE: 1 10/24 but achieved a time saving equal to 235% as con-,.~ared with tli~- same work done by hand. There are 4 fi6ures- Library of Congress Card 2/2 1. Lapping ;nachines-Applications 2. Lapp-tig machines-Operati-c-a zoo-reteri nary serv4cin- ,:~f coi-is-o-L- d '.-c.: P. -r,,-;; c)l o' %.ins- Ce-n'ral `oo%ete-rinary District witi, -"-lie VfAeritiar- lycm;' 'oL. 3 C h e I i n s 4 G b I -a stu I . I .-I I., -[-P4' A . -~~ WT-I~ . , n-I ;,--':AU': , i . -~ . . LTI" . Building Materials Manufacture of construction slabs from waste products of natural rubber (slimes). Biul. stroi. tek-h .0 No. 16, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Con.gress November, 1552. UNCLASSIFIED ' " ~- I -iG IN p N., P: u I th Or -impell.vite from -Rakhch-,sarar D-,s'r,-c' in - e Crimea. Ves-, -Mlosk. un. Ser. 4: Geol. 19 no,4:68-72 il-Ag 1-114. (. Ri IP k117: I.i ;* 1. Kafedra poleznykh iskopayemykh Moskovskogo universiteta. S/193/6 I /0-JO/D Aoo4/Alrjl AUTHORS Sladkoshteyev, V.T., Candidate of rechnical Sciences. Kura_,skiy, M A_ Shatagin, 0,A_ Continuous bronze casting on the horizontal (UNTIM) machine ~ERTODICAL Byulleen' tekhniko-ekonomicheskoy informatsli, no 10. 1961, 11-12 TEXT Since the methods of producing blanks from bronze and brass, sas' in chills and on vacuum suction in-stallations yield an insufficient output of service- able castings (75-80%) and are of fow efficiency, the Ukrainskiy institut me+.allcv (Ukrainian Institute of Metals) in cooperation with the Khar'kovskiy zavcd-tsve-- nykh metallov (Khar'kov Non-Ferrous Metal Plant) has developed an entirely new -7~echnology and designed the horizontal UNITM machine for the continuous casting of bronze, yielding an output of serviceable blanks of 98-99%, The new techncln-- g1cal process Is characterized by the following; a graphite crys-'allizer heated on one end and cooled on the other is connected to the mel-~al Container and lo the chamber oC secondary cooling, this assembly being set into reciproca*,ing motions ',V a special mechanism The reciprocating motion prevents the blanks being caa, from disrupting To cool the blanks being cast down tc la)-1500C the wal-er flow Card S/19-3/6-1 1*0~'Y~/r) '3!_~ -7, Contin,,ir,ijs bronze casting A&D L /A 10 ! In ',he -.-hanreiS should nc~% be less thaln 1.25 m/se~ The best mater-_-al f!~r -hr- con~.a:t walls of the crystallizer, having a length of 180 mm, 4.5 S:jft graphite The water consumption of the crystallizer cooling sec-?,-:~Onais 2 - 3 li-~ 'er/min On the pilot horizontal UNIIM cas'~Ing macifine round cast. t1anks 5"; mm ,n dameter and up to 3,3 m long are produced from Sp CL~IC -555 (Br S-555) a, nronze, Surface, macrostructure, chemical nonhomogenei-tv and mechan-J.- ~ proi-er- ~.I.eE of the bronze blanks meet the requirements of FCOCTL1~GCGT) 613-,:~o. i7nie _z2x-1 Industrial horizontal casting machine under constructdon at. the Khar'kov=_k,_V z---- vcd.aly1umJ.niyev-.ykh i bronzovykh splavov (Khar'kov Alumliram and Bronze Alicy Plan-) will produce blanks 25 - 150 mm in diameter from Br OTsS-555 and Br OTSS-663 bronze. Depending on the-blank diameter, the machine has a capacit;F of 1.24-4.6, 4.16-18 b and up to 41,8 tons/day producing blanks of 25 -.50, 50 -- 100 and 1-00 '50 mm in diametpr respectively, The machine overall dimensionat (length x w~.d-n- x height) are 9 5 x 1,2 x 1_3 mj`~ weighs 11.2 %nns, lbere 1=5 I figurr- C-ard -D/.- S/136/62/000/003/005/008 E021/E435 AUTHORS: Sladkoshteyev, V.T., Xuritskiy, M.A., Shatagin, 0. Vartazarov, M.A. FITi.E.- Con'inuous castin_t of bronze on the horizontal (UNIIW machine PER1OD1(_';k1,: Tsvetnyye metally, no.3, 1.962,, 67-711 TEXT - Production of bronze arid brass billets by casting in a 1,11OUld by normal means has the disadvantages of low production rates arid inabjlit~y -to produce billets less than 60 min in diameter or inore than. 1000 mm in length. Vertical continuous casting seemed unfavoLirable for bronze and brass with small cross sectional areas arid therefore experiments were carried out on a horizontal continuous casting machine developed by the Ukrainskly insti-tut me-callov (Ukrainian Metals Institute) and the Kharlkovskiy zavod alyuminevykh i bronzo-iykh splavov (Kharlkov Aluminium and Bronze Allovs~%'orks). The method used is based on a graphite crystallization mould, induction heated at one end and cooled at the other, connected with a metal-veservoir and a chamber for secondary cooling. The whole is capable of reciprocating motion. Card 1/2 S/136/62 Cont~;Intxous c /000/003/005/008 -i.scing, of bronze ... E021/E435 L.i.(,,uj.cj i1jeti-,ij 'i-s Ced from the metal-reservoir through the heated part ol' the crystallization mould into the cooled part where solidit'icat ion of the metal takes place with continuous extraction of the billet by a pulling device. The main tectinical paraimeters for continuous casting of tin bronze in a round billeti were worked out. The quality of the metal completely complies with specifications. A semi-industrial horizontal machine for casting round billets of 25 to 100 inm diamet(r has been constructed in the KharIkov Aluminium and Bronze Alloys Works. This enables an increase in annual production of up to 98% and completely mechanizes production. Continuous casting of brass, copper and other non-ferrous metals can be carried out on a horizontal machine. There are 5 figures and 2 tables. Card 2/2 ... ~. ~:. ~ 1, -1'. li -- ; , kapd. tek~m. nau? V.T.f C. - -1 u ~ f,- -in-ir, or horzontal contirjuouF casr,ing e~~ ' .., I ~a -- ~..-_,n ' mt-n -, `,bn,. tzud~, U-NI'lvi nc.9.-153-159 ~64 WIRA 1-89-1) _L 865o-65 ACCESSION NR: AP405653 8/0133/64/000/009/0795/OT91. AUTHOR: Sladkoshteyev, V. T ;-Shatagin,.-O. A,; Kuritskiy. H. A.;'' Yakuning I* A*; Yeremeakop As S.' TITLE: Technology of horizontal continuous casting of steel SOURCE1 stalo, no. 9, 1964s 795-79T iTOPIC TAGS: horizontal continuous steel casting, continuous st dbi casting, continuous stainless steel casting, heat resistant steel casting, heat resistant alloy casting, cast consumable electrode. ABSTRACT: A horizontal continuous casting unithas been in.operation; in the pilot plant of'the Ukrainian Scientific-Reeiar-ch Institute of Metals. Molten metal is poured into &-receiver from.which it flows. I- through a refractory conduit into a-horizontal mold 500-i-T.00 am long which moves forwards and backwards with the*-*receiver an4,-conduit !Seventy-three heats of structural carbon-steeM(l _311.1 tructural alloy stegl (M16119i nd lKhl8N9T)1 __(20KhNA, 20Kh2N4), rtainless steel _g_-steel Khl 5 hl' and heat- ball-~Leartp Ist.an1iisteel ~resistant alloj_J_KL!4L3.TB) melted in an see f4rnace were cast Into round SHATAGIN., O.A. Certain characteristics of the crystallization of steel during horizontal continuous casting, Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 7 no.2:58-63 164. (~ffRA 17:3) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issiedovatelialiy institut metallov. SHATAGIN _.-Q..-,[Shatahin, O.J; SUKMANSKAYA, N. [Sukmans'ka, N.1, zhurnalist; --j, b9JRZOV, K., inzh. Uninterrupted teeming of steel. Nauka i zhy-ttia 12 no.9: 14-15 S 162. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut metallov, KharIkov (for Shatagin). 2. Donetskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod (for Murzov). (Steel-Metallurgy) SLADKOSHTEYEV, V.T.,, kand.tekhn.-nauk; SHATAGIN, O.A., inzh.; KURITSKIY, M.A.,, inzh. Horizontal continuous steel casting for electric slag refining. Net.i gornorud.prom. no.5t2O-23 S-0 162. (NM 1631) 1. Ukrainskiy institut metallov. (Continuous casting) (Zone melting) SLADKOSH,rEyEv, V,T,, kand. tekhn. nauk; VARTAZAROV, M.A., inzh.; KRUTITSKIY, M.A... inzh,; SHATAGIN, O.A., inzh. Horizontal continudas casting of nonferrous metals. Met. i gornorud. prom. no.1:47-50 Ja-F...162. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut metallov (for Sladkoshteyev). 2. Khartkovskiy zavod alyuminiyevykh i bronzovykh splavov (for Vartazarov, Krutitskiy, Shatagin). (Nonferrous ingots) (Continuous castinR) Ur PA. 2; - 3T3 USSR/Engineer2,rig - Construction, MaterialE 31 Aug-52 "Fabrication of Wallboards From WasrE ~,~L Vatwraj-- (Slimes).," Cand Tech Sci A, G. Shatagina. Engr T 5, Aleksand.rova, ROSNIIMES "Byul Stroit Tekh" No 16, p 26 Briefly describes technology of faorica-zing heat-insuia- tion plates from slimz-s which represent fibrous portion of roots of ruIbber-bearing plants. Technolog7-VSE de- velojed at Laboratory of Heat Insulating Materials of ROSNIIMS. States that each natural rubber factory of standard productive capaclty gives several thougand tons of fibrous.materi.Til durinig-p-ach season of _7 months and utilization of slime of only single factory would permit annual production of 1.0-1.5 -11140 " m of insulating plates. ~-ITI-6 2 46 goo, Z el Sound fin-,alating elastic lining frout Waste of tfi.) ashe~T)-.* G, Shma;,imn., B. M. Shu)(cuarik-licr, Unit .U S S P, ALxhine-building Dist.) 1953, No. 5, 171-1-91; - RAral. 7hur, Kh'ti-, No. 4102D.-The beat compii via3 fomid to be mbestc~,sl,itv waste CO-L3 and wa%le paper. and A14SO4), IIJI/ rh.: ;tM)CACX-A~Le III.I.Lerini Was Ii t Inixed with, water; to it was added the ivastc, then. Wain to i, a concit. of 4%. The whvie v%us mixed f,-,r 8-10 ruin. aq.-I to the nip -ss the bonding *ttb~tancc:~ were zddk-d. I- ~ VI H rf ~ - I I .! F, ,~: ~. - I - NIKOLISKIY, V.11., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; SHATAGI kandidat 1"AbAAW tekhnicheskikh nauk; FUSHEV, M.S., iuzhendP". Sound insulating sheets made of packing materials. Gor.khoz.Mosk. 29 no.1:23-24 J '55. (MLR& 8:3) (Soundproofing) SHATAKHYMI, M.P. Verminous appendicitis. Izv. AN Arm. SSR. Biol. nauki 13 no.6:71-74 Je 160. (MJRA 1318) 1. Gospitallnaya khirurgicheskaya klinika Yerevanskogo meditsinskogo in3tituta. (WORM , INTESTINAL AND PARASITIC) (APPENDICITIS) -~RATAKHYA.N,..M.-P,-- 'BhBAYkN, E.B. Leukocytosis focus in acute appendicitis. 26 no.12111-113 Ja 163. Off RA 16:4) 1. lz kafedry gospitallnoy khirurgii (zav. - prof. I.M. Gevorkyan) 'Yerevanskog? meditsinskogo instituta. (LEUCOCYTOSIS) . (APPENDICITIS) SHAIA'~-J,~. NekctorT ye biolrhimicheskiye pokazateli Arcvi -)ol.'nykfi gi,t~rllv-nicneskoy lach~-nnykh r-adonobymi va-nnami il-i 6 0 liniuc-~yarnc.-ot-~i,c~satt,;Irnoy ionizatsiyey. Trvdy Uzbek. gos. nauch.-issled. -n-ta fizioterapii Im. SemasbJw, '3b. 11, 1949, c. 263-69 31": "1 S-v-t C :~h-,injn7 Tirkh .-A-itey, VoL. 50, ' o k MTALIN, A.S. rrfl-aemce of Tashke-t minera', -water oz~ milcturition ic healthy dogs. 1,4v. AN Uz.SSR. nc.6-28--34 '59. (MMA 13:4) 1. Uzbakskly gosudarstq-ennyy vtuchno-issLodovatel'skiy institut -4 rizioterapti lm. Semashko. . . I , (TA,'A!j1KY,1iT -MJY(?,HttL 40):R13- -lit Yffl 10TAY3 101AL 14YYYOT) (URI UP, - SXCW1 ION) FSTRIN, F.L.,- -"i:A-fA'T,!, A.S. Influence of Tashkent mneral water on the blood sugar content. Trudy Uz. gos. nauch.-isq].. Inst. kur. i fizioter. no-15:10-174 '59. (MIFA 14: 9) (BLOOD SUGAR) (MINERAL WATERS) ,4, SHATALIN, A.S.- Inrluence ..X ',"ashlkunt minecal. water on diuresin., excretion of chlorides and urea In healthy dogs. Trudy Uz. gos. nauch.-issl. inst. kur. i 'Liz--oter no.15:251-262 159. MRA 14:9) (DIURETICS AND DIURESIS) (MINERAL WATERS) SHATALIN, G.I. Over-all mechanization and automation of lumbering in Kirov Economic Region. MakhA avtom.proizv. 14 no.1:28-32 ja 160. OCR& 13:5) 1. Sakretarl Kirovskogo obkoma KommunistichnHkror partii Sovetskogo Soyuza. (Kirov Province-Lumbering-14achinnry) (Aut'nmat.jon) IANOVSKIY, L.M., kand.tedhn.rAu_,_; KOTYUKOV, I.A., kand.tekdm.nauk; KONDAKCV, N.P., kELud.tekhn.aauk_- SH&TjtLIN, Z.I., kand. _~GIM, D.A., tekhn.nauk; GROMOV, L.K., kand.te~nr;~E., dots.; MIROSHIN, P.V.. dote.; SECENPOTIN, K.I-, assistant (Novosibirsk) New textbrok on trac.1re ("Traakpl by G.Allbrekht and others. Reviewed by L.M.Danovskii and others). Put' put.khoz. 4 n3.4:45-47 Ap 1W. (MIRA 13:7) So ~;rudniki kaf6dry "Put I i putevoye kho zyays tvo" instituta inzhenerov. (Railroads-.-Track) (Allbrekht, G.) (Liders, G.V.) (Nikiforov, P.A.) (Chlenov, M.T.) (Chernyahev. M.A.) S14A'fi'-.'LIIN3I Fmil~t~n flracti-,n~; in Lh.:-- blood and I-h, permeabilltY ull Lhe va5cular I I 117,rre-n~ers;ori treatad wiLh Tr-ady Uz.gos. a..] in . _;~- I v in,~T-Rljr. j. f~z.'-,Aer. 3.3.'219-223 155,Q (',~JTRA 1_8-2) SHATALIN, IN. , kand. istoricheakikh ijauk How to guide a group studying the thenes "Early phase of the labor movement and the dissemination of Marxist ideas in Russia from 1883 to 1894" and "History of the CPSU in the carrying out of Marxist-4aninist ideas." Komm.Vooruzh.Sil 1 no.6;83-87 D ,6o. (MIRA 14:8) (Socialisir) (Gor=nist 1?3Lrty of the Soviet Union) SHATALIN, VL, kamd.iatoricheskikh nauk How to conduct a seminar on the topic OCESU in the period of the largo scale building Of CO-InJBM.* Komm.Vooruzh.Sil 2 no.6:61-66 Mr 262. (MIM 15:3) (C6mmunist education) SHATALIN, M.N., polkovnik, dotsent, kand.istoricheskikh nauk Character of a nation-wide purpose of the Soviet Armed Forces. Har.sbor. 46 no.2:9-16 F 163. OCIRA 16:2) (Russia-Armed forces) Yu,-4y h: SEIVTALIE, Stai~~:.dav Sergeyevich: TIPIFS-if.', G.B.; red,; ,,AZLGVA, Ye.-M., :dad' ... real LBranch structure of pi-rxiuc!tion; on the analysis af -Jmle factara and stmxtura of the correlation between --uh,divin-ions I and ill O-raslev~da struktura obshchestven- nol::ra proizvocistva; k aralizu fak--orov - struktury sootno- L I iia- I i 11 PcHirpzdelenii. klo3kva, Bkonomika, 1961;. (MIRA 18:9) FOKIIJ, O.V.; SHiiT;,LIN, V.A. Heaeuring temperatures during metal cutting. Trudy SADI no.16 pt.1 833-94 159- (MIU 13:11) (Metal cutting) (Thermometry) REDIKO, S.G., kzLid.tekhn.nauk, dotsent; SUATALIN, V.A., aspirant Effect of curvature on contact stresses. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; mashirLostr. no-4:92-105 162. (i!-T-,k 15:7) 1. Saratovskiy politekliniclieskiy institut. (Strains and stresses) SHAT,t~'LINA, R.S., professor, doktor bioligicheskikh nauk. Change in the blood picture of karakul sheep due to care and climate. DiuLSaGU n,.28:91-102 149. (MLRA 9:5) (Karakul Sheep) (Blood) Certain changes in phyalological functions under mountain conditions. Trudy SAGU no.59:26-69 '54. (HIBA 9;12) (ALTiTuDF,, wFLUENGF, OF) (BLOOD--ANALYSIS AND CONDITIONS) SHATALINA. A.S. ysi 'i P h o, ogical examination of the participaats in the group ascent of the Great Chimgan Peak. Trudy SAGU no.59:70-99 954. (MLRA 9:12) (CHDIGAII--MOUNTAINURING) (CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM) (ALTITUDE, ITMUENCE OF) SHATALINA~ il.S.,TER-AKOFYAlT, M.A. Effect of a ski march In the mountains on the organisms of the participants. Trudy SAGU no-59:100-109 '54. (N2,RA 9:12) (SKIS AND SKIINGY CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM). SHATALI-IiA, A.S. "Data ~)ri thE water-s&it regimen .)f mountain :.-I~mbers." Report SUbmittect for ~h 13th Int2 Corgres~: --)f S-ports Moscow July-Aiig 196'1 KiP. 1;::", V Ci!ang,~ In th. c-v a scl~, ten, as a I, nn., s"u I - -'-;vi-Ly trider hi--t climatr; -7inditlons, ITalirii. tru.-d,r ' Iash(lU ,;c- Biol. na!:ki 64. ".Alljuy Of -ertain Vrotdems of tinalytic L','heraistr.,,, with the niu of ac;tive Ces~iun -'sotope." ~;orl-iv 3tate G, Chair of mialirtic Ghem-istry, i, 'or'ki--, .'jissertation for the Je~ree :if Cari-ad tate of ~her. I-mzl bu, Ience 7,_ In 6 AUT1!ORS: Kcr,:!nman, 1, M., --ah-a~taj~jna, Ga--' 75-13-3-7/27 ----------M-rM-Soluble TITLE: CO-Precipitation of Cesium With/Dipicrylamines Difficult to Solve (Soosazhdeniye tseziya a malorastvorimymi dipikrilaminatami) P E? I ~")-DL Zhurnul analiticii,~skoy khiinii, 1956. Vol 13, 'Nr 3, 29f)-305 (Uj-JR) AB5M`,111T Dipicrylamine has for a long time been known as t~. sensitive reagent to -,,,otassium and is frequently used for the qualitative and quantitative determination of potassium, rubidium and Cesium (references 1-6). In publications, however, there Lire no indications concerning the co-precipit-ation of cesium with the diDierylamines of potassium, rubidium, thallium and am;-,,onium difficult to solve. The authors investi.=ated the possibility of such a co-precipitation and used the radioactive isotope cs134 as an indicator. It became evident that cesium is practically quantitativel,,~ precipitated with the diDicrylariinz-tes of potassium, rubidium and thallium. At temperatures of 0 - 30 0 C the co-precipitation of cesium Carl! 1/14 with potassium dipicrylaminate is practic-ally complete, Co-Preci-Di-:.at_,on 1-.f 'e_-_Ju:.- it.. Hardly Soluble Dipic-rylamines 75-13--71-7/27 Difficult to Solve On a further rise in tcmp~~rature the amount of co- cesium decreases due to the higher solizbility of th-a precipitation, but the content of Cesium in a certain amou..-.t of the main orecii-itation remains constant at different tewperaturLls.. From this follows thut changes of te:%,.,,~rature exert no influence upon the co-precipitation of cesium., Further.;iore the adsorption of cesium in ,-'reviously prep-red precipitations of potssium and thallium diDicrylaminute was investigated,, It becarle evident t'nat tile co-precipit-ation of cesium with these dipicrylaminates is not based on adsorption, but is of isomor,_:hous nature. Further experiments showed thzt third co,miponents (e ~Rb or T1 in the case of pota-3sium dipicrylaminate) exert no influence upon the co-precipitation of cejium, The order of the addition of reagents does not exert any influence upon the amount of co-precipitated cesium either, which also speaks against a co-precipitation by adsorption. On an increase in the amount of the macrocomucrent or a decrease in ti-,e amount of the micro- component the content of cesium decreases in 1 mg of the Card 2/4 :recipization; the amount of co-precipitated cesium is Hardly Soluble -Co-Preci-oitation of Cesium 'i'lith/Dipicrylamines 75-13-3-7/27 D-~fficult to 3olve therefore independent of the absolute amount of the precipitation. Cesium is in all these cases practically quantitatively co-precipitated. All these results lead to the conclusion that the co-precipitation of cesium is of an isomorphous natures On a decrease in the amount of the precipitunt the amount of co-precipitated cesium decreases, but it increases in proportion to the decrease in the amount of main precipitation, The strongest effect of this type is shown by co-precipitation with ammonium dipicr.-lamine-te, -.,.,ith rubidium dipicrylaminate this effect does almost not oocur at all. The fact of the practically complete co- -precipitation of cesium with precipitations of dipicrylapinaLes permitted the elaboration of an accumulation method for cesium wiiich is described. Based on the investigations it ..Yas found that dipicrylaminates difficult to solve and especially ammonium salt can be used as carriers Of the Card separation of cesium traces from very diluted sol-utions. There are 2 figures, 7 tablest and 6 references, 4 of which ~,re Soviet. Hardly Soluble "o-PrecipitatJon of Cesium With/Dipicrylamines 75-13-3-7/27 Difficult to Solve A3SOCIATION; Gorlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. Loba- chevsko,-o (Gorlkiy State University imeni N.I, Lobachevskiy) SUBMITTED: May 11, 1956 wrt--pi ipit,atiotik re(, Card 4/4 DUBROY, Mark Izraylevich, zhurnalist; SRATALINA,M.A., red.; POWSKAYA, R.G., -- [First shock workers' brigade] Pervaia udarnsia. leningrad, Lenizdat, 1960. 96 p. WRA 14:5) (leningrad--Textile workers) KHYUCHKOV, Fedor Ivanovich; %iUNOV, Pavel Alekseyevich; SHATALINA, M.A., red.; PiLESNOVA, V.A., tekhn. red. t - [Division comnander Solodukhin] Nachdiv Solodukhin. Leningrad, Lenizdat, 1961. 219 p. (MIRA 14:12) (Russia--Revolution, 1917-1921) (Solodijkhin, Petr Adrianovich, d.1920) Lap, tA my "'.vA iy' SILVALINA, M.S. Characteristics of the distribution of rhododendrons in the Toberda Preserve. Nauch. dokl. v-ys. shkoly; biol. nanki no./+:116-121 1163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Rekomendovana kafedroy geobotaniki Moskovskogo gosudarst- vennogo univer~iteta im. Lomonosova. SHATALINA, M.S., Morphology of seeds oil the Caucasian species of rhododendron. Vest. Mosk. tin. Ser. 6: aiol., pochv. 18 no.l.-41-44 Ja-F 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Yafedi-a geobntaniki Moskovskogo universitsta. SHATALINA, M.S. Distribution of some 3703cies of -~ --r..=- Cau!~a5us, Bit-d. MOIP. Otd~ biol. 69 na.l.z135-139 Ja-F 164. (MIRA 17-4) SHATA7 1-;~'A, 011,-,, Ale',s;3nclrovna rative (otsenka) of Some Xlethods o~ Exposure of Injured (drenlyushchey) Infection ,-lissertation for c;--ndidpte ~)f P Medical Science degre(--., D.~ratov "N.I.I. VO--I-.ITO," IP52 D. , I . v CFERFtS, M. 3 t4, star~hiy nauchn3ry 5rtrudnik; "l, .0trur, of th--a sr-ine in tetanias. Ortal., trawn. i pro z :58-4~9 Ap 165. U 4 I rtopedli SaraLLv3kogo inst.ituta travinatolog ci, L, -n). Adres avtoia: Saratov, ulitsa Chernyshev- Ya.?I.RodE Jull 148, Institut travniatologii i ortopedii. 5 ... .1 I.A.; SHATALINA, V.D. Raising the performance efficiency of electrolyzers. MasI. - zhir. prom. 27 no.12:33-36 D 361. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Predpriyatiye, "Energotekhnaladka". (Electrolysis) (Oil industries-Equipment and supplies) SHATALOV, A., gene ral-,,z,.ayor inzhEnornD-tekhpicheskoy sluzhby, prof., doktor tokhnichesk-iUch naak Automatic control of rocket weaFons. Takh. i vooruzh. no.1:12-16 Ja 164. (MIRA 17:6) 0': t2 ip. IF-5. I zer. e 27 n "Borltall, Ygorlyevskogo rayona, Moskovskoy cblasti fc-r Shl~"alov)- j k- -A il Photochemical. transformation of F-centers In t" I res. A A _dg2ddL.gysta1s at high temVeratu M I Q. Sheychen a!e n Kiev).--40ekkt"IJW&'~ "a ~' ' , 19 Sauk S.S.S.R. 92, 49-5 10) (Engl. traustation issued 9 5~ as U.S. Atomic Energy Comm. NSF-tir-198(1954)).~A study was made of the variation in the optical absorption of 1CO, crystals contg. F-centers under the action of light at high temps. The crystal was colored by the introduction of electrons into tlie heated crystal from a Na electrode. F- band light was fccused sharply on the surface of the ci-Istal.' F-centers produced in cc) stals of 500* were not destroyed by light at temps. down to 300'; however, between 300 and * l' 270*, extensive destruction occurmd with the - F-balld --ih-wlp'x"t-o--i6~---i~A"--.b- d in thermal equiL ~ft~Che apt X- an being replaced by a bell-shaped absorption hand with max. 1 diminished F-centers. it was indicated that these phe- 750 trip. This new "X-band" differed little from at 740- nomefia. were related to colloidal coagulation of F-ectiters. ' the original F-bnnd. The X-band ins unstable at the It was concluded that X-centers are the Mmplc5t initial 'temp. of formation, but became stable both in darkness 'a formations in the proem of colloidal coagulation, either and in white light upon being quenched rapidly to room I new singl&atoodc centers or the product of runaln- mation temp. Light at 250, 200, arid 150' crystal temps- cOln- of two F-centers. Arguments in support of the assignment t- pictely dLstroye(i the F-band. The rate of destruction a of the X-band to F2 centers are presented. . whied a num mid then dropped sharply with decrease in Harry Letaly, Jr. temp. After the illumination was turned off, the newly funned centers were destroyed at a rate dc&casiug, with temp. until full thermal stability was attained at 200*. The coloration found after illumination at these temps. dif- jered from the color of the X-centers, being characterized by a broad, less-intense band at a longer wave length. 1i was concluded tLat at X-band tetups., the optical destruc-'; .tionofF-ceittersl'-,tfutictiottofteiztp-,iisitiaIF-centercoucn., and intensitv of the F-Iizht) and thermal conversion of the new centers to F-centers (n. function only of temp. at fLxed 'initial concit.) OINUrred simultaneously. It was found that with increasing 17 light intensity at const. temp., the satn. concu. of X-centers increased. The X-band was attained ~at 350' bv doubling incident light intensity. X-centers - rOlluecd with F-certer concu. of 1011/cc., hut at were not 11 higher convis., sliedil Produced bands '44 USSR/Optics Physica.1 Optics, K-5 -Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 12, 1956, 35720 Authori ShatalovY A. A. Institution: Pone Title: , Measurement of Absorption Spectra of Dyed AXKali-Haloid Crystals at High Temperatures and New Data on the Conversicn of the Dye Centers Original Periodical: Nauk. zap. Kiivslk. un-t., 1935, 14, No 8, 47-63 Abstract: When crystals of KCI, dyed by electrolyais at 5000, were illuminated by light from the F-band at 270-2900, this band was completely de- stroyed and a new symmetrical bell-shaped X-band was formedy quite similar in half-vidth and height to the F-band, but shifted by 0.5 ev toward the longer waves. The X-band is thermally unstable and after the illumination is stopped it is rapidly converted t -the initial F-band. It can be "frozen" by rapid cooling and atTo it is fully stable. At 250-1000 the light also fully damages the Card V2 S'9. opt Category Ab a Jour : Ret 22.,1- Fii..ka. N, N K-5 Author : Shatalcv, A A Inst I e-V St. at.? -,mat f t d P-,ta-si Title On tbc- Cbao:r I'de Z' Orig Rib ZrL. eks p:~--: _n: '101~--, '29~ N- A~, 847-9ci6, Abstract Wh e n v t;~z -I F, c at ~~w Ulull-trated by light f t-:,m a F -',at a ~it 700 a,--.d aL X band I.- fozmei qui:~~ shaz~-7 tc~ the F baud, at aPPr'cx!mateIY 740 %u. Tf the 1~ S7 ,j I _--70-300 tb~-! X bend is e;.est.-rcyed and the F baxid is rest-rf-7J Tt- I ba:-.-I. Cb~:. be- 'fff _-7CL" ' 8-ri at r-j--V- temperature it is 4 optica.31.1y Lr_.Arm-3.-.v _t iz ieducedl. that wher, cclored crystalz are illLuninw-,ed .37r -rem]:*_rat1,aE , an. _-,ptlcal destruct'.cm et t1ae F cent&rs (F-->X) and a thermal deetructl%-~% of rw~i X ceraters ',.X-9~F occur simultaneously. The rate cf grcwlh c.f the X baa.~ i-s dete:mtmed by the speeds of the. tvo processesi it Is quite Slow at 20-1000, , after -waich. it rises sharply*, reachirg a maxiim= -rply again,-Light at 150-2500 at approx-mt.ely sha, also disc ol..-, rs tha P ba~Li but r-he b&._-.As gr,~-Iucad i2L that case dif- e r fT,--Tm t L, e X I:j f . a,:3 t t -. e t A .mpelrsture is -educed, they c.-..Stinue to drop Card 1/2 Abs Jour Ref ZhlLc - FjjjKa.~ 2 1;- 1. at a.,-, =ve-, a-rd shi-ft t-~-ard the lo-ager wavesz The F bELrA is : c.-I y ~P-v17 r b--.v !59- ~ DELta ov the f of Col- loidal ma~,qj AAka crystals lesd t.--.; the co--clusion that the X certer s ~ir =- F,71 ;-A. s fi by rajid mergix-g --f the tnerms-Uy-unstable F'-,.,-:e-,ters u:tL-- C-j v_- with the scheme F , F b-; C F A z,:ff a svj:ff iciently high t eMpe-r-;3'-fA:flF1V ~7 qt z II - F5. Card 2/2 -I , I NIZOVKIILA., D.V.; SHATALOV, A.A. of F centers in RaGl crystals. Nauk povid. no.1:12-13 '56. (MIRA 11:4) (Sodium chloride) (Crystal lattices) SHATALOV, A.A. Kinetics of photochemical conversion of F centers in crystals at 270-3000C. Nauk povid. KDU no.1:13-15 '56. (MIRA 11:4) . (]Photochemistr3r) (Potqssium chloride) (Crystals-optical properties) SHATALOV, A - .1 , 1. _f I Relation between the diffusion coefficient and the mobility of F centers in alkali metal halide crystals. flauk povid. IDU no.1:15-17 156. WRA 11:4) (Alkali halide crystals) 7-11.4 em oic''Otai -teat"'-s- vln ie'i" todievilca on= =*sWsdXCI. A-A Sha ...sovid Phys.. iarp. F. " 1 ~~` z";l -See CA. 50;-5410c. -B. w4: --ZATALOV.-A,At.. (blantum yield in the photochemicnl conversion of F centers in hamted potassium chloride crystals. Izv. AN SSSR Ser.fiz. 20 no.4:488-492 AP 156. (MLRA 10:1) 1. Klyevskiy gosudarstvennv7 universitet imeni T.G. Shavchanko. (Luminescence) (Fluorescence) 24(7) 3 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 307/136-r L'Yov. L-Liversytet Materialy X Vaeacy-a=1.29s :a7e7hC.-.'M!7a po 3pe;c1roskopii. Y41ekulyarnaya 3pcktr~' ;-pl:ra (Papers of the 10:h All-Union Conference on Spectr,)accpy. Vol. 1. Molecular Spectroacopy) Wvov) ltd-vo Wvovskogo xniv-ta, 1957. 499 P. 4 1 copies t printed. (Serles: its: PizychnTr zbir.Vk, v7p. Additional Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Kocdaalya po pek-troakopli. &i.: lazer, S.L.; Tech. Ed.. Saranyuk, T.V.; itorial B,)ard.- Landsterg, O.S., Academician (Reap. Ed.~ Deceased)# L Neporent, B.S., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, q Fabelinakly, I.L., Doctor or Physical and Kathematioal Sciences, Fabar1kant. V.A.. Doctor of Physical and Kathematical Sciences. Ko=itnllx. V.0., Candidate of Tia_'=ic&1 Scllancsa, Raqalciy. S.M-, Candidate of Ph7sIca]- and Mathematical SciaLwas, KIlmovskly, L.K-p Candidate of Phjala&l &r-1 Mathematical Sciences, Millyanchuic, V.S., Candidate of Phjal,:a! r-id Mat~tecatlcal Sciences, and Glamberman, A. Yo., CaMidate of Physical and M&thematloal Sciences. Card 1/3o Shatalovp A.A. Spectral Study ef the Colloidal :-C-oa-gUlat'lon-of ?-centers In Alkall HaUde Crystals 148 Fialkovakaya, O.V. Infrared Absorption Spectra of Antnracens 151 Vartanyan, A.T. Absorption Spectra of Sublimated D7* Layers 154 Melankholin, N.M. Absorption Spectra of Thlazins-dye Crystals 15T Priby-t1cova, U.N., and L.S. Ag-k1n. Study of the Optical Properties of Some Dyes in Large Samples by the Method of Mirr3r Reflection 158 Zhidkova, Z.V., and Yu. 14. Suan. Study of the Effect of the Degree of Dispersion and Nature of the Ad- sarbant on the Spectral Absorption Curve of Absorbod Sensitized D7&& 161 Card 11/30 ,SWALOY9 A*Aw ~ -, - S.Pectrum analysis of the coloidal coagulation of F-centers in alkali halide crystals. ]Piz. sbor. n0.3.'-14-151 157. (HIRA 11:8) 1. Kiyevskly gosudarotvernyy unlvereitet Im. T.G. Sheychenko ! Institnt k-ristallografii AN SSSR~ (Alkali halide crystals-Spactra) 7 /7 1- r:'_-SyV 2 5 AUTAOR: 3ha-calov A. TIT16 On the Photochemical Transformation of Colour Centres in Heated Alkali-Halide Crystals. (0 fotolchimicheskom i)revrashchenii tsentrov okraski v nagretykh- shchelochno- b-aloidnykh kristallakh.) PERIODIGAL: Optika i Spektroskopi-ya 195?, Vol. III, Nr. GO, 8 (USSR5 610 6 - . -pp. 1 AB6'T1-GLUT: This paper reports further results of the study of colour centres formed by the action of li$ht on F- centres in heated alkali-halide crystals ~see also Ret.1-3). The author studied the kinetics of the reversible Dhotochemical process in crystals of KC1 at 270-3000b. Fig. 1 shows the change with time of the optical density of KC1, measured at 2800C, in the process of photochemical decomposition and thermal re-formation of F-centres (continuous curves 1 and 2) and simultaneous chemical formation md thermal destruction of X-centres (ccntinuous curves 3 and 4). The results of Fig.1 are given in logarithm form in Zig.2, The author also studied the temperature Card 1/4 dependence of the rate of photochemical transformation 51-6-9/25 U_'_ tile Tramsforidation olf '30_'-Dui~ a'enn--3-, i-_ He,-ated U A 3. -,-:a II fL 1 ie IC ry s -'U- a 1 s accordin- -U'o -the equation 2f*=:;)':12;,ima' dependences of concentrations of colour contres asree satisfactorily -- '-h one another. (2) The temperzature de-oendence of ~Ii U pLliotocheraical transformation of F-centres requires ionic mobilit-y for tj'ji,'.~ tl-anSf Orl-LU t ion. Therefore this transformation does not affect only -'U-hQ intt-mial struc.- t-ure of separate centres, but under U-11-e action of light colloidal coagulation of F-centres occurs. (3) X-centres produced thermally in 'Ta'Dl possess photochei,Acal spnsitivity and are tiransfor-ied by the action of monochromatic lir;ht irradiation in the tres. mximum into F-cen This trmsfoi-mation is, in essence U L "e reverse of that observed in KC1 crystals. (4) The spectral position of X-band 7-,axijjm in different alkali-halide crystals satisfies tile eQuation, \.) maxd2 = const, where \) MLax is tliie Maxim."LIM. of the X.-bands, and d is the lattice constant. This indicates that t1ae X-centres possess ide-atical structure in different crystals, and that they are related to the Card 3/4 properties of the lattice. There are 6 figures, SUBJECTz USSR/Luminescence 48-4-37//48 AUTHOR: Shatalov A.A. TITLE: Photochemical Transformations of Color Centers in Heated Alkali-Haloid Crystals (Fotokhimicheskiye prevrashcheniya tsentrov okraski v nagretykh kristallakh) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Fizicheskaya, 1957, Vol 21, ff4, pp 587-588 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The time-dependence of the optical density of F-centers in the process of their reversible photochemical destruction and thermal restoration was measured in KC1 crystals at tempera- tures from 270 to 3000C. At the same time, conjugated curves relating to the arising of the X-band under light action and its thermal destruction in darkness were measured. Kinetic equations were solved and time-dependences of concentrations of F- and X-centers were found, which agreed well with ex- perimental curves, Time isotherms of the optical density of F-centers in KC1 were also measured for irreversible photochemical trans- Card 113 formations~ The temperature-dependence of the rate of the 48-4-37/48 TITLEs Photochemical Transformations of Color Centers in Heated Alkali-Haloid Crystals (Fotokhimicheskiye prevrashcheniya teentrov okraski v nagretykh kristallakh) The bibliography lists 3 references, of which 2 are Slavic (Russian). The report was followed by a short discussion. INSTITUTIONt Kiyev State University im. Shevchenko; Institute of Crystal- lography of the USSR Academy of Sciences. PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED: No date indicated AVAILABLE: At the Library of Congress. Card 3/3 Properties and Structure of the Initial Amalgamations SOV148-22-11-10133 of the F-Centres During the Process of Their Colloidal Coagulation tempering of five hours. In consequence of photo-chemical influence on F-centres in heated alkali-halogen crystals, new colour centres will form. As has been proved previously (Refs 1,2 and 7), these represent initial formations from which the production of colloids starts. Furthermore results of new research work are referred to which can be summarized as follows: the transition of F-centres to colloids does not take place rapidly in the lattice of alkali-halogen salts as may be concluded -from the papers by Scott (Skott) and cooperatas (Refs 5 and 6), but rather via intermediate centres which form within the main lattice of the crystals. The smallest products of the tlermal colloidal coagulation consist of aggregates of F-centres. Owing to their smallness, they represent "limit"- formations which are defined as F2- centres on this oc:--asion. They are produced in "pure form" only by photochemical procedure. There are 4 figures and 11 references, 9 of which are Soviet. Card 2/3 e., U I'd 31' ;C WrQ Of t"10 Iqi tiLd 30V 1 w2 r' o-f t-- F--,antres Dur-i-6 t--- Process of pir "oll:)idal Coaxulation .I- ~-IATI;~,T: Kiyev3ki,, z-os. universitet im. T. G. 3hevchenko (Kiyev State University imeni T. G. Shevcherilco) Institut krist-llogr-fii Akademii nauk (Institute of CrystallograpIq of the 1,c-denj of 3c.L*e.,-..ces -LjSo-*fl 3/3 r v tj e~~ v u 2-633, 1.-)) -:state iniv; of Cry-stuclio Ac~~d Scl Us'---R) 20826 S/0481/6 1, "02 5/0032/0 14/047 2 4 _J~(o 0(113 11V3 , ff,~ 0) B 1 04/B214 AUTHORS: Bezruchko, V. M. and Shatalov, A. A. TITLE: Visualization of defects in the lattice of alkali halide crystals with the help of electrolytic cobring PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 25, no. 3j 1961v 349-350 TEXT: This paper was read at the Ninth Conference on Luminescence (Crystal Phosphors) held in Kiyev from June 20 to June 25, 1960. In the introduction, it is shown that the effect of different kinds of lattice defects on the formation of color centers has been mostly not taken into consideration. It is shown that different kinds of lattice defects are revealed by electrolytic coloring. Since the energies of thermal activa- tion of the ions and of the formation of vacancies at the defects are con- siderably smaller, the color centers develop there much faster. It is thus possible to observe thedefects made visible in a transparent solid body. Defects of various structures were discovered in this manner in the laboratory of 4-he authors. In this connection, it was found that on a Card 1/3 20826 Visualization of defects... 5/04 611/025/003/'01,4/04, B104%214 certain heat 'rearment of alkali halide crystals certain deformations appear, which are in the form of domains and are very similar to those of ferroelectrics. If the crystal is heated to above 5000C and then suddenly cooled to room temperature the ecimen is div-4ded somehow into n planes~ The thickness of~ thin layers parallel to the (110) a d (110 these layers lies between 0.2 and 0.4 mm. On examination with a polariza- tion microscope in the direction f10Oj , these were detected in the form of dark and bright bands causing a periodic change in the refraction of light. By coloring, these layers acquire a red or blue color in ordinary light, which shows the existence of color centers of different sizes. It can also be concluded from this fact that in the neighboring twin doma-insi the lattice is in different states. The coexistence of two lattice modi- fications having also different coalescence rates of the F-centers leads to the formation of red (odd) and blue (even) centers. The crystals so treated show also a birefringence and a dichroism. Special expeA ments on NaCl showed that the rate of coagulation depends largely on the static deformations. At the same timeg this supports the assumption that the above-mentioned development of layers is a deformation of the crystal domains, There is 1 figure. Card 2/3 20826 Visualization of defects ... S/048/61/0 2 5/00 2/01, 4/047 B104/B214 ASSOCIATION: Kiyevskiy gos. universitet im. T. G, Shevchenko (Kiyev State University imeni T. G. Shevchenko.) Card 3/3 s/o58/62/Ooo/Oo6/124/136 A062/A101 AUTHORS: Deryugin,I. A., Kachkivs'ka, Ye. T., Shatalov, A. A. TITLE: Electron microscope investigation of sodium cc1loids in NaCl crystals PERIODICAL: Referativnyv zhurnal, Fizika, no. 6, 1962, 52, abstract 67h339 ("Visnyk Kyyirs'k un-ty", 1958, no. 1, ser. fiz. ta khimiyi, no. 1, 3-7, Ukrainian; Russian summary) TEXT: Etched surfaces of a split of dyed NaCl crystals were investigated by the method of Cr-tinted varnished replicas. An evaluation was made of the average statistical size of blue color colloids whose diameter varies in the 40 - 125 m,,m range with a maximum in the region of 70 - 80 m/t. The size and the concentration of Na colloids permit the conclusion thatj from a certain moment the growth of colloids begins to take place an account of the points of the fun- damental crystal lattice, in a manner analogous to the growth that takes place in illuminated sillver haloid crystals. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 L 16872-63 ACCESSION NR: Ah3006302 into individual twin regions which are differently polarized. The mechanism of the re-orientation of F2 centers during the process of, action of polarized light is discussed. It is also found that col-~ loidal centers can acquire an anisotropic form and orientation in the case of photochemical destruction and under the action of pres- sure. T. Eksina. DATA ACQ: 15Aug63 Card 2/2 SUB CODE: PH ACCESSION NR- AT4016327 S/OOOF/62YO00/000/0432/0436 AUTHOR: Bugay, A. A.; Ruban, M. A.; Shatalov, A. A. TITLE. Electron paramagnetic resonance of some color centers in alkali halide crystals- SOURCE: Vses. soveshch. po fiz. shchelochnog!~Ioidn. 1=istallov. 2d, Riga, 1961. Trudy*. Fiz. shchelochnogaloidn, kri8tallov (Physics'of alkali halide crystals). Riga, 1962, 432-436 TOPIC TAGS: ii*ali halidEr, alkall halide crystal, color center, electron paramagnetic resonance, a-lkali halide coloil center, F center, super fine cleavage ABSTRACT: There is a generally accepted view the. an F2-center consists of two adjacent halogen vacancies with two captured electrons. If true, this should result in the absence of electron paramagnetic resonance. In an effort to verify this view, tests were performed with KC I crystals pre-exposed to light at 270-300C to develop F2-centers. Spectrometric observations at a frequency modulation'of 425 kcps with the use of a Nl()2 resonator revealed no resonance in the crystals, thus corroborating the above concept, while control KC I samples containing F-centers gave a strong positive response. Exnmination of NaC I crystals after thermal treatment, which is known to cause. coagula- tion and produce colloidal alkall metals, revealed an electron paramagnetic resonance Sara 1/2 'V VASIL'YEV, I.G.; ZIMNITS11AYA, L.P.; SKLYARCHIK, Ye.L.-, SMIRNOV, K.M.: FILIPPOV, B.G.; KHITUN, S.A.; SHATALOV, A.M. Daily rhythm of the ability toIwork in man [with summary in linglish]. ioiziol.zhur. 43 no.9:817-824 S 157. (MIRA 10:11) 1. KraBnoznamennyy voyennyy institut fizicheskoy kul'tury i sports im. V-1-Lenina. Leningrad. (PHYSICAL EFFICIENCY, daily rhythm (Rua)) (PERIODICITY. daily rhythm of phys. efficiency (Rua)) L 3828o-66 EWP(m)/EWT(l) GD ACC NR- AT6022667 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/661000/000/021810222 AUTHOR: Shatilov, A. P. ORG: none TITLE: Mushroom-shaped pressure transducer for shock tubes SOURCE: AN SSSR. Energeticheskiv institut. Issledovaniya po fizicheskoy gazodinamike (Studies of physical gas dynamics). Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1966, 218-222 TOPIC TAGS: shock tube, shock wave, pressure measurement, pressure gage, shock wave velocity ABSTRACT: A mushroom-shaped pressure transducer with a barium titanate sensing element, developed and constructed by the Laboratory of High-Temperature Gasdynamics and Thermodynamics of the Power Engineering Institute/ im. G. M. Krzhizhanovskiy for measurement of rapid transient pressures in shock-tube investigations is described in detail. It is mounted in the middle section of the inspection chamber of an inter- ferometer thus making it possible to register the variation of density and pressure simultaneously. The smooth suspension, which is the main feature of this transducer, and its good acoustic insulation (cork filling) almost completely eliminate the effects of external factors o~ the sensing element. A general view of the transducer is presented. The voltage produced by the transducer is detected by a cathode follower. This is known as a "floating-grid-cascade" circuit. The calibration Card 1/2 L 3828o-66 ACC NR: AT6022667 consists in static, dynamic, and joint calibration with the interferometer. An interferogram of a normal shock-wave reflection from the end plate of a shock tube with simultaneous recording of gas pressure behind the shock-wave front is presented. The experiments conducted with this transducer show that 1) the error in pressure measurements is 10 to 15% of the measured value of the pressure; 2) it truly reflects the outcome of the processes taking place near the shock-tube wall and can be used for reciprocal control of two methods (measurement of P(t) and p(t)) in a given section of the shock tube; 3) the errors in measurement of the absolute pressure valut are explained by the reflection of elastic waves from the shaped end of the zinc rod and by the imperfection of the recording apparatus; 4) the determination of shock- wave velocity by means of two transducers located at a certain distance from each other can be carreid out with 1.0 to 1.5% accuracy. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. [AB] SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 0OFeb66/ ORIG REF: 006/ OTH REF: 001/ ATD PRESS: is SHitTALOV, A.S. Correction of errors of functional voltage dividers. Trudy Sem.po toch. mash. no.5:54-74 152. (MLHA 6:6) (Ilectric resistors) PlIZZ t 9001 EULCITATION 30V/4Z:r' In. I ~AU'toll,~~ (7-trol nd T.chniq'Is, Mc,. 3)M...C-. e-1hq1t, 1%0. 431 r. '.. ~111 -.. 4. .x, ~Vj~ J~ p L-o, 7 1 '. : t'j. Publl,~.--g Pi-t ~.F. F.I.-k U., T.F. Sflk~l:im Lt. ".t., .. Y-hlri. Edlt-i rl. ?.V. 5"1~4 .. lk-' D7-t- K.T. F 0 b 1 17 "ha o,.1 A.1-11 hilaZ r ',;kr,sn S~' 7.!hnl,..l 3el-.s, (C,p,ty rp"los, A'A M. pmr.3'.V, B. Nt- .2 t:3t SE 1. C-..r T-M to I C, rt V. ~ r. I I or' f .:." ... ;,"*-, v r pri'L,11. 0 -t, 1 '-!l. Doot, , 1.1 I.n. -i-n-, SI.w- ?rofowr, D.7. A.11.1~-' C 'dId.t. 'r - D--t, V.T. Pttn,, D,.t.r of, D,!-t. 7. 1-1- 1k ('4ndidntm of Ta,~.!c 11 rc,-t G.kk-, D-t.r ~f -,IoMt~ ....... IS Llrit.ol-l C', Ct~ntlf!z -.4 ISf .-rk I n.h. 11.1a of ..--tll~ The h~k is thn tKir-I -11~tlcft of' -d t V-1r, -t-Wic oort-, -A -put- t b, - -4 7-h~lo.l sty f~r ~-trf Scl~atLfL -kT! --t N.k n"' Fr~ in, 84-'n~ (4""- ilgh"T-t.1-1 L.- -A ~A' :2. O,i~~ Ikil- 01,-- of A11,1T, nt :-t-l ttin. p';- toPIT, il u..-tl, h..,m, --ding t~ tho -th~-, rs '11'-1~17'r.~ ~-r r t, -toomt f IM-1-1 --hl.." a V.A di!o.'.,l- of thm -'n -i -t -.~ritml It- Th - 11r. -tL. y ~ b_ of "-h Yst-" -71 of izz- i'r' ~P-7t"- 1 -1 "n, r ~bt,inlu r-~ .... I A t"r. sy 171t ~ "ith . _J. .h. ly-.-Il 'or 'f r',O. t 't-ly of t'YV- '-d.r; JI-%, 'd. 5. .1 4-tAtl't.- .7 P'~;.. t' -th ~1- Ir ths -,~-7 :t Vith 't,!- S/194/61/000,/007/014/079 /(g,,?o 0 6 D201/D305 AUTHOR: Shatalov, *.S TITLE: Engine e ri-,agr methods as applied to the linear theory of variable parar.,ieter control systems PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatiha i radioelektronika, no..7, 1961, 43, abstract 7 V309 (V sb. Avtomat upr, i vychisl. tekhn., no. 3, 11., Mashgiz, 19$0, 23S-301) TEXT: The theory is given of the method of engineeriq analysi s and of mathematical simulation of non-random and statistical prob- lems of control systems with time varying parameters. The process representation is considered in the light of extending to such sys- tems the Laplace transforms. The problem also is considered of sol- ving the variable parameters equations by the method of balancing partial representations and by simulation. 5 references. f-Abstrac- ter's note: Complete translation__7 Card 1/1 D234YD563 AUTHOR,- ;jhatalov~__A__3_. TITLE! Structural methods of the linear theory of contro','_ systems with variable parameters SOURCE-, Avtomaticheskoye upravleni e i vychislitellnaya tekhnika, no. 4, Moscow 19K1, 184 - 257 TEXT: The following subjects are treated: Differential polynomials (,i.e. differential operators having the form of polynomials in the operator D with variable coefficients)9 transformations of these (multiplication,, division and complementary polynomials),` convolu- tion of a system of differential equations by the method of non- commutative determinants9 elementary transformations of structural images _; (convolution of a cascade eircuitg of an equal-sense and opposite-sense parallel circuitg neutralization of a cascade cir- cuii, rules of transferring the nodes and summators)i eliminatlon Vb1 of intermediate controlled quantities by the structural method; structural transformations of canonical forms (convolution of a sy- b/588 `61 /000,,"'J04:/u0&1:0~ 1 Card 1/2 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION sov/6olo Shatalov, Aleksandr Stepanovich Strukturnyye metody v teorii upravlenlya i elektroavtomatiki (Struotural Methods in the Theory of Gontrol and Electric Au-comAion) Moscow, Gosenergoizdat, 1962. 407 P. Errata slip inserted. 10,000 copies printed. Ed.: Ye. B. Pasternak; Tech. Ed.: L. M. Fridkin. PURPOSE: This book is intended for engineers and students at the schools of higher education specializing in the field of automatic control systems. It may also be useful to designers of the electronic equipment and components 'gued in automatic control systems. COVERAGE: The book deals with practical problems in automatic control and electronic automation theory from the standpoint of structural investigation methods. The effect on stability, accuracy, and other indices of systems of the existing Card 14 SMTALOV, A.S., dokt,)r tekhin. rviuk., pr:W. (K,,.3kira) Structura.1 emalpqis of linear ele,~Arical netwarki3. E1ektr-:che-,.tTf- nrj.5.,-/,-I--50 1-~y 63. (I-ERA 16:7) Onlectric networks) BC',?IS',-'l-,KC- 11. 7.; Btmll~jj~"'ICHI G.V. -1 VORONETSKlY, B.B,, ; VASIL~YEV, D.V.; b-f'L0ZD-C7, R.G.; DUBINSILIY, L.A.; 2*ALI-,'SSRIY. A.M.; KASIATKIII Z. S.; K( I.- 1 .4 ~.: 0 I DS'Di"K0, ~ p.; Ku"EISOV, F.I.; V.S.; M~MIKOFjYANTSY L.G.; ~',CFLINIYOV, L.P.; TET'R-01, I.I.; RABBic-VICH, S.T.; SAMOKH.-LOV, V.A.; SOLOMVIIIKOV, V.V.; STEKLOV, V.7u,; S)ROMYATNIKOV, !.A.; FEDOSEYEV, A.M.; CHILIKRI, M.G.; 7HErIIIIN, L.A. Fetf ivanavi-ch Voevodin., on his 804-'h birthda-,,, "Iektri~--hestv-- no.9.92 S !64~ (HIRA 17: 10) SHATALOV, A.S., d6ktor tekhr., nauk, prof. (Moskva) Modified representation of processes in linear switching cirucits with instantaneous contact and complex lock. Elektrichestvo no.7-.44-48 JIL 165. (MIRA 1817) ACC NR: AP6011542 (A r-A SOURCE CODE: UR/0105166/000/004/0011/0015 AUTHOR: -Shat49X,_.A,_S.-4Doctor of technical sciences, Professor) (Moscow) ORG: none TITLE: Frequency methods of calculating noise at the output of linear electric circuits and control systems Ll SOURCE: Elektrichestvo, no. 4, 1966, 11-15 TOPIC TAGS: signal noise separation, noise calculation, white noise ABSTRACT: The transmission of noise through a linear electric circuit or linear. control system is theoretically considez:ed. Instead of determining noise 00 00 dispersion from the formula: Dv=-!-SS.(-).d-=-L ~jp(/ta)j'Sx(w)dtj (J. K. Newton 0 Card I /Z UDG; 621.391.822 ACC NR: AP6011542 et al. , "Theory of Linear Servosystems"), it is suggested that the dispersion be calculated, in terms of a correlation function K(E ), from this formula: The spectral density S(cj) and the correlation function K(,r) are interconnected by a two-way Fourier transform, which permits calculating the dispersion, in the map region, on the basis of this boundary relation: D==K(O)=1([O)==1iMiwSUw)- This relation is further transformed into: D~- 1jn1j,,)jr [S(w)IJ. The complete correlation function is calculated from: 2 _,. S Kjz)~-LF` IS(.)+ Assuming that the system is stable and the noise is a 2 stationary random process, the lambda-transform technique is applied, and determination of functions is reduced to finding their coefficients. Output correla-. tion functions with an input unit white noise and with an arbitrary stationary noise are determined. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 62 formulas. SUB CODE-. 09 / SUBM DATE: 09Mar65 ORIG REF: 005 Card 2 / 2 e / A CC NRtA! 16-666-5-4-1 Shatalov, Aleksandr Stepanovich Monograph Conversion of signals and their representative functions with generali.Z, linear systems of automatic control (Preobrazovaniya signalov i izobrazhayushchikh ikh funktsiy obobshchennymi lineynymi sistemami avtomatlcheskog-o upravleniya) Moscow, Izd-vo "Energiyal'' 1965. 343 illus., biblio. Errata slip inserted. 5,600 copies printed,- TOPIC TAGS: signal processing, signal analysis, . linear automatic control, linearcontrol system PURPOSE AND.COVERAGE: This book is intended for'engineers, aspirants,, and students in advanced courses in schools of higher technical education specializing in the field of automatic control. The book discusses the operational analysis of generalized linear systems, i.e., linear systems with Variable and constant parameters, amplitude modulation, pulse linear systems, and linear systems with quadratic '(exact, energetic,' or static) signal evaluations. Compact formulas and relations are obtained, which allow the engineer ndi~ ,,o-investigate generalized linear systems with very complicated co ' I tions of sigral~conveksion;1.Thie -A - t eans f ormatiorr a uggested t5rt he.ait, UDC 62-51 ACC NRs AM6008541 it possible to bind known operations over the representations into a single system and to obtain a aeries of new,_useful, and practical relations. A.,A..Krasovskiy helped prepare the manuscript and P.I. Kuznetsov edited the book.. References-to each chapter are listed separately in the bibliography. There are 57,reforences; 49 Soviet, and 8 non-Soviet. TABLE OF CONTENTS Cabridgedl: Foreword 4 Ch.I.-General principles of signal conversion and of their functional, representation in linear automatic-courrol systems 9 1. Laplace of time-function products (arigirials):and their convolutione 9 2. The Lambda -trans formation appliea to the passage of a sig"l through 0-.omplex network sections -- 19 3. Application of the lambda-transformation in systems with constant' par'ameters -- 32 .3. .'Transformation of signals and representation of their-functions by changing,systems -- 56 Card ' 216 ACC NR, Am6oo85 1 5. Transformation of equations with changing parameters in the domain of the second argument (working interval) and its corresponding transform domain -- 68 6. StrUCtural reoresentation of signals and their transformations by linear sy2tems -- 62 7.. Usina tlie x(P) trahsformation of representation to estimate the values of an uninterrupted process at discrete points -- 93 Ch.I!.Amplitude- modulation (AM) control system -- . 1.02 1. Application,of the linear transformation theory to AM systems.. Terminology. -- 102 2. A-c remote-measurement systems 3. Elements-and circuit diagrams of a-c servosystems -- 108 4. Dynamic analysis.of AM systems with noninertial signal amplifica- on between the modulator and demodulator -- 115 5. Experimental methods of determining frequency-response chaiacter. istics in sections of AM systems -- 122 6. Dynamic analysis of an automatic-control system (ACS) with filter correcting AM signals -- 127 7. Synthesis of filters correcting AM signals 142 8. Circuit diagrams of control systems using cophased and quadrature components of the AM signal -- 150 6 ACC NR, Am 6008541 9. Stabilization peculiarities of a coupled ACS utilizing cophased and q.uadrature components of the AM signal -- 159 10, Stabilizing an ACS with elastic elements which are self-adapted by correctors, based on the modulation and demodulation principle __ 164, 11. Application of synchronous detection (demodulation) in extremum systems operating od the gradient principle -- 169 Ch.III. Automatic control pulse systems -- 273 1. Conversion-of a continuous signal with periodically acting interruption key -- 173 21 Structure of pulse servosystems --.lM 3: Characteristics of the ideal key with instantaneous contact and an extrapolator 4. operator (V-W, X-L-[zD and structural transforms of the pulse- modula-tion (PM)-process representation -- 182-, 5. Modified z-transformation -- 189 6. The lattice of variable'pulses (LVP) transfok-mation; as. an- equivalent of integro-differential envelope transformations 7. Transmission properties of the key (extrapolator) shaping part and the "resonant" components of the -Wifterkli ~' weighting function. -- 200. Card