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I , !Eloctrik-~.ti conductlivity of some liquid ... S/B06/6Z/000/003/0l1iG118 "'VOh increasing Zn content until, vvith _10% Zn, the SR of pure Al is equaled. Thus it appt~.Irr. that Various alloys reLain in &fferent measure their crystalline lattice (-.'."A-, during fusion, so that a varying nicasitru of weakening of the mobility of the current carriers obtains. This is confirmed by the high value of the temperature C-10efficient of the SR of liquid At-Cu alloys corresponding to the solid-solution con- .ntration (tip to 5.7"/6 Cu), some -1.5-2.7 Hines greater than for other alloys. The investiaation further reveals that the SR of alloys that solidify over a large T inter- val have their SR jump neither at the solidus nor at the liquidU5 T, but at T's that lie on a line about midway within that interval, at points at which, apparently, the V 1-1quid isolates the crystals from direct mutual contact; this phenomenon was ob- served on Pb-Sn, Al-Cu, Bi-Pb, and otlier alloys. Another significant observation is that, in Bi-Pb and Bi-Sn lying between the eutectic point and pure Bi, in both the solid and liquid states the SR changes with T In the same manner as does pure Bi, but the increase in SR with T up to the na.p. decreases with an increase in Pb and Sn in the alloy. The magnitude of -'he SR, also, decreases until there is no more SR jump left at tfie eutectic point, Thus, the alloying elements lead to a loss of the in-, herent properties of the ~i. TherI~ arp 7 ~i:-Yures, 2 tables, and 17 references (14 Russian-language Soviet, I Russian. tra;,-1_1a`tion of the "Encyclopedia of Metal Physics," 1937, and 2 German). ASSOCIATION: None g . given. Card Z1Z S/279/63/000/001/008/023 B039/E451 AUTHORS: Korollkovi A.M., A-hashkov, D.P. (Moscow)-. TITLE: The temperature dependence of the electrical- conductivity of some alloys PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniy6 tekhnicheskikh hauk., Metallurgiya i gornoye delo. no.1, 1963, 105-108 TZXT: . A series of binary and tertiary alloys was examined to determine the temperatures and compositions of alloys at which i sudden increase in conductivity occured on 'Melting, in comparison with a further series of alloys which did not show A sudden increase. The observations confirm that the'conductivity juffip occurs in eutectic alloys (e.g. Al- Zn) 'when the amounts*of solid and liquid phases are equal, that is when the crystals lose contact with each other and are isolated by liquid. .Similar' conductivity jumps are observed-1n eutectic alloys-such as Al-Si, Al-Cu, Cd-Bi etc And Also for continu6us solid solution alloys (Sb-Bi.-system). , Alloys*with concentrationa close to the eutectic also show a conductivity jump at the~'eutectlc temperature. This effect is absent in systems which inc.lude 11semimetals" (Bi, Sb,'Ga) Card 1/2 S/279/63/o6b/ool/008/023 The temperature-dependence ... E039/E451- Bi-Cd, Bi-In, Pb-Sb alloys. In this case the,conductivity jump disappears at eutectic 4~oncentratlons, Sln-Lilar behavior is observed for:tertiary alloys containing a "senimetal" component (Pb-Sn-Bi, Pb-Sn'Sb). No conductivity jump .is pr,es,ent for eutectic alloys with strongly chemically reacting components (Cu-Sbi Mg-Ga). . A possible reason for theae anomalous changes in conductivity may be.a mutual compensation of current carriers on melting. The process is evidently also connectedwi,th the complex changes of volume for alloys composed of co mponents with opposite volume changes on melting. These results are of definite interest for developing a theory of alloys and a physical theory for the liquid solid transition. There are 3 figures and 1 table. SUBMITTED: September 24, 1962 Card 2/2 L 5027-66 EWT (m)/E11F (w)/E PF (c)/E'i'IA (d)/T//F. iiP (t)/EWP(b) IJP(C) JD i4R, AP5023998 SOURCE CODE: UR/0020/65/164/002/03OT/03107 AUTHOR: Movikov, I. I.; Shashkov, D.-P.; ORG: Moscov Institute of Steel and Alloys (bloskovskiy institut stali i splavov) TITLE. Change-of physical properties of metallic compounds during transition from brittleito plastic behavior SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 164, no. 2, 1965, 307-310 TOPIC TAGS: copper, silicon, aluminum, magnesium,tin, nickel, germanium, metallic*wdov." pound, copper silicon compound, copper aluminum compound, aluminum magnesium compound,'_~ nickel tin compound, nickel germanium compound, compound property ABSTRACT: The effect of temperature on the mechanical and physical properties of Ai,~l Cu Si CuAl -")61Q_,'/H'3Sn '-?and N'3q2j1ntermetallic compounds has been in- C 3 =2- 3 9~q�~ _'ur vestigated. Compounds from e Cu 99.5%-pure Si, 99.99%-pure Al, 99.95%-- -pure Mg and 99.999%-pure Sn, Ni, ;Fdi e were melte'd in air. The Cu3Si, Cu5Si, and CuA12 compounds were also melted in a 5.10-4 mm Hg vacuum and with water vapors blown through the bath. It was found that the ductility of all compounds sharply in- creases to a maximum (bend angle 1330) at a certain temperature. Also, the resism- tivity of compounds at first increases, reaches a maximum, then drops by 12-30% in a narrow temperature range, and thereafter begins again to increase. The temperature of transition to ductile behavior for all the compounds was found to be within the range of the decrease of resistivitv. The maximum thermal emf coincides with the Card 1/2 UDC; 537.311.3+539-377 L 5027-66 ACC NR, AP5023998 maxinnim resistivity. The temperature of transition to ductile behavior varies, de- pending on the stress state. For Cu5Si this temperature was 530C, 550C, and 620C. for compression, bending, and tension, respectively. The resistivity of this com- pound begins to drop at temperatures above 500-520C. Vacuum degassing of the CUSSi. melt lowers and water vapor blowing increases the NDT temperature as well as the temperature of the beginning of the drop of resistivity and thermal emf. Similar observations were made in other compounds, Thus, the transition to ductile behavior takes place within a relatively narrow temperature range and is due to metallization of intermetallic bonds and the increase of free electron concentration. Orig. art. -has: 4 figures and 1 table. [ND] SUB CODE: MM, SS/ SUBM DATE: 12May65/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: OOl/ ATD PRESS Cal 2/2 -A f) n ) q AID P - 1059 Subject USSR/Aeronautics Card 1/1 Pub. 135 - 13/24 Author Shashkov, G., Major of Technical Service Title Caring for the aircraft fuel system in winter Periodical Vest. vozd. flota, 1. 67-69) Ja 1955 Abstract The author stresses the importance of proper maintenance of the fuel system for good engine performance in flight. He gives causes of failures and describes methods of pro- per maintenance and servicing. Examples of the procedure in units are given and some names mentioned. Photo. Institution None Submitted No date AID P - 5227 Sub j e o t USSR/Aeronautics - maintenance Card 1/1 Pub. 135 - 13/26 Author Shashkov, G. G., Lt. Col. of tech. service Title Careful maintenance of aircraft, engines Periodical Vest. vozd. flote, 11, 64-65, N 1956 Abstract The importance of proper operation of aircraft engines is stressed and It is described by the author how to carry out the routine maintenance of engines, Institution : None Submitted : Ho de te AID P - 3686 Subject USSR/Aeronautics Ca.rd 1/1 Pub. 135 - 13/22 Autbor Shashkov, G, G., Maj. of the Tech. Ser. the point of engineer control Title t Selective communication at - PeriodicalL : Vest. vozd. flota, 1, 59-61, Ja 1956 Abstract : The author describes the technique of radiocommunication for a centralized control of flights of a large number of aircraft of different missions and during repeated flights. Diagrams. Examples. Instit-ution None Submitted No date AU 71-HOR: Shashkov, G. G., Lt. Col. of TechrIcal Servi-* 86-58-6-17/34 =,E: Under Field Conditions (V polevykh usloviyal&,) PERIODICAL: Vestnik vozdushnogo flota, 1958, Nr 6, p-D 53-54 ABSUU02: The article describes haw the aircraft-maintenance section (TEC%) of an air regiment was shifted to another airfield for training purposes. At the new airfield the personLel had to carry out routine maintenance work on. aircraft under field conditions. The author mentions some shortcomings discovered during this exercise'and states that und r special circum tances the TECh personnel must be prepared to carry out, not only preventive maint- enan-ce work, but also, some repair work of a greater extent. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress j-/1 SHASHAKOVt G~, nayor tekhnicheskoy sluzhby Care of the fuel system of an airplane in winter. Vest. Tozd Fl. 37 no.1:67-69 J t55, (MIRA 16:8) (Airplanes, Military-Maintenance and repair) 11 21T, - c' 1 NR: 'OU.-ICO CODE: UR/OG00/66/000/60~/ Da,~.,7 .7~;4-y (doc~jasod); "Qf-ccvr,,--YU. -.G.;-- D,. :7' b ik F. ; Ga. Yu I Ryz:l B. I.; Llvitsyna,. G.. X.; Shashica,.l. F.; Lui~~--oncva, :t. YL.; G3ra:;ixrc4zC; z nono A.0 of co,-.-nic radiat3 n bioloZ;ic of' ct 7: Voz-.-oLy o*~--;1n,choy radiobiolo-il of goncral radl~JobiolcL;y). ".0=cow, 2,4,2-254 rat, J-ducod radiation afloa-'L, cosmic radia ion biolo-ic affoct U biolo,ic offoct, rolativo biolojic efficioncy rad a~' on fliclats of durallioll, cosmic rayo, radia.-oz-, an- is s ni-cLiL,-.t an danz;c-. o cnaut.~, rolativoly -i6tio a f t -.-, QQ.olojalc roffcc'. of or,:;.:.ic radi--~tion and its z:-otonz, L-i t%e prosont stuey '&,o T,-33 of hlgrih c-nargy protonc; waz ir, -ba-z-atory ani.:r'r,15 (dc,.~s) and small laboratoz-.-,- animals (,.-ats) to R---E d--,~01:-onces. In a so;~-ios Of ex-PCr4ument's groups of eloz;s wore high enerGy protons and X-irradiation (or cramma irradiation) in fractional and card 717 --~o do-oz; o~ 2,50 to 650 radG; -roups of ratz (';,TiGtar 14-c) uoro also JrraL:L~.`.~4 in do_;o~; of 000 to 11-00 ri-s. k synchrocyclotron -,.as foi- (510 -ov, old diam'ar k-0 cm , dose ra'a o' 1 rad/soc). Clir.-*cal EG -s~oio,;-cal investijations, E* data moan survival por4ods, ar' po` -or' ma zC-.-vC_- as t%dicos. Results show '",at ,eith fractional &ose -_--.-adLat-.0n of %-e ,BE o-.' -)-oton irradiation (310 r.ev) and X-iri-adiatior. (180 kv) is,zho s=e , .1 ~--ac- or -i tion iz 3.8. 0) "'i, r. al irradiation of rats, tho i3Z of proton irrau a doso -rzadiation of dogs, tho RSSE of protons is 1.15 compared to ~a:=_a --4o. %I th n. 'i`;th single dose irradiation of rats, t e RSE of protons is 0.75 cc=pared --,D irraiiation. No conclusions are drawn. Orig. art. has. 4 tablos and 6 SU3 CODE: o6/ su-wi DA7.s; z3Apr66/ GRIG RZF; 004/ OTH RZF.- 004 -cord-2/2 SIIASHKOV, Iv8n GrI.-orlye-Ich: PANC-aNKO, V., red.; LUGHKIV, M., tekhred. (Organization of work in vineyard brigades] Organizataiia pratei u vynohradarelkykh brylundakh. Uzhhorod. Zakarpatalke obl.vyd-vo, 1958. 21 p. (MIRA 13;3) 1. Starshiy naukoviy pratsivnik Zakarpatalkoi oblasn0i Bil's'ko- gospodaralkoi stantslli~ (Viticulture) 1'! 111)" -tr., kand, oellkhoz. i1au1c; GIE.W%Ull, Ya.B., KOVAL I I , .~ I so sLar~;idjy j:'-0,.,.~hnyy sotr..: BIIC(UKOV, Yu.V,, starshiy nauchnyy ~~',Ai-"J 0.,A., Btarohly nauchnyy Brjtr.; SWHKw, I.G., nauchnyy rabotnik; KORSHAK, I.T.; BROZ11EYT, 14.F.; KUKEARCHUK, G,11,; YEFRE1,OV, 11'.V. .9 red.; CIMT-IVATSKIY, S.A., Lekhn. red, [Technological chea-ts for grape cultivation] TekILriologicheskie karty po vozde1yvaniiu vinograda. Kiev, Gos.izd-vo sellkhoz. lit-ry USSR, 1961, 141 p. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatel slciy institut vinogradar- stva i vinodeliya ir--, Tairova (for Kovalt, German, Biryukov, ~';artlyariova), 2. Zakarpatskaya opytnaya stantsiya (for ShaslAcov). 3. 1-iinisterstvo sellskogo khozyaystva USSR (for Korshak, Brozheyt, Kucharchulk). (Ul.-raine-Viticulture) SHASmWVp I.P.1 inzh. New-Itype -ribratory conveyor. Stroi. i dor mash. 10 no.10:17-1.8 165. (MIRP 18:10) GEPLRITEIII A.K. I. P. J , inzh.; KOTOV, V.V.,, inzh,,- Mobile unit, for the produc tilion of kera=it,, S-tro-16. i dor. mash. 7 no.7.,32-34 J:L 162. WM& 1,z:7) (Owk Province-Keramit) SHASHFOV, LP~y inzh. Vibrating devace for earthm,-)vl-ng machiner-Y, 1148kh, stroi. 20 - (MIRA 16110) n.0~9.-23--2~1 S?f,3. (Eqrthm,7-ing -"chiaery) L 4141945 f;WT(1)/LVPW/M /rdP(*)/&WAXd)/$PR/F ACCESSION NRi AP5011323 UR/O~$8/65/aO~~00-2/033~l/Oj3i"-I AUTHOR: Shashkov, 1. Ye. ~(Moscow) TITLE: On aeroelastic vibrations of an aircraft in.supersonic flowA 7, P 71 SOURCE: Inzhenernyy zhurnal v. 5, no. 2., 1965, 331-337 TOPIC TAGS: elasti-c vibration, flutter, supersonic flutter, torsional flutter., flexural flutter, aircraft flutter ABSTRACT: The elastic vibrations of an aircraft body-are :accompanLeA by its oscillations around its centroid., Such a combined,hatmonic motion of a winged aircraft consisting of v Iibrations !a.nd oscillations is discussed, taking into account the lift,of the.fuselage-0 The involved changes in the angle of attack are':consisting of changes caused by both oscillation and , vibration,- and ormulas . for determining these changes as well as the associated ch-Anges-in aerodynamic forces and moments are.given. Equations describing this oscilla 1t*ory-vibratory motion of the body and wing in a .supersonic flow are written, neglecting the effect.of the shear force, drag, internal friction, and longitudinal,f~irceo and vibrationse From -/A(h) Pf -4/Pe b ACCESS1011i 1NR:'_'_kj6l62t_ WOW/6516657601/05T5/0510: 533.601-342 AUT"HOR: Shashkov, I. Ye. (Moscow) _41TLE: On el"itic vibration of a liq-~id-filled cylindrical shell SOURCE: Inzhenernyy zhurnal,-v. 5, no. 3,:1965, 5T5-579 ;TOPIC TAGS: cylindrical shell,-liquid filled shell, shell.Vibration, shell f1utter:' - liauid filled shell flutter, shell-stability ~ABSTRPGT: The flutter and the dynamic stability of P_ closed c-ilindrical shell lled with a liquid in a steady air flow are discussed. Approximate solutions of ,hose problems-are presented 'with ihe e~fect.of the motion.of the liquid on the 'ehavior of the shell t--ken into account. The aerodyn ic forces acting on the :7hell are determined by means of the A. A. Ilyushin piston theory, and the shell equations varc ttakani frc-a the theory of shaiiow --s-h-ei Is by Y. Z.. Vlasov. In discus the fflutt:ar of the 1--cuid-filled cylindrical shell in an air flow along the j_a-fitu~_.ihai at-is of,the' sbells # is assufned: that.-the shell is in a veitical~ posi- n., - commie-'Qely filled wltl.-L liauid, and that the'motion of the liqui.4,-caused,by tibration of the shell is potential, thus reducing the problem to,determining the -d 1/2 38-934-65 ACCEESSION NR: AP501'6273'_ velocit'; potential; after substituting the latterinthe Lagiange.equation-connecting the kinetic energy of the liquid-with.the generalized force produced~by the Vib..r shell on the liquid, an expression for the flutter velocity is.derived.- In inves-.1 tigating the dynamic stability of the shell;, assumed.,tha;t--_the--. shell is - under-:1 - buted,alon Vhe - face edges. The form _for axial loading uniformly distri netural frequencies and the buckling loa%are given, from which it cai2 be -seen that !the presence of liquid in the shell affects only the natural'frequencies wiiho4 affecting the value of the buckling 'Load. The.factor (the influence'function),- i which accgounts for the presence o .f the liquid in the shell is the sum in both probl, lems (of. flutter. and dynaitic stability); its- values are given for a peLrticular numerical) case 'in a diagram and- show an -essential decreise 1A the inatural - fie- a the: shelf, ;quency and in flutter speed caused by the presence of ~liquid- art. has: 1 figure and 16 formulas.,. rVK L ASSOCIATION: 3UB14ITTED: 05Ju!6?, ETICL: 00 SM CODE: OW ATD PMS: u0 MP SOV.- 006 OTHU: .001, 2/2 SHASHKOYt L. SHPI.~~t JAIN, Qloser t* industrial reouiraments. Pro--.-,-tekh.obr.13 ne.6:7-9 jo 156, (mLRA 9:9) I.Direktor teplitskoge uchil.ishcha makhanizataii sel'skogo '- Ar Shashkov). 2.Za- khouaratva no-10:7-9, Odeaskaya ~blast',-(f stvannoy chaiti (for it,stitel' direktora po uchabno-preizvod Shcptalin). (Odesm-Farm mechanizatioA-Study alld ACC NR, -'AF-7GG14W---- INVENTORi Potiyevskiy, 0, L; Makhan'kov, V. Yo.; 0 Shashkov, L. L.; Borovko~v, V. S. ORG: none TITLE: Differential optical correlator. Class 42, No. 188147 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, covarnyye znaki, no, 21, 1966, 157-158 TOPIC TAGS., signal correlation, optic system, optic method ABSTRACT; A. differential optical correlator is described (see Fig. 1) which determines the correlation coeffeient between (for example) two images. It tontains Fig. 1. Optic correlator 1 - Hemispherical lenses; 2 -Ug4t conductors; 3 - working filter regions. a photoelectric integrator and an optical multiplier based on double modulation of light implemented by electrochemical modulators. To extend their dynamic range, each modulator optical filmr contains an independent focusing system. This focusing system consists of a hemispherical lens and a conical light conductor which con- centrates the light flux on the working region of the filter. To assure compactness and simplicity of construction optical filters and focusing components form a double-layer matrix board in which the electrochemical modulator eleccrodes are interconnected in rows and columns. Orig. art. hass. I figure. [BD] tn 2 n nr 124 - 119 5 7- 1 - 518 Tranglation frorn: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 1, p 65 (USSR) AU,rHOR: Shashkov, N. 1. TITLE: Field Investigations on the Erosion of Portions of a River Bed Serving as the Tailwater Basin of a Dam (Polevyye issledovaniva razrnyva rusla reki v nizhnem b'yefe plotiny) PERIODICAL: Tr. In-ta sooruzh. AN UzSSR, 1955, Nr 7, pp 137-160 ABSTP-A.CT- The paper describes the alluvial regimen of a river along a portion of its erosion bed which serves as the tailwater basin of a newly erected dam; the magniEude of the drop in water levels Is indicated. An approximate calculation of the extent of the river erosion is offered. V. V. Fandeye v 1 f-ard $h , . . I .Q, .a S `7-',I~ar .-JIV 3yt". OA A- P -L ~ ~. ~~n of ~-rvat- acp-d3. 'hl-,tlerl,~arliia -4 (,.=-A - -,: -L..! the Strature of W 4 r/O) WANY bynesus L Wi.61 of,At4% 6a fWm,6W 1D. aged'f -14 at 35W.C. Inaulati of thb phim, W fortaid In a k-on. Spealmans, poth6ed befDre, deformation gave the 11sUpatt.,q; of Up MICS Later. Sectin - I I III tio, a ab*out on the 1, g pree p tates, w kh jpvo lnfbrm ef gaVa. a &pfWVid. a(MEM&UM ;bout deformation*wU16 ths'bulk of the mataW.:,At high deformation (754W/o) slip, is Conoentratod. not only into4kible slip-bands but also Into the spw54,ff betieen thein, -Also, the appeamea of slip on' the surface 'is -a reliable indication of the geometry of deformation in the Interior. Comparing the appearance of slip hands bn quenched and orr age-hardened A-4% Ou with those an pure A), those,611 the alloy In both conditions am straighter; narrower, and farther' fracture 'of thu havitned alloy In I)rffA -loin charac*r, V!o frac. turo autfams provide Opar oldenco Of Wnk imini - i mod y cotni of slip pkmas. The eancentration of panicienzou fracture: r surfaces In muelt.laaw ths-n'licritial. S. Rug&St that intetwivo slip may have lodally-tho eff6d of high,tomp., i.e. it may re-dissolve soulc.~mijdta". Thig opinion in con. firined by micrographs of intensivo slip-lineA on non-fractuto surfiums. the rugion aratind therit seoviA impoveriAiLd in - precipitates-k-IL.IL- ~; 'N. N, ; , 6iLr--j'111i0i , O.D~ - i~ I'll I Vaing 0'~=ctron ~micro~slz-o or iuia~ti*iitbig alum-Iri=-copper alloyat oubjected to aging and t5upering procassoa at high tvcmptraturas, Fiz.met.1 matalloveA. 3 no.1:83-8.6 156. (Yja., 9:11) I. Inatitut fisiki metallov Ural' skogo filiala, AN '5-=. (Aluminum,nopper alloys-Heat trtatment) Mectron icicroscopy) S/520/59/000/022/021/021 Elll/E452 A UTHOR: Shashkov, O.D.. TITLE: Observing a Specified Portion of the Surface of a j Specimen With an Electron Microscope 11"PIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Urallskiy filial, Sverdlovsk Institut fizik! metallov. Trudy, No.22,1959,PP.153-156 TEXT: For observing a specified portion of surface under the electron microscope, the author proposes a method based on that of lest of several (Ref.1 to 5). A simple, D.Bradley (Ref.6), the simp o adapter (Fig.l) is fitted over the objective tube of an optical microscope, The latter should have a magnification of about 100 Gi type nM'T(pmT)-3 hardness microscope can be modified for this). The adapter has a hole (a) whose diameter is somewhat larger than that of the grid used in the electron microscope. Three bent pins (d) are solderzd around the hole, the distance between their pointed ends being approximately equal to the radius of the ' otectron-microscope grid. The pins are used to press the grid on to the part of the surface, selected with the aid of the optical microscope. The grid is then fixed to the carbon-film surface with a little acetone collodion. After this has dried,the Card 1/2 SOV/7,2-2 5-1 -2'1/51 J) ! I ~.' 1 1 1 UT -I -R Sh.---Lshf.-ov, 0. D. TITI,E: Observation of a Given Part of the Sur-face in the Electronic Microscope (Nablyudeniye zalanno-o uchastka poverkhnosti v ele%tronnom mil-roskope), I'E'?IOTIT,',Al,: Zavodoka,, .i Laboratoviya, 19501, Vol '25, Nr 1, pP 65 - 66 (USSR) A. D 2 T PA CT Baced on 1) principle, a method for the pr4paration of ,rints of a .-iven sample portion was worked out. The si mple dtvice (Fig-) netdod for this purpose consists of a brass cylinder, which is linked to the tube of the microscope lens. There are three ~,pikes at the lower end of the cylinie r. The spike ends are dipped into a 5~' colophony zolution an d the standard lattice is plotted placed upon the s-i;iiplo part un-Aer cons id eration (in observation throu.-h the m icroscope) and the carbon print ir~ t1hen taker, -and the in- vesti,~;ation carried on. Ma6-nification of the reflPxion micro- scopes is a pproximately 1-30. A suitahle device for these purposes is the PIC-3 type, which features a weakly magnifying 1!2 C,a r d ' / laris, from which tote reflexion condenser Cf t-- lark field tllu-~~tfr----tt-%.,)m of n. Gi,.ren Part of t~,,e Surface in SO? '32-42-~-i -27 /51 ti1c. CRFe that the surface relief oT the fi(4~ is 1,),& and t.-,e carbon ,-print is difficult to take o", a vaeiant of tn'. , mri-in--r~c-tlure is V-.e-,e ASSOCIATION: I~::.titu' melall.-,)v Alalemii na-k S".-,R (Inntitilte of p 1. f t C. f C 0. 5' p s TTSSR) Card 2,'~ SHASHKOV,, O.D. Changing the circuit of the URS-10-KI X-ray apparatus for the operation with two electron tubes. Zav.lab. 2? n9.6:758 161. (YJRA 14-6) 1. Institut fii~iki metallev AN SSSR. (X rays--Equipment and supplies) s/126/62/olVoWo07/020 E193/E383 AUTHORS Sha!~;hlzov, 0*1). and Duynov, N.N. TITLE: A study of the zona) stage of decomposition in aluniinium- zinc and ilttiiiiniui-,i-zinc-inagnesium alloys by the method of anomalous X-ray scattering PERIODICAL- rizilza metallov-i metallov~deniye, v. 14,~no. 6, 19 8 46 - 851 T CKT: The object of the present investigation was to elucidate the nature of tfte anomalous diffusion effects on X-ray diffraction rtatterns of aged Al-Zn alloys with a view to providing an explana- tion of some specific features of ageing of alloys of this type. The X-ray diffraction analysis was coi.iducted on a 20 wt.~','Zn-Al alloy (with and without Mtr additions ranging from 0.2 - 1.41-A, solution-treated at 450 OC'3 and naturally aged. It was found that-. the streaks observed on the Laue photographs of naturally aged Al-Z'n and Al-Zn-Mg alloys were, in fact, "shape effects", i.e. they were caused by supcrirtiposition of anomalous X-ray scattering from Guinier-Preston zones and from the solid-solution matrix with lattice defects. Addition of MS increased th,e lattice Card 1/2 SHASHKOV, O.D.; BUYNOV, IIII.N., X-ray scattering by an aging alloy crystal taking into account the transition layer between the Guinier-Preston zone and the matrix. Fiz. met. i metall'oved. 16 no.4:628-630 0 163. (MA 16:12 ) 1. Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR. ACaSSICV FR., AP40046801 S/0126/63/016/005/06P _1,10~85 AUTHORS.- Shashkov, 0. D.; %ynov, N. N. TTTLE: Evaluntion of intensity distribution of x-ray scattering near the invertad lattice point of an aging Al-kg alloy In the zonal phase and dimension deterrdnation of the Guinier Preston zono SOURCE: Fizika metallov I metallovedeniye, v. 16, no. 5, 1963, 6pi-685 TOPIC TAGS: x-ray scattering, aluminum silver alloy, alloy, aginp,', Guinier Preston zone, inverted Inttice point, scsttering, alundnum alloy, lattice point, silver elloy, zonal phnse, lattice point scattering, Laue spot ABSTRACT: The authors have used a general expression from A. V. Yelistrqt-ov (DNL SSSR, 1952, 87, 581) describing the intensity distribution near a reciprocal-lattice point in an aging crystal, in addition to data obtained from geometric anplysis of anomalous effects on x-r8_y photographs of AI-Agq alloys, in order to compute inten- sity aistribution of x-rays. These values are then compared wit,'i experimental data. 'Pho results Pro summarized in Pigs. 1-4 on the Enclosures. The xndius of the spberics-1 Guinier-Preston zone is normally computed from the radius of the zone of anomalous scattering as determined from mensurements on the x-ray powder diagrAms, Card ACCESSIT- NR: AP1,004689 but because of frequent difficulty in determining the precise mqrg-in of this effect, the authors propose another method, involving the r3ifference in size of the zone for two types: one conditioned by zones and one with a transition layer (the latter hivirg the sm,?1ler anomalous scattering zone). The,,authors conclude thet when the GiTinier-Preston zone is within the limits of 20-25 A, the precision of deterrrdning the dimensions by the method they suggest may be within 3-4 1. 'The authors express their thanks to R. It. Lerinman for kindly preparing x-ray photogrApbB c,.L- the Al-Aga alloy." Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 8 formulas. ASSOCIATIONS Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR (Institute of the Physics of Metals AN SSSR) SUBMITTED: 14Mnr63 DATEE ACQ: 03Jan64 ENCL: 04 SUB CODE: PH NO REF SM 006 CMIR: 000 2/~ Card ..~G;:'SSION AP 40173-2 S/0126164/017/002/0278/0282 ov, N. N. 0. D., Buya, T L Effect of the addition of a third component on the natural agiag -of an Al-Zr% alloy U RG E Yizika metallov i raetallovedenive, v. 17, no. 2, 1964 278-282 70i'lu TikCS: alloy, aluminum zinc alloy, copper containing alloy. sil- -4or containing alloy, magnesium containing alloy, alloy property -',3STRACT4 T'-! methods of anomalous x-ray seatterinp, hardness meas- ure-vLent, and electron microscopy were used in a study of the distribu- tion (beZweeis the Guinier Preston zones and warrix) of admixtures of ~5 ond 20%), Mg (0.2-1.0%), Cu (0.1-57.), and Si (1-2%) in Al al- loys with 5,~20,and25%Zn-and, of theeffect of different pasterns ofdis- tribultion on aging. it is shown that Mg (up to 1.4/Z. by weight) and Ag (up to 10%) predominate in the zones while Cu (up to 2%) remains in the matrix or distributes itself uniformly in the matrix and zones. As shown(Fig. 1 of the Enclosure), the natural agin,-, rate changes when' Wr ACCESSION NR: AP4017362 'ia third component such as Hg settles in the zone, Cu and AX, which Halso increase the haidness,-have little effect on the character of the.. fla-ging curve. Stresses related to the coherence of the zone and matrix !!lattices are not essential In alloy strengtheninRe "'Part of the work i -!was done by M. F. Konarovs," OrIg. qrt,, hass 2 figures and I eable. 1ASSOCIATION: InstLtut fIz1kL~,ue*talloV AN SSSR (Inatituto,.of -Physics of Metals AN S'SSR) SUBMITTEDi 26Apr63 ..ATD PRESS: 13051 r 6 4 ENCLt ~01';* SUB CODEs MM NO REFSOVS 005 OTHERs. 007 I rc J-2 3 ACC NRs AP6032622 SOURCE CODE: UR/0126/66/022/003/o424/o431 IL AUTHOR: . Buynov, N. N. ; Dobatkin, V, I.; Rakin, V. G. ; Rommova, R. R. ; Shashkov, 0. D. i Dobroqrsloy, A. V, ORG., Institute of Metal Physics,AN SSSR (Institut fiz-4ki metallov, AN -SSSR) TI'112: Investigation of the structure of ATsM and V92 heat-treatable aluminum alloys I SOURCE: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, v. 22, no. 3, 1966, 424-431 metal aging, aluminum base alloy TOPIC TAGS: aluminum zinc magnesium alloy, Uuminum alloy aging, aluminum alloy structure/ATsM aluminum alloy, V92 aluminum alloy ABSTRACT: Aging-induced structural changes and the kinetics of aging in aluminum- base alloys ATsM (4-72% zinc, 1.84% magnesium, 0.69% manganese, 0.35% zirconi=, 0.03% titanium, and 0.5% copper) and V92 (3.34% zinc, 4.48% magnesium 0.8% manganese,_~ and 0.005% beryllium) have been studied by mesons of electron microscopy and x-ray diffraction analysis. The aging kinetics were found to be the same in both alloys. The decomposition of solid solution begins with the formation of Guinier Preston zones with a high density of vacancies, which serve as nuclei for the precipitation of MgZn2-phase and play an important part in the age hardening of the alloys. The temperature and duration of aging has little or no effect onthe size of Guinier Preston zones, but a considerable effect.on their composition. V92 alloy age hardens Card 112_ 546-3-19162114-146 1 s48.o ACC NRt AP6032622 more intensively than ATsM does ovi-ng to a h'igher total zinc and magnesium content of the former. Orig. art. has:.- 4 f.igures. SUB CODE: II/ SUBM DATE.- 27Dec65/ ORIG REF: 008/ OTH REF: 007 usaR/construction Industry Pile-driving Piling, F-arroomarete "The Construction, of Sea Piling Installations by Pioneer MeAhoday" S. Shaabkur, Engr, A pp "Morskoy Irlat" No 1 In the a truction of sea pile installations the usual method of driving -piles vith a floating pile driver oxymot be used far various reasons. The arti-I cle is an acco=t of the construction of a ferrocon- orete pile - breakvater built in 1940-41 on the Blaot Sea. The-u-aual methods of driving the piles could. not be resorted to and nev means had to be devised in the construction. 3-0%13-~ nt.a o t E.' So o ru z. e -A -L.. zdiat- SHASBKOV. Semen Adrianovich. kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; ISIAIRCINA. T.F., r6da-kto-r"--;-Y"*U'RI4AN, G.V.. tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Hydraulic construction in the People's China] Gidrotekhnicheskoe stroitel'stvo v naroduom Kitae. Moskva, (zd-vc "Znanie,w 1956, 39 p. (Vseaoiuznoe obahchestvo po rasprostraneniiu politicheskikh i nauchnyft znanii. Ser.4, no.33) (MLRA 10:1) (China--Hydirsulic engineering) 3QIV - a 112 2 .,!_!TE:_J.z Shashkov, Z-7.A., Candidate of Technic~! "ciences ,~T TLL: E.G. Codes,"New Developments in the Underground Construction Work3l' Novoye V Droizvodstve glubinnykh rabot) State Publishing House of ,,iterature on Fuilding and Architecture, 1957 (Gosud. izd. literat. po stroitellstvu i arkhitekture, 1957) Gidrotekhn-icheskoye stroitellstvo, 1058, Nr 8, pp 63-64 (TTS3R) AB'-'J'RA"T: This is a review of the above mentioned book. 1. Underground structures--USSR .ard I/I SaSHKOV, S.A. Determining the 'building properties of sandy soils by dynamic probing. [Trudy] NTIOSP no.42:78-104 160. (YJ2A 13:6) 'i (Soil mechanics) I GODES, E.G., inzh.; __444!~HKOV kand. tekhn. nauk; BAUM, V.A., in2h.; SOROKIN, P.P., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; LISITSYN, B.V., inzh., retseazent; BESPALOV, I.V., inzh., nauchnyy red.; FENOVA, Ye.M., red. izd-vai VORONETSKAYA, L.V., tekbn. red. [Reinforcing river banks near factory grounds]Ukreplenie beregov rek na zavodskikh territoriiakh; proizvodstvennyi opyt. Lenin- grad, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit. materialam 1961. 134 P. (MIRA 14:10~ (Hydraulic engineering) SW,SHKOV, S.jl,, kand.teklin.nauk Determining the bearing capacity of piles by "saurding.11 Izv. ASiA no.2:105-110 161,. 15:1~ (Piling (Civil engineering)) SI,IIRENSKIY,, Georgiy Mikhaylovich, inzh.; CHLIIIKOV, Nikolay Gavrilovich, inzh.; ART&ENKO, Mikhail Pavlovich; SHASHKOV, S.A., kand. tekhn.nauk, red. [Foundations oil short pilings in housing construction; practices of the "Riazanlzhilstroill Trust] Fundumenty na korotkikh svaiakh Y -.hilishchnom stroitel'st-ve; iz opyta tresta "Riazan'zhilst,-oi." Moskva, Gosstroiizdat, 1963. 40 p. (MIRA 17:7) 1. Akademiya stroitellstwa i arkhitektury SSSR. Nauchno- issledovatellskiy institut organizatsii, mekhanizatsii i tekhnicheskoy pomoshchi stroitellstv-u. 2. Nachallnik tekhnicheskogo otdela tresta "ftyazanlzhilstroy" (for Smirenskiy). 3. Upravlyayushchiy trestom "Hyazanlzhilstroy" (for Chirikov). 4. Glavnyy inzhener tresta "Ryazan'zhilstroy" (for Artemenko). ABEELEV, Yu.1-'.J. dcktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; ABELEV, M.Yu.p inzh.; BAKEOLDIN, B.V., kand. -Uekhn. nauk; BEEHEZANTSEEV, V.G., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; VYALOV, S.S., doktor tekhri. nauk; GODES, E.G., inzh.; GORBUb'OV-POSADOV, doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; DALI-.ATOV, B.I., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; DOKUCHAYr-11, V.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; KRUTOV, V.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; KSEN0;,'0NT0V, A.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; MAHNFOLISKIY, G.M., kand. tekhn. nauk-; MORAitESKUL,N.N., inzh.; FE.tLEY, Ye.1-11., inzh.; SAVRIOV, O.A., doktor tekhn. nauk; SIDO.~OV, 11.N., kand. tekhn. nauk; %1ORODINSKI'Y, IN'-, kand. tekhn. nauk; SOKOLOV, N.M., doktor tekhn.nauk; Fi r,,KD'., A.Ya., inzh.; q~ASHKOV, S.A., kand. tekhn.nauk; -7yKOV, MI.L., inzh.; YAROSHENKO, V.A., kand.tekhn.nauk, ),eceased]; KHALIZEV, Ye.F., kand, tekhn. nauk,, LHanual for the designing of industrial plants, apartment houses, and public buildings and structures; foundations] 3pravochnik F-roekt:Lrovshchika promyshlennykh, zhilykh i obshchestvennykh zdanii i sooruzhenii; osnovaniia i funda- menty. Leningrad, Stroiizdat, 1964. 268 p. (1-.I.,;A 18:1) MARTYNOV, N.V.; SIMONENKO, PA.; SHASHKOV, S.M.; BOLOGINA, N.I., redaktor; GALAKTIONOVA, Ye.N., tokhnt6heskly redaktor [Courputation of road machinery performance] Uchet raboty dorozhnykh mashin. Moskva, Izd-vo dorozhao-tokhn. lit-ry Gushosdora KPS, 1953. 190 p. [Microfilm] (MIRA 7:10) (Road machiaery-Tables, calculations. etc.) T-ADD41ROV, Yu., podnolko-mi~:,-, voy,-,iuiyy letchik per-ioFc Iclassa; V. , podpoLcovnilk, voyannyy shturmar, -jervr.,F,,o kl,,--ssa I lie 0 165. n a i avy airship. Ali. i kosm. 48 no.10:59-63 I (MIRA 18:11) 7 GOTKOLOV, Yajv, inzh,; -5f!A EQ inzh. improve the heat insulation of factory, chimneys. Stroi.prom. 35 no.11:32-34 11 157. (MIRA 10:12) (Chimneys) (Insulation (Heat)) GOYKCJLoV, Ye.F.; KANTOROVICH, I.G., inzh.; PETROV, P.V.; RAYTSESS, A.Ya.; CHERNOV, A.V., inzh.; SHAMEOV, Va.; SHISHKOV, I.A.; SHMIDT, Kh.M.; KIIIYMAKH, L.I., i sen--o-nt,, IMRYAVTSi-sV, A.V., retsen::ent; V redaktirovanii prinirkili ucI,,qstiye: ZOTOV, A.V.; TALYAIM, DJ4.. :SHIROKOVA, G.M., red.izd-va; STEPANOVA, E.S.,; HUDAKOVA, N.I., [Handbook- for builders of reinforced concrete industrial chimneys and silos] Spravochnik stroitelia zhelezobetonnykh zavodskikh trub i silosov. Pod red. -A.V.Ghernovs. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.materialam. 1959. 300 P. (MIRA 13:1) (Silos) (Chinneys) GLOZSl!l'FYI-, Ya.S.; ZOTOV, A.V.; OSPi~GEYEV, B.V.; SHASHKOV, V.P.; GORDEYhNY F.r'., red.izd-va; SlllitOKOVA, G.N., red.izd- va; K0jl-!AROVSKAYA, L.A., tekhn. red. [ConStL-UCtion of furnaces for the building materials industry] Klaa-a pechei prorwjshlennosti stroitellnykh material-ov. [By] IA.S.Glozshtein i dr. Moskva, Gos- stroiizdat, 1963. 299 p. (HIRA 17:2) .31 "'641; -SO/ COO/ "'CO4/O*2/O2I1xx .:;,C,'.!/ 306 4 0 1)v T AUTHORS; I S V D. ~Deceased) ,T LF: Use of the Flotation Process in the Extracticn of Selentum T From Seienium-ncor Slimes Formed in th,~ Frr_-Jt~ction of Sulfuri!~ Acid ER IOD IZ' A LKh Im i che skay-a p romyshl en nQs 19 60 : Nc - d , p p. 36 - 4 TEXT: The au,~hors have examinea the posoibil! "t )t' us-ng the flotation Prr.'Ce:3S IIN 'xt,racting selenium from Lelenium. po:,r 51 formed in the proJucti-Dn of ~-,ulfuric acid. A study cf the distribution Gf selenium in the products of the contact system ha~~, shown tnat up to 42r," of the initial selenium content of the raw material is concentrated in selenium-pocr slimes from the washing department ~promyvncye otdeleniye). There is a considerable loss of selenium in solid res.-,dues (ashes, dust), which amounts to mor- than 21%. The authors have --,orked out a scheme for fhe extraction of selenium from slimes with a selenium contenz cf 0.5 - -I-Oaifc. making use of the flotabillty r%f seienf~um, with petroleum, r1ard 7"O-e of the Pz-~cess -,z-. the 'Extracticn cf Selenium Fror, Seleniur----)cr Slim,es Formed in the PrGiuctien 3u I 'Ll.,r ir., Acid alcchcl , etc. (Refs. 4.5). Slimes from refrigerators ~f -.he -hashLng department. have been studied. The selonium ---ont;~rzt varled from 0.6 to 2%. The au--hors found that selenium is concentratei chief.14 in fin-; fractions. 7~,e nres~ricp cf h-,ghly disperse selenium parti,:Ies 1-56 thar, and ~ne nuip :-,amponents containing them oomplicate rhe f-11--ration pr;acess. The 3lime Partic:es were enlarged by heating the Dul-c. '-Preliminary studiei have shown that the extraction cf selenlux be incr-=ased and the quality cf tbe selenium ~~oncentrate improved by the OU1D to POZ10000. It is noted that the density z~f the pulp ~,ardly increases the -axtracti-1,n of selenium, bu'~ deteriorates the, -he ccncentrate. nu * 7~ n s i ~ v F' Dtat ion is described a.3 be~ln~ an opTi-mm-um. o fc J -:-ens~ acidity of the pulp. ~ia t a be I -Ified by ar, increase ir, rhe The ccn~entratlon -f sulfljric acid in the Lulp :-uSt nc--, be lower than 20'7'o'. P'etroleum,, butyl x;-nthate, tall oil, oleii: a,;id (~.,cliectors", and various flotation oils (foamers) were tested frr the purpose of the eff-:?,~t r:-f collectors and foamers, Te~-Ls made ac~:ord--ng to a s t ng a Use c:f the Flotation PfOCe33 in the s/lo64,/60,looo/004/'012/021/X.'~ Extraotion of Selenium From Selenium-poor B01II/M63 Slimes Formed in the Production of .'sulfuric Acid continuous flotation -icheme i-zavc sho-wn that no reagents are required for selenium flotation in electrolytes. The quality of the selenium concentrate can be improved by double purification. The final results indicate that extraction Of 3el3nium without reagents is more effective than extraction with reagents. The first fractions of the selenium concentrate have a higher selenium concentration than the following fractions. Flotation is most effective during the first 6-10 min. The flotation ulant developed according to the experiments described here has recently been put in operation, and the results obtained confirm the results of laboratory tests. There are 5 fi.-ures, 4 tables, and 5 Soviet references. Card FOPOV, 5,1.;_SH&SHKOV, V.I.; BULATOV, V.D. [deceased] flotation recovery of selenium from poor slurries pro- ducod in the mnufacture of sulfuric acid. Khim.prom. n0-4:302-305 Je 160. (MIRA 13:8) (Selenium) VIDULIN, A.Ye.;_~RA#HKOV, V,,__ . L Analysing the economic effectiveness of the reconstruction of the Lenin Mine of the "Rostovugoll" Combine. Trudy NPI 101:3-19 160. (Donets Basin--Coal mines and mining-Finance) (MMA 150) SLUGIN, S.N.; SHASHMI, V.M. Combination cf some variatiomi methods In a Hilbert modulus over a series cf vector spaces. Uch. zap. Kaz. un. j24 no.6. 284-292 164, 0-17,ik 1F,:9) GALYATIN, V.M.; KALINSKIY, D.N.; Prinimali uchastiye: KUROCHKIN, I.F.; DUVANOV, A.I.; SOLOVIYEV, Yu.F.; GERASIMOV, Yu.V.; GROVALID, V.G.; SHASHKOV,- V,_N.* VOLKOV, A.A.; ZHILKO, E.I.; MITIROPOLISKIY, Yu.I.; FEDOSEYEVp S.V.; GONCHAROV, F.I,.i- abotnik; SHEWTOV, F.Ye., , r rabotnik; CHUPRINA, I.A., rabotnik; DEMIN, F..Ye., rabotnik; r P.V., rabotnik; SIMANYUK, G.N. rabotnik ,ONCHARENKO Investigating power and technological parameters of rolling on the 2350 medium sheet mill. [Sbor. trud.] TSNIICHM no.29.-138-148 163. (~ffRA 17:4) 1. Sotrudniki TSentrallnogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo ingtituta chernoy metallurgii (for Gerasimov, Grosvalld, Shashkov, Volkov, Zhilko, Mitropollskiy, Fedoseyev). 2. Listoprokatnyy tsekh Magnitogorskogo metallurgicheskogo kombinata (for Goncharov, Shemetov, Demin, Chuprina, Goncharenko, Simanyuk). I-00585-66 EPA(s)-2/~lil(m)/EPF(n)-2/LrvrP(-t)/Lllt)P(V).- ----JDM11JG ACCESSION NRs AP5021605 UR/0286/65/000/OIL3/0076/0077 AUTHORSt Sokolov, Le ke; KazanakiY, V- &; Sellkin Go St Ustyuzhanin, Ve No; Shashkov# V. So TITLEs Device for continuous temperature measurement-of liquid metaA, Class 42p No. 172516 1 in 1-6 Z~ SOURCEt Byulletent izobreteniy i tovarnykh xnakovg, no. 13P 1965, 76-77 -,C-S TOPIC TAGS: liquid metal, smelting temperature, temperature measurement ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a device for continuous temperatur.-, measurement of liquid metal.. The device is calibrated for each chemical composi- tion and contains a temperature transducer and a measuring circuit. To automate the smelting process by simultaneously measucing the liquid metal temperature and the difference betweci the liquid metal and its crystallization temperatures according to the temperature gradient in the container, the container is made of cooled walls of material with high thermal conductivity, e.g. copper. This cont er is in direct contact with the liquid metal (see Fig. I on the fhclooure). To measure the temperature gradient in the high thermal conductivity wallq the devia is provided with several temperature transducers placed on the outer and inner Card 1/3 t 00585-66 ACCESSION NRs AP5021605 ENCWSMZS 01 Fig. 1. 1- cooled wall with high thermal conductivityl 2- temperature transducers (thermocouples); 3- steam pipe _bard 3/3- SHASHKOV, V.S. Xffect of pentamine on the inclU31on of s35 of methionine into animal proteins. Farm.i toks. 19 surplement:23-24 '56. (MIRA 10:7) 1. Kafedrs farmakologii kzav. - zasluzhennyy doystall nauki. daystvitelinyy chlen ANN SSSR prof. V.I.Sicvorteov) II Moskovskogo goaudarstvannogo meditainakoge instituta imeni I.Y.Stalins. (AUTONOMIC DRUGS. effects, peadibmide on protein incorporation of radiosulftLr from methionine, off. of pendiomide in animals (Rua)) (SULFUR, radioactive. incorporation into proteins from methionine~ off. of pendiomide in animals (Rus)) kHETHIONINI, metabolism. radiosulfur transfer to proteins in animals. eff. of Pendiomide (Rua)) (PROTEINS. metabolism, radiosulfur transfer from methionine in animals. off. of pendiomide (Rua)) SHA.,SHKOV, V. S., Cand Med Sci -- (diss) "Effect of pentamine ,j , on permeability and incorporation of S35 methionine into the I proteins of~tissues 4F-animal .11 Mos, 1957- 12 pp (2nd Mos Sta-,e Med Inst im. N. I. Pirogov), 200 copies (KL, 52-57, 113) - 137 - ~WR /Human and Ani rnal Physiology. Yletaboliam. T-2 As Jour 1 ROf Zhur - Biologiya, No 1, 1959, No- 3179 Author : Shashkov, V.__$_.- Imst :-~~sFc~w Medical Institute Titia : Change in IntensitY of I=luslon of bbthionine-S35 in Organ and Tissue ProteirA Of Animals Under Effect of Pentamine Orig -Pub : Uch. zap. 2-y Moak. mod. in-t, 1957, 6, 59-66 Abstract : No abstract given (2 ard 1/1 15 SHASHKOV, V.S. Effect of Dentamine on sodium 24 absorption from muscle deposits in rqbbits [with summary in English]. Farm. i toks. 21 no.4:59-~ Jl-.Ag 158 (MI'11U 11:11) 1. Kafedra farmakologii (zav. - deystvitell-nyy chlen AMY SSSR zasluzhenny deyatell nauki prof. V.I. Skvortsov) II Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni N.I. Pirogovae (MMIOMOR. effects on radlosedium allsorp. from musc. deposits in rabbits (RUB)) (SODM, radioactive, eff. of pendiomide on abs7op. from musc. deposits in rabbits (Rus)) 2HYPUNBCHRIMO, P.G.; GOLOVCHINSKLYA. Ye. S.; KOVLYANOVSKIY, R.G.; MS-NM, I.G.; KUZNETS, Ye.I.; MAGIDSON, O.Yu.; MURASHOVA, V.S.; PASTUKHOVA, I.S.; PHSCBRAZHENSKAYA, M.N.; SUVOROV, N.W.; TER-VART-ANTAN, L.S.; !ZHKHINVADZ3, K.A.; SH&~QV,-Y-S.-; SHCHUKIXA, M.N. ~Rola of oxidative deamination in the mechanism of radiation protection afforded by acme amines. Zhur.ob.blol. 21 no.2.* 157-160 Mr-Ap 160. (MIRA 13:6) (RADIATION PROTECTION) (DRAMINATION) 'J7,1F-Tv'1OVA.1 Ye.V., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; SHASHKOV, V.S., mladshiy lm-achnyy sotrudnik Effect of sulfur dioxide in the air on certain biochemical indicators of buman, blood. Gig. i san. 25 no-3:18-22 Mr '60. (MIRA 14--5) !~ Iz Moskovskogo, nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta sanitarii, i gigiyeny imeni F.F.Erismana Ministerstva. zdravookhraneniya WSR. (SULFUR DIOXIDE-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (BLOPD SUGAR) (ASCORBIC ACID) (Al"FOLLUTION) z1lC.iLEBCHENKO, P.G.; SUVOROV, N.N.; SILASHKOV, V.S.; YA?j4U;E!;KO, 6.P.; MOROZOVSKAZA, L.M. Mechanism of the radioprotective action of 4: hydroxytryptophan. Radiobiologiia 1 no.5:789-791 161. (1411-1 14:11) (RADIATION PROTECTION) (TRUTOPHL1,I) - RASEF-KOV. V.S.; FEDOSEVYEV, V.M. IV -Antiradiation activity of new isothiuronium derivat4 es. Med. rad. ro.7.,25-29 161. (MIRA 15-1) (RADIATIOIT PROTECTION) (ISOTHMROI'IUM OCKPOUVIDS) MORMCHMO, P.G.; KRASNYKH, I.G.; SHASIXOV, V.S. Role of hypotheraia produced with certain substances in the mechanism of radioprotrr~tive activity. Med.rad. 6 no.4.*37-40 161e (MIRA 14--12) (HYPOTHEMIA) (RADIATIOU PROTECTIOV) (RF.SERPIVT&-- PHYSIOLOGICAL WECT) (FYRROL-.PHYSIOLOGICAL FYFECT) ADITIPOV, V.V.; 1WZNETS, Ye.I. Kymoggraphic and electromagnetic registration of drops. FarmA toks. 24 no.2:237-238 Mr-Ap ,61. (MIRA 14:6) (INJECTIONS) KHA-SNYl,Ui, I.G.- SHASHKOV, V.S.; RAGIlMON O.Yu.; GOLOVCHEISKAYA, Ye.S.; CHUMADZE, K.A. Capaci-vy of some new derivatives of purine and pyrimidine to pro-,..~-c-,. a,--ainst radiation~ Farm. i toks. 24 no.5:572-57*7 S-0 16i. 14: 10) (---,ADIATION PROTEGTION) (PIRIMIDINES) (Pu~-IIIES) S-LIAC~IKOy, V.S.; KUZNETS, Ye.I. . lj~- Comparative action in vitro, and in vive of some monoam:;noxidase inhibitors. FarmA toks. 24 no.6:675-632 161. (I-ERA 15:11) (AKENE OXIDASE) ?'LUZ,!F,TS, Ye~-!.; SIIASHKOIJ VS,~ TER-VARTAIFLAN PRIOBI-1ZHENSKAIA, MA,; -- i y SUVOBOV) N,N.; SYCHEIVA, T,P.; SHCHUKIWI, M.N. Differences in the action of some monoamine oxidase inhibitors in vitro and in v4vo. Dokl.AN SSSR 136 no-5:1231-1234 F 161. (MM 14:5) I., Predstavleno akad, A,N,Bakulevyw. (AMIIZ QXIDASE) (PHARMACOLOGY) SHMSHKOV V.S.- ANTIPOV, V.V.; RAUSHENBAKH, M.O.; CHERNOV, G.A.; - ~ - - . -Y KSUNNIKOVA, V.A. Effect of space flight factors on the level of serotonin in the blood of animals. Probl.kosm.biol. 1:258-264 162. (MIRA 15:12) (SPACE FLIGHT-POSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (SEROTONIN) TARMONENKOY S.P.; AVRUNIRA, G.A.; SHkSHKOV, V.S.~ GOVORUN, R.D. Action of radiation protectors in whole-body irradiation by high-energy protons. Probl.kosin.blol. 22388-392 162. (MIRA 1694) (RADIATION-.-SANTY MMURES) (PROTONS-PHYSIOIA)GICAL EFFECT) Z=E RE BC~M I X0, P. G~ ; K.IULSITKE, 1-'G~ j K-.'ZjTE"!'S, Ye. I,; SUVOROV, N.N. ; c . SILAISMI!, V's. ; -TAO-1011-1:KO; S.P. Rad-Joy-rotective effect of the combined use of amines. Med.rad. 762. (MTRA 15:3) (RADIATION PROTE CTION) (94IMS) ~,-n D30 2 '.,VrUr,4, G. A Shash-'-~-Q-Vt Y. a + cr w v e f c tIn- - - -lo-ya, 'v. 2, no. 1 , 125 '27 -2- 3iclo~-Jcal protecticn ar-d its dener-dence on, e n fe c t v., c. rs -L, i e d in m. -a! e v.,'- t e ni i c e ( w e i2 1 -23 cihen- f c a" 1- 'by peritonea. inlectjgr~ C-P ~'- fo~lovjjrg 10 15 ---n- ',3-- -e r e i ---n~,d 4L a-, O*n 1C.A, %( b e t a--- c rce.-ot o e t hlylam ine e l , c dichnLoronyd:,&,z;e, a-nd b e t a- ar- ino e 'UhYl i s o t h i o ur .- niu,- at- 3 7.,--/:~--ouse, ate I-.t I - 5 ::,.-J:--~ouse, 2 d Serotonin (5 -rydro:~ytryqt-amine creatin- 31, a'c) at 1 :r~- mouse. Sero-,,oriin an,, U and the S-,ntheslzed by ;Su%10rGV by protc-n -J=nulse lbeam (66C ~;.ev) at a dose 300 - 400 radl/ni.n. fro--- the synchrocyclotron at 511a Ob I yedinennyy C-zrd 11.1/3 '12r5l'S 2/C;0 2/:, 0 0--KYL;en e-ffect i-l-, D -71 6 3 G 2 in tizut 4. u y ad e s s e d o v ar-,; C L);-., b in z--- d -s -e fir c 1 e,:~, r .ho search A.1- s te S ted increlas rac SUrV-, Va- the v r-, e L 0, C) fe f 2' I ~ n o days- w~ t-,- 3 s s the razi,"e 1,070 1,"72 rall as a,7ains~ 5.9 8.7 aays -,o~ad vi-lth 1,070 1 , 5 ") G 1- -,; d - '2 e d,-i t, - -q C~j 0 C L.n be a "i,- r i bu, t e d to re,~uotion in ionizi-.L e I, i t .7 J c t--a a--ce-L .-.4on o-~' ene-v nroto-s. er~ --L -- 17 1~ . n .1 - .1 . "ield, In ~.ater u h a e -n r oo,- s 2 d ccel,~r - - -- -J - "-c", _S 4ndj -1 I t 7 7.:ev, vi~~4 c' -a- be i-~e----reted an rec. :L ---, -.- L, - . I - -- 4 n, ~- U-on of ef-'~-c-u a-c-.ear~ in n-o7,ort--', on to nartiole e -:- tie ac~-*,-;- Since the o::! e-,. e e c t ino:,eases un, 7, ra--~ -L 1-1 v i, tion sic-ness a;_ v~c---:; n-- pre--rat-ors in I.-c- the ecz S a o- ro -,e of an"I a c -n - .~4 Tj e n t al I v L,- o c a -L b o n e --- 1,. -1 ovi a s r, y 4- - n ce a t e J, w f t 1-1 r, r 0 tu 0 n s ( 66 CD e v ) a z 1 , 3 0 0 -- a d c r e 2 i3 --efelrences: b Sov-J-au-bloc --nd to tlie Publications re--,d as follo,.-is: H.-':. Oard 2/3 /C) I., Tz z ~0: e So c t a-- Patt, raube, 3 2 6 1 s .1) e o' 4 5' P- 0, Soc. , 12, '71 1952- Tr _S tj tU.~. truda i (in-ST-Uuze for '.,Ior!C T71 r - and Cc-_u D.i s e a s e s , uss-~, T~OSCGTI.F) 1 1961 Card 3/3 A I 1, T ~'Ile C) -o te'! f, t o -I 2,`-~O 73~1 in ctver vdtli aa 1,;!3.3 survi--,l t 77, ,Ad:,,inisterod 1.,y intrq-)critcn.--,fLl iiiloo-.itm ~,v-ni r radirtion tncrc Umum 250 mj/k~;; 10 - 1~) millutea before ..-X Card 112 ef,'~!c-t of ... i t of r c n C 1 o i p L, 1 z ~. -2 C t 1 r C~ f (i I :C G y t c E I t I t 0 3' :,Lie in T'L~yp "'C b"', lntrotluciil.'~ th-3 at po~:iti-)nj cri zh-a ia- do!Q ril'.L; incz.-ased in- 0r.1" -L-.J-4cal w:as int-oduced at Lhe fit".1-, !?Orl- -,:-.Ve T,"Oteezio", to tii':t o' Its Til".y h- due to sc-LC-Ctive nen'(!"ra- tiun of radicsen:3_4tive ~iszue. aru , fi,-kzr.~n aril 11 11e:Crer.- Ces: 5 Ooviet-bloo and 6 non-so-.-iet-bloc. Thva A reuon~ e.'.C-03 to the r,~ad_ L-- fo-Licr.-s: J.G. q ... n~;, Res., 11, 2, 476, 1959; 7ac,, an.4 .';xperienti%, 15, '), 175, 1959; Z-'. Baca, F. "t lexan~~-e_~' o~ randi obi clogy, London, 1955; Z _q, ta rariloi. j 41, 1, 195,~. SU31-.1'.."PIED: Auguat 29, 1961 Card 2,12 OUSHKOV, V. ".., RAZOOV013OV, B. L., NURIN, ~-,. F., I-A-)ROZOV, V. S ". I .--- -'- - ~J- I., r-p'. 0 p~-;()rMv) P. P.I. and AITTIPOV, V. V., "On the Biol,.)gicaj. EfD~ctu of High-Energy Protons" report :3ubviitted for 1che l4th Intl. AFtronautical Federation (IAF) Congrez5, Bi~)astr:maut--Tcs Comvittee, Paris,, France 25-Sep-1 Oct 63) ACCESSION NR:. AP4043503 Y" 5-methoxytryptamine (75 mg/kg), seratonine (50 mg/kg), and mercamine (150 mg/kg) showed significantly greater viability and longer mean longevity than mice given tryptamine (100 mg/kg) and 5-oxytryptophans, (250 mg/kg). In the second test, 400 mice received 660 Mev corpus- cular radiation with protons in an 1178-rad 01,100) dose. Of 160 irradiated controls, only 3 survived for 30 days. of mice admini tered radloprotectors, those given AET and 5-methoxytryptamind shoov-ed the greatest,survival. Mercamine and serotonine exerted the same I-protective influence as in the test with gamma rays. In other inves-i tigations, AET has been shown"to be an effective protective agent even during 1600 rad of absolutely lethal proton radiation* In the third test, 220 mice received 1200-ICO rad 01,100)-doses of,120 Mev protons. Of 60 irradiated controls, 2 survived.for 30 days~ The ective influence of AET, serotonine, mercamineland 5-methoxytryp- p ro t tamine was preserved in thir test. Finally, it was concluded that the relative biological effectiveness of 660 and 120 Hav protons Vael 75% that of gamma rays. Orig. art* hastj 4 tables, ASSOCIATION t None Card 13 X ,ACCESSION NR: 'AP4043503 S/0293/64/002/004/0641/0647' -..~TKQK: Shashkqv, -!j S. S.aksqr.p_y-, :-P. P;; Antipov, V. V. : Morozov.6 S. uvorov, N, N.; Pedoseyev,V, H,: TITLEt Effectiveness of pharmacological and chemical protection ,under conditions of gamma radiation and protons with energies of ,660 and 120 Hev ISOURCE: K-jamicheakiye issledovanLyo, v-0 2, no. 4,, 1964, 641-647 f fTOPIC TAGSt radiation protection. pharmacology, chemistry, radio- iprotective pharmaceutical, radioprotective chemical,' gamma radiationo'! ;]e'~'Vroton, corpuscular radintion ABSTRACT: The comparative effects of gamma and corpuscular radiation~ V !were studied using 1360 white mice. In each of three tests, the 1protective influence of AET, mercamineo serotonine, 5-methoxytryptaminat Itryptamine, and 5-oxytryptophane was tested. Experimental animals I 1were compared with irradiated controls (mice not given protective agents) and biological controls (mice under normal conditions) In the f ire t tea t, 240 mice were Irradiated with an 850-r(DL 100 boss of cobalt-60 gamma rays All irradiited controls perishede 0 t ose- Iadainistered radioprote;tive agents, mice given AST (130 ug/kg)g Cord' 1 ~3 1ACCESSION NRI AP4043503" SUBMITTED$ IlFeb64 !SUB CODEs LS, OC ATD PRESSt 3093 mo.REF sovs 019 0 ENCLs 0 OTHERI 02 L 41407-65 EWG(J)/EW-T(m) GS ACCESSION NR: AT,5003262 e,/0000/64/000/000/0066/0100 AUTHOR: Yarmonenko, S. P.. Shashkov, V. S.; Kostyanovskiy, R. G. on e TITLE: Chemical means of preventing adiati da -i'tekhnicheskoy.informatsii. SOURCE: AN SSSR. Vsesoyuznyy institut-nauchnoy Vliyaniye ioniziruyushchikh izlucheniy na organizm. Problemy trans plantats,iii regeneratsii 1962 (Effect of ionizing radiation on organisms. Problems of trans- planting and regeneration, 1962). Moscow, 1964, 66-100 TOPIC TAGS: radiation damage, chemical radiation protection, oxygen effect, chromosomal aberration, free raAfi=l, antiradiation drug, radioprotective agent ABSTRACT: The authors attempt to analyze the experimental work carried out In' recent the Soviet Union and abroad in model radiation experiments at the molecular and cellular level and on intact organisms and to relate thc~ results to the possibility of using chemicalagents in the protection of man against radia- tion. Antiradiation Peents are classified in relation to three aspects: their chemical characteristitzi, pharmacological,p;operties, and,.Protective action;..the last one, the mechanism of actioniis-preferred~by the autkors.-:.A review is - givib of the contemporary opinions as to the mechanism of action-of radioprotective Card 1/3 L 41407-65 ACCESSION NR: AT5003262 agents, i.e.-, inactivation of radicals, protection by modification of radiosensi-, tivity due to changes in the physicochemical environmentand by modification of, radiosensitivity due to chemical combination of target molecules.with-organic~ compounds, and the,oxygen effect. The authors next review the world literature. on investigations using.model systems,.(physical, chemical, physic'ochemical, and biochemical), using diverse vegetable, microbial, and animal objects.- The.'main groups of radioprotective agents consist of the mercaptoalkylamines and indol . yl-- alkylamines. The-protective action of other compounds is.also reviewed- EDTA, BAL., chlortetracycline, sodium ribonucleate, calcium pantothenate, ethyl palmitate~#, tranquillizers, antihistamines, vitamins, sex hot nes, folic acid, heparin, etc* The combined use of many protective agents has been shown to be.of great promise. The suggested use of nontoxic inhibitors of free-radical reactions for protection against radiation damage is examined. The authors end their review with an ex- amination of the practical aspect of using radioprotective agents. They point out three basic factors complicating the practical use of such protective agents: 1) During radiation therapy the protective agent must in healthy tissues and secondarily in neoplastic tissues; 2) the narrow therapeutic range of the protective agenta and their side iaffects; and 3) the ineffitctivene of the agents following fractional irradiation. To &ercome the obscaclea to tee (Card 2/3 L 41407-65 -ACCESSION NR: AT5003262 -practical use of radioprotectivea ents, the authors recommend thatinvestigations T "I 9 The carried out in the following directions:* a study-of thepharmacodyna-mics of 'radioprotective agents with differentiation:between the side effects and those :determining their protective action; the combined use of various compounds both for ~enhancing their protective actionand for reducing their toxicity; a stitdy of the i'' effect of protective agents against local itradiation on the radiosensitivity-of -T:' lindividual tissues; development of protective methods against fractional. irradia- Ition; an analysis of the relation between radiation dose, dose of the protective lagent, and the protective effect; a study of:the possibility of the topical use j of agents to protect healthy tissues in areas being irradiated; a search for ways 1to prolong the protective action.applicable to specific conditions of radiation I .therapy; a study of the possibility of a differential alteration in the radiosen-- Isitivity,of healthy and neoplastic of radioprotective and sensiti-,! f zing agents both in radiation therapy and in combination with chemotherapy; and the": search for new agents and means of protection against radiAtion* Orig. art. had-.- 11 table and 10 chemical formulas,: 1ASSOCIATION: None suBmrMD: 1ljul64 ENGL: 00 SUB CODE: LS OTHER.- 132 NO REF SOV.- 106. I Card 3/3 L 27408-65 Em(j)/Dr,(r)/M(1)AS(~)-3/E~G(v)AW(a)/Em(c)- P'64- DD/RD ACCESSION NR: AP5003895 S/0216/65/600/001/0003/000911:- M. 0.* Saksonov. P. F. AUTHOR: Parin, V. V.; AnLijov V. V.-_Raushenbakh~_ Shashkov V. S.; Chernov, G. A. TITLE: Changes in the concentration of serotonin in the blood of animals caused 6 tion and the dynamic factor the effects of ionizing radia a of space flight SOURCE: izvestiya. Seriya.biologicheskay~. no. 1* 1965 3-9 AN SSSR. blood serotonin level, ionizing radiation effect, x rays vibration, TOPIC TAGS: effectp combined f tors effec moueep rat, guinea pig, dog, monkey, acceleration, weightlessness Experiments were performed in oreur to.test the affects of space flight in orbital spaceships and of ionizing radiation and vibration under laboratory con-1 ditions on the concentration of aerotoiiin in-,-,t*4e blood of animals. The biological and Vane was. usec to. determine the concentration of method described by Erspamer serotanin in the blood. This method is basedtin the ability of serotonin .to cause I contraction of the smooth intestinal muscles of a rat. Monkeys, doges guinea pigs,! rats, and mice were subjected to lethal doses tot. gamma rays (Co") -.4n the radiati n the disruption in*the slarotonin experiments. -J dogs, bonkeys, and guinea 01#.- Card:l/ L 2-7408-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5003895 level of the blood was very marked and was in,d irect relation to the 6everit f h 'Vonc the radiation sickness while in rats and mite t e-Irrp: in the entral: on of not depend on e-ex en adiai"n~ serotonin was less marked and.did th t i: o r ury int The first group of animals developed.a:sharply def Ined: hemorrhagic 9~ndrome du'ring the course of radiation.sickness while the second group (rats and mice) (lid not evidence hemorrhagic symptoms. The chief reason for the drop in the serotonin levei--~ of the blood during radiation sickness is the disruption of the formation of tonin in the digestive tract. The concentration of serotonin in.the blood of mice and dogs carried on the fourth and fifth orbital spaceships dropped 8-10 times,in 1. mice and 3.5-10 times in dogs, on the first ar second day after return, incom- parison with the control level (0.12-0.2 Pg/ml~. . After 10 days - the sero-. tonin level of these animals returned to normal. During the period of 80 240 -days* after space flight, the serotonin level in dogs remained normal. Mice and guinea. pigs subjected to vibration (frequency: 35 and 70 cps, amplitude: 0.4 mm), for.. fifteen minutes also showed a drop in the serotonin level of the blood during the- first two days, with a subsequent return to normal. The authors-conclude that ---q.vibration is one of the factors responsible for a drop in. thd~' concentrat ion of serotonin in the blood during space flight. Orig. art. haa:- tables.. IBH)-,: ASSOCILTION: none Card 2/ - 3'- P cc EE /F, CWITI ) :V,:)/ 01) UR/0293/65/C'03/0.2/0325/0329 V. S. t i V. v B. I la. U. t 1 `1! tl on wider ccnditiona of onuat of Col.- L::x ,-a rjutc i-i c-xp,)rim=tc 3, no. 2, 1965. 325-329 X r;-,*l!r.-,i,-, ':,1crl cffert. fsolnr nolex model, radiation drug. trajectorf t,: r-,0AUn~ th- bioloF-ic!Ll efrcct of ictnizin,~; radiation -i. ~lif -10dayA its in -,ht (7 irt ur, i th~,. radiation courci it haj an cnznot at proarat b- in th,) :n n. r-.~ A, -:,.ted bioloCical unit wi3r- w,;pplicd vith t~--r f~~v 5 (1,:.'a prior to irr-Ldiation by a dooe of to c*';----!.:-' lar fl,~.:-o !n c-pace WCM. A r,:,ccnd (-,roup on the e,-:;~ or 900 r in plcxlrl-:~-- iL-,c number o., ,rr:i thvi ii: in !both cn-qea (75%). A third crob-p, red a normal -74(! CJ:-~ rr~,-.tatcd In i had 90% mrtrdity rai,~ In the a&= o!' c~~t--.tcal difensem frwi thn effect of radiation In nrincip',: In ~;,.i . ),',I of al-Artrd solar flare rr,(l unk!!:r norm&l r(n-tc) cr.l~ iticarl or ir: 'Lr.,Lca. Panult:1 of thi c)rj'3rir-~-it will be tho A .7!r CAG. zrt. hra. 3 rlFumu and 2 t ru-=.17~:;). 01E~C6% 00 E;Ln cozz::: Ls,,4.4 i';t'__.i1 006 ATD 1':.-_-,J- 21? t L WG(J)/E#T(M) ~30!t~6 ~,_E ACCESSION NR: AP 014 5 o/65/162/003/0688/0 90 5 AUTHOR: Saksonov, P. P.9 Antipov, V. V.; Shashkov, V. S..; Razgovorciv, B. Murin,_2~- F.; Morozov, V. .Z__3W TITLE: The biological effect 0~ high-energy protons SOURCE: AN SSSR. Daklady, v. 162, no. 3, 1965, 688-69o TOPIC TAGS: high energy proton, RBE, chemical antiradiati.on.agent,: AET, cystamine, serotonin, 5 methoxytryptamines,mouse ABSTRACT: The RBE of 120- and 660-Mev protans was determined for different bio-_ logical objects, and the antiradiation effectiveness of certain chi!micals was testea., .1~- The ob4ects were irradiated from a synchrocyclotron -with a pulsed proton beam (with' specific ionization of approximately 6 and 20 ion pairs per,11ifor 66o- and-120-Mevi protons,.respectively). The dose power was 400-TOO rad/min for 660-Mev protons and! 80-100 rad/min for 120-Mev protons. Different tests (not described] *concerned vital activity.and heredity were used to estimate the RBE of protons as compared i to gam a rays. Experiments showed that the RBE of 66o- and 120-Mev protons4ac- cording to LD50 criteria) for rats and mice is 0.7, and'that protons are somewhat less effective than gamma rays. Similar results were obtained by other experimenteris. Card 1/2 -4048 L -65 ACCESSION-NR:- AP5o14856 The antiradiation properties of various pharmacochemical substance-S.,46re tested- during irradiation with 120- and 660-Mev protons and. also with gamma rays. Animqlsi were injected intraperitoneally with the desired substance 15-20:min before irrad-1 iation with lethal doses~. When AET, 5-methoxytryptamine hydrochloride, or Serotoni~*'..-, creatine sulfate were injected into mice, 50-70% survived, and those,that died lived longer than the unprotected animals. With'cystamine dihydrochloride, 50% survived, and with tryptamine hydrochloride and 5-hydroxytryptophan, around 20% survived. The RBE of 120- and 66o-Mev protons, as determined by these experiments I .on mice and rats, and by other experiments on fruit flies. seeds, and other bio- logical objects, does not exceed 1. An RBE higher.than 1 was observed for 510-Mev. J protons during experiments with dogs, and for 730-Mev.protons with monkeys. The type of animal and the experimental methods used account for this difference. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 31jui64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODY.- LS:_ NO REF SOV: Oll OTHER, 003. ATD PRESS.: 4015 Card 2/2 7-7777777777777=~_ i~t_77 ..'_t7_'_1~_0__