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--'O~~Ec'l=psing =aria~ble BB Cophei. Biul. Stal. astron. obser. no.18:28-
30 '56. (r-,RA 10:6)
(Stars, Variable)
Studying soectra and maFnitudes of stare in the vicinity of
Orion's belt. Biul. Stal. Ps'ron. obser. no. 20:3-17 157.
(Stars-Observa t ions)
Studying stars in the association Cepheus 2. Trudy- GAISH 27:165-202
156. k5tars-Observations) (MIRA 12:1)
Ph,o7toqraIphic study of variable stars. Bial. Stal-astron.obser.
no.22/23:19-27 157. (MLRA 11:7)
(Stars, Variable) (Astronomical photography)
smialovs1coy. IT. it.
F,IomntH of TY Cancri. Astron. teir. no.183:17-181 JI 157.
(MIRA 11:3)
1. Stalinabadakayst astronomicheskayn observatorlya.
(Stars, Variable)
Brief remarks on 9 uninvestigated variables from the "Catalog of
stars suspected of being variables." Astron. teir. n0-177:18-19
?.'57. (MIft 10:6)
1..-4~linsbadekaya antronomicho~IF&ya-gtkqerva*torlya Akademii nauk
Tadzhikskoy SSR.
(Stars, Variable)
SIG 355/6 i i _48
AGO I/A 1-0 1
AUTHORS- Solov'yev, A.V, and Shakhovskoy, N.M,
T.TT'LE: An investigation of 50 zhort-.periodic cepheids
r 26
PFRIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Astronomiya i Geodeziya, 110,, 3; 19'1,
str;'~ct 3A265 ("Tr. In-ta astrofiz. AN TadzhSSSR", (iform-,rly Tv.,
Stoiinabadsk. astron. observ.), 1958, v. 7, 199)
TEXT- The authors present v1sual observations and re5ult5 of proc;_ssing
the observations of "'0 short-periodic cepheids o tained durin 19 - 19 - , by -%.7,
b 9 34 .48 -
1. Gur'yev. The 'ollowing stars were observedi 8W, U And, BR,. ~_P, ',7f, DIN Aq;
X, RV Ari; TZ Aur, RS, TV, TW,IFLI, UY Boo; RU CVnt RZ Ce-pi RR, RU~ RV, FA Cat,
RV CrB; UY, DM Cyg; SW Dra; M, SV, UZ BB, BC Eri ; SS For; FUR G&m; TW Her, C
SV, SZ, UTJ Hya; RR Leo U Lep; 7f Lib ' EZ Lyr, AV, Bllf, DH Paz- AIR Per; RY,
Pse; v 44o, V 6-7---' Sgr; RU Sel SX U74a, AF Vjr, Vk3n (1CF1 11 'Yne
present vicinities maps, comparison stars, mean luminosity curveS, elements, andi
epochs of normal maxima, For some cepheid.5 later cbservations of other
were -used for checking the elements. Period ch9nges were discovF-red atoiit --l-C4c~f
cepheids, In imost cases changes of perioJ are irreg-_llar-, Thlezre -are
Abst cter's note, ComDlete translation"' V_ Fajorc-%-1
ard Ul I
Investigation of 50 short-period Cepheids. Trudy AN
Tadzh.SSR 76:45-199 158. (mlRA 13:3)
AUTHORS: Shakhovskoy, N. M.? Dimov, N. A.
TITLE: An integrating stellar electropolarimeter
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya i Ge6deziya, no. 10, 1962, 18 - la
abstract IOA163 ("Izv. Kr
ymsk. astrofiz..observ.", 1962, v. 27,
291 - 308)
TEXT: The authors describe photoelectric devices for studying polariza-
tion characteristics of stellar radiation within a broad spectral range. Syn-
chronously -with rotation of an analyzer (i rev/sec), 20 RC-integrators are
switching over. After &Igreat number of revolutions, charges are stored on ca-
1~,~citors, which are propgqrtional to the average, during the.observation time,
intensity of the polariqed component of a star light for each position of the
anAlyzer. During the!ent-ire time of ,�toring, full intensity of the star light
is~contlnuously registered. A luminous standard with constant polarization is
used for the control of apparatus sensitivity. The method described enables one
f~~-obtain results independent of variations of light flux during observation.
An-increase of observation time does not lead to additional errors. The results
.09rd 1/2
An integrating stellar electropolarimeter AOOI/AIOI
of preliminary tests of the polarimeter mounted on a 40-cm refractor have shown
that the rms error of one observation amounts to 0.16% in polarization degree
and to 197 In the position of the polarization plane at the storage time of 3
min. The penetrating capacity, determined by the brightness of the night sky
background, is equal to 11m. A comparison with data of other authors (RZhAstr,
ig61, 8A344) shows that the apparatus described yields results not inferior, in
accuracy and penetrating capacity, to considerably larger telescopes at compara-
ble observation times. There are 16 references.
From authors* summary
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 2/2
- Observations of the polarization of g Lyrae. Astron.zhur. 39
no-4.755-758 JI-Ag 162. (1,MiA 15-7)
1. Listitut astrofiziki AN Tadzhikskoy SSR.
(Stars, Variable) (Polarization (Light))
g of the polarization of light in -
As qQhiuchi,
tron. tsir. no.228.'16-17 Ap 962. IRA 16-6)
1. Institut astrofiziki AN Tadzhiksk SSR
(Polarization WL7U) I
(stars, VariableT
Investigating the polarization of the radiation of variable
stars. Astron. zh-ur. . /;.0 no.6:1055-1064 N-D 163. ('Knk 16.
1. Institut astrofiziki IN Ta-dzhSSR.
Conunents on A. A. Bcdarcc~iuk-'s pa-per. Vop. kosm. 16 Z-.
(INIIIA 17. 10)
Polarization of the radiation of variable
Eclipsing variable stars. Astrun. zhur. 41
N-D 264
stars. Part 2t
(MM 18sl)
1. Institut astrofiziki AN TadzhSSR.
Image of our contemporary. Sov.foto 21 no-5--g-9 W 161o
(iaPA 14:5)
1, Fotokorrespondent zhurnala, "Sovetakiy So-.yuzn
Using the emersion method for finishing furniture.with nitro lacquers.
Sbor.vnedr.rats.pred. v les. i meb.prom. no.2;116-119 159.
(MIRA 13:8)
(Iacquer and lacquering)
~ - ~
Specialization in the factories of Main Administration of
Automobile and Tractor Parts Industries. Pvt. i trakt. prom. no.
6:1-3 Je 156. (KLRA 9:9)
1. 'Tinisterstvo avtomobillnoy promyshlennosti.
(Automobile industry)
AUTHOR: :;hakhovtsev, V.1, V - 1 15 1 - ~: ~
TITLE: The Im ,provement of .,park ?11juo (:JoV0rs',1Pn3tVnVariYe svechpy
PERIODICAL: Avtomobilinaya promyshlennosti, 1958, Nr 9, pn, 10-13 (U33R)
ABSTRACT: 3oviet plants produce spark plugs in accordance aith GOST-
2043-54. The threading is in three sizes: 10, 14 and 18 am.
The 10 mm type is produced only for the ZIL-110 car and has
a crystallocorundum insulator. The 14-mm plugs are provided
for ZIL-150, ZIL-151, "Moskvi-7h", "Volga", ZII,'. and various
motorcycles. The 18-mm plugs are Produced for GAZ-51, GAZ-
63, GAZ-69, "Pobeda", UralZIS-355Y and for tractors. The
two latter plugs have u--alite insulators. Annual spark plug
output in the USSR is several 10 million units. The author
compares tabulated ceramic masses as to their suitability
for plug production. He advocates the casting process for
plugs, recommends increased automation in the plug production
sector and analyzes diverse shapes and sizes of spark plugs,
the microstructure of the central electrode made of NYTs-5
and Kh25T alloys (Photo 5) which he thinks to be excellent,
and complains of the still insufficient hernetic properties
of the present plugs ( utich a-re inferior to those of the
Card 1/2 firr. "Champion"). T'le Dresent nickel-manganese electrode
Reliabilit.y of ignition systems. Avt.pron. 27 no.12:18-ZZ D 161.
(Fa-p,A 15:1)
1. Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy eksperimental'ny,
y institut avtotrak-
tornogo elektrooborudovaniya i priborov.
(Motor vehicles--Ignition)
GOSSE, N.P., in-An., KISLUKHril, S.V., inzh.; IIIKOL'SKIY, G.A., inzh.;
POPOV, G.S inzh.3 SHAKH)VTML,-V-I., nauchryy red.; VAGNER, A.A.,
red.; RW.-OVA, A.P., red.; KOVALISKAYA, I.F., tekhn. red.; V.U'OGRADOV,
Ye.A., tekhn. red.; ILIYUSHENFOVA, T.P., tekhn. red.
[Electric equipment and devices of motor vehicles; catalog and
reference book] Avtotraktornoe elektro-oborudovanie i pribory; katalog-
spravocbnik. Moskva, nauchno-tekhn.informatsii mashino-
stroeniia. Pt.l. 1961. 371 p. (MIRA -14:12)
1. Russia (1923- U.S.S R.) Gosudarstuve-mrjy komitet po koordinatsij.
nauchno-issledovatellskikh rabot. 2. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy-
eksperimentallmyy institut avtotraktornogo elektrooborudovaniya i
priborov (for Gosse, Kislukhin, Nikollskiy, Popov). 3. Direktor Na-
uchno-issladovatellskogo eksperimentallnogo instituta avtotraktornogo
elektrooborudoWLiya i priborov (for Shakho-vtsev).
Wle,tor vehicles-Electric equipment)
PAVLOV, f4ikhail Stepanovich; SPAKIiOVTSLV-y---V-.I,-, inzh., retsenzent;
PETUKHOVA, G.N,,, red. itd-va; VLADIMIROVA, L.A., tekhn. red.
[Organization and technical standardization of assembling opera-
tions in instrument plants] Organizatsiia truda i tekhnicheakoe
nonr.,irovanie sborochno-montazhrWkh rabot na priborostroitellnykh
predpriiatiiakh. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1962. 197 P. (MIRA 15:6)
(Instrument industryr-Production standards)
GOSSE, N.P., inzh.; KISLUKHIII, S.V.. inzh.; NIKOLISKIY, G.A.9 inzh.;
POFOV, G.S., inzh.; SHA.M110vi"EV, V.I
nauchM, red.;
RWITOVA, A.P., red. red.; AIMECMEEVA, T.V.,
tekhn. red.
[Electrical equipment and instruments for automobiles and
tractors; a reference cataloglAvtotraktornoo elektro-
oborudovanie i pribory; katalog-sprovochnik. Moskva,
TsINTDf,ASH. Pt.2. 1962. 378 p. (MIRA 15:9)
1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.)Gosudarstvengyy koraitet po koordi-
natsii nauchno-issledovatellskikh rabot 2. Ilauchno-issledovatell-
skiy eksperimentallryy institut av-tatraktornogo elektrooboru-
dovaniya i priborov (for Gosse, Kislukhin Nikollskdy, Popov).
(Tractors--Electric equipment~
(Automobiles-Electric equipment)
Ln _L, c~ sYstem In s~
arc 17:10"
Avt. p r 0 13C
eng_Lne~ 9-13 S
a7:`I-omobJLIIncgo elektrooborudolra!'iyag karlbparato"OV
6/1 b- 1 /0- 2/004/005/010/055
3102 B138
voziozonko, I. D. , Muzalevskiy, Ye. A. t and
1nvc-5ti,-ation of the generation of electrical pulses by CdSe
-3 -' " L. 0
, Ln- e crystals at liquid-ni'ro-en temperature
T (D Fiz-*'-a I-verdogo tela, v. 4, no. 5, 1962, 1132-1134
-ound t*,-.,a-l' CdSe single crystals to whicq a constant voltage
T,, i U ~ U
of 21Y~ v is c-3plied generate current pulses at nitrogen temperature. V
01 pulses is between 1 and 0.001 cps and depends on
-e intensity. The sIzes of the crystals used were 2-2-4,
2 - d I - 2 - J, Tliey were illuminated with monochromatic light with
r +- -
red spectrometer. The photocurrent was recorded
andH-3732 (14-3732) recorders. The pulses were
C) 'I an oscillograph and photographed'with a loop
c~:c _,loJra:),'-i. 31efoTe the measurements the samples were kept in the dark
-o-- then iijht ,-;as switched on and the applied volt~age was
T",,.e Crequency ~, of the observed current pulses was found
inq.!*t;~L,:,e almost linearly with the intensity of the illumination. The
-.v,- :1 16 1 c~-- i on of t he 6enera t ion of . . .B102/B138
curve has a"sha'Llow",minimum at ~1500 v. 'When the sign of the voltage
--to the sharie, tiie amplitude and the frequency of the current
ju~st~16 C zl~i 9hown in Fig- 5. The pulse generation could be damped
-nd. ovc.-, by additional infrared illumination When the
of -:ic sample was raised the pulse amplitudes became lower and
1~ r -t 4 1:Q
du------~ions lon.-er. The effect of pulse generation was'observed whether
the co.--~actj were ohmic or not. There are 5 figures.
--'0 TO'.7 :TrjS~i-U' fiziki AIN USSR K4yev (Inatitute'of Physics of the
11 - U U 4
;,5 UkrSSR, Kiyev)
7-- December 11, 1961
L~ ~nd to 17-~'-. '1~ V direct,
(2) V back.
02 q, S/la5/62/007/003/015/015
t~ D299/D301
AUT17 RS: Kononzenko, I.D., Muzalevslkyy, Ye.O. and Shakhovt-,
s_ova,_.__S. I-.
TITLE- Crystal generator of infra-low frequency pulses
P7'j 7 0
AL Ukrayinslkyy fizychnyy zhurnal, v. 7, no. 3, 1962, 338
T-':'XT: In studying the photoelectric properties of CdSe
single crystals at liquid-nitrogen temperature, the authors observed
that a photocurrent was generated by these crystals. First investiga-
tions showed that the observed effect differed considerably from that
observed by Ye.A. Sallkov and H.A. Fedorus (Ref.1: Fotoelektricheskiye
i opticheskiye yavleniya v poluprovodnikakh, Kiyev, Izd-vo AS UkrSSR,
1959). it could be of great practical value. It was established that
.,e frequency of the current pulses depend on the intensity L of il-
liLmination of the crystal, varying between 1 and 0.001 cycles. The
generation of the photocurrent may stop if a voltage below 160 volts
is applied, or if the intensity of illumination is high. The maximum
Card 1/2
(,i; of genera LJ rr-- and
n I
.Flz. tver. tela o' no.8:2541-2543 A6 '64.
Analysis of the phenomenon of photocurrent pulse generation by
cadmium selenide crystals. Fiz. tver tela 5 no.9:269&-2702 S
163. (MIRA 16:10)
1. Institut fiviki AN UkrSSR, Kiyev.
6 0 W-W-W-W-W-W- M'u.4& jai.. f
41 [
0 aI a 1 4 1 1 a 11 u u M IS 16 It IT a, Is M 33 Is Ad Is a v Is IT 4 41
11 Is 931" I'll a a 4
A- d a I U I I V I AA t
.40CIS141 ..D POCOINT-11 1-01-
00 t .9
00 ad the lbM KCI-
, -00
00 4 ; 7 +33-.
0 at 1;.
0 mor.
P ~641
. M
s .
00 -
I to% uvvr
(U. S. S. R) is, 541-
i1 .
00 V luttrvab an givve. -31sc polytbeim of the binmy my
1 .00
trus KU-11tO slums a UiWi at +22.2
IM 26.2% K .
40 On addo. of KII&M 1k temp of ON
trando"U"lou of KEI dunvam*lwou, 22.vlto 12.3'. "
000 nn tripk mtectic point lks at -io.81. 19s& Ka
2.31% XH.M. a tripk point at 22, :2 lli~-' ne*
66 j i5". KC1 bas a Kraft saltiag-out iWect an Kll.K: 800
The-systcox KCI-KHJKN-B&O forms no double compdo.
00 in the map studW but PAW solos. d KHaPOs In KCJ we
d t
V at
not vic
41 . ....... I'voo
WA4 - Soo
, 0
i t Igoe
i woo
1411064 it ON* Lift
- j
u a AT
01 IT r An& $11odo m9lwll I as a 3 4
It a
4 a
.9 r"ho T
0 06 0 0
: fee*
4 69000414
a 00 0000
U x x a
04 L A
Akit 4tk c P
P90C14"t Amp "Ovelffles wolo -00
j; "own r-- ----- -
Is th
d U
- .0
. A.
U. L
S.R.) 17. W-02(194 (in RMIM) .-Till MMY
sysivin mw Im"Ititimm" or the "Ifthor" UNOW. In
k-h v
p", m PON, a"
. Its. deld. by
roulfild unto ttw
b "m shw"I elf
brtwwo urft weil X a
4mostimalleW lit
pwokq4W. L
lomm of The t dkgmm Is diown
rludins cone . of K up to 22-W wt. %
V =90
and of um up to ag.W
ArIM J. MWer
00- lit
91-4131'. --- - 1*0. OCN-LAV
ll:V~1-049 -M 11120wo WIN 001T GlK alklal dw clov lit
I I - I is 5 1 w im 9 A
U 9 AV 10 n, I, L 4 ION
I L a ad A& iiii-dr-m-MIAO
_in "-Imov" till
P414144146 Aims 04601211#1 we#$
SquMbortum ist 6a a) 0 LCI-1111H5100.-H.0 be.
00 tworqu _11.j* mad + 1. V. A. Pullosin and M. 1.
60 Shakhparoww-Orlinkyasorv Asr. Aced.. Musocow). J.
00 a neon. (U.SS.R.) 21. 110-23(1947); cf. C.A. 34,
;:j MO. -Two WPIT points at JaCated at - 11.2" fcw Ivor,
00 '-"hl S411. of KCI knoll NII.Cl. and the solid scoln. of
N111.11,110, and K1111.1"O., and at +12.5' for the mUd soln.
0 :of N11,11,110. anti KllvPOt and the a- and A-solid sWuq.
8 4 KCI and N114CI. Tboree blenevits at alsweved at
+ .2.
IOX low Ivor And a-KCI, at + .2 low a and P woIld
0 '44114, of KCI 41141 N11'ej, okild at -9.41 low k* and NIll,.
:0 11,11"04. N11411OP04 anti KiloMforut a contillommi"
"id moins. The resulloo aft to be Used in ON-1. of
1000111 -8 -lip -cm-w-we-I
- qb u A" LI I . -V
0 so 0 IV UP 1"
:10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0
O'S 0 0 0 lil 0 0 0 O'Og_O
low 11"Imv
01, "V
0 1111116, 0 0 o600 , 0 0 0 0 00600
0 Ire
."a' 000 0000060 0 0 0000-0
PA 20/49T93
oct 48
"The ProbleL of Measuring the Density and Viscosity
of Vapors of Liquids" M. I. Shakhparoniv, Set Res
Inst of Phys, Moscow State U, 3 PP
"Zhur Tekh FIz" Vol X7ITT, No 10
Present-day methods are Inaccurate as they do not
consider volatile substances. Some other methods,
particularly thoss involving chemical analysis, are so
complex that they are almost worthless.' Author
presents a new simple method which overcomes diffi-
culties of older accepted methods, Submitted
15 Mar 48.
im 20/49T93
R -
'j~).'VChemistry - Solubility, Equation of Feb 1948
Chemistry - Organic Compounds
"A Check of the General Equation of Solubility, 11 V. K. Semenchenko., Moscow State U imeni
M. V. Lomonosov, 11. 1. Shakhparonov, Lab of Phy~) Solutions, Moscow, 111, p')
'1Zhur Fiz Khim" Vol XXII, No 2
Previously submitted ecuations for solubility were confirmed on the basis of experimental
data obtained during studies on the organic bonds of the aromatic series, aliphatic series,
and iIeak, average, and strong electrolytes and elements having dipole moments. In all
cases there waq noted a similarity. Only results obtained from Ba(ClO 4) did not agree
vrith the others.
Submitted 17 Jun 1947
PA 64T16
SolubtUty of Jc=pbor In organic solventx. IN I I
Sh.tWiparonvy. /bar (A-4. A,I t ch,
10, .1;4v 'I'ln. its
mdwalc the mii If",, , 4 nf the conilm ".,fit
"I'd . ..... It,., rill, f,,m,.utK i.olt
gt,r the wt~-" "t -inph'ar ill lh~ 11111t. it the specifird
at hich crysin. Imr1ins to take place. In %IrPh.
-24.8'. 42', --nl . 45-1 -22.2*. W; - M.0%
A501' -M.O', M' ~' 29*. and 7W~ ;f7*; in CLj,,
-1:11 2XEIr -SA-, XV,
.0j. 441", 107'. ;01,-.
13 1 '. 'W"'- I (;.A.. 1,71-, :;1
1~ _6 , tit)",. 4S :1
tit .17 1 " 0"',
I(I.1" IL10'r 21.2'. 7o"" :0).I*; ill NIC011,
11.2'-, -:N.7'. 45"; -IU.3*, ;A)- -10.1*. W, -:i_3-,
oh" 4. V, 62' ', 11.5% 66~', 1P.3% Alr~ 27.7' ; in
-]:1,. :11*11 5.8-. 3.5- 14.2'. 4r, 21.5'. Chc;, 27JV.
5c, 32.2*, #;'-, 42.6'; in 11CO01, P.41~ 5.4'. 13' - I !V,
2-V-, :;.I-. ;;.,-c OV. 40' , -0.5z. 4o', 2. V. '~v ,
-4.4% :;:1' . -13~3', 10.1*, 115' , 14 V~. 71"
751~ _1217.5%
2~, 7'. N4' : CIS*.
%;-Santonin. G. R. Clen.o. it . Owk,-r. C. Lipiti.m.
And F. I M.'Quilhn ikinit, Coll., Nritca,dr-on-Tym,
I-nct 1. ( 4e.'wy & I.dujt,v t950, 29t-2; cf. C.A. 43.
W4W. -1 is; sugjtt~trtf a,% a precursor of I., a-, and 0 -Wtl -
1011i". and Arterniin.
I I C) C( I
K. G. itotir
I Solubility of d-camphor in organic solvents N I I f. Gen Che- U.S.S.R. 20. 3V' ~!(
. fran'lmimll~. -,AC C A. 44.
I It NI 1,
Shokhmaronov, M. I. (Criticism and Bibliography) The book by 1. V. FLuznetsov "The
PrInciple of Conformity in Modern Phjsics and its Philosophical Significance". P. 99
Chair of Physics of Solutionn.
cct. 9, 1950
SO: Herald of the Moscow University- (Veatnik), Series on Physical, Mathematical
and Natural Sciences, No. 2, Vol. 6, No. 1, 1Q51
SHR KHPRKO 00V M.) - - ------ - ------
__Th 17
* SO
25, M-A-0--Ar
_~Ilmi catloti of liquid two~cqmponeht sy-.Lerns Isattanipted-_
on the baA6 of the dependence o(activity ciacims. f., do emi-
.'edmn. bl'the solvent (wbscript 1). aijdi6lut~ (Subscript 2):
'_F6 +AL - and In k,Nvi (2). the fa t1
From F (1)
-pnd a -kRT
nota =i am an
free eficqy- of, reqp., the binary -
system and the standard state (infinitely
dil.- Sola.); a 0"'!
betwtin the mean potentlatenergles of the binari~
system and of its standard state; k( m coeffs, dpending on
Chemical Abate tenip. and pmsure (04~'VOQ; Yj ;m eonsts., M. mle r6&-
VOL 48 49~ 8 7tion;,xi - no. of moles. ~*- Frolq (3); It Is seen that -f > I
1 wo
ld mean nonsoly. or reictlo~ between solven
A pr.-25, 1954 solute);, thus the signt o f 40 in'(4) is'detil. by the sign of k..:,
h o
General arg Physical GhemistrY 2
s snui
rsi at
n t
equal, for Liip. values of yr .
With the help of
-am cL
J2). F3), and (4). soIns. assified into 5 categories, . (1)
0. ideal soins. - (10 -y > 2: then for INS ~.4 0, al"41
M ~-410;~ (44 >~O- e.j.':'Ag13r-PbBrj (in examples.
solvent is even fint) PbBrrZnBr,. (b)l.<
ftcerol, NffrK. (a -Y -;2. then ford X.- 0, afnf,4/:.
-'0 -iftid 2k;
(a) k3 0-
Clulilodinc Cd-Zn- M k < 0.- e.j. Hj-T1 Cd-Sn
then f6r
if.jbN 0
Nj 0,
and blwjS,,, -4 1 k> 0; 1 (j)-KxO,` 10-
- .
. (
l mln.
) k
< 0. e_
.1n. the Aepind4ime.-of f4 on- concal;.'e.g. 1110-71cl. Hzoo:''
Neq.- - For each cntegory_~r~n k >,O. then f., > 1. fj
I and 40, _-~'O: when V
Michel 1j.
stetadctu antang wmww am PrW
artle's of wl"m M sek". (Looolow
sov State Univ.. Maeftlow), ZU 1103-10
the --M tion of It w4bbor
be cown
interactions, (0) spherical shape at t "outs With Val.
ratio < 2. (3) quasla". angsww sawl (4)
no large departure from !d= al.voia., a only. **ation
is derived similar - tbose of Hildelvanal stad SwAvacm (Z.
phys. C". 4. 117(IM), 4, 657(1891) which is valid up
to f, mole frACtkM Of Gi solute equal to 0.1 or 0.15, This
equation is: xT. - at' exp.(-rOq/R77. In in ided
10W.. the soly. would be Tbc vahm of r and $ are:
(Not - Wit), + ziet"d I a) - 21V - I)Af'. + r:),;
(:N12)11 - xfjczp(-w/kT3 I III - No)Ar: +
r,)1. ro' is the "effective or equil." radius of cam' $I*
@I is an "drective Chasm"; as; an "effectin Moment-
)ON - where x is the - , intho IM S
ftw the interawflon eneru w4i - -aw,- + P
S - (2r*, r:)Olli ~'r` , + F' )P; is is definad bir do - 9 an ' W
v.. + w. - 2rn,; x is the co6"fination no. MA wiv-
%vogadro no. No example is given. Michel Handset
i7he' ihco'ry ofthc-thiarniodynaj~ic pro c us 09tutilins
o ri
. ~
m .
1 arollov t
Loolmlov)v State laiv., -_9 71- Xhiflr.-zv;-.-
IV ca at,
137 . riterderivc(lsilly. cqlt. loll (Cf. C.A.
A .
16. 2&Ve) 15 dkr'w;cI luld lite rch,6011 bairccin tile soly-mill
the prop ties of olol., making lip the soln. is explained.
Tile Seniff 11cliko title, which "presm-s tile rekitioil bcoirevil
tile diclec. caost. of the solvent, kderived,ttud the
reLtsion between the soly. and Or- activity coeffs Of UIE:
conitiontiots of the %olvent Ls crtab!irlml. Et i-l show" t hat.
tile r1l1i,. ill coni'mution with Meat holy. data.
pentaits emn. of otbe thermodvitamic propertied of t
turatition hetwcelt tile
aild dedlictioll of tile ty1w of ill
of slittmit alld sofiltc~ If tile diclec. colm. of pare litillid
crillipimiclits of tile suAll. fi; kiltim" tile therillfal Ylla all ic I
crtic~; or tile solit. call. Ile v_%ld. without recourw to.~olv
(IM.M. The ;LML 61 fit-JI. (IC63601W (MIff litic.-Why ;MTI~ICS,
,vitil traitsitit-o from notapolas to polar %ob%uutc~:- M,ing it,
incrZe of vfftctive attraello:t betw"n ill%- m,&. ill ~i,lutv
aild solvelil. Tilcurctic.11 dollictialls ;it,- -.l%j)jlork:d 1) 'v
(pinlull expti. dal.t. Uifltvix:
The problem of -homellawrphM it
110111011" . I -
Mottrow State Univ.1. Do*Wv .41W.
'% 'i v S. X. .
-.3 -R 78, 32-3-h(1950-The diarnil I inuous
rhaiijr~ of the irtup. cneff. of the voly. at points where there
i, no change in the phys. anti clumn. peopettles of the solid
phaw. its of"myril at 21.2* for KCJ, at 22" for KBr, at I I'
tor K 1, etc.. are attributed to a chaulgir of the coardinallon
no. / of the molt. of the volvent .4 amnd the frinle. of the
Solilte If O(VUrring Within A temp. Int"Val AT. BY1011101116-
cal In sea - -(XIRr) + (All/Mrs) -
(,n sit R h. where F, - look fractim, at vatri., A - beat of
1111i"T" /,, - 11101111 IrITIP, of 8, ~ - terap.-IndtPrIldrilt
111n.-I ios) of Rvollictric and force prollertiell of A and X; 0 -
I"-. Cf*ff. - U. av~rrvf Is nearly votlen, and terall,in-
Tbiq gives awn/or - map - moo,avar).
+ and Q - rNiflk".
I'll.. 14mll, tl.-O. of MR has it junill If 07"OT re 0. 14 iv
I .... 1.~,l t--all (he it-istp. Imint at interval lo*k0i Ows/d 1,
elmnir" abruptly without change of the "Id phase. the
"BrIgman point" or *11"Sn"M regim" (a. and vlataiv.
V-I ~ 37. =11; 0, CA. ff. 19100, V. and R., C.A. Sit.
I "I'mi. 1.4111 t as expreird. likinewild by n1va-
oil 111 4 111 111 al,witer of one willd own.: e.g. for
KCI it it In"rMl from rj.2 to UP by whin. of kiltPo'
It, 4' I-v addit. of N11,11iPOi. and to -7.90 by aiddri. 4
CIXNII,I,. Ckinjivs o( the quAil-crytt. situcture of the
liquid ~ht. atay also account for obaerve(l anomallet; u(
h'al. of -In. N. Thatt
HAKHIA'-',.~ 1.1. 1. - "Certain Problems In the Phyzical Theory of
Sclutions." Sub 26 Dec 52, ',.o:3cow Order of Lenin estate U ineni
7-7 "
... ~. Lomonosov. Wissertati-.n for the Degree of Doctorates in
Chemi cal Sciences) .
SO: Veche---na,.,a l.',oskva January-December 1952
3~uKJT.vlotfuv, m. I.
"Dynamic and statistical laws of physics." YA. P. Terletskiy. Reviewed by h. 1.
Shak.hparonov. Vest. Mosk. un., 7. No. 3. 1952.
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, October, 195ii5ft Unclassified.
T e
Th aqueoicts ieidprw
in Duluni ARMtts, - chloridii, and mcin;;ZbstftutJ h
I' bites; Solublifty.polytherm In Ilia dingond. Icut of
- A-A. B
dm, L"
~ ,
ergman an
~bf)RrUnOir.: 1=61. -.StRori; -Xfism,7 Anal, I
-Niii;k _SAS
A kad
(10 .
KIM: by dis-,
52).-v-Tha hivestiguW tystem-was,obtai
- resenting- e-
thig titz 4-diniensicitial - beptit6dron - rep th
bi d
t - M~Wfli 110,
wm trkngulated,-afi4:td it
num Aim are re~
ed Lbles and on dia The crystnl.surfa~cr_ ot'
t in in grantii:'
~q fj,KJCI,~solld Whit. (MI14.K)u'po" and KNO,,-.. The
hophijsphate field -expanded, with rising'. th
temp. e
-4,A of the KN(h field, At low toemps. this fidd showed
hden~y to breakup. The(N-J4,K)CI at 10 and 20'
#iemk was divided in
- _ta-ft tta"slormation of
i 1- 1-1
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 1953. Unclassified.
r v
Theory of thennodynamic properties QLAgIuUuuz-.JV,
ty ru
o concept of
V. 1.0morwav State UnIv,, Alog.
W, zoo
Is astablishcd according to which
lherrno~ynttndc prop4ttles of saln. of Campo, A In Compa. B
.1'a'... a " of cf.AaC4 ccwrc,.tpqnd tq aggla us praperd4s:
of figIn, of 11 In A. Tho concept of
, MOM41110
as Introduced by Serneachenko (cf. CA, 26, 01) 13 d4-
fps5ed and made more prgqfie, In polgr If u1 the d[Oco...
com. 13 a monoton
c functinn of tho a ral g momput
ft- =kowvkj
Against idealistic hypothenes on the future of the univerije, and the distortion
of the meaning of the second law of thermodjnamice. Vent.Mook.un. 8 no.6;15-
31 Ja 153. NLRA 6:10)
1. Laboratoriya fiziki rastvorov. (Thermodynamics) (Cosmogony)
-- - -_ - I
Theory of solixtionB of non-electrolytes in electrolytes. Vest.Mosk.un.8 no.
9:93-96 s '53. (mT.RA 6:11)
1. Kafedra fiziki rastvorov. (Electrolytes) (Solution (Chemistry)
Theory of the thcrmod~aunlc properties--a-f-s-o-1-aff-ons,
V. The structure claolutions. the relations ofoolublUty to
temperature, and corresponding so
TMMMM(M. V. Lomonosov State Univ.,
-Fir.-Khtin. 27, 87-04(1953). cf. C-4. 46, MU, 48,-
4302a, 40, 1410b.-FronxXvIous conclusions certain.
assumptions were made a -t the Internal structure of
solos. The relation between a fluctuation in conca. and
.-the parameters that det. the properties of the particles
making up the soln. was detd. 4The tesnp. dependence of
soly. was studied and the theoretical concluslon3 verified
qualitatively by exptLresults, The concept of corrtspond-
int SoIns. based on Semenchenko's -rule is introduced.
V . Stcand-order, phase transWons In solutions.
111-17-DiscWtinittles in the derivation of the soly. with
respect to temp. for the KCI-RjO system am Explaluad,by'~
the trunsitioa In the r-asi-crjxt. structnreaf thesoln.,
off' re
.1101 in vl~riouzs al,
19 5 J,
q. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, .tpril 1953, Uncl.
2. USSF (600
4. Phenols
7. Theory of ther-.7odynardc properties of solutions. Part S. Vapor pressure
of solutions of o-niti-ophenol in various solvents. Zhur. fiz. khim. 27 No.
2, 1953.
9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April _ 1953, Uncl.
V The rules of similitude in the ffiermofplamic propel ties:
of -solutions. D. V. Deryagin and M, 1. Shakb!):irt
Juiv., ME? . :
(M. V. Loinonosov State L ~colv). lJokiadyl.
Malik S.S.S.R. 93, 516-17(INP)-A math. ~ proof is prc-w!
settled that the rule of similitude, or better "rcciprodty,"~
recently established (c!. CA. 49,14 105) call be derived frnin
very generalcon5iderations, which use no general assumptious.
about the nature of mol. forces. excvpt for their w1ditivity
and independenc,- of the orientation of mols.; these con-
siderations, are rigorously applia-tble to dispersionad forces
between 3yra. mots. The rule of reciprucity is furthcr
generalized'. The conformity of thesse rules depends on con-
ditioui controlled macroscopk-ally, based on the partial
motor vols..of the components of the solu. W. Nt
USESR/Physics Statistical mechanics of solutions FID- r_"j,-2
Card 1/1 'Pub. 129 - 7/25
Author Shakhparonov, M. I.
Title Theory of solutions
Periodical Vest. Mosk. un., Ser. fizikomat. i yest. nauk, Vol 9, No. 3,
55-60, may 19,54
Abstract Reduces the problem of a solution to the statistical-mechanical
problem of gases. Finds supplementary conditions for extending
the theory of electrically neutral solutions to the theory of
Institution Laboratory of the Physics of Solution
Submitted June 23, 1953
USSR/Physics Dielectric permeability
Card 1/1 Pub. 12a-6/18
Author Brandt, A. A., and Shakhparonov, M. I.
Title Connection between the dielectric permeability of solutions and devia-
tions of properties of solutions from the ideal
Periodical Vest. Mosk un. Ser. fizikomat. i yest. nauk, 9, No 6, 45-50, Sep 54
Abstract The dependence of dielectric permeability on concentration of solutions
CC14 -CH3OH, O-C H -CH30H, (Cfr3) CO-CHC13, CA- (C H ) t2 0 is studied.
Results proved Nal? this dependence is cl3sely relaQ 0-the deviation
of properties of solutions from ideal ones. An explanation is attempted
by studying structural differences of ideal and nonideal solutions. One
Soviet and two foreign references.
Submitted December 18, 1953
Z~ ~J ~zl
1j; S--~ -R
*thacry v I
fic-L enem'. Awl lur 0
ru"I'. M(111:- It 1,
W can L,,P-iildd6 6VIk
llurtht7; an ex onlor the soly; Is dmi d.: A
ve ti f
ul'sln'=ljei ~a
7 7;;"
, rl rj r, m r r[ r~ - I I , - ~' 1, r iI -
USSR/Physics Solution structure FD-1141
Card 1/1 Pub, 129-5/23
Author Shlenkina., N. G., and Shaldiparonov, M. I.
Title Investigation of the structure of solutions of benzol carbon tetrachlo-
ride with methyl alcohol by means of molecular scattering of light
Periodical Vest. Mosk. un., Ser, fizikomat, i yest, nauk, 9, No 7, 43-48, Oct 1954
Abstract The authors note that the clarification of the structure of solutions
and of pure fluids is one of the most important problems in the modern
physics of the fluid state; at the present time the investigation of the
structure of fluid alloys of metals is of the greatest practical signifi-
cance. Because of the extreme difficulty of studying such fluids the
authors study here the simpler but related case of nonelectrolytes, e.g.
the system C6H6-CC14-Ch3OH. They find that concentration fluctuations
develop considerably in such a system, as deduced theoretically K I.
Shakh aronov Zhur. fiz. khim., 27, 87, 1953), but depend but slightl
upon Ructuations in density and anisotropy. Because of the simplifying
assumptions (e.g. independence of orientation of each molecule from the
orientation f the neighboring molecules) the re5ard tliq!ir results as
preliminary ~see their article in DAN SSSR, 9~' 5 , 1954).
Institution : laboratory of Physics of Solutions
Submitted : January 20, 1954
AID P - 1117
Subject USSR/Chemistry
Card 1/1 Pub. 119 - 7/7
Author Shakhparonov, M. I. (Moscow)
Title V. K. Semenchenko,, an outstanding Soviet scientist
(on the occasion of his 6oth birthday)
Perl--,dical Usp. khim., 23, no. 5, 635-64o, 1954
Abstrac-t. Review of his work on the theory of electrolytes, the
theory of solutions, and an critical ints. One photo,
40 references (38 Russian: 1924-1952~0
Institution None
Submitted No date
"K -Tk Frowm of the Appvca~wty 4 the W
law of lbermodynarnks Jo large objects to the Halversq. 'i
M. L SHAKUPARONOV Zh c% per. Jeor. PZ~_27
7W. ~~~u RU
Discussion paper, The incorrectness or Yaz
r4 P Terletskii's dcrnonitration [see Abstr 7878
(1952)] of
the inapplicability of the &--c
ond law of themlo..
dynamics (confirriing Boltnturads fluctuation hypo...
thesis) is shown. 'Me attempt to haw such'a dcmofl~
stration on methods of 3tatisti-al thermodynamics.
(thus, Implicitly, an the second law)
internal contradiction. Also, TerletskWs thcoretlcal~
derivation leads to a result clashing with the prir4ples-
of stati--tiad thermodynamics, one of the fundanrittal
assumptions of which (since Smoluchovskiii-work-in:
Ahis 11-1d) is that fluctuations cannot upsefthe macro-
scopic, equilibrium. By using the %irial theorem It is.
then shown thit the equations Wwd in the derivation:
are incompatible. - D. r. XRAW
VRI' 'man-effect studies of Ilia structure Of W if
jhaj!Marouov and N. G. Shlenkina. DoAW11 79AH-
-78tudie3 were
planned to reveal th I; CA 49, 2820s.
t n beil;;~n coven, Huctualions
and the tompti. of the soln., and to. confirm the derivation
;of conclusions from the solu. theory by measuring the rtla.
9h mo,. 1 0 -
4 tive intensitK and the degtee of the Ra
zation of Jig t in liquid suins. of or re" b`M 1=
q. d
no layers. The systtmg studied which differ most In dielec
Properties were MeOR-CA, McOH-CCh --o-3;yIene:-
h MeOH
MeOR-CH&Cl. The system with s dielec. prop-
erties of the components were n-CsR#OT_1-CH# anti Meso'-
"ylenie. The results largely confirmed the hypoth-'-.
For the system Cgffr-MeOff, the results caJod. by the Bin-
st& formula, with the partial pressure of the ~amponcnts.
given by Scatchard and Ticknor (C.A. 46, 10821k), are
much lower than the exptL results of S and S. W. M.
SHAKHPAROLIOV, Klkhail Ivanovich; VATOLLO, V.V. , redaktor; KURASHOVA, N.Ya.,
tekhnicheskiy redaktor .--
[Introduction to the molecular theory of solutions] Vvedenie v
molekuliarnuiu teoriiu rastvorov. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo tekhniko-
teoret. lit-ry, 1956. 507 P. (MLRA 9:11)
(Solution (Chemistry))
USSI~/Fhysical Chemistry, 0~4or&Ldons, Theory of .".cids and Bases. B-11
Abs Jour -Ref Zhur 140 7, 1957, 22458-
Author .1. T. Shakhparonov.--
Inst Not given
Ti tle on the problem of structure of soluticn.s.
Orig Pub Zh. neorgan. kdlimii, 1956, 1, No 6, l194-12ol.
Abstract Data was studied concerning the fluctuating structures (FS)
of series of non stratified solutions and the influence of
FS on solubility, dielectric penetrability, and other solu-
tion oronerties. It is shown that FS represents an important
feature of liquids structure. A systematic study of FS opens
new pcssibili-ties to explain man -peculiarities of structure-
property curves-
Card 1/1 -160-
USSR/Atomic and Molecular Physics - Statistical Physics. Thermo- D-3
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 4, 1957, No 89067
erroneousness of the Clausius hypothesis there is no need
for going outside the framework of thermodynamics and to
resort to statistical physics and group theory.
Card * 2/2
Concerning the discussion on the theory of molecular structure.
Zhur.fiz.khim. 30 no.9:2122-2123 S '56. (MIRA 9:12)
1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M.V.Lomonosovao
TITLE On the Theory of the Polarization of Dielectrica.
PERIODICAL Dokl.Akad.Nauk,111, fusc.4, 815-817 (1956)
Issued: 1 / 1957 k
Here a macroscopic sample of the dielectricum. A consisting of N N
molecules of the components 1,2,...,k, which occupies the volume V and is fit-
ted in 'the vacuum, is investigated. Outside the sample a certain distribution
of immobile charges, which generate the field E01 is assumed to exist. Under
the effect of the field E 0 the electric moment ME amE0 is induced in the
sample. The macroscopic polarizability a of the sample can be represented in
c 3 8 m
form of the sum a =a + a , where a denotes that part of polarizability which
M m m m c
is due to the influence of the surface of the dielectricum. a m does not depend
on the influence exercised by the surface. The author derives the equations with
which it is possible to compute a c and ap on the basis of the experimental data
m m C s
concerning the dielectricity constant of the dielectricum A. a m and a. can be
divided into an induction- and into an orientation component:
a0 =(a0) +(ac S s s The orientation components are connected with
m M or M)in' 'm~('m)or+('m)i1-
the existence of dipoles in the molecules of some components of the dielectricum.
The induction components are due to electronic and atomic Polarizability of the
Dokl.Akad.Nauk,lll,fase-4,815-817 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1938
molecules. The following relations are obtained: (a C) +(a 3) -M 2/3kT,(ac)
m or m or s m in+
+(as)i,-(31(' c,+2))/((~~00-1)An)V. Here denotes the dielectricity con-
m 00 ->
stant of the substance A at high frequencies; M - that part of the total
4 s
electric moment L,~, which is connected with a certain configuration of-the
molecules and doesonot depend on the exterior field E0 in the case of an as%smed
configuration. If it is assumed that there is no remote order of orientation
in the sample and that the dimensions of the sample are large compared to the
distances at which correlation between the orientations of the molecules plays
an important part, it is possible to neglect the changes of fluctuations of M s
On these conditions we find: (as)o =-2(E -1) M /(E +2)(2E +1).3kT, ac-- . N
- m r M
=(3/(~ +2))((E -1)/4n)V,(a i denotes the average polarizability of the molecules
of the type i.),(a s (a - ;~ Nia- - (31(Ew +2))((Zoo-1)/4n)V, ac
M)in-02 Din 1 i in
s=_(, _1 )2(E
= (3/4n)((2t +E )/32F)W-1)/(~ +2)) V a V/,' (E cc +2) 2 n,
00 00 M M.
= M2 /3kT = V(E - ~o ) (2 +1)/4n,(E 00 +2). In conclusion the polecular polarization
of the dielectricum and its share in orientation is determined. The forces with
short range and the energy of the interaction among polar molecules is neglected.
INSTITUTION: Moscow State University.
Shakhparo-nov, Mikhail Ivanovich
Ocherki filosofskikh problem khimii (Outline of Philosophical
Problems in Chemistry) [Moscow] !zd-vo Moskovskogo univ-ta,
1957. 265 P. 3,500 copies printed.
Sponsoring Agency: Moscow. Univers1tet.
ED.: Kondra3hkova, S.F.; Tech. Ed.: Yermakov, M.S.
PURPOSE: This book is a manual for university students majoring in
the sciences.
COVERAGE: This book discusses some problems of the philosophy of
natural sciences from the point of view of dialectical materialism.
The field of chemistry and to a certain degree physics were chosen
as the basis of these considerations. The book states that all
branches of chemistry will continue to serve as a rich source of
concepts promoting the development of Marxist-Leninist philosophy.
Card.l/ 7
Outline of Philosophical (Cont.) 878
On the other hand, dialectical materialism became an indispensable
element in the development of scientific research, and serves as
an indispensable tool in verifying doubtful theories. Several
general problems of science can be successfully solved by the
application of the principles of dialectical materialism, e.g.,
classification of sciences and the historical development of
sciences. The author expresses his gratitude for the cooperation
or the following persons: Ya-I. Gerasimov, Corresponding Member,
AS USSR, Yu.A. Zhdanov, Candidate of Philosophy, and
Yu-I. SolovIev, Candidate of Chemical Sciences (review and com-
ments]; G.V. Platonov, Professor, A.P. Gagarin, Professor,
Kh. M. Fataliyev, Professor, V.M. Tatevskiy, Professor, and
K.G. Khomyakov, Professor, [reviews of separate chapters of the
manuscript]; and M.Ye. Martynova [assistance in preparation of the
manuscript for printing].
Card 2/ 7
Outline of Philosophical (cont.) 878
Introduction a
Ch. 1. Relationship Between the Natural Sciences and Practice 17
1. Fundamental active contradictions of the development
of the natural sciences 18
2. Practice and the "internal logic" of the development
of sciences 20
3. The "latent" or "induction" period in the life of
scientific discoveries 27
Ch. 2. Principles of Periodicity in the Developffent of
Science. Dialectics and Metaphysics in the Natural
Sciences 32
1. Critical review of the existing concepts of periodicity
in the development of the natural sciences 33
2. The metaphysical method and the natural sciences 45
3. Mechanisticism and metaphysics. Mechanisticism and
dialectics 59
Card 3/ 7
Outline of Philosophical (Cont.) 878
4. Maingeriods in the development of the natural sciences
and emistry 66
Ch. Principles for the Determination of the Subject Matter
of Science. The Subject Matter of Philosophy 77
1. Introduction. Formulation of the problem 77
2. Basic principles for determining the subject matter of
science 81
3. The subject of Marxist philosophy 85
4. Other definitions of the subject of Marxist philosophy go
5. The subject of philosophy of natural sciences 93
Ch. 4. The Subject Matter of Chemistry In the Early Periods of
Its Development 97
1. Forms of motion of matter 97
2. Critical review of certain definitions of the subject
matter of chemistry 99
3. The subject matter of chemistry in ancient times and in
the Middle Ages (up to the second half of the 15th
century) 101
Card 4/ 7
Outline of Philosophical (cont.) 878
4. The subject matter of chemistry during its formation
(second half of the 15th century-second half of the
18th century) lo6
5. The subject matter of chemistry during the period of
formulation of stable theoretical foundations of
chemistry 3.13
Ch. 5. The Subject Matter of Chemistry During Its Differ-
entiation. Part 1 121
1. The subject matter of general and inorganic chemistry 122
2. The subject matter of organic chemistry 134
Ch. 6. The Subject Matter of Chemistry During Its Differ-
entiation. Part 11 145
1. The subject matter of analytical chemistry 145
2. The subject matter of physical chemistry 158
3. The subject matter of modern chemistry 173
4. Trends in the development of chemistry 175
Card 5/-1
OLIMM of PhIlo3ophical (Cont. ) 878
Ch. 7. Principles of Classification of Chemical Sciences.
Classification of Natural Sciences 18o
Chi 8. The Dialectics of a Series of ConceDts in Chemistry 186
1. Brief history of the development of the "chemical
element" concept 187
2, Contradictions between the concepts of "weighable"
and "we-htless" elements 189
3- Contradiction of negation 191
4. Contradiction of simplicity 195
5. Relation between the concept "chemical element" and
the atomi3tic theory 197
6. Grains of absolute truth in the content of the "chem-
ical element" concept 198
T. Definitions of the "chemical element" c oncept 199
8. The main contradiction of the "complex chemical sub-
stance" concept 200
9. On discussions of the content of basic concepts in
chemistry 207
Card 6/-(
Outline of Philosophical (Cont.) 878
Ch. 9. Materialistic and Idealistic Trends in the Theory of
Molecular Structure
1. Theory of A.M. Butlerov, its role and development 214
2. Critical review of the theory of mesomerism and theory
of resonance 223
Ch-10. Certain Philosophical Problems in Quantum Chemistry
1. Interrelation of chemistry and quantum mechanics.
Methods of quantdm chemiatry 239
2. Idealistic assumptions In quantum chemistry. The
theory of resonance and quantum mechanics 249
3. Gnosiological roots and certain characteristic features
of "chemical" idealism 258
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
card 7/7 12-15-58
-- ,
"Thermodynamics of solutions"
Reviewed by M.I.Shakhparonov.
Jl '57.
(Solution (Chemistry))
by V.A. Kirillin -,Tid A.B. Sheindlin.
Zhur.fiz.khim.31 no-7:1662-1663
(MIRA 10:12)
(Kirillin, V.A.) (Sheindlin, A.B.)
PHASE 1 P00Y -11T ATION' 904
Shakhparonov, Mikhail Ivanovich
Dialekticheskiy materializm i nekotoryye problemy fiziki I khimii
(Dialectical Materialism and Certain Problems in Physics and
Chemistry) Moscow, Gospolitizdat, 1958.. 86 P. 50,000 coples
Ed.. Samsonenko, L,... Tech., Ed- Ylukhln, Yu.
PURPOSE,, This book is intended for teachers of philosophy and natural
science to be ussd in the "struggle of materialism against
Ideallsai" in the study of the natural sciences.
COVERAGE. This book was prepared from lectures delivered by the author
in 1956 at the Mcscow State University. The author discusses the
dialect-ical meterialist approach to certain problems In ph sics and
chemistry with emphasis on relativity (special and generals,
quantum theory, and molecular structure. He also criticizes the
Idealls t1l approach. No personalities are mentioned. There are
no references
Card 1/1
Dialectical Materialism and Certain Problems (Cont 9911
Fl'om the Author
Ch, I , Dlalectlcal Materiallsm arid Tlieory of Space, Time and
Gravitation 3
1. So-me definitions
2. The pre 3
-classic period of development of the theory 5
3. The class!(. theory of space, time and gravitation
4. The physical content of the special theory of relativity 13
5. Materialistic and idealistic considerations In the special
theory of relativity 24
6. Materialistic and Idealistic considerations in the theory
of gravitation 30
Ch, II, Dialectical Materialism and Problems of the Quantum Theory 30
1, Introduction 39
Objective content of the quantum theory and its signifi
cancp for a materialistic world outlook 40
Card 2/3
SH.AdEPAR011011, M. I. and LAMEMAY L. V.
"The Microstructure of Sound"
report presented at the 6th Sci. Conference on the Application of Ultrasound in
the Investigation of Matter, 3-7 Fab 58, MOSCOV, organized by Min, of Education
PSFSP and Mosco-w Oblast Pedagogic Inst. im N. K. Krupskaya
Methods of preparing scientific workers and teachers of insti-
tutions of higher education. Vest.Mosk.un.Ser.mat.,mekh..aetron.,
fiz.,khim. 13 no.1:235-238 '58. (MIRA 12:4)
(Science,--Study and teaching)
A UTHORS: ',efasinov, Ya. I., Corres2ondine tiember 30-55-7-35/49
AS IJSSP. Sha-'_h~cxonov. Y1. I., Do 'or o? C' emical Sciences
c 6 11
TITLE: T'-.eriodyn~i:~ics ~inll th~ Strizeture of Solu'uions (Ter:nodinamika
i Otroyeniyc r~.CtVnr-,V) Tr-A.nsact ions of the Conferenca in
Mo_-cow v Mos-,
PERIODICAL: VoOtnilz Akar~emii iauk SSSR, 1958,~,!Tr p,,. 122 - 124 (TUISSF)
-USTRACT: ~211is was callc,'L 'Li the De~,2art-_-cnt of Chemical
Science,- of the AS USSR ~~,-,,d V.. ChemistryDepartment of Moscow
University (Otdoleniya khi~-,iichaskikh nauk Akademii ra-uk SSSR i
khimichesk-l"', fakulltet 11ostrovsko-o universiteta); it convened
fro.-7, January 27 th to JanuarY 30t~- It was attended by about
600 physicists, chemists and thermal power engineers from the
Soviet Union as well -as from the people's democracies. Problems
of statistical mechanics were discussed. In the development of
modern molecular theory of solutions new methods are being
wor.7-:ed out-The theory deals with new methods of mechanical sta-
tistical co,111putation of the thermodynamic and kinetic properties
of multicomponart systems~ The existing imethods permit a
sufficientlIr ei-act, computati.)n of the free energy as well as of
Card 1/4 the properties of the dil,,:,ted solutions of electrolytes and non-
The c s -%nd the S~'I-T~I.Ctjjre of Solutions. 70-58-7-35/49
Tra-nsactions of the Confev~,::ce in
-electrol%'es co;jn.:?cted with it; amon~~ the mentioned methods
those cu,----ested b, IT ~ N Bo.-alyubov and his collaborators are of
.-rentest In the reports and discussic.-Is on the st-.-
ti~-,tical Vneory of solutions particip-,ted *L.Ye.Glauberm.-Ui, A.Z.
Goli'~, O.A.Yesizi, G,Kullbl-, Ger~,ian Democratic Republic (GDR),
V.A.Kozheuiov, G.I,.MI-J':izlin.. I.I.I.Usanovich, G,Fallkenkhai~en, German
Democratic Re.-)ublic, I.Z.Fisher, 1,R.Yukhnovslziy and others.
The ,-.iain part of thc! reports and irif ormat, ions dealt with the
i~roblef:is of the molecular structure of the solutions, The consid-
eration of so-.e ~roblc-::is of the theory of fluctuation played an
im~:ortant part, G.?,:.B.artenov, I.V.Fv.;,:sg I,R,Krichevsk-iyv B~B.
Kudryavtsev, V.F.Nozdrev, G.P.Roshchina-, V.P.Skripov and others
partici,)~,ted in th~- rcports and the discussion concernin.- the
problems of theory of fluctuations and critical phenomena.
Great uttention was Daid to investiL"ations of solvatation, asso-
ciation ~-,.nd dissori~-,tior, of molecules in the solution by optical
and thermodyramic nethods. H.A.Iz~maylov, V.L.Levshin, Sh.
Lend I.yel,Hunl-ary (V---n-riya), A.Ye.Lutskiy, S.1.11ints, Poland
(1101'sha), V-P~Ui'.-ol'skiy, G.L.Starobinets, -I.M.Sukhotin, Yii.I.
Card 2/4 Solov'yev, !'I.I.Us~~:-,ovich, B.I.I.Chulanovsk.-iy, K.B,Yatsiziirskiy and
S~ of Sol!" tio::s. - 0 - -5 7 - -3 5 /49
of t.-.c in
!'clive-,ed re,,orts ,-nd on those proble2;s.
So.-.-.c .~roble:s concernin- pheno.:enolocic-l t,,.emodyna.,Iics of
lil!Uid solutions ,,,ere also discissed. TI~C lii,its of
of the first law b- Konova-lov and the second law
f7 9 1! 1,~ 4
u o L.~;rd compo-ent
0~1 t,.je --o1 Lv of s,~lts in water vtao investi,zAed. The thermo-
of a series of m~!tallic alloys ,-.-ere inve-
o t t'ne ro-,-ults of research viork of oversaturated
solut-ions- --ientione~. The of the re-~orts and discus-
r,ions jo-in-ed O.A.Yesin, A.G.
11.7.sventoslavs,:iy, (.Pol-nd), A.V.Storonkin, M-LI.
~~Cv, -rr! ot'.:ers. On of t~,.c Coa.-Attee
c--7 of t, AS ulj,;?, ,o
o n o-f indis-enp,-ble for thc of
Zcic-:,t--f-ic in tris field. The confere-ce recorded the
ande=ors in tne develo-.1,flent of research .,,,orl- in t-lis
C-~r` 3/4 field ::1eactires or a cuccecsful development.
vV3!j.j p It. 4-1 M
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Ao-o-d~~";"f -A 'I
AUTHOR: Shakhparonov, M. SOV..,' tb-32-b-36146
TITLE: On the Influence of the Fluctuation on the Dielectric
Constants of Homogerzous Systems (0 vlitri.,nii fluktuut3iy nL
dieiektricheskuyu pronitsayemoss' odnorodnykh sy~;tem)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 195b, Vol. 32, Nr 6, pp.
1,114-1,115 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Yroceeding from the statement that the fluctuation dependent
on heat motion can be represented as superposition of
harmonic oscillations with corresponding parameters, the
author carried out a mathematical deduction. If in the
homogereous medium in three directions perpendicular to
each other, harmonic heat motions are proparated a periodic
change of the local dielectric constant will take place, with
the local deviations from the mean value changing the
macroscopic value. From the final equations obtained may be
seen that the dielectric constants of liquids must come to
lie near the critical point, or that a still stronger decrease
is to be expected near the area of the critical lamination
C;-rd 1/2 in soiations containinZ ,oi~r and unoiar components. This
. , r- , .
On the fiffluence of the L"iLICtui,tion on the
Dielectric Constants of' Homogru-mus Sytitems
way the concentration fluctuation will effect a negative
deviation of the macroscopic dielectric constant from the
additive one, which is in agreement with the observations
concerning the relay light dispersion in such solutions.
The assumption that in the critical area a maximum of the
dielectric constant exists, is therefore not correct. To
a certain extent anaiogouo conclusions may be drawn also
for the magnetic permeability and conductivity of homo5ermus
systews. There are 6 references, 2 of which are Soviet.
Moskovsk4y gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova
kMoscow State University imeni hl. V. Lomonosov)
April 22, 195't
1. Liquids--Dielectric properties 2. Heat transfer
3. Mathematics
Card 212
AUTHOR: M.. J. SOV /-1 05-32-6--,1614- 05
TITLE: Chronicle (4ironika)
ctransactiozn~i of thg Conference oil the Theroodynamaics and the
Structure of Solutions. The Deciziina Made by the Conference on
Thermodynamics and the Structure of Solutjions (Soveshchaniye po
termodinamike i stroyer-iyu r-astvorov. Resheniye soveshchaniya
po termodinamike i stroyeniyu rastvorov)
PFRIODICKL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1958, Vol. 32, 1Tr 6,
PP 1437-1445 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: This conference had been or,,anized b~- t1ke Departmont of Chenical
Sciences of the AS USSR as viell as b~ Dept. of Chimistry of
YLGU, and took place from January 27-30, 1958 at the Cheraical
Faculty of MGU- 70 lectures were held. More than 600 scientists
from MOSCOW, Leningrad, Kiyev, 1-11insk, Khar1kov, Sverdlovsk and
other towns of the USSR attended this conference; also Professor
Sh. Lendlyel and boctor E. Beres from the Hungarian People's
Republic, Professor G. FalikenkhaCen and Doctor G. Kellbg from
the German Democratic Republic, and Professor S.Mints and
Doctor K. Zemborak from the Polish People's Republic attended
Card 1/4 it. The plenary session was opened by the Chairman of the
Chron-icle.Erransactions of the] Conference on the Thermody- SOV/76-32-6-46/46
namics and the Structure of Solutio.". The Decision Made bY the
Conference on the Thermodynamics and the Structure of Solutions
orUanizational committee Ya.I. Gerasimov; then the following
scientists delivered lectures (title and contents of the lec-
tures are given): N.A. Izmaylov (Khar1kov), M.I. Shakhparonov
(Moscow), A.Ye. Glauberman (L,vov), O.Ya. Samoylov (Moscow),
Ya.I. Gerasimov (Mloscow), A.F. Knpustinskiy (Moscoyt), K.P.
L'Iishchenho (Leninarad), A.Z. Golik (Kiyev), K.B. Yatsimirskiy
(Ivanovo), V.M. Chulanovskiy (Lenincrad), V.L. Levshin, Ye.G.
Baranova, L.D. Derkacheva (Moscow), B.S. 'Neporent (Lenin.-rad),
E.F. Vuks (LeninL;rad), B.P. 2iikollskiy (Leningrad), I.I.A.
Styrikovich (Moscow). The followinC lectures of the contributions
made in the b-Eneral section of 'the conference are mentioned:
I.P. Krichevsl:iy and I.T.Ye. Y-hazanova (Moscow), V.F. Nozdrev
Woscow),, Bartenev and A.A. Remizova (Moscow), A.V.
Storonkin and A.G. Morachevskiy (Leningrad), A.V. StorOnkin
and M.1,11. Shults (Leningrad), I.T. Sryvalin and O.A. Yesin
(Sverdlovsk), B.B. Fudryavtsev (i.-oscow), D.D. Tsiklis (i.'Loscovl),
and G.D. Yefremova (moscow). In the section for the thermo-
dynamics of electrolytic solutions the following lectures -are
Card 2/4 mentioned: G. Fallkenkhagen and G. Kellb.- (German Democratic
Chronicle.[Transactions of the]Conference on the Thermody- SOV/76-32-6-406/46
namics and the Structure of Solutions. The Decision Made by the
Conference on the Thermodynamics and the Structure of Solutions
Republic), I.R. Yukhnovskiy (Llvov), S.V. Tyablikov and V,.V,
Tolmachev (Moscort), C.I. Mikulin (Verkhneye), V.A. Kozheurov
(Chelyabinsk), &J-4. Sukhotin (Leningrad), N.A. Izmaylov, V.A.
Kremer, L.M. Kutsina and Ye.V. Titov (Khar1kov), V.P. Vasillyev
(Ivanovo), Sh. Lendlyel (Hungary), K.P. I.Tishchenko and A.M.
Ponomarev (Leningrad), Ye. U. Vasenko, A.P. Chernyavskiy and
N.V. Cherna (Kiyev), V.V. Aleksandrov and Ye.F. Ivanova (Khart-
kov), S.A. Shchukarev, L.S. Lilich, V.N. Timofeyev (LeninErad),
Ye.I. Akhumov and Ye.V. Pylkova (Leningrad), G.I. Mikulin (Verkh-
neye), S.I. Drakin and V.A. Mikhaylov (Moscow). In the section
for the thermodynamics of non-electrolytic solutions the
folloivinC; lectures are mentioned: I.Z. Fisher and V.S. Kuzmich
(Minsk), N.A. Batolin and O.A. Yesin (Sverdlovsk), G.L.
Starobinets and V.F. Tikavo_r (Minsk), C.L. Starobinets and N.G.
Ariko (111insk), 1J.F. Lanntratov and A.F. Alabyshev (Leningrad),
V.V. Sventoslavski and K.P. Zemborak (Poland), A.Ye. Lutskiy
and Ye.M. Obukhova (Y-har1kov), M.I. Usanovich (Alma-Ata), A.S.
Barkan (Minsk), L.V. Lanshina (Moscow). In the section for the
Card 3/4 structure of solutions the followinE; lectures are mentioned:
Chronicle. [Transactions of thelConference on the Thermody- SOV/76-32-6-46/.16
namics and the Structure of Solutions. The Decision Made by the Conference
on tile Thermodynamics andIthe Structure of Solutions
S. Uints (Poland), L.V, Levshin (moscovi), E.Ye. Vaynshteyn and
I.I. Antipova-Karatayeva (Yoscow), V.V. Zelinskiy, P.P. Kolobkov
and I.I. Reznikova (Lenincrad), 1A.U. Beliy (Kiyev),GAI. Bar-
tenev (Moscow),, A.Z. Golik (Kiyev), G.P. Roshchina (Kiyev), IT.G.
Shlenkina (Tula), M.I. Shakhpaicnav.(Moscow), A.M. Sarzhevskiy
and A.:T,. Sevchenko (Minsk). The conference passed a resolution
,which is put forward in this paper. This resolution is divided
into 7 parts with subdivisions being made for different problems.
The success of Soviet science in this field to this day is
mentioned and then it is pointed out that development is still
insufficient, and "hat'the necessary steps have to be taken for
a planned and intensive extension of this program. Symposia on
subjects are mentiwied with the correspondino scientists being
mentioned. Other decisions are nade, e.,-. on publications, a
better collaboration amonC.-; the scientists etc.
1. Chemistry 2. Thermodynamics 3. Scientific reports
Card 4/4
Vserossiyskaya koaferentsiya professorov i prepodavateley pedagogicheskikh
Frimeneniye uIltreakustiki k issledovaaiyu veshchestva; trudy konferentsiy,
vyp. 9 (Application of Ultrasonics in the Study of Substances, No. 9) Moscov,
Izd, MOPI, 1959. 245 p. Errata slip inserted. 1,000 copies printed.
Eds.: V. F. Nozdrev, Professor, and B. B. Kudryavtsev, Professor.
PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for scientists specializing in
ultrasonics, and for those interested in the application of ultrasonics to
the study of the properties of materials, and to the quality control of Mach-
ined paxts and structural elements.
COVERAGE: The collection constitutes the transactions of the A11-Russian Con-
ference of Professors and Teachers of Pedagogical Institutes. The articles
report on recent theoretical and experimental investigations in the field
of ultrasonics and discuaa the application of ultrasonics to the study of
Application of Ultrasonics (Cont.)
materials and to the quality control of machined parts and structuraJ
elements (defectoscopy). No personalities are mentioned. References ac-
c"Y most of the articles.
Rzhevkin., S. N. [MGU imeni Lomonosova (Moscow State University imenl
Lomonosov)). Contribution to the Theory of the Ultrasonic Inter:-
ferometer 3
Shakhparonov, M. 1. [Moscow State University imeni Lomonosov]. On
the Possibility of Investigating the Function of Distribution of
D6nsity Fluctuation From the Data on the Speed of Propagation of
HyperBonic Waves 9
Amirkhanov, Kh. I., A. M. Kerimov, and B. G. Alibekov [Dagestanskiy
filial AN SSSR (Dagestan Branch of the Academy of Sciences USSR)].
Investigation of the Specific Heat Cv of a Liquid by Direct Measure-
ment and Comrarison of the Results Obtained With Values of Specific
Heat Cv Found by Means of Ultrasonics 23
24(6) PHASE 1* ---.-?!,,!-AT!C1N z S':
A,k4drmIya nauk 33SR. Ctlclntye nau.4
Termadinamika I mtroyaniye raot./orov; rruty uovestichan-1ya...
(Thermodynamics arul Structurc of solutions; Transactl~n3 0" tre
Conference Held January 27-30, 19581 Moscow, 1--d-vo " S55R,
1959. 295 P. 3,000 copies printed.
Zd.: M. 1. Shakhparonov, Doctor of Chemical Sciences; Ed. of Publishing
Houses M. 0. Yesorov; Tvch. Ed.i T. V. Poly&kova.
PURPOSIt This book In intended for physicists, chemts%s, and
chemical engineers.
COVERAGE% This collection of papers was originally presented at the
Conference on Thermodynamics and Structurv -'r Solatlons sponsored
by the Section of Chemical Sciences of the Aoadmy c.1 Sciences,
USSR, and the Department or Chemistry of Moscow Sta~a University, ,
and hold In Moscow on January 2T-30, 1958. Officers of the
ocnilgronce are listed in t4a Forewq_MA list of 0-.::er
also rsiad-at~-thi-coiif-Wrnia, but
ed Cn
not !Kclud
am given. Among the problems treated In this warx are:
electrolytic solutions, ultr4nonle measurement, lleectrlc
and thermodynamic properties of various mixtures, spectro-
Gooplo Anstlysior lito. Beferenzes accompany Indivilux. articles.
-W -0-
i:WW n1F7Vr bl6jj
of Monelectrolytes 36
Skrizsox-7-2- Fluctuation of Energy in Solutions and Their
-Xi-lation to Heat Capacity 43
Fisher I Z and V. 1. fts'laich. Molecular Theory of
asod X. Ye. Kh=anova Critical Phenomena
stems 49
jUArsx_j--F- Study of the Critical States of lnd-~*-Iual
Compounds and of Their Mixtures With the Aid or
Methods 56
-ftXj2"X-A-jL' " A. A.-992=11za- Phase Transitions In
Simple systems and Thirr-MI-asalflaation 67
JI'd ~a Use of 'Mtraossmia Keasuremignta In 72
t of -~iuth--
and. X. 1. Zesstbarak. Transforzati-on of
Binary Hateroazootropes Int-o-Ho-m-o-a-z-oo-f-ropes and Homozooz.-opes 79
A. 0. Aoractey2)Sly- Applicabll-':y of
xonovmlovs Vrevalff-y-A-riwato Ternary SolutIono: ST
/C U=1:11CIAL' *1 and M. M. 3hul-t, Relation of Thermo-
dynamic Proportion of-Saturated and Nearly Saturated T*rnary
Solutions to Their Composition 93
Thermodynamio Properties or Water 1z
Solutions or ziectrolytes 97
naylov-X,A.-Plasoclation of Electrolytes in locaqcsous
S-o utions 105
Ale and-ri, V. Ivanova Th:rzodytsaxic Propor-
~."n."u.;L"V3 _ ;. yt 3,
or monactuccus olutiona srlile.~
I=Aylov, K. A., V. A Kme :r# L. M. Kutayna, and Ye. V.Titov.
Study of the Effect oi S
Y nts an the Strength of Acids by
Means of Optical Methods 122
-P-k Dissociation of Acids And Complex Compounds
and Methods or StudyIng It 126
TA1Mimit;rak!%1y, K~~B. Change In Thermodynamic Functions 1.
Rolla Association of long in solutions
VANIVY46T. 1. i. Thermodynandom of "Aquacomplexes, 140
-1tv5YA1-&dQr- Stdy of Partial P'ressure of Solvent In
AQU40011111 Solutions of Xlectrolytoo 144
Mi IfillL. Interactions or Proton With Molecules (Water,
- -1
-nn ak
yl X l Alcohols)
AUTHOR: ShakhparDX-, V- I, Doctor of Chemical SOV/30-59-4-48/51
TITLE: New Investigation of the Theory of Solutions (Novoye issledo-
vaniye po teorii rastvorov)
PERIODICAL: Vestnik Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Nr 4, pp 146 - 148 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: This is a review by the abstracter concerning the book written
by 0. Ya. Samoylov. In 1957 this book was published under the
title "Struktura vodnykh rastvorov elektrolitov i gidratatsii
ionov" by the Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences USSR.
(182 pp~ 4,500 co-pies , 6 roubles, 30 kopeks).
Card 1/1
S/058/6 1/tOO/O 10/060/100
AUTHOR: Shakhparonov, M.I.
Fluctuations in solutions
PERIODICAL! Referativnyy zhurnal. Fizika, no.10, 1961, 219, abstract IQD17 (V
sb. "Kritich. yavleniya i fluktuatsii v rastvorakh", Moscow, AN
SSSR, 196o, 151 - 16G)
'TEXT". The author emphasizes importance of fine-structural fluctuations of
d-ansity and concentration for understanding the properties of liquids and solu~.
~Ion_a. Fine-structural fluctuations are defined as such proceeding in small
volames for which the therhio-dynamical fluctuation theory is inapplicable, A
typical example is fluctuations of coordination numbers in a liquid. The results
from the theory of effect of fine-structural fluctuations of *the binary solution
con~~tentration on its dielectric properties, developed by the author, are.present-
ed And discussed. The theory explains well the experimentally observable con-
cen-,ration dependence of dielectric constant of acetone and nitrobenzene solu-
t,lon5 in nonpclar solvents.
I. Fisher
L~oztra~ter's note: Complete translation]
C-3ri 1/1
Soveshchanlye po kriticheskim yavleni~m-i flyuktuatsiyam v
rastvorakh. Moscow, 1960.
Krit,iche.3kiye yavlenjya i flyuktuatsli v rastvorakh; trudy
vl,cha-d ya, yanvar 1 1960 g. (Critical Phenomena and Flue-
tuat-';,,na in Solutions; Transactions of the Conference,
January 1960) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 196o. 190 p. 2,500
:!npie~'; printed.
Spon-5orlng Agencies: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimi-
-~heskikh nauk. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im.
M. V.-Lomono,..3ova. Khimiche8kiy fakulltet.
Fe.spo-nisible Ed.: M. I. Shakhparonov, Doctor of Chemical
Scler,~es, Fro-fessor; Ed. of Publishing House: E. S. Dragunov;
Tech. Ed.: S. G. T-ikhomirova.
PURPOSE This collection of articles is intended for scientific
personnel concerned with chemistry, physics, and heat power
C a -rd -1/9
Cr-'~ical Phenom3na and Fluctuations SOV/5469
'107)7~~AGE i The ')ook contalro 24 of the 26 reports read at the
Conference o-:1 Critical Phenomena and Fluctuations In Solutions
-rganized by the Obemical. Division of Moscow State University,
January 26-28, 1.060. The reports contain results of investi-
gatlons carrLed out in recent years by Soviet physicists,
and heat power engineers. The Organizing Committee
04" the Conference wa8 compesed of Professor Kh. I. Amir'khanov,,
A. Z. Golik, T. R. Kriahevskly (Chairman), V. K. Semenchenko,
A. V. Storonkin, .1. Z. Fisher, and M. I. Shakhparonov (Deputy
Reference-o accompany individual articles.
F c' r e wo nd
Amirkhanov., n. 1., A. M. Kerimov, and B. G. Alibekov [Lab-
.'.ratorlya molekilyarnoy fiziki, Dagestanskiy filial AN SSSR --
Laboratory of Molecular Physics, Dagestan Branch, AS USSR].
The=ophysicai Properties 'of Matter at Critical Temperature 5
,-, arft 12/ 9
1--.ritical Phenomena and Fluctuations sov/5469
Zatsepina, L. P., and M. 1. Shakhparonov (Laboratory of the
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State Un.Lversity Imeni M. V. Lomonosov]. Rayleigh I4g'at
.3-attering in Nitrobenzene -- Cyclohexane and Ethyl Alchol -
- D-Jethylamine Solutions 32
Kasimov, R. M., and M. 1. Shakhparonov.[Laboratory of the
Yhysical Chemistry oP-Sblutions, Chemistry Division, Moscow
Sta"-,e University imeni M. V. Lomonosov). Dielectric Proper-
ties of Solutions in Elect-z omagnetic Fields of the Millimetric
Band and Concentration Fluctuations 37
Krichevskiy, I. R., and N. Ye. Khazanova [Laboratoriya vysokikh
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c,ow Statj Design and Planning Scientific Research Institute of
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Kric;hevslciy, I. R., and Yu. V. Tsekhanskaya (Laboratory of
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