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DZHAMUSOVA, T.A.; SHAPIRO, Ye.A. Heat resistance of muscle tissues in different fresh-water mollusks iies and populations. Zhur. ob. biol. 21 no.6:447-454 N-D 160, spec (MIRA 14:1) 1. Laboratorii sravnitellnoy tsitologii i fiziologii kletki Instituta tsitologii All SSSR9 Leningrad. (MOLLUSKS) (HEAT-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (MUSCLE) .-Rxlge ir, t-he vitLl stalning of nerve endings during a pessimu-1. 5 rc,.3~323-326 "Y-Se '03. 17 - 5 1. T abor:-ro-riya fiziolz)gii kletki TriSt JtUta tsitologii AN SSSR9 Leningrad. Ye. USSR/~adio Receivers, Regenerative W 1948 Radio Receivers, Heterodyne "More Regenerative-Type and Cheap Heterodyne Re- oeivera," Ye. Shapiro, ii pp "Radio" No 3 The war areated large backlog of orders for radio receivere. Shapiro stresses the need of fulfilling these orders as quickly as possible. ID 78T94 PA Yl-'P911 US."R/Electronics Radio comnunications Card 1/1 Pub. 133 - 11/23 Authors I Radziyevsky, A. V., and Shapiro, E. A., Engineers Title t Improving the operation of Kolkhoz radio-centers Periodical Vest. svyazi 8, 17-18, Aug 1954 Abstract I The reasons for interruptions in the operition of Kolkhoz radio-centers are anal,yzed, Breakdowns, maRing radio-centers inoperative over 30% of their overall service-time, were caused by faulty equipment and parts, interrup- tions in power sup 1yand poor servicing. Through the elimination of.these p defects, as vrell as through the organization of a training system for radio-. service men and mobile repair-shops, the quality of operation of Kolkhoz. radio-centers was improved and the time lost through interruptions in their operation cut down. Illustration. Institution Submitted SHAPIRO. Ye.A. - Role of the regional communication offices in making available radio reception in rural areas. Vest.eviazi 15 no.6:26-27 Ja '55. (MMA 8:7) 1. Nachallnik otdela razvitiy-a Upravleniya radiofikatsii i vnutri- rayonno.r alektrosvyazi Ministerstva svyazi SSSR. (Radio-Receivers and Reception) SHAPIRO, Ye. Eliminate shortcomings in supplying rural areas with radio. Radio no.9:21 S155. (M12A 8:11) (Georgia--Radio) AUTHOR: Medvedev S., and Shapiro, E. (Kazan') 107-9-25/53 TITLE: An Amateur Television System (Lyubitellskaya televizionnaya. sistema) PERIODICALt Radio, 1957, # 9P P 35-38 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A simple TV-system utilizing a photoresistance tube is de- scribed in this article. It consists of a small-size transmit- ting camera containing 4 tubes and of the TV-receiver of "Avan- gard" type (any other industrial TV-receiver can be utilized, too). The signal is transmitted from the camera to the TV-re- ceiver at the video-frequency through a coaxial cable having the length of 20-50 meters. The power supply voltages and the scanning currents are transmitted to the camera from the TV-rO- ceiver through the.cable. The general view of the system is shown by figure 1 Further, the article describes in detail the design, the operation and the characteristics of the photoresiBtance tube of "JIN-1811 type, the video-amplifier, the deflection and the focusing, the suppressing of back-currents, the various modi- fications of the TV-receiver, the design and assembling of the camera and th& tuning of the same. The spectral sensitivity of Card 112 the photoresistance is about equal to that of the human eye. An Amateur Television System 107-10-25/53 The article contains 6 figUreB, 1 photo and I Russian re- ference. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 " I --- ~; . --iI .. . 1 37~;eed ~ip the In-rc4lictir. -. -' mdin facilities in *"azal:'astar.,. Yest.sviazi 17 no.6:!F*-'--; - -I. ' 53 '7 . 10:8) 1.1'."ichallnik ot-~ela 7j:L,.S '.-daisterstva c7y;k-zl SHAPIRO,_ Te.A. Shortcomings in the establishment of standards for the expendi- ture of materials in the petroleum industry. Neft. khoz. 38 no.ll: 49-53 N 160. (114IRA 14:4) (Petroleum industry-Equipment and supplies) I 1 11 1-1 I //-. i -/, -. ( i " ~~- /7 Cyclic Metal StrenFth (Cont.) 20V/6025 -ind j7.rnwth of fatt~:-iie thn rolo of p1.-)st1c In fra,~txlr,,, an of fattL-uc at-ron,, thc pl-nUJr,:~ of' and various fatl-.71Q tcst m-?thod:-.. 6,ata ave prw~ccnlted or) the sensitivity of hlcii-stren!-,th to strez;s c oncc-nt 7-at ton, thf~ effect of otrr:ss concentr,,.Jcn on tine criterion of fatigue failure, the effect of the fn,~tor on the ntrcm-,th of and of endvirance tont;3 of metal tinder cyclic loads, , varlouo machine part-3. Prcb1er,.-,i ,.,,nt1ecLed tilth cycl1c metal toughneo3, Internal friction, awl Lite erfect, of corro-zlion media and temoerattire on the fatlfrue strength of metals are alao (113cuoued. No perronalitlen are mentioned. Each article la accompanied by referencc3, moatly Soviet. TABLE OF COWENTS: NATURE OF FATIGUE FRACTURE Oding, 1. A. Diffusionless Mechanism of Formation and Gro,,,rth of a Fatigue Crack 3 Card 2/V Cyclic Metal Strength (Cont.) SOV/6025 Shapiro, Ye. A. Investigation and Calculation of the Endurance Lfm-f U-6-f 'C-6T1z-d--Spr I n gs 291 Ker1mzddq., A. S. New Accelerated Method of Testing the Endurance of Metals and Its Application In Establishing a Rational Way of Strengthening Deep-Pump Rods 300 Zillberg, Yu. Ya. Fatigue Failure of the Aluminum Antifriction Layer of Bimetallic Bushings in Diesel Engines 318 Baranova, N. B. On the Service Life of a Thin-Wall Cast Part Under Cyclic Load 323 Papshev, D. D. Increasing the Fatigue Strength of Machine Parts by Strengthening Their Surface Layer With Ball Burnishing 331 P.VAILABLE: Library of Congress SUBJECT: Metals and Metallurgy Card 9/9 DV/!rc/lde 8/18/62 8HAPIhO. Ye.A. Economy of fuel consumption in petroleum refineries. Khim.i tekh.topl.i masel 7 no.8:4&-52 Ag t62. OMA 15:8) 1. TSentralInyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy ekonomicheski.y institut Gosplana RSFSR. (Petroleum refineries) (Fuel) SHAPIRD, Ye. A. ItStudy of the Adsorptive Properties of Nerve Endings with the Develop- ment of the Pessimun in the Nerve-Muscle Preparation." pp. 85 Institute of Cytology AS USSR Laboratory of Cell Physiology II Nauchnaya Konferentsiya Institologii 'IN -9SSH. Tezisy Dokladov (Seoond Scientific Confer-enro of the Institute of Gytology of the Acaderq of Sciences USSR, Abstracts of Reports), Leningrad, 1962, 88 pp. JPT?S 20,634 S/124/63/000/002/040/052 D234/D308 AUTHOR: Shapiro, Ye.A TITLE: Investigation and calculation of limited fatigue strength in helical s rings. _p PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhu3. nal, Malchanika no. 21 1963, 60, abstract 2V492 (in collection: Tailclich. - procluiost metallov. M., AN SSSR, 1962, 291-299) TMTL: The author considers the limits of limited fatigue rings of small diameter,,. strength in highly stressed steel wire sp used without thermal treatment after surfacing and strengthened dur-4. er ing initial plastic deformation. On the basis of exp imental data relating to wire strength, geometrical relations of the springs and,-- the coeffficient of asyumetry, the author proposes an empirical fo !a for the maximum limited fatigue strength which decreases with increasing cyclic durability of the springs.. Data on accumulation of residual deformation in highly stressed springs with increasing durability are given. It is pointed out that, after the first fracas Card 1/2 . 1-i!-: ::i'- - 71 I f~,, -1 3 -1 gn -~ f , --,:n - .-. "If -. r I- I i , , - "' t - ' '~ -. 7 '.::1 - - .. . - ;,. '1c : .'m - -~ Is . - .-al--n-,ng, Nef':, krv,z~ --. -. -- . - . SHAPIROS~, ~!~_.A- . inzh. Potential means--for lowering the expenditure of fuel--i-n the petroleum refining industry. From. energ. 18 no.5:2-6 MY 163. (MIRA :L6: 6) (Fuel) (Petroleum industry) -~-ITROFAIIOV, 11 A.I., kand. ekon. nauk; TII'.IDZHIYEV, H.E., kand. ekon. nauk; BEILGOVA, L.I.; SLAbCIIEIIFO, S.K.; ~11~~IRO, Ye.A.; KOIRMYi, P.P., kand. erkon. nauk; KHAVUE, S.N., kand. ekon. nauk; REWHIKOV, A.I.; KONIKOV, L.A., red.; G&HASIZ-10VA, Ye.S., tekhr. red. (Deterviining specific capital investments in industry] upredelenie udelInykh kapitallnykh vlozhenii v pror--ysh- lennosti. I.oskval Ekonomizdat, 196-:'. 215 P. (MIRA 17:1) 1. TS-entralInyy nauchno-issledovatel'ski-y ekonomicheskiy institut. (Capital investments) SEUiplop Ye.A.s in-Lh. Shortcomings ir, t~e planning and evaluation of the economy of fuel in pE-tr--,-Ieum- refInIng plants. Prom. energ. 18 no.]-1:-/+-6 11 '63. (KIRA 16: 12) -1 S :,'~ -- C~ 4' , e, Of Sj card ir st. fin. 163 18:1 s t n Len-infrrad. S.qA.PIB.O., Ye.A. Dstarminat-'..on of zhe economic affactiveress of capital investments -11 L16L-~Olbl-LUI 3-tifin-ing. I'left-aper, ! neftekhlm~ ao.5s21-26 163~ C, (~flRA 1-7: 8) 1 ~xa- -L - I r,., v 4 4 U4. .. TSent skonom'cheskiy nauchnc-f~ssiedovatel'sidy -L La., 5a SFAFI-RO, Ye.A. Fixed assets and th,,lir use in the petroleum refirLng indust-.r. Khim. i tekh. topl. i masel 9 no-1-1-.46-53 N 164 (MIRA 18-.1) 1. Mentral~P-3rj ne--,ichrc-issiedavatel~1:5ki,r eko-nomicheskiv Lnstitut' i pri Gosplane RSFSR. SHAPIR09 Ye.A. Study of the mechanical response of a muscle during the pessimum caused by excitations of various frequency. TSitolegiia 7 no.21, 166-172 Mr-Ap 165. (MIRA 18.-7) 1. Laboratoriya fiziologii kletki Instituta tsitologii AN SSSR, Leningrad. I ),I 11.111 -1 ; -~n .~11 & Le 0.* I r'. -, ii . -1 --izE I . -M gy m 1,5 ti-a -- - ~ ~ - - ; '- -~xm ~ n, Z~ t -~!~ eof fu,,-I end the- al pneri petrDle-um reftiin:~rixls.~ Pnerg. 20 no.qt2-6 Mr 165. (MIRA 18t6) Stuiy oP substantial changes duriftg the pes6ittlipi TSitologliA 7 n,-i4-~500~-510 JI-Ag 165, (1-11RA 1849) I-aboratorlya Nziologil kietki !hstjtL,+a te-Altol6gil AN &m0! 31 T L, eningrad, ACC NR,-- __AP7oo48of_ rh ~__S~LiiCE CODE-.. UR/0413/o'7/000/60liCl4i/c)14*2. JNVENTOR: Shapiro, Ye. M.; Vaynahteyn, L. A. :ORG: None I iTITLE: Hydraulic power steering drive for a transportation vehicle with hinge-jointed ,'frame. Class 63, No. 190225 ;SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 1, 1967, 11141-142 ITOPIC TAGS: hydraulic equipment, mechanical power transmission device, drive train !ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces: 1. A hydraulic power steering drive 'for a transportation vehicle with hinge-jointed frame. The unit contains a steering :mechanism mounted on one of the half-sections of the frame and connected by a 'Vie rod ':to the other half-section. The installation also incorporates an actuating cylinder ;with rod and casing hinged to the frame members, a motor-driven pump, safety valve, !reservoir, delivery and overflow lines and slide-valve distributor connected to the ;steering column. The working chambers of the distributor are connected by pipelines Ithrough shut-off valves to the cavities of the actuating cylinder. In order to pro- Ivide direct control in turning the vehicle when the pump is inoperative, the hydraulic 1drive is equipped with a by-pass valve made in the form of a housing which holds a C.rd 1/3 uDc: 629.1-13-o14.52-522.5 ACC NR. AP7601~801 1-forward member of the frame; 2--steering mechanism; 3--tie rod; 4--rear section of ~'~-he frame; 5--actuating cylinder; 6--actuating cylinder rod; 7--Pump; 8--safety valve; 9--reservoir; 10--delivery line; 11-ove 'rflow line; 12--slide-valve distributor; 13--steering column; 14--working cavities of the slide-valve distributor; 15--pipe- 'lines; 16--shut-off valves; 17--by-pass valve; 18--spring; 19--three-zone slide-valve; 20--axial opening; 21--choke; 22--end cavities of the by-pass valve; 23--central channel of the by-pass valve; 24--end channels of the by-pass valve; 25--channel con- nected to the overflow Card 2/3 ACC NR, AP70011801 ~tbree-zone slide valve spring-loaded at one end. In this slide valve is an axial topening with a choke which joins the terminal cavities connected in the delivery line iupstream from the slide-valve distributor. The housing for the by-pass valve is made iwith three channels: the central channel is connected to the overflow and the end ;channels are connected to the pipelines between the shut-off valves and the cavities :in the actuating cylinder. 2. A modification of this drive with provision for main- Itaining a constant working fluid pressure. The by-pass valve is made with a channel !in the housing connected to the overflow and located on the side of the end cavity is connected to the pump through the delivery line. .SUB CODE; 13/ GLMM DATE: 06Dec65 3 GRAYLYGEN, N.M.; SWIIO, Ye.M. The T-46V tractor for cultivating vineyards. no.6:50-51 160. tractor) (Viticulture) (Crawler Biul.tekh.-ekon-inform.. (MIRA 13:'g) U00 AUTHOR: Shapiro, Ye.M. 2.3434 S/121/61/000/006/011/012 D040/D112 TITLE: Devices for making active measurements during internal honing PERIODICAL: Stanki i instrument, no.6, 1961, 39-40 TEXT: These devices, which also switch off the machine when the given diameter has been reached, were developed at the Stankostroitellnyy zavod im. Lenina (Machine Tool Plant im. Lenin) in Sterlitamak. The first (Fig.1) has two supporting fee- Lers (2) and one work feeler (4). The two supporting feelers can only swing about their axles (3); the work feeler can both swing about its axle and move (together with the axle) in a groove (5) and exerts press-are on an air valve plug (6). The plug is shifted only when the bore diameter changes in the process of honing. The system of feelers floats in the honing headand a spring (7) presses the feelers to the bore wails with a force of 2+0.5kgf. The feelers are thin plates with 3 diamond crystals soldered into each. Diamond powder can also be used. The feeler work edge must be twice wider than the holes or grooves in the bore being honed, in order to prevent it from slanting and producing a false signal. The device is set to the work diameter by means of a split spring bushing (1) and a tapered plug (8). The other device (Fig.2) is a modification for bore d~iameters of 30-60 mm Card 1/4 23434 S/121/61/000/006,'011/012 Devices for making active measurements .... D040/D112 and b,--re surface without grooves or holes. A floating base (1) bears three fee- lers, two of which are supporting (2) and one meas-aring (3). The measuring one is on a leaf spring (5) attached to a post (4). A valve (6) in the feeler is connec- ted by a pipe (7) to the pneumatic measuring system. A spring (8) presses the fee- lers to the bore -wall. The device is set to the work diameter by means of a taper- ed threaded piug (9). The ring base (1) for the smallest honing heads is split and car. be expanded by a screw (10). The diamond crystals (11) are attached with silver solder whose melting point does not exceed 6500C. The devices can be connec ted to any pneumatic measuring system. They have been tested with a low-pressure system with a -water pressure gage fitted with a photoelectric command system. They proved dependable. The switching accuracy was stable within 10 microns. ' '_ Abstrac- tarrs note: Essentially full translation _'. There are 4' figlares and 4' references: 3 Soviet-b'Loc and 1 non-SovIeL bloc. Card 21, .4 S-17APIRO, Precls;an of t-e hole s-.apes in hardened bushes subjected to lioning. Stan. i irstr. 36 rio. 12.4-7 D 165 (,AURA 19:1) !L-OftliT-S. '-, ~., . -k!-- na,;k-. S!Pfih0v~ir-AYA, E. t.. ; B-7WV, 'V ro, c - F.: ~ Z, Ye,S., inzhener; BRAYNz-, ;-,.Ya., en xr ladust-ria:, "~?,italidol." :.&al.-zhir - orom. v - 'ski- inatitut sinte'icheskikii i nat,:-, j vf?shc',v?stv (f Or Eheyfits, Simanovskays Find "fif;vaya -?nrya'! (for Ivnnov). 3. hozkrmakiy j~.aolro wid Braynes). 1:1-1 e'lleritiAl oils) (Phenols) SHA,PIRO, Te.S., inzh. e:,"- - -7 Automatic temperature regulator. Maelf'-zhir. prom. 24 no.3:38-39 '58. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Moskovakiy sinteticheakiy zavod. (Temperature regulators) (Oil industries-Equipment and supplies) KHEYFITS, L.A., kand.k-him.nauk: S11bWOVSKAYA, B.A.; PMGUDOVA, 2:h.k.; BEIM, V.N.; SHAPIRO, Ye.S., inzh.; KORETSKitYA, P.R., inzh. Industrial process for making musteron (isobornyl-2- metbylcyclobexanone). Masl.-zhir.prom. 25 no-11:30-32 '59. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Vaesoyuznyy naucbno-iseledovatellskiy institut Binteti- cheskikh i natural'rWkh dushistykh vaBhchestv (for Kheyfits, Simanovskeya, Peregudava. Belov). 2. Mcskovskiy sintatichoskiy zavod (for Shapiro, Koretskaya). (Odorous substances) (Gyalohexanone) SHAPIRO, Ye.S. Economic aspect of the methods of recovery of carbon disulfide from process gases of the carbon disulfide manu- facture. K-nim. volok. no.4:63--65 163. (MIRA 16-8) VOLKOVA, T.N.; SHFVLYPGINA, Ye.V.; YANKOVSKAYA, S.A.; SHAPIRO, Ye.S.; KURANOVA, N.A. -- -1 ----- - --- - -I Study of the process of esterification in the production of "oentol.n Trudy VNIISNDV no.6:167-169 163. (KRA 17:4) aXIT, R.i-l.; SOROKE41, Ya.Z.; SHAPIRO, Ye.S. Ways to expand the produQtion of cturIx-m disidfirle. 2-~~ 164. (1-~IRA 17:10) 1. Len:ingradsidy filial Vaesoyuznogo naudhno-issledovatellsl~ogo In- stlit.uta j-s.,-uss1cvenn-ogo volok-na (for Lovit, Som'dp.). 2. Leningradakiy 0 zavo,~ islcusstvermcCo volo~aia (for Shapiro). SHAPIRO, Ye.5. Potentials fcr reducing the cost of production of carbo- disulfide. Kh-im. volok. no.2:65-t,9 '64. (YIRA ~7:5) 1. 7eningradakiy filial Vsesoyuznrgo nauchno-issledovatellskogo I instituta iskusst-vennogo volokna. SHLFIRO, Ye.S. .L Determination of the efficient work conditions of equipment, Khim. prom. 41 no.10!758-759 0 165. (MIRA 18!11) in tie ne~-i rain licm-):-rha,~cs Vsel~:--' D-1 re s,! ~. so - shchani~J a ~2 ,-)ve-,' er 19hO), :4insk, P. (Lctopis I-hi;rnal 'n-kh 6'atev, 1949) j LI -7 -'lily 19f L 23793-66 EWP(e)/EWT(m)/EWP(t) IJP(c) JD/JG/WH ACC NRz AP6007257 (A) SOURCE CODE: UR/0363/66/002/002/0336/0342 AUTHOR: Poluboyarinov.- D.N.; Shapiro, Ye. Ya.; Bakunov, V.S.; Akopov, F.A~ IORG: Moscow Chemico-technological Institute im. D.I. Mendeleyev SV (I-I'oskovskly khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut) :5,3 TITLE: Change in electric conductivityknd rate of creep of sintered 6 ceramic made of cerium alox1ae aurIH-gits reduction SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Neorganicheskiye materialy, v. 2, no. 2, 1966, 336-342 60FIC TAGS: ce7.,amic material, cerium compound, electric conductivity, breep, powder metal sintering ABSTRACT: The investigation was carried out on samples prepared from 6erium dioxide with a content of the base component of 99.7%. The Cain impurities were oxides of the rare earth elements. The cerium toxide was ground in a steel mill by the "wet" method for 30 hours ith subs quent purification from Iron. Samples for determination of he rate of creep were in the form of small beams, and for determination f the electric conductivity in the form of disks. Calcining was done in an oxidizing atmosphere at 150000. The electric conductivity was determined in air over the temperature interval from 20 to 110000. The Card 112 TTnn! 666-3! 537-- 15~2 3 L 23793-66 ACC NR: AP6007257 creep rate was determined in air and In an inert gas medium by measure- ~ent of the bending deformation of the sample with loading at four ioints. The experimental results are shown in a series of curves. It as found that during reduction, the properties of cerium dioxide ceramic han e in a regular manner. The activation energy falls from 25 to 10 caUmole for electric conductivity, and from 92 to 39 kcal/mole for reep in the reduction of CeO 0 to OeO The electric conductivity f CeO is basically electron?69 With r1d22t4on of OeO2 to OeO the obiMy of the electrons increases by five orders of magnitudel,12d with' urther reduction to OeO by another order of magnitude. Creep of toichiometric Ce02 is dhNo various factors but, according to the egree of reduetion, the limiting factor is the process of diffusion -oids. The diffuslou coefficient for the oxygen Ion in the reduction of e02.00 to CeO 1.90 changes by one order of magnitude. Orig. art. has: figures and I table. 'B CODE:111J3/o7/ SUBM DATE: 2lApr65/ ORIG REP: 005/ OTH REF: 006 C.,d 2/2 X'LGOPOLISKAYA, M.A.; GMVICH, Ye.S.; SHAPIRO, Ye.Z. Effect of a bacterial film on the leaching of poisons from a coat of antifouling paint. Trudy SBS 13:309--~14 160. (MIRA 14:3) (Paint-Toxicology) (Marine microbioloF) (Fouling of ship bottoms BAGRYANSKIY. K.V.. kandidat takhnicheksikh nauk, doteentj FROTASOV,N.F. inzhener; TYAGUS, V.A., inzhaner; SHAPIRO Yu.A. inzhener. Automatic building up of the surface of steel rolls with ceramic flux. Stall 16 no.11:994-997 N 156. (MIaA 10:1) 1.-,Zhdanovskiy metallurgicheskiy institut i zavod OAsovatal.0 (Rolls (Iron mills)) (-6lectric welding) S,~ V/130- 5E-S-10/18 -aS: Gorenshteyn, ai,c Candidc-tes cf AUTIT P., Fo:~-orzLel' s'L,--*, 1. Gud:)vshchikov Ti~c'- cal Sciences, C, 5 7 K.S. , Shapi-ro, Yu.A-.., En;---ineers 11ITIE: An Effective Method of Rollin-, Roll S-irf_f-ces Ef f ektivnyy spo sob na'Kat'.ozi val'L~--Ov') HIODICAL: Letallurc-, 1018' ~Ir 8, pp 2 5 - 2/ j o R U /. - A~:-'STRAUT: Me roufheninc of roll surfaces is es,-eclally advantag- eous in the first few days of )peilation but, the author p3ints out, not all z,7,ethDds of rouE;hen_Jn-_- are equally effective. The 1150 bloomitiL mill at th~ "Azovs-tall" Works has forged 55 Kh steel rolls v;hich, since 1949, have had 20-30 rin lonL-: notches cut on their surface with pneumatic chisels ' a ziL-zag line also bein-,-_ cut in the first pass ~FJ_S-uxre 1). This proved effective only for 'Uhe fi L rst 2-3 shifts. LIetallisation was tried in various forms including bead vieldinC, but these were found unsuitable because of crack extensions and excessive vibration. After a study of methods used at the imeni Kirov Works and the Xuznetskiy metallurgicheski- 11-Lombinat ~Kuznetsk Metallurgical Kombinat) , the IiAvostal" Works Cardl/21 adoDted a s-Decial system. in U_iais, a -Io3thed; cutter uD to An Efl'ective 1.1e-,',':-_,cd Df Rollin,-: Roll Surfoces so V/ 1:30- -~E-8-10/1_s 100 iam ,-..-ide v.lth ~, curvature -to fit- the. roll --urface is used tc rin:-s ',.,hich are t-',-.,en cut u,-) by a S_'EhVS-steel rDller, 50-80 'Wq vi-ide (Fir-Li-re to cave a surfa-ce covered in pvradids 2.' mm hL h wad S x at 'U'L e 'u- a s eA LD ~.c=lete bloouiin~-,--mill roll is nroces-7,ed buy one iran in U:i-efe hDurs. Lea-', -,)rints ta'zzen dail, ha%-c, s'E:)7..-n that the p yr a _L . , - - pd. _m.Jds wear slo-,-.~ly and crazin- is felayed and orientated alDn- ~yrazidal bases. The metuf,.od '-"-as been ado-pted for all reducin- stands. 0 u There are 3 figures. A-SSOCIATIOB: Card 2/2 Zhdanovskiy metallurg-icheskiy institut (Zhdanov Metallurgical Institute) and Zavod "Azovstal'" ("Azovstal"I Works) 1. Rolling mills--Performance 2. Rolling raills--Eauipment S/170/61/004/006/009/015 3129/B212 AUTHOR: Shapiro, Yu. A. TITLE: Certain boundary problems for a hollor cylinder of finite length PERIODICAL: Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, v. 4, no. 6, 1.061, 101-105 TEXT: A new method is reDresented for the exact solution of a Laplace equation for the case of a given boundary function ozi the lateral surface of a circular cylinder of finite length. This function is assumed to be symmetrical with respect to the cylinder axis and antisymmetrical with respect to a plane p-erDendicular to this axis and passing through the center of the cylinder. The boundary conditions are: U 1(ro'z) U2 (ro,z); Ul(ro,z) V(z); Uj/ r r 'U lr=r +0 The following z :a 0- 0 2/ r 0 a ' z a < I z I exDressions hold: Uj(r, -z) = -Ul(r,z). U2 (r,-z) -U2 (r,z). The Card 1/4 S/170/61/004/006/009/015 Certain boundary problems... B129/B212 solutions for the diagram shown in Fig. 1 are: U, (r. Z) A Q.) 10 Q. r) sill). z d)., to 0. ro (2) U. (r, z) A Q.) 1(0 ()- r) sinkzd).. '(0 0. Q U a The integral A 2 r0). 10 r0) 1(0 (). r.) S z (t) J,, (X 1) dt, (5) U is derived for A ()), where q(t) is a continuous function in the interval 0!5~~t i~~ a. The author is abfe to reduce the problem to the solution of a Fredholm integral equation of the second type Card 2/4 S/170/61/004/006/009/015. Certain boundary problems ... B129/B212 a W G (t, r) dt - f (x), (15) with a continuous kernel X g ().) J. Q, t) JO Q. x) ). d). = G (t, x). (14) 0 Finally, the calculation of the electrostatic and magnetostatic potential (Fig. 1) is given. The author shows how to find, with the help of the obtained function ,(x), expressions for the surface density -(z) of the induced electrl'c or magnetic charges: -I (Z) ar IUI- J X 41 IU"Ir-r.-O ar 4-. Card 3/4 Certain boundary problems ... S/170/61/004/006/009/015 B129/B212 sin).zd). a X A(k) sin)., ~- d). f Tz (t)Jcl (X t) dt =(A) 0 rolo Q, ro)KOP. ro) 2-.. z (a) z r? (1) v dt Z2 2 -.. aV?~- f [ t 7=12 ~-Z~- 0 The numerical results will be published in a future paper. There are 1 figure and 2 Sovi-et-bloc references. SUBMITTED: October 17, 1960 -01 0 10 1 Card 4/4 ,/057/62/032/006/008/022 -a-0- ro Yu electron lens con- T I T oicctrostatic field of an -nl~ of t,.-.-o semi- -s sis~ bounded cylindez z,--,arnal tc'.-hniches'~oy fi-ziki, V. no. 6, 1962, 686 - 694 calculation is -iven of 'he electrostatic field between the An ex c t .~_~se planes of two equal zemi-bounded. cylinders of radius r 0 . The potential V(z) _~~ion.- the cz:,Iinders is assumed to tend towards a finite val--,-,e at' inf-inity. The pote-,tialjbetween the cylinders is V V, v z 2 where V 1 and V 2 are the potentials GIL the cylind~ars and z) is the continuous solution of the.Laplacian 1 +1; e--u-r t-L on wi t*- t*, e bound ary condi tions ( i;r-r 0 +Z~a vard 113, S/057/62/032/006/006/02~ T., h, ee 1 i:a c t r o s -, a t, 4-c field ... B106/B102 finite. r 0; Ut ) Ir, r-r -0 z --> +oo a 2 a tht, ~._J(7th of tC.e bet-.-ieon the cylinders. The function has (T t e 0 rTj z) U sin).zd~ r < r, lo ().ro) 0 K,j (;.r) (3) sin& (1) U z) A zd~. r> 1 0~x) and KO(Y) are Bessel functions of first and second kind of a :)urely ima_~inary arGument. The function U is easy to find so that the S- consi ~S 4n seclecir.E 'he unknovn function It is shovn that `s~ribuion of t2e jotential can be ex-iressed in terms of an ---ry 'unction which is 'he solution of a one-dimensional second order eouation with a continuous kernel. A way of calculating the ker- ---d of solving this integral equation is shoivn. There are 1 figure 2) tables. 3 ';hc- clectrostatic field ... ~ -d 3." ~ --,'-2' ~- ~ ~" D :Jul- 24, 1961 .1 'o S/057/62/032/006/008/022 B108/B102 Card 3/3 TYUTIKOVJ, A.M.; SHAPIRO, Yu.A. Distortions in the delay curves for three-electrode analyzers caused by the grids. Zhur. tekh. fiz. 33 no.10:1265-1273 0 163. (MIRA 16:11) L 10737-65 ACCESSrON NR: AP4046332, normally be performed with.the,aid of an electronic conip 'ter., MAny,.of the: U ione would wish to impose on an electromagnetic lens are expressed,~most simply in :terms of the two independent solutions of the paraxial trajectory.equation. In or .der to deal with these conditions, one.of the solutions of the paraxial equation in a series of suitable functions, the other solution,is*expressed,in ;terms of the same expansion coefficients, by Integrating the Wronskian, and the con, dition that the paraxial trajectory equation be satisfied is Included among those ~that are imposed on the system.-Among the~co,nditiona that one mlght wisk%; to impose .on an electromagnetic lens, the tollowing-are discussed briefly:- that tfie~_locatiou ~.of the image plane, the magnification,and the-angular rotation-of the image have preassigned values; that the magnetic,field have an extremum at.the cathode;,and ~that various third order aberrations vanish'. Some of these conditions are expressed~ ;by linear equations; t4ese are not included-in the function to be minimized but are rather employed to eliminate- some of the expenslon, coefficl onto A specific lens was designed and the results ~ compared, with the design valuess: Power functio were employed f or the expansions; seven' terms were retained In Ahe expw0ion of -, the:--- :fieldi and four in that of the solution.of the paraxial.trajec:to'-r-y,equation. The--. -7- location of the Gauss plane and the ~ magnification were found, to- be -within 2% of the, target values. The calculation was perf oviied. twice, once with-wid.once without-the 2/3 ............ T I I: I y L) Yu.A.; GED'O"IYEW, .-P. C, Rolli ng mi 11 rol '-I s hypereu tz-c, -1c iur, 90 C-2- stee-I ~-!etallurg 10 no.7:40 il 6 5. (N-T-R~ 12:7; 1. l,letallurgichesliy zavod r - -!-- - - . - - - ; !, I I ' :-' SPIRIDONOV, K.A., inzh.; SHAPIRO, -Yu.B., inzh. -1. -1- Manufacture of steam turbines at the Leningrad Metallurgical Plant.' Inergomashinostroenie 3 no-11:5-11 N 157. (MIRA 10:12) (Leningrad-Steam turbines) USSR Human and Animal,,Physiology. Neuromuscular T Physiology, Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 9, 1956, 41646. Author Zefirov, L. N.; Shapiro, Yu. 0. Inst Not Given. Title Tetaniform Single Contractions In a Neuro-Muscular Preparation of a Frog Following Pancreatectomy. Orig Pub: Bul. eksperim. biol. I meditsiny, 1957., 430 No 1, Z3-Z6. Abstract-. The experiments were performed on a neuro-muscular preparation of the gastroenemius muscle of a frog, Tetaniform single contractions (TSC) appeared on the 5-9 day after pancreatectomy, within 5-10 Card 1/3 USSR / Human and Animal Physiology. Neuromuscular T Physiology. Abs-.Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 9. 19560 41646. Abstract: proved to be less effective. The sequellae of panchreatectomy are associated with disturbances of acetylcholine formation and are not observed when it Is replaced by Injection. -- F. 1. Miumladze. 10 Card 3/3 LISOVSKIY, D.I.; BELYAKOV, Yu.P.; SHAPIRO, YU.L. Thermal efficiency of shafr furnaces in smelting oxidized nickel ores. TSvet.met.29 no.11:52-59 N '560 (MIMA 10:1) 1. Mintsvotmetzologo. (Fickel--Metallurgy) (Heat--Transmission' NIKOLAYEV, Yu.9.% LAPMEI" V N - STIAPTTO~ Yu.L. a 101 S oms da tA an the cyramics cf the basal rnetabclism arA indices of ery-1-bz-ocytes in schizophrenics during thetr vrpatzient with contrciled sta-rvallicr. T--Ldy !-go Mi 34~,162-170 164. (MIF1 18111) 1. Kafedra psiklhilatrii (mv. - Yu.S. Nikc-11-ty'a-,r) Rostcvskogo osudarstmemogo meditsimekogo lnstltu+-~~ 4 kafedra psikMatriL zav, - kafedroy zasluzbenrryy deyate-11 rusu'ki Prof. V.M. I Banshchikov) 1-go Moskovskago ordena Lerdna meditsinskogo instit,uta imeni 36--heno-va. LISOVSKIYO D.I.; VANMOV, A.V.; MMVSKIY, A.Yu.; SELLPIRO, Yu.L. Investigating-shaft furnace smelting of ~lxidezed nickel ores by freezing the furnace, Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; tovet, =t. no,29 55-70 '58. (HM 11:8) 1-.' Moskovskiy institat tov'etnykh metallov i zolota. SLfedra metallurgii tyazhelykh tsvetnyktL-mtalloir. (Nickel-Metallurgy) SHAPIRO, Yu.L. Reticulocy-,es and the ery-throcy-te sedimentation reaction during total fasting (without restriction of water) and subsequent alimen- tation in human subjects. Lab.delo 8 no.8:35-40 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Institut Dsikhiatrii AMN SSSR, Moskva. (3LbOD--SEDIMENTATION) (FASTING) (BLOOD CELLS) GOFMAN, A.G.; SHA~IRO, Yu.L.'l Preliminary data on the functional state of medullary hemopoiesis in delirium tremens. Probl.sud.psikh. no.12: 181-193 162. . (NMA 16:4) (DELIRIUM TREMM ) ' (HEMPOIETIC SY8TEM) SHAPIRO. h,,L Change in -Lhe mcxphol-)91~,al ~,,,)mpu3itdon of trie blood ( and Bome of its propertles) in the prot~eaa of negat-lve load diet, t.1-far-&-py, Torup. arkh. 34 no-l"08166-191 0 .1 6"~, (MIRA 17?4) SHAPIRO, Yu.L. Investi,gation ol- the morphological compos-1--ion of --he b-one rparrow and peripheral blood during cOmFlete alimentary star-vation O.-ilt'-out any limitation of drinking water) and subseauent nutrition of an aPFarent- ly healthy person; an annotation. Probl. gemat. i perel. krovi 8 no.7: 58-59 J1 '63. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Iz gematologicheskoy laboratorij Instituta psikhiatrii (dir. N.M. Zharikov) A14N SSSR. SHAPIRO, Yu.L.: GOFMATI, A.G. (Mosk7a. Change in the morphological composition crf te"', blocd in acute ale'oholic psychoses. Trudy Gos. nauch.A--sl. inst.psikh. 38:241-248 163 (MIRA 16:11) SHAPIRO, Yu.1,; MIZISKER, E.I.; ORLOVSKAYA, D.D. (Hoskva) Dynamics of some indices of adrenal cortex function in pro- longed complete starvation in man. Pat. fiziol. i eksp. terap, 7 no.3:70-71 Dt-Je"63 (MIRA 17 :/Q 1. 1z Instituta psikhiatrii ( dir. - chlen-4correspondent AMR SSSR prof. A.T. Snezbnevskiy) MiN SSSR. ,~IjAp I !to, Yi iL. j S) OM' f te n""'iry IN man. Pat- (fjT HA 68 Mr-Ap (,hr. prof. Ito p. RSF:~'-" Moskva. L 790-66 5n(l)1&4A(h) ACC NR: AP5025739 SOMM Cong: "86/fi5/0W/MP/W"/W69. i: AUTHORS: Mebelf, D. N.; Pev=wr. V. V. i Sbaptro, Tn. IL ORG: none TITLE: Phase sensitive voltage converter. Class 42, No. 17M6 SOURCE: Byulletent izobreteniy i tovarzwkli znakov, no. 18, 1965, 89 TOPIC TAGS: transistorized circuit, voltage regulator ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a phase sensitive voltage converter. An alternating voltage supplied to the input produces both a constant and a rec- tangular voltage of the same frequency at the output with filtering of the rose- tive unbalance. The sum of a constant and alternating voltage produces a rec- tangular voltage at the output free of the reactive-component. To simplify the device, the transistor emitters of tvo semiconductor svitches are connected through filtering capacitors to the load and to the signal source. The collectors, are connected to the second terminals of the source and load. A reference voltage' of opposite phase ia supplied to the transistor bases, SUB COM EC/ SUBM DATEi 17JU163 1Card. UM 6U.32165 SHAPIROY YII.V. Use of intratracheal anesthesia vith muscle relaxants in severe injury under conditions of emergency surgical treatment. Khirar- giia 39 no.7:1-91-122 Jlt63 OMIRA- 16:12) 1. Iz khiruraicheskogo otdeleniya Moskovskoy gorodskoy klini- cheskoy bol,nitsy imeni N.E.Baumana (glavnyy v-rach - kand. med. rauk N.G.Oriov). RABINOITICH, Yu.Ya., kand. med. nauk.;.,.SRAPIR.0, Yu.V. (Moskva) Resuscitation after pachycarpine poisoning. Klin. med. 41 no.7: 140-143 J1163 (MIRA 16:12) 1. Tz Moskovskoy gorodskoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy No.29 imeni DI.E.Baumana (glavnyy vrach - kand. med. nauk N.G.Orlovv glavnyy khirurg - kalid. med. nauk L.M.Shnaper). UM/agineeking Aug 1947 Turbines, Steam *Two-Bleeder Point Steam Turbine VPT-25-3," Yu. V. Shapira, W) j p "totloturbostroyeniye" No 4 Annovncement of campletim of plane an a new two- bleeder point turbine, tvpe VPT-25--3 with initial steam factors: 90 ata, 4WO, nominal power 25,000 kv. -24T30 SHAPIRO, Yu. V. Shapiro, Yu. V. and Tortiko, M. A., ~-ngiiiaers. Yederri 7~atiocn of SVK-150-1 and IIK-100-2 Turbines Pacre 79 In this article the authors present the basic princiDles of turbine stage design which were used as a basis for modernizing VK-100--2- and SVK-150-1 turbines. The authors also present the results of an aerod3rnaraic investigation of turbine blade systems. There are five Soviet references. Steam :!rri Ga,~ Turbine ConstrUction, 11~'oscov ?"ash~ryiz, 1957, 351 DP- 0, 1 D, piridonov, K. A. , Enj lie =r and Shapiro, Yu. V. En. AUTHOR: S TITLE: The Manufacture of Stea-,-. Tuli~'Dines at the Leningrad -A-,-.e-*ual fforks. (Paroturbostroyen-ilve na Leningradskom V Zavode) Plr~RIODICkL: Energomashinostroyciiiye, 1~~/5?, Vol-3, No-11, pt, * 5-11) (~30_R) ABSTRACT: Historical review o-" the -:,rk of the Lenijakrad Metal Vioz.-s since the 4Lys vihen it received technical help from,.7- Vickers. The widespread use of high-pressure steam ir., Sovietu power engineering occurred after the late war when the constructed a series of hiSh-pressure turbines; the 100 condensing turbine manufactured in 19,46 was the first si?eed single--shaft high-pressure turbine of such an out-iilut ia '6-11e world. The new series of turbines had a number of tecbnical features, particularly -bbe use of separate no_-.---le hich are free to expand independently of the cylinder -Ldes-?read use of weldinE. k number of new, ideas and -1_v.troduced into the govc-rnor system. A. re, t step foxvard .vas- ths .,.a--uf ac ture i-n 1952 of a 15C,J 'iniu . This tu,, __:__-z~ tu- ,ii1c ru. at 3 000 r.p.ia. t-5-le CBK-150-1 as lvhei,. t-he most oo,.verfu i-311 Euio-.)e is desiEned f~: o-ac:_,.-..Lons of 1 0 1:d 1/5c " ' ' .'~O atm. u-nd 550 C, -.-i-.~-_. reheat to 520 C. 1~_ 114-11-2/10 The Manufacture of Steam Turbinesat the Lenin,--rad Hetal Works. reliability of two of these service has confirm8d the possibility of -increasing the steaV temperature to '2?0-580 C and the reheat temperature to 530-535 C in turbines of this type. In solving the problems involved in the manufacture of these turbines the works was assisted by.the Scientific Research Institute of Engineering Technology (TsNUTMA113h), tk~6 Central Boiler Turbine Irlstitute (TsKTI) and the jeva Works imeni Lenin (NZL). One difficult problem was the design of the high0pressure cyl- inder. A special feature of the design is the codoined use of parts of austenitic and pearlitic steels. These cylinders have proved reliable. In the turbine CBK-150-1, the rotors and the alti.rnator are connected by semi-flexible couplings and it i,.,as important to determine the critical speeds of the entire system. A detailed study was also made of the natural frequencies and stresses in the blading. Then very high steam conditions are used, the high pressure blades are very small and it is difficult to make them very efficient. When the turbine CBK-150-1 was designed only a few aerodynamic investigations of blading had been made but later, in the steam turbine laboratory of the Leningrad Metal Works, a good deal of work was done on the design of nozzles and blading for various stages. The turbine CBK-150-1 is provided Card2/5tith a well-developed regenerative heating system. 114-11-2/10 The Manufacture of Steam Turbines at the Leningrad Metal Works. In the middle of 1955, it was decided to commence the design of turbines for still higher steam conditions and outputs. In recent years, scientific research institutes and works' laboratories have done a great deal of theoretical and experimental work on turbine blading so that the physics of the subject is now better undersbod. Aerodynamic investigations and tests on tur- bines have indicated new design principles which may be summarised as follows: the use of aerodynamically-designed blade profiles with minimum profile and end losses; optimum choice of velocity ratio and reaction to avoid negative reaction at the blade root; reduction of axial gaps; and the use of twistedworking blades for D/1 ratios of twelve and less. These principles are being applied in the design of the new turbines and in the modernisation of existing ones. In 1955, when the third turbine CBK-150-1 was manufactured the flow part was modernis6d and the efficiency of the high-preasure cylinder was increased~'by 5%. The new series of turbines can be divided into thr8e groups according 8o the steam conditions:0 a) 90 atm., 535 0; b) 130 atm., 565 C and c) 220 atm, 600 C. The main characteristics of the new turbines are given in Table 1. The metallurgical industry is now required to develop pearlitic- Gard3/5type heat-resistant steels for operation at temperatures of up to 114-11-2/10 The Manufacture of Steam Turbines at the Leningrad Metal Works. new power stations. The works plan to produce condensing tur- bines type CBK-200-1 and back-pressure turbines ty8e CBP-50-4 with initial steam conditions of 220 atm. and 600 C. It is possible that the stop-valve temperature may later be reduced somewhat to avoid the use of austenitic steels. The stop-valve pressure is also not yet finally decided. In 1957, the design office of the Leuingrad Metal Works is designing a turbine of 300 MW with te am conditions of 300 atm. and 650 wC with double reheat to 565 C. The develo- pment of turbine manufacture over the years is illustrated by the heat consumption figures plotted in Fig.4. The work on the development of the new steam tuVbines was carried out under the direction of the late chief engineer, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. M.I. Grinberg. In the future, still higher efficiencies will be achieved by the use of higher temperatures and pressures. There are 4 figures, 2 tables and I Slavic reference. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 5/5 8(6) SOV/ 112-59 -5-8581 Translation from: Ref erativnyy zhurnal. Elektratekb-nika, 1959, N:7 5, p 25 (USSR) AUTHOR: Shapiro, Yu. TITLE: Selection of the Thermal Layout for Stearn-Turbine Plants PERIODICAL: Tr. Leningr. metallich. z-da, 1957, Nr 5, pp 68-78 ABSTRACT: With the specified number of extractions, the saving due to regeneration in steam-turbine plants grows with an increase in the temperature of regenerative feed-water heating; then, at a certain temperature it reaches a maximum; and then, if the temperature further increases, the saving dwindles. With a larger number of extractions, the maximum saving corresponds to a higher heating temperature. The highest temperature of the regenerative water heating can be determined from this formula: n-1 T (T,)n T. PV =V Card 1/2 sOV/112-59-5-8581 Selection of the Thermal Layout for Steam-Turbine Plants where Tpv is the feed-water heating temperature in OK, T. is the steam- saturation tempe:mature in the boiler in OK, n is the number of extractions, TZ is the condensate temperature in the condenser in OK. The cptimurn temperature for calculating a thermal layout is assumed 20-30c) lower than that obtained from the formula. With a specified feed-water heatIng temperature, the incremental saving in the specific heat expenditure gained from the introduction of each reheater gradually decreases with an increase in the number of regenerative extractions. Roughly speaking, an aciditional re-heater can be considered rofitable if it can brincr about a heat saving of 0. 2576. In p 0 calculating the thermal layouts without reheating, a uniform distribution of the feed-water heating among individual heaters is assumed. The economy of thermal layouts depends also on reheater design, drainage scheme, and on steam pressure loss in the extraction pi-ping leading to the reheaters. S.A. P. Card 2/2 8(6) SO-1111 12-59 -5-8556 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 5, p 23 (USSR) AUTHOR: Sha iro, -V,.., and Tortiko, M. A. _P_ TITLE: Modernization of SVK- 150 -1 and VK- 100 -2 Turbines PtRIODICAL: Tr - Leningr - metallich. z-da, 19 57, Nr 5, pp 79 -89 AASTRACT: In modernizing the high-pressure casing of the SVK-150-1 turbine, the number of stages in that casing was brought from 8 to 9, and aerodynamically better shapes of the control-stage aand pressure-stage blades were employed. Reactions and u/C0 in the stages were increased and a3dal clearances in the high-pressure casing were reduced. These measures raised the efficiency of the high-pressure casing by 21o. The construction of.end packing in the high-pressure casing and of front packing in. the medium- pressure casing was changed; the packing teeth are i-nachiaed directly on the shaft, to avoid loosening of bushifings with time. New blade shapes for the control stage and smaller overlaps were used in the VK-100-2 turbines. The Card 112 SOV/112-59-5-8556 Modernization of SVK-150-1 and VK-100-2 Turbines exit angle was reduced as was the width of the stator blades (down to 50 mm) in the pressure stages of the high-pressure casing. In the 2-7 stages, the reaction was increased (the diameter of the front packing was brought from 550 to 585 mm). Packing is used in all pressure stages of the high-pressure casing. In the 8-12 stages, blades having a variable inlet angle are used; they are designed on the basis of Cur = const and Cz = const. All these measures raised the efficiency of the high-pressure casing by 416. 1. N. G. Card 212 SHAPIRO, Yu.V. Three-ton capacity charging machine. Sbor. Novo-Kram. mashino- stroi. zav. no.3297-103 159. (MM4 17-1) 71-1; n.; -I~NL 65123L65 ACCESS A jCCf W NR: AP5021589 UIR/0286 6~/000/013 00501VW59:~,.. enko, V.-A.flovia-lerko, Pe H Iro, 11'YU4.1 AUTHORS i Romashch 1_, P TITLE: Apparatus for cementing,pyroceram pane S. --_Class -32 pane ',SOURCE: 'Byullatent izobreteniy A tovarnyW 2nakov, no, i 1965 59 TOPIC TAGS:, pyroceramo glases oitall Ait,6 'y or Certificate --presen s an a r camen, - g- AMTRACT This Auth pimratus fo tin -pyrocer=!;iT,, tO ,panels Into severallayer; Thwappar4tus contains A liftind -aM. loWliing the wl- iie-?",~d. panda limiting sto . To imke surd that the endsof: cemented p par coinmn plans and to support the panels'at the*, time, of theii'_dei~ehtin go table 000_71~0'!l,on the Enclosure i~_ are mounted above the lifting-lowering tra udinal straps fixed at the ends of theae vernes carry,'so de d band force4ranamitting cylinders. Orig, art- hast 1 - figure ~ASSOCIATION: Nauchno +1 -icaledovatellakiy i proyektno-takhnologiiohaow-iliatitu -mashinostroyeniya-(Scientific-~-Research Design-EngineerLng Institute of-machim--Q, Con struction)q SUBMINED: OqMAy64 SUB COM. is ~4,- ENGLt 01 'REF SOV: NO 000 OTHEft: 000 11? 12 ESSION-fiRs AP5021589 ZKOLJOSME! -7r Xt Fig. 10 -3. mg table; 2- limit 13 Moss it w I Pawls; 6- as-tranazdtting cylinders F., f: - Nfll." 7 " i, it%a.-,,'~ --a:d. nauk; SHAPIRO, Yu.V. , 4 ~!) I - ri va I aspec ts ----nd t re d tmen. t in paoh,,-c; arp tine pc -'soning . Sov. mr-ad . '47 rIoA1,.d2E--130 N 764. (MIRA 18~17) 1, Cci-6skaya bollnltsa -No.29 imen-A Banipana (g--,a-,-nyy k',,-,,-urg - kand. m9l, -.iauk L.M.Sh-naper,", Moskva. SHAPIRO, Z. Organization of individual work on methods. Prof.-tekh. obr. 20 no.4:15-16 Ap 163. (MMA 16:5) 1. Zamestitell direktora tekhnicbeskogo uchilishcha No.10, Tatarskaya ASSR. (Vocational education) SHAPIRO, Z.A. Cure of agranulocytosis by transfusion of blood of patients with chronic myelosis., Moskva no.4:91 Ap 150. (C-LKL 19:3) 1. Of the Hematological Hospital of the Dnepropetrovsk Oblast Station for Blood Transfusion (Directpr -- S.Ye.lquboshits), Dnepropetrovsk. USSR/General Probler-is of Path~l)_~T - Tur-,-)rs. Emieri=eutal U. Therapy. ilbS J 'U." : Ref ?.,.ur - Bi-'--,.; 11-- 2, 1959, 8816 Author : Shapir), Z.A. In. s t : City Healt!l Department, D-iel)r,)pctr:)vsk Ti' 1e : Erfbiquine Therapy :-,f P-,Iycytlieriia Vera OriC Pub : Sb. lmuch:i. rab~,t. Dnepr-)petr. gor. -)td. zdrav:~_)khr.; 10-ya b_,l'uitsan. DneprDpetr_~vsk, 1957, 25-36 Abstract : Patients witla p3lycythema were treated witli en-ibiquine id I ..-..b _- n-.-v.3e- iquine. Treatment wras be~,,un with mi IN. injection ~)f 3 of the preparation a day, addinG I Li~;, tc eac' subsequent illfusiDll ImItil 5-6 ti.- was reached. Embiquine pr)duced side-effects (nausea, vmitin3) f.)r the I)reventi-m _)f whic!ll the )atients received amytal; -_)v-,)erlbiquine -ve practically ii,-, side rcacti:ms. Card 112 U"' ;1t' / GJU(jrfl. I robloiim of Plnt~iology. Tu,-.Iors. H Ln U Nooplesi-iis. Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol. , No 11, 1956, 517,D2. author Inst : Dnepropetrovsk City Hed1th Dept. loth City Hos- pital. Title : On Chloroleukosis. Orig Pub: Sb. nauchn. rabot. Dnepropetrov. a-or. otd. zdrav- oo,l-.Ivr. 10-ya goa bolnitsa. Dne-propetrovsk, 1957, 44-50. ~'bstract: Six cas3s of chloroleukos-is i-n- ch'.1r-Iren, aged 1 year 2 months to 12 years, and in 2 adults, aged 37 and 52 ycars, aro re-lorted, It is the opinion of t1do 4author that tho divorsity of the clinical picture up to complete absonce of nao.31astic growth Card IL/2 65 I~iz ~ ~; .3. - - 0, ' , ~ - - A.,.,.; 4. ~- 'eucof-AF. c-ombinea with orernancy. Vrach.delo no-9:985 S 157. ,PLGGl'l--iNC-Y. -TIONS OF) (mlap ( -;- uc 0 S: i ;) SHAPIRO, Z.A. Relation of acute and chronic leW-,emias. Probl. gemat. i perel. krovi 3 no.6:23-29 N-D 158. (MIRA 12:7) 1. Iz Dnepropetrovskoy 10-y gorodskoy bollmitsy (glavnyy vrach D. G. Dolgova.). (LBUKA(IA) SffAPIRO, Z.A.; TIMOSHKINA, L.P. Prolonged remission in subacute rVeloid leukemia achieved by the con- secutive administration of 6-mercaptopurine and myleran. Pediatriia, Moskva 36 no.8:65-6)7 Ag 58. (KM 12:1) 1. Iz 10-y Dnepropetrovskoy gorodskoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach. D.G. Dolgova). (MOK3MIA, MYNWCYTIC. therapy,, busulfan & 6 mer~aptopurine, prolonged remission (Ras)) (BUSULFAN, ther. use, leukemia, uVelocytic, with 6-mercaptopurine, prolonged remission (Rus)) 0-0.qCAPTOPURIDTH, ther. use, leukemia, myelocytic, with busulfan, prolonged remission (Rus))