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SHAPIRO, S.Ya., VFR-WA. L.A., KONSTANTI14OV. A.A6 Conference devoted to 20 years of GtUdYing tick-borne encephplitis in the Fnr Enst. Vop.virus. 3 no.3:188-190 MY-Je '58 (MIRA 11:7) (SOVIET FAR EAST- -MITCEPHA LIT IS) S,I--~~dol A. I.; HAP S.Ye. Case Of amebiasis of local origin among inhabitans of Khabarovsk THrritory. Med.aarez. i paraz.biol. 27 no.1:108 JA-F '58- (MIRA 11:4) 1. Iz Khabarovskogo gosudarstvannogo meditsinskogo instituta. (KHABAROVSK TERRITCRY--AMEBIASIS) I RASWV, A.V.; SHaIRO, S.Ye. Conference devoted to a 20-year atudy of tick-borne emephalitis in the Far East. Mad.--Daraz. i paraz.bol. 27 no-5:624-625 S-0 158. (MIRA 12:1) (ENCEPHALITIS--CONGRESSF.S) SHAPIRO, S.Ye '.; KAlMYKOVA, A.D.; KLIMETIKO, 0. 1.; ZE102NSKAYA, M. I.; TIMOFE ME A, -1- . GARIBUZOV, M.M. Incidence of tulnremin in Khpbnro-sk region. Zhur.mikrobiol.enid. i inmiln. 29 no.2:21-24 F 15R. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Iz kliniki iTLfektsionivkh bole7ney k'hpb.Arovskogo meditsinskogo instituta i Minbarovskoy T)rotivochumnoy 2tnntsi-i. (TULAREMIA, eniderqiology, in Russia (Rus) SHAPIRO, S.Yp. -- " _. 'I- .first joint neanion of the Khnbqrovi3k Inatitute of 3pidemioloCi Pnd Hygiene nnd the Khabnrovsk Territory brnnch of the All-Union Society of Microbiologists, 'Boidemiologists qnd Sneci-qlints in Infectious Disepses. Zhur.mikrobiol.epid. i immun. 2q no.2:159-154 F 158. (COINWICA-BLE DISEASES) (MIRA 11:4) SHAPI-ZO, S.Yeo~ Conference devoted to the 20th anniversary of the study of tick-borne the encephalitis in Far Enst. Zhur. mikro~iol. epid,- 29 40.8': i . 153-154 Ig '58. (MIA 11;10) (IENCEPHALITIS) SHAPIRO, S-Ye. "Treatment of infectious diseases." Thur.mik--obiol. epid. i im r. 29 no.9:138-140 S158 (MM 11:10) (COMP-TICABLE DISEASDS) I-1h-,irr.- ,,c-.coloEY. ToxicologY. Chemicothera-peutic V Preparations. Anti-3,10tics. -~bs Jour Ref. Zhur Diolo,31y---, Io. 3, 1959, 14032 Author ShP-Pi 0 YO- In-tt T i t 1 -0 Mat,~rials Part--inin,~~ to the Study of Recurrenecs in Typhold--P-ar-r.typhoid patients Treated -With Synt-l-lomycin. Oi,16 Pub ZIh. mikrobiol., opidorniol. i imiinobiol., 1958, 'No. 4 47-52 , ~Lbstr~ict Of 300 P-a'ients vd'h tyl-)ho-parityphoid diseases, U U tran-ted .1!4,th synthomycin (T-), recurrences took place in 82 patients ('27 .3%); in 31 patients (10-35'a'), prolonGed subfebrile rises of TO were observea, which coula not ba explained by cord plications or accom--)anyinS diseases. The small- est number of recurrences (8.5~.,) were observed Card 1/2 SlihPIRL), S-Ye.; ~01U2AlJTDTOVA, I.A. Botlilisia treated with Diaferrl--3 antibotulism ser-uri. Zhlir. mikrobiol.eDid. i im-min. 30 no-5:138 Itr '59. 12: 1) 1. 1z Khabarcislcoy gorodskoy infektsionnoy bollni'.sy. (BOTULISM) SHAPIRO, S.Te. (Khabarovsk) Some considerations on the teaching of a course on infectious diseases with epidemiology in departments of therapentics. Zhur.mikrobiol.epid. i immun- 30 no.8:26-27 Ag 159. (MIM 12 -11) (EPIDEMIOLOGY education) SHAPIRO, S.Yn. Problems in infectious pathology, epidemiology, and parasitology at the seventeenth session of the Khabarovsk Kedical Institute. Zhur. mikrobiol., epid.1 immin. 30 no.11:157 N '59. (MIRA 13:3) (GOMMUNICA'B=- DIMSES) -- SUPIRO, S.Te.-, dotsent (Khabarovsk) Review of K.V. Bunin's book "Role of immunity and allergy in the treatment of infectious diseases." Terap.arkh. 31 no.12:81-82 D '59. (MIRA 13:4) (IMMUNITT) (A T) (BUNIN, K.V.) SHA.PIRO, S.Ye., dotsent (Khabarovsk) - __ - - - - - --l- Peculiarities of Widal's reaction in typhoid-paratyphoid patients treated with synthomycit. 40 n0.5: 119 S-0 159. (MIRA 13:7) (CHLOROMYCETIN) (TYPHOID FEVER--AGGLUTINATION Rumoir) SHAPIR09 S.Ye.; BARKAGANq Z.S. History of hemorrhagic fever in Central Asia* Vop. virus. 5 no. 2.245-246 ffp-S 160. (MIRA 14:4) (~'OVIET CENTRAL ASIA-EPIDEMIC I&IPRRHAGIC FEVER) KDRSTANTINOV, A.A.; SUPIRO, S.Ye. Protein fractions of the blood serum in some infectious diseases. 6 no.1:141-18 Ja-F 160. (KIRA 13:5) 1. Biochemical Laboratory of the Research Institute for 1pidemiology and H~rgleue and Chair of Infectious Diseases of the gedical Insti- tute 'Habaza7sk. (PROTEINS) (COMMUNICABLE DISEASES blood) SHAPIRO, S.Ye.; KONSTANTINOV, A.A.; ZELENSKAYA, M.I.; CHAPOVSKAYA, L.G.; STAROSTINA, I.S. Clinical and immunobiochemical parallels in typhoid-paratyphoid patients. Report No. 1: Effect of the severity of the course, the type of pathogen and the age factor on the protein composition of the blood serum of typhoid-paratyphoid patients. Trudy inst. no.20:38-42 160. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Iz kliniki infektsionnykh bolezney (zav. dotsent S.Ye.Shapiro) Khabarovskogo meditsinskogo Instituts. i biokhimicheskoy laboratorii (zav. dotsent A.A.Konstantinov) Khabarovskogo nauchno-issledovatell- skogo instituta epidemiologii i gigiyeny (dir. A.M.Krupnikova). (BLOOD PROTEINS) (TYPHOID FEVER) (PARATYPHOID FEVER) KONSTANTINOVY A.A.;__~~H~PIRO, S.Ye.; STAROSTINA, I.S.; CHAPOVSKAYA, L.G.; ZELENSKAYA, M.I. Clinical and immunobiochemical parallels in typhoid-paratyphoid patients. Report No. 2: Effect of antibiotic therapy on the protein composition of the blood strwn and Widal's reaction; the interrelation between Widal's reaction and the individual blood serum protein fractions. Trudy no.20:43-48 160. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Iz kl�nik! infektsionnykh bolezney (z-av. dotsent S.Ye.Shapiro) Khabarovskogo meditsinskogo instituta, i bioldiimicheskoy laboratorii (zav. dotsent A.A.Konstantinov) Khabarovskogo nauchno-issledovatell- skogo instituta, epidemiologii i gigiyeny (dir. A.M.Krupnikov~- (BLOOD PROTEINS) (ANTIBIOTICS) (TYPHOID FEVER) ZELENSKIY, S.Ye. Local amebiasis in Khabarovsk Territory. Trudy no.20:69-74 160. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Iz kafedry patologicheskoy anatomii (zav. dotsent A.I.Zelenskiy), i infektsionnykh bolezney (zav. dotsent S.Ye.Shapiro) Khabarcvsgo 0 meditsinskogo instituta. (KRABA.ROVSK TERRITORY--AMEBIASISJ) S Yc, UDANOV, LS.; MUMINIKOVA, A.I.; UICMNA, R.Ya.; C, -aYA, L.G.; ~7' Pii!KOVA, AJII.; PODKOSOVA, II.I. IAPOVS, I~u Analysis of an outbreak of paratyphoid B caused 1b.- infected chicken egg products. Zhur. mikrobiol. epid i immun. 11 no.6:26-31 Je 160. (MMA 13:8) 1. Iz fambarovskogo instituta epiderrLiologii i gigiyeny, Mleditsinskogo instituta i Gorodskoy sanitarno-epiderioloricheslcoy stantsii. (KIIABAROVSK-PARATYPEOID Mii~ (FOOD CONTAMIRIATION) - -SHk.pIRO, S.Ye. ....~ "Problem of infectious diseases and infest-~,.tions,l,no.l. Zhur. mikrobiol. e id, i immun. 31 no.7:148-150 J1 '60." (MT1RA 13:9) MSEASES-CAUSES AND THEORIES OF CAUSATIONY SH&PIdO, S.Ye., dotsent Method fbr detennining the clinical and epider.,liological effectiveness of antibiotic therapy uith synthomycin and levomycetin in typhoid fev,.-r lr~,Iratyphoid A and B in children. Vop. okh. mat. i det. 6 no.3:51-55 Mr 161. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Iz Idiniki infektsionnykh bolezney (zaveduyushchiy - dotsent S.Ye. Shapiro) Khabarovskogo meditsinskogo instituta (direktor - dotsent S.K.Tiechepayev). (CHLOHOMYCETIN) (TYPHOID FEEVER) (PAIUTYPHOID FEV-.,'P,) Q I--IJ-; AYLOVA, Ya.S.; GiUUU10VA, L.I.; POSTOL9 G.S.; 6IL4YI~tqj j.1 I ej j ADUML~Ffdj IMAZURIII, N.D. Study of serous-viral meningitis in Khabarovsk in 1959 Vop. okh. mat. i det. 6 no.11:9-14 N 161. 4II11A 14:12) 1. Iz kliniki ped-iatrii (zav. - dotsent G.S.Postol), kliniki infelIctsionnykh bolezney (zav. -dotsent S.Ye.Shapiro) Khabaravskogo meditsinskogo instituta (dir. - prof. S.K.Nechepayev) i sanitarno- epidemdologichesko.go otryada Dallnevostochnogo okruga (nachallnik 1-1. 1. Lev) (MIENINGITIS) (KflABiL,,OVSK--ViftUS DISEASES) 4 SUPIRO, S.Ye.t dotsent; KONSTANTINOV, A.A., dotsent; ZHDANOV, I.S.f kand. in:dd-.nauk; ZELENSKAYA, M.I., DatA of clinicaly epidemiological, and biochemical studies on hemorrhagic nephrosonephritis. 25 no.1:64-70*,Ta 161. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Iz Khabarovskogo instituta epidemialogii i mi obiolol#., (direktor A.M.Krupnikova) i kliniki infektsionnykh balezn'ey (zav, dotsent S.Ye~, Shapiro) Meditsinskogo instituts. (dire%"r - prof. SkK.Nechepayev). (EPIDEMIC HEMORRHAGIC FWR) inzzh.; R__,_ Clots. Ye.v.y in'."il.; :-* - - I nzh. _-ECD j, V. inz-h. inzh. of boiler fM717z.c0l; Zro:n bloch ,.~,,at to nA 11-06 Convar--don . i by 1not .-Iling cyclone Iz-v. vyo. Lcheb. zav.; -11. .7 .-I- 4 no. 1;11&-L22 Ja It'- 1. Umilskly pojiteIdinic'.:ot;Idy lmtitutt i7.ani Z.-I. :'_irolra, T u Lra-lm-.shzavcd i Uralonergoehor c'. Fradotavl.ana ::; "~Or( Urallskogo .,ol_*teI:hnic,xs::ogo promt,eploonerge-tiki SHAPIRO, S.Ya., dotsentl -ZHDANOV, I.S.,; CHAMSKAYA, L.P., - - - - - - - -= m a a iy nauclinyy sotrudnik Etg product-s as a soia-ce of paratyphoideB. Gig.i san-' 26 no.l: U2-114 Ja 161. THI~i 14: 6) 1. Iz Khabarovskogo instituta epidemiologii i gigiyeny i kliniki infektsionnykh bolezney Khabarovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (PARATYPHOID FEVER) (EGGS.:-NICROBIOLOGY) SHAPIRO, S.Ye.; KALMYKOVA, A.D.; GARBUZOV, M.A. Case of laboratory infection with epidemic hemorrhagic ne.phroso;- nephritis. Zhur. Tni obiol. epid. i immm. 32 no-5:116-117 My 161, (MIRA 14:6) 1. Iz kliniki infektsionrbrkh bolezney Khabarovskogo meditsi.nskogo instituta i: protivochumony s~antsii. (Ka3AROVSK-HE --fti6tGIC FEM) SHAPIRO, S. Ye. "Treatment of infectious diseases (antibiotic therapy and hormone therapy)." Edited by G.P.Rudnev. Reviewed by S E.Shapiro. Zhur. mikrobiol. epid. i immun. 32 no.5:132-134 My '61: (MM 14:6) (COMUNICABU. DISEASES) (RUDNEV, G.P.) SHAPIRO, S.Ye,,, dots.; PIOTROVICH, A.K., kand. med. nauk; BUNIN, K.V,j prof.., red.; BELIKOV, G.P., red.; MATVEYEVA, M.M., tekhn. red.* [Antibiotic therapy ~rlth levormycetin and synthon7cin in typhoid and paratyphoid fever] Antibiotikoterapiia levomi- tsetinon, i sintomitsinom briushnogo tifa i paratifov. Pod red. K.V.Bunivia. Moskva, Medgiz, 1962. 193 p. (MIRA 15:3) (LEVG'.YSETII,I) (CHLOROMYCETIN) (TYPHOID FEVER) (PAUTYPHOID FEVER) SHAPIRO) S.Ye. "Gamasid rickettsiosis (its clinical aspects and diagnosis)" by I.R.Drobisnakii. Reviewed by S.E.Shapiro. Zdravookhranenie 5 no-4:59-61 JI-Ag '62. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy infektsionnykh bolezney Khabarovskogo Meditsinskogo instituta. (RICKETTSIAL DISEASES) SHAPIRO S Ye , KIRFIEVA, R.Ya. 19 Paratyphoid B fever in children with digestive infections. So%;,med. 26 no- 1-1-31-134 J1 162. OMIRA 15:11) 1. Iz kliniki infektsionnykh bolezney (zav. - dotsent S.Ye. Shapiro) ~Iabarovskogo med-Itsinskogo instituta (dir. - prof. S ~ 9, I'lechepayev ), , (PAR~-TIPHOITJ FFIER) S.Ye.; , :(.Ya. C.Laracc zerl-sti c2 -~ If. tl~-- c'- I n ic~,I cour-S~- rf bru:~el ', osis 1 n tile Far East. Z~,ur. :7.1-krnbiol., epi-i. 4. iminin. 4.0 no.9.12-9 8163. (,~-Jjjj "4- 17 -- 5 ) I . I v, k I i n i k. ~ ~ n f P- k L s I :~ n ri Y~, ~ 1 hP3 1 e zn ~t y K i 1 a U, - ~. ro v sk, o g o int ~ d _4 L' s a. n sk o g o i n -1 t i I'l I ta. LENKINA. M.S.; SHAPIRO. S.Ye.; ZELENSKAYA. M.I.; KULUSHEVA, N.K. Characte-ristics of thhe -1--olation of bacteriopipge in ty-hoid and para- trea~nt typhoid patients in a light clinical course of the disease and - with antibiotics. Zhur.mikrobiol...epid.i immun. 40 no.12:3a5-116 D 163. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Iz Khabarovskogo instituta epidemiologii i mikrobiologii i klinik-i inf,--ktsionnykh bolezney Khabarovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. SHAPIRO, S.Ye.; LENKINA, M.S.; KIJTTSHEVA, N.K. Study of phagotypes of the local strains of paratyphoid B bacteria in Khabarovsk. Zhur. mikrobiol.; epid. i immun. 41 no.6:57-60 Je 164. (MIRA 18:1) 1. Khabarovskiy institut epidemiologii i mikrobiologii i Khaba- rovskiy meditsinskiy institut. ' - -i. i q `E ':;,!, M~M inifectrid-i --h-i--'--L as the cause -,f 4L n fe c t -- -o - Sclictt'Millerls paratypho-~Id F. -7hur.inikrob.-oL, er,,,d. i 4"'C1 no.l-',89-92 65. ( Mi :IRA i F t ~- b a - o v s 'A-, y -r. et s Ji n s k : v , ri s L.i -u1 t f Fha ba r -,- v s',c A, %r 1~ -1t e7~Idenniolog---- i imikrob:,ologil, L-27618-66 EWT ACC NR, AP6016418 SOURCC CODEt AUTHOM Shapiro, So Yeo; Zelenskaya, H. 1. ORG: Clinic of Infectious Diseases., Khabarovsk Medical Institute (Klinika infektsioni nykh bolezney Khabarovskogo meditsinskogo instituta) W TIM: Cases of botulism in the Khabarovsk region SOURCEi Gigiyena i sanitariya, no* 12, 1965, 90-91 TOPIC TAGSi botulism, therapeutics, serum, epideriologr AIISTMCT: Tito author presents case histories of inhabitants of the Khabarovsk region who contracted botulism following consumption of fish products infected if with Cl. botulinum. The illness was in all cases traced to persons who fished for chum and pike for personal bonsumption as well as for market sale to otherea These cases had either a lethal outcome or rvsulted in intestinal paresis, .diplopia, accommooation paresis. Treatment consisted of the administration of antibotitlin serumV(type A and B) combined with transfusion of blood plasma.. so u ns, and other means of pathogenetic therapy. Bacteriological analysis of the remains of chum and pike confin. d the presence of G1. botu- liniun. Thus, epidemiological observations indicate that the region of Khabarovok adjoining the Amur River is unfavorable from the standpoint of -botulism-~ The sources of this food poisoning were chwa and pike...i.e., fish TA u=wc s 6 Ln-M44571-62 L-216-1-8-66 ACC NRiAP6018418 specie3 vhose epidemiological role has not so'far been satisfactorily eluci- dated. It must be anphasized that the danger of infection Ath botulism In in Khabarovsk is harbored chiefly in the consumption of home-processed~ (cared) a - fJ-PRS fish product 7 SUB CODE: 06 SUM DATE: 26Deo64 ORIG REF: 002 s inu. - i F; C_ , . -, . , ~ - . , , -~ - -.-: - - " . - -C, -, -; -... ~- ~ :" ~ _j . . . - --, 'I" ~f th- n-,-en FrtLai-, Di estic-, - --, 1, 1, - .. J., I ~; i ", Ila ,3 - ", ". , -,, 4 " P- U vs~-' a:~ 2 17 (zli-m-1111, Goshe" e-, ~:=-.,eu) igzix), vol. la, ---.0. l---. Jo-m-nal of Clqailst:-~ ACC NR, AP7011827 SOURCK COM URf0079/66/036 010,1749/1752 AUTHOR: Xhomutova, Ye. D.; Shapira, T. A.; B"razovskly, V. M. ORG: All-Union Vitamin Scientific Research Institute (Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskly vitaminnyy institut) TITLE: NNicleotides, coenzymes, phosphate esters. XI. On the migration of secondary O-phosphate groups with riboflavin phosphates SOURCEz Zhurnal obahchey khimil, v. 36, no. 10, 1966, 1749-1752 TOPIC TAGSt phosphate ester, coenzyme, phosphate, hydrolysis, vitamin SUB CODE: 07 ABSTRACT: An effort was made to prepare riboflavin phosphate, phosphorylated on the secondary (2',3',4) hydroxyl groups, the primary hydroxyl group of riboflavin being protected with a trityl group. It was found that phosphorylation of 5'- tritylriboflavin with beta-cyanoethyl phosphate yields the corresponding substi- tuted phosphate ester, 5'-tritylribofievin-2',3',h'-tri(beta-cyanoethyl) phosphate, 1.1hen the protective groups (trityl and beta-cyanoethyl) were removed by successive treatment with 10% acetic acid and 2N ammonia solution, the only reaction product was ribo,'Llavin-5'-phosphate, instead of the expected riboflavin-2',3',41-triphos- phate, indicating a migration of the phosphate residue from the secondary to the Cord UDC: 547.859:577. )150.1.3:577.164.12 ACC NR: AP7011827 primary hydroxyl group in riboflavin-2',3',4'-triphosphate and simultaneous hydrolysis of the remaining phosphoester groups at the secondary hydroxyls. The same riboA'lavin-5'-phosphate was the only reaction product when the protective groups were removed in the opposite sequence. Beta-cyanoethyl phosphate smoothly phosphorylates riboflavin under mild conditions, yielding riboflavin-5'-I%beta- cyanoetbyl) phosphate. The latter is entirely converted in acid medium to riboflavin-5'-phoophateo without any admixture of polyphosphate eaters. Orig. art. hast I formula. ITPRSs 40,35 _V Card 2/ 2 FUTER, David Solomonovieb -- PROKHOROVICH, Yermolay Vasil 'yevicb; Prinimali I '- P-uchastiye:S~jAPIRO. ,T,8 ; NAZAROVA,E.M,; GRABOVA,F.N.; MARTINSON,A.S., red.; PETROVA,N.K.,; PRONINA,.N.D., (Tubercular m4ningitis in children]Tuberkuleznyi meningit u detei. Pri uchastii T.B.Shapiro, E.M.Nazarova i F.N.Grabovot, Moskva, Medgiz, 1963. 278 p. (MIRA 16:3). (MENINGITIS) SIULPI.-LiO, T. I . ; Some age characteristics ot stigmal and pollen cello. Biul. ot; I nauch.-tekh.inform.TSGL no.2:42-45 '56. (MIRA 12:1) (Fertilization of plants) SHAPIRO, T.I. Character dominance as related to the age of pcilinated flowers. Trudy TSGL 6:459-471 '57. (%UA 12.~10) (1~rbridization, Vegetable) USSR/Cultivat&-iP-lants - Ornament-nl- m Abs Jz)ur : Ref Zhur Biol., No 12, 1958, 539o6 ,,uthor : Shapir~, T.I., Raputova, E.Ye. Ti Z;lc Now Fircic-i,- Iris Varieties (IRevievr) Ori.-,,- Pub Sb. in. s.-kh. infona., 1957, No 11, 19-21 Abstract New Hybrids are described beloa~AnC; to the bearded '~:rjups of tall L;arden irises, the Dwarf, Siberian, Orrisroot, Japanese ana Lousiana. Anon.; the larje blosscried. :prde,,, irises many varieties have been n3ted. which have p .,ink and red colorinL; which is new to irises. 1~.G. Vyatkim Card 1/1 KOLDOBSKIY, A.G.; MEDVEDEN, S.I.; PISKOPPELI, F.G.; YAKOBSON, M.G.Vrinimali uchastiye: BERKEIN,I.B.; OSLIKOVSYMA, Ye.S.; PEzUKISLOVA, A.M.; LITV121, V.M.; FARKMMEZ0, Ye.V.; STOTIK, A.M.,i-.SHAPIRO, T.I.; STRU- MILIN, S.G., akad., glav. red.; ALEKSENK0, N.I., red.; VOLODARSKIY, L.M., reo-; GERSHBERG, S.R.- redaktor; red.; PETROV, A.I., red.; POSVYANSKIY, S.S., red.; HAZAHUVA, G.v., ke-ftd. ekonom. nauk, starshiy nauchnyy red.; KISELIMAN, S.M., starpbiy nauchnyy red.; LIVANSKAYA, FS., kand. ekonom. nauk, starshiy nauchMy red.; GLAGOLEV, V.S., t4uchn~y red.; NEDBAYEV, V.I., nauchnyy red.; TIRAANOVA, N.L., nauchnyy red.; TOVMASYA11, M.E., red.; BLAGODARSKAYA, Ye.V., mladshiy red.; SHUSTROVA, V.M., miadshiy red.; ZRITSELISKAYA, Ch.A., tekhn. red.. [The economic life of the U.S.S.R~; chronicle of events and factso 1917-1959] Ekonomicheskaia zhiznt SSSR; khronika sobytii i faktov 1917-1959. Glav. red. S.G.Strumilin. Chleny red. kollegii: )~Pksenko i dr. Moskva, Gos. nauchn.izd-vo "Sovetskaia entsiklopediia," 1961. 779 p. (MIRA 14:10) 1. TSentrallnaya naucbxi~ya sellskokhozyayst-.,ennaya biblioteka Vse- soyuznoy akademii sel 'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk im. Lenina (for Litvin, Parkhomenko, STOTIK, Shapiro). (itussia-Economic conditions) MAKARFNKO, G.A.; ILtINSKAYA, V.N.; ..;LUPIKO, T.I., red.; PECHENKIN, I.V., tekhn. red. [Recent developments in agricultural research and practice; an annotated bibliography] Novoe v sel'skokhoziaistvennoi nauke i praktike; annotirovannyi ukazatelF literatury. Mo- skva, Sellkhozizdat, 1962. 103 p. (MIRA 16:7) i. Moscow. TSentrallnaya nauchnaya sellskokhozyaystvennaya biblioteka. (Bibliography--Agriculture) (-,-~Ac- t~~klm. nauk; inzh.; 614APIRO, ll-for--,-,~tion of structi~ral plas'Llics in machinery and rheollogical in- Strol. mat. 11 no.5:25-27 INY 165. (IMIRA 18:9) I I R UDOY, Boris LIvovich; SEAPIRO, Teodor Miro.novich; o,AROSEL'SKAYA, M.Ya. 1. nauchn. red. [Production of glass fiber]Poluchenie stekliannogo volokna; obzor inostrannykh patentov. Moskva, -entr. nauchno- issl. in-t patentnoy informatsii i tekhniko-ekon. issledovanii 1964. 31 P. (MIRA 18:11) Ff .;.V. . GAYE'NKOI V G -Y Yc...E. H f 1,1.1 N, A.A. ZW~OV:;Ki G.P. G.L.:- _111""T"'Ji'l-W "A.; LMOY" ' j 1. 11, 1 I-IGHG'ZON , 1; . P. ; C,.,Ti,,O ZET ISER,, A . S. ; FAVLOV 1141 . A. FEIROV, PC-FC%,, V~N.; .A.; TAME, D.I:.; KIILAUIEI'~ "'S.3.-. :"A'zYTSBURG, '.A.; SHEMMV, V.D.; I'C' f T I I D E" IL L: e r !~andb~iok on pei-forming mechanical assembly and ,ZVe-4 -k on grain elevatol-s and grai . g enter- -. _,a! woi processin. P--i--es] Spra,:o,-_-hnik montazimilka; po proizvodstvu mekhanG- ::_,Dn-zizhnyk'-.. i _qc-tsial'nykh rabot na. elevatorakli i predpri- 4atl alch po perar_~%botke zerm,. Vockva, TSentr. in-t nailc no-,-e'-hr-. irfor:natsii tekhniko-ekon. issl., 1963. 519 p. (MIRA l1?.- 7) ACC N R. AP6033075 SOURCE CODE: UR/0218/66/031/005/1027/1032 AIWEOI: Frisman, E. V.; apiro, T. V.; Shchagina, L. V.; Vorob'yev, V. 1. ORG: S~-ate University im. A. A. Zhdanova (Gosudarstvennyy universitet); Institute'! of Cytology, Academy of Sciences.SSSR, Lenin.-rad (Institut tsitologii AN SSSR) TITL---: Hydrodynamic behavior of nucleic acid molecules in solutions of varying ionic strength SOURCE: Biokhimiya, v. 31, no. 5, 1966, 1027-1032 TOPIC 'I'AGS: nucleic acid, biochemistry, molecule behavior, physical cheinistry,b//A ABSTRACT: Characteristics viscosity and the dynamic optical constant have been measured for calf thymus DNA as functions of the ionic strength. of the solution. Viscosity of" native DNA mark-edly increases with decreasing ionic strength. The data suggest that the size and rigidity of native DNA molecules both increase with decreasing-ionic strength of the solution. SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM DATE: 25Feb66/ ORIG REF; 013i Oni REF; 023 a Ccrd 1/1 UDC: 547.963.3 SMIUMV, V.; SHAPIRO, V. Using the BTO-3 paint sprayer for painting botortrucks. Avt. transp 36 no.12:41 D '58. (MITRA 11: 12 i I.Trest "Mosavtozheldor.11 (Motortrucks--Painting) Pn lit- luziio,rmyj vrach a, ci. cal trearm~~nt cf var, cooele. n. ohyaz%rnostj Fafeclra fakul`et~-kcy L &.tsenr, Kali n! -.:kcL;o r, s k o c-o i n F tu M na M z e FDa -1 1 nn,,:'f - o v J-, 1aF ni-, bol In; zy No. SHAPIRO, V.A., kand.biol.nauk Insects that prey on the gipsy moth and their importance in plantations of the Savala Ranger District, Voronezh Prevince. Trudy VIZR no.6:99-110 154. (MIU. 11:7) (Gipsy moths--Diseases and pests) USSR / General and 3pecializea Zcoloey. Insects. Harmful Insects 2 and Acarids. Che;~dcal I;bthods in the Control of Harmful Inaecto and Acari-dG. At.9 Jour Ref Zhur - Biol.) No 18, 1958,, No. 82952 Author Inst 1 The All-Union Iwtitute for the Protection of Pi-in-tr Title I The Action of Insecticides on the Cotton-Plant Suctorial Pests TYP 1 -146 "ri,3 Pub : Tr. Vses, in-ta zasiachlty rast., 1956, 7Y 33 Ab,,jtract : In 1955, in the Forganskaya Oblast, the number (N) of the parasites of the arachnids on cotton plants incroasod in the Eiecond half of June; that is,, when the pests attained a naos reproduction. After treating the cotton plants, on lr,, July, with octamethyl (0.2%), the N of arachnid3, on the 3rd day, was reducol 90%; on the 10th ard 20'U'la day, thoy became unitary. Vie treatL:ent -%,rith Card 112 USSR/General and Specialized Zooloa - Insects. Abs Jour : Ref Mur - Bial., N-) 9, 1958, 40092 Author : Shapiro, V.As, Kamenkova, K.B. Inst Title The Preservation of the Parasites of the Gypsy Moth in Chemical Treatments. Orig Pub Lesn. kh-vo, 1956, No 12, 43-45- Abstract Chemical treatments in the early sprinG, which cease not later than the appearance of the larvae of the second hatching of the sillwolm, are most effective against the post but do no harra to the (,Teatest part of the parasites still in their hibernation localities. Decrease in the - numbers of the host leads to an increase in the effective- ncss of the parasites. Since the parasites are preserved it is possible to carry on the chemical treatments selec- tively. The parasites successfully concentrate in ncrlcc- ted sections and suppress the pest, at the expeanse of Card 1/2 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 9, 1958, 40092 SHAPIRO, V.A.- Main parasites of the gypsy moth (Parthetria dispar L.) and prospects of their utilization [English summary in insert]. Zool.zhur. 35 &9.2:251-265 F 56. (KIRA 9:7) l.Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledevateliskiy institut zashchity rasteniy. (Parasites--Gypsy moth) USSR/Gonaral and Systematic Zoology. Insects. Harmful P Insects and Acardis. Forest Pests. Abs Jour : Reif Zhur - Biol., No 3, 1959, No 11640 Author : Shapiro,_ V.A_.,, Karaonkova, K.V. Inst : All-Union Institute for the Protection of Plants Title : Concerning the Feasibility of Combining DDT Chemical Treatments with the A'tivity of Parasites in the Control of a Vernal Group of Harmful Butterflies on Forest Plantations. OriS Pub : Tr. Vses. in-ta zashchity rast., 1957,8, 99-114. Abstract : According to investigations of the forest belts of the Kamennaya Steppe, it is possible to coubine the activity of parasites with the chemical con- trbl of the Gypsy Moth (M) and other lea-f-2ining posts. The treatinent, should be conducted prior to the transition of the 24 caterpillars into the C,ird 1/3 - 30 - USSR/,'Tenorai and Systeriatic Zoology. Insects. Harmful P Insects and Acalrids. Forest Posts. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 3, 1959, No 11640 latter, it is recomoended to employ Inconplete treat-zraents of the plantations. Parasitic insects, especially flies, cancentrate on untreated dis- tricts overwhelm the pests, and accumulate. Bibliography of 28 titles. Card : 3/3 - 31 - 17 k: j"T 17 nz; T iL SHA.PIRO,__V,A., kand.biologicheskikh nauk Role of parasites in reducing the numbers Trud7 VIZR no.15:71-86 160. (Tent caterpillars-.-Biological of the lackey moth. (MIRt 14--3) control) 41 - 1 5h986-65 EWT(1)/FGC/EEc(t) Po-_4/pi_4~ GWi-~ CESSION NR: APS010283 UR/063/0/006/002/0369/0371 550.385 AUTftOR: Panov, T. N. , Shapiro, V. A. TITLE! Comparison of determinations of the full vector modulus T according to a~Aute observations of field elements at the Vysokaya Dubrava. Observato with data of the PM-1 proton magnetometer 1SOURCE: Geomagnetizm I aeronomly Ia, v. 5, no. 2, -1965 369-371 ;TOPIC TAGS: proton, geomagnetometer, terrestrial magnetis geomagnetic field, full I vector modulus, magnetic field measurement, proton precession ABSTRACT: The determination of the T modulus by means of the PM-1 proton magneto- 1 meter is described. PM- I magnetometer No. 31 has been in operation at the Vysok aya Dubrava Observatory since 4 January, 1963. The determinaton of a magnetic field by. means of precision proton magnetometers Is shown to resolve itself to the measurement of the free precession frequency of the protons. In the case under consideration, this fre- quency was determined by comparison with the frequency of a,crystal-cointrolledoscillator and with the ~ beat recording of a stan(lard frequency and the proton precession frequency on as 35-mm movie film with the helo' of aloop oscilloscopeo -In this -way,, 145-T deterridnAto ron- ,were made during 1963. Inaddition, 102 determinations were made with an elect I Card 1/3 ~L 5h986-65 ACCESSION NR- AP5010283 metering frequency meter. The modJflcations made In the automatic control'unit Of the PM-1 magnetometer for this purpose are described in the, article. An analysis is, givenof series of tests conducted for the purpose of comparing data on frequency determination ob- tained with the standard PM-1 device and with the counting frequency meter. In October Of 1963, 10 pairs of T observations were conducted with the frequency meter in such a way as to have one observation of the pair cover approximately th~';, maximum,.the other - the minimum, of the daily vari ation of the T. vector. These obser~attons_ made It possible to, compare the T variations, as measured b~ the proton magnetometer, with those comptted on the basis of readings made at the observatory. The results of this comparison are given In a table. The variation values show good agreement. The authors discuss a com- parlson of T modulus values according to PM-1 readings and, according to,the results of absolute observations. In 1963, using the proton magnetometers 247 T observations were the T (PM- akie com-, made. Differences were found between 1 readings) and To: (the T v puted according to magnetograms and other Zsolute Instruments of the observatory) values Numerical values for these differences are given and analyzed In the article. Three P08-- sible causes for this discrepancy are considered in detail: 1) errors in the proton magado- meter, 2) errors In the'observatory instruments, 3) erroneous values In the reduction cor- rection factors. The last mentioned factor to found to be the probable cause of the Card 2/3 N7 -.5 ,SHA?IRO, V.A. Cha.rac-,,er4S-iCS of the remnant magnetISM, Lrl the magnetites of the Pokrovsk-Urallsk deposit. Trudy Ynst.geofiz.UFM SSSR no-3,61-64 165- 6MJRA M-8) f-elds of th=- -vjri7',r. lands c-- .(lv Vse s, ent o'b-ta 50: 193-2 7 (M F.. L 02146-67 EWT(1)/FCC OW --I-.--,.---- - . - r . lqf~' AP7002759 SOURCE COM;t Ult/0387/66/000/008/0061/0073 AUTHOR: ShapirotV. A. AN SSS-R (Urallskiy filial, Institut ORG: Urnl'sk. Brnnch, Institute oLjqoop~ysics geofiziki AN SSSa) TITLE: Scismoniagnetic effect SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestlyn, Fizika zemll, no. 8, 1966, 61-73 TOPIC TAGS: magnetostriction, piezomagnatic effect, earthquake, seismology, geo-.,.,. magnetic field, earth crust ABSTRACT: In this articleP on the basis of data In the literature on laboratory' study of magnetostriction, piozonkignetic properties, and the dynamic magnetizP'tion 01 . of rocks and ores, using the results of the magnetic effect of earth unkes and with a review of theoretical studies, an attempt is made to g1ve an overall picture of the present status of the seismomagnetic effect (57 references are cited). 5tudy of this effect makes possible measurement of a number of properties of rocks at. considerable depths where direct Investigations are Impossibile. These manifested 4particularly well in seismically active regions. Systematic Investigations of. K--"q-0-rT4gp,etic field variations in seismic regions, along faults and in areas nounced movements of rocks, can facilitate determination of the probable placeds of future earthquakes. The seismomagnetic effect may be usable as one of the Indica tors of the appearance and change of stress In the enrth's crust, thereby in Caw 1/2 UDC: 550.382.3:550.34 L 09146-67 '!-~XC NR. AP7002759 earthquake prediction. Study of the soismoinagnotic effect is of great import ance Abel' ILCard for study of the secular variation of the goomngnotic field; there is an obvibus relationship between setsmomangotic effects and anomalies of secular variation. author thanks, N. A. Ivanov and B. A. Undzonkov for advice In the discussionsof the* article. Orig. art. has: 8 figures. CJPRS-. 38,230 SUB CODE: 08,20 SUBM DATEt OlDec65 ORIG REFs 019 OTH REFt 038 2/2 not MEL'KANCVITSKIY, I.M.; SHAPIRO, V.B. Averaging gravity anomalies from two-dimensional bodies. Uch. zap. SAIGIMS& no.7:283-286 162. (NIRA 17:2) 1. Sredneaziatskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy ins"itut geologii i mi- nerallnogo syrIya, Tashkent. 33203 4 1 ,Ib I /q it) (.)0 C; lot) 2,1 716 t. o; 2.1 E.5 i 0 Shapiro, 'Y,L). Ii v e I * fe c I o t' e 1 e r t i - os ta t i c i n s t a b i I i t i P ~~ o n t j i - t t * 1 t, o I c o n d i i c I i v u t y a n d t. ein p P ra t u r P o f p I a ~ nin J/ie~tiva ty-s-shikh tichebnvkh zav-edeniy. 11affioJ*iziRzi. I. !( tic, I , 867-871f 1-ho aut hor reports a detai led study of the elef LV? Cill voriditt-1 ivi tv of' plasma in strong electric fields, The analysis tl".f-j .,11 the ty-ansport. equation withmit the collision integ-al i s q h n wii I lin t t h e c o 3 1t,-ionless dissipation of energy ot' ov an elect ron beam gives rise to a rapid inct,ec,~;I it) (he tmitt-i-xy of' the plasma particles. The basic svt n i otjuation!4 I-or the nroblem is the Boltzmann-Vlasov set for plasma olorfr-u- witif iovis n + - ( E + F 0 t r in- 0 od f h.- f- ~-~on oq1t.,t t i on for the el ectr ic ri eld ot' the 0- 1 1 i'l tQjj.~ a rrl ; / 4 33 203 fit, I III .I I, (,I I,,, I,,, I It, 4 1 /fw I /ooli/ofiri/ow, /w, I E032/E5i4 I t K 1, Tr I.- (dV I riv ) ol ec I ron ---ind t nit t.y- i fm nn furic t i ons are i ven bv t k. fit-j- 4- t it , -,c -mmi t I, m rujirpsen ts plasina osci I la t ions all(l ) 'it t-, vit I tio i zeru The Cunctions 4- obey the fol)--Airiw f in i I) I I fl f- (I :~ t . Ia t j ons a re n f,,i r- and i iiii c f h ;nf- f 7 :- much sfoiver- than tha! of' t ki- - d ) - k 0 33203 Oll i- i i r lowl MI) /()i)=; t 11 11 t Ila t 0 Uri k j n I-rh I ( 1i W /ZS r, wflere W, is Lhe averaze chati.zi. -tv ih,- pav t i i I i- v toc i tv as a resii [t of "col I ecti ve cc) 1 1. i si ovi~" iiiii- i it%, Ihe 11111k. jtl(erval. 4t This ewiation is similar in 1, lit. i1-rick equa I ion . Tb e -niiation j!L solved for f. and an anal.ysis of' the solution shows ',hat wh. a sLrong (-lectric 1*1vid is inly-odut-ett. tiie plasma electi-uns arp a(7reip, fl% i I -jjO Vorm ;i beatil which Pxci tes longittidinal ptasma oscl I I oils I!if- vlectron benin is then retarded as a i-1,111A (11* 014, interarl ion Witil the coltective plasma oscillations and nit ii- in lhr- therinal energy of the plasma particlos due to tile tti-f-irr'l- i~-!l ion Of the osci.llations~ Acknow.ledgment~s are exnrt-ss(-6 In Ya. B. FaNluberg who diri-et.ed this work- There are -, r~-,Cf-trjc- i v; -1ij tic ana 4 non-Sov i et-b I ne Tlie iii!z I i sh- I anguct%c, A! d '~/ 4 33203 E.03'-1/Li 1.4 ref(,z r-nco,~i re a (I as f(-)1 In ,-~s Re f. IH. Dreiver, Phys. itev. It I 238 (195 9 ) . Re. f . 3 : 1). Bohm, E. P. Gro ss, Phys . Rev. , 7 5 ~ 18 7i 1. 1 ()-4 Nef.4, 0, Buneman. Phys, Rev., 1151 503 (1959); Ref~b~ D. Gabor,. Proc, 12ov. Soc.. 213, 73 (1952). This paper was presented at the conference of MV and SSO USSR on HAdjoelectronics, Khar'kov 1960, 1 85/f3l/00 6/00 3/010/0 10 D 2 0 8/0.3 0 2 AUTHOR: ShaDirO, V.D. TITLE: Effect of el-ectrostatic instabilities on the electri- cal conductivity and temperature of a plasma PERIODICAL: Ukrayins'kyy fizychnyy zhurnal, v. 6, no. 3, 1961, 426-429 . TEXT: This article was read originally at the All-Union Radio- electronics Conference in the Autumn of 1960. The electrical con- ductivity of a plasma in a strong electric field is investigated on the basis of the kinematic equation without collision integral. In this approximation, the time dependence of the momentum of a rectified electron-beam, and the thermal energy of electrons can be determined. It is show~i that the energy-dissipation (without col- lisions) of plasma oscillations excited by an electron beam leads to a rapid increase in thermal energy of the plasma. The distribu- tion functions of electrons and ions can be expressed by fl~(t,r,v) - f:~ft,v) + f:" (t,r,v) 0 Card 115 S/185/61/006/003/010/010 Effect of electrostatic instabilities... D208/D302 By the method of successive approximations we obtain M (M, 2' fl, W, I '*,\, .'f0- Y. W) - + WD X C-P Y (F-, 1) 110 1 P 20, W 20 "I- fit 0, 1 W7 - t": + I -- -!jz~,, q Y) + 0. 0 fT. 20, + (2 201 (6) t R* exp2 + 2 k'~ dt di, - Z. P 4- 42. f e, exp12 M I + d-: dk B, k' m + a 2 C ard 2/~ 11006/003/010/010 Ef b 2 0L) 3.0 2 ~fect of electros-atic ins-a-bilities, tip 2t d- tiltk CXP d- (6 K m t eT C.'(P28. (-c') d-' k d-, dk zx kI From (6') one obtains for the transverse and longitudinal tempera- tures O-L and 0, Card 34 /18 61/006/003/010/010 elcctrostatic instabili ties ... D208YI)302 YT! --ly =IO: 2 @.,(I + 21); (7) !.4 D In 1+ E, -t"" 4), E. rs ED Eq eN(,)11.- 0.0-19 For the rectified momentum of an electron beam: dP.z f dt (t) B. Card 4/5 M He nc s C ;L 1- I asma at r- t C, 1-he bunching o i cu r 1 1. 'lk 7t% tai'-e p acc, u,~uch sLow- al-.. S iS dUe to the r a t ure the 4'10 ~ff and tic, al, t] L a r 0. t The author [h an k S a 3 Lire ref e mric- 0 V, L re ':-- e-ces to the !~Ilgli8h- L an- Li a e 17, 1b i ,j 0~~Fs 0 ~~Oc r 1: 15 C 2 L 3 v 7 C, 7~ 5 A-S C) G 1 1, 1 F Z, v tit Fj -~: S:z Privs i co t: ec.-hiuc al S 1!31 R r 6 42763 j/185/62/007/010/001/020 1.4 D234/D308 diro V -Diffuoion in -U-!,.e inhomogeneous rarefied plasma, caused by excit:_LLion ol"ion-acoustic' oucillations t*JZYCilllyy ZIIUrtlai, v. 7, no. 10, i,_61, '2 j 4 qLULS' lilleLLI' tliejry tiie author estuiniates the diffusion _L L- i U C t) e i"fic -IL C., 't, .iii -h Iasraa without paired collisions is C on _ 1; -1 e r c 0, , -,, i, e 7ilasaetic field having the z direction -and all Jlas- .-i&, )aramiezer6 dejeziding o~i _~_- ~)nly. A solution of tide kinetic equa- C; zior, 1--c.-L-rieg an accurac',,r up -to terms of. tlh6 first o-rder in VHO Ls (i,,zoted ;~Ltpers by Iu_. 1. and R. Z. ba,.-de,,rev. Zxjres sions deduced "or tide cu_,,v,2i-,L dLni3-ty and -for -,,he oscilia"on ar.-ipli- L 'CCUI'%te dettji,min_Lzion o," t',e diffusion coefficient `or sza- ~1'311LLfy JZ~Cil',UGiOnO iL; The -ord~~r of i.--.agnitu(le of ion sion coefficient &L~e -U,) I t~.e above oscMation is fourld Ij be 0"! Irl tile . . . H i 2 '2/185/62/007 "0101001/020 J23 4/JDj 08 a~!Iu ion mutisea, fe 0/C u0 is -che e m Numeric---1-- vulues of tne JSIU., f e "or are P-, ut:lu a2iu 1 is ~ J21 c-annot O-e dw-~ -uo lion-ac-oustill "alf,'Iber for -ru-ida.,-Lce and 0 r1j. ~J!Llrllziv Ukn~SR, K-.urkiv) 2 FAYNBERG, Ya.B-,; Prininaii uchastiye: KURILKO, V.I.; KHARCHENKO, I.F.; T-AP -, P D. ~-fntpraction 1,etween beams of charged particles and a plasma. Atom. enerv, '--l no.4:313-?3"-- 0 '61. (MIRA 14:9) (Particles (Nuclear physics)) (Plasma (Ionized gaser)) 22772 S/057/61/031/005 '007,/020 3 3 Q 4 /-3 2 0 -5 0 Shaniro, 7. 77- L: Conductivity of plasma in a strong electric field 7,~ )TI 'Qk,,ic-c,-.oy fizikJ, v- 31, no. 5, 1951, 51--523 ~7 7 -1 ~ud- hl-s been mace of tl-e zmodera~ion ol~' a beam of "out-co-nir" e 1 c ro n s -,h il c- :-, e r c r c e,4 b, y -Lnt e rac tv o n -.,; ilr, C07jeo4z-,re plasma o c a - 4 on s -u nd er th e ac t -. on of an e.-.:'ern~.', > E zn electr_-;c field clec-r-c field -n v,,!--;ch +"e direc'ed velocity at4sined by the In u 'e 7"';D n n ti,-- mean free na-- is equal n "---mal LO Zne2.r MC-a thor -as -~udie-d t' y of ple Sma in sturong )C; ie conductivit .-e modera~4on o~ "ou-gon-11 electrons. ;Te --c - ta.~ n~ account o- ee_~ds r oltzmani.-Viasov e.-u--'-:on rom the 3 4 ~L -i- V 01. - ::F- (E. -4- E).df 0 at M, dv or ~~c trons and f n s o f e j 1 a m a a n d --"r om, t c u a t div E, 1-.,e j f'dv j fldv 1, 2) C:j r 7 '-:',-7 7 2 S/057/61/C31/005/003/020 n j t v - of . . . -In/-/320:z cx~ernal hcmo-ensous f 4-1d J, d-re--tion of 'he o electric e 0 L x-a-z-o E i i-s e e le c ic f J_ e id of p- la s ma o s c4~111a~i_.ons, ,~hi_clll. can be bz- ly (t, r) cos kr-+- e, (t) sin kr), A) k -on funct-Jons of ions -and electrons ~n the re 'he d-Is. -a . T_ J_S Sno.,n tra' co-'. and t',le mamp:nta o~' el ec'rons and u L 4- o nJLn f`ic are -",e d.41-re-n-t4al -C;ua-'-*on L.- enOEO,=p Of, iE >; ne, i~dv. (4) dt 7', S on o T) 1: C --, I la t i d on the -ji,stem is ba.~ e dt 7T. Rn. -I-- nl') (u,',.t Wk)0 Ev dt dxk M. 22 7 7 2 -or elleci __ 1 .-ons an- on -nn analc5ous S,-rstc, for an~7 -sumitior, tlhat e7 u M 0 u0 a 4 h c-4 m a 1 'm o n one obtairs t're d i s s o n r e I a o, n 3 C052 0 - On2 0 npit k->0, 0 2 cos'/3 0 npH k- < 0; Tig p =Paw,~01, cos% Oe ~,,7i e 1 d o t he o 11 ow, rE, 2 -c~or c s s j on or /2 and 6 0 ~~Uo, [2 (.k-zuoe 2 p WO k;u'o' 2 [1 kuO. '12 w0 wo %0 f t*-c I 0 Ci t v C', Y (iispersion of the Plasma Par"cle i a' en info account, tie disArsion relation ,,;ill acquire the forri. 2 -2 7 7 2 ~orv.',activity Ol S/O; I/031/C',)5/()C3/02*C 320~ W2 2 0 2_k:,,13 (9) T. An analysis oil (9) indica es that instabilities .-,ill ap-pear u ! iQ, . .1 - 6 - e T Tn 'he following, the aut'nor confines himself to I U01 VM t EC-/vE T~ '011OWS froM (7) and (S) "P - i el U-_ k p j< jk~u x 0 T'1,uf7,, the follow-ing -relatic-n is obtained -for a ziven R -k k I 2~wo Cos -00 kU0, . n, = no~ (k,uo,)2 (k-tzo,- ysin k 2~wkruo,.O cos o2 -'2 ku,',-,sin~j, nf=noe-Fz (w2 -j- 62):' (w*2 -+- 62)2 kr f (k, tj dt'. 0 T-, -,,,Mlme~ry 0, all d4~nct`ons in plane perjendicular t 0 t In =,e z;.. -s the a c t -4. nUT~ on t he electron- bea-m ~7 22772 or ColicuctIv-, ~- 1. . . . S/0 5 7 /' 1 119' 11100 5/00 -:11 ~ -104/33320) of its interaction -,-"h collective oscillations, and aloo the initial amplitude of each the direction of U'he --