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KOZLOV, S.Ya., inzb.,; SHAPIRO A , inzh. 5 Automation and mechanization of technological Processes at the enter-rises of the building materials industry in Moscow. 6 i0-1:10-13 Ja 160. -IIRA 13:5) Stroi.mat. n 0 (Moacow--Building materials industry--Equipment and supplies) (Automation) SHAPIRO, A.M., inzh. Some problems in automating the production processes at building materials plants. Strot. mat. 6 no.6:6-9 is 16o. (HIRL 13:6) (Automatic control) (Building materials) SHAPIR09 A.M.9 inzh. Computer for automatic calculation of the charge of a cupola. Mekh.i avtom.proizve 14 no-5:18-21 Ff 160. (MIRA 14:2) (Electronic digital computers) MARIYENBAKH, L. M.1 doktor tekhn. nauk, prof-L_SHAPIRO,_A. M., inzh. Control computer for overall automation of cupola processes. Vest, mashinostr, 42 n0.10:64-70 0 162. (MIRA 15:10) (Electronic calculating machines) (cupola furnaceal r4cco." 1950- (-r Lily t Of CO AUTHORi Shap-Jro, A,P. 20-119-5-13/59 TITLE~ On Characteristic Polynomials of Rational Symmetric Matrices of Third Order (0 kharakteriaticheskikh polinomakh ratsionallnykh simmetrichnfth matrita tretlyego poryadka) SSSR PERIODICAL% Doklady Akademii Naukf~'T958, Vol 119, Nr 5. pp 890-892 (USSR) ABSTRACTi The author proves the following theoreml In order that the irreducible polynomial f(x) of third degree with rational coefficients is the characteristic polynomial of a rational symmetric matrix, it is necessary and suffietent that all zeros of the polynomial are real. The proof is given with the aid of p-adic numbers and uses essentially the following assumption! Let R(0) be an algebrair, field generated by a root 0 of f(x) = 0; let cu,, ?-A'2; 03be its baseL Let there exist a number ~,such that the discriminant of Sp-,N-(x C41+y C~+z W3) is the square of a rational number There are 5 references, 3 of which are Soviet, 2 German~ ASSOCIATIONtLeningradskiy gosudarstvannyy universitet im;A.A.Zhdanova (Leningrad State University in~A:AzZhdanov) PRESENTED. November 30, 1957, by A,N.Kolmogorov, Academician SUBMITTEDt September 5, 1957 Card 1/1 S/155/59/000/02/022/0306 AUTHOR: Shapiro, A.P. B___ _~j TITLE: The est__D-i_sT-rF6u_tion of Pins Fixing a Round Plate PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. Fiziko-matematicheakiye nauki, 1959, No. 2, pp.120-123 TEXT: A cylinder basal surfaces of which consist of round plane thin plates which are fixed along their boundary, is assumed to be under internal pressuze. In order to consolidate the cylinder the two basal planes are connected with each other by rigid bolts. It is asked how to distribute the bolts in order that a high increase of stability will take place, and how large this increase can be made. The problem is solved according to a method of N.I. Mukhelishvili (Ref. 1). A bolt in the center of the plate gives a four times higher strength. Three symmetrically distributed bolts give a strength more than ten times higher. Two bolts have to be attached symmetrically in the distant a = 0.274 r from the center, three bolts sym- metrically in the distant a = 0-359 r from the center (r is the radius of the basal plane). There are 3 references: 2 Soviet and 1 English. ASSOCIATION: Yakutskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Yakutiya State UnivergiI4 SUBMITTED: March 23, 1959 7 7-~') Card 1/1 FADDEYEV, Dmitriy Konstantinovich; PETRDVSKIY, I-G.., akademik, Prinimali uchastiye: SHAPIRO, A.P., student; TUSHKINA, T.A., studentka; BOROVSKIY., Yu.Ye., student;.SMIF11OV, G.P. (deceased], student; KUTIKOV, L.B., student; IVANOV, F.A.; NIKOLISKIY, S.M., prof., zamestitell otv.rd.; SKOPIN, A.I., kand.fiz.-mat.nav . red.izdaniya; BARKOVSKIY, I.V., red.izd-va; BOCHEVER, V.T., [Tables of the fundamental unitary representations of Fedorov groupal Tablitsy osnovnykh unitarnykh predstavlenii fedorovskikh grupp. Moskva, Izv-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1961. 173 P. (Akademiia nauk SSSR. Matematicheskii institut. Trudy , vol.56) (IOTA 14:4) 1. Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet, matematiko-mekhanicheakly fakulftet (for Shapiro, Tushkina, Borovskiy, Smirnov, Kutikov). 2. Leningradskoye otdeleniye Matematicheskogo institute. im. V.A,, Steklova (for Ivanov). (Grystallography~--Tables, etc.) (Groups, Theory of) SOV/1 37-58-10-20400 Trans I at ion from: Refer ativnyy zhurnal, Me tallur,oiy a, 1958, Nr 10, p7 (USSR) AUTHORS: Nedogovorov, D. [,_Shapiro, A. P. T IT LE: An Experiment in the Flotation of Ilmenite-rutile-zircon Placers of Maritime Origin (Opyt flotatsii ill menito-rutilo-tsirkonovykh rossypey morskogo proiskhozhdeniya) PERIODICAL: Byul. tsvetn. metallurgii, 1957, Nr 17, pp 9-14 ABSTRACT: An experiment is made with a specimen consisting of fine granular sand, the granulometric composition of which is typical of placers of maritime coastal origin. The useful materials are Zr, TiO?, and leucoxenized ilmenite. The use- ful components may be recovered satisfactorily in bulk concen-, trate (on condition of prior desliming of the starting material) by flotation with oxidized petrolatum in a neutral or weakly alkaline medium at 220, the pulp being heavy (solid--to--liquid ratio 1:2). The conditions of flotation were determined and a flowsheet worked out on the basis of pilot-plant tests, The resulting bulk concentrate contains 93.8307o heavy fraction con- sisting of flotation- responsive minerals. The concentrate con-- Card 1/2 sists 50916 of a magnetic fraction, whi-ch is susceptible to SOV/1 37-58- 10- 20400 An Experiment in the Flotation (cont. ) magnetic separation. In addition to TiO?, the minerals of the nonmagnetic fraction are separated by concentration on the table, Flotation separation of stavrolite from ilmenite is based on the differences in their flotation behavior in caustic mediums. After electrostatic separation, the Zr concentrate con- tains 30/o TiO?. To reduce the Ti02 in the concentrate to 1'/o, it is subjected to flotation with oleic acid and Na?SiF6 as a Zr depressor. 1. Ores--processing 2. Minerals--Flotation 3. Flotation--Analysis L. S. Card 2/2 137-58-4-6372 Translation frorn: Referativnly zhurnal, Metallurgiya; N58, Nr 4, p 6(USSR) AUTHORS: Klimenko. N, G, , Shapiro, A. P. , Shcherbakova. S N, TITLE: Technical Aid to the Dzhid;nskiy Kombinat in Organiziig an Experimental Hydrocyclone Dressing Mill (Okazaniye tekhnicheskoy pomoshchi Dzhidinskomu kornt-.inatu po organizats"' opytnoy ustanovki dlya obogashchen~'ya v gidrots~klone) PERIODICAL: Tr. N. -i. gornorazved. in-ta "Nigrizoloto " 1957 Nr 22, pp 144-148 ABSTRACT: The results of a study in a pilot plant of the possib~*_"Av o1 em- ploying a hydrocyc;one to beneficiate granular ta!lings c4 the Dzhid: ns k~~yaTungs ten Plant in heavy suspensions ;s descr;bed. The layout or a succession of equir)ments for the pilot plart ;s presented and described. ASb 1. Ores--Processes 2. Hydrocyclones--Applications Card 1/1 SHiYIRO, A.P. Bent distribution of bolts fastening a round plate. Sauch. dokl.vys.shkoly; fiz.-mat.nauki no.2:120-123 '59. (MIRA 13-3) 1. Yakutskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Pressure vessels) TODES, O.ML_SHAPIRO, A.P. Diffusion kinetics for a nonuniformly accessible surface. Kin. i kat. 1 no.2:32b-332 Jl-Ag 160. (MIR& 13:8) 1. Yakutskiy gosudaretveunyy univeraitet. (Diffusion) ZELENOV, V.I.; SHLPIRO, A.P. Flotation of tetradymite. TSvet. met. 33 no.6:14-17 Je 160. (KM 14:4) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy gorno-raz'v"edochnyy institut tsvetnykh, rgdkikh i blagorodnykh metallov. (Flotation) (Tetradymite)* SHAPIRO, A,P.,, BFRNIAN, S.D,, dotsent Classes of conjugate elements of cyclic extensions of finite groups. Dokl. i soob. UzhGU. Ser, fiz.-mat, i ist. nauk no.5;76 162. (MIRA 17:9) . SHAPIRQ,-A-E-- --- Characteristic polynomials of symmetric matrices. Sib.mat.zhur. 3 no.2:280-291 Mr-Ap 362. OAPA 15 a 4) (Matrices) (Polynomials) !W00000040000*4000 )ask ps VVIluflu" lroti~,Olr U.-Ou 1-7-I.-M-M! 71"-3 - ", #1, r F C " I K L A-~-q 0 0' 'S 12-K. r' W.Ud., SWI With and K. 116- Russians (Welding). SunjEov: Art 2-V58- D410 Nov. 'Mil Illity of above CICCtrOd- Air. APPI16 for welding low y. kinigned Q= tell--W welding of Medium- Z,. carbon AM - invtwkidi R,,,; sults of mechars" welds. COMPOISItIOn Of eWtrodel. :0 0?. (KI. ON) 4SM SLA NEULLMICAL LITIERATM CLASSIFICAT)DO It Al ~O IS u an n 00 00 a 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0040000*4000000 0 =0 000 00 !Soo 1300 Coe .1 0 Irkni, ill fW 0 14 1 1 If a 13 a a 3 a 9 to OW 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000041000060:::9401~,V AUTHOR: Shap1TQ,__A,8-. 68-58-2-14/21 TITLE: On the Problem of the Removal of Sulphur from Coke oven Gas (K voprosu ob ekonomike izvlecheniya sery iz koksovogo gaza) PERIODICAL: Koks I Khimiya, 1958, Nr 2, PP 54 - 55 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is a contribution to the discussion on the problem on the pages of this journal (1957, Nr 5, pp 47 - 50 and Nr 6, pp 48-51). The present author points out that in the choice of the method of processing hydrogen sulphide, it is Imprudent to base It only on prices which often are only con- ventional, but that the whole regional economy should be taken into consideration. The author discusses the problem of utili- sation of recovered H2S and comes to the conclusion that it should be utilised for the production of sulphuric acid. ASSOCIATION: GIPROKhIM AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 1. ~~-oal gas - 1~:urific-l"*ion 2. Sulfuric acid - Sou~,ces 3. Gases - Purificqtion a P .1 jj )A b 26 11 A A A) R V 11 14 31 Id v m of tj 41 1 I' J L 1, 9 il P &A W W U AP .00 "Oo Woodft up cabortate sludge Litto Wdula zdtmte. i- J. Ckeql. 1,,J. 13. Piro :: . itX41 ar"I The n,-notllks of the PrecOl are it. %I, IAC~,Irr Zoo ex 06 00 zoo 0 00 ::4 00 00 -.00 06 1 A&. ~L& EY.LLIRrK*L Liffft.10f CL.ISIFICATION t z 00 S It T-- too 17 U An L 9 Od 0 9 a 3 0 K 11 n It ~ goes AO 0 .S 4D, o000 4 - - - Q - - Ift 0 o * a 0 4 6 10 0 & * 0 0 0 0 P A "T 17 USSR/Chemistry Chemical Industry Apr 1947 Chemistry Planning "For Ccmplete Fulfillment of the 1947 Plan," A. S. Shapiro, Engr, Minis-3try Chem Industries U-SM, 2 pp "Khim Prom" No 4 In 1946 production exceeded production for 19k5 by 11.4%. Plans for 1947 call. for even greater produc- tion in al.1 lines of chemical industry. On basis of 1946 production, percentage increase for 1947 must reach: 55% for phosphorous fertilizers, 17% for nitrogen fertilizers, 30.2% for s,3rnthetic dyes, - 26.3% for agricultural poisons, and 11% for paints and varnishes. This will cost about E2 million rubles, or same 10.8% more than in 19 ,. MW 58T17 34 rull I- USSR/Chemical Industry NOV "Scoialist ComDetition and Personnel of the Chemical Industry," A. S. Shapiro, Deputy Chief of the Depart- ment of Personnel, Labor and Wages, Ministry of Chemi- cal Didustries, USSR, 4 pp "Ehimicheskaya Promyshlennost'" No 11 Lcog list of accoMlishments of personnel in the ohemical industries and the medals awarded them for conelstently fulfilling their nor= in socialist com-Detitian. COM 34T18 BASHUK, M.B.; SKAPI-RO, A. S. Determining the economic effectiveness of capital investments in industrial construction. Khim.prom. no.2:70-75 Mr '54. (MLRA 7:6) 1. Giprokhim. (Chemical plants--Cost of construction) SHAPIRO, A.S. Cases of defects in the accelerating relay of electric locomotive units. Elek.i tepl.tiaga 6 no-4:26 Ap '62. (,',URA 15:5) 1. Starshiy master tsekha tekushchego remonta depo Leningrad- Finlyandskiy Oktyabrlskoy dorogi. - (Electric locomotives-Maintenance and repair) KOBRIN) V.U.; PEiU'VOZCHIKOV, S.N.; SHAPIRO, A.S., starshiy master 14oncontact back current relay for m1tiple-unit rail cars. Elek. i tepl. tiaga no.6:21 Je 162. (KIIIAL 15:7) 1. Pukovoditeli grupp nauchno-issledoratellskogo otudela Laningradskogo instItuta inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo transporta (for Kobrin, Perevozchikov). 2. TSekh tekushchego remonta depo Lening-rad-Finlyand3kiy (for Shapiro). (Railroad motorcars) (Railroads-Electric equipment) (Electric relays) SHAPIRO, A.S., inzh. Locating of insulation breakdown in the power circuit of the I r miultiple-unit rail car. Blek. i tepl. tiaga n0-5:28-30 W 163. (MIRA :16:8) (Electric railroads-Maintenance and repair) KASHARSKIY, E.G., kand.tekhn.nauk; MACHrN, Ya.A., inzh.; SOROKINA, A.A., inzh.; SHAPIRO, A.S., inzh. Switching-in of a 200 Mw. trubogenerator into a network using a self-synchronizationimethod. Elek. sta. 36 no.2:33-34 F 165. r_,n--na~e, _,,ccairin, Li-_,turra ~f -,,-e '"arotia, of n of Vest. ;0. l('4- Ctoz,'l-*-nolar..-n~-olc7-4-cz~-1- Cl-Lind c ~l ely a.:) Ln Inst., -cl9l.'!_:-~_. I SHAPIRO, L.Sh. (ChelYabinsk) ,*"-,...,. ... ~ ._I- - , Effectiveness of some measures taken at a plnnt for preventing the incidence of tonsillitis. Vest.oto-rin. 19 no.6:94 B-D '57 (MIRA 11:3) (TONSILS--DISEASES) ( INFLUENZA- -PREVENT IV3 INOCULATION) SHAPIRO,--A.Sh--- Some problems in the evaluation of temporary disability in angina. Zdrav. Ros. Feder. 4 no.12:7-21 D 160. (MIRA 13--12) 1. Iz kliniki kafedry bolezney ukha, gorlai noss, (za-7. - prof. A.Kh. Kinlkovskiy) Chelyabinskogo meditsbjs~ogo instituta, i bollnitsy "Stroysem'" (glavnyy vrach A.Sh.Shapiro). (DISABILITY EVALUATION) (RESPIRATORY ORGANS-DISEASES) SHAPIRO, A.Sh. Some problems in dispensary service for working patients with chronic tonsillitis. Vest.otorin. 23 no.2:60-64 F 161. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Iz otorinolaringologicheskoy kafedry (zav. - prof. A.Kh. Minlkovskiy) Chelyabinskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (TONSIILS-DISEASES) . SHUIRO, A.Sh, - Incidence of tonsillitis in adults. Vest.otorin. no.6:21-26 161. (MA 15:1) 1. 1z otorinolaringologicheskoy kafedry meditsinskogo instituta (zav. - Prof. A.Kh. llinlkovskiy), Chelyabinsk. (TOI,ISIIS-DISEASES) SHAPIRO., A.S. Phlegraon of the jejunum. Khirurgiia no.12:107 161. 1. Iz khirurgicheskogo otdeleniya (zav. A.S: Shapiro) gorodskoy bollnitsy 17o.2 (glavnyy vrach T.S Warova). (JF.TUNUM-DISEASES) (PHLEMON) (MIRA 15:11) V.-Volotskoy GEYNOVA, L.A.; MATOVSKIY, I.M.; ODIFTSOVA, K.P.; SHAPIRO, A.Sh. (Chelyabinsk) .' Prophylaxis for angina incidence at industrial enterprises in Chelyabinsk. Zdrav. Ros. Feder. 7 no.8:30-32 Ag'63. (MIRA 16:10) (CHELYABD,.ISK - TONSILS - DISEASBS) (CHELYABIVSK - 11MUSTRIAL HYGIBITE) 86-V-4-10/27 AUTHOR: Volosheako, G. F., Major Gen of the Air Force, and Shapiro, A. Sh., Engr-Col TITLE: Attacking a Target from Belaw by the Zocm Method (Ataka tseli snizu metodom gorki) PERIODICAL: Vestnik vozdushnogo flota, 1958, Nr 4, PP 33-34 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author states that at altitudes close to service ceiling a better use of cmbat capabilities of a fighter airplane can be made, if the attack against an aerial target is carried out from below by zooming at it. At altitudes close to service ceiling, the piloting of a air- craft is complicated and the maneuverability is limited. The last 1000 meters of altitude is gained with difficulty. On the otLer hand, at altitudes 1000 - 1500 M. lower than the service ceiling, the maneu- verability of a fighter plane is much better. For that reason the author suggests that the aerial tax;gets, which fly at altitucles close to ser- vice ceiling of a fighter plane, should be approached at an altitude 1500 - 2000 m. lower than the service ceiling and then attacked by zoom- ing at them from below. According to the author, this method of attack was often practiced in hi's unit and the last 1000 - 1500 m. of altitud- were gained 5 - 6 times faster than by the coventional method. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 1. Aerial warfare - USSR 2. Aerial targets - Interception LYAIM, A.A., inzh. SHAPIRO, A.V., inzh. Reaping attachment to the SX-3 combine for harvesting low-growing grain crops. Trakt. i sellkhozmash. 30 no.9:38-39 S 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Gosudaretvennoye spetsiallnoye konstruktorskoye byuro po samokhodnym kombaynam. (Combines (Agricultural machinery)) IZAKSON, Kh.I.; SHUMAKOV, V,G.; SHAPIRO, A.V., inzhener-ispytatell Main trend of the chief designer. Nauka i zhiznl 29 no.11: 20-26 N 162. - (mm 16: 1) 1. Glavnyy konstruktor Gosudarstvennogo spetsiallnogo konstruktorskogo byuro po samokhodnym kombay-nam i samokhodnym shassi (for Izaksor,". 2. Nachallnik laboratorii Goaudarstvennago spetsiallnogo konstruktorakogo.b~uro po samokhodnym kombaynam i samokhodnym shassi (for Shumakov). (AgrIcultural machinery-Design) ?AV---LA:illE-r,', V.ya- ii-izli~j SHAPIR'D, A,V., illzil~ Si: ilou rreca~i' reinf.)-cad concrel'a si.-ells Of POsitlw R I - - - - curvature, Bet, i zhej.-ba-'~ 9 no.lL:509-512 N 163~ (MIRA 17.-J) S%'*-*~'7--':R~~' A. Y.", . SJ[Apjt~o' A. Yp. ( 7 t .Sol. 'Veterinary Service). The achievements of militaro- ij vcterin;~ry our,,--cry in the years of the Patriotic 'War. So: Veterinariya; 2"; 2-3; February/March 1~~L,6; Uncl. T A B-I*,, N 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 * 0 * 0 0 40 0 * 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 ~". -l'u.; -HAFEHO, '1a. ,I-iolpzni LosMdey, Shernik Rabot," (Equine Diseases, Collectilon of 71fork), Ogiz-Sellkhoz.-iz, 1947 Compiled by A. Yu. .'tanzburg and A. Ya. SHAFERO, unvAf,-r editorship of A. 1'. Lakticnova, ~)tan~e Press ----or IL,f7ic. Literature. The book is a coLlectien of -,,;oi-",s on epizootiolcp!y., surgery:, therapy, and laboratory and llinical practice in '-he treat,:ient of e uine diseases. These -vvrks, in the r.-P-jority of c ~L cases, were previously puiblished in the journal IvVeterLnariya" or in one of the manuals issued by the Vet. Admr.. of the Armed Forces USM. 41-9922, 1 Eay 1950 P 1 m SITAPIRO. .1. YA. - How to anirials from. diseases. UnOer the editoroshin of ProfeFsor YE. F. Liz;kun- F--ml, ll)~ 'etith price 3 n,,blcs, 6,7) ~-o-cl-s, 5,000 coT-4.cs. in Latvian. SO: Vc'crinar;, 4- - t, -7,-,; M(i)- Iftarrh 1949 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 SHAPIRO, AleksanCr YAkovlevich. Tak4nT care of the army horse; manual for soldiers and sergeants izd-vo, 19L~. (mic '55-C55) Collation of the oriZinal: 35 F. Microfilm T-15 Moskva, Voen. 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Kavaleriia - Handbooks, manuals, etc. 1. Velikanov, V. D., it. au. I Lu 1~ by -'nc-- lopedic D ior,~ 2,y) Cnicll ~-6itrr, F. I. Fll-r:.,Y-~Idn. ?!"-, -cc-,! - 1950. ol I Qjr, SMABIN,K.I., SHAPIRO,A.Ta. "Veterinary Encyclopedic Dictionary". K.I. Ski7abin.,Cbie-f Editor. A. Y'^ SRPIRO$ Compiler and Editoi. Second Volume. Moscow' Selikhozgiz, a 07 1951* 696 pages with illustrations. Price 40 rubles., bound. 50,000 copies. ,90:Veterinariyal May 1952 uncl, de g Trans. # 155 by L.Lulich JILAAYA~, Zaven Khristoforovich, dolctor telchnichoskikh nau!c, orcifersor; SILAxIIRO, A.Ya., redaktor; PAVLOVA. II.M., te"..chrii-,naskiy redaktor PTechaology of the diary industry] Teklmologi4a mololica i molochaykh .k -)rcmiiiktcv ~s osnovami molokovedeniia). Plosicya, Goe.izd-vo sellkhoz. li--ry. 19~57- 517 P- (KLak 10:10) 1. 'I'erevanskiy zootekhuie-heak.*c--,rgteriner.-iyv inatitut (f'or jalam.,,-ac) Wairi industry) GINZBOIG, Amipadav Gesselevich; lVA110Y. Anatolty Dmitriyevich; GOLOSILAPO'V', Yu.11., red.; SHAPIRO, A.Ya., red.; VESKOVA. Ye.l., BALLDD, A.I., [Organization of veterinary medicine in the U.S.S.R.] Organizatsiia veterinarnogo dela v SSSR. Pod red. 1U.N.Goloshapova. Moskva, Goa. izd-vo sellkhoz. lit-ry, 1958. 527 P. (MEU 11:5) (Veterinary medicine) SH.A F IR-Q.-A ja . -MGC~~- ~ The role of economics in veterinnry servir-e. Veterinnriia 35 no.3:10-12 Mr 158. (MIw- 11:1) 1. Gosudnrstvennyy nnuchnyy kontrolInyy institut no vetDrennratnin, stnrshly nauchMiy sotrudnik Inborntorii ekonomiki veterinprii. (Veterinnry medicine) SHAPIROY A.Yij.; EPSHTEYN, N.Ya. Illie RTM thermostat. Avtom.i prib. no.3:51-53 1. Kiyevskiy zavod kontrollno-izmeritelinykh (Thermostat) Jl-S '62. (MT-RA 1.6:2) priborov. EPSHTEYN, N.Ya.; SHAPIRO, A.Ya. The RAS automatic optical electronic refractometer. Av-tom.i prib. no.4:54-57 O-D '62. (MA 16:1) 1. Kiyevskiy zavod kontrollno-izmaritellnykh priborov. (Refractometer) ACC NR. AP7004655 SOURCE CODE' UR/043Z/66/000/001/0028/00,29 AUTHOR: Shapiro, A. Ya.; Epahteyn, N. Ya. ORGI none TITLE: AR-3-V general-purpose automatic refractometer SOURCE: Mekhanizatsiya i avtomatizataiya upravleniyal no# 1, 19661 Z8-29 .TOPIC TAGS: refractometer -3-V refra'c' I R- tometer ABSTRACT: The Kiev Plant of Measuring Instruments is coming up with (a batch production of) a new AR-3-V automatic refractometer which was designed by the Tbilisi Special Design Bureau of Instruments and Automation Means. The refractometer includes an optical system, a p9wer pack, a secondary instrument, and a transformer. Light beam from source I (see figure) is reflected by rhirror Z and through objective 3 and rectangular diaphragm 4 goes into test cell 6 Card I /Z UDC: S3S- 3Z4 ACC NR, AP7004655 -2 3 4 5 6 2 7 Optical system of the AR-3-V refractometer 2 and reference cell 5. Thence, t'he beam is directed onto photoresistor 7 whose halves form the arms of a balanced bridge. Technical characteristics of the refractometer are: measurement range, 0.002 -oo nDunits for AR-73-V-1 (with semicylindrical reference cell) and 0 -0005 - ao n,, units for AR-3-V-2 (with trihedral-prism cell)j basic error, 2.5--5%1 sensitivity, 1%; linear scale, 0-100; temperature in the test cell, 25--70C. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and I table. SUB CODE., 09, 20 SUBM DATE: none ;A POPIAVSKII, Yulian Viktorovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; NADEINSKAYA, Ye.P., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., retsenzen~ RO A.Y -inzh., retsenzent; RYZI110VA, L.P., inzh., red.lzd-va; SGKOLOVA, T.F. , tekhn. red. [Technology of the construction of chemical apparatus] Tekh- nologiia khiniclieskogo apparatostroeniia. Mloskva., Mashgiz 1961. 286 p. NIRA .15:3~ (Chemical engineering--Equipment and supplies) EPSHTEYN, N.Ya.; SHAPIRO, A.Ya. The AKN-57 device for automatic determination of the color of petroleum products in a production flow. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform. no.8:16-18 161. (:1DU 14:8) (Colorimeters) EPSHTEYN, H.Ya.; SHAP_IRO,._.A.X_a._ Device for automatic determination of the color of petroleinn products in a flow. Avtom.i prib. no.1:43-51 Ja-Mr 162. (WRA 15:3) 1. Kiyevskiy zavod kontrollno-izmeritellnykh priborov. (Petroleum products-Testing) (Colorimeters) KOZULIN, N.A., prof.; SHAPIRO, A.Ya.; GAVURINA, R.K.; GRIVA, Z.I., red.; LEVIN, S.S., tekhri. red.; ERLIKH, Ye.Ya., tekhn. red. [Equipment for the production and manufacture of plastic articles] Oborudovanie dlia proizvodstva i pererabotki plasticheskikh mass. Leningrad, Goskhimizdat, 1963. 792 p. (MIRA 17: 1) G karld k L, ,;!;A',' I --e'-~enzen-. (1~Iajt-ic parts for and devices; Lhe-r desigm, construction and manufacturel, Flastmsocvye detali ri.a- shin i pri-.'jo-rov; rasc~et, konstruirovanie JIL izvotovle- C. nie . 'VoSkva, Mashii~ostroenie, 19'5. 354 p. (1,1IRk 18:2) -65- -M(M)/Me(b)AUA~A)4M(t ACCESSION NR: AR3010288 S /0081/63/000/012/"15/0416 SOURCE: RZh. Khimiya,.Abs. 12K79 AUTHOR: Shapiro, A..Ya. TITLE: Facing equipment with steel having Apacial proo6rtieB CITED SOURCE: Vestn, tekhn. i ekon. inform. N.-i in-t tekhn,' issled GOILJ;~ _-mekon. kom-ta Sov. Min. SSSR. po khimii,, ro. 12,, 1962, 31-36 TOPIC TAGS: steel corrosionj corrosion protection,'metal facing, nickel facing, copper facing, steei-facing, chrome steel TRANSLATTON: In the absence.of the necessary-brands an&varieties:of clad metal,~ the consumption of high-alloy steel can be.. 'reduced b3k facing the framework of. equipment with sheets of steel having special properties. Successful work Twith:. faced equipment (with strength and durability), ;~an be guaranteed by correct design of the equipme'nt, the selection of a'rational struct re for the _177 u facing, and its proper installation. The beat solution ii the use of a perforated frame, faced with strips having the calculated dimensions. When the strips are,, joined by degasation channels, the number of openings in the frame can be reduced d9d a17,inimum. Thermal phenomena, leading to'tensile stress faced perforated L- 20715-65 AMT997MM: AIR3010288 frames) or additional pressure in the spacemn-der the facing (in faced hermeticall a linear i sealed frames), are produced by difference in the coefficients.o-4 expansion (afr 0 afa) and temperatures (tfr 4 tfa) of the frame and facing. In the case,of. chrome steel facings, afa is close to aft and the reason for the tensile stress Lai . the inequality in temperature. In the case of facing with chrome-nickel steels both factors are of significance. Only butt welding -should 'be used. to fasten the elements of the facing together and to the'frame. During tests of faced equipment pressure should be introduced into the space between the frame and the facing by means of the de'gasation channels or special holes in the frame.- The magnitude of the test pressure ii calculated by considering either -the pressure during ther-l'..." mal stress (in the case of perforated frames).or the pressure in the gap at the working temperature (for hermetically seale .d frames). This approach to the design'! of facings can also be used during the facing of apparatus,with n-firrous'metala no and alloys (Cu, Ni, Monel metal). Author's summary -i-SUB CODE: MM ENCL: 00 f Card '2/2 ----------- 1. A.. In-.,.h. i LUAEGV, I. A. in?.h., SPAPIRL, j',.-Ya., Lizh. Inzhentiry VsesoNruznaya Kontora Tipovogo Proyektirovaniya i Teknicheskikh Isslociovany (KTI")) ;,Antya---~--qtroya. Otopleniye- 1 Ventilyatsiya Koksovogo Bloka Koksokhimicheskikh Zavodov (instruktsiya .Proyektirovaniyu) Page 54 SO: Go!loction of Anro.t~tlinlls of Scipn~ific Resenrc, or Const-ulct-on cari-leted in 10~0. SITAPIW), A.Yft. , inzhmner; MAKETEV, M.A. ItHigh-pressure hydraulic pumps and pump storage stations." V.A. Mikhmev. Reviewed by A.IA. Shapiro and M.A. Makheev. Vast. mash. 36 no.6:89-011 Je '56. (MLRA 9:10) (F~imping machinery) (Mikheev, V.A.) LITVAK, V-;~I.; SHAPIRO, A.Ya. Proportional controlling unit. Spirt.prom. 23 no.8:20-22 '57. (MIRA 11: 1) (Automatic control) 14(7); 5(l) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1355 Shapiro, Aleksandr Yakovlevich Teknologiya remonta oMrudovani a kb-imicheskikb- zavodov (Maintenance of Chemical Plant Equipment TLeningrad, Gosk-himizdat, 1958. 367 p. 8,000 copies printed. Ed.: Chernyavokiy, V.A.; Tech. Ed.: Fomkina, T.A. PURPOSE: This book is intended as a manual for persons engaged in the chemical, metallurgloal, paper, food,, and pharmaceutical industries, and may be used as a textbook tor students of mechanics in technolog- ical vuzes and tekhnik-ums. I COVERAGE: The author disiuBses the basic problems of machine and chemical plants. He describes extensively techniques for rebuilding worn parts and assembling and checking methods in repairing such machinery as compressors, pumps, centrifuges, filters, Card 1A, Maintenance of Chemical P1,wt Equipment SOV/1355 mills, crushers, d-zum-type furnaces, rolls, calenders, mixers, and hydraulic presses. Repair and testing of containers and tubular chemical equipment are dealt with separately. The author thanks Professor N.A. Kozulin, Lk-.~oents N.M. ivanov, V.I. Gostev, and N.I. Tagano',,-, Englneers P.G. Udyma, V.A. Chernyavskiy, M.F. Barsukov, M.F. Mikhalev,N.V. Ogarev, a-rid N.I. Kapustin for helpful comments made in reviewing the manuecript. The bibliography contains 118 references, of which 114 are Soviet and 4 English. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Introduction 5 PART I. ORGANIZATION AND METHODS OF EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE Ch. I. System of Pre~--ntliv-e Maiinten~u-,-e ~-,f Chem-1--all Plant 7 Systems cf 7 Systems and b -,equipment 8 P Planning repp-i-s fn 11 Card 2/4. ZAIYA, A.A.; LITVAK, V.I.; SHAYIRO, A.Ya. The RU-type induction liquid-level regulator used in vessels. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform. no.12:47-48 '58. (MIRA, 11:12) (Liquid level indicators) LITVAK, V.I.; SHAPIRO, A.YA. New electrical controlling unit with Dro-Dortioanl Action. Spkh. prOE1. 32 no.2:41-44 7 '58. (XIRA 11:1) 1. TSentrnllnoye konstruktorskoye byuro Ukrglqvprodmnehdetml'. (Electric controllers) ZAIXA, A.A.: LITVAK, V.I.; SHAPIRO, A.Ta. Induction regulator of liquid level in the apparatus. Koasei ov.prom* 14 no.2:25-26 F 159. (MIRA 12:3) 1. Klyevskiy zavod radiopriborov (for Zaika). 2. Kiyevskiy zavod kontrol'no-izmeritellr,ykh priborov (for Litvak, Shapiro). (Liquid level indicators) LITVAK, V.I.; SHAPIRO, &.Ya.; EPSHTEYN, N.Ya. Automatic photoelectric refractometer. Xona. i ov. prom. 14 no*3-.10-15 Mr 159. (MIRA 12:3) LKiyevskiy zavod kontrollno-izmeritellnykh priborov. (Refractometer) LIMIX, V.I.; SUM- 110, A.Ya. (Kiynv) ifew olectric actimfing msrhardimB with proportional action. Avtom.i tplam. 20 no.2:251-256 F 159. (MIRA 12:3) (Electric driving) Tht~r;rcplasldc. Zh,-r~ pri-ki. C-0-4:864- E71" Ap 16. 1 S. I. Lani~igrad,~'.fiy t.clhnoJ.oc-Rj,-,tD,3kLy inst-itut imeni Lenscrveta. nl,. vc'f. ; LOFIICHIEN C K7 B.Ye . , -Lnzh. ; SAIJI--k-F I RG, A. y U.- ,Iie c-f sjid.'n- irieed on the --oe"l-lent Of frictiC*ln for Ve-z;t.,ma----hin,,L,-IT. 45 no-3-55C-52 M-- 165. (MI-PA 18:4) SHAPIRO, A. Ya. Certain affections of the hamopoietic s7stem in specific treatment of syphilis. Vest. vener., Moskva no.4:31-32 July-Aug 1951. (CIAL 21: 1) 1. Of the Department of Sy-philology (Head -- Prof. B. B. Geft), Ukrainian Scientific-Research Skin-Venereological Institute (Director -Prof. A. M. Krichevski7). SHAPIRO,., A.Ye..,,,. I. F. Zelenev;90th anniversary of birth of the outstanding clinician organizer of the control of venereal diseases. Test. vener., Moskva no. 4:48-51 July-Aug 1952. (GLML 23:3) 1. Of the Ukrainian Scientific-Research Skin-Venereological Institute (Director __ Prof. A. X. Krichavskiy). SFAPIRO, A.Ye. Experience in the treatment of some dermatoses with the ASD preparation. Sovet. med. 26 no.5*.138-1-41 My'63 OMA 17:1) 1. Iz kozhno-reneroloCicheskogo otdeleniya (zav. I.I.P.Rudayev) 2-y Gorodsko klipicheskoy bollnitsy Kharlkova (glavnyy vrach G.A. MukhinaT. o - a 0 0 0 #0600060::::* 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 l g 0 n 0 It o o 0 0 o 4 29 w it I? Al 143 bit 18041141 Mal 44 a 0o A R L 1 04 l; 1. h L 9 P., I .,I V Cc 0 It I 1 'JO 0 00 go k, jiml of [fit- p1mvdilru. 1. Willing. Ixiking, tivring all'i fill fiflumiller, A, A. 11tx:hdiuxk see coo 0 0 00 COO of. 00 ago 00 moo '00 oo.. 00, 0, f ' !,60 GK AL LITf IIAT Lfft C L A SSIFICATICN I I AL L L # t z S a Cue 0 w Im 1) #1 a I I Afl* 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 000 0 0 0 wee 0 V -L 0 1, it a l it n A v 11 1.- 11 0 D 1. 1, is 0 A) u 13 i I L 2 A-A F Q R I I U I At L l a 0 : Dylliag of leather. A. U. Mupit- ~wN,,mik 0 ......p a 0 1 Vloilel- Pro,%. 1939, No. 0 114-INA); hkl~. Refe,af. Zhur, MO. No. L, 110 6. ' It-sther with halt %jKit,* And otlivrd, - ImpTt,jwilv 4xe,,l rAw fcct~ ewillut Iw ~'Ii'facwlily 41yrd, Raw Ic"(11"I 'll"Illd 1w mra%lied Willi Val Water at a lesillf. IN-low 20" am) to 40 j)IWtIkC1 A 110111111iftnill diStlibirliOll td tile %Clkl. Cl ~tlj, 00 d The inahatire cmitent anti thicknevi of ~luivvl leather And Lite pif ,Alue are important for producing a uniform tut,,! 00 -hade. r~~od retults are obtainctl with Lcukanol as air 00 "Juabirer. In surface dyeing the thickncim of the filto ;.1 %litnshl mit e%ckvtl `A) 70 ing. ~q. din. Ini&anthrrne Alv- 00 I-xilice a large variety of cohn'. A ucw Iscill"d I'll I'l., ducing a cumbirwitin filin voIL-imic of nitrwrtfult-e ~itd zo R ~vjyr tile oil I Ile Ira I her jurfac'. 211.1 a it Soo ,jVCing Of ICZLISU fillet. ate R. 11"ful 20 00 J 140 0 0 roe 00' A S a S L A IET ALLUP.GKAL LITIFRATtIRE CLASSIfIC&TICk too . S~ 0 0 too , u - O 0 If 1 it It K 91 a 91 Ill M rt it i)V. it, An- -C-T-4 -11-d-0 14 1 W N 3 0 0 3 _G'__ lie, 0 o ,.~. 90 0 0 o 10 0 * 00 00 0 0 0 * 0 0 06 0 * 0 o o c 0o see* 0-00 00 4 'a of 0 0 00 0 0 00 00000 0 011111 0 o 06-000 00 00 00900 0 n 0 0 0 0 0 0-w o *_C_W_GF*_0_W VR:-.qW!W 4 0 0 0 0 0 011 is R ! 7 4 0 1 0.00-Ve 4) A -2 L k tt 41 a U _ 2 r Q R J I - - __q _ _ substituft for Ruad, 1~&tber for shoes. _*0 V. Chervow and A. E,-Sb&&O. Vestmok lxskr.,r~r ' .00 I s". 190. W-7; CArm' Zs"*- 1941, U, ='I-I.-As a go gi_ substitute for Russia kather "Xirva"-, multiple ply _09 99 1 fabric of "Katnuding" (0.75-2.2 mm. tbkk)-6 being -00 used; it is astd. with vwiOus mbstances to decrtase penc- 0 tratiow by HaO, moisture or sk and to increase wear and -00 00 stmucss. For hapm-ting the material 's* 40 suspension is eWscially good. It captains either chlorn- r bb hi h h f 1 prow u er. w c Sives t e abri elasticity. uh ability to shed water resistance to = t '3 , I t by ods or coo I fats, and ffitiffam, Or ftwin WWh lim greater pmne- ge 01 ability to water vapor and lestberlike properties. It also a contains a phemal4ornaldehyde mass, PMd. from 40% cryst- Phenol catelYzed with NasCO. or r-Co. which roo . renders the canein hisol. and gim Increased wear and mold 0 0 a resistsoce. A13o peene t am NH. alizmrin OU, ZnO and a i i 00 cawin or s mMer biw t dye; the em-t conjpd. depaxIs an the use for which It is intended. For fire-resWant h s oes the plAcnol-fortnakichyde wass wou)d be replaced by water glass. Sam. with ph--I*- does not shrink the fabek. The material can be used to replace Russia leather in shoes. bc1m saddles ete. 1. D. Clarke 2. A L E7~LLLQGK.L LITESATLOE CLA11101CATICh vt AT PO Is' A, K 't a 5 K It U Or ist tv IF o o 0 0 010 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ojo 0 0 0 0 MI A. 'W 0 -.. 40 n 11 Zoo we 0 1. SHAPIRO, A. YE. 2. USSR (600) 4. Dyes and Dyeing--Leather 7. Ways of improving the quality of dyeing chrome leather for shoe uppers. Log. prom. 12. No. 10. 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January 1953. Unclassified. V I 1 -1 1. M"Ir"IrTu'll, 1. Ya-- .'~. Ye 2. 7-7 ~(-00) 4. IUssia - 11 f'IctUres .anu 7. Guarantee of over-all introduction of advanced methods of operation aand repair of equipment. Leg. prom. 12. no. 11. 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, February -1953. Unclassified. VOLIPERT, G.R.; SHOIRO, A.Y5. ~ Scientific substantiation of the methods of limiiL-- skins for manufacturing upper chrome leather. Log.prom.-18:no. 0.-22-25-0 '58. (Tanning) 114IRA 11:11) A SHAPIRO, A.Ye., kand.tekhn.nauk; PROSHKIN, G.N. Production of colored calfskin velour. Kozh.-obuy.prom. no-1:35-38 ja 159. (MIRA 12:6) (Dyes and dyeing-Leatbar) SIUPIRO, A.Ye. Synthetic products as fat substitutes. Kozh.-obuv.prom. no.10:15-17 0 '59. (MIlth 13:2) (Leather) (Oils and fate) SHAPIRO. AE2tRjjy Yef imovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; PCLTKROVICH, M6Yqr Leybovich, kand. ekonom. neuk; MUROKS"ES, I.I.. red.; BRUDNO, K.F.. tekhn. red. [German-]Russian dictionary for leather and'shoe industry] Nemetako-rusakii slovarl po kozhevennoi i obuvnoi promysh- lennosti. Moskva, Glev. red. inostr. neuchno-tekhn. slo- vatei Fizmatgiza, 1960. 4o5 p. - (MIFLA 14:5) (Leather industry--Dictionaries) (Shoe manufacture--Dictionaries) (German language--Dictionaries--Russion) SH;iPIRO,,,.,',,Ye,, kandteklin.nauk; ULANOV, S,,A., inzh. Depilation without ainting in the manufacture of chrome F leather from hides. Kozh,,--i. 4 po.3:2~-32 vx 162. (1-afUi 15-5) (Leather) SHAPIRO, Anatoliy Yefimovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; KERMIKOV, - - . - _ . i6h; A.M,, red.; PYATNITSKIY, Nikolay , rgeyeii V.N., tekhn. red. [Safety measures in leather manufacture] Takhnika bez- opasnosti v kozhoommom proizvodstme. -goakvap Gizlegprom, 1963. 291 P. (MIRA 17:2) SHAPIRO,,.. A. Ye., kand. tekhn. nauk; SHIFRIN, I. G., inzh.; KOVTUNOVICH, S. D.J. starshiy nauchn. sotrudnik "New technological processes in leather manufacture" by P. I. Levenko, M. A. Khelemskii. Reviewed by A. E. Shapiro, I. G. Shifrin, S. D. Kovtunovich Kozh. obuv. prom. 5 no. 12:31-33 D 63. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut kozhevenno- obuvnoy promyshlennosti (for Kovtunovich). DOLGOPOL'SKAYA, M.A.; SHAPIRO, A.Z.; GOE"AWO, Yu.A. Destruction of the film-forming matrix of antifouling paints by marine organisms. Trudy S13S 14:303-308 161. (MIRA 15;4) (Marine fouling) (Protective coatings) SHANP10- k.21. E'P-ct of ttorr-.e i-iorgan4c poiscns on re3plr i,~ - - - I i -a ., ~ .. . I.. , . --. galloprGvincialis L. Trudy SB3. 17:3-14-341- 16~!, SHAPIRO. B. G6ntrol over the financial operations of consumers' cooperatives must be strengthened. Fin. SSSR 19 no.2:64-66 r '58. (MIRA 11:3) l.Starshiy ekonomist Ministerstva finansov Idtovsko7 SSR. (Lithuania-Cooperative Societies-Finance) SILAPIRO, B. , inzhanor. Heat treatment of compressor valve plates. Khol. takh. 33 ne.2:62-63 AP-4a 056. (Odessa~-Compressors) (MMA 9:9) ZEVIIALLY, Y.I.; SILAPIRO, B.A. Flooding the Sifo-Kirmaki series in the southern wing of the Mashtagi-Buzovny field. Trudy AzIIII DIT no.3:148-168 '56. (MI-RA 11:6) (Apsheron Peninsula--Oil field flooding) DADAYEVA, B.A.; -SHAPIRO, B.A. 9"WrIefft- Some Droblems in the engineering geological modeling of one of the horizous of the Kirme-ki series. IzvXT Izerb.SSR ne.7:27-31 Jl '56. (Apsheron Peninaula--SecondRry recovery of oil) (KLRA 9:10) ZETNALLY, M.I.; SHAPIRO, B..A.; BARATEVA, V.A.; KUZINA, V.V.; KUZNETSOVA, V.G. 5ome results of flooding the Kirmaki 11 horizon in the southern depressed section of the Buzovny oil fields. Azerb.neft.khoz. 35 no.10:13-16 0 '56. (KLFIA 10:1) (%zovn7--Oil filed flooding) -1~-/ -/ j,/ -1- . /". 1. '- - ~ MIRZADZHANZADE, A.Kh.; BABICH, Yu.A.; SHAPIRO, B.A. ' ~ Effect of silt accumulation in filters on the production of wells. Azerb. neft.khoz. 36 no.9:17-20 S '57. (MIRA 11:2) (Silt) (Oil wells) SRAPIRO, B. A., Cand of 6eol-Min Sci - (diss) "Rational Working Cut of the Trans Kirmk-- Flooding," Baku, 1959, 23 pp inskiy Fo-me4don of the Duzovninskiy Site by I (Institiu~e of Geol~,gy im I. M. Gubkin, Acad Sci Azerbaydzhan SSR) (KL, 121,-) 14(5) SOV/152-59-2-13/32 A*HORS: Musayev, 1. M., Spapiro, B. A., Smollnikov, N. V. TITLE: Fighting Foreign Waters in the Course of the Exploitation of a Petroleum Deposit (Bor'ba a postuoronnimi vodami v protsesse razrabatki neftyanogo mestorozhdeniya).- Experiences of the Plant of Kyurovdag NPU "Shirvanneft"' (Iz praktiki promysla Kyurovdag NPU "Shirvannefil") PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Neft' i gaz, 1959, Nr 2, pp 53 - 57 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The main level of extraction in the southwestern branch ofi the Kyurovdag fold is the level I, which is situated in the upper part of the productive matter. In lithological respects it represents a sequence of sands and clay. Under the petrolific part of the cross section layers of water were discovered, which after the decrease of ohm resistance are marked in the core sampling diagrams. During the dnvestigation of level I water broke through that mainly gathered in the bottom of the level and in lower lying layers. The water possibly broke through because of the connection along the drill shaft between petrolific and water- Card 1/2 containing layers. The casting of petroleum cement is an SOV/152-59-2-13/32 Pi'ghting Foreign Waters in the Course of the Exploitation of a Pekrclotjm Deposit. Experiences of the Plant of Kyurovdag NPU "Shirvanneft'" effective measpre to abtain anhydrous petroleum from watery drillings and to lower the percentage of water in the final product. For the casting of the petrol'eum cement under the conditions prevailing in Kyurovdag no lowerinG or elevating work has to be done which permits work without elevators and derricks. There are 2 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Azerbaydzhanskiy industriallnyy institut im. M.Azizbekova (Azerbaydzhan Industrial Institute imeni ?,[.Azizbekov) and NPU "Shirvanneftill Card 2/2 SHAPIRO, B.A. Calculating the factor of oil r'ecover7 from artificall7 flooded areas and the change in phase relation in an oil pool of the Sub-Kirmaki main sector in the -6uzovn7-Mashtagi field. Azerb. neft.k.hoz. 38 no.11: '25-28 N '59. (MIRA 13:5) (Azerbaijan--Oil reservoir engineering) GADZHIYEV, G.A.;-SHAFIRO, ~.A. Hydrogeological and hydrochemical characteristics of the horizon 1 of th~ producing formation in the Mishovdag field. Azerb. neft. khoz. 41 no.6:4-7 Je 162. (MIRA 16-1) (Mishovdag r,4~gion-Petroleum geology) OADZHIYF,V. G.A.; GUSEYVOV, A.N.j 0j(qIROj B.A. Role of underground wqterx in the partial collapse 6C tbe yd6l in horizon 1 of the productive formation of the Kyurovdag oil ", Dokl. AN Azerb. S6R 19:35-40 163. PM 16:4) I AN AzSSR 1. Institut geologii AN AzSSR. 11'redstavleno akademikA M.V.Abramovichem. (Kyurovdag region-Oil field brines)