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POZHIIAYZV. N.N.; MMGIPJS,~,~; KHMELZVVUYB B.P. 9 doteent. kandidat te'Offf9e's`kikh nauk; MEN-KOV, V.G., dotsent; KOFMAN, D.M., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. Response to M.P.GorbachsT, V,S,Kudri&vts9v&. and T.A. Frolovaials review of N.I.Truevtoey's book "Mechanical technology of fibrous materials". Tekst.prom. 15 no.l: 5 0-5 4 Ja 155. (MIRA 8:2) 1. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy materialovedeniya Kiyevskogo tekhnologicheakogo instituta legkoy promyshlennosti (for 'Onzhidayev). 2.Glavnyy inzhener fabriki tekhnicheskikh sukou kombinata im. Tallmane, (for Sergeyer). 3,Prepoda- Tatell leu!ngradskogo tekstillnogo inatituta (for Ihme- lovskiy, Menlk.,,v and Kofman). (TruA~7Lsev, N.I.)(Textile industry) SERGEYEV, V.Ye.; TROPMAN, A.G.; GORBUNOV, N.J.; SLOBODKIN, L.V. Industrial testing of the R30A vibrating conveyer. TSvet. mu-t. 34 no.12:38-43 D 161. (MT-FJ. 14:12) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isiledovatellskiy institut tsvetnykh metallov (for Sergeyev, Tropman). 2. Usti-Kamenogorskiy svintsovo-tsinkovyy kombinat imeni V.I. Lening (for Gorbunov, SlobocU:in) . (Conveying machinery~-Testing) 7Ir 7 i . , , .- . 2. ussa (,'- 0 o ) 4. Wheat 7. Effect of low temperatures on increasing the vigor of spring barley. Agrobiclogiia no.5, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January -1953. Unclassified. 1. 11, Z-; 21MI. ~ I AN, V. Kh. 2. USSR (600) 4. Plants, Effect of Temperature on 7. Problem of spring frost damage to farm crops. Dokl. Akad. sell-kboz. 18 No. 4, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April -1953, Uncl. I-) c L: -:-v2 V-'-Z sel - YL USSR / Cultivatod Plants, Gorcals. Abs Jour Rc-~ 7':'r - DiOl-t 8t 1958t I'lo 34524 Author S L i -L1- Ar ~O- 0 V~- ~Z4 Inat Institute of BlbloGy of iostov on thc; Don. Titlo Sub-1.1ibornal Sowin3 of Suimur .1icat a*nd Barloy in tho District of Rostuovskaya Oblast OriL,:,- Pub Uch. zap. Rostovsk. na Do-nu un-ta, 1956, 26, 77-82. Abstract Research conductcd by the BioloGical Instuituto of the University of Rostov in tho years 1949- 1952 has producod the following---, data: The sub- hibarnal sowim- of swimier whatt and barloy in- croases, tho vitality of plants; thoy show a stron3or biO1031cal rosistanco, hiGilor yi-,ld, nigh broed quality of seeds, and -"ro loss --f- L'oct.,d b;r smut. The yield of -min in 2nd Card 1/2 3', USSR/Cultivrt,-~d Pl,-rts.,,,. Yib.q Jou2 : R~-,f Zhu2-Biolij No 157 19,537 63101 unvc~r,mimtod statc. This r2:-~v bc offec- tod by so,,in.,,-- b--,forc., th-. soil freezos. Tho oDtioal dopt,a fo-o tji,~ scod is 10 cri. Sno--..! rctmtio-,. and so,.- inf, or- bl~ic'c fallo!.-i 0-11 sc-rii-fallo~: soil improves tric hardincss of barloy. Porsiium 64 , Trebi, ~nd Od~~sslriy 14 b-arle v.-.riAic!s ~-.,eru -1,h-- h:-xdiest; Donctskiy 650 vv~s thc~ li~--~st h:~rdy. -- Yu. L. Guz-!iov C7~rd 2/2 SXRGNYEV, V.Z., kand. sellskokhozyaystrennykh nauk. .r~ - -- 'I;.- lftca,n,ging spring wheat into winter wheat by controlled development. Agrobiologiia no,-2:13-22 Mr-Ap 158. (MIRA 11:4) (Wheat) SERGEYEV, V.Z., kand. sellskokhozyay'stvennykh nauk ll---~~Contro-lled =utation of spring barle7 into winter species. Dokl. Akad. sellkhoe. 23 no.3:3-10 '58. (MIRA 11:4) l.Rostovskiy goaudarstvannyy universitet. Iliedstavlana akademikom L.A. Zhdanovy-m. (Bar] ay) SERGEYEVI V.Z.p kand.seliskokhoz.nauk Formation of winter crop properties and winter hardiness in barley by controlled conditioning, Agrobiologiia no.6:852-859 N-D 160, (KIRA 33 A2) 1. Rostovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Barley) (Plamtil.-Frost resistance) SERGEYEV,-Y-Y,,, CHAERAWVA, I.F. Using unripe seeds in ohanging spring barley into winter barley. Agr-obiol-ogiia no.6.796,-799 N~~ 161. (MIRA 15-.2) 1. Rostovskiy gosuda--stifennyy uni-fers-itet. (Barley) SMCEYEN, V.Z.,,kand.sel7skokhozyaystvennykh nauk- Characteristics of the durum winter wheat obtained from spring wheat by conditioning. Agroblologiia no.2:177-183 -ft-A~ 162. t OMA 154) 1. Rostovskiy-na-Donu gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Vlheat-Varieties) -- SFdiGmvY V.Z.., kand.sellskokhozya7stvennykh nauk .Ways for control-ling wintering charebteristics andi"ter hardi]Wss in the controlled raising of spring b&l*y and wheat,: I&obiologiia no.1:27-32 Ja-F 163. (ICRA 16:5) 1. Rostovskiy universitet, kafedra pochvovedeniya i_agronomii. (wheat) (Barley) (Plants-Frost resistance) SERGEYEV, V.Z., kand. sellskokhoz. nauk Daportance of autumnal conditions for the formation of winter hardiness in barley. Agrobiologiia no-3:4.11-416 ~V-je 165. (.MI-RA 18: 11) 1. Rostovskly-na-Donu gosudarstvennyy universitet. .-t-*-)-l J: -ul CLA.SS IFLED. List iF.-, Accf-~Aont. -ibr~:ry of 1912 SEPCIEYE'll ". Diger' f, i nn DiEestior, c-f val-louF ty-es of Ife2a. 3-,-.-. zo-te'r-1h. 7 No. 10, 10,52. Mont h 1~~ of Accessions, Library of Congress, Decerriler lc-,". ulicl.'ASSIF =-. 5 Effect of varfm teedd and #*"I on the *Wye fat- Am of cattle. Ya. A I Timir Sel'skokhoz. Akqd. (Mosc;A).M., (2) '1 1 19635 97 to The chyme of different types of ration fed a bu an. alyzed by using the Pavlov method 6f fistul (bridge) In thel a duodenal and fleoceral (colon) sections f the digestive 0 system. ' Detas. are reported on: pH, HX0 content, matter, cellulose, fat, protein N, soluble--N cotopcis., ash' and its coinpn., Ca. P, K, Na, Cl; the W-free ext. was detd. by difference. From time to time an..yses of the feces andi urine were made. The tests continued for I year. The:, -tries with the #ype of results show that the chyme ccnnpn. , feed, the dry matter varying up to 3-8%, and the N cott-1 tentby5O%. The data are presented in a series of tables.! It is pointed out that silage is an important constituent, of the ration which favors digestion. J. S. Joffe -- ~- " & V USSR/F,-r.: ;,ni--~ls. S- rll HorncO Crttlo Q-3 ,'.bs Jour Rc-P Zhur - Biol., No 11, 1958, No h9934 Y L Author 5QZ.--Lr Inrt Ti-,iry,-zcv Accdc--y of Fer-ing Titlo- Pccularitics of DiEcstive Proccrscr in Lar-c Hornod Cettlc whon Variouc Diets crc Usocl. OriE. Pub Izv. Ti:--ity.-7ovsk. c.-kh. ckrd., 1957, No 2, 175-187 Abftrf,ct In z soricr of tcsts porfor-md on -n cninrl with 2 fcstulre an-stai,o-cr of tho intcstince, it w-cs crtrb1i2-hcd thct, the ,:--ount of chy-,c, the co--poEition Emd content of digeotivc juiccs which rro Eccrctcd fron the uppcr section of the bovine .cstrointcEtinrl trcct in the course of di;csting various rrtionr, e-upGnd upon qurntity rnd qu-.~lity of fccdc which rro urcd. Diffcrcnccs in the chc--!iccl co--por-ition of chy-.c fro" thin- scction (up to the nuppz;r brid-c") in vcriour diets rcrchz;d, the --ir,-nituft of 57 Porccnt-for dry :u';),.tcnccF, rnd of 50 pcrccnt for nitrogen contcnt. The r-munt of socretcd di- C.cstivc juico ro-chad 8.09-17.5 1 pcr onc 1,:g of dry sub~tcncc. Crrd 1/2 USSR/F,-r S:-.cll Hornod Crttlo Q-3 r Abs Jour Rcf Zhur - Biol., No 11, 1958, No 49984 Thc rr-.ou.-t of chy-c prssimg through the uppcr brid-c %.!cs 2.2-5.2 ti:7c6 highor thm the wc ight of daily r,-tions end i!-.tor concir,ed by the rnk-rl. Fro--i th(; rctionz~ dry sub- strnce, 32.58-56-72 percent (depending on the kind of the r7tion) vore di~:cstcd rnd rbsorbcd in the uppcr section of the orstrointcntin:71 trvct. In the S710-11 intebtinc, 63-3-79.6 percent of the cntarinq chy,o worc Pbsorbed. In the lirht of I.P. Pcvlovl- to-chin-r with rc,-:crd to food dircatibility, r-tions contcinin.r Fil-Ec proved to bc the best for winter dictc. Tho bost sLnner diets are to be found in the rftcr- crop.-: Of -'CrdOV'5 rnd' in thr. :r-sc fro7 v7riovs soft pl.-nte during "heir first Ftrgos of -rowth. Sunflo-cr oil crkcF proved to bc bcst in oil crke dictr. A 50 pcreent incrocso inprotcin content rbove the rccoptcd nor- proved to bo un- cxpodiozit. -- A.D. '~Iusin. Ccrd 2/2 22 SERGEYEV, Ya.A.9 kand. seliskokhoz. naukq dotsent Dietetic properties of some feeds and rations for cattle.,, ) Iz-,r. TSKRA no.2-.141-154 163. (mmA 16 -o SERGEYEV. Ye., inzl-. AmT)hibious a-.tom-obiles. Izobr. i rats. no.7:22 J1 961. (MM4. .14-:6) (Vehicles, Amphibious) BOGDAIJOV, A.; KRASHMIJILIJIKOV, G.; LANGE, 0.; SIRG.EYEV, Te.; SMIRNOVj V. In memory of Academician llikolai Sergeevich Shatakii, 1895-1960. Vest. Mosk. un. Ser. 4: Geol. 15 no.6:73-75 11-D 160. (MM 14:1) (Shatskii, Nikolai Sergeevich, 1895-1960) -SERGEYEV, Ye. Gunpowder instead of pressing. Izobr. 'L rats. no.11:2 of cover and .U-1.3 N 9 61. (MIRA 14-- 1-1) (Forging) SERGIEYEV, Ye. Necessary condition for reducing construction costs. Fin. SSSR 23 no.8:46-49 Ag 162. (MM 15:8) (Construction industry--Costs) SERGEYEV.-Ye,,-inzh. Foucault currents in the role of Sherolck Holmes. no.12:7-8 D 162. (Magnetic testing) Izobri rate. (MIRA 15:12) 'It -~-. ! . SERGEYEV, Ye. T Invisible cutters. Izobr.i rats. noJS10-11 163, (MIRA 1684) (Electric metal cutting) SERGEEV, E.A. RT-55 (Ionic method of geophysical prospecting). Ionnyi metod geofizicheakikh poiskov. Materia TSejjt allnozo Nauchno-Issledovatellskoe Geologro-Razved2rhnogo Instituta. GeofizikA, (3): 1-10, 1937. If go T 4, 1. A L_z f~ __H i--JL- La, I,,, rQ Riju T-1-J, I -A a cx v lift .00'r. Al go-! 00 19 11 w UIt Is If x 10 w 61uhe line Id,I -00 1.0 0 00 o* an In sam =aurw into th, W.Cw, so "*~IL JL A. &cgmv. R,".. 67.44U. July 31. JOW. Tb, amr the -00 i,,I-hwd i-t- it by W..tjM j., by mm" of M-Vurtic field. -00 00 Go see ties COO -4 1 a. S L ASITALLUS"AL LITINATWIF CLASSOICATIOb ire 0 ald It.. It, Ij me j- _jj__47_j too AA I I a a x I(K an CIIKWR IRA 0*90 00 0 00 00 9 0 0 00 0 0 0 We 0 111 0 000 0 00 06 00 91 0 0 0;0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 O's 0 0 0 0 01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o1 SMOEW, E.A. RT-171 (Geochemical method of.prospecting for ore deposits). Fiziko-khimicheakii metod poiskov rudnykh zalezhei. Materjaly Vsgsoift~jgg _Nguchng=IaslAdovajel'skQg Geologicheskon InAi . Geofizi . (9-10): 3-55, 1941. USSR/iryaroloa Jkr 2946 Geological Prospecting "Study of Water as Means of Locating Semi tellic De- posits," Ye. A. Sergeyev, 5 pp "Razvedlm Nedr" No 2 Claims that in many instances mmll streams find their sources near mineral deposits. During-the course or years they vear away those deposits and vash them do= their currents. Claimg therefore that study of the ccneentraticns of minerals in streams and rivers would In many cases lead to discovery of mineral deposits. Explair-B-metho(I far making these tests and using data obtained for lociLting mineral deposits. La SERGE."'.11, E.A. RT-165 (k new luminoscope fcr field use). Nov- - - - yi oclevol li=aincskop. Razvedka Nedr, 12(5): 41-42, 10,46. Iten plate. 0 ? 1, 11 0. 1 0 'A-r-O L r %--I I T-U I z I., A 0e "Gccss" #.V VIDPID11" so .4 0 0 0 00 a 00 00.1 0 v C A method for exciting spectra In the arc, with the Super. position of a Ru4patic field. A. Srrgeev. Lab. 13, 231-3(1947)-A pa with aztj bmixontal about 0. M. above the of a powd. rock sample. An clectrom"net with dc.4c"Scita. tion is situated so that its core Is 15-20 mm. abow the &16 of the am. -43 the sample melts. and itj vapor is swept up Into the arc, the sample tray is MOVtd LbOut under the am. The spectra am comparatively free of backipound; sensitivities of 0.001% for SIT and W, and 0.01% for As have been obtained In rock _powden. Cyrus Feldman it A 1 0 . 5 L AMETALLURGICAL LITERATURE CLASSIFICATICII 7- U SS AT 00 iii; to 0 go 1 00 0 0 00 0 00 0 OJU ~44 0 .01 01 Is ,Is: -00 .60 "GO -00 .00 see ZOO Ir* 0 go@ age woo "Oe bee WOO Dj T ILA o a 3 9 -f- n Aft AI A rJd UD I Its 00 a 6 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 o OL. a A AD 2-0 0 000000 0 0 0 * 0 48 6 EEO-2/EWG(j)/srr(d)/FS~_2/ T".TqF~;y k ~2/,KrRG(v 1A 4DPJX -2 2/ E -"WP(k)/r'_VG(c)/51A(h~ 0_1~1 pe-5i 1-~A P 6)~EV ~1~4p 119ka _D 4'~/T C_ ACCESSION NR: 'A~PW31';9'2'b_ Y~.JCandidate of medical sciences) I Alekseyev's Ve AUTHOR: Serg2XM4. (Candidate of medical sciences) TITLE: Cosmonaut leaves the spaceship SOURCE: Nauka i zhizn', no. 49 1965, 14-18 T)PIC TAGS: manned spacecraft launching, manned orbital laboratory, weightles astronaut trainingmanned apace flight, manned spacecraft large .ly.s- pec.illative article entitled, "A 66smoniut -leaves INF ABSTRACT: In a- spaceship,. the authors discuss probliems relating to futurie- manned or- I bital laboratories, manned lunar flights, and weightlessness training of cosmonauts. It is anticipated that the initial weight of a lunar spacecraft. holding 3 cosmonauts for a 10-day trip would have to be 10. 5 tons if launched frorr~ the surface of the earth, vrith a multistage rocket weighing 3200 tons, mHowever, if the rocket were launched from a terrestrial orbit, it would :have t6 weigh only 180 tons. Such a rocket would be assembledwhile iniorbits. L 4R577-65 -ACCES510N NR:'-AP5011582 VM'ile lt has been establishe'd--that short exposiures to weightlessness can be withstood safely, th.e biological effects of prolonged exposure, such: --as-wotrld-occur-on-a-lunar-flight-i--are~llarge'13r--unkno~IM.-For-this-r- s n ea 0 an orbiting laboratory is proposed as,a means of preparing cosmonauts for prolonged exposure to weightlessness. . Physiological, psychological, morphological, and clinical studies would be conducted on such a labora- tory. Unlike_ most orbiting spaceships in'which cosmonauts have.spent ;L Much of their time in fixed positions, an orbiting -laboratory would permit ;free-floating experiments for the purpose of developing working'habits in preparation for prolonged interplanetary flights. Fig. 1 shows a propos&A bitin I r, aboratory. o It is speculated that the assembly of future manned or~itingjabora~, gboats tories will be accomplished with automatic devices, small..Uwe tu ,Y the cosmonauts themselves. Orbital laboratory assembI3~ will and b requa-r'e'"1-~ at"."e-os-m-6-nauts spend 4 great deal of time 1n- free space. Fig. shows the latest. spacesuit design-with an autonomous life"siapport system Card 218 L 48577-65 ACMSIOM NR-- AP=582 ILI We I Qi-LA L 48577-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5011582 -the prop6s; e,d. ass embling of an interplanetary spaceship- in orbit. Fig. 3. A~4 Assembling a spaceship. A "space tug- boat" is above .the ii2terplan- 4~ etary space- SUP. 34_.A~ Card 7/8 5 Fig. 4. Walkizig with magnetic ng. 5, Wklking. with. magaet:rc shoes in a traiiaing device shoes' during weightlessness, Card -7/,8 -L 4b 7-7~~-(55 UASNIKOV, V.I., glavnyy red.; BRODSKIY, A.A., red.; PMLIMAN, A.I., red.; SAUKOV, A.A., red.; SAFRONbV, N.I., red.; SERG=. Ye.A., red.; bUlITAROV. N.I., red.; SRARKOV, Yu.V., red.-SEC?~~,--Y.V., red.; GUROVA, O.A., [Geokhimicheskie poiski rudnykh mestorozhdenii v SSSR; trudy sove- shchaniia. Pod red. V.I.Krasnkovas Mosk-va. Gos.nauchno-tekha.izd- vo lit-ry po geol. i okhrane nedr. 1957. 466 p. (MIRA 11:3) 1. Vsesoyuznoye soveshchaniye po geokhtmicheskim metodam poiskov rudnykh mestorozhdeniy. lot, Moscow. 1956. (Geochemical prospecting) i.-,! .3 P.5 71 gi j: 'JI4 gj jv gas I- I -- IV PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 1169 :Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovateltskiy institut metodiki i tekhnik-i razvedki Novoye v metodike i tekhnike geologorazvedochnykh rabot (New Developments in the Methods and Ter-bniques of Geological Exploratica , ) lemingrad,, Gostoptekhizdat., 1958. 423 P- (Series: Itsi Sbornik trudov 1) 2,000-copies printed. Additional bponsoring Agency: USSR Ministerstvo, geologii i-okhrany nedr. Edso: Volosyuk, G.K., maramzin, A.V., Safronov, N.I., Senendv, A.81$'-Precutive Ed,: Ragina, G.M.; Tech. Ed.: Yeshchurzhinskaya, A.B. - FURPOSE: The book is intended for professional geologists and geophysicists. COVERAGE: This collection of articles revie*s geological and geochemical niethods of exploration used in the SovietUnion, and the recent achievements in the searchof polymetall-Ic deposits in Zabaykallye, Rudnyy Altay, and in the Soviet Far NorLbeast. The first group of articles describes discoveries of mineral depmdtai. ani tb-e & relo];ment of new industrial complexes in the USSR during ths lastf 25-YARrs,~he latter based an the discovery of iron ore deposits, co4-flolds and new oil Helds (like the Second Baku, situated between the Urals and the Volga) Card V 6 New Developments (Cont.) 1-169 T.Jkbarev., B.B. Combined Rational Exploration Methods in Searching for Deposits of Nonferrous and Rare Metals 11 Safronar, N.I., Sergeyev Ye.A. Geochemical Ore 49earching Methods and JL~_- - Pdssibilities of-TUR-ffe-r Develo*ent 22 Savadskiy, O.A. Qualitative Evaluation of Dispersion Aureoles in Polymetallic , Ore. Deposits in Eastern Zabaykal'yr 40 Polikarpochldn, V-V-, Kaslyanova, I.V., Utgof, A.A., Cherbyanova, L.F. Geochemical Exploration for Polymetallic Ore Deposits in the Waters and Silts of East Zabaykal I ye Water Systems 46 Sveshnikov. G.B. Hydrogeochemical Surveys in the Principal Polymetallic Rekions of Rudnyy Altay 74, Safronov, N.I., Polikarpochkin., V.V., Utgof, A.A. Spectrographic Gold-Test Surveying as a Method of Searching of Gold Deposits Without Mechanical Aureoles of Dispersion (Placer Deposits) 100 Card 3/k6 New Develcrinents (Cont.) 1169 Hotshteya, A.Ya. Principles in Designing Solenoidal Elements of Nucleus-resonance Magnetometers for Geological-Exploration 258 Rotshteyn, A.Ya., Tsirell, V.S..NucleuB-resonance- Method of Measuring Components of the Earth's Magnetic Field and Its Application to Magnetic Exploration 267 Gellchinskiy, B.Ya., Oserov, D.K. Methodology of Computing Displacement Fields of Refracted and Reflected Waves 277 Andreyev,, N.S., Andreyeva, K.S. Experimental Seismic Surveys of Ba=dte Deposits Blat., N.S., Rezaikovsldy, Ya.S., TsXrell, V.S. Problems in Interpreting Aerial Magnetograms and Methods of Solving Them 323 Shpak, V.A. The Present and Future of Logging Techniques 334 MakarovilA.K., Frisli, V.F., Dorota, P.P. New Methods in Borehole Lo3ging C" Brown Coal Deposits 340 Card 5/6 SAFRONOV, II.I.; SERGRIEV, Ye.A. _-~, , -, "., - - Geochemical methods of prospecting for ore deposits and possibil- ities of developing them. Trudy VITR no.1:22-39 '58. (MIRA 12: 1) (Geochemical prospecting) SERGEUV, Ye.A.; STEPANOV, P.A. Method for the spectrum analysis of metallometric SanDles for mercury. Fiz.abor. no.4:371-374 '58. (K]~RA 12:5) 1. Veenovuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy inatitut metodiki i tekhniki razvedki. (Mercury--Spectra) SOV/137- 59- 1-2094 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 1959, Nr 1, p 274 (USSR) AUTHORS: Aleskovskiy, V. B., Miller, A. D., Sergeyev, Ye. A TJTLE: Concentration and Determination of Traces of Silver, Copper, Lead, Zinc (and Nickel) in Natural Waters r Kont sent rirovaniye i opredele- niye sledov serebra, medi, svintsa, tsinka Q nikelya.) v prirodnykh vodakh] PERIODICAL: Tr. Koniis po analit . khin-iii AN SSSR, lq58, Vol 8 (111), pp 217- 226 ABSTRACT: The authors propose the use of "sinking- particles" method, which is convenient in field work, instead of the ion-excliange column. The completeness of extraction of microcomponents depends upon the size of the resin particles, the amount of resin used, and the concen- tration of cations. The best extraction of Cu24- at a concentration of 80 y /liter is attained with 10 grams of resin of 100-150 ~i particle size. The joint extraction of Cu, Zn, and Pb from solutions produced good results. Fe did not impede the determination. The second method for concentrating Cu, Zn, Pb, and Ag consists of coprecipita- Card 1/2 tion with CaCO3. Methods for the determination are described SOVA 17- 51)- 1 --101)-1 Gonc(,~jit rat ion ind Detc rm,naT,.cn of T races of Si!,.,e ~ , Copper; Lead , Zinc lcont . ) Minimurn allIOLIlIts determined by concentration from t !,ter of water by either niethod are (in N, /liter,' -. Ap- N, Cu ~;- 102 Pb i- 10, Zri 5-10. P. K. Card 2 12- LIBINA., R.I.; I-1ARGOLIN, ---.S.; MILLER, A.D.; SM-GEYEV, Ye.A. Method for analyzing natural waters and water extracts with extraction concentration of diethyldithdocarbamate microelements. Trudy VITR no.3:317-337 161. NIHA 15:7) (Water, Lnderground--knalysis) (Trace elenents) (Carbarraic acid) S 12 3 C"/B -, 0 I Ser,,eyev, Ye. A leshichins?aya, I T c d, i, 0 fE i m i - q u a n r i t a t i v e a n a 1 Ys i s o f m e t a 11 o m e t r i c litlhium, b(~ry'lium, boron and fluorine j 19 6 2 , 16 2, -.-b s '. r t-~ c t q 101 X C L L -2't~fk,' LL'.jVn,"~' zlnur.,.al. KhI:-.Jyi, no. 5, (33rul. nauch--o-tekhr,. informa., i,'-vo teol. i orkhrany nedr SSSR, --c. 2(13), 13/59, 108-109) XT 7.-at"-od '-as been developed of simultaneous determination o. Li, 3e.. 3 u..a -7, to,c-ther ,.-"Uh -uh-e dt-zermination of some scores of other --e-nents. -2i-.e spectrum is excited by introducing the dispersed Of t*-e into t~,e are dischar-e between horizontal co-.-Der electrodes. '2.-- obtain t',,.e excess of" Ca in the discharge zone, .,rl~ich is needed to -.Corm -oleo-alar bands of CaF 2 an,-', to reduce the influence of the b-~se, the 'Ehed sam7oles are mixed with CaCO-. in the volume ratio of ~1:1. F is 0 -olecular band 52c,'0 atar:,,fne,; b~ Be by bands 2346, 31'1 and 2650 t 4 7 .7 A . - -a- 2 and 2,'96 The simulu neous determina on of Li is C a r d 1 /22 211 12 f ~'-ap i U a Ilt I ,r._. 31491/3101 '707 For tilis t,, cus!~rjtte on tine I:C7-28 ,er-orr-c;r; :~er band G 1L is movE!d to thu ri~--,i-it of Lhe usual stop, and in the case of Or-U-22 (13P-:2), by turnin, the collimation -'Airror the spectrum is d-splaced in suc.-, a way that its red rq;ion is placed ~ mm from the edge of The phozo--raphing is performied on tv.,o plates: an ordinary llal"C.Si cn a "panch.-or." plate. The 7)ower of the ~-rc --UI.-"-nt IS 2C a, cx7osl-ire V5 sec, the slit of Si~, samrie --,.ei,~~ht 200 =E;. e a-~,oaratus ~E?-2 (-VR-2) can be used for introd~zcin~ th--~ sau-.-,Ie into disc!-arE;e. Th e funne7 1 ;th the -,.es-~ o~' this ap-paratus must be r~o7aceld- b-v a small vibr--tin~; chute. The interpretation of spectroCraphs i :3 oerfoi-;:'.&d b,.- the of weakeninE. Renroduction Z' - v tle cases the results of the repeated experiments c differ but-,-.-een 200 and :500 ie sei7,sitivity of azialyses for Be and B 7 i r, . 0- -2 v i C.- 2 - 1 .0 F 2 0 is Suffic4ently close Uo U-arke 3 values. 1-'ibstrLcterls note: Comnlaze tranZiatiori..' C -n r d 2,,'2 S/08 1/6 2 /000/ 006/031/117 B1 02/Bl 01 .',UTHORS: Stepanov, ?. A., Sergeyev, Ye. A., Belobragina, Lt. V. TITLE: A method for semiquantitative spectral analysis of metallometrical samples for rare alkaline elements ,-Ei,IODIC,iL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 6, 1962, 126, ab tract 6D67 (Bvul. nauchno-tekhn. inform. M-vo geol. i okhrany nedr SSISR, no. 3 (20), 1959, 69-91) TZ""."- A Riethod is proposed for quick semiquantitative spectral analysis of netallometrical samples for Li, Rb, and Cs. A K vapor excess is 4 produced Ln an arc to stabilize the plasma temperature in the arc discharGe, to raise the sensitivity, and to eliminate the effect of variable 7 and Na content of natural samples on the analytical results. The surface of the sample placed on an electrode is moistened with alcohol and 2-3 drops of M solution (0. 5 ml of 20r,~ 01) are added. lines 6707.8 0 and 8126.5 IRL (Li), 7847.6 ~ or 7800.2 a (Rb), and 8521.1 kcs) are used for analysis. Spectroscopic conditions: current strength 2,D a, electrode channel 4mm wide, 3 mm high, exposure 40 sec.. A high Card 1/2 S/081/62/000/006/031/117 metho.] for semiquantitative B102/B101 sensitivity (0.0002-/,) for Li, Rb, and Cs determination is reached by using "-.nfra-6'O" plates. An ~11'R-51 (ISP-51) spectrograph with an Y&84 OF-84) car.-tera (lap slit of apparatus) is most efficient for the analysis. The 1~risinatic arrangement corresponds to the spectral range 6500-9000 9 being-, placed only on the left-hand side of the plate (9 - 12 cm). The number of spectra per plate may reach 210 when the photographs are taken successively, first on the left half of the plate and then, after turning: 'V; 0 by 180 , on the right half. The conditions of applicability of the present method with the spectrographs OCi-28 (ISP-28) and ~ICt7-22 (ISP-22) are also given. The blackening of the analytical lines is measured with a micro- 1, .photometer. The spectral quality is controlled by comparing the K-line blackening and the background. In the range 0.6005 - 0.05~ the concentra-4, tions are estimated from log C-versus-S plots on special forms; each plate is exposed to 5 standards (with respect to two spectra). Reproducibility of results: for Li and Cs, in 85-/*'0" of the cases repeated results are within a -twofold, for Rb within a threefold concentration range. Ab*stracter's note: Complete translation.] Card 2/2 24 (7 07/-,' 8 - 2 3 -9 - 41-15 7 AUTHORS: Stepanov, P. A., Sergeyev, Ye. A., Belobrajina, V. , Tueshchins- kaya, Y1. S. TITLL: A Rapid Spectral Analysis of iJetallcmetric Samples "Nith Respect to Alkali, Boron, Fluorine, -and Other Elemcnts PLIHIODICAL: Izvestiy-a Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 195c), Vol 23, Nr 9, PP 114Q - 1150 WSSR) ABSTRACT: By the mass-spectral analysis the elements Li, Rb, Cs, B, F, and Be are not determined with sufficient accuracy. The f-irst three of these eleiaents may, if the pulverized samples are evaporated from a channel of 'he carbon electrode, be deter- mined with sufficient accuracy. The lines used for the analysis with resDect to these elements are then given, in which case the content of these elements was determined accordino td-the absolute blackening of the lines. The error is given as amount- ina to 0.0002%. The calibration carves for the determinatior of these three element's are shown by figure 1, and it is found 1 that 'he mineralogical state of the samples does nott, e3sentially Card 1 2 influence the results. The analysis of Letallometric samples A Rapid Spectral Anfilysis of .-lietallometric Samples jVith SOV/4,8-213-9-44/57 L Respect to Alkali, 3oron, Fluoi-if,&, and Other zAe_,,,c-r;t3 with respect to boron, lithiumq and beryllium, with a simul- tanc-ous deteraiination of some ten other elements, is carried out by the introduction of powder into the arc discharge, in which case copper electrodes are used. Lines are given, accord- ing to which boron, lithium, and beryllium were determined. In the determination of fluorine calcium carbonate was added to the samDles in order to be able to reproduce the CaF band. It was found on this occasion that the addition of calcium dimini- shes the influence of the base material in the determination of Be, B, and Li. The error in these analyses is given as 1o-4 for boron, . -4 amountin.- to 2 to 5 lo for lithium, and to 5.10- 2,'o' f(-- fluorine. There are 1 figure and 4 Soviet references. Card 2/2 SOKOLOV, I.Yu.; AYDINOYAN, N.Kh.; BFJEKHOVA, V.N.; BRODSKIY9 A.A., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; GLEBOVICHy T.A.; DAIMATOVA, T.V.; KOMAROVA, A.I.; KOMAROVA, Z.V.; KOPYLOVA, M.M.; KUDRYAVTSEVA, M.M.; LIBINA2 R.I.; LOGINOVAp L.G.; MARGOLIN, L.S.; MARKOVA, A.I.; MEDVEDEV, Yu.L.; MILLER, A.D.; MULIKOVSKAYA, Ye.P.; NECHAYEVA9 A.A.; OZEROVA, N.V.; PALKINA, I.M.; FETROPAVWVSKAYA, L.A.; POPOVA, T.P.; REZNIKOV, A.A.; MM6=Y-e,,A,.; SETKINA, O.N.; STEPANOV, P.A.; SUVOROVA, Ye.G. Ee-a-s-ed-1; SHERGINA, Yu.P.; PANOVA, A.I., red.izd-va; IVANOVA, f A.G., (Hiethodological handbook on the determination of microcomponents in natural waters during prospecting for ore deposits] Metodicheskoe rukovodstvo po opredeleniiu mikrokomponentov v prirodnykh vodakh pri poiskakh rudrqkh mestorozhdenii. Moskva, Gos.nquchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po geol. i okhrane nedrp 1961. 287 p, jMIRA 14:7) 1. Vsesoyuzrqy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut gidrogeologii i inzhenernoy geologii (for Sokolov, Brodskiy, Glebovich, Ozerava, Kudryavtseva, Loginova, Markova, Medvedev, Belekhova, Palkina, (Continued on next card) SOKOLOV, Iju,,-(continued) Card 2. Popavat Petropavlovskaya). 2. Institut geologil rudnykh Mesto- rozhdeniy, petrografii, mineralogii i geokhimii AN SSSR (for Aydinlyan). 3. Vsesoyum3yy nauchn,.-;--i'ssledovatelIskiy institut metodiki i tekhniki razvedki (for Millerv Sergeyev, Margolin). 4. VsesayuzxWy nauchno-issledovatellskiy geologichesldy institut (for MuJdkovskayat Reznikov). 5. Vsesoy-uzmyy nauchno-issledava- tellskiy institut minerallnogo syr~ya (for Komarove., A.). (Prospecting-Geophysical methods) (Water, Underground----An&Lysi.9) FOLIKA111FOCHKIN, V.V.; POLIKktFOOK JNA, R.T.; 3ERGEYEV, Ye.A., kand. geol.-miner. na-uk, otv. red. [Biogeochemical prospecting for mineri-.1 deposits] Biogeo- khimicheskie poiski mestorozhdenii polezn-ykh iskopaeirykll. E,oskva, Izd-vo "Nauka," 1961,. 104 p. (MIRA 17:5) TAUSON, L.V., doktor geol.-miner. nauk, otv. red.; DUBOV, H.I., red.; POZRARITSKAYA, L.K., red.; POLIKARFOCHKIN) V.V., red.; 3ERGEYEV, Ye.A.) red,; KLIIITSOVA, I.A., red.izd-va; SINKINA, G.S.y tekhn. red. (Geachemistry of ore deposits] Geokhimiia rudrqkh mestorozh- denii. Moskva, Izd-vo "Nauka," 1964. 130 p. (KIRA 17:4) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Sibirskoye otdeleniye. Institut geo- khimii. SERGE YE-V) - Ye. D. Semiautomatic chamfering machine. Mashinostroenie no.4:114 Jl-Ag 162. (MIRA 15-9) (Cutting machines) 77-: 777-.- 7-'--~ -4.' 40 r-j~;' and Ah And Hit fl, Ljj) Liv, Of tpw F' sIr ond 2 . . ... . ... ........... 6, i4197b. lish translation) C 5 B. M. R. NT~~ BIZIN, P. S.; VERESECRAGIN, G. P.; .SERGEYEV Ye. L. 1-::~ Apparatus for dispatcher communications in mines. Ugolt Ukr. no.10:38-39 0 162. (MIRA 15:10) (Mine communications) 11 1A t IN G NOW devcl(,PmtnU in methods of defernumng hedt of wetting of "S and sail materiAs L. M. Pedolofy W.S.S.U.j 1946, :M--'P)(). A dtAtting .,wl .1, 019 icription of a im.lificAl ion of tile An friam- , -ii 00 (Nauch. Agran. Zhar. No. 10 Q!Qj); 1. 7*e,h. NI (U.S.S.R.) J, N'Ili. 2 3 Ault 0 %tsuction 44 this C-AlIffinletvr 1wrillits tile U~ off (III %ampl. witlit)ut,li,ttlrl)illgtlicir~ttlicitire. ing the lwat of wetting of soili are discwwd. Tlw tviiii, At which the delo. iq inadc i* of great imixrUnLe. At 4' the dctn. gives the highest value. 313 referenci-s. J. S. J'-ffr- =00 -400 -06 =9 too girt WOO AIS.SLA AfTALLURGKAL LITERATUNIE CLASSIFICATICH Iz Z. - A-n K U U A, a S. 11 IV .11# (I'M Kit Ric KC91C Icarw1on I;FA 0 0 0 6 04 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 fie 0 0 0 6 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TS000 o *!o a 00 * 0 e o o o 0 0 o 0 0 0 a 0 4 0 00000 00 o The problem of cofrelAting a numbet of piroperties of the *oil, U, ~ NJ. ,-~,Kecv. I -t-k At..,k- t .- 10-47 2. lm 1-1 S~ lim,lig.ov.1 Ill, cwl.Lm.... kt . ...... 1, ."1 J."y"ll. , Ill.. --., it III, Owm I- thl, she dma I'l x1ol"Im W.'. -s -I , C., I JS. 67.;M', Ill I.11101 OIC IIII'M .11111 ItISN- Ittolwme. tit I llutillirr ul %4td, ali'l flivir 4.1mr. ii,raj is, tit*t. it,,. iwii )f %vttin. 'nic ljiiy,. ..J illl%t,, tit elitirtt itill kmslillitC. ijil.trIl allol I A.'sti'll itV. Arrimirm, ts,bitsittar ~olmivtz. gray fors,'t hwil. ., I.I.Itit M--. retio.s. alld 'll"tilut-bro.-TI -11 et, ~Iwll.d A., Fit, licat I( c,crting uIssm ,Ig Orm viith ~- N.,. aml If ..I, lkat., .,it- givell .)It file Ill"lk J .m.I I h,,,,. --pll. .,( the A."s. 111clitintled A I % c. 1, Ill- Ir ,( I tic c'.11cri't , Of 111ITL r"It -1131.1tictl .",I lit III I.V liv.1tophilic: mmiciv. ljjl~ .111.WIWII .111.1 II.-IV IICIIJ ss.jtVr Atill me gli,cll f-,t fill. Gnmd Illm III- I L tic I'm ,1 2 1 1 .11.1 2,*_'3 is, ttis - I lit 2 M, Its 1;1 1, . fra, 11"It. S. caled, c "i ..'rri-Law" 1', 1. :it. ~ "Of - 1, I"bli, Ill, Is it.% . 0 ,,1, rill f!:e _,.ss% .-I. m-tuie Ols,.w .),III HV ll~lnx III, q!,-t, -4 f...... I 1., 11), , hIT--r,W % aving Ill cIiV C-m!vrIt swild give It, lic.;t OT.,t 111.11 is-- tit, fOrIUAt"m .4 -flf~ 4 tit, ra,- -,I ill- Ivttlltg lirm 1~-, A's - IT- I. pr, at, ,, it#, rar" .I f 11, dIf . if I ;. I p.. IV k n axsd le-, II'C. I I,. if 1 0- d- -- , the vm- 1-h-twitv (Ill 1,14 fr.; i.-M Classification of soils In the ljtbt of Lomonoww's book an the *arth*1 layers. H. Xf. bergrev. Vritnik Jfojkm. U.i,,. S. N,.~ H. Sfr. pr-s -rr , 'a. 5, .Irar jj.*jjwn, Nawk N M-M(19150).-A review. showing film f-01110fin4OV'11 PrOl"' ~tl .1 IM of a serif. baxi, or snit clamilic4tims 14 a -91041101e b.i,44. fitting "I'Alern ideaq. W. I:ilrl Y-~'. m. Soil Mech,-2iies Historical reasons for developing soil mechanics into an independent science in the e-Doch of Stalin five year plans. Vest. Mosk. un. 5 no. 10, 1950. November, lq-~,2 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, -19ffx. Unclassified. Sv',RGZY-EV, YE. 14. Soils - Classification Classification of sands according to granular composition., Uch. zap. Mosk. un, no. llt9, 1951. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, March, 1952- UNCLASSIFIM . SZRGEYE~r, Y"~. %-.. I, OC: . - I S. 3. soils Possibilities of freeing compound water from soils., Uch. zap. 14osk. un., no. 10, 1551. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, March, 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. SE'RG=, Ye. Y. Water. Underground Method of detenaining the heat of wetting in soils. E.M. Sergeev. Uch. zap. Mosk. un. No. 149, 1951. Monthly List of Russian -Accessions, Library of Congress, March., 1552- UNGLASSIFIm- The Cc=lttee on Stalin Prizes (of the Co-mc:U of Hinitters USSR) in the &fields of science and inventions announces that the follovUg scientific works, papAar acien- tific and textbooks bave been submitted for competItion for St-111n Prizes for the years 19~ and 1953. ( a Kultura, %3acow, 21k), 22-40, 20 Feb Apr 1954) Title of Work Tiuminated by Sergeyev, Ye. M. "General Soil Studies" Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov SO: W-3o6o4, 7 JulY 1954 Si~IlGtYEV, L. 114. Generil science on soils. Textbook for students of t-e Geological Department at the StFAe Universilty. LAoskva. Izd-vo Moskovskogo universiteta, 1952. 352 D. (53-15302) S591.S47 Czd. -Ccl. an c-essJ onr Lib rai-y of Con~-res~, De--tducr 19C~2, cSTVj--~T',- + (06 Characteristics at the sand sediments of Wed Kati; 0 Kum&. and Votxik Ser. i Fat"Iveff Rank '121-32(1953)."Pour genetic classes and b~~ A4rVAOJ~14 of sand sediments In, the Kira-Kutna regloas we dis- -.w- tin 1) del stions, with Interspersed Clayish ts A d d i d r h - men ne ban er vt Mal t e trans- s, ; gression th p n seal (3) lacushriwsands* (4) Aeolian n d v d f Th l h m (2) . - o- e ro e geo ., t y i call d Tiul e characteristics am given.. The g fractions of 0.10-0.25 mm. are predominant. loolml compn. of the sands Is normal'. QuaTU, W&M, am ~ te hlb d &Ij o , &a e am the chief ponents and ruled. mp t o" MIUM6 M Only ;~ in the beavy fractions. -- +* and S04 Amoug the IJtD- and HCI-wl. wmPoness", Ca id C(h-- mostly am the most abundant Ns*' K*, Cl-. IM ~Wbotdlnzte, and ?4g#l Is variable In vA& limits, ewMentit dependent on the presence of dolomite. The come. of CaSOS (gyps In of the basins-(VO4,12 - b d it i b b etis su to a ma a jecte which the sands t solar Irradiation; In a highly arld ellutate, Is mwfe evMent by a chem. proffle of the Demirdshan pan on the doM of which the 6trichment Id CASO. Is W41" Coolary 4 259' ik I di . p-- ments ( suction in the highly porous,se y , the ca rise t illar h thi h ename um e reason for r av.) is t s p o to 50-100 Cm. beight 6 e3[perfineaMy in~. The sob". de transmittance (pertneability) for HsO wd PeWs on 1- AMMS h o f h d d OX , an e s e san t t the genetic tn* o . ~ ' /-I pecially on the vegeution. -The ground watm of UK Ivet high in CaW, W. ]Rpd..~ Pups am Mat kr SERGEM, Ya.M. Soviet soil mechanics as one of the chai)ters of geological science. Vest. Mosk.un. 8 no.3:7-19 Mr '53. NLRA 6;6) 1. Kafedra grantovedeniya. (Soil mechanics) SE'-qa'YEV, Ye.M. Granular mineralogical classification of sands. Vest.Mosk.un. 8 no.12:101-109 D 153. WaA 7: 2 ) 1. Kafedra grantovedoniva. (Soils--Classification) (Sand) PETROVSKIY, I.G.; VOVCHE14KO, G.D.; SALISHCHEV, K.,~L.; SERGEM I ~-; KOSKVITIN, V.V.; SRETENSKIY, L.V.; GELIFOND, V.V.-, ALEKSANDROV, P.S.; SCBOMV, S.L.; BAMALOV, S.B.; OGU3ALOV, P.M.; KREYNES, M.A.; MYASNIKOV, F.V.; ZHIDKOV, M.P.; GALIFERN, S.A.; ZnGAMINA-SLUDSKAYA, M.A. Vsevolod Aleksandrovich Kudriavtsov; obituary. Vaet.Mosk.un. 8 no.12:129 D '53. (MLRA 7-2) (Kudriavtsev, Vsevolod Aleksandrovich, 1885-1953) F- R (Jr L , -'L v 11,c . T\ I - ussR/Geap~hysics - Ground's Composition FD-1242 Card 1/1 Pub. 129-4/25 Author Sergeyev, Ye. M. Title Interconnection between the mineralogical and granulometric composition of grounds. Periodical : Vest. Moak. un., Ser. fizikomat. i yest. nauk, 9, No 1, 41-50, Feb 1954 Abstract : Concludes that it is still difficult to analyze the influence of the various natural processes upon the manifestation of an interconnection between the mineralogical and granulometric composition of grounds. A greater accumulation of data is needed in order to utilize grounds for engineering-constructional purposes. Gives a number of tables shoving the correlation between ground components and physical characteristics for various c on grounds. Institution : Chair of Ground Science Submitted : September 9, 1953 SERUM, Ye.M. Concerning the interrelationship between the mineralogical and granulometric compostition of soils. Vest.Hosk.un. 9 no.2:4i-';g Y '54. (KLRA ?:5) 1. Kafedra --runtovedeniya. (Soils--Analysis) :3 L f~ "T E USSR/Geophysics Limestones FD-1-211 Card 1/1 Pub. 129-14/19 Author t Sergeyev, Ye. M. Title Problem of the content of organic matter in limestones Periodical Vest. Mos. un., Ser. fizikomat. i yest. nauk, 9, No 5, 133-136, Aug 54 Abstract The author presents the content of calcium carbonate and organic substance in limestones of the Upper Devonian in Ullyanovskaya Oblast'; namely, in the Famenskiy and Franskly formations (stages) and the horizons Yeletskiy, Zadonskiy, Livonskiy, Yevlanovskiy, Semilukskiy and Voronezhskiy, at various depths (1500-1900 =eters). He poses the problem of whether it is possible to determine the genetic type of paleontologically uncertain limestones from their content of orgaaic substance. Further work is necessary to solve this problem. Reference: N. M. "True roles of bacteria in the formation of carbonate rocks," Izv- AN SSSR, Ser. geol., No 3, 1948. Institution : Chair of Ground Science Submitted : June 15, 1954 L USS~Z//Gieophysics Filtration retardation FD-1137 Card 1/2 Pub. 129-1/23 Author : Sergeyev. Ye. M. VV_ Title : Role of the chemico-mineralogical composition of matter in the process of retarding filtration in sands Periodical : Vest.Noek. un., Ser. fiz4komat. i yest. nauk, 9, No 7, 3-18, Oct 1954 Abstract : The author states that the necessity for sharply decreasing ih-e' filtra- tion capacity of sandy grounds frequently arises in the construction of damr,, canals, and irrigation systems. He remarks that the problems con- nected with such retardation of filtration [kollmatats:7.ya] have been mainly studied by: R. Eliassen ("Clogging of a Rapid Sand Filter," J. American Water Works Assn., 33, No 5Y 1941); v. P. Kryshtul ("Study of retarding capacity of quartz filters of municipal water works sta- tions," candidate 'dissertation, Acad. of Communal Economy, 1951); Yu. M. Shekhtman ("Filtration of slightly concentrated mixtures of liquid with suspended solid'particles," Inzh. sb. In-ta mekh. AN SSSR (Engineering Symposium of Inst. of Mechanics, Acad. Sci. USSR], XIV, 1953); D. M. Mints ("Kinetics of filtration of slightly concentrated aqueous suspen- sions in water purifying filters," DAN SSSRy 72, 1951); T. A. Negovskaya ("'Kollmatatsiyal as a me 'thod for fighting filtration from channels," Gidrotekh. stroitellstvo, No 7Y 1949); and F. I. Pikalov ("Methods against losses of water to filtration from irrigation channels," Card'2/2 , Pub. 129-1/23 FD-1137 Abstract : Agriculture Press, 1952). From his studies the author concludes that the behavior of filtration in sands is determined essentially by the chemico-mineralogical composition of the sand, clay and water, and that the general lowering of the coefficient of filtration of sands can be made 100 times lower as a result of retardation of filtration fkollmata- siya]. Institution : Chair of Ground Science Submitted: : July 10, 1954 USSR/Geopiiys i c sLand improvement Cai-d 1/1 Pub. 12r--16/2,:~ FD-161-1 Authcr Sergeyev, Ye. M.; Polyakov, S.S.; and Kuprina, G. A. Title ill~r_ovemen't of sandy land by silt deposition from flood waters which erode denuded hills Periodical Vest. Mosk. un., Ser. fizikomat. i yest. nauk, 9, No 8, 109-116, Dec 1954 Abstract The author remarks that Ikolmatatsiyal (improvement of land by silt deposition) applied to sandy land is one of the most successful meth- ods for decreasing their water permeability, as experimentally demon- strated by Ye. M. Sergeyev ("Role of chemico-mineralogical composition of material in the kolmatatsiya processing of sandy land," ibid. No 10, 1954). The authors discuss investigations conducted in the southern border of the sandy massif of Western Kara-Kumy in the region of Take Chokrok (60 km northeast of the city of Kazandzhik) and Oraz-Kuym land- mark (60 km north of the city of Yizyl-Arvat), Lake Chokrok being 8 square kilometers. They conclude that their results possess great practical significance for the creation of artificial reservoirs and impounds in the sandy foothills of the Kopet-Dag valley. Institution Chair of Ground Science Submitted September 14, 1954 SKR"T6V, Ye, 14. Organic matter content of limestones. Vest.Kosk. un.9 no.8: 133-135 Ag '54. (KI-RA 7:12) 1. Xafedra gruntovedeniya. (Limestone) ~r The role of thernical and minersliVical compoxinon or the materWs used In the process of silting of sandy soils. H. NI. Sergecy. l4trinik 11nikor. Univ. 9, No. 10, Scir. Fiz-4141. i EsMstvm. Alauk No. 7, 3-tg(IQU)~For Lou- struction of Iffigation !,y3tems, sbip canals, weirs, and dams, the poronity of a saudy va can be decreased by percolating j Arough It a water suspension of very small particles, prefer- 'ably of clay. The presence of water-sol. udts, ("it ex- change cations) greatly affeet3 this process. Lab. expts. art reported in treatmen t of a fine-grain quartz %and with a. siftfill tniateriAl varying in dispersity Irma 86% of < 0.001- rrrmi- racdoet of d bentonite to an argillaccous soil of 0.0a,- 0.01-min. particle size, contg. 3.60.70 water-sol. salts and 4.14% gypsum. These argillaccois materials were tuade into suspensions of about 0.1% conen. Dispersing agents used were Na4PA, NasCO,, or water glass. In one set of expts. the water permeability of the sand sms decreased to iabout 0.001 of 1~i~_iginal value 7 SnGEY-b'V, Ye.M.; POLTAKOV. S.S-, KUPRINL. G.A. Vest.Xojk.,j_,,,.q no.12:109-116 Flood watir BILIr, d8PG,3itIr)r- W! "ais D 154. Wa 8:3) 1. Kafeddra grunto7ederAY-A. (Kara Kum---Silt) Ir N15 632.898 .07 SERGEYEV, Ye. M. Ornatskiy, N. V. Issledovaniye Pi-otsessa Kollmatatsii Peskov (Investigation of the process of improving land by sand depostion, by) N. V. Ornatskiy, Ye. M. Serp-evey, i Yu. M. Shekhtman. Moskva, Izd-vo Moskovskogo Universiteta, 1955. 181 p. diagrs., graphs, tables. Bibliography: p. 178-180. SERGRYEV. Ye. M., professor, doktor geologo-mineralogichookikh nauk The Moscow University is 200 years old. Naulm i shizal 22 no.5:1-4 My 155 (Moscow University) (MLOA 8:6) ..1 GARANINA, U.S., redaktor; TERMOVA, D.P., 5 " , %C- lea re Mikhail Mikhailovich Filatov. (Moskva] Izd-vo Moskovskogo Univ.. 1956. 51 P. (Mm'-10:1) (Filatov. MikMil Mikhailovich, 18',7-1942) SERGEYEV, Yt~:. 1A., Professor 11~.' ~ 1,.eoretical Princi-oles of EmTineoring-Crcolwical Estimates of -Rocks o-f Arid Zcnes," Lomonscv Lactures in 1956, Vest. Mosk. U., Pliysico Mat'll-, ard Natural T Sciences Series, 4, lo. 6, p, 147-160j, 1956, Geolo, Faculty p Translation U-3,054AL3 SERGRYKV, Ye.M.; BUROLIVA., E.M. Problems of soil science and engineering geolog7 in the Russian periodical literature in the 19th and in the beginning of the 20th centuries. Vest.Mook.un.11 no.2:113-117 7 '56. (MLRL 9:8) 1. Kafedra gruntovedeniya i inzhenornoy geologii. (Soil mechanics) (Burayleva, I.M.) 15-1957-7-8881 .Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 7, p I (USSR) AUTHOR: Gordeyev, D. I., Sergeyev, Ye. N1. TITLE: Geology Department of the k'1GU on the Bicentennial Anniversity of the University. "Geologictieskiy k fakultet MGU k 200-letiyu universiteta (1755-1955)) PERIODICAL: Uch. Zap. Mosk. un-t, 1956, Nr 176, pp 5-15 ABSTRACT: Geology was originally taught at Moscow University as a branch of natural history in the department of medi- cine and partly in the departmeiit of philosophy. An important role in the teaching of geology was played by the Museum of Natural History at the University, which contained a mineral display compartme-,it -- the nucleus of the subsequently organized mineralogical, geological, paleontological and petrographical museums of the University. A course in mineralogy and agri- culture was established in 1804; in 1835 a course in Card 1/3 mineralogy and geognosy was separated from it, and 15-1957-;T-9981 Geology Department of the MGU on the Bicentennial Anniversary of the University (Cont.) geological-soils department was established at the University; it was subsequently reorganized in 1949 as a geology depart- ment and its soils division was adjoined to the department of biology. On its 200th anniversary the department of geology included 14 courses of study: dynamic geology; historical and regional geology; paleontology; geology and geochemistry of fossil fuels; geophysical methods of investigation of the earth's crust; geochemistry; crystallography and crystal- lochemistry; mineralogy; petrography; hydrogeology; soils and engineering geology; permafrost; andithe history of geological sciences. 'The article includes lists of professors and names of courses, and indicates the scope of the scientific-research work. Card 3/3 D. 1. Gordeyev SXRGNYBV. YO.M. -- Bound water in soils and Its affect on their dispersion and microstructure. Uch.2ap.Xosk.un. no.176:221-231 '56. (Soil moisture) (Soil particles) ()= 9:12) p .: )i . . .1 1i ~i - m6Rozov, s.s.; SERUM, Te M - FADEYFV, P.I. - Kara Kum sands. Uch.zap.Mosk.un. no.177:3-8 156. WaA 10:5) (Kara Kum--Sand) , r -, Principles for compiling a granular-chemical-mineralogical classification of soils. Uch.zap.MoRI,:.un. no.177:85-97 '56. (MLEA 10:5) (Soils--Classification) 15-57-10-14695 Translation from; Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 10, p 221 (USSR) AUTHORS: S.ergeyev, Ye. M., Vakhtangova, A. 'N. TITLE: The Relationship Between the Optimum Compressive Load and the Grain-Size Distribution in Soil (Zavisimost' optimallnoy nagruzki uplatneniya ot granulometri- cheskogo sostava gruntov) PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Mosk. un-ta, Nr 177, pp 193-20001Z APSTMACT: The author presents the concept of optimum compressive load on clay soils introduced by him (Vestn. Mosk, an-ta, 1959, Nr 10J. He suggests that the value of the optimum load depends on the grain-size distribution in the soil, i.e., on its degree of dispersion. He cites the results of experiments on ten samples of various clay soils. The experiments confirm the hypothesis concerning the indicated relationship between value of optimum compressive load and grain dispersion in the Card 1/2 soil, and leads one to conclude that there is a SICH MYXV, Ye.M. Principles underlying a geological study of rocks in arid regions for construction engineering purposes. Test. Hook. un. Ser. biol.. pochv., 9601-, geog. 12 no.1:83-95 157. (HLRA. 10:11) 1. Kafedra gmntovedeniya i inzhenernoy geologii Moskovskagattgosu- darstvennogo universiteta. (Geology, Economic) (Building materials) - '- -1 -N r I -- - 1- 7 -:_ - -V SPIRGEYEV, Ye.m. Development of the geological science at the Moscow 40 years of Sloviet rule. Test. Moak. un. Ser. biol., 12 no.3.-3-17 157. (Moscow University) (Geology) University during the pochv., geol., geog. (MIRA 10:12) AUTHORS:- ,- otseru 20-3 ot L. A. e;rgeyev, Te. M. -31/52 TITLE: On the Problem of the Genesis of "Greyish-Blue" Loamy Rocks of the Lower Course of the Ob'River (K voprosu o genezise "sizykh" suglinkov doliny nizhnego techeniya reki Obi) PERIODICAL: Doklady AN SSSR, 1957, Vol. 117, Nr 39 PP. 471-472 (USSR) ABSTRACT: These loame are widely distributed in Western Siberia. Neither their age nor the genesis were researched exactly. In the-district of the villages Kondinskoye - Berezovo they are tied to high-water mark of the Obtriver, and they oftenly occur in the block of the flood district. Their rook exposures are oftenly accompanied by landslides. The occurrence of these rocks in the upper part of ferriferous intermediate layers, as well as accumulations of the same kind of marbles is characteristic. One of the properties of the mentioned loams is represented by a high content of exchange - Na, (an the averaCe 82 % of the absorptive power) and water 'soluble salts. The dry residue of the water extract exceeds 1 %, whilat in the other rocks occurring here, it amounts to some hundredth ~- as a rule. Card 1/3 With respect to the granulometric properties these loams On the Problem of the Genesis of "Greyish-Blue" Loamy 20-3-31152 Rocks of the Lower Course of the ObI River depression had low temperatures. Predominating of kao- linite and hydromica, as well as small quantities of gypsum and carbonates prove that. It had a low degree of alkalinity according to the fresh water supply by mighty streams. During the following period the original Obl-delta advanced to the district of the former bay. The shore sediments came under reducing conditions. With respect to this fact, they got the greyis-blue coloring in connection with ferrous oxide forms and organic substances. Further delta swamping led to the formation of swamp ore in the upper part of the loams. ASSOCIATION: Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov (Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova.) PRESENTED: July 5, 1957, by N. M. Strakhov, Academician SUBMITTED: July 1, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 SERVIMN, Ye.m. All-Union conference on soil stabilization. Nauch.dokl.vys.shkoly; geol.-nauki no.IP:212-?13 '58. WFA 12:6) (Soil stabilization)