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1 ".'- : , "I I.I . P.dr - i-,,, 7,-ferrem i4tkhayUvich, kandidat i3el'nkokhozyay,3tven--7'e!' nsul: .'d"Cftafledj~t ~X6*I.. redaktor; ZUBRILIILA, Z.P.. +a*,-.,-,-ir-hOF7!-t'- redaktor ' - I.. ;~-- , ~Rovan) Riebins. .Moskva, Goo.izd-vo sellkhos. lit-ry, 1957. 150 p. (Rowan) (ML~~A 111:10) 1~ i, -; , I. I . .. ,%I-- i II i OVSYANNIKOV, Igor' Vladimirovich: SERGBYRY, V.I., redaktor; ZUBRILINA, Z.P.. tekhnicheakiy redaktor. [Growing fruits indeorej Pladovye rastentia v komnate. Moskva, G62. izd-vo sel'kh02.lit-ry, 1957* 109 PO (KIRA 10:4) OPruit culture) (House plants) ZINIKOVSKTY, Vasiliy Mnksimovic4; SERGLT-bV ., red.; ZUBRILINA, Z.P., ~ ~ - [Indoor growing of citrus Dlants] Komnatnaia kulltura tsitrosovykh rastenii. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo sellkhoz. lit-ry, 195P. 55 P. (MIRA 12:1) (Citrus fruits) GUTITXV, Georgiy Timofeyevich; SERGETEV, V.I., red.; ZUBRILIRA, Z.F., LSubtropical fruit plants] Subtropicheskie plodovya rasteniia. Nookva, Goe.izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry, 1958. 222 p. (MIRA 12:5) (Tropical fruit) RobSOSdANSUYA, V.A.; SAUDARG, V.E.; SJ!5tGiffh'V, V.I.. red.; GORIKOVA, Z.D., (Concise reference manual for vegetable growers; for the central areas of the U.S.S.R.J Kratkii spravochnik ovoshchevoda; dlia srednei polosy SSSR. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo sallkhoz.lit-ry, 1958. 286 p. (MIRA 13:1) (Vegetal:11e growing) t~'IrA SAGALOVICH, Ye.N.; SERGEYBT, V.I., red.; SOKOLOVA, N.N., [Growing vegetables under glass; achievements of science and progressive practicesJ Ovoshchevodstvo zashchishchennogo grunts-, dostizheniia nauki i peredovoi opyt. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo sellkhoz. lit-ry, 1958. 445 p. (MIRA 12:4) (Vegetable gardening) BLINOV. L.F., I-and.sel'E-,kol--ho7,.Vnygtveriny~-h nsuk., SlaiGHY.KV, V.I.,red.; BA.I.MD, A.I., ~ , [Fruit g-rowing: progresidve practices and nchievements of science] Plodovodntvo; peredovoi opyt i dostizheniin nnuld. Moskva, Gas* iz(t-vo Hollkhoz. lit-ry, 1958. 451 p. (MIRA 11:9) (Fruit culture) LORKH, Aleksandr Geort;iyevich; SERGETEV, V-I-, red.; PROKOFITEVA, L.N., -... -,.- [I)otntocs] 0 kartofele. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo Bel'khoz.lit-ry, 1960. 47 p. (MMA 13:11) (Potatoes) AGAPOV, Andrey Fedorovich-, M111F.IXOTA, V.I.. red.; SERGEYEV, V.I., red.; ZIFTRILIIU~, Z.P., tekhn. red. [High tomato yields] 'Y~vsokio urozhai po-iidorov. HDalTva, Goa. Izd-vo sel'khoz. lit-ry, 1960. 117 P. (MIRA 14:5) (Towtoes) FAVOROV, A.M.; IL'IN, V.F~; ILIYASHENKO, A.F~; NRACHIN, F.I.; BALASEEV, N.N.; SERGEYEV, V.I., red.; PEUNER, Ye.I., tekhn. red. [Summer potato planting] Letnie posadki kartofelia. Moskva, Sell- khozgiz, 1961. 109 p. (Potatoes) NIRA 15:6) LOBANOY, Gavril Alekseyevich-,kand.sell.khoz.nauk;-SERGE)3Y-,,Y.I., red.; DmYA.,T.M.., tekhfirsI.; GORIKOTA,Z.D., (Developing new fruit and berry varieties] Tyvedenie novykh sortov plodovykh i iagodnykh ra5tenii. 12dj.,ispr. i do-p. Moskva, GosAzd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry, 1961. 183 p. (MIRA 14:5) (Fruit aulture) alMOV, Viktor Fedorovich; SMGMV, V.I., red.; PROKOFOYETA, L.N., CGrowing dwarf fruit trees] lulltura kBrlikovykh plodovykh derevlev. Izd.4., ispr. i dop. Moskva, Goe.izd-vo sellkhoz. lit-ry, 1960. 319 P.,, (MIlU 13:11) (Dwarf fruit' trees) NAZARYAN, Ye.A.; LOBANOV, G.A.; TRUSEVICH, G.V.; STEPANOV, S.H.; DUSMINA. K.K.; RYBAKOV, A.A.; KARANM, P.G.; UL'YANISHCUNA, A.M.; TMONOV, 11.1i.; KAZIZADN, F.H.; SII96MKO, I.I., SHIRROV, V.F.; SMMKO, I.Kh.; VASIL'YEV, V.P.; SgISHKOVA, X.I.;-,SERGEYEV, V.I., red.; GORIKOVA, Z.D., [Grushal Pear. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo sell khoz.lit-ry. 1960. 534 p. (MIRA 13:12) (Pe a r) OVTMU, M.Ta.; 1GUATJWKO. B.T.; SWIM, T,L, red.; PRCKOPIMA, L.N., [Oboyan' State Fruit Nursery and Form] Gboianskii plodopi- tomnichesldi sovkhoz. Koskva, Gos.izd-vo selikhos.lit-ry, 1960. 195 P. (KIRA 14;3) (Oboyan' District--Nurseries (Horticulture)) auk: MGEMY V.I., red.; GORIN, TimofeY IvaLnovich, kand. sellkhoz. nEL- , PROKOFIYEVA, L.N., tekhna red. ispr. i dop. Nloskva, Gos. izd_vo sellkhozo [Quince] Aiva. Izd.2., (11JU 14: 1:0 lit-ry, zhurnalov J plakatov 1961. 179 P- (Quincei SAPIWOV, Petr Yegorovich., zvenlyevoy, Geroy Sotsialisticheskogo Truda. Pri-nim-ald uchastiye, FEDIN, M.A.; SALOWOUN, I.J.; SAFROHOV, V.V.; ~-IMLEYRUSE-Vs I.T. CBZLYSaIll, Yu.G., red.; SERGEYET, V.I., red.; SOKOILVA.. (SL.-ty-two centners of corn per hectare] 62 tsentnera zerna kukuruzy a gektara. Moskva, Izd-vo seltkhoz.lit-ry, zhurnalav i plakatov, 1962. 77 p. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Kolkhoz "Krasnoye manya" Dmitrovskogo rayona. Orlovskoy oblasti (for Sapanov). (Dmitrov District-Con (Maize)) CHURMIN, Ivan Alekseyevich, kand.sollkhoz. nauk; SERGEYEV, V.L., red.; F.-ROKOPY-17VA, L.11., tekhn. red. (American fall webworm)Areril-anskaia belaia babochka. Izd.2., ispr. i dop. Moskvas Sellkhozizdat, 1962. 101 p. WIRA 15:9) (Fall webworm) NESTEROV., Yakov Stapanovich, kand. sellkhoz. nauk; aiiGEYEV V j,_,__Eed.; PEV&.Igij V.I.2 tekhn. red. ~" V% [Aest period of fruit trees] Period pokoia plodovykh kulltur. Moskva, Sellkhozizdat, 1962. 150 p. (MIRA 15:6) (Dormancy in plants) (Ftuit trees) KOLESNIKOV, V.A., doktor sellkhoz.nauk, prof.; red.; FEMIER, V.I., tekhn. red. (Root systems of fruit and berry plants and methods for studying them] Kornevaia sistema plodovykh i iagodnykh ras- tenii i metody ee izucheniia. Moskwa., Sellkhozizdat, 1962. -k90 p. (MM 15:7) (Roots (Botarq)) (Fruit culture-Research) SPIVAKOVSKIY, Naum. Davidovich; sERGEYEV, V.I.,g red.; GURZVICH, M.M.S, tekhn. red. ---- [Fertilizing fruit and 'berry cultures] Udobrenie plodovykh i iagod- nykh kulltur. Izd.2., ispr. i dop. Moskva., Sellkhozizdat, 1962. 359 P. (MIRA 15:7) (Fertilizers and manures) SEVASTOYANOVA, Mariya Ivanovnit, kAnd. sellkhoz. nauk; red.; BELOVA, N.N., tekhn. red. (Herbicides In vegetable gardening] Gerbitsidy v ovoshchevod- stve. Moskva, Sellkhozizdat, 1963. 55 P. (MIRA 16:6) (Herbicides) (Vegetable gardening) BUDAGOVSM, V.I., prof._i_SERGEM, V.I., red.; PEVZN&q, V.I., tekhn. red.; tekhn. red. [Commercial growing of dwarf fruit trees] Pro-m-ohlennaia kul'tura karlikovykh plodovykh derevIev. Moskva, Sell- khoizdat, 1963. 382 p. (Dwarf fruit trees) (?-ARA 17:1) STEPANOV, Sergey Nikolayevich, kand. seltkhoz. nauk; SERGEYEV, V.I., red.; SOKOLOVA, B.N.., tekhn. red. [Fruit nursery] Piodovyi pitomnik. lzd.2., dop. i perer. Moskva, Sellkhozizdat, 1963. 510 P. (MIRA 17:3) TRUSEVICH, G.V.; SERGEYEV, V.I., red. [Rootstock of fruit species) Pod-vcl plodovykh porod. Moskva, Kolos, 1964. 494 P. (MIRA M12) SERGEYEV,V.I.. inzhener ft~,, 1. - - Some scientific research problems and the design of inland navigation vessels. Rech. tranSD. 14 no.6:10-13 Je '55. (Shipbuilding) (PI-RA 8:9) -11 .izl~ I . SERGEYKV,V.1., inzhener Methods of oractical investigation of hull corrision in river- going vessels. Rech.transp. 14 no.8:9-13 Ag'55. (~W.A 8:11) (Hulla (Haval architecture)) (Corrosion and anticorroolves) L" - E Y V V V 124-11-13359 'franslation from: ReferaEi%-nyy Zhurnal, Mekharika, 1957, Nr 11, p 150 (USSR) AUTHOR: Sergeyev, V.I. TITLE: To the Problem of the Approximate Determination of the General Bending Moments of Ships in the Preliminary Design Stage. (K voprosu priblizhennogo opredeleniya obshchikh izgibayushchikh momentov v stadii eskiznogo proyektirovaniya sudov. PERIODICAL.- Tr. Akad. morsk. flota, 1956,Nr 4,pp 46-69. ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry. Card 1/1 SOV/81-59-i6-571157 Translation Crom: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, 1959, Nr 16, p 264 (USSR) AUTHOR: Sergeyev, V.I. TITLE.- The Corrosion Wear of Hulls of Ships on Inland Waters PERIODICAL: V sb.: Zashchita morsk. sudov oi korrozii. Moscow, "Morsk. transport", 1958, pp 26-32 ABSTRACT: A table is given of the yearly average of thinning in the bilge casing of ships navigating in deep-water basins, and diagrams of the rate of general and local corrosion of the hulls of river ships are also pre- sented. For the plotting of the diagrams data of natural tests carried out by the TsNII of River Shipping was used. In distinction from sea vessels tb- ships on inland waters have no increased wear in the region of variable--ter lines. The causes and the degree of corrosion destructions in the casing of ships at various height have been considered in detail. Data for the corrosion wear of the most vulnerable spots of the inner side of the board casing of the ship are presented. The problem of the cor- rosion wear of the ships can be solved by means of: introducing new ef- Card 1/2 fective methods of painting the under-water part of the hull, on the basis The Corrosion Wear of Hulls of Ships on Inland Waters SOV/81-59-16-57457 of ethinol varnish; applying bitumen coatings of the ship holds; using water-sand blast cleaning of the hulls before painting. The decrease of the corrosion wear rates of the outer casing to 0.015 - 0.02 mm/year makes for many types of hull constructions a general overhaul unnecessary during the whole service period of river and lake ships. V. Lukinskaya. Card 2/2 RACHKOV, A.S., inzh.; SERGESPEV, 7.1., Inzb.. Pusbo-r tugs for use on inland waterways. Sudostroenia 24 no.9:1-6 S 158. (ILURA 11:11) (Tugboate) SERGEYEV, V.I., inzh. Repair cycles and the average life of river vessels. Trudy LIVT no.6:22-40 160. (MIRA 15:3) (Ships-Maintenance and repair) SERGEYEV.-I! Structure of frjreign trade In socialist countries. Vnesh.torg. 41 no.12:3-14. 161. 1 (MIRA, 14. 11) (Comrdunist countries--Commerce) BENUA, F.F.; DIJKCR, Z.G.; KLYUSHENKOV, I~S.; KCNSTANTINOV, V.P..; KATLER, A. I. ; MAYKOV, N, K FRAYSMAN, A. D. TRUFANCV, V.G.; FEDCMV, V.F.; FRUMIN, S.R.; CHERTKOV, Kh.A.; SHIBANOV, B.V.~ VATASHKINA, S.A., red,izd-va; CfERINOV,M.I., red.i YDROVA, V.A., tekhn. red, . (Handbook on ship repairs in two volumes] Spravochnik po remontu sudov v dvukh tomakh. Pod obshchei red. M.I.Chernova. Moskva, Izd-vo "Rechnoi transport." Vol.2. 1963, 600 p. (Ships-maintenance and repair) (MIRA 16;9) JM!UA, 1F.F.; DUMI, Z.G.; KLYUSE-121KOV, I.S.; FG1,ST'Mr:DOY, V.P.; A.D~;,.SERGEYEV, ~.I.; VAYROV, U.K.; PIWISI-Wi, NTLYAH, V.I.; TRUFAIM, V.G.; FEDOHOV, V.F.; PRITMIE, S.R.; GIOMTKOV, Kh.A.; SHIBANOV, B.V.; ChNUMV, M.I., red.; VITASUKIIIA, S.A., red.izd-va; BODROVA, V.A., tekhn. red. (11andbook on ship repairs in two volur-esl Spravochnik po reir.ontu sudov v dvukh tomakh. Pod obshchei red. E.1. Chernova. Mo2kva, Izd-vo llilechnoi transport." Vol.l. 1963. 550 P. (1-aRA 16:12) (Ships-4faintenance and repair) (Marine engineering--Handbooks, manuals, etc.) L 0902 C N" EWT(m)/EWP( -- t)/ETI IJ11(c) JD/WB- AR6032261 rV) SOURCE CODE: UR/0398/66/000/006/VO11/VOll AUTHOR! Sergeyev, V. 1. 39 TITLE: Effect of corrosionfin the strength of ship hulls SOURCE: Ref. zh. Vodnyy transport, Abs. 6V61 REF SOURC19: P~roizv. -tekhn. ab. Tekhn. upr. M-va rechn. flota REFSR, no. 5(49), 1965, 24-28 TOPIC TAGS: corrosion. ship, pitting, hull strength, pitting corrosion ABSTRACT: Special research has been conducted on the effect of corrosion wear o the mechanical qualities of~shjp~uilding steel. Samples of St. 3 Ikeel were tested by a method described in the original article. Results of ihe investigation are presented in'graphic form. It was found that the ultimate strength and yield point C the sample cross-section depend on the diameter and the depth of the pitting. In repairing vessel hulls, it is necessary to consider only the decrease in the areas of the cross sections of stays caused by corrosion. A method was proposed for determining the average thickness of corroded hull plating. A prophilograph to Card 1 / 2 UDC: 629.12.002.51 L 09052-67 r-ACC NR- AR6032261 determine the average thickness of the plating has been developed. Orig. art. has; 5 figures. [Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: 13/ c,,,d 2/ 2 nut SERGETEV, Y.K. I Mc3cow mathematics and navigation school. Voo.geog. no.34:150-160 '54. (Naval education) (MLRA 7:12) i CO "L, -H: c L 2h674-65 EWP(e)/EPA(s)-2/EiIT(M)/EPF(C)/kS/EWG(v)/E~R/Fwp(j)/T/EWP(b)/9.4A(1) Pc-47Fe-VFi-4/Pr-4/Ps_4/Pt-lO RM/WW AGGM3MN NRS AP5004687 6/0191/64/00()/009/0013/0017 A1911OR; Severov, A. A.i GorbachDLa V" K'_: ~T. B~. Lukin, B. Vj Serg vi TITLEs Changes in the fine and Porous structures of phenol-fomaldeklyde resin duril*.- tapid short-duration heating to hightemperatures SOURCEs Plasticheskiye massys no. 9. 1964P 13-17 TOPIC TAGS: phenolic plastic polymerization, heat effect crystal chemistry,, polymer structure Abstract -.Changes in the structure of GOST 4552:j9_Rhenol-formaldeh resin,. have"t been studied during rapid sh6rt -duration heating up to 2900* C. e initi 1 resin was cured for about 20 days at 160P U; its de-gr-Re-oT -polymeriza- tion was 98. 216. ne specimens were heated at rates of 10, 000-20, 000* C/ min Heating was conducted in increments of 100* below 110(r C and 300* above: 1100* C, with a 1-min holding time at each temperature. The samples. were :A then cooled in nitrogen.- Changes in the porous structure of the specimens werel',l.'' studied by visual observation, micrographs, and p orosity measurements based -on moisture absorption. In additioni.weight loss, shri!*age and com, Card JV6 40 JO - - - -------- 7-W) V jo $4 43 rco .,an ID 0 00 449 -10 0 77: 'Mi ~--'&~_Z -M;U4 IM" 3 j7 2. D Fi Dependence of poroait epandence of 1. (1); a age .. - - M.. ~I g. lf. and weight (2) of-phenol-. and strength of'opecimens o Phenol-formaldebyde resin onthe formaldehyde resin on heating. temperature heating temperature- Card 216' L24674-65 AGMSION NR.- AP5004687 s showed that: 1) Pores and cracks'develop rapidly at The result .400-700* C as a result of the evolution of volatile pyrolysis -products. The ses co' siderable weight, loss and shrinkage of specimens. 2) Thci'~ process cau n pores continue to develop at.700-1300* C,, but at a slower rate. At the same e! 'time wide cracks are formed. These cracks cannot be determined by moistur absorption, and the rnagnitude of the measured porosity remains unchanged up p Ao 19000 C. 3) At 1900-2600* C, the pores continue to develop;'since specimen :1 -weigot remains unchanged, it is concluded that the porosity develops as a result! of ari increase in the density of the coke'pore walls. 4) At 2600-29000 C *the ppres become filled with secondary products formed by pyrolysis- product decomposition. The specimens become. blacks and acquire a ~-metallic luster, and their weight increases slightly. 5) The specimen. volumb increases continuously at above .7000 C and attains 15016 of its initial value at 2900* C. 6) The specimen compressive strength drops from its'Initial value of 700-2100 kg/mm2 to 0. 05 kg/m 2 at 1700 A77, m 26 00, C, 2 and then increases again at 290(r C to 0. 10 kg/mm owingto the deposition.,.,, of secondary.p and cracks. _~nq~~t~_which fill the pores. Card 3/6'.'' L 24674-65 ACCESSION NRS AP5004687 11 The fine structure ofthe resin*was -studied by the x-ray diffraction'-' Method. The results of the study are given in the form of x-ray diffraction., atterns and id the.form of,c p hanges of the diffusion ring width d of Inter- an 'planar spacings in the c-:-axis, direction with temperature (see Fig 3). Ip- - A Fig. 3. D ependence of interplan" bo 0 1 spaciny and width of diffusion r $4 cc q.:._ ring on temperatures'.- 0 440 ,10 o 1) Intormoiecular distance and 10 93 1 interplanar spaciz4;-2) width of the diffusion 1 0 IM J400 t, OC Card 4/6 L 24674-65 ACCFZSION NR: AP5004687 These results show that: 1) Heatin* of the resin to 25V C causes its 9, -further polymerization. 2) At 300-7000 C, the resin degrades and coke *ructures are formed. 3) Above C, the formation of primary and the ordering of. secondary'cok n- e structures (bundles) continues; the tWo-dimensio i al coke-structure formation ends at 1200-130(r C. - 4YAt 1200-2300* C, glow growth of bundles continues. 5) At higher temperatures, in the pregraphitizationII-I period, the bundles begin to grovi more rapidly; regions with a three-dimen- l sion al ordering (cryptallites of graphite) appe~kr at 29003 C. 7bus during rapid. heating graphitization begins at higher, temperatures than during heating at a rate of 10* C/min with 2-hr holding periods, in which case graphitization kegins at 24bO' C. COMAUIT: The article is interesting as an apparent attempt to determine the - charac Per and possibly the rate of progressive thermal deterioration of a GRP , , binder;at temperatures and heating rates comparable to those arisin in mi i1 .:; . ss e : g . .combustion chambersoor on the surface of re-entry plates., At the given heating: rate, t ,e,, 170-330 - Clseci, testing temperatures of LOO-290000 'could be reached - , Withird the time required to reproduce approximatay the thermal conditions to ,which ORP used for aerospace purposes is subjecteds It is true that oWy, the '.bindej and not the GRP itself waa tested, 'arid that heat transfer was not Card 5/6 L 52700-6 EPA(s)-2/EWT(m)/BPF(c)EPR/EWP(j)/T/ Pcr4/Pr-4/Ps-4/Pt-7 j ACGEWION NRt Ap5oih4v OR/0032/65/031/006/0716/071T AUTHORS: &verov,, A. Aos Serg!p, V. K.; Boidovskaya, N. V, .0 TIMEt A method for microstructural analysis/of fiberglase-reinforced plastics SOURM Zavodskaya laboratoriyap ve 31,:n0- 69 1965$716-717 TOPIG TAGIss plasticj, fiberglases structure analysisj, resin ABSTRACTs Microstructural analysis of the transveree described as a, A method for quality control of fiberglasa~-reinforced plastics, The author's explain. the shape of fibers and twisted strands in ouch sections and the-nature of the mechanical and the chemical failures of-this material, They also present a aethod for preparing polished sections to be used in the study of such defects as cracks and pores which determine the -nature, of the failure, The- length of the straight cracks in the resin is limited by the distance between the layers of fiberglass, The- ctwved cracks are normally found in the glass fibers saturated with resin. Microcracks are loca-ted'at the junctions- of th* -fibers -and.the binderl their width is 0.5/-L and their length reaches 1 =4 The pores can be seen at V4 accumulations of resin and between the layers of fiberama, are commonly of 4L Card SHASHKOV, A.G.; YAS'KO, U.I.;-SERGEYEV, V.L.; YUREVICH, F.B. Electric arc heaters for obtaining higb-temperature streams. InzI,.-fiz.zhur- 5 no.1:115-129 Ja '62. (MIRA 1-5:3) (Electric arc) (Electric heating) 11,5.3oo 2~ Mll AUTHOR: TITLE: PERIODICAL: Sergeyev, V. L. 21772 S/170/61/004/004/003/014 B108/B209 Calculation of the thermodynamic functions for an air-carbon mixture at high temperatures Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, v. 4, no. 4, 1961, 16 - 24 TEXT: In the present study, the author determined the basic thermodyna- mic functions describing an air-carbon mixture forming in a discharge are from graphite electrodes. The mixture consists of 7qc air and 3q.3 carbon. Temperature and pressure determin5 the relationship between the number of molecules, ions, and atoms per cm . The air-carbon mixture consists +of many kinds of particles (N - 0 , 21 021 C29 Ar2l NO, CN, CO, N, 0, C, Ar. 2 N27 NO+ I CfO+, CN+, C', N+, 0+, Ar+, ep C++f N++9 0++, etc.) quite a number of which may be neClected. The concentration of the components in such a mixture is determined from the equation of state of a perfect gas: p = nkT (1), the particle balance up to double ionization (2), the charge* equilibrium (3), t-he law of mass action W-05), and the state of the air- Card 1/15 21772 S/117 611004100AI0031014 Calculation of the thermodynamic ... 3108YB209 carbon mixture (16), (17): n n' + nN. + no. + nC2 + N+ no + nc + nNo + ncN + nco + + n" + n." + no, + nc., + n N'+ + n0++ (2) n, nN*- + no, -4- n,+ + 2nN++ + 2nO4+ + 2nc++ n2N . nNs SN n2c = SC no+ n, SO+' no rzN no Card 2/15 nNO (4) n20 SO$ (5) no, (6) nN+ n, SR+' (7) nN (8) nc+ n. sc+1 nc (10) nc nN SC.N' 21772 S/170/61/004 j/0 0 5 Calculation of the thermodynamic ... B108/B209 11C no nc-- n, -- = Sc.o. (12) = SC++ (13) nco nc+. n N++ ne = SN4-*, (14) n 04+ /it -SO,+, (15) nN+ n 0+ IZCO + NO + 2n0, + no + n 0+ + /I o++ - 14,7 0,265, (16) n + n NO I a,; + 2nr,,. + i~,j +* nN + n N++ 55,3 f1co + nNO+2no2 no + n no-i-+ 14,7 nco + nc% - 0.49. (17) + 2nr , + 17c + n c+ + n c++ 30 n denotes the number of particles of the respective kind per cm3, s the Card 3/15 217 172 S/170/61/004/004/003/01/- Calculation of the thermodynamic ... BIOS/B209 equilibrium constants of the respective reactions which for various tem- peratures and pressures are determined from Ig-PH 5040 (E,+1 - AV) + 1,5 IgT + 15,38 + Ig 2Z,+I, 7' Z' In this equation, AV denotes the change in ionization energy E due to the charged particles, Z - the sum of states, r the degree of ionization. Z,(T)=g,..o + g",U+ g'.t g IT + (20) where Er,i is the excitation energy of the i-th level, gr i = 21 r, 3. +1 - the statistical weight of the i-th level, Jr1i - the total moment of momentum. In the considered temperature range of between 10 000 and 20 000 K (I atm) it is sufficient to calculate only neutral and singly ionized atoms-and ithe Card 4/15 21772 S/17 61/004/004/0 Calculation of the thermodynamic ... B108YB209 electrons. Thus, one obtains -P ~n'[I+ 6.82 (21) U 3,78 + 2,04 n'ISN++' n'1S 0+ n'1S C+ + I no+= + (nlso++1) + (n/s 0+ + 1) 0,265(n,ls N + + 1) 0,49(nls 0+ --L 1) n 0+(nls 0+ + 1) n n 0 +(nls & + 1) 0,265(n,/s,,, + 1)' c+ = 0,49(n,/s c, + 1) (22) plus Eqs. (7) (9). For the calculation of the constants of the reaction equilibrium, the author used data from Ref. 2 (Wienecke R., Z. Physik, Card 5/15 21772 S/1170/61/004/004/003/014 Calculation of the thermodynamic ... B108/B209 146, 39, 1956). Results are shown in Tables 1 and 2. For temperatures of about 30 OOOOK one has to consider double ionization. Neglecting the neu- tral atoms, one then obtains n 2n,- (nelso + + + (nelso+++I) ne [ I+ 0,265(r',IS N+ + + 1)+ 0,49(n,/Sc+-4-~ (n1s o++ + 1)(2+n/s N++) + (n1so+++I)(2+n~sc++) 1 %"OSO+++2) 0,265(n,/'SN+ + + 0,49(n~sc+++I) 2n, n.alb (23)j nol+(n~lso..+ 1) 110++ nN++ - b 0,265(n,/s~'++') nc+. n 0+.(nls 0+ + + 0,49(n,ls C~ 4 + Card 6/15 12 17 7 2 S/170/61/004/004/003/014 Calculation of the thermodynamic B108/B209 plus Eqs. (7) - (9). Fig. 1 shows the results for 150 atm. The enthalpy of 1 g of substance is (25). P w here 9 denotes the density. Assuming the considered air-carbon mixture to consist of chiefly atoms and ions, the enthalpy reads as follows: 10-12 DN 0 + 1,602. + ll"~) + + 2 2 9 V-1 + DC (nc + nc-,.) + En+ Eo n0+ + Ecnc. (29)) N N" 2 where Dk denotes the dissociation energy in ev, and p the pressure in 2 dynes/cM . The specific heat as determined from graphical differentiation of the enthalpy curves (Fig. 2) is shown in Fig. 3. The entropy of the Card 7/15 21772 S/170/61/004/004/003/01,i Calculation of the thermodynamic ... B108/B209 mixture is S 4~)WkSh- P k andp with the substitutions from above, .S= 1,3803:10-10 (49.183 + 3,4538 19T)n-, + 2,3025 n,(1.5 Ig. A; + P k +19ZA-Ignk).]+I]nT " InZ,), (32) k OIT whdre nk and ns denote the concentration of the k-th component and of the Card 8/15 2Y7,12/0 S/1 70~ 04/004/003/014 Calculation of the thermodynamic ... B108JB209 mixture, respectively (in cm-3), A,_ - atomic or molecular weight. The sums of states as determined with the help of data from Ref. 13 (Moore S. Atomic energy levels, 1949) et al., and from Eq. (20)p are presented in Table 3- The final results are shown in the form of an i-versus-S diagram (Fig. 4). There are 4 figures, 3 tables, and 13 referencest 6 Soviet-bloc and 7 non- -Soviet-bloc. SUBMITTED: July 5, 1960 Card 9/15 SERGEYEV, V._L.; TROFIMOV, V. P.; YEREVICH, F. B.; YASIKO 0. 1. - .1 Some results of studying the operation of an electric arc heater with gas stabilization of the discharge. Inzh.-fiz. zhur. 6 no.1:14-18 Ja '63. (MIRA 16:1) (Electric are) V11(13/E[Q&PEkn3-9jEW,-(6) -- -W-W -~AP5026648 SOURCE CODE: UR/0170/65/009/004/0427/0432 AUTHOR: -Zergelev, V,--b,_, ORG: Institute ofqHeat' and Mass Transfer,AN BSSR, I-11inak (Institut teplo- I massobmena AN BwffT- TITLE: Methods of measuring high beat fluxes SOURCE: Inzbenerno-fiziebeski-y zburnal, v, 9. no, 4, 1965, 427-432 --I, ti 4,-157 TOPIC TAGS: beet tr5ansfer, beat measurement, beet conductivity, gas jet ABSTRACT: The article compares several methods, applicable to a jet of high tempera-Pre gas, for the measurement of beet fluxes up to 1-10 kilowatts/Cm and above. 1) For a heated body with small dimensions made of material with high beat conductivity, or at small velues of the beet transfer coefficient, that iss at small values of the Biot number O(VA* the change in the temperature of the body Is characterized by the heat transfer rate between the body and the surrounding medium. The temperature of the body is an exponential function of the time, In this case, the expression for the beet flux has the form: I (pc,6) dU q=- (3) IRO CER Card 1/2 ACC NR, AP5026646 The recording instrument was a platinum plate in contact with a model made of Pyrex with a semispberical bead. The experiments were made in an aerodynamic tybe containing air heated to temperatures of the order of 90000K. Measurement of the beat flux attained 40 kilowatts/cm 2) In determination of the beat flux by measurement of the surface temperature, use was made of the solution of the heat conductivity equation for a plate in ideal contact with a semi-infinite body. If a metal plate is in contact with an Insulator of Infinite thickness and. if the thickness of the metal is very small, the average temperature of the whole metal plate will be equal to the temperature of the contact*. 3) In the method of surface pointss the beat flux to a plane plate is determined by the law of heat conductivity, 4) The heat flux can also be determined by measurement of the time up to the beginning of melting. of the metal. Experimental work described in the article was carried out by two different methods: the method of a cooled calorimeter and the exponential method. The first is a steady state method, while the second is more widely used and Is applicable to the unsteady state casee Measurements of the heat fluxes in a high temperature gas jet by- these two methods were made and agreed in asatisfactory manner. The actual results are exhibited in graphic form. Orig, art. has: 10 formulas and 3 figures, SUB CODE: TD, GO/ SUBM DATE: 23Apr65/ ORIG REF: Oll/ OTH REF: oo8 :.rd 2/2 (15D0 Acc NR% AP5027575 WW SOURCE CODE: VK761167657660665166 44 _1110~ AUTHOR: Sergeyev, V. L. ORG: Institute of Heat and Mass Transfei~ AN BSSR. Minsk (Institut teplo- i masPob- mena AN BSSR) TITLE: Experimental investigation of heat transfer in the region of the stagnation point SOURCE: Inzhenemo-fizicheskiy zhurnal, v. 9, no. 5, 1965, 657-666 TOPIC TAGS: -heat transfer, stagnation point, dissociated gas, ionized gas, hpat conductivity ABSTRACT. -In the case of nowl around a body by a dissociated and ionized gas, the .heat flux from the gas to the wall consists of the heat flux determined by the temper- ature gradient at the wall and the heat conductivity of the gas, as well as the heat flux determined by the gradient of the concentration of atoms, ions, and electrons. The article gives the results of heatflux measurements carried out in a jet of nitro- . "' I "A'! 4 94, gen, heated by an electric arc neater. The current strength varied from 150 to 1300 amps, and the gas rate from 2 to 10 grams/ sec. The heat fluxes were mea- sured by three methods: tile method of a cooled calorimeter, the exponential method.- and the Brogan method. In the first case, the heat flux was determined as the ratio of heat consumed in heating a known quantity of cooling water in unit time to the sur- 1/2 UDC: 536.248+536. I ~ A~~2-0_1 _ACC__NR, AP5027575 face of the heated surface of the sensing device. In the second case, the heat flux was determined from the change in the heat content of a copper cylinder. In the thirt case, it was determined from the time up to the start of melting of copper and alumi- num cylinders, insulated from the lateral surface. The measurement results are exhibited graphically as a function of the enthalpy and the stagnation pressure, for diameters of the heat flux sensing device equal to 5 and 20 mm. The maximum measured value of the heat flux was 25 kilowatts/cm2, for a 'value of the enthalpy corresponding to a temperature of 14, 000 K. An estimate of the part of gas radiatior, in the value of the heat flux, without taking absorption into account, gives a value within the limits of 316. The measured values of the heat fluxes over the whole range of gas parameters agree with calculated results for the following assumed values: Pr = 0. 71; Le = 1. 4; twall = 100 C. This confirms the poi3sibility of applying the Fay and Riddell equation to the calculation of heat transfer in an ionized gas. Orig. art. has: 7 formulas and 5 figures. SUB CODE: GC, ME, TD/ SUBM DATE: l8Jun65/ ORIG REF: 017/ OTH REF: 011 ALEFSANDROV, R.I., polkovulk med.sluzhby; GEFEN, N.Ye., polkovnik ined.sluzhby; GART11 , N.S., p,)dpolkovnik med.sluzhby; GAPOCHKO, K.G., podpolkovnik med.cluzhby; DAALI-BMG, I.I., podpolkovnik med.oluzhby; SMEYEV, V.M., podpolkovnik med.sluzhby Reactivity to and effectiveness of aerogenic vaccination against certain zoonoses. Voen.-med.zhur. no.12:34-38*1) 158. (MIRA 12:12) (VACCINES AND VACCINATION, against aerogenic zoonoses (Rus)) SERGEYEV, V.M., inzh. Sound absorbing finishing of rooms. Avtom., telem. i aviazl 6 no.6:43 Je 162. (NIRA 15:7) 1. Glavnoye upravleniye eigrializatsii i svyazi Ministerstva putey soobshcheniya. (Railroado--Stations-Soundproofi-n_L,) SIMGNYNV, V. M. - improve the work of automotive transportatios, at construction sitea- Stroi. pred. teft. prom. 2 no.2:24-25 7 '57. (MLRA 10:4) (Transportation, Automotive) SERGEYEV, V.M., inzh. High-frequency KRf~-30/60-type telephone apparatus for ahort-distance use. Avtom., telem. i sviaz' 6 no.7;19-22 JI 162. (MIRA 16-2) 1. Glavnoye upravleniye signalizatsii i svyazi Ministerstva putey soobshcheniya. (Telephone., Automatic) (RailiAoads-Commanication. systems) KHLUSOV, Andrey Yevataflyevich; POPOV, L.N., kand,, tekhn, nauk, retsenzent; GELONDA, V.I., red.; SERGLEYEV, V.M., red.; YASHUKOVA, N.V., tekhn. red. (Exercises and course project's in load-lifting and convey- ing equipment of building materials plants] Uprazhneniia i kursovoe proektirovanie po gruzopod'Iemnomu i transportnomu oborudovanilu zavodov stroitel?nykh detalei. Moskva, Roz- vuzizdat, 1963. 139 P. (MIRA 170) SF.RGEYEV, V.M., inzh. A two-directional equipment bay. Avtom., telem. i sviazl 7 no.6:43 Je ~63, (MIRA 17:3) 1. Glavnoye upravleniye signalizatsii i svyazi Ministerstva putey soobshcheniya. YINSTIMLYEV, G.F.; USKOV, N.F.; S*--Ra-YEV V.,M., red. . ~ q 11 ~ ~, I [~:alculatlirxt- mach-ines and their o-peration-I Schetr2ye =a- shixW i ikh ekspluatats-iia. Moskva, Vy3shala sh-kolaip 1964. 422 u. (I-11FIA 17:10) ZHDANOVJ, V.M.; RITOVA, V.V.; GEFEN, 11.Ya.; ZUJKOVSKIY, A.M.; BERLYANT, M.L.; YVISTIGNEYEVA, N.A.; YEGOROVA, N.B.; KPIVNIN, L.S.; LEOHIDOVA, S.L.; SEftGEYEV, V.M.; SMIPJ1OV, M.S. Comparative study of intranasal and aerosol methods of vaccination against influenza. Zhur. mikrobiol., epid. immun. 33 no.llg63-67 N 362. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Iz Instituta virusologii imeni Ivanovskogo AMN SSSr, SMEYEV, V.,M. Remote results of pneumonectomy in tuberculosis. Probl. tuberk., Moskva no.4:70-72 July-Aug 1953- (CIAL 25:4) 1. Candidate Medical Sciences. 2. Of the Surgical Clinic (Head -- Prof. % K. Bogush), Institute of Tuberculosis of the Academy of Medical Sciences UWR (Director - Z. A. Lebedeva), SERGEYET, V.M., kandidat meditsinakikh nauk; PAMNOVA, 0.1. Respiratory changes in tuberculosis and their relation to pneumonectomry and lobectomy. Probl. tub. ua.5-14-21 S-0 154. (MIRA 7:12) 1. Iz khirargicheskay kliniki (zav. prof. L.K.Bogush) i patot- fitiologichoskoy laboratorii (zav. prof. G.Te.Platonov) Institute, tuberoulleza Akademli meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (dir. 2.A.Iebecleva) (TUBERCULOSIS. PULMONARY, surgery, lobectoW & pneumonectoaq. off. on reap.) (RESPIRATION, in various diseases, tuber--., pulm., off. of lobectom7 & pneumonectomy) SXRGEYIIV, Vilctor Mikhaylovich. kandidat meditsinskikh nauk; SAVELIYEVA, K.K. , takhnicheskiy redaktor ESargical anatomy of the blood vessels of the root of the lung] Khirurgichesksis anatomiis sosudov kornia legkogo. Moskva. Goa. izd-vo med. lit-ry, 1956. 76 p. (MLRA 10:4) (IMIGS--BLOOD SUPPLY) VINOGR&DOV. N.A., prof.; SIRGLXV, Y.M., (Hedgiz, Moskva) Trends in the development of surgical liteinture. Khirurgiia 33 no.9:6-14 S 157. (MIRA 11:4) (SURGERY trends of surg. literature in Russia) (LITHRATURB same) Firi~t sessinn ~-f the in,;titute af Thorr-cic of Medictris of the Ehirurglia ~4 Surgery of the Acadamy no.4:129-136 Ap'58 '~HIPA 11:7) SERGEYET, V.M.,, SMOLINIKOV, V.P.. "Anesthesia for surgery of the heart" [in English] by K.K. Keown. Reviewed by V.M. Sergeev, V.P. Smollnikov. Vast.khir. 81 no.7:144-146 Jl 158 (MIRA 11:8) (HEART-SURGERY) (ANESTHESIOLOGY) Mao, K.K.) SIMEYEV, Viktor Hikhaylovich; BUYANOV, Valentin Mikhaylovich [Achievements of modern thoracic surgery] Uepekhi sovremennoi grudnoi khirurgii. Moskva, Medgiz, 1959. 114 p. NIRA 13:8) (CHEST--SURGKRT) BUSAIA)V, A,A., B=O'J, Yi.t.Ye,- SHRGGMEV.-- VX. Problen-9 In cheat surgery; report cr- the Second Sesaion of the Tnatituts of Ghost Surge-rw oll the Acader- e,,f' Sciences of the U.S.S.R. I ~n.2.120-126. Fa-Ap -1 '59. - (MIRA 145:7) (GtiFz-T--bUtnERY) BAKULEV) A.N., prof., red.; BUSALOV, A.A., prof., red.; Z&IUR, V.A., prof., red.; IVAIIITSKMA, M.A., dots., red.; KOLESNIKOV, S.A., doktor mod. nauk, red.; SLRGEYEV%, V.M., red.; ZAKHAROVA, A.I., tekhn. red. [Transactions of the First Jubilee Scientific-Session of the Listitute for Chest Surgery ofthe Academy of Medical Sciences of-the U.S.S.R.] Trudy 1-i iitbileinoi nauchnoi sessil, 2-4 dekabria 1957 g. 1.,'oskva, Pod red. A.A.Busalova lfoskva, Medgiz, 1959. 263 p. 4-IDA 15: 5) 1. Akadeniya uieditsinskikh nauk SSSR, Voscow. Inst-itut Midnov khirurgii. 2. Deystvitelln~y chlen Ahadenii meditsinskikb nauk SSSR, Institut grudnoy k-hirurgii 10-ader-di neditsinskikh nauk- SSSR (for Bakulev). 3. Direktor fakulltetskoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki Vtorogo l'oskovskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo in- stituta imeni N.I.Pirogova (for Busalov). 4. Institut grudnoy khirurgii Akader-iii reditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Zlrur, Ivenitskaya, Kole snikov) . (CHEST--SURGERY) AIEKSANI]ROV, N.I.. goneral-mayor meditainokoy eluzhby; GEFEN, Mo., pol- kovnik meditainskoy sluzhby; GARIN, N.S., podpolkovnik meditsinskoy sluzhby; GAPOCHKO, K.G., podpolkovnik meditsinskoy sluzhby; SERGEM, T.M., pdopolkovuik meditsinskoy sluzhby; TAX&RIN, A.L., polko~~ii meditainskoy sluzhby; SKLYAKHOV, E.N., Axperience in massive aerogenic vaccination against anthrax. Voen.- med.zhur. n0.8:23-)2 Ag '59. (MIRA 12:12) (ANTHRAX, imm~uology) (VACCINATION) SERG=, V.M.,;nauk. Second Session of the Institute of Thoracic Surgery of the Lcademv of Medical Sciences of the U*S.S~R. Vest. AMY SSSR 14 no.6:79-87 '59. (MIRA 13:6) (GUST--SURGERY) mn OSTROVEMIOV, G.Ye.; SERGEM, V.14. On the prospective plan for the publication of surgical literature. Khirurgiia 35 no.93133-138 159. (MIRA 13:12) (BIBLIOGRAPHY.--SURGEM) BOGUSIJ, L.K., prof., red.; KOLLSIUKOV, S.A., prof., red.; SERGEYEV, V.M., kand. mod. nauk, red.; 3,110OV, Z., red.; LAVIMTIYEVA, (Technic of mitral commissurotomy; transactions of the First Symposium on the Technic of Mitral Commissurotony, Moscow, 1960] Tekhnika mitrallnoi komissurotomii; trudy. Moskva, In-t grudnoi khirurgii, 1960. 95 P. (111IRA 35:1) 1. Simpozium po tekhnike mitrallnoy koriissurotomii. lst, Moscow, 1960. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Bogush). (MITRAL VALVE--SURORY) SERGEYEV, V.M. Present-day surgical problems i-n mitral stenosis. Grud. kbi . 2 no.3:109-115 MY,-Je 160. (MIRA 15:3) (MITRAL VALVE-SURGERY) SERGEYEV, V.M.; RYZHKGV, Ye.V. Simultaneous removal of a celomic apt of the pericardium and partial pulmonary *section. Grad. khir. 2 no.6:113-1.15 N-D 160. (MIRA 14:.1) 1. Iz legoahnogo*ptdeleniya (zav. - doktor meditsinskikb nauk N.I. Gerasimenko) i patologoangtomicheskoy laboratorii (zav. - prof. ,.Ya.L.Rappport) Instituta grpdnoy khirqrgii (dir. - prof. S.A. Kolesnikovp nauchnyy rukovoditell - ak~demik A.N.Bakulev) AMN SSSR. Adres av-torov-. Koskvaq Leninskiy prosp. d.8, Institut grudnoy khirurgii AMN SSSR. (CYSTS) (PERCAPJDIUM-DISEASES) (LUNGS--SURGERY) SERGEYEEV, V-M.-,--kand.meditsinskikh nauk; KOVAMEV, V.A., kand.meditsinski-Ich nauk Symposium on the surgery of mitral comL.Assurotorny. Vest.Ml SSSR 15 no.5;75-81 160. NIRA 14;3) (MITRAL VALV&-SURGERY) KOVANEV; V.A.,; SERGEYEV, V.~I,, Current problems in thoracic surgery. Vest.A101 SSSR 15 no.6#-75-. 84 260. (CHEST-SURGERY) (MIRA 14-,,',) ZHAROV, I.S., zasl. deytatell nauki, prof.,.otv. red.; KOLESNIKOV, S-A., prof., red.; NAPALKOV, P.N., zRsl. deyatell nauki, prof., red.; FCVNOV, A.S., prof.,.;red.; DAMIR, Ye.A., kand. med.nauk., red.; DARBINYAN, T.M., kand. med.nauk, red.; SERGEYE;, V M kand. med. nauk, red.; UVAROV, B.S., kand. med. UaUIL, reu.; LUKUMSK.LY, G.I., kand. med.nauk, red.; BUKOVSKAYA, N.A., tekhn. red. [Transactions of the First Symposium on Anesthesiology) ~rudy Simpoziumn po anesteziologii. 1st, Moscow, 1960. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Simpozium po anesteziologii. 1st, Moscow, 1960. (kNESTHESIOLOGY-CONGRESSES) KOLESNIK(YV, S.A.., prof.,-,-�E4qE; RYZMV$ Ye.T., T4 Shrgical therapy for --oelemie Mts of the pericardium. Test. khir. 85 no.12:77-89 D 160. (Km lla) 1. 1z Instituta grudnoy khirurgii (dir. - prof. S.A. Koleanikovp nauchn. rukovod. - prof. A.I. Bakulev) Akademii meditainskikh nauk SSSR, (FERICARDIUM-SURGERY) (MTS) VASILIYEV, Aleki3andr Sergeyevich; SERGEYEV, V.M., inzh., red.; %IIRNOVA, G.V., tekhn. red. [Reference tables for the elements of the circiel Spravochmye tab- litsy elementov kruga. Moskva, Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashino- stroit. lit-ry, 1961. 400 P. (MIRA .14:11) (Geometry, Plane-Tables, etc.) BEREZOV, Yu.Ye.; SERGEYEV,-V.M.; TSYBYRNE, K.A. First Republic Conference on Achest surgery held in Kishinev. Grud. khir. 3 no.1:121-1-25 Ja-F '61. (MIRA*10:5) (CHEST-SURGERY) BEREZOV, Yu.Ye.; SERGEYEV, V.1-1.; KOVANEV, V.A. Surgery an the open heart under conditions of artificial blood circulation and hypothermia. Grud.khir. no.3:3.17-125 161. (MMI 14:9) (MART-SURGERY) (FEMSION PUTI-IP (HEART) (HYPOTHER4IA) ALEKSAIMROV, N.I.; GEFEN, N.Ye.; YEGOROVA, N.B.; KREYNIN, L.S.; SERGEYEV, V.M. IASLOV A.I.; SMIRNOV, M.S.; KRAKHT, S.V.; BUDAK, -Y-A_~*, I GEFEN 2 G. Ye. DeveloFment of a method for aerobol irrmunization against typhoid fever and dysentery. Voen.-med. shur. no.5:54-59 MY 161. .. (MIRA 14:8) (TYPHOID FEVER) (DYSENTERY) (AEROSOLS) SERGEYEV, V.M. Intubation method with Carlene' catheter in bronchoscopirometr Orud. khir. 3 no.~i.117-119 161. MRA 147* (SPIROSCOPY) SKRGZYEV V M - KLIORER) L.I. Some characteristics of angiographic technique and the catheterization of blood vessels in a collapsed lung. Eksp. khir. i anest. 6 no-5:33-39 S-0 161. (I-EIRIk 15:3) 1. Iz rentgenovskogo otdeleniya (zav. - dotsetn M.A. Ivanitskaya) Inutituta grudnoy khirurgii (dir. - prof. S.A. Kolesnikov, nauchnyy rukovoditell -m akademik A.N. Bakulev) AMN SSSR. (Al-IGIOGRAPH) (LUNGS-COLLAPSE) SERGEYEV, V.M.; KLIONER, L.I.; SOLOVIYEVA, I.P. -1Z- Diagnosis of malignant mesothelicma of the pleura. Vopoonk. 7 no.3:31-41 161e (MIRA -14:5) (PIMRA-CANCER) SERGEYEVY V.M.; 101ANT, A.D. New developments in chest surgery. Vest.AI,21 SSSR 16 no-3:71-77 161. (CIUST-SURGEliY) (~a-RA 14:7) SERGEYEV, V.14.,; KLIOEIER, L.I. Sif,-nAficanse of sovie functional methods in determining indications lor ourgicrl tvatmont of pleural empyema. Vest.khir. no.8:3-13 l61. (HIn 150) 1. 1 legor~hnogo otdeleniya (7.av. - doktor med.nauk N.I. G--rasi- rentgenovekogo otdeleniya (zav. - dotsent M.A. Ivanitskaya) i laboratorli fiChktsionallinoy diagnostiki (zav. - starshiy nauchny7 not,r. G.G. Geltahteyn) Irstituta grudnoy khirurgii (dir. - prof. nau,.--lin. rukovod. .. altad. A.U. Bakulev) R-IN SSSR. (DT)IE14A) (PIMRA-DISEASES)