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SF,RGEYEV,jj,j~,,; PMZHOGIN, M.A., inzh. Investigating the process of briquetting coarse feeds. I-liekh. i elek. sots. sellkhoz. 19 no.6:20-22 161. (MIRA J-4:12) 1. Chelyabinskiy institut mekhanizatsii i elektrifikataii sellskogo khozyaystva. (Feeds--Storage) OVSYANNIKOV, B.P., inzh.; SERGEYEV, M.P., -?rof. Power considerations of corn grinding machinery for production of silage. Trakt..-* sellkhozmash. no.8:29-30 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:8" 1. Chelyabinskiy institut mekhanizatsii i alektrifikatsii sellskogo khazyaystva. (Corn (Maize)) (Feed-grinders) ZAMYATIII., G.V.,, aspirant ~L~Sl- prof. Effect of the position of longitudinal traction forcea of a mounted dovi,.-a on the tractional resistance of the UML.,4.2 cultivator. Trakt. i aeltklozmash. 32 no.2-.29-30 F '62-. (IMU 15:2) 1. Chclyzqlhinsk~v inatitut mekhanizatsii i elektrifikataii nallskogo khozT-ty-stva (for Sergeyev), (Agricultural machinery', IT,0ENYAPIN, G.V., prof.; KIRTBAYA, Yu.K., prof.; SEBaFYEY,-X'R', prof.; LETNEV, B.Ya., red.; TRUKHINA, d-.N.,,tekhn. red. [Utilization of machine and tractor stations) Ekspluatatoila mashinno-traktornogo parka. Moskva, Sellkhozisdat, 196X 430 P. (MIRA 16:6) (Agricultural machinery) SERGEYEVY M.P., prof.; OVSYANNIKOV, B.P., inzh. Determining the output of the choppers of silage harvesters. 14ekh. J. elek. sots. sellkhoz. 21 no.3:50-51 163. (MM 16:8) 1. Chelyabinskiy institut mekhanizatsii i elektrifikatsii sel'skogo khozyaystva. (Mowing machines) (Ensilage) FOKLANOV, I.P.; LEBEDEV, S.F., prof., retsenzent; SERGEYEV, M.P., prof., red.; BEZUKLADFIKOV, M.A., inzh., G.V., tekhn. red. [Automatic control and accounting for tractor driven machinery] Avtomaticheskii kontroll i uchet raboty mashinno-traktornykh agregatov. 14oslcva, Mashgiz, 1963. 199 p. (MIRA .16:12) (Agricultural machinery) (Automatic control) SERGEYEV, M.F., prof., LKNIN, I.N... asprant. DeLenrrining rctaOnL7 masses of an inert-a stand. lzv.,,ys,ucJeb.zav.; mashinostr. no.4975-80 164- (MIRA 18-.5.)' 1. Che2yabirskiy institut mekhanizatsii i elektrifikateii selllskogt, k.hozyaystva. Dis3ert.-tion: ol' Cer-,ain 1.'eanS of Pro-~ectinc, eline- ~;rorn .--ater -."-irmnel~." Cand Tech ~ci, All-Union 3ci ~-.e S T S~. of '"er z3uppI7 In i'lYd-a-il-ic :,rructures, and Lnidneerinii..., !---.,drogeolo7,*,, .-C", 15 Lay 54. Ved-;e-nya.-ja I-oskva, Moscow, 5 !.:air 60: -juv' 284~ 26 '.".ov PM-LIPSKlY, Viktor Aleksandrovich, glav*7 inzhener; SHUBERT. Sergey Aleksandrovich, starshly nauchnyy sotrudnik;,sxRavXgj_ N 4 redaktor; SOKOLISKIY. I.F., redaktor izdatellstva; ZHCROV., t.M.9 takhaicheakiy redaktor Cltxperience in using new equipment in the Ufa water supply system] Opyt primeneniia novoi takhniki na Ufimskom vodoprovode. Koskva. Izd-vo Ministeretva kommunallnogo khoziaistva RSFSR, 1956. 94 p. (MLRA 10:2) 1. Ufimskiy treat OTodokenalizatsiyal (for Podlipskiy) 2. Akademi7a kommunallnogo khozyaystva im. K.D.Pamfilova (for Shubert) (Ufa--Water supply) SXRGMV, M.P. Make fuller use of water supply structures in Moscow. Vod. i san. tekh. no.4:1-3 AP 158. (MIRA 11:4) (Moscow-Water-supply engineering) S31RGEYEV, M.P., kand.tekhn.nauk; GETNTS, V.G., inzh. Is the existing diviBion into districts of the Moscow water supply network efficient? Gor, khoz. Mosk. 32 no.6:20-21 Js '58. (MIRA 11:7) (Moacow--Water supply) SERGMV, M.P., kand.tekhn.nauk Developing water supply and sewage systems for greater Moscow. Gor.khoWbsk. 35 no-5:16-19 IV 161. (11MA 14:6) (Moscow-Water supply engineering) (Moscow-Sewerage) doktor tekhn. nauk! KA ZA SFRGEYEV), IM.F.P 1111"I'S"EV, G.M., inzh.; YANOVSKIY, .I... --'- I . - - - ~T - I O.P., J. -nzh, YIIIGODOV~ ~nzh.; YARKIN, A-A.) lrvh. !n1restigating the operating tension of the carr7ing system of '~-- the S-IOOOC-P tractor with the D-493 bulldozer. Stroi. i dor. mash. 10 no.941F-20 3 165. (MIRA 18:10) ARININ, Igor' Nikolayevich; SERGEYEV, 1-Akhail Fetroyirh;-1U%SHKEVICH, E.I., red. ---- - [Overall inapection of tho technical corxiition of motor vehicles] Kompleksryi kontroll tekluAcheskogo sostoianiia ' avtomobilei. Cheliabinsk, Wahno-Ural'skoe knizhnoe izd-vop 1965. 102 p. (MIRA 19:1) SEIGEYEVY M.P.; LOMONOSSOV, Yu.N. Jbint couplings with flexible dynamic connections. Trakt.i sellkhozmAsh. 31 no.2:6-7 F 161. (KERA 14:7) 1. Chelyabinskiy institut mekhanizatsii i elektrifikatsii sel'skogo khozyaystva. (Couplings) SERGEYEV, prof.; LOMOEOSOV, Yu.N., inzil. Determining the reduced moment of inertia in rotating parts of the tractor transmission. Trakt. i sellkhozmash. 31 no. 5:15-16 MY 161. (MIFU 14: 5) 1. Chelyabinskiy institut mekhanizatsii i elektrifikatsii sellskogo khozyaystva. (Tractors-Tran5mission devices) (Moments of inertia) SERGEYEV, M.P., prof.; BESPALOV, V.G., kand.tekhn.nauk Model studies during -the testing of oil centrifuges. Trakt. i sellkhozmash. no.1:20-21 Ja 165. (MIRA 180) 1. Chelyabinskiy politekhniches'dy institut. oel" ii,', k F,, ILI, j ri fo~- thp re-duction cf trarisp-,rtp'ui(-,n c'~Sf,3 ir, tra Fston.`.An SSR. Zhel.dor.transp. 4 7 no.1:78~-?q Ap 14~~ 0C P " 13,,6 1. ,~a~iliallnik otdpls F-qt~lnsk-og, 25(3) SOV/111-59-6-18/32 AUTHOR: Ser&eyev.,_'M.S..., Chief of the Section TITLE: A Technical Line Center Serves the "VRS11, t'GTS", and Means of Radiofication PERIODICAL: Vestnik svyazi, 1959, Nr 6, pp 23-24 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author reviews the development of the inter-rayon communication line service during the last years within the Molodechnenskaya oblast' of the BSSR, and describes the operation of the L-4neyno-tekhnicheskiy uzel (Tech- nical Line Service Center), abbreviated "LTU". One such center was organized in Molodechno in January 1957, and the other one in Glubokoye in January 191-8. The centers were organized by the oblast' co=.lunica"ion administration as the small line service teams of few men could not cope with the workload, and lines remote from the roads were left for yea-,-s without repair, par- ticularly radio-relay lines. In organizing, tulhle ex- D CD perience of workers of the communication service in Card 1/3 Latvia was utilized, where the line service had been SOV/111-59-6-18/32 A Technical Line Center Serves the "VRS", "GTS", and Means of Radiofication already united. The center in Glubokoye cont-rols the operation of 10 technical line service teams. It has a total labor force of 150 wor'Kers. Its chief is Martsinkevich, K.A. The center in Molodechno (chief - S.N. Solgalov) has 11 teams and 230 workers. Each cen- ter is equipped with one M-72 motorcycle for line re- pair service. Half of the teams are fitted out with small-volume motorcycles, and all the foremen are pro- vided with bicycles. There are also 3 "Belarus''I tractors for joint use. In 10,53, there were 2,638 k-n of VRS lines, 920 km of radio-relay lines, and 16,?54 rural radio points in the oblast'. In 1958, there were 4,070 km of VRS lines, 5,905 km of radic-relay lines, 72,960 countryside radio points, and 14 opera- ting ATS VRS as compared with none in 1953. The chiefs of the "LTU", "DRTS", and "SMUR" of the Grodr-enskaya and the Mogil'yevskaya oblast's came to '..olodechno in January 1959 as observers. In their conclusion, the Card 2/3 chiefs stated that this technical line service system., -)OV/111-59-C-18/32 "M311 and Mean3 of A Technical Line Center Serves the "VRS", Radiofication should be introduced in t'.%eir oblast's. There are 2 photos. ASSOCIATION:Otdel elektros azi Molodechnenskogo oblastno7o uprav- leniya. svyazi Tlectro-Comunication Section ~D of the Communication AcIministration of the I..'olodechnenskaya Oblast') Card 3/3 SERGICYICV, Mikhail Yapifanovich, 1889- , redaktor; OSTANOVSKIT, T.S.. redaktor [Industrial wares; a commercial guidej Tovarovedenie promyBhlenn.Vkb tovarov. Moskva, Goa-torgizdat, 1949-1954. 3 v. (MIRA 9:9) (Commercial products) SMIM, M.Te.. professor; PAIJADOV, S.S., dotsent; NOYODERIMIN, P.I., - 1. -46tient-, - KIRTUKHIN, T.F.,. doteent-, TSMWITINOV, B.T., doteent; GURIVICH, B.S., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; ANDRUSIVICH, D.J.., at. prepodavatell; GUNOVMAYA, I-Te., redaktor. [Science of industrial wares] Tovarovedenie promyshlennykh torarov. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo torgovol lit-ry. Vol. 2. 1954. 663 P-MaL 7:8) (manufactures) 37-"GEYFI, "! YE SER01EY F', m YE Kratkly Kurs Tovarovedeniya Promyshlennykh the science of c mmodit-Jes concerning industrial (1 Dr.) Yoskva, Gostroglzdat, 1955. 511 p.ILLUS., DIAGRS., TABLES. i~t 015 752.3 -S-149 Tovarov (Short course in goods, by) M. Ye. Sergeyev VOICH, Mikhail Garileyevich, kand.tekhn.nauk, dots.; ASRGMYXV,-H.Ye'., prof., retsenzent; FINGER, A.M., retsenzent; VARSHAVSKAYI, L.S., rei.; KOGAH. V.V., [Material used in making footwear] Obuvnoe materialovedenie. Moskva, G,s. nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po legkoi. promyahlen- nosti, 1957. 459 0.- (MIRA 11:4) (Shoe industry) SENCHTJROV, K.T., dots., DANITSKIY, I-N-, BULIN, P.P., LS=V. I.M., dots. SERGUYN, M.Ye., prof., VOZNnSEITSKIY, U.N., dots., SEBKO, S.T.. STEFANOVICH, I.P., kand.tekhn.nauk., TSEREVITINOV, B.F., red.; LEVITAN, I.M., red.izd-va., LEVCHUK, K.V., red.izd-va., BRIMCHENKO, A.M., red.izd-va.. LEKANOVA, I.S., [Industrial and food products, a commodity guide] TovRrovedenie promynhlennykh i prodovolistvenuykh tovnrov. Moskva, Vneshtorgizdat Vol.2. 1958. 574 p. (MIRA 11:9) (Commercial products) BULGAKOV, Nikolay Vasil', evich; YInAY111, Georgiy isaalr-ovich; retsenzeng; MESYACFEIZKO, V.T., dots., retsenzent; MAKSIMOVICH 2 A.G., red.; SIE11,11EIKOVAY TS.B., red.; 14ED2JSH, DJI., tekhn. red. [Introduction, Plastics, Cominercial Chemicals]Vvedcmie; Plasticheskie massy, KhbLiko-mo skate! I iW. e tovary~ Moskva, Gostorgizdat, 1962. 368 p. (MIRA 15:10) (Conmercial products) (?la;tics) (Chemicals) VE-IOGRADOV, Aleksandr Petrovich; ?M-DRa., Yevgenjy Alekseyevich; TM-'.,I':~.VI'-;II.OV, Boris Fedorovich;-SERGEYEV, MJR-,-zasl. deyatell nauki, prof., doktor iekhn. nauko retsenzent; BUL&AKGV, II.V., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; PLATOOV, K.M.~ k-arld. tokhn. nauki, reteenzent; SHVETSOVA, T.P., inzh., retsenzent; 1%9JAVJUIIDZE, D.S., inzh., retsenzent; YEGORKIN, H.I.0 prof., doktor tekhn. nauk. retsenzent; MASHKOV, A.N., kand. zellkhoz. imuk, rot.9ouzent- ARKIIANGELISX17, N.A., prof., red.j8DRISOVA, GA., red.; GROMOV, A.S., tekhn. red. [Leather goods, shoes, furs and pelts] Kozhevenno-obuvnye, pushno-mekhov-ye i ovehinno-shubtqe tovary. Pod red. N.A.Ar- khangellskogo. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo torg. lit-ry, 1962. 536 p. (MIRA 15:3) (Boots and 6hoes) (Fur) (REdes and skins) ABRAt-lOV, P.R.; ALEKSEYEV, N.S.; A.RXF,'U4GELSKIY.. N.A., prof, r.-.l,cceFisedj; GUREVICH, B.S.; ZAYTSEV, V-G.; KEDRIN, Ye.A.; MI-HONOVA., L.V.; OSTANOVSKIY, T.S., dots.; FALLADOV, S.S., dots.; SERGEYF.V,-.K-Ye.; TER-OVAKI?~'YAN, I.A.; TSEREVITINOV, B.F.~ SHCHEGLOV, L.M.; YAKOVLEV, A.I.; BORISOVA, G.A., red,j YEDRISH, D.M., tekhn. red. [Study of manufactured goods; concise course] Tovarovede- nie promyshlennykh tovarov; kratkii kurs. [By] P.R.Abramov i dr. Izd.2., perer. Moskva, Gostorgizdat, 1963. 768 p (MIRA 16:11i (Copmercial products) SERGEM, N. Iand of the grapevine and the olive tree. Vokrug aveta no.208-43 F '55, (MTRA 8:4) (Argentina-Deacription ard travel) VESELOVSKAYA, T.;.SKRGSY.EV, N.; GUSHCHIN, A.; VORONDV, 0.; GORSHKOV, T. For the health and happiness of children! Za bezop.dvizh. no.6:8-10 Je 160. (MML 13:7) ..4 1. Direktor detskogo parka im. Pavlika Morozova. (Children-Recreation) (Traffic safety) 1. SERGEEV, N. 2. USSR 600 4. Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich, lP49-1936 7. Story of a great physiologist, A. N. Studitakii, Reviewed by N. Sergeev, Ogonek, 31, Nn. 7, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April -1953, Uncl. USSR/ Electronics TVI band filters Card 1/1 Pub. 89 21/32 Authors S Sergeev, N. Title tTVI band filter Periodica:L IRadio 2, page 38, Feb 1955 Abstraot IA description Is presented of the operation and construction of a TVI band filter used on OT-2 Leningrad' teleirision sets for -suppressing noise, Graph; circuit diagram; drawing, Institution: Submitted: .... SURGEYEV, N. Let's strengthen contacts between science and induBtry. Sov. profsoiuzY 7 no.19:1?-20 0 '59- (MI1U, 13:2) (Technoloa-Societies, etc.) ('"Ifficipney, Industrial) SERGEYEV, N. Model warehouse for commercial products. Sov. torg. 33 nc.. 9:54- 55 S '60. (MIRA 14:2) (Leningrad-Warehouses) __ SERGEYEV, N. Following the road -traced by Lenin. NTO 3 no.9;24-25 S 161. (MIRA 14:8) (Moscow-Electric Industries) SERGEYEVt N.9 inzh. Heat protection shields. Okhr. truda i sots. strakh. 4 no. 2:44- 45 F 161. (MIM 14:2) (Furnaces-Safety appliances) SERGEM, N.,--.kand.tekhn.nauk k Sawed blocks of limestone. Sell.stroi. 16 no-5:15-16 My 161. (MIRA !4:6) (Limestone) SERGE-YEV, N. - ----- Our camaon concern. Voen.znan. 37 no.6:17-18 Je 161. (MIU 14 - 6) 1. Sekretarl partiynogo komiteta, zavoda imeni Ordzhonikidze. (Kollchugin-4Uitary education) SERGEY-EV,-- N., - IfEconomists volunteer workers promoting the utilization of hidden potentialities of industrial production." Reviewed by N.Sergeev. NTO 4 no.1:51 Ja 162. (MIRA 15'1) (Factory management) SEMEYEV.,__k~j RIDER, V.A.; ORIPOV, Kh.; BRUMM, Yu.N.; MANGUSH, P.; ORLOVA, A.S.; SHCWIU3AKOVMY, B.N.; IESHCHIRSKIY, N.S.; VOYAKOVSKAYA, Ye.S.; DERYABIN, V.I. Letters to the editor. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 6 no.5:1+4-1+5 My 161. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Inspektor po karantinu rasteniy g.Labinsk, Krasnodarskogo kraya (for Sergeyev). 2. Zaveduyushchiy PrimorskO* gosudarstvennym sortoispytatel'skim uchastkom Stalin ko~ oblasti (for Mangush). 3 A o zashchite rasteniy Shchelkovskogo rayona, Moskovskoy OL. ronom p for Orlova). 4. Zaveduyushchiy Aleksandrovskim nablyudatellnym punktom, Kirovogradskaya obl. (for Shcherbakovskiy)-.- 5. Inspektor po karantinu rasteniy, g. Pyatigorsk, StaTrojpollskogo kraya (for Leshchinskiy). 6. Agronom po zashchite rasteniy g. Kamenets-Podol'skiyp Khmellnitskoy oblasti (for Voyakovskaya). (Plants, Protection of) 1. SSRGErIv. M., Eng. 2. USSH (600) 4. Vereskunov, G. P. 7. G. P. Vereskunov and Ye. 1-% Zinchenko's book on "Borin.a and blastintg in coal mines." Ugoll 28, No. 5, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Aoril. 1953. Unclassified. YAMRYSHKO, A.; SERGEYEV, N. The auditing group should constitute a part of the accounting section. Sov. torg. 36 no.11:30-32 N 162. (KRA 16:1) -1. Glavnyy bukhgalter Ministerstva torgovli UkrSSR (for Yamryshko). 2. GlFtvnyy bulchgalter Kiyevskogo gorodskogo upravleniya torgovli (for Sergeyev) (Ukraine-Retail trade- luditing and inspection) SERGEYEV, N. Give more attention to the problems of money circulation Den, i kred. 21 no.12:56-58 D 163. (MIRA 17:1; 1. UpravIyayushchiy Nelidovskim otdeleniyem Gosbanks. Kalininskoy oblasti. -WaGzysv. N.A. Automatization of disc busidifiers. 36-37 Ja 155. (Air condLitioning) Tekst.Drou.15 no.l: Wai 8:2) TITIE: Books (Knigi) 121-2-19/20 PERIODICAL: "Stanki i Instrument" (Machine Tools and Tools), 1957, No.2, 'p. 44 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: Gur6vich, B.G., "The strengthening of threads by surface rolling" (Uprocheniye rezIby obkatkoy), AN SSSR, Moscov, 1956t 14 pages. Ivanov, G.P. et al., "The effects of the electric spark hardened layer on the wear resistance and the fatigue strenguth of components" (Vliyaniye sloya elektroiskrovoy obrabotki na iznosostoykost' i ustalestnuyu prochnost' detaley). "The improvement of the cavitation resistance of components by electric spark hardening" (Povyshaniye kavitatsionnoy stoy-' kosti detaley elektroiskrovym uprochneniyem). "The thermal stability of the electric spark hardened layer in tempering" (Teploustoychivost' sloya elektroiskrovogo uprochniniya pri otpuske), AIN SSSR, Moscow, 1956, 24 pages. Davidenkov, 1T.N. (Editor). "Problems of design, manufacture and service of springs" (Voprosy proyektirovaniya, izgotov- leniya i sluzhby pruzhin). Collection of articles. Alashgiz, bloscow-Leningrad, 1956, 267 pages. 1/4 Pavlov, Z.P. et al. "Machine for the testing of cylindrical Books (Cont.) 121-2-19/20 rollers for fretting fatiSue" (Mashina dlya Mytaniya tsil- indricheskikh rolikov na kontaktnuyu ustalost' . "A recording instrument for the tracing of compression, tension and relax- ation diagrams" (Registriruyushchiy pribor d1ya zapisi kriv- ikh szhatiya, ra-styazheniya i relaksatsii), AN SSSR, Moscow, 1956, 15 pages. Polyakov, D.G. and 1,1eyerovich, I.M. "Machines for strength Uests of gear couplings and universally hinged shafts" (1,Jashiny d1ya isputaniya na prochnost' zubehatykh muft i universallnykh shpindeley), AN SSSR, Moscow, 1956, 13 pages. Sergeyev, N.A. "Improvement of the productivity of labour in -assembly work" (Povysheniye ~,_,Oizvoditellnosti truda pri slesarnykh i sborochnykh rabotakh), Nlashgiz, Moscow- Leningrad, 1956, 288 pages. Proshin, G.A. "The electric spark treatment of machine components in repair work" (Elektroiskrovaya obrabotka detaley mashin pri remonte), MashSiz, Kiev, Moscow, 1956, 111 pages. Anftmov, M.I. "Desigas of is.-ducing gears" (Konstruktsii reduktorov). Album. ?dashgiz, Moscow-Sverdlovsk, 1956, 214 220 pages. I~ooks (Cont. 121-2-19/20 kelyayed, P.G., "A universal fixture for the c~,ntureless .-rinding of cylindrical components" (U-niversallnoye -prisposo- bleniye dlya shlifovaniya tsilindricheskikh detale,7 bez tsentrov), AN SSSR, Moscovrm 1956, 15 pages. Bykov, P.B. and Khankin, L.D., "The reduction of --iuxiliary time in lathe work (Sol~rashcheniye vspomo,-,-UelInor-o vremeni 0 pri rabote na tokarny1di stankakh), Mashgiz, laoscow, 1956, 167 ,,.)ages. Nadeinskaya, E.P., "In-vestigation of cutting tool wear by _means 0 of radio-active isotopes" (Issledovaniye iznosa rezhushche-o 0 instrumenta s poiaoshchlyu radioaktivnyId-i izotopov), 2nd edi-tion Mash-iz, I.Ioscow, 10 6, 164 pages. C) 5 Shallnov, V.A. "Ifigh speed grindin,- of structural alloy L~ steels" (Skorostnoye shlifovaniye legirovannykil konstrukts- ionnylldi stualey), Oborongiz, Moscow, 1950', 128 pages. Petrusevich, A.I. et al., "The dynamic loads in gear trans- missions with strai0it spur ge;~:)rsll (Dinamicheski e nagruzki v zubehatykh pei.-edachakh s pryamozubymi kolesaM, AN SSSR, 314 Lloscow, 1956,_134 pages. Books. (Cont. ) 121-2-19/20 Gorbunov, E.K. and Kiselev, hI.A. "Computation of the numerical .L strength of automatic screw machine setters (Raschet chislenn- osti naladchikov tokarnykh a-vtomatov), AN SSSR, Moscow, 1956, -13 pages. IIFLx-Uua:es for L-,x-indinE;viorkII (Prisposobleniya d1ya shlifovall nykh rabot). Collection of a:~ticles. AN SSSR, Moscovi, laY56$ 28 pages. Ruaykherq S.A., '!Safety engineering in heat treatment shops" (Tekhnaika bezopasnosti v termicheskildi tsekhakh), Mashgiz, Moscow, 1956, 144 pages. AVAIIABILE: 4/4 GRISHINA, Antonina Andreyevna; SERGEYEV Nikoj,~qk d viob anL '--- ~UB~ - ~;SUBRFT-IN,- S.S. S.N., rets-ei- re KOROTKOVY izen reUe n FUDNIK, F.P., nauchnyy red.[deceased]; GOPEVA., ~A..L, ed.; KNAKNINJ, M.T., tekhn. red. (Technology of the tailoring of women's coats]Tekhnologiia poshiva zhenskikh pallto. Moskva, Rostekhizdat, 1962. 231 P. (MIRA 16:4) (Tailoring (Women's)) SERGNYICV. N.D. Effective shape for ties made of prestressed concrete materials. Zhel.dor.tranap.38 no.12:56-58 D '56. (HLHk 10:2) (Railroads--Ties) Can(- Tech .,~ci -- (diss) "Cercain inverse prr~,i--lems concer:A-a~ ~irriers 1:.-ilng n an elai-.tic foundat~nn.ll ',,en If, tit) ("in o1* Len ~,rcier of' Lerin inst o of :~.,-ilroa.,l Tra-,7,nort im Acaria~ician V.N. Obrazt,.~ov) 10", C V1, SOV/124-58-8-9264 Translation from: Referativnyyzhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 8, p 131 (USSR) AUTHOR: Sergeyev;---N-.-D.---- - TITLE: Electrical Methods for the Static Analysis of Structures (Elek- tricheskiye metody rascheta po statike sooruzheniy) PERIODICAL: Sb. stud. nauchn. o-va. Leningr. in-t inzh. zh.-d. transp., 1958, Nr 4, pp 86-98 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry Card I/ I SEROSYEV, N.D., aspirant Xethod of selecting optimum cross-section dimensions for beams lying on elastic foundations. Sbor. LIIZHT no-158:133-142 158. (MIRA 11:6) (Girders) -Z~ ~.~ SERGEYEV, IT.D., aspirant Variation method of determining minimum volume forms for beams lying on elastic foundations. Sbor. LIIZHT no.158:143-146 158. (Girders) (MIRA 11:6) S/16-7/60/000/'005/001/00? D239/D304 AUTHOR% Sergey-ev, N~D- TITLE; Calculation scheme for determining local tensions in beams with special profiles PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk UzSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya tekhnicheskikh nauk, no~ 5, 19609 63 - 68 TEXT: The aim of this article was to find the approximate formulae lor local tensions in beams - for example in rails. The exact so- u-ion could be achieved using the results of the theory of elas- 'he author obta-Ins his formulae by applying the methods of i ty, L 11 _L _L e:ementary me,-hanics. The pressure of the wheels of the moving de- 7.14_~e cotild be reduced to the following action: a) To the moment representv-ed by the vector directed along the axis of the rail head; b) To the vertical axial force; c) To the horizontal axial force. To l'ind the action of each of the separate factors, the author in- trodu~es the axes of reference X, Y, Z; X along the rail., Y hori- Card 1/6 ation scheme f or S/16 60/000/005/001/002 D239YD304 zozi~a.! -and perpendicular to X and Z upwards. In each case, the auThor cons'iders one acting moment oni-y, consider-_,tig all other fac- L.ors negligible. To simplify the problemi the aut-h~:r considers the ra-311 head as an infinite beam which lies on an e!L~Stic base -- the web -- consisting of separate non-connected rods. The working of ~,h=_ head of the rail could be described by the formula: k _~_ 0 q, GI Lk wbere the ang'Le of tors-lon, G modulus of the shear, I k - mo- ment of inertia; k coefficient for torsion. Using the boundary cond-litions,., .3 GI M k cf I x~O 21 where M is the torsional moment, the solution obtained /r Card 2/6' S/167/ 60/000/005/001/002 Calculation scheme for ... D239/D304 M -ax CP e 2GIka f _k, where a ~V GIk ; ihe acting momenT, which bends the vieb is m = GI 11 = ~i ae-ax k c? 2 and ils maximum value mo = 9 a. Similarly the author obtains the 2 acting deflecting moment for axial vertical force and its maximum value equals 4 Fk 2 p0 cc,; where cc = T __T_ 2 1 E where P - vertical force; E - Young modulus; I y - moment of iner- tia. with respect to the y axis; k 2 - coefficient for vertical dis- placement-for the horizontal axial force the corresponding values Card 3/6 S/167./60/000/005/001/002 Calculation scheme for ... D239/D304 a:, e 4 k7 to where P = 2 4EIZ V: w1nlere T represents the horizontal force; I. represents the moment of inertia with respect to the vertical axis. The author considers 'U-he tors,.onal moment of the head and bending moment of the web re- suiting from the facts that the plane of action of the horizontal for,---e differs from the plane of action of the resistance, This pro- blem is redu~--.ed to solving the following equation: CP11 - C( __jaF GIk W-11-~ere a is the distance of the rail head from the web and t - act- Jng hor'zonta' moment. The maximum value o" m = G! s gi ven by -1 k 3 2 m Tap 4P4 a4 C a r d 4,,.6 Calcula~,-ion scheme for S/167/60/000/005/001/002 D23 9/:,)'j 04 Now the author can write the expressions for the vertical torsions d ::~ M2~ C PO C or W 2 F 1 6 C i- Tap3 (a 0)2 i-21 + Pa 1 cl; b 2 212M cc 4p4 + a4 2b1 1 and h,:,rilzontal tension t0 To F 2b where C and C, are coefficients of concentration of tensions for I C- Compression and bending; b 1 the width of the rail head where it mee-~s -uhe web. All the above mentioned formulae have been tested experimenially and the difference between the experimental and cal- culaied data lies in the range of 4-10 %. In two cases only was it equal to 16-19 ~o~ This could be explained by the under-estimation Card 15/6 S/16 60/000/005/001/002 Calculation scheme for ... D239YD304 ~-h~-- hurdness of the web. There are 1 figure, 1 table and 3 Sov- V/ iet'--bloc references- ASSOCIATION; Institut mekhaniki AN UzSSR (Institute of Mechanics, AS Dzbek SSR) TT1'Dq March 23, 1960 d 6 SERGEYEV, 14,,D, kand.tekhn,nauk --- ------ Causes A increased vibration of the gas cleaning system of a blast furnace. Prom. stroi, 40 no.5-.52-53 162. (MIRA 15:5) (Kuznetsk..--Blast furnaces-.-Equipment and supplies) t2wam.'affilAmma SERGEYEV, N. V. " I.,?- .- f .*.:; zn 6 f, �?!, ) The fo--n of a backling md lcmLng i~-i -*tabil--7 ip. th-~, stras,BJng proZess. riekh. i -risch. aunr- . 5 1 -1 o , f' -1 42-43 t63 I? a7 i L 65197-65 Elf-PM/9 W -Wj~-N),6EWA (d AC~EH6N NR: AP5006297 S/0096/65/000/003/0047/0051 6, .AWHOR: Aleksevev. G. V. (Engineer); 1~e erg.~ye~v N. qv-~A,-V, (En inder)-, S D 9 (Engineer ; Zenkevich, B. A (Candidateof technical s iences), M-M-T Can- c r!!Sl~ovt dida te of te-CERi-ciif -s6l-eWE~--s, - Subbotin V. 1. (Doctor of technical sciences) ;TITLE: Critical heat fluxes during forced flow Df water ~SOURCE: Teploenergetika, no. 3,~1965, 47-.-51 ;TOPIC TAGS: fluid flow for'ced-flow- flow ana~ysis~ -external flow internal flolf ABSTRACT: The authors examine experimental data boiling crisi~~ during fdoc-:!, ater-steam mixture In tubes.-Tbese dat are: ed flow of underheated water and of a w a. compared with those on external flow around an .1solated tube in a symmetric annularl. ~space, flow around located along the axis of a square channel, and external longitudinal flow over bundles of tubes. Some ef the data given in this paper are :from previously published works by these authors,. The results are given in-a series sof graphs. It is found that q is inversely related to pressure for water flow cr W.I.thin the tubes.' The dependence on pressure is reduced when the mass velocity.of i ;_Card L 65197-65,--- - ;ACCESSION NR: AP50063297 ;the water flow Is increased. -For.fl:ow within tubesi qc Is inversely related to, r fthe enthalpy of the water in the crisis zone, the effect of enthalpy increasing ;with the rate of flow of the water. The compleu. relationship between q and vari-'; cr combinations of parameters is discussed for. external longitudinal flow. There .1 iis a theoretical difference between the cases of internal and extern .al cooling with! :respect to the effect of flow parameters and se' ondary factors on q -in external cr ~flow. Care should be taken when generalizing experimen'ta-1 data hot to depend on, ,extrapolation into,regions where there is no reliable empirical basis for this pro-: since experience has shown that q Is sometimes a complex function of the cr flow parameters and various secondary factors. Orig, art, has: 8 figures. ,ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL. 00,. SUB CODE: ME NO -REF SOV: - 012 - ----- OTHER: 002 Cam( SEBGBYTI'~ )- I admiral f.. navy of a great power, Mor. abor. 48 no.70-9 Jl 165. (MIRA 18s8) Ed in ACC NR: AP6033830 SOURCE CODE: UR/0096/66/000/011/0050,10053t AUTHOR: Petrosyan, R. A. (Candidate of technical (Engineer) sciences); Sergeyeva, N. D. 7 121 ORG: All-Union Institute of Hcat Enaineering (Vsesoyuznyy teplotekhnicheSKIY institutY_ z TITLE: Rate of high-temperature products of combustion of sulfurowi mazut with a A SOURCE: Teploenergetika, no. 11, 1966, 50-53 C6f,11e0,5i0A_) /RF-Z;i 57nA) 0 CL , eom6c)57-,,oA1 Plpoouc r TOPIC TAGS: A-qL~ gas corrosion sulfurous mazut com- bustion product austenitic. steel_r_~. , ~erlitic steel CA team 10,71 P *0EAR4)r1C -o~ C / ,'.Z 4'4 PIF, pe"o'ej. I r1 e ,5* reef-, 2"Jx~.r ,Tmd4 e,r 7j -7;r,C.C,4_ le -4 J, 7/ C3777ek/ 5,Ed- , ItAliFIV12Tost,5ravl7,tc-14rffA,EP174vs'rrA,o-ric Irrr-z ABSTRALT: The corrosion of l2KhMF W E17iT; rfiremium ~d l2Kh2MFSR/`perlitic steels, 1) . __ and lKhl8NNl2T,_--vEPI7 ped E16915PWausteniftc bteels at 590-700C in ftoducts of combustion of mazut wiCl~ air e&cess has been tested. '(he mazut used con- tained 2.5-3.0% sulfur and 0.1% ash; the ash contained 14-20% vanadium pentoxide. Both perliLic steels were found to have approximately the same corrosion resistance at high temperature. At metal temperatures up to 570C, their corrosion rate is below 0 .I g/m2_hr, but at 614C it reaches about 0.7 g/M2-hr in l2Kh2MFSR steel. E1756 chromium steel has good corrosion resistance at temperatures up to 615C. Austenitic steels have a better corrosion resistance than perlitic steels: Card 1 L 04602-6; ACC NR: AP6033830 Corrosion .,gr?te, m -hr O'd 9,7 O'S O'j 0, f 19,2 0" F----7o Fig. 1. Temperature dependence of the corrosion rate of 12KhbfF(l), 12Kh2MFSR(2), E1756(3), lKhNl2T(4), EP-17(5), and E1695R(6) steels. 0-/ O-j * -i0 A-j B-9 c,< A90 fie X0 J30 16M 019 le MUM steel, for ins g/M2-hr at 650C. However, tance, has a corrosion rate of 0.5 austenitic steels EP17 and E1695R, intended for operation at 690-700C, have a high corrosion rate at temperatures as low as 660-670C (see Fig. 1). Analysis of the ash deposits showed that the vanadium pentoxide co tent decreases with an increase .Or-I 2/3 ACC NR- AP6033830 in temperature and the ratio of Na 0 to V 0 increases. Results of investigations 2 2 led to the conclusion that none of the St eeis tested has a satisfactory corrosion. resistance in combustion products of sulfurous mazut with small excess of air - at temperatures approaching the upper limit of the permissible operation range. Orig. art. has, 4 figures and 4 tables. SUB CODE: 13, Il/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REF: 002/ ATD PRESS: 5100 Card 31 ACC NRz AN7002251 SOURCE'CODE: UR/9008/67/000/027/0004/0004 AMIOR: Corshkov, S. C.; Grishanov, V. M.; Kasatonov, V. A.,, SerRtyevj_ N. D.; Borzov, 1. 1.; Kotov, P. G.; Ivanov, V. N.; Fominykh, V. A.; gu-toma, B7_Y_e_._T__ .Lobov, S. M.; Orel, A, Ye,; Chursin, S. Ye.; Amel'kov, N. N.; Andreyev, V. A.; ,Chabanenko, A. T.; Anisimov, I. A.; Smirnov, N. I.; Volosatov, B. M.; Slivin, Ye. M.; Noskov, A. K.; Karaganov, L. I.; Sutyagin, B. V.; Sukachev, K. P.; Sukhov, S. M.; Vashantsev, V. I.; Tkachenko, T. I.; Napitukhin, V. A.; Smirnov, M. S.; Gorokhov, A. S. ;ORG: none TITLE: Death of Vice-admiral V. P. Razumov SOURCE; Krasnaya avezda, no. 27, 01 Feb 67, p. 4, col. 6 'TOPIC TAGS: military personnel, scientific personnel :ABSTRACT., i Engineer Vice-admiral V. F. Razumv is dead. He was bom in 1909. In the postwar period he served with the Northern fleet and the main administration of the Navy. SUB CODE: 05/ SUBM DATE, none / ATD PRESS: 5112 Card 1 . ~L -~~ ~711 I :r' - ri(~ Tecli Scl -- ( (~I- E )" ~'.' Ll-_e " , i li z -i -f ~;__- 1, 11 . J . ,j k_j -It _.' 0 a Specil-i S ource of Current for Decreusln~~ Erratic Currents anc: the POLarlLii:. 1 01* H~AIS," IJ-59, 7 PP (1110SCO'.-I Ins-uitute of -E I ,;nLIn~-..:,rb o~ Railroad Transport lip, 5talln) (KII, 2.r60, 114) SERGEYEV. H.G., inzh. - ~: _... .. . -, ,.. -1, , -., _: 5 Aspects of voltage regulation at electric railroad traction substations. Trwdy MIN no.104:94-104 '59. OaRA 12.-9) (Voltagq regu~lators) '(Electric railroads--Substations) SMGY,YEV, IT.G., inzh. Using the basic circuit method for the design of rail dis- tribution syst"ms and the evaluation of their effect on under- ground structures. Trudy MIIT no.122:24-38 '59. (MIRA 13:5) (Electric railroads--Current supply) SERGEYEV, N.G., inzh. Using drainage and boosters for the control of leakage currents. Trudy MIIT no.122:39-53 159- (MIRA 13:5) supply) (Electric railroads--Current (Electric currents, Leakage) SERGEYEVY 11. G., gidromelchanik Largest continuous furnace pipe welding plant in the world. Metallurg 7 no.11:22-23 N 162. (MIRA 1~,.10) 1. Upravlenive "Metallurgstroy". (Taganrog-Pipe mills) I MDIINj G.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; SZU~ ~N-G- ~kand.tekhnnauk; BESSONOV, V.A., inzh.; KISLYAYOV, V.A..., inzh. Use of mathematical statistics and the probability theory for studying and designing the power supply systems of electric rail-roads. Trudy MIIT no-144:38-49 162. (MIRA 15:10) (Electric railroads--Current supply) SERGEYEV, 14,G,,-kand.tekhn.nauk Current distribution in a system consisting of "rails-ground- underground structure" during the use of track current sources and evaluation of their effectiveness. Trudy MIN no.144:114-125 162. (MIRA 15:10) (ElecLric railroado-Current supply) SERGEYL Y.,, kand.tal--hnnauk Use of additional e.m.f. in the calculation of current distribution in a "rails-ground-underground structure" system. Trudy 14IIT no.144:126-130 162. (MIRA 15:10) (Electric railroads--Current supply) SERGEYEV, N.G., dotsent, kand.tekhri.nauk Open-circuit current of a track current source represented by a magnetic amplifier taking into account stray current effects. Trudy WIT no.199:94-91 165. (MIRA 18:8) 11,WUJ; . , :)rcf., d,-)ktor takhn.naukl SERGE-Y'EV, N.G., dotsant, kand.tekhn. I I :~' ; UlfBACHEV, O.V... inzh. I 14;F~rational tests of an experimental traz:k currazit 8ourcs sectore Tr,~idy WIT no.199:92-103 165. I (MIRA :L8:8) SERGEYEV, II.I. Synoptic seasons and seasonal anomalies of air temperature during the cold part of the year in Eastern Siberia. Sbor. rab. po sinop. no.3:93-138 '59. (MIRA 12:11) l.Irkutako,ve UpravleniFe gidrometeorologichaskoy sluzhby, (UGMS). (Siberia, Bastern~--Atmosphoric temperature) FOLINIKOVSKAYA, LI., kand. tekhri. muk; MAMYLOVA, Yard. kb" nauk; SERGE-YET, N.I., jr,---,-. Service iffe of mhe Lln:Lrigs of rota-r-7 ki1rs for wapanded perli-t-. Sbc.-. I.rru-J. RWITIMS no.25.-101~--LU9 162 (MJRA 17a8) , 11 . i . Q I - irl Eastern iberia in the %iGn,,,,jy ariGri-alles C., precivitfitiorl - .. - . - N-~GYI jr~ - Trudy -"alfnevc,5-- - c, '-wal-Irl -'alf of tne year. 17:11) 164. swir U ti-picial LrIseminatzon, Anir,-Pl Reproduction revort ~I-fDmitted to )th Intl Cong, 1, 6-13 Se P Trent, Itad-a; z;H:-Pl-'T'Ko, N.H.; PANOV, Ye.M.; SOPOKINA, P.S. I - ;ar magnetic reso--,.nce spectra of F19 a k -d4;. fj uo - c - ~-- h! oro - I ucIr in f,tyrenea. Teoret. i eksper. khim. I no- 5:695:,%'7 5-0 165. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Fiziko-khjmicheskiy institut imeni Karpova, Moskva. S-ub- , m itted February 26, 1965. Ft~ S. --'n--r,j-j dntei--cticon in the nuclea-r magnetic P Ll' ,i -- 0.1c, F- of para-fluoro-ot ~-~Ifluorc-~crlorc-. i3tyTene. Zl-.p -st-akt. kYlm, 61 no. /,'~L-6,41-64-~ J I -:~! g16 5 (ml RA 1c),l) -I! Ml tv, - SMG&UUV, N.M.; LIPMAN, A.A. Pneumtic concentratioa table. Patent U.S.S.R- 74,079, Dec. 31, 1949. (CA 47 no.19:9682 15)) USSR/Welding, Are Alw 1947 Elpe"trodee "Mking'Clectrodes of High Productivity for NbmM1 Are Welding," H M Sergeyev, 4 pp "Avtogennoye Delo" No 4 Gives tables of opemting data and concludes thiLt th* use of tvin electrodes Is most 13rocl=tive. 4T37 SERGITE7, N.M.- --- Measuring fuel consumption at the float chamber of a carburetor. Avt.prom. no.9:34-35 3 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Moskovskiy avtomobillno-dorozhnyy institut. (Automobiles--Fuel consumption-Measucrement) ARKH.UGELISKIY, V.M.; AFMASIYEIj, L.L.f doktor tekhn. nauk.; ILARIONOV, V.A.; SER- EV, hf.fid.; TSUMEMGi S.E., DEKHTERIIISKIY, L.V.; ANOKHRI-V.I., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; TSETENKO, V.G., retsenzent [motor vehicles; their design, operation and repair] Avto- mobili; ustroistvo, ekspluatatsiia i remont. Moskvay Ma- shinostroenie, 1965. 510 P- (Y-IRA 18-.8) SERGEYET GRIMBERG, A.N. More accurate definition of the hypothesis of ring currents by an introduction of the distribution function. Zhur. struk. khim. 6 no-3-.458-460 W-Je 165- (~aRA 18:8) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy fiziko-khimicheskiy institut imeni L.Ya. Karpova, Moskva. TARANENKO, P.I.; LURIYE, M.I., kand.teknn.nauk; SERGEYEV, N.M.; YURCHEVSKIY, A.A. Pfogram controlled stand for investiLating unsteady motion conditions of motor vehicles. Avt.prom. 31 no.10:26-30 0 165. (MIPA 18,10) 1. Moskovskiy avtomobillno-dorozhnyv institut i TSentralinyv nauchno-issledovateliskiy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni avtomobillnyy i avtomotornyy institut. SHAPETIKO, N.N.; SEFtGFf;-:V, rf.M.~ PFTRI'i) O.P., TAI4J;-;'.Y'Elj-A, Nuclear ma,,net4- f-.S~- ~-I-a cf F n -:,n:.': Zhur, sLrukt,. khlm. 6 nc;.1:1.58-,-:'.59 Jq-- F '6r. 1. Fiziko-khimichriskiy instit.oL imeni L.Ya.Karrova., 5ubiiAt-z!d AuiTu st 10, 19(~/,.. !3)FRr,FYFVJ, N.M.; SIIAPFTIKO, N.N.; TIMOFEYUK, G.V. Nuclear matynetic renonance spectra of' F19 in trifluorostyrenes. ZI,ur. strukt. khim. 6 no.2:300-302 Mr-Ap 165. (KRA '8:7) 1. Fiziko-khimicheskiy Institut imeni Karpova. BUTOM&, B.Ye.; SOKOLOV, P.A.; BALky-EV, D.N.;_UaG3YWr-*r41-; SHUNSKIY, K.A.; TYAPKIN, M.Ya.; SMIRIUV, V.A.; PIROGOV, N.I.;'FEDOROV, N.A.; GOLYASHKIN, G.S.; KUZIMILK, A.P.; AKULINICHEV, V.P.-brigadir; GORBRNKO, Ye.m.; BYSTREVSKIY, L.M., inzh.; STIOANOV, P.S., brigadir; Uo, I.S., brigadir-sudosborshchik, deputat Verkhovnogo Soveta SSSR; USTINDV, P.D., slesar'-sborshchik; FI-NOGE1107A. N.Ya.. tokar'; LERNER, M.; ALUSMY, R.Ye.; SIVIOUN, K., starshiy master; OSTAFIYEV, A.I.; TROFI14OV, B.A., inzb.; YOVRYZHKIN, V.F., inzh.; MISEYEV, A.A. , prof.: GOLUBEV, N.V.; 143GILEVICH, V.I.; i,114DRYTHIN, V.I.; AITDRITEVSKIT, H.I.; MATSKYVICH, V.D., dots. Shipbuilders prepare for the 21st Extraordinary Congress of the CPSU. Sudostroenie 25 no.1:1-25 Ja '59. (MIRA 12:3) 1. Predsedatel' Gosudarstvennogo komitata Soveta Hinistrov SSSR po sudostroyeniyu, ministr SSSR (for Butoma). 2. Nacballnik upravleniya sudostroitellnoy promyshlennosti Lensovnarkhoza (for Sokolov). 3. Dirqktor Baltlyakogo sudostroitel'nogo zavoda im. S.Ordzhonikidze (for Balayev). 4. 11achallniki tsel-bov BaltlyBkogo sudostroitellnogo zavoda im. S. Ordzhonikidze (for Sergeyev, Shumskiy). 5. Nacbal'nik mekhanicheskogo tsekha Baltiysl-.ogo suOostroitellnogo zavada im. S. Ordzhonikidze (for Tyapkin). (Cortinited on next card) BUTOMA, B.Ye.-(contirued) Card 2. 6. Brigade. komrrunisticheskogo truda. Baltlyskogo sudostroitellnogo zavoda in. S. Ordzhonikidze (for Smirnov). 7. Glavnyy inzhener Admiraltey- skogo sudostroitallnogo zavoda, Leningrad (for PirogQv). 8. Glavrvy inzhener sudostroitollnogo zavoda, Im. A.A. Zhdanova (for Fedorov). 9. Ilachallnik elektrodnogo tsekha Sudostroitellnogo zavoda in. A.A. Zhdanova (for Golyashkin). 10. Ilachallnik tsekha komministicheskogo truda, nudostroitel'nogo, zavoda in. A.A. Zhdanova (for Kuz'min). 11. l4alyarryy tankh sudostroitol'nogo zavoda im. A.A. Zhdanova (for Alallinichev). 12, Crlavnyy inzbener Nikolayevskogo sudoetroitellnogo zavoda im. I.I. Ilosenko (for Gorbnnl-o)jj,lTikolayevskiy sudostroitellnyy zavod im. I.I. Nosonko (for Bystrevskiy, Us. Ustinov, Finogenova). 14. Sle6arno-sborochnaya brigada llikolayevskogo sudostroitellnogo zavoda Im. I.I. llosenko (for Stepanov). 15.- Zamestitel'nachallnika konstruktorskogo byuro sudostroitellnogo zavoda "Kragnoye Sormovo" (for Lerner). 16. Glavnyy konstruktor konatruktorol-togo byuro sudo- storitellno-o zavoda "Krasnoye Sormovo" (for Alekseyev). 17. SudO- stroitel'r3yy zavod "Krasnoye Sormovo" (for Sivul-thin)* 11. Direktor sudoetroitel'nogo zavod "Laninskaya kimnitsall (for Qstaflyev). 19. Sol-cretar' partkoma, TSentral'nogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo ifistituta (for Trofimov)* (Continued on next card) BLFIPOMA, B.Ye.-(eontinued) Card 3- 20. Predsedatell Loningradskogo oblastnogo pravloniya Nauchno-tekhnicho- sVogo otdela sudostroltel'noy proqrshlennosti (for Moiswrov). 21. Glav- nyye inzhenery Konstruktnrokogo byuro (for Golubev, Andryutin). 22. GlavMy konstruktor Konfitruktorskogo byuro (for Mogilevich). 23. Nachallnik TSnntraltnoro toklinik-o-1-nnutruktorskogn byuro (for Andriyevskiy). 24. Zamestitnll direktora, Leningradskogo korable- stroitqllnop,o instituta po uchebnoy chasti (for Matakevich). (Shipbuilding) - 531'