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SOV/69-5-4-4/24 on Uranium-Molybdenum Alloys in Reactor Construction (Survey) higher temperatures, and high stability of-measurements also after cyclical thermal treatment. b) The alloy is especially easily vorked into rods and tubes, but less well into plates. c) The application of U-Mo alloys forcibly leads to an increase of the degree of enrichment of U235. d) U-Mo alloys can probably be used with good success for fast reactors. There are 7 figures, 9 tables, and 18 references, 4 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTEDt June 21, 1958 Card 2/2 21(l ) AUTHORS: -Sergeyey, G. Ya, Titova, V. V., SOV/89-5-6-2/25 Savitskiy, Ye. M., Zhultkova, A. A,, Nikolayeva, Z. P. TITLE: The Mechanical Properties of Uranium (Mekhanicheskiye svoystva urana) PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, 1958, Vol 5, Nr 6, pp 6la-623 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The test apparatus (iM,- 4:6 with which the hardness of uranium at increased tempeiature and the expansion of uranium at increased temperature were investigated in a neutral gas (argon), are represented by two sectional drawings. Measuring results are given by a graph. The following details are mentioned: The hardness of the uranium decreases with increasing temperature. If temperature rises up to 60000, hardness decreases from 350 kg/mm2 to 50 kg/mm2. A regular variation of hardness in dependence on the carbon content of the uranium (0-37 to 0.24 ',"'0) was not observed. The presence of carbon in uranium samples influences outflow pressure if these samples are pressed in the c4-phase. The Card 1/3 outflow Dressure increases with an increasing carbon content The'llechanical Properties of Uranium SOV/89-5-6-21/25 (0.09 to 0,24 %). At 6500C and a degree of deformation o--F' *75 ~o the outflow pressure increases by about 60 %. For uranium ~n the 8-phase outflow pressure decreases from 4 kg/mm2 at 8300C to 1.8 kg/mm2 at 10500C. Ultimate strength and creep strength increase with an increas- ing carbon content in the uranium. In hot-rolled uranium with a C-content of 0.01 % ultimate strength is d b = 36 kg/mm2, in uraniom with 0.24 ';;) C-content db - 52 kg/mm2. The creep strengths in these cases amount to 23 to 31 kg/MM2. At. temperatures of from 100 - 1500C all mechanical properties characterizing the strengths decrease monotonously, whereas the properties that characterize plasticity increase. For uranium with 0.12 C-content one finds that at 7500C (5b = 12 kg/mm2 = 18 % (relative elongation), 'Y = 51 (relative narrowing of the pressed surface), at 6000C (5 b = 7 kg/mm2, & = 23 %, I = 70' %, and at 8500C 6b 0.8 kg/mm2, d = 31 5, V = 97 %. F-uranium, which has a volume-centered lattice, has the highest degree of plasticity. The tetragonal A-uranium is Card 2/3 inclined to be brittle, and velocity of deformation is more Tho 11.1echanical. Properties of Uranium SOV/89-5-6-2/2,7 sensitive to temperature. Because of the low symmetry of the rhombic lattice of cA-uranium, the latter is charac- terized by sharply marked anisotropic properties. There are 13 figures, 2 tables, and 3 references. SUB.MITTED: July 16, 1958 A Card 3/1 94 P* Zip 9 JI- ~2 Io .43 .1 -1 ~ A! -1 2 8 2 V. 'It Iv I p~! I .9 :,c oil -d 11(6), 216) SOV189-6-3-2129 AUTHORS: Sergeyev, G. Ya., T,*Ltova, V. V, TITLE- Uranium and Its Alloys (Uran i yego splavy) PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, 1959, Vol 6, Nr 3, pp 253 - 260 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This article is a survey which has been compiled primarily on the basis of the riestern Geneva reports for 19513. The following reports were used in the compilation of infornation in the individual fields: 1)The properties of uraniuai monocrystals: Nr 713 and 1258. 2)Structural chan,-,eT. in uranium under thermal treatment: Nr 713, 2191, 2307. 3)Mechanical pro2erties of uranium at elevated temperatures: Nr 49, 50, 317., 2307~ Wnfluence of irradi!Ltion upon uraniun:llr 81, 616, 617, 61s, 791, 2191. 5)Uranium alloys: Nr 7151, 1890~ 2043. 6)Modern methods of met-allographical investigation of irradia- ted and not irradiated uranium: ITr 1855. There are 7 figures and 1 table. SUKIIT"'Ell: December 25, 1958 I 1~1 Cara ; PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5314 Sergeyev, G. Ya.,1 V.V. Titova., and K.A. Borisov Metallovedeniye urana i nekotorykh reaktornykh materialov (The Metallography of Uranium and Certain Reactor Materials) Moscow, Atomizdat, 1960. 223 p. 5,000 copies printed. Ed.: A.I. Zavodchikova. Tech. Ed.: N.A. Vlasova. I PURPOSE: This book is intended for scientists and engineers in scientific research institutes, design and planning organizations, and industrial enterprises. It may also be used by students taking advanced courses in higher schools of education. COVERAGE: The book on the metallography of uranium and reactor materials contains data taken from Soviet and non-Soviet materials presented at the Second International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy (Geneva, 1958), and from later sources dealing specifically with the effects of conditions in the active zone of a reactor on the properties (especially size and structural stability) of uranium, its alloys, and Card-1/-8- 77 SOV/81-.-8-,D- -~ /30 ~ J. AUTHORS: Boctivar, A. A., Ser,-,eyev, G. Ya., Davydov, V. A. TITLE: DA'ormationz3 of' Uranium Subjected Sirriultanecuoly to Th~-?rmal Cycles and Tensile Stresses PERIODICAL: Atomnaya, energiya, 1960, Vol 8, Nr 2, pp 112-116 (USSR) ABSTRACT: 7 Method of Investigation. Figure 1 represents the -pecial device operating Linder vacuum of the order of 10-5 mm Hg. Temperature control was automatic and the residual de- f'ormation of' uranium was studied by measuring the .3ize of the samples after (1) the cyclic thermal treatmmt ,without outside stresses (a freely han-inf, specimeri of small weight); (2) creep investi,gatlon at the maximt,Lm cycle temperature for intervals of time equal to the cyclin-- time in the next part; and (3) cycling thermal 1-reatm-ent .,,,ith tensile stresses eq.tal to those in part (2). Sample temperatures were measured at three points by means of thermocouple Card 1/8 velded to it. The temperature drop across the sample Deformations of' Uranluum SubJected 7 72 Simultaneously to Thermal Cycles and SOV,/89-8-2-3/30 Tensile Stresses was between 5 and 10o C. Under investigation were :3amp.ies of' granular sheet uranium (rolled In the C_ - pha:w 1-4-!,f~Loll)w and Iwanium -111ne"Ilt2d In the -phane recion (randomly oi-lent(.~~d cryotal,;). All oalllple:~ wer". flat, of' an overall length of' 100 mm (working leng%h, 40 mm; width, 8 nim) Thickness of' the samples A, 13, C aas 2.3, 2.2, and --'.2 mm respectively. Samples (."ut Across the Direction of Roll. Tables 1 and 2 sumwtrize all the results obtained from the cross-cut samplei;. Samples Cut Along the Direction of Roll. Results are summarized in Table 3. Samples With Random Orienta- tions of Crystallites. (See Table 4.) one sees in all cases that in the case of simultaneous influtence of cyclic thermal treatment and tensile stress the-re is a considerable increase of the lenj_-th -variation of th,~ samples compared to the creep caLi.-;ed by simple te~nsion. This happens even in cases when the stress effect and that due to the thermal cycling The f J c-ur.z~s; are of opposite oi n. re are 41 tables; 5 and 4 rel'erences, T Soviet, 2 U.K., 1 U.S. The-'U. h ind U.S. references are: A. McIntos T Heal, Pa :!r Card 2A, Nr 49 Submitted by Great Britain to the'second in~~.-rn. Deformation of Uranium SubJected Simultaneously to Thermal Cycles and Tensile Stresses 77238 SOV/89-8-2-3/30 Fig. 1. Diagram of the device: (1) sample (2) molyb- Card 3/8 denum heater; (3) load; (4) liquid nitrogen trap. 77238, SOV/89-8-2-3/3(, Table 1. Relationship between constant applied stress and residual deformation of uraniuiii during cyclic thermal treatment and after creep tests samples out crosswise to the direction of rollinj AMIEP 4 rfF" C /~O cf4a5 /,V 7~~ 4Fze C&Z? MR3 5XE55 G' IMMCM /Po-537-e" C', kj /.,-` -T,, -,,t i~f T 'I. #~ 1a S. / nlp~ -0 Ar -0, 3~z- -A 67 W4 eOULP 47- ~J-3 % ff - 300' G ;rO 3-1 , 0 VC770AI 9 544E: ;V17# onv#,~- 4r Hp MR -2 #,C 2,S- -~O f 37 -i-0, 7'- 0, '2- h-Q,17AV- I///,- /, 5- Yl,,V & ., It rM WAWWW 3 115 ~W - 77 414~ 7W k#l.'- AOAb!- 10111-~' -~4&A6S --7415) IV Card 4/8 -WfPFXATVIfZ~ SP16e 94(; Table 2. Relationship conotant app-1-Jej suresE and residual deformation of rolled uraniwn cyclic thermal treatment and after creep tests (samples cut crosswIse to the direction of rolling). 7-xzx,r1011- (0/vIal~Ir LIIP6141- -L1O1V6-119'IV - U/,,; ~ //Yz/-Ir A AFL-rr,