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SHDMKIN, P.N.; SEMYAKINA, A.F. - Effect of Go irradiation of sugar beet roots on their storage quality and on seed yield. Sakh. prom. 32 no.4:52-55 AP r58- (min 11:6) LTSentrallnyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy- institut sakharnoy promyshlennosti. (Sugar beets) (Cobalt isotopes) . - - ; . - -- - - - 11 - I - - , 1-1~ r - - - -1. 1. T-1 i . and K. A. -, l3,-.'OVAYA, ~-:. -,. "The 11 olarocrrai-hic Eethod ~)f Detecting Eetals in Lubricants" P 139, in the .1 Morlogral-h "Investi-aLion and Use of I etrolewii iroducts", edited by N. G. Fuchkov, Gostoptekhizdat, .'-ilis:,~ow-Leningrad, 1950. SFMIYAN, A.I. [Semllian, 0.1.] Natural transformation of river flood discharge and its determina- tion. Geog. zbir. no.6:130-135 162. (WRA 15:9) (Runoff) SEMI? YU1 j 0. 1. Hydrograph computation for noteworthy spring floods of the Dnieper River near Kiev with channel storage calculations. Visti, Inst. gidrol. i gidr. AN URSR 17:130-138"160. (MIRA 14:8) (Dnieper River-Floods) SEMIIYAN .7 0.1. Effect of irregular velocity distribution in the stream on the transformation of flood waves. Visti Inst. gidrolo i gidr. AN URSR 17:139-143 160. (MIRA 14:8) (Floods) SZKYANISTYY, V.I. 44z---, - - Parabolic congruences of straight tenz. anal. no.10:259-268 '56o (Congruences lines. Trudy Sam. po vekt. i WaA 10:3) (Geometry)) SFJ(YARIS9!YY, V. I. Groups of transformations associated with parabolic linear congruences. Uch. zap. GGPI no.8-.42-56 '58- (MIRA 13:8) (Transformations (Nathematice)) (Congruences (Geogetry)) ,SBMYANISTYY, V-I- I Parabolic linear congruences and dual numbers. Uch. zap. GGPI .,. no.8:57-64 158. (MIRA 13:8) (Congruences (Geometry)) BRYKOV, A.I., SEKYANISTYY, V.I. Concerni,ng.-N.N. Nikitin and A.I. Yetisov's new geometry textbook for grades six through nine, published in 1956. Uch. zap. GGPI no-8:99-106 '58. (MM 13:8) (Geome try--Textb ooks) (Nikitin, N.N.) (Petisav, A.I.). 85938 S/020/60/134/003/028/033XX C111/ C 333 AUTHORs Semyanistyy, V. Z. TITLE:-On Certain Integral Tansformations in Euclidean Space PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 134, No. 3, pp. 536-539 1(0 TEXT: The author introduces four integral transformatibns with a generalized kernel in the n-dimensional Euclideanitppace R and i,n in the spacel~ of the hyperplanes of the R . The notat ns are f n taken from kRJ. 1,2). Let the space Y consist of the-infinitely-differentiable functions T(x) which vanish in the origin of coordinates-ind decrease at in- finity more rapidly than an arbitrary power of r together with all their derivatives. The topology is introduced in r~ by (1) 1. u. b.x (r-p+rp) IDq rt(x) I Ip~0)112$ ... 9 -7-2 r qx12+ ... + Yn where Dq is a differential operator of order q with respect to Card 1/4 85938 S/020/60/134/003/028/033XX C ill/ C 333 On Certain Integral Transformations in Euclidean Space arbitrary arguments. With this topology Y becomes a complete denumerable normed space of the type K M ~ , where Mp = r-P + rp, M 0(0) = co . From ~ (x) N3 it f ollows r The functional of the type rA is a multiplier in the-spac7 of the generalized functions over'y . Assume that = F- E consists of the functions ~0(x) for which ^P(x) G V is a Fourier transform. C~ consists-of all infinitely differentiable funct ions which decrease at infinity more rapidly than any power of r to- gether with their derivatives and are-orthogonal-to all polynomials. is a complete space with-differintiable'translations. According is an involutor in the t (Ref. 2) the functional R F- ErAl space t of the generalized fuLctions over~(~ . I. e.: in (P a convolution operation with the generalized-function RA . f -4 RA * f is defined. It is -1 (2) R Rek~:: RX+ Ro = F l (X), *R_ = Ro (X) - Card 2/ 4 85938 S'1/G2o/6o/i34/OO3/O28/033XX C 111/ C 333 On Certain Integral Transformations in Euclidean Space (2) shows that the operators RX * form an additive group of trans- formations of the functions from with respect to the complex parameter A The Laplace operator, its-powers and the operators inverse to it belong to the group R-Xit ~ It is 2 +n A -n (Y") q- for 0,2 .... and A / n,-n-2,.. n ;2 A 77 (3) R X(x) ~T r -2) -A)' S(x.) for A=2k, k=O,l .... (-1)k ' r2k 1n r for -n-2k, n+2k-1 x n/2 r- n 2 (1 + k)kl k = 0,1,. where 6 is the Laplace operator and the 6eneralized functions r- n and r2k 1n r on ~ satisfy the same formulas as in the space k of the finite infinitely differentiable functions (see (Ref.1)). Card 3/4 85938 S/020/60/134/003/028/033xx C ill/ C 333 On Certain Integral Transformations in Euclidean Space The transformations of the second type transform the functions of the hyperplanes into each other and form a group~which is analogous to the transformation group of the first type. The transformations of the third and fourth type also depend on A and are pairwise dual, they transform functions of the points into functions of the hyperplanes, and inversely. These last transformations are used in order to write explicitly the solution of the Radon problem (determination'of the function from known integrals over the hyperplanes). There are 2 Soviet references. PRESENTED: May 9, 19607 by J, G, Petrovskiy, Academician SUBMITTED: May 7, 1960 Card 4/4 ! SDffANISTYY, V.I. Some integral transformations in Aiclidean space. Dokl. AIT SSSR 134 no-3:536-539 S 160. (MITU 13:9) 1. Predstavleno abmd. I.G. Petrovskim. (Functional analysis) SEKUNISTYX., V. I. ~Homo~pne us functions and some problems of integral geometry in the spaces of constant eurvatureo Dokle AN WSR 136 no.2z288-291 161* (PaRA 14: .1) 1. Predstavleno akademikom I.G. Petrovskim. (Geometry) SEffANISTYY9 V.I. Some integral transformations and integral geometry in elliptic space. Trudy Sem.po vekt.i tenz.anal. no.12:397-44-1 163. (MIRA 16:6) (Geometry, Non-Euclidean) (Transformations (Mathematics)) SEMYA1111 IEJv P~- ;4-p - I . - -;, - - Unnecessary links in the administration structure. Tekst.prom. 18 no.4:4-5 Ap '58. (MIRA 11:4) (Textile industry) (Industrial management) SEMYANNIKOV, I.Ye., inzli. Simplifying the procurement system for cotton gins. Tekst. prom. 19 no.10:73-76 0 159. (MIRA 13:1) (Cotton gins and ginning) AUTHOR: S V DeruLy School lirector SOV/27-: TITLE: Mechani%ers of Coal (Mekhanizatory uglya) PERIODICAL: Professionallno-tekhnicheskoye obrazovaniye, 195F, Nr 12, p 18 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The 3uthor mentions the great t9aks assigned to the nation in the theses of N.S. Khrushchev's reDort at the 21st Congress of the KPSS. To carry out this huge program, workmen are re- quired who are capable in modern engineering. Mining School Dir 3 of the Stalino Oblast' is endeavoring to train such workmen. The author lists some of the equipment used by the school for practical training and emphasizes the good condi- tions prevailing in the workshops. There are 3 photos. ASSOCIATION: Gornopromyshiennoye uchilishche Nr 3 Stalinskoy oblasti (Mining School Nr 3 of the Stalino Oblast') Card -1/1 ,,A_ Mj AP5026740 GOUIME CODCt. UR/0286/65/000/01710016/0016 14,9 INVENTOR: Lelf chuk, S. Ivanova, _H. V',~LV~ ball Y~a.I.G;:Deceaised); I. LSemyannikova. A. M. ,9 q,RG: none TITLE: A method for producing 12, No. 1711185 SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 17, 1965, 16 TOPIC TAGS: silane, dimethyldichlorosilane, silicone ABSTRAM This Author's Certificate introduces a method for producing dimethyldi- chlorosilane by interacting vethyl chloride with a silicon-copper alloy treated with a cadmium compound. The product yield is increased by using eadmium'chloride;in the amount of 4.3% of the weight'of the alloy and subjecting the processed alloy to ther- mal treatment at 1800C. UDC: 547.419.5.07 SUB CODE: GCPOC/ SUBM DAM 270ct62/ ORIG REr: ooo// OTH FXF: ODO Card 1/1 v: SWUM'[, A., inzh. Ways of reducing the cost of construction and operation of storage bins for potatoes. Sov. torg. 33 n0-7.23-24 Jl '59. (Potatoes-Storage) (MIRA 12:9) SEEMIYANCY., A..N., -inzli. Pneumatic frame for assembling sectional wooden constructions. Der. prom. 12 no.9:22-23 S 163. (NIRA 16:10) 1. Leningradskiy vagonostroiteltnvy zavod im. I.Ye.Yegorova. ,-,--SEMIYANOV, A.H., inzh. Universal joiner's bench for assembling frame structures. Gor. khoz. Hook. 37 no.11:36-37 N 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Leningradskiy vagonostroitelInyy zavod imeni I.Ye. Yegorova. SURABY.M12 YE. 3-161 -A V. Boilers Washing the heating surfaces of toiler U_nit3 in operation. Za ekon. tep.9 n9.4:33-34 Ap 152 Monthly List of Russian Accessions,-Library of Congress, july 1952. Unclassified. _~F~~?.YANPV V. aspi-rant Pre3ervation of ladybrds in the chemical treatment of orchards. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 10 no.6.-20-21 165. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Leningradskiy sovet narodnogo kho--yaystva. SEMYANOVSKIY, F., starshiy ley-tenant In the sector of "contamination." Starsh.-serzh. no.10:20 0 ,61. (YURA 15:2) (Chemical warfare--Safety measures) (Radioactivity--Safety measures) SEWIMIGVSKIY, ~,j, starshiy leytenant On the way to the congress of youth. Starsh.-Berzh. no.3:4-5 Mr 162. (MIU 15-4) 1. Vneshtatnyy korrespondent zhurnala "Starahina-serzhmt". (Communist Youth League) (Military education) 1, SmAylOVSKIY, V. 2. USSR (600)- 4. Mwing-Picture Proiectioll 7. Determination of the type of current. Kin=ekhanik. NO-9, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Jamiary 1953. Unclassified. 2. USSR (600) 4. Potentiometer 7. Potentiometer in the chain of a sound recorder. Kinomekhani No. 10,, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Februar7 -1953. Unclassified. SEMYANOVSKIY, V., kinomekhanik (Uzin, KiyevBkaya oblast'). Elimination of oil leaks in projectors. Kinomekhanik no.11:35 H '53. (MLHA 6:11) (Moving-picture projectors) SEMYPIIOVSKIYJP V., )R:tarshiy leytenant Ancestors, fathers, soldiers of our days. Starsh.-serzh. no.9: 20 S 162. (MHU 15: 11) (Borodino, Battle of, 1812) (Bor-odino-World War, 1939-1945) AUTHOR: Semyashkin, E.M.,, Pastgraduat-e 8-bident, TITLE: Determination of Radiation Capacity Factor of Surfaces on the Basis of Regular Heat Process Theory (Opredeleniye koeffitslyenta lucheispuskatellnoy sposobnosti overkhnostey Tia osnove teorii regulyar- nogo rezhima ~ PERIODICAL: Izvestiya v-jrsshikh uchebnyffih zavedeniy - Priborostroyeniye, 1958, Ni~ 1, pp 116-1.22 (USSR) ABSTRACT; Several methods of determii,ing radiation capacity factors give good results ')ut require complex equipment and highly qualified handlAng. GAA.Kondratfyev vorked out a comparative method aii the theory of the regular heat process but it needs uorsiderable improvement. The paper first explains t'-.e':Ldea of this method. then describes the experiment a.,, follows: Two smallish metal objpqts identical in fcvm and dimension must be selected, one of which has a thin coating of material Card 1/2 with known radiation capacity. Their rate-of cooling Determination of the Radiation Capacity Factor of Surfaces on rhE Basis of hegular Heat Process Theory must be measured and, given their heat capacities, the unknov,-n radiation surface capacity of the second object can be ascertained accorLing to the proposed formula. The test equipment is described with voiumetric tech- nique and the processing,of the test material; further the author describes the selection of time intervals between readings, when determining the cooling curves. ]he results obtained make it possible to select the optimum time interval when measuring rates of cooling under conditions of an intense thermal exchange, in cases where only 2 points can be fixed during the entire cooling period. There are 3 graphs, 1 circuit diagram, 1 figure and .2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Loningradskiy institut tochnoy mekhaniki i optiki (Leningrad Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics) Card 2/2 66194 2 j4, 76 00 SOV/146-59-2-21/23 AUTHOR: Semyashkin, E.M., Engineer TITLE: Research of True Heat Capacity of Materials by Me- thod of Regular Conditions PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy - priborostroy- eniye, 1959, Nr 2, pp 139-146 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Notwithstanding its simplicity and quickness, the method of true heat capacity determination under re- gular conditions has a very limited field of applic- ation, this being due to the instability of results obtained, on the one hand, and the possibility of heat capacity determination only at the temperature of the surrounding medium, on the other hand. The method of determining. the regular cooling rate m . depending on the temperature pressure J allows eli- mination of these shortcomings and applying the ca- lorimeter method for establishing the temperature dependence of true heat-capacity of materials. Con- sidering the cooling off of two cylinders one of Card 1/5 which is fashioned from a material with thermal pro- LK 66194 SOV/146-59-2-21/23 Research of True Heat Capacity of Materials by Method of Regular rionditions perties known, and the other is a thin-walled shell filled with a substance the specific heat of which has to be determined, the expression for the full heat capacity of researched material is Cx = 0 x Px =qix(fN-cn - cl), where cx is specific heat of re- Mx 1 searched material; C n and C - are respectively full heat capacities of the standard gauge and that of the thin-walled cylinder; m and m - cooling rates of the gauge and that of qhe cylfnder contain- ing the powder; P - weight of researched material; V - criterion characterizing the field temperature Aevenness in the povider. The above formula is valid under the assumption that the outside dimensions and the form of cylinders are the same, that the radia- tion coefficient of their outside surfaces is one and the same, and that both cylinders are cooled off bard 2/5 under the same conditions. At small values of the 66194 SOV/146-59-2-21/23 Research of True Heat Capacity of Materials by Method of Regular Conditions heat pressure, it is possible to realize such condi- tions when Y is equal to 1. Consequently, in order to compete cx , it is necessary to determine the values mN and mx . Heat capacities On and C are determined by multiplication of respective weights by the specific heat of materials of which the standard gauge and the hollow cylinder are made. In Table 1, dependence between H and W is given; H is universal criterion the value of which is expres- sed by formula k where k - is coeffi- H Ks V cient of the solid's form; coefficient of so- lid's heat conductivity; v volume of the solid; cx - its temperature conductivity. The author de- scribes how the experiment of determining the heat capacity of armco iron (technically pure irons was carEied out. The temperature interval was 20 to Card 5 150 0. Geometrical parameters of copper microcalori- 66194 SOV/146-59-2-21/23 ZIL~s-earch of True Heat Capacity of Materials by Method of Regular Conditions meter were: d= 12 mm; 1 = 17 mm; K = 4.gO 10-6 m2 dX = 11.6 mm; lX = 16.6 mm; VX = 1.~5.10- 0. Weights: FN = 19.4.10-3 kg; PI = 2.07.10--3 kg; Px = 5.08.10-3 kg. Dependence graph mx = mX (S) is 0 given in Fig 1. Table 2 shows approximate value 0X of researched material at YX = 1; values mN and Mx are taken from respective graphs given in Fig 1. Specific heat of copper Cn is Cn = 0.0926 + 0.208.10-4 t; temperature G of the medium is 21 00, consequent- ly C, = t - 210C. From Table 2 values CX9 Cl and AX 1 3 are taken: C = 0.20.10 kcal/oC; CX = 0.62.10 kcal/OC; kx = 0.25 kcal/m.houroC. In this case, HX = 0.161 m Ncn. Recommended by the Kafedra teplo- 66194 SOV/146-59-2-21/23 Research of True Heat Capacity of Materials by Method of Regular Conditions vyk11 i kontrollno-izmeritellnykh priborov (Chair of Therml- wid Contiol-Measuring Devices). There are 4 graphs, 3 tables and 6 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy institut tochnoy -mekhaniki i optiki (Leningrad Institute of Precision Mechdnics and Optics) SUBMITTED: February 14, 1959 Card 5/5 06 11.12 84138 S/058/60/000/007/003/014 A ?z-'P'q A005/AO01 - Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, 1960, No. 7, P4 139, # 16772 AUTHOR- Semyashkin, E. M, TITLE, On the Choice of Overheating Temperature of a Body at Experiments by the Regular Mode Methods Under Natural Air Convection Conditions PERIODICAL: Nauchn. tr. Leningr. in-t tochnoy mekhan. i optiki, 1959, No. 37, pp. 39-42 TEXT. A linear correlation between the logarithm of temperature and time must take place, according to the theory, in regular mode operation. However, curved lines are found, as a rule, in the corresponding graphs instead of straight. lines when cooling under free air convection conditions. To investigate the causes of this phenomenon, experiments were performed by measuring the heat emission coefficient of a cubic copper chamber with 50-cm edge length and 1-mm wall thickness. It turned out that the heat emission coefficient depends essentially on the overheating magnitude and varies by more than two times when the overheating changes from I to 80 0C. The curvature of the semilogar-ithmic grap Card 1/2 84138 S/058/60/000/007/003/014 AOO5/AOO1 On the Choice of Overheating Temperature of a Body at Experiments by the Regular Mode Methods Under Natural Air Convection Conditions graph of cooling is quantitatively explicable in -this case by the correlation mentioned. It is recommended to use larger ('71, 500C) differences in temperature when operating with the regular cooling method under the conditions of free Convection in air, because the dependence of the"heat emission coefficient or-, the temperature difference shows a maximum for small differences. L. P. Filippov Translator's note; This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract, Card 2/2 SEI-YAS-HIKE, E. 2.1. Cf.,nd Tech Sci -- "Leasurment of the coefficien-u 01' --eet emission, heA caoacity_ methods of ro(;in,,." Lon, 1960 (Iiiii of Higher end Secondary Specialized :Eduz~-tion RSFS?. I.Pri Technoloiic.-Il Inst of Refrigerv.-tion Industry). OU, 1-61, 197) -241- 32972 S/14 61/004/00-0/018/020 D221YD301 AUTHOR: "eyas_~k~i n TITLE: Investigating the coefficient of heat transfer of li- mited cylinders, in conditions of free convection PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Priborostro- yeniye, v. 4, no. 6, 1961, 140-150 TEXT: A description is given of investigations for obtaining a general empirical equation of the convective component in the heat transfer coefficiento(_,., with regard to bounded cylinders cooled by natural convection. The coefficient of heat transfer is a func- tion of many parameters, including the diameter of the cylinder and the ratio of length of diameter 1 . The author's method per- j mits calculation within a wide range of temperatures in a short time. The experiments were carried out at normal pressure in a chamber with air at rest. The temperature difference between the surface of specimen and the medium was determined by a thermocouple Card 1/ 5 32972 S/146/61/004/0006/018/020 Investigating the coefficient D221/D301 whose e.m.f. was measured by a mirror galvanometer. A transportable oven was used for heating the specimens, without removing the ther- mocouple. The accuracy measurements is strongly affected by fixing and, therefore, special attention was paid to fixing the specimens. The cooling curve is found directly from the experiment; then the dependence of the total heat transfer coefficiento(, on temperature 0 is determined theradiative component ofo(_is eliminated and the graph ofC=4Xc(0~ remains. The radiati-ve component can be determined by calculation, if the absorption. coefficien't of the surface of the cylinder is known. Eq)erimenfs haire shown that the absorption co- efficient of the brass surfae-~ of the specimens is practically in- dependent of temperature in the inter-al 300C - 1400C and is equal to 0.18. The author gives an analysiZ of the results, based on the theory of physical similqrity. The relation between the criteria of similarity and 11/d ie supposed +o be Card 2/5 Nu 1/d = B(GrPr )n 32972 S/146/61/004/006/018/020 Investigating the coefficient ... D221/D301 and Gr and Pr are criteria of Grashoff and Prandtl. The diameter of cylinder d is chosen as the determining dimension. The graph of Num 1/d = f(GrPr) consists of parallel straight lines and the coe'L- ficient n is found as the averaged tangent of inclination of -the lines: n = 0.215. The coefficient B depends on d, 1/d and the po- sition of the specimen, The author gives empirical formulae deduced from the experimental data for horizontal and vertical cylinders; the error of these formulae with respect to the data is 3 to 5%. For the purposes of practical computation, the author expresses the formulae in terms of 4 quantities and gives a graph of the latter as functions of d. The formulae for infinitely long cylinders do not give the dependence of the heat transfer coefficient on 1/d and are not applicable to small cylinders. When 1/d >5, the Grif- fith-Davis' formula gives the most accurate results. On the basis of the theory of analogy the author affirms that the equations ob- tained are valid also for other gas media if the conditions Card 3/5 Investigating the coefficient ... 3 mm < d