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SM41MOV, M, V. Balancing the k harmonic curve by means of planetary gears. Trudy Sem.po teor.mash.13 no.49:69-78 153. Mak 7:12) (Gearing, Bevel) SOV/1 24-57-5-5;!30 T f 'ion from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 19571 , Nr 5, p 18 (USSR) AUTH Semenov, M. V. T!TLE: An investigation of the Motion of Plane tary- mechanism Pinions (Issiedovaniye dvizheniya satellitov planetarnykh mekhanizmov)_ PER!ODICAL: Tr. Seminara po mashin i mekhanizmov In-ta mashinoved. AN SSSR, 1956, Vol 15, Nr 60, pp 5-27 ABSTRACT: The paper analysers the curves described by various points of the pinions of planetary gears. Methods for the plotting of these curves as well as of the velocity and acceleration hodographs are described. It is shown that the pinion curve of any three-link planetary mech;Ln- ism with either an internal or an external mesh can be reproduced by a single four-bar mechanism (with a double pinion or satellite mem- ber). The author points out the possibility of the application of the pinilon curves to various guiding mechanisms and intermittent-action mechanisms, as for example on lathes for the machining of profFe shapes. V. N. Geminov Card 1/ 1 IV SEMOV, R.Y., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk. Activity of the Leningrad branch of the Seminar on the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms. Thidy Inst. mash. Som. po teor. mash. 17 no.65:16-17 157. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Nauchnyy rukovaditell Leningrdskogo filiala, seminara. po teorii mashin i mekhanismov Instituta maohinovedeniya AN SSSR. (Leningrad--Mechanical engineering) SMNOV' Mikitail VaasLL!zevJ -t-eZm-. red. 9h; MAYNGORD, S.A., red.; KRYUCHKOVA. [Flat four-link hinged mechanisms (elementary analysis)] Ploskie chetyrekhzvennye sharniraye mekhanizmy (v elemen- tarnom izlozhenii). Koskva, Gon.izd-vo fiziko-matem.lit-ry, 1959. 130 P. (MMA 12:8) (Links and link motion) 25(2) MSE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/3035 Beme-no-'r, 1"'.V. StriAture raekhanizmov (Structure of Mechanisms) Moscow, rizmatgiz, 1959. 285 P. 7,000 copies printed, Ed.- S.A, Mayngard; Toah, Ed.: N.Ya, Muraahova. RWO,ill-'s Vtio bank, In intanded for anginaers Interebtad in the structure of mfle~hnnisnw' C.'0V'F,T(A;!TS' The firnt part of the book deals with general considerations of the stTAuAnre of mechanisms, The sonond part deals vith individuttl basic meotimnisms. The topics discussed in the first part inolude component pni-tg of mechanisms, relative motion of linka~ movability of a machanitim, F.,Lnd Asiur's principle of the formation of mechanisms. The aubjeata dili. el.wrteA In the second part include the structure of plane 111*ages., mo- difloz~tlons of linkages, the structure of cam mechanisms, mechanisms with tooth gearing, friction mechanisms, flexlble~connectar mechanismaj and e(gn'binations of basic mechanisms. The aufhar thanks his students, Car-d.---I:/6-, Structur-3 of Mechanisms SOV13015 W.F. (~olovanov, N,14, Myasnikov, and A.A. Smirnov (Deceased), for their aHslstnnee in revieving the manuscript, and N.P. IgnaViivr for preparing tl~e dxwring3 and diagrams. There are 47 references, all Soviet, TA-11LE '-;!;' Pref a:~ Tnt rrc on PART I. STRUMM OF MECA1TISMS,, BASIC CONSIDERATIONS Ch. j'. Efracture of Elements of Mechanisms 1. T-Unks of mechanisms 2. Kinematic pairs Ch. jT. A Mechanism and Its Movability 3. information on mechanisms 4. Representation of mechanisms 6 9 14 14 16 35 35 36 GUZIY,, F.Ie.;-6EMC1Vp M.V.; SOYFERp V.M. New design of electrode holder heads for are furnaces. Metal-turg 5 no-5:20-21 My 160. (KMk 14:3) 1. KharIkovskiy zavod tyazhelogo elektromambinostroyenlya (Electric furnaces-Equipment and imppUes) S/132/6o/boo/011/~WW2 A054/A130 Aleksc_~jrev, A. M., Ioffe, L. M., Semenov, M. V., Mogillnikov, V. I., Morozov, N. V. Experience with the newBfT(VP)-59 type electric testing equipment to be used in the induced polarization method Razvedka i okhrana nedr, no. 11, 196o, 47 - 49 TEXT: The VNIIGeofizika Institute has designed in cooperation with the VITR a new type of electric testing station, (VP-59) to be mainly used in pros- Deating electron-conductive (sulfide) impregnated ores by means of induccod polari- zttion, vertical electric sounding and dipole sounding. The station is mounted ')n t--'WorA3(GAZ)-69 type trucks with increased power for crossing heavy terrain. ind consists of a generator and a receiving unit. Current for the feed Line in V~ie generator equipment is supt~lied by alIH(PN)-100 type generator (11,5 kwo nomi- n-1 voltage 460 v). The generator is driven by the engine of the truck i~ia a special power take-off gear box. In the measuring instrument the difference of transmission potentials8Vtr and induced polarization (1),Vip) are registf!red by -~LnMO(EPO)-7 type oscillograph an photogenic paper. (Abstractorts note tran- -PKperience with the ..... S/132/6o/ooo/ol 1A 01/002 Ao54/P,130 scripts tr (transmission) and ip (induced polarization) have been substituted for the original np = pr = propusk and 3n = vp= vyzvannaya polfixizatsiya). Tc, in- cre-ease the input voltage in the measuring-registering instrument, 3AA(EDA'-58 type auto-compensators are mounted which make measuring possible at any kind of' earthing of the receiving electrodes. The sensitivity of the measuriRg channels It; 1-1000 mv for the full scale of the oscillograph; the input resistance of the instrument is 2 megaohm, the error in measuring does not exceed 2%; there is no zero-creep at tLe auto-compensators. The principal measuring operations and the control of the generator are automatic. The ehuipment was tested in an anticlinal folding containing galenite, sphalerite, in'some places also bornite, chalcopyrite, etc. The ores have an impregnated or cocarde texture or are found in massives. The sulfide mineralization is dispersed in nearly all tectonic zones. Some ore bodies are oxidized from the surface, the depth and extent of oxidation is not Wliform. Thq I-,Psrs with the induced polarization method were carried out in sections through th-e t1aickest parts of the ore layer, which were selected in such away to make it pczsible to examine the effect of primary mineralization at a depth of 30 m, covered by a vupe:~stratum 15 - 20 m thick. The tests were carried out by vertica:. electri- 3al so,.inding, following the VITR method. (Ref. 1. V. A. Komarov, L. M. Ioffe, M. V. Semenov: The method of induced polarization, OhTI VITR, publ. 20. 1959). When Card 2/5 S/132/60/000/01 1/001/002 Exnerience with the ..... Ao54/A,130 working with vertical electric sounding the spacing taken for AO was 500 m, when working with profiling, AB was 1000 m. The spacings were chopen according to the curve of vertical sounding, (Fig. 1). By taking a spacing of 1000 m, it was possible to register anomalies above the mineralized layers in the working -irea. With a generator voltage of 1CO - 600 v and with 4 - 12 a in the feed line, a voltage (&Vtr) could be obtained in the receiving line which was not lower than some tens of millivolts. As receiving line a thin strip was used provided with a commutator, switching in turn one of the five pairs of non-polarizing receiNing electrodes. Based on the calculated values ofL Uip and 4Vtr and the known current intensity i in line AB, the following values have been determined: A Uir, 100% K A Vtr PK K AiVtr which were plotted in graphs according to the profiles or in vertical electric sounding curves. Figure 1 shows ~K and PK curves obtained when working with the vertical electrical sounding of indiced polarization, for determining (at picket 17, profile 50) the optimum length of line AB,, for surveying according to the Card 3/5 ' s/132/6o/ooo/oi VooiAw Experience with the ..... A054M.30 average gradient, to evaluate the obtained ~K values above the minemlization zone and to define the thickness of the overburden and the oxidized zones. The VK value of vertical electrical sounding remains unchanged at 0.49; until the half- -spacing AO = 15 m. With an increase in spacing, the value ~JK also increases which indicates the presence of primary sulfide minerals in the section. The maximum value for ~K : 3.5% was obtained at a semi-spacing of AO = 500 M, where ~K Still had not reached its limit. According to the curve ~K Of vertical electric sounding the total thickness of overburden and oxidized layers, where no electron-conductive minerals are present, can be assumed to be 30 m. The curve JK indicates that from AO = 250 m the shape of the curve is influenced by the higher conductivity of the oxidizE-d zone and by some screening object. Figure 2 represents the survey of Profile 50 by induced polarization at, a distance of 700 m. It is pointed out, that the high values of ~K are connected with the presence of dispersed impregnated sulfides in lime stone. When moving away from the mineralizatLon zone, ~K decreas- es from 3 to 2%. The tests proved that it is possible to reveml on the sectioas the presence of massive and impregnated minerals, and to deternine the distribition of the impregnation of sulfides. There are 2 figures and 1 Soviet reference. ASSOCIATIONS: VNII Geofizika, VITR, Uz.GTTsGFP, Tsentral'naya ireofizicheskaya.:)ar- tiya, VNII of Geophysics, VITR, Uz.GTTsGFP, Central Geopkysical PmH. Card 4/5 SEMMOV, Mikhail Vasillyevichp prof.; VOLIPE, L., red. [Theory of mechanisms and machinery; design and kinema, *tics of flat linkages] Teoriia mekhanizmov i mashin; stnzktura 1 kinematika ploskikh sharnirnykh makhalli v; pisImennye lektali. Leningradq M-vo vysshego i srednago spets. obrazovaniia RSFSR, 1961. 141 p. (MA 14:9) (LinIcs and link motion) SFI,';ENOV, t-Iikhall Vasillyevich, prof.; MOLOKOVA, Ye., red. (Theory o' mechanisms and mac~dnes; friction in inechani,mis. ~-Iritten Lectures] Teoriia mekhanizma-z i mashin; trenie v rekhanizn.akh. FislmeruWe lektsii.. Le- ningrad, Severo-Zapadnyi zacchrrii politekhn. _Jn-t, 1962. 77 p. (1.11RA *L?: 41) ------- SR qV,-M.--V.,Pktar tekhn. nauk., prof. PR Soma objer:tioils to I. P. Spm7sh's review of *Structure of machanimmu by M. V. Semehov. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; mashinostr. no.7:40-49 '62. (MIRA 16:1) (Mechanical movementa) SEMENOV.$ M.V. -_ Determining basic dimensions of cam mechanisms by the given pressure angle. Teor. maBh. i mekh. no.96/9?:49-57 163. (.MIF-A 17: 1) SEMENOV, MI*In. Characteristics of embryo distribution in some murine rodent species. Zool. zhur. 40 no.11:1743-1745 N '61. (Ir-l-Rik 14:11) 1. Rostov Region Sanitai-y-Epidemiological Station. (Rostov Province-Rodentia) (Reproduction) SPIVAK, M.Ya.; ARGUDAYEVA, N.A.; NABIYEV, E.G.; CHISTOVICH, G.N.; KMJGLIKOV, V.M.; SHALINEVA RIVLIN, M. .MO a A.M.; TITROVA, A.I.; RAYKIS, B.N.; MILYAYEVA, Ye.N.; BRUDNAYA, E.I.; GODINA, I.F.; VOLIFSOTI, G.I.; SOSONKO, S.M.; KOLESINSKAYA,, L.A.; VYSOTSKIY, B.V.; MALYKH, F.S.; MIRDTVORTSEV, Yu.I.; SYCHEVSKIY, P.T.; GOPACHENKO, I.M.; HARPITSKAYA, V.M.; FETISOVA, I.A.; MARTYNYUK, Yu.V.; ENDINA, I.A. Annotations. Zhur. mikrobiol., epid. i immm. 40 no-3:128-131 Mr 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Iz Kemerovskogo meditsinskogo instituta i Kemerovskoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy No.3 (for Spivak; Argudayeva). 2. Iz Kazanskogo instituta usovershonstvovaniya vrachey imeni Lenina (for Nabiyev). 3. Iz Leningradskogo kozhnogo dispansera No. 1 (for Ghistovich, Rivlin). 4. Iz Rostovskoy oblastnoy sanitarno-e.Pidemiologichaskoy stantaii (for Semenov). 5. Iz Stavropollskogo instituta vaktain i syvorotok (for Kruglikov, Shallneva, Titrova, Raykiv). 6. lz Kuybysbevskogo inBUtuta epidemiologii, mikrobiologii i gigiyeny I TSentraltnogo insti- tuta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey (for Milyayeva). 7. Is Vsesoy=nogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta zhelezno- dorozhnoy gigiyerq Glavn,Dgo sanitarno-go upravleniya Y-in-J- ters-tva putey soobshchemiya i Detakoy polikliniki st. LYubli-nO (C ontinue&,m-next-car-d) 18(7) SOV/11 2-9-5~-5-28/35 AUTHOR: Semenov, K.Ye., Fngineer TITLE: Melting Bronze under a Limestone Tayer - j FERIODICAL: Eitey-noye Praizvodstvo, 10,~,9, Nr 3, pp 43 (USS-0) ABSTRACT: In the plant imeni Sergo Ordzhonikidzeq limestone is used as cover for the preparation of bronze OZ 10-2.This bears the advantage that, the cover 0decompo- ses under the prevailing temperature of 1200 cen-#'.-i-. grade. The molten mass is covered by carbonic acid and thus oxydation is prevented. The zinc contents of the slag increases on about 0,1 -015c.4. Mechanical properties of the types of bronze are given. Card 1/1 S/137/6Z/000/003/138/191 A052/A101 AUTHORS: Semenov, M. Ye., Voskoboynikov, D. B., Golldshteyn, L. Ya. TITLE: The effect of aluminum on the strength of bimetallic compound of zinc alloy with steel PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 3, 1962, 60, abstract 31384 (!'Vestn. Vses. n.-i. in-ta z.-d. transp.", no, 6., 1961, 42-43) TEM The effect of Al on the formation of Fe-Zn-phases in the metal used for zinc-platirig was investigated, as well as its effect on tne formation of the transition zone and on mechanical properties of a bimetallic compound. An addition of 0.2% Al raises the resistance to shearing stress of the bimetallic compound to 27 kdmm2 compared with 23.3 kg/mm2 without an Al addition. Yie pre'sence of 2% Cu reduces the resistance to shearing stress to 14.8 kg/mm . An increase of Al content to qe15 has just a slight effect on the resistance to shearing stress. It is recommended to increase the Al content inlM 9-1,5 (TsAM9-1,5) Zn-alloy to 0.5 - 0.7% to prevent the formation of FeZn4 in the bath and to facilitate the cleaning of the bath from the ferrous components (in this case PeA13 is formied which comes to the surface). E. Volin [Abstracter's note: Complete translation) Card 1/1 SMNOVI M.Ye,j -inzh.; VOSKOBOYNIKOV, D.B., inzh.; GOLIDSHTEYN, L.Ya.j 0 Effect of aluminum on the strenewh of bimetallic ccul3ounds of zim alloys and steel. Vast. TSNII NFS 20 no.6:42-4,3 161. (MIRA 14:10) (Zino &.1loys) (Railroads-Equipwnt and Bupplies) 5/1 -E~, ',,A, semerr:~V, M,Ye~ i oel - ulminurm birrr tal 9 FR I CDC': -A L1.1417.eynove prr,-.Izvcdstvo., no. 2, 196', --he -tu-_h._rs rep2rt m investigatim--s heing carried with, -,'her organizaticns to develop a str-r, comv,,und tc, be used as bearinz bushes di se` t1his cc-miection to a metallurgicq, rre~hr_.d -f pr~Ddu: in g steel unds iccording t~ the Alfftr~-, pro.?ezs and p_-!:-,,~ a -~-cnd s-:ee-i -4 ~in a'=4n,.~m !+ is ne~essarl crt~i3 :~_,c i-as :,7- s--2,e_, :1=4 Itne impreggrati;:n of i=n m3iltly NaCI, KCI and NaF in various Ow zt-ei surfacc- covered with different fluxes by t~,I_~ "I,,- ~,~; `,yze the quitablity of tne K.,ZrF6j K:NtF7, K27.aF-, &nd Xs-:k=F' 1,1---. nti;L - I sa,,-.s as fflux~,s pr,--V?d tf;ik~ of KZrF6. The flux can be apkpiled the Z. eithe- '-Y i=--rsi..~n of the parts in the molten fn ux or by depc2l- C a s t. S, 'Lu m -.III Lim bi.-,1e* a S/1 28/6Z /000/002,/~)~_-,AX7 7 t-1--n of the fiuy from azi aqueous soiutic-n. The latter yielde_- ~h;- aatbors describe the succe!!~ive technolc2i~_-_;-l c-Perati.-nS. ?rz in th;--- pr~~:~eZs cf bz:7nding the aluminu-n a111:,v -n- ~h~_ Zteel, i-~~ d__ grea_-irg, fluxing, and pouring of the aluminum bearirg _allciy t'- cztc_e~ surfacF. The bonding of the aluminum bearing al.!~~y to thie. S--e.-I is pla,2~_ by thi. fcrmation a transitional layer between t-he-Ee zwo 3 s. b,-~ndinz str-ngth lepends on th~- strength cf the t_rsn-:!.,~_J*.~-_,e,1 d~ITC-4,_51-r -ne th~ ca1_-)r!z,.ng all:y and the steel. In thatz .!,-n:s have carried cut t~, stLdy the effect of vari--us addi--.,_cnsr -,.7 -he Minum :~n the n-iture o,' f-Tmation of "he transitizvnal zorie- and ~Jie b~.-ndfn;_, strenz":-. !,- f-u-nd T,-, M:s, Nb and Ta additicns chinge *.h-- acicuL~r shartz --f thin F-A!, Pr=--_pita-1, i -,4h!2.-? mie tall ~graphi c investigatiM3 Cf ir ",~e at 731OLC ihow-~'j t-hat T!, Zr, Nb, Ta and Mo a:id.4tions ,:f /0_21f ea~'- du~,? the tranS,1,11.cpal zTn- thiclrx;esa. The trininrum TraLnsi-,_!f:.n Z:)ns was ~~bta_lic-d Wher, 0.2A Ti a_nd 5% Zn were added to the aluminum, and a.115~ 9% Sn 24 cu- t'nrz al.uminum a'_.L~y du:~ing -alorizing. The Bhearing strength --f the ~-MP7~~Ind -AM-ant's t') 6) -- 80% -:,f ths --hearing strength -)f the aluminum be:~_r'InS :t'l` Th-~ Jnvt4s1..1zat1:,n r7t,_-ults proved that the strength of the bimetallt- S/128/62/000/007/661/ool, A004/A127 AMOR: Semenov Y TITLE: The effect of various additives In the hot-calorizing bath on the dimensions of the intermetallic zone PM!IODICC,: Liteynoye proizvodstvo, no. 7. 1962, '216 - 27 TEXT: The production of bimetallic components (steel-aluminum alloys) by casting requires the calorizing of the steel base prior to casting the Al-all,)y. When the steel blank is dipped into the molten bath, the aluffdnum diffuses in the steel, forming an intermetallic zone. T'he metalkurgical strength of the steel-aluminum compound is the itigher, the smaller tHe dimeruiion of this zonc. The addition of Si, Cu. Be, Cr and Ti reduces the dimensions of the intermetiallic zone. Investigations were carried out to determine these dimensions, depending on the cooling rate of the calorized part and the effect of various element ad- ditions to the alloy used for hot calorizing. The author gives a descripticn of the tests carried out, presents somd graphs showing the results of spectral analyses and x-ray diffraction studies of bimetallic specimens and points CAtt Card 1/2 S/ I 28/6,,?/OOO/C)07/00 1/001 The effect of various additives in... Aoo4/Ai,,y7 that Sn, Cu and Zn do not participate in the formation of the diffusion zone. Zr, reduced by Al from zirconium potassium fluoride during calorizing, is dis- tributed in the layer in the form of traces only. The phase composition of the intermetallic diffusion zone was determined on special steel specimens with calorized surface by an _.z-ray diffraction analysis carr.'ed out by the X-ray Labo- ratory of the Plant im. Malyshev. The analysis of the specimens 'Showed that the diffusion zone consists of three intermetallic compositions, viz. Fe3A1, Fe2A'5 and FeAl " The intermetallic compounds richer In Fe are located neLrer to the steei. 2n and Ti-additions do not change the phase composition of the diffusion zone; only their ratio and total amount vary. There are 4 figures. rd 2/2 -S EMENOV 2 YIL3-- Effect of various additions to the bath for dip calori2ing on the thickness of the intermetallic zone. Lit.proizv. n.o.7: 26-27 Jl 162. (MIBA 16:2) (Aluminum coating) (Laminated metals) ---WAffiNGV-,-M-.Yer.-,FROLGV, V.K. Rare case of cryttal grovth. Lit.proizv. no.1:34 A 163. (MMA 16:3) (Crystals--Grow-th) SEMENOV, M.Ya. . 4- - - _ _ --.- - `- Unusual migration of Felobatida. pelobates. Priroda 52 no.7: 117 Jl 163. (MIR." 16:8) 1. Rostovskava oblastnaya sanitarno-epidemiclogichaskaya stantsiya. (No subject headings) l~".1-34ENCV, MIZ., prepoduvatall Svjxces of evine erysipelas. Veterinariia 11 no.8z42 Ag 164 0 1. 1 (MIRA 3184 1. Kashinskiy zoovaterinar-fy teldudkumq Y-alininskaya oblastul. ' ' SEMENOV, M.Z., pf46davatell Treatment of animals infected with ringworm. Veterinaxiia 39 no.1106 H 162. OaRA 16: 10) l.-Kashinski~r,;oovate'ritiarnyy tokhnikum, Kalininskoy oblasti, SHEVTSOV, Aleksandr Alekseyevich; LYSENKO, A.A., prof., retsenzent; ISEMENOV, M.Z.) p-repod., retsenzent; DREVLYANSKAYA, N.I., red. [Veterinary parasitology] Veterinarnaia parazitologiia. MG- skva, Kolos, 1965. 414 P. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Donskay sellskokhozyaystvennyy institut (for Lysenko). 2. Kashinskiy zooveterinarnyy tekhnikum (for semenov). SEMENW, N. In the homelaryl of steam shipping. Rech. transp. 24 no. 10: 13-14 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Nachallnik Oevero-Zapadnogo parokhodstva. SEMENCV, N, We shall achieve our goals as planned. Rech. tranap. 21 no,,Bt 7-8 Ag 162. (MIRA 181,q) I 1. Nachallnik Severo-Zapadnogo rechnogo parokhodstva, SzKoov, N. .. ~~4j~ ik~~ Ship's radial-thrust bearing. Mor.i rech.flot 14 no.2:30-31 IP 154. (MLRA-7:1) (Bearings (Machinery)) 140), 24(8) --/029/60/000/02/005/025 AUTHOR: Semenov, N., Engineer BOO8/BO11 TITLE: The Demon of the Factory "Santekhnikall PERIODICAL: Tekhnika molodezhi, '1960, Nr 2, pp 7 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In this scientific-technical section the author reports on a new air-conditioning system. Its principle is based on the Peltier effect. A brief explanation of this effect is given, and the Russian physicist Lents is mentioned in this connec- tion. The possibility of building such a system by the application of semiconductor elements was demonstrated to- gether with its economical aspect both practically and theoretically by a collective of Soviet scientists under the 1"/ supervision of Academician A. I. Ioffe. The factory "Santekh- -- nika" in Moscow, Second Bablyegorodskiy pereulok was commis- sioned with the construction of a model. A scheme thereof is depicted (color insert). The electrical part consists.ot a semiconductor battery which is connected in series with the 8tep-down transformer and the rectifier. Brass fins (radiators) are eoldered onto the poles. The air current is conveyed past Card 1/2 them through 2 channels by means of ventilators. It was found SEMEINOVP N. Device for injecting starting fuel. Avt. transp. 42 no.11: 21-23 N 164. (MIRA M12) 1. Nauchno-lasledovateltakiy institut avtomobillnogo transporta. 11. , ', ,From the Lenir Yine. Sov. profsoiuzy 6 no.6:51-53 Je 158, (MIRA 4.1:7) (Aldan District--Gold mines and mining) IGITATIYEV, G. (Leningrad); SFv'.EN0Y,-E,-(Jeningrad); PUPOV, I. (Leningrad) In support of the Communist way of life. Zhil.-kom. khoz. 11 no.4:13 Ap f6l. (14IRA 14:6) (Leaingrad--Housing management) I SPENOV) U.. Reliability of door control equipment of motorbuis~-,'-.4vl;~ transp. 41 no.12:32-34 D 163. :'L5 1. Nauchno-iSI31edovatellskiy institut avtomobillnogo trim- porta. SDIRTOV) N, p ft~iPidnudl.k 87mhol of the ng-w Vrlst. Vozd. Fl. ncO4."57 Ap IL-1. I r, I I (MIRA D,-7) (Astronauticg) A SEIC-NOV, N. ODerational reliabiLity of the pneuratic system of urbar. inotorbuses. Avt. transp. 42 no,7:20-22 Ji 164. (RIRA 17: 11) 1. Nauchno-issledova-.eliskiy institut avtomobiltnogo transportAi. 4 SEMENOV, N. Maintaining normal thermal conditions Of mOtor-vehicle engines in winter. Avt.tranSF- 43 no.3:18-21 Mr 165. (MIRA 18:5) A. --Cland -Tech-Bci-- - Dissertation: "Pe,)endence of the ATPo,-nt of Salt Entered into Fish During, Pickling on tho Si7c of Fish and the Prothod of their Treatment Pe-fore Picklin,7. "oscow Technical Inst cf Fish Industry and Econor.Tr I. imeni A. I. Mil oyan 80 Vecheryaya Moskva SLI m 71 SEMENOV, N.A., kand.t eldin.nauk. TechnolO.Oical charalteriotics of inertia type vibrators, Tru4T VNIRO 35:84-96 '58- (MIRA 11:11) 1. Nauchno-isaledovateltakly institut mekhanizataii rybnoy promyshlen- nosti. (Vibrators) (Fish. Salt--Packaging) SNONOVI N.A., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.: PODUROVSKlY, N.I., inzh. Heat-curing of concrete using clean saturated steam. Bet. i zhel.- bet. no.12:480-486 D 157. (MM ll.~ly (Concrete) (Autoclares) t\ _~ !_ - ~_\ L_ \__~ '- 11~ , k-; SBMKNOV, N.A., inzh. ikpansion coefficient of foam silicate during heating. Bet. i zhel.-bet. no.12:498-499 D 157. (MIRA 11:1) (NxPansion of solids) (Air-entrained concrete) SOV/124-58-7-811 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 7, p 122 (1 AUTHOR: Semenov, N.A. TITLE: ----1~n 1V6 =t i a of the Structural Properties of "Foam Silici (A Foamy Porous Concrete With a Binder of Lime and Grour up Sand Instead of Cement) and of the Bearing Capacity and Stiffness of Building Elements Made Therefrom Under Com- pressive and Flexural Stresses (Issledovaniye stroitcl'nykh svoystv penosilikata, nesushchey sposobnosti i zhestkosti szhato-izognutykh elementov zdaniy iz etogo materiala) ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry on the author's dissertation for the de gree of Candidate cf the Technical Sciences, presented to th4 N.-i in-t novykh stroit. materialov otdelki i oborud. zdaniy A-kad. str-va i arkhitekt. SSSR (Scientific Research Institute for New Construction Materials, Trimming, and Outfitting ol Buildings, Academy of Building and Architecture, USSR), Moscow, 1958 ASSOCIATION: N.-i. in-t novykh stroit. materialov, otdelki i oborud. zdaniy Alad. str-va i arkhitekt. SSSR (Scientific Research In C Card 1/2 tute for New Construction Materials, Trimming, and Outfitti SEMBNOV, N.A., karid.tekhn.nauk, dots. GOOParative testing of flat and annular BpeCimens of sheet steel for boilers. Trudy GPI 13 no.8:116-122 '58. il (MIRA 13:2) ft. (Steel--Testing) 37197 S/1 08/6 21017/005/003/007 D407/D301 U U-7 0 R Se-enov N. '., Member of the Society (see Zl%.ssocia- f,ion~ TITLE: Directivity diagrams of linear radiators r~ PE'HIODICI'LL: Radiotekhnika, v. 17, no. 5, 19062, 26-33 7 ,, rn ','-e condilio-s are ascertained under which the directivity dia-rams o_-F similar discrete and continuous linear antenna systems prac-U.*cally coincide; the magnitude of possible differences between the diagrams is estimated. Discrete and continuous systems are con- sidered as s-'Lmilar: 1) if the ratio A/A is the same in both sys- tems (A being defined by a = AIN, where N is the total number of radiators and a the distance between them); 2) if G(xk Gk (where -Fficient which characterizes the excitation*of each an- G Ls a coe. tenna of the system, and G(x) is a normalized function which cha- racterizes the distribution of the excitation along the continuous --system - and 3) if the modulus and the phase of G(x) vary according P~~ Card( 1/6 Directivity diagrams of ... .S/1 08/0'52/017/005/4003/007 D','07/D301 to a certain rule in the interval between coordinate z)oints. The directivity diagram of the continuous system is determined by means o.' a Fourier intelgral-transform, and that of the discrete i3y.5tem by a Fourier series. The directivity function of the discrete sys- tem is G '9 ku fN(u) ke k=1 where Sk is the coordinate of the center of the k-th anten:aa. The directivity function of the continuous system is 1. itplf "I G (I)e eiu I df, = f (u + ~pj (9) -1 c Card 2/6 Directivity diagrams of ... S/1 08/62/017/005/003/'007 D407/:)3/0i T~ie f,(u), defined by series (5) is periodic, wherEas the ~U-Iaction _Js not periodic. Evidently, the directivity diagrams of bo-Lh. systems can be idEntical, only if the periodicity of the z' .unction f,(u) does not aj pear in the interval -ZA~//t Li /A. This amounts to the condition: a = A/N 1 kd + 1 2 (11) .o.- t.,,-e distance between nei-hboring antennas of the discre-,.e sys- 0 tem (k. is t~ie laL- coelfficient of the ~,.rave). Condition (11) of non- d CD neriodicity o--f' the directivity diagram is the necessary condition .Lor ecuivalent interchan-aability of the discrete and continuous systems. 111he interchangeability of systems can be used (in -various cases) for re.ndering more simple the analysis of directivity cha- C, -racteristics of antennas. The excitation function G e(g) OIL the Card 3/ Directivity diagrams of C) S11 103/062/017/005/003/007 D407/D301 continuous system is determined, whose directivity function coin- cides with that of the discrete system in the interval -U/2 /,.u -ly outside -his interval. The function U/2, and vanishes identica- U G is well-known from Kote--Inikov's the orem on functions with li- mited spectrum. One of the oossible methods of replacing a d-s- crete system by a continuous one, irvolves the representation of the excitation function of the latter in the forn:of a step func- U-Lon, viz.: N G 7 G s Z-1 k k=1 (14) %,.,here k. The directivity diagrams of a discrete sy.,;-Uem were compared with-those ol"a similar continuous system G s61. It was found that the directivity diagrams of a discrete system can 0 Qard 4/6 S/1 08/62/017/005/003/'007 Directivity diagrams of ... -D407/D301 C> be replaced (within a permissible error) by diagrams of continuous systems, provided the curve G(S) passes throd~gh the points G, in. a certain %..,ay. Further, the error is estimated for the convefse replacement (continuous system by discrete one). Thereby it was found that the permissible error is 5% for N 2 + 3 io or N 2 I I 3r 5 (16) There are 7 'Li.-ures, 1 table and 1 Soviet-bloc refe*rence. ASSOC 1XIT ION: '.,Tauc',Imo-tekb--iic--h-eskoye obs'-,..chestvo radiotflekhniki i elektrosvyazi im. A. S. Popova (Scientific and Techni- cal Society of -Radio Engineering and Electrical- Card 5A Co=unications imeni A. S. Popov) Z-Abstracter's S/1 08 /,2/017/005/003,/007 Directivity diagrams of ... D4077D301 note: Name of Association taken from firut page of journal._7 SUBI-LITTED: November 25, 1960 Card 6/6 KOMMOV, N.K.; NE-94EYANOV. a.g.; SEKINOV, N.A. Synthesis of isoxazoles from 2-chlorovinyl kstones. Bull. Acad. Sci., Div. Chem. Sci. 152, .07-102 [Engl. translation]. (CA 47 no.19:9964 '53) 10 I md as aly 2 wbich- th #Adwi, ,y 4 at ~'O~g~tha- ti I CM J, :j4J4_7%',* 1,53ts, im7w,13, tal_ltn.,~- iWil "Ca to I ;Wldt-1301'c.~ -AAG t With 41 hr' sAdV.5 at 011ii ikh decomp& ,IdUA timted- with M was difficult, its L.Atim a in go ttdrr RCI 'to sts soln.;. th hodtC 50) sov/62-59-4-13/42 AUTHORS: Freydlina, R. Kh., Semenov, N. A., Neameyanov, A. N. TITLE: Synthesis of Aromatic Compounds of the Types ArCH 2CH-Ccl2 and Ar'(CH2CH=CC1 2)2 (Sintez aromaticheskikh soyedineniy tipa ArCH2CH=CCl2 i Ar'(CH 2CH=CC1 2Y PERIODICAL; Izve3tiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, 1959, Nr 4, pp 652-656 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It has already been shown (Refs 1 and 2) that 1,1,1-trich'Loro- propene and 1,1,3-trichloropropene-1 condense with benzene and some other aromatics in the presence of aluminum chloride to form compounds having the structure ArCH 2CH=CC12. In the present work the synthesis of substances of this type was continued and some of their conversions were investigated. In addition, aromatic compounds containing y,y-dichloroallyl groups were synthesized. As the condensation in the presence of aluminum chloride is very violent and accompanied by saponification it was attempted to effect the reaction in the presence of other Card 1/3 Friedel-Crafts catalysts (SnCl 41 ZnC12, SbCl 5). The reaction SOV/62-59-4-13/42 Synthesis of Aromatic Compound3 of the Types ArCH 2CH=CCl2 and Ar'(CH 2CH=CCl 2)2 was found to proceed smoothly in the presence of antimony pentachloride. The process can be controlled and the reaction mixture is homogeneous. The condensation of 1,1,3-trichlcjro- propene-I with toluene in the presence of SbCl 5 gave 3-(13-tolu- ene)-1,1-dichloropropene-1 in a yield of 80%. The introduction of two y,y-dichloroallyl groups into the aromatic nucleus takes place in one or two stages. The interaction of equimo'Lar quan- tities of naphthalene and 1,1,3-trichloropropene-1 in heptane in the presence of aluminum chloride or tin chloride gives mixtures of mono- or dialkylated products. The condensation of 3-(p-chloropheziyl)-1,1-dichloropropene-I with 1,1,3-tric:hloro- propene-1 in t1le presence of aluminum chloride gave a compound of the compositionClC 6H 3(CH2 CH-Ccl 2)2' The interaction of 3-phenyl-l,'i,1,2-tetrachloropropazie with 1,1,3-trichloro- propane in the presence of SbCl 5 gave a compound P-Ccl 2=CHCH2C6 H4CH2CHClCCl 3* Its structure was proved ty oxida- tion. The interaction of benzene with 1,10,3-tetrach1c,ro- Card 2/3 propane in the presence of SbCl 5 gave 3-phenyl-1,1-d-" chloro- SOV/62-59-4-13/42 Synthesis of Aromatic Com1pounis of the Types ArCH 2CH=CCl2 and Ar1(CE2CH=CCl 2)2 propene-1 and 3-(p-phenylene)-bie-1,1-dichloropropene-1. The oxidation of 3-(p-chlorophenyl)-1,1-dichloropropene-1 with aqueous nitrogenous acid gave p-chlorocinnamic acid. There are 7 references, 6 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut e1ementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Elemental-organic Compounds of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: July 13, 1957 (initially) and April 14, 1958 (after revision) Card 3/3 5 7 70 6 5 sov/62-F-9-12-(/'43 9 AUTHORS: Nesmeyanov, A. N., Semenov, N. A. TITLE: Preparation of OL, U,W-Trichloroalkenes From a, a, a, (.4)-Tetrachloroalkanes FERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii rauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskik-h nauk, 1959, Nr 12, pp 2119-2121 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Some higher a, CL, CL, W-tetrachloroalkanes, obtained by 'Celomerization of ethylene with carbon tetrachloride, were dehydrochlorinated over ZnCl2,, at 135-1500, for 3 hr to form CC1 =CH(CH ) C! (yield 74%; bp 122-1230 at 2mm, n.20 2 2 9 D 1.4820) and CC1 2=CH(CH2),,Cl (yield 70%; bp 14T-!480 at 2 mm, n20 1.4805). 1,1,1,3-Tetrachloropropane was s1mi- D larly dehydrochlorinated to 1,1,3-'Urichloroprop-l-erie (yield 76%; bP 132--32-50, n 20 1.4948). The same reaction D Card 1/2 can be accomplished In 53% yield by using KOH in Preparation of a. a, W-Trichloroalkenes 77065 From a, a, U, W-Tetrachloroalkanes Soy/62-59-1'2-9/1~ ethylcell03olve. There are 4 references, 3 Soviet, 1 U.K. The U.K. reference is: British patent 581901 and 2410541. ASSOCIATION: Institute of Elemen'L",-Organic Compounds, Academy of Sciences, USSR (Insti-lut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy Akademil Nauk SSR) SUBMITTED: April 14, 1958 Card 2/2 NESMLZANOV, A.N.; ~MBDLIXA, R.Kh.;,SB~MIN,N.A. SynthesiFi of dicraboxylic acids of the type HD0C(CH2)mC6H4(CH2)nC00H- Izv. All SSSR.Otd. khim. nauk no.11:1969-1973 N 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Institut elementoorganiche5kikh soyedineniy AN SSSR. (Acids, Organic) SEMENOV, N. A. Cand Chem Sci - (diss) "Study in the field of aromatic compounds synthesized on the basis of o(,O(,(,jW-tetrachloralkanes." Moscow, 1961. 11 pp; (Academy of Sciences USSR, Inst of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinskiy); 110 copies; price not given; (KL, 6-61 sup, 199) y1u; 1~reparat On f higher cz) -c hio-ocarboxy' c ;-;cJds f'-rlm kI Z W -tetrachIor(, alkalE:S. 37 no.01:2003-2007 3 (14,!Ftik 17-10) N SSSR. C., -cheskikh soieadlneniy All _T1:3 t 41tl,, t SMS110vt IT.A. c o, ~,.C~W.Sr3 "r.,:. Ir ntri,bution to tbp C-f TIS-I~Ah %"Iiiato'llhe ~~ .- ;: (I-alu --9t8) i;lektvars 10 i-J, -49 165. S E~ , f"T' 11,0111 11 . ,* USSR/Electronics - Condensers FD-533 Card 1/1 : Pub. go-9/18 Author : Semenov, N. A., and Gutman, 1. N., Active bLembers, VNORiE Title : Calculating the plate shape for a continuously rotating conderBer Periodical : Radiotekhnika 9, 72-73, MaY/Jun 1954 Abstract : Gives formula for determining plate shape (based on number of condenser plates, space between plates, and internal radius of the stator plates) of a continuously rotating condenser for use in application stch as sweep circuits. Institution : All-Union Scientific and Technical Society of Radio Engineering and Electric Communications imeni A. S. Popov (VNORiE) Submitted : November 27, 1953 SEMENDV, N.A. Mimarical method for Inventigating transients in linear systems. Naach. dokl.vys.ahkoly; radiotekh. i elektron. no.2:215-225 1 58. (MIRA 12: 1) 1. Kafedra, tooraticheskikh osnov radiotekhniki Vnesoyuznogo zaachnogo elektrotekhnicheskogo institute. i3vyazi. (Transients (Electricity)) (Numerical calculations) ,~~ZMQS-A4t -I I Error resulting from the use of a peak voltmeter in the measurement of a pulsating voltage. Nauch.dokl.vys.shkoly; radiotekh. I, elektron. no-3:151-153 158. (MIRA 12:11) 1. Kafedra. teoreticheskikh o9nov radiotekhniki Vsesoyuznogo zao(,-hn:)go elektrotekhnicheekogo instituta svyazi. (Electronic measurements) SEMENOV, N.A. Wave classes of dielectric wave guides. Haucb.dokl.vys.sbkoly; radio- tekh.1 elektron. no.4:60-71 158. (141RA 12:6) 1. GoaudarstvenTTy naucbno-issledovatel'skiy inatitut 14inioterstva svyazi SSSR. (wave guides) THOR. Semenc-r. N.A., SOV/ 06- 58-- 1-0/13 T I TME - of a Pulse Signal in a Uniform Backg--~und cf noise by a Linear Dete-;t'or -..,iith Trough Limitin6 ~Preo- brazcv-aniye impul'snugo signala na. ff'one gladkoy pGmekhl lineynym detek-torom s o.Eranicheniyem po minimumu) -rosligazl-, 1958, Dr 5, FEUODICAL~ Elekt, 62 - 6? (USSR)~ J~BSTRACT, Formulae k4.9 - 10) of Rice's 19144 paper in the form of a double series is adapted to the 3ase %,.,here the output from 'the det-ector is arranged to be zerc. ~-hea the input falls bel~'U a certain level. ri,-,ure 1 shows the output signai/noise ratio as a fun,~~tion of the input signal/noise ratio for several Va Ues of the normalised limiting level. Figure 2 shows the n'or--pariscn between linear and cuad-ratic detectors for the same parameters. It will be noticed from Eq.(10), which is the final fcrmula, that the denominator goes through a rini=ani when the normalized limit level (q) has the value 0.8. The numera-1c,r is,also a functlon of the in-Dut signal/noise r--atio, howe-.rer. The table Gives the optimum value of limit.:Mg for input siCnal/r.-Dise ratio and the gain compared 'V.Tith the ;ase. Card 1/2 SOV/106-.-8-5--10/13 Conversion of a Pulse SiCmal, j-n P- Uniform Background of voise by a Linear Dete:Acr with Trough Limit-Ing Viare are 2 fi-ures 1 table and 5 references. 4 of -rlich C) A.. are Scv-iet and I Englisb, SUBIMITTED: SeDtember 2?, 191? Card 2/2 66316 -9-~WT, -0 0 SOV/162-59-1-10/27 AUTHOR: Semenov, N.A. TITLE: The Attenuation in a Dielectric Waveguide PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly, Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 1959, Yr 1, pp 83-90 ABSTRACT: The author derives a formula to determine the attenu- ation coefficient of an electromagnetic wave beinj,,~, pro- pagated along an isotropic rod having a higher optical density than the surrounding medium. The formula acc- ounts for dielectric and magnetic losses of both media. This article is a continuation of the author's work published in a previous paper ~Ref 42. The symbcls f3r the formulas are the same as in the preceeding paper and their meaning is not explained in this article. The author refcrs to papers by W.M. Blsasser ZIR-ef 17 and M. Jouguet ZF-ef g which contain formulas for the attenuation of waves with circular symmetry and basic dipole waves accounting only for dielectric losses of Card V3 the rod itself. I.A. Dombrovskiy ZR-ef 37 achieved a 66316 SOV/162-59-1-10/27 The Attenuation in a Dielectric Waveguide general solution of the circular waveguide problem accounting for dielectric losses in both media. He con- sidered especially a waveguide with non-ideal metal walls. The author compares the formulas which he deri- ved with analogous formulas of Elsasser's and JOUgUetS Papers. The review of the available data on the attenua- tion in dielectric waveguides shows the coincidence of results with those present in this paper for three sim- Ple waves, at A = 1, in the absence of magnetic loss- es and with losses in the external medium. In an apnen- dix, the functions fn (Xl) and qn (YI) are discuss-ed for the case of a complex argument. There are 3 graphs, and 5 references, 3 of which are Russian, 1 English, and 1 French. ASSOCIATION: Gosudarstvennyy nauchr-o-issledovatellskiy institut Ministerstva svyazi (State Scientific Research Inst-4-- Card 2/3 tute of the .7.inistry of Communications) Will' m~~ 66316 SOV/162-59-1-10/27 The Attenuation in a Dielectric Waveguide w , SUBMITTED: July 9, 1958 Card 3/3 MENOV, N.A. Wave para~aeters in a dielectric wave guide. Nauch. dokl. vys i3hkoly. radiotekh. i elektron. no.2:67-76 '59. (MIRA 14:5; 1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut Ministerstim sy ,yazi. (Wave gL4des) SEMENOV, NiA. Asymptotic formulas for fading in a dielectric wave guide. Naucb. dokl. vys. shkoly; radiotekh. i elektron. no.2:77-81+ 159. (MI FA 14; 5) 1. GosWIarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut Ministerstva t I E;Yyazio (wave gaides) -88160 s/log/60/005/011/009/014 E140/E483 AUTHOR: SeM_O_n.ov. N.A. TITLE: Calculation ;'f the Wave Parameters in a Dielectric. Waveguide PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 1960, Vol.5, No.11, pp.1828-1836 TEXT: The article applies the results of the author's previous work on this subject (Ref.]. to 4) to the linanuall calculation of i the parameters of round dielectric waveguides. The characteristic', equation was solved by an iteration method for the waves Eq. 4LA- T.) h2 0 (1) G-17 1101; E01; EH10; Elill; E1120; E"30; HEll and'HE21 with 11 E = 1.1, 2.5, 10, 100. Conclusions are drawn from the curves concerning the characteristics and parameters which behave in a manner common to all wave types and the distinguishing Card 1/2 88160 s/log/60/005/011/009/014 Ei4o/E483 Calculation of the Wave Parameters in a Dielectric Waveguide characteristics are listed in detail. Acknowledgments are expressed to N.N.Talalayeva, K.I.Kolesnikova, R.V.Landsman, V.A.Semenova and A.M.Bogomolova for their assistance*. There are 12 figures, I table and 7 references: 6 Soviet and 1 non-Soviet. SUBMITTED: December 28, 1959 Card 2/.2 cEMENOVS-N-A*- 'Afe operati-m of autoclaves. Bezop.truda v prom. 5 no.6:11-12 Je 161. (MMA 14:6) (F=nding--Safety measures) SEMENOVY N.A, Radiation patterns of linear radiators. Radiotekhaika 17 no.5:26-33 My 162. (MIRA 15:5) 1. DeystvitelInyy chlen Rauchno-tekhnicheskogo obshchostva radiotekhniki i elek-trosvyazi imeni Popova. (Antennas (Electronics)) SEMENOVP N.A.; SEMENOV, V.V., otv. red.; MAKSAEOVA, A.I., red. [Matching of balanced vibrators and transmission lines] Soglasovanie simmetrichnykh vibratorov s fiderom; ucheb- noe posobie po kursu "Antenny." Moskva. Pt.2.,-ch.2. 1962. 89 p. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Vsesoyuznyy zaochnyy elektrotekhnicheskiy inAtitut svyazi. (Radio lines) (microwaves) -SEMENOV:, N.A.; SEMENOV, V.V., otv. red.; MAKSAKOVA, A.I., red. (Radiation of center-fed dipoles] Izluchenie simmetrich- nykh vibratorov; uchebnoe posobie po, kLLrau "Antenny." ?4oskva, Pt.2., ch.l. 1962. 61 p. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Vsesoyuznyy zaochnyy elektrotekhnichaskiy institut svyazi. (Radio-Antennas) (Antennas (Electronics)) (Microwaves) SEMENOV SEMENOV, V.V., otv. red.; MAKSAKOVA, A.I.,-red. (Matching of balanced vibrators and transmission lines) Soglasovanie simmetrichnykh vibratorov s fiderom; ucheb- noe posobie po kursu "Antenny." Moskva. Pt.2., ch.2. 1962. 89 p. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Vsesoyuznyv. zaochnyy elektrotekhnicheakiy inititut svyazi. (Radio lines) (Microwaves) A-: NOV, V.V., otv. red.; MAKSAK07A, A.I.,, red. (Matching of balanced vibrators and transmission lines] Soglasovanie simmetrichnykh vibratorov 3 fiderom; ucheb- noe posobie po kursu "Antenny." Moskva, Fte2.,-chx2. 1962. 89 p. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Vsesoyuznyy zaochnyy elektrotekhnicheskiy inititut avyazi. (Radio lines) (microwaves) SEMOVA, N.A.; MITELIMAN, L.V. Dynamic magnetization loops of 65NP and 79NM alloys at frequencies up to 10 c.p.s. Elektrichestvo no.9:6~~69 S 163. (MIRA 16:10) 1. TSentraltnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut chernoy metallurgii. ; FOLUMMY, A.M.; SEMOV, V.V., oLv. rod., MIENOV 1;,A_, V'2REF.,',K_A._Y_'A, L.S... red. (Surface-wave lines for television tranomission] Linil poverkhnostnui volny dlia pered&cId televLdeniia. Mosk-~Iak Red.-izd. otdel VZEIS, 1963. 71 p. (MIRA 180) %ACCESSION NR, AP4042517 S/0109/64/009/00411-ij-6/1205 AUTHOR: Semenovo N. A. TITLE: Modes in a surface-wave line SOURCE: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v. 9, no. 7, 1964, 1198-1205 TOPIC TAGS: wave mode, surface wave, surface wave line ABSTRACT: The propagation of electromagnetic waves along a circular perfect- conductivity metal rod coated with a layer of a magnetodielectric ("surface-wave line") is theoretically considered. The general case, a thin-dielectric -layer case, and a thin-conductor case are treated. The boundary problem solved else- where results in this characteristic equation: EA1, - P. == 0 and-this equation of parameters: x2 + y' == P-, which are similar to the dielectric -wave guide equations; the distribution of longitudinal field components and upper boundary frequency is considered. The functions that constitute the above characteristic equation are Card jl/z ~.CCJESSIO.N NR: AP4042517 analyzed. The regions of existence and relations between the field components for each possible solution of the above equations are determined. 'Electric and magnetic circularly- symmetrical modes are tabulated, as well as some hybrid i'modes. As a result of the above analysis, all surface-wave modes of practical interest are classified. Orig, art. has: 4 figures, 22 formulas, and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: none SUBWTTED* Z7Apr63 ENCL: 00 i SUB CODE: EC NO REF SOV: 003 OTHER: 005 Card :2/2 F-ACC -i4-R.AP6021914- CODE: URPM8/661021/003/0025/0030 AUTHOR: S-e _4,,_&,,_(Active member) 36 ORG: Scientific and Technical Society of Radio Engineering and Telecommunications im A. S. Popov (Nauchno-tekhnicheskoye obahchestvo radiotekhaiki i elektroevyami) TITLE: Transmitting power of a dielectric waveguide/ SOURCE: Radiotekhnika, v. 21, no. 3, 1966, 25-30 TOPIC TAGS: dielectric waveguide, waveguide ABSTRACT: Equations have been derived for calculating the distribution of powers between a dielectric rod and an outer mediums %the boundaty.-Faditis of the field'dnd- the group velocity of a wave. The existence of a relationship between the distribu- tion of powers and the wave velocities in a waveguide has been shown. Relationshipj have been found for determining the limiting transmitted power under thermal operat- ing conditions and the maximum disruptive power of a waveguide. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 17 formulas. [Based on author' a abstract) [NTj 09/- SUB CODE: 2*1 SUBM DATE: 02Apr64/ ORIG REF: 007/ ACC NR: AP7012395. SOURCE CODE: UV,0187/67/000'001 0046/0049 AUTHOR: Semenov, N. A.; Gulskarov, P. S. ORG: none TITLE: Surface wave line for television transmission SOURCE: Tekhnika kino I televedeniye, no. 1, 1967, 46-49 TOPIC TAGS: transmission line, frequency modulation, signal distortion, TV system SUB CODE: 09 ur rfac. ABSTRACT: :The characteriszics and specific feat es of an experimental su e .-- "I -'sion transmission line using frequency modulation set up between wave te evi f the results of Maloyaroslavets and Obn4-rsk are described. Ajn evaluation o measurements using the experimental line is presented. The experiments showed that the wave guide and apparatus'of the surface wave line have quality indicators within the established norms with the exception of periodic distortion caused by double reflections from the points of connection of the wave guide to the over- .head cable posts. The voltage reflection coefficient from one post is 3%. :Improvements in the method of suspending the wire will permit, the authors believe a reduction in reflection by a factor of 1.5-2, which wfll elini=ate the signal tistortion for_linesup to km Ian& .Orig, art, bas: 6 figures and Card 1/i 1 formda.. LJFRS2 40#450 UDC:. 621.395.4:621.397 -- - ---- w7 9-13.2-' 13/7 SEMLNOV, N. A. 25940. Irolebaniya urovnya vody v podkhodnykh TanAlflk-h pri napolnenii I oporozhnonii kamor shlyuzov. Trudy Leningr. in-ta inzhomirov vod. transporta, vyp. 15, 1949, a. 33-57. SO: Knizhnaya Letopial, Vol. 1, 1955 1. SE1411OVY N. A. 2. USSR (600) 4. Locks (Hydraulic Engineering) 7. Investigating the operatilon of floating mooring rings, Trudy LINT, no. 18, 1951. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 1953, uncl. P- SX!~MV,_K%A., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; LYAKMTMIY, T.Te., doktor tekhnicheskikh nau , redaktor. [Lock waterways In the U.S.S.R.; transcript of a public lecture. Shliuzovannye vodnys puti SSM. Leningrad, 1953. 42 p. (XLRA 7:8) (Canals) TLEVI. I.I., professor;-~-~l.1.4-N!~T,_,N.A., kandidat.takhnicheskikh nauk. radaktor. [Hydraulic engineering construction on lowland rivers] Gidro- takhnicheskis sooruzhe i1e. na ravninnykh rekakh. Leningrad, Iq i1 eT - 55, 30 P. Imicrof m (MLRA 9:1) (Hydraulic engineering) 124-57-1-535 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mckhanika, 1957, Nr 1, p 67 (USSR) a, AUTHOR: Semanov, N.A. TITLE: Water Losses in Navigation Locks and Their Prevention (Utechka vody v shlyuzakh i borba s neyu) PERIODICAL: Tr. Leningr. in-ta inzli. vod. transp. , 1955, Nr 22, pp 17-32 ABSTRACT: The sources of water leakage in navigation locks are pin- pointed. A calculation of the motion of the water through cracks is adduced, also an estimate of the magnitude of the leakage loss, methods for its determination, and means for its minim- ization. V.V. Fandeyev 1. Canals--Navigational locks 2. Water--Losses--Applications 3. Water--Losses--Prevention Card 1/1