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:NM6-NDYAY&VA, T.K. Improvement of quality of toilet and housahold soaps by the addition of phoBpholipide concentrate. Hasloboyno Zhirovaya Prom. 18, No.4, 15-17 '53. Waa 6:4) (CA 47 n0-17:9037 153) SEKENDTAYETA, T.K., inshener. 'zz Some data on the coloring subetanceis of cottonseed oils. Mael.-zhir. prom. 23 no.4:7-10 '57. (NMA 10:5) 1. lkrainskiy nauchno-iseledovatellukiy institut myaenoy _promysh- lennoati. . (Coloring matter) (Gottonsojid oil) 7- ly Z-?, 9, 'MH -FOV, F.U.; B.A. Dust control in '-arr,e cross-section horisorta' drifting. Gor.r?mr. no.9:59-61. S 157. (RLRA V:q) 1. Unipromed'. Wine duste) SEMENEITKO, A,D, Effect of the nervina system on the erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Trudy Vaeo.ob-va fiziol.biokhim.i farm. 2:88-91 154. (MLRA 8:7) 1. Kafedre, normallnoy fiziologii Kazakhakogo gosudarstvannogo medi- teinsko 0 institute, im. V.X.Molotova. &RVOUS SYSTEM, physiolog7, eff. of stimulation on erythrocyte sedimentation in dogs) BLOOD SEDIMENTATION, physiology, eff. of nervous stimulation in dogs) "1 9 IE!ENENKO A..~,.q Inzh.; VASrL'YrV, M.Ya., in2b.; AIEKSEYEV, Yu.P., inzb. PreparIng a fireproof ,3uqp:-n,-,-,on witi.aut ethyl silicate solvents for investment casting. Maslinostroenie no.6:63- 64 N-D 165. (~flRA 18- 12) M USSR/Plant Physiology. Photosynthesis I kbs Jour Ref Zhur-Biol., No 13t 1958, 58193 kuthor Ins'. :4e'c%'tDiao&nk~oof~~sD~;obotany, I.cademy of Sciences KazakhSSR, Title Dynamics of Spectral Lum-.nosity in Etiolated Plants Orig Pub Tr. Sektora astrobotan., 1957, 5, 18?-198 Abetract Grafts of the 2nd and 3rd generations of trans- plants of the Shtambov tomato and the bitter- sweet nightshade on the *5ubers of the Smyslov- skiy potato were spectrographed in September 1954, during the period of vegetation growth. In.. the visible area of the apectrum, (359-759 m-~) the etiolated plants at the moment of their ex- posure to light refleatel the largest number of Card 1/2 9 6- A/4--r /V ~' 01, 4 - J~ USSR/Plant Phisiology. Photosynthesis I Abs Jour : Ref Zhur-Biol., No 13t 1958~ 58194 Author :SemenenjMJ.. D. Inst : ec ion of"rs"for"'olotany, Academy of Sciences, Kazakh SSR Title :Spectral Reflective Capacity of Tomatoes when Nonroot Fed mith Extracts of Leaves of Other Plants Orig Pub :Tr. Sektora astrobotan., 1957, 5, 199-206 kbstract :The reflection capacity of the leaves of the me- dial layer of the Mayak t3mato plant, the tops of which before being implanted were- ke in so- _ the bit- lutions of extracts of potato leaves,a-W tersweet and deadly nightshade for periods of 6 hours (during the first 24 hours), 8 hours (du- ring the second 24 hour. period), and for 24 Card 1/2 SIT f- m F I< Ni JAI , I SEMENENYO, A.D. Using photographic spoetrophotOmOtry ia studying spectral brightness of vegetative hybrids beloNging to the solanaceae fanily. Trudy Sekt.astrobot. AN Kazakh.SSR 6:158-195 1 58. WIRA 11:12) (Gamopetalae--Spectra) (Spectrophotometry) SHIKHOV, A.A., SEMMNKO, A.D. I ---- Xbsorption of light by plants in polEx regions [with s=mary In English].' Zhur.biol. 19 no.6:428-438 N-D 158 (MIRA ll.-12) L Institut fiziologii rasteniy imerd K.A. Timirya7.eva AN SSSRO (ARCTIC REGIONS-PHOTOSYM.BSIS) (ABSMPTION OF LIGRT) SIMMEM, A. D., Candidate of Biol Sci (diss) --. "The specIwal clarit-j of cex~in vegetative hybrids of the family Solarjaceae". Alma-Ata, 1959. 13 PP (Kazakh State U im S. M. Kirov), 150 copies (EL, No 22, :.959, 112) SHMENERKO... A.D.- . Spectrophotometric studies of etiolated hybrid tomatoes during greening in ontogenesis. Trudy Sekt,.astrobot.AN Kazakh SSR 7:178-192 '59. (MIRA 1315) (Tomatoes--Spectra) SEMEIMIKO, A.D. Changes in the spectral brillianc- of etiolated hybrid tomatoes during greening with varying perij4x of illumination. Trudy Sekt.astrobot.All Kazakh SSR 7:193-199 '59. 1. (Tomatoes--Spectra) (NIRA 13:5) 13USBTUYLTA, K.A., dotsent; pOLRZH&yp6V, ye.1.0 dotseut L-�EMKNMO, A.D., asaisteut Studying reflex thresholds of atmoepheric pollution by electro- encephalography. Gig.i san. 25 no.1:57-61 J-a 160.- (Km 13:5) 1. Iz kafedry kommmalluoy gigiyeny i kafedry klinicheekoy i eksperimentallnoy fiziologii TSentrallnogo instituta Ueover~ shenstvovaniya varchey. (POLLUTION) (UEGTROHN03PHALOGRAPEr) '~JMHESKO A D Optical properties of'different -wheat speciese Trady Sekt. astrobot. AN Kazakh, SBR 8:46-28 8:.46-48 160s. (MIRA 13:12) (Planto-Optical propertlas) (Wheat) ' SIMN9=, A. D. Spectral brightness of wheat leaves and ears* Trudy Bekt. astrobote AN Kazakh. SSR 8:49-53 160o (RU 13:12) (Plants--Optical properties) (Wheat) ,' SRWNSNKO, A.D. Optical properties of etiolated oat plants. Trady Sekto astrobot, AN Kazakh. SSR 8:54-58 060. (MM 13:12) (Plants--Optical (Itiolation) (oats) BUSHTUYEVA, KjA~; POLEZHAYEV, Ye.F.; SEMENENHOp A.D. Effect of subliminal olfactory stirm-Oation on reflex activity. Fiziol. zhur. 46 no. 4:452-457 Ap 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. From the'Department of Clinicel and .1.7,xperimental Physiology and Department of Communial Hygicnep Central Institute for Medical Tm ovemento Moscow. (ELICTROENCEPHALOGRAPHY) (SMELL) Ye.F.; _~MENENKOi chronazy and the electroencephalogram caused by nces acting on the trigeminal, nerve endings. Biul. . 49 no.3:65-69 Mr '60. (14MA 14:5) 1. Iz kafedry klinicheskoy i eksperimentaltnoy ~iziologii (zav. deystvitellnyy cheld AMNSSSR M.Parin) i kafe4ry kommunallnoy gigiyeny (zav. - prof. V.A:*Ryazanav) TSenirallnogo instituta usavershenstvovaniya vrachey (dir. - M.D.Kovrigina), Moskva. Predstavlena deystvitellnym chlenom. ANN SSSR V.V.Parinym. (TRIGEMINAL NERVE) (CFTIC NERVE) (ELECTROENGE'-P-FALOGRAPHY) SEMENENKO, A.D,, kand. med. nauk Use of functional elev-troencophalography in the study of the affect of imperceptible ,.Oncantrations of atmospheric pollution on the. human organism. Gig. i san. 28 no.7-.49-55 il 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Iz kafedry komunallnoy g1giyany TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey, &,~EDELID2.E; M.A.; M-nna%,,,~4-SUBGULADZE, T.D. temporary-cannectionrin the self-organizing system of the plant organism. Izv. AN'SESR. Ser. biol. no.4:558-568 J1- Ag"65. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Institut.kibernetiki- AN GruzSSR i Institut, biol-himii im. A.N. Bakha AN'SSSR. nkmfmo, A. I. .", - -. % .Make efficient use of rolling sto-A. Sakh.prom.29 no.6:39 '55- (MLRA 9:1) I.Chupakhovskiy sakharnyy zavod. (Railroads--Freight cars) (Sugar *)eets--Transportation) J,yD.Lo VA-W"F:-,~~%~70tt~,~ A SonntoMf -derived.,for' el L 24394-66 EVITI IJP.( /T o/o641' ACC A OAOURCE CODE UR/0056/66/050/003/063 AUTHORS: Kaganov, M. I.; Semenenko, A. I. L N jjkrSSR, ORG: Phypicotechnical Insti ide OT L91M Temperatures A Kbartkov (Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut nizkikb temperatur AN UkrSSR TITLE: Singularities of the phono:.,i absorption coefficient and the7.'-..:. geometry of tbe'Fermi surfaces SOURCE: :Zburnal_-'~ksp' 1 oy'l te6if6ticheskoy fiiikil v. erimentalln -5 'no. ;966 ~63qa-041 3, TOPIC TAGS;'7 pb0noh eibsorption coefficient, b' ponon 's spect:i?uM di6perfsion,~ equation., electron'.,intbractio-n pin wdve 0: dr consider the singularities,wbich are produced:,,_~-'- -ABSTRACT: The authors um 'and ~ in the!pbonow-d in the pbonlon-: spe.ct.r. anping,cciefficient. in ron. interac -The n 'metals by pbonon-melect t ion.A~._ singularity consi-std.:i the abrupt. vanishing of the IrsorpTion-. c'oefficient- wben'.tbe'pbonon-:--_- momentum is equal to,.twice' the Feirmi. Plec'tron momentum. To Wnalyze these singularities.- tbe-authors. establish'.*a connection between 'these~-.- singularitiesi.ahd.the properties of the"Yermi surface at absolute: Card .:1 2; SE M ENKO, A.N., inzhener. Book which is not free of errors (nPanual for operating FP and IF screw press'es in processing sunflower seeds.w I.P. Kolpakov. Reviewed by A.N. Semenenko.) Msl.-zhir.prom. 18 no.5:29-30 MY '53- (MMIA 6:5) (Kolpakov, I..P.) (Power presses) SEMMNKO.A.U.; KUZICHEV,G.I.. retsenzent; BUKKARIH,V.V., redaktor; redaktor; CHEBYSMA,Ye.A., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Installation, operation and repair of medium sized screw presses for preliminary extraction of oil] Ustroistvo, eksoluatataiia i remont forpressov srednei. modeli. Moskva, Pishchepromizdat, 1955. 113 P. (MLRA 9:1) (Oil industries-Ecruipment and supplies) %Ign , A.N.. inzhener. Change in the design of the cone insert of the FP screv press. KaBlrihir.prom. 19 no.4:26-27 154. (MLRA 7:7) 1. 2 Saratovskiy maslozavod. (Pover presses) SEMENFMO,A.N., inzhener Urgent problems in organizing and planning repair of oil mill equipment. Mael.-zhir.prom. 20 no-3:4-5 '55. (KI.RA 8:7) 1. Saratovskiy Rasmaslotrest. (Oil industries--Equipment amd supplies) ALESHIN) Ye.P., kdnd. biol. muk; YARKIN, S.A., ADIENFJ4KOi---A-iN.; FIRICHEUKO, K.S., kand. sellkloz. nauk; GM~ IKMf) I.I.; SAPELKINI, V.K.; RODIONOV, Y.S.; RADIT, Yu.P.; FMOROVA, Yu.A., red.; SAYTAIIIDI, L.D., iekhn. red. [Growing rice on irrigated lark.s] Vozdel3,vanie risa na oroshaen7kh zenlialen. 14oskva, Izd-vo 1.1-va sellkhoz. RSFSR, 1963. 101 P. (Ricv) (141!a 16.12) -S'E,ICNENKO,_ A.N,.-.,.-inzii.. (Krasnodar) Some problems of the formation of thp halance of g--ound waters in the rice 4rrigation systems oi the Iower Kuban Valley. Gidr. i mel, 16 nc.7:14-20 J1 164. 04IPIA 17:11) SDIE1,111 eNK('. -,N, in-h. hyper-imental Jnve3tigation of tho s-~3-~d stat,e (,f' spheri::al Cf -95~eIS 1.4ith (-C v,-j,-~5.L!;. ; ~li;.ngs, LZII, 9 1'. nestr. 2 J~ 25 C'14 a ( M I RA 2.71 1 Ol ) ~. Mrskovak,~Yr- vy-ssheye teklhuichfiEkoye iichilishch-, imeni Balimana. SEI-~EIIIENKGJ A.F., akademik, otv. red.; SECIMBAK, N.F., hand. nauk,, red.; LiARTNI-SKIY, Ye.N., karld. khim. rlauk, red.; LOGVIN, E.I., inzh., red.; CHEKHOVICH, N.Ya., red . [ Geochronology of thl-.- P.-ecrimbrian of the Ukrainel Geo- khronalogiia dokembc.lia Ukrainy, Kiev, Niukova dlxaka, 1965. 261 P. (VIRA 18:9) 1. Aladendya rauk UTREIR, Kiev. Ir.s-tytut geolo,gichnyRh nauk. 2. Akademiya nauk Ukr.MNI (for Semenenko). BAVTSEV j A. , rabo chiy; BELYAYEV , I. )- BIC MYAKOV , V. ; RYKIKOV, F. MEMO., B. Correspondence conference of our ::-eaders. Okhr.truda i sots.strakh. 5 no.1:26 Ja 162, (MIRA 15:2) 1. BG2hitskiy staleliteynyy zavod, g. Bryansk (for Kravtsev). 2. Laboratoriya ventil-yatsii i--o:)spylivaniya vozdukha Urallskogo nauchno-issledmatells:.cogo i proyektnogo instituta mednoy promyshlonnosti (for Belya.7ev, Brylyakqv, Ryzhkov, Semeneako). (Industrial hygiene-Periodicals) S r_ IVI ? ~ I .; SMDA, B.K., kandidattakhnicheskikh nauk; SHKOLIHIKOVA, R.Sh., kandidat khimicheakikh nauk; GNILOVSKOT. I.G., inzhener; SEMENEITKO, B.A., inzhener. % 1-1--_1 ............ Testing of drills supplied with dry dust collectors in drilling vertical boreholes. Gor.zhur. no.21:47-49 D 156. (MLRA 10:1) (Boring machinery--Testing) YAKSHINA, L.I.9 nauchnyy sotrudnik; SEKRIENK09 B.Aiq starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Intrpduction of complex measureo for controlling dust in copper pyrite mines. Sbor. rab. po s:LLik,. 33,~.2:41-46 160. (MIRL 14:3) 1. SverdlovskV nanchno-issledoratel'aldy institut gigiyeny truda i profpatolojii (for Yakshinn). 2. Institut Unipromed' (for Semenenko). (MINE RkIJIS I SEMNENKO, B.A.; BOGAIEVSKIY, O.A.; KIIIALINIKOV, V.G. Ventilation of an open pit with a turbojet engine. Gor. zhur. no.1:32 Ja 162. (MM"I 15:7) 1. Urallskiy nauchno-issleftatel'skiy i provektnyy institut mednoy promyshlonnosti, Sverdlovsk. (Ural Mountains-Ifine ventilation) (Turbomachines) M RYZHKOV, F.N., kand.tekhn.nauk; ~~ENKO B.A. gornyy inzh. hUiiber of measures for keeping down dust in minin ore deposits. Sbor. rab. po silik no-3:41-1+5 161. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Urallskiy nailchm-issledovatellskiy i proyektnyy inqtitut mednoy promyshlennosti. (Mine dusts) 11. -STA -r--ff -E IV. ;Xk E v-/i ~r,, "K-1, I" r SDAMNM, -D.K.; TURCHANINOV, I.A., kand..tekhn.nauk. , - Behavior of rocks during underground gasification of coal. Podzem.gazeugla no,4:31-39 57., (mm :L1:].) l.Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatol'skiy institut Padzemgaz. (Coal gasification, Undergorund) SEMMMIKO, D. K. t ~: -:,:. Methods of calculating losses of *ilow, coal, and gss. Poazem.gaz. ugl. no.1:55-60 158. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Vaecoyuznyy nnuchno-issledovattl'skiy i proyaktnvy institut podzemnoy gazifikateii ugley. (Coal gasification, Underground) SENG41PINKO, D.K.; KI=IlUt, S.A. Effect of certain factora on lossea of inplit air and gas at the Moscow Basin "Podzerigazn Station. Podzem. gaz. ugl. no.3:20-23 (NIRA 11:10) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-iselodovats'Llskiy institut Podzemgaz. (Moscow Baain--Coal gasification, Underground) ,,,.; KHENKINA, S.A. Effect of hydromechanical factors ILnd structural characteristics of underground gas producers on th(i losses of blow and gas. Podzem.gaz.ugl. no.2:26-29 '59- (MIA 12:9) 1. Vsesoy-uzM-y nauchno-issledovate:.'skiy i proyektnyy inatitut podzemnoy gazifikatsii ugley. (Coal gasification, Underground) I -SEMENNIJKO,.D.K.; RUSSO. Yu.V.; OVCHDIRMY, Y.M. Permeability to gas of burnt-out areas filled dith slagU rock. Podzem.gaz.ugl. no.4.-19-21 '59. (Mla 13:4) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellskly institut Fodzemgaz. (Coal gasification. Urderground) SEHENENKO, D.K. Selecting the conditions of gas blowing in underground coal gasification. flauch.trudy VNIIPodzemgaza no.7:21-27 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Laboratoriya gornogeologicheskays. Voesoyuznogo nalichno- issledovateltskogo instituta podzemnoy gazifikatsii ugley. (Coal gasification, Underground) MENEM D Conditions of gas flow in the gasification channel. Nauch. trudy VNII Podzemgaza n6.6:2C-27 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Laboratoriya gornogeologicheskaya Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-i.gsledovateltakogo instit-utE. podzemnoy gazifikatsii ugley. (Coal gasification, Underground) (Gas f low) SEMENENIKO, D.K Studying the conditions of gas flow in the coal seem.- Nauch. trudy VITII Podzemgaza no.6:29-42 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Laboratoriya, gornogeologicheska~a Vsesoyuznogo muchno-inaledovatellskogo institute podzemnoy gazlfikatsii ugley. (Coal gasificatior., Underground) (Gas flcv) KASHKIN. A.A~; SEM 5. A. NFMO 19MKINA, Gas losses at the sowth Abinskiy anderground gasification station. Nauch. trucIr VffIIPodzemgazix no.8-112-21 162. (KERA 16:6) 1. Yuzhno-Abinskaya stantsiya "Podwmgaz" i laboratoriya gornogeologicheskaya Vsesoyuznogo niuchno-issledovatellskogo instituta podzemnoy gazifikatsii ugley. (Abinskiy region-Coal gastfication, Underground) SEMENENKO., D.K. Effect of gas losses -on its cos';. Nauch. trudy VNIIPbdzem- gaza no.9:111-114 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Laboratoriya gornogeologichei3kaya Voesoyuznogo nauchno- issledovatellskogo instituta podzemnoy gazifikatgii ugley. In on E-v,; m,~~-z G-1 S r.!- -3 ----C r p1,11-- 11 lie sk V 2i -s-,- n-i 'Dr yE~ C n v:! t --ilk z.ij F. c.,j zze nm-y ga 7 t 8 4 - - --f- a-- -EENIENIHINKO, !-and.tekhn.n&uk; KfENFINA$ S.A.; SHIJBIN, Ya.% o t 'In;z the gas losses in the `oint ol~eration of several under- i 67roand ga3 producers. Trudy VI7,217-F.I-IzeYrgaza n-).13; -,7-- 1,, C5. 1. Laboratoriya gornogeologicheskiya Vsesoyuznogo nauchmo-issledo- Ij,ate1Isk(,,E,c inst-ituta. podzemmoy g;izifikatsii ugley. SE~IENENKO. D.K. kand. t --- khn. riauj'k Loosehirg of roc'rl-z du----':-.;7 underzT-unai :-:31, 4n Moscow Basin. Trudy VNN-',Fcdzr--Liga-,., n:-. "Ifmu :-5-8) 1. Laborettoriya gcrnogeologlchesilrtiva nauclanz-- Issledovatellskogo insUtuta M"VV A i , M . K . ; ') 1, -,' ;~! E T! E11K 0 , 1) j , , i, f i nd . t,,, k 1 ~ r, . aa i., k ; 3 "';I.TJ, 11 Gv , V . G. .1 .lr~iestigating the process of underground gastf-Lcation of coal in Poland. Trudy Vl-,Tl!Pcdzemgaza no.112:26-1-163 '64- (MIFA 18:9) WiL--MV,- F.P SLE"'IENK0 D P - KOVAL', V.A.; !UTG-~LI, A.I. Aut-o-matic electric car scales for loaiinc cokc oveno. Koks i lchi:m. no.2:25-27 161. (ILMA 14:2) .1. Ode~3ski-k sovnarkh6z. (for BaEcov). 2. Stalinskiy kok-sokhimiches-Idy zalbd %*for Semenenlco). 3. Spatoia:--Inoye konstriAtorskoyc byuro iapy-Catell.nyldi mashin (for Koval', Angeli). (Coke ovens) SEMENENKO, D.P., inzh. Industrial fuel and heat consumption in Stalino Province. . Kqmpl..vyk. pal.-energ. res. Ukr. no.1,257-266 t59. . . (Donetsk Province-Fu6i) - (MMA 16:7) SEMENENKO, D.P., inzh. Complete processing of solid fue'-,.s. Kompl. vjki pal.-energ. res. Ukr. no.1-112-116 '59. MIRA .16:7) (Coal-CarbonizatJon) CHMUTOV, K.V., otv. rod.; SWENENKI), E.I,,, rod. (Ion-exchange technoloa] lonoobmenrAia telehnolog-Lia, Mosk-va, Nauka, 1965. :2?9 P. (MIRA 18-,4) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Inatitut fJzichaskoy kh-UTL~ I. 2. Chlen-korrespondent 91 SSSR (for Chmutov) . ROGINSKIY, S.Z.; SEHENENKO, E.I., YANOV-'XIY, M.I. Possibility of carrying out the catE.lytic dehydr-ogenation under chromatographic conditions. Dokl. AN SSSR 153 no.2083-385 N '632. (KRA 16:12) 1. Inst-4tut khimicheskoy fizik-i AN ESSR. 2. Chle-n-korrespandent, AN SSSR (for RoginskILY). SEMENENK0.9 E.I.,-..ROGINSKlY, S.Z.; YANOVSKIY, M.I. Combined radiochromatography technique for studying the mechanism of heterogeneous catalytic reactiona. Kir. i.kat. 6 no.29320-328 W-Ap 165. (MRA 1817) 1. Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN WEER. SEI,ENIENKO, E.I.; ROGINSKIY, S.Z.; 'I-ANOVSKIY, M.I. Catalytic dehydrogenatlon of n-butylengs under p!,13ed chro.-Ito- graphic conditions. Kin. i kat. 5 na.3:490-495 My-Je '64, 1. Institut khimicheskoy fiz.-Lki ANI S3SR. POPOVY K.S., SEMEKENKO, G.F. ~-- Regions of production of wine materi&la and grape varieties for the making of champagnes Trudy VNIIViV "Magarach" 13: 84-107 164. (MIRA 17:12) I m 1. Semenenko, G.I. 2, u3sR (6oo) 4. I~ybridization, Vegetable 7. Change in the content of nucleoproteids in plants during vegetative gybridization. Biakhirriiia 1? no.6, 1952. 9. Y~anthly L:ist of Russian Accessions. Library of Congress, March 1953, Unclassified. SEMMITKO, G. I. Changes in the protein metabolism c-f grafts and vegetative hybrids of the nightshade family. Uch.zap.IHGU 46*27-38 '53. (MIRA 11-11) 1. Kafedra fiziologii rasteniy i mi.krobiologii KbarIkovskogo gosu- darstvennogo universiteta. (Nightshade) (Graftirki;) (Protein metabolism) SEMONEITKO, G. I. ;, Effect of heteroauxin on protein m3tabolism in seedlings. Uch.zap. KHGu 46:109-112 1 53- (MIRA 11:11) 1. Kafedra fi2iologlt rasteniy i mikrobiologii KharIkovskogo gosudar- stvennogo universiteta. (Indoleaebtic acid) (Protein metabolism) Vitality of the hybrid progeny SSSR 93 no.1:159-169 N 153. grafts. Dokl,A-ff (WJIA 6:10) nauk SSSR (for Sukaohev). 2. Kharlkovskiy goeudarstvennyy .m. A.M.Gorlkogo (for Semanka and Timasheva). (Potatoes) SZMNEUKO, G.I.; TDIASHOTA, O.A. Nucleic acids content in leaves in vegetative by-dridization. Biokhimiia 19 no*5:543-Y~8 5-0 154, (MLRA 7:11) 1. Irafedra fiziologii rauteniy Kha--7'kovskogo gosudarstvannogo universiteta. (PLANTS, metaboliam, nucleic acids, eff. of hrbridization) (NUCLEIC ACIDS, metabollsm, plants, eff. of bybridization) (MRIDITY, plants, eff, on nucleic acids metab.) SAMOKHVALOV. G.K., doktor biologicheskikh nauk; I.I., dotsent, SEHMAKQ. ( otvetstvennyy reclaktor; CHERNYSHINKO, Ya.T.0' tekhni-Me'"sM redaktor (New studies on the car~bon inta)c3 of plants] Novoe ob uglerodnom Ditanii restenii. Izd. 2-oe, perer. i dop. KbarIkov, Izd-vo Kharl- kovskogo gos. univ. im. A.M.Gorlkogo. 1956. 118 p. (MIM 10:1) (Plants--Nutrition) (Carbon) USSR/Physiology' of Plants. Respiration and Metabolism Abs Jour : Ref Zhur-Biologiya, No 2, 1958, 5611 Author : G. I. SP---, '. enko 0. A. Timashova. I J.nst : Mii~k64"_ Tni;i~rs-i ty. Title Metabolism of Proteins arid Nucleic Acids. Orig Pub Uch. zap. Dharkovsk. un-t, 1956, 72, 7-13. Abstract Grafts of cuttings of Delikates variety. of egg- plants and Marglob variety of tomatos, and the seed progeny of the E;raftings wer( objects of investigation. In the leaves of the graf- tings of tomatos as well as of eggpant devi-- ations (particularly strong during the period of fruit ripening) toward.s the uncultivated plants were noted, accompanied (considerably greater in the primary phases of development) by a drop in the level of content of protein N, Card 1/2 USSR / Plant Physiiology, ReSpiration anil Metabolism. I Abs Jour t Ref Zhur - RLol.j, No 9j, 1953: No 38894 Author : Semene j3ko,X#,,T._ Inst Tgversitj of Kharkov Title : On the Transformation of Nucleic Acids in Germinating and Maturing Seeds. Orig Pub : Rizilol. Rasten:q 1957, No ii, 332-337 Abstract - In the seeds of the Narodnaya variety of summer wheat, Kharkov oats Wo. 596A and -Uladovskiy leas V6,208, in the prmes of maturation and germinat-Lon., the content of nucleic acids (I) was determined bT the Schmidt-Tanhauser, method and the ribonuclease activIty (II), In the germination of seeds in darkness,, the quantity I (in 100 plants) de- creased in the endosperm while it increased in the sprouts, Biosynthesis I in the aprcute proceeded not only with re- gard to the products of t1sir hydrqlyEdB in the endosperm but also with regard to t2a other substances of the seeds. Semenenko. G. I SO17/20-1 24-5-54/62 On the Predecessors of thp Pur%nes of Nucleic Acids in Higher Plants (0 Iredshestvennikakh pu:7in3v nukle--'Inov-ykh kislot u vysshikh rasteniy) Doklady 14-kademi-i nauk SSSR; 191;9,1 Vol 124i Nr 5, pp 1"150-1153 (USSR) As is known, higher anti lower organisms (except some bpoteria) synthesize nucleic a--ids from, ~;imple substancee and ceed no introdu.3tion of organt.- ccmparo?nts which, form the components of the ribo- and desoxyribcruc.:_,eic acid (RNA and DNA). By using marked atois (Re_f:!- 1-7.. and cthers) it was found that Co 2' foi7mnate, ammon~~um ~~.Jtrate, and some other substances may cocur ac~ predeo-!ssors of purines of the nucleic ac.-Lds in the tissues o:7 many animals and micro- organisms, However, many organ:.sms can be used 1-for the utili- zation of exogeno~-..s purine8 for the synthesis of nucleic a.~.ids, They transf3rm exogeii,)us adenine into guanine of nucleic acid,- and exogenous guanine into nu,.,leic acid adenine. In this co-nection the degree of ria-cual tranr~sformatiori is on the Predecessors of the Firines of Nucleic Acids SOV/20-i24-5-54/62 in Higher Plants unequal in. individual Lixecles (Refs 3-71). --n hilgh-~r plants all these important problems aril still -very inswfficiently investigated-, In the present pa:?er the author investigated the Purine az~cumulation in wheat and corn germs in dependea.,,e on the nizrogen sour,~e ir. the 2Titrient medium, moreover. he investigated the lt~clusion of girines of the nutrient medium into nucieic, acid3 and finally the inclusion of C14 of the glycoco~ll into the puiines of Laoleic acids during the germinat--on and ii-pp-ing of w1jeat and oat ger-ma, Table i shows -,-he purine ::antent in wheat- and corn .-erms in depen- dence on the nitro.-en forms -3f the nutrient medium. The author diaw3 the folloxiing concluaions from t-he xesults of exDerimenta. The pu-,int~zi introduced into the nutritive solution are absorbed by -,he wheat and earn germs. The wheat germs, however, do not ullilize the _-'ntroduced purines in the normal way of z-,ucleio acld synthasia., The presence of lycoeo~! in the iju-crient medi-im as -the only source of ni-c-o- gen leada to purine synthesiq mithout admission of light. The glycocoll marked w.-th U,14 ~s inclosed n the adenine and Card 2/3 guanine of -the RNA of wbeat geims and in the purines of the On the Predecessors of the Purine3 of Nucleic Acids SOV/20-124-5-54/62 in Higher Plants nualeic acids of zipening wheat and oat seeds. Apparentlyq glycocoll is one of the important predecessors in the synthesis of nucleic acid purines in higher plants as is the case in tissues of animals and microorganisms, There are 2 tables and 13 references. 7 of which are Soviet. A3SOCIATTON: Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A. 1. Gorlk:)go (Khar9kov State Uniurersity imeni A. IA. GorIkiy) PRESENTED: October 14, 1958, by A~ 1. Operin, Academician SUB14ITTED: February 2-1, 1956 Card 3/3 ISEMENENKO)-G.I. [Semenonko, H.I.1 Role of light in the biosynthesis of nu.-leic acids in the green shoots of wheat, cornp and peas. Ukr. biokhim. zhur. 33 no.3:340- 347 '61. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Kafedra fiziologii rasteniy Kha~~kovskogo., gosudarstvennogo universiteta. (PLANTS, FFFErT OF LIGHT ON) (NUCLEIC ACIDS) SEMIENKO, G.I. [Semenenko, H.i.j; KRASILINIYOVA, L.A. [Krasyllnikova,L-0.1 rommap Yu. P. knount of nucleic acids and some other phosphorus compounds in early and la-Ce varieties of sprirg wheat. Ukr. biokhim, zhur. 34 no.2:275-285 t62 (MIRA 16:11) 1. Department of Plant Physiology of' the A.M.Gorky State Uni- versity of Kharkov. . i I * - - , I ,F 1:11 , T. P acids n r-;:-o-er f K b ~,m i u S-ot u Ir s J erii- i Y)Lharll Tztj-v; Kh rT7.---ok,,)go uriv., -17 p I SEMENEMO, G.I. [Semenenkc, H.1.1; KRASILINIKOVA, L.A. [Krasyllnykova, L 'd I . . Incorporation of P32 in nucleic acid!; and other phosphorus- containing compounds of winter wheat during the fall-winter period. Dop. AN UPSR no.10:1371-1371; 162. (MIPA 18:4) 1. Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy univorsitet. 94-13-7-2//25 AUTHORS: Muravlyev, V. P., Candidate of Technical Science and _Semenenko, G. fil., Engineer TITLE: The-Effectiveness of InstalLing Low-voltage Power Factor Correction Capacitors in Mining Networks (Ob effektivnosti ustanovki nizkovolltnykh kosinusnykh kondensatorov v shakhtnykh setyakh) PERIODICAL: Promyshlennaya. Energetika, 1958, Vol 13, Nr 7, PP 4-5 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The operating conditions of power factor correction capacitors in mine power networks are quite differ,:!nt froa those in other industiies because all the electrical equipment has tc be move6 as the workin- face advances, Because of this the usual methods Df deterraining the economics c,f installation of power factor correction capacitors do not apply. An equation is then given for the additional annual exDenditure when capacitors are instal.'-ed in a distribution point under a long wall. The equation includes an allo~~,.,ance for moving the capacitors. A general expression is given for the reduced cost of power losses and for the cost of moving transformer substations in terms of Card 1/2 permitted voltage drop, It is shown that the advantage 94-13-7-2/25 The Effectiveness of Installing Low-voltage Power Factor Correction Capacitors in Mining Networks of installing capacitors at the distribution point depends on a number of factors and in particular on the conditions that govern the length of armoured cable, which affects the frequency vith which it is necessary to move the transformer. A rumerical example is worked out to determine the reduction in annual cost when the distance between substations is governed by the voltage drop. The installation of capacitors at the distribution point is particularly advantageous when the frequency of moving transformer substations is limited by permissible voltage drop and when transformer substations are not mobile. The advantages of using capacitors are less when the transformers have to be moved more often because of the way the mine is worked. In such a case capacitors are most likely to be advantageous wlien used in packaged mobile distribution points. There are 2 Soviet references. 1. Capacitors - Effectiveness 2. Electrical networks - Equipment C'ard 2/2 3. ItLnes - Equipment AnRL'MANO Ye.Ya.; NOVITSKIY, P.L.; SAMENMO, G.P. Heating of coal in an apparatus with a directed flow of the suspended beds of coal. KokB i khim. no.4:13-15 '60. (KIRA 13:6) 1. Donetskiy indaBtriallnyy inatitut (f,)r Eydellman and Movitski'v). 2-. StalinBkiy koksokhimicheakiy zavocl (for Semenenko) (Goal preparation) - -SEIT,,IF&O, I.F.; MIKHAYLICMIKO, M.K. ; SEMIK- K.A.- Abstracts. Sov. med. 28 no.9:142-143 S 165., (MIRA 18: 9 ) 1. Kafedra fa-kulltetskoy terapii Luganskogo meditsinskogo in- stituta, Luganskaya oblastnaya bol'nLtsa i 1-ya Luganskaya gorodskaya bollnitsa. I 3/137/61/000/011/02C)/'123 A060/A101 AUISOR: Semenenko, I. I. TITLE; Combustion of high-sulfur mazut with its gasification in the cap of the open-hearth furnace in the course of smelting hig-h-quality s-,eel PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, no. 11, 1961, 30, abstract 11V191 (V sb.: "Novoye v teorii I praktike proi,-va martenovsk. stali". Moscow, Metallurgizdat, 1)61, 330 - 331. Discuss. 332 - 334) TEXT: The author describes a new method proposed by the Ural Polytechnic Institute and the Metallurgical Combine imeni Serov for the combustion of high- sulfur mazut with its preliminary gasification. Without greatly modifying the open-hearth furnace, one feeds air at medium pressure into the vertical channel along the former gas tract. The mazut, atomi.,,ed by compressed air is fed alcng the axis of the channel through an opening in the caisson housing. As result of the partial combustion in the vertical channel, the mazut is gasified and is fed into the furnace in the form of mazut gas wita caloric content (without taking in- to account the soot C) of 1,250 kcal/nm3 and at a temperature of 1,5000C. At an excess-air coefficient of 0.35 - 0.40 the mazut gas has the chemical composf_tion Card 1/ 2 S/ 137/6 1/000/0 11/020/123 Combustion of high-sulfur mazut with... A060/A101 (in %): CH4 2.0,,, H2 19-01 CO 15, CH 1A 02 o.8, CO. 3.0. Its heat of combustion is 1,250 kcal/run-3. The highest content of sooty C (160 - 180 g/nm3) is obtained at the air-excess coefficient of 0.45. The miximum burner temperature is 1,950 - 2,OOOOC. To raise the velocity of gas outfloet, the output section of the gas run- way of the furnace was reduced down to 0.28 m2 and -the injection of combustion products in the gas runway was carried out. At the feed cap the same injecto-:, partially feeds the heated air into the.gas runway but mainly it serves as a--,rap protecting the escape of mazut gas -through flee injection apparatus in the caisson housing. Balance smeltings have shown that ,kith -the utilization of sulfurous mazut (> 2% S) the quantity of S passed over into the metal constitutes only 10 - 14% of its total content in the slag anc. the metal. This is explained by the predominant formation of a comparatively inactive compound of S - Sulf-arols anhydride, The mid-smelting rates of sulfur elimination in the process of lapping are 0,009 - 0.01Mj S per hour. One year's operation of ~he furnacez has demons- trated that with the utilization of sulfurou!; mazut it is possible to carry out smelting of charging ingots for acid furnace.,; with 3 cont-ent in t-kie finished metal of 0.03 --*0.015%; the hourly productivity was raised by 6%. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Yu. Nechkin Card ?_/2 YANCIIUK, A.N.; SMENEI.11;0,_Lo~-; MOISEYENKO'A*D"3.nzh.-mekhanik (st.lak!~Eovka, Donetskoy dorogi) Letters to the editor. Put' i put.khoz. no.7;.45 t62. (YMU 15:7) 1. Mostovoy master st. Orsha, Belorusskoy dorogi (for Yanchvk). 2. Starshiy dorozhnyy master, 3t. Sambor) LIvovskoy dorogi (for Semenenko). (Railroads--Track) SEMENENKO, I.M. Preparing the earthen roadbed dix:,ing the fall and winter period. Avt.dor. 17 no.2:28 S-0 154. (MIRA, 8:4) (Road construction) SPITSYN, V.I., akad., red.; KOLLI, 1.D., kand. khim. nauk-, red. ZHEMGGV- SKAYA, N., kand. khim. nauk fixanslatorl; MEHIKOVA, )., itranslatorl; PATSUKOVA, N., kand.khim. nau], [translatorJ; PASHINKIN, A.., km-id. kchim. nauk rtranslatorl; PIM,'TV A., kand. kd'-~. nauk (translatorl; ~EZ'MH2 kand. khim. nank ttranslatorl; TUROVA, N. [translator]; MANUYLOVA.. G.M., red.; MKINA, V.P., tekhn. red. [Inorganic polymersl Neorgani..,heskie polimery. lit-ry, 1961. 470 p. Translations from foreign Moskva, Izd-vo inostr. journals. (MIRA 14:13) (Polymersl SOV/156-158-4-22/49 AUTHORS: Tarasevich., N. I., Somener-ko, K. ~., Semenenko, K. N. TITLE: The Radiographic Investigation of the Products of Chemical Reactions in Spectro:icopic Determ--nations of Niobiam (RentgenografiGhesko;re izucheniye produktov khimic'ie3k-4kh reaktsiy pri spektra*L'nom opredelenii Yi-iobiya) PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady Vy3shey shkoly. Khimiya i khimicheskaya teklinologiya, 1958, :Ir 4, PP 700-705 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the present paper the products formed on the carbon elec- trode in the spectrun analysis of niobium determination were radiographically investigated. The following samples were in- vestigated: I. Nb+C; II. Si+C; III. Nb+Si+Cl IV. Nb2o 5+C; V, Nb 0 +-i+C- VI. Nb 0 +SiO +C. The radiograms of the 2 5 q 2 5 2 products were taken. The radiographic investigatic-n shows that in the interaction of metallic niobium with carbon only niobium carbide is formed. In the interaction between silicon and carbon SiC is fcrmed. The interaction between carbon and a mixturp of Nb and SJ takes a complex wa.,r, however. The radio- Card 1/3 graphic analysis shcws that in the reaction products the SOV/1 56-56-4-22/49 The Radiographic In~iestigation of -;he Products of Chemical Reactions in Spectroscop-1c Dete---minations of Niobium following phases aro formed: cubic NbC and tetragonal P-Nb 5Si3, The interaction of Nb 20r, with the carbon electrode shows only a modifi,)ation of Nb2o 5with small impurities of N't)02* Lower nicbium oxides were not determined. In the inter- action betaeen niobtum pentoxide Nb 205 and elementary silicon with carbon Nb02 ani a phase difficultly identified are formed. The interaction betAreen niobium pentoxide Nb 205 and silicon dioxide -,-iith carbon leads to the formation of NbC 2 and niobium pant~:,xide. In the presence of elementary silicon and Si02 the carbon crater during the niobium dioxide is Cormed on t spectroscopic deternination of niobium. The excitation source and excitation condItions as well as the amperage do practically not exert. any influence upon the composition of r-iobium phases in the carbon crater. There are 1 figure, 4 tables, and 6 refereii3es, 4 of Nhich are Soviet. Card 2/3 SOV/156-55-4-22/49 The Radiographic Investigation of -,;he Products of Chemical Reactions in Spectroscopic Determinations of Nicbium ASSOCIATION: Kafedra analiticheshoy khimii Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. M. V. Lomonosova (Chair of Analytical Chemistry at the MoEcow State University im .eni M. V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: April 15, 1958 Card 3/3 TARASEVICH, N.I., SEMMNKO, X.A., Irg INA, N.F. Spectral determination of n',obium and tantalum impurities In ti.taniume Vest. Moak. Uz. Ser. 2: khim. 15 no.2:64-68 mr-Ap 16o. (MIRL 13:6) L.Kafedra analiticheekoy khImli Moskovskogo universiteia. - I (Niobium-'Spectra) (Tvntalum--Spectra) (Titanium-Analysis) S/189/60/000/003/008/013/XX B003/Bo67 AUTHORS: Tarasevich, N. I~, Semenenko, K. A,, Semenenko, K.. N, TITLE-, X-~-Raj Photographic Met od cf Determining the Products of Chemical Reactions in the Spectral Determination of Tantalum PERIODICAL. Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya 2, khimiya, iq6O,V'4.t5- Nq- 5. P'p- .37-39 TEX~; The*authors siudied the reaction products which were formed from tantalum peritoxide in the electric arc in the crater of the carbcn electrode.(Ta O'~. The investigationmethod applied is described in an 2 5 earlier paper. (Reif, 1), The very finely powdered Ta 205 was filled into the electrode-crater and.closed with a cover of coal (provided wJth an opening for the gases). In all experLments the reaction conditions in the are were the same, The X-ray powder patterns of the reaction products were taken with PKP,(RKD) cameras. A GC.!3(BSV) tube se--ved as radiation source (copper electrode). The product formed from Ta20 5 (under the X-Ray Photographic Method of Determining the S/189/60/000/003/008/013/xx Products of.Chemical Reactions in the Spectral B003/BO67 Determination of Tantalum action of electrode carbon) mainly con3iStS of TaO (tetragonal phase; parameteri-a = 4-73t0.01 A, 0 = 3,,05tO~01 A). FurtLrmore it contains nonreacted Ta 0 in two modifications 'd-modification with Ivetragonal 2 5 . . lattice, a - 3.80 A, c - 55A0 A, as woll as a modification obefirved for tho first time by Yu..,P,'Simanov (Ref.. 4) and a Ta - 0 - 0 triple phase. No data can be given concerning the prosence of TaO since its reflections were superimposed by reflections of oxides of higher valence. An addition of Sio2 to Ta205 hardly influences the reduction in the are. The presence of Si in the reaction mixture promotes the reduction of Ta 205 (the reaciion product con'sists of TaO, Ta-C-Sl-~ Ta-C-O-, Ta-Si-O triple phases as well as of TaC and *~iC). In a table the experimentally determinEd values of X-ray analysis are compared with the published values- There are 'I table and 5 references. 4 Soviet and 1 Danish., ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy universitet, Kafedra analiticheskoy khimii (Moscow University, Chair of Analytical Chemistry) S94ENMO~ K.A . TARASEVICH, N.I. Effect of phosphomolybdate oir the 5pectral determination of niobium &fid tantalum. Zhur. anal. khim. 18 no.l.'88-.92 A 163. (MIRA 16S 4) M.V. homonosov Moscow State University. '(Niobium-Spectra) (TantAlmz--Spectra) (Phosphomclybdates)