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1545/1S 'ACCESSION NE: APW19971 020/64/154/066/1314/'131T S/O AUTHOR: Ivanov, G. Ks; Sayasov, YU 0 S. ry of vibrational excitation of molecules in the momentu TITLE: Theo approximation SOURCE: AN SSSRo Doklady*, v. 154,,no. 6- 1 64, 1314-1317 TOPIC TAGS: vibrational molecular excitation.,*momentum approximation,.I.I.- collisicn excitation, excitation temperatu3~e.dependence,~vibrational.-,,,,,. :pelaxation., molecular vibrational transition )xima'-~ n e,momentum apprc ABSTRACT; The general theory~of scattering i ;F.- 0 n:was dev' er (Zh ETF 45, 11 tio elo ed by the authors in a previous pap p (1963)) as,a;new formulation of the method suggested,by G. Chew 41 Phys. Rev. 80,_ 196 (1950))..e It can be used for the computation Of.-: the probabilities of vibrational transitions in molecules,which cor-, respond to small frequencies. The subject Of the preseinb.paper is the.- reformulation.of the method for this purpose. Formulae are derived~:_%.[. .'for the cross sections for!~the excitation by a collision with an atmb'r L o66oo-67 W/ Wlg;~LmL RM/GD W jl~ 1,-Mf NRt AT6017649 SOURCE CODE; UR/0000/65/000/000/0298/0306 'AUTHOR: Ivanov, G. K.; Sayasov, Yu. S. ORG: none te 1TITLE: Possibilities of the method of,molecular neutron'spectroscopy A SOURCE: AN SSSR. Institut,geokhimii i analiticheskoy khimii.- Yadernaya khimiya (Ku- clear chemistry). Moscow-Izd-- auka,-1965, 29q---30b- TOPIC TAGS: neutron spectroscopy, neutron cross.section, neutron energy distribution, molecular structure, neutron scattering ABSTRACT: The article discusses in detail several new possibilities of the method-of neutron spectroscopy using neutrons with energies of.the order of the energies of the chemical bond (E *ul to 10 electron-volts). These possibilities are based on earlier 0 results obtained by the authors (ZhETP, 1961, 40, 513; 1963, 44, 573; 1953, 45$ 1456) and are in addition to the possibility of measuring the spectra of energy and angular distributions of scattered neutrons with the required accuracy. The applicability of neutron spectroscopy for investigating the structure and properties of molecules was 'proposed by V. I. Golldanskiy METF, 1956, 41, 717). Theauthors discuss the problem of determining other molecular,parameters, such as the force terms, frequencies of os- cillation, constants of interaction, diagonal terms, bonds, intramolecular distances, Card 1/2 L 06600~-67 ACC ~R: AT6017649 !and other factors descriptive of molecular phenomena in such molecules as N20,.CO2, NH3, PH C H ICH OH "and other hydrocarbons. These quantities are determined from 39_t2D Z_& knowledge or he cross sections of neutrons colliding with molecules and other perti- nent information, such as neutron energies, basic theoretical and experimental zela- tion:~, etc. It is 'concluded,that various molecular effects, such as ionic bonds, can be profitably studied by extension of the method of neutron spectroscopy. Orig. art. has: 9 f6mulas. SUB CODE: 20,07,14/ SUBM DATE: 03Nov65/ ORIG REF: 00.6/ OTH REF: 004 Card 2/2 ------- ------ Mathemati y, the quenching ;-Z- -rdoncen MCI= The course of the Ionization curves x --virALintegmitlon of (1). In the present article, a genexal if ACCESSION Nlt: AP5015430 adiabatic oKponentY and flowing in a wideniag conical nozzlei;. time dependence x xt(t), carried out by using the general foi - .. -9 &1,- intpon-atinn obtained ASSOCUTIOM Institut khlmfc Phvsics, Academy al Sciences SUBWTTED-. 06Nov64 NO REF SOV: 002 ENCL: 00 OTHER: 004 2/;Z" rd L SUB CODE: GC ACC NRt 4- -531 AP7001178 SM= CODE: UR/0166/66/00V005/00 8/60 AUTI'.-O:,S: Arifov, P. U.; Golldanskiy, V. I.; Sayasov, Yu. 3. MG: Physicotechnical Insti.tut,e,AN,UzSSR (?iZiko-tekhnicheskiy institut All Uzs3p)v Institute of Chemical Physics,AN SSSR (Institut khlmibheskoy fiziki MIT 5,'M) T1'4L,'-,': Deceleration spectrum of light particles in heavy Gas, with a conuideration of the capture process SOMCE: JUT UzSST?. Izvestiya. Seriya fiziko-.matematicheskikh nauk, no. 5, 1966) 48-53 TOPIC TAGS: kinetic theory, kinetic equation,~inelastic interaction, heavy particle? light pyticle P"'71e'-1C'Cj5 , J)/S:r/zf j3urlo'ul /9 F0 Is, r1 0 e- ,.A3S"';'-ACT: A general study is made of the slowing-down process of electrons and -06~`Ltrons in a stationary cloud of atoms and positive ions. Starting from Massey and. ..BurhoDs -(G. Messi and Ye. Barkho'p. Kektronnyye i ionnyye stolknoveniya, IL, 1958, 5; al. 3, 4), two kinetic equations that describe the drift of light particles 7~~A--ih a heavy gas under the action of electric flelds,,-the following second order equation is obtained eF d 2 d _�F Z a " - " +--L IV Q,.'f. 2 jV Q, -sm- -de- (N Q, -W.-)M M wher-3 R is a source term, Q is a momentum transfer cross section, and Q decay - d SG Qin('~ Cord 1/2 ACC NRt AP7001178 cross section) + Qd- In the absence of an electric field the stationary distrib-atioIn for the light particles can be obtained readily.. For no electric fields this is given by M ~ im Al j T6 n _NQ, _,2 4 xN(24-vd, for zero loss processes, and by Erp M Q14 d. 2M a e f =f0 if.loss processes are included. The problem-becomes more complicated in the presence of an electric field. For a weak electric,fi.eld one can.calculate a first-order correction to the stationary.solution, corresponding to elastic-inelastic momentum transfer processes. This yields -a M 82 IV rp At 2 d - . I * de 0 3M2 dii) f0 e B + ~j4 a + G JVQ1. - V~ -/QI e. Some numerical results are given in tabular form to compare the various distribution functions derived above. Orig. art. has; 13 equations and Itable., SU CODE; 20/ SUBM DATE: 27Nfay66/ ORIG REP: 001/ BOTH REP: 010. Card 2/2 ii~6/oqo/O 0- V- 0- 04' 7/60"841 5 SOURCE CODE: G. K.; Sayasov 'Yu. S. e of Chemical Physics, AN SSSR (InstitutkbimicheskcV~ fiz*iki AN SSSR) ,ction of neutrons with molecules hi fizicheskilen nauk, v. 90, no. 1, 1966,,47-84 autron interaction, molecular interaction.,,molecular structure, fast on spectrum,..neutron scattering,,scatterir.~g amplitude s is & review article devoted, essentially to a systematic development of scettering.of fast neutrons by molecules, with special applicationto ion of the properties and structure of molecules by means of the fast- ~a. It is based essentially on,earlier'papers by the authors (.W,;o:nnaya 183, 1965 and preceding papers). Oie exposition is'limited to the -ra of neutron scattering by.molecules., and does not include phenomera ansformations underthe influence of neutrons. The surveyLalso presents. scattering of slow neutrons by molecules. -Since the scattering ampli- neutrons depend strongly on the energy and exhibit resonances, the th_ ed from the very outset for the general case of variable am.,litudes for. the formalism of the impulse approximation, 'vfnich isl s scattering, using ed in some detail. A classification of the procasses of scattering of .emically bound nuclei, as a ftLnction of the character of the neirtron- ';SQ. 121.7 '939-1-25-5 ------ ---- 'ACC..NR; AP6035124 c,eus interaction and o- s prosented. The section headings the neutron energy, i e: I. The impulse approximation method as:applied to the scattering of neutrons by chemically bound nuclei (1. cross, sections for molecular transitions under the in fl:aence of neutrons in the impulse approximation. 2. Preserytation of the cross sec-_ itions for scattering and absorption of neutrons as averages over the initial state of the mclecules). II. Scattering of slow neutrons (3. General formulas for slaw neutron scettering cross sections with classical treat nt of rotational transitions of the molecule. 41. Scattering of neutrons with energies less than the energy for excitation of molecular vibrations.. 5. Scattering of neutrons accompanied by vibra- tional excitation of the molecule). III. Scattering of fast neutrons 0. Approxima- 0 tion by free particles with a momentum spread. 7. The case of potential neutron-, nucleus scattering. 8. Case of variable neutron-nucleus scattering amplitudes). ! Orig. art. has: 7 figures, 93 formulas, and 1 table. 'SUB CODE: 2D/ SUBM DATE:, 00/, ORIG PY2: 027/ OTH REP: 049 Card 2/2 L I? ~ I- ACC N R. -1NOi4663 SOURCE CODE: UR/0031/65/000/002/0054/0058 AUTHOR: Zhumatov. Kh. Zh.; Sayatov. 11. Kh.; S. ORG: none A virus in, TITLE: Investigations of the infectious activity of RNA o f in-f susceptible animals SOURCE: AN KazSSR. Vestnik, no. 2, 1965, 54-58 TOPIC TAGS: virology, virus disease, RNA,:mouse, antigen ABSTRACT! Intranasal injection of RNA,of influenzaiA virus (Pr-8 strain) diluted 1:8 in 0.15 M NaCl in 0.007 M phosphate buffer causes influenza which kills white, mice in the first passage. Undiluted RNA generally does not have this effect. When RNA solution is injected into white mice and chick embryos,'virus is reproduced with the antigenic. properties characteristic of the original virus. Mouse strains of influenza virus resynthesized from RUA had a lower hemagglutination andinfection titer than did a strain obtained from RNA after inoculation of chick embryos. Orig. art. has: 3 tables. [JPRS] S,UB CODE: 06 SUB14 DATE: none ORIG.REF: 010 OTH REF: Card 1/1 vmb SAYM 1, A. G. Sum 1854 108-5- 9/13 AUTHOR SAYBEL A.G., Ordinary Member of Radio Societ.T. -TITLE - -Un-the Problem of the Degree of Accuracy of Position Fint-ling in Radic~avigatiou. (K voprosu o kharaktarlatike tochnosti mesto opredelenlya v radionavigataii.- Russian) PERIODICAL Radictakhnika 1957,701 12, !;,* 5, py 62-66 (u.s.s.R.) ABSTRACT First the distribution function of t a position-error- ponsibllity~ia invootig&ted for a case where the position, lines *rose one another at angle X . The equatiou.for the scattering (mean quadratic error) 0 . which contains the correlation coefficient q is deduoeE The dispersion function, of the position-error-probability in then deduced. This function expresses the dependence of.thefinding pro-, bability of the position found within a range of a circum- ference with the radius r . The scattering den sit.T of the - o error-possibility of position r Is determined. The diagrams obtained show the-dependence ofthe scattering function of the position-error-possibility upon the relation r /6 !' 0 r Thesediagrams are also apply to the general case where 0 1/3 and Q 2 108-5-91-13 On the Problem of the Deg~ree of Accuracy of Position Finding in Radionavigation. Contrary to above, where m V 112 + 62) ox we have here to understand m as the'relation of.the small error- ellipse-semiaxis',to the great semiaxiso Then the different degrees of accuracy of position finding are compare& with one another. The distribution function of the position-error- possibility P changes with m this change it is, however, not great in the case of P ~ 0,6. The probibility tha:t the position error is greater than a r or 26r, is within the range of 0,63 + 0,68 or 0,95 + 0098. Frop the 4iagrams we see that the probability of finding the object position within the range of a circumference with the radius r 2 M a is by far greater i7n thecase of elliptic scattering than in the case of circular scattering. The probability of finding an object position within the range of a circumference- with r 3 - T-ai is by far smaller in the caseof au:elliptic scattering than in the case of a circular scattering. It CARD 2/3. ~'20 (3 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2503 Saybell, Anatoliy Geogriyevich Osnovy teorii tochnosti, rediotekhaicheskikh'metodovLmestoopredeleniya; ucheb-- noye posobiye (Foundations of Theory of.AcaUracy in Methods of Determining a Position by Radar; a Manual) Moscow, Oborongiz, 1958- 52 p, , (Series- MqBcow. Aviatsionnyy institut imeniSergo Ordzhonikizde) 13,50d.copies printed. Ed.: V.M. Tokarl, Engineer;,Ed. of Pablishing House: S.D. Khametova; Tech. Ed.: I. M. Zudakin; Managing Ed.: A. S. Zaymovskays. PURPOSE: This manual is.intended for students,of institutions of higher learning and aspirants studying radar, radionavigation, and radioengineering systems. COVERAGE: The manual considers redioengineering methods used in radar and radio- navigation for determinin g the Position of anobject and describes the bases of a theory of errors in the various methods of position determination. The theory of errors is presented on the basis of fundamental principles of scalar field Card 1/ 3 Foundations of Theory of Accuracy (Cont.) Sov/25o3 7. OperLating '.Zones 38 Appendix II: Determining Probability of FJ-dinx JX-sired Posi tion Within Boundaries of Error Ellipse' 49 Appendix III: Determining Probability of Finding Desired Posi tion Within Boundaries of Error Ellipsoid 50 Appendix IV: Derivation of Formula (48) .4r Appendix V-. Tabl P of Probability Integral ya 52 Appendix VI: Table of Functions' Je. 2. References: AVAnAM: Idbrary of Congress Card 3/3 11-23-59, ZO(3) Translation from: Ref erativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika,,'.l959,. Nr 3J'p 258 (USSR) _J1 AUTHOR; Savbel', A. G. TITLE: Accuracy Characteristic of Position Finding by Radar (0 kharakteristike tochnosti mestoopredeleniya v radiolokatsil) yssh. uchebn. zavedeniy. Radiotekhnika, 1958, Nr 2, PERIODICAL: Izv. v pp214-221 ABSTRACT: Accuracy of position finding by radar can be characterized by an ellipse or ellipsoid of specified -probability errors, or by the, root -mean-squar e position error. A relationship is presented between the size, of ellipse or ellipsoid of specified- probability errors and the values of root -mean -s quar e errors in the measured coordinates; position-error distribution functions are-,_ examined for the cases of circular, elliptical, and spherical dispersions. It is assumed that random errors'of the measured coordinates have normal distribution. Formulae -are presented thatIpermit plotting an error field which Card 112 BRASLAVSKIY, D.A., kand.tekhn..-.-quk; GOLODFAIM, L.S., doktor telchn.nauk; GUZE14KO, A.I., kand.tekhu.nauk; DMITRIM. K.Ye., kand.tekhn.nauk; KALASHNIKOV, V.I., inzh.,- K60BUKOV, P.P., kand.tekhn.nauk; EM- NIKIN, F.F., kand.tekhn.aauk; THA SOY, I.M., kand.tekhn,nauk; D.S., doktor.takhn.nauk; PETROV, V.V., kand.takhn.nauk; ROZENBLAT, N.A., doktor tekhn.nauk; RUZSKIY. Tu.Ye., kand.tekhn. nauk; SADOVSKIY, B.D., kand.tekhn.nauk; SOKOLOV, A.A., kand.takhn. nauk; TITOV, V.K., kand.tekhn.nauk; t%ANOV, G.M., kand.tekhn.nauk; FILIPCHU, Ye.V. kand.tekhn.nauk; 1HARYBIN, A.Te., kaiid.tekhn. nauk; KHOKHLOV,.i.A., kand.tekhn.nnuk; GALTMV, F.F., kand.telft, nauk, retsenzent; KARASEV. V.A., doktor tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; RAGOZIN, TV.D., kand.takhn.nauk, retsenzeift- RRYUGOLID, Yu.% , inzh.*i retsenz8nt;.RYABOV, B.A.* doktor teklE.iii~uk. r~tsenzent- SAMMI, 6 A G A.A. kank.Tel I n;'Ujr. _!:,*,~nd.tekhu.nauk,.retsenzent; SHEVYAKOV, 1, re enzent; SOLODMIKOV, V.V., prof.., doktor telchn.nauk,. red,; VITENBERG, I.M.,'kand.tekhn.nauk, nauchnyy red.; MOLDAM, A.Irl kand.tekhn.nauk, nauchnyy red.; POLYAKOV. G.F., red.izd-va; AD(OV110 A.G., red.izd-va; KONOVALOV, G.M., red.izd-va; TIKHONOV, A.Ya., tekhn. red.; SOKOLOVA, T.F., Uundamentalsof automatic control] Osnovy avtomatichookogo reguliro-, vaniia.. Vol.2. Waments of automatic conrol systems] Blemanty sistem avtomaticheskogo Tegulirovaniia. Pt.l. (Sensing devices, amplifiers, and actuators] Cbaivstviteltnye. usilitall.nye i ispolaitellnye alementy. Moskva, Gos.naucYnio-tekhn.izd-vo mashinoatroit.lit-ry. 1959. 722 pe (Automatic~control) 1xiRA 12:4) (Electronic apparatus and appliances) (Electronic calculating machines) of Radio (Coats) IW/4131 5 English. TAM OF COW11m: 40revord .3. Ch. 1. Fundamentals of Radio Range Findlog 1. Physical of radio range f 2. Accuracy liatit of radio r~kw finding Ch. 3:1. Phase Method of, Radio Range Finding 10~ 1. Principle of'-operation 2.1 Accuracy.of the instrwment 3. Securing an un Ignoms.raw reading 17 ch. in. Frequency Method of Radio Range,71nding 22 1. Principle of operation 22 2. Basic relationsUps 23 3. Accuracy of the Instrt mient 32 4. Iffect of amplitude moftlation on radio range finder operation 5. Influence of Doppler effect an frequency radio range finder Card 2/3 Fundamentals of W-10 (Cant.) operation 3T 6., Frequencyradia altimters 41 T. Frequency method of natiobject range f;n" Ch. IV. Palse Method of Bono RWe Finding 52 1. Principle of.:operatlon 52 2. 2hns of synchronization 55 3. Accuracy of the Instrument 62 4. Factors determining the pulse sJgna3 front duration 72 5. Pjwge resolution and silent zone 78, Ch. V. Pulse Systems of Automatic Renge~ Tracking 82 1, Principle of operation of a system of autawtic range tracking 82 2. Dynamic~properties of a radio range finder having 'one integrator 88 3. Dinamic properties of a radio range finder having tvo integrators 95 . 4. Scaning conditions in automatic range trackirg systems 99 Appendix., Basic Informationlon Difference Rquations IC4 Bibliograpby 113 AVAnADW: lAbrary of Congress ec- d C ar 313 Y)" U 11, 0`3 - 15 - 3 5/'1 71 P, TITLE: i.; P t I PJ it;or,~iu 't R.~idio--Ranrre P i c,, d e vs, W.I. t h Tw, o tcr-- 0 [JS,, R.) PERIODICAL: ii, id i.(,- t- t~ I'd Ir"i 196,C). vol 15"': 14 1, p ABSTRACT: 1!1 thiS D,)per i-he auLc;;nat:i-c v!i cl io - ra n 1,e f inder with two ~l I - 11 1 .1 ~ ~ ~T inteL:'Iriators is considered a:,, an impuloe~au.topiatic control 3 'v S ~.- e mi f iaj e v z a-re. used -locatior- and rpdionavi_~rat'lon purposes- The ealiva- radio~ LI -)look diag -discriminato ,Pant o 1'. t h ea f; ime r and o f the Control block wit~i 'Ulwo integrvators is shown in Fig 'Card I/it Fig.' I., Radio-Range Finderz; With Ttvo Irlte~~--ru OV,/108-1 -3.-5/17 tors Here, R1, C and R C are f ir~-,t and second integraklor, 2j 23 C is ;-Aabj. Lizing, elerifent., The dividing eliminates tli~-~ second integrator s effect--on the fir'st al-lu., and (-.,a Ull;,,! ", an in the sensitivity -of the control block. T.,if-- equattions oi' the dynamic state of'. the ~--,ysterfi are derived uuAer the followting assumpt ions: (1) The outpuL signal of the time aiscriminator consists of two conibiried currei-lt illlpUlSeS of' rectangular, shape and eq~~al amplitudes; (2) the galin K. of' the dividing Y c1cw::; I-lot, dopend on frequency. Thu, set. of' ini - 1--lial equatiollS L S rZ.]. V UI.I i-I-, U-1e L'orill. U2 fn -1 Uj Inj +,K K, A Ul (ni 4- UL in + I U3 (I K, Ta P X.J (Cl + C3) Cl:rd 2/4 T8 142 Radio-Ranr:e Fh-idlc~r-- SOV/105-715-3-5/1T: v -I C) 'I e 0 p, c- t Ji. "u, 1. 'vt t- irae delay of~ L. o:,"l c t-i e impulses; t -me Of tile z, ignal s p rk-;a d n The var-Jous types of R ran~ ient z;tates 1) -the 4;lem a r ir T Y. cuj f1,-1NC1~;iO11:3 Of VAL---LS of nooUs-of the characteristic equa- if 1--crential .3 o r re, s 1) c) i i d i i i E-1, to thr equation (3 L Chn--.-,-~-sr of L he trani~ient slLates and IL ime of' tile ir du,al.-.-Lo-n arc de term-ined. op tile servosystem 11 eration of It 'urackin,-, a, tar-et. imo v i ng uith constant velocity., is It is Wicnin that the ''memory" with b r - 1 1' outlined. . i*(21oc-ttr is longer, h e n tile tirile cons' nt of vi~--Pect to ta tht-,, 1-.~corid intef,rator i ric rea s e s . There c e 6 fi(ILWe3: ar a nd 5 S ov i e t re f e r,e nc. e :I . UBMITTED: Y 1959 C--ard 4/4 PHASE I BO.OK EXPLOITATION SOV/5667 Ba.ybell, A. G. 0snalry zs&olokatsii (Principles of Radar) Moscow, Izd-vo`Sovetskoye radio, 1961- 384 P' Errata siip inserted.., 25,000 copies printed. Eds.: P. A. Pakulev and V. 0. Masharova; Tech. Ed.: A. A. Sveshnikov. PURPOSE: This textbook has been approved by the Ministry Of Higher and Second- ary Specialized Education PSFSR for the course "Principles of Radar," in radio engineering departments of technical schools of higher education. UVERAGE: Special attention is given to radar systems and the development of a relationship between tactical and technical parameters of radar equip- ment. The following topics are'discussed:. general,information on radar; reflecting properties of radar targets;,radio distance-measuring and direa- tion-finding systems; detection of radar signals; factors determining radar range aad the accuracy of fixing target position; tmnslation of radar in_ formation; and radar countermeasures.L The description of statistical Flzrinz:iples of Radar SOV/5667 a_-mlysis of the relationship between tactical and.technical parameters of radar is more tho rough than that in existing textbooks. According to the Foreword, this is the first attempt to present the methods and an analy-sis of the accuracy of position fixing, and also an an lysis of the dynamic properties:of automatic range-measuring equipment used as pulse track- Ing systems. 'The author thanks the following persons: A F. Bogomolov, ProfesHor,,Doctor of Technical Sciences; A. Ye. Basharinov, Professor, Do~Ttor of Technical Sciences; B. F. Vysotskly, Doctor.of Technical, Sciences; 1. S. Dzb-Lgit, Professor; P.~A. Bakulev, Docent, Candidate of Tat,-hnical Sciences; and A. A. Sosnovskiy, Engineer. There are 27 refer- enz_-_~s, all Soviet. TM.Tv rio" C01MINTS: F,:)rev_,re_ C1.1. I introduction 1. Ba-iRic definitions Card 8 AUTHORS: Saychenko, Yu..M. , IvanoT~ K.M. 32-24-6-30/44 --------------------------- TITLE: - - News, in Brief (Korotkiye sodbshcheniya) PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriyao .1958, Vol 24, Nr 6p PP- 757-758 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Yu.M.Saychanko. of'Kazakh State University Imad S.M. Kirov (Kazakhakiy gosudarstr-imiW universitet. im. S.M.Kirovs.) in 00- operation with GI.S. Maksinova worked out a method for the reduo- tioa of the jime of.exposure in bzdaesoence spectrograms used for sortingglasa, A graph shom, among other. thinp, tbat a. quartz lamp serves as a light source and that light passes thro.ugh the sample into a "horns. where it is absorbed. A.cowparison,of'thi" ,I luminescence, -spectra of various types, of gUss is said to have. shoya -that a decrease of the intensity of the luminescence 'Speo- trum -takes place with an increasa of the iron content- in the. iaWles. K.M. Ivanor of the All-Union Scientific Institute of Coal Research (Vsesoyuznyy naubbno-issledovatellskiv ugollr' institut) worked out a spevixal method making it possible to determine zinc in. electrolyte solutions of up to 0.005%.- A spectrograph ISP -229, a generator - M-39, a microphotameter 'NY -2, as well an an Card 1/2 autotrans former TM-10 which regulated voltage from 0 to 2510 V 26181 S/081/61/000/012/003/028 0 B105/B202 AUTHORt Saychenko Yu. TITLEt Ratio of the light sume.of ZnS-base crystal phosphors PERIODICALt Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 12, 1961, 45,,,abs.trao.t. 12.9281 (sb. Optika. Yadern. protsessy. Alma-Ata, 1959, 87-92j TEXT: The author studied the amount of the light sums of various ZnS- base crystal phosphors with the,admixtures Co, Cu, and Fe on their excitation by means of various lines,of the Hg spectrum., On the basis of systematic studies of.the scintillation and extinction processes of the ,luminescence of phos;hors as depending on the wavelength of the exciting light, it was concluded thatLthe kinetics,of these processes depend very little on the energy of the light quanta exciting the pho sphor. For ZnS-. base crystal hhosphors the monomolecular mechanism of luminescence is not applicable. jAbstracter's notet Complete translation.3 Card 1/1 USSR Soil Science Tilling. Melioration. Erosion. Ab s Jour Ref Zhur B-iologiya, No 11, 1958, Nag 48682 Author Saychuk, K. 1. Inst Title Some Methods of the Preparation of the Soil or Corn Plowed in Fall f Orig Pub Zemledeli-ye; 1957, No 8, 37-40 Abstract On the slightly saline thick chernozems of the Zherbkov-Experimental Station in the Odessa region, the early.fall plowing promoted the increase in the corn by o.5-1.4 centners in the years of favorable moisture condition compared with the late October.plowing. But in the dry year, early fall plowing reduced the yield by 2.4 centnersAa. The fall harrowing and culti- vation of the soil plowed in autmn should be Card 1/2 50 I I IC 0 ul,-.-ami E2 - ic e c e - ~o itun I iM) T Y ya. Ile, r; t u -i s yl r al t)--' 1331 Od V 1-9 L .3 t ;~,6 j Lu, o 3 IW/ V a IS d the* al;;i;li~ Ea &MM;V& nst. Cidrokkil". Hjmf"- y Z3 Tlwirw-i advanced in txplaaalinu of !tm formation ---nA water5 r:f ,b~ Cl-Nt --a ar~ 7.f 4:~