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S/202/62/000/001/002/Oo6 Drift of ionized meteor trails E032/E,314 height, except for a maximum at about 89 - 91 Irm. Eastward drift is found to predominate. Some cases of.opposite drift directions occurring over short periods of timo were observed and are taken to indicate the presence of turbulent processes in the upper stratosphere. There are 5 figures and 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-telchnicheskiy institut ANY Turkmenskoy SSR (Physicotechnical Institute of the AS Turkmen SSR), SUBMITTED: july 16, 1962 Card 2/2 'ACCESSION HH, A.P4033419 5/0202/64/000/001/0121/0124 AUTHORSs Savrukhin, A. Pq,Naoy*rova, Lo I. ,TITLEi Drift of moteorio traina oUaeryod. -rioually in Aahkabad#.1961 ;SOURCE: AN Turkm$SR. Izvoutiya. Soriya fiziko-tekhnicheekikht khiiioheakikh i geologichookikh nauk, no. 1, -1964, 121-124 ,TOPIC TAGS; meteorio train, train dxift, traiii height, drift -velocity, drift !direction, binocular TZX ABSTMWT: Prif ba of mpteoric tralnu (observed by A., P. Sa-rrukliin in August 1961) studied ,-In to comoloto earlier 'nYaotigationa of vinds at hi&h altitudes.' it 171nocular 1,-eloaoop~- TZY with an objectilre apertur,~t o'% 80 = and a field of vision of,60 wtu; ugod. In n11, 22 Lietriorts urere nbuer-,red, 20 of them belor ir to. the Z ~ L9 ppra-3id DaLa wore procusse(l 1q ilio riioOhod developed by A. P, Sayrukhin (Izvoutlya AIN TSSR, Beriya FTK'niGN, No. 1 , o Ir. 15 1 1963), Oyer '10 ~Xif t vectors calwlated. Prif t heighto ranged Crom 01 to 108 km, their -40loaitieo from 0 .to 132 w/Boo, wid their astronomlo azijuu-ths f rom 9 'to 3520. Tho velooitiev of 75% lay vithin thorange 0-60 M/seo, with a me ~Mlue of 34 M/Goo. Sm1le -4 drift 1/2 ~ACCESSION NR:, AP4033419 ivelocities were oIbaerved at the heights of 88-90 km, greatest at 96-99 km and at 'a3 km. Between 89 and 913 Imithe wind velocity gradient was +3-5 m/seo*km. One 'half of the trains moved due SE. At 90-100 km the drifting proceeded in all direc- ~tions, but below 90 km only the aouthitard., Houthweotwardy and northeastward move- d in one mento vere observed. In these cases the directions were seen to change, an !case the drift followed a circular arc. Orig. art. has, 3 tables and 2 diagrams. ,ASSOCIATION% Otdol geofizikil"oeysmologii AN Turkmenakoy OUR (Depaxt-jitent of ~GooD sics, iuid SeiEmoloMrf lcadezq of Scienoes, Turkmen SSR) ISUMMED, 30Sep63 DATE ACQ: 26Apr64 ENCLroo SUB GODEt HE NO REP SOVt 003 OTHM 002 2/2 Lc'-rd AccBssioN NRs A?4033420 8/02M 7/M28 I AUTHORi Savrukh1np A* pe TITLE: Results of visual observationslof meteoric trains, conducted in Odessag I August 1961 SOURCE: AN TurkmSSR. Izvestlyao Seriya fiziko-tokhnicheskikh, khimicheskikhl 1-geofizicheskikh nauk., noo 1, 1964j, 127-128 TOPIC TAGS: meteoric train-p Zenith distance, train azimuth, train drift#- 1 horizontal velocity, Perseidsp train h6ightp radiants meteor cluster ABSTRACT: Visual observations 6f meteor trains were conducted at Odesskaya astronomicheskaya observatoriya (Odessa Astronomical Observator7) by M. N. Zaxubin, E. P. Ferevalova, S. V. Tikhomirovap Yu* As Chernikov, and, Be L. Shishmarevas under the guidance of Ye. N. Kramer. Binocular telescopes (60pX6), were used to determine tho zenith distance a arxi azimuth as Duration ot drifting (in seconds), amount of drift A (indepMes)i and positional angle of drift T were determined. The horizontal velocity of drift and drift azimuth viere oomputed 'ACUSSION NR: AP4033420 from formulas u=H. cosy sec2 z + Ig2 7 t A-a+a. tga=-tgX-c03z. All trains were produced by Perseids. Their hoights R (km) were determined from the Imown scalar magnitudes m of the meteors and from the zenith distance of thi meteor cluster. DriA velocities were found to exceed 0.10-0,14 km/sece All Idrifts proceeded either due south or due northwest* For the data see,Table 1 of the Diclosure. Orige arte hast 2 equations and 1 table. ASSOCIATIONi Mel geofiziki i seysmologii AN Turkmensko7 WR (Department of Geophysics and Seismolog5r., AN Turkmen SSR) ~SUBMTED: 25Sep63 DATE ACQ: 28APr64 ENCM 01 SUB COD?.; NE NO REP SOVs* 001 OTHERs 000 1 Card 2/1 ACCUSION NRS AP4033420 ENCLOSURE: 01 Tablelo Drifts of meteoric trains. x JIM Bp. n v A I ae3cT Ild ry 93h 37m -1.0 71* 141* 75 M2 28-V 5 0.102 12- 2 12 21 10 0.0 75 Z11 27 0,9 25 100,0 O.W5 34 3 13 00 15 0.0 42 210 22 QQ 50 96.5 122 01 348 4 13 00 19 05 36 180 57 3.0 30 97A w23 224 5 13 21- 10 0.0 &S 213 110 1 220 10005 0,135 193 6 13 21 10 0.0 74 218 90 1 1 23D 100.0 A138 200 1, Train No, 2 * Dates 3~ Aumte 49 unim"i time. Card 3/3 L 47385-66 Eva 'O/rcc (w ACC NRt AR6028'402 SOURCE CODE" Tin/0269/()'6/000/005/0070/0070 AUTFIOR:' Savrukhin, A, P. ORG: none TITLE: Winds in theupper atmosphere according to photographic observations of the drift of the train SOURCE- Ref. zh. Astronomiya, Abs. 5.51.561 REF SOURCE: Byul. Komis. po kometam i meteoram Astron. soveta AN SSSR, no. 12, 1965, 27-30 TOPIC TAGS: meteor stream, meteor observation, upper atmosphere, drift, trail, meteor trail, photographic observation ABSTRACT: On the basis of photographic observations during the periods of Perseids z..d Orionids meteor streams (August and October 1960-1962), drifts of 12 train, (altitude range,70=109 km) are calculated. Bibliography of 8 titles. (Translati,.;- of abstract] [DW] SUB CODE 04/ iCa rd 1/1 UDC: 523. 58 t 28oo6-66 Ewv(l)/EWA(d)' GW ACC NRi- AP6018193 SOURCE CODEt UR/0202/66/000/00210.125/0325'. MR: AUTF Savrukhin. A. P. OR5: Institute of Physics of.-the"Earth and Atmosyhere.AN TurkmSSR (fiiiftitut 'fiziki zemli T-.q sfeny AN TurkmSSR) and:Lyrid in 1963: TITLE: Observations of'the meteor streams Leonids in 1964 s SOURCE: AN TurkmSSR. Izvestiyai Seriya fiziko-tekhnicheskikh, khimicheskikh,:i :,~.-geologicheskikh nauk, no. 2, 1966, 325 TOPIC TAGS: meteor stream,.metoor,~meteor observation ABSTRACT: The Leonids meteor stream was 6bserved by E. S. Yushkevich during tho Penh lod 14-17 'November 1964. On the,first:ni~ht'.of observations the hourly'number of z meteors in the stream did not exceed three; on the following night there.was~an in~- crease of the number of meteors, and on the night 16-17.November the stream.attained an activity maximum: the hourly number exceeded ete stream.':~ .50* AU the m ors Of the .,left trails with luminescence having.a duration,of.several seconds. During perio the 2143 April 1965.A. P. Savrukhin and L. L.Vasyrova observed the Lyrids meteor stre On the night of 21-22 April the hourly number of meteors of the stream was 7 with a-- -relative activity of 0.6. On the night.of 22-23_Apr~l.the hourly number decr'easedr. to 4 and the relative'activity was 0.4. The mean brightness of the,meteors of the --,stream was-+2 stellar magnitude; for sporadic.meteors itwas +3 stellar magnitude,'. On the -first night of the observations the drifts of three'stable gas trails of- eteors were r e me m ecorded which indicated a northward mov ment at the ' an level of eights, IJPRSI .1 DATE: _:SUB CODE: 03 SUBI 165ep65 F. UDQ:~ _523253 ~z S/828/62/000/000/014/017 E071/E135 AUTHURS: Komissarova, L.'N., Shatskiy, V.M.' Zazubin, A.I., Savrukova, G.D., and Spitsyn, V.I., Academician. TITLE: Separation of scandium from tungsten and poor polymetallic iron ores SOURCE: Razdeleniye blizkik1j po svoystvan recikikh metallov, Miezhvuz. konfer. po metodam razdel. blizkikh I;o svoyst. red. metallov. ~-jo scow, Metallurgizdat, 1962, 1-i5-167. TEXT: As a result of experiments carried out with tungsten, residues and slag, two methods of separation of scandium and production of a pure scandium oxide (above'99.99~.,) with an overall yield of bO-06~o production, were developed-. The first stage in both is the transfer of scandium into s~olution. The best results were obtained by treating the residues or slag with 98,50 sulphuric acid, using a solid to liquid ratio of 1:1, a temperature of a20 *C U13 to a nearly complete removal of S03 vapour ( ;;X, 4' hours) .and subs.equent extraction with water. The solubility of Sc(0103 in Na,9CO.3 solutions of various concentrations was studied at 0* and 2:> C. With increasing concentration of Na2C03 the solubility Card 1/3 Separation of scandium from tungsten... S/828/62/000/000/014/017 E071/E135 ncreases. The maximum solubility, 0.12 wt.0i.; of of Sc(01-1)3 Sc(oHY-, is obtained at 20 of Na2CO3 and 25 C. The solubility 0" Sc(0'1)3 in sodium hydroxide solutions in the range of concentration of 7-45 wt.lio at 25 OC Was determined.. In the lower range of concentration of sodium hydroxide (up to 151wt-M tile .2 solubility of Sc(ofl)3 is.insignificant 0.03 mg Sc2o; per m. 0f solution). The solubility was highest at 26 and 32.:5 wt.'/. of per m /I NaOH, .1.26 and 1.5 mg Of SC203 of solution. The above studies were used as a basis for the two proposed methods of. separation. The carbonate method, proposed for the processing of tungsten residues,cornprises: transfer into solution with Concentrated sulphuric acid, sodium carbonate treatment, extraction of thiocyanides and precipitationof oxalates. The alkali- carbonate method, proposed for the separation of scandium from slags (from the production of pig iron) comprises; sulphuric acid solution, precipitation with sodium hydroxide, carbonate treatment, extraction of thlocyanides and precipitation of oxalates. As a result of the carbonate treatment 40-70~~ SC203 concentrates are obtained. The main admixtures are thorium, rare earth elements, ,Card 2/3 C~l ~4tvimfil V. ~ Savrych, V. A. 3AVSITN3j,:AYA$ A. V. Savshinskaya, A. V. - "On the clinical features and diagnosis of chorio-epithelium," Collection dedicat-el to the "aternity Hospital im. Snegireva on its 175th anniversary, Loningra 1, 19-1,9, p. 24' )-56 30: U-4355, V, -11,4mist 53, (Latopis Zh,,L-n,-tl nylth Statey, 15, 1940) SAVSHINSK&TA, A.V. Use of neostigmina in stimulation of labor. Akash gin. lo.1:18- 20,Jan-Feb 51. (CLIQ 20:5) 1. Of the Obstetric-Gynecological Clinic (Head of Staff--Prof. M.A.Petr&i-Maslakov), Leningrad Sanitary Hygienic Medical Inati- tute, ank_of the Deirtment of Pharmacology (Head--Honored Worker in Scien'ca Prof.M.V.Lazarev), Naval Medical Academy. -7 wt- W tholriia&c to fdffl 1 66~ 1070,L tio diank6 k, ail ut erg 0 -to plicental-albuidim- Ali I ~Ahauges. la.1 the brain. due Savs1 ka Trid.feningy, 1. hist.. 1955, IS,.12 ~ -2t; 27, -NOS.: H na- serum by - Lv. 16esul _--proviciusly, Scnqit6c&'WRh'd4)ljthc ' -- - i 6 a i 11 jxtioh-WO I injected ~ 'u' ( boc Ita,ly f. Jir vid rutld artery) :antigen " This wus'ac6 reactfun 6 p6ZTEy an inf1,,rfiaf4ry .. . braln: ivith~OkIlInli -vw. PC yasculat in( itr -in and formation ld Changes W&~ 418 4, -1 ~ (liver; -kldfiiy) " -Its Nine . rabbits andv Ona,&ilda. 1g,were.fiens d.. ii~ *it _ , ~. ,Cxtrnt front a human placenta.),The c i alien &gi+ctimi~ ' ' ~ ' ; Cl tanges: a a vessels hi th6 btikiweic th subcmdoliMly. fog _ i gcm_ enk .-the expe-lizuental; ~nfi6U _(cn&r Wbtood Ihi6i~b Prolifer atidi eng I ~:and_,2 dologoos:p* ,. 9 h& .,, r -6 ": . j~ j ~ t5_ ,,, h b ., 1 a Sam po og ngal.were th j~ changa in.tbe, animals schiltised with pluch tan,ward.5i . that lit eclampala. Oclampsla 1i cbfislderred in allergic cbhd to u sw any le, le!-~' M.A.. prof.-, DYMAPSK-l" S,'NSFINSKAYA, A.V. Minutes of the 76th meeting of the Scientific SocietY Of ince oncologists held together Leningrad and Laningrad.Prov with the Leningrad Scientific Soclety of Cbstetrii~-iqns &-nrl Gynecologists on March 13, 1963. VOP. On'K. 9 !-S YT 1. T n'e3 in r- 1- --nd F;~ira~14 CertaLri cl-Inical symptorz -in -aslll-roln-tes'Lln--l tuberculosis L-i children w--ith sulecipl refer-mce to the 1.,rcimger [---oulp. Von. pedlli2t. i ok,.x. ni-t. I det. 20 -10 52 3, U-CUS 11 hly List o' cc~,-3slonr;,, Libr--:ry of Corip .5 e r, embf -1 7 US S 72/- Proltioms of Pathology. Immunity !?_j ,',bs Jour Ref Zh-zr Fiol. No 141 i958j uo 65882 .%Uthor 7--shilk 0. Yn Ins t Title M- Influence of Stimulation and Severance of Certain Parts of the Nervous Systera Upon Tmunogenic Functions in Rabbits Orig Pub Nauchn. yezhegodnik, Odessk. un-t, 1956, Odessa, 1957, 219. ;,bstract F--bbits were iLmunized with a culture of Brucela, strain No 19, after the wounds 'Which had been caused by opening the skull and inserting gauze were healed, and also after the vagus and the syppathetic nerves were severed. In all cases the agglutinin titer (AT) was 2-6 times lower than in controla, and the pliagocytosis,reaction (PR) was decreased. The rabbits were revaccinanted I year after receiving their initial irm,,un- ization. The agglutinin titer was 1:1280 in the controls, and 1:160 to 1:640 in the experimental anniman1s, whereas the PR remained the same in the controls and the experi=ental anim-als. J MI AR Y rADO, istvan, SAVTGHE1 1 a,,. HORVATH, istvan; Research Institute for X I a -in Pharmaceutical Chemistr~y, Department of Microbiology (head: HORVATH, I.) (Gyogyszeripari Kutato lntez~t, Mikrobiologi3i Osztaly), Budapest. "Agar-Diffusion Method for th(, Screening of Anticancer Substances by Phave Ind ne tion. Budapest, Acta Yicrobiolo~-ici~Academiap Scientiarun Hunparicae, Vol XII, No 4, i_965T6~_, -paq. E Abstract: fEnClish article, authors' English summary modified] A simple,~ semi-It!antitative af-ar diffusion method was worked out for the screening of anticanepr E3ub5t-ances I--, Pnap-,e induction which is suitable for mass e L xaminations, The rietilol 4~ based on 'he folloving, A solid medium is infected with an an-ororri-e mixture oil the lyso~4enic and indicator strai,-~rz: the influencP3 0~'Active compounds, the number of plaques is significant'~Y. increased in the surroundinaS of the wells made in the agar plate. I 'Hun- garian, 5 vlestprn references. [Manuscript received 2 _3 Aug 65.1. SOV/138-58-11-11/14. AUTHORS: Fedyukin, D.L. and SLavts TITLE: Apparatus and Method for Testing Foam Rubber by Compression (Pribor i metod dlya ispytaniya gubchatoy reziny na szhatiye) FERIODICAL: Kauchuk i Rezina, 1958,,~Nr 11, PP 35 - 36 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Foam-rubber samples in the form of cylinders 35 mm dia and not more than 50 mm. high are placed between the two plattens of the measuring apparatus shown in Figures 1 and 2. The upper platten, connected to the dial gauge, is allowed to rest on the sample under its tare weight of 40 g. (If the sample has a s.g. less than 0.2, the upper platten is lowered by hand till it just touches the sample.) The initial thickness is then determined as the sum of the dial gauge reading and the reading of ,the thimble micrometer connected to the lower platten. Compression test results may be expressed either as the load necessary to compress the sample to 60% of its initial thickness or as the compression given by a further load of 500 g applied to the upper platten on the platform Cardl/2 SOV/138-58-11-11/14 .Apparatus and Method for Testing Foam Rubber by Compression above the dial gauge. In the latter case, the height of the specimen is measured as the sum of the two micrometer readings two minutes after the load is applied. Specimens are trepanned with the special cutter shown in Figure 3. The cutter is lubricated with water while cutting and the specimens must be thoroughly dried,before measurements are taken. There are 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut rezinovykh i lateksnykh izdeliy (Scientific Research Institutefor Rubber and Latex Proftets) Card 2/2 S/121/61/000/005/002/005 D040/Dll2 AUTHORS: Tarasinkevich, P.P., Alosenki,s, M.G., and S--vt-ov, Yu ,TITLE: Program controlled automatic turret lathe PERIODICAL: Stanki i instrument, no. 5, 1961, 8-13 TEXT: The design and operation of the 1341TT(1341P) lathe (Fig. 1) is described in detail. It is produced by the Kiyevskiy zavod stankov-avtoma-. tov (Kiyev Automatic Machine Tool Plant) and is a modification of the "1341" lathe produced since 1958. Some of the component units'are new, some changed., The drum 'type capstan head with 16 tool seats is mounted parallel to the machine spindle and fixed in the various positions by a wedge pin that is retracted by an electromagnet for release. Separate reversible electric motors and electromagnetic friction clutches are used for rapid capstan head turns and longitudinal run of-the carriage saddle. Cutting feed is from.the change gear box (Fig. 2) with a two-speed motor (1), four electromagnetic clutches (2) and a double-rim gear, producing .altogether two series of eight (each) automatically changing feeds (3). Usual multidisc electromagnetic clutches are used for cross feed and rapid Card 1/12 S/121/61/000/005/002/005 Program controlled automatic ... D040/D112 head turns* Longitudinal.feed and fast run of the carriage saddle is from .special electromagnetic gear clutches working fast with,high torque (fluc- tuations of the uncoupling time are not above 0.01 sec.). The workpiece clamping and feed mechanism is actuated by a pump-like unit in the machine frame, mounted with its motor on a hydraulic panel. The hydraulic system (Fig. 3) is shown in position "rod is clamped, pressure rising" (drain is not shown in diagram). It works automatically as follows: after the command "rod feed", an electromagnet (2) is switched on; a slide valve (3) moves right and oil flows into the releasing and rod-feed spaces; after completed feed, pressure in the feed space rises, anda pressure relay (6) switches off the electromagnet of the slide valve (3). Now oil moves into the right space in a cylinder (7) for clamping, then the pressure in it rises and oil under the left end of another slide valve (5) moves it right and opens the way to the right space in a feed cylinder (8). Increasing pressure is applied to the workpiece. A pressure relay (4) then gives the command for cutting. Oil flows through a drain valve (1) to lubricate the change gear box. Pressure in the system is 12 Kglcm~-. Spaces between the slide valves and their bushings are.large (0.04-0-06 mm, in diameter) to ensure smooth opera7 tion without fine oil filters. All motions are prodiiced by electrically controlled mechanisms, and the program is contained on a single 185x278 nm Card 2/12 S/121/61/000/005/002/005 Program controlled automatic... DOWD112 .punched card of hard paper with 77 horizontal lines (sufficient for most complicated setting) and 20 vertical columnsp six of which are designed for fixing coded numbers of revolution and feeds (decoding is indicated on the card-margin)t and other cards for noncoded commands. The punched card is prepared as for usual turret lathes and serves for work of iden- tical shape and different dimensions. The data determining work dimbn- sions are on a feedback transmitter of the machine elementst position, or 11magnetic stops unit" ("blok magnitnykh uporov"), developed at the In- stitut avtomatiki Gosplana USSR (Automation Institute of the Gosplan UkrSSR). Its program carrier is a silver-coated brass drum with a ferro- magnetic compound on its surface. The combination of two program carriers (punched card and position feedback transmitter) controls the machine auto- matically. The magnetic stopst accuracy is 0.02 mm, work length is accurate within 0.1 mm. The lathe operator produces the first piece by manual con- trol and "records the stops" on the magnetic drum. Program is changed by replacing the punched card, wiping the drum and making a new record. The two units together constitute one major component called a*11command unit" (11kommandoapparat".). The card is placed on the brass drum, which has-20 brushes, which can contact the card only through the card D-erforations. Intermediate relays coupled with the brushes transmit the command readings. Card 3/12 S/121/61/000/005/002/005 Program controlled automatic... D040/D!12 A step-by-step device makes the drum turn. The kinematic system is given (Fig. 6). The punched card drum (2) mounted on a shaft (25) on insulating bushings is coupled with-a -gear (93) through a spline bushing (33). The drum (2) is coupled with the magnetic drum (29) through gears (23), (26), and (27) with a lil ratio. When the carriage saddle runs or the capstan head turnsp a tie rod (30) moves a carriage (31) with a magnetic head (32) along the magnetic drum. A run-electromagnet (ally) switches on and turns a lever (17) on its axle (13) as indicated by an arrow (K); the pawl on the lever turns d ratchet wheel (16), and a Geneva cross movement (14). A ball (15) locks it. The Geneva movement turns the drums (2 and 29) through a worm shaft (22), gear clutch (19)t the spline bushing (33) and shaft (25)- When the ratchet wheel completes one turn, the lever (17) presses on a limit switch and disconnects the run-electromagnet. The command unit is shown in a photograph (Fig..7) with removed cover. The basic electric command elements are placed in it. The main one"is a highly I sensitive magnetic modulation headp "PIP(MMG), des.gned at the Automation In&titute of the Gosplan UkrSSR (Fig. 8 and photo Fig. 9). It records current pulses on the magnetic.drum during machine setting and takes the readings during automatic operation. It is a combinktion of an ordinary magnetic head and a magnetic amplifier. The output voltage is proportional to Card 4/12 S/121/61/000/005/002/005 P.rcgram controlled automatic... D040/D112 -the reproduced magnetic flux and independent from it's variation rate. The output signal ofthe "TAUG'I is in the form of an amplitude-modulated carrier cr the.second voltage harmonic of the excitation generator formed in the ".MMG?I. In the diagram (Fig..8)9 (1) is a permalloy core and (2) a perm- alloy modulator in the.form,of a toroid. The record windings are on the permalloy core. The excitation windings on the modulator together.with the capac-itors (C1and C 2) and variable resistor (R) form a bridge circuit. EXO!-~at�on generator voltage is supplied to the 47LS-diagonal and unbalance voltage removed from the,9 Jdiagonal through a diode (,Q). Excitation current produces a closed magnetic flux.(Oe) in the toroid. Magnetic _F'lux _41) removed by the head from the magnetic drum passe& through the permalloy core and branches out in the toroid (2). Thus the excitation flux in one bridge arm coincides with the flux being removed from the magnetic drijm, while in the other arm they are opposite. The inductance of the ex- citation windings changes, the bridge becomes unbalanced, ahd unbalance -voltage reaches the amplifier unit input through a detectol~. The head is screened to protect it from the outer electrostatic fields. The control panels contain the manual controls for setting. The intermediate electric elements are placed in a separate cabinet connected with the lathe by cables Card 5/12 S/121/61/000/005/002/005 Program controlled automatic... D040/Dll2 with plug5. The power and protection elements on the lathe are those nor- mally used for machine tools. The intermediate relays on it are KA PIU/_ f (KDRSh7l) plug code relays. The circuits of the electromagnetic clutches are t7ontrolled byKAPT (KDRT) relays. The feed and amplifier units are in fbe top right part of the cabinet. The high-frequency component of det IecIted signals is filtered in the amplifier unit, then amplified, shaped in-to I ~:~quaTe pulses and led into a thyratron trigger circuit that controls cor- .responding elements in,the relay circuit. The feed unit supplies the ne- ~es;zary voltages to different points in the amplifying unit and consists of a kenotron rectifier with electronic voltage stabilization and a selenium with rectified current stabilization. Feed to both rectifiers is fr.,:-m one pcwer transformer. The turret lathe is fitted'with blocking and sa.fe~,y devices, and a signal system giving work, emergency and warning signals. There are 10 figures. a r J, 6112 RLI?-IAIIIA/r;hemica,l Technology - Chemical Products and Their H-~27 Application, Part 3. - Food Industry. Ab s Jo-,~r Ref Zhur Khimiya, No 7, 1958, 23026 Author A. WUI-- Inst Title Drying by Method of Subliimtion in Vacuo. Ori g Pub Rev. ind. aliment. prod. veget-9.1e, 1957, No 3, 1-4 Abstract The mechanism of drying by discussed. .An experimental installation for freezing (--30 to -400) of liquid food products and their drying by sublimation in 7 to 12 hours under the pressure of 1 mm of Hg column to the moisture content of 3 to 4% is described. Card 1/1 Country : BUITANIA Category : Cultivated Plants. Cereals. Leguminous Plants. Tropical Cereals. M Abs Jour RZhBiol,, No,6, 1959, No 24835 Author S avu Inst 9'tudin~ Experimental Station. Title : Testing the Varieties and Hybrids of Corn and Their Regional-Distribution. Orig Pub : Probl. agrico, 1958, 10, No. 4, 52-58. Abstract Data of Studina's Experimental.Station. Out of all the foreign and Rumanian varietiesq the best variety for Olteniya and Moldova is the Rumanian Studina. Hybrids, obtained from crossing Rumanian Studina with Lister Fister and Rdmanian Studina Lth IIIKAR-54'-I. w L Card 43. ACC NR- AP6029606 SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: Savu, A!. (University lecturer; Candidate of geographic sciences; Cluj); Sucitu -1-r-tPr-dre -s~or Bucharest) ORG: 0one TITIE: Maramures Regiune SOURCE: Natura. Seria geografie-geologie, no. 5, 1965, 24-35 TOPIC TAGS: physical geography, economic geography, industrial development ABSTRAGT: Adetailed physical-geographic characterization of the Maramures Regiune. The origin and evolution of the volcanic relief are discussed and some 'Local particularities mentioned, and the economy, population distributionand traiisportatiori,. system of the area are presented. The authors point out that (the region has changed from a formerly poorly developed area tc a prosperous cne, with the annual rete of growth last year being 15 percent highc-r thar. the naticn-wide average. Principal industried are non-ferrous oresl chemicals, rrdning equipment, and wood; principal agricultural products, cereals., technical crops, orchardz_;,.0. the zootechnical Sector. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. [Based on Eng. abst.J JMS1 r SUB CODE: 08, 05 SUBM DATE., none Card 1/1 7 74/~/ ION-ESCU, Florica (Bucuresti);P1SCATI, C. (Craiova); SIAM, Augustin I. (Cluj); MARGULESCU, Origen (Craiova);. S'.-AI17ESCU, !lie (Sibiu); WESELY, Tiberiu (Tg. Mures); OPREA, Mliron (Floiesti); BAGHINA, V. (Breaza); IONESCU, Ilie (Pitesti); P2INHEIMER, Emilia (Bucure sti); BORTAS, _rmilian (Bucuresti); SA-U, Constanta (Bucuresti); Pranitchi, Teodor (Tg. Mur;s) Examination questions Gaz mat B 15 no. 6:260-264 Je 164. MOGA, A., acad.; ZAGME-6117J, I;, dr.; SUCIU, I., dr.; SrMILAGENAU, A.; SAVU, I., conf. Considerations on the contribution of envirommental physical accors to the distribution of rhewmtic,heart disease. Med. intern. 14 no.4: 599-602 My 162. 1. Lucrara afectuata in Clinica I modicala si la Catedra de geografie a Universitatii 1113abes-Bolyai".. Cluj. (WOMATIC FEART DISEASE) (WEATHER) (CLRIATE) (HOUSING) (CLOTHRIG) L 33719-66 ACC NRs AP6025152 SOMCE CODE: RU7001276570611004[6559[o 6 ALTMORi NimilescU. Gh. (Doctor; Colonel; Candidate of -dical sciences);-.Baciu. D. (Doctor; Lieutenant colonel); FMR, T- (noctor; major); Savu, Stefan (Doctor; CaptZkY. ORG: none TITI-3: Sam physiopathological and therapeutic aspects of trophia ulcers of venous origin of the pelvis SOURCEt aevista sanitara militara, v. 61, no. 4, 1965, 559-566 TOPIC TAGSt disease therapeutics, human physiology-, Pathology-, circulatory system disease ABSTRACT: After a brief review of the literature, the authors present the physio- pathological picture associated with trophic venous ulcers of the pelvis and mumri the n-ain accepted methods of treating theme They also comment on their own experience during the past 4 years, which included 95 operations for varicose veins of the pol- via members of which 9 cases were associated with chronic venous insufficiency and trophic ulcers. EMSt. 33,50J0 suB com.: o6 SUBM DATE: 30APr,65 (RIG REF: 020 SOV REF: 003 OTH REF: 03.1 Card RWYWI-I NICULESCU, Gh., Colonel, Medical Corps Doctor of Medical Sciences; BACIU, D., Lieutenant-Coloncl, Medical Corps; FILrP, I., Major, Nedical Corps; EDAC.-t~,, Cartain, Medical Corps; and SAW, St., Cartain, Medical Corps. "Considerations on the Treatment of Burns of the Hands" Bucliarest, Rcvista Sanitars NilLtara, Val 16, Special No., 1965; pp 192-195 Abstracti Review of specific problems of hand burns: *prevention of in. .fection, continuous preservation of function, very precise and delicate 7,rafting technic paying particular attention to prevention of contractures and to Judicious suture; precautions needed are discussed in great detail. 6 photographs of pro. and post-operative iserects in one case. Surgery RUMUN 11% NICULESCU Ch.v Colonel, Medical Corps, Dr. in Medical Science; BACIU, D., Lieaenan~-Colonel, Medical Corps; SAVU St Captain Pledical Corps; and BUDAC, A., Captain, Medical Corps. "One-Stage Surgical Intervention in Inverted Talipes Equinus" Bucharest, Revista Sanitara Militara, Vol 16, Special No., 1965; pp,230-234 Abstract.: Case report and detailed description of the surgical procedure on a 49 year old man with extremely severe talipes equinuss following polio~ myelitis and neuromuscular paralysis at age 4. -Very good results 5 months following complex one-stage operation. 2 patient photographs, 3 roentgenograms, 2 surgical diagrams. NICULESCU, Gh., Dr, Col, BACIU, D., Dr, Colp and 6AVU,.st:-,Dr, CPt Laffiliation not give-n-1-'---- "Current Therapeutic Conceptions Concerning Clavicular Fractitrea." Bucharest, Revista Sanitara Militara, Vol 62, No 1, Jan-Feb 66, Pp 47-56. Abstract: The authors discuss the relative advantages of surgical and orthopedic treatment of clevicular fractures on the basis of literature'report's and.their own experience. On the basis of an anlysis of the results, they favor.ortho- pedic treatment for the majority of cases. Two case histories are presented Includes 14 figures and 9 references, of which 3 are Rumanian, one Russian, one German and 4 Western. Manuscript submitted 28 May 1965. 2S3 RMI-1,A NICUMESCU, Gh., Dry Col, BACIU, D., Dry Col, STHEKEEt!~I:, !.I rj.-, Col, FTLIP, I., Dry lo'aj, and SAVU, St. ffili a- Dry Cpt. [a tion not givenJ "Some Anatomicai-Clinical and Therapeutic Aspects of Keniscus Ruptures. Bucharest, Revista Sanitara Militara, 1161 62, No 2, Mar-Apr 606, pp 209-219. ElLbstract: An analysis of Ill cases of meniscus ruDture treated during four years at the Central Military Hospital. lest resul s were obtained with total meniscectomy 1 is recom- mended over Da.-tial meniscectomy; complete recovery was obtained in all patients, with only a small percentage re- maining on a limited-activity status. Average convalescence time after surgery was 45 days. Includes 3 figures and 6 references, of which 2 Rumanian, 2 German and 2,English-language. Manuscript submitted 12 Auzust-- 1965. 1/1 S/081/61/000/021/004/094 B102/B138 AUTHORS: Vizbarayte, Ya. I., Vosilyus, I. I., Savukinas, A. Yu., ---------------------- Yutsis, A. P. TITLE: Two-electron matrix elements of the energy operator in the case of jl-coupling PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 21, ig6i 12, abstract 21B84 (Tr. AN LitSSR, B, v. 1(24), 1961, 23 42) TEXT: The matrix elements were determined for the matrices of il-coupling. transformations to LS and jj-coupling, expressed by 6j-coefficients, and also expressions.for the electrostatic and spin-orbit interaction energy. The coefficients at the radial integrals in the expressions of these energies are tabulated for,the configurations si, pp, pd, pf, pg, dd, df and [Abstracter's note: Complete translation. Card 1/1 S/08 1/61/000/021/003/094 B102/B136 AUTHORS: Vizbarayte Ya. I., Vosilyus, I. I., Savukinas, k. Yu., Yutsis, A. P. TITLE: Application of jl-coupling in the case of an excited oxygen ion PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 21, 1961, 12, abstract 21B83,(T�. AN LitSSR, B, v. 1(24), 1961, 43 - 48) 2 2 TEXT:. The energy spectrum of a ls 2s 2pnl configuration is examined using jl-coupling. / 'In the case nl = 4f,59, theoretical values for the positive pi~-~ oxygen ion energy were found and compared with experimental data., (Abstrac- ajj ter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 I ACCESSION NR: AT4041506 S/2910/63/003/01-/0151/0154 AUTHOR: Shadzhyuvene, S. D. -Savukinas, A. Yu. TITLE: The problem of the classification of 21j -coefficients SOURCE: AN UtSSR. lAtovskiy fizioheskiy sbornik, v. 3, no. 1-2, 1963, 151-154 TOPIC TAGS: 21J coefficient, 3nj coefficient, 3nj coefficient classification, 6j coefficient ABSTRACT: In the general class of 3nj-cbefficients the number of coefficiedbincreases sharply with n. This makes the proper classification of the coefficients very important. The 82 diagrams for the 2 Ij -coefficients were originally obtained from examination of the A sums of products of 6j-coefficients by A. A. Bandzaytis et al. (Trudy* AN Litovskoy SSR, B, 1, 30, 1963). This article presents a table of 2 lj -coefficients which are classified in accordance with the method proposed for 3nj -coefficients by S. D. Budrite et al. (I.At. FS, 1, 271, 1961). The method is based on the non-vanishing properties of 3iij-coefficiernts. The symbols used to denote the coefficients are (p, q, h, x), where p is the number of bondi- tions for the formation of a rectangle, q is the number of conditions for the formation of a pentagon, etc. These syrfibolB are correlated in the table with the number ofthe diagram as, G defined by A.A. Bandzaytis. The order In the table is such that the coefficient with a larger number of conditions for the formation of a rectangle is listed first and when the number of Card 1/2' ACCESSION NR: AT4041507 S/2910/63/003/01-/0155/0158 AUTHOR: Zlivironnyto, S. A., Vizbarayte, Ya. I., Karosenc,,A. V.,.Savukinas, A. Yu. VITLE: Vic problem of the classification of the energy spectrum of atoms in the Op sup N n1 configuration SOURCE: AN LILSSR. Litovskly fizicheskly sbornik, v. 3, no. 1-2, 1963, 155-158 TOPIC. TAGS: energy spectrum, energy spectrum classification electron shell N ABSTRACT: The structure of the energy spectrum of the 2p nI configuration for various degrees of shell filling and various levels of excitation of the outer electron Is fully ex- plored in the existing literature. In the present paper, the authors review some of the results of these theoretical investigations of the energy spectrum of N, 0, F and Ne. When the excitation of the outer electron Is increased, the LS-bond becomes invalid and the I-So -bond and Jol-bond appear Instead (sequential structure bonds). These. bonds appear at lower excitation levels when the number of electrons in the closed shell is large. For . atoms with the same Ionization level, the sequential structure bonds appear at lower excita.- tion levels of the outer electron In the atom with lower N (or Z). When two atoms have Card' 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4041507. the same Z, the sequential structure bonds appear at low levels of outer electron excitation: when N is large (ionization level small). When two atoms have the same number of electrons in the partially filleo shell, the sequential structure bonds appear at low levels of outer electron excitation when the nucleus charge is small. Orig. art. has: I table. ASSOCIATION.- Inatitut fiziki i. matematiki Akademit nauk Litovskoy SSR (Inatitdo of Physics and Mathemabcs, Academy of Sciences, lAthuantan SSR) SUBDUTTED: 00 ENCL: 00 OTHER:00 SUB CODE: NP NO REF SOV: 008 2/2 Card 41 lkl rosen, a A. K 7 77 As;: Hatrix~alc- ='a 0 10 the b ectrop~Atti--ifii~iAVA nn:~O tat -810 i ctron Outside',-th e, a bb i 1964~t',,2134: Y, SOURCE Utcrvek -8 rn k N All, LUSSR -.-n-;.i'4OP2rC- TAGS: ectrbfi fwwfl6ii q h 'ni -a ec -rom uant=, wq a ca', 11~~'::Atft nectrum eltictfostit dlJntekab n if :a - ACT: .-Atomar-and-- ons v ase el6ceron - c6j- iguration, ABSTR shell'and a diijgle.~cxectf`ou ou-t 1: C, Om -Pris-'a L,~4iihii Aiii a P.Of atomic j !D4 h -appropriate., co t t os The~. eore I a no limit fn-~.- "th -I pments' Ai?4eniiA-, carried,out-t6,thet, ~vjew'of e ern eve o nt pdz bi A am dII't6,.zf eory.. The.prepen -t:pa Ins'" I f ~_iei it, a' f''~ lav d a t iga t i6ii ~d th 'the. iudicated'gap.. In-tM,~Ov the 'at dift qu .aIqtuj ,a,-,, e h article,-. t is It "A"ifth - --- ~717-1.~~t-t el" Sh 11 1.6 % aad~ vi, er -'ab urAqueAA`-that `Icaid MIIF;1~1 -4:1-T-1---i 11 v.- 'AT50b2OlO:'-' ACCESSION NR f almOst~` v 'It. vas a orlm 'tl -M,00t'l illed she Ut e-,elOctr9g.a An-simpler formulae, f,6r~.tfie viaticiX -.e t e. t ni,*-Toli Ad p d an AmPOV 1k -1~~ :oup, M atoi-. in ihis case M j jiritticle. on t he's e' &jix -elemiehts th i rt f -8 atom C.~.% 0 r 'the pa I- 6f t P' in i1 lul 'bum as we timined dxpr gsiOns4or,thi--diag taol~ the ~Gtudy.iof -:the. perm t d'its signif icallep 0 lose .80in-. n a ac or, -taking _lnt,07- ActD= `6 1. stiftabld tyPe of bond, by vzau0:-,6f or ud'22 f, tables .,a 0, ui _A,w-itemtw~-,,.Aka ~em -.ASS0CXAT:E0;j' Inlitittl- An -0 "2AAMig63 -Sun Nb I A 1;~ a; ~hejj -'rem, t 0 ~ P, i n p terac serve.. ad The.,_. ~ Q - eleiie Lti66. OUtbe - irt -lad . I - " '.. , ., , , j - -~-Nvil , 1 ~;-- :-,~ - .-, - . , -. . - . - 4- n. -, - . ".1", :mg~-v, *,- ODEi , __11 L 085 30 i. ACCESSION N11:: AT50020114 the expression for matrix 'elemeits i4ith ~cespect-_to. the'- ~~6ift4ibtl.4_- -1',- ationships-were found;~ for'.-" the r'a'dial ntegra coeiiftiehts~-in eXpr PhAse,rel for the matrix elem .ents 'An the .cages oi.,. ts j61 -and'-i ~coup ing -these -relationshi~i lg-,&~o_nitrate _,hy Tneans-.o ::examples cability of h ormu a rt. as: 21 tables and 52, i,Akadem ASSOCIATION:.-.'-Institiit,fiziki' mat6mat.A Os'. oy USSR tgh~ titikdj` A6iaiem! e--n*c ei,~ Lithti~n ~,ViVtij4u mathematics ins ign SSR) sskiy G vennyy universitet imi Vo Xap'sidcAba'.-,_, vilniug~ 64 t-,"bo SUMIMD, .06Jan -GP g NO REP: Sov. ~T. 4 A --V oi ........ ... 212_~_- L.~ as .'an, L 22267-v`% EW-1 (d)/9WT(1'VT TjP(a) ACC NR. MSM5181 SOME CODE: SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 9B45 0- AUT11016: Savukinas, A. Yu.; Karosene, A. V.; Bandzaytis, A. A.; Yutsis, A. P. TITLE: Symmetry of mirror reflection in the theox7 of angi4ar momentum ~Z/ REF SOURCE: Lit. fiz. sb.) ~4, no, 4) 1964, 46T-478 TOPICIAGS: quantum thcW7) quantum number,,mathematic operator, eigenvalue TRANSLATION: The authors discuss the behavior of -the quantities which are involved In the -theory of the angular momentum under thetransformation of the type 1 (1). It is shown that- this transformation is equivalent to a transition-to a new system of coordinates, obtained by mirror reflection in the, plane of the indeterrminat components of -the angular momentum. if *(Jm) is thAiRenfunction of -the operators of -the square of the angular momentum and of the projection of the momentuhi an the Z, axis, then the transformition corresponding to the substitution (1) is x X, Y 1 7 Y, z -z. Phase relationz- are presented connecting pairs of 9j symbols, , such -that'. the -titution (1) is realized for all the momenta in one of the. 9J symbols of the pair'. These relations, with allowance for the symmetry- proper-ties of the 9J symbols, encom-- pass all possible c ases. Rules for graphically obtaining the corresponding phas e relations, suitable for anY 3nJ symbol, are presented. SUB CODE., 20 Cmd ACCESSION NR: AP4042414 S/0056A4/047/001/0385/0387 AUTHORS: Bandzaytis, A. A.; Savukinag,,A. Yu.; Yutsis, A. P. TITLE: Reflection symmetry in quantum mechanics SOURCE: Zh. eksper. i teor. fiz.,. v. 47, no. 1, 1964, 385-387 TOPIC TAGS: group theory, quantum theory, shell theory, electron shell ABSTRACT; It is shown that the substitution of the type Jj 3 -j - 1, discussed by the authors elsewhere (DAN SSSR v. 154, 812, 1964) can be regarded as a reflection of the coordinate system. A proc he 3nj edure is given for finding the symmetry properties of t coefficients under such a reflection. A method is also presented for applying this symmetry to matrix elements of operators of physical quantities. The'matrix element of the electrostatic inter-~ action between an I-electron and the IN shell, in the P-1 configura- As 0 0 ~1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4042414 tion for J L coupling, is considered as an example, and it is shown 0 that half of the expressions for the coefficients in,terms of I can .be obtained from the other half by the substitution 1-.* -1 - 1. This indicates that the reflection symmetry properties make it pos- sible to shorten the computation of expressions of this type and td reduce th sizes of tables of matrix elements for arbitrary opera- e tors of any quantum system. Orig. art. has: 4 formulasland 1 figure.,,7 ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki i matematiki Akademii nauk Litovskoy SSSR (Institute of.Physics and Mathematics, Academy of Sciences Lithuanian SSR); Villnyusskiy gosudarstvenny*y universitet lm. V. Kapsukasa (Vilnius State University) SUBMITTEDt l6Xar64 ENCLS 00 SUB CODEs NP NR*REF SOV: 005 OTHER: 002 2/2 S/0020/64/154/1004/0312/0314 ATAo 1 296-j A U H O~" " S' 3andza~-Us, A.k.; Karosene, A.V.; Bavukinaa,'A-Yu.; Yut,-,5,-,, A.P. (Academician) T 1 "AlL E,': ag J. ,nitudes of anVlar momentum -rfitil negative parameters rep- reseatinF, the angular momentum quantum, numbers. SOUROE: AN SSS11. Doklady*, v.154, no.4, 1964, 812-814 TOPIC TAGS: angular momentum, negative parameter, quantum number, quantum, mechanics, mathematical physics, Klebsch-Gordan coefficient, tensorial set ABSTRACT: The eigenvalue equation + vhere J2 is the operator for the square of the angular momentum will not change If the quantum number j can be changed as follows.- (2) The Klebsch-Gordan coefficients which play an especially vital role In Crd ACCESSION NR:. AP4012963 mathematical devices for the vector addition of angular momentu2 are expressed by the ordinary sums of values consisting of the factorials! of the linear combinations of the parameters of these coefficients. Since the permutation of (2) has the consequence that some of these linear parameter combinations become negative. The formulas for the j,Klebech-Gordan coefficients have the Interesting result that during ,:'the substitution of (2), the number of factorials from the negative .,;:values is identical In both the numerator and denominator. Hence,, the .,following ratio can be effectively employed: a)l =~ (-1)6-1 (b - 1)1 )b- (a - 1)1 !.This ratio is obtained by estimating the ratio limit between two ,]Gaussian II functions when.they approach their poles. The indexels a - I and b - 1 denote the number of negative factors. When substitu- !ting (2) for discrete parameters representing the angular momentum quantum numbere, the equations for the Klebach-Gordan coefficients pass into each other or into themselves to within the phase factor. In "'iaddition to this, other forms of equations are olitainedwhich have not t ,been utilized up to the present. In such a ciLee, an Indeterminant d- 214 MR. KP4012963 which makes these formulas awlarard for the problem n -uestion. From.a practical point ol;' vleu, the importan-IL, substitution of (2) is not carried by all three parameters. ~:he most importan-11- parameters are the KZleb~_.:h-Gordan coefficientsi A. th two negative parameters representing the ang7alar momentum quantum number, The r;,,,I;io 1, T I)114M, it I n-f IMI IM, 01% M M, r can be used for caloulating the Klebach-Gordan coefficients for a.giv- en value Of J2- Then It If It + k I. T,-k Im, mo Mj+ all] M& M9 all +Mal t. I..uhere JVt:k- -J2- Equation,(5) shows that the event J,= J1 + k can be obtained from the event k by the permutation which enables the formula tables for the Klebsoh-Gordan coefficients to be reduced by almost one-half. Orig. art. has: 18 -formulas. Car 3/4 --7 ............... 28000-66 EVIT(l) IJP(c) _GG 7. ACCNRI_~_AT6012879 SOURCE CO 5/002/0171/0184 DE: UR/2910/6~[ 0 AMOR: Yutsis A.. P. --Jucys.. A.; Sawkinas A. Yu. -4aVUJMfi8j A#; _R 4: BandzuYtIo. ORG: Vilnius State University im.~ V. Kaj*ukag Vt1#WudAiy universitet ; no tute of Physics and Mithem!~~~ 04 (InatitAlisiki anian -- 77 :~-"4 i matematiki Litovskoy 7, 7 on sy=et i the quantum mechanical TITLE: Comments on the mirror re.flecti ry, U momentum theo ry SOURCE: AN LitSSR., LitoVskiy:flzicheskly~ abornik, V, .5 p', no 2P 1965P 171`184 TOPIC TAGS: quantum number :3-lght.ref ection matrix function coordinate system..-quantum mechanics-, ABSTRACT: The mirror reflection tum -symmetry in the quantum mechanical momen ,theory has been investigat6d*~ :The'reflection''of'thii coordinate~system and:of- he space in the plane of undefined components of the angular,momentum was examine was determined that when inthe! normal (right-hand) coordinate system, -the. an~', momentum quantum number j is,used, the quantum number j =._J-1 must-be used in.the.1'.., reflected (left-hand) coordinate system. The simuitaneous.reflection of the coordi-'' nate system and space is equivalent to the time reversal, inthe case of proper func- tions of the angular.momentum.operstor, and to the transformation of the standard C rd 112 IVAMOV, G.F., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; SA7UO7, V.P., inshener. Effect of electric spark hardening on wear resistance and fatigue strength. Metalloved.i obr.met. no.6:52-56 D '55. OGRA 9:3) 1. TSentrallayy nauchno-iseledovatel'okly institut tekhnologii i mashinostroyeniya. (Steel--Electrometallurgy) (Blectric spark) ROVIKOV, Vladimir likolayevich; IVANOV, Georgly retrovich;-"Iwaft. BMSTOVOY, Ye.I., inzheaer, redaktor; BOBROVA, Ye.K., tekhmicheakiy redaktor LIlectric spark hardening of locomotive parts; practices of the Moscow depot of the Moscow-Kursk-Doubass railroadj Xlektrolskrovoe uprochnenie detalei paroyozov,; opyt depo Xoskv,& Mookovsko-Kuroko- Donbasskoi dorogi. Koskya, Gos.transp.zhel-dorAzd-vo, 1957. 50 P. WRA 10:7) kLocomotives-Repairs) t2lectric spark) V PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 29 Ivanov, Georgiy Petrovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences Tekhnologiya elektroiskrovogo uprochneniya instrumentov i de 'taley mashin (Technology of Electric Spark Hardening of Tools and Machine Parts) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1957. 187 P. 7,000 copies print*d, Reviewer Popilov, L. Ya., Engineer; Ed.: Astaflyev, S. S., Candidate of Technical Sciences; Technical Ed.: Uvarova, A. F., Managing Ed. for literature on transport, highway,and power machine building (Mashgiz): Voskresenskiy, N. N., Engineer. PURPOSE: This monograph is intended for engineers, teahnicians, foremen, and electrotechnologists employed in' machinery plants. COVERAGE: The book 1) explains the basic problems of electro-spark hardening (nature of process,,technology, and the harden- ing technique), 2) describes hew electro-spark equipment developed by TsNIITMASH (Central Scientific Research Institute for Heavy Machine Building), 3) presents,the Card 1/7 Technology of Electric Spark (Cont.) 29 theoretical, physical and metallographic principles of electro- spark hardening, and 4) on the basis of numerous experiments determines the special physical properties and describes mechanical tests of hardened specimens. Furthermore, the book introduces electro-spark hardening technology developed on the basis of physIcal parameters of the process, describes the practical application of the technology to hardening of tools and machine parts, and explains full-scale testing of various hardened machine parts. Pages 15-18 present basic data on the application of the electro a ark hardening method at the KIrovskiy Zavod (Kirov Plant~ in Leningrad, at GAZ (Gor'kiy Automobile Plant imeni Molotov)j Uralmashzavod (Ural Heavy Machinery Plant) and Uralvagonzavod (Ural Railroad-car Plant), The new electro-spark hardening machines BAI-1 single-eleetrade), IYe-2, IYe-214: IAS-2M (five-electrode) developed by TsNIITMASH during 1954-1957 are compared with the KEI-l-and the UPR-3M. Persons assisting the author in the TsNIITMASH laboratory experiments were: Senior Engineer V.P.Savukov, Foreman A.D.Bondarev, Candidate of Technical Sciences S.S_.I-NtXr"I-e-v, Engineer V.V.Borisova, and Foreman A.S.Yeremin. The bibliography lists 48 references, all of them Soviet. Card 2/7 Technology of Electric Spark (cont.) 29 TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction Ch. I. Present Status of Electro-spark Hardening 5 Mature of hardening 5 Technology and technique of hardening 9 The experience of some plants employing electro-spark hardening 15 Ch. II. Electro-spark Equipment of TsN11TMASH 19 Single-electrode electropspark machine type EAI-l (G.P.Ivanov) 19 Five-electrode IYe-2 and IYe-2M electro-spark machines of TsNIITMASH 21. Ch..M. Physical Problems,of Electro-a ark Hardening 30 P Transfer of matter from.the hardening electrode to the work-piece and the mechanics of this process 30, Card 3/7