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S V. I
Vaselkov, P. S., Yu. A. Oaydukov
Rontorovich, 0. A. Pishchu In '.S.
I A::, kh. and
~A.S. Pastavokly
RAvnomarnayn rabot^ mashImostrottal'Stykh zavodov (Uniform Work of
Machine-Manufacturing P2ants) Moaccw. Mashg1a, 19,48. 171 P.
Errata slip Inserted, 4,000 copies printed.
Reviewart A. X. BondArenko. Enginearl Ed.1 V. A. Lotanko, Candi-
I ~
of Economic ScIanceal Tach. Ed.9 V. 0. El'kindt Kanagi "
data .
Ed. or Literatur on the Economics and Organization or Production
Sak eaganskiy.
(Mae hg 1.)i T. D.
PURPOSES Thin book Is Intended ror engineering and technical person-
nal in machine-manufacturLng plants
COVERAGgs This back discusses the national economic Importance of
uniform operation of plants according to a Ach*dulat and points
out, planning problems that, should be solved to permit work unl-
formity in manufacturing establish.-cents. It defines organization-
&I and technical prerequtaltearor uniform work, shown the In-
noo of financial agencies of establishments on production
un I OrmIty, and describes methods Of measuring work unlrormity.
The last two chapters are devoted to work practices at the Moscow
.91 0ktraIchatchIk~ Plant find the Pervyy Moakovokty zhasovoy
(First Moscow Watch and Clock Plart). No persors)itlas are
J'an ttoned. There are no. references..
Ch. IV. Setting Stendards for the Length of the Produatton
Cycle as a Factor Contributing to Uniform Operation
of an Establishment (A.S. Tolarykh) 76
product ton cycle features 76
1. Spectal
2. Intabli hIng standards for the production cycle 78
Calculation and analysts of the length or the production
cycle 94
Ch. V, Product ton Rhythm and t e Material and Technical
nt 5 1
Supply of an Establishme (A. M. nvk n)
1. Material and technical supply plarning and 'he astab-
.11shment oratandards for supplies 110
2. Establishment or standard banks In production 126
Introd" ation of progressive sta-ndards for riaterlal
expenditureaand Imposition of limits on material re-
2uIramonts 1 119
4. ontrol of the supply plan rulf-liment 121
Ch. VIII. Practices of the first Moscow Watch and Clock Plant
Providing Work UntCormity ~A. S. Pastovskjy) 139
AV)LILABLZi Library of Congress
Cam 3/5 11-6-59
SMFKHOV, A.A.; YEKLER, A.P., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; SAVK.U4,
kand. ckon. naWk. retsenzent; UIDREITV, K.I., Inzh.,
red.; BARYKOVA, G.I., red. izd-va; MROVA, A.F., tekhn. red.
[Automation in warehouses]Avtoratizatsiia na skladakh. Ifioskvaj,
'elashg-iz, 1962. 267 p. (1,11IRA 15:12),
(We-tehouses--Equipment and supplies) (Automation)
ACC NRt AP7003280 SOURCE CODE: UR/0250/66/010/012/0933/0935
AUTFOR: Savkin A. Ye.; Lugina, A. S.; Bokut, B. V.
ORG: Institute of Physics, AN BSSR (Institut fiziki AN BSSR)
TITLE: Observation of generation at the sum frequency of the emissions from a ruby
and a neodymium laser in a KDP crystal
SOURCE: AN BSSR. Doklady, v. 10, no. 12, 1966, 93
TOPIC TAGS: ruby laser, neodymium laser, laser emission, frequency mixing, frequen
i converter
ABSTRACT: The authors were able to mix in a KDP crystal the ordinary wave of a ruby
laser I (%R = 6943 A) and the extraordinary wave of a neodymium laser (%Nd = 10600
and produce emission at the sum frequency in the phase-matching direction. Both
la-sers were fed from a single capacitor bank and the two were pumped individually
by a single IrP-2000 lamp. The ruby and neodymium lasers generated, 3.8 J and 2.65 Jj
i at a purT voltage of 2300 v, corresponding to 1760 J energy for each pump
U _ larap. The
method of obtaining both temporal and spatial coincidence of the generated radia-
tions and parallelism of their beams is described. Generation from the KDP crystal
at the sum frequency was observed throughout the duration of the ruby laser emission.
Thlis report was presented by Academician AN BSSR B. I. Stepanov. Orig. art. has:
2 figures and I formula.
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 07jul66/ ORIG.REF: 0031 OTH REF: 001
AUTHOR: Rubtsov, N.N., Doctor of Technical Sciences, 9avkin
G.Ya. and Stepanov, Yu.A., '-Engineers, and 'Palandin
G.F., Candidate.of Technical Sciences
TITLE: Producing Steel,0astings by the Squeezinfr-01-it '."ethod
PERIODICAL: Titeynoye 'Proizvodstvo, 1059, Yr 7, pp 17-18 (T-T,~:)9'9.~
ABSTRACT: According to the method developed by P.S. Stebakov
(Tjiteynoye -Proizvodstvo, TTr 12, 1956) many larEe cas-
ting shapes, with thin walls, for aircraft manufacture
can be produced from aluminum alloys. The laboratory
umann" has carried out
of the foundry at PWTU_"Tmeni 'Pa
similar experiments for work pieces of 50r,1 by 01('10 cm,
with wall thickness of 4 to 5 mm made from steel. The
experiments with steelhave been ex.eciited in the man-
ner as the above-mentioned exT)eriments made with alu-
minur.,i (T.P. 12 1956). One drawing explains only the
special method'of poi)ring the metal into the nolds.
Card 1/2 Tnere follows a descriptionand explanation of 11-0711
Producin- qteel CastinEs by the Squeezing-nut ~'etbod
Important it is to have a quick flol.,,, and a -['ast coo-
-ling-off for the metal. Tn cpse the flow of t"~,e me-lal
~,ias. slower. than 2 m per second, thin-,~,alled c-stings
could not be produced.during the experiments. The. ac-
cornplis1iment of the required velocity of 'Llo-,.,.r can only
he means of automatically controlled mecha-
nical installations. There are 1 dingram ari 1 -.icro-
Card 2/2
T, D.Ye.; Sk-!OYLO%I, V.M.; VOROB'-YE',", S,S-- 7-h
-SMIKU1, I.P., inzh., red.
Piandbook on the uge of cuttlTag, prrcn--~-fi~-n,
Mechanized tools] SpravoAtiik pa ckspluatats
udarnogc, vysadnogo i mekhani2iro7am.-go
skva, Mashinostroenie, 1965. 343 F,-
1.1 ., kand. tekhn. nauk; NUSNEVICH, L.I., kand. tekhn.
nauk; ZUBIYETOVA, M.P., kand. tekhn. nauk; M!,I!()VSKIY,
doktor tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; I.P,, inzh.
id wear tests of diesel engines] UskaveriUe
Rapi iSPVLaniia
duzellnykh d-vigatelei na im-oscstoikost'. Noskva, Izd-vo
111--Iashinostruenie,'~ 1964- 182 p~, (NIRA .11-7)
28(l) SOV/118-59-1-15/16
Candidate of Tec~inical
AUTHORSi Sciences and Mo-
gilevskiy, V.T,.!., Engineer
TITLE- 'Automation of Conveyers in the Kuznetsk Basin (2'Lvtoma-.
-tizats4ya konveyerov v Kuzba
J- sse)
PERIODICAL. 1v1ek]-aa_n_izatsiya i Avtomatizatsiya Proizvodstva, 1959,,
N-r,l, pp 57-60 (USSR)
ABSTITUVCT: The present degree of automation in, the Kuznetsk Basin
J_s relatively low. Of 10,500 conveyers only 239 scraper
conveyers and 290 band conveyers were remote-controlled
by July 1958. A great many workers still operated
eqiiipment. A number of devices have.been tested and
some adopted. The best results ~�howed relays with a
non-contl-act- magneto-inductive pickup VIRS-2s. The
Laboratory for Automation of the KuzIMIJI (Kuznetsk
Scientific Research Institute for Coal) has.developed,
tested and prepared for serial production a device for
Card 1/3
Automation of Conveyers in the Kuzrietsk Basin.
automatics control of band conveyers, called the RULT,
the tachometer pickup of which is built into the
return roller of the band conveyer. In 1957. 70 relays
RUK-2 were installed,, supplemented in 1958 by 50 relays
VIRS-2e, Relays RUK-"t:" proved less reliable, on account
of frequent amplifier failures. Considerable advance
in- the wut.
--omation of conveyers has been made, by
-erma-aium transistors used in weak-current remote-con-
F, -
~:-_rol sysuems. The next step in the automation of conveyer
.1-ines will be designing cont-rol systems and using -the
regular feed r,..Lr,-,u-Lt as a transmission channel. The
laboratoriya gornoy avtom st- ik-i 4. -'Celemekhaniki (The
Laboratory for Mining Automation and Telemechanics)
of the '1es1.-Siberiqr Section of the AS USSR has worked
extensively in the field of transmission of control
signals via high-frequency currents, throughout the
mine's regular n;_--twork. It is also working on remote
Card 2/3
-SAYKI-4.1, M.M., kand.tekhn.nauk,; S.AVKIN, M.K., kand.tekhn.
nai~~,; GREBEIRIIKOVA, M.H., red.izd-va; KAZUROVA,
[PaperB from the.Second Conference of Young Scientists]
Haterialy Vtoroi nauchno-tekhnicheskoi konferentaii molodvkh
uchenykh ZSFAN. Novosibirsk, Novo-
sibirskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1957. 109 P. ()GRA 14:2)
1. Ilauchno-takhnicheskays konferentsiya molodykh uchenykh.
2d, Hovosibirsk, 1955.
SAVKIN. M.N., kand.tekhn.nauk,; IVANOVA, G.L., red.; KAZUROVA,
[KaterialB of the Third Scientific and Technical Conference of
Young Scientists] Katerialy Neuchno-takhnicheakoi konferenteii
molodykh uchenykh. Novosibirsk, Izd-vo
Sibirskogo otd-niis Akad.nauk SSISR, 1960. 178P. (MIRA 13:9)
1. Nauchno-tekhnichookaya konferentaiya molodykh uchanykh. 3d,
Novosibirsk, 1957.
(Science --(;on&Te see a)
194/62/000/01'2/030/1 01--.~-.'
Savkiii M. M4-
TITLE: New treinds. e e mechanics in the
in the dev lopOnt t 1e
Kuzbass minlng'industry
PERIODI CAL t Referativnyy zhurnalq Avtomatika i -adioelektidniks
betraot 12-2-132 m
no. 12 1962s 66, a (In collecti;n#
Uchenyye* Sibiki-KuzbasBu-'Kemerovo, 1961j 323-335Y
TEM The-Laboratgryof Mining Automation and Telemechanice of the!:
'In- go otdble i a AN 338R (Institute of-Min-
t gprnogo dela Sibireko n y
ing industryt.Siberian Branch AS USSR) has developed An-1959 anew
em "04614.10% 0 (Sibirl-:
HF c6mmunication"and remote signalling 'syst
~9)j differing.e6sentially in s'everal ways 'from the usual types of
such installatione.:The.Sibirl-59 system represents a complek-tele-
n tali
echanical i a ation with power lines,as communioation channels.
The system. all,owel-f or remote automatic signalling of passage'of
tra iris through signal pointst maintaining HF,communication. The in-,
,atallation has an. atta in-~ing-automatically on a.jap r
chmentfor pr
Card 1/2
New trends in the
ribbon the train number and the time of its passage thro'ugh the
control~point, The*BUpply is from 127 or 220 V a.c. mains-of.indus-,
trial frequency, power requirements about 60 We The sys~em*includes~
the control points and subscriber stationed The in8t 'ailation Pan
work as a remote signalling orLeommunication system.
is possible with one subscriber only as determined by..the busy con-!, :/7
dition system. Light calling-system is usedi- ",Speb,ial equipment. in:
installed at determined control points for,remd7te signalling..The.
special equipment consists of-a.HP transmitter and a coil pick-up j.
for the magi~etic fieldt,'placed between the raiis, When a train
passes its Illuminated riumber appears at the contr~ol* deBkd~ Further
.2ossible telemechanical developments in Kuzbass are considered.
Abstracter's note.: Complete translation....7
Gard 2/2
6t,. nExclm. ~:Otr., kan-'. tekix~. nar-K, ot-.-. rc~.;
li--adlo cc.-Munication systems arYl hig-h-fl"ecuen~c:,, -"e:l
lrifusu-y rvariiosvi
~n the az' i %,ysoko-
tole--okhanika v, -Iorrioi p.-oi:.yshlenr-l)Ai. GLV.
red. Novosli)ir6k~ -i,,,,d. otdel A,Arskc,~--o
otd--riia 19 6 173 O"Ifif, 17: F)
'k uk ~Sd- Abi r, -tdeleniye. institut
. ad e r, iy an . o
gorraor-o -;e,La.
AUTHOR: Savk1n, P. K., Lt Col
TITLE: Mechanical Wind Finder (Mekhanicheskiy vetroopredelitell.)
PERIODICAL: Vestnik vozdushnogo flota, 1958, Nr 7, PP 83-84 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: This article gives a description of a mechanical wind
finder usbd in a Soviet Air Force unit to facilitate
the determination of wind data in the air. All naviga-
tional elements necessary for the wind computation are
determined on the radar bombsight indicator. Then with
the aid of the above-mentioned device, the drift angle,
ground speed, wind velocity, and wind angle, as well as
the magnetic heading and the route angle can be found
simply and rapidly, One diagram.
Card 1/1
KLYUYEV, G.M., kand.tekhn.nauk; YUNITSKAYA, Ye.l., starshiy inzh.;
YAKOVA, E.Ya.; Prinimali uchastiye: PETROV, A.M.,; SHISHKIN, A.F.;
Grain-size distribution in the material produced by crushing rock.
Sbor. trud. NIIZIIelezobetona no-3:69-?O '60. (MIRA 15:2)
1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatel,'skiy institut zhelezoteton-
n.-kh izdelii, stroitel'nykh i nerudnykh materialov (for Petrov,
Shishkin, Knaus, Rusakova, Stepanova, Kalinkin, Gopkalova, Sachkov,
Frolov, Lukashova, Savkin).
(Stone, Crushed)
,INVENTOR: Berdjanakiy, H. G.; Burakovskiy. V. H.; Brodukiy, I. I.; Kaulyan, V. Kh.;
'Pazin, Ya. M.;,Savkin, P. V.
,ORG: None
,TITLE: 11-1altiple-draft mill for drawing pipe on a short wndrel. Class To 110. 183168
;(announced by the Dnepropetrovsk Pipe Rolling Plant imeni Lenin (Dnepropetrovokly
Itruboprokatnyy zavod)]
!SOURCE,. Izobretenlya, promyshlennyye obraztny, tovarnyye %naki, no. 13, 1966, 9-io
;TOPIC TAGS:. metal drawing, pipe, reliability
:,'aSTRACT; This Author's Certificate introduces: 1. A multiple-draft mill for drawing
!pipe on a short. mandrel. The unit consists of a truck with a drive, unloaders, a
istand with draw plate, a receiving.table with troughs and a unit for setting the rods
:along with the mandrels into tubes. Operational reliability is improved and servicing
jis simplified Irr mounting the rods on a common movable truck and equipping them with
:5pring compensators. 2. A modifi Ication of this dev-ice equipped with a lever mechanism
!for each drawing unit for clamping tubes, and a screw arrangement for moving the
uzc; 62IM4.372.002~5
Card 1/2
I ACC NR, AF60-25yf 9
~j FticP,
1--aain drive, 2-pull,chain; 3-vorking tube; 4-truck; 5-unloader;
6-lubricator; T-receiving table; 8-stand for rod support
mec'hanisms; 9-rods; 10-springs
!SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: 21.Sep64
Cord 2/2
tion; work 'practice of the Len-l-L Pipe Ro!lL,,- Factory.
iz(!-vo lit-ry no c.--rToi i tsvetnoi metallurgii,
Moski.ra, Clos. nauchno-
1 p.
1. Pipe, Stecil. 2. Rollin,7 (retal-work) .
BILYANCHIKOV V.N., redaktor; LYADEY3V, A.P., radaktor; SAVKIII, T.I.,
rsda~4or; TIKHMTOV, A.Ya., tel,-hnicheskiy redaktor
[Catalog of the principal parts of the ITH-251 excavator] Katalog
o9novnykh detalei ekslmvatora Mrff-251. Moskva, Gos. rtauchno-tekhn.
izd-vo Mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1955. 106 p. (MLRA q-.?)
1. Russia (1923- T.S.S.R.) 1-finisterstvo stroitellnogo i dorozh-
nogo mashinostroyaniya.
(Bxcavating machinery)
1, L~L~-,52-66 EWT(m)/FdP( t'//ETI/SVP(k) IJP(c) JD1H*d
ACC NRt AP6012607 SOURCE CODE. UR/0182/66/000/004/0007/0010
AUTHOR: Prozorov, L. V.; Pishchulin, N.. I.; SavkinV A.; Beskrovnvv. G. G.
ORG: none
TITLE: Increase in the temperature of forgmigs d inK the hot extrusion certain alloys
SOURCE: Kuznechno-shtampovo,chnoye proizvodstvo, no. 4, 1966, 7-10,
TOPIC TAGS: automatic recording potentiometer, metal extrusion, hot die forging,
temperature dependence, metal deformation / 10 steel, Kh15Nl0S3B (EP302) steel, EP150
steel E1607 (lQiN80TBYu0) steel, PSI-08 automatic recording p2tentiometer
A kD
A13STRACT: The article presents the"findings on,the increase Wthe temperature of the
direct-extruded rods of the steels 10, Ehl5NIOS3B JEP302), EP150 a 0
gd 6 EhN80TBYuo)
at various temperatures and'degrees of defbrm;~Un. Th was ca ied out with press
tools heated to 250-300'C, in 200-ton hydraulic press, on varying the degree of deformation
by using die holes of various diameters. The temperatureM the rod was measured immedi-
ately on emergence from the die with the aid of a special setup (Fig. 1): the emerging hot
rod faUs via a funnel hito a container with water which is equipped with six chromel-alumel
Tim! 621,777
Card 1/3
,L 44'~,5?-66
ACC NR-' AP6012607
17, ...... ..
Fig. 1. Diagram of experimental setup for measuring the temperature of the
I - punch; 2 - die; 3 - bolster; 4 - funnel; 5 - container with water; 6heat insu-
lation; 7 - forging; 8 - recording device with thermocouples
L Crd 2/3
-AP601-2- 6_0__7______
thermocouples arrayed in a spiral over the height of the container. The rise in the temperature'
o1 the water is recorded by these thermocouples and automatically registered at 2-sec inter-
vals by an PSI-08 automatic recording potentiometer. Blanks heated to various temperatures
900, 1000,1100 and 1200'C were deformed to various degrees (80, 69.7, 57.6, 43.5%), The
thermal effect (increase in temperature) was determined each time by calibration Mi the
container with water, i. e. by heating other, already extruded rods, to the same temperatures
and placing them in the container with water and measuring the resulting rise in water tempe-
rature. The maximmn increase in temperature was observed for blanks heated to 900*C and
deformed 80%, i. e. for the lowest of the temperatures investigated and the highest of the de-
-rces of deformation investigated: In this case the temperature of the emergent rod was higher
by as much *as 150-210*C. Thus, it is established that the thermal effect decreases.with
increasing temperature of the blink prior to its extrusion and increases with, increasingdegree
of deformation of the blank. Orig. art. has: 8 figures, 1 table.
SUB CODE: 11, SUBM DAT E: none/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REF: 003/
Card 3/3 b1g
ACC NR: AP7003762 (IV) SOURCE CODE: UR/037 4/6610001006/08U.5/uo-,
AUTHOR: Savkin, V. G.; Belyy, V. A.; Sogolova, T. I.; Kargin, V. A.
ORG: Department of Mechanics of Polymers, A14 Belorussian SSR, Gomel'
(Otdel mekhaniki polimerov, AN Belorusskoy SSR); Physicochemical Scientific
Research Institute im. L. Ya. Karpov, Moscow (Nauchno-issledovat ell skiy fiziko-
khimicheskiy institut)
TITLE: The effect of supermolecular structures.on the self heating of plastics
under cyclic loading
SOURCE: Mekhanika polimerov, no. 6,1966, 803-807
TOPIC TAGS: cyclic load, molecular structure, plastic, polycaprolactam
ABSTRACT: It has been established that the degree of self heating of poly-
.caprolactam samples subject to cyclic loading is determined by,the supermolecu-
lar structures of the samples, The larger and less homogeneous the supermolecu-
lar structures of the. cross section of the sample.~arli, the higher is the self-heat-
ing temperature. Cyclic loading changes the supermolecular structure and,
therefore, the mechanical and physical properties of a sample. The introduction
Card 112 UDC: 676. 5:539. 43. 015
AUTHOR: Savkin~ V.I., Engineer
TITLE: Methods for the Calculation of the Exact Sizes
of Plane Gages (Metodika rasch8ta ispolnitelInykh
razmerov gladkikh kalibrov)
PERIODICAL: Standartizatsiya, 1958, Nr 6, pp 43-45 (USSR)~
ABSTRACT: The precision of calibers is important in the
manufacture of many machine parts. Reference
books on deviations in these calibers ZRef 1,27
are very voluminou 's. For convenienGe, 8 tables
have been compiled which contain the tolerances
for shaft and opening calibers of 1 to 500 mm
diameter. The intermediate tolerance values may
be takento, the upper class of precision which
is a technical improvement, but may not be re-
commended from,an economic point of view. To,
take them to the lower class is in most cases
technically not permissible. Practical exper-
ience has shown that they may be divided between
Card 1/2
L 4192-66:
TABLE OF CONTENTS (abridged): .
Foreword 3
Ch. I. Meaning offast rate of idv~nce ifi-~i iodemi operatidn'and war
Ch. II. Material principle of fait
achimdmg a.. rate oflattack
Ch. Ill. Mobility of,troops 96
Ch. IV. Most important meanm of -ar
achie'r fa st rates',-
~ atiob by ~
of advance .
Conclusion 192
Appendix 194
NO REP Sov: 00
6 v te,
Card 2/2 ;~P 'Z
AIZ-41OR: Savkin, Yu.G., Candidate of Technical Sciences 117-3-1/98
TITLE: Automatic Setting Device for Lathe Type Machine Tools (Avto-
maticheskiy naladchik dlya. stankov tokarnoy gruppy)
PERIODICAL: Mashinostroitell, 1958, # 3, p 1-5 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Thearticle gives general operation principles of devices
for automatic setting of lathe type machines, and a detailed
description of an automatic setting device produced at'the
laboratory "Metal Cutting Machine.Tools" of the Moscow Institute
of Aviation Technology (Aloskovskiy'aviatsionnyy technologi-
cheskiy institut).
The device features a movable swinging template moving in
the direction of displacement of the cross,slide, and a measur-
ing head -which closes the electric.circuit and produces three.
kinds of signals: plus - if the dimension of the part being
machined is larger than pre-set, zero.- if the dimension of the
part is.proper, and minus - if the dimension is smaller than
pre-set. The adjustment (re-setting) of machine is fully
Tests on the." 11161 lathe (of'the plant "Stankokonstruktsiya")
have proven the applicability of the setting device for primary
Card 1/2 settine as well as for automatic resetting.during the cutting
Avtomatic Setting Device for Lathe Type Machine Tools 117-3-1/28
process. The machining accuracy in tests was within the third
accuracy degree. The dimension deviations of parts machined
in tests are shown in a table. The information includes
schematic drawings and photographs.
'There are 2 figures, 2 photographs, and 1 table.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 2/2
Moscow, AviatBionnyy tekhnologicheskiy institut
Voprosy avtomatizatsii i mekhanizatsti tek1mologicheskikh protsoosev (Problems
in the Automation and Mechanization of Manufacturing Processes) Moscowl Oboron-
giz, 1959. 105 P. (Series: Its: Trudy, vYP- 39) Errata slip inserted. 6,300'
copies printed.
Sponsoring Agency: Ministerstvo vysshego obrazovaniya SSSR.
Ed.: A. I. Isayev, Doctor of lbehnical Sciences., Professor; Ed. of Publishing
House: I. A. Suvorova; Tbch- Ed..: N. A. Pukhlikova; Managing Ed.: A. S. Zayrzov-
FJRPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for eno-ineer-technologists and
scientific workers in the field of technoloMr of machine construction, and
students in the same.special field.,
COVERAGE: This collection of articles considers. on the basis of investigations
conducted, methods for the automation of manufacturing processes involving
the machining of parts on metal-cutting machine tools; it presents information
Card 1/5
eroDiems in wie Automation ana mc-nanizarion ~uont. 50V 5)Z4
reo-irding a suitable selection of machine tools for lot production and deals
with -thods of mechanizinG the mac),ining and inspection of parts having a
complex form.
The report of B. V. Shaskollsk-ly and Y4_._Q,. ~Savk~inn-_sents 'the results of in-
vestigations of automation of the primary adjustment in lathe work. The .
authors consider an extremely timely problem, the positive solution of which,
under actual manufacturing conditions., may have far-reaching technical and
economic effects.
In the report of B. V. Shaskollskiy and A. A. Nikolayev, the authors consider
a problem which up to now has been only slightly dealt with -- the problem
of selecting suitable types of lathes for lot production. The material pre-
sented in this report is of interest-to designers working in the field of
machine-tool construction and to.industrial engineers.
A..1. Isayev and L. M. Pomerantsev present in their report the results of in
vestigations in the field of the mechanization of machining and inspection
of the blade surfaces of propeller-type hydroturbines. Based on an investi-.
gation of the machining process of model blades, -the report presents a draft
Card 2/ 5
Problems in the Automation and Mechavization (Coat.) SOVj5384
design of the equipment and machiner-y decessary for machining and checking
the dimensions oi full-scale hydroturbine blades. The results of these in-
vestigations may be of use to industrial engineers and engineers who work
in the field of hydroturbine construction.
The report of 1. V. Dunin-Barkovskiy and A. 14. Kartasheva considers the problem
of criteria for reliable checking of measuring instruments, a problem which, in
connection with the development of the manufacture of different kinds of de-
vices for automatized technological procesnes, presents definite practical-and
scientific interest.
The report of A. A. Chistakov on a method for determining the permis;sible
balance in the rotors of high-speed turboengines will be useful for designers
and engineers in motor and turbine plants.
The collection was -Drepared for printing by Docent S. 1. Gureirich, Candidate
of Technical Sciences. Referencen are given at the end of each article.
Card 3/3
Problems in the Autom.,:ttion rund fle. Cn 12~atiC'r;
T.- Shaskol'skly, B. 11~, D-,c,~nt, Gaivlldatt~ of 7~_-zhai~zal Sci,_L~aces; and Yu. G.
RavkIn, Candid-al- ,)f a-~chnic~il 5(zt-nces. Rrt)bl,,,~ms o" kitcnation of the
Pdrvivj Adjustiwnf, _fJ,. TAthe lderle~
7he article is dividel Into t~_,* A31I(.)14qrA-
Selection of the param4ters of the automatic adjuster
Construct:Lon of the adjuyter
Experimental investigation of the O-Y~-;--,,tion of the automatic
parts wit-.h heald of tom-itte adjuster
Machinipf the au
Ti. Shaskollskiy, BV., Wcerit, Candidate of aachnical Sciences; and
A. A. Nikolayev, Candidate of 1-2fechnical Sciences. Suitable Types
of Automatized Lathes for Lw, F-oduction 29
The article is divIded Into the folloving sub-sections:
Methods of investigation
Results of inves-tigation
retermination of the aec(_ssary operatIng, controls of lathes
Card 4/ 5
Problems in the Automation and Mcnanization ~Cont, SOV/3384
Preliminary selection of the general configuration of the lathe
Ill. isayev., A. I., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; and L. M. Pomer-
antsev, Enginee'r. Investigation of the Thchnology of the Machining and
Checking of the Working Surfaces of the Blades of Propeller-type Hydro-
turbines 46
IV. Dunin-Barkovskiy, I. V., Docent, Candidate of Technical Sciences' and
A. N. Kartasheva, Candidate of Technical Sciences. On the Problem of
Criteria for Reliable Checking of Measuring Instruments 74
V. Chistyakov., A. A.;p Docent, Candidate of Technical Sciences. Methods
for Determining Permissible Unbalance of the Rotors of High-speed
Turboengines Operating on Roller Bearings 91
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 5/5 AC/fal
Investigating the operation of an electric servoBysten with
a two-position copying device and electromagaetic clutches in
feed drives. Nauch.dokl.vys.shkoly; mash. i prib. no.1:42-50
159. (MIU 12:8)
1. Statlya predstavlena kafedroy "Nekhanicheakaya obrabotka i
metallorezhushchiye stanki" Moskovskogo aviatsionnogo tekhnologi-
cheskogo, instituta.
(Machine tools--Ifumerical control) (Electric controllers)
PETRWNA, N.N., Imnd. sell skokhozyaystvennvkh nauk; SAVKINA, A.D., agronom
- ., - ------
OSHCHIPKOV, F.P.; FROLOV, V.K.; Prinimali uchaL;tiye:_5AVKIIM-,L.A.-j inzh.;
(Glass manufacture)
Clinical aspects and treatment of exfoliative cheilitia. Vest de=.
i ven. 35 no.5a43-417 162. (mi!u. 152-5)
1. Iz kafe& kozhnykh i ve-nericheskikh bolezney (zav. - prof.
B.M. Pashkoll., Mbskovskogo meditsinskogo stom-itologicheskogo
instituta (dir. dotsent G.M Beletskiy) Ministerst-va zdrav,--okh--
raneniya RSFSR,
131=AbOTNOVY A.S.; . SAMNA) -61. D.
Treatment of sonee forms of chell-itis vith Buc-Vts rays. Vest.
derm. i ven. 38 no.9:41-44 S 164. (MIPA
1. Kafedra krzhnykh i venericheskikh bo:Lezney.(zav. prof. B.M.
Pashkov) Moskovskogo meditsinskogo stomatologicheskogo instituta
Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya RSFSR i kozhnyy otdel (zav. - prof,
N.S. Smelov) TSentrallnogo kozhno--irenerologicheskogo instituta (dir.
dotoent N.M.'Ajz-nnov) MiniDteratva. zdravookliraneniya SS'SRI Moskva.