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9W SO'V/ 112 -59 -1-1729 Translat-'on from: Referativnp y zhurral. Elektrotekhaika, 1959, NZ 1, p 245 (USSR) AUTHOR: Savel'zon, M. D., Rudol'fi, G. R., and Yalvabovich, S.- 1. TITLE: Au!omating the Control of Electric Parameters of Radio Equipment PERIODICAL: Radiotekhn. proiz-vo, 1957, Nr 15, pp 3-33 ABSTRACT: Comparing a voltage t-hat depends on the parameter being controlled with a reference voltage (comparing their amplitudes and the error-signal polarity) is the principal method of quality control. Methods for controlling resistors, DC and AC voltages, and simple components directly connected to measuring circuits are described. A particular emplLasis is made on the quality control of transformerB, and reactors. Block diagrams are presented, ai-,d ac' tomatic -control desks are described; the desks comprise SwItching devices, comparison circaits, automatic devicee ensuring operation sequence, signaling systems, and power-supply sources. Desks for automatically controlling Wiringi cables, transformers, stabilizzed-rectifier output, and Card 1/2 m MWIA/Chemical Teeanolc)Ey, Chemical Products and Their H-4 Application, Part 1. - Processes and Apparatus of Chemical Technology. Abs Jour: Refe-at. Zhurnal Ehimiyaj- No 10., 1958, 32824- Author Simi2.;1 SaImma, Tiberiu Golgoliu,,Angela Luca, Julieta Linda, Anc, Bucur, Iancu Irincu. Inst : Jassi Po1y*,P,(:hnica1 Institute. Title : Corrosive Properbles of Some Soils in Moldavia. Orig Pub: Bul. Inst. politchn. Iayi,. 1956, .2, No 3-4, 101-104. Abstract: A comparative characteristic of aggressivity of,various soils in the Jassi region with reference to steel,cast iron and lead is presented. Theelectrochemical mea- surements showed that the corrosion is exclusively of an electrochemical character under the experiment, con- d1tions. The least corrosion was observed in the car,3, Card 1/2 PARSHIM, Yu.A.; KOBA, V.I.; SAVENKO, A.L. Ramote safety device 'for placinIg the neutron source in the logging tool of the STP-NGG2-57 apparatus. Sbor.luch.rats.predl. pt. 2: 51-53 163. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Glavnoye upravleniye'geologii i okhrany nedr. pri.Sovete Ministrov BSSSR. BUROV, D.I., doktor sellskokhoz. nauk, prof.; LAYKOV, I.A., kand. sellsellskokhoz. nauk,- LUKANCW-V, D.N., nauchnyy sotrudnikj S j ~ANKO~A V,... Fall plowing,in the southeast. Zemledelie 26 no.7:25-28 ii t64, q (KRA 18s7) 1. Kuybysbevskiy sellskokhovaystvanny7 institut (for Burov). 2. Pon- zenskaya oblastnaya gbsudarstvennaya sellskokhozyaystvennaya opy-tnaya stantslya (for Laykov, Lukanchev, Savenko). KRUTIKHOVSFAYA, Zoya Aleks;-,ndro-ma; ZAVOYSKIY, Vladhmair NiKolayQvich; PODOLY-OK0, _S,ietlana SA 5.1.) ill" jA 3J o-tv. red.; SRIDYUK, O.P., rua. (1-11agnotization af the rrjclcs of iron ore fomations OIL the Greater, Krivoy Rog and Kur.~,k Magnetic Anorrslyil Na- magni_chefa4rjz.;V p;rod zhelezoruanykh formatsii Bollshogo Krivogo Roga i &-AA. [By) Z.A.Krutilkhovskaia i dr. Kiev. Naukova Dwpka, 1964. 178 p. (MRA 1.8-2) 1. Alkadeialya riauk URSR, Kiev. Insty'(.U+. ge~,fizy;q. i I I I I I In 2 -6 FSS-2/FAT(1)/FS(i,)/kWG(v)/Frr,/k'~IA(d)/EW-6/ka(t)/B4k(h) ro-4/ 7F71 0_ Po -bl?ac -2/Feb,'Pi-.4 TTIGW-2 Fd Fd - Pq -h/Pse ;ACCESSIOII KR, AT5009977 UR/3010/65/000/014/0096/0109 AUMOR: Vernov, S. N., Chudakov, A. Ye., Gorcbskov, Ye..j., LoSachey, Yu. I., Neaterov V. Ye., Savenko, 1. A q S rInA P. 1 7 _h!v __ _____L liITLE: The radiation belts of the Earth.,-/ SOURCE: AN SSSR. Mezhduvedowtvennyy goofixiebaskiy komitet. Gooftsicheskiy byuLletent, no. 14, 1965, 96-109 at, VlareI ITOPIC TAGS: radiation belt, radiation belt anomaly, cosmic ray masurawa ilatellite, Luna 4 satellite IABSTRACT: This survey article, based mostly on published Soviet and Western papers, cturst, Idiscusses the discovery and study of ridiation belts, outlines their stru describes the discovery of radiation belt anomalies, and presents some results of ithe study of cosmic rays beyond the boundaries of the magnetoophere. This last part conEains graphs describing the intensity of coamic radiation recorded by at&- tion liars I as a function of its distance from the Sung the counting rate of the %Ygas-discharae counter STS-5 _qtr Hers I and 'the stratosphere (at 64' latitude) aver f d-th_eWv~eidUer-1962--Ja '063 period, And the counting rate of the M-5 camunter ton the Luna 4 satellite station -and in the stratosphere during the first Ualf of ~pr:LL of -1963. orig. art. bass 16 figures and 2 -tables* C~ '15- a -65 E1WT(l)/E; G(V G1 ACCESSION NR s AP5017047 M/=9/64/028/012/2*45/;2W. AUTHORS Vernovp S-s Ifp 0V 1~e T6~; Ir Pisaronkop N. Fe asilova, R. It. TITIE: Study of cosmic rays at high altitudes fReport of the All-Mni.on Conference for the Physics of Cosmic Rayaj hold in Moscowo 4-10 O-CtReri~: SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fimicheskaya, v. 28, no. 12p 19649 2045-2048 1 TOPIC TAGS: _qaaaLe ray, astrophysicsy satellite data analysis ABSTRACT: Measurements of the intensity of chair-ged -*articles that were conducted- p beyong the limits of atmosphere yielded values for'the intensity whi& exceeded j many times the Intensity of the parimary cosmic rays. Two hypotheses for the nature of this "excess" energy are examined on the basis of changes in the counting rate of the STS-5 counter on the Kosmos-4, Vostok-5, and Vostok-6 satellites during the period from August 1960 to June 1963. The varLatLon and geographic distribution of the intensity were recorded at altUaides of .200-300 kilometers, and analysis of the counting rate showed that the change in the counting rate is the same as that observed in comsLc ray3 in the atmos- _phere. ,!;ard 32717 S/560/61/000/009/007/009 D045/DlI4 AUTHORS: Savenko, I. A.9 Pisarenko, N. F.t and Shavrin, F. 1, J TITLE; Dosimetric measurements on the second Soviet space vehicle SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR Iskusstvennyye sputniki Zemli.~No, 9, Moscow, 1961, 71-77 TEXT: Dosimetric measurements taken 'on board.the second Soviet space vehicle, launched on August 19, 1960, are studied and discussed. The ship was equipped with two scintillation counters and two gas-discharge countersa, One of the scintillation counters was attached to the external part of the, vehicle and was used for registering soft electrons with an energy of up to 30 keV,- The other scintillation counter, used for reCisterine Y -quanta and charged particles, and the IFLOe -5 (TSS-5) and C Tt -5 (STS-5) gas-discharge counters were installed inside the vehicle beside the capsule Icontaining the experimental animals, The results of, measuring radiation intensity over, one section of the flight trajectory are shown in fig. 14 An analysis of''the., ,readings of the external scintillation counter shows that theradiation con- tained in the radiation belts is anisotropic, theenergy flow',under a' layer Card l# 32717 S15601611000100310071009 Dosimetric measurements on D045/D114, of matter 2-lo-3 G. cm-2 being approximately.equal to 1010 ev.*cm-2 sec_1.1,~I The dose of radiation absorbed within the vehicle totalled, on the averageg 7 mrad per day. Radiation registered in the area of the geomagnetic equator was shown to consist of scarcely-ionized charged particles and V -quanta with a mean energy of not more than 6-105 ev. Sinceg with increasing lati- tude, these readings change by approximately the, this deduction also holds true for the polar regions. An analysis of the readings obtained established that the radiation belts were located nearly 320 km from the Earth's surface. A figure is included showing the varying distribution of intensity of absorbed radiation over different areas of the Earth. The highest quantity of absorbed radiation (50 mrad/day) was registered neac. the coast of Brazil. The presence of protons suggested that this area was part of the inner radiation belt. Discussing the composition of the total absorbed dose,,the authors.state that 80% of it consisted of primaryand secondary charged particles of cosmic origin, 15% consisted of all types of -radiation, and 5% of protons of the inner radiation belt.3 The HE values for the last two components-were no greater thanl and 10 respectively: if the RBE value for charged cosmic particles is accepted as 7 (exact values Card 24~-? 32718 _0 S15601611000100910081009 D045/D114 I, coon AuTAUIiS; Papkov, S. F., Pisarenko, N* F*j Savenko, I. Ao, Tupikin, A. F.9 and Shavrin, P. 16 TITLE: Radiometric eauipment on the second Soviet space vehicle SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR4 Iskusstvennyye sputniki Zemli*.No. 9, Uoscow, 19611 78-85 TEXT: Radiometric equipment installed'on'the second Soviet space vehicle'. for measuring the intensity of ionizing radiation andfor determining the absorbed dose is described. A block diagram of the transmitter system is, given in fig- 3. The scintillation counter registered:--(l).charged par ticles penetrating the walls of the vehicle, (2) -quanta of more than 25.,. keV, and (3) the energy release of the above-mentioned particieso The -5 (STS-5) gas discharge counters (f;) registered charged,particles. The other scintillation counter (8) measured the energy flow of comparatively soft charged particles. The operational theory of the transmitter system and separate elements of the electronic system, operating on different types of semi-conductor triodes and diodes, are described and illustrated, Defore Card 1//j 32 7 18 S15601611000100910081009 171--dionetric equipment on DOWD114 that all equipment was still in .-ood vorkin,-, order. Professor S. N4 Vernovg G, S. Villdgrube, A. G. Nikolayev, Yu. I. Logachev, and 11. N. Goryunov are thanked for their assistance in the research work. There are, 5.figures and 1 Soviet reference, SU7."ITTED: A"~)ril 3, 1961 33306 S/560/61/000/010/004/016 D299/D302 AUTHORS: Vernovi S. N*,__Say-ejlkg-$--Is--A-.a-,-Shavrin, P. I., Nesterov, V. Ye-,, and Pisarenko, N. F. TITLE: Outer radiation belt.of the earth at 320 km altitude SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Iskusstvennyye sputniki Zemli. no. 10. Moscow, 1961, 34-39' TEXT: The investigations carried out by means.of the 2nd and 3rd Soviet artificial satellites indicated the existence of an outer radiation belt, sharply delimited by.the high-latitude region. The scintillation- and Geiger-counters on board the .2nd Soviet Sputnik permitted a detailed,.Btudy of the outer radi- ation belt in the vicinity of the earth andits delimitation as a function of longitude. The autonomous memory-device on board the Sputnik yielded continuous data on radiation intensity at altitudes of 306 - 339 km over the entire terrestrial globe for Card(~Z~) 33396 S/560/61/000/010/004/016 Outer radiation belt of..0 D299/D302 of the radiation, the readings of the scintillation- and Geiger- counters were compared. Hence, it was found that the radiation in question is gamma-radiation with energies ofthe order of 100 - 300 kev. The mean energy of the secondary electrons, arising in the single crystal by interaction.with the gamma- 5 radiation, is of the orderof 10 evi The clear connection be- tween the zones of increased intensity in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres and,the nature of the radiation and its energy are proof that the recorded increase in due to electrons of the outer radiation belt. In generalp-no direct. relation was observed between theintensity and the strength of the magnetic field. This is apparently due to the short life-- time of electrons of the outer radiation belt at the altitudes, under consideration compared to the drift-time around the earthe An estimate of the lifetime of electrons with E = 300 kev yielded the value of 106 _ 108 see.; hence, the hypothesis of local acceleration of electrons within the geomagnetic field is Card 3/4 - - ---------- - 33307 8/560/61/000/010/00.5/016 D299/D302 17 ZLJOD AUTHORS: Vernov, SO No, Savenko Shavrin, P. I.~ and Pisarlenkol No Fe TITLE; Observation of inner radiation belt at an altitude of 320 km in~the region of the south- Atlantic magnetic anomaly SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Iskusstvennyye sputniki, Zemli. no. 10. Moscow, 1961, 40-44 TEXT: In contradistinction to the other zones of increased radiation-intensity (which form the outer belt), the magnetic anomaly near the Brazilian coast cannot be related to the outer radiation belt owing to its geographical position and to the presence of a large number-of penetrating the radi- ation. A map shows the regions of increased intensity and, in particular2 the points at which the intensity exceeded 3.6 Card 33307 S/560/61/000/010/005/016 Observation of inner... D299/D302 belts, very clearly observed in the Northern Hemisphere by means of the 3rd Soviet Sputnik, is practically non-existent in the region-of the Brazilian anomaly.. These facts may shed light on the origin of the,outer radiation belt. There are 2 figures, 1 table and 7 references: 3 Soviet-bloc and 4 non- Soviet-bloc. The references to the English-language publica- tions read as follows: A. J. Deasler, J. Geophys. Res., 64, 7139 1959; S. Yoshida, G. H. Ludwig, J. A. Van Allen, J. Geo- phys. Res., 65, 8079 1960; J. A. Van Allen, L. A. Frank, Nature, 1839 4309 1959; J. A. Van Allen, L. A. Frank, Nature, 184, 219, 1959. SUBMITTED: May 23, 1961 Card 3/3 33308 S/560/61/000/010/006/016 Cosmic-ray equator... D299/D302 physical phenomena on its position. Thereby, it is no longer necessary to introduce barometric temperature and temporal-. variation corrections. The equipment of the 2nd Soviet Sputnik contained a Geiger counter, an autonomous memory-device, and telemetering apparatus. The memory device permitted measuring the latitud~dependence of primar cosmic radiation at each -y intersection of the equator. Inprocessing the data, the em- pirical formula describing the latitude dependence was con- 0 structed only from experimental points for latitudes~below 40 Twenty-two latitude curves, obtained from various intersections. of the geographical equator, were used to determine the position, of the minima of cosmic-ray intensity (i.e., the equator of cosmic radiation). The obtained equator of cosmic radiation is incompatible with a dipole model of the geomagnetic field. The obtained equator is in good agreement with that calculated by Quenby and Weber,, as with that calculated by Kellogg and Schwartz. There are 1 figure and 8 non-Soviet-bloc Card 2/3 S/560/61/000/010/014/016 ~.D299/D302 A AUTHORS: Grigorov,' X. L., Zhuravlev, D. A., Kondratlyeva M. A., Rapoport, I. D and Savenko, 1. A. TITLE: 8earch--fo-r antimatter in cosmic radiation and i'space SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Iskusetvennyye sputniki ,Zemli. no. 10. Moscow, 1961, 96-97 TEYT,. An emulsion flask--containing 489 emulsion layers of 2 type 6P. (BR), sizeilO x 10 cm. , thickness 400 p. --was placed on the 2nd Soviet Sputnik.7 The flask who expo3ed for about 24, hotirs at an altitude of 300 km~ Brought back to earth, the. flask was-chemically treated and then analyzed. The analysis V( was carried out by means of -the microscope MSA-)~(MBI-2) with total magnification 105. Thereby, the multi-charge nuclei a' nd "stars" created by these nuclei, which were stopped in the Card (11/D4 B/560/61/000/010/014/016 Search for antimatter... D299/D302 emulsion, were observed. In a volume of 656 cm3 of emulsion, 442 ordinary nuclei.were found, as well as 320 "stars." Irone of the "stars" possessed the characteristics pertaining to. ,annihilation of multi'-charge particles which come to rest. An-; suming that antinuclei have the same energy op 6trum as ordinary nuclei, and tLking into consideration that out of 442 multi- charge nuclei not a single anti-nucleus,was found, it follows uhat the fraction of.antinuclei with Z > 2 in cosmic radiation does not exceed 0.23% of ordinary nuclei of the same charge. A similar result was obtained by D. Lt. Haskin et al (Ref. 1: Tiudy Mezhdunazodnoy konferentsti po kasmicheakim lucham (Inter- ne.tXonal Conference on Cosmic Radiation), v. III. Izd-vo AN SSSR, i96O, p. 138). Assuming antimatter to be scattered in the N solar system as individual atoms, it is possible to make an upper estimate of antimatter density as follows: The flow of gamma-quanta with energy of the order of 108 ev is Card 2/4 S)7198 560/61/000/011/oo4/012 E032/E514 AUTHORS: Savenko,_J.~ Nesterov, V.Ye., Pavrin, P.I. and --P-1sarenko, N.F. TITLE: The cosmic-ray equator according to the data obtained with the third Soviet spaceship SbURC.E:- Akademiya nauk SSSR. Iskusstvennyye sputniki Zemli.. no.11, Moscow', 1961.-Rezul'taty nauchnykh issledovaniy, provedennykh vo vremya Doletov vtorogo i tretlyego kosmicheskikh korabley-sputnikovi 30-34 TEXT: It is pointed out that the use of satellites in .determination of the cosmic-ray equator, i.e. the.geographical~ position of the line of minimum intensity of primary cosmic rays, has many advantages over-terrestrihl measurements. In a previous paper the authors reported thele~determlnation of 22 points on this, equator with the aid of the second cosmic Soviet spaceship(in only 20 hoursl. The apparatus mounted on the third spaceship included a gas-discharge halog n C iG-5 (STS-5) counter and a e scintillation counter (NaI:Tl). The counters were placed inside the spaceship and were surrounded by a screen of between 5 and Card 674) The cosmic-ray equator ... S/56o/61/ooo/oll/oo4/ol2 E032/E514 -2 150 9 cm as described by S. F-Papkov et al. (Ref.2: Iskusst- vennyye sputniki Zemli, No.9,,Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1961, P-78)- Pulses from the counters were fed into scaling circuits which were samuled at intervals of 3 min by a memory device with a capacity of ~11 hours. In this way it was possible to.measure the latitud e dependence of the intensity,of cosmic 'radiation for each transit across the equator. It is noted that the,cosmic-ray intensity measured by the STS-5 corter in the polar regions an2 at the eouator C111 sec-l and 0.7 particles cm- sec-1 (3 particles res-oectively) is in excess of the published values for this intensity (Ref.3: A.N.Charakhchlyan and T.N.Charalchchlyan, ZhETF, 35, 1088, 1958). An analogous effect was observed from.the second cosmic spaceship. The discrepancy may be due (among:other, things) to secondary radiation produced in the envelope of the spaceship. Fig.5 showls the position of the cosmic-ray equator obtained by averaging the data obtained with the second rind third spaceships. it follows from this figure that the cosmic-ray equator at altitudes of 200 to 300 km is in satisfactory agreement with the equator computed by J.J.QuLby and W.R. Webber (Ref ,7: Philos...Mag. 4, 90, 1959)and the octupole-approximation.calculations of Card 2/4 The cosmic-ray equator s 56o/61/000/011/004/012 E032/E514 P.J.Kellogg and M. Schwartz (Ref.8: Nuovo ciment.0, 13,761.1959). There are 5 figures. SUBMITTED:-June 27, 1961 Fig.5.Legend 1 - Average results for the second spaceship (Geiger cotinter) and the third spaceship (Geiger and scintillation counters),' 2 - Experimental results at sea level as reported in the litf,rature, 3 experimental aeroplane measurements as reported in the literature, 4 equator computed on the basis of the dipole approximation~of the geomagnetic field, 5 Quenby and Webber's calculations (Ref-7), 6 Kellogg and Schwartz's calculations (Ref.8), 7 zero-inclination equatorfor the spoch 1955. Card 3/4 34,~51 S/203/61/001/006/003/021 ~2 4z Y-A) DO55/D113 AUTHORS: Savenko, I.A.; Shavrin, P.I.; Pisar6nko, N.F. TITLE: Detection of soft corpuscular radiation at 320 _km altitude in the near-equatorial latitudes PERIODICAL: Geomagnetizm i aeronomiya, vol 1, no 6, 1961, 875-879 TEXT: The existence of soft corpuscular radiation at a height of 320 km in the near-eauatorial latitudes between 1500E and 1500W is discussed.-Ac- cording to th e authors, this radiation caused certain discrepancies in the readings of two detectors ingtalled on the second Soviet spaceship. The first(external) detector, an ChlY 715 (FEU-15) photomultiplier, could, t register x- and Y- rays, protonb of 1 Mev energy and electrons of > '30 kev~ energy. The second (internal) detector, a scintillation counter, registered the -quanta of the bremsstrahlung with a counting threshold of 25 kev. The comparison of the two registration curves showed that, when the space ship crossed the radiation belts,%and the near-equatorial regions maxima and. minima in the second part of both curves coincided. In the first part, Card 1/3 S12031611001100610031021 Detection of ... DO55/Dll3 T-V, Kurakina are mentioned. There are 4 figures and 8 references- 6 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet references. The two English-lariguage referen'oes are: T. Obayashi. J. Geomagn. and Geoelectr., 1958, 10, 28; R. Smith, j, Geophys. Res., 1960, 65, 2583. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. LI.V.Lomoriosova. Institut yadernoy fiziki. (111oscow State University im. 1T.V. Lomonosov. Institute of Nuclear Physics) SUBUITTED: September 16, 1961. Card 3/3 S/203/61/001/006/016/021 The use of electrostatic D055/Dl13 important application in space radio communication, radio astronomy and. radio navigation. Between 1959 and 1961,several different" electrostatic analyzers were developed at the Institut yadernoy fiziki (Institute cf Nuclear Physics). They have the following advantages: a differential energy spectrum of particles can be obtained; light intensity can be made much greater than in a magnetic,analyzer of comparable size; if an open electron multiplier is used as a detector,very small flows of 1 particle/CM2 ~ 2 se C. sterad with energies of 10 ev and higher can be detected; the analyzerb electronic and optical properties do not depend on the particlets mass. There are 8 figures and 6 references, 4 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet. The English-language references are: F.T. Rogers. Rev. Sci. Instr., 1951, 22, 723-726; M. Walt, L.F. Chase, J.B. Cladis, W.L. Imhof. Proc. First Intern. Space Science Symposium, Nice, 1960, no. 11-16, 910. ASSOCIATION: TToskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V. Lomonosova.. Institut yadernoy'fiziki (Tfoscow State University imeni M.V. Lomonosov. Institute of Nuclear Physics). SUB1,1ITTED: October 17, 1961. Card 2/2 The na,netic-field ... 05XI 110131019 B125 B102 the magnetic system of an accelerator with spiral sectors. This device had ther paranaterB k -, 9v Hmin ' 11 00, Hmax ' 300 Oe, Rmir, " 45 cat R 65 cm, 650, C - 2 :'1 - 10, 00 Fig. 1 shows max 1 45'o Op . 140 shape and dimensions of a se6tor. Magnetic measurements were made by a method based on the ealvanomagnetic Hall effect. An n-type Ge crystal terved as pickup for the Hall electromotive force. Fig. 4 shows the experimentally found azimuthal distribution of the.field for a fixed value of'the radius and also the sinusoidal line of the period 9 + 0 which I is It b equal to the period of the magnetic system. For R - const, the azimuthal 2ag distribution can be represented eis 11(g) 11(o )(1 + L'sir.3-, 0 + P b According to these experimental data, the amplitude H(Q) max II(G)min A - UTUT + HN) i was equal to 0.2. Further experimental results max 0 n are given by Figs. 5 S. The compensating field consists'of the fields from the compensating coils wound on the lateral surfaces of the two Card.2 I/IX 28765 S/056/61/041/003/018/020 0/5-11 A49 AUTHORS: Savenko, I. A.,Shavrin, F. I.,Nesterov, V. Ye.,Pisarenko, N. F. TITLEi Equator of cosmic rays according to data of the second Soviet spaceship PERIODICALs Zhurnal eksperimeritallnoy i teoreticheakoy fizikil no, 3(9), 1961, 985 986 TEXT: The use of earth satellites for determining,the equator of cosmic rays from which the structure of the geomagnetic field can be determined and which permits the checking of the correctness of the theoretical and empirical approximation of this field offers a series of advantages:over the measurements made on the earth. Thus, the equator of.cosmic rays and especially its effect on'the geophysical phenomena can be accurately studied. The second spaceship also contained a gap-discharge counter whose pulses were fed to a rate meter which was automatically, interroga- ted*by a diurnal storage system every third minute. Upon command from the earth the information stored by this system was transmitted to.the Card I 29008 S/020/61/140/004/008/023 10~q B100108 AUTHORS: Vernov, S. N., Corresponding Member of the AS USSR, qajg_rjka,. I. A., Shavrin, P. I., Nesterov, V. Ye., and Pisarenko, N. F., TITLE: Outer radiation belt of the Earth at 320 km altitude PERIODICAL; Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 140, no. 4,1961, 787 790 TEXT: The second Soviet satellite whose orbit was at an altitude of 307 339 km had an automatic storage system,which enabled it to measure contin: uously the radiation intensity in latitudes of +650~ The scintillation counter consisted of a4f:)Y-16(FEU-16) photomul-tiplier and a NaI(T 1) ciys tal. The energy threshold of this counter was 25 kev. An CTC-5(STS-5) Geiger counter was also used. Measurements showed that the counting rate of the scintillation counter, from the equator to latitudes of �40 --~ 50o, increased 2 2 from 3 - 5 Pulses/cm .sec to 10 - 12 pulses/cM sec. In latitudes1from �500 to +650, the counting rate increased to 20 - 6.00 pulses/1cm2-5ec in most cases. The authors assume that this increasean x-ray caused by particles of the radiation belt of the Earth. To prove this Card 1/2 29111 S/020/61/140/005/006/022 B125/B138 AUTHORS: Vernov, S. N., Corresponding Member AS USSR, Savenko, I. A~, Shavrin, P. I., Pisarenko, N. F. TITLE: Discovery of an inner radiation belt at 320 km altitude in the region of the Sout~-Atlantic magnetic anomaly PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 140, no. 5, 1961, 1041-1044 TEXT: The paper reports on the discovery and investigation.of1he inner radiation belt by the second Soviet satellite. The radiometric app .aratus (gas discharge counter CTC-5(STS-5) and scintillation counter 63Y-16(FEU-16)-, with NaI(Tl) crystal) carried on the satellite recorded increased radialtion intensity above the magnetic anomaly in the South Atlantic. The scintilla,- tion counter recorded particles with a threshold of 25 kev and the total release of energy in the crystal. Analysis of the data leads to.the following conclusions: The increased radiation intensity revealed to the authors, by the flights.of the second Soviet 320 km altitude. above the Brazilian magnetic anomaly isattributable to the inner radiatio'n belt4 Since no inner radiation belt has been found north of the geomagnetic equator the reflection points there lie higher than in the anomalous Card 1/~ VT-;R?IGV, Sergey If. , LCGACHMI, Yu. I., GO-ECUA.- '(e. V., -SIXEMj)JI I. A. CHUDAYMV, Alek Ye. and ITFOMROV, V. Ye, "The earth's radiation belt- report, to be oubmitLed to the 13th Intl. Aatronnuttcal Conrrera,' rAF, Varna, Rdgaria, 23-29 Sep 1962. 32678 S/026/62/000/002/002/004~' 4 00 D036/D113 AUTHORS: Savenko, I.A.; Pisarenko, N.F.; Shavrin, PJ. TITLE: Space flights and the radiation hazard PERIODICAL: Priroda, no. 2, 1962, 40-48 TEXT: This popular article deals with radiation hazards in space flights. The system of measuring radiation doses in rads, cosmic radiation at the,.. Earth's surface and at low altitudes, the effect of solarradiation on primary cosmic radiation, the radiation belts of the Earth, radiation connected with solar flares and dosimetric measurements made on board the second and third Soviet satellites in August and December 1960 are disCUS3ed. The dosimetric awasurements are shown in charts ajid a graph. The maximum permissible dose in the USSR for persons working continuously with radio- active materials and ionizing-radiation sources is 0.1 rems; per working week. A group of scientists led by S.N. Vernov) Corresponding Member of the Card 1/3 7r 326 u S/026/62/000/PO2/002/004 Space flights and the radiation hazard D036/DI13 Other planets may also have radiation belts. Radiation resulting from,solar flares is the main hazard. Solar flares'producing a dose of 10 rad/hr behind a screen several dcm~,,-thick accur 3-7 times annually, more intense flares less often. For future flights,a special well-shielded cabin should be provided for protection during the flare, or else it should be possible to terminate the flight in good time,. There are 8 figures and 3 references, 1 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet. The two English-language references are: "Journal of the Astronautical Science", 1961, No. 3; "Nucleonics", 1961, No. 4 (USA)- VY-I Card 3/3 42155 S/203/62/002/001/003/019 o 1023/1223 AUTHORS: Vernov,9. N. ,Savenko, I.A., Shavrin,P.I., Nesterov,V.Ye. and TITIS: Earthts radiation belt's at 180-250km height 2,E?IODICAL: Geomagnetizm I Aeronomiya, v.2,.no,l,,,l962, 41-47 11VEXT: The diatribution of cosnic ra7s and radiation belts at the height oC 307-331)km ware obtained by the second Soviet cosmic aitollite. The third cosmic space-ship, launched on December 11, 1960 with a perigee of 1801aa, apogee of 250km and an inclination of 650 measured the intensity and geogr,aph~cal position of the radiation belts In the height range 180-250kmo The apparatus height and consisted of a Na!(Tl) crystal (a c7linder of 1,4mm 30mm diameter) with a photonultiplier.and a gas counter, The ,crystal counted all particles eLbove.25kev and measured the total energy dissipation In it. The counting rates increase from the equator-to higher latitudes: of thecounter.from 0#8 to 392 counts 0 Mz_- "se 0 Card 1/3 S/203/62/00?/001/003/019 1023/1223 Earthis radiation belts ... counts of the photomultiplier from.3 to 12 - . and the energy dis- cm.2-se ev 6 7 sipation incrensed from 7.5X10 to 3.7xlO crd6 sec 'Nhen passing radiation belts the counting rate increased conside;ably. Graphs based on data from spaca-ship 2 and 3 are given. The geographical distribution of the radiation intensity as measured by the scinillation counter is also presented in a graphical formo The radiation intensity in the outer belt as measured by space-ohip 2 is on the average 2.2 times higher in the southern 6misphere ,(average height 330km) than in the northern (average height 320km), The same ratio as measured by space-ship 3 is 4.4,(average height in southern hemisphere - 235km, in the northern - 185km). There were variations in the geographical distribution of the belts between the two flights, The proton flux decreased betw-eenthe two flights. There are 6 fignres and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: ?4oskovslciy gosudarstvennyy universitet im*.M.V. Card 2/3 S/560/62/000/013/002/009 1046/1242 .Radiation belts of the earth... Comparison with the findings of the second orbital spaceship shows ~that in the high radiE~tion-intensity region in the Southern Atlan- tic the bremsstrahlung intensity has increased.with the 100 km decrease in altitude and the entire region appears to have shifted to the north-west. This Pnotnalous behovior may be due to either, the magnetic storm of November 30 and December 1,,1960, or to some, ,new phenomenon on the inner botindi.ry of the radintion belts, The average bremsstr,3hlung ener-Y for the outer-belt electrons is tly E 2 lo5 eV; the correspondin-relectron flux is 2.105 particles cm-2 see-1. The radiptLon over the Brazilian magnetic anomaly is due -to the protons of' the inner r~.diation belt; the particle count in this region (Geiger counters) drops from 10 particles cm-2 -sec-1 at h-320 km (orbital ship II) to 2 particles cm-2 sec-1 at h-220 km (orbital ship III). There are 6 figures and 2 tables. SUBMITTED: September 12, 1961 1-Gard 2/2 S/0413/62/026/006/613/020 Radiation studies during the flights ... B125/B102 boundaries of this belt were determined more accurately by the lower orbiting Soviet spaceship. At 16 hours after the chromosphere flare of June 17, 1958 had vanished but still a few houru.before the,marnotic storm, charged particle intensity increased. The electron spectrum of the oulter radiation belt does not change much at an altitude- of 32,000-40,000 km, nor did the magnetic storm which occurree during the flight of the third Soviet spaceship have any substantial effect on the outer radiation belt. Except for a few percent, the proton intensity of the inner radiation belt remained constant during 'he three weeks'.flight of-the third Soviet satellite. The increased radiation intensity o-,er. the Brazilian anomaly, observed on hoard of the second spaceship at an altitude of 320 km, was due to the inner radiation belt. In this anomqlyi the proton component of the.Linner radiation belt is predominant at small geomagnetic latitudes.' The portion of X-rays increases with inorea Ising latitude. A zone of lower bromsetrahlung intensity separates the otter from the inner radiation belt. This. zone is practically absent in t'le region of the Brazilian anomaly.. The equator of cosmic rays datermfije4 by the second and the third Soviet spaceship resembles remotely a sine curve running between 110.6f northern and 110 of southern latltudQ~L Card 2/3 S/056JO62/042/003/016/049 B104/B102 AUTHORSt Bednyakov, A. A., Boyarkinap A.,N.t Sayenko- 1, X. Tulinov, A. F. Investigation of multiple scattering of 100 200 kev. protons from carbon. PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy 1 teoreticheskoy fizikif V. 42, no. 3, 1962, 740 746 lar distributions of 100 200 kev protons multiply TEXT: The angu scattered from polystyrene films were determined by a photographic methods The measurements were made on the electrostatic accelerator of the NIIYaF MGU. The photographic plates were placed at a distance of about 30 mm. from the polystyrene films which were hit by a perpendicular proton beam The hydrogen contained in polystyrene contributed only little to proton scattering. The targets had the following thick essess, 24 0 61 40 t 0.7, 69 t 0.9, 8 '8 � 1.1, and 104 t 1-2~tg/cm Calculations were con-,~, ducted on the basis of Moliare's theory. A difference of 20 - 30~_ was oba-,I- served between experimental and calculated scattering. -This discrepancy, is aconsequence of the Thomas-Fermi model used in the theory. If the Card 1/2 I I VERNOV, S.N.; SAVENKO, I.A.;,SIIAVRIN, P.I.; TVLI?SKAYA, L.V. Structure of the earth's radiation belto at an altitude of 320 I=. Geomag. i aer. 3 no.5:812-815 . S-0 16). (14IRA 16:11) I.Institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo gosadarstvermogo universi- tota, 771 'ACCESSION NR: AP4026241 Primary cosm~e radiation, rqdiation belt particles and cosmic rarys~ ha d or~,ginating with solar chromospheiric fLares were the types of :radA-ation mopitored,. Heliomagnetic and geomagn-eticconditions were".~'I. -com- tively quiet during the period of the flights; a few flares para -not exceeding 2.points on the scalein intensity occurred, but were, not accompanied by any significant corpuscular the,space. nclosure show -.~near, the Earch. Fig, lof S~radiation data during a '70-hr segment of~the flights. Although the dosd rate on Vostok-3 and.-- Nogtok-4 was,higher on orbits passing through the Brazilian and South'-41 r e .Atlantic anorqalies than fo other.orbits, the dose r gistered on was linearly dependent on the time df flight for alf orbits, indicaiing that iadiation belts added little to the total.'.. ostok-6. dose during ~he,lacter flights. Nalues for both Vostok- 5 and :fall in a single straight lice, indicating a measured dose rate of .8 mrad per diem, or 0.33 mrad/hr.,_Comparison with the.dose rate meas- T.: ..ured for Voitok-3'dnd VosEok-4 (14 miad per:diem) in.-August 1962 shows ~a decrease in radi&,tion inte'usity ataltitudes in the'siaighborhood of, km. This is most likely due to. decay."(at -least- at lower altitudei, he artiticial r -of' t! rzdinion,belt preat-ed by upper atmosphere tatts in 19 2. 0 rt. as: 1 fiiurei- Ca"d 2/4 ACCESSION MR!. AP4626241: ,ACCESSION NR: AP4026242 S/0293/04/0,02/001/0150/0153i esterov, -AUTHOR:,,Savenko,,,, Shavrin, P. I.; Pisarenko, ~N. F. N Y a. ; Tel' tsov,~, M. V. Yerofeyeva, V. N. the equatorial'Iatitudes,.fron.~'~',-. ~TITLE: Measurement of soft radia the "Cosmos-4" satellite '150-133 ~SOURCE: Kosmicheskiye issledovaniya, v. 2, no. 1, ~1964 -1 .9 ~TOPIC TAGS: radiation measurement, radiation belt, cosmic ray equators-' sputnik, satellite radiatioti measurement, Cosmos-4. soit'radiation,., co, un trate, energy release, corpuscular radiation ABSTRACT: The seco nd Soviet sp utnik (19-20 Augu st 1960) carried a scintillometer for recording intense, sporadic streams of corpuscular.-l'- radiation in equatorial latitudes. Since this detector was "designed ~to',measure total flux energy of the particles and energy.release within,!"-~ tjthO~ crystal,~the number of impulses was not directly-recorded, and ;particle flux had to be determined irom energy release in the scintil- lometer on the basis of various assumptions as to the nature of the particles involved And their. average energy. To check concluiiona Cord, /A ACCESSION,NA: AP4026242 drawn from 4he data:.obtaineo by the 19,60 satellite, Cosmos-4, launcfied-~ .26 A ril 196~, carvied an e 'ternal scintillomete capable of meas- p ix r energyjrelease, but also the counting 'r, uring not only :tota.1 ate of a :ticles with !~nergie_,s greateir than. 100 kev. Table 1 of Enclosure gives ~the counting,rate arti4le/cm 1j,, (p 2/sec) , the energy release E (1H6v/CM2/sec) , and ',the ratito E/N,~(kev), representing the average. ener I sy, irelease-per fingle ~,registerpd particle., Values in the table arelaver--.~:."' caged over th flight,segment falling within 10*1 of the cosmic ray .~equator for 13 crossings of the equator. As can be seen, the E/N :values are of. the order of 10.0 kev. However, if E/N actually represents--, preidings cau~~edby,the simultaneous striking of the counter by two o r witN subthreshold (