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1. 31j-1 14-65 ACCESSION NR: AP4049587 calculated values of a are In good agreement with the power funetlon:a 00A ;4 t~,,ere wr~r-, calci!lated the values of the mean ,fraction 3 ot thit energy re- I), the iftor interaction with a complex nucleus. The rc.~.ults of It r-.e -~xpczrimental data in FiE.11 a_ the --- -.1(: 1 o - L) assumpt -on (,* an I n,~ 1 as - 1 t (W 1 ~C"-, ~~a y De -,r.E 2 s i,,; re,ie nt s t-in- ;"tPr*preted aS an arguaen-_ i --a-,r o t -,e of s, s ve -I jr The n rf are Ca 2/4 T. 11,7111-65 MF L 4070&6 WO )A _7 ACCESSION NR*. -AP501231 AUTHOR: Takibayev, Zh. S.; &M':ko,'_L* As; Us k, P. A. T TITLE; Curves for 10 -10 eV shower leport of All-Uldon Meetin L g on, GO c ~9 PhYsi 8, held in Moscow from October 4 to 10, 1963 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya fizicheakaya, v.23, no. 12, 1964, 1767-1769 TOPIC TAGS: cosmic ray shower, nuclear particle, particle interaction ABSTRACT: Analysis of tontiadiitions- arising froma-a wo;fel:ior excited Queleond, and a fire-bell model w1th ejq)eriwutal data on'Joits; Lisulted in ~ai aiodotl foe intermediate resononssic and baryon pairs. Certain diAroateristics of Jets are discussed from the aspect of the formation-of ahowr particles principally' from intermediate pi-pi-interaction with single pion e3change. The eqieriaantal data considered covers a wide range of primary energlet. Orig.iri. has: 6 formlan and 3 graphs. ASSOCIATION: Institut ysidernorkistki Ak"emit nauk-&~Arnstiiutl~6r T. Nuclear Mysics,.Acadds of 9jask) SUMEMMo. 00 ZKM 00 AL suW40ts NO BW WVs 006 PON 003L L a085_6 Tddgfffb~ NR: AP4042204 S/W20/64/157/002/0328/0)30, UTHORS: TnkihayAv, Zh_9,( Academician AN KazSSRI'Maik. Pok 4an 7ko. L.A. TITLS: Generation of heavy particles and their role-in the explana-..-, ltion of the experimental results in the region'of ultrahigh'aner I a ..SOURGE., AN SSSR. Doklady*, v. 157s no. 2; 1964, 326-330 TOPIC TAGS: heavy particle generation;. ultrahigh energy two maximaj, n~ucleon nucleon collision, nucleon nucleus collision -ABSTRACTt In the nuclqqn-nucleon, or ntide~n-nugleua collisions at ultrahigli energy ( 10-LI-ev) recorded in nuclear photoemulsions whichj':.-.- were exposed to cosmic rays at high altitudes, sometimes two maxima:~f""-. are observed in the angular distribution of the showersi (The present paper points out the shortcomings of the fire-ball mode the forma- ~j tion of two centers of generation.(See G.Caconij Phys, Rev. 1119 1699 (1958)). This opinion is supported by the analysis of TT~Lrge number of showerso It is suggested that as~a result of nucleon nucleon collision# an excited system is produced which',disintegrate Card 1/2 j ACCESSION MR: AP4042204 4918 into pionsl-K-mesonst onance particless:and Caryon pairs, Orig art. has: /+,figares J ASSOCIATIONj Institutidernoy fixiki Akademii nauk' Lumt (Inat of Theor tical Physics.-Academy-, of Sciences S55H). SUBMITTED$ 2ioct' ENGL 00 0 j MR" REF, OV SUB CODEVNP OTHER I 7r. 009 -n 0. ;-q A ki 2/2 Card (CZeChOBlDvakia--Cement industries) 8); PW1 I BOOK RZFEArrATION 3OV/3611 Metallurgicheakir institut Ob b rs Otks metallow davlonlyea (Metal Foruing) Khar4cov, tallurg- Me ladat, 1960. 326 p. , (Series% Its. )Iauchnyye trudy, v". 39) 2.100 copies printed. Rd.; A-P. Chakmarev; PA. of Publishing 113uaet R.A. Bolinit; Tech, 94.t S.F. Androyev. PURP039i This collection or articles Is Intended for teznracal and scientific personnel In metallurgy and in mechanical engineer-, Ins. It Will also be of Interest to designers of rollIng squip- , event. COVERAGIs This collection or articles treats the thaor7 of rolling . It discusses such factors as the total and trio unit pressures or the work on rolls, xaments or rolling, forward zl_'p, spread, *to. It also Includes results obtained from Investigation of ruil"qVIt "lit or cast iron sheets and other problems. g " 00 al les a ntion*d References follow *son artiole. Ch*k%UVV. A.P. [ACA46ALCIAM Or the UkrSSR1# L.Ye. Rot rov, _ _M g ry, JL_XJLaaWu (Inalnoors]. Rxp*rlmnzal Inves IT or uLacrl- bution or unit Pressures an a Cantact Surface in Rolling In Plain Rolle "a Investigation was carried out to develop a reliable method or measuring unit pressure on the contact surface, and to obtain. by measuromant, data on distribution of unit pressure, during rolling with various drafts of #trips having various Initial tnicknesses end widths. Choksazev~ A.?_ and El-KI Won. Rx"r1inantal Investigation or - DJstrJbQtIon or unit pressures an tbe contact Surface During Rolling 'in Grooved Rolle 30 Chommarev. A,P. and_ DAO V.3. CA"Ldftt a Or TaChnICal Sciences, V C J __r 1u ' _1 ' MM r SS a ur,tr Imtitut -horno; not& arg 1% and V5640yusnyr nau4ftno- r issledovatel'skLy trubnyr Inatitut - Institute of Ferrous M*t&l_ lurgy of the Academy of' 341anaes of the Ukrainian 3SR. and the All- Union Solontific-fts*arch 1as;Itut* for PiplAm). ~ The Contact Sur- face, and Pressure an Rolls In PtIger Eftckrltol Rolling 53 The authors prof*nt now methods for measuring pressars an rolls In a Pilger mill, for rolling pipes with 219, 273 and 225 me diameters. and for determining the instant area or contact. .1._1C&rsd1dat4 of Inmhnical Science']. Pressure on Rolls in Rotary Romnr, or imbes on a Short =1 T3 The author ounpaxes vxperimental data an the total and unit prossuMs with the results obtained through using formula* tno ' author deriv". , Qim-n , V.I. Maleshko, MA, Sarlymn. "'nov" Erftoneorl. Pressure an 93 The authors describe %he methods. Lnutruntents. and results of An investigation carried out at the *Zaparozhs%&L-' all! on horizontal and vertical rolls at slab rolling. yen. R.N. (Candidate or Teashical SoLdneea). Dzparlimental. rn- yeattgation on the IAY*r-Am of Moments, In Cold Rolling 104 The author de-3-3ritlos investigation on 'the above subject, and gives the to-LI pressure on rolls In cold ro!24,19 Of Zt-Orl - 4 mm varlo" dr&:ts. 2', 3, and ohastp 10 .- _ . ' sciences]. ical Chewmarev. h.P. I, and q'M' aftry'ka [Candidate Of TeChn Forward Slip In 3-p-H-11a 127 Th&~ guthar describes methods or design" shaped rolls In ro~ spoot to,forward 411P; the method is based an eigportm-ntz vtth rIght-argular, squ&", rhmb.10, ovaland cIrcQlLr,&rOQvOx, Cox scienceal. Derivation of. a p(.t,vgv. M.S. (Candidate of TachaL -. 152 Formula for Spread Of Rolling On Plain 80114 spread iii rolling. The author presents a method of Calculation of It I& based an theoretical determination of stresses In the contact area in transverse and longitudinal directions. 3/137/61/000/007/037/072 A0601AI01. AUTHOR: San1ko, N. M, TITLE:! De-'.*ermlna-.Ion of reduction for rolling-in'simple-shaped passes PERIODICAL; Referativny-f zhurnal, Metallurglya, no. '1, 1961, 18, abstraet 7D141 % proiz-VA"". ("Tr. Konferentslil: Tekhn. progress v tel&.nol.prokatn. Sverdlovsk, Metallurgizda-b, 1960,178-i85~ TEM For a correot delvermination of forward flaw for rolling In passes it is necessary to complate the Mesz-geomet-rioal or mean effective radius, of- rolling, the amount of reduction, spread, and specific pressure distribution along the gripping ar;~. The mean ef fective radius in t-he passes is. determined according to the forlMlla Rd ='S Of'' where SF Is the statio moment of -the area.. the contact surface relative-to the roll-axis,,F is :the area of the corft I.Adt. sur- face. To compute the mean-effective-radlus--of,box, square, rhombie, and oval passes, the respective modified formulae-are proposed. Fonwiae. are also -&POA for calculating the mean gripping-angle.and strip height after rolling. A. Bulanov [Abstracter's notet Complete zranslatlon-i Card 1/1 81137A 1/000/006/029/092 A006/A 10 1 AUTHORS-, Chekmarev A.P. Sanko.,, N.M. TITTE - Forward flaw in groove rolling PERIODICAL: Referat-fvn-.,rj zhu-m-al. Me-taliurglya no.6' 1961 2 abs-tract. 6DIO, ("Nauchn. tr. Dnepropetr. metallurg. in-t!, 1960, no. 2!9, TEXTg A method is presented of determining the forward flow during rolling in grooves. A formula is derived for the angle of neutral section with allcwance for the effect c,f ~,he lact,eral- walls of 1:he grc~ove. The mean rolling radius is cu- a! a.L I ;ed for rectangular, square, rhombic, oval, and round &-ooves. The authors, c describe --he desIgn of a precision differential device for the 'r,ecording of the r-orward flow or, a tape. It is a 1) the experimental and calculat- A. onoluded thats ed data are in a Eatlsfactor7 agreement; 2) the neutr'al angle in respect to the bo'!;-!~am of the gni---%ve mwj, under certain conditions, be greater than the half or. -.~n t e who-, e a 1p an th evi h g---_, -s f~3rward floiiw in tthe gr-c-,ves, in respeetto the grc.,-ve tottom, iz aiways, higher than the forward flow during rolling with smooth r;:11s. Pospekhov rAbstracter's no-.ei compleilue -sransla ionj card 1/1 In- S/137/61/000/012/079/149 A0061AI01, AUTHORS! Grudevj A. F., Sanko N..M., Zil'berg, Yu. V., Zhuk,- V. G. TITLE:* Hot rolling of w te iron sheets and its effect on the structure and properties of the met al PERIODICAL-. Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 12, 1961, 17, abstract 12D44 (V sb. "Poluchenlye lzdeliy 1z ihidk. met. a uskoren. kristallizat- siyey", Moscow-Kiyev,. Mashgiz, 1961, 224-235) fm: Experimental hot, rolling was carried out with conventional, low.;. silicon and low-carbon white iron sheets, and specimens with an 8 content iralsed to 0.14%. The initial thickness was 0.6 - 2 mm; vidth 100 mm,* and length 200 - 300 mm. The specimens we're cut with~..the aid of a fine emery wheel out of full-dimensional white iron sheets selectAct immediately after forming, Hot 'rolltg was performed on a two-high mill with polished quenched steel rolls of 185 -200MM in diameter, 180 mm barrel length and 0.3 M/sec rolling sp6ed. Independent cX the chemical composition the white iron sheets'possessed considerable du6tilfty at 756 - 1,0500C. 6 per pass was 1 10% and more. When rolling the*specimens individually at 950 1,OOOOC, as high as 15 34% wasattained. Industrial Card 1/2 S/137/61/000/012/079/0149 Hot rolling of white iron sheets AOOVA101~ tests confirmed the.possibility of hot rolling of white cast-iron.sheets., Rollirg affects considerably the structure of white iron sheets; the amount of graphiti impurities is sharply raised; their size is rediiaed; the graphitization rate is raised and a number of other structural changes-take place., It is recommended to design a mill for the hot rolling,of white iron sheets as a four-high type with roll diameters of 250 - 300 mm (working rolls) and 600 - 800 mm (backing rolls), and a barrel length Lmax . bmax + 100 mm, where bmax is the greatest width of the white iron sheets to be rolled. The possibility of regulating the revolution of the rolls must be provided for. Maximum rolling speed can be assumed tobe about 3 m1sec. Gas torches should be mounted along tl~e barrel of the rolls to heat the rolls and to regulate their profile. V. D'yakov [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 (Forging) (Nformations(Mechanics)) 69792 ,6-jj 0 0 S/055/59/000/06/22/027 B004/BG02, AUTHORS: Khromov, S. Lj Balenkovay Ye. S.i Sank,ov, B eGW . TITLE: Synthesis and Catalytic Conversions of !,I Diethyldi yclo~exyll and 1-Methyl-l-tertiary-butylcyclohexaiie Under the Conditions of Dehydrogenation Catalysis PERIODICAL: Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya matematiki, mekhaniki, astronomii, fiziki, khimii, 1959, No. 6, pp. 180 - 165 TEXT: The authors describe the synthesis of 1,11-diethyl-dicyclohexyl pi~qduced for the first time: Cyclohexanone and ethyl magnesium bromide yielded 1-ethyl- cyclohexanol-1. This was dissolved in ether and caused to react with its brgano- magnesium compound. Co pper chips and CuCl were~used as catalyst. Pure prepar a- tion was made chromatographically. 1-methyl-l-tert-butyl-cyclohexane was for the first time produced by the reactioa of dimethylzinc and 1-Cl-l-tert-butylcyclo- hexane. The latter was obtained by dehydration of cyclohexanol into cyclohexone via Al 0 at 3800, and by condensation with tert-butylebloride in the presence 2 3 of BFY Both compounds whose physical constants arelgiven in table 1, were de-, Card 1/2 Synthesis and Catalytic Conversions of 3/055/59/600/06/?2/027, 1,11-Diethyldicyclohexyl and 1-Met hyl-l-tertiary- B004/BO02 butylcyclohexane Under the Conditions of Dehydro- genation Catalysis 0 hydrogenated on platinized 320 The following results were.obtained: .1,11-diethyldicyclohexyl mainly develops ethylbenzenet I-ethyl771-phenylcyolo- hexane, 2-ethyldiphenyl, and low amounts of phenanthrene (Scheme and Tables 394). ~-~J From 1-methyl-l-.;tert-butyleyclahexane 70% of toluene and 25% oftertiary.batyl, benzene were produced (Scheme and Tablesl,2). These reactions indicated a weakening of the C-C bond of the two neighboring tetrasubstituted carbon atoms. There are 4 tables and 10 referencesp 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra khimii nefti (Chair of Petroleum Chemistry,) SUBMITTED: March 30, 1959 Card 2/2 SANXOVP T- I- - TisspAetais- CALstingsp GrinAi g Jun 51 FA 196T90 112-1-1396 Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal.. Elektrotekhnikap 195T, Nr 1, p. 214 (USSR) AUTHOR: Sankov, I*I. I----------- TITLE: Mechanization and Automation of Cleaningand.,Trimming the Automobile Plant Imeni Molbt*v-. (Mekhanizatsiya i avtomatizatsiya ochistki i obrmblM otlivok na avtozavode imeni Molotova) ]PERIODICAL: Sbornlk: Avtomatlzatslya tekhnol. protsessov v mashlnostr. Goryachaya obrabotka metallov, Moscow, AN SSSRV 1955 , Pp. 371-385. ABSTRACT: BIbliographic entry. Card 1/1 AUTHOR: Sankov, I.I., Engineer SOV-128-R8-8-2/21 TITLE- On the "GOST11-Standard Project for Coke Pig iron (0 proyek.te GOSTa na iiteynyy, koksovyy, chushkovyy chugun) PERIODICALi Liteynoye proizvodstvol 1958, Nr 81 PP 4-6 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The project of the "GOST11-standard to replace the "GOSTO 4832-49 for coke pig iron, set up by Tsentral~nyy nauchno- issledovatellakly institut chernoy Imetallurgii (Cenzral Sciqn~~- tifin, Research Institute for Ferrous Metallurgy) ~-s --onsider-l" ed, and A different variation of the standard is suggested (table, page 6). There are 6 sets of graphs, 1 diagram, and 2 tables, ~.M'11--USSR 2. 12-on-Specifications Card 1/1 SOV/128-59-4-18/27 oan1kov, I.S. and Venevakiy~Xe.Ttl. Engineers TITLE: Overheating Cupola Iron for Side-Blown Beopemer Converter PERIODICAL: Liteynoye Proizvodstvo, 1959, Nr 4, P.38 (USOR) ABoTRACT: When converting phycically or chemically cold Cast iron by the Bessemer procesp, the oxydation,of the admixture may be hampered or even Prevented entirely.- Therefore ferro-silicon was added~in the-converter to heat the cast iron. The.authors of the article' carried out tests, in which they used super-heated cast iron with a low percentage of activ- ate the Bespemerprocess. The iron was, melted in-a~ Cupola with a diameter of 1,000 mm. The Cupola haj three rows of tuyeres,an air consumption of 140 j~ per minute, and-the pressure in the twyer box was to a water column 75.0 mm high. The chemic_~ equivalent 1 al and physical heat of a portion of the waste gase,~, was utilized.for the super-heating The gases wer ' Card 11/2 reburned in the transition channel and in the fore SOV/128-59-4-18/27 Overheating Cupola Iron for bide-Blown, Bessemer Converter hearth and left the cupola through the slag hole,- which remained open during the melting. The dia- meter of the transition-channel was enlarged. In: addition, compressed air was brought into the channel. Most of the wastegases %,-iere burned in the foreheartht which lifted the requirements in regard to the quality. of the fireproof casing in forehearth and tap hole. For melting the pigiron the charge had-the followin-a compopition: 27% cast iron, 67% steel srapt and ferrosilicon. As a result of the physical.preheatina- 0 of the cast iron, the oxydation of the admixtures and eppecially,of the carbon began 2 or 3 minutes after the blast was admitted into the converter. The oxy- dation could be recognized by a bright blue flame, During the converting process no additions of iron alloys were made. The duration of the-process.was reduced to 10-12 minutes. There is 1 diagram,. Card 2/2 60/000/010/01~)/016'/XX A033YA133 AUTHORS: Sankov,,I. I.; Zibenberg, A. I., and Zhukov, V. B. TITLE; OveralL mechanization and automation of the cleaning of:cast- ings ~PBRIODICAL; Liteynoye proizv6dstvo, no. lot 1960, 23 26 TEXTt The authors describe a number.of semi-automatic, cleaning M'a_ chines developed and put in operation at the Gorikovskiy avtomobilinyy ZaVC1, (Gorlkly Automobile Plant) for the mechanized cleaning of castings. All ese machines are the result of systematic research work which has been carried out at the Plant since 1948. The semi-automatic for the emery- grinding of valve seats fitted in the cylinder blocks of the 3 (Yamz)" FAI-21i (GAZ-21), GAZ-69, GAZ-51 and "Moskvich 407" engines does away with the overheating of these valie seats,(weighing 46, 28 and 18 grams) -which urred -Pormprly durtng manual grinding. The semi-automatic has a capacity of 1,450 pieoes!hour. The abrasive wheel has a speed of 136 rpm. The semi- the emsry-grinding of the inner periphery of piston rings.for-. automatic for deburring consists of the grinding head, bed with drive and swivel mechan- Card 1/2 S/126/60/000/010/011/0116/XX Overall mechanization and automation of the... A033/A133 ism. The authors describe the design and operation of this machine and point out that for gang operation all parts are classified in nine groups, the oharacteristic- feature of each group being its surface to be emery- ground. The spt-cA f c amount of labor censump tion of emery-grinding of these groups is 65 75cf, of the total labor consumption of machining the castings after cleanir~g them in drums and shotblast installations. The semi-automatic for the emery-grinding of the lower and upper cylinder block surfaces, i.e. cylinder faces, valve apertures, gear box surfaces and crank bearings, possesses two 37 kw motors of,1,500 rpm. The grinding wheels haim a speed of 950 rpm. The authors give a brief description of the machine operation. The semi-automatic for the emery-grinding of three transmission case surfaces is intended for the removing of foundry gates and deburring. Thr- cast-Ing is set by hand in the fixture on the machine carriage, automa- tically clamped and, together with the carriage, carries out reciprocating movements. The semi-automatic has three motors of 28 kw, 1,500 rpm, for the grinding heads and one 2.8 kw motor of 1,000 rpm for the feed. The feEd speed during the machining is 4-3 m/min. The capacity of this semi-auto-. matic is 120 pieces/hour, the overall dimensions 2,160 x 2,565 x 2,275 mm. There are 7 figures. Card 2/2 ACC N& APT005682 SMCZ com tMAA13/61/000/002/0156/0156 i Saksonov, Z. Skopinovs A,'Po;, ebuftawrl re. A. ORG None TITIZ: An airtight batch. Class 62, No. 190765 SOURCE: Izobretenlya, pro"uhlenuM obraztsyj tovarnyye,znaidg not 29 196T9 156 TOPIC TAM mechanical fastener, hermetieseal, auxiliary aircraft equipiment, air- craft cargo handling ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces: 1. An airtight hatch with possible- application in an aircraft luggage carrier.. The in.stallation-contains a frame vitb a cover uhich in o&ned by sliding It into the compartment and upward along its.inner surface. The design also incorporates an elastic hermetic sealing element, guide rails and guide rollers fastened to the cover. Guide support pins nre hii*ed to the lover edge of the cover to facilitate 'sliding-into and out of the frame opening vithout bend~- ing and jamming. The free end of each pin Is equipped with &-roller vhich slides into. a matching socket installed In the frame. 2. A modification or this.batch in vbicn the guide support pins we sprbW loaded in the direction or-notion or the hatch covW1.1 dLuring closing. The pins come up against stop nowted in the.covei iben they reach the position at thich'tbe'roller viU slide Into the sockats'.". I CerC 1/2 Met: MJ3.022-21 J ul 17. 2/64/000/065/0035/0037'- 'cEssiox NR AP4039020 3/007 AUTHORS: Sankova, L.I.; Kukoleva, L.A.; Goroblaskays, V.D. TITLE: Rapid analysis of.sodium carbonate batch conts ga datollte.. concentrate' SOUROB: Steklo i keramika, no.~5, 1964t 35-37 TOPIC TAGS: industrial analysis, sodiumvarbonate, bariumaxids, ;-calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, datolite,-conoentrate ABSTROT: Tests have shown-that a datolits concentrate is Well 'isoluble In hot H01 Ions of boric acido calcium and magnesium are -partially soluble -completely soluble:-While siliclo acid is (50%) These, however, do not interfere with.the determination of boron, calcium and magnesium.. 0onsequently, the factory laborsto%7 develop", mite#' a method of ohamical analysis of the charge containing sand, dolo pegmitite, sulfate, sodium carbonate and datolits concentrate fo,r .i Its content 0 so I and XgCO Tk3Ler duration of f X 00 ' B2019 GaC03 sis according to fhN methdd is 2 2.5 Na;. The sample of the batch is quartered, dried to constant weight'and ground In a porosIALIS rtar. Two gran samples are titrated with 0.5 1 H01 to aste3mins Ord 1/2 VG 0 S L-~ V1 A Y K. cxpvti~x, F. SANKOVIC and N. -ANLMSIC (Affiliatlon lict 5cared). "Umbilical. Hernii In Colts." Belgrvdc, Vetsrirmrst-i -~,!Annik, Vol !I.';, Hn .12, 1962; pp 1183-11,86. L-erlfaali SWIM, 41! Of 4266 h,'3r-ses seer, 1956~1961, 92 Abatract ary modif ie bad mubilicat heraia; 52 were operated upon, urith 44successes and E Ir -I er, I I'M c e 7s ,Ci-Nnprehf-~nsive clinical a--;d surgleal data., .5 rif te,.hnjq-,:fn; 6 Wsstpm' and I Czech reference. N.N., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk; YRYKIN, B.S., gosudarstvennyy -----iaHrVaVriyy inspektor Standardization of a forced-air heating system with a concentrated air outlet. Gig. I san. 21 no.10:20-25 0 156. (NLRA 9:11) 1. 1z Vaesoyuznogo nauchno-Losladovateliskogo instituta gidratekhni- cheskikh i sanitarno-tek6tchaskikh rabot i Gosudarstvennoy sanitemy inspekt Mii Leningra". (MUSTRUL HYGINNN forced air heating system,with concentrated air outlet In 'factories in Russia) (HRATING Oasis) E.2A(bb)-27 (b) /91dP (1) Ac',ESSION YR: AP5006221 TP(c 5/0286/65/000/005/0085/0()85 E) Tret',akov, V, M.: Korolev, F. F.; Yev-t2zev, . I.; Sanko,!j=, A. A melhcd --)f test:-ng pf-Dducts -I:;:- rie--met:.7 sea- 'If 'laaa 42, 5o. 168925 SOURIC'St Byulleten' izobreteniy i tolnykh makavo ao- 51 1965P 85 TOPIC TAGSi sealing, hermetic sealing, leak detsatort 1~,~=&Ow digCharge t. A-BST9AC'T: rhis Authar ertificate presents a method of testing produatf. for hp--mctii 3,4a1 with helium under high pressure. F!:r morf~ accurate deter-r-in tion of -~rccuc~,-' r,. 9!a Yel-um mclecul'ev leak!-ng thip ---4,.v~t --':h the h-i-p -)I' 'Ui '?.ec-,ric 11'?A',& --'C e f" o' d~a--targe produces t -,mi-nescence which ndicate-a *,ne p. ':s~-r;co :)" Aeaks ASSa:ZATIGHt Organlzataiva goaudarstvennogo komiteta p,) av.,,ataionnoy t,j?Jmike 555A (Enterprise of the State Committee for Aviation Teckmol)g j 53'") SUMCETTEDi 10=63 ENCLi Lxj MB CODR1 IE NO REP SO: 000 OTHEEt i WO COM 1/1 ACC NRs AP7004266 SOURCE CODE: UR/0432/66/000/003/0031/0033 AUMOR: SankovskV, (Candidate of technical adiences)l Kruglikov, V. Y" ORG: none TITLE: Inertialess electronic device with controlled gain SOURCE: Mekhanizatsiya i avtomatizatsiya upravleniya, no. 3, 1966, 31-33 2.2 TOPIC TAGS: electronic amplifier, controlled Holt M gain amplifier, automatic control system Rj 56D( Iioo., ABSTRACT: Intended for use in adaptive control systems, an electron-tube Z4K amplifier (see figure) is proposed which ;.4 Ism consists of a balanced amplifier (two upper tubes) whose anode.loads are shunted by internal resistances of two., Ilan _7 other (lower) tubes. The latter are controlled by a separate (right) tube whose grid circuit receives the control 20,K voltage from the automatic system"in question. Typical controlled-gain curves are shown. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 1 formula. Card 1.11 SUB GOD.Mo 09-1-SUBM DATE: none UDC: 621.375 3ZUBJECT USS -YS, I Cj F. 7 7, THOR 3 1ROJKOV, JTT. 111. ,8.1-131 Y! KOV, D. G. T!T1- E, On the Probler, of !Tnn-!',~UanLizP(1 -lelat1vtstic Invariant Rertortv-.1-1266 .:;q,-1Rt-4O1-L3 Of P~ Particle. P- 2,RKDT--"LL 4"Urn,*ekl,~4.0. itrtor. fis,)1, fasc.1, 113-120 (1956j) 12-111ed: 9 195 reviewe (I - 11 1 19r,06 i~: of thz: r-itetho(I developet! hy JU.:J.S1R0x0V, Zuryi.eksp.i ~47 (1951) for 'he co-iistruction of a threedimensional extendea particle a system of % '0 L k, . . . .1 relativistically invariant equations for a spatially smeared-out particle Whil,chis': in interaction with a field is obtained. However, in con-brant to tlhvis Drevious work, not the charee, but actually smeared out, so that the -,ar-. 'inle remaini stable without the introduction of POINIOMIE'S -iressures. first the case of an electron that is in interaction wlth ai electroma T- t' fielt! is investiEated. The effective function S its, lilke i-n ordinary electrody- na.mics, set up as the sum of part-functions -.-hicb correspond,to the free par- tielp, the field, and the interaction. By the variation of S according to the coordinates of the particle or the field, the equation of motion or the field equation respectively are obtained.. In the case of a highly relativistic particle. In a field, an additional degree of.freedon may be said to occur, for for the initial moment the angular velocity of the THO'.'U,S pression of the particle,must yet be assumed.~ The four-momentiva P. .---hich is conserved is determined by the method developed by I -W.PAULI, Nuovo Cimento, 10, 5, 648 (1953). rn.eksp.i teor.fis, J1, fage.1,113-120 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1 "U 0 457 7ith the help of the expression for P,(t) thu3 found 'he total renox-malized mass f the particle is then determined. For this purpose the equations for an electron at rest is solved for the case in which the exterior field is lacking, after which it is inserted into the equation - iP ~Ia. In contrast to quantum 4 mechanics renormalization is accuratein this case, and the electron becomes stable without the introduction of any additional forces of the POINCAR~ pres-. sure type. The equation of motion with renormalized mass is given. However~ also the field is to be renormalized. The equation system obtained the, complete system of renormalized equations describing the extended electron in interaction with the electromAgnetio,field., The modification of the energy (or the momentum) on the stretch r must not ex- ~0, ceed the corresponding enerEy of the particle. The renormalized equation of notion, reminds us of the LORENTZ equation, but it is relativistically invariant. It is coT.,tpared with DIRAC'S equation by-transition to a punctiform particle. There follows, in exactly the same manner as on the occasion of the computation of the electromaenetic field, the investigation of a nucleon which is in inter- action with a scalar mesonfield.1-That has been said before holds goodalso in this case. The present work is the first step in the following direction: first renormalization of the classical equations, to be followed by their quantization. INISTITUTIMIT; 1~oscovi State University.. w~ 4 S ). a7-, 760 kl~ON THE PROBLEM OF UNQUAtMZED ItEI.ATSM-TICALLY INVARIANT RENORMAUZED EQUATIG FX)R A THREE- DIMENSIONAL QEr J?&P SblMkGX and D, G. Sitairilkov Eovid. Ptvyb. JFFP 4, A system of relativistically invartut equations for it smeared- above given formula for f(j) may be obtained by transiti6n from the approximated Lenz(I;ents)-jensen (Iyensen) expression for-the density of the electron density Q(r) in the atVM to the functions,!'( f). Too careful searches for the exact approximati'on of'th4 Thomas (Tomas)-Fermi. functions for small and great distances from the nucleus are uselesk, as the equa- tion C,, 3/2/ 1/2 does not describe correctly the po- tential within the atom. The author thanks D. A. Kirzhnits for his advice and discussions. There are 9 references, 1 of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy institut im. P. N. Lebedeva Akademii nauk SSSR (Physics Institute imeni P. N.-Lebedev AS USSR) SU3MITT_!-): 1,11arch 13, 1958 Card 2/2 20454 (113 //-'g S/056/61/04b/002/007/047 LIC1, rj'~~ B I 13/B214 AUTHORSt Perekalinal T. M., Aakochinskiy, A. A., Sannikov, D. G. TITLEt Resonance of.domain boundaries in cobalt ferrite PERIODICALt Zhurnal eksperimental,inoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, V.,40, no. 2, 19619 441-447 TEXTt The resonance dispersion of magnetic permeability incobalt' ferrite, which is caus ed by the displacementof domain boundaries, ha 7 been investigated experimentally. It was necessary to have a dispersion-free -oaxial line with a square cross section, in which TEM-type waves appear and in which the form of the magnetic lines of force is almost quadratic. Quadratic frames were out from a single crystal, whose sides coincide=with the axes of easiest magnetization.: Four quadratic frames of,equal size were prepared from single crystals of cobalt ferrite (outer dimensions: 10 K10 MM; inner dimensions: 6;