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SOV/115-59-3-12/29~ AUTHOR: Samoylov, VJT. TITLE: The Errors in Balancing Pistons of!, Pistoi-; Gages (Pogreshnosti uravnoveshivaniya -porshney gruzoporshnevykh manometrov) PERIODICAL: IzmeritelInaya tekhnika, 1959, Nr 3, pp 19-21 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The exactness of pressure measurements with spring- loaded piston gages depends mainly.on the de- gree of accuracy zo wnich'the effective piston areas are known. These effective areas are.usually determined by hydrostatic balancing of.the pistons of two gages connected to one press. The ac- curacy of measuring the effective area depends on the sensitivity of the entire system consisting of -two gages one press and the gage tubes. For the given case, the sensitivity,of 'the individual gage is not of basic importance. Consequently, for evaluating the maximum accuracy which may be achieved bv Dressure measurements with spring-loaded Card 1/3 - -9. piston gages is necessary to consider the SOV/115-59-3-12/"29 The Errors in Balancing Pistons of Piston Gages sensitivity of the aforementioned system. Investi- g,ations of gage -.3iston movements produce para-, meters characterizing the sensitivity and permit- to evaluate the errors of the hydrostatic balancing. The sensitivity value of a system permits an evalua- -.,ion of the.accuracy which niayrbe achieved for measur- ing the effective piston areas. It may be used for.. comparing with each other and for detecting leaks in the press. The author determines -;he conception piston-liquid-piston, stating that -~he equation M1 m2 is actually correct only for FT ~ F2 the balanced state of a system. Forcalculating, the magnitude C, the sensitivity of the system in this case, a differential equation of the movement of the Card 2/3 pistons and the liquid in the gage -tubes is SOV/115-59-3-12/29 The Errors in Balancing.Pistons of 7?isto, gages kriven. At high pressures, the deformation effect on the pistonipairs.should be taken into considera- tion and the change of the liquid viscosity. Based on the differential equation formulae are developed for determining the measurement errors which might occur dup to inaccurate balancing. As a conclusion two gage.. systems are cited.- If the speed of the VisGon motion2is expressed in mm/min and -the pressure in kg/cM 32 then the MOP-60 will have a Senpitivity of 10 -10.4 units, whereby an error of 10--L kg/cm-- is permitted for pressure measurements* For the 1-25.00 gages the sensitivity is 10 units at pressui~i:-d,oi u co 2000 kg/cm2, whereby the error is 10-1 kg/cm These errors must not be neglected when performing reference measurements and in some cases when testing instruments of the first category. Card 3/3 SAMOYLOV) V.0. Interocaption of the tongue. Fiziol.zhur. (Ukr.) 10 no.4s469- 475 Jl--A9 164. ~(MIRA 1802) 1* Kafedra normallnoy fiziologii Voyenno-meditainakoy akademii im. S.M.Kirovh. ARKMGC,LISKIY, A.S., kand. tekhn. nauk; VASILYEV,, -N.V.,, kand. tekbn. nauk3 GORDDX"O, B.I., -'nzh - SAMOYLOV, V.P.,, kand. tekbn nauk; TERENETSICIY, L.U., inzb. Pri;i'm-:a~~uc ~363.*^mDDIESHKO, Ye:A., inzh.; KIJBENEV, Kh.K... and. tekhn. nauk; aIORODINCV, M.I., kand. tekhn. nauk;-KHRAPOV, V.G., kand. tekhn. nauk; NIKOLISKIY, I.S., inzh.; KUTKOV, G.A., inzh.; VORONTSCIVA, N.D., starobiy laborant~ BLAGOSLAIIOV, Yu.B., kand. tekhn. nauk, nauchmyy red.; WIIRNOVA,, A.P., red. izd-va; IGNATIYEV, V.A.9 tekbn,, red. (Underground mining in loose rocks] Frokhodka podzemrWkh vyra-, botok v sypuch-ikh porodakh. Pod obshchei red. A.S.Arkbagelskogo, Moskva., Gos. izd--vo lit-ry po stroit..9 arkhit. i .9troit. materia- lam, 1961. 205 P. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Akademiya stroitel's-tva iarkbitekbury SSSR. Institut osnovanly i podzemnykh sooruzheniy. 2. Sotr~dhiki Laboratorii metodav vowve- deni-ya podzemVkh sooruzbeniy: Nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta osnovaniy Akademii stroitellstvi:i arkhitektury SSSR (for all except Blagoslavav', Smirnova., Ignatlyev). (Mining engineering) t AV - L TOIAIACHEV, V.N.; SUFMOVA, L.N.; SAMOYIA)V, V:P- Stud7ing: the structure, stability, and absorption spectra of complexes formed in acetone by cobalt (II) ions with nitrate ions and. diantipyrilmethane. Zhur.neorg.khim. 2 no.9:2o78-2m4 s 157. (MM 10:12) l.Nauchno-inaledovateltakiy institut khimii Kharlkovokogo gosuclarstvennogo universitets, im. A.M. GorIkogo. (Complex compounds) 29615 S/12o/61/ooo,o04/027/034 E194/19355 AUTHORS: ~amoylov, V.P. and Dolya, G.P. TITLE: The use of epoxide compound as vacuum-tight material PERIODICAL: Pribory-i tekhnika eksperimenta~lno- 5, 1961, pp. 16o - 161 TEXT: Com-oounds based on epoxide resins 25*A-6 (ED-6) and 3A--7 (ED-7) were used as vacuum-tIght materials in the development of a single electrode focusing lens for an ion source. The evolution of gas from cured specimens was.first~ assessed by tests in a vacuum chamber with an initial vacuum of 5 x 10-7 Mm F.'[g. Without sIpecimens the rate of leakage over 24 hours was 0-03 cc/hour. Two spec:Lmens,of 1 kg were then placed in the chamber-, they were made of cured compound based on rosins 3-3-1,(E--37) and )A.6 (ED-6), polymerised at a tempera- ture orf 150 C for twenty-four hours. The compound based on resin. E-37 was loaded with dust of high-voltage porcelain, ground -to give 10% residue on a number 100 sieve. The filler in the compound based on resin ED-6.was quartz sand, ground to-give a Card 1/3 296:5 S/i2o/Wooo/oWo27/034 The use of epoxide compound .... E194/E355 residue of 10.5%,. The proportions used were epoxide resin 100 parts by 4eight, filler 250 Parts by weigh 't, phthaleic. anhydride 30 Parts by weight. The presence of these samples did not alter the rate of leakage into the chamber in tests carried out at a temperature of 18 - 20 0 C. A single-electrode focusing len's was then constructed but the usual ceramic insulators were completely replaced by insulators of epoxide compound hoi-rever, the filler was reduced to 165 parts by weight. particular care was taken to avoid excessive heating of the mJxture in the early stages of curing, which might. have caused cracking. During.the course of a year's operation the lens was periodically heated to a temperature of 8o 85 0C and during this time the vacuum dropped to 1 x -6 10 mm. Hg~; this was probably due to the presence of a rubber packing between the quartz tube and electrode of the lens. During this service life there were neither cracks nor leakages. Card 2/3 29635 S/120/6; /000/00V027/0311 The use of epoxide compound .... E194/E355 There are 1 figure and 8 references: 5 Soviet-bloc and 3 hon-Soviet-bloc. The three English-language references quoted are: Ref. 4 - C.A. Harper - Plastics Technol., 1957, 3, No. 10, 811; Ref- 5 - V.G. McIntosh, W.H. Bostick.- University of California Radiation Laboratory, 4688,; 1956, Liver- more; Ref. 8 - H.L. Loucks. Mater. and Methods, 1956, .43, No. 2, 90. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN UkrSSR (Physicotechnical Institute of the AS UkrSSR) SUBMITTED: December 3, 1960 Card 3/3 KOMAR N. P. ; SAMOI'lbV-- -, V P Errors of spectrophotometric measurements. Zhur. anal, khim. 18 no.11:1284-1290 N 163. (M.LRA 17:1) 1. Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni A.M. Gorlkogo. PV, V.P.; KULYGINA, M.N. Existence of adsorption effect in sytems used in the technology of hot casting of ceramics. Zhur. prikl. khim. 37 no. 5065- 971 YV 164. (KRA 17%7) 1. Fiziko-tel:hnicheskiy institut AN UkrSSR. Name SAMOYLOV, V. P. to icl~ Disaertation '7n~trln~:aa rlat~'eri of the hcad elements of units for boring tunnels Dogree, Cand Tech Sci Defereled At Academi of Construction and Architecture Publication Date, Place Source Arwas Aoloftonav, M.S. SCIV/180-59-1.2a/29 HtLls Coarerence on the Physics of the Disruption of Rock and Tool Wear (Soveshahan1ye po fiziko razrush*alya sornykb pared I lznosu lustrumentov) MIODICALs Izvestlya Akademii hank SSSR, Otdolentye takhmichoslelkh nank-# Xatallurglya I topli-,o, 1959,Nr l,pp 123-12LP (USSR) S On 18-20 November 19 58 a conference was hold at the Inatitut gornog3 dela AN SSaR (Mining Institute AS USSR), One group on tre physles of rock breakdown, board the (!(M AN SSSR), on "Some following reports: a Field 0 'ahr13 Ring Construction"I Investigations In t a Field a A_j_Bsr_oq rUGI, on "Physical Mature or sfracts in the CuttIll-of-Brittle Books-; _4_Xa_JLTAjlos VNIIBT, on *Noch--' om or Rock Brsakdowr~ in Sta tio-and- Dynamic Insertion of Panches4l V.P.-Samqylo p NIIOSP* and Sh1h Chung-han (XIIT) on REpirimenrai-Investigation with the Aid of Madioactivo Isotopes of the Process of the Introduction of Symmetrical Wedges (Stamps) into Ranks'; -TA-Matrosor, T ki IiteL-hnjoh~skiy in3titut (Tomsk Card 1/3 _PGlj5ZM=eAI;:2tS1.1 n -The Breakdown of Book In Vibration-Rotation by the Caris Kethod". Mi heard the following reportss jAAV_ Misnotsov (13D AN USSR) an "Abrasive Properties of Influence on Tool Wear withFOat Aid of Radioactive IsotoposO; IF Test' 901, co -Investigation of To*1 Mr.- SSO-173t, ~Yl lurse of Impact Chipping of Rocks*- I A Ter-A-zar-yev AISM on 'Main Stages in Cuttimi-T;ol LISM, on Local Tool-Wear In Stone Cutting &=d Friction Work-; NoYoah~rkaajk%po11tekhn1chs5k17 institut (Navochorkassic Polytechnical StItuta) an "In7estigation or ShSK-Co"Ins Cutting-Tool Wear'; V F Op7tho-issladovatelf skIY ZsQkh Worillskogo koablausta (Harperimental-rosearch devartmont of the Norillskir combine) an .Increasing the Durability of the Drilling Tool and the Drillability of the Gabbrodiabsess of the Norillsk. Deposits"; on the "Work of Giprolaglemash". hbhir.~Lwars .-Anizations wara prosint*d ty reproserAtLti. Card 2/3 Yes of the DnApropatrovskly gornyy institut (Dnepropetrovsk Xining Institute), loracharkasskir politakhniohaskiy inati cherish sak Pol-yt.c4a1=%l Lastitute), lbarlkovmkiy garnyy L=tltut (Kharlkov HizaL4 Institute), Zazakbskiy gorna-metallurgichaskly inatitut (jaz&kh Mining and Metallurgical Institute) and otters. The c c nfore=o noted that little work had been done on some of the =bjzzt* disoazzed. It raccmandad that work b th"IlYsics of ro4ic disruptior should be Urr1od out mainly at the IM AN USSR, the Irstitut 9 :ologil I dobyahi ipalesnykh iskopaywmyj~h AN SSSR (Institut of Ooology and .39traztIon of . . Kinorals,AS USSR) VUOI at4 VNIBT; and work on tool "or isat bra&ksge preferentially at KpIt Card 3/3 AISMI Oidr=g3smash, 7UGI. VNIr3T& and the Ir.3titut tv*r4ykh oplAyaT (Hard-Auoys Tastituto). ARKHAI[GELISKIY, A.S.. kand.tekhrx.nauk;,SMYWV, V.P., kand.tekhn.naak; GORDIYEIIKO, B.I., inzh. Tunneling in unstable ground in the Los-Anglees region (from "Construction Methods and Equipment," March 1957 "Western Construction," April 1956). Shakht.strai. no.8:26-29 Ag '59- OaRk 12: 11) 1. Ifaucbno-issledovatellskly institut osnovaniy i podzamnvk:h soorttzheniy. SAMOYI47, V.P. I ~ - 11 SAMOYLOV, V.P. 1, karld. tekhn. nauk Shield tunneling in sandy soils. Transp.stroi. 13 no.10:59-60 0 163. (MIRA 17:8) ACC NRt AP7002625 .... .. .-,----------S0URa-CODE. UR/041-3/66-/000/023/0163/016.3----'i iINVENTOR: Sainoylov, V. P. ~ORG: None 'TITLE: A shield for digging tunnels in loose soils. Class 19, No. 14o8l*r SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 23, 1966, 163 !TOPIC TAGS: excavating machinery, highway tunnel,, railway tunnel, construction 'machinery ABSTRACT: This Authors Certificate introduces a shield for digging tunnels in loose soils. 7be cutting part of the tool is divided into sections by horizontal bridges. i ,The unit is designed for greater mechanization of soil removal and transportation directly from the working face. Adjacent tothe edge of each horizontal bridgeare one or several belt con:veyors which may be reversed by friction units.. SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: 27Feb6i Card OMETOV, A.D., i:azhener;SAMOYLOV, V.P. Multiple.-shift and unit methods for equipment repair in the Zvorykin Flax Combine. Toket.prom. 15 no.11:41-43 N 155. (MLRA 9:1) (Textile machinery-Repairing) SAY,OYLGV, V. F.: Min Higher Education USSR. Moscow Textile Inst. Moscow, 195C. SAMOYLOV, V. P.:--I-The process of removing condensate from dr-fLig drums." 1-Un Higher Educaticn USSF- Moscow Textile Inst. ~bscow, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Technical Sciences) SO: Knizhnaya Letopiol. No. 20, 10,56 SAMOTLOV, V.P. Useful book about repairing textile machinery. (!Repair and assembling of equipment in plants of textile and light industries' by X.I. Xhudykh. Reviewed by V,P. Samailov). Tekst.prom. 17 no.10: 71-72 0 '57i. MRA 10:12) l.Glavnyy mekhanik lluokombinata sistem7 in2h. Zvorykina. (Te:itile'i2achinery--Kaintemnce and repair) (Khudykh,,M.I.) SAMYIOV, V..P. ra onal method of controlling the technical condiiivne of equipmont st the Bngi-neer Zvor7kin S7stem C*mbine,,Izv* v7s. uchwb. sav.; tekh. tokmes. prom, no,5:136-Xj9 158. (ICRA 1102) lJostromskey tekatillny7 institut. (Textile meehinery-Maintenance and repair) OROMMIA, Ye.P.; SM-10YLOV. V.P. Layerlesa chromizing in a diluted bath. Izv.vys.ucheb zav:; tekh.teks-t.prom. no.6:93-94 '58. (Mi;i 12.4) 1. Kostromskoy tekstillu.7y institut. (Textile machiner7) (Chromium plating) L7- SAMOIUV, V.P., inzh. Improv spindles used on Zvorykin's spinning frames. Tekst. prom. 18 no.l-.24-25 A '58. (MIRA 11:2) (Spinning machinery) SAMO Increauing the life of sheaves on Zvorftin spinning machines. Tekst, prom. 18 no.6:48-5o je 58. (MIRA 11:7) l.Glavjiy7 mekhanik kombinata. sistem7 inzhenera Zvoryidnas (Spinning machinery) (Flax) SAMOYWV, V.P.; YXMIIOV, Tu.G. Can drying in the textile industry. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; tekh. tokst.prom. no.4:133-140 '59. (Mia 12:11) 1. Ivanovskiy tekstil'Wy inatitut. (DryIng apparatus--Textile fabrics) Jcb; TMIUTS,I.A., retsenzent; MOTORIN., I.V., SAMICYLOV, Vasiliy avjoy . spets, red.;KOPELMCH,Ye.I.,,red.;GORDEYCHIK~G.M.gred.;SHAFEIIKOVA,T.A.) (Heat-consuming systems in the cotton industry] Teploispoll- zuiushchie ustanovki khlopchatobumazhnoi promyshlennosti. Do-. pushcheno 20/V 1959 9. Ministerstvom. vysshego obrazovaniia, SSSR v kachestve uchebnogo posobiia spetsiallnosti "Pro- myshlennaia teploenergetikall vuzav *Lekstillnoi promyshlennosti. Moskva, Izd-vo nauchno-tekhn. Iit-ry RSFER, 1961. _283 p. (KM 15:2) (Cotton manufacture-r-Equipment and supplies) (Heat engineering) ACC NR, AP6013487 2/0019/0022 UR/0120/66/000/00 AUTHOR: Dolya, G.P.; Samoylov, V.P. ORG: 'Physical-Technical institute, UkI jSRA Khar1kov (Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut. UkrSSR) TITLE: Accelerating tube of a neutron generator, made from an epoxy compound SOURCE: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, no, 2, 1966, 19-22 TOPIC TAGS: neutron .,n.rator tftw, idn-_tVbM_ epoxy 'plastic, ion accelerator trZe ABSTRACT: This paper describes an accelerator tube of a neutron generator with walls made of filled epoxy 1:ompound rings, glued together with epoxy adhesive, Fig. 1. Mechw_* nical and electrical properties of the hardened epbxy compound are investigated and described as functions of filler grain size, filler proportion etc. Tests showed that, at equal filler purities, filleis of quartz sand and aluminum oxide deliver an electri;_- cal strength which is practically independent of particle size, filler proportion or filler material. However, bending strength noticeably increases with a decrease of particle size and the ratio of epoxy to filler. The process of accelerator tube con- struction is described. In a two-year test operation, with a tube length of .5 meter operated in air, the operating voltage across the tube was maintained between 150 and 160 kilovolts. At an outside temperature of 200C., a vacuum of (4 - 5).10-7 torr was attained. No leaks were observed during the two years of operation. Gas development Ca rd 1/2 UDC: 539.1.076 ACC NR: AP6013487 did not exceed that of kt similar porcelain titbe of conventional construction, run in -,,Parallel for comparison. Jt is concluded Z 3 that epoxy composite com ounds can compete p favorably with the conventional materials 1 the production of accelerator tub l n es'andI have a. number of advantages, such as s3M_ licity and constructional flexibility in the creation of various configurations. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. 4 To Fr om Targe 7on r ce'.~ Fig. 1. Accelerating tube of a neutron generator. 5 -flanges. 2 - space for electrode contacts. 3 electrodes; 4 voltage divider.! SUB CODE: 20 .2191 SUBM DATE: 3Apr65 ORIG REP: 012 Card 2/2 q SEYBUQ.Patr 'I(ikharlovich, SAMOTLOT. V.S. [Organization of socialist agricultural enterprises] Organizatsita aotatalintichaskikh mallskokhosisintyennykh prodpriiatti, Kooky&, Sellkhoxgts. 1957. 423 ps (xim io:6) (Agriculture) YJL 0 v "I Ile 13 7- 58- 1- 728 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiyar 1958, Nr 1, p 108 (USSR) AUTHOR: Samoylov, V. V. TITLE: Increasing the Durability of Dies for Cold Upsetting (Povy- sheniye stoykosti shtampov dlya kholodnoy Vy5adki) PEFLIODICAL: Tekhnol,. avtomobilestroyeniva, 1957, Nr 4, p 66 ABSTRACT: The, durability of an upsetting tool increases (by 25-50 per- cent) when dies made of Sl (E1-790) grade steel are used. This steel differs from grade U10A steel by a higher Si content (up, to 1. 0 percent) and Mn (up to 0. 6 percent). Heat treatment procedures for the new steel, ensuring a depth of die harden- ing twice as great as with U10A steel, is presented. Ya.O. Dies-Qssip 2. Steel-Hoat treatmat Card 1/1 AUTHOR: Samoylov, V.V~ 121-4-18/32 TITLE: A iq aw Brand of Steel for Cold Heading Dies (novaya marka stali dlya shLampov ',-.holodnoy vysadki) PERIODICAL: Stank-i i Instrument, 1958, 140.4, P. 34 (LUSR). ABSTRAC'": Ordinary high carbon tool steel does not yield a Sufficient depth of hardening. Carbide inserts develop cracks. A new st-el, 31?90, has been developed in the tool shop labora- tory of ihe Motor-car Plant (Avtozavod) imeni Likhachev, which Lardens to a depth of 3/4 mm. by ordinary jet quenching. The steel is distinguished by a silicon content of up to 0.9% and a manganese content of 0.6%. In quenching, the water jet is stopped when the red heat vanishes. The submquent air cooling rpplaces the tempering treatmert, apart from the final tempering J.n. a saltu*petre bath. Tqe die life rith the mew steel is at least 3Qi~6' greater~ Typical runs are 20 000 components com-roared V11th 14 000 uith the old steel. There are 2 figures and 1 table. AvAILAB.M.- Library of Con6ress Card 1/1 1. Steel-Develoipment 2. Steel-Application SOV/129-5P-11-7/13 &THORS. Gulyayev, A. P. I Doctor of Technical ScienceAsProfessor, --Engineers Luneva .Z.S., Korolev, G. G. and,.~jamoylov. V2y,, TITLE: Heat Treatment of Tools Made of High Speed Steel. in a Steam Atmosphere (Termicheskaya obrabotka instrumentov iz bystrorezhushchey stali v atmosfere para) PERIODICAL: Metallovedeniye i Obrabotka Metallov, 1958, Nr liv pp 39-44 (USSR) ABSTRACT: According to data of various authors, the service life of tools made of high speed steel is increased by 50 to 100% if they are heat treated in steam after being finish- machined and ground. In order to establish the effectiveness of such heat treatment 9 the authors carried out experiments with specimens and drills made of the steels R9 alid E18 which, prior to treatment with steam,.were hardened, tempered, sharpened and ground. Thetreatment with steam was effected in a hermetically closed electric furnace, a sketch of which is shown in Fig.2,''j-n which the temperature was maintained automatically within + 50C. The steam pressure, was maintained at 0.1-0.2 atm. T-o prevent the formation of Fe 0 on the machined s faces Card 1/4 the steam be introduged in the super-heatuerd state'. SOV/129-58-11-7/13 Heat Treatment of Tools Made of High Speed Steel in a Steam. Atmosphere Only then will a f-ilm form consisting,of magnetic iron oxides which is the reason for the high corrosion stability-~, and the good appearance of the thus treated tools., The treatment procedure is graphed in Fig.l. introducing steam, the temperature is raised to 350-370'c and the tools are held at that temperature for 20 to 30mins. Then,steam is introduced and the temperature is maintained at the same level for a further 30 mps. Following that, the temperature is raised to 540-550 C,,maintained constant at that temperature for 30-60 m,ins and, finally, cooled in air and quenched in oil. The graph, Fig.3, shows the measured thickness.o~f the oxide film on the steel R9 treated in a steam atmosphere at various temperatures with a holding time of 30 mins; in Fig.4 the thickness is graphed of the oxide film on the steel R9 treated in a steam atmosphere at'5500C as a function of the holding time. It was found.that the oxide film produced by steaming is considerably denser than that produced by Card 2/4 alkali oxidation. The corrosion stabilityland the SOV/129-58-11-7/13 Heat Treatment of Tools tAade of High Speed Steel in a Steam Atmosphere resistance to seizure was also measured as well as the service life. On the basis of the obtained results a heat treatment regime in a steam atmosphere was developed for tools made of high speed steels. The steam treatment is recommended as an additional treatment of sharpened-and ground tools.for the purpose of improving their resistance to corrosion and their cutting performance. Steam is also recommended as an atmosphere in the furnace during tempering for the pur,ose of preventing erosion of the tool surface;,j-n P this case no inter-cycle chemical tFeatment is necessary. After steam treatment at 500 to 600 C a dense film~of the magnetic oxide FeAOLL formst the #Lickness of which is 1-4~L. The presened n the surface of such a film leads to an,increase of the adhesion temperature (build UP of machined metal onto the high speed steel) by 100-150 C and this explains the improved cutting. properties; furthermore, steam treatment does not bring about a drop in-thesurface quality during heating in Card 3/4 saltpetre and in air, which is also important from the SOV129-58-11-7/13 Reat Treatment of Tools Made of High Speed Steel in a Steam Atmosphere point of view of improving the service life of the tool. Steam treatment is at present applied by numerous Works and should be u s e d on a larger scale. There are 9 figures, 1 table and 4 references, 3 of which are English, 1 French. ASSOCIATIONS: VNII, Zavod "Frezer" ("Freze3! Works) and ZIL 1. Tools--Heat treatment 2. Tool steel--Properties 3. Steam--Metallurgical effects Card 4/4 AIIJJ,IOVICH~ A.D., kand. takhn, nawk; A11TOPOV, M.P.; knnd. tokhn. nauk.; KAPT-441, G.A., inzh.-ekonovist; LEVII41 S.M." inzh.- zeraeustroitell; LISTENGUHT~ F.M., kznd. geogr. nauk; SAIVOY-7.2E Ya.m., kand. tekhn. nauk; SEOLYAR I.M., k&nd. arkhitek.; SOLORIDIKO, N.A.Y kand. arkht.; STUILIGOV, V.D., kand. arkht.; FILEYEV, V.G.,, inzh.; Prinimali uchastiye: BUTUZOVI, V.P.; GLABINA, N.K.; GOLIDShTEYN, A.M.; DE2,N)VOVSKIY, V.S.; KAPIAD, G.L.; FEDOTOW, N.A.; TSEYTLIN, G.I.; BURIAKOVI H.Ya., red.; KOV-PITE-YETS, Z.N., red. izd-va,- GOLOV."KIIIA, A.A., tekbn. red. [Regional planning of econorde administrative regions) industrial regions and centers; planning guide]Raionnaia plard--ovka ekonomicheskikh adrinistrativnykh raionovy pro- r-yshlenxWkh raionov i uzlov; rukovodstvo po proektirovaniiu. Pod red.N.IA.E-urlakova. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat, 1962. 266 p. (14IRA 15:10) 1. Alcademiya stroitellstva i arkhitektury- SSSR. Institut gra- dostroitellstva i raionnoi planirovki. 2. Z=estitell direk- tora po nauchnoy rabote Nauchno-issledovatel'skogo instituta gradostroitellstva i rayonnoy planirovki (for Burlakov). 3. Nauchno--issledovateliskiy institut grp-dostroitellstva i rayonnoy planirovki (for Butuzova, Glabina, Goltdsliteyn'. De"yanovskjy, Kaplan, Fedotova., TSeytlin). (Regional planning) RYAZMIOV, V.S.; E-UTUZOVA, V.P., SD1ONOV,,:,G.V.. GOLIDSHTEXH, AJI KORNEYEV, N.A- !.-WDYLOV LJY4.M.; LYSYKH, I.V.; S KHMELINITSKIY, G. ffTJTIRO-V, Ye.B.; ANTONOV, M.F.; DOBROSELISKAYA, T.M. [Recommer4ations for' the establishment of schemes-for P111nning f P.iiiiing aretis I Re koinandatsil .p0 sostavlenidu skhem. plezirovki seliskokhoziaistvemWkh.raionov.. Moskno; Stroiizdat, 1965. 151 (MIRA 18.7) 1. Moscow. TSentrallnyy naucbno-issledovatellskiy i proyektnyy institut. po gradostroitel'stvu. 2. TSentrall- ,SA,MOYLOV, Ya,,V.0 prof. I Agroilon-ic ores. Izv. MMA no.1:186-194 164. ',r"LT-FA 17:4) . ..... . .... ACCESSION NR: AP4043423 8/0147/64/000/003/0079/0086 AUTHOR: Samoylov, Ya. A., Pavlov, B.S. TITLE: Oscillations of a semi-spherical shell filled with a liquid SOURCE- IVUZ. Avialsionnaya tekhnika7~0- 3, 1964, 79-66 TOPIC TAGS: shell, semispherical shell, shell oscillation, liquid filled shell. elastic shell ABSTRACT: The authors consider the axiozymmetrical oscillations of a 1hin elastic shell having the form of a hemisphere and filled with a liquid. Differential apations of the shell based on the momentless theory are used, with no consideration of tangential forces, and a finite system of differential equations Is derived for the oscillations of a shell with a liquid. 71te hydrodynamic pressure is found by means of a Lagrange- Cauchy Integral, In which the determination of the velocity potential requires solution of the'Neumann problem for a semi- spherical shell. The problem of the velocity potential for a somi-spherical cavity with rigid walls has been solved elsewhere in the literature. In the present article, a similar problem, but with different boundary conditions, is considered. The solution given Is for an ideal liquid, the free surface of, which remains Cardl/4 ACCESSION NR: AP4043423 -planar (that Is, the development of waims on the surface Is not conaMereM. The dotermination of the velocity potential is shown to resolve Itself to a solution of a Losplace equation.. written with specific polar coordinates and boundary conditiont which are given In the paper. An expression in obtained 0', A 0, H, Q2 B (aj: + %_.) 2Q?A8,zj0 4&n which the approximate values of the natural frequencies and forms of the oscillations of the liquid-filled shell can be determined. For an experimental veri- Ai~ition of -the theoretical conclusions drawn In the article, tests were conducted with lastic hemisphere filled with. water and fastened to an electrodynamic vibrator W P (See Figure I in the Enclosure). The oscillations from a All-11 audio-frequency Card ;/4 ACCESSION NR: AIF'4043423 generator were In oiAer to determine the frequencies on the surface of the hemWhere, four wire.-type realstance gauges were glued in each of the two planes (1-1 and U-11). The gaugvj signals were boosted by a UT*SI-VT-12 universal tensometric unit, and the oscillations were recorded by a K-9-21 loop oscilloscope. A comparison of experimental and calcidated data showed a high degree of agreement. Orig. art. has: 1 table.- 4 figures and 34 formLdas. ASSOCLAnom none SURM11-ISM 15Nov63 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE: AS SAMOnOV, Ye.B. Ecology-and the-econorLi-c'use of the elk (Cervus caradensis lugdorfi) in Chita Province. Zap.Zaba-ik. otd. Geog. ob-va SSSR no. 18:19-32 162. (14IRA 17:6) 1 I'MYLOV, Reequipped chain excavator for digging trenches in frozen soils. Na stroi.Mosk. 1 no.10:6 0 158. (Mia l1..12) (Excavating machinery--Cold weather operatioO SAMOYLOV, Ye. -A 11 -- .1 - .--A Mechanization of Barthwork in areas designated for-building foundations. Ha stroi. Mosk. 2 noo*7:4 Jl '59. (MIRA 12:10) J.Trest Mosetroymkhanizataiya No.10' (Excavating machiner7) (Foundations) SAMOYLOV, Ye. 1.18chanization of small-scale earthwork operations. Ha St:rOi.14OBk. 2 no.10:7-8 0 159. (NIRL 13:2) I.Irreet Moose troymitbanizat5iya Boole (Zxcavating machinery) i ACC NR, ~P6029985 SOURCE CODE: UR/0hl3/66/ooo/0l5/ol94/ol94 INVENTOR: Peysell M. A.; Sampyloy Ye.. I., Mukhin, Yu. A. ORG: none TITLE: Vibration damper for the front landing gear strut of an aircraft. Class 62, No. 184143 1 SOURCE: Izobret prom obraz tov zn, no. 15, 1966, 194 TOPIC TAGS-: vibration damping, aircraft landing gear, airframe component ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate introduces a vibration damper for the front landi -_ ___~'mounted on a stationarj _ear~strut of an aircraft containing a hydrqulic cL11ijer j _ ~Sectifon of the strut and a piston containing a throttle valve, which is hinged to a rocker. For more dependable vibration damping in the front strut and better ground rocl handling of an aircraft while the piston is in multistaged nonlinear motion, the piston is equipped -with two pairs of rods. The rods form an articulated link in series between the piston rod and the movable controlled section of the strut and between themselves; the piston has an annular throttle aperture of variable cross- section.. (SAI SUB CODE: Ol/ SUBM DAIE: lO0ct64 Card DC: 629 135/138 T. 38222-66 EWT (d)/94T (m)/WP(k)/EWP(w)/EWP(V) IJP(0) ACC NRt 011783 SOURCE CODE: UR/0147166/000/00176-63Ti6O46 AUTHOR-.' Samoylov, A.; Pavlov, B.,S. qy ORG: none TITLE: Vibration of a liquid-filled spherical shell 1,(f. SOURCE: IVUZ. Aviatsionnaya tekhnika, no. 1, 1966, 38-46 TOPIC TAGS: vibration, spheric shell structure, centrifugal force, oscillograph, resonance phenomenon, vibration theor ry ABSTRACT: The authors study axisymmetric vibrations of a spherical shell for two gen- eral cases: 1. when the lower and upper hemispheres are of the same thickness; 2. when the upper and lower hemisphere thicknesses are different. A spherical shell is assumed to be composed of two hemispheres. The hemispheres are fixed in a diametric- plane away from centrifugal forces and unrestricted with respect to normal motion. is assumed that each hemisphere can move stepwise in any direction along the normal. This model may be used within the framework of momentless theory to describe antisym- metric vibrations with respect to the given plane. A liquid filled sphere was fastened- to a vibration stand by means of a so cket. Eight transducers or ere attached to the shell to determine vibration amplitude. The 'signals were then amplified and recorded by a loop oscillograph. In addition to this, the Amplitude was measured by a Card 1 /9 Mr. 534-014-9 SAMOT Foundittions built of hollow blocks. Stroltell 2 n@-7:8-9 Jl 156 1. GlirwW tekhnolog tresta ne,115. (FeandLvdions') (Concrete blocks) -IAMWIAP,W~flik Large-panel apartment houses. Stroitell no.1:5-6 Ja '57- (MIRA 10:2) 1. Glavnyy tekhnolog tresta No. 115 (Stalingrad). (Stalingrad--Apartment houses) (Concrete slabs) (Precast concrete construction) I FIDELI, R.Ao Dumps at them Lebedinskii pit in the Kursk Magnetio Anomaly. Gor. zhur. no.9j17-18 3 161. -(MMA' 107) 1. Filial instituta gornogo dela im. A.A.Skochinskogo na Kurskoy magnitnoy anomalli (for Samoylov). 2. gamestitell glavnogo inzhenera Lebedin k 0 karlyera (for Mel'). ks Mrs ? tic Anomaly-Iron mines and mining) I'Tjj-.,--,o-4,--a~-jCj-j of the Laws of tl-.e So1ubill' cf ilonvola'ile -In ',.'atcr fc2- Dc;-~rees ~xi ScIence and E-tv:I!,eerir:7 ~~!nde-` a t r- cztll~~i:ai --r;~'it7 r c a t JL -D nJ, ltiorls) 4'.111 C-- ;;!.". ;-- 1-0 C' v -oscc -caco-,: ~rde- -~3f ~,:~,mn Fo-.-er -'ratl' Jj~.en~... .1 1 -1- , : 3C: Nnizl-maya Leto~-isl , 25, 12 Jun 55 For De.-ree of Doctor of Technical Sciences MARTYNOVA, o.i.; sAj4oywV. Decomposition of~sodium chloride in an atmosphere of water vapor. with high parameters. Zhur. neorg. khim. 2 no.12:2829-2833 D 157. (KIRA ll.-2) 1. Moskovskiy energetichaskly institut. (Sodium chloride) (Vapors) MATRYNOVA. 0.1., kand.tekhn.nauk; _SAICTLDV, Tu.F.. kand.tekbn.nauk Solubility of calcinm carbonate in superheated water vapor of superhigh and transcritical pressure. Izv, vys. ucbeb. zav.; enarg. no.7:90-96 Jl '58- (MIRA 11:10) 1. Moskovskty ordena Lenin& energatichaskiy inatitut. (Calcium carbonate) (Steam, Superbeated) (Steam, High-pressure) SOV/96--59-.2-.9/18 AUTHORS: Candidate of Technical Sciences Smirnov, O.K., Engineer TIT13,: The Behaviour of Calcium Hydroxide and Calcium Chloride in the Circuit of a Once-Through Boiler (Povedeniye gidrookisi i khlorida kalItsi-ya v trakte pryamotochnogo ko tj 1 a) PERIODICAL:Teploenergetika, 1959, Nr 21. PP 53--57 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A s rig was set up to study the solubility of pecial test calcium compounds in steam and their behaviour during steam raising in conditions of once-through boilers. The test rig is illustrated diagrammatically in Fig 1 and described; the most important part of it is a steam- raising tube of 10/15 mm diame-IL-Oer (6/10 mm n t5he superheat zone) that imitates the operation of a coil in a once-through boiler. Feed water is pumped into one end of the tube and the steam coming-out of the condensed. The heating arrangements. the measuring instruments and the test procedure aie described. After operation the rig was cleaned out, one zone at a time, Card 1/5 using pure distillate or in som-ecases acid. The tests ~,OV/96-59-2-9/18 The Behaviour of Calcium Hydroxide and Calcium Chloride in the Circuit of a Once-Through Boiler weremade at steam pressures ranging from 150 to 300 atm, temperatures up to 6500C and other conditions as given in Table 1. Curves of the calcium ion content in. the steam as function of the temperature when the rig is fed with a solution of calcium hydroxide are given in Fig 2., from which it will be seen that over the range of 480 to 59000 the calcium content is practically constant. There is a considerable fall in the calcium content at a temperature of 4700C particularly at a pressure of 150 atm. It is suggested thatthis is because, at temperatures below 4?OOC, the calcium'is mainly in the form of-calcium hydroxide and above this temperature mainly in the form of calcium oxide. As calcium oxide seems to be less soluble in steam than calcium hydroxide, it will crystallise out at temperatures above 4?OPC if the concentration is greater than the.solubility in steam at this temperature and pressure. The causes of the occurrence of calcium hydroxide in boiler water are then considered. The Card 2/5 various modes of decomposition of calcium chloride are SOV/96-5 9-2-9/18 The Behaviour of Calcium Hydroxide and Calcium Chloride in the Circuit of a Once-Through Boiler discussed. A curve of 'the calcium ion content in the steam as a function of temperature when the rig is fed with a solution of calcium chloride at a pressure of --ed that at the 150 atm is given in Fig 3. It is suggest lower temperatures the calcium chloride is decomposed to form calcium hydroxide.and at the hig1her temperatures above 4700C calcium,oxide is formed. In order to evaluate the accurac-y of the results table 2 gives values of possible errors in determination of the concentration of calcium ions in samples of condensate. Inthe tests when the rig was fed with calcium chloride solution the-steam condensate was always acidic which points to the presence of free hydrochloric acid, whilst the deposits were alkaline and so contained some form of calcium oxide. At high temperature, calcium chloride is slightly hydrolised even in aqueous solutions but the process is much more intense Vaen boiling occurs and the volatile hydrochloric acid is removed with the steam. Card 3/5 The ratio between cona exit rat J_ ons of calcium and chloride SOV,/96--59-2-9/18 The Behaviour of Calcium Hydroxide and Calcium Chloride in the Circuit of a Once-Through Boiler ions in the deposits in the tube was variable and depended on the concentration of calcium.chloride, in the feed water. Graphs of the contents of calcium and chloride ions in the steam as a function of temperature are given in Fig.4 and 5 respectively. Within.the limits of experimental error the carry over of calcium ions in the superheated steam does not depend on the concentration of calcium chloride in the feed water but the concentration of chlorine ions in the steam does depend on this concentration and this confirms the author's ideas about hydrolysis. Previously published data about the solubility of calcium chloride obtained by the radio-actilre isotope method in an autoclave are given in Fig 4. Comparison of these results with those obtained in the rig of the Moscow Power Institute shows that carry-over of calcium ions is governed by the solubility of calcium chloride and possibly also by the solubility of the hydrolysis products of calGiUm chloride at temperatures up to 4700C. At higher Card 4/5 SOV/96-.59-2-9/18 The Behaviour of Oalcium Hydroxide and Calcium Chloride in the Circuit of a once-Through Boiler teiaperatures the cargy-over is considerably less than the. solubility.determined in the autoclave wad this is probably because of different hydrolysis conditions in the autoclave and test rig. There are 5 figures, 2 tables and 5 -references of which 3 are Soviet and, 2 Ge rman. ASSOCIATIOI,T:Lloskovskiy Energeticheskiy Institut (Moscow Power Inst it ut e Card 5/5 MLRTYNOVA. 0. L; _�!k?4DYLQV, U~ K-; CIMMOVSK&YA, S-D- _)L SHIRIIOV, 0 Dissociation of calcium chloride in the process )f generation of water vapor at high temperature and pressure. Zhur.neorg. khim. 15 no.1:16-22 Ja 160. (14IRIL 13 -.5 ) (Calcium chloride) (Water vapor) ew tekhn. nauk;M-RrYNOVA, 0.1., kand. BF.LOVAP Z,S., inzhe; GOLUBEV, j3,p.., kande tekhn. nauk; SAMOYLOV, Yu.F., kand. tekhn. nauk Study of the electrolytic properties of NaCl and El solutions in water vapor with high and supercritical parameters using an . . electric conductivity measurement tecInique, Tnidy MEI no,48:211- 218 163. (MIRA 17;6) . ~ 3, ~ r,i MAR, y NOV 0. T. do'n' T.,,.F,, kr-nd. tokilit. nauk of :,~!i f -wat;tr osjh,Lir, rie. CT acirle vd. ly at paro,,n0:er-.. Tep.cenergut,-~'k-q 12 ric,~717.69-7~2 MART-TNOVA, 0.1. (Moskva); SAMGYLOV Yu.F. (Mo--kv&)-, KURTOVA, I.S, (Moskva) Solubil-ity of calcium sulfate in water with high and superhigh parameters. Izv. AN ---SSR.Energ. i transp. no.3.-132- 136 Xy-Je 165, (MIRA. 18:12) 1. Submitted January 6, 1965. '-ACC NR, AP603427-7----"(-,q SOURCE CODE: UR/0281/66/ooo/005/0129/0134 !AUTHOR: Martynova, 0. 1. (Moscow); Samoylov, Yu. F. (Moscow); Kurtova, 1. S. (Moscow) IORG: None !TITLE;: Solubility of calcium chloride in water vapor of high and superb-:gh para- ;meters iSOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya., Energetika i transport, no. 5, 1966, 129-134 iTOPIC TAGS: solubility, calcium chloride, hydrolysis, water vapor ABSTRACT: Experimental data on the solubility of calcium chloride and itts products of hydrolysis in water vapor are thermodynamically analyzed. Empirical formulas are derived for determining calcium contamination of chlorinated water vapor at high and superhign pressures and temperatures in power installations. Nomographic solii-Eions., are given for these equations which are applicable to a broad range of vapor para- , ,meters. These nomograms may be used to determine the solubility of calcium chl oride~, iand-'Its products of hydrolysis in water vapor as a function of temperature and pres- Isure. Orig. art. has: 5 figures, 2 tables, 3 formulas. SUB CODE: 07/ SUBIM DATE: lomay66/ ORIG REF: 009 Card UDC: 541.8:661-44;621,1.013 4AMOn,OY,p,,Yurty--Sargeyevich;,BIRYUWT. V.K., spets. red.; SANDUR, N.Y., red.; KOTLYAKOVA, 0.1.. tekhn. red. [EGants.-Radra'shik" 8 ChR21.6/3i.0 marine ei3ginesj Sudovye dvigateli. 8-GhA21,6/3i,O,"Gants-Endrashik.". Ioningrad, Iz,d-vo "Morskoi transport," 1958. 157 P. (MM 11z7) (Marine diesel enginets) RAYSKRIA, N' Ye,,; qA OYLOV _Z.T.,~ KHODAS M. Ya. (Moskva) Few data on the effect of adrenaline and noradrenaline supply of oxygen to the heart. Pat. fiziol,, no.2-.19-26 Mr-Ap'63. 1. Iz Icafedry patofiziologii (zav. - prof. S.M.L3ytes) trallnogo inatituta usovershenstv-ovaniya vrachey. (HEART-BLOOD SUPPLY) (OXYGEN IN THE (ADRENALI") on the i ekop. terap. 7 (MIRA 16t10) TSen- BODY) KOTLYAREVSKIY, X.L.; SAMOYLOVA, A.A.; SHERGINA, N.I. CondenSILtion of metacresol with allyl chloride. Issv. Sib. otd. AN SSSR no.6:54-58' '58. (MIRA 11:9) l.Vostochno-Sibirskiy filial AN SSSR. (Cresol) (Allyl chloride) (Condensation.producte (Chemistry)), 4029 Sb]AOYLOIIP, A. A. Priyemy analiza osnovnykh organizatsiomo tekhniches kikh faktorov snizheniya sebestoimosti pmduktsii khlopchatobwnazhnoy promyshlennosti (Na materiale pryadii(no tkatskikh facrik rosglavmoskhopproma M-va legkoy prorn-sti RSFSR). ]g., 1954. 17 s. 20 sm. (M-vo vyssh. o crazo- vaniya SSSR. Mosk. ekon. stat. in-t). nO ekz. B. ts. (54-56701) A A SAYOYWVA and 0 V KOTELfNIKOVA "Development and Mlanufacture of a Prototype of an Instrument for Myasuring the Temperature Dependence of Dielectric Losses of Ceramics in the Ten- Centimeter Band" from Annotations of Works 1955 at the State-Union Sci. Res. Iiist-, MMin. of lo Engineering Ind. So: B-3,080,964 17 GUTIIK, N.A.; DDL~1107. R.A.; SAMDYIOVA, A.A. Introduction of h1gh-spe7d c"oTd by N.A. Gutnik, R.A. Daigopolov, A.A.,Samallov. Pron.energ. no,11:1?-18 N 156. (MIM 9:12) (shoot-metal work) FREYMUNDT, Ye.N., dots.; KORENEVSKAYA,,N.N., dots.; ILICHERKO, S.9.- SAMOIjQ7A,-A.A., dots.;GUROV, G.M., dots.; IVANOV,-.Yu.N.; ZAYTSEVA, N.V., dots.;EYDELI MAN,' M. R., red.; KONIOV, L.A.,, red.; PONOMAREVA, A-A., tekhn. red. (Balance of the gra" national product of a Union Republic; problem:3 in the theory and methodology of its preparation] Balans obshcbestvannogo produkta soiuznol r1opubLiki; Vop- rosy teorii i metodiki sostavleniia. Moskva I Ekonomizdat.. 1962. 326 p. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Moscow. Ekonomiko-statisticheskiy institut. (Gross national product) ADAMOV, V.Ye.; BP-KLL?,'OV, G.I.J- prof.; IVANOV, A.I.; SIMMDUA.A--_ USTINOVy A.N.; SIZIU-M,~A.G.3 SHCHM121, N.I.) CRI=SMt-, K.M. , red. [Collecting of problems on industrial statistics] Sbornik za- dach po statistike promyshlennosti. Moskva, Izd-vo "Statistika," 19 64. 24.7 p (MIRA 17: 5) YAROSM, L.I.; SIAOM207YWLOVA, A.E-_ Detecti6n of streptococcal antigens in the urineof patients with rheumatic fever and rheumatoid arthritis, 'Top re=. 3 no.3z4.5-0 Jl-S'637, iMIM 17:3) 1. Iz revmatglogicheakoy kliniki (zav. M.$. Belen'skiy) Uk ain- skogo nauabno-iseledovateliskogo instituta kurortologii i fizioterapli (direktor-dotsent F-Ye. Kurkudym) i kafedry mikro- biologii ( zav. - prof. S.M. Minervin) Odesakogo meditsinskogo instituta. FAMCHATNGV, V.P.; VALIULLINA, F.G.; SAMOYLUVA, A.I. Study of working conditions and incidence of disease in working with methanol in the "dark shops" of the V.V. Kuibyshev Chemical Factory. Kaz. med. zhur. 4.1 no.3:78-82 My~Je '60. (MIRA -13:9) 1. Iz kafedr gigiyeny truda,(zav. dotsent V.P.Kamehatnov) i glaznykh bolezney (zav. - dotsent A.S. Veys) Kazanskogo meditsinskogo, institata. (METHYL ALGOHOL.-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES-HYGIENIC ASPECTS)