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L Ob269-67
ACC NRt AP6028542 SOURCE CODE: UR/0280/66/000/003/0126/0134
AUTHOR: Volkovich, V. L. (Kiev); Samoylenko, Yu. 1. (Kiev)
VIAU; none
TITLEt Optimal detectionl/@of signals by a spatially distributed reception syst
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Tekhnicheskaya kibernetika, no. 3, 1966, 126-134
TOPIC TAGS: signal detection, antenna array, random noise, radio reception
ABSTRACT, An approach, based on the general theory of detection, to the problem of
the synthesis of equipment for the space-time detection of signals is presented. A
solution is found for the problem of synthesizing an optimum distributed (diversity)
signal detection system, designed to operate against the background of a random inter-
ference field. The general correlations obtained in the paper may be used when
analyzing the quality of detection of signals of finite length by two-point receiving
equipment with an infinite time base. Using this type of detection system and a
four-dimensional space-cime continuum (the direct product of infinite three-dimension-
al space and an infin-.te tima interval), the authors show that the method of space-
time signal selection makes possible a substantial improvement in the quality of
signal detection. This finding is in agreement vith previously published results
(V. D. Volkovich, Yu. 1. Samoylenko. Sb. "Slozhnyye sistemy upravleniya", "Naukova
Card 1/2
L 0626FJ-67
Dumka", ser. "Kibernetika", 1965) regarding the problem of signal filtering based on
a criterion of the least mean-square error. Orig. art. has: 50 formulas.
SUB CODE: 09,17/ SUBH DATE: 29Sep65/ ORIG REF: 010/ OTH REF: 001
Cord 2/2
L 2777&nO BYT(d)
ACC NRiAP6007155 SMRCZ CODEs UR/0108/661021/002/0070/OOT3 jA'
AUTHOR: _3amoylenkol-ju. I. (Active member)l Zynzin-Zinchenko, A's. A. (Active member
OROt Scientific and Technical Society- of Radio Engineering and Electroc tion .5
(Naucl@i6-tekhnicheskcy'e obehabdistvo kadidtOMM-i-6 Mero-iv'yas
TITLEt Principle of distributed reception of information
SOURCE: Radiotekhnika't v. 21, no'. 2, 1966, 70-73
TOPIC TAGSt radio reception, signal reception',, signal noise separation
ABSTIUCTs A receiving system is considered,in which the information -about the-
transmitted signal Is derived from the field values meammed in a delimited sp6ce.'1-,-,`--
Noise sources are distributed along the t no noise sourc'e-:
ransmitter-receiver line;
is assumed in the delimited space; conventional frequency filtration of signals is'
assumed in the receiver. An integral equation of the received signal (with a limite&
dispersion of noise field intensity) is set up and transformed into a first-kind
Fredholm-type equation having a Caueby kernel. By construct;ng a sequence of linear.@
functionals with a contiTmou weight function, it is proven that the distributed
reception system-ensures an almost regular channel of communication. The near_
regularity characteristic is inherent to a wide alass of distributed.channels with
additive noise which can bedescribed by an operator with a nondegenerate kernel.
Orig. art, hast IT formuaw,
SUB C 12WIT 09 SUM DWs 2OJun63/ ORM REP: 003 RZF': 001
Cord I M)C.-621
391 13
Dynardc Planning of an Open Hparth Plant. to be presented at the TFAC Congrrss to be
held tn Basel, Switzerland, 27 Ang to 4 Sep 63
Results of introducing radiometric sampling in the antimony
mine of the Frunze Southern Mining and Metallurgical Combine.
Uch. zap. SAIGINSa. no.8t47-52 162. (K[RA 17:1)
1. Yuzhnyy gornometallurgicheakly kombinat, im. Frunze.
AID P 2127
Subject USSR/Engineering
Card 1/1 Pub. 35 - 16/2o
Author (Letters from readers) Samoylenko, Yu. P.
Title On the discharge ratio of a broad-sill spillway
Periodical: Gidr. strol., no-3, 44-45, 1955
Abstract The author mentions several names of scientists who have
worked on the problem and demonstrates, with equations,
that the discharge ratio depends upon the height,of the
sill and the shape of the inlet. One diagram. Six
Russian references, 1934-1953.
Institution: None
Submitted No date
The chemical. mineralogical composition of claye3r soil of Omsk
deDosits and its effect on the properties of keramzit. 'Ivwawa@
(M AVE19130me-
uch.zav.; stroio i arkhit- 5 no-4:99-104 162. MA 15'-9)
1. Sibirskiy avtomobillno-dorozhnyy institut. imeni Kuybysheva.
(Omsk Province-41ay) (Keramzit)
Coal mining by means of the A-2 planer unit without the presence
of miners. Ugoll.prom. no.lt26-28 Ja-F 162. (MM 15:8)
1. GlavW inzh. proyektoy '-'Luganskproyekt".
(Donato Basin-Coal mines and mining) (Coal mining machinery)
au tr 1, 0, ro, @1.
r---d aa.-,c'y "Avto0crozhn--,'Ik
sAmaumm K, fXoginok Moskovskoy pl@j.); FILATOVI K. (Borovichi
@orodskqy obl.); MALITSEV; V. (Minsk); SAMODUROV, D. (Leningrad);
BOYKOV, K. (Kuybyshev); SMTSYIYp V. (Leningrad)
our New Year interviews. Radio no.l: 10-11 Ja 163. (MIRA 16:1)
SAMOYLIKOV, K.., A@diolyubitell
Black-and-white in color. IUn.tekh. 7 no.3:48 Mr 163.
- I (KIRA 160)
(Television-Equipment and ppplies)
@@Ight filterB)
4AMOILIMV, F.. , inzh,
Multirange instrument for tuning telavision-receivers. Radio no.7:
.46-48t 53 Jl 63. (MM 16:7)
(Television--44aintenance and repair)
SAI-10-ILIKOV) K. PA 51/49T102
Radio Receivers
"New Constructions for Rural Radiofication,".-K.
Samoylikov, Dir, Radio Club, l4th-Noginsk School,
1 p
"Radio", No 7
Author Is now working out design of- an
ra&io-'receiver.using miniature ',tubes. ]LOw is also-
working on an adapter which will permIt "Rodina"I:and
"Elektro6ignal" battery receivers to be used from -
,an AC supply without replacing any tubes.,
USSR/Ilectronics Vacuum Tubes Jan 52
"Am. Instrument for Testing Vacuum," K. Samoylikcov;,
"Radio" No 1, pp 45-47
The instrument consists of a buzzer, a variable
resistor, a capacitor, and a step-up transformerb
Et,oscillations are set up by an arc between:,
buzzer contacts; these are stepped up by the
tritsformer and potentials as high as 30,000 v
can be obtained at the probe, which is held close
to the tube being tested. The elec field set yp.
by this potential causes ionization of the gas in@
the tube; if.the vacuum is insufficient, glow of
the gas in the tube will be observed.
Television - Receivers and Reception
Struggle with interference in television reception. Radio no. 2, 1952.
Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April 1952. Unclassified.
AUTHOR: Samoy&ov, K., Noginsk 107-8-58/62
TITLE: Experience Exchange. Coil Forms (Obmen opytom. Karkasy
dlya katushek)
PERIODICAL: Radio, 1957, p.63 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Tubular.ceramic bodies of KBGI condensers can be used as
forms for high-frequency coils. For that purpdse it is
necessary to unsolder both metal sidepleces from the
ceramic body,, remove all content from the tube and clean
it thoroughly. Then the sidepieces should be remotmted
on the body with one end of the winding wire fastened to
one of them. After winding the required number of turns
the other end:6f the wire should be affixed-to the second
sidepiece. The coil is then glued to the ceramic body.@
Inductance adjustment of the coil is achieved by unwind-
ing the superfluous turns.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 1/1
Rectifier for the power supply of television receivers. Radio
no.2:35, 38 F 161. 1 (MIRA 14:9)
(Electric power supply to apparatus)
(Television--Receivers and reception)
Device for testing telOViBion receivers. Radio no.61
27-28 J(k 164. (MIRA 17:10)
AUTHORS:Gusarov, V.I. and SamoSrlin, A.M.
TITLE: Measurement and Automatic Regulation of Levels of Water,
Solutions and Pulps in Open Tanks (Izmereniye i avtomati-
cheskoye regulirovaniye urovney vody, rastvorov i pullp,
v otkrytykh bakakh)
PERIODICAL: Tsvetnye Metally, 1957p Nr 8, pp.6,3-67 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The authors describe some of the equipment used at the
Ural Aluminium Works (Urallskiy Alyuminiyevyy Zavod) for
measuring and automatically controlling liquid and pulp
levels in open tanks. The arrangements described include
a piezometric level-indicator with a closed and an open
transducerp a resistance-type water level indicator, a
differential-manometer type of level indicator and schemes
for automatic starting of pumps and for automatic pump
control. An editorial note points out that better methods
than those described are available but cannot be widely
adopted because of equipment shortages: the proposed methods
are commended for adoption by works wishing to introduce
automatic methods without waiting for new equipment. There
Card 1/2
AUTHORS: Gusarov, V.I. and SSMgZlin, A.M.
TITLE: Integrated Automation of a BZx@ite @-Grinding Department
(Kompleksnaya avtomatizatsiya otdeleniya mokrogo.razmola
PERIODICAL: Tsvetnyye Metally, 1958, Nr 6, pp 26 - 30 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: At t0he Ural Aluminium Works, the crushing of bauxite for
producing alumina by the Bayer method is done in jaw and
cone crushers and fine grinding in wet ball mills. A
group at the works proposed the automation of the wet-
grinding department (Figure 1). Here, the crushed bauxite
has up to 5% lime added, the mixture being discharged from
the bunker by a plate feeder and conveyed to the ball mill
to wh-ich return solution and fresh alkali are added. The
pulp goes to a classifier, where return solut-ion is added,
and then to a hydrocyclone. The pulp from the hydro-
cyclone goes via mixer tanks to the leaching sector. The
objects of the automation work were to concentrate control
of the main equipment at the central control point and to
make the operation of the main units automatic under
conditions set centrally by the controller. The following
operations have been automated. The addition of return
Cardl/3 solution by local float-and-valve devices (Figure 2) and
Integrated Automation of a Bauxite Wet Grinding Department
also the distribution of the solution between mills and
classifiers and solution feed i@rom the collector tank to
the distributing device (Figuye 3). Bauxite feed to the
ball mills with the aid of a belt weigher on the feed
conveyor whose signal regulates the plate feeder via a
suitable control system (Figure 4).
The switching of the Sands stream from one mill to another
(Figure 5) to a programme, if required. Fresh-alkali
feed, which is effected in the same way as for return-
solution feed. After describing the automation of the
above operations, the.authors outline the instrumentation
and the system of interlinking and overall process control
in the wet-grinding department. An alarm system indicates
the failure of a unit. The switching on and off of the
bauxite-bunker vibrators is to be automatic. The
standard electromechanical regulator made by the
"Il'marine" Works and modified for operation at a higher
pressure is used. All the equipment has been in
'Integrated Automation of a Bauxite Wet Grinding Department
successful use for several months and the adoption of auto-
mation has improved the operation of the department and
allowed the shift personnel to be reduced bY 5(ylo-
There are 5 figures.
jiSSOCIATION: Ural'skiy alyuminiyevyy zavod (Ural Aluminium, Works)
Card 3/3
Complete automatization of alumimim hydroxide calcination
procoooeo in rotary kiln . TSvet.met. 34 no.9:64-70 S 161.
KHA 14:10)
(Aluminum-Metallurgy) (Automatic control)
Automatic control of the process of continuous leaching of
bauxite. TSvet. met. 35 no.4t49-56 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:4)
(Bauxite) (Leaching) (Automatic control)
BAGnASAROV, A.A., prof.; Gh3RTWT, I.L.; HAUSHMAKE, M.O., prof.; SAMOTLIM, N.L.;
Properdin system in acute radiation sickness. Ned. rad. 4 no.4-.
31-10 Ap 159. (MIRL 12:7)
1. Iz TSentrallnogo ordena LerLim instituta gemat ologii i perelivanlya
krovi. 2. I)eystvitel'W chlen ANN =R (for Bagdasarov).
in radiation sickness in animals (Ras))
acute radiation sickness on properdin system in
animals (Big))
Siml)lifled methods of obtaining zymosan and the titration of
properdin. Probl. gemat. i perel. krovi 4 no.6:33-57 Je 159.
()CM 12:8)
1. Iz TSentrallnogo ordem Ienina instituta gematologii i pereliv-
anlya krovi (dir. - de7stvitellnyy chlen ANN SSSR prof. A.A. Bagdasarov)
Hinisterstva zdravookhranenlya SWR.
(PROP-mMIN, determ.
titration method using zimozan
Some aspects of the clinical course and treatment of acute
radiation sickness in monkeys. Med.rad. 4 no.9:17-24
S 159. (HIRIL 12:11)
1. Is TSentral'nogo ordena Lenina instituta gematologii i
perelivaniya krovi Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR.
Distribution of CU-1abelled zymosan in the tioeueo of mice
on intravenous administration. Probl.gemat.i perel.krovi no.71
16-21 162. (MIRA 15'.9)
1. Iz T�entrallnogo ordens. Ionina. institute, ematologi:l i pere-
livaniya krovi (dir. dotsent A,Yes Kiselevj Ministerstys, zdra-
vookhraneniya 3SSR,
-, --t-
(Industrial buildings of precast elements] Proizvodstven-
nye zdaniia iz sbornykh elementov. Moskva, Vysshaia sbkola,
1965. 215 p. (m-M 18:3)
"Computation of a Pulse Cathode Follower," pp 79-88, ill, 2 ref
Abet: A single method of cathode followers calculation, taking Into account
the shunting caTmicitance, for transmission of pulsea without distortion -- i.e.,
for operation without cutoff of plate current and without appearance of grid
current -- to presented
SOURCS: Trl& Moskovskogo ZAergetichegk= In-ta im, V. H. KolotLTa (Works of
the Moscow Energetics Institute iment. V. M. Molotov), No 21 Radio
Engineering, Moscow-Leningrad, Gosenergoizdat, 1956
Sum 185h
.5 (2) SOV/112-57-5-10522
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 5, p 142 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Samoylo, K. A., Talanina, N. V.. Meshchankina, A. Ye.,
B o g a c h-e-v-, T.- V -.
TITLE: Method for Precision Measurement of Phase Difference
(Metod tochnogo izmereniya raznosti faz)
PERIODICAL: Tr. Mosk. energ. in-ta, 1956, Nr 21, pp 89-99
ABSTRACT: Methods of precision measurement of phase difference, which are
based on the multiplication of frequency of the process in question, are
considered. It is pointed out that the accuracy of measuring the phase-shift
le increases n times, where rx is the frequency multiplication factor. A
number oi such schemes are considered; a scheme with a two-channel
frequency multiplication, a scheme with a switch and an auxiliary frequency
multiplication channel, and a scheme with a switch but wthout the auxiliary
multiplication channel. Two latter methods use an electr, _-Leam tube as an
Card 112
SAMOYLO. I.A., kand. takhn. nauk, dots.
Frequency divider with direct locking. Trudy MAI no.31:14-29 156
(Pulse tachniques(glectronice)) (MIRA 13:3)
(Frequency changers)
SAMOTLO, K.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.
Phase skipping caused by the action of pulsed interferences when
fregaency is divided. Trudy M11 no-31:30-43 156 (MIRA 13:3)
(Palse techniques electronics)
(Frequency changers)
SAMOYLO, K.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.
Investigation of parasitic phase modulation of the oatput voltage
of an amplifier and locked oscillator in the presence of simsoidal
Interference. Trudy KNI no.31:44-54 136 (KIRA 13:3)
(Phase modalation) (Amplifiers (Alectronice)
(Noillators, Alectric)
SAMOYLO, K.A.,kand. tekhn. nauk, dote.;TAIANINA, N.Y., inzh.
Additional error In the measurement of phase difference which
arises in frequency zmaltipliers. Trudy ME no-31:55-68 156 (KIFA 13:3)
(Frequency multipliers)
Determining the instantaneous value of the resistance phase of a coil
in a parallel oscillator circuit by the phase-plane method. INV. vys.
ucheb. MT.; radiotakh. no,31.-362-372 My-Je 158. (MIRA 11:7)
l.Rekomandoyana kafedroy oenov radiotekhniki Moskovskoge
energeticheskogo Inetituta,
(Radio circuits)
0-@ 6 0 SOV/58-59-7-16089
Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal Fizika, 1959, Nr 7, p 206 (USSR)
AUTHOR: 'Samoylo, K.A.
TITLE: Direct Lock-In Frequency Divider
PERIODIGAL: Tr. Mosk. energ. in-t , 1958, Nr 31, pp 14 - 29
ABSTRACT: This article is a theoretical study of dividing Prequency by means of a,
self-ose t;*ocked in with harmonics. The analysis is conducted by
the so-called phase-pulse method, which consists in studying the phase
plane of changes in the voltage in the oscillating circuit of an
oscillator in the presence of current pulses. The author discusses the
diagram of an ordinary LC oscillator connected in the anode circuit. It
is assumed that in addition to the voltage induced by the circuit
U = Uocoscj t, an external emf e = eocos [co t i- p j (where w pz ntoo)
Aso acts on ?he grid of the tube. In order to simplify.the analysis,
the sinusoidal external emf is replaced by the corresponding sequence of
pulses with the amplitude eo. The author sets up a differential equation
describing the phase change and calculates the conditions of steady-state
Card 1/2 division. He examines the factors influencing the division bandwidth
Direct Lock-In Frequency Divider SOV/58-59-7-16089
(the maximum frequency difference of the external emf at which division Is maintained).
It Is shown that In order to widen the division band, it is necessary to reduce the co-
efficient of division increase the transconductance of the characteristics of the plate
current of the oscillator tube, and increase the characteristic Impedance of the circuit
as well as the magnitude of the feedback coefficient. The author discusses the effect
that the amplitude and waveform of the lock-in emf, have on the magnitude of the division
Card 2/2
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika., 1959, No. 12, p. 2-36,
# 25540
AUTHOR@ Samoylo, K A
TITIE@ Fhase Jumps Caused by Impulse Noises at Frequency Division
PERIODICAL- TT. Moskov. energ. in-ta, 1958, No. 31, PP. 30-43
TWI: Phase Jumps are considered which arise under influence of Impulse
noises in relaxation frequency dividers, direct capture dividers and regenerative
frequency dividers, The analysis is carried out in the phase plane, It is shown
that direct capture dividers have the maximum phase noise stability when exposed
to Impulse noises,
Transla-.or's note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract.
Card 1/1
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1959, No. 12, P..236,
AUTHORS:: Samoylo, X.A.,.Talanina, N.V,
TITLE: An Additional Error In Measuring Phase Difference Arising in Fre-
quency Multiplier 14
FERIODICAL@, Tr. Moskov.energ, in-ta, 1958, No. 31, PP. 55-68
MT: The error r" measuring phase difference is considered which arises
in frequency multipliers due to their inaccurate tuning. The analysis is carried
out in the phase plane for the case of a small out-off angle of anode current..
The law of the error accumulation in a chain of multipliers is considered. Phase
meter circuits are geven which make possible to carry over a given error in the
spread of indications (a systematic error into a random error). It is shown that
the least error takes place when a chain of push-pull frequency doublers is used,
Trans;1at_r,r1r, nntp. This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract.
Card 1/1
AUTHORS: Fedosova, T.S. and Samo
TITLE: Frequency Divider with a Direct Lock-in (Delitell
chastoty s neposredstvennym zakhvatyvaniyem)
PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i Blektronika, 1959., Vol 4, Nr 1,
pp 43 - 53 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The division of frequency is normally done by means of
relaxat.-'Lon dividers, LC-type dividers or by means of
combined r@ir,:@uits. The article deals with the theory of
an LC--type divider and that of a zombined divider. The
diagram of a simple LC divider is shown in Figure 1; ,
11-bis consists of a resonant circuit and a feed-back circuit
and compr1ses a source of the synchronising.voltage. The
amplitude and phase of 'he system are governed by the
foJilowing simplified equations:
2 Joa UM (9)
Frequency Divider with a Direct Lock-in
d 'C_ U M
whare 1@- WO t In these equations Je and J.0 are
defined by Eqs (3) in which � a denotes the amplitude of
the aLode-pu.Ise current; Q denotes the quality factor of
the resonant circuit, while Nt is defined'by Eq (6) in
whi!@h w H is the nominal frequen--y of the system; w H is
n times smaller than the frequency of the external electro-
mot've force. The steady-state amplitude U
.L. mo and the
stea1y-state phase w CT are defined by Eqs (12) and (13)-
These equatioas can be used to analyse the LC divider shown
in Figure "-/:. In this, the righthand-side tube converts a
sinussidal voltage into re-,tangular phase-inverted pulses
whi-@h are fed to the grid of the lefthand-side tube. The
Card2/4 externa .-, synch--on-ising signal is in the form of a train of
Frequency Divider with a Direct Lack-In
re-tang-alar pulses; this is also fed to the grid of the
ieithand--3-ide tube. Consequently, the tube is conducting
when bcth the voltages at the grid are equal to zero and
it is closed when one of the voltages is negative. The
envelge of the anode current pulses can be expressed by
Eq (it"), where i. is expressed by Eq (18), where Ri is
the internal resistance of the lefthand-side tube. The
parameters JCa and J. 0 ian, therefore, be written
in the form of Eqs (19) and (20). The steady-state
amplitule U . and steady-state phase shift (pCT can
be w-ritten as Bqs (28) and (29). The synchronisation
bandwidt-h of the divider is defined by Eq (31) in which
in J
%akr_ g van bv Eq (27). The following notation is
is the length of the synchronising
auap-ted n Eq (27) It 0
pul3a expressed as a fractio-n of the oscillation period,
T_ is the iength of the pulse produeed by the righthand-
Oide t'_-@t5 (expressed as a fraction of the oscillation
Card3/4 pe:_!,icd) anti T01-T ;s def-Lned by Eq (25). When the internal
Frequency Dividex with a Direct Losk.---'-n SOV/109-4-1-7/30
resistance cf the tube is infinite, the amplitude and the
phase are expressed by Eqs (33) and (34), respectively.
If -14-he synrhronising pulses are in the form of a sinusoidal
signal, the parameters J0m and J.0 are expressed by
Eqs (:8) and (39), respectively; in this case, it is found
that 'rhe eyne.'IlirorrLisation bandwidth is about W6 lower than
in the presence of rectangular synchronising pulses. Large
,%7r,cb-'ronising bandwidths can be obtained if a combined
-'4.1.vider conzisting of a relaxation oscillator and an
LC is used. B-Lock s--hematic of such a divider is
shown in Figure 12, and its wavefcrms are sketched in
F-4g,-'-e 1'7. The above analytical investigation was
7:roz,rcborated by the experimental data obtained by the
authors from a a-imber of special measurements. There are
14 figures and 5 Soviet references.
SUBMITTED: April 18, 199;11?
Card 4/4
C1,6004 (/00,031) E14O/El63
AUTHORS: Danilenko, A.I., and Samovlo. K.A.
TITLE: Analysis of the error of phase-shift frequency meters
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy,
Radiotekhnika, 1961, Vol.4, No.1, PP. 55-63
TEXT: The phase-shift frequency meter is based on the use of
a four-pole with linear phase characteristic in the operating
range of frequencies, and the measurement of the phase-shift of the
unknown signal after passage through the four-pole. The authors'
previous work (Ref.l: A.I. Danilenko, Radiotekhnikag 1957, Vol.12,
No.5, 67, Ref.2: A.I. Danilenko, A. Avdeyenko. Radio, 1958, No.12,
28) indicates that the method is simple and precise. There are
three basic sources of error: instability of the four-pole
frequency-phase characteristic; instability of the group delay of
the four-pole; phase meter error. Departure from nonlinearity of
the four-pole characteristics is neglected in this analysis since
it can be taken into account in the initial calibration.
Assuming independence of the three sources of error they can be
added in quadrature. A qualitative idea of the error behaviour is
Card IA
Analysis of the error of phase-shift... S/142/61/004/001/004/008
given in Fig.2, where 6. is the error in the frequency-phase
characteristic, 6,@ is.the group delay error, 6 T is the phise
meter error, and .6ntA is the resultant. As the frequency
increases the errors 6, and 6 decrease asymptotically to zero.
The error 6T decreases as the-Trequency approaches the frequency
of zero phase shift in the four-pole. Furthermore, the rate of
approach to zero of 6 (P increases with increase of T, simplifying
the requirements on the phase meter. When the condition
> %ax
W (3)
is satisfied, the four-poles way consist of bandpass filters, for
example quartz-crystal filters. In the high-frequency band, where
the basic source of error is 6T, the four-poles may consist of
electrical or ultrasonic delay.lines. The authors then examine
th-i instrumental error in the dynamic state, where the frequency
changes continuously at a given rate, for example in dynamographic.
work, etc. The dynamic error analysis is based on two assumptions:
it is assumed that the dynamic phage characteristic of the four-
pole differs little from the static one; and the signal frequency
Card 2/4
Analysis of the error of phase-shift...S/142/61/004/001/004/008
varies linearly. A general Integral expression is found, into
which parameters of specific four-poles can be substituted.
Examples are given for phase meters using single-tuned and double-
tuned resonant filters as the phase-Sihift network.
There are 3 figures and 5 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Kafedra teoreticheskikh osnov radiotekhniki-
Taganrogskogo radiotekhnicheskogo instituta
(Department for Basic Theory of Ra:dio Engineering,
Taganrog Radio Engineering Institute)
SUBMITTED: To the editors of NDVSh, February 24, 1959-
To the present journal, February 4, 1960.
TITLE. Development of the phase-pulse method for second-order near-
conservativL systems with nonlinear reactance
SOURCE: 1VUZ. Radiotekhnilra, v. 7, no. 5, 1964, 545 -555
TOPIC TAGS. parametric oscillator, nonlinear oscillatory system
ABSTRACT: A further development of the phase-pulse method applicablet to
systems with arbitrary active and reactive nonlinearities., where oscillations
differ greatiy from the sinusoidal, is reported. The essence of the method was
reported in earlier articles by this author (Radiotekhnika, 1959, 4, no. 1, 43,
and 1958, 1, no. 3, 362). The case of an oscillatory circuit with a nonlinear
@,pac.tance is dealt with. This procedure for designing such a system is
recr@rnrnende6: (1) From the given characteristic of nonlinear reactance, 2-3
-@id 0 oFL
fir s t - co efffc ients --b r 6to r win 61t*ge. MA, 34,
det-er-ftiihe-d (formula 39j as-a-function_611S@-Ampl* t-L"de'.-
e _i. c- __@curren
the given feedback chAr'acteristic (formula 5T,, th ff st harmoni -of t 'e
flowing in the circuit J, (R) is determined; (4) Amplitude R, is determined (frorri
formula 62); (5) If a phase shift in the feedback circuit is present, a correction
is ietermined from fc,rmula 69; (6) The period of oscillations can be determined
from forrnuL'a 36 or its modification; (7) The os cillatory -voltage vs. time curv,@
is plotted from U ((F- ) and t (T- ); transients can be estimated from formulas 67,
68. Orig. art. has: 8,figures, and 83 formulas.
SUBIYUTTED. 28Jan64 r, NGL: 00
Card 21?,
SAMOYLOI-- X.A.v kand. tekhn. naukq dotsent; FA'DOSOVA, T.S,, inah.; GORSHENKOV,
- ------ YuJi, p Inab,
Frequenwy division using a nonlinear capacitance- Trudv MET 55029-
1" 165.
Frequency division using a nonlinear capacitance and a negatIve
resistance. Ibid.:145-152 (Min 18 110)
L 3332L-�k
SOURCE CODE: UR/0274/65/000/010
AUTHOR: Samoylo, K. A.; Fedosova, T. S.; Gorshenkov, Yu. N.
TITLE: Frequency division by nonlinear capacitance and negative reslAta=4
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Radiotekhnika i elektrosvyazlg Abs. 1OB504
REF SOURCE: Tr. Mosk. energ. in-ta, vYP- 55, 1965, 145-152
TOPIC TAGS: frequency division, frequency divider
ABSTRACT: The problem of frequency division by 2 by means of a nonlinear capacitance
is considered. Excitation conditions and resonance curves with and without an
inertial nonlinear negative resistance are determined from differential equations
and a phase portrait. WIth ratios 3, 4 and higher, the reciprocal nonlinear capaci-
tance is approximated by a The second and third harmonies of current are
taken into account. The cases with and without periodic solutions and their
stability are considered. A study of the phase-plane topology shows that, with a
certain amplitude of the external force., a stable singular point exists and,
therefore, the division is possible. However, initial conditi6ns are necessary
which would keep the operation near the singular point. Thus,.with a sufficient
amplitude of synchronizing curiefit'And with'a sufficient capacitance nonlinearity,
a hard excitation results; the system should be somehow excited in order to perform
Cnrcl 1/2 UDC2 621.396.622
L 33395-66
ACC NR:AR6012310
division. On an oscillation collapse, the division is not restored by itself.
Stable division can be obtained by connecting an inertial negative resistance
(tunnel diode, dynatron oscillator, etc.) to the circuit. In this case, the
division band is widened. The nature of oscillation limiting plays an important
part in the above phenomena. Experimental studies with a dynatron.osciUator
corroborated some theoretical claims, specificaIlys the presence of hysteresis
in the system. With the negative resistance'# the division by 3, 4,-and 5 was observed.
Without the negative resistance, only division by 2 was observed. With certain
external-current amplitudes, the division by 3 persisted also without the nega@ive
resistance, but did not reestablish itself on oscillation collapm Eleven figureV*
Bibliography of I title. Yu. Kh. [Translation of abstract]