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y 1 8. COAL COP INEgin=L SMTJk IN THE RASA PJtFA. j.ncld, mia &Cec, 1.. (Wsra. Sloven. Ken. D-ul. @7 c. r. . c n @r:dm . D's E - I: me v 51, rl.r f r -f 4'r. 3 mffnnj, 3 1 L a lff @ Z atu !at el. --a S, a- 's Y. ...... bib j"t. SAMEC.1 M., prof.,dr. (Ljubljana) - I I-- .. . . ......... I., Emulsions. Acta chimica Hung 23 no.,A:561-570 160. (EM 1019) 1. Chemisches Institut Boris Kidric, Ljubljana. (&mlsions) (Food) (Dairy products) (Oleomargarine) (Mayonnaise) SA=, M. Synthesis and decay of macromolecules bv irradiation; abstract. CELas Hem-dr Z7 no.9/10052 164 1. Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts,, Ljubljana. ACC NRt AP7006086 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0078/66/000/011/0026/0026 INVENTOR: Weidenhoffer, Evzen (Engineer; Prague); Vambera, Frantisek-(Engineer; Prague); Pavlica, Lubomir (Engineer; Prague),_Samec, Narcia (Engineer; Prague) ORG: none TITLE: (Jet aircraft starter electric contact] CZ Pat. No..PV 3691-64 SOURCE: Vynalezy, no. 11, 1966, 26 @-',TOPIC TAGS: switchin circuit electric contact, jet aircraft, aircraft starter, eA@ 6.o A@E 5 7? ) A? Tpz: 1 -@F C/ .5 YF- M ABSTRACT: Authors descAbe a starter-electric contact for automatic starting of jet, aircraft, patticularly-military craft, which is powered by alternating current but supplies direct current to'both the starter and the on-board electric network. It actually comprises two rectifier branches (main and auxiliary) each being equipped with a transformer and a semiconductor rectifier, also with remote controlled con- tacts and relays so arranged that the primary coil of the main transformer when at rest position is disconnected from the power circuit by switching contacts, and the converter primary coil is connected to the main rectifier output through another con- tact and rest contacts.. The primary coil of the auxiliary three-phase transformer. at rest position is disconnected from the supply circuit by another contact and the first relay ki'cked down to th4i output of the auxiliary rectifier is connected in- to the switching control circuit, in which thero Is a switch controlled by the air- Card i /I S/194/62/000/006/030/232 (7 D295/D308. AUTHORS: Pavlica, Lubomir', and Samec, Narcis TITLE: (Yagnetic amplifiers) PEIRIODICkL: Referativnyy zhurntl. Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 6-, 1962, abstract 6-2-22 y (M@rbni a regul. no. 1961, 7-13) T-W,"XT: A reDort on the development of YIP-T 100 H type magnetic pre- amplifiers ensuring output currents of several hundreds mA, as well as a sin-le-staGe high-gain riagnetic amplifier of the YZ-T.series. The magnetic amplifiers are mounted on ring-shaped cores with in- ternal feedback; the outnut can be a.c. as viell as d.c. All de 'sign data of the amplifiers are given in tables. An oscillographic me-. thod for the selection of amplifier cores is described. Circuit diagraris for determining the basic characteristics of the already manufactured amplifiers are given and parameters for the whole se- ries are given in tables. The MZ-T series covers an output-po,.,.,er range from 50 to 600 V1, with a time constant.of approximately 3 see Card 1/2 S/19 62/000/006/030/232 (Tilagnetic amplifiers) D295YD308 0 and dynamic power gain 1.65 x 104 to 3.5 x 104 see-1. 17 figures.. (Zavody rumyslove' automatisace, v@zkumnk a vyvojovk Astav, Czeko Ir slovakW. [Abstracter's note: Complete traxislation.] Card 2/2 XCC --- i@ R: AP7QQ031Q ECE CODE: uR/A13/66/ooo/022/0010/0010 AUTHOR: ogly Melik-Aslanov, Kh. S.; Shabanbekov, Z. M.; ogly Muradkhanov, G. A. B.; 9gly Samedov, A. A. A. ORG: None TITLE: A base for drilling wells at sea. Class 5, No. 188414 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 22, 1966, lo TOPIC TAGS: well.drilling, machinery, marine equipment ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces: l.-A base for drilling wells at sea. The installation is a working platform with a s@perstructure resting on a pon- toon submerged at a level where it is not affected by waves and fastened to the sea bottom by flexible supports with anchors. Stability is improved by making the flex-- ible supports in the form of a system of cables fastened to the working platform and pontoon. The cables which pass over the pontoon and those which go from tie working platform to the anchors form triangles in the vertical-plane, while those going from the pontoon to the anchors form triangles in the projection on the horizontal plane. 2. A modification of this base in which a ball catch is used for fixing the cables at the point where they intersect. Card 1/2 uDc: 621.242-3.002,54:624-15 ACC NR: ... ................... I 1-cables; 2-vorking platform; 3-pontoon; 4---anchor; 5--catch SUB CODE: -13, 08/ SUBM bATE: 28may63 Card 2/2 SAPEDOV, A.G. -'@@@d@llir'the fauna and ecology of bruchid vesvils (Cole 'tera, Op Bruchidae) i6jurious to farm crops in Azerbaijan. Vop. ekol. 72 - 161-162 1620' (KM 16:5) L Institut zoologii AN Azer@aydzhansk ,oy SSR,, BqJm,I Vwrbaijari.-Druchidas) (Azerbaijan-Field crops-Diseases and p B* KABANOV, A.S., red.; KITUR OV. K It., glavWy red.; SAMM TRESKOV, I.V., red.; BLIMOV, L.Zh.. tekhn-.FeA. [Progressive people of Kabardino-Ballmrial Paredovye liudi 4bardino- -Balkarii. fiallchi. Kabardino-Balkarokoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1957. z49 P. (K IRA 11: 2 (Kaba rd ia --B I ogre phy) SAKKWV-', A.S. ------------------------ New color culture medium for cultivating and studying the bio- chemical properties of leptospirao Uch.zap.AGV.Biol.ser. no.2: 71-87 '59. (MIA 13:6) IF (IgTospia) (BACTIRIOIOGY-4UIIPURES AND GUURW MEDIA) alMOV, A. S. ; BITTIlf, Ya. S. @-@t -4 Materials on leptaspirosis grippotyphosa in man in southern Azerbaijan. no.6:78-81 Je '59. (MIM 12:9) (AMMIJAIT-11PTOSPIROSIS) SAMEDOV A.S. Carbohydrate fermentation by Leptospira. Uch. zap. AGU. Biol. ser* no.1:79-85 160. (MIBA .14:5) (LEPTOSFI.M) , (CARBOHYDRATES) (FERKMATION) _4A@WOVv-A.S.,, mayor meditsinskoy sluzhby; ENTINg Ya.S.9 podpolkovnik meditsinskoy sluzhby Materials on nonicteric leptospirosis in Southern Azerbaijan. Voen.-med. zhur. no. 6:35-37 Je 160. (MIRA 13:7) (AZERBAI,TAN-LEPTOSPIROSIS) SAMEDOV, A. S., CAND MED SCIV "BIOCHEMICAL ACTIVITY I AND NEW COLOR CULTURE MEDIUM FOR THE CULTIVATION OF LEP- TOSPIRA.11 VORONEZH, 1961, (MIN OF HEALTH RSFSR9 VORO- NEZH STATE MED INST). (KLq 3-61, 235). 4-58 TAGI-ZADE, T.A.; SAMEDOV, A S ; MARDANLY, A.S. Pathogenic properties of Leptorspira isolated in Azerbaijan. Dokl. AN Azerb. SSR 18 no.12:69-73 162. - (MM 16M) 1. Fredstavleno akademikom AN AzerSSR A.I. Karayevym. SNJEDOV, A.S. ; AKjj@IEDOVA, T.M.; KOSIDEYEVA, S.G. Isolation of it-Igen.3 from lept spire. destroyed by ultrasonics. @L Go Zhur.mikrobicli, epid. i immun. 42 no-4:57-60 Ap 165. (MIRA .18:5) 1. Azerbaydzkian--kiy meditsinakiy inst-itut imeni Narimanova. UP57/ @,._UJV0L46/05/OO0/OO4/ 0 71 AUTHOki. SaIjMdoy. A.- S. i A K -6nakly mi edits ORG: herbaydzhad Medical! Instit@te 4mo N. #stitu on of @@froml Le s i4des@'roye -bkultrakund 'Isdlati _jLtoldcl ed "no# SOURCE i Zhurn'al mikrobiologii;@_-i@idemiolojii iAptutiobiologiii, 4j, 1965o 57-60 tOPIC'TAGS: antigen, leptobpir6bi .a', rabbit'l ahtib6dyt 'serum D .-earbohydratep -protein, ultrasonic irradiation ABSTRACT: L. Kantorowicz separated by centrifuging were subjected to the action., of ultrasonic waves at a I frequeicy'bf 8@b kiloc- ycles and a power of Ow. The suspension of LepOspira destroyed. by ultrasound - and two fractions 6btained on @-Deparation. of.-thid auspension'by centrifugifig.ahowed upon rabbits a hi@h adtivitk-as anti6iis-' induAn anti Gem _C:the'.foimationof antibodies._Thd@ i had, a -high activity, and4pecificit@ in.. thi--c6inpiement fixation reaction with. _!Immune serarof rsb@ita't6 which live culiurei of Leptospira woke injected. On .being proserved.with morthioltite and stored at 4-60, they retained their activ- i. ty, : @q@. k Of 10 months during which tests weie carried out. They con- _po#pd a*cing sugars, but no DNAi Orig. art. hasi 1 tabfi.' tained proteins and re u suB coDrn. o6, 20. sum DATE,.- 2CAug6@ Y. ORIG REF! 003 CTH OF 007 Card 1/1 'i UDC. -57M564 -097-2 -093 OLLN' SAMDOV, I.I.; BURTAKOVSKIT, L.A. -kI Chemical composition and origin of underground waters of the Neftyanyye Kamni oil fields. DokI. AN Azerb. SSR 12 no.11:841- 848 '56. (KLBA 10:3) 1. Institut geologii AN Azarbaydzhanskoy SSR. Predot&vleno akadsmikoz AN Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR N.V.Abramovichem. (Neftyany7e, Kamni--Oil field brines) SAMSDOV, F.I.; BURYAKOVSKIY, L.A. Relation between physical parameters of the Neftyanyye Kamni oil-reservoir rocks. Azerb.neft.khoz. 36 no.8:20-23 Ag 157, (MIRA 10:11) (AzerbaiJan--Borings--Anal,vEis) MW URTAKOTSKIT, L.A. Gharacteristics of petroleums in the producing formation of the southeastern part of,.t4s Apsheron Poninsula. Azerb.neft.khoz. 31 @no.8:6-10 Ai 158. (KIR& 11:11). (@psheron Peninsula-Petroleum-Analysis) SAMEDOV, Fuad Ib "gjy4_.AKHMEDOV, A.M., red.; ALITMAN, T.B., (Neftyanye Xamni; geology, oil potential, and production methods] Neftianye kamni; geologiia, neftenoanost', voprosy rasrabotki. Baku, Azerbaidzhanskoe gos.izd-vo neft. i nauchno-tekhn.lit-ry. 1959. 219 p. (HMA 130) (Neftyanye Kamni region--Oil well drilling, 3abmarine) SAMEDOV, F.I.; TUBUYZADE, Kh.B. Now method for deteraining the dynamics of the weighted average of the reservoir pressure in production areas. Izv.vyo.ucheb. zav.; neft' i gas 2 no.11:9-15 159- (MIR& 13:4) 1. Azerbayd2hanskiy institut nefti i V:himii im. H.Azizbok[)va. (Oil reservoir engineering) SAMRWV, F. I.; BURTAKOVSKIT, L.A. Geothermal conditions in the Neftyaq7e Kamai field. Dokl.AN Axerbo SSR 15 no.1:33-38 '59- (MIR& 120) 1. Neftepromyslovoye uprarlenlye, Gyurg7annaftl. Predstavleno akademikon aksaamikom AN AzerSSR N.V. Abramovichen. (Neftyanye Kamni region-Earth temperature) BURYAKOVSKIY, L.A.; SAKWV, F.I. Method for determining the permeability of oil reservoir rocks besed on electric logging data. Aserb.neft.khoz. 38 no.11: 8-10 N '59. (MIRA 13:5) (Rocks-Permeability) (Blectric pro3pecting) SAMZDOV, F. I.; WRTAKoVsxIT, L-A. Results of the comparative study of reservoir properties of rock:s in the Gryasevaya SqPka, field based on data on analyses of cores and electric logging, Aserb. neft, khoze 39 no.lIzU-15 1 160. - (MIRA 13:12) (Gryasevaya Sopka reglorr-Oll e9nde-AnalyzIs ) MAMEDOV, M.K.; HAXMV, B.M.; KULIY]ff. I.P.; ANOTI &.I. Offshore oil fields are the creation of the Soviet Azerbaijan. Azerb. neft. khoz- 39:20-23 AP 160. (MIRA 130-1) (Azerbaijan-Oil well drilling, Submarine) SAMEDOV, F.I.-,; BURYAKOVSKIY, L.A. "Geophysical methods of studying oil 1", gas reservoirs" by B.11. Dakhnov, L.P. Dolina. Reviewed by F.I. Samedov, and L.A. Buriakovskii. Izv. vys, ucheb,, zav.; neft' i gaz 3 no.7*.96,104,120 ,6o. (MERA 15:5) (Petroleum geology) (Gas., Natural-Geology) (Dakhnov, B.N.) (Dolinag L.P.) SAMEDOV, F.I.-, BURYAKOVSKIY, L.A.; DZHALILOV, D.G. Gryaze@vaya Sopka, a new oil field in the Caspian Sea. Geol. aefti i gaza 4 no. 3:45-50 Mr 160. (MIRA 13.12) 1. Neftepromyslovoye uprayleniye Gyurgyanneft'. (Caspian SejL--Gil fields) ALIKHANOV I E. N. ; KULIYEV, I. P. ; SAMEDOV F. I. Characteristics and principles of the efficient development of offshore petroleum fields. Sov.geol. 4 no.10:100-107 0 161. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy i proyektnyy institut morskay nefti. (AzerbaiJan-Oil well drilling, Submarine) BURYAKOVSKly, L.A.; SAMEDOVO F.I.; AKHMEDOV, A.M., red.; RASHEVSKAYA, T.A.. red.; MIRAISRTYM, S., takhn. red. [Geophysical methods of.studying reservoirs of the Apsheron Archipelago] Geofizichoolde oftody izucheniia kollektorov Apsheranskogo arkhipelaga. Baku, Averbaidzhanskoe gos. izd- Vo, 1961. 126 p. (MIRA 16:9) (Apsheron Xrchipelago--Oil sands) (Prospecting@-qeophysical methods) @ $ _Fj. - BURYAKOVSKIY, L.A. Gas potential of the producing formation in the southeastern Apsheron Archipelago. Geol. nefti i gaza 5 no.4:9-12 Ap 161. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Neftepromyslovoye upravieniye Gyur,-,y=eft'. (Apsheron Archipelago-Gas, Natural-Geology) R.1 MMMwvL.V. Effect of the depth of baddft on the porosity of rocks. Trudy Inst. razrab. neft. i gaz. mestorozh. AN.Azerb. SSR 1345-61 162, (MM 16:6) (porosity) S@@OV,_I.I.,- SADIGOV, A.M.; SULTANOV, Ch.A. Interfacial mobility and reaervoir performance of the pool 7 In the Karadag field. Isr. AN Aserb. SSR Ser. geol.-PO nauk i nefti no-5:13-18 162. (MMA 16:13 (Karadag region-Condensate oil wells) SAMEDOV, F.I.; SADIGOV, A.M.; SULTANOV, Ch.A. Water encroachment of upper parts of the Sub-Kirmaki series in the Zyrya field. Dokl. AN AZ'erb. SSR 18 no.9o.29-36 162, (MIRA 17il) 1. Institut neftyanykh i gizovykh mestorozhdeniy AN AzSSR. Predstavleno, akademikom AN AzSSR Sh.F. Mekhtiyevym. DADASHEV, F.G.; P411@qV, _@J.,., red.; RASKEVSKAYA, T.A., red.izd-va; AKHKEDOV, S., tekhn. red. [Hydrocarbon gases of mad volcanoes in Azerbaijan] Uglevodo- zodrye gazy griazevykh vulkanov Azerbaidzhana. Baku, Azerneshr, 1963. 64 P. (MIRA 17:3) AMBARTSUMY-AN, A.P.; MAMEDOV, E.A.; NIKITIN, F.I.; FLMMY&N. A.K,; SAMMOV F.I. Analysis of the water encroachment of pools of the.Sub-Kimarki series in the southwestern wing of the Neftyan" -Up"I deposit in edge water flooding. Izv. AN Az-erb.SSR. Ser.geol.-g@og.nauk i zatU no. 3:3-8 163. (MRA 16:11) SAMEDOV, F.I.; SULTANOV, Ch.A. Penetration of oil into the gas condensate area during work on the depletion of horizon 7 of the Karadag field. Dokl. AN Azerb. SSSR 19 no.4.-31-35 163, (MIRA 16:12) 1. Institut razrabotki neftyanykh i gazovykh meotorozhdeniy AN Azerbaydahanskoy SSR. Predstavleno akademikom AN Azerbaydzhanokoy SSR Sh.F.Mekhtiyevym." I SAMEDOV, F.I.x ANPRUMOV, S.L.; LISTENURTEN, B.M.; SULTANOVp Ch.A. Effect of well flooding on the ultimate gas-recovery factor in the upper sector of the Sub-Kirmaki region of ZMa. Gaz. prom. 9 no.10-8 164. (MIRA 17:12) S'AMEDOV, F.I.@ LISTENGARTEN, B.M.; SULTANOV, Ch.k. CoeffLc-'en@. of the gas discharge of gas and gas-sondensate pools in Azerbaijan. Izv. AN Azerb. SSR. Ser. geol-geog. nank no.067-73 164. (MM l7sl2) SAMIMOV,J@.'-; LISTENGARTEN, B.M.; SULTANOV, Ch.A. Recovery,factor of gas-condensate oil pool in horizona VII of the Karadag area. Izy, AN Azerb. SSR. Ser. geol.-geog. nauk no.3j72-77 165. (MIRA 180) SAIEDOV G D ; GIDAYATOV.. D.A. Materials for studying the parasites eating eggs of Eurjrgaster integriceps in the Alazant-Avtaran Valley of Azerbaijan. Izv. AN Azerb.SSR.Ser.biol.i med.nauk no.Lt67-72 162. (MIRA .15:12) (AZERBkIJAN--EPYGASTM) (AZERBAIJq.:- MIJ�ITE,Aj@,,IMECM,, ummov, 0. G. Samedov, G. G. -- "On the Possibility of the Ap'plication of an Alternating Unusoidal. Current in Maritime Electroprospecting." Min Higher Education USSR, Azerbaijani Order of Labor Red Banner Industrial Inst imeni M. Azizbekov, Baku,, 1955 ( Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Technical Sciences) SO: Knizhnaya Letopis',, No. 23, Moscow., Jun 55,, pp 87-104 SAMEDOV, G.Yu. Design a device for checking explosion hazards in a gas-air medium. Bezop.truda v prom 5 no.6:35 Je 61. (KM 14..6) 1. Zamestitel' naeballnika otdela tokh 'oto snosti Glay- neftesnaba RSYSR. M (011 fields__SafA3@ l6asures) ABIYEV, G.S., dotsenty nauchnyy sotrudnik; ALLAKHVERDI13EKOV, G.B., dotsent, nauchnyy sotrudnik; SHEKHTMAN, B.A., dotsent, nauchnyy sotrudnik; AMIROV, R.O., kand. med. nauk, naucbnyjr sotrudnik; SMIEDOV. I.G.. Dotsent: ALIM, R.K.; prof. nauchnyy sotrudnik Fundamental work. Azerb. mod. zhur. no.6:46-48 Je 162. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Proruktor po nauchnoy rabote Azerbaydzhanskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo institute imeni Narimanova (for Ablyev). 2. Zaveduyu- shchiy kafedroy farmakologii Azerbaydzhanskogo gosudarstvennogo me- ditsinskogo institute. imeni Narimanova (for Allakhverdibekov). 3. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy lekarstvennykh form i galenovykh preparatov Azerbaydzhanskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo institute imeni Narimanova (for A]-iyev). 4. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy gigiyeny truda Azerbaydzhanskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni Narimanova (for Shekhtman). 5. Direktor Instituta gigiyeny truda i professionallnykh zabolevaniy Rinisterstva zdravookhraneniya Azer- baydzhanskoy SSR (for Samedov). sctrudnih; Mr. ,..@chly rauchnli7 y !%al". 7H raSt Zr. of p (Mill 18--3) I rc. .2 4 Yegorova). L'O" uo;,. -'ashe"4 F-b, (for rl--Ctc-,17@ Olt-% I ad tantsiya I zashchi t:,r 4. o) . 5. cruzinskiy r'-"nly T,.,dz hikskiyl @ T` I. am"Iftiolo", '-r + a (for Dutsof). khozyaYSW Ile t5l. 5F (for Zbukova). '@Sl I s ta-rl SANEDOV, I.G., dotsent; MATOSYANTS, A.I., prof. Training of scientific personnel. Azerb. med. zhur. 41 no.U: 90 N 164. (MMA 18: U) 1. Direktor nauchno-iseledovatellskogo Instituta giglyeny truda i professinnallpyM za.bolevaniy imeni prof. M.M. Efendizade (for Samedov).,.@.--Z' 4thl' direktora po nauchnoy chasti Nauchno- 4got issledovat@illskogo J[i-wtituta gigi-yeny truda i professionallnykh zabolevaniy imeni prof. M.M. Efendizade (for MatosyanU). SAMEDOV. M.A.; RZA-ZAM, F.F. Investigation in the field of the chemistry of molybdewme. Report no*Z. Study of side aid intermediate reactions of molybdenum disul- fide with carbon dioxide. Trudy Inst,,khim. AN Azerb. SSR no.13:21-28 '54. (MM 8:5) (Molybdenum sulfides) (Carbon dioxide) RZA-ZA19, P.F.; SAMEDOV, N.A. Investigating the process of interaction of CO with natural mol7bdonium-molybdonite disulfide. Izv. AN Aze?b. SSR no.10;49- 65 0 156. WaA 10:3) (Nolyb*ite) (Carbon dioxide) -- - SM6@, N. G, Bogachevp A. V. and Samedov, N. JW i..""Data on the study of the parasitis fauna of the Nakhichevan ASSR,* (Tabanidae Nakh, ASSR). Isvestiya Akad. nauk Azerbaydzh. SSR, 19", No 5, p. 6&759 (Resum in Azerbaijani) SO: U-5240, 17, Dec. 53, (Iotopia lZhurnal Inykh Statey. No. 259 1949). SAKEDOV, N.G. 4673. M21abnyye M=helltsy I Mary Borlby 8 Simi (Rod. Zabrwo Clairv). Baku, 1fd-vo Almd. Rawk Aferbaydzh. SSR. 1954, 1343. 8, Ill. I L rart. 21 Sm. ( Ah-d- Au*. Aforbaydzh. SSR. In-T Iroologii) Looo JW. 2R 70 Z- 31bliomr: 3 128-132 ( 114 K&zv.)-F&&zerbaxdzit. Taz.--( 54-57952). 633.1; 6321 63Z.764 633,4F oxa:r y 5-111\ @11\ CKAL - SAKEDOV.11.G. Iffect of hexachlorocyclohexane dust on cereal crop soil posts of the order of coleoptera. Izv. AN Azerb.SSR no.8:107-113 Ag'54. (MLRA 8:11) (Insecticides) (Benzene hexachloride) SAMMOV.K.G. @- -1 New species of ichneumon f1Y, Berphus Azerbaiydzhanicus sponove, a grain beetle larva parasite. Dokl. IN Azerb. SSR 10 no-8:581- 583 '54. (min 8: 10) 1. Institut zoologii Akademii umik Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR. Pred- Btarleno daystvitellnym chlenom Akademii nauk Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR A.I.Karavevym. (Azerbaijan--Hymenoptera) A J DKRZIIAVIlf, iLx.; ASADOV, S.M., red.; GADZHIYEV, V.G., red.; DIRZHAVIN, A.N., red.; IOCLIKCW, F,A,, red.; SAHMV,-KG., red.; KOZHIN, N.I., prof.. red. lzdaniya; BOGUIWAVSKIT, Y.K., red. izd-va; HIMHAFAROV, A., tokhns red, [Fisheries of the Kura River] Kurinskoe rybnoe khoziaistvo. Balm, Izd-vo Akad. nauk Azerb. SSR, 1956.*433 P. (Zhivotnyi mir Azerbai- d.-hana. Serlia rybol-.hnzialetvennaia, no.1). (MnU 11:3) (Kura River--Fishoris) SALM IV@ 4,N. G. Distribution of barmful pollen-eaters (Colsoptera, Alleculidae) in Azerbaijan and phenological data on certain species. Izv. AN Azerb.SSR.Ser.biol.i sellkhoz.nauk no.4:51-61 '59- (MIRA 12:12) (AzerbaiJan--Comb-clawed beetles) SAMEDOV) N. G. "Zur olologischen Charakteriatik der Kafer, die als Schadlinge der Iandwirtschaft in Azerbeidschan belmmt sind." report presented at the Intl. CongTess of Entomology, Vienna, Austria, 17-25 August 1960. SMIEDOV N G. Some characteristics of the distribution of indivtdual groups of injuri6us beetles # Azerbaijan. Izv. AN,Azerb. S'SR. Ser. biol. i med. nauk no.2:49-54 161. (MM 14:6) (AZERBAIJAN-BFMLES) (AGRICULTURAL PESTS) SAMEDOV N G. Grain bugs (Pentatomidae., Hemiptera). Ent. abor. no.1:6-71 162. (Azerbaijan--Stink bugs) (Azerbaijan-Grain-Diseases and pests) SAMEDOV., N. G. Chafers (Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae) and the damage done by them to farm crops in Azerbaijan. Ent. sbor. no.1:156-i82 162. (MIRA 15:10) (Azerbaijan-Field crops-Diseases and pests) (Azerbaijan-Searabaeidae) SAYIEDO-V, N.G.; KRYZHANOVSKIY, O.L.., red. [Fauna and biology of beetles harmful to farm crops in Azerbaijan] Fauna i biologiia zhukov, vrediashchikh sell- skokhoziaistveraWm kulituram. v Azerbaidzheme. Baku, Izd- vo AN Azerb.SSR, 1963. 382 p. (MIRA 17:4) SAMEDOV, N.G. '*'cological and geographical regionB of the distribution of leoptera of Azerbaijan, injurious to agricultural crops. . ob6z, 42 no.3027;m-538 163. ' .(MIRA 17tl) 9 1. Institut zoologii, AN Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR, Baku. SAMRDOVI-A&. Zodgeographical analysis of the beetle fauna injurious to farm crops of Azerbaijan and some problems in the history, of the formation of their recent complexes. Zool. zhur. 42 no,4:674-688 163. (MM 16:7) 1. Laboratory of Entomology, Institute of Zoology, Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan S.S.R., Baku. (Azerbaijan-Agricultural pests) (Azerbaijan-Beetles) SAMEDOV, N. G. "Coleoptera of natural and cultural coenoses and their role in the formation of the pest fauna in Azerbayzhan." report submitted forl2th Intl Cong of Entomology, London, 8-16 jul 64. w SAMEDOV, N.G.; GRIGORIYANTS, Ye.Kh. Study of the fauna and ecology of some groups of Coleoptera in the districts of the Nukha-Zakatalv. zone of Azerbaijan. Trudy Inst. zool. AN Azerb. SSR 23;4-38 164. (MMA 17:9) SANEDOVI S.A. Effect of the D"ag arsencus water on the higher nervous activity and morphological composition of peripheral blood in an6mized dogs'. Tzv. AN Azerb. SSR, Ser. biol, i med, nauk no. /+.-155-163 1600 (MIPA 14:2) (AZERB&IJAN-MINERAL WATERS) (APSEHIC-FMIOLOGRA EFFECT) (CEREBRAL CORTEX) (OMPOIETIC SYSTEM) SPIWOY,-S.A.9 aspirant Influence of Darydag arsenical water on the conditioned reflex activity of the nervous system and on the morphological composition of the Peripheral blood. Azerb. med. zhur. no. 1:31- 37 Ja 161. (MIRA 14:2) 1. Iz kafedry normallnoy fiziologii (zav. - dotsent Odzhakhverdizade) Azerbaydzhanskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni N.Narimanova (direktor - zasluzhennyy dayate'll nauki, prof. B.A. Eyvazov), nauchnyy rukovoclitell - akademik AN AzerbSSR A.I. Karayev. (AZERBAIJAN-MINERAL WATERS) (CONDITIONED RESPONSE) (bLOOD) SAMk;DOV) S*A. Effect of the Darydag arsenous water on the conditioned reflex activity in normal dogs. Trudy Sekt. Ciziol. AN Azerb. SSR 4: 72-79 '60. (MIRA 1 :1) (AZERBAIJAN-14DWAL WATERS) (CONDITIOI-ED R.ESPONSE@ 7 4 MiMAITOV, M.A.; WJWLASEVAI S.M.; SAPFIKDOVA, S.G. . Separation of aromatic hydrocarbons from oil fractions by selective solvents. Azerb. khim.zhur. no.3:25-31 161. (MIRA 14:11) (Hydrocarbons) USSR / Cultivated Plants. Cereal Crcps - M-3 Abe Jour : Ref Zhur - Bialogiya, No 13, 1958, No- 58518 Author : Samedor, Sh. Inst :'jyar%-y-d-zE-a-n-"c -Res. Agricultural Institute Title : The Effect of Variow Freaeding Crops on the Yield of Winter Wheat Orig Pub :Sots. a.-kh. Azarbaydzhana, 1956, No 12, 16-3-9 Abstract In 1953-1956 the Azerbaydzhan scient.-research agricultural institute studied the effet;t of various preceding crops on the yield capacity of winter wheat in the Nukha-Transkatal zone cf the republic. Perennial grasses, particularly, lucerne-graminou8 grass mixtures (J:aoerne with orchard grass and with rye grass) are recognized as the 'beat preceding crops for winter wheat. Winter wheat., sown after corn, holds Its own Card 1/2 22 I T CA T W!rJjIY Coltivated 311anti. Pbfider Gvvsses enJ jqc@qj Of Parnrtir-A 11MIZ r on Per3u- IIIJI arasaes on irrIguted belt) cf Fkj A-700ne. P PUB. 113--3 1 :3,!,h. kze:ebaydz-h.L-na 117o.10 1057 , , , eonductid dur..ra -,he yzars o' 1956- by Amertaljji rezearall InBtttut-a of , inz hars bst"ab-lished 1hat on Irriggav"ed th6 bedt goiftnI7 tijae of perennial fodde,-, graiat-te scu,arCing to all Lndlcwtors appearq to Ir).q 1-bg fj-v@,,t 1hqIr of Atwmat through 6,*I-;e Lallciella of 33ptk- t er, Pure sov!.rir,,, of' 1werna tirA mIxtires of Ince-y-ne with bsrbacaous and esDarset%*J-@ gran6esi 'let ware azudied. The hi.ghe6t pro&uc-vI-,it7 -.I' a ent, vur a/hec tare for two 1/Z SAT,TEDOV, S@/. G., Cand Agr Sci-(diss@ "Cul tivation of perennial grass,2,'-@ under the irrigation conditions of the Nukha-Zakatallskaya gone of the AzSSR.11 Baku, 1958. 23 pp (VASMITIL.--.----@@ All-Union Sci Res Inst of Podders im V.P. Villyams), 120 copies (KL,30-58,130) C-)Unt-ev, U91SR CULTIVATED PLANTS. FOODER Abs . Jour I- EF ZHUR-81OL.,2!, 1958,NO-960 34 Sa P,,, d o v, ,Sh. M -@rjctijlural Sipnif@.cance cf Planting jtlf al-Pa The . V ; in the 3-rringtime Under the '"inter Crop --rbrtydzh-qnq, 19@8, No.1, 20-22 )rig. Pub Sots. 9.1th. Az., Nost-m-et In Az--@zbnydzhan pur;@ spring, sol-;Inga of alfrilfO without a Cover wera contxminated Ath weda and up to 31-4-48-0; o-:' the sprouts were dust'royed @ha yield a,;d hay quality droppad sharply. 7@@ex-j estab- Dr,ints rade by the leading sovkliozes have 11shad tl-Ce h1i ef -Poet' venuss of underplanting J. grassjs on irrigated land. The grass is under- planted tn early sprinr, on fertile nor-weaded plots u-qdt:r a cover of winter barley or whant. Tnthe first year of the gratis' life:35-40 cwt/ha. 1. 2 A.111 50 9 '1 -4 .:. ' T @ 1-7- T LE CULTIVAJED FLANTS. Fndder Grnsnes and-ff6ots. Q'F 21WR - BICLOGIYA, NO. 4, 1959, NO- 15684 0 L8Dodov, Sh. G. AzerjaydzU'nnsc3-.Rez.1nst.of Agric. Sowlnrl- of Peren-nial Grasses in t@le !@s--in 2'one of Azerbaydzhan ORM TFU B. r7,, , Wo.21 38 jt!dejjye, 1958 -41 APSTR,11CT 1952 to 1955 the Azerbaydzhan Agricultural Research Institute seeded alfalfa,eaparcet,orchardigrass and ryegrasu k-ommon darnel and tall ont5rass) under a cover of winter wheat in t',-,e first talf of October ( simultaneoualy with the wheat) said In the first half of Karch when tLe wheat was In tke tMering phase. Witn reseeding of grasses, the wheat crop was !reduced by 17 to 25 The hay crop depended 1/2 cereal grasses predominate -17n-fFe nay wl@th sDring sowing, the leguminous. In case of sowing without cover, the hay crop was higher than with eowing under covers, but In the latter case 17 to 2k centners of wheat grains. pt@-r hectare were reaped in addition to tne hav. Ye.A. Okorokova 2/2 81 SAMM, S. I 3267. Kolkhozy-Shemayinskogo rayona Flzerbaydzhanckoy SSR V poslevoyermye gody (1946-1952). (Statekon. ocherk). ThiUsi. 1954 , 20s. 22sm. (Thilis. gOB. un-t im. I. B. Stalina). loo Wm. Bespl-I 54-5428P SO: KziLzhnaya Letopis, Vol. 1, 1955 SAIEDOV) S. S. Min Higher Education USSR. Azerbaydzhan State U imeni S. M. Kirov. SAMEDOV, S. S. = "The fault displacements of the petroleum-bearing regions of Azerbaydzhan.11 Min Higher Education USSR. Azerbaydzhan State U imeni S. M.Kirov. Baku, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Geoloficomineralogical Sciences.) SO: Knizhnaya Letopial No. 13, 1956 SAM IIDOV, S. Fissure types in the principel oil-bearing regions of Azerbaijan and their relation to the structure of folds [in Azerbaijani with eummry in Russian]. Uch. zap. AQU no.3-43-57 157. (KIRA 11:1) (Azerbaijan-lletrole-mm geology) (7olds (Geology)) . UMOV, S. Regular relationship between the depth of the horizon and the height of the folds in the case of structural breaks on the Apsheron Peninsula. Uch.zap.AGU no.12:51-56 157. (MIR& 12: 1) (Apsheron Peninsula,-Petroleum geology) SAIMEDOV, S.I.; STRIGUNOV, I., red.; EFEUDIYEV, M.E., red.; AKHMEDOV, S., red. [Public health in Iraniez Azerbaijan on the eve of and during the period of the national libe7ration and democratic movement, 1945-19461 Zdravookhranenie v Iranskom. Azerbaidzhane nakanune i v period na- tsionallno-osVoboditbllhogo i demokraticheskogo dvizheniiag 1945-1946 g. Baku, Azerbaidzhanskoe gos. izd-vol 1960. 146 p. (MIRA 14:7) (IRAN-PUBLIC HEAI4TH) SPIEDOV, S.I.,, zasluzhennyl vrach Azerbavdzhanskoy Respublik-i Two cases oV so-called "periodic disease". Azerb. med. zhur. 40 no.5:63-65 My '63. (14I,-tA 17 19' ) 1. Iz terapevticheskogo otdeleniya bollnitsy No.2, 4-go upravleniya Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR. SULTANOV, K.M.; KHALIFA-ZAIIE$ Gh.M.; SA14EDOV S.S. Jurassic stratigraphy of the sediments of the Kuma. oil- bearing region. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 6 no-839-13 163* (MIRA 17:6) 1. Azerbaydzhanskiy goimdarstvennyy universitet imeni Kirova i Institut geologii Dagestanskogo tiliala AN SSSR. SAMEDOV, S.S. Map of isochasm lines (tectonic breaks) of Azerbaijan made on a 1:1000 000 scale. Uch. zap. AGU. Ser. geol. geog. nauk no.lz-U-17 161. (MIRA 16:8) SAMEDOV, S.S. iffect of fractures on Jil pools is illustrated by the -,,)il fields of Azerbaijan. Uch.zap.A(RJGGeol.-geogsser. no.3:21-30 ,6o. (Azerbaijan--Petroleum geologIy) (MMA 14:6) 1 I___^S_, @@ I AKHMEDGV, Z.M.; SAMEDOV, T.k.- Gas-hydrodynamia calculations concerning the development of gas-condensate fields to depletion taking into conBideration the real properties of the mixture. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.1 neft' i gaz 7 no.1109-42 t64. (MIRA 18M) 1. Azarbaydzhanskiy inatitut, nefti i khimii im. M. Asisbekova, 14-57-7-15377 Translation from: Refierativnyl zhurnal, Geografiya, 1957, Nr 7, p 183 (USSR@ AUTHOR: Samedov, T. G. TITLE: Economic Develo ment of Turkmen SSR During the Fourth Five Year Plan YRazvitiye narodnogo khozyaystva Turkmenistana v 4-y pyatiletke 1946-1950 gg) PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Turkm- un-t, 1956, Nr 8, pp 165-172 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry Card 1/1 AKHMEDOV, Z.M.; SAMEDOV, T.A. Hydrodynamic investigation of the ac-umtilatior of condensate in a bed with nonsteady flow of the gas-condensate mixture. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 8 no.4129-32 165. (141RA 18:5) 1. Azerbaydzhanskiy institut nefti i khimii im. M.Azizbekova. NEGR-PYFV, V.F.; ALLAKHVERDIYEV, G.A.; SANE-DTV,. Yu.G. 11- :-; - Effect of a year's time on the development --f the norroslon of . steel in the ground. Gaz. delo nc.14i24-26 165. MRA 18;6) 1. In-,tItut khir,-@i AN AzSSR. ALLAKHVERDIYEV, G.A.; TARIVERDIYEV, R.D.; EFENDIZADE, S.M.; SAMEDOV,__Yu.G.; KULIYEVA, A.S. WANOWISM90- - Corrosion of steel in saline soils. Azerb.khim.zhur. no.lt65-69 165. (KRA 18:12) 1. Institut khimii AN AzerbSSR. Submitted July 13, 1964. (Creative role of Karxism-leninism iu the development of the biological sciences] Tiorcheskaia roll marksisma-leninisma v raxvitii biologlobookoi nauki. Baku, Izd-vo Akademii nauk Aserbaidshanskoi SSR, 1953. .106 p. (MLELA 6:11) (Dialectical materialism) (Biology) MEKHTIYL'V, S.D.; ALIYET, A.F.; SAMEDGV,_Z.D. Liquid phase oxidation of methylcyclohexane by atmospheric oxygen [in AzerbaiJani with summary in Russian]. Izv. ANAzerb. SSR. Ser. fiz.-tekh.i khim.nauk no.6:137-146 158 (MIRA 12:2) 0746hexane) (6xidatiOn) .,.SAMEDOVA, A. ABtRALTBOV. X.G.; SAMEDOTA, A. Effect of boron an& manganese on photosynthesis. Uch.zap. AGU no.6: 71-79 '56. (MLRA 10:5) (Photosynthesis) (Plants, Effect of boron on) (Plants, Effect of Manganese on) Ar ABUTALTBOV, M.G.; ALIrEV, D.A.j SAMEDOVA, A. Microelements in the nitrogen metabolism of plants. I%v.AN Azerb.SSR.Ser.biol.i med.nauk no.4:3L-42 162. (MIRA 15:12) (PTANTS, EFFECT OF TRILCE EIEMENTS ON) (NITROGEN METABOLISM) 77-11 -A- i. "The E@rffect of Vie CIiendcal Ccm--sftion of Lubrient-r Oils on Their 0-erating -L@ualities." Lin Hilgher Ed-i-,.ca+i on U'7---. ,.o@4cov- Cj---Ier of L_-hoe Red Bar-ner Petroleum, Ir-st L-r-eni Academician I. I.T. GuInk-in. Yo cow, 1956. (Dissertation for the Deg-ree of Cand-*date in Technical Sciences). SO: Knizhna-fa Letopist-I No F, 191ce CBERlMZHMV, N.I.; SAISMVA, F.I. .............;..... Comparative study of lacquer formation of lubricants with additives and aromatic hydrocarbons. ISv. v7s, ucheb. zav.; neft' i gas 2 no-7: 53-60 '59. (MIRA, 32:12) 1.Moskovskly Institut neftekhinicheMmy I gazovoy ]proMvhlennosti im. akad. I.M. Gubkina i Aserbaydzhanakiy institut nefti i khimii im. M. Azizbekova. (lubrication and lubricants) SAMRWVA. F.I. Means for increasing the production of transformer oils* Izvo vy"Go uchab. zav.; neft.1 i.gaz 2 no.10:59-63 159. PIRA 13:2) l.Azerbay-dzhanakiy institut nefti i khimii im. M. Azizbekova. (Insulating oils) KULIYEV, R.Sh.; SANEDOVA F.I.; MUSAYEV, G.T.; CHIWEVA, N.I.; NRYLOV, L.P. Effect of some factors of adsorpticn refining on the quality, of transformer oil from petroleum of the Neftianye Kamni Field. Azerb.khim.zhur. no.6:61-66 161. (KRA 15:5) (Insulating oils) (Petroleum---Refining)