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SALTANOV, Yu. Assistance of University scientists to the great construction projects of communism. Vest.Mosk.un- D 152. (MM 7:9) (Science) (Technology) SKLTAHOV, Yu. Awarding premiums to students for scientific vork. Vest.Mosk.un. 8 no.2: 147-149 7 '53. (MLRA 6:5) (Moscow University-Prizes) AUTHOR: Saltanov, Yu.A. 3-3-14/40 TITLE: Toward a Moie Active Solution of the Problems Set by "Letter 11-10011 (Aktivneye reshat' zadachip postavlennyye "Pialmom H_ loo") Opinion of - Moscow University Scientists (Nneniye uchenykh Moskovskogo universiteta) PERIODIGAL: Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly, March 1957, # 3, P 59-63 (USSR) KDSTRACT; The instructive letter of the Ministry of Higher Education dated 15 Sep 56 enables the revision of a number of rules in practice in the higher schools, and the improvement of training in general. To discuss recommendations of such reviaionst an extended conference of the university council at Moscow State University imeni M.Lomonosov (Noskovskiy gosudarstve", iversitet imeni V.V.Lomonosova) was hold after the ins%rative letter had been studied by the faculty councils and professorial chairs. Considerable time will be required to carry out the recommendations contained in the letter. The questions raised are complicated and re- quire a thorough study of conditions and possibilities at the university. At the present time, now individual instruc- tion plans have already been approvedp providing for a re- Card 1/3 duction in quantity of subjects, a ma imum of student inds- 3-3-14/40 Toward a more Acti--e Solution of the Problems Set by "Letter H - 10011 Opinion of Moscow University Scientists pendent work and an increase in practical training. The mem- bers of the conference pointed out that, therefore, there is no necessity for the time being to radically revise the re- cently approved teaching plans. The question of reducing lecturing courses found full support. The proposals submit- ted provide for a reduction of about 15% in the senior courses. Professor I.S.Galkin, the University's Vice-Chancel- lor, gave the opinion that problems of the French and English revolution and the l9th century history of Western Europe could be waived while the histories of the East and of the American countries ought to be retained. Professor G.D.Vov- chenko pointed to the need for 50 new instruction manuals over the next 2 years. In the course of the discussions it appeared that 80-90 per cent of the students are granted scholarships. The Professors B.V.Dobrovollskiyg N.A.Xachina.. s1cly and E.M.Sergeyev pointed out that student independent work will yield results only if the normal work in kept under control. Instructors K.A.Myshenkova and Professor Card 2/3 T.I.0yzerman dealt with the question of study of foreign 3-3-14/40 Toward a more Active Solution of the Problems Set by "Letter H - 100" Opinion of Moscow University Scientists languages. The Party Committee of the University, which also discussed the letter in question, emphasized that the Commu- nists in the faculties must lead the struggle for improve- ment. WSMIATIONt Moscow State University imeni M.V* Lomanosov (Moskovskiy gosucYaratvennyy universitet imeni 14J. Lomanosova@j AVAILABIR: Library of Congress Card V3 "UTHOR Vovchenknq G.Dap Frofessor,and Saltanov Yu A. 3-6-13/29 The Froblems Raised by "Letter 14-100" to be Solved More postavlennyye "Pistmom Actively (Aktivneys reshat' zadachi , Z - 10011) Some Results and Prospects. (Nekotoryye Itogi I peripf@@W- PERIODICALt Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly, 1957Y # 6, PP 58 - 62 (USSR) V4STRACT% The article contains a review of the results gained in re- alizing the basic principles of the instructive letter of the USSR Ministry of Higher Education of 15 September 1956f at the faculties of natural science of the Moscow University (Moskovskiy Universitet). The staffs of these faculties have revised, and the Ministry has approved, new teaching plans on 17 specialities in order to comply with the demand that highly qualified specialists be trained. New courses have been introduced which reflect the lat-est achievements in science. Courses are held in nuclear physics (102 hours) and a,tomic physics (86 hours) for all students of the Faculty of Physics. Laboratory work is conducted on radiometric methods (72 hours) at the Faculty of Chemistry. Instead of s,tate examinations, the students of all faculties of natural sci- Card 1/3 ence, except the Mechanico-Mathematical Faculty, have to 3-6-13/29 Thv Problems Raised by "Letter H -10011 to be Solved More Actively. Some Results and Prospects. defend their graduation theses before a session of the State Examination Commission. This increased the demands placed on the graduates. Though experience has shown that the now plans still contain some deficiencies as a whole, they can be regarded as satisfactory. The new plans mean a reduction in lecturing hours and increased time for practical training. The article also deals with the plans for a further realiza- tion of the recommendations of the ministerial letter, and suggests that methodical sections be organized at the Univer- sity Council on Natural Sciences. it will be their object to direct the methodical work of the faculties, to study the experience of the individual chairs and make certain that the plan of methodical work is carried out by the chairs. The article then emphasizes the necessity for a considerable improvement in the study of foreign languages. It complains about the lack of textbooks, even for important courses, and quotes a number of cases in this respect. The article further discusses the organization of the student's practical train- Card 2/3 ing pointing out that its value is also underestimated by 2 2@ -1 30 1 AUTHORS: Vovchenko, G.D.9 Professor) Saltanov, TITLE: The Scientists of the Moscow UniversitY i-z' PERIODICAL: Vestnik vysshey shkoly, 1959, Nr 4, pp el-bc) ABSTRACT: Por the last 5 years the Departments of BioloVy and Soil, Geography and Economy of Moscow University hav,- conducted important research work which has helped to aericul- tural production. The author tells of re@-_-,rches and of the prospects of their development. The bajic task of Moscow University is to train specialisto. Dur-in@., the last 5 years, 440 of its graduates were assigred to .,%-ork in agri- culture. Among them were 265 soil scienti2ts working at pre- sent in selection stations, melioratiop. scierti- fic-productional agricultural institution.3, ct-@. The Createst work in the field of agriculture is bein, '-y the Depart- ment of Biology and Soil. The importance fl-,, ro@_;earch in respect to dividing the USSR into distri@As to na- Card 1/6 tural-historical aspects is pointod out. This is a great @3 0 V / 3 - )_ 9- 4 - The Scientists of the Moscow University - to Agriculture comprehensive work of dividing the country into soil and geobotanical districts, the oceans and sea3 ac,.@ordin- to biological aspects. Ten universities, 5 a-,,, 'rLVU1t1)L2'al in- stitutes and academies of sciences of Union rerub*1icf3 parti- cipate in it. The general scientific-metiit,~l,)I(j,~ic-,I 1-,Iiid@i@tuo is placed on the Moscow university. The @.rorkini: cut of all these problems will permit to issue scienti-fically 'based, 1-0- commendations for the distribution, speci@ali.-_a,,Aon and ratic- nal utilization of various branches of The ls', CPSU Congress raised the demand for an utmost utilJlzaticni ol -17 soils. But as the arable kolkhoz and sovk).cz diflars in the various natural zones, it is necess,@ir.-.,, t;.) th-@_- lands and to determine the prospective py,)ductivit,@,, of the soil. The basic form of such registration is to draw up large-scale soil maps giving the characterLstic Gf the soils and indicating the measures required for raisin,, - fertility. In 1958, University scientists completed t@,o :@.@tlection of field materials in 5 oblasts of the Central -Non-@'Iack-Soil Card 216 Zone and drew up a map of soil districts of all tht@ 11 oblasts SOV/3-59-4-36/42 The Scientists of the bloscow University - to Agriculture of this zone. At present, an analysis of the soils@ collected by the expedition, is being carried out. The drawing up of a map of the soil districts of the European part of the USSR in a scale of 1 1 195009000 is being completed. Among the im- portant works accomplished lately by the Department of Biolo- gy and Soil is the examination of 1.5 million hectares of,vir- gin and long-fallow lands in the Kazakh SQR for the pur ese of selecting areap for establishing new sovkhozes. Thi frk was carried out in the Kustanay Oblast in 1958. The scientific workers also study the biology of development of corn and me- thods for its cultivation in the Moscow Oblast . The results proved that corn can be raised under certain condictions even in unfavorable years. In the field of animal husbandry, the research of the Chair of Genetics and Selection has shown the great practical importance of acclimatizing the Jersey strains of cattle in the Moscow district4 and interbreeding this kind with those bred in the USSR,.for the DUZT)ose of obtaining higher yields of milk with a hig content of fat. The Department Card 3/6 of Biology and Soil has also worked out methods for a joint SOV/3-59-4-36/42 The S-eientists of the Moscow University - to Agriculture sowing of winter and spring wheat in spring. This method, when applied on the fields of the kolkhozes of the Shchel- kovo District, saved labor in ploughing and resulted in a considerable crop increase. Among other works performed by this department the author mentions soil and geobotanical in- vestigations of the Kama, Belaya and Vyatka River basins in connection with the planned construction of the Lower Kama Hydroelectric Power Station. In cooperation with the AS USSR the chairs of the Department have studied the soil of the district between the rivers Zeya and Bureya, where the main agricultural raw material basis of the Far East is being established. The author also points out the work of the De- partment of Geography. As a result 200 kolkhozes and sov. khozes have been supplied with maps describing the natural and-economic conditions of the oblasts. He further mentions the activity of the Economic Department in calculating the iost price and establishing the profitableness of kolkhozes in the Ryazan' Oblast . The Chair of Chemical Technology is Card 4/6 developing the technology of,producing fert@ilizers, in- SOV/3-59-4-36i-'@Z 2 The Scientista of tho Moscow University - to Agriculture secticides and fungicides. In cooperation with other in- stitutions the Chemical Department has been seekin.-- for means protecting animals from bloodsucking insects and ticks. Over 300 preparations have been synthesized. One of them - Kyuzol - has successfully passed productional and laboratory tests and been admitted for use on a broad scale. Tests have proved that "Kyuzol" and analogical agents can also be used for protecting domestic animals from blood-sucking flies and mosquitoes of the diptera order. The TadwhAdho SSR is the only place in the USSR where long-fibered cotton is growing. Cul- tivation of this valuable sort of cotton needs artificial irrigation and for this purpose big and complicated engineer- ing constructions. In this connection the Geological Depart- ment is studying the sagging and suffusion ("suffoziya") phe- nomenon which often destroy the constructions and the irrigat- ed land. After having quoted all the performed positive work, the author expresses dissatisfaction on the activity of sever- al of the leading chairs of the Department of Biology and Soil Card 5/6 and sets forth the problems on which the university will work SOV/3-59-4-36/42 The Scientists of the Moscow University - to Agriculture in the forthcoming 7 years. These include measures to increase the fertility of newly cultivated land. It will continue to develop the genetic foundations of the selection of agricultu- ral plants and animals in the light of Michurin's teachings. The future plans also envisage that the work of dividin.- the USSR into districts according to natural and historical as- pects be finished and that recommendations on the specializat- ion of agriculture be furnished. The article contains a number of other tasks which the University intends to fulfill within the 7-Year Plan. There are 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni ALV. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni N.V. Lomonosov). Card 616 VCVCI.iE',IIKO, G.D.; SALTANCV, Yu.A. ....... ;z" @ @'; - I ; :-Z-L@7- - Moscow University-, named after M.V.Lomonosov. tekh. no.12:157-160 162. (MIRA 15:4) (Moscow University) Ar i IT - , I.!'. [driceazed); 6 012T'AXOVA , V.-P. Oxidatior- of m1fur dioxide in a fluidized bed of a catalyst. Trudy 111CM rc.35:12-5-129 161. 14:10) (Sulfur dioxide) (Catalysis) SAI3AK,CjV-,'L. V.1@.; Develo,@--.c.-,t of a vauna-d-i.z-, catalyst for Vic c-@:idationi of s@:ifrlr dioxide in rccoruance i-,ith t-hr) conditions of a 21iddized bed. - L I'll (iTRA 1/,-10) 'iru(!-,,- v-0.3f'@::13C--1133 61. ('Tanadiim) (Snlfur dioxide (G-i dation-) VOVCHY.NKO. G.D., professor; SALTANOVA, Tu.A. 200th anniversary of Moscow University. Vest. AN SSSR 25 no-5:3-15 MY 155. (Moscow University) (MLRA 8:71) YRLIZAROTAq K.A,J, Uj@TANOVSKAYAj Ye.G. Character of changes in vaqpular reflexes in patients with climaterie neuroses during treatment. Zhur. nevrA poikh. 60.- no.10:1333-,1337 160. (MIU 144) 1. Odesskiy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy paikhonevrologicheakiy institut. Odeoskiy oblastnoy paikhonevrologichoskiy dispanser. (CLIMTERIC) (BLOOD VESSELS) (ESTROGEM) BASOV. L.K.; SAIRANOVSKIT, N., zaaltihenzyy sootekhnik USSR. The growth of1poultry production in Perohotravnevoys District. Ptitsevodstvo 8 no.q:@7-10 S 1580 (MINA 11:10) 1.SekrelAwl Pers.hotravue'vogo ray4coms, Kommanistichaskoir Plarill UkraM (for %U144). 2..Fredsedatel! soveta mashkolkhosuoy utkovodchaskoy fermy (for Saltanovskir). (Pershotraynevoys District-Poultry) SHLIBAYFV, A.M.; SALATINYAN, I.Z.; SAL11ARSKIY, Yu.V. Causes of brenkage in the lift tubing in flowing wells on the fields of the Stavropol Territory, Nefteprom. delo no.2:20-23 165. (MIRA 180) lo Stavropol'skiy filial Groznenskogo neftyanogo nauchre-issledc- vatellskogo Institirta, BERDYYEVI Kh.B.; BUSHUYEVA, G.I.; YELFIMOVA, V.Z.; SALTAYEVL V.Nj Plan of measures for the elimination of diphtheria in the TajIk S.S.R. Zdrav. Tadzh. 7 no.4:46-48 JI-Ag 160. (MIRA 13:9) (TAJIKISTAN-DIPHTEE"..*, m IVASOVP V.F., in2b.;_ SALMSYMI, Z.L.,, gldMeolW (g. TadAwnt) ConstnwUon of wells for vertical draiviage. Gldr, I mol, 17 no.7t43-a Jl 165. (MDA 18:12) B/044/62/000/008/019/073 CI1I/C333 AUTHOR: Saltikov, N. TITLE: @_he -appi-i-cation of the theory of charac ,teristics to partial differential equations of first order with an unknown func- tion PERIODICkL: Referativnyy zhurhal', Matematika,'no. 8, 1962, 47, abstract BB220. ("Glas. Srpska. AN", 1958P 2329 9-19) TEXT: Examined is the Jdcoby.algorithm for ascertaining the characteristics of a partial differentiai equation of first order with one unknown function by using a complete integral. A new method for formulating and integrating the characteris.tibs is suggested, based on several previous papers by the author and by S'. L..Sobolev.-Two new, concepts are introduced here: the correlation and the incompatibility of the partial differential equations with one unknown function with their complete integrals. [Abstracteris note; Complete translation.] Card 1/1 KOGAN, FLI.; KALIZRANOVA, Ye.G.; SALITINA L V SOLODOV, N.A.; ff DMITRIYEVA O.P.; Prinlm'@H! uc a@at. UKHANOVA.. N.I.; PERVUKHINA, A.Ye.; KAZANTSEVA, V.G.; ULANOVSKAYA, V.D.; VLASOV, K.A., glav. red.; LIZUNOV, N.V., otv. red.; PYATENKO, Yu.A., otv. red.; SALTYKQVA, V.S., otv. red.; SLEPNEV, Yu.S., otv. red.; FABRIKOVA, Ye.A., otv. red. PODOSEK, V.A., red. izd-va; GOLUB', S.I., tekhn. red. [Rare alkali metals (lithium, rubidium, and sesium); a bibliography on their geochemistry, mineralogy, crystal chemistry, geology, the analytic methods of their determi- nation, and their economics]Redkie shchelochnye metally (litii, rubidii i tsezil); bibliografiia po geakhimii, mineralogii, kristallokhimii, geologii, analiticheakim metodam opredeleniia i ekonomike. Sost. B.I.Kogan i dr. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk- SWRI 1962. 327 p. -. u (MIRA 16:1) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut mineralogii, geokhimll i kri- stallokhimii redkikh elementov. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Vlasov). (Bibliography-Alkali metals) PERNaNOV, N.I.; FILIPPOV, V.V.; KHODOROVSKIY, B.I.; BIRYUKOV, A.A.; SAL'TSOVSKAYA, D.G.; TATARINTSEV, P.T. Ways to improve the wearing characteristics of boots made from Russian leather. Kozh.-obuv.prom. 6 no.11:9-14 N 164. (MIRA 18:4) - -- ---- - -- ----- - -- - - - - ---- - - -- - - - -- - ---- - - - -- - --- FOMOKLREV, V.D.- &iLLTOVSKAYA, L.A.- STENIMR, V.V. Utilization of converter gas in copper hvdrometallurgy. IZT.AN Kazakh.SM Ser.khim. no.1:63-73 '46. Off-im 9:8) (Copper--Ketallurgy) (Sulfuric acid industry) SALTOVSYAYA, L.A.; STZNM, V-V- Electrolytic refining of silver from sulfamic acid solutions. Izv.AN Kazakh.SSR Ser.khim. no.1:117-121 '47. 9:8) (Silver-Ilectrometallurgy) (Sulfamic acid) SAL A@- Chemical Abst- Val. 48 No. 5 10 1954 Mar lography C Metallurgy and metal The-r-ale of IeS5@pg out of i@er from copper .--qy@qkayaand - er svesf@ A a Nlk* No. 101, Ser. K ini. No. 4. "1951).- * The rate of leaching of 3 sulfide and 4 oxide Cu minerals with agitation at room temp. was detd. The carbonate, sulfate, and silicate minerals show rapid leaching,, while the phosphate material is slowest. The process g-ves a 'Idgarithmit: time curvc. Hxtn. of sulfide minerals wlthF acid suln. nt Fel(804)s is knuch slower than the aq. Hr$Oj extn. of the oxide minerals. G. M. kosolai3@V v MOO,. Will. i'm A, A, fA A Mink A'awkA. S-7,R 11 44W4 "O&r q Ond HIJACK- gT cathodic Zii. ilUkfC5_11-4 e@ MT Consumption wttr-. in to 10% clectralyte Cump.1- ll@sc), w 1,; - and- - CA. < Me amp C"utult of vatl le zri4,(*@@V@ (h cha@q@ Ill tollp.,-ltlil tkcz e-:lse. in arAity, 1011pled WWI if)vrt-a@e ill Zu (.011ttat af tile Jct- trrlvtc. The U-1),jiving resnAin t!; Lr invi-li@tMol, thi- me@hauisw 4 Fb tranJe-r from to aw th, influence uf conititioti,, of eirc-trolysis on fliv ;-ausf". t-- h@,vi,,;r Qf Nfrl ;ll lectrolp"k -it difit-rest wwp@. and 01' Ci ,. I ""ll ')f @4 clrolyte on energ, p, -,, , t ( . 40) .;np./sq. ist. M T-1 , :n PITT- SALTOVSKAYA, L.A.; KHAN, O.A.; PONOMAM, V.D. Electrolytic recovery of lead from chloride solution#. Izv. AN Kazakh.SSR.Ser. met. obog. i ogneup. no-3:17-26 160. (MIRA 14:4) (Lead--Electrcmetallurgy) SALTOVSKAYAY L.A.; PONOMAREV, V.D.; KHAN, O.A. Separation of copper and lead from chloride solutions by the cementation method. Trudy Alt. GMNII AN Kazakh SSR 9:221-226 160. @ @ (MIRA 14: 6) l.Altayskiy gornometallurgicheskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut AN Kazakhskoy SSR (for Saltovskaya, Khan). 2. Institut metallurgii i obogashcheniya AN KazSSR (for Ponomarev). (Hydrometallurgy) (Cementation (Metanurgy)) S/080/60/0_33/009/0 18/0 21 AOO3/AOO1 AUTHORS: Khan, O.A... Saltovskaya, L.A. TITLE- On the Cathode Behavior of Tellurium In the Electrolysis of Alkali Solutions PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, 1960, Vol. 33, No. 9, pp. 2143-2145 TM: The electrolytic method of tellurium production is used on a broad scale, but the behavior of tellurium in the alkali electrolysis is only little studied. This behavior was investigated here by plotting the polariza- tion curves obtained by means of a nflTb -1 (PPW_1) potentiometer. For preparing the alkaline tellurium solution commercial tellurium was used which wass pre- liminarily purified from admixtures. The measurements were carried out In solutions containing tellurium from 0.026 to 1.1 n and a constant amount of NaOH (160 g/1) at temperatures of 20, 40 and 60'C. The depositon of tellurium on the cathode increases with an increase in the tellurium concentration in the electrolyte. -At a high tellurium concentration in the solution a powder-like deposit is obtained on the cathode. A temperature increase raises the rate of tellurium deposition on the cathode and the value of the limiting current density Card 1/2 Ij SALTOVSKAYA, L. A., Cand Tech Sci -_ flon ementation and IfC dlectrolytic of lead from chloride solutions," Alma-Ata, 1961. (Min of HI.-her and Sec Spec Ed U2,%R& Kazakh Polytech Inst) (KL, 8-61, 248) - 300 - RnMIANOV, G. A, - SALT@-)IISFAY.-', L. A. -'ectrolysis c-*:' Dallium. with a gallium nathoda. Report r.). 1. Trudy Inst. mat. i c',-,cg. @Ul Kazakh. SSR 1202-! 1 .0 65- Elffect cl -,ranad",-,-- --1 thf P-1-ectrodepc;AtIon of gallim on a valli-mn cathod, . Rapprt no. 2. TWA. @442-48 (MIRA 23:10) N; .'@l TOVSKAYA. L.A. I. ; RCMANOV, 7,.A. ; Y-KVD,!DKlMEE' K'-', F-11. DUKILWNE 2-TA-) of vallium on a gall-lun. @athcde from -1s:-itrodepos-- - 1-1 - - I - .4- -Ln c b-Lqr.N alLuninat-a- solul-ons. Rerort no-3. Trudy I st. -met. 2 'i. LV, Kazakh. SSIR 12-@?-51 165. (Mla SALMOVSKAYA, V., inshener; SKOMAKCIF..X., kapitan dallnege plavanlya. Vhy did the ocean seiner perish. Nor.flot 16 noo-9:9-10 I t56. (O*A 9:l0) l.Minry'bprom SSSR. (Trawls and trawling) SALTOVSKAYA, V.,stnrahly prer)odqvatel'. Effect of waves on ship stability. Mor,flot 18 no-3:5-7 Mr 158. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Kafedra "Sudoetroyeniya" Veesoyuznogo zsochnogo na shinostroitellnogo institute. (S tnbility of ships) SAIITOVSnTAJ V. "Influen@ceo Sea Travel on Ship Stability," Schiffbautechn:Lk, March 1959 SALTOVSKAYA, V., starshiy prepodavatell Insuring safety in small craft navigation. Mor.flot 19 no.9:13-15 S 159. (MIRA 12:11) 1. Vsesoyuznyv zaochn" mashinostraiteltnyy institut *. (Navigation-Safety measures) SALTOVSKAYA, V., starshiy prepodavatell Characteristics of small craft design. Mor. flot 22 no.5: 22-26 Pq 162. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Vsesoyuznyy zaochnyy mashinostroitelInyy institut. (Shipbuilding) (Stability of ships) E!Efl(]R, O.L.1 SALTMSKOA, V.D& StratigraP47 or the Carbm!dfarous of to Giamr Huge. Sbor.naucb&rtLb*JMw*m* no.2s67-78 163. (MMA MW KUKHTIKOV, M.M.; SALTOVSKAYA, V.D.; CHERENKOV, I.N. Stratigraphy of Paleozoic terrigenous deposits in the central part of the Zeravahahakiyancl Gissar Ranges. Dokl. AN Tadzh. SSR no. 22:3-8 157. (NM 11:7) 1. Institut geologii All Tadzhikskov SSR. Predstavlano ak-ademikom AN Tadzhikskoy SSR A.P.Medzvetskin. ' (Zerevshonakly Range-_Geo'logF,*Str9tigraphic) (Gissar Range--Geology, Stratigraphic) KUKHTIKOV., M.M.; SALTOVSKAYA, V.D.- CHERENKOV, I.N. -:7- P - 4 New data on the geology and Carboniferous sediments of the southern slope of the Chumkar-Tau (western extremity of the Tunkestan Range). Trudy AN Tadzh.SSR 104 no.1:95-100 159* WERA 15:4) 1. Institut geologi-i AN Tadzhikskoy SSR. (Turkestan Range--Geology) SALTOVSKAYA, V.D. Stratigraphy of the Middle Carboniferous sediments of the Zeravshan-Gissar mountainous region. Trudy Inst. geol. AN Tadzh. SSR 70-29 163. (MIRA 17:6) SALTOVSKAYA, Valentina Nikolayeviia; 3TUPAKOVA, L.k. , red. (Stability of ships on stern seas] Ostoichivost' sudov na poputnom volnenii. Moskva, Transport, 1964. 95 P. (MIRA 17:10) GKMAN, Leonid Mikhaylovich- SALITSOVSKIY, Mark Samsonovich-. YUMATOV, B.P.,, doktor e @,o M.B., red.; KLYAUS, Ye.M., red.izd-va; ASTAFIYEVA, G.A., tekhn. red. [In the valleys of golden sand] V dolinakh zolotogo peska. Moskva, Izd-vo AN SSSR@ 1963. 159 p. (MIRA 17:1) iLL' M EF.Aw."wa Technology of manufacturing bituminous sheet roofing. Zhil.- kom.khoz. 4 no.8:13-15 154. (PLHA 8:3) 1. Glavw inzhener GorIkovskogo zavoda krovelInykh materialov. (Roofing) SALITSEV, G.M. A case of benign lymphorsticuloois, caused by cat bite or scratch. Sov. med. 21 no-7:130-131 JI 157. (Jun 12:3 ) 1. Iz kafedry gospitalluoy terapii (ispolayayushchiy obyasannostl zaveduyushchego - doktor mod. nauk N.X, Akatov) Gorlkovskogo insti- tuta imeni S. M. Kirova i Oblastnoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy iment N.A. Semashka (glavny'y vrach - zaalushenrWy vrach RS7SR K.I. lusnet- 9 OV). (CAT SCRATCH DISM3, case reports Ohs)) SALITSEVA, E.. tfDynamics of the Principal Characteristics of the Function of Blood Circulation Durin7 Rheumatism." Cand -ed Sci, Gorlkiy State 1@'edical Inst imeni S. L. Kirov, Gorlkiy, 1955. (KL, No 17, Apr 55) So: Suin. No. 704, 2 viov 55 - Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Hiaher Educational Institutions (16). SAVTSEVA, M.T.; VOWSHITTA, N.Yu. Iodine test in the differential diagnosis of stenocardia and myocardial infarct. Terap.arkh, no.7:49-53 J1 162. (MMI 15:8) (HMT.-INFARCT:1011) (JUIGINA PECTORIS) (IODINE) ANTI, G.S.; PCHELKINA, V.K.; @ALI_T@@ M.T. Dynamics of the bioelectrij processes within the heart under the influence of acupItneture in the area of the Chinese points. Sbor. trud. CHI no.9;104-107 '62, (KERA 17:2) 1. Kafedra gospitallnoy terapii lechebnogo fakullteta GorIkovskogo meditsinskogo instituta (zav. kafedroy prof. V.G. Vogralik). SALITSEVA, M.T., doteent; vOLOSHINAp N.Yu., aspirant Importance of Mallen'B reaction in determining the activity of the rheumatic process. Vop.revm. 3 no.ls76-79 Ja-Mr 163. (MIRA l6z4) 1. Iz kafedz7 gospitallnoy terapii lechebnogo fakullteta (zav. prof. V.G.Vogralik) Gorlkovskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni S.M.Kirova. - (RHEUMATIC HEART DISEASE) 1. SALT-TSEVICH, L. A., CMANOV, V. I. 2. USSR (600) 4. Mine Lighting 7. New developments in lighting stones. Ugoll No 1 1953 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April 1953, Uncl. f #sandrovich; FAT:BISOVICH, I.L. ". e- tor; PROZOROVSKATA, V.L., tekhnichaskiy redaktor. [Booklet for the one on duty at a mine electric substation] Famiatka dezh'uinomu shakhtnoi sl*ktricheskoi podstantaii. Moskva, Ugletekh- izdat. 1955. 63 P. - (MLRA 8:8) (Electricity in minin@-Safaty measures) 15-1957-1-1180 D Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 10 P 18.5 (USSR) AUTHOR; Salltsevichs Le A, TITLE: Investigation of Safety in Mining Lanterns With Incandecent Bulbs (Issledovaniye usloviy vzryvobezopasnosti rudnichnykh svetillnikov s lampami nakalivaniya) ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry on the author's dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences, presented to the Donetsk. indu6tr. in-t (Donets'Industrial Institute), Stalino,.1956. ASSOCIATION: Donetsk. industr. in-t (Donets Industrial Institute), Stalino. Card 1/1 SALIT Taff- T.- nd. takhn. nauk; BICOUNYT, V,G., inzh.; XACHU(I .OTSE-f. .U..ka NIB., inzh. UairW mine lamps powered by compressed air turbogenerators in mines in the course of construction, Shakht, strol. no-3:29-32 158. (NDA 11:3) 1. 14akNII (for Salltsevich. Machugovskiv). 2. Treat Nakevevehakhto- atroy (for Bezdudnyy). (Mine lighting) SAL'TSEVICH, L. A., and WMAN, A. S., "Electric Lighting Equipment for Buildings Liable to Explosions'@ report presented at the All-Union Scientific and Technical Conference on the Electrical E4.uipmment in Buildings and Outside Installations Libble to Explosions, 14-19 April 1958, Stalino. (Energet. Byulleten', 1958, No. 7, pP 29-33) LENSKIY, I.A., kand.tokhn.nauk; SALITSEVICH. L.A., kand.tean.naak Comments on G.B.Kasbitsin and A.V.Parshin's article ffPre- vent burns by electrolytes." Bezop.truda v prom- 3 no.10: 24-25 0 159. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Makeyevokiy nauebno-issledovatellsIdy inatitut po bezopas- nosti rabot v gornoy promystilennosti. (Electric batteries) lKashitsin, G.B.) (Parshin, A.V.) SALITSEVICH, L.A. Mine lamps with leading cutoff. Trudy KakNII 9 no.2:142-151 '59. (MIRA 12:8) (Mine lighting) (Safety lamp) SALITSEVICH, L.As, kand. tekhn. nauk 1- ....... -- I-I'--,-----I-I- Experimental use of electric induntion mine lamps. Ugoll 34 no.9:20-24 5 159. (JURA 12:12) (Mine lighting) SALITSIVICH, L.A., kand.-tekhn. nauk; MACHUGOVSKIT, N.B., inzh. Local lighting for loading machines. Ugol' 34 no.9.-26-28 S- '59. (NIRA 12: 12) (Mining machinery) (Fluorescent lamps) USSR/Goncral Problems of PntholoEy - Tumars Abs Jour :Rof Zhur - Biol., No 7, 1958, No A2715 Author :sr@lftsv-n Inst Mot Given Title Roentgonodirgnosis of Cencer of the Conmon Bile Duct Orig Pub Vest. Khirurgii, 1957, 79, No 8, 124. Abstrect No abstrvet Cord U-4 34 K@Fj)@KIIVP Yl,f.0 kand. med. nauk, asai.3tem; AY-EN, G.S.p kand. ined. nauk, k,.ntl. med. nauk, dotsent INLyrotoKic heaft. S"bor. trud. GMI no.15:93-120 163. (MIRA 17: 5) 1. Kafed-ra g;;sFitallnoy terapii lecshebnogo fakiillteta Corlkc-v--kogo malitsirzk-ogo in*Ututa iraerd Kirova (for Salltseva). SALITSEVICH, V.A., inzh. Extending the techrological possibilifties of gear-cutting machines. kifashinostroenie no.6:79-81 IN-D t65- (MIRA 18:12) SALITSEVICHY V.A. Attachements reducing auxiliary time. Hashinostroitell no.10:14-16 0 165. (IMMA 18:10) SALITSEVIGH, V.A, Lathe attacbment for knurling.graduations on dials, Stan. i instr, 36 no.9:39 S 165. (MIRA 18tlO) SALITSOVA, Z.V. (Leningrad, ul. zaytseva, 34, kv.8) Sesslon of the Len-Ingrad Society of Anatordsts, Histologists and Embryologists, dedicated to the 90th amiversary of birth of V. U. Ton-kov. Arkhiv. anat. gist. i embr. 43 no.10:121-.122 0 162. (MITIt 17: 6) "Zootec'3nicsl -tn,,7 Physiolo1r.-ical Data Oonce@.,nin,7 a For T-cr--sT."g tile ka,_,unt of 'JiLk Fat by 111ot' 71,Ta.-Ining of the Udder." '@Cj, T C---nd :37.ol j 1,enin-r.3@ ' ricultural inst K Kazrelo-7inrioh il-ffilinte of the lcal-@ 7ci, "J33R, Leningra,-@-Petrozavodsk, 1954. (M, Uo 9, -,:,eb S C, Sun. 7.76. 631, 26 Aug. 55-SUrvey of 73cientific and Technical Dizsert-.tions Defended -'t USSR @figher Educetiona,11 Institutions (lj;) 5/081/63/600/005/96610 L 12311-63 73@ - AUTHOR: Baramboym, N. K., Wtusova, Ye. P. and Cheremislnova S . P... TITLE: The effect of the nature of.adhesive materials on the.temperature, conditions of adhesion PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Khimiya, no* 5, 1963, 618 abstract 5T280 cm-sti, 1961, no. 23,': (Nauah. tr. Mosk. tekhnol.-in.-t. legkoy pr -.1 7J , 71 - 74) TEXT: The relationships of -the rate, of heating of press plate:and an adhesive seam made of fast hardening resins,,used in theshoe industry$ as well. as of changes in temperature as a function of.the nature of pairs of the cemented materials (SM) during one-sided heating were investigated,' The following materials.were used as SM: undyed fabric (serge-ticking),(l), shoe@- sole leather 4 mu in thickness (2), porous colored rubber 6 mm in-thickness: (3).. Even under relatively slaw simultaneous heating of the press plate and':- SM, a significant drop in temperature exists between them, the absolute value of which depends on the thickness..of the materialand its thermal insulation properties. If, afterl hour, the temperature attained by press plate is 10.00 Card 1/2 BAYARSTANOVAj, Zh.Zh..-. BILOKURI, V.F.,- GUTSALYUK, V.G.; SALTYBAYEV, D.K.,- SHEVTSOV, D.A.; ELIKES, A.M. Industrial preparation of bitumens with a high softening point. Khim.i tekh. toplei maBel 6 no.2:33-35 F 161. (MIRA 1/.:l) 1. Institut khimicheskikh nauk Kazakhokoy SSR, Alma-Atag i Ori3kiy neftepererabatyirayushchiy zavod. (Bituminous materials) SI-T'FIBA-YEV. DimasIa Karibayevich5 SKALKOVSKIY, L.,, red. [Flasti-,s in building] Ylastzassy v stroitell-ct7e. Alma- ka@ lzd-.vo "Kazakhstan," 1964. 65 P. (MIRA 18:5) SAIMTKOT, A., inzhener. Overhead conveyer for bleeding sheep and swine. Mias. ind. SUR no.2:15 '57- (NIU 10:5 1. GosudaretvenrW intstitut po proyaktiroyaniyu predpriyatiy nVasney pronWshlennosti. (Conveying machinery) (Meat industry-Iquipment and supplies) SALTTKOV, A.B. [The first lbisnian ceramic factory] Pervyi russkii keramicheBkii zavod. Moskva, Izd-vo Gos.istoricheekogo muzeia, 1952. 41 p. Off-RA 6;7) (pottery) jr7 4 L lip(c) ACC NRl AP6012613 SOURCE CODE: UR/0182/66/000/004/0044/0046 13 AUTHOR: Kasatonov, V. F.; Malpsov, G. A.; Saltykov, A. G. ORG: none TITLE: Improvements in the technology of the production of hollow forging by means of hydraulic and steam-hydraulic presses SOURCE: Kuznechno-shtampovochnoye proizvodstvo, no. 4, 1966, 44-46 TOPIC TAGS: metal forging, forge press, hot forging. metal industry ABSTRACT: Owing to the conical and spherical shapes of mold bottoms, the productioi of hollow forgings normally involves the wastage of as much as 5-7% of ingot metal. In this connection, during 1963-1964 the Bol'shevik Plant carried out a study of the possibility of producing hollow forgings of the centering-ring type without having to scrap the bottom part of the ingot. It was found that this can be accomplished by using a core punch with a diameter that is 50 mm greater than the diameter of the cone-shaped part of the ingot bottom. 7hen the wastage of metal can be reduced to 1. 42-1.48% and the labor-consuming as well as relatively lin a operation of trimming the ingot bottom can be eliminated. The resulting blanks can be 1/2 UDC: 621.73.046 L 44353-66 ACC NRt AP6012613 readily forged in a 3000-ton steam-h)drau SsLut requiring special additional press lie pie tools. Analysis of the hollow forgings thus produced revealed absence of sulfur accumulations, blowholes, vacancies and nonmetallic inclusions. Ma new technique can be employed to forge ingots weighing up to 10 tons each and produces metal savings amounting to 3-5% of the weight of the ingot. Orig. art. has: I table. SUB CODE: 13, 11/ SUBM DATE: none/ 2/2 ble 88411 S/05 60100p 00610021008 C111YC222 AUTHORj Saltykov, A.I. TITLEs On the Function of Euler PERIODICALs Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya I. Matematika mekhanika, 1960, Nq@ 6, PP- 34 - 50 TEXTs Let LP(k) be the Ruler function, /Ac(m) be the Mius function, let 1.V be the fractional part of the number v *(V) Then it tolds : (2) z LP (k) 3 :2 - x + 0 (X) k K x -It 2 M-4 x m m Let (3) 3(x) m4x m m Let f(y) -cl Y + + a n+1 yn+' be a polynomial with the partially Card 1/ 4 "... A- 1 88411 S/05Y60/000/006/002/008 On the Function of Euler C111 C222 rational coefficients a V s 2, 3, 3 n+ 1 q 3 LetA be the determinant of a-th order C a s B+i+.' B+i+j Theorem 1 %(due to N.M. Korobov (Ref- 3)) Let 9 be an arbitrary fixed number of the interval 0 4$; 1 ; n a -@@ n+I , a + r 3 3 q - P A 9, q) - 1. Then C (6) P 02Tif (y) CP 2 where the constants C and C0 depend on Theorem 2 s Under the assumptions of theorem 1 let hold the estimation Card 2/ 4 S 000/006/002/008 On the Function of Euler C C111/C222 C n -Y2- (7) 2Z if (y) 1 P n ;;P where > 0 + 2 2 and the constants C 1 and C 2 depend on and r2. Then (x) 0 (in X'x(in in x) where 2 and 6 is arbitrarily small. X-1 + r2 + From theorem 2 it follows 2 (9) (x) 0 (in 3z (in in x) 1+ 6 that is better than the estimation (4) (X) - 0 (in 4 x(in in x)"-) Card 3/ 4 88411 S/055/60/000/006/002/008 On the Function of Euler C111/C222 given by A.Z. Vallfish (Ref. 1,2), where d- 2 The proof of theorem 2 is based on 19 lemmas. The author thanks N.M. Korobov for the leading of the work. There are 5 references , 3 Soviet, 1 English and I Swedish. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra teorii chisel (Chair of Number Theory) SUBMITTED. July 20, 1960 Card 4/4 _-aALT1KQV-,A,1.-(Novcsibjrsk) Tables for calculating, multiple Integrals by the method of optimal coefficients. Zhur.vych.mat.i mat.fiz. 3 no.1s181-186 Ja-F 163. (MM 16:2) (Integrals, Multiple) BURDINA, Vj BRUSENTSEV, F.A.; SALTYKGV, A.I.; K02HUKHINA, S.K.; GRYAZEVA, R.P. Complex of programs for solving the planar problew of ergatal structure analysis. Zhur. strukt. khim. 5 no.6-.936-937 B-D f64. (MM 18:4) .1. Vychislitellnyy tsentr Sibirskogo, otdeleniya. AN SSSR, Novo- sibirsk. SALTYKOV, A.L. Device for the sample drawing of drops of petroleum products suspended in a gas flow. Khim. i tekh. topl. i masel 8 no.12: 46-49 D 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Opy-tnyy zavod Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo instituta. prirodnogo gavaa. SALTYKQY,k,j,,@ SHEVELEV, B.P. Device for determining the mechanical impurities in a closed gas flow. Gaz. delo no.11:19-21 164. (MIRA 18,2) 1. Op-tn7v zavod Vse9oyuznogo nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo instituta prirodnogo gaza. GVOZDEV, B.P.; ZAYTSEV, V.I.; SALTYKOV, A.L. Similarity criterion for the separation of a drop liquid from gas flow in the jalousie separating component. Trudy VNIIGAZ no.21/29:152-162 64. (NIRA 17:9) BROKSHP M.M.; GVOZDh-V, B.P.; ZAYTSEV, V.I.; ESTRINA, A.A.; SALTYKOV, A.L. Investigating a full-scale model ofaspheri'cal scrubber.. a ball-shaped dust collector. Trudy VNIIGAZ no.21/29:172,IZ2 164 (MIRA 17sq; BROKSH, M.M.; YERMOSHINA, M.S.;@@TYKOVI A,',L.; ESTRINA, A.A. Checking the liquid content in gas flow. T--mdy VNIICA-Z no.209:183-195 '64. (MMA 17:9) KOSHELEV., V.A.; SALTYKOV, A.L. Comparative tests of solid suspension samplers. Trudy VNIIGAZ no.21/29:196-201+ 164. (HMA 17.9) SALTYKQV,, A.L.,- SHEVMEV, B.P. Measuring the liquid-drop carry-off by a gas flov uBing a colorimeter. Xhim. i tekh. topl. i masel. 9 no'.590'15@7 5 MY164 (EM 17 -.7 ) 1. Opytnyy zavod Tsesoyuznogo nauchno-ilssledovatel'skogo in- stituta prirodnogo gaza. SkLTYKOV, A.L. Apparatus for sampling --as streams. Zav.lab. 30 no.4:502-503 164. (WRA 17:4) yy zavod Vsesoyuznogo riaiiehno-issledavatellskago institut- 1. Opytn7 pr1rodnogo gaza. L: 2Q6Q_�6 Ewrld)P~~7-(ir)Ayip(c)/EWP(~)ALEWP(t)/EWP(k)/EVIP(I)/E.TC(m)-6 i ACC NR: AP6010057 jD SOURCE CODE: UR/0032 66/039 003 0303/0305 L.'ard AUTHOR: Urallskiy, M. P.; Saltykov, A. P. ORG: none _411 Automa 0y, TITLE: tic immer ectlon.of@tltanium sion method for.ultrasonic insp ingots SOURCE: Zavodskaya laboratoriyd, v. 32, no. 3, 1966, 303-305 TOPIC TAGS: titanium alloy, alloy ingot, ingot inspection, ultrasonic inspection,. nondestructive inspection ABSTRACT, The All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Methods and Media for Nond,@structive Control of Material Quali@y had developed a method and equipment for atitomatic inspection of titanium,:-,alloy ingots. Ingots 3??-500 mm in diameter are inspected with a modified d trasQni ing the immersion pulsed- echo method and operating at a frequency of 1.8-2.5 Mc. 1;e Ingot is rotated during inspection and the search-heads move parallel to the.ingot axis. The motion@.'.%'. of both can be independently controlled within wide limits. The.inspection of an 77. ingot requires from 5 to 14 min depending on the diameter of the ingot. The nev method is more sensitive and influenced much less by the rougbne .ss of tLa ingot surface than the one previously used. No defects were detected in disks forged 1/2 VDC: 620.179.16 SALTYXOV, A.V., inzh. Tire manufacturing equipment and its Improvement. Mekh.trud.rab. 11 no.6:lo-14 is 151. (KIRA 10:11) (Tires, Rubber) (Rubber machinery) SA TKOV, Aleksandr Vasillyevich; GRUMN, B.G., red.;'ZAZULIMATA, red,; SPXRANMTA, A.A., [Fundamentals of the present technology of motor vehicle tires] Osnovy sovremennoi tekhnologii avtomobillnykh shin. Izd.2.0 perer. i dop. Moskva. Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo khim.lit-ry, 1960. 483 p, (MM 13: 10) (Motor vehicles--Tires) SALTYKOV, A. V. Equipment for the manufacture of tires abroad. Biul.tekh.- ekon.inform.Goo.nauch.-leal.inst.nauch. i tekh.inform. no.10: 83-87 162. (MIRA 15:10) .(Tires, Rubber)