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2o-2-29/62 The Hydration of Vinyloyelopropane and 1-Methyl-l-Isohexanyl Cyclopro@ pane in the Presence of Platinum and Palladium the addition of hydrogen to the double bond with retention of the cyclo- propane ring. In the first reaction 0,6 mole, for the second one 0,7 mole of hydrogen are consumed. The present work studied the addition of hydrogen,in the presence of the blacks of both meta2s, to two other hydrocarbons of the cyclopropane series which contain a double bond in the side chain (see title). With palladium black (at +20C) vinylcyclo- propane readily.absorbs 2 hydrogen molecules and forms n-pentane. That means that here the throe-member ring, under addition of hydrogen, is split just as easily &a in the case of isopropenyl cyclopropane.. the double bond of the aide.chain being hydrated in this connection. If the hydration-is. interrupted and only 1 H-molecule is permitted to add, a complex mixture develops, not yet thorouply investigated. At room temp-&rature witAAVlatixium*black or at 100 C with a copper- -chromium catalyst and up to,,130 at. superpressure 1-methyl-isohexanyl, cyclopropane is con@erted t6 1-mthyl-l'-isohexylayclopropane which was hitherto not described in@publieations. In the presence of palla- dium black 1-mthyl-l-i,4ohexanylcyclopropane absorbs about le6 mole 'ard 2/4 of hydrogen and is converted, as far as can be judged from the hydra- 2D-2-29/62 The Hydration of-Vinyleyclopropans and 1-Methyl-I-Isohexanyl Cyclopr@o- pans in the Presence of Platinum and Palladium tion products, to a mixture of 1_mthyl_l_i9ohwwlcy@14io@an* and 2,6- -dimethyloctane, The following explanation is.given for that'. Patt of the added hydrogen @s consumed in the hydration 'of the double the side chain; the rest is-used for the addition to the isomeric by- drocarbon in which the d6uble-bond; under the influence of palladium- black, had shifted into aconjugate position with the cyclopropans ring. 1-methyl-isoheiAnyl6yelopropabs, produced due to isomerizationy with a conjugate position of the double bond in,relati6n to the cyclo@-, propano ring apparently should bohave analogously to via7loyclopropane and lsopropenyloydopropans in:the presence of palladium and hydrogen. Namely it should absorb 2 hydrogen molecules and be converted to 2,6- -dimethy'loctani. In the presence of platinum black the double bond does not shift. Therefore the hydration result is only 1-methyl-l-isohe-Vl- cyclopropanA. At 1800C this latter is converted to 2,2,,6.trimsthylbpp_ tane in the.gas phase and in the presence of piatimm-plated charcoal under addition of hydrogen. Therefore the hydrogenolysis of the 3@aem- ber ring here occurs in the same manner as in the case of other alkyl- cyclopropanes., namely under a splitting of the C-L bond lying opposite Card 3/4 to the substituente Experimental part with the usual data, (3 tables., SALINIKOV, B.A.; GROMOVA,, SALINIKOVA,,'-N9RLCHXVSKU, red.izd-va; N S.- SHTEMPELI, B.M.; AZHGIREVICH, L.F.; L.L.; SiNHSYN, V.M., doktor geolog.-mineral.nauk, D.Ye., red.izd-va,- KUZNETSOV, G.V., ZENDEL't M.Ye., [History of Paleogene coal accumulation in Sakhalin) Istoriia paleogenovogo uglenakopleniia na territorli Sakhalina. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1963. 167 p. 22 plates. (Akademiia nauk SSSR. Laboratoriia geologii uglia. Trudy, no.17). (MIRA 16:2) (Sakhalin-Coal geology) UGUCHEVA, Ye.S.,? SALINIKOVA, L.V. &ynthe@sis and pz cypertles of some compomds containing a group. Zhur. ob. khim. 34 no.7 a2z"5-21,77 "i 764 (MM 17z8) 1. Nau-.,hna--4-saledovatelOak!-y inatitut plastLe3heskikh mass. SAL"NUKOVA, N.F., Cand Tech 6ci -- (diss) "Study of water /9=&1*4v,dth free-falling strearts." V'Os, 1959, 23 PP With draAngs: I sheet of graphs (Min of Hgher Lducation US-ca. Mos Order of Labor lied Banner Engineering Construction Inst 'V.V. Kuybysht,.-v) 130 copies (KL, 20-59, 126) 74 - MARIYASIS, Kh.D.; SAL'IIIKOVA.- II.S. (NOVOIrumetsk) Skin diseases of workers of the woodworking industry. Gig. truda i prof. zab. 7 no.3:53-54 W163 (MIRAI 17:1) 1. Klinika kozhnykh bolezney Gosudarstvennogo instituta dlya Ilsovershenstvovaniya vrachey, Novokuznetsk. SALINIKOVA, R.G., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik 'Specii3cation of t.he method for the black dyeing of sheep,skins with oxidilaing dyes in processing without reloading. Nauch.issl.- trudy NIIMP no.11:10-13 162. (NIRA 16:5) (Fur-Dressing and dyeing) ITE011, N.S.; SkLINIKOVA, T.IM.; FILIEFUT, D.V. System for automzitil: dete--mining the melt-iz-.g poirt and ral-e of crystallization of polymers. Flast. massy no.11:51-52 164 (MIRA 18:1) mutagerx.. u' LEBEDEV-KARMANOV, A. I., kand. tekhn. nauk, otv. red.; SA-LINIKOVA, T.V.,, red.; ROMANOVA, S.F., tekhn. red. (Modern radio transmitting equipment for radio and televizion broadcasting on ultrashort waves] Sovremennoe radloperedaiu- shchee oborudovenle d1la radio i televizionnogo veshchaniia na ul'trakorotkikh volnakh. Moskva, Sviazlizdat, 1963. 200 p. (MIRA 16:9) (Radio--Equipment and supplies) (Television-Equipment and supplies) ,ZOZ, I.N.; MXA1110VA, S.I.; KOLOTENKOV, P.V.1 SALINIKOVA, T.V.; KOZ11ANOVA, N.N.; GRIGOROVA, N.V. Wheat rwatations indticed by chemical mutagens. Dokl. AN S3SR 163 224-226 J1 165. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Institut khimiche-,koy fiziki AN SSSTI. Submitted December 28, 1964. ZOZ, 11.1%; 1-iAMOVA, S.I.; KOLOTEZ.IKOV, P.V.; SALINIKOVA, T."T. ; KOZHAV-OVA, N.1%; GRIGOROVA, N.V. Variation in wheat, induced by chemic&'-' mutagens. in the firs' . generation after treatment. Dokl. AN SSSR 159 no.l.-.915-91*7 D 164 (MIRA 18:1) 1. Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AYSSSR. Predstarleno akademikom N.V. TSitainym. 15-57-1-523D Translation from: Referativn y Zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 1, p 83 (USSRT AUTHOR: Sallnikova, 'V. TITLE: Cementing Properties of Some Natural Hydrous Minerals After Their Desiccation (0 vyazhushchikh svoystlakh nekotorykh prirodnykh vodnykh mineralov posle ikh obezvozhivaniya) ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry on the author15 dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences, presented to the Leningrad Engineeriing-Construction Institute (Leningr. inzh-stroit. in-t), Leningrad, 1956. ASSOCIATION: Leningr. inzh-stroit. in-t (Leningrad Engineering- Construction Institute) Card 1/1 15-57-5-6 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 5, P 123 (USSR) AUTHORS: Bozhenov, P. I., Sallnikova, V. S. TITLE: The Bonding Properties of Some Natural Minerals (0 vyazhushchikh svoystvakh nekotorykh prirodynkh mineralov) PERIODICAL: Sb. nauch. rabot. po khimii I tekhnol. ' silikatov. Moscow, Promstroyizdat, 1956, pp 112-120. ABSTRACT: The bonding properties of certain magnesian silicates suggest a possible solution to the problem of practical use for waste products in the asbestos proruction industry. Asbestos rmgnesian plates show the greatest mechanical bending strength If steamed four days after their production. The strength in this situation varies with the temperature applied. At temperatures from 8000 down to 5000J. a decrease in strength is noted, but at 5000, the strength increases from 17 to 48 Card 1/2 percent. The density of asbestos magnesian plates is 15-57-5-6563 The Bonding Properties of Some Natural Minerals (Cont.) considerably lower than that of asbestos cement plates. It is fully possible that portland cement in asbestos-cement products may be replaced by waste products from the asbestos industry or by rocks which contain a considerable quantity of serpentine and which have been roasted and finely ground. These products will find wide application as structural and insulation material. Card 2/2 V. P. Ye. V. S. nnd P. 1. BOZIfFNO '3AI,'NTKOVA,-- "Utilization of Certain Natural Minerals in the Building Materials Industry" P. 314 app-@- Xne lrw 'VO TTaUV,"ZtiOrA 3f the Yl@ftlA r@@T-@U-CC On 9 @=ta@ 1 1%-; wd Petropmpiv. 1'r-udy Masc,-, -AN 3SW, ropriuf-s off x*, preso-mited 0.1t e@Rlf hold = ikaukxnd.@ mAr 1.456. fAmm puj-puu@e Of U@* cont. %am U, axcbxu,,e 1.iafficrmt4on and the wt.1vitles ill the fleldfi 44 V.,=VrijaeLtul " QFpIxed M-*:*T-a1*"v- W4 %nd to etreua x-hL- of SALINIOVA, -V. SI.; POINVUKHINA, L.P.; BEMINA, G.V. Studying the binding properties of basic open-hearth slags. Nauch.dokI.vys.shkoly; stroi. no.2:18?-192 '59. (MIRA 13.4) 1. Rakomendovana kafedroy stroitel'nyl-.b materialov Leningrad- skogo inzhenorno-stroitel'nogo instituta. (slag) 60 Vitamin C content in potato as affected by Go irradiation. Dokl. AN SSSR 114 no.4::757-759 -To 157. (KM lot-9) 1. Institut biokhimii iment A.N. Pakba Akademii nauk S33R. Prod- stavleno akademikom A.I. Oparinym. (ASCORBIC ACIV) tGAMM BAY,S-,.PHYSIOLOGICAL EMGT) @ SAMS) A. N. "Carrying the Wounded Out of Boiler Rooms on Captial Ships", Mj-litar7@-Medical, Journal, No. 8, p 79, 1955. SALNISP A. N. -- Drainage of the gallbladder (cholecystostomy) in acute cholecystitis. I Khirurgiia 37 no.7:64-67 JI 161. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Iz 2-y khirurgicheskoy kliniki usovershenstyovaniya, vrachey (mch. - prof. generagmayor meditsinskoy sluzbby I. D. Zhitnyuk) Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena Ianina akademii imeni S. M. Kirova. (GALL BLADDER-DISEASES) SALNIS, A.N. _ Surgical intervention for a hemdrrhage;from a pheochromrblastoma of the left adrenal gland. Vest. khir. 94 no.1-117-119 Ja 165, (MIRA 18:7) .@ALINIIS, A.N.; VOYTOVICH, I.N. Urmsual caae of traumatic toxicosis. Ortop., trav:i,. -J protez. 26 no. 10:72-73 0 165. (MIM 18:12) 1. Submitted March 1, 1965. Name: SAINISY K. Yu. Dissertation: The interaction of chlorine dioxide vith chlorine and )Vrpochlorites. The thermodynamics of the decomposition of chlorine dioxide by hydrogen peroxide Degree: Cand Chem Sci Min Higher Education USSR, Leningrad Order oi'ijq@or Red Banner Technological L3st imemi the Leningrad Soviet Place: 1956, Leningrad @te Source: Knizhnaya Letopis', No 47, 1956 Y USSR/Physical Chzm@stry - Thermodynanics, Thermochemistry, Equilibria, Physical-Chemical Analysis., Phase Transitions Abs Jour: Referst. Zhu=Al lchiTe , No 2, 1958, 3754. AuVior I.Ye. Flis, K.Yu. SaInis, K.P. Mishchenko. Inst ---------- Title Thermochemical Study of Interaction of Chlorine and E[ydrogen Peroxides. Orig Pub: Zh. neorgan. khimii, 1957, 2, No 7, 1471-1473- Abstract: The thermal effect of the interaction of C10 a with HA.L. With -the formation of chlorites was measured at 10 to 350. H.'O' dissociates in an alkaline medium ilith the formation of HO; perh*1roxyl ion and-the reaction proceeds according to the mechanism 2ClOx (solution) + H.,O- + OH- -- 2ClO,;. + H.,O (li- quid) + 0.%, (gas) - LogK =' -9884o/T - 16691ogT + 1.zTT + 4099.8 was derived based on experimental data The enthalpy, isobaric potential and entropy changes at this reaction at Card 1/p -6- SALNIS, K.Yu.; MISHCHEKKO, K.P.; FLIS, I.Ye. Thermodynamics of the dissociation of hydrogen peroxide in aqueous solutions. Zhur.neorg.khim. 2 no.9:1985-1989 8 '57. (MIRA 10:12) 1.1jeningradski3r tekhnologicheskiy, institut. (Dissociation) (Hydrogen peroxide) SCV/@:@)-3 -2 -E/ AUTHORS: Flis, i.Ye., '.iishchen@o, K.P., SaInis, K.Yu. TITLE: Study of i.,he Rate of Some Reactions in Aqueous Sol,,:_tic@:s Contuinin_- Chlorine Dioxi,e, Chlorine, and Ily-pochlo.-ouz Acid (Izucheniye skorosti reaktsiy v vodn-l" r@i-'L or kh soderzhus'lichilch 1--.11ilor i kh1crnov@11. i5tuyu klislotu) _0-.ITCAL: Zhurnal t,@ikladroy 1";9, Vol XXYII, 2. p-p 284-291 1":ISSR) B C T Chlorine dioxi-le solutions used in L-he- cellulcse, and textile industri., 3ontain 3ert-ai-n ,;uantiti-_:: cf chlorine, and t'hc prod7actz O@L 'r -.rSiS, @jy- 'o ._y,:Iro- _U chloric @;Lcidl I In 'U'In-23e -.7.ter- -.c'io!i of "10.2 vith FMO and cl-lori-e Liu" be expected. @.O The con:-i-,Iants of the r,3actlion rates ue@wcen c',"10-rine dioxide and chlorine in an aqueous solutioi, rz,e calculated 1-2re. Figures 1 and 2 and 1 siiow that a tem,-ror@-Lure increase Irom 10 - 600C is accomtani-d 11y an increase in t-*-.e reaction rat e . The speed const-,Mit in@:reases apyroxi.:Latel--@r 2; times. C -7d 1/2 The 'ii,,her the concentrntion cf the active _',,lorLe in the SGV8'kD-72-2-P/56 -ution --ate of So!:,.e -eactions in Aqueous So@ C, C;,lorine and ;@ i)oahlorcus Acid LY 3olution, the sharver is t,-.e incre--se in t',,e reaction rate. fir I.Ie interac'lon Of C102 wnd'-4Cl-,D leads to the forn@ation of chlorates and chlorides and to the acidificatic@n @)f t*--.-- solu- -,ormiulae 'L-)r '6.-le kinetics ofthem :7eL--c-ions are derived and -values for ti,.e various cori3tants Eiven. Th-el-e are 3 @-raYhs, 4 t-ab-les. and 23 :-eferences, 5 of w-h-ch ; -re Sovict 4 L .1 E::.@@lish, and 4 German. .;2 1 C. r @-Jenin,T-radshiy tekhmolo.richeskiy inotitut Techno- ITT'l: e rab e r16, 1957 2,`2 LIVSHITS, I.A.; REM, V.N.; RYAZANTSW, K.P.; - SALNIS, K.Yu.; SAMOLETOYA, V.V.; STEPANOVA, V.I.; SH1,11PER, D.I.; Prinimra--=-Fastiye IVANOTA, L.S. Properties of ethylene - ;ropylene copolymers. Irauch. i rez. 19 no. 11:1-5 N 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Voeeovuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellskly institat sintaticheskogo kauchuka im. S.V. Lebedeva. (Ethylene) (Propene) (Rubber, Synthetic) REYKH, V.N.;SALNIS, K. Yu,; SAMOLETOVA, V.V.; IVANOVAg L.S.; 141KHAYIDVA, S.A. Vulcanization of sAylene and propylene copolymers. Kauch.i rez. 20 no.6:1-5 Je 161. (KIRA 10 6) 1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut sinteticheskogo kauchuka im. S. Ve Lebedeva, (Ethylene) (Propene) (Vulcanization) FLIS, I.Ye.1 MISHCEENKO, K.P.; SAMS, K.YU. Study of the equilibrium 010j 4 Cl- f 244-102 + 0.5Cl f H20 at various temperatures. Zhur.prikl.khim. 35 no.3:66719 Mr ,62. (MM 15:4) (Chlorine oxides) (Phase rule and equilibrium) KSHCHENKOY K.P., d,oktor khimicheskikh ba . 0; MS,..@..Ye., kand.khimich. nauk; BYNYAYEVA;.'-M.K., kand.]Odmich.,n@uk; M@YUKQVA., Z.M., Omd.khiiich. nauk- 9ALNIS and.khind* nauk; BLbSffTEYN, I.I., imsh.; DOBRY=,.K.D., inzk.; FISH, S.I., inzh. Technology of the production of chlorine dioxide. Trudy LTITSBP no.8s8l-88 161. 1. (MIRA 16:9) (Chlorine oiides) L 445117-66 EWr(m)/T/EV1P(j) IJP (c) MI/gM ACC NR: AP6015665 (A) SOURCE CODE:' UR/0413/66/000/009/0074/0074 !2g INVENTOR: Livshits, I. A. ; Nerush, K. U. Reykh, V. N. Ryazantsev K P. SaInis, K. Yu. Stepanova, V. 1. Shlifer, D. 1. ORG: none TITLE: Preparation of ethylene- propy'lene rubberP Class 39, No. 181285 SOURCE: Izobreteniya,* promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 9, 1966, 74 TOPIC TAGS: rubber, ethylene propylene rubber, copolymerization AB@TRACT: This Author Certificate introduces a method of preparing ethylene- propylene rubber by copolymerizationlof ethylene with propylene in-an organic 9o1vLM- at a.temperature below 30C in the pre ence of a complex catalyst consisting of orgAnometallic compounds of the groups and s,;a:Its_.6f.mbt.;ils 6f variable -valence of the IV--VIII groups. To extend the variety of organic solvents, chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons such as carbon tetrachchloride, methylene chloride, dechloroethane, or ethyl chloride are suggested. [Translation] LD) SUB CODE: ll/ SUBM DATE: 240ct60/ Card 1/1 dQ20 UDC: 678, 742, 2-134, 23 89595 5/138/60/000/011/001/010 A051/AO29. AUTHORSt Livahits, I.A., Reykh, V.N., Ryazantstv, X Piftisalnis' .--K.,Yu.., Samoletova, V.V., Stepanova, V.I., ih TITLE: The Properties of Copolymers of Ethylengand Propylene PERIODICAL: Kauchuk i rezina, 1960, No. 11, pp.1-5 TEXTt The authors list data on the properties of CWBTT (SKEP), one of the ethylene and propylene copolymers synthesized at the VNI-ISK. it is pointed out that research in the field of polymerization of ethylene hydrocarbons at the VNIISK was begun in 1956. It is stated that the indi cated copolymers can be produced within a wide range of molecular weights. The hardness of the polymers, according to Defoe, is 1,400-5,000 9, characteristic elasticity of their solution is from 2.5 (and lower) to 9.0. The vitrification point of the SKEP copolymer is within the range of -50 to 700C depending on the ratio of the ethylene and propylene. The SKEP copolymers are a dense white hard mass, comparatively easy to process on the rollers. Destruction occurs when they, are processed mechanically on the rollers. The greatest destruction is observed in polymers with a high Card 1/1-0- L AI 89595 S 3Z@6 000/011/001/010 0@ A A 2 M z :-,, v The Properties of Copolymers of Ethylene and Propy ene molecular weight (Table 1). Mixtures based on SKEP copolymer were prepar- ed on laboratory rollers at a temperature of 50-600C. It was found that SKEP copolymers are easily mixed with comparatively large quantities of fillers. Mixtures without softeners are dry, brittlev their surface re- semblingsbagreen leather. During vulcanization they easily form a molio- lithic mass with a smooth, shiny surface. Vulcanization is carried out at 150-1600C. SKEP copolymer-based mixtures are characterized by a large vulcanization plateau (Fig.1). The vulcanizates of non-filled mixtures based on the ethylene and propylene copolymer have a low tear-resistance. When a filler is added, especially gaseous channel carbon black and active furnace carbon black of the XAt (KhAF) type, the tear-resistance increases significantly. Vulcanizates containing one of the indicated S'Vrbon blacks in a quantity of 50 weight parts hardly differ in this index from similar vulcanizates based on natural rubber (Fig.2). The physico-mechanical properties of carbon black vulcanizates based on SKEP copolymers depend on the molecular weight of the latter. A detailed study of the physico- mechanical properties of the SKEP copolymers was conducted for a mixture containing 45 weight parts of KhAF carbon black. Comparisons were made Card 2/'10 89595 3/138/60/000/011/001/010 A051/AO29 The Properties of Copcaymers of Ethylene and Propylene between these properties and those of the C-23 (S-23) rubber,,CWC-30A (SKS-30A) and natural rubber. Gaseous channel carbon black was used as the filler for natural and SKS-30A rubber, which causes optimum stability pro- perties in the indicated rubbers. Vulcanizates of carbon black mixtures based on SKEP copolymer were found to be almost equal to the vulcanizates of similar mixtures based on natural rubber and SKS__30A in their tear- resistance and relative expansion. Higher moduli 'are obtained at 300% expansion in SKEP vulcanizates by the application of a high standard carboiL black (KhAF) instead of channel carbon black. The values of tle vulcani- zate moduli of the SKEP mixtures may be increased or decreased by using various methods of vulcanization. The SKEP vulcanizate mixtures have lower residual elongations than the natural rubber and SKS-30A vulcanizates. They also have a higher elasticity to recoiling at ordinary and high tempera- tures, which is explained by the comparatively low content of side groups in the polymer chains. When elevating the testing temperature to 100 0Op the tear-resistance dropped in the SKEP vulcanizates to a greater degree than im-the natural rubb-3r vulcanizates, although it remained sufficiently Card Vae 89595 S/138/60/000/011/001/010 A051/A029 The Properties of Copolymers of Ethylene and Propylene high. In this index the experimental SKEP copolymers greatly surpass SkS- 30A rubber. Due to the almost complete absence of double bonds in the SKEP copolymer, rubbers based on the latter have a .very high aging resista5oe at 1000C and at 1500C and are better in this respect than natural rubber. 'SKEP polymers are characterized by low hysteretic losses. Z4 this respect- they are almost equal to natural rubber and surpass SKS-30A"1Fubberssigni:-'.: ficantly. Other.valuable properties of the SKEP vulcaniza'tes.were found to be their high resistance to crack expansion in repeated bending deforma..! tions and a high wear-resistance. The latter surpass the natural rubbers greatly in their tear-resistance and come close to the regularly construct- ed divinyl rubbers (Ref,5). Since different types of carbon blacks were used as fillers for SKEP, natural and SKS-30A rubbers, it was assumed that the high wear-resistance of the SKEP vulcanizates was connected with the use of the KhaF carbon blackv which renders a higher wear-resistance. Additional experimental testing revealed that the type of carbon black has little effect on the wear-resistance of the vulcanizatee of carbon black mixtures in the case of vulcanizatee based on natural and SKS-30A rubber Card 4/W 89595 S/138/60/000/011/001/010 A0511AO29 The Properties of Copolymers of Ethylene and Propylene (Table 4). In conclusion the authors point out that the ethylene and propylene (SKEP) copolymers have a series of valuable physioo-mechanical properties and are of great industrial interest. There are 4 tables, 2 graphs, 5 referencess 1 Sovietp 3 English, 1 German. ASSOCIATIONs Vsesoyuznyy nauahno-isslddovatellskiy institut sinteticheak.o- go kauchuka im. S.V. Lebedeva (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Synthetic Rubber im. S.V. Lebedev) Card 5/46 15(2) SOV/72-59-4-12/21 AUTHORS: Savchenko, V. I., Salo, A. Ye. TITLE; ---------------- Enameled Glass Lining-tiles (Steklyannaya emalirovannaya oblitsovochnays, plitka) PERIODICAL: Steklo i keramika, 1959, Nr 4, PP 39 - 41 (USSR) ABST11ACT: These tiles are produced in the Lisichansk Glass Works in dimensions of 150"A 150)K4.5-5.2 mm. Titanium enamel. is furnished in the shape of slip of a specific weight of 1.8 - 1@85 by the Lugansk Enameling Works. Titanium enamels Nr 174 and 130 offered the best results (See table 1). The chemical composition of the enamels is shown in table 1 and that of the coat in table 2. For the coloring of the enamels clay and sodium nitrate were added into the ball nLill in which the enamel glass is ground (Table 3). Glass waste matter is used for the production of enameled tiles. The enamel is applied to the tiles by means of the KP-Eh-10 pulverizer. The burning takes place in an electric tunnel* furnace of a length of 39.9 m which is divided into 4 zones (see figure). The production of these tiles was Card 1/2 inbroduced also in the "Proletariy" Works.* The establishment Enameled Glass Lining-tiles SO'1/72-59-4-12/21 of such a department in glass works does not require great capital investments and makes it possible to utilize the glass waste matter. There are I figure and 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: Lisichanskiy stekoltnyy zavod (Lisichansk Glass Works) Luganskiy emalirovochnyy zavod irneni Artoina. (Lusansk Enamel Works imeni Artem) Card 2/2 In _7 la. z - - -- ------ FIX @dysb of s*Ud b4mr. susitmin bnod vpm I be tween index of ro - smA co4cautrattas. 1. D. P. and L V. Ki@ '4 -At suffi, A Dda 2, tr 2 nent' -art COU MCI, + K, C, the folloydog lomula; L g'i: s" Wvi-wre Ki and K, "vresL-nt the n inemses wittz eact! i spondiag co,1, -ii of the cumcn, _@ and Cs- E he cmTes compooesits; At 50' the refatf=hi- between n and A 20--25% is Mear and F. peemes a const. IF W4,14. pis 0 ylbe@ atwYS4 b carried out b a k1a. of the H&t. of a 4. N4nlte comen - C, so that C Y?774- C@ (2). With the --tid nf rj- Knafiow (1) and (2) one dets. C, and C.. The atilt. 3f trtch thea caled. fivm the formulwi: & !M)TC a= Cm - (A X C,)IC, where A Ow km@ :takeu for mttalvsis, The atialyses @ete a&iirv' )ut a@: Abb,@ rrtraelquip-er ot preferably ith otm-r t ::,!er totm 9dractameter, Parich's type, impro-ied A b_c SAW,.D.P.; KRASOVSKIT, I.V. Refractometric ana3ysis of solid binary medicinal compounds based upon lineal relation of refraction index to concentration. Apt. delo 3 no.5:14-18 S-0 154. (MIRA 7:12) 1. 12 kafedry fiziche skoy khimii Khar1kovskogo farmatsevticheekoho institute, Ministerstva zdravookhranenlya USSR. (CHIMIa" ANALYSIS, .irefractonstric analysis of hard binary drug mixtures based on relatioi of refraction to concentrattofi) C. SALO, D.F. Refractometric analysis of two-componeat solid mixture@. Xecl.prom. 11 no.11:44-47 N 157. (KIRA 11:1) 1. Mharlkovskly farmtoavticheskiy inatitut (DMB-ADUIZIRATION AND ANALYSIS) (RIMCIONETRY) SALO, D.P., Cand Phqrm Sci @@'Rerractometric anq sis of bi- and Lri- A component medicinal systems." Tbilisi, 1958. 13 pp (Tbilisi State Med Inst), 200 copies. (KL, 10-58, 122) S/08 61/000/022/005/076 B1 02XB1 08 AUTHORS: Krasovslkiy, I. V., Chizhikova, G. P., Salo, D. P.,Solonlko, V. M. TITLE: Study of the departure from additivity of some physical properties of binary solutions of non-electrolytes and analysis of these solutions with respect to refractive index and density PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 22, 1961, 43, abstract 22B298 (Farnatsevtichniy zh., no. 6, 1960, 10-18) TEXT: The departure from additivity of various physical properties of binary solutions of non-electrolytes is characterized by a here defined "additivity coefficient" y. Its dependence on the concentration of the solutions is studied. I was found to remain almost constant throughout the concentration range studied only with respect to refractive index and density. [Abstracter's note; Complete translation. Card 1/1 PIVNENKO, G.F.j CHEMIOV9 N.Yep.;---5_AIqv _D.P. Efficient technological processes in preparing drugs used in the form of drops. Apt. delo 10 no. 1:34-37 Ja-F 161. (MIRA 14:2) (DRUG INDUSTRY) PIVNENKOj G.@. [Fivnenkop H.P.]; CHMNOV9 M,Yu,; SALOp D.F4. Use of bentonites as d integiating materials in tableto. Farmatsev, zhur. 16 no. 2:31-33 It (ICU .14:4) 1. Kafedra tekhnologii likars'kikh form i galenovikh preparativ Kharkivs1kogo farmatsevtychnogo institutu. *(TABLETS (MEDICINE)) (BENTONITE) SALO, D.P,; PIVNENKOI G.P. [Piv-nenko, H.P.]; KRASOVSKIY, I.V. Krasovslkyi, I.V.]; NIKOLENKO, V.F. Preparing mixtures by the weight-voluminal method. Farmatsev. zhur. 16 no.4:20-23 161. (MIERA 17:6) 1. Kafedra tekhnologii lekarstv i galenovykh preparatov KharIkovskogo farmatsevticheskogo instituta. SALO, D.P.; TOPORMA, 004.; KAMTAUKH, O.M.; EUVIENCHU11C, P.Ye. [1[ryvenchuk, P.IE.] --:---PAVLE1fKO4 L.S. Alkylolamines and their possible use In pharmacy. Report No.l. Farmatsev zhur. 16 no.5:16-20 161. WIRA 17: 10) 1. KB;Cedra tekhnologii lekarst I galenovykh preparatov Kharlkovskoko farmarsevticheskogo instituta (zaveduyushchiy kafedroy dotsent, G.P. Pivnenko [Pivnenko, H.P.J). AT.0- D-P-; KHAYLENKOI G.I. [Mykhailenkoq H.I.I@ KRIVEEENCHIJK, P.Ye. (Kryvenchuk, P.M.]; TOPORINA, O.M. (Toporynal 0.1-1.1; Prinimali uchastiye: SHABEWNIK, V., student; OLITICH, Ye. [Olenych, E.I. student; SUDGALITM,, D. (Sudhalfter.. D.1, student Alkyloamidos and the possibility of using them in pharmacy. Report No.2; Study of the emulsifying properties of the monoalkyloamides of fatty acids for the.purpoee of using them in pharmacy. Farmatsev. zhur. 16 no.6:19-22 161. (MIRA 15;5) 1. Kafedra tekhnologii sekarstvennykh form i galenovykh preparatov KharlkaV5kogo farmatsevticheakogo instituta, zav. kafedroy dotsent G.P.Pivnenko [Pivnenko., H.P.J. (AMIDES) SALO, D.P. Using native bentonits in the preparation of hydrophilic ointment bases. Farmatsev. z-h-ur. 18 no.405-61 163. (HIRA 1?@?) 1. Kafedra tekhnologii lekarstv i galenovykh pre-paratoy Kharlkovnkogo farmateevticheskogo institata, (zav. kafedmy dotsent G.F. Pivnenko [Fivnenko, H.P.1j). SALOY D.P.; OVCHARENKO, F.D.; KULISH, A.A.' (Kitlishp H.A.] Palygorskite as an adhesive and disintegrating agent in tablets and granules. Report No. 1: Palygorskite as an adhesive and disintegrating agent in drug tablets. Farmatsev. zhur. 20 no.5: 9-13 165. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Kafedra, tekhnologii lekarstv i galenovykh preparatev KharIkovskogo farmatsevticheskogo instituta i Institut obshchey 4 ----- 1,U4-44 AM TTI-COU C,.V-4+4--A '31 1 of,/ SALO, D.P.; PANASEVICH, A.A. [Panasevych, 0.0.1; SLYNIKO, N.D. Y an Halloysite as an adhesive and loosening agent in the griulati and tableting oil medicinal substances. Farmatsev.zhur.-20.nd.6i 165. (MIRA 19tl)::Iii-4;.", 1. Kharikovskiy farmatsevticheskiy institut i Institut obshche5r,:,..- i neorganicheskoy kbimii AN UkrSSR. Submitted FebrA@ 230 1965;- BORISOV, P.A., doktor geologo-mineralog.nauk, nauchnvy red.;_SALO, I.V., red.; SHCHENRL971, A.V., red.; SHEVCHENKO, L.V., (Mineral resources in the Karelian A.S.S.R. and their development] Minerallnys resursy Karelskoi ASSR i puti ikh promy'shlennogo oavoeniia. Petrozavodsk, Gos.izd-vo Karel'skoi AssR. 196o. 50 P. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Karellskiy filial, Petrozavodsk. (Karelia-Kines and mineral resources) A I SKOHOPANOV, S.G., red.; DADYKIN, V.P., doktor biol. nauk, red.; LEBEDEVA, N.V., kand. bil. nauk, red.; RAYEVSKAYA, V.S., red.; SAID-,J-Y--,-red. ; SHCHEMELEVA, A.V.,, red. ; GREYVER I I. K. tekhn. red. (Improvement of farm and forest lands in northwestern U.S.S.R.] Melloratsiia sellakokhoziaistve'nmykh i lesnykh ugodii Severo- Zapada SSSR; materialy konferentaii. Potrozavodsk, Goo. izd-vo Karellskoi ASSH, 1962. 253 pe (MIRA 15.-6) 1. Nauchno-tekhnicheakaya konferentsiya po voprosam osusheniya i osvoyeniya bolot i zabolochenrqkh zemell Karelii, Petrozavodsk. 1961. 2. Chl-karrespondent Akademii nauk Belorusskoy M X*Hini- aterstvo-sellskogo khozyaystva Belorusakay SSR (for Skoropanav).' (Russia) Northwestern-Soils) --E ACCESSIO :NR-,t ARV14396 UR/0658/65/006/004/DO32/DO32 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 4D240 AUTHOR- S Q TITLE: Kinetics of the formation of F-centers in alkali halide Matara'as a,.,':'- on function of their chemical compositi CITED SOURCE: Sb. Spektroskopiya. K...Nauka,.1964, 180-181 TOPIC TAGS.- sodium chloride, potassium chloride- potassium bromidi,'color center crystal, crystal, alkali.halide-, M-NSLATION; The density of F-centers,is studied in NaCl, KC1 and KBr crystals @The F-centers have a maximum den colored by x-rays at room temperature. sity in NaCl and a minimum in KBr for identical excitation doses.and Identical energy ab- sorption. it is concluded that a greater number of F-centers is createdAn crystals with a,higher lattice energy under given conditions.- R. Maks imova SUB CODE: SS, ENCLI -00: Cc -d 1/1 SALO, V,D,3 Cand Tech Sci - (diss) "Selectio and stud of the (-UkL0'0*- WI) electric drive of a field grai-n-clea-7r3Eg-N(s-ingle-phase Kiev, lg'>g, 1b pp Ath chawings (Yan of Agr UkSSR. Ukra3'xa'an Acad of Agr Sci) 150 co ies (KL, 36-59, 110 53 Country : USSR CateSory: Cultivated Plants. Medicinal. Zssential Oil BearinS. Toxins. Abs Jour: RZhBiol., No 22, 1958, No 100503 4uthor : Inst : Iloacow Pharmaceutical In8t. Title : Materials on Pharmacognostic Study of Vegetable Sources of Colchicine. OriS -"ub: Sb. nauchn. rabot. Mosk. farmatsevt. In-t, 1957, 1, 221-227 Abstract: A historical summary on the discovery and ap- plication of colchicine in medicine is cited. Dynamics of the accumulation of colchicine in the "splendid" colchicum. (I; Colchicum specio- sum Stev.) was studied, and observations were Card 1/3 M-201 M SALO T, M. Chromatographic separation on paper of colchicine and colchamine. Ned.prom. 14 noo'4:39 Ar 160. (MML 13:6) 1. VeenoyuzM7 nauchno-insledovatellskly institut lakaretvennykh i aromaticheskikh rasteMy. (CMCHrGnM) (GHROVATOGRLMIC ANALTSIS) SALOO V.M. More attention to the problems of drug stability. Apt. del* 14 no.10-10 Ta-F 163* (KrRA 18ilO) 1. TSentrallnyy aptachrff n&uchzo-issledovateltskiy institutp Mosky,a, SALO, V. M., Candjharm So Pala for the pharmacological VA study of plant sources Len, 1961, (Min of Health RSFSR. Len Chem-Pharm..Inst) (KL, 8-61, 267) Dynamics of coicl-12ine actunwiation Iu @ c-l-zhic-am spazlosum Stev. and laetum Stev. ir, thFir cultivation in the Mos-zow region. Apt. delo 12 no.2:40-43 Mr-Ap 163. (MIRA 17--7) 1. TSeatrailnyy aptechnyy nauehno-tsaled%@vatellak4y instLtut, Moskva. A SALO V. M. Anatmical study of Colchicum speciosum Stev. Aptl delo 28-32 Jl-Ag 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Farmatsevticheskiy fakulltet I Moskovskogo, ordena Lenina meditsin- skogo instituta. (14EADOW SAFFRO14) (BOTANY.,- MEDICAL) UZDENNIKOV, A.; IVANOVA, V.M.- SALO V.M.- ANANIYEVA, A. Abstracts. Apt.delo 12 no.3:;B,%-85 Kp-Je 162. (MM 16:1) (PHARMACY) m4mmmwmfflm@ 1 SAW, Ya. V.; KATAYMY, S.F. (Khabarov-sk) Orthodontic treatment as a preliminary stage in dental prosthesis. Stomatologiia 38 no.2:47-50 Ap 159. WIRA 12:7) (ORTHODONTTA) (DENTAL PROSTHESIS) SA10, Z.T. Interrelation of respiratory and cardiac function in lower crustaceans. Nauch. dokl. vys. shkoly; biol. nauki no.1:48-50 16o. (MDU 13:2) l.Rekomendovana. kafedro7 gidrobiologii i ikhtiologii Khar1kovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. A.M. Gor,kogo. (WATIR YLVAS) (KURT) (RESPIRATION) SALOGUB,v L. "Problem of standardizing turbines for heating purposes." P. 318. (Energetika.. Vol. no. 9, Sept. 1953. Praha.) SO: Monthly List of East EuroDean Accessions Vol. 3, no. 6, Library of Congress., June 1954. Uncl. 351'i. i'mr, A. T--- 1T%'T c!:. A --thl-I -,d KAUXR, Fedor Hikhaylovich; SAT IDDINOV, 0., red.; GORIKOVATA, Z., tekhn. red, [Gotton plant] Gaza. Toshkent. [In Uzbek.] Vol.l. [Origin and classi- fication of cotton plants] Gmzaning k9lib chikishl va sistemtikELel. 1957. 382 P. (MIR& 11:8). 1. Akademlya nauk Usbekskoy SSR, Tashkent, InstitTLt eel ski%v khozyaystva. (cotton) SALOM, Suica, prof. inz. (Beograd, Proleterskih brigada 6a) Long-term aspects of the development of atomic energy,, Tehnika Jug 18 no. 8: Supplement: Elektrotehnika 12 no. 8: 1505-1508 Ag 163. 1. Elektrotehnicki fakultet ?-U Sarajevu. SALOM, Suica., inz., prof. (Beograd, Proleterskih brigada 6a) Development of nuclear power based on natural uranium, Tehnika Jug 18 no.9:Suppl.:ElektrotehnJka 12 no.9:1701-1704 S 163. 1. Elektrotehnicki fakultet u Sarajevu. SALOMAA, Irkki 'Mird International Conference of Building, Wood worki" and. %ilding mterials workers. Vssm. prof. dvigh- no-12-*37-39 D '5 9. (KIRA 13--1) 1'Gonerallnyy sekretar' Kezh&unarodnogo ablyedinentya profsoyusov t;@dyashqhikhsya stroitellnoy lesoobrabatyvayushchey prorqohleuno'sti i pronWahlennosti stroitellnykh materialov. (Trade nnions-Congresses) L"M -AM SALOMAGIN, N.I.; ARISKIN, AN. Concerning the use of the D342 phase meter. Prom. energ. 16 no.12:30 D 161. (MIRA 14:12) (Electric measurements) (Electric power--heasuremEnt) SAFUNGV., Petr Yegorovich, zvenlyevoy, Geroy Sotsialisticheskogo Truda. Prinimali uchastiye: FEDIN, M.A.; SALOMAKEIN., I.I.; SAFRONGVj p -l----- @'- "f' V.V.; SHEMMITSEV I.T. CHZLYSiffdjf,`Yu.G., r V.I., red.; SOKOLOVA, N.N., [S:Ucty-two centners of corn per hectare] 62 tsentnera zerna kukuruzy s gektara. Moskva, Izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ryp zburnalov i plakatov, 1962. 77 p. (MIlu 15:4) 1. Kolkhoz "Krasnoye muuMra" Dmitrovskogo rayona, Orlovskoy oblasti (for Saptmov). (Dmitrov District-Cox (Maize)) Al, T;-, 4 L I MEDVEDSKIY, N.I.- SALCMASOV 8 S VOLYNSKII, R.S., inzh., retsenzent; re . izd-va; VORONETSKAYA, L.V., tekhn. red. [Erection of outdoor power lines and distribution netwoeks] Prokladka naruzhrjykh elektrosetei i linii. Leningrad, Gos. izd-vo Idt-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit. materialam, 1961. 185 P. (MIRA 15:3) (Electric lines--Overhead) (Electric lines-Underground) MALKINA, Kh.Eo; KRASOTINA, A.N.; Prinimall uchastiye: ZUBKGVA, I.A.; RYZHKOVA, K.A.; SALOMASOVA, A.M. Compounding formula., manufacture., and uses of carbon black-free lubricants for vulcanization molds. Kauch.i rez. 20 no.7:30-33 il 161. (MIU 14:6) 1. Naucbno-iseledovatellskiy institut shinnoy promphlennosti. (Vulcanization-Equipment and supplies) (Inbrication and lubripante) SALOMATIN, A.0. Propagation of the wild ass in the Eadkhyz Preserve. Izv. AN Turk. SSR. no.1:130-132 '59. (MIRA 12:5) l.Badkhyzekiy goozapovednik. (Badkhyx Preserve-Asses and imles) SALOMATIN.,.-P.P.- In communication line construction districts Avtom., telem. i sviazi 7 no.6:16-17 Je 163. WRA 17:3) 1. Upravlyayushchiy Voesoyuznym stroitellnym trestom Glavmontazhstroya Ministerstva transportnogo stroitellstva KOZLOVA, O.P doktor ekm..nauk, prof.; BRODSKIY,.G.; DUDORIN, V.; MITRI, S.; NIKONOVA, L.;.SALOMATIN, N ; BUDARINA, V., red.; KIRMOVA, I., mlad. rA.; UL AEOVA, L:, tekhn. red. [Use of electronic computers in production control) Primene- nie elektronno-vychiplitelinykh mashin v upravlenii proiz- vodstvom. [By] O.Kozlova 1. dr. Moskva, Izd-vo "Myell, 1964. 508 P. (MIRA 17:4) I L 2922-6 ENT(d)/EWP(c)/-rgF(v)/T/EiNP(k)/~WP(h)/EiVP(l) IJP(c) BB/GG/JXTI C23 AV4049670 BOOK EEPLOITAT1011 URI - lo, -A, I - 'A"L '111 6P2 5 P76 04-1 Koslova, 0.; Brodskly Q.; mudorin, V. link. J Mikonows L.,Itseloostin, m. qq ipplicstion of electronic camnaterm to pr0duct1on_q2nWA4Pri=nsniy* elektronno- wychislitaltnykh mashin v upravlanii Frolziodetwom) mdecow, rzdwo swein, 1964 500 p. Illue., fold-in diagre. 7M copies printed. Under the editorship of's Professor 0. V. Koslow&, Doctor of Economic Sclanceal Editors T. lmdarinal Junior editors L. Ulanowal Proorreaderes L. Chiginat Tu. Starikova, 0. mellnlm kovs, S. Novitskays TOM TAGGs -automation, electronic computer, productlon control FUHPWZ AND CGMU(Zt This book Is expected to be of definitive assistance to industrial personnel. The book was based on research perfoi In the lauchno- is sled awatel I s1myn laboratorJya ekonmlklt I organIzatell pralwadstva Mosgorsow- narkhosa at the Mookowskly inshenerno-ekonamichookly Inst1tat Amal $orge Ord- shanikidso. All the work has bbon subjected to experlimmatal Intradmatim In" practice at novena Swam antmWises. Card 2/2 @L 2922-66 AM404*70 TABLE OF CONTENT& Frm the authors 2 Ch. I. PrincIplev or production control with the.aid of electronic comptors "3 Ch. IL . Technic&I-economic planning.with the applipation of electronic compu"re Ch. 111. Application of electronic compaters In operational 56., production planning of aeries product4m 109 Ch. IV. Operations ith the application of electronic' 0016- puters Jn unit and In small-eeries production - - 194 . I' Ch. V. Application of electronic computers 1n lntraplant_j@nt @i -,778 Ch. vi. Information concerning the operation of anteliprises with the old of electronic computers 419 Ch. V11. Qteations of the sconowito foasibilitr of applying e29otr*n@QQqftt*M In productlon control --4,93 SUB COM 3 WMr=t 3J&064 U MW save QDT card 2/2 PARWONOV, F.I.; SALOMATIN., -1 N.A.,, inzh., retsenzentj GOROBTSOV, V. M. I @re -.- (MathematicnI methods for calculating the production flow o' multiple nomenclature) Matematicheskie metody rascheta mnogonamenklaturnykh potokov. Moskva., Ma- shinostroenie, 1964. 263 P. (MIRA l8t2) SAIMTINO Pvt.;- TERMO.Vo Ye. V. Mkh*.~-:.Sil!.4Aq!NU--_4,JIG~-9L9--,W S 157. (KM 1099) 1. Voroahilovgradalka derzhavna, sillskogospodaro'ka, doolidna stantaiya. (Agricultural machinery) (Fertilixers and manures) SAIOMATIH, S. . - Sowing in winter. Izobr. i rate, no.9:15 S -159. (MIRA 13:1) (Sowing) SAWMATIN, S.A. E@rdraulic remote control of the D-138 @dxer. Avt.dor. 21 no.10:31-32 0 158. (MIRA 11:11) (Mixing machinery) (Remote control) 30) SOY/6-59-7-5/25 AUTHORS: Polezhayev, V. I., Sazonov, V. A., Salomatin, S. A. TITLE; On the Personnel of the North-Caucasus Aerogeodetic Service (0 lyudyakh Severo-Kavkazakogo aerogeodezicheskogo predpriyatiya) PERIODICAL: Geodeziya i kartografiya, 1959, Ur 7, PP 21 - 24 (USSR) ABST.-RACT': The enter-,.)rise mentioned in the title was established in January 1945. It disposes of a photo.graphic laboratory, a photogrammet- ric and a stcreotopographic workshop, as well as of highly qualified cooperators. A survey of the meritorious cooperators is given here. Aleksey Ivanovich Kayukov, Chief Technician, has built signals since 1925. One of the most highly qualified engineers is the Land Surveyor Pavel Ivanovich Kolin'ko -who has Worked since 1930.Aleksey,,fev.-enlyevich Garbarev has worked in the field since 1931. Aleksandr Nikolayevich Illin, Topo- grapher, started his activity in 1924, and is at present Chief Engineer Ins.3ector in the department for technical control. Ivan Tikhonovich Velikanov, Topographer, has been working 25 years in the field. Vladimir Georgiyevich Tkachev has worked as a Topographer since 1931- Yev-eniy Nikolayevich Vasyutk-in Card 1/3 has been working 25 years, including some years in the Taiga 0 0 On tile Personnel of the 21orth-Caucasus Aerogeodetic SC)V/6-59-7-5/25 Service of the Soviet Far East. His work is described in the book '3y G. A. Fedoseyev. The lcaders of the largest parties of the deoartL;ent are Yu. 11. Bochkov and Lt. I. Kalganov. Among the young cooperators, the following are mentioned: :Aar-arita De-qentlyevna Dubrova has worked for 5 years and is the best To2o-rapher of the enterprise. She co@,pleted her studies at ta the Lenizi-radskiy topograficheskiy tekhnikum (Leningrad To-po- .-r-a phical T-Lant ). The pupils of tie Tbilieskiy topografi- cheskiy tekhnikum (Tbilisi TopoagraDhicai Plant the Uler I abers of the Komsomol Genrikh Gri-orlyevich Ozhemov and Valentina Grigorlyevna Ozhegova have become the best cooperators within 5 years. At present, they are studying at a university. Yev-eni.7 Andreyevich Pavlyukov, Topographer, attended the, course of tooo-raphers in 1954. Engineer Petr Nikolayevich C' @ 0 Pronchenko attended.te @MIIW-K in 1956, conducted a party since 1958, and is at present Chief Engineer of the topographical deDart,aent. Valeriy Mikhaylovich Izvekov attended the Llvovskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (LIvov Polytechnical Plant ) amd has been a party leader since 1959. Kikhail Petrovich Galkin Card 2/3 attended the Kiyevskiy topo-raficheskiy tekhnikuia (Kiyev Topo- U On the Personnel of the North-Caucasus Aerogeodetic SOV/6-59-7-5/25 Service graphical School)0 Mariya Selivanovna Abramova, Topographer, attended the sarne s@:hool in 1956. V. M. Filippova, G. A. Yurkova, V. S. Mellnikova, K. F. Ovsyannikova, and T. B. Mal- akhova have worked for over 10 years as draftswomen in the final compilzation of topographic maps. More than 120 topographer- technicians, draftsmen and other cooperators are studying at the correspondence secondary schools and universities, such as: Yu. M. Nikitin, Chief-Topographer, L. N. Hikitina, Map Editor, V. M. Sapatova, Technician, Yu. N. Vostrikov, Technician. The following persons have already completed their studies: Comrade A. G. Kariy, P. F. Dobritsa, L. Ye. Mlikhaylov, 1. 1. Belyakov, V. K. Shevchenko, Ye. I. Demeshko, B. G. Telezhkin attended the Kiyevskiy topograficheskiy tekhnikum (Kiyev Topographical . School). G. A. Chernova, Chief-Technician, attended the Lenin- gradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Leningrad State University) Card 3/3 SALORATIN Asphalt-concrete mixers with hydraulic drive. Avt.dor. 23 no-3: 29 Mr 16o. (MIRA 13:6) (Mixing machinery-Hydraulic driving) SADIMM, Ye.M. Reactions for the detection of phenothiazine, aminazine, diprazine, mepazine, and imizine. Apt. delo 14 no. 4t 44-53 il-Ag 165 (MIRA 19:1) 1. fTauchro-issledovatellskiy institut sudebnoy meditsiny Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR, 14oskva. Submitted November 20, 1964. 14 96 0 AJ,4 r/ v A, i!@ KOKA. P.A.; SALOK&TIMA, G.As Spectrographic determination of admixtures in dolomite and dinas. Izv. AN SSSR Ser.fiz.18 no.2:294 Kr-Ap 154. (MLRA 7:11) I Institut ogneuporov i stroymaterialov Akademii nauk Yaz.SSR. (Ablomite--Spectra) (Silica--Spectra) :. USSR/ Minerals ,card 2./1 Authors Title IPeriodical :Abstract Institution Submitted USSR/optics Opticai Methods of Analysis. Instruments. K-7 Abs Jour Referat Zkxur - Fizika, No 5, 1957, 1.3087 Author Koka, P.A., Salomatins, G.A. Inst Institute of Refractories and Structural Materials, Academy of Sciences, Kazakhistan, SSR Title : Spectrographic Determination of Impurities in Dolomite and Dinas. Orig Pub : Zavod. laboratoriya, 1955, 21, No 9, lo6l-lo66 Abstract : The contents of CiO2 A1203 I Fetoty It"tot, and TiO2in dolo- mite was determined. In the case of dinas, there was de- termined along with the above substances, also the contents of Fe203, CaO, MgO, and copper, if the dinas was used in the lining of a copper-refining furnace of the reflectIng Card 1/2 ABATUROV, P.V.; GROZNOV, S.R.; GANETSKIY, I.D.; KOZYREVA, Ye.A.; NOVITSKAYA, L.A.; ODINTSOV, A.I.;PROTOPOPOV, S.I.; SIDOROV, V.A.; SIDOROVA, L.I.; TROFMVA, V.I.; TRUSHINA, I.V.; SHTEYMAN, R.A.; DUNTSOVA, K.G., red.; KAZENOVA, A.R., red.; MAPISHAK, M.S., prof., red.; MOLCHANOVA, O.P., prof., red.; SALOMATINA, K.Z., red.; KAGANOVA, A.A., redl; MEDRISH, D.M., tekhn. red. [Dietetic cookery in eating establishments)Dieticheskoe pitanie v stolovykh; sbornik retseptur i tekhnologiia prigotovleniia bliud. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo torg.lit-ry, 1962. 262 p. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.)Ministerstvo torgovli. (GOOKBWPM fflftl@) SOMDUMV, Ii. -f., Prof. and ai6RATVA, N. G., Asst. Novocherkassk Zooveterinary Institute named aft First Cavalry Army "Treatment o' atony of rumens of cattle with ultra-violet rays." M: Veterinari la, 27 (0 , 195o, P. 4o Sun. 53, 19 Mar 1952, info 1950., gives "of the First Cavalr7 A=711 p 37 0, 0 40 0, 0 0 SAWMETA, Yu. F. "Research on Cement for Precast Reinforced Concrete Parts Produced by StcaraLng.V Cand Tech Sci, Technical Ad-,-Lin-'Istration, All-Union Sci Res Inst of Glass, DIin Construction *.-faterials Industry USSR, Hoscow, 1955. (IM, NoAj, 'Mar 55) So: S-Lu. No 670, 2@` Sept 55 - Survej of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR 11ir@ier Educational institutions (15)