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C~ 711 12/ Ifinth International Conference (Comt.) SOV/5982 S;~~tif f L. I. Nucleon Structux-e aad E1z-ct1,=agaetia '.rnduc+.,i an .9 Dis Cus S on 318 Sbeinlerger, J. of Strange Part;-Jt-les 523 Dimmssion 33 Alvaz-a z L. V. Intara&.icm Between Stimage PsrUeleee Dls~.-ussioa Interas-atiou Between Strwze Pax-titles Discussion 429 Dalitz, R. H. Hyperfragments and Interaction Between.Hyperms and Nucleons 435 Cal,11- V8 Xj CVA~ -V KIIAMOL F-N r--,.. L. I ~tllii-rv- a* TM-F i P- Pr-r-rtl-4 of Diff.-t Clint-I F- of Li-terl. A~U;or Dumm%ry. PERMOICALt Zhurnal mikrablologli. 9914"tologil I 1cmunoblolc4il, 1960. Hr 3. pp 128 (U33n) Ammer, 7b* author. sed* a study of vartm 9 straIns of W1. dy,-t,,I.. loolat" from p4tlpnts with dIfforent clinical forms or dy ... Ury' ~h-ki.g the ability to aaus. k-tcton- junettvItto in guinea pig., It. vimlence for mice and Its sensitivity th. strina, to -Ilbl,tlc.. t. ..... tial dIffe- were found betwoen . which bears cut the great part played ty the state of the ma roorgan, C. r! 112 In determining the nature of the clinical vi6rje in dysentery. -AximiArtom, 1-titut apld~wtolcgl I tm1krootologil Icent Groselel. AM &M opid-Iologich.Aya tantty. (ff?r; Dlitrl-it 3anLW7 3UFPrrrED, December 24, 1958 card 212 _9 ; 11 12 Ij M )3 10 1 11 M - A _ _ D PSOCISIRS A~O POPPINTItS 1.011 R L M A V9K 7:. Diffusim of Wet frow Spherical Dedies Cooled In a Gmaular Madhans, (In Ruselan.) 0. A. Taykhanov and r of Scienc- of Academ : D lleti d B G " 04~ '3 n re. u . . aman i -Section of Technical Sciences. Aug. of the USS'R.', 1947, p. 977-986. i *0 a! on Given results oCan experimental investigat d l d 0. ca- ta using steel balls. semi-coke, an wtre r rove the empirical aw f cooling. to hl it or c e, p Derives a formula to cover the heating of a charge root 00 a from a spherical source, in which the granular 44 0 medium is considered as a continuum with an assumed coefficient of heat conductivity. :;o 0 -*o I 300 Zoo ITALLURGICAL LITERATU4 LA!%I TION lie* z- .10.0 Woo lip- - 00 9'a a 30 tv Ir IV OP it III it it 9 ItU "go 71 Nr&AM L I V MW 0 )A 0 0 Wo 0 0 6.0004 0Zo~ 0 a 000 0 0 * a 0 . 0 0-04 0 CO 0 0 00 0 0"o 0 9,41 0 6~110 AAAA 0 0.; 0 wao, 0 * 0 0 0 - - w 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Z 7 Z 7 ~14 is 39 A I C.- 41 POOMS11 AND VIOPIRT19% 10011 ~o 0 00 '00 81~1 of d1a: a# MW XwsUms" DmrWg Mabg Id Two r"Bly NOW116b at 0 it '! bt DWnmK iv, Ru=1 - A. Taukhanova arod G. 0. Salam n. r Bulletin of the Aeadenty of Sci- 0 0 ences oflAi R.. Section of rechnieW Sciences, ZO SepL 1947. p. 1 -12M 2goses a new method for determination of the we Formulas are derived and results of eat- =00 culation are compared with data obtained by use of a spedal.test apparatus, which is.described. 406 zo 0 ei: 1 T too &t..SLA ETALLUPMK&L UYVINATIJOE CLASSIFICATION soft, Q.V t%_j U Ss AV, 10 isl It N ad a K a I Is IM 5 a 4 3 6 1 to at Is it x dad. o00 00 0 00.0 *1 A 00 0 of* 0 0 0, 10 16 .0, , 0: 9 go* 0 0 e *'0 o1:.: : : : 0 0.0 ~'o .6.L;,MOR SALAMANDRA G.D. and NABOKO I.M. PA - 2553 TITLE -~f Fuel Dis-cersion by means of capture on the Soot Covered Plate. (Ulavlivaniye na plastinku, pokrytuyu sloyem sazhi, kak met od cpredeleriya krilpnosti raspylivaniya topliva.- Russian.) - PERIODICAL Zhurnal Tekhn. Fiz. 1957, Vol 27, Nr 3, pp 614 618 (U.S.S.R.) Received: 4/1957 Reviewed: 5/1957 ABSTRACT Since the process of the formation of traces was not with by other authors who studied the method of capture the authors thoroughly investigated a with domain of layer thicknesses of soot. In order to come as close as possible to reality, they were carried out with very small~particles. Their size was 0,3 - 0,8 mm. The arrangement and the:carrying out of the experiment are decribed. The photographs were taken: witli-4~&rligh-speTd camera and a cine-camera. Measuring errors were less than - 4,w The experiments with the thin soot layers (smaller than the diameter of the drop) showed that the . L traces of the drops,had one diameter and that they satisty Stocke's ralation quite satisfactority. The second group of drops with a diameter of 400 - 800 ~z and a velocity of up to 5 m/soc. showed traces with two diameters, an inner and an CARD 1/2 --------------- ,LUTHOR SALAMANDRA a. D. , and NkBOKO 1. M. PA - 2554 TITLE -Miciophotographing "of Dispersed Liquid Drops during the Flight. (Skorostnoye mikrofotografirovaniye kapell raspyl4nnoy zhidkosti v pol9te.- Russian.) PERIODICAL Zhurnal Tekhn. Piz. Nr 3, pp 619 62:5 (U.S.S.R. ~1957, Vol 27, ~Received: 4/1957 bReviewed: 5/1957 ~ABSTRACT The authors described-how to determine the siz6 of the particles of a dispersed fuel by means of high-speed microphotography of. the liquid drops during flight. As it is difficult to pigduce a bright flash of light with a duration of less than 10 sec., the athempt was made to use a lightsource with a duration of 10-6 - 10-5 see. in order to obtain clear microphotos .of the fuel drops by taking the pictures not on a steady film but on one that moves in the direction in which the pictures shift. The device is,described by means of which it was possible to ..,.take j-.8 microphotos 5 times enlarged during one exposure. In, consisted of an electric and an photographic part and an apparatus which serves for the investigation of the disruptive, strength of cables served as a high-frequency sourcIe. The current was rectified by means of a Henotron according to a oneperiodic scheme. One of the.electrode of the discharger was made oi Tungsten, the other of brass. Hydrogen was used as CARD 1/2 filling ga Is. Behind the ocular of the microscope a photo- 10(2) FRAU I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2162 AkILUILLY& nauk WSR. Enorg*tichtakly Inatitut. rIzich""Ya g"Odinmika (Physical Oas Dynamics) Moscow, 1959. 16T P. 3,000 cop Ion printo d. Rasp. gd.t A.S. ProdVOdIt*l:V, Commaponding N*nber,,USSH Academy of 3clonoes; Rd. of Publi hing Hous*T R.I. Kosykh Tech. &d.: To. V. MakunI. FORPOSS1 This collection of Lrtlales Is intended for scientific wor- ker~, Instructors, engineers, and advanced vuz, students special- Laing in the field or gas dynamics 4Lnd the physics of combuetldn. COVIRA(Mi This collection or articles Is concerned with the results of work performed at the Power Institute, Academy of Sciences, VISRo during the years 1952-1955. Problems or gas dynamics and thermodynamic properties of air at high temperatures (up to 12 1000. 9) in a old* range of pressures from 0.001 to 1#000 atm. 4re dia- cussed. Methods are promented.for calculatina a ncr%aal h-V -I-- consideration of the.dinsociation and ionization of air. Some of the papers of the collection deal with hydrodynamic Pheno4~n4 associated with electric discharges in motor. Rerarenose follow most of the Papers. .2&".0p COKVffSs. 3olamandra 0 D and O.A. Taukhanova. FormatIon of a Shock Dia- -6* prop4gat ion In a In this paper, photographic studies or Cis. aouWstion chamber aLre used as a bealn forL calculating the pro- case Of shook-wave formation ahead Or a fls=s front. The paper presents a detailed description of the test apparatua, the method of conducting the testa, and the data obtained. On the basis or the observed fact that elementary disturbances IWO rarle4ted from the flame fronto the motion of the gas ahead or the flame front to treated by analogy to the notion of a gue ahead or a piston. "It is shown that the problem can be treated by application or the asphical wethodtof characteristics or by use or Hugoniot's for- uLl" for the no ion of a gas ahead of a piston. Calculated V&lums of the distance rrom the Ignition point to the point or obook-wave formation " round to be in good agrasmant with ex- periment. In the case of short combus,.Ion chmbera the d1atur- bences caused by the flame may not build up into a shock ways be- card 10/11 In the and of the chamber. It is shown rrl*t fare reachu a', a result or the superposition or cosoll shock waves IUY Kri.40 . and of the,chember or from the disturbanods reflected from th rl~ front. G.D. Interso .tiOn or a rj.ame.Ulth 1. 4 Shook Wave 163 devoted to the deacriptiOn Of the photograPht- asily observed phenomena. occurring in . combustion chamber. TMe tests were conducted with saveraLl mUtureO or hydrogen and xyqn and combustion chambers or different lengtha, Detailed eh occurs when A Pro- descriptions ~" given of the Process whl rront and also *as through Is flame viousiy formed @hock wave POLO Interacta with a hen a shook wave In the PrOes4s Of formation clearly showing ri~aw front. A number or exc*110nt photographs tjw do"ribed phonom~nl~&" presented. AVATTABIBI Library of,Congrome 9-21-59 Card 11/11, SOV/120-5Q/-2.-37/50 AUTHORS: Salamandra G.D...., -~4iboko, I.M. and Sevastlyanova, I.K. TITLE: A-'Palti~d ource, of Frequently Repeating Flashes of Light (Impul'snyy istochnik chasto povtoryayushchikh-slya, vspyshek sveta) PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1.9 59 Nr 2~ pp 124-127 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Demountable pulsed lamps of original construction are described, Using these lamps, cinephotography may be~ carried out at 10(),000-150,000.frames/see. .The exposure.. does not exceed 5 x 10-7 sec. The construction of a linear source is shown in Fig !a. The discharge bakes place between the tungs-ten electrode, 9, and the brass plate, 10. The length of the spark gap is 20 mm. The tungsten electrode is connected to the lining of the condenser, 4, via the contact ring, 14. The high voltage is applied via the terminals, 2 and 12. The lamp was filled with hydrogen at a pressure of one atm.. In the visible part of the spectrum the emission of the. lamp is continuous in the interval LMO-6500. I The, ceramic condensers used had a capacity of 0,0052~ F Card 1/3 and the working volta-Gwas 2- 5 k1l. Hydrogpn '.s SOV/1 ~,'O- 50,-.2-347150 A -Pulsed Source of Frequently R-epeating Fla-shes of,Light preferred to xenon bertause deionisatulon is faster Jn. U :hydrogen. The lezirth o_~ the lainri is about 30 em. The lain-os have been.used to invpsti-ate combilstion The basii processes in explosive mixtures. -i O~uit fo- synchronising the explosion w. the illuminatJng flashes is showa in Ficr A battery of condensers Cl,~ whose capacity Is 1 05 11. F., j~; cl-targed up tc~ 22-2:? The spark, gap A i~ :30 cho'sen that the system is in. an H z I I . expectationz s tal t r-, The d-ischarge i,,., initiated by the shutter plate. movIng in the direction of the arrow). Whi chi r5loses the primaries of the transformers Tl and T9 When the primary of the. transf, rme- Tj i~� close d a spark is pzoduced across thespark gap A The ~-.ondenser battery. C1. then dis~ilharges, through Ri and charges up the cei7amic condenser of the lamD. The repetition f-requency o f the flashes depends on the magnitude of Rl This,frequency does not remain of the (Napa_ ty of Cl constant: the-greata-(- the i-atio to that of the "Lamp (-.onden--er the smaller is the change, and --he c!-,ea'er is the -LIotal number o in the frequencl~ Card 2/'A 1 flashes in the series In the case when this. rati:) is. !Wl PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/4913 Salamandra, Genriyetta Davydovna, Tatlyana Valerianovna Bazhenova, ---_5_eFgey Gr1`g7o~rje_-vi_ch:_Zayt 6v, Pem Ivanovich S016ukhin*, Ideya Mikhaylovna Naboko, and Irina Konstant-inovna Sevastlyanova. Nekotoryye metody issledovaniya bystroprotekayushchikh protsessov i ikh primeneniye k izueheniyu formirovaniyadetonatsionnoy volny (Some Research Methods1for Transient Processes and Their Appli- cation to the Study of Detonation-Wave Development) Moscow, Izd- vo AN SSSR, 1960. 91 p. Errata slip inserted. 5jOOO,copies printed.. Sponsoring'Agency: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Energeticheskiy institut imeni G. M. Krzhizhanovskogo. Resp. Ed A. S. Predvoditelev, Corresponding Member, Academy of Scien;es USSR.; Ed. of Publishing House: Ya. A. Klimovitskiy; Tech. Ed.:.V. Karpov. PURPOSE: This book is intended for engineers and scientists engaged in developing research techniques and performing experimental Some Research Methods (Cont.) sov/4913 studies In the field of shock and detonation phenomena In gas- ~dynamic processes., COVERAGE: The book contains the results of original research:on methods for investigating transient combustion processes and on the development of detonations under various gasdynamic con-, ditions. The book reviews circuits of spark discharge apparatus and circuits for synchronizing a series of illuminating flashes with the process being investigated. Pulse light sources ope'r- ating in the regime of frequently repeated flashes are described.. A description is also given of simple apparatus desi6ed by the authors for obtaining series of Schlieren photographs with a fre- quency,of 50 000 to 100,000 frames per second for exposures of the order of 10-f see permitting easy synchronization'.of the exposure with any gasdynamic process. The construction is shown and an analysis is given of the operation of a piezoelectric pressure transducer,which permits reproducing without distortions the shape of a pressure pulse in the case of,gasdynamic disturbances. Some Research Methods (Cont.). SOV/4913 With the aid of the investigation methods developedy a detailed study was undertaken of the mechanism ofla detonation occurring during propagation of a flame in a tube and of supersonic flow of gas mixtures.capable of reaction in a shock tube. The first chapter was written by G. D. Salamandra; in it a detailed re- view of various methods used,to produce'spark photographs of transient processes is given. Certain difficulties which had to be met in the course of the investigations are described and methods for surmounting them are dembnstrated. the second chapter, written by S. G. Zaytsev, describes methods for measuring rapidly varying pressures.#developed by the Power Engine6ring Institute of the Academy of Sciences USSR for investigation of the state of gas in shock tubes. The methods have-found wide.application. The third chapter presents the results of the investigations con- ducted with the aid of the methods discussed on the mechanism of the development and propagation of detonation wa-yes under various hy- drodynamic conditions-. These investilgations were recently com- pleted at the laboratory for combustion physics by T.N. Bazhenovaya, G. D. Salamandra, R. I.,'Sbloukhniy, S. G. Zaytsev, I. M. Naboko, and I. K. Sevostlyanovaya. Of particular interest Card~ ome Research Methods S (Cont. SOV/4913 are those-investigations which pertain to the conditions of com- patibility of the hydrodynamic state of the medium and the chem- ical.process. A..S Predvoditelev,,Professor,.Corresponding o Member of the Acade of Sciences USSR wrote -the preface. 'There are 79 references: % Soviet (3 of which are translations), 22 English, 13 German, and 3 French. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Preface [Predvoditelev, A. S.], Ch. 1. High-Speed Spark Exposure l.- Spark discharge Efficiency of a spark discharge as a light sourceas a function of the electric-circuit parameters Emissivity of a spark discharge ]Duration of the spark flash and its dependence on' the cir- cuit parameters '10 2. Obtaining a sequence of sparks Periodic opening and closing of the discharge circuit 12 C aad=4V8 - 23480 S/123/61/000/009/023/027 AO04/AlO4 00 AUTHORS.- Bazhenova, T. V., and Salamandra, G. D, TIT`U,~ Detonation wave formation during the gas combustion in pipes FERTODICALi Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyaniye, no~ 9, 1961, 20, abstract 91163 (V sb. "3-e Vses. soveshchaniye po te.orli goreniya, T. I." Moscow. 1960, 175-177) TOCT. With -the aid of -the schlieren-photography method the autho"ris investi-.. gated the transition to detonation during the flame propagation in pipes. The tests were carried out with a stoichiomet-ric nydrogen-oxygen mixture in 2 m pipes of rectangular (36 x 36 mm) and circular (42 mm in diameter) cross sections. It is shown that the transition to detonation is takin g place by a continuous acceleration of the flame in a medium.selt in motion and heated by impact wave arising before the flame front The detonation takes placl in a gas.moving at a velocity of ~00 m/s eIa at 525~K and a pressure of 7 kg,/OM2. I.,Barskiy [Abstractor's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 5/170/60/003/009/004/020 BO19/BO60 .AUTHORS~, Salamandra, C. D Sevastlyanova, I~ K. TITLE: An Apparatus for High-speed Spark Photography PERIODICAL: Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, 196.0, Vol~ No. PP. 31-36 TEXT: The apparatus for high-speed spark photography described,here allows as much as 100,000 pictures to bejaken per second. The work was a ond ucted at the Laboratoriya fiziki goreniya Energeticheskogo instituta AN SSSR .(Laboratory for Combustion Physics at the Institute of Power Engineering ,of the AS USSR) under the supervision of A. S. Predvoditelev, Correspond- ing Member,o? the AS USSR. The apparatus consists of a high-voltage*recti-,, fier, an oscillatory circuit, a pulse tube, a photo-recorder, and a syn- chronizer. The,oscillatory circuit, is described with the,aid~of the air-, devoted to the description cuit diagram shown in Fig. 1. Much space i of the pulse tube used as light source..(Fig. 2 The pr o- duced therewith have.a maximum duration of 5 10):7 seconds. The power Card 1/2 28355 S/124/61/000/007/027/044 A050101 AU1'YORS, Bazhenova, T. V.1 Salamandra, G.~D. TTTLE: Detonation wave formation at the combustion of gas_in tube s PERIODICAL. Referativnyy zhurnal,~Mekhanika, no. 7, 1961, 77, abstract.7B527 (V sb, "3-ye Vses. soveshchaniye po teorii goreniya. T. I", Moscow, 196o, 175-177) TEXT- The,process of transition fslow combustion in a tube into detona- 0 tion was investigated. Two tubes were used: :one of a square section 36 x 36 mm and the other tube, a round one,:42 mm in diameter, The tubes were.jilled with a stoichiometric oxygen-hydrogen mixture. The time base.'of the process and a series of srjhlleren-ph6tographs of the flame front and of shock waves are given. In the first stage following the Ignition the flame front is moving with acceler- ation and gives rise, before itself, to a series of disturbances cumulating in a shock wave. This wave however has a small amplitude (M 1"J 1.5) and is not" in a position to ignite the mixture. As the flame propagates and the volume of the burpt. ou-u.mixture increases, the expulsive action of the mixture diminishes and the flame is slowed down. Thereafter the front takes,an irregular form, its Card 1/2 BAZIIEUOVAJ T. V. - "Evaluation of time of relaxation of carbon dioxide dissociation according to shock tuba experizents"j and "Determination of the dissociated CO~2 flov condition after the normal shock on the rarefaction wave arising while flowing around a protuberant angle" GOLDETMERG, S. A. - ".Ignition in the flow" iMTRINj Lev flikolayevich - "Diffusion effect on ignition characteristics of gas mixtures ignited by a heated surface" MORRE, V. G. and MMOV, G. 1. "One-impulse shock tube investigation of the kinetic thermal,decomposition of methane" MZLOV, G. 1. - "Calculation of normal rate of-flame propagation of methane and some other hydrocarbons" LOPASTOV, U. S., and RAZM.OVA, T. V. - "Research,on absorption of radio waves by air following the shock wave" 1"IM, 1. M. - -"The problem of ignition'in supersonic gas flow decelerated at an ob t a acle SALMMMM. G. d SEVASTYANOVA, I.~K. "Amplification of the shocK waves during transition through the flame front", and "Formation of weak shock waves before the flame front and their role in organizing the process of explosive mixture purnizig in tubes.. Reports to be submitted for the 9th Intl. Symposium on Combustion, Ithaca, New York Aug - I Sep 3C,62. All affiliated with Inst; of Energetics im. G. M. Krzhizhanovskiy, Moscow. ACCESSION NR: AP4038004 S/0170/64/000/005/0096/0099 AUTHOR: Salamandra, G. D.; Fedoseyeva, I. Ki; By*kova, N. 14_ TITLE: Measuring pas velocity behind.a shock wave /7 SOURCE: Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal~ no. 5, 1964, 96-99 TOPIC TAGS: gas,flow velocity,, shock wave, subsonic gas flow, shock wave propagation, flow velocity measurement, gas flow ABSTRACT: A method has been developed for measuring subsonic gas velocities beh in d, . a. shock wave in a shock tube. The, gas :velocity was measured by two independent methods: by measuring.the velocity, ofthermal inhomogeneities~formed by spark discharge in the gas moving behind a shock wave, and by determining the velocity of sound waves spark discharge in.the.gas 'flow behind the wave.. The high-pressure chamber of the shock,tube was filled with a stoidhiometric hydrogen-oxygen mixture at a pressure of 61318 n/m2, and the low-pressure chamber, with nitrogen at 78647 n/mz., C.,d 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4038004 The distance between the co,n t a c ts for spark discharge wasselected in such a way th at the ?$traces" would appear in the medium already brought in motion by the s It o ck. wave. By processing of ttme-resolved' photographs, the motion of the ias an d sound waves propagating' co- or countercurrently t0 che'flirw can, be determined, and the gas velocity calculated. jhe experiments have shown that gas.Velocities determined by the two methods differ by 2-3%. Gas velocitiesAn the range from 173 to 286 m/ were measured by the methods behind a shock wave propagating at M 1.72. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. and I table. ASSOCIATION: Energeticheakiy institV t-,im. G,..M grzhizhanovskogo, Moscow (Power Engineering Institute) SUBMITTED: 16Feb63 DATE ACQ 09Jun64 ENCL: SUB CODE: ME NO REF SOV : 005 OTHER: 006 Card 2/2 ACCESSION-NR: AP4041871 5/0170/64/000/007/0047/0052 AUTHOR: S a lamandr a, Fedoseyeva, K, f Tito Me4surement of gas velocity in a combustible medium SOURCE: Inzhenerno-fizichaskiy zhurnal, no. 7, 1964, 47-52 .:TOPIC TAGS: gas velocity, gas velocity measurement,-.combustible m6dium, optical nonuniformity, shock wave, Toepler photogra.phy, hydrogenfoxygen ,ABSTRACT: A new method is described for measuring gas velocities in combustible media. It is based,on the initiation of optical non- ,uniformities ("marks") in a stationary gas by heating small sections of the gas with thin Cr-Ni wire through which a small capacitor is discharged. The gas was set in motion by a shock wave andregistered~, by Toepler photography, using both motion-picture and high-speed .single -frame techniques. The experinents were carried.out in 36 x 36 mm consisting of several sectionsO one of which'had lenses.;,~,:, The tube is connected to a shock tube and tothe photographic,equip ment. The 'explosion (in a high-pressure chambericonnecitie'd to the -Card 1/2 L 34776-66 &4T(1)/EWP(m)/5v'T(m) WVI/&I/GD ACC NRt AT6022665 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/000/000/0203/020 AUTHOR: Salamandra, G._D. ORG: none :TITL.E: Formation of the gas-flow before the flame front SOURCE: AN SS R. Energeticheskiy institut. Issledavaniya.po fizicheskoy gazodinamike, _-6, 203-269 (Studies.of physical gas dynamics). Moscow, Izd Nau"Va, 1976 YAGS* detonation, gas detonation, combustion, deflagration to deformation/ ABST~WT: A study was mnde of Lhe deflagration to i-tonatiohl transition in hydrogen oxygelikknixtures using hiph-sPeed photography (94,000 Lrames/sec). Data was obtained.' on the gas flow in' the quiescent medium before the flame front by introducing artificiai optical inhomes~pneities into the quiescent gas mixture, and then photo- graphing their traces. These traces were then.transformed into distance vs time diagrams. Plots of the flame speed vs time were also obtained. A comparison of the experimental data with data calculated by the method of characteristics showed that., the state of the gas before the flame front can be calculated by this method. It was also shown that when the flame front moves with accelerated motion, the gad velocitv, density, and pressure attain their maximums very close in front of the., flame front. Orig.. art. has: 7 figures and 3 formulas. (PV] SUB CODE: 21/ SUBM DATE: 31Feb66/ ORIG REF: 006/ OTH REF: OOl/ ATD PRESS-_5',l -cud-j. / 1 L - Allr.r~~-I~bt~~k .wi~-4W -- ACCESSION NR: AT4024393 5/2529/61/000/066/0033/0042 AUTHOR: Salamatin, N. Ye. TITLE: The influence. of the chord dimension on charac.teristice of turbine-blade cascades SOURCE-* Kazan. eAviatsionhy*yinatitut. Trudy*,no. 66, 1961. Aviatsionny*ye dvigateli (Aircraft engines), 3,$42 TOPIC, TAGS: blade, turbine blade,: blade cascade, blade profile, turbine blade profile, Mach number, Roynoldsnumber, friction loss, flow turbulence ABSTRACT- The experimental Investigations on turbine blade cascades were carried out according to agreements Nvith the Khersonskiy sovnarkhoz (Kherson Council of National Economy). The first part of the results obtained by these investigations was earlier described in the literature by MJL Maksutova and V.N. Zanadvorova (candidates of tech. sciences), (Issledovaniye effektivnosti korotldkh turbinny*ldi polatok, !'Teploener-- getika, 11 1958, No. 1). In cooperation with these men, the second part of the results Was described and discussed by the author. Five types 6f turbine blade cascades with blades of a different chord length were investigated. Tbe employed blade profiles'were geometrically similar to these shown in Fig. I of the Enclosure. The relative spacing Cord -1/5 ACCESSION NR: AT4024393 of blades was 0. 55, and the relative length was varied from 0. 5 to 3. 3. It was possible to adjust the test channel height and position of the boundary layer cut-off plates on the blades (see Fig. 2 of the Enclosure). Investigation of the cascades was performed fft discharge Mach numbers M =0. 5 and 0. 7, and at Reynolds numbers (1. 6 Eo S. QxIO 2 At M2=0- 5 the following characteristics were determined: (1) the cascade efficiency,, (2) the profile efficiency n , (3) the wake loss coefficientg-,,, (4) the angle of relative discharge velocity, and (W the tangential force coefficient. At M2--O. 7, pressure dis- tributions on cascade blades were measured. Investigation results showed that at,cas- cades consisting of blades with a length-to-chord ratio --.pp 1, the profile efficiencyat the middle-section of the blade drops by more than 3 % when the chord length decreases from .50 to 15 mm' A decrease of the Reynolds number from 4x105 to 2x105 led to an increase of losses not exceeding 1 %. Cascade efficiencies were consistently below profile ef- ficiencies because of end losses. It was indicated that observed drops in profile ef- ficiencies can be attributed to an increase of the relative surface roughness i&hen the chord dimension decreased. Expressions were given to account for the influence of relative roughness on the friction loss coefficient.6~, and of the trailing edge roundness. radius on the wake loss coefficient Both of th6se coefficients were used in the ex- Card 2/5 ACCESSION NR: AT4024393 + It was indicate that at a suf- pression forthe profile efficiency-q., =1-(,S d ficiently small relative surface roughness value (C 5 6 its influence on the profile Re efficiency vanishes. It was concluded that at a given blade length, there exists in optimum value for the chord-to-length ratio, and that this ratio depends on the blade profile shape, the cascade geometry, and the flow parameters (Re, M2, angle of incidence, andflow turbulence). At the ~ investigated profile, and at a blade length greater. than 20 mm, , the optimum val ue for the chord length was found to be 20 mm. It was further concluded that the relative end loss coefficient (secondary losses), depends only on the blade length-to-chord ratio,'the smaller loss values being at larger length-to-chord ratios. Orig. art. has; 9 figurps and 3 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Aviatsionny*y institut, Kazan (Kazan Aviation Institute) SUBMITTED: 1OApr621 DATEACQ: 15Apr64 ENCL: 02 SUD CODE: PR NO REF BOY: 009 OTHER: ~000 Card CLOSURE: 'DI EN 3 AT402439 ACCESSION NR: 64 : cascade Fig. Card,4/5 L 4081-66 -,ACC NR, AP.5025797 addition of -Na tons to mic cha'r'- nsid6iablj increases t e distribtiti n 0 A ge c n h'. 0 coefficien. hence the n 0 th g.- co centration f activatoi ~cenier;s, n- e crys teas. Oilj.-ar ures and 1 table.::, [BI S8'i IC/ SUB CODE: SUBI-i ~'~OTH REF;. 001/ IM ~RtSSJ- :DATE4 09AP'r65'1 OPJG REF, 000/ ' 4 7 ) A%TA (fi % /MrDt, I Al /C.LTD/--,; N Av.T6 \ I- - i. - % J.'; %' ." * -- : ~ 3 2 57 sli.gq621004100610141026 BIOI/B110 AUTHORS: Sal4matinal 0. Bij-Shantarovich, P.* S. TITLE: Polymeriza tion of a- chlorocyclohexene no. 6, 1962 876-881 PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedin6niya, v 4 TZKT: The polymerization~of a-chlorocyclohexene was studied,under various'~, conditions. Results: A linear function log(co/c) versus t was observed duringthermal polymerization in an ampoule. The polymerization is a mono-. molecular reaction of the first order.. The polymer 1~orms from six monomer molecules withseparation of 5RC1. The activation energy is 52.0 kcal/mole. Polymerization with.Al-Ti.catAlysts in benzene yielded 14.046 polymer, evenl,'~.'-' -with pure TiCl Addition of Al(C H ) increased the,yield.only up to a. 4' 2 5 3 ratio of Al/Ti =:4(- 4%)-, Further addition of R2Al.showed no effect. AI/Ti 2 :proved to be optimum. -Formation of an active complex E~iCl~ AlR3] is assumed. The activation energy is 18 kcal/mole. Dehydrochlorination of the polymer occurs even at OOC. IThe polym .er obtained with TiCl alone contained 12.2~. Clthe polymer obtained with 4 Card 113 3/19,0/62/004/006/014/026 Polymeriza tion of a-chl orocyclohexene B101/B110. 5 figures and 4 tables. The two Englis h-lan.-uage references are: G. Thomas, j. Chem. Phys., 26, 10644, 1957; A. Simon, G.,Ghymes, International., Symposium of Macromolec ular Chemistry, Moscow, June .1.960, section IIj P. 310. Institut ASSOCIATION: khimicheskoy,fi ziki. n titute of Ch AN SSSR (I a emical Physics AS USSR) SUBMITTED: April 8, 1961 Card 513 SMMNOTP I.M. (Kuybyehev - obl.); �ALAMATINA,---T-V---(Kazau'); IVANOV, A.A. 27-1-4/19 ..AUTHOR: - Salamatov, A., Director of the Sverdlovsk Technical School 5 --- ------- TITLE: ------ The.Factory Assists1the School (Zavod pomogayet uchilishchu) PERIODICALz Profession, Obrazovaniye, 1958, 1, 6-7 (USSR) ABSTRAM. The article deals with the Sverdlovsk Technical School 5 (Sverdlovskoye tekhnicheakoye,uchilishche 5) founded within the Uralmashzav6d in 1954- During 3 years,the school graduated more than 900 young metal workers most of whom joined the Uralmashzavod. The school has turneries with more than 100 machine. tools and milling workshops furnished with the latest equipment. ~Last ~ year the Uralmashzavod spent 150,000 rubles to supply the school with different.devices. The work on establishing two more turneries, two assembly shops and one for auxiliary, fitting is going to be finished soon. The school has'its own industrial production and is delivering screw-cutting lathe to the Uralmashzavod. There are 6 photographs. AVAILABLE:. Library of Congress Card 1/1 ACC NR- AT6036287 ------- SOURCE-CODE:----UR/0000/66/000/000/0118/0127 AUTHOR: Salamatov, D. ORG: none TITLE: Cavitation flow around a circular cone SOURCE: AN KirgSSR. Institut fiziki i matematiki.Tloskoparallellnoye i osesimmetri- ~cheskoye techeniye gazov i zhidkostey (Plane-parallel and axisymmetric. flow of gases and liquids). Frunze, Izd-vo Ilim, 1966, 118-127 !TOPIC TAGS: cavitation, flow research ,ABSTRACT: A flow around a conical body is considered analytically and the problem is formulated for the regime of flow that leads to a stagnation zone, ;It is shown that the computation of the resistance of the body (cone).in Ithese condi-., :tions is given by the largest dimension of the cavity cross section. To obtainthe free stream surface which determines the cross section, the method of ring vortices is tilized to obtain a set of three integro-differential equations with three,unknow ~ n u functions. The equations are found to be linear with respect to two of these ftnic_ :tions. The author states that the method of iterative approximations can be used!to solve the equations. The results for a large range of cavitation numbers will be pub-" lished in a future paper. Orlig. art. has: 1 figure, 19 formulas. ~SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE:, 2GApr66/ ORIG REn 0021/.: OTHREF: 001 i. 9rd ' "- 30-~(b _'- _ rl- 0-- - e - iookk d , , It bW Mj~ C" 41 tl i"-~jtmblc 4 !it low r bl , e o 10 Ao*~Mslo po _ 4 4 144. jid-fo -- - xihai _,,,f ind OrIP : m~ A e s c aii w * Idbi C; bith WitAk lif W 440 wil my .. on e ne CtCi t 7, _Z" PHASE I BOOK EKPLOITATION 470 U.S.S.R. Glavnoye upravleniye khimicheskogo mashinostroyeniya Obroduvaniye d1ya obrabotki rezinovykh smesey i plasticheskikh mass, katalog-spravochnik (Equipment for Processing Rubber Mixtures and Plastic Materials; Catalog-Handbook) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1957- 105 P- .3,000 copies printed. Ed.: Salamatov I. I. Engineer;~Ed.,of Publishing House: Stupin A. K.; general technical-literature Tech. E -. Tikhanov, A. Ya.; Managing Ed. of and catalogs (Mashgiz): Ponomarev, K. A.., Engineer. PURPOSE: The catalog-handbook is intended and technical per- sonnel employed In design organizations and plants of the Ministry ,of Machin&- Building using the'equilpment, for processing rubber mixtures and plastic mater- COVERAGE: The catalog-handbook describes.and gives basic and technical data on Soviet equipment used for proc6ssing rubber mixtures and plastic, materi als. For each piece of equipment listed in the Table of Contents a diagram and specifications axe given. There are no references,and-no personalities are me nti