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We'thod of Measuring Stationary SurfaceConcentrations of the Componentsof a Catalytic Reaction outlet of the reactor. The author investigated catalytic rea- actions.of thetype A B +-C. Under, stationary conditions,.... (temperature and molar rate of flow Vo(mol/sec).constant).the addition of A was interrupted at a.certain momentof.time (which was later taken asihe starting~point) and at.the~very same moment V the marked initial substance Ar,was added 0 at the very same velocity. Under these conditions.the re- action B* + C mustm take place in all. stages at'the same' ~velocity as the reaction A B+.C.Tigure 1 showsAhe measurement results in a diagram V ... time,,de/dr ... quan- A* which discharges from the reactor.within unit of time). Under stationary reaction conditions and neglectof isotopic.effect the sum A + A,*4, which discharges,fro*m the reactor within unit of time, must be equal,to V0.0-Y) (y denoting theshare in the initial substance passing,overl,' into theend products). The quantity.dA*/dT. only reaches after some.time this constant value. In the beginning,of the ..addition of A* the.substance~A desorbs from the surface'of. Card 2/4 the catalyst and deld Ir is correspondingly smaller than SAKFA'.ZC7Y G. L -7- P H A SE ljqa~ME ISLAND BIBLIOMARICAL 1EJ-ORT AID 762 X. BOOK, Call No.:, AF684925~ Authors: UEBEDEV, A. A., STRAZI!-WA, I. V. AND, SAKHAROV, G. Full Title: Aeromecl-anics of Aircraft Transliterated Title: Aeromekhanika smoleta (Aircraft Fluid Mechanics). FUBLISHING DATA Originating Agency: Fublishin- House: Gosudarstvenove izdatel'stvo oboronnoy promyshlenn.osti. Moscow. ,Date: 1955 No. pp.: 472 No. of copies: Editorial 3taff: None Others: Gratitude for cooperattion is expressed to: Profsi Ostoslavskiy, I. V., Burago, G. F., Martyrov, A. K. and Zhuravchenko, A. N. PURFOSE. AND EVALUATION: Thisis a.textbook for courses in aviatioh institutions.of higher learnin.- in which aeromechanics is taught in abbreviated, form. The interest of the book consists..-;n the quantity of material it presents in a comparatively snall,volume. It shows also how aerodynamics and aircraft mechanics is,taught in the U33R and what is the general approach to problems of the-design and cal-I... culation of aircraft. of.Zhukovskiy and other Rus'sian 6cientists are often mentionedlas a basis for.future developments. However, the basic approach to thdoretical---- NOTE: See report for LEBEDEV, A. A. for pages 2-7 of the report. 1/7 HleatIng of Bodies at,(Cont.) to.present it in an Intelligible.form. A method is.,preB.ented for calculating hedt.flows,from.the atmosph6re-to aircraft_,::~..,. surfaces and from these surfaces.back to~the atmospherd.---This method makes it possible to calculate the 5urfade.temperature,l for steady motionan d to calculate the.temperatu~e'of a high-_' specific-hbat skin, on the basis of its thermal characteristics for unsteady motion(takeoff, descent, acceleration). Cer 'tain problems connected,with the effect of high temperatures on air- craft st-ructures are discussedand a-briefre.viewris given of the most important me.thods'of surface orotection.against aero- dynamic heating. A,large.humberlof graphs and~tables Are pre-,,.. e r., t,:.3 d to , aid in reducing mechanical a a' loulations to a m al flows is InImum. The proposed method for calculating therm applicable for altitudes up to 80-100 km and for-speeds cor-, Mach numbers from 15-20,,with corrections for dissociation in the~continuous-flow region. Calculations made by metho, this book are in good agreement, with calculations made by more exact methods such As the Van ~Driest method for the flat plate as.well as-for more complex,. Card 2/6 Heating of Bodies at (cont.) .sov/5897 Parameters of the,airflow behind a shook wave 16 3. Heat exchange:on the surface of a body in a.gas flow 21 Equation of heat exchange om the surface of a, thin skin 28~' Ch. I II. Calculation of the Temperature of.the Skin of. an Aircraft 30 1. Convective heat flow 30 2. Parameters of the'atmosphere 38~ 3. Calculationof steady-state temperature of the skin 38 .4, Calculation of the temperature of a,high-specifio- heat skin in the case of transient heat exchange .43 5. Calculation of aircraft-surface temperature at frontal stagnation points.. Effect of body sha e p U 47z Card 4/6, SHESTOPAL, V.M., kandidat tekhnichookikh nauki Ap OV G.M., inzhener. _~~N .,- __f 0 - . -,-, I - ftW. llw~ . I Mv- - 6 R 0 V e 25(7) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1257 Moscow. Stankoinstrumentallnyy institut. Kafedra "Instrumentallnoye:, proizvodstvo." Novoye v konstruirovanli metallorezhushchikh instramentov (Recent Developments In the Design of Metal-cutting Tools Moscow, Mash-, giz,.1958. 229 P. 5,000 copies printed. Ed.: Semenchenko, I.I.., Professor; Ed. of Publishing House: Balandin., A.F.; Tech. Ed Gerasimova,.Ye.S. and Uvarova, A.F.;' Managing Ed_~ for Literature on Metal Working and Tool.Making.(Mashgiz): Beyz ,ell-: man,~R.D., Engineer. PURPOSE: The book is intended for engineers and technicians.of the machine-building industry. COVERAGE; In this collection of articles results are presented of investigations carried out at the chair of "Tool Making" of the V. S talin..' Moscow Machine Tool and Tool Making Institute imeni I The articles discuss new features in designing highly.productive metal-cutting tools.: generating cutters,.cutter gear generating heads, hobs and gear shaper cutters for cutting gears for subse-. Card 1/3 ATRUTIN, S.Y., inzh.; BACLUNOV, Ye.D., kand.tekhn.nauk; GLETZER, L.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; MIMOT, T.P., kand.tokhn.nauk; KARTSET, S.P., inzh.; KEMINSKIT, Y.N., inzh., laureat Leninskoy premii; KORZINKIN, T.I.. inzh.; KOSILOVA, A.G.. kand.tekhn.nauk; KALOY. A.N , kand.tekhn.nauk; MATYUSON, T.14 , doktor tekhn.nauk; OSKiTSOY, G.V., kand.tekhn.nauk; PAX~~O, K.P., kand.tekhn. nauk; PARFENOY 0 D. kand.tekhn.nauk; ROZHIIESTVMISKIT, L.A., kand. tekhn.nauk; R6;Ai6TV'Y.F., - kand.tekhri.nauk- SAVERIN K.H., doktor tekdm, nauk; S~WOT, G,N., kand.tekhn.nauk; SOKOLOYSKIT, I.A., inzh.1 FRUMIN, Tu.L~, inzh.; SHISHKOT, Y.A., doktor takhn.nauk; ACHERKIN prof.. dok.tor tekhn.nauk, glavnyy red.; VLADISLAYUV. V.S., red. Geceased]; POZDNTAKOY, S.M., red.; ROSTOYYKH,'A.Te., red.; STOLBINO G.B., red.; CHERNAVSKIT, S.A., red.; KARGANOT, V.G., inzh., red.. graficheskikh rabot-, GILIDERBERG, M.I., red.izd-va; SOKOLOVA, T.F.0 [Metalworking handbook; in five volumes] Spravochnik metallista v piati tomakh. i dr. Hoskys, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry. Vol.5. 196o. 1184 p. (MIRA 13:5) (Metalwork) 25408 S1 1 2~/60/ DOO/O 12/0 11/0 18 A 16 I/A 13-0 MINORS.- Sakharov, G. S., Candidate of Technical S21ences, and YAV'!Illov N. Gi . , Engineer TITLE, An investAgation. of, t1tanIurr. ailoy blank-=, h,~: a' i ng PERIODICAL.- Ve-- tnlk mashl nos t.roye-ni ya, no. 12, 1 -r,60 41 43 TEXT: Result,--- f an experimental lnve~Uga,t,lozi c c rdu c t ed -Io rind wayz4 of' heating ti-7,anl-um alloy blade blanks a-rid die wl+-Koti" ~'Ke forma-7Jc'n ot, &~-.i-d in a ur-i f I -- o I ~14 17), changed surfa~:~,- Siven. Blanks were lie -,~er placing -,hc- olanks., -asur- I- Araon feed was fse S~--ei fifiled w-4 h ~ araon bloi4n Ln. a.:~ ed with a ro~~ameler. 7-he B-13-1 0-1-3-1) 4-11--aniu a'IOY. I`r- m muffle was hea-ed elecl~,rfcallv togeth~~--r with blariks. For comparison Specimens were also kiea-,ed In alr. T-n-- tic properties of metal after Kea-Irig in argon 'P.Las were higber than af~-er eieating 'In air, W-, lower -h~in heatiriz. Hipher temperature and lor-w-er heatina caused a further.drop. of olaZticity, e.g., uie ~Lea4- j rig properties afler I a argon t~; 1,0500(" and sc~akf na f Dr 10 min weve. -r---Lative-~ elongat. ion red-uctio-q in area f~.9%, and impair'. strength. 4.2 k -m/c'n2' cofflpar-' ing to inItilai. respectIve 16%, 43.3% and 6.4 kg-w,/I2m2. Heatling in air Card I 25408 S/122-2/60/0010 '/012/011/018 An. inves,~igatiori of t~itanium alloy bianlkz jjea4 .,-ir~g Ai6l/AIN temperature and for sama ime caused full loz-s of p1a_=,~_iclry. A s _11 gh ~4 i~nan__-~! o f surface.was sta,ed af-_er heattrw, to.1,0500 an-ri holding for' 3) min in argzon, tra t none after, heating to '.ezs high: temperature, 'and tbtc- 1--rinineaRs of mi-_ t a I e con- W! siderably less in - arwor; 11r; air. Heaf.Ing t 0 95CA17 -n Zubsequen'. cooling in air or in argon had no effec- on of' surfaze, bal. on ~PAcimeas heated o 1, 05 aad soalked 'or '00 -30 min a 0.061) and 0.03'.) mm deep changed layer_ was .presen,. I t may be tha-, -,he cause was insufficien-,ly -iwh~ !Fealinx oC the.. muff or the pre:ience.of impurities In argon. The Surface of b1ad=__~ heated in rgcr,, was clean.ani smooth-. of rhose heatett In. air i t had f i-,i crack.-L H -a rd ahanged layer (up '10 700 HB) caused rapid crumbling of milling cutterz. -The changed layer contained n1trogen, oxygen ard hydrogen absorbed frcm alr. The concl?uslon 1-= I.:) -,Are that heating in argon,gives cJear- surface and reqt 4rCZ W-achining allowances. There are 4 tables and 2 f igures Card P_/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4042508 a AS S O.Cl AT I-ON i ~-*.';- ~ n JD IN idw/ -.ACC NV4TS627915 '~,SOUR 2536/65/000/062?.66i4/0021 0 CE CODE. UR/ _ 'i _1S ulin' :I 'i .S AUTHOR: Tsi P kh v did (E G C r) h i i . . : nee a aro an at e-of ng * ;. ec nica sci s , . ( p , ORG: scow Aviati Technology Mo on institute.0166kovskiy aviatbionnyy~.,-'.,tekhnologidheaki instiiut) ty of clad~,sheets_of TInE:l Stampabili sintere a umi, d ntm pow er ~SOURCE: Moscow.~ Aviatsionny-y i~k~~~lpgich'eakiy'in'stitut.'.Trudy 'no.", 62 1965 721.i.11 .0brabotka davleniyem legkikh.splavoi (Pressu*re-working~.of lightialloys)j-_J4 m,p ng,'sinteire-A 'i IAdingi -explos ~TOPIC TAGS:- metal sta i ~alumin%=-p r -.meta c a ive forming, t~j - -- I 1_1~11L!___-._ 11 Y X. q4(,55" ,at. ABSTRACT: Sintered aluminurrt$ow or der--(~~ can~'be-properly iorgid 'stamped oni -475?C),- ."this-ii; -operation-. elevated temperatures _(,420 a. complicated requiring.,~l among other things--the use of a highn-t emperature.- ubricant. This'is:why~cladding of ' - SAP pri ._to:its,h or o t forging is,employed: the claddin layer no t only fulfi 1 a the role:of alubricants, assuring the flowage-'of-the.-surface layeri but -also markedly,, improvesthe str i t ess- Istra npa tern oif,'~:the ~tateirial.- In this connect on~'~ the's timipa~-:~---.: bility of 1-o2 2- and 3-mm thick clad SAP sheets at ,room, temperature (200C).wis- invest- i id bending te' d means of,cupping')-flang ng at sts on,,using.,_a,:ape.ciai testing . e--, , - , vice, thei so-called "Posh",- (initials. oVa device-for evaluating stattapability),_ with a set of demountable punches nd dies:.with. ri va ous, radii '.of curvature: R (47wl6J.V_- 9 67' 1/2 UM.W."716:6 1~0 Ca,rd ~7. ~ t L 15642-66 ACC NR,AT5027915 where S is the thickness of initial'material.' The-punch:diameter was 50:nm,. e diameter of the die cav i ty 4ai.4elected. in:,'accord~~ce,viith'thidi~ni~s,~f:.- the sheet the - , b i ' t Ie pun e e wall- ' - - _ t e limits o so that the gap Z between h ch: and th di' :would-be~within ' a s-h d t at.t e--stampa i ity o c a S&P ~sheeti decreases' d- (14 2) S. These test owe - h A b I U 1 with'increasing thickness::`sheets.3-cm 'thic are no,.: onger satisk~ctoiiii.stampabl atlO*C.-It-is furher.established hat cup-qpe-elements.with a h/6-.ratio of .0.0 22 mi q t g by~hy4 oat i be fabrica'ted:froMfvClad.SAP shee 8 e Losive to in r at cuppipg--The stress,relief:acco,mplished W'ring--st-aitic_ def ati n -, f a vorably , 'a f f e'c-t ~, , * " n* a pa t cu -formi effe~i- -Exvlosivi r i larli n. plastic deformatio the.capacity of SAP for - , ive in these cases- since it' is;~o_much laster.--Thus cladding O-U_,semifini Ii A e possible the: 4. 1d forging,of t is material' 'Orig~'-~ art., -haa:,,I.,, sheets of SAP makes, -o ? 7 f igures, 3. ta e9 SUB CODE:: one/~_-_Oiid -REP _-~`001t-,`,:_OTH REP:-,.,. O( . .... . --ll 13 SUEM DANEt n .7 2/2 ' " , Car m -.v. rI -i N1".'rnf 4. N hiant t. N /Ll.f'Dt N /L7.rDt 1- N 7 rr)L- I-AA Tl,F I M IMI- 112 UDC: 669.716:6.211.'~97.07, ~~j- , , -t'15635-66. ACC NRt. AT5021925 Fig. A. Setup for hei ting of.blanksAn- ar gon. ylinder.:.,Ath argbn;~---, 2reductor* 3 - differentia man ome t : - 5 ck,: --s --.-stopco -:rotameter, upport; needle valve. , 2 /3 r r 1563h-66 '~,AC~ NR: AT5027926 Table ' : l.' Rec* ipes of ekperimenial, > h , CL , . ~Jubricants~ , Z 0\ LA.) Ordinal. b, Number Lubricant' ponen S- 'Con,tent,.of > of Lubri-~ Components Water ~9 Salt, (NaCl) 5- 2- 3% emulsion 97'" ite:, G rap 3'.': 5 'emulsion~,~~ 2 % 00 4" Spindle, oil, 2 Oleic ati d e th e 4~ ~Water' h e Grap it A 6 ~~oxi ize ,petrolatum 100- t emulsion 95 'Oxidize d petrol ..... 11wro a n i te Grap~ 2 Fuel oil d~~ eid aci 100 10 -,:Water:,glass 11 Phenylmethylpo ysi 6xinle i. d '-1004'~4 NR: AT5027927, I e4ll -3 -AA I.: lu cant 4a 7 T, SAKMOV, I. G. :'Yores"'. Z7., Forest GuItUrea. sa h, L 5 r 0 a G. ftrel On As US Sip 7,T,.TxL .3, Oni,c, "'Le, u 1 t i va tng 1, i n d e v. I, ur r kh nn ,.iztde-n h as b.) en r- ut i v a t i.* el a th;i B* tani on 1 ra a T, d et uothe Acsd9uj~7 of Scioncg~-s S I Zfar.faar years :,..n the f-irst b(Abt!u ol' th.-* t -S of the -1 th ar e ir! 'The bast rusultz verv etoLt-c-ri -jz. 20 x 2 C'm Lind 30 'X 30 Cwt Sr,3XiII9 of *be,, fit~'edlkmgs ~-ir c cez i rmd four line striytii and 80 ;m apa- b o n t ~i a -% L r i ps .Tha rvsult~u o~~ the expari- au"XII, !Zre 113-c-sunt'..5d in bis-o tablas acccrdiuS to 1 tho vo*r, variety and a u cp%2 o F s seavadlinps Klialov ILAPIN, P.I.; KOMAROV, I.A.; LEOITOV, A.G.; KAZURKEVICH, F.S.; MAKAROV, SHAFRANSKIY, Timofey Potapovich; SAKMCVj,_q.M.t red.; NERONOVA, M.Dop _0THOR: Sakharov, 1.1.1. 1361-11--41/1? TITIE: Preparation of Zinc Concentrates for Roasting-in a Fluidize.d.,..,:., Bed and Furnace Feedinr, (Podt~otovka tsinkovykh- kontsentratov d1ya obzhiga. v .kipyashchem. sloye i pitaniye peahey). PERIODICAL: Tsvetnyye Metally, 1957, 140.11, pp. 1,--, 23 (USSR). ABSTRACT. I After pointiY4,r out the difficulties of discharging.fr6m bunkers and feeding into fluidized-bed reactors zinc concentrates-' with over 6-7106 moisture, the author exmines methods of obviatin- these difficulties. The first involves repulping the concentrat, e and charging. it into. the f urnac e as. pulp. In the so c and, th.2 concentrate is dried, screened and disintue-ration of -the con- .--trate be.L'ore roastin The author concludes that, the,first c c metlLod simplifies p.rep~aration, trans-oort--tion a-lid chai:Sin of 't 1 ttie concentrate, but would involve higher cap-- a and running -es-1-s that tests costs in sulphuric-acid L)roduction. He sugc should be carried out on a small production unit, e.c. the VC-l reactor at the "Elektrotsink". Vlorllcs -rovided with the acecial e qu -i"Pme nt The second method, used J n.Soviet Wor's the author. 7 considers capable of sim-alification and improvement and outline's, ~a scheme -for tLis (FiG.3). This sy teia. would become very S flexible, enable concentrates -,,.,ith over 12-0/'o moisturc, to b- dealt ~vi+'h -dfacilitate the com-,_)1ex mechanisation and autonlati-~n o-1 a AUTHOR: Sakharov 136-6-5/26 TITLE: Classification and Oonveying of Roasted Ooncentrate:at Zinc BlectrolytieWorks. (Klassifikatsiyai transporti rovaniye obozhzhennogo kontsentrata, na tEinkovykh elektro-. litnykh zavodakh) PERIODICAL: Tsvetnyye Metally, 1957, -32 (USSR) Wo.6, pp. 25 ABSTRACT: In this article, the advantages and disadvantages of the various existing methods of transporting and preparing for leaching the products of roasting in the USSR and abroad are given. Size.analyses are tabulated for roasted Droducts,at, the Elektrosink, Ust'Kamenogorsk.and Ukrtsink Works.and the peculiar properties.of such products and how they influence the processes for their treatment and trans-portatian are Ais- cussed. At some Soviet Works, the cinders are pulped directly under the roasting furnace, and this.arrangement~is critically examined: in such schemes, hydraulic conveying and wet classi- fication are used. Multi-ple-hearth and fluidised roasters are compared and the conveying and classification arrangements.,-at the vo.2 roasting shop at the Ustl.-Kamenogorsk Combine is,:~-~::. described withthe aid of a diagram. A recommended,experimental closed air-cycle arrangement for air separation of cinder is-,,,.:, Gardl/2 dealt with similarly, calculations involved in its design, AUTHOR: Sakharov I ti TITIE:. Mechanised Pi- Casting of Zinc (Mekhanizirovanny7 razliv~-.~ tsinka v chushki) PERIODICAL r-jr 6 pp 66 74 (USSR) : Tsvetny7e Metally 1958 , , , ABSTRACT: abroad much attention has been.~ Recently, in*the USSR and . given to the mechanisation of zinc, pig-ca Isting. The author lists the factors which must be considered in designing pig casting machines for this metal.and discusses s.ome of their general features. He points out that the true productivityis always less than the rated because, incomplete mould filling, gives a broad classification f machines and goes on to consider ex4sting ones 0 ing a British (Figures 1 and 2) and detail. After descr4b- a West German (Ref 4) (Figure 3) machine, he givesdetails, of the circular automated installation devised by I.I. Kotov which has been in use at the Ust'-Kamenogorsk Lead- zinc Combine and has.been,the prototype for machines.., . with made for use in other works. This machine (Figure 4) 1 a productivity of over 100 tons/day, is.of the circular type and has 22 tangentially-arranged moulds giving an overall diameter of 3 850 mm. The moulds are filled by a Card 1/3 SOV/136 Mechanised Pig Casting.of.Zinc graphite bucket whose operation is tied in with the movement., of the moulds and the pigs are I automaticallystamped with the heat number; a disadvantage is that unloading is,, effected next to,the filling stage. At the~'&Elektrotsink", Works, tests on *an experimental model(productivity 4.8 t/h) of a straight machine (Figure 5),designed by Kavgiprotsvetmet.and having,ancillary machinery,for the-' stamping, piling and removal of the,pig are.being aarri-ed,.~, out. The zinc from the.furnace passes down a runner into a dispenser provided withaa inlet and~an outlet valve linked to the.machine. This machine has 25,d6uble cast-;,:. iron moulds. The author recommends that standard., installation should-be constructed to deal with existing 100-120 ton per day furnaces and also with the pro.6ected 350 tons/day furnacesto produce.pigs in accordance with..,,.. GOST 3640-47. The need forincreasing pig size,has, the authorconsiders, been largely.eliminated because of the tests recentlyearried out at-the MoskoVBkiy.zavod po obrabotke tsvetnykh metallov (Moscow Non--ferrous Metals Working Works) on thesemi-continuous casting of zinc Card2/3 bloc.ks. Pt k H P, ZG u lo v Va Cal a i3 !- I j Ila A i 0 0 0 1. 0 ~2-jj 1 1 e, ps-H 16~ Ila, 41