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US~SnOhys ics Radiation, Soni, c flylovement of Energy in a Field of Spherical Sonic Radiators," S N. Rzhevk:Ln, H ow'Hydrophys Inst, Acad Sci USSR, 18 pp "Zhur Tekh Fiz" Vol XIX, No 12 Ec-4Gives generalized expression, for the, sound field of 1"P a composite spherical sonic radiator by means of spherical Bessel and. Neumann functions. " Relations are found between usuall-y employed Stokes-Rayleigh functions f (Jkr) end F(jh:r) and new and more con- venient funct.ions,G(kr), D(kr), e(kr)., and d(kr). Investigates 'problem of energy flow. , Establishes 152T93~~ USSR/Physics Radiation, Sonic (Contd) Dec 49~ that in a field of simple radiators, tangential energy flows are absent,.but in a f ield of complex radiators, they:are alva;ys, present. petails example of a radiator of the 0 plus 1 order. , Gives general expression for combined energy and mass of zonal and sectional radiators of any order. Submitted TSep.49i 152T93 cl~ USSIR/Physics Sound Waves May 51 "Visualization of Spatial: Modulat ed Sounds Waves," S. N. Rzhevkin CIO 0 Uspekh Fiz Nauk" Vol )MIV, No 1, PP 70-79 a 'Spatially modulated waves are waves in which ampli- tude does.not remain const over fronts of equal phase. They occur in the most diverse cases., Or- dinary method for obtaining such waves is to force wave.through surface or syst, certain parts*of which are more permeable and other parts less permeable., Surfaces of this ty]~e are diffraction lattices, .zonal plates, etc. Spatially modulated waves arise 183190 USSIR/Physics SoundWaves (Contd) May 51 also as result of diffraction against individual obstacles. Essential problem concerns stability of ;Spatially L modulated waves during further propagation. Presents graphic method,for conside'ring these waves. 183T90 N USSR/Physics Sound FD-1198 Card 1/1 Pub. 129-1/19 Author Rzhevkin,, S..N. ,Title Soiind emitters with traveling wave Periodical Vest. Mosk un-, Ser. fizikomat. i yest. nauk 9, No 5, 3-18 Aug 1954 Abstract A more general analysis continuing his previous work ("Radiation of ,sound wavestraveling over a sphere", No 2, (1949) of a sonor field of a spherical-emitter-with traveling wave is presented. Full analogy is established between emitters with traveling wave and rotational emitters producing rotational sounddue to periodic compressions of the medium by therotating body. Results of experimental study of a cylindrical:emitter vith traveling wave proved in agreement with theory. Eight~references. Institution Submitted January 14, 1954 VIA POIRID/Acoustics - i Abs Jour: Pfaferav, Zhur--Fizika, 195?~Jfo If, 1.0010 Author, Rzhevicin, S.N. Inst Title On the Problem of knalysiii :~f S~Ymd of tbe Singing Voice. Orig Pub: So. posvyashch. pamlati akad. P.P. Lazarev, M. AN SSSR, 1956, 30.5)-318 Abstract: On. the 'tasis of ar-Alysis of 7--~,-orded voice cf 2,1111gers with the aid of high-fidelity apparatus, it -was observed that th-ere exists in the voti'.-e of an experienced singer two clearly ~'.-6. -inced "singing formant-s" ir- narraq f n(y re-.jaemcy regions near 500 P wid 2500 cycljts. Trap-se are fo-r all vowels and at, all pitch-es from the lowest to the high~-st. Thu-s, in the singing o,,L nd' the ::haraz1e---Jstj-e-- features cf variou-s vc-wels are lost. Comparison with the voice of ar urexperierces singer shows that in the latter case tae singing fo:-rmL7-,ctE are not clearly pronounced and stabl-2: in frequency; th~~ jpp-~--r formant is for the most part miss- ing. Card 1) 2 FOLAND/Acoustics. i Abs Jour: Referat Zhur-Fizika, 1957, No 4, 10280 One can assume that the lower foxrwnt, cori-eaponding to the rein- forcement of the avertones in the 500 cycle region, determines the "massiveness" that characterizes the lowar male voice, while the upper, the more imnoi-tant one, dellarr-itnes the "metallicity" or the."sonority" of a voice, necessary for any go-,a voice. To explain the contradicti-on between the similarity of the for- mant regions for the siT~glug voice and all ~,rowels and the clear diction. That qualified singers have., an ass-wnptiou is made that there is a rapid retuning of the voice of ar- experienced singer from the speech position a-u the start, of vthe souncL (instant of attack) to a singing position in the steady, prolonged portion of the sound. Ine:xp~_riencad singers, who (io not have a rapid me- chanism of retuning the vcilce apparatue,, do n3t have clear diction. 2/2 USSR/Acoustics Physiological Acoustics. Speech and Singing'. J-8 Abst Journali Referat Zhur Fizika., No 12, 1956, 35646 Author: Rzhevkin, S. N. Institution: -Itme Titlez Certain Results of Analysis of the Singing Voice Original Periodical: Akust. zh., 1956, 2, No 2, 205-210 Abstract: In the voice of an experienced singer, one notes the presence of sharply progounced "singing formants" in the region near 500 and near 2,500 cycles) equal for all vowels and all ranging from the lowest to the highest notes. Comparison with the voice of an in- experienced singer shows.that in the latter the singing formants are not clearly pfonounced and stable; the upper formant, causing the metallic character of the voice', is absent. A hypothesis is made that the voice experienced singer is sharply retU#*d from the speech position at the start of the-vowel sound into the singing position, characteristic for a ste ady-state, prolonged portion of the sound. Card 1/1 USGR/Acoustics Ultrasonics, J-4 Abst journal,j Referat Zhur Fizika, No 12, 1956, 35563 Author,: Averlyanova, Vo G., Makarov, V. I.., Rzhevkin, S. N. Institution:, Moscow State University, USSR-, Title: Visualization of Shear Ultrasonic Waves in.Transparent Solid Bodies Original PO*iodical: Akust. zh. 1956, 2, No 2 224-2p-,, Y Abstract: Using a sensitive Tepler installation in (flint) glass blocks, in nonpolarized light, the standing shear waves, excited by a Y-section quartz plate, was observed. At 805.6 kc the speed of the shear wave was 2,481 m/sec. The running ahear waves were ob- served upon reflection of the longitudinal wave at the boundary between the glass--and the--dir in the foxm of a light beam against the background of the interference of the reflected longitudinal and shear waves. Mueller (Mueller, H., Physics, 1935, 6, 179-18k) has shown theoretically that the elastic stresses produce an Card 1/2 - ------------ SOV-46-4-3-18/18 AUTHORS:Rzhev-1Ia-inl S. N. and Rozenberg', L. D. TITLE: Booic Rev-j-ew-sr-~_iibliografiya) PERIODIC'AL: Akustiches'ciy ZIn Vol 4 Nr 3, pp 295-296 19581 1 (USSR) ABSTRACT: -There is a factual re-view of "Technical Aspects of Sound" b-r-R. G. 1Zj_cha-,_,dson, ancl a critix.--l- review of J. Alatauschell K s "hinfdhrung'in die UltraschalltcchniO. 1. Literature--USSR 2. Acoustics Card 1/1 sov/124-59-9-9815 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1959,_Nr 9, p 34 (ussR) AUTHOR: Rzhevkin, S.M. =NEI =:Mj-j~ TITLE; The Paradox of a Near Field of a,Piston Diaphragm PERIODICAL. V sb.: Primeneniye ulttraakust.~k issled. veshchestva. Nr 6, Moscow, 1958, pp 47 52 ABSTRACT; The author investigates theoretically the radiation of a round piston diaphragm oscillating within an aperture in an infinitely rigid screen. The sonic field has the nature ofa standing wave with gradually increasing distance between its nodal points. The. field reflected from a reflector has.also a complicated structure. The author shows that the generation of regular plane standing waves,having -intervals between~the minima near the half-wave.of sound, can be observed when displacing the.reflector in an inter- ferometer. This phenomenon makes it possible to measure the sound Card 1/2 velocity with high accuracy. It is.caused by automatic averaging Card 2/2 AUTHOR: Rzhevk SOV/53-66-1-9/11 TITLE: --- th "Zato1iy Boleslavovich Mlodzeyevskiy (on His 75 Birthday) (Anatoliy Boleslavovich Mlodzeyevskiy (k semidesyatipyatile-tia-11 so dnya rozhdeniya)) PERIODICAL: Uspekhi fiziche'skikh nauk,- 1958, vol. 66, Ifr 1, PP. 145 146 (ITSWI) ABSTRACT: The present article is dedicated to Inatoliy,Bolesllavovich IJ10dZeyevskiy-who on April 11, 19502 celebrated hi sseventy- fifth birthday. Simultaneously the 55th year~of his activity. as.a scientist and a teacher is commemorated. He started ratory of.the famous ph -is' his.scien-tificlactivity at the labo ysi, P.'N.Lebedev; his first scientific paper dealt with the velocity of sound in air..During his long activity,, he finally was, . the J.-Ioscow State,University. He published a great number of scientific papers, predominantly on thermodynamical and physicochemical,problems. He gave courses on general phksica,, electrodynamiest.therinodynamicsg metal physics, phase theory, crystal optics, vector analysis, dtc. He wrote textbooks for Card 1/2 universities entitled, "Molecular Fhysicsll,,"Therinodynamics"~ PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOY/4342 Vserossiyakaya konferentsiya professorov i,prepodavateley pedagogicheskikh institutov. Primeneniye ul'traakustiki k issledovaniyu veshchestva; trudy konferentsiy, vyp. 9 (kpplication of Ultrasonics in the Study of Substances, No. 9) Moscow, Izd. MOPI, 1959- 245 p. Errata slip inserted. 1,000 copies printed. Eds.: V. F. Nozdrev, Professor, and B. B. Kudryavtsev, Professor. PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for scientists specializing in ultrasonics, and for those.interested in the application of ultrasonics to the study of the properties of materials, and to the quality control of mach- ined parts and structural elements. COVERAGE: The collection conaiitutes the transactions of the All-Russian Con- ference of Professors and Teachers of Pedagogical Institutes. The articles repo:&t on recent theoretical and experimental investigations in the field of ultrasonics and discuas the application of ultrasonics to the study of Application of Ultrasonics (Cont.) SOV/4342 materials and tothe quality control of machined parts and structural elaments (defectoseopy). No personalities are mentioned. References ac- Co"y most of the articles. TABLE OF CONTENTS: .,".Rzhevkin, S. N. [MGU imeni Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni Lom6ndiov)]. Contribution to the Theory of the Ultrasonic Inter:- ferometer Shakhparonov, M. 1. [Moscow State University imeni Lomonosov). on the Possibility of Investigating the Funatioa 6f-Distribution of Density.Fluctuation From the Data on the Speed of Propagation of Hypersonic Waves 9 Kh. I., A. M. Kerimov, and B. G. Alibekov (Dagestanskiy filial AN SSSR (Dagestan Branch of the Academy of Sciences USSRA. Investigation of the Specific Heat Cv of a Liquid by Direct Measure- ment and Comparison of the Results Obtained With Values of Specific Heat Cv. Found by Means of.Ultrasonics 23 --card-2/11 x v qt v .7s.R Sol Q AIlls ip u I a I u -IV *& I -i a A -A ]INJ qm. I e 3TI J114111-1-al Iti It m I A .-ana-g--ne -TITLE: Investigation of the soundy-a-bBorbing structure of the Adechoic Chamber of the Faculty of-ilitsics- of the Moscow State University. (Issledovaniye zvukopogloshchayushchikh konstruktaly dlya zvukomernoy kamry fizicheskogo fakulteta Moskovskogo Gosudarstvennogo, Universiteta.) PERIODICAL: "Akusticheskiy Zhurnal" (Jouinal of Acoustics) 195? , 'Vol.,III, No. 1, pp. 73 - 28 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: Project and constructional details of the Anechoic Chamber for the new Faculty of Physics of the Moscow State ~Uiversity are given. It is an irregular parallelogram, 100.m. an4-about, ?.5 m in height, the Seiling-being inclined at about 10 Total volume is 650 m - The absorption chamber is insulated from the building walls with rubber spacers. The project involved an investigation into the best sound-absorb:Lng types of constructions and of materials. The usually adopted constr- uction methods are those given by E. Meyer, J. Buchman and A. Schoch 1) and by Beranek and Harvey P Sleeper 2). These were used for the construction of the AA;choic -Chmber of the Academy of Communications imeni Budenny'(Akaden4ya Svyazi i-meni Budennogo) with the absorbing material based on asbestos yarn. To improve low frequencies absorption2 the CAamber of -;,he Institute of Radio-communication and of Acoustics"(Institut ,Card 1/2 Radioveshchatelnogo Priema,i Akustiki) in Leningrad, 3) the lining was changed to "MIPOR" foam plastic with a spec.grav. of Investigation of the sound-absorbing structure of the Anechoic Chamber of the Faculty of Physics of the Moscow State University. (Cont. 46-1-3'~~20 0.011-0.017 g/CM3 foming a resonant sound sink, as suggested by Bibishev, Veliiihmina and Sokolov, 4). This was achieved by using segments of "MIPOR" with a bad absorption character- istic and experimentally finding the best positioning of them inside resonator cavities in the wall. As expected, this gave good results at,one particular frequency only, since for a given resonator the segment should be chosen so as to meet specific requirements as pointed out by Rzhevkin, S.V., 5). It was decided, therefore, to use, in the present chamberut glass wool as absorbing material for segment lining with s-g. = 0.12 g/cm-;'. I It gave satisfactory results dovra to, 80 C.P.S. Two drawings of a straight and of a combined resonator systems and 7 graphs relating the coefficient of reflection against frequency for various materials and shapes of the Card 2/2 lining segments are included. There are 5 references, of which 3 are Russian,- 0 " VAIn' 'I"" analysim loot. K, A. Voumblanind and M. Ill. , via at." mirptan." jin Ittk-WO, J. 6ill-I'lly., (ZA I. A4. Pis'). 0.~. 1947. M, 17, jqo. 14M - MO. llr#qx'Iu-T will r0millit. firtl tile prilicil4d mourt- of milpiAl". .8"11-113 pr..Iu.v of toliAl 11111um The 11"i., InIfil 1-#' tor saingly mamost'l. Plightly Vali"Ide. Vorip"I Alw) *Italy writ arm (of liflutot! um-111111vilm for stil,lyilloc it ililielf ( 1) t1m. 0.ZIA*ult: Lime" art. 6pa limis; .(2) Ow. Weaker umiMA; (3) tim Impowwy thimorimilustion dw~-s wit virmil Um thini Of all twt4v*-. Thd buthOm "MmIllcullid U411K RIIY tYlk! Of fvt'li,fillit (win, w fiIIII 1. fav.M41). (n.11% whivi. .11 6 ol~tmctvil mijul rmlitilA a nulutwr 4 tinw., tit, 6,it,,g 6ter j,iit^l ititis a sjunol track of abuut 0.1 -V duratilist. U It,) jwri'AI cull be lx'rLeiVT4I, MJ'Y mufficit"ItlY 1-149 interval can tx! tx-j. mill the atithimrs exisillit Out mWmilkirolinit formul". Ftir Ifis? litully of tim IM tile auth4irs. malle a rwrimhjuL frandprorst it smilu a Win. m3pitio,t) III rm id the mitHim) track 14 thfutmi run tlw* cunNsit4l ifrip through a Alin s-Imitfumr, and fell thetunl4ifilor out Imst inta a 11tx1itun lyget. Two ~Iwctru stre AwAtt in the tm4jq!r. une for owtheimi. tile ut1wr (.r A. W. %Nudiwiler, USA PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION sov/4327 Rzhevkin, Sergey Nikolayevich Kurs lektsly po teoril zvuka (course of Lectures on the Theory of Sound) [Moscow] Izd-vo Moak. univ., 1960, 334 p. Errata, slip Inserted. 6,000 copies printed. Ed.: K. M. Ivanov-Shits; Ed. of Publishing House: S. F. Kondrashkova; Tech. Ed.: M. S. Yermakov. PURPOSE; This book is intended as an aid for students of the Moscow State University and of other schools of higher learning and for personnel of scientific Institutes work- Ing in the field of acoustics... COVERAGE.-, This book consists of lectures on the theory of sound given by the author at the Radio Physics Department of the.Physics Division of the Moscow State University In recent years The material deals with the derivation of the sound wave equation'. the.propagation of plane waves and their.transmission through interfaces of various media, the propagation of.sound waves in tubes and acoustic lines, Card-.1/3 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Preface 3 Introduction 4 Ch. 1. Wave Equation 7 Ch'. 2. Plane Wave l8 Ch. 3. Transmission of Sound Through Interfaces of Various Media 37 Ch. 4. .,Simple Radiators of Sound (Pulsating and Oscilla ting Sphere) 57 Card-2/4- BENDRIKOV, G.A.; KRASNUSHKIN, P.Ye.; REYMUDELI, E.M.; POTEnINI V.V.; MUST;4LI, Ya.R.; R97T VKIN, K.S.; IVANOV, I.V.; KHAIRLAMOV. AA.-, TIKHONOV, Yu.V.; STR OVA, L.P.; KAPTSOV, L.H.; ORDANOVICH, A.Ye.; KHOKHLOV. R.Y.-, VORONIN, E.S.; BERESTOVSKIY, KRAS1iCF-1?VTSw. Yu.V.; XINAKOVA, I.I.; YASTREWS97A, T.H.; SWNOV, A.A.; VINO- GRADOVA, M.B.; KARPZM, G.A.; DRACHEV, L.A.; TROFIMOVA, N.B.; SIZOV, V.P.; RZHBVKIN, S.N.- VELIZHANINA, K.A.; NESTBROV, V.S.; SPIVAK, G.V., red.; NOSYREVA, I.A., red.; GEORGIYEVA, G.I., tekha. red. [Special practical manual in physical Spetsialinyi fizicheBkii praktikum. Moskva, Izd-vo Mosk.univ. Vol.l. (Radiophysics and electronics] Radiofizika i elektronika. 1960. 600 p. (MIRA 13:7), Professorsko-prepodevat ellskiy sostav Weleniya radiofiziki fizicheskogo fakulltets Moskovskogo -,os-udarstvennogo universiteta. (for all, except Spivak, Nosyreva, Georgiyeva). (Radioactivity) (Electronics) L 29965-66 EVIT (I )/T JK ACC NR~AR6oO4358 SOURCE CODE: UR/0299/65/ooo/olg/',Bol,r2/BO42? AUTHOR; Berim, M. G.; Brudnaya, K. B.; Rzhevskaya, G. F.; Tuk-L-larova; Sh. Z.- TITLE: Problem of the,antibacterial action of amidophosphonofornic ester, phosphorilated '&detals and hydrazones' SOURCE: Ref. zh. BiologiyaY Abs. 19B272 REF SOURCE:- Nauchn4 tr. Kazansk. med. in-t v. 14, 1964, 99-100 TOPIC TAGS: =6-w V, bactericide, organic.phosphorus compound Alfil ABSTRACT:. The antibacterial effect of amidophosphonoformic ester, 'phosphorilated hydrazones and phosphorilated acetals are studied. Some serotype (0-111,,0-26, 0-55) intestinal bacteria,~pro~eus vulfarkeus'\16 stimulants of typhoid-f ever, dysentdry, - murine tahus \9 stap Ylococcus streptococcus, and also diphtheria~gstimuiators wtgt h ateria,viere U-SiAl The latter microorganism was shown to be the most, sensitive to the compounds in questlion. The addition of chlorine atom to the alkyl radical, or an-iinerease in the carbon.atom number in it does not Card 1/2 BEIG-11, BFUTDIMP., K.B.; P-M-EVSiU.1-1., G.F.; TUKTmi(Arr', Sh.Z. Ant-imicrobiall effect of the esters of amidophosphonofcrm-ic acid, phosphorylated acetals and hydrazones. Nauch. t-rudy Kaz. gos. med. inst. 14:99-100 1644. 18:9) 1. Kafedr-, mila-obiolo.aii (Zav. - dotsent Z.Kh.Kai-Lmova) i kafedra. farmakologii (zav. dotsent T.V.Raspopova) Kazanskogo meditsinskogo instiltuta. KONOVALOVA, N.C.; HAIIHOVA, Ye.K.; IRZIEVSKAYA, G.F.; Tit-EYE111k, S.M. Bactericidal effect of. organophosp~orus Preparations and antibiotics on staphylococci cf the genitals. Nauch. trudy Kaz. gos. med. inst. 14:207-208 164. 18:9) 1. Kafedra milcrobiologil (?,av. - dot-,.ent Z.Kh.Karimova) i kafodra farfrzkologli (mv. - (I(jLrjonL T.V.1trispol)(3va) Kazanikogo mediLsIxiskogo Instltuta. CEMADUTI) NOV Y K.A.; [6'MIVSUYA7 G.P.; S111611KILK, K.A. Inhibitive effect of somp -,rganophoophorus compounds on the foot-and-mouth disease virus. blauch. trudy Kaz. gos. med. inst. 14:lZ,1-142 164. (MIRA 18:9) 1. Virusologicheskaya laboratoriya (zav. - prof. F.Z.Amfiteatrov) Kazanskogo veteriiiarriogo instituta i kafedra farmakologii (zav. dotsent T.V.Paspopova) Kazanskogo meditsinskago instituta. i~ V, -7 F 7 ill:.4*11; 72. , --I r ,nx 73. G'Y -"i:~ ACTICN C.,.-' mar-i 0F C M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4S5 7.1. -,OXICIT[ A:D ~;rXE TCC. *~':~;t~' J- OF N-r.; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4i;a a 75. CQ'.~;;7;1)3 ON CC';,7,F.GM'f., F. K. Roz~.Vvu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 4rS 76, i,7 0" A ("N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 468 77. 0" F- "I N-JOI-ILI. U!;Z :~C-Z-03 --J"x'v~-4,:"r 0, A:3 krl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 472 76 . u3v- W 1'. Z.1171 OF MIYVlati~MA Mill V~ V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 71). i D. . . . . . . . . TOXICQf~;y 0- . . . . . . i . ao 60 p M AF '11, POT MONTIZ. :iO!i" V.0y, IN AN_ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495 r 31. E*, r~ TO OF W-r--,~ SCOPJL- 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,30 AM) V~F:1~111'6' C-F IT Vl,,-~Cl-rm-kov 495 63. OF THI; AC-',o:; ri, A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v - C.I.IMICAL 0pjK!:WlT:O:; C, 1"; GIAMOMA. V. Mi vu. D5 C C-5 :!3 w, DIT:O (DrMIC) Nn-! C,;'i;F',';")~ ~ sm:o.Rui; L -trolzO AG~JNST GIA'jCGV,. M. 0 5 11, ov a 50a . 6--- ., CC%MUM)~;. G. 1. Tir-l;jnmi:rL 07 G:AUC(:"!A D' . 67. . Toxicl-Tt- Ot, CGM-10MMS FOR AN!Mk~ IWIT", 4MIATION GiCKN-tZ3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . S-9. ORG,`C,'0l'l,.C,:,rl!CRU3 CC;mM~Glij r%S A&-.,VlADmATIO.'; AND PROPHYULCTIC . N. A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -2iT3 A r2 9 F'F~71 I N',!Ikl~~,ova avl ~UnyushavL O~* 0!?%'.AN0P'..70 ON 524 '-Ch' (Chcr&~atz:1- tad Of A. Yo. Arblizov, Zd. publ. 7by Yr.--rne JLI'1-11, Cc!. VC ~:ZC~Cowj !C~2 C 2*.-,,p . CO Licm Cf ec=llc 21-~"-ItAL at U-0 1959 Y-nzp-a Co-aforen-co en C~zz-iwLry of OrennopIx-n-phor"a C 0 zp 0 vu da . .ON L LA".L driiix- re ment.- 0i "I ~7 z6i lo eszerue~ actiqftty~ "A xper a op d i ng ~,el, W . .-t Imur um i446) s .7ph lprepsq~ati: vhic VerF_,,-a _ T r a t m e n t b e- g*a'n at d t e n I - 6~id, ~2b-24- li6~ lid Additl.6~,, le., ox . "' lit t Of, th , - I :.p va PP. in com par oon.,~j -`9V e J-0 -Int*4tLu~l-: inr46 Meg ,p:i, -,c9mp s txl, 7: cc ,rd GORBACIEVA, A.P.; RZHBVSKAYA. T.K. C Gazi c;-f ~-:clid 7 1 r, 69;. p is: lo) .;,ak7 , I i~ ;~. ; , c-; FXj1i viema I-..sfedrov tekhrdki wrsokikh napi- zhenf-y. - ----------------- ACC NR. AT6026903 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/000/000/0018/1)02.1 AUTHOR: Figuzov, Yu. V.; Verner, V. D.; Shulepov, V. I.; Rzhevskaya, I. Ya. ORG: none TITLE: A &tudy of the behavior of interstitial atoms in molybdenum by means of in ternal friction 1 SOURCE: AX SSSR,. Institut metallurgii. Vnutrenneye trezive v metallakh i splavakh (internal frictioz in metals and alloys). Moscow, lzd-vo ilauka, 1966, 18-21 '"OPIC TAGS: internal friction, molybdenum, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, activation ener temperazure dependence, solid solution, quenching, tempering, plastic deformation. AFSTJ,j%C"L: -An internal friction study was made of the effects ojE~,C,021 and N2 addition's in 1-'Iolybdenum. The temperature dependence of internal friction was 'measureT-In a vacui ~;x_n on samples of 1 n-.n width and 0.35.j-mm thickness. Oscillation frequencies ranged from '0.5 to 2.1 cps. Quenched samples exhibited a wide internal friction peak, spread overl ,the range 60-40011C, the height- of Vnich increased linearly as a function of quenching i. ,teiniiperature due to the higher solubilities of the interstitial atomis. The concentra 10 _1/ ~tion ratio CIC r C, N2 and 02 corresponded with the internal friction ratio Q. may. a, The peak itself consisted of three components--I, I!, III--a high central, por-i Card 1/2 L W,.8G-67 ACC M) and t-wo neighboring plateaus (I, III). The related activation energies as determiined by the Wert-Marx method were 26, 32, and 39 Kcal/mol for 1, 11 and III re- i :spectively, Component- III was associated with.carbon since it vanished after quenching' .from 10001C, and the concentration of carbon in solid solution is~negligible below :12000C. The central component 11 may have been caused by oxygen since ox-jgen is the 'most soluble interstitial in molybdenum; also Q_1/ 1 correlated best with 02/0Z Q~ax max ~Ccmpbnent I was probably caused by nitrogen. The activation energy for nitrogen diffuj S2.0n in molybdenum was previously determined by Hartley and Wilson to be 25.1 t 2.7 Kcal/mol. The peaks and the low temperature background decreased in magnitude after ltezmerin- at 6000C for 30 min, or in quenched sapp.~es, aftpr annealing in hyAr9gen. at :16000C. Deformation of vacuum annealed samples pushed the high temperature side toward ~the left, eitheras a result of the breakaway of dislocations from Cottrell atmospheres ~or because of localized differences in deformation conditions. Orig. art. has: 6 figures. 'SUB CODE: 11,20/ SUBM DATE: 02Apr66/ ORIG REF: 00l/ OTH REF: 004 carri 2/2 6,~Vj~ 64;00-vi---V BARATOV, K.B.; YUSUPOV, A.Mp CHIZH, I.M-; RZHEVSKAYA, V.I.; BURMAKINA, V.F. ell nw~ - v AID P 3421 Subject USSR/Chemistry Card 1/1- Pub. 152 - 6/18 Authors Vozdvizhenskiy, G.S., V. A. Dmitriyev, A. G. Mozhanova, Ye. V. Rzhevskaya, and D. Ye. Chasov Title Preparation of good-quality electrolytic coatings on articles from zinc alloys, Periodical Zhur. prikl. khim., 28, 5, 484-489, 1955 Abstract Various compositions and reaction conditions are described. Best results were obtained by using an electrolyte containing 20-25 g./L copper, 8-12 g./1. free cyanide, 15-30-9./L sodium cabonate; current density, 1 amp./; temp., 50-55OC-, PHJ 11-12; reaction.time, 10 min. Three tables, 3 photos, 6 ref., 4 Russian (1943-1951). Institution None Submitted S 25.1 1953 A YA L- v USSR/Physical Chemistry Electrochemistry, B-12 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur &miya, No 19, 1956, 61169 Author: Vozd W henskiy, G. S., Dmitriyev, V. A. _Azhevs~ay .,-.-Ye. V. Institution: Non (Xf5-,e Title: Electrode Potentitis of Copper MonocryBta 1B in Pho sphoric Acid Original Periodical: Zh. fiz. khimii, 1955, 29, No 2, 28o-286 Abstract: Investigated were -the electrode potentials of Cu monocrystals (M) in H P04 (sp. gravity 1.53). M were grown by the method of crys- t hown that static and especially- al72zation from a melt. It is s dynamic potentials (the latt 'er were measured vith,an'odic zation at current densities of 0-5-50 a/dm2) Of the facefowf,- cube octahedron and rhombododecahedron differ substantially from one another and the most positive potED-1al is that of the facet of a rhombododecahe,dron (Vozdvizhenskly, G. S., Dmitriyev, V~ A., Dokl. AN SSSR 1949, 66, 227). With increasing duration -of the Y stay of M in the solution differences in static potentials gradually Card 1/2 ----------------------------------- ---------- ------------------ -------------------- Vs )qvl fit eof"thc ~"Jallol The P.11shing Of 0 ;), , 7ca n v in t; and e tej mano And'dW the potential 1 further r cormb With ~ d6phmg -of i a. on. format controuing . fic --' IL- ted- - SO Y, lissis ca AM Of 137-1957-12-2,1560 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurna 1, Metallurgiya, . 1957, Nr 12, p 230 (USSR.) AUTHORS: Dr-nitriyev, V.A., Rzhev skaya, Ye. V, T IT LE: ~__n the Problem of the Mechanism, o trolytic Polishing of Copper (K voprosu o mekhanizme elektrolitiche5koy polirovki, medi) PERIODICA L: Izv. Kazansk. fit. AN SSSR. Ser. Khim. n., 1957, Nr 3, pp 105-109 ABSTRACT- The anodic 1, s. 1 C-1 of metal by the --tectric current was determined in the process of the anodic of specimens of tempered Cu in various concentrations of H3PO4. The tion of of metal increased with qecreasing-concentra the acid. When the D ~f. -and the specific gravity a of.the H3P04 is reduced from 1.62 to I.Zl, the y--le-ld of metal increases from 25 to 97 percent The Cu concentration olyte influences the of metat considerably. in the electr V When D_ is L- the of metal is almost 50 per- cent larger in an electrolyte containing 30 g/I of Cu, than it is in Ca rd I an electrolyte cont.ainirg 87 g/1 of Cu, At Da = 50imip/dra" the 137-1957-12-24-5560 To the Problem of iMechanism of Electrolytic: Polishing of Copper rate of co-. is Z.3 times greater in H3P04 with,a specific gravity of i.31 than it is in, H3 P04 with a specific ravity 9 of 1-53.- Tile results obtaine.d show that in the process of electro-- polishing, conditions must be created which favor the dis!:-Olving of the mic ro- projections, and at the same time ensure an identical I%U for the various structural rnicroconstituents; to achieve this it is imperative to ensure sufficient local inertness of the metal in order to suppress the action of the microelements, An electro- polishing mechanism is examined which would provide identical M. for the vcir-~Otls rriicroconstituerit~~ of the, su.rface of the metal, Ya. L. Electrolytic polishing 2,, Copper-Electrolytic, polishing- Test results Card 212 137-1957-12-3~4611 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metaliurgiya-1957, Nr l?, p 237 (USSR) AUTHORS: Dmitriyev, V A Rzhevskaya, Ye.V. TITLE. Some Probierns of the Mechanism of Electrolytic and Chemical Polishing of Zinc ~(Nekotoryye voprosy mekhanisma elektroliti- cheskoy i kliimiche-Qkoy polit-ovki.tsinka) PERIODICAL: Izv. Kazansk., fit AN SSSR, -~er. khim, n,, 1957, Nr 3, pp ABSTRACT: By. employing the e'~ectro',ytic polishing of Zn as an illustration, it is demonstr,:,teci that the mechani~~M.ot the process is the same for'rnetals-,,z~tli ditferer-L propertie!i, ana that the mechanism of the proces--. of chemical potishing of Zn does not differ from that of the el.ectrolytic proc The anode potential was studied at variou,-~ DA'~. as a function of the co ncentration of the acid and the content ot Zn in. the electrolyte in the process of electrolytic t -specific gravity I- I - 1. 15), In polishing of Zn in H3PO4 another Zer;c-s of experiment-s the Quality of an electropolished "urface wa!~ -~t.udied as a func~lon of the DA and the concentration of acid and Zn in the electrolyte by ob-serving the value of its re- Card 1.12 f-LeCLiVe propertie- A 500 ml electrolyzerwas employed for the Some Problems of the Mechanism of Electrolytic and Chemical (cont. polishing of 2OXIOxIO mm specimens of cast Zn; one side ofthe spe~cimen having- an urea of I cm? , was subjected to. electropol~sh- ing, while the rem.1inder was protected, The surface of the anode was 20 tirnes greater than the surface of the cathode. The poluri- zaLion curves show a strong similarity to the, curves of the electro-, lytic polishing of Cu in H3 P04 , The discrepancy at smal I DA's is caused by high chemical activity of the given electrolyte as compared with Cu. A's in of the polishing of Cu, the maximum possible suppreSSLOn of microelectrochemical corrosion of metal is a basic condition for the realization of the procesL,, It was established, that Zn can be polished chemically in concentrated HN03' Ya. L, 1. Zinc-Elea 'trolytic polishin.-Test results 2. Zinc-Chemical polishing-Test results 3. Electrolytic Dolishing 4. Ghemical polishing .Card 2/2 -63 SD JD t 19386 AMC A ~~G]~SSION ~NR. AT3001932 S/Z91Z/6Z/000/000/0326/0332 A.-, Rzhevskaya- Ye. V-*, Kh~ristofo Dmitriyev, -V rov, V.A.. TITLE: The surface structure of metals and oxides after electrolytic and chemical .....'', 1polishing WURCE: Kris tallizatsiya. i fazovyye perekhod~. Minsk, Izd-vo AN BSSR, ;19~2, 326-332 TOPIC TAGS: 'crystal, crystallization, crystallography, surface, structure, polishing, electrolytic, electrochemical, chemical, mechanical, electropolishing, :anode, anodic, polarization, limiting current,- potential, acceptor, activity, _cxhaustion, submicrostructure, oxide -film,. cuprous oxide, Cu- 'ABSTB-4CT: The, paperdescribes the results of an experimental investigation of:~ ithe surface structure created by- electrolytic and chemical polishin pfme"tals. A new approach to the; problem is required, 'bi3cause the surface char~�teristics and "the. nonuniformities arising in the process, of che.rnical polishing ar6 basically at ;variance with the n~nuniformities obtained in mechanical polishing. The surface ~structure of annealed Cu at various stageqi of anodic polarization in 70% phosphoric' ;acid, performed iii'potentiostatic conditions, was employed. Specimens dissolved 01 Ccrd 1/3 L 19386-63 .~AGGESSION NR:'AT3001932, !within 3 hrs. Ordinary etching and develdpziient. of the microstructure in the .~0.4-0 6-v potential interval.- At 0.65-1.85 %T, "plateau." a, shining, J:,.- iviace is formed. 500.-~ on ;visually smooth, microscopic investigati however,.in dicated far-reaching changes in the struct~i~e. Below the floscillation potential,". :each grain has a smooth polished, surface. but with pronoxin~Vd. grain boundaries':-_- 'In the oscillation--ntential interval 0.65-0,.40 v -a new-type stiticture with dis'solut- ~tion strata is forme*d. This structure depe'nils on.the orientat4pri of th grains. e At 1.1.Z-1.6 v the grai _%oundary de*velopmentl* ases, and at L;65~-~ .75 v not only the 1:t6ta theinselv luded' intergrain boundaiies but the dissolution 3 es van"ish.. It is cone Ithat, contrary to pr6vailing. opinion (Edwaids, J.,, J. Electrocheim. Soc., v. 100, no..7,`.,1'1:~.,_,:_. 11953, 189; no. B1953, 223), the attainment'of the limiting current, founded on the ex;,-_:`,.- ~haustion of the activity of the acceptor-H PO is not a sufficient conditioil for the 3. r e -accomplishm ent ~f Lgh-quality polishing.,- aA the'shape of the polarization cu v :is not adequate to char~acterize the polishing process. The reason for the incepti of the manifold -structure at various values of the potentiil, but at a constant limit.,. 7 n s e~i'dently attributable to ai~oiher rocess. It is postulated that a ing current, i p extremely thin la~67_ of cuprous oxide forriii on-the.surface of the Cu electrode. farization potential, the, character of tl~e'dist ibution of -tix With increasing po r 'd cuprous ox. e on thit various crystallographic elements of the surface and i.ts electrochemical nkture changes. This, then, is -the reason for. the f6rmation of: 'Card Z/3 L 19386-63 ACCESSION NR: AT300193Z variously shaped structures at the limiting current. Only at elevated potential (1.65 to 1.75 v) will the cuprous-oxide film attain an elevated elect'rochemical ~uniformity, thereby forming a surface with a fine submicrorelief. In such condi- tions, the preferential dissolution of separate submicroregions of the surface wilL :be determined fundamentally not by their electrochemical activity, but by the condition of the sufficiency of the acceptor. The experiments (numerous photos,q are shown) were performed o sheet-Cu specimens, on the surface of which a n O.Z-mm thick cuprous-oxide film had been formed. It was found that electro- 'polishing of cuprous oxide can be performed in the following elect olyte (in mi r ;liters): H PO gr glycerol 150; T 400c; current density 10-20 -5:sP 2 3 4(l ma/cm . The cuprous 03dde could be polished even more effectively by chemical ~dissolution in an electrolyte. consisting of 135 ml H3PO4 (17sp. gr.) and 15 ml' ;HNO (1.5 sp. gr.). at T 40-609C. Orig. art.'hPs 6 figs. 3 ASSOCIATION: none DATE ACQ: .16AprOl ENCL: - SUBMITTED: 00 00 :SUB CODE: CH, PH-, MA, 'EL NO REYSOV-. 007 OTHEM 6649;. r Card 3/3 .9 AA DMITRIYEV, V.A.; RZHFVSKAYA, Ye.v.; KHRISTOIDROV, V.A. Structure of an electrolytically. polished copper surface. Izv. Kazan.fil.AN SSSR.Ser.khim.n;wk no.4:115-126 157. vs- Rzlv6- Y42. I 137-58-5-10838 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958. Nr 5 p 278 (USSR) 0 Dmitriyev, V.A., Rzhevskaya, Ye.V., Khristoforov, V.A. TITLE: The Structure of Electrolytically Polished Copper (Struktura elektropolirovannoy med,i) PERIODICAL: Izv. Kazansk. fil. AN SSSR. Ser. khim. n., 1957, Nr 4, pp 115-126 ABSTRACT. A study, is made of the surface of Cu in the process of anodic dissolution in an electrolytic polishing bath in accordance with the process pxocedure and the crystallographic orientation. The experiments were run on annealed polycrystalline specimens of Cu and on single crystals of Cu obtained by crystallization from the melt. X-ray was used to determine the position of the cry- sta'llographic planes in the single crystals., Microscopic investi- gation of surfaces was performed with the optical portion of. the PMT-3 instrument, at a magnification of 480 times. InveIstiga - tion of the surface by the electron microscope was done with an EM-3 model, employing chrome-tinted celluloid replicas. The electrolyte used was H3PO4, of 1.535 sp. gr. The first stage Ca rd I/? process of.electrolytic polishing of polycrystalline Cu at a, 137-58-5-10838, The Structure. of Electrolytically Polished Copper Current- density of I amp/dm2, and 0.12 %r effects an etching of the surface to reveal the microstructure. An increase in the current density.. voltage, and duration of anodic. dissolution is accompanied by a selective dissolution of va rio us portions of the crystallite, confirming the concept of the electrical decrystatlization mechanism of dissolution. As dissolution time is further increased, all signs of microstructure disappear, and the surface becomes microscopically smooth. Dis5olution of individual planes of single crystal-, of Cu under a regime corresponding to the first segment of the polarization curve is accompanied by the appearance of etch figures appropriate to the given plane. Higher ciirrent densities result in a microscopically smooth, electrolytically polished surface similar to the surface of polycrystalline Cu. The use of.electron microscope investigations with magnifications of the order of, 2000 makes it possible to distinguish submicroscopi( roughnesses, on the "smooth" surface of the Cu. This roughness is due to the selective nature of the dissolution of sub-microscopic parts of the metal surface and is not related to.crystallographic_ orientation. 1. Copper--Surfaces 2. Electrolytic polishina--E~-~'-rp-c-t,-~ve-r,~-7s E. K. Ca rd Z/?_ BENDRIKOV, G.A.; KRASNUSHKIN, P.Te.; REYKHRUDEL, B.M.; POTEMKIN, V.V.; MUSTELI, Ye.R.;.RZ11ZVKIff,,K.S.; IVAIJOV, I.V.; KHABLAMOV, A.A.; TIKHOHOV. Yu.V.; STR , L.P.; KAPTSOV, L.N.; ORDANOVICH, A.Te.-, KHOKELOV, R.V.: VORONIN, E.S.; HMSTOVSKITO G.N,; YLRABNO- PNVTSKV, Tu.V.; MINAKOVA, I.I.-, TASTREBTSEV-4, T.N.; SEMEROV.-A.A.; VINOGRADOVA, M.B.; KARPETEV, G.A.; DRACHEV. L.A.; TROPIMOVA, N.B.; SIZOV V.P.; RZIM `VKI11, S.N.; VZLIZHANINA- K.A.; NESTEROV. V.S.; SPIVAK, G.V., red.; NOSTREVA, I.A., red.; GEORGITEVA, G.I., tekhn. red. (Special physics practicuml Spetaiallnyi fizicheskii praktikum. Moskva, Izd-vo Mosk.univ. Vol.l. (Radio physics and electronics] Radiofizike i elektronika. Boat. pod red. G.V.Spivska. 1960., 600 P. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Professorsko-prepodevateliskiy kollektiv fizicheskogo fakultteta Moskovskogo universiteta im. M.V.Lomonosova (for all except S-Div~. Hosyreva, Georgiyeva). (Radio) (Electronics) y SUBJECT: West GERMANY/Zoology 4-5-10/17 AUTHOR:, Rzhevskiy, B. TITLEt A Now Breed of Fur-Bearing Animals (Novyy ZVerek) PERIODICAL: Znaniye sila, 'lay 19570 P 33 (USSR) ABSTRACTs Mura in the name of a now furred anima raised in West.GermaW by Mr. Josef Krings by.interbreeding all kinds of.exotio rodents from Alaska, Asia, Africa and,South America. The breeder keeps the name of Murals~forbears secret. The fur is of different colors: blue, satin-black, sapphire,whits, golden, chinchilla or brown, and can be well used for cloth- ing. ASSOCIATION: PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED: AVAILABLE: At the Library of Congress Card 1/1 3kv&~,- SOLOMATIN, A.0. (s.Vsevolodo-Blagodatskoye, Sverdlovskaya obl.); GRIGORIYEEV, G.V.; FK-YDZOII, A.I.; KUZUETSOV, N.T.; POLOV, A. (Barnaul); ~VSKII,-R.H. (Moskva); DAVYDOV, V.D. Calendar of nature. Priroda 51 no.3sl25-128 Mr 162. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Karagandinskiy botanicheskiy sad AN Kazakhskoy:SSR (for Grigorlyev). 2. Severo-Zapadnoye upravleniye gidrometsluzhby, Leningrad (for Freydzon). 3. Institut geografii AN SSSR, Moskva (for Kuznetsov).- 4. Gosudarstvennyy astronomicheskiy institut im. P.K.Shternberga, Moskva (for Davydov). (Nature study) MUMMZHkNOV. M.; PICRSHTAT, N.; RZHXVSKI-Y,_g,,; ZHURAVLEV, B.S., redaktor; USSR/CultivatcA Plants - Commercial. Oil-Bearing. Sugar-Bearing. M-5 Abs Jour Ref 21iur - Biol.i No 7, 1958, 29888 Author Molchanov, D.M., Lysenko, F.F., Rodimtsev, I.A., Rzhovskiy G.K. Shafrin, A.N. Inst Title Cotton Sowing Times in Uzbekistan. Orig Pub Sots. s. kh. Uzbekistana, 1957,.No 3, 7-10 Abstract No abstract. Card i/I 13 USSR/Technical Crops. Oil Plants. M Abs Jour: Ref Zhur--Diol., No 17,'1958, 77769- Author Rzhevskiy, G.K. Inst Title E)cperirient on Square-Nest Distribution of Cotton in Uzbek SSR. Orig Pub: V sb..' materiv-ly Ob"yedin. nauchn. sessii po khlo-n- kovodstvu, T.I. Tashkent, Gosizdat UzSSR, 1958,- 481-485. Abstract: No abstract. card 1/1 _c, (jr (,,Ii !.Itic and af,,rioul 3 Thi-i '*ui a In 4. 7 n Con tr ral ur~~ f JI, hods of 1onR AS-1 a 0 W t L productivity t qnd t! Ii V. A unde rs cored