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io4q; MR 10, 34S -d- " , '. : !~: : -,$eOm --, . ., - - -"."dynai - -.- ';,: -.- -~ i-1- Uic K" Ig Ahii intdactialf-'or rar es ev n -IM !S -, =CO 1 54) . ! I s is an expository account of the actfbiwat-i- I amics-.due to. di t ice formulation of nuantum electioOn R. P. Feynman [P -,2) 76 (.t949)-,. 769z-789.1 ~MR hys. Rev., I 11, 76511. The Iii-brrespondiiig, fohriali sri is.; a--bo d.eriv-;(I for the thecry;-6f.'nuclcons7 ifitamOig'.. 69atged ve-dor me~o~ Peld 'F-..- ----D)4 UN Kf m is 'll JAX Mir X*441 1,76; M& t!b A. 537M .00 9 4N- 24) 121-8 -00 Pohm Go S!, Aj*&--~Mw dAWFAIld OM-ft~ 00 81,7 Is oWimd a nWWm coUision ivlwm two by dis w4w 9q"tioo. With orjy Stmic hourecdU&I, Now "W4 1 wq law of the scomp-Illokbo forimulm is otolaimcl. **cW st a** 00 law warmim AWN!"o Ownwo am A#vw wilw- too 0: kcp.-Iror do PW zoo -&twimn .k-dm6Alm& -For owl virkwid" it vmdobm6 bw hr:fmmp voindtin It b of ft mm ordw em"do brcmwdgmg m-mcdon. Thm romWm for kwp 1 10, - an Wid for the reverse Pft%,VSI of pwr protbA-tion In the field of an 0. J. K. see x9o X** 0,00 ties IRA!. -a rise I L mlT4LLU4GK4L LPIF*klbgf CLASSIFKATION tie 0 I I woo T, A ~v 49( oil i ii OK O.;V is ~19 9 to Kx, MLO ad a '" 0 It. 0 ~ 0. 1 IS % AV In K te it it 01 , n 1 S4 004 04 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 OL0 * 0 & 00 0 0.0, 0 0 9 * 0 0* 0 0 *~e 0 0 0 OS Or'0`0 9 0 9 ~-,;:j-RZYWUSKI-- JAN Mathematical. Reviews Rzewuski Jan.. StatistIca,linterpretation of.the Vol. 14 No 7 Klein-Gordon equation. Acta Phys, Polonica 10, July-Aug. 1953 296-299 (1951). Mathematical Physics. A space-tinie.6pproach [cf.; Feynman, Physical Rev. (2) 76, 749-759 (1949)1is applied to particles satisfying the K.Lein-Gordon equation. K. M. Case WKOVIGH, Ye.N.; R711AKHOVA, O.Ye. Serological diagnosis of tick-borne apring-sumer and Japanese encephalitis. Report no.2: Preparation of inactivated and del7drated antigens from brain tissue fo chick embryes infected with tick-borne encephalitis virus. Vop.viruso 1 no-3:26-29 My-Je 156. (KLRA 10:1) 1. Institut virusologil imeni D.I.Ivanovskogo ANN SSSR, Moskva (ENCEPHALITIS. JAPANISN'B. die. serol., prop. of Inactiv&ted 4 del7drated antigens from brain tissue of chick infectee. chick embryo (Rua)) (INCEPEALITIS. EPIDEMIC. diarnosis, same) (ANTIG;1S. eneephalitis antigens, -rap. from brain tissue of chick embry,oo infected with tick-borne viras for serodiag. of. Japanese vernal encephalitis (Rue)) LZVKOVICH. Ye.1I.;'GOLIDFICL'D, A.Ya.; RZHAKHOTA, O.Ye. Sffect of short-wave ultraviolet rays on the viability and antigenic properties of viruses of Russian tick-borne and Japanese encephalitis [with summary in English]. BiulAsp.biol. 77-81 Jl 1570 (MIRA 10:12) 1. Iz laboratorii enteefalitw(zav. - Prof. Ye.N.levkovich) Institute virusologii,imeni D.I.IvanovBkogo (dir. - Prof. P.H.Kosyakov) AMN SSSR,I Moskva. Predstavlena daystvitellixym chlenom.AMN SSSR prof. N.I. Zhukovym-Yerezhnikcvymo, (ENCICPHALITIS, JAPANNSI 3V virus, eff. of short wave & ultraviolet rays on viability & antigenic, properties (Rus)) (37NOSPHALITIS, 3PPD3MIG, virus, Rusetan tick-borae, eff. of shoit :-eve & ultraviolet rope-- re a vaibility &, an'tigenic p _8 (RUB)) ITIQtVIOUIT Xi-'YS. sXfoctt3, -)n -iapaacisiG &~Rrsrilk% t.I.A.-bome anaepha'IJUS biruB- viability 4' Liatig nic pr(,perties (Ras)) a RZHAKHOVA, O.Ye. diagnosis of tick-borne encephalitis; comparison of different methods for DrepRring antigens, VoD,virus, 3 n0.3:178-183 Y (MIRA -.7) -Je 158 M 1. Institut virusologii imenIi D. I. Ivanovskogo AMN SSSR, Moskva (ENGEPHALITIS. diaznosis 15-57-10-14398: Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr lu, P 169 (USSR) AUTHCR: Rz hani kova, L. N TITLE: The Petrography of the Coals and the Spore-Pollen., Content of the Tertiary Continental Beds of the Zhilanchik- J04Y. Basin (Southeastern Part of the Turgay'Basin) Zpetrografiya ugley i sporovo-pylftsevoy sostav tre tic h- noy-kontinentallnoy tolshchi Zftilanchikskogo basseyna (Yu.-V. chast' Turgayskoy vpadiny!7 .PERIODICAL: Tr. In-ta geol. nauk. AN KazSSR, 1956, Nr 1, pp 5-141 ABSTRACT: The Zhi-19Lnehikskiy- codl basin is a platform in traconti- nental basin. The coal deposits are not persistent, as a rale,.and are variable in thickness. Their s ize and thickness were determined primarily by the con- ditions of peat formation in theancient swampy and steam-bordering basins, but also by syngenetic and* epigenetic erosion. The coal, beds contain many mineral, Card 1/4 admixtures) the chief of which are amber, finely dis- 15-57-10-143918 The Petrography of the Coals and the Spore-Pollen (Cont.) persed clay material, pyrite, jarosite,.sulfur,-melanterite, and gypsum.. The deposits generally show a simple structure'. Petrographically they are divided into complex and.homogeneous types. The coal is of the brown varie.ty,. in them first stages of coalification, and is-humic. On the basis of, outward appearance, the coal is,divided into three groups: lignite, brown dense, and brown porous. In each group megascor'c and microscopic types and varieties are, distinguished. The coal deposits of Bolattam, Altynzhar, Kushuk, and, apparently, of Dyusembay are composed of low-quality types of brown coal, argillaceous clarain,and lignite. The coal deposits of Zharkuy and, ai3parently, of Kayddul~ are high-ouality brown coals, durain-ciarain, -mixed and spore-polien-durain-, pollen liptobiolith, and lignite. The original material of the coals was the remains of higher plants: swamp cypress, swamp poplar, -er lilies, pond weed, reed, alder royal fern, polybody fern, wat hornbeam, hazel, walnut, oak, chestnut, elm, and others. The., coal formed under conditions of high moisture by.autochthonous and allochthonous means. A relationship between spore-pollen: Card 2/4 15-57-10-14398 The Petrography of the Goals and the Spore-Pollen (Cont.) groups and the petrographic type of coal is recoanized. Each, 'Aral, and Pavlo- stratigraphic unit (the Indricottleritim, ~Turgay,. dar series) of the Tertiary continental beds of the:Zhilanchik basin is characterized by a definite spore-pollen group. The following groups are described for the different series. The-, coals of Bolattam, Altynzhar, Kushuk, Zharkuy , Kaydaul, Sarly-, tam, Dyusembay, and the coal oc3urrence at Chink-Naush are characterized by the same composition and the same spore-pollen types. They are all of the same age and are confinea to the. Indricotherium beds of the middle Oligocene Indricotherium series. The brown-coal deposits and 'the oolitic iron ores of, the Aral region, Turgay, and Northern Kazakhstancontain similar., spore-poller groups and are of the same age. It is thus demon_ strated that 'Tertiary brown coals and oolitic~iron ores formed on the Kazakhstan plain synchronously during a single period of time and are associated with the accumulation of carbonaceous- le-otochloritic formations. Data from spore-pollen studies have furnished details on the problem of the climate.-if the basin in Indricotherium time, on the landscape, and on the .Card 3/4 m m RZHANITSYN, A.?.. professor, doktor taklinichosk1kh ,.auk; AFANASIYXV, A.M.. TaOdMit tekhnicheskikh riauk, rjauchnry redaktor; TUMARKIII, D.M., redaktor izdatel'stva; BORODINA, I.S., redaktor izdatel'stva; HF.DVEDEV, L.Ya., tekhnicheskiy redaktor CStudias on problems of construction mechanics and the theory of plaeticity; a collection of articles] Iseledovanlia po voprosam stroitellnoi mekhaniki i teorii plasttchaosti; sbornik statei. Pod red. A.R.Rzhanitsyna. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. i arkhitekture, 1956. 326 P. (MLRA 9:9) 1. Moscow. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut promyshleanykh sooruzheniy. (Plasticity) Otlasticity) - - - W 60 off 91- 6 4 Itifftif 00 0 jifi yl T 01 ix4vo x d h I a - j . L . ilou is A A ._ .. pg*l I IT ANO IMP 0 .2!R_AMO 10 1`410CISRS Ave FOOP11111111 was. 7 - ;L condidon , 9. chi4~ ;iii k P_Rsbouiits7n~ Fork. Phys. (U.S.&R.) 17,491-6 0- A M.-The creep brhavior (1047): CA*'"' Zp4r- 144Y. 11. 1 of olatedailk Is iun~.Ijntrtl front the theoretical standlitAlit under the "mcuVAon that their structure mimixts o(a I'artl ir it vis,,~ous sul"tunce skeleton with lac-M-orts Mcd with - Vv: u tion of alls ual assum b ii th oje~4 s . s . at can e t p & clutiticity of this szeet-ain Wa to a linvur relation lietwern g mr.-it vid dr',,,ra,*tko_ %~.j friplalno only rrver,tible mw- -.e" to conlro.t to'W"Is upti the prol... A 4"nuipiloo o0 z - , ek-A ij. An ballistic su~-i4xivl am 4-t-tilictl 14) thr hani oo 0 cnnstituent of the mattl-al. Inch a it, -lei of a ulatriiall %4 the hard eDilgitilurnt le Which d0-$ nOtL '-jrmtoilooke% =00 law, coffri4it"14% wl-z u Wilf, if --;: 's to Ch "!tual lwhAvi,w of stnicturitil mottL9~u.. TM --t;,.t of tita%, anti dy"notiv - l %0 1 ffrep. the title of whie l Olfriiov4 Is exprivI041 In the funn fee i-unot pruportitaial to the magliquile of the adlug furve, l re h t delwatia also upon the time cif action. rlie inateria ,ia,lft does not return to Its orifficial condition after mnovul of 1:0 q the at". but retains a definite residual &U.-i-mation. Analyqio of the lirtifilkwil model off-rrs a elmrrr exislanatimi l ago lliferp"tatiotl A MW twhavilw than It lxvwlllr fly the um~m 11 tT"lp ritrvr,. M- G, b 0o MOO - 2100 Ao 111 I L ANTALLUJIMICAL LITINATUNt CLAUNFICATION - I P too". 00,4111V Sanoso .0 1 21111t S.10.0 It O.W 081 Vvill " U . a go K IMF 9 If off 7 0 0 009 0 0 0 0 0 o a fill 0 0 0 :00000 a 00 Ges ell 0 a 0-0 0 0 0 0 so 4111 0 _0 000 0 0- 0-6 0 9000 0 *000*0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4D a 16 - A a -we cfscpm;b.4r la the woos, -A "Some whia 10:56c 4alt Ve'. ;WAllki9kTqw2m 1-4~i f~m ful 5--P-W2 M, %ff ~li A-IEMM-tl BOV/24-53-12 1/27.; THOR itsynq~'!_AOR. (Alos~6iv); Rzhan -TITLE: imitiug Eq3iilibrium. of Ferroconcrete Plates. IL - ----- zhelezobdtonnykh, 1 ihok) p ast i~?,kIODICAL: Izve st' a Akademii:5duk -d' Tekhnicheskikh~. eni e Ot, e 1 _N, -12 ~(~SSR auks 1958 ~.ABSTRACT: The: 'Condition ~~Of_ flow:,in: ferroconcrete 'plait' s~ differs e Huber-Henchy-Mises ~eriterion and for a 'late from~the p uniformly. reinforced on~ both,,., id ' two si es in- er d cular pen i directions may,. e. writte~~ - th b ii mm, (1 w here Im 'is max : b , e aw Mu moment: an he ing ending : iit~ If the piatd is 4-~_piid Mome or e on-one side.only the flow cohdit ions are mmg~x:,= mT 0 mmin ' Consideration of the internal.ene, gy of, the plate ,and of the 'work done by, ad -the,exteimal f orde s 1e s to. the condit io qw mrl.92~AF m the 'xt'erna fored w is-the deflection of -,whj6're cl -is :e 2 AY is. ele 2 + '2~ lay. and an ment. v N /ax ' " .. plate. surface. :,For a pOlygonal plate wlth:hinged ::th6 te als y Oig gr 4 -- 1 2 -_ in ma be rwl--Z~Ap wv.O-T~l tM IV . .,-- * I % -