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SUBJECT USSR,/ PHYSICS CARD 1 2 1553 AUTHOR RZAITOV,A.V., NEIZ1VESTNYJ,I.G.j ROSLJAKOV,V.V. TITLE Investigations of Surface Conductivity and Surface Recomlbination~ in Germanium Samples. PERIODICAL Zurn.techn.fis, 26, fasc.iO, 2142-2153 (1956) Issued: 15-11.1956 The present work deals with the results obtained by investigations carried out ,.in the course of a gas cycle. Experimental methods and results: The velocity of surface recombination was .determined by measuringthe time:~constant:of the damping of the excess conduc-: tivity. The time constant -. and the,"life in space'! of -r0were, means of a bridge circuit, and.,the conductivity of the samples by,means of the compensation method. The inves'Lligations:mentioned in the above title were carried out under the same conditions and with the same samples. The surface of the germanium samples under investigation was treated by pickling in concen- trated H 202 with an admixture of, brine and by pickling in a pickling fluid con-' taining hydrogen fluoride. Measuring results are shown by several diagrams and may be summarized as follows: The character of the modification of surface con- ductivity during the gas cycle in,the case of samples with a specific resist-. ance of 6-7 does not depend on the type of the conductivity of the sample and is determined solely by the.minner in which the surface is treated. In the case of low-resistance samples the opposite is the case.,The character of the modification of the velocity of surfac.e.recombin,ation'is the same in the case Zurn.techn.fis, L6,.fasc.10, 2142-2153 (1956) CAU 2 PA 1553, of all investigated samples with electronic and hole-like conductivity and depends only on themanner in which the surface is treated. Differences in the character of the modification of surface properties during a gas, cycle depend on the nature of surface treatment., Measuring the, conductivity of.samDles with electronic and hole-like conduct,Jivity at different positive temperatures pro- duced the following result: If temperature increases.the characterlof,th4 modification of conductivity during'the,gas cycle in the case of samples treated,with a pickling fluid containing hydrogen fluoride remains.the same, but it changes in the case of samples.pickled with H202' There,follows a dis- cussion of these results. INSTITUTION: Physical Institute "P.N.LEBEDEV"1of the Academy of Science in the USSR. 15F U:WN 3F UP so Ll L 45422-66 ACC NR: AP6026377 64) SOURCE CODE, - - 0030/66/015/001/0119/0122 AUTHOR: Dimitri evic, A., Krasnicki .42 H. Todorovic, J. zagy, Wanic, A. ORG: [Dimitrijevic; Todorovic] Institute of Nuclear Sci ences "Boris Kidric". I Vinca; [Krasnicki; Wanic] Institute of Nuclear Physics, Cracow TITLE: -Neutron investi ation f temperat ure effect in the magnon spectrum,of, magnetite SOURCE: Ph sica status solidi, v. 15, no. 1, 1966 119-122 y TOPIC TAGS: neutron beam, temperature characteristic, magnetite, magnon specturm ABSTRACT: The diffuse mag non scattering peaks connected with r 11)'. in. magnetite were examined at a number of temperatures using neutrons With 'A . The decrease in m agnon energies at elevated -temperatures was 1. 314 observed and compared with the theory of Mills et al. (R - E. Mills,,R. P. Kenan, and F. J. Milford, Phys. Letters (Netherlands) 12, 173 (1964). A pronounced temperatur e-dep end ent asymmetry of the magnon low-energy peak was found. The 1/2 Card i 1 I~l I'i I I I I II _-i W"tlon Of Rian G.?~ [a. en rcta S -%PAw.-27-,48 ' Y 'English). 9-"IQS8Xin -The theory of Krieger ' ' , o ed A f 66i ccm :and Ndkk (C- to the . S 17419b) bai h f apol -- ~ . -1 ~ of.c putition. of slow eutr6n~spatt g:cross settions ,,A - F.-I n 1 1 ~ 11 1 ~znols- Me theoretical reudtq Obtained a re -cdmpar witl ' ! expti. results of the. C~%mol. obtained by M koniEwL (C ' : &~ wl A. very good agreernent his been fadnd m.~ ; of 0,005 to 0.07 e.v;~ SAVIM N(i*blskw-;; fA 29568 P/046-/60/005/007/007/007 ~D238/D304 AUTHORSs Janik,Jerz A_ JaniktJaninap Kr&bnicki,S-.cztany, Xaniuwaki,i~ranciazek, Murasik Anlrze', 11 H k ry", Szkatula,Antoni, Scie--,-, an, ~ J~- ~,- TITIES On the scattering of thermal neutrons in molecules containing hydrogen PERIODICALs %ukleorika, v. 5, no. 7-8v 1960, 495 499 TBITt investigations carried out In this field can be divided Into the following areast 1) Verification of the neutron scattering theory by molecules of molecular gases.,2) Examination of the struc- ture of liquids by determining how far the active croaa sectlons obtained experimentally differ from neutronscatter-Ing derived from theory. 3) Neutron scattering on polarized molecules.4) Neutron scaztering,by molecules which show an oscillation level in the re- gion of thermal energy. After mentioning the T.I. Krieger- M.S. Card 1/8 20568 P/046/60/005/007/007/007 On the scattering of... D238/D304 Nelin formula for the active cross section'of neutran.scattering in an atc= of a molecule as a function of the sample tempoiaturev the geometric molecularstructure and the neutron energy, the authors irdicate,the,exhaustive calculations of Krieger and 'Nelkin. -- to prove their theory - for the molecules CH4 azid H2 and which eazab- lished their agreement with 1. Malkonian's experimentally obtained data in Zile field of energy. Similarcalculations have been carried out in the Cracow Center for the molecule C2H4, and the results compared with measurements made by L 'elkonian; as a result, an iden- tical agreement has been established between experiments and theory (Ref. 3t J.A. Janik, P. 'Maniawski, a=4 H. Rlanyt Acts. Phys. Polon. 17. 489, 1958). In addition measurements have been the EWA- reactor with gas molecules of 17"3 (Pig. 2); in these an aluminum crystal was employed as neutron monochromator. Results obtained In this way conform fully with the Krieger-Nelkin theorl (Ref. 42 J.A. Janik, J. Janik, and A. fanics Physics 26 449t 1960 Card 2/a 20566 P/046/60/005/007/007/007 D23a/D304 On the scattering of The results obtained by Uelkonian on neutron scattering by wtter in a liquid.state were compared with the Krieger-Nelkin-theory or gaseous H20- Leasuremento of neutron scattering in NH3 and H2S were also carried out with the use of crystal monochrozators (Ref. 5: A. Wanic: Acta Phya. Polon. 18. 255, 1959). The results obtained show a systematic increase of the active cross section as one pas- sea from gases to liquids. These experimental facto can also be interpreted as answering the question, to what extent free Molecu- lar rotation is impossible in the fluid state. In the case of li- quid water and a=onia,,this determination in in agreement with the well known fact that the association in these liquids through.hydro- gen bonding in strengthened. In liquid hydrogen Bulphide, for which there are inadequate phyaico-chemical data on hydrogen banding evi- dence, the impossibility of free rotation is caused perhapo'by a strong molecular packing. At the Cracow Center for Nuclear Physics, i measurements have been made of the influence of molecular polariza- tion, in which an easily polarizable liquid (in a crystal-fluid Card 4/8 20 P/046_/6 005/()07/007/007 i. Or On the scattering of ... D238/11304 Fig. 4. (cont'd) 'Alteration of transmission of neutrons as a func-" tion of energy of the neutronefor liquid crystal para-a-oxyaninol hen. passing from polarized to unpolarized state. e - experimental results; o - after correction for scattering of the second order. state), namely so-called P-A--oxyanizol has been used inthe =agne-. tic field. (Rof. 6; J. Janik, S. Krahnicki, and A. kuraolkt Acta Phyn. Polon. 17, 03, 1958). The renulto of Initial measurements'. have already been published (Ref. 6& Op.cit.),and further measure menta are in progress. The main results are presented in Fig. 4. Experimental points and the curves drawn through them represent the percentage alteration in test transmission due to polarization of its molecules by a magnetic field, in relation to the decrease of polarization. This change is, no can be seen, a function'of the energy of neutrons and indeed causes the neutron polarization of the sample; inthe case of low energies a lowering and in the case of high energies a rise of neutron transmission occurs. This role- Card 6/8 2CAM P/046/60/005/007/007/007 On the ocattering of D238/1)304 tionahip can be explained to a nemiquantitative degree on the basis of the Kriegar-Nelkin theoryj itAn necaaaary to assume here that, th0 Cn3 groups at the and of the p-azoxyanisol molecule carry out a,rentricted rotational movement about the co-axis, while on tha other hand the whole =olecule carries out free rotation about the lonEitudinal axis. Where molecules have an oscillatory level in the energy region, one should expect a .local maximum of the relation- ship between active cross sections and neutron scattering of -he energy of these neurrone.'This maximum shouldapFear for the parti- cular neutron energy which is necessary to create this oscillation level. Measurements have beer. made for liquid CH3SH and, in fact,. a local maximum of active cross section ban been obtained where the level of oscillation of the internal restricted rotation 'gas located. Leasurements fc;r gaseous CH SU are in progress; It can be already stated that in gaseous methy1mercaptan there are two fu'r ther local maxima in the vicinity of restricted rotation hi Ch could be shown as proof of the existence of levels of restricted rotation. Card 7/8 COUNTRY Palvand B-4 CATIZOEL Physical Chemistry-Mole;cule. Chemicallbond. ABS. JOUR. 1 10950, 0. ? 73808 Tan-4k,. JT.AIT Maniawski, F., and Rzany, 3 T givea TITTLET Theoretical Calculation of the Slow Neutron Gross Secti n of Ethylene Mol Scattering..., 0 ecules 0 a IG PUB. Acta Phys Polon, 17, N 0 6, 489-49o (1958) AB3TRACT A previously described (RZb-r--z, 1958, k-'O' 8 w 1?603) racthod was used in calculatinG the slo )eutron scattering cross section of the Cz 44 molecule. 'In the er-argy, range 0,005-0.07 ev the calculated and known- experimental cross sections.coincide. For energies below (sic] 0.07 ev (ca,560 cm71Y .the calculated cross sections,are smaller-than the exDerimental cross sections. .,k possible explanation ofthe diver- 4.may lie in the fact that inelas,ic gelnce$ obse,rve CARD: 1 `2 'D i3_4 OIAN /Fh~sloral Chemifltry Molecule, Chemical Bond. F Abs JaLir: Referat. Zhurnal admiya.,140 2, 1958., 3591. Author A. Budzanowski. K. Grotowski J. A.,Janik F, Mniayriki, IL._~zan, , A. Szkatula, A. Wanic. inst Academy of Sciences of Poland. Title Estimation of the Potential Barrier Height of Torsional Ro- tat- on in CH SH Molecule by Means, of Slow I~ieutron Sc I S attering. Orig Pub: Bull. Acad. polon. sci.,1957, Cl. 3, 5, No 3, 20,5-297. Abstract: An estimation of the potential barrier height of internal tor- sional rotation V. of the methyl mercaptan molecule Ch SH ita s carried out by the me od of thermal neutron scattering... The neutron source bras 100,,I/curie, of. Ra.m:Lxed wthh Be according ~o the reaction The effective crossection for the -/j'/,J--SUarn), determined by the .M CH SH Molecule 114 30 method of relative beam attenuation, vas measured. Water was used as V~ standard liquid 91 barn). The effective Card 1/2 4-7 'f- 432i ? 7 a it , ' rod r6zef.TaS7j and cid P Pwa " i, A czur un o o WeMopoctiodn wska. ze Za :: d Przer4 ych -, InSU .......... . ~a ~, Foland); ~- Vkm. A maJ., (Warsaw) 3. 14 19 ~(Rnjflsh'si J.' A eth 'of acimphthen immari in 6d &tn ech' product,~ bsised -;o the-relatku tween' pure, or.. content "d iu or pollit esmibed.--- Two fdrill 'ai2d;:'F. I-A-If ---;42. _33, ~12 *b6i'P *1 cantcit In Nahd $jfi-,the mp~. i"md f. , Th" Ij :..~6 thi f saxis~lm e orm wiri;~afld for t3. con ~100%.',' -0.15 to,~~+l IV, f det ris. 4mu E60i o the '20 i ,-7U t' b o n hod , m v o e: met n can ip, .,. 4061"blebf lgifit'labs f det. - ' T 6i i i e ;Mere Wt d e . 6f ' ~' saimples:' t deicfibed wiri~ wtupired for.. He ~.;j ~ ILM, td In e; leli ' - 7~ c A b T d d u 4 X 0 e- . cr e , e h O t , -the il ~ 1l ',-l Ith Ub I P.Uh Star.4 PlVC-MI8 0 . PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/6195 ~Mauchnaya konferentsiya institutov khimii Akademly nauk Azerbayd- shanskoy, Armyanskoy I Oruzinskoy SSR. Yerevan, .1957. --Materials nauchnoy konferentsi I institutov khimli Akademiy nauk Azerbaydzhanskoy,,Armyanskoy I GruzinBkoy.33R (Materials of the Scientific Conference of the Chemical Institutes of the Academies of Sciences of the Azerbaydzhan, Armenianand Georgian SSR) Yerevan, Izd-vo AN Arzyan8koy SSR, 1962. 396 p. 1100 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademlyanauk Armyanskoy SSR. Institut organi- che5koy khimli. Resp. Ed.: L. Ye Ter-Minasyan; Ed.,of Publishing House; A. 0. o Slkuni; Tech. Ed.: G. S. Sarkisyan. PURPOSE: This book is Intended for chemists and chemical engineer3, and may be useful to grad 'ate student's engaged in chemical re- search. COVERAGE: The book contains thereBults of physical, inorganic, organiep and.analytical chemistry, and In chemical engineering, presented at the Scientific Conferenceheld In Yerevan, 20 through 23 November.1957. Three reports of parti- cular Interest are reviewed below. No personalities are mentloned.~ References accompany individual articles. Materials of the Scientific Conference (cont.) SPV/6195 ~~Lan,_S., A Y S. K Pire and 0 A, Musakhanyan. 1~ n an Polymerizati;n and Reaction Mechaniim or Acetylenii'-in Vinyl Acetylene 192 Mamedov Shchamkhal, and A.-Rzav Investigation or.Simple --- Glycol Esters and The er vatives: Synthesis or Simple,-. Ester Derivatives of Methylene Glycol 223,' Azatyan V D', Synthesis and Conversion of Cyclooctotetraene 2411 Investigation of the Condensation Rea Lag ction of Acetic Esters of 1.3-.and 1,4-Butanediols and y-Acetylenic. Glycols With Aromatic Hydrocarb6ns in the Presence of A dr u9 u Chl ride h Alu i 252 o m m o n n y . 7 adykh-Za Direct and Organometallic Synthesis of. S (Institut.' --Mr-ganosilicon Compounds With Functional Groups. khimii, Akademiya'nauk Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR) :279 An industrial method of syntheBizlng organosillcon compounds Cprd -5/n V. ACC NR,: AP7005259 SOURCE.GODE: MV~04 AbYHORS: Ameva, F. N.; AlikisUbekova, T.'X.; Kolomirtsevo V. S.; R7.ayw, A. Is ORG: Azerbaidzhan Scientific Research Institute of Power Eneneering im. L Go Yealman (AzerbaydzhanWdy nauchno-issledovatelskiy institut energetiki) TITLE: Investigation of a plasmatron with an air-.stabiliud electricare" SOURCE: Za tekhnicheskiy progress, no* 10, 1966, I!-iq TOPIC TAGS: plasma jet# high temperature plasma, plasma generatorp nitrogen oxide UVT-300 plasma generator ABSTUCT: Investigation of an an-stabilized electric are plasnatron is reported. The- generator is used to obtain nitrogen oxides in a plasma jet on a unit UVT-300, built at the Azefosidzhan Scientific Research Institute,and designed for high temperature studies.- an plasma chemistry. The diagram of the plasmatron is shown in Fig. 1. The anode (a cylindrical jet 130 mm long and. 10 mm, in diameter) and the hollow cathode (75 mm long, and 14 in diameter) are made of copper._ The'gaseous ring of the ring ch Iamber, madeIof. zirconium dioxide, has 6 tangential openings, 5.5 mm. indiameter, for the passage of the air into the arc canal. The parameters investigated were: volt-amperometric teristics, ff, i f the plasmatron, ana +:he temperature of the plasma jet. e 1clency 0 established that: 1) increased flow rate of the air results in increase voltage o a are at constant amperage; 2) with increased power, the efficiency of the plasmatron. 1/2 'UDC. 621 .387.143-001.5 77777, 0 0 67787 r- t4 r (n) S/064/59/000/07/007/()35 AUTHORS: Alamedov, Sh. A., Rzayev, A. S., B005/BI23: izker. 1. !7 TITLE: The flew Plasticizer kNAZ PERIODICkL: Khimicheskaya promyshlennost', 1959, Ur 7,, pp 560 562 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the present paper the manufacture and qualities.of.the new plasticizer ANAZ (abbreviation for AN Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR (AS of the Azerbaydzhanekaya SSR)), are discussed. This plasti- cizer which was for the first time produced in 1949-19502 con- sists of glycol,esters of naphthenic acids and is especially~, suitable for plasticizing colloxylin. In the:beginning the strong odor of this plasticizer - caused by the.content-of crude naph-thenic acids -- prevented its being,uaed to a larger~extent. This odor can, howeve Ir, be removed by a vacui~m distillation of the naphthenic.acid mixture used for synthesis, orof the ready- product (Ref 3). In a table the most important physicochemical qualities of,ANAZ (molecular weight, boiling-point,,freezing 20 0 20 saponifica-. d refraction:index at point ignition point . , , 4 Card 1/3 tion number, content of volatile ingredients when.heated to 67787 The New,Plasticizer ANAZ 5/064/59/000/07/007/035 B005/B123,. 1000 for 6,hours) are compared tIoqualities, of,Iot her popular plasticizers. ANAZ is a pale yellow,,'nearly odorless oily liquid.- For the production of,1 mol, of this plasticizer one needs 1.1 mol of the naphthenic acid mixture, 0.15 mol of sodium hydroxide and 002 mol of dichloroethane. For the esterification of the acid mixture distilled in.vacuum, it is neutralized at .120-1600 with solid.sodiu,m hydroxid,e.,The water produced is distilled off.,The temperature is then increased to 1800. At this temperature-dichloroethane vapors areled through the mix- ture while mixing it thoroughly. The melted sodium salts of the naphthenic acids react with the dich Iloroethane according to,the-Lr following scheme: RCOONa ClCH 1 2 2 + 2 VaCl + RCOOHa CICH2 RCOOCH 2 After cooling-off the reaction+mixture to 50-4009.water,is addeds.- The addition of water~causes the precipitation.of sodium chloride in crystalline form which depo8ita:readily.'.The eater is de- cantedand distilled in a vacuum. With a pressure of 2 torr up 0 to 170-180 the excess naphthenic acids are distilled off, Card 2/3 67787 The New Plasticizer ANAZ S/064/59/000/07/007/035, B005/B12Y~ while the glycol eaters of the naphthenic acids.are,dist.illed off at 180-2100, 10-11lich arealready the ready producto.The.first runnings are once more eaterified. The yield of the,plasticizer :amounts to 70-80A'i compared to the used naphthenic acid mix- ture. Production costs of AUAZ are comparatively lo'w.,The now plasticizer was tested inthe dermatino-kleyenochnaya fabrika ~im..Nogina (Dermatin Oil Cloth Works im Ieni N6gin) in Kuntsevo., for.the production of dermatin and nitrolinoleum. Results satis- fy technical demands. Moreover, ANAZwas successfully used in- stead of tricresylphosphate as a plasticizer for,enamels of the type,PKhV- and instead of ricinus.oil,for the production of nitro dyes in GIPI-4,(State DQsipn and Planniniz Scientific Re- search Institute of y4rniah -gknd Paint Tnfliiqt-r It was found that coatings containing AITAZ can be cooled off to -500.without, any loss of stability InNII rezinovoy promyshlennOBti (Scie tific Research Institute of Rubber Industry).good results were achieved with thenew plasticizer. There are 1 figure, I table, and 6 references, 5 of which are Soviet. Card 3/3 MAMEDOV, Shar&hal,- KAFAROVA, S.M.; RZA T MA. I I I ~ I I j Aj., 'AVANESYAN,, I S/2o4/62/002/005/oo6/oO7: E075/E136 AUTHURS: Pjamedov, Sha,mkhal, a and Nizker, I.L. TITLE: Synthesis of new plasticizers from kerosene., naptithenic acids -PERIODICAL: Neftekhimiya, v.2, no.5, 1962, 784-792 TEXT: A search for new meihods of producing cheap-, high. quality plasticizers led to 'the utilization of,naphthenic acids as the raw material. The new plasticizers werb obtained as follows. CH C1 NaUOCR CH OOCR 2 2 + + 2N&C1 CH Cl NaOOCR CH OOCR 2 2.1 where R - naphthenic radical (mol.wt 14o-16o). Individual, fractions of the acids (kerosene naphthenic acids; 55-6o% fraction,, no to-14o cc - 'acid value 300; 25-301,10 fraction, 140 to 16o *c acid value - 270-280) were.neutralised with solid NaOH,at 50-100 OC. Dichloroethane was-introduced at 170-190 *C, the. reaction being continued for 6-8.hours. The pr6ducts were Card 1/2 .5/20/62/002/005/oo6/007 Synthesis of new plasticizers from E075/E136, distilled under I min fig. The fraction boiling between 240 *C (yield 761~.) constituted the new plasticizer named 11A,1Hk3 It (ANAZ). The plasticizer has negligible volatility (0.044-0.9%' at, 100 C), good light resistance, low freezing temperature (-40 to -6-) OC) and good.compatibility with.plastics (does not sweat out from plastic films) and their.solvents. ~it.iA insoluble, Iin water, stable to heat and cold and non-poisonous., "ANA Z "(5-7"o) successfully replaces dibutylphthalate in collodion cotton and butadiene-~nitrile rubbe-r and castor oil in dermateen., It also replaces satisfactorily tricresylph'Osphate in perchlorv'inyl.. enamels. There are 3 tables. ASSOClATION; Institut.tieftek)iimicheskikh.protsessov AN AZSSR (Institute of Petrochemical Processes, AS AZ,SSR) SUBMITTED: March 31, 1962 Card 2/2 USSR Farm Animals. Cattle.*, Abs Jour, Ref zhur Biol., 11o 14j 1958) No.64417 Author Rzayev, E. A. Nadzhafovy N..A.; Guseynov, R A. Inst Not given Title The Mil1tiness and Fat Content in the Milk of theZebu Cattle of Azerbaydzhan. Orig Pub Zhivotnovodstvo, 1957, No 8, 76-77 Abstract Under extensive conditions of individual farming,,,the Azerbay- dzhan Zebu produced an average of 470 liters of milk, wiltha fat content 0f-4.15%. The experiments carried out in 5 kolkhozes:showed thatwith -the improvement of feeding with- out concentrates (supplementation of feeding during the autilmn-winter period by hay,,rice, straw and corn silage, and in the summer by grass and vegetablewaste), the milk production of the Azerbaydzhan Zebu considerably increased. In 1954, 86 Zebu cowsproduced an average of 514 kg. each; Card V2 ACC NR: AP7000003 souRcE 6oD~'j---*O0d'/66'jo'ff 1-6661019;~[6 07HCR: Rialilov, Eh.' mo; Rzayev Ke --I ORG: Institute of Physics 'AIT AzerbSSR (Institut fiziki AN AzerbSSR), TITIE: Preparation of gallium selenide monocrystal and-determination of its elastic. constants SOURCE: Kristallografiya, Y. It, no. 6, 1966, 929-93t, TOPIC TAGS: gallium compound, selenium compound, singlearystal growth, semiconductor single crystal, crystal anisotropy. laboratory furnace,~ultrasonic wave propagation, elasticity ABSTRACT:. The elastic constants of a GaSe m'onocrystal grown in.a specially designed. furnace were determined. The GaSe,was synthesized ina sealed ampoule which was vibrated while temporature was held at 110500C, and then cooled slowly to room temperature. The monocrystal was grown in the ampoule using r gement in -which ~n arran the desired -even temperature was maintained by rotating the furnace, The furnace could also be moved vertically with respect to the ampoule at.selected speeds. Temperature in the upper part of,the.furnace was 1050', amd less in the lower part. At the start, to keep the ampoule from cracking, the.furnace wa s moved down at 6 m/sec until.the ampoule was in theA0500 zone; the.furnace was,then raised at 10 mm/sec Card ift 548.0z534.22 -- - - --- - ------------- USSR/Cultivated Plants Technical Oleaginous, Sugar-Bearing. L-5 Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biologiya, No 16, 25 Aug 1957, 69284 Author V, I. R Inst Title: The Effect of Timing and Manner of Fertilization on the Yield of Cotton Plants. Orig PLfb Azerb. sosyalist kend teserrufaty, 1956, No 6, 23-27; Sots~ s. -kh. Azerbaydzhana, 1956, No 6, 21-25. Abstract In exDeriments of Azerbaydzhan scientific-experimental institute of cotton industry, the highest yield of Cot- ton was obtained by dividing the yearly norm of P (100 kg/hectare P205 on background of 80 kg/hectare N) into, 3 parts: the original plowing; into.rows while sowing to a depth of 5 to 7 cm lower than the'seedbed: and in- to added nutrient. The introduction of part of P into cultivation before seeding gave no positive results. The most effective manner of added cotton nutrient was Card 112 7 1 57-C-Li", Q AUTHOR LEKHTINENO G.N., RZAYSVI M.A., STILtBANSj L.S. TITLE Investigation of trA Temper=re Dependence of Work Function of Some Semimetals (Issledovaniya tesperaturnoy zavisimosti raboty vykhoda nekotorykh-polu4 metallov. Russian): PERIODICAL .-Zhurnal T9khn~Fize1l957j,-Vol 2% Nr 6. pp 1221 - 1228 (UeS93*R&) ABSTRACT The4uthors tried to compare the space- .and surface characteristics-of semiconductors,,-For this.purpose the dependence of'the potential-diffe- rence in relation t6thi metal,.the eemefe.and the electric conductivi- ty on thetemperature were -measured by means of one and thezaame sample'. of the material to,be Investigated, The carrier concentration was deter- mined at roomItemperatureo.The measurements were carried out~by;meaw of polserystal: saVlee. irith an electron conductivity as well as with sampl" with a hole coiiductivity. The investigations showed satisfactory coincidence of,the dependence of the work.function, the eemef, and the, . electric conductivW, *temperature with the theoretically computed I level of the chemical potential d at 150, + 406 a C 9 The, density of the surface conditions and of,thesurface charges for screening off - I the space characteristics of the semiconductors(in the case of a carrier C concentration of -18 ~_Iq I -.% ) can be assumed as not belnR suffi. specimn nav~pg th er