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,(Rybinsk Reservoir--Worms,,Inteatinal.and parasitic) (Parasitee-zacks) SOV-26 -58-8-11/51 AUTHORS: Ivashkin, V.M., ~Candidate of-Veterinary.Sciences; Ryzhikovt K.M., Candidate of Biolog cal Sciences. -------- TITLE-, Study of,.the:Biologioal C ycles of Nemato.des.(Izucheniye bio- logicheskilth, tsiklov nematod).'. PERIODICAL: 'Priroda, 1958, Nr 8, pp 63-65,(USSR) ABSTRACT: Nematodes are a group of parasitic worms, the helminths.' They cause considerable,loss Iin agriculture and animal.rais- ing. The diseases caused:PY amed helminthoses. them.are n The biological cycle of many helminths.has'not yet been in- ~- vestigated. A team of scientists, (Ryzhikov, Gubanov, Fedo-.. , rov) has studie'd.~the cycle of Protostrongylus kamenskyis' i.e._ of the.1ung nematodes of the hare in Yak-utia-The biological cycle of Gnathostoma hispidum has been discovered by Golovin.~-, :This parasita settles in the stomach of animals and some- times in man. Ivashkin investigated the cycle of-Parabronema- skrfabini which infects the stomachs.of ruminatinglanimals:,:,~, . cattle, camels., sheepq,goatsq-etc. K,armanova investigated the cycle,of Hystrichis tricolor infecting the stomachs of Card 112 domesticated and'.:'wild ducks. Further investigations are being (Amur,Va,lley--Worms,',In.testinal and parsitic) ACC NR: AT7005780 SOURCE CODE: BOM6/66/009/00010119/0126 AU'n1OR: Rizhikova, S. RR ORG: none TITLE: Velocities of Li, L and Rg seismic waves across the Aegean Sea SOURCE: Bulgarska akademiya na naukite. Geofizichniya institut..Izvestiya,' v,. _9f 119-126 TQPIC TAGS. seismology, earthquakelseismic wave, earth crust, seismograph' Aegean Sea 91 21 -Sea .ABSTRACT: The velocities of Li, L Lg and.Rg seismic waves across the A,egean ad oining the oceanic crustal structure of the Mediterranean Sea, were investigated. The study was based on records of earthquakes with epicenters located around the, h ismic paths across'. g vely s ort se Aegean Sea and with location of foci yieldin relati '66 earthquakes recorded b various seismographs the sea. The data obtained from y 0= 3.5-10.-O.sec) at the Sofia, : Buchares t,,. and'Istanbul seismic stations, w.ere evaluated and tabulated. The study-,..shows that the periods.and velocities ofseisniic waves along the.paths,,crossing the Aegean Sea are almost:identical with the periods and.velocities of corresponding wave types observed byLSeveral authors during their studies. of,.long-distan Ice~Asiatic and European .seismic paths..Orig.,art..has: [VG] 11 table.. ~(WA 79-67-4] .SUB CODE: 08/ SUBM DAM' 29Jun65/ ORIG REF.-003/ OTH,REF: 002/ SOV REF: 001 Card 1/1 UDC: none (c T-TP -AtC-NR-. AP6025583 -dbdE-'_.` UR/0084/66/OCO/007/0020/OG2 AUTHOR: Trunchenkov,,N. (Migineer.); Rphikovs S..(Engineer) ORG: none TITLE: Versions of the AN-24 confi ation gur SOURCE: Grazhdanskaya~aviatsiya, no. 7, 1966P 20-21 TOPIC:TAGS: :passenger aircraft transport aircraft, turboprop aircraft/AN-24 turbopro:) aircraft ABSTRACT: The tvrin-turboprop.AntonovAn724 transport, intended for medium-raxige _w_~`-operatio% is-now avail--ble in an executive.versio nwith both two-compart- ment and three-compartment arrangements., The.two-compartmentmodelf with w,of five, carries 28 passengers in one compartment and has ia cre a lobng6 ~separated. fromthe flight deck by,a baggage compartment, a wardrobe,',and a small galley; its second compartment, with sleeping~and sitting accomo- .-dations ximum ,is fully separated from the main:compartment and assures ma ;Comfort and privacy.. The three-compaitment model.has a private.compart- _~,ment~similar to the one described above but its1orward fuselage hastwo .-.compartments with couchea for, 16 passengers and worktables between them; t "_:,it is designed for 20 passengers.' Both of theseversions canbe 'easily, 'adapted for-carrying 38.passengers. Eight versions of the AN-24 are and shown graphically. [AMPRESS-111 5050-F] .1"SUB CODE:': 01' SUBM DATE:-~.none rer desi I! Card /I AUTHORS: Beridzhanova, A.P., Candidate of Technical Sciences,, Ryzhi- ..kova, A.G. TITLE: ApplicaLion of Anti-Friction Aluzrinum Alloys in EnGines (primenenlye alyuminiyevykh antifriktsionnykh splavov v dvi-atelyakh) PERIODICAL; Avtomobillnaya Promyshlenriost', .1958, Nr 3~ pp 41743. (USSR) A'STRAM good anti-friction -ororerties. Several aluminum alloys have These alloys contain tin, nickel, iron, antimony, lead,, copperl manganese, etc.. In the USSR and abroad,:variolus.,. good anti-friction properties:and resistance, .alloys, aith. ti-fr* to aging andwear,.~have been developed._An an iction~.~ material for contains~ aluminum with a small'.quantity,of,magnes.3-um, of - 1-i Aluminum-tin alloys with content of ~6, n were' also investigated.' Figure 3 show -th t,thel.solubility:qf s-, a tin in aluminum,'in-the solid state,-is extremely JoW. Tn the solidificationl,of the.molten alloyprimary crystalslof pure,aluminum:settle andlater th;e:tin solidifies,at 2290..:, Card,,1/3 At a tin 'c9n.tent of lq%~ in.: the,, allo y~, t he. tin is prIeaent~in 113-58-3-13/16 Application of Anti-Friction Alu minum Engines theform of a grid surrounding the aluminum grains, (Figure. 3a). The mechanical_properties of alloys..with up to::30%. tin are not.satisfactory, especially at temperatures.of 1500 C. Experiments were made to improve.these properties. It was shown that a careful collection of.coolin-,speeds stops the formation of the. grid at atin c ontent of In the binary.alloys,:and~inalloys with,2 copper, at a tin contentlof 20%.' Forging, or an..equivalent deformation process, leads to a.recrystallization and redistribution of, thealuminum. The tin becomes to a certain.degre,e spherol-.. dized (Figure 3b). Alloys with a tincontent of more than' 30%, are expensive, and,their properties are no better.- Positive results have been,obtained with an aluminum-tin alloy containing Md% titanium. The milling of the..alu-. minum:alloys with:high tin.content should be:,carried.out~ at a temperature lower than:,the-melting'point of the. eutec tic, because,at higher temperatures, the eutectic is pressed fromthe alloy. As milling speed;.4 - 5.m/min are recom- mended.,.In the table,-the aging resistancelof the aluminum- tin alloys is.~represented.: Even the soft alloys aremore. ..Card, 2/3 resistant than babbitt metal (I - 4kg/mm2) For.heavy-duty SO /13 1 -6/2 1 AUTHORS: -P 2;' '137 1 i -T P m TITLE ILr,-p- s t i ~~t i o u ~ o f +U be Qlu al ii, ir of Le'ad-Ref.inin,n, Kettle me t, a' 1 (Issledovaniye kt:--hes tva metalla kotlov cU.ya i nirova-uiy't svint-� PERIODICAL Y -(U SAY : Tsve-ny e:Me+cLl'y7 19581, Nr 11, p S P ABSTRAICT.- Le;~;A-r3fini Ire-ttles supplied t o the, nMixt k" Works 11c, trov:31ciy z e-vod metd1lurgic-L -or- y cie Dm6.L ope L. e Sic 60 .. Dnep--rope--r3vs1c n, e + a I 1-tia- o'bor, ( L gi~2al-ecjui ent 7orks ) have, prove'L uni-satisfac-C-ory in ~Serviloa, The 7.ut I Vae, i e -tiga -ion f the ma----o- and. aor-9 des,.;rib- nv s -t 0 U14-cro-s-11--ructures and 3~on-metallic ino- S 0 1i i ns of~,steel. f-, om 100 -~,-,-oiine 1-et ~Lles (fi-.1) ~Ihlch oxe miude of ty-pe 2-5 stee! (deoxidised with. ferro-man~'- ferrosilicon a;1-aminilim) andsi~,pplied wit"nout heat -it-re-W-ment. The samples covered t-he ran6e 0.24% C - 0 .5 4% 0.70% IVILI; 04% S; 0.011 0.026% P 02.1f 0. 0.'19 - 0.~t4% Si. uneven SLru--"[;"Jxe "wit, -'!a non-me-1k-1-all-c inclusions a C r(j 1/3 T h ei: ~-:iril-hors also c~nrl ot her, -d f e 6 t s were raveaied- Translation from: Refera,tivnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 6.: p.258 (USSR) 'AUTHORS-, Duderov, G.N., TITLE: On.the Application of Aluminum Phosphates:as Binders fo r Highly Refractory Coatings on Metal (0 primenenii fosfatov alyuminiya v kachestve svyazki dlya.vysokoogneupornykh po-.. krytiy po metallu). PERIODICAL: Tr. Mosk. khlm.-tekhnol. in-ta im. D.I. Mendeleyeva, 1957- Nr 24, pp 190-198 ABSTRACT- A coating (C) which guarantees protection of metal struc - tures from corrosion at elevated temperatures was. developed at Al phosphates were used as a binding agent. It is shown th the fusion temperature of C depends.on the ratio between the, binder and the f.ille* r. High, fusion temperatures of C (up to 19600C) were achieved by using corundum a'. a filler at a ratio S of 1.5 1 by weight in relation to the binding element. A maxi- mum strenth of cohesion between the metal and the, C equal to 92.6 kg/cm was obtained by. using a binder with I : 2.06 r atio and,H3PO4, wi th a m isture content of 55- between Al(OH)3 9 -Card 2 5 9 ulo. Thelechnique of application of C on, metal, was, described.' V 14-57-6 -12552.' Translation fr om: Referativny zhurnal, Geog rafiya,. 1957, fir 6) PJ161 (USSRT AUTHOR: Ryzhikov, V. V. TITLE: Natural the NogaTskaYa' Steppe, (0 prirodnom rayoniro,vanii Nogayskoy stepi PERIODICAL: Izv., Groznensk. obl. krayeved. nyzeya, 1956,:Nr 7,,', 177-196 ABSTRACT: The Nogays~aya Steppe is a region of~intenslve,eattle riculture. The fact.that the brozhen- a r ising and a skaya Oblast' district) has~not.been sufficiently.... f studied difficult to solve a number~of pressing agricultural problems. The area.:has 'been : ~ divided into districts. Although na ural and agri-... t cultural conditionsin the Nogays~aya S~eppe.arenot the same~ they belong to a:single (steppe) -zone. B' y -making use of the principles of division by Card 1/5 14-57-0-12552 Natural Divisions in the Wogaypkaya Steppe (Cont.) associations, the author distinguishes five physical and districts in the area. 1. Achikulak Steppe (northwestern Terek-Kuma ..lowland). The steppe is arid with precipitation from.350 mm to., 370 mm. Evaporation Ls twice as great as moisture ~intake.: IAnnual temperature range is 290; 186 to 190 days are frost-free and gr Iowi ing season .is 224 to 230 days. There is,no running.water. 'Ground-vaters are 5 m to 15 m deep and carry salts. Soils are chestnut brown and ~y they are.sandy.and light chestnut brown, -loamy. Less frequentl alkaline. The vegetation is of the worihwood-cereal, .. woi~mwo6dw- emerel'types. This is alca. herbaceous and wormwood-eph ttle and grain istrict. After the Terek-Kurria canal was raising d was built ik, 'possible to grow rice and grapes here..~ Spontaneous irrigation is. feasible; forests should, be planted to protect the'fields, and sand. . masses should be bound together by.additional.grass.~l,anting.and by,: arresting of,mobile sands., 2. The Kizlyar grazing.areas (north_'. eastern Nogayskayastepy,e The area is ty ical semidesert with pre-~:_ P . 11, 1 1 cipitation from 200 mm to 300 mm and with annual temperature range::,I Card 2/5 J4-57-6-125521 11 Natural Divisions in ~the Nogayskaya Steppe (Cont.) River basin contains alluvial meadow' soil in the original condition of the feathergrass steppe This is An agriculturaland cattle raising district,land it will be irrigated by several branches.olf.;' the Terek-Kuma Canal. 4. The Terek sand mass. It is 5000 s,q km in area. Its relief ranges from newly.formed sand ridges to mobile barchan sand; less frequently it forms flat clay surfaces (pody). e Precipitation.varies from:350 mm. or 400 mm in th southwest,to 250 mm, in the northeast.. Near-surface freshground waters are character-.., istic of this area. Soils range from the mobile barchan sands,to,~- sands with deep humuB and, less frequently,to light-che,,stnut type (under the-11pody" clay) or loamy meadow soils in depressions. The:_ vegetation is of the.cbreal and grass-ce.real association type., :The-. author distinguishes -four kinds of sand formations and a special type of "pody" clay plains within.this region. The, land can'be grazed the year round. Field crops can be grovm,here ~:ith the help of irrigation. 5~ The Ter'ek Riverdelta. This composed of alluvial soils,, of alluvial-lacustrine soils and of contemporary,. Card 4/5 SOV/133-59-1-22/23 AUTHORS: Rogach, A.P.,Ryzhikova, A.P. and Sklyarenko, D.V.-, TITLE: The Influence of Annealing oa-Modified Ingot Moulds (Vliyaniye,otzhiga na.modifitsirovann,7ye izlozhnitsy) PERIODICAL: Stal'., 19597 Nr 1,.pp 92 - 93 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In order to increase~the~durability.of ingot:moulds made, from iron modified.with 45%,.ferrosilicon, their. annealiag was tested., It was:found that 500-850 C, a substantial.deer6ase in casting stresses,:decrease in ha:rdness and 'a substantial modification in.the micro- structure are,,obtained. As a.result:.longitudinal cracks in annealed moulds appear only after,140-1?0 castings instead of after 50-60 castings. As longitudinal cracks mayappear in annealed~moulds after 100-110-castings, their-anne-aling is recommended. In this.way, the dura- bility,of moulds can be increased 2.5 times. Chemical ' f the cast iron used for the experimental compositions.o moulds are.given in the text. The changein the micro- structure of metal on annealing is shown in Figures 1. and 2. There a 2 fig -es. re ur ASSOCIATION:. Konstantinovskiy zavod im.~Frunze (Konstantinovka. Works imeni.:Frunze). .Cardl/l iYZHINSKIY, D. A. FHA3E X TME4 3 WRE ISLAND BIBLIOG RAP HICAL REPORT AID 730 X BOOK call No.: AF666889 Authors: FEROLOV A I., and RYZHINSKIY, D. A.. Full Title. SCIENCE OF AVIATION MATERIALS Transliterated Title: Aviatsin6nnoye mate'rialovedeniye PUBLISHING DATA .Originatin Agency: None, 9 Publishing House: Military Publishing House of th e,Ministry of Defense Date:, 1954 No.:Of pp.: 288 No. of copies: Not given Editorial Staff: None q PURPOSE AND EVALUATION: ~This text.for prepatatory aviation engineering schools is a good up-to-date elementary.textbook on aviation materials. 'It contains basid data on the composition and properties of a numb. er of materials. Its value seems to be principally instructional, T~XCT DATA Covera-e:' The author tiires,basie information on physical, cheLlical, mechanical and technological properties of aviation metals and alloys. He describes characteristics of carbon-.steel and specia1-steels, heat- resisting materials, and,also of alloys.and non-ferrous metals. ~In a special chapter he describes the corrosion of ~netals and gives methods of Prevention. He gives also basic information about non-4netallic materials used in aviation such as: plastics, paints, varnishes textiles, resins, heat and electrical insulators, and packing materials. The author gives NOTE: See card for F-MOV, A. I. for pages 2-5. of the abstract.