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S/os9/6o/ooa9/O05/01O/O2 0 6 B00 /.B070 9 AUTHORS: Koziovalenko, B. My!L3. n IS. M., Yaroshetskiyj I. D., Bogomazovy L. P. TITLE: An Apparatus for Studying'the Effect of Gamma Radiati2ojn2~_8 on Semiconductor Materials PERIOD~CAL: Atomna'ya energiya, 1960, Vol. 9, No. 5, PP 408 409 TEXT: In the present "Letter to the Editor",, a cobalt, apparatus for ' study of the effect of,gamma radiation on the,electrical proper- the ties of semiconductors:is described. The apparatus vias develo ed in. p 8 b the-PI ziko-tekhni:cheskiy institut AN SSSR (instituta of Physics 195 y 11 and Telnology of the AS USSR). The-principal use of:the apparatusis : in.the production of defects that'are constant in time. To obtain 2se071 enough defects, , fluxes of 10 cm- are required. Fig.1 'gives~.a s shows ~the'experimentar chemat:ic representation'.of:the apparatus~ Fig.2 chambe Both are described in detail-The dose rate was::measured at different points 6f.the,chamber, and some of the results are f a Table~. The highest dose rate of 128, r/sec. was the center o d :1 Car 13 I-- - - " 2W, 2/012/042 .9210/9594 AUTHORS: Vitovskiy, N .A.,.Maleyev, P. I., Matveyev~~ O.A., Ryvkin, S.M. and Tarkhin, -D., V.: TITLE: Silicon N7P Counters~of Heavy Charged Particles Operating.Vithout an,,Exterrral Power, Supply., PERIODICAL: Pribory i te'khnika.eksperime,nta, l961, No'.2,.pp.82-83.- TEXT: Fused silicon 'diodes having an n-p junction~areaof' 2 about 1 mm have been studied-in order to determine their counting. properties when operated as short-circuited rectifiers-, ~ The, saturation currentan the:counters studied wa,s-not,over 0 . l:'jiA; the.leAkage resistance was several megohms. Under such.conditions, short-c.ircui t current rectification can be realized by usi .Lng.a 250,kilohm load. ..In.caunters irradiated with m-particles under the above conditions and tested at-room temperature, pulsemplitudes reached 2-3 MV'with,practically no noise. This performance;equals that of.counters operating,as,photodiodes, but,the noise in.the increases rapidly.with increasing'..cut-off voltage. In ,both case's (operating as rectifiers or photodiodes) pulse rise time varies from 1 to 5 ~Lsec.. The decay time is determined by the R-C of:the.circuit. This is, shown', in the, oscillograms, Fig.l. In S/181/61/003/001/0,36/042 Investigation of the~kinetics of... B102/B204 here due to which impurity photoconductivity relaxation.differs essentially from that.of.intrinsic.phbtoconductivity. An exact analysis of these rules shows that an experimental, investigationi of.the kinetics of impurity photoconductivity may serve, the purDOse of determining various parameters of impurity centers as, e.g., the photon capture cross section, the trapping cross section for free.carriers,-as well as the energy position of the impurity levelin the7forbidden band, .the concentration of centers and the degree of their completion.-~:In part 1 of this paper, the most important rules of the kinetics of impurity- photoconductivity in the excitation of carriers for one type oflocal, centers are dealt with. This is done on the basis of an, example of a semiconductor, in whose forbidden band there is a sort of local level' with concentration M; these levels are assumed to be in theupper half of, the band, so that they are in heat exchange.with theconduction band. This,semiconductor is.irradiated w'ith'monachromatic,light ofeuch a the wavelength that only electrons 'pass,.:,f rom the. local -levels onto. conduction band, and that monopolar impurity photoconductivi 3- Y,Occur~s.. 'The, equation of motion (13) d &n/dt (m0 On)qj. y A n(NcM An) Card 2/8 _89297 s/lbiJ61/odV001/03 -0 -Inves 13 162/k 04 M t 'i' "t '~iL on--~~_':~~,`,~` n,,;,o an., e ec r n- e -up ere q a the turei,cross '..'seotIo cap at i61n -'o -~le 1 f oi,' a", pho on 6--. mb m i a'-- e.~,e eo ron,:ooncentr n the At ve t A th, ia*: th6~ recombination.: ooif cien V'is_ he. light 'int~ensity;:" Y. el: M .-%-'I"-n-n -~,&n;'is the electron-donc-entration in adriduciion. s '~thi~" -,,o :band no t' ti' 6t':th`4"6i6 t iAh~,-~:effeo n ra on~' rons;--N At-is tive.",state densi y C u o r -of se. in 'the conduction band'f 'and M,,- n. T ti L in.::t~e~:oa exc itati 6~ua~6-1 Iight`~ for',the case.,-: f -grgw,th*-..(switching",,-~,i:--,', o on, Be pu N, f 1, ~A ih (T r 7 7 - - - ~ff 7 747!N7 7-1 _+_ no m (kV m0 .47 C 63~d :3/-8 7 -.,1003160110' nves igat ion o the kine ce Of' 04 1 t f wf~o8r_ 'd 3'. ~e ir~e itp d - express ons-'.-are ditions -an eren ..con az' x6t iorL,--- ime s on io" n e:depen ence "A-erived f or, 't d .4d dxp'licit:-f drigulas.' e t- d'e' ived, for rlien's'ity, is Anve s ga p,$ and,, ti r In -part,.2',of t a paper i'-i the:ef ~5q.' -_,p .:,,m-~_cons. an exposi impurit hi region upon - the.'kinetic's'. of:~ l#urijy-_- t t S~ iny ec photo~60~1-~q. iy~.'.Y":. U e (l a 3). abq ir s zJ07'~~'-_'~c' 2'- % 0 -M -2. _ N __775 ~O n: 2. is -the'i tens it ~ f'th tant.,exposur e-.:amplitude .-o e n -cons 0_1 y~,p. 'd pu sei-l-m tration"'-in7~_, i7 qua lig t "an d-,~n i'*--'-*,,' e.-is ea y,-:~carr er--conpen s re , t a d ion `band.'-.~.: The A'rop j '-s 'e'ad ave e. or a o n uc %3o h" Y A d 'nH n - - -exT ri ni- -st s1: 61 oo 001 .03 042.- S JnirestigOion- of. th6',,k!n'et ids"dt 102 B204 sf the quaritum'.yie d;::of-Ihe-,!,in rins ;,k,,the ab a orp t ion w or-, s, ";n 'co'eff icient.. in the intr~nsqreg on, ose,so ution..'i"': witchin :long-wave light i S i'v A 9m 0 .4 C V rAc" qA'7_ q,% 771 Z ri Y- -oi_6witching~ .of f ',Abnk-i y 7.,,-.--; ar ,C d ~ 4~ j.. e 'v __J .1 22064, O~ S/181/61/603/004/030/.03' B102/B209 40 0 (16 AUTHORSi Dobrego, V. P., Rogachev, A. A., 'TyvkIn I S. M. and Yaroshetskiy, I. D. TITLEi Low-temperature breakdown in germanium in bonnection with- radiative defects PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v, 3, no., 4, 1.961, 1,298-1300 TEXTv In ge~rmanium doped with elements of them third 'or.f.ifth group,_ the current may suddenly rise at helium,temper4tures when. the field:, applied,-,,: exceeds a certain.critical .value. This e Iffect,is known as low-temperature-~11 breakdown. The followinglis the mechanism of this effect: At these~tempera~ the majority of carriers,cansing impurity conduotion is localized:,at. I mpuri ty centers, and resistivity is high. Whena field is appliedi, t4e,free carriers are accelerated and,.,at acertainfield,strength, their 6n6rgy:'is -thigh enough to cause impact ionization of the filled impurity oenters.,~, The low-temperature Ge or Si due to donor or acceptor impurities -has,been investigated repeatedly. The present paper is a report on studies :',of this effect which is caused by, radiative defectal such defects have been. -L-Oard 1/4 2215~ 030: Low-temperature ... B102/~209 roducIed by irradiating the semi S/181/61/003/004/030/ p conductor with gamma quanta or fast neutrons. ~Pirst, the-energy levels of the radiative defects are discussed;,Pig. I shows the level scheme for gamma-irradiated (a) and,fast-neutron irradiated (b) germanium. The two,.shallow levels of the radiative defects are only 0.02and 0.01 ev, respectively,,off.the valency,-band; at helium,temperatux-es, theyare occupied by electrons only partly or not at 'all. In, neutron-'ir- :radiated Ge specimens, the 0.01-ev level was found free'.from el-ectrons at helium temperatures. In chemically impure specimens', the presence of .donor centers offered a certain compensation, and the level was partly-00-:1 cupied by electrons., Volt-ampere characteristics of such specimens were taken'by means of a "characteriograph.11 They'were analogous to those ob-..' taizied by B. Vul,.E. Zavaritska a and V. Chuyenkov for the-low-temperature. breakdown due to impurity centers. Altogether, three specimens werle.examin-. gamma-irradiated 1-~~ had a concentration of shallow radiation leveisof. 7.jol3cm-3 and a hole concentration on them of p -1.1o13cm_3;: a 1,-;-.n`1 and 2 were n-type specimens,:having a resistivity of 2 ohm-cm; after neutronll ,irradiation they were p-type. n-_typ.e andl.,pa-type specimens1having ares istiv-~,~ 1 tY. of 3and 12 ohm-cm, respectively, were measured!for comparison,. The,, rPL-rd PIA 00 X?POAk- rx 14 110 12 9.5 7.5 44 110 is 10.2 9 2 S118116 1 ~01A/005/059/042 B111/B202 L AUTHORS: Paritskiy, L.,G., Rogachevt Am A ~ 9and Rvvkin, S. M. TITLE: Kinetics of photocells with an "external" photoelectric effect from a metal into a semiconductor PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo telaq v. 3, no. 5, 1961, i613-1616 TEXT: The paperby R. Williams and R. Bube (Appl. Phys., 36t. No..6, 196o') gives a series of proofs, for theexistence of an "external" photoelectric. effect taking place from a metal into a semiconductor,in p'hotoicells-.con-;~ siating of a Cu-coated low-reeistan,c-e, CdS crystal. Earlier. measurements,, made by the author showed a low inertia in such photocells. The studis,s'of:.: of the tocells are similar to those of photocells with~n- phot p ju nctio ns which were dealt with in Ref. 3 (S- M. Ryvkin, ZhTF,,XXVII)69 16769 1957) and Ref. 4 (S.,M.'R~vkin, N. B. Strokant.L. L. Makovskiyy ZhTF, XXVIII, 9, 1958) for, actuallyg.d. metal connected.with-an n- tn semiconductor replaces a p-type semiconductor. In this case those electrons, which have absorbed a photon and whose energy. exceeds the. barrier height pla~rthe part of the unbalanced minority carriers in the metal. On the~same-,~ Card 1/3 17176 . S/181/61/00 3/008/006/054 B102/B201 S, M:.,.. Psritskiy, L.,- G and Ryvkin, AUTHORS: TITLE: Study of "nonlinear" processes,of relaxation of. hoto- p in the presence of adhesion levels '2245 .225 PERIObICAL: .''Fizi.ka tverdogo tela v. -,3 ;no. 8 1961 8 : TEXT4 -here in gr The investigations described eat detail were conducted-for the purpose of calculatin.g.the,:r'elaxation of monopolar photoconduc tivi,t~, l with any ("nonlinear") filling of adhesion levels.'. The relaxation curves are shown in this case to., display: characteristic sections or points, -by.1which the.level parameters can be calculated. :,Earlier 'alreadyl. Ryvkir n.had..studiedil trapping adhesion levels .of..carrier upon.:t.he. relaxation,,of the effect - the "linear." casel(adhesion levels:are littlel filled durihg-the: relaxation ~process, and the,carrier lifetime is ,cons tant). . By,way~of experiments, the authors have,discovered an intense (x-adhesion on the relaxation curves of.CdS stais,~(FTT, II, 3,_1960). ~The . study Y~ . , he kinetics of .:is here ontinued by first observing theoretically t . monopolar photoconductivity at any de,-ree of excitation .(considerable' Car 27276 S/181/61/003/068/006/0341 Study of "nonlinear'l.processes of...:' B102/B201 where denotes th quantum yield of the inner photoelectric.effect, k is_- t he, light absorption coefficient, J is the light interisit is the yl r trapping factor of electrons from the c-band onto them levels*,- 1 (NI~N ), N NCexp(-8EM/kT), N is the effective atate.density CM c in-.the c-band, AE t he energy of M levels, calculated from the bo t Loin of M the conduction band; hv'>O,.26,, 4 0 relaxation'appears. Under *irrad iation:,with 0.49 ev hV: 43,:,ev the -Card 1/3, L S118IV621004100 /015/0511 0 e exchange of impurity,~. . ~BV VB104_ ptical charg relaxation curve slopes down gently owing to charge' exchange of the CU e on v ng-double:negative e t rs. Th - irradiati of III (all-centers ha i C - e v h v _~-^ 0 - 4 3 ev causes reverse char eexchang charge) with 0.49 9 e which may. hange, the rate of generation.ani to a lesser degree, also the lifetime. c in the irradiation:of;17,roup..IV, specimens -.(Containin' singly anddoubly, 9 :~ >0.32 evas well as in the-short-wave.. :charged,oenters with' 0 43:,'ev > h range, there appears a "fast'! component. Theoretically possible slow processes are not observed. After illumination.of a~group'Hlspecimen with 0.49 ev.> h,- ev,~electronsfrom levels II.and Mare transferred to :the C-zone. e intens-ity,of s,reverse process- ("flashing"') _h ihi I I: with electrons.-,, ~A:steady of :level I incre ases with progressing filling . ' :,state sets in after a certain time. -Hdnce,::,the, amplitude. of this .'!reverse flashing' (characterizing.the 'concentration of:-tr,ip1y. charged non-_ tends toward ing value: if, -p 'eliminary equilibrium centers) alimit r illumination has been -orotracted:for a sufficiently long time.,,. The more. intense th e illuminat ion the more- quickly .,this, limiting value,4s attained. There.are 6~f igures., The most imp rtant English-language: preference is: J.'Lambe, C. C.; Klick. Phys. Rev. , 96? 909,11955. ~Card. 2/3 `Wl 1 11-1 cn. iii. aetermination or main p4enumunuLugLuaL ysLcuuwuw&w wx vestigating the kinetics of photoconductivity 5-6 Ch. iv. Ge 'ration of nonequilibri carriers - ne um ~7 104 Ch. I:% Re o~bination via simple local centers - C 123 Ch. ,V.Z. nonequilibrium carriers,,;- - Adhesium of -166 , __2 !'AM4016851 ly-ch. Ch. VII.',,.Recombination via multip arged centers 206 Ch. VIII. Intrinsic (interband) recoubination 216 Ch. IX. Extrinsic photoconductivity 241 Ch. X.: Some effects of combined excitation.- -:260 lof:the 'lifetime" 29 Ch. X1 The meaning concept,7 4 . . 1 :,Ch. XII. Diffusion'and drift of nonequilibrium carriers (monqpolar_;.._!-~' case),- - 307 carriers Cho XIII. Diffusion and,dr ift of nonequil:ibrium (bipolar , , , case),- 335. Ch. XIV. _Somephotomagnetoele6tric4nd photomagneto-concentration, 111 effects.- -~371 409 tors Ch. XV. PhotPemf in nhomogeneous,semiconduc i ' ,, , , Literature 47 8 :SUBMITTED: ~12JU1 :SUB CODE: PH, 63~ NR REP SOVs -.187 '19Dec63 OTHER: :110 DATE ACQ: Card once ip6nsiblal ri'.~-iipur ty.'. Ot0i f ersi~-- a rameters:.'o do~s1n~o 'On'; Cu- n2 nAZA-4ty in,: the -,resick9f A SSIWNR:m AP30012W~. c(in-6e:,,ntrati6n'..of levels. %~_djjc:tivity- s-.consid " !~Kk.qq7.Z,O. ~ce,;'the-tipaiurc t e~ concentratidn "C dir-alaka tiod. B ip-arative, y~_~._gimp e,4adAsurei"l#s,,;-, f tlMe. :"~, Yl..~COD s_.~., and'- th sw-sedtions.o -emitter - leve.1 ey....:f :'6; d `6, 1 -jska~et~_r_ 1:6, 1 e ermifie-the-.bas co' t ----Art as Mu u N,- ilko -ASS0 CIATION:,: chdskiy,' D~h caLA e f Thysics~ 0 ca emy 9. ~O Jar! I 6 S ~ZIDMR SUB. Or 12 d ~r -.'. ~7- ,q -, . . I - : t., .:.- . . I 0 10, :-1012ge ~! _-i ,I--:- ,Thd t I iiss, ~ ii ~-, iffe :. bipo d-,d' df kdi*iitidh~-~~~~-Bi;:W,,i4i=00~~.~~i~ eA'.1 has: Mt~4neir 4A -'Elect -rJLca iO,n-:- '13- it f re-. tia d the ini i-~ 't;he exp ei:.:Llai& % -63 1,=66- -ACCESSION lffif~: AP3003879 'imin a14" of A tion and'Ah the .1 at ~,the. rate of-forma utireis that al hre _"probab an -3vels- dif er: very - f -.1i ~6"rkers -~o e.. cote "Thie.authors express theii~ giiiiiii if, t 4 % reacto- `-,CarrY-'0U he-:presen .v r~,crev vbo mddeAt a e :thankN A,_Vit6v9ki4. B M.: 0-- Tg-~~Vi__~Mashove sit, no k -for valuable. discussion i Origi- art -'-has t'~~`10: formulas '6 f ig u_reaj.-,..'an'- d ~13,Aab 'ASSOCIATIOM tekhnicheE -iistitut 1meni k, - F lo ~,(Physidot6.hnics~l itstitut 0 DATE 164 025 3 MM SOV 003 -Z SUB - COIDE::_~ PH ird 77it 77- L 1871&~63 ACCESSION NR: AP3003910,~ concentrations can be injected at higher values' the time fo c h inga sample t! n their work the authors used silicon thus being very small.. I p otodiodes,.with~i~,.~- 60 7 -ge-harg radiation defects formed by gamma radiation;from Co., e9f the levels~ It is clear that a similar eff c&:'i-r of radiation defects consequently took place. e ~Must be observed in other materials with impurities corresponding to deep leveld'~~.. wn Preliminary,experimenfs have sho ,that the effect is.observed also in Ge pho ' - to fast el ~ -es e nV 7 -is felt that the p jdiodes that have been exposed ectrons' It ~need,is for more detailed investigationlon various materials. "'The authors:thanki,- V Ostroumova and R. S.- Kasyftova for their help in' carrying outthe~experi~ Ye. ents.11 Orig. art. has: ..2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut im. A.,F. Ioffe AN SSSRs Lenirigrad (Physical and Technical Institute Academy of Sciences -SSSR) ug .ENCL SUBMITTED':~ O9Mar63 DATE ACQ: 15A 63 01 SUB CODE:_ PH NO REP SOV: 005 001 2 rdi 6 S/os9/6o/ooa9/O05/01O/O2 0 6 B00 /.B070 9 AUTHORS: Koziovalenko, B. My!L3. n IS. M., Yaroshetskiyj I. D., Bogomazovy L. P. TITLE: An Apparatus for Studying'the Effect of Gamma Radiati2ojn2~_8 on Semiconductor Materials PERIOD~CAL: Atomna'ya energiya, 1960, Vol. 9, No. 5, PP 408 409 TEXT: In the present "Letter to the Editor",, a cobalt, apparatus for ' study of the effect of,gamma radiation on the,electrical proper- the ties of semiconductors:is described. The apparatus vias develo ed in. p 8 b the-PI ziko-tekhni:cheskiy institut AN SSSR (instituta of Physics 195 y 11 and Telnology of the AS USSR). The-principal use of:the apparatusis : in.the production of defects that'are constant in time. To obtain 2se071 enough defects, , fluxes of 10 cm- are required. Fig.1 'gives~.a s shows ~the'experimentar chemat:ic representation'.of:the apparatus~ Fig.2 chambe Both are described in detail-The dose rate was::measured at different points 6f.the,chamber, and some of the results are f a Table~. The highest dose rate of 128, r/sec. was the center o d :1 Car 13 I-- - - " 2W, 2/012/042 .9210/9594 AUTHORS: Vitovskiy, N .A.,.Maleyev, P. I., Matveyev~~ O.A., Ryvkin, S.M. and Tarkhin, -D., V.: TITLE: Silicon N7P Counters~of Heavy Charged Particles Operating.Vithout an,,Exterrral Power, Supply., PERIODICAL: Pribory i te'khnika.eksperime,nta, l961, No'.2,.pp.82-83.- TEXT: Fused silicon 'diodes having an n-p junction~areaof' 2 about 1 mm have been studied-in order to determine their counting. properties when operated as short-circuited rectifiers-, ~ The, saturation currentan the:counters studied wa,s-not,over 0 . l:'jiA; the.leAkage resistance was several megohms. Under such.conditions, short-c.ircui t current rectification can be realized by usi .Lng.a 250,kilohm load. ..In.caunters irradiated with m-particles under the above conditions and tested at-room temperature, pulsemplitudes reached 2-3 MV'with,practically no noise. This performance;equals that of.counters operating,as,photodiodes, but,the noise in.the increases rapidly.with increasing'..cut-off voltage. In ,both case's (operating as rectifiers or photodiodes) pulse rise time varies from 1 to 5 ~Lsec.. The decay time is determined by the R-C of:the.circuit. This is, shown', in the, oscillograms, Fig.l. In S/181/61/003/001/0,36/042 Investigation of the~kinetics of... B102/B204 here due to which impurity photoconductivity relaxation.differs essentially from that.of.intrinsic.phbtoconductivity. An exact analysis of these rules shows that an experimental, investigationi of.the kinetics of impurity photoconductivity may serve, the purDOse of determining various parameters of impurity centers as, e.g., the photon capture cross section, the trapping cross section for free.carriers,-as well as the energy position of the impurity levelin the7forbidden band, .the concentration of centers and the degree of their completion.-~:In part 1 of this paper, the most important rules of the kinetics of impurity- photoconductivity in the excitation of carriers for one type oflocal, centers are dealt with. This is done on the basis of an, example of a semiconductor, in whose forbidden band there is a sort of local level' with concentration M; these levels are assumed to be in theupper half of, the band, so that they are in heat exchange.with theconduction band. This,semiconductor is.irradiated w'ith'monachromatic,light ofeuch a the wavelength that only electrons 'pass,.:,f rom the. local -levels onto. conduction band, and that monopolar impurity photoconductivi 3- Y,Occur~s.. 'The, equation of motion (13) d &n/dt (m0 On)qj. y A n(NcM An) Card 2/8 _89297 s/lbiJ61/odV001/03 -0 -Inves 13 162/k 04 M t 'i' "t '~iL on--~~_':~~,`,~` n,,;,o an., e ec r n- e -up ere q a the turei,cross '..'seotIo cap at i61n -'o -~le 1 f oi,' a", pho on 6--. mb m i a'-- e.~,e eo ron,:ooncentr n the At ve t A th, ia*: th6~ recombination.: ooif cien V'is_ he. light 'int~ensity;:" Y. el: M .-%-'I"-n-n -~,&n;'is the electron-donc-entration in adriduciion. s '~thi~" -,,o :band no t' ti' 6t':th`4"6i6 t iAh~,-~:effeo n ra on~' rons;--N At-is tive.",state densi y C u o r -of se. in 'the conduction band'f 'and M,,- n. T ti L in.::t~e~:oa exc itati 6~ua~6-1 Iight`~ for',the case.,-: f -grgw,th*-..(switching",,-~,i:--,', o on, Be pu N, f 1, ~A ih (T r 7 7 - - - ~ff 7 747!N7 7-1 _+_ no m (kV m0 .47 C 63~d :3/-8 7 -.,1003160110' nves igat ion o the kine ce Of' 04 1 t f wf~o8r_ 'd 3'. ~e ir~e itp d - express ons-'.-are ditions -an eren ..con az' x6t iorL,--- ime s on io" n e:depen ence "A-erived f or, 't d .4d dxp'licit:-f drigulas.' e t- d'e' ived, for rlien's'ity, is Anve s ga p,$ and,, ti r In -part,.2',of t a paper i'-i the:ef ~5q.' -_,p .:,,m-~_cons. an exposi impurit hi region upon - the.'kinetic's'. of:~ l#urijy-_- t t S~ iny ec photo~60~1-~q. iy~.'.Y":. U e (l a 3). abq ir s zJ07'~~'-_'~c' 2'- % 0 -M -2. _ N __775 ~O n: 2. is -the'i tens it ~ f'th tant.,exposur e-.:amplitude .-o e n -cons 0_1 y~,p. 'd pu sei-l-m tration"'-in7~_, i7 qua lig t "an d-,~n i'*--'-*,,' e.-is ea y,-:~carr er--conpen s re , t a d ion `band.'-.~.: The A'rop j '-s 'e'ad ave e. or a o n uc %3o h" Y A d 'nH n - - -exT ri ni- -st s1: 61 oo 001 .03 042.- S JnirestigOion- of. th6',,k!n'et ids"dt 102 B204 sf the quaritum'.yie d;::of-Ihe-,!,in rins ;,k,,the ab a orp t ion w or-, s, ";n 'co'eff icient.. in the intr~nsqreg on, ose,so ution..'i"': witchin :long-wave light i S i'v A 9m 0 .4 C V rAc" qA'7_ q,% 771 Z ri Y- -oi_6witching~ .of f ',Abnk-i y 7.,,-.--; ar ,C d ~ 4~ j.. e 'v __J .1 22064, O~ S/181/61/603/004/030/.03' B102/B209 40 0 (16 AUTHORSi Dobrego, V. P., Rogachev, A. A., 'TyvkIn I S. M. and Yaroshetskiy, I. D. TITLEi Low-temperature breakdown in germanium in bonnection with- radiative defects PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v, 3, no., 4, 1.961, 1,298-1300 TEXTv In ge~rmanium doped with elements of them third 'or.f.ifth group,_ the current may suddenly rise at helium,temper4tures when. the field:, applied,-,,: exceeds a certain.critical .value. This e Iffect,is known as low-temperature-~11 breakdown. The followinglis the mechanism of this effect: At these~tempera~ the majority of carriers,cansing impurity conduotion is localized:,at. I mpuri ty centers, and resistivity is high. Whena field is appliedi, t4e,free carriers are accelerated and,.,at acertainfield,strength, their 6n6rgy:'is -thigh enough to cause impact ionization of the filled impurity oenters.,~, The low-temperature Ge or Si due to donor or acceptor impurities -has,been investigated repeatedly. The present paper is a report on studies :',of this effect which is caused by, radiative defectal such defects have been. -L-Oard 1/4 2215~ 030: Low-temperature ... B102/~209 roducIed by irradiating the semi S/181/61/003/004/030/ p conductor with gamma quanta or fast neutrons. ~Pirst, the-energy levels of the radiative defects are discussed;,Pig. I shows the level scheme for gamma-irradiated (a) and,fast-neutron irradiated (b) germanium. The two,.shallow levels of the radiative defects are only 0.02and 0.01 ev, respectively,,off.the valency,-band; at helium,temperatux-es, theyare occupied by electrons only partly or not at 'all. In, neutron-'ir- :radiated Ge specimens, the 0.01-ev level was found free'.from el-ectrons at helium temperatures. In chemically impure specimens', the presence of .donor centers offered a certain compensation, and the level was partly-00-:1 cupied by electrons., Volt-ampere characteristics of such specimens were taken'by means of a "characteriograph.11 They'were analogous to those ob-..' taizied by B. Vul,.E. Zavaritska a and V. Chuyenkov for the-low-temperature. breakdown due to impurity centers. Altogether, three specimens werle.examin-. gamma-irradiated 1-~~ had a concentration of shallow radiation leveisof. 7.jol3cm-3 and a hole concentration on them of p -1.1o13cm_3;: a 1,-;-.n`1 and 2 were n-type specimens,:having a resistivity of 2 ohm-cm; after neutronll ,irradiation they were p-type. n-_typ.e andl.,pa-type specimens1having ares istiv-~,~ 1 tY. of 3and 12 ohm-cm, respectively, were measured!for comparison,. The,, rPL-rd PIA 00 X?POAk- rx 14 110 12 9.5 7.5 44 110 is 10.2 9 2 S118116 1 ~01A/005/059/042 B111/B202 L AUTHORS: Paritskiy, L.,G., Rogachevt Am A ~ 9and Rvvkin, S. M. TITLE: Kinetics of photocells with an "external" photoelectric effect from a metal into a semiconductor PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo telaq v. 3, no. 5, 1961, i613-1616 TEXT: The paperby R. Williams and R. Bube (Appl. Phys., 36t. No..6, 196o') gives a series of proofs, for theexistence of an "external" photoelectric. effect taking place from a metal into a semiconductor,in p'hotoicells-.con-;~ siating of a Cu-coated low-reeistan,c-e, CdS crystal. Earlier. measurements,, made by the author showed a low inertia in such photocells. The studis,s'of:.: of the tocells are similar to those of photocells with~n- phot p ju nctio ns which were dealt with in Ref. 3 (S- M. Ryvkin, ZhTF,,XXVII)69 16769 1957) and Ref. 4 (S.,M.'R~vkin, N. B. Strokant.L. L. Makovskiyy ZhTF, XXVIII, 9, 1958) for, actuallyg.d. metal connected.with-an n- tn semiconductor replaces a p-type semiconductor. In this case those electrons, which have absorbed a photon and whose energy. exceeds the. barrier height pla~rthe part of the unbalanced minority carriers in the metal. On the~same-,~ Card 1/3 17176 . S/181/61/00 3/008/006/054 B102/B201 S, M:.,.. Psritskiy, L.,- G and Ryvkin, AUTHORS: TITLE: Study of "nonlinear" processes,of relaxation of. hoto- p in the presence of adhesion levels '2245 .225 PERIObICAL: .''Fizi.ka tverdogo tela v. -,3 ;no. 8 1961 8 : TEXT4 -here in gr The investigations described eat detail were conducted-for the purpose of calculatin.g.the,:r'elaxation of monopolar photoconduc tivi,t~, l with any ("nonlinear") filling of adhesion levels.'. The relaxation curves are shown in this case to., display: characteristic sections or points, -by.1which the.level parameters can be calculated. :,Earlier 'alreadyl. Ryvkir n.had..studiedil trapping adhesion levels .of..carrier upon.:t.he. relaxation,,of the effect - the "linear." casel(adhesion levels:are littlel filled durihg-the: relaxation ~process, and the,carrier lifetime is ,cons tant). . By,way~of experiments, the authors have,discovered an intense (x-adhesion on the relaxation curves of.CdS stais,~(FTT, II, 3,_1960). ~The . study Y~ . , he kinetics of .:is here ontinued by first observing theoretically t . monopolar photoconductivity at any de,-ree of excitation .(considerable' Car 27276 S/181/61/003/068/006/0341 Study of "nonlinear'l.processes of...:' B102/B201 where denotes th quantum yield of the inner photoelectric.effect, k is_- t he, light absorption coefficient, J is the light interisit is the yl r trapping factor of electrons from the c-band onto them levels*,- 1 (NI~N ), N NCexp(-8EM/kT), N is the effective atate.density CM c in-.the c-band, AE t he energy of M levels, calculated from the bo t Loin of M the conduction band; hv'>O,.26,, 4 0 relaxation'appears. Under *irrad iation:,with 0.49 ev hV: 43,:,ev the -Card 1/3, L S118IV621004100 /015/0511 0 e exchange of impurity,~. . ~BV VB104_ ptical charg relaxation curve slopes down gently owing to charge' exchange of the CU e on v ng-double:negative e t rs. Th - irradiati of III (all-centers ha i C - e v h v _~-^ 0 - 4 3 ev causes reverse char eexchang charge) with 0.49 9 e which may. hange, the rate of generation.ani to a lesser degree, also the lifetime. c in the irradiation:of;17,roup..IV, specimens -.(Containin' singly anddoubly, 9 :~ >0.32 evas well as in the-short-wave.. :charged,oenters with' 0 43:,'ev > h range, there appears a "fast'! component. Theoretically possible slow processes are not observed. After illumination.of a~group'Hlspecimen with 0.49 ev.> h,- ev,~electronsfrom levels II.and Mare transferred to :the C-zone. e intens-ity,of s,reverse process- ("flashing"') _h ihi I I: with electrons.-,, ~A:steady of :level I incre ases with progressing filling . ' :,state sets in after a certain time. -Hdnce,::,the, amplitude. of this .'!reverse flashing' (characterizing.the 'concentration of:-tr,ip1y. charged non-_ tends toward ing value: if, -p 'eliminary equilibrium centers) alimit r illumination has been -orotracted:for a sufficiently long time.,,. The more. intense th e illuminat ion the more- quickly .,this, limiting value,4s attained. There.are 6~f igures., The most imp rtant English-language: preference is: J.'Lambe, C. C.; Klick. Phys. Rev. , 96? 909,11955. ~Card. 2/3 `Wl 1 11-1 cn. iii. aetermination or main p4enumunuLugLuaL ysLcuuwuw&w wx vestigating the kinetics of photoconductivity 5-6 Ch. iv. Ge 'ration of nonequilibri carriers - ne um ~7 104 Ch. I:% Re o~bination via simple local centers - C 123 Ch. ,V.Z. nonequilibrium carriers,,;- - Adhesium of -166 , __2 !'AM4016851 ly-ch. Ch. VII.',,.Recombination via multip arged centers 206 Ch. VIII. Intrinsic (interband) recoubination 216 Ch. IX. Extrinsic photoconductivity 241 Ch. X.: Some effects of combined excitation.- -:260 lof:the 'lifetime" 29 Ch. X1 The meaning concept,7 4 . . 1 :,Ch. XII. Diffusion'and drift of nonequilibrium carriers (monqpolar_;.._!-~' case),- - 307 carriers Cho XIII. Diffusion and,dr ift of nonequil:ibrium (bipolar , , , case),- 335. Ch. XIV. _Somephotomagnetoele6tric4nd photomagneto-concentration, 111 effects.- -~371 409 tors Ch. XV. PhotPemf in nhomogeneous,semiconduc i ' ,, , , Literature 47 8 :SUBMITTED: ~12JU1 :SUB CODE: PH, 63~ NR REP SOVs -.187 '19Dec63 OTHER: :110 DATE ACQ: Card once ip6nsiblal ri'.~-iipur ty.'. Ot0i f ersi~-- a rameters:.'o do~s1n~o 'On'; Cu- n2 nAZA-4ty in,: the -,resick9f A SSIWNR:m AP30012W~. c(in-6e:,,ntrati6n'..of levels. %~_djjc:tivity- s-.consid " !~Kk.qq7.Z,O. ~ce,;'the-tipaiurc t e~ concentratidn "C dir-alaka tiod. B ip-arative, y~_~._gimp e,4adAsurei"l#s,,;-, f tlMe. :"~, Yl..~COD s_.~., and'- th sw-sedtions.o -emitter - leve.1 ey....:f :'6; d `6, 1 -jska~et~_r_ 1:6, 1 e ermifie-the-.bas co' t ----Art as Mu u N,- ilko -ASS0 CIATION:,: chdskiy,' D~h caLA e f Thysics~ 0 ca emy 9. ~O Jar! I 6 S ~ZIDMR SUB. Or 12 d ~r -.'. ~7- ,q -, . . I - : t., .:.- . . I 0 10, :-1012ge ~! _-i ,I--:- ,Thd t I iiss, ~ ii ~-, iffe :. bipo d-,d' df kdi*iitidh~-~~~~-Bi;:W,,i4i=00~~.~~i~ eA'.1 has: Mt~4neir 4A -'Elect -rJLca iO,n-:- '13- it f re-. tia d the ini i-~ 't;he exp ei:.:Llai& % -63 1,=66- -ACCESSION lffif~: AP3003879 'imin a14" of A tion and'Ah the .1 at ~,the. rate of-forma utireis that al hre _"probab an -3vels- dif er: very - f -.1i ~6"rkers -~o e.. cote "Thie.authors express theii~ giiiiiii if, t 4 % reacto- `-,CarrY-'0U he-:presen .v r~,crev vbo mddeAt a e :thankN A,_Vit6v9ki4. B M.: 0-- Tg-~~Vi__~Mashove sit, no k -for valuable. discussion i Origi- art -'-has t'~~`10: formulas '6 f ig u_reaj.-,..'an'- d ~13,Aab 'ASSOCIATIOM tekhnicheE -iistitut 1meni k, - F lo ~,(Physidot6.hnics~l itstitut 0 DATE 164 025 3 MM SOV 003 -Z SUB - COIDE::_~ PH ird 77it 77- L 1871&~63 ACCESSION NR: AP3003910,~ concentrations can be injected at higher values' the time fo c h inga sample t! n their work the authors used silicon thus being very small.. I p otodiodes,.with~i~,.~- 60 7 -ge-harg radiation defects formed by gamma radiation;from Co., e9f the levels~ It is clear that a similar eff c&:'i-r of radiation defects consequently took place. e ~Must be observed in other materials with impurities corresponding to deep leveld'~~.. wn Preliminary,experimenfs have sho ,that the effect is.observed also in Ge pho ' - to fast el ~ -es e nV 7 -is felt that the p jdiodes that have been exposed ectrons' It ~need,is for more detailed investigationlon various materials. "'The authors:thanki,- V Ostroumova and R. S.- Kasyftova for their help in' carrying outthe~experi~ Ye. ents.11 Orig. art. has: ..2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut im. A.,F. Ioffe AN SSSRs Lenirigrad (Physical and Technical Institute Academy of Sciences -SSSR) ug .ENCL SUBMITTED':~ O9Mar63 DATE ACQ: 15A 63 01 SUB CODE:_ PH NO REP SOV: 005 001 2 rdi 6